ULTRA PRECISION RESISTORS TO 0.001% 0.25PPM HP SERIES- Metal Foil VS SERIES- Thin Film RoHS Term.W is RoHS compliant & 260°C process compatible ← Industry’s widest range and highest precision Low inductance, capacitance, noise and thermal EMF Through-hole and SM designs VS16 is a dual resistor design (TC tracking to 1ppm avail.) Available on exclusive SWIFTTM delivery program! New low cost conformal coated (type VS11) Nichrosil Metal Foil - Unsurpassed Performance Series HP resistors feature a metal foil construction for the most demanding applications. Series VS feature a thin film construction which enables excellent performance across a wide range of values, offering a viable alternative to precision wirewound resistors. Superlow TC’s, up to 20× better than Mil p/n RNC90Y requirements, provide new opportunities for design engineers. HP10 is hermetically sealed in a metal case, all others are epoxy encased or coated. OPTIONS Option GW: gullwing SM lead forming (avail. on 24mm T&R) Option EQ: 24 hour burn in (or ER -100 hour burn in) Numerous additional options available including custom marking, matched sets, military screening, etc. SPECIFICATIONS RCD Type P o w er Volt Rating Rating @70°C FIG. 1 Resis. R an g e1 FIG A Max. B C D Max. Max. ±.01 VS1 .25W 250V 10Ω -500K 1,5 .320 .345 .120 .150 VS11 .25W 250V 10Ω -150K 4 .240 .354 .100 .100 V S 15 .3W 300V 10Ω -3M 1,5 .305 .305 .105 .200 V S 16 .15W 2 300V 10Ω -1.5M 3,5 .305 .305 .105 .100 VS2 .6W 300V 10Ω -1M 1,5 .320 .345 .120 .150 VS3 .7W 300V 30Ω -3M 1 .610 .365 .160 .400 VS4 1.0W 350V 30Ω -5M 1 .585 .545 .160 .400 RESISTORSCAPACITORSCOILSDELAY LINES |← A → | FIG. 2 →| |← A → | C |← B ↓ ↓ ↓ .025 → ← [.63] D ← → ↑ VS5 1.5W 350V 50Ω -7M 1 .820 .545 .160 .650 V S 55 1W 400V 10Ω -10M 1 1.120 .400 .260 .900 FIG. 5 Option GW (GULLWING) VS6 2.0W 500V 100Ω -10M 1 1.120 .400 .260 .900 Available on VS1, VS2, VS15, VS16, & HP7 HP7 .3W 300V 10Ω -25K 1,5 .320 .400 .120 .150 HP10 .6W 300V 10Ω-60K 2 .455 .530 .200 .150 ← 1 Consult factory for resistance values as low as 1Ω or as high as 100MΩ. 2 ← → .100 → .200 →| C |← ↑ B → → ↓ D ← .020w .012t ← typ. D ← VS1GW, VS2GW, HP7GW 12 123 12 123 123 .15 12 12 12 123 123 .075 VS16 wattage rating is per resistor, package power rating is 0.3W ↑ .120 min. ↓ .025 → ← [.63] 1.00 [25.4] Min. ↓ D ← |← A →| C |← B .025 → ← [.63] 1.00 [25.4] Min. ↓ → →| ↑ ↑ 1.00 [25.4] Min. ↓ C |← FIG. 4 ↑ B ↑ ↑ →| FIG. 3 |← A → | .07 .08 VS15GW 12 12 .15 12 12 12 .075 VS16GW 123 .075 12 123 12 123 12 123 123 12 123 12 .15 12 123 12 123 12 123 123 12 12 .07 .13 .07 .03 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS C o n d it io n H P 1 0 Ma x . HP7 & VS S e r ie s * * M IL R N C 9 0 Y TC ( p p m / ° C ) * * * .2 5 /.5 /1 /3 /5 1 /2 /3 /5 /1 0 /2 5 /5 0 5ppm Re s i s ta nc e To l. .0 0 1 % to .1 % .0 0 5 % to 1 % .0 0 5 % to 1 % 2 0 0 0 hr L o a d 1 2 5 °C ± .0 2 % ± .0 5 % ± .0 5 % Ove r lo a d ± .0 1 % ± .0 1 % ± .0 5 % M o i s tur e Re s i s ta nc e ± .0 1 % ± .0 3 % ± .0 5 % S ho c k , V i b r a ti o n ± .0 1 % ± .0 1 % ± .0 1 % , ± .0 2 % Vo lta g e C o e ffi c i e nt .1 p p m /V 2 p p m /V 5 p p m /V S he lf L i fe ( 1 ye a r ) 5ppm 25ppm - .0 5 µV /°C 0 .1 µV /°C - The r m a l E M F Ri s e Ti m e 1 nS 1 nS - Ind uc ta nc e .1 µH .1 µH - C a p a c i ta nc e 1 .0 p F 1 .0 p F - C ur r e nt No i s e -3 0 d B -3 0 d B - D e r a ti ng D e r a te W & V r a ti ng s b y .9 0 9 % /°C fr o m 7 0 to 1 2 5 °C , a nd 1 % /°C fr o m 1 2 5 ° to 1 7 5 °C ( full r a te d wa tta g e @ 7 0 °C , ha lf wa tta g e @ 1 2 5 °C , ze r o wa t t a g e @ 1 7 5 ° C ) * Per MIL-R-55182/9 100Ω to 100KΩ (Consult factory if outside this range.) ** Data is typical for all VS sizes except VS1 which meets MIL-R10509 Char E. ***TC is measured -55°C to +125°C for TC’s > 5ppm, -20°C to +85°C for TC’s 0.5 to 5ppm, and 20°C to +60°C for 0.25ppm. COMPARISON Inductance Capacitance Rise Time Stability High Frequency Cost Advantage RCD Series VS & HP Film & Foil Resistors Very Low Very Low Very Fast Excellent Excellent High values, high volume, high frequency circuits R C D P C 451 Wirew ound High* High* Slow* Excellent Poor* Low values, small volume * Largely dependent on resistance value (non-inductive and high-speed winding available.) P/N DESIGNATION: HP10 - 1001 - F T 5 W RCD Type Options: P, H, GW, ER, EQ (leave blank if std) Resis. Code: 3 signif. figures & multiplier (10R0= 10Ω, 1000= 100Ω, 1001=1KΩ,1002=10K, 1003=100K). When VS16 contains 2 different values, separate with / (e.g. 903/103) Tolerance Code: F=1%, D=0.5%, C=0.25%, B=0.1%, A=0.05%, Q=0.02%, T=0.01%, V=.005%, S=.001% Ratio Tolerance (VS16 only): V=0.005%, Y=0.01%, Q=0.02%, A=0.05%, Z=.1%,C=.25%, D=.5%, F=1%, G=2% (leave blank if not req’d) Packaging: B = Bulk, T = Tape & Reel TC: .25=0.25ppm, .5=0.5ppm, 2=2ppm, 5=5ppm, 10=10ppm, 25=25ppm, TC Tracking (VS16 only): 210=25ppm abs/10ppm track, 205=25ppm abs/ 5ppm track, 105=10ppm abs/5ppm track, 102=10ppm abs/2ppm track, 53=5ppm abs/3ppm track, 52=5ppm abs/2ppm track, 51=5ppm abs/1ppm track. Termination: W= Lead-free, Q= Tin/Lead (leave blank if either is acceptable). Gold plated leads also available on most sizes (specify code G) RCD Components Inc, 520 E.Industrial Park Dr, Manchester, NH, USA 03109 rcdcomponents.com Tel: 603-669-0054 Fax: 603-669-5455 Email:sales@rcdcomponents.com FA098A 59 Sale of this product is in accordance with GF-061. Specifications subject to change without notice.