Photodiode EPD-740-9-0.4 6/28/2007 Preliminary rev. 01/07 Wavelength Type Technology Case Infrared SMD AlGaAs/AlGaAs TOPLED Description 2,8 ± 0,2 2,2 ± 0,1 Selective photodiode mounted in TOPLED PLCC-2 package, for easy circuit board mounting and assembling of arrays. Narrow response range (740 nm peak) by means of integrated filter 1,9 ± 0,2 Cathode 3,5 ± 0,2 3,1 ± 0,2 Ø 2,4 ± 0,2 1 Optical communications, safety equipment, light barriers 0,8 2 Applications Anode 0,15 ELC-68 1 0,5 ± 0,2 Cathode Miscellaneous Parameters Tamb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified Test сonditions Parameter Symbol Value Unit A 0.09 mm² Temperature coefficient of ID TC(ID) 5 %/K Operating temperature range Tamb -20 to +85 °C Storage temperature range Tstg -40 to +90 °C Soldering Temperature Tsld 240 °C ϕ 120 deg. Typ Max Unit Active area Acceptance angle at 50% Sλ Optical and Electrical Characteristics Tamb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified Parameter Test conditions Symbol Min IR = 10 µA VR 5 VR = 5 V ID 40 Responsivity at 740 nm VR = 0 V Sλ 0.5 Spectral range at 10 % VR = 0 V λ0.5 Spectral bandwidth at 50% VR = 0 V ∆λ0.4 115 Shunt resistance VR = 10 mV RSH 350 Noise equivalent power λ = 740 nm Specific detectivity λ = 740 nm D* Junction capacitance VR = 0 V CJ 40 pF Switching time VR = 5 V tr, tf 15/30 ns VR = 0 V Ee = 1mW/cm² IPh 760 nA Breakdown voltage1) Dark current 1) Photo-current at λP 2) 1) 2) V 200 A/W 680 NEP 770 7.2x10 pA nm nm GΩ -15 4.2x10 W/ Hz cm ⋅ Hz ⋅ W −1 12 for information only Halogen lamp source with appropriate filter Note: All measurements carried out with EPIGAP equipment Labeling Type Lot N° RD (typ.) [GΩ] Quantity EPD-740-9-0.4 EPIGAP Optoelektronik GmbH, D-12555 Berlin, Köpenicker Str.325 b, Haus 201 Tel.: +49-30-6576 2543, Fax : +49-30-6576 2545 1 of 2 Photodiode EPD-740-9-0.4 6/28/2007 Preliminary Short-circuit current vs. ambient temperature Typical responsivity spectrum 1,0 1,04 0,8 Short-circuit current (arb. units) rel. Responsivity (arb. units) rev. 01/07 0,6 0,4 1,00 0,96 0,2 0,0 600 650 700 750 800 0,92 -40 850 -20 0 Wavelength (nm) Dark Current vs. Temperature 20 40 Ambient temperature [°C] 60 Short-circuit current vs. irradiance (typical) 100 2) 3 10 UR = 5V TK = 1,05 times/K 2 Short-circuit current (nA) Dark Current (pA) 10 1 10 1 10 0 10 -1 10 0,1 -2 10 -40 -20 0 20 40 Temperature (°C) 60 80 100 120 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 2 Irradiance [mW/cm ] EPIGAP Optoelektronik GmbH, D-12555 Berlin, Köpenicker Str.325 b, Haus 201 Tel.: +49-30-6576 2543, Fax : +49-30-6576 2545 1 10 2 10 2 of 2