ܪᄌ ݬఠଐۨসǖဧLinkSwitchTM-PL LNK458KG ଐࡼ4.5 WൈፐၫቅᑵLEDདࣅDŽऻಭଢ଼ኹဍኹDž ਖৃ 85 VAC – 135 VAC输入;35 V,130 mA输出 ። E17灯替换灯的LED驱动器 ᔫᑗ 应用工程部 ᆪܠ RDR-271 ྇໐ 2011年6月8日 ኀࢿ۾ۈ 1.0 ᄂྻগၤ 单级功率因数校正(PFC)及精确恒流(CC)输出 元件数量少、印刷电路板(PCB)占用面积小的低成本解决方案 极高能效,在115 VAC输入下效率>85 % 卓越的性能及最终用户体验 快速启动时间(<300 ms) – 无可见延迟 集成的保护及可靠性能 单脉冲空载保护/输出短路保护,带自动恢复功能 更大迟滞的自动恢复热关断可同时保护元件和印刷电路板 在AC电压缓降期间不会造成任何损坏 115 VAC时PF >0.95 满足EN55015传导EMI要求 在115 VAC输入下,%A THD <15% 满足IEC振铃波、差模输入浪涌和EN55015传导EMI要求 内部环境温度高达90 ºC时无需灌封 专利信息 此处介绍的产品和应用(包括产品之外的变压器结构和电路)可能包含一项或多项美国及国外专利,或正在申请的美国或国外专利。 有关Power Integrations专利的完整列表,请参见www.powerint.com。Power Integrations按照在<http://www.powerint.com/ip.htm>中所述 规定,向客户授予特定专利权利的许可。 Power Integrations 5245 Hellyer Avenue, San Jose, CA 95138 USA. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 2011年6月8日 ഺ 1 2 3 4 简介 ............................................................................................................................4 电源规格 .....................................................................................................................7 电路原理图 .................................................................................................................8 电路描述 .....................................................................................................................9 4.1 输入EMI滤波........................................................................................................9 4.2 使用LinkSwitch-PL的降压-升压拓扑结构 .............................................................9 4.3 输出反馈 ..............................................................................................................9 4.4 负载断开保护.....................................................................................................10 4.5 参考设计套件.....................................................................................................10 5 PCB 布局 ..................................................................................................................11 6 物料清单(BOM).........................................................................................................14 6.1 灯泡物料清单(BOM) ..........................................................................................14 6.2 LED负载物料清单(BOM) ...................................................................................14 7 电感规格 ...................................................................................................................15 7.1 电气原理图 ........................................................................................................15 7.2 电气规格 ............................................................................................................15 7.3 材料 ...................................................................................................................15 7.4 电感结构图 ........................................................................................................16 7.5 电感结构 ............................................................................................................16 8 电感图示 ...................................................................................................................17 9 电感设计表格 ............................................................................................................20 10 性能数据 ...............................................................................................................22 10.1 带载模式效率.....................................................................................................22 10.2 线电压调整 ........................................................................................................23 10.3 功率因数 ............................................................................................................24 10.4 %THD................................................................................................................25 10.5 谐波测量 ............................................................................................................26 11 热性能 ...................................................................................................................28 11.1 所用设备 ............................................................................................................28 11.2 热结果 ...............................................................................................................29 12 热扫描 ...................................................................................................................30 13 波形.......................................................................................................................31 13.1 漏极电压和电流,正常工作 ...............................................................................31 13.2 漏极电压和电流启动特征 ...................................................................................32 13.3 输出电压启动特征..............................................................................................34 13.4 漏极电压和电流启动短路特征............................................................................35 13.5 输入瞬态响应.....................................................................................................36 13.6 电压跌落 ............................................................................................................38 13.7 空载启动 ............................................................................................................39 Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 第2页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 13.8 输入浪涌波形 .....................................................................................................40 14 输入浪涌................................................................................................................41 15 传导 EMI................................................................................................................42 15.1 设备:................................................................................................................42 15.2 EMI测试设置......................................................................................................42 16 版本历史................................................................................................................45 ᒮገႁීǖ 虽然本电路板的设计满足非隔离LED驱动器安全要求,但工程原型尚未获得机构认证。 因此,必须使用隔离变压器向原型板提供AC输入,以执行所有测试。 第3页(共46页) Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 2011年6月8日 1 ଼ 本文档是一份工程报告,介绍使用LinkSwitch-PL系列器件LNK458KG设计的非隔离式LED 驱动器(电源)。 RD-271可为LED灯串提供35 V、130 mA的单路恒流输出。 电路板经过优化,可在低AC输入电压范围(85 VAC至135 VAC,47 Hz至63 Hz)内进行 工作。基于LinkSwitch-PL的设计可提供高功率因数(>0.9),这有助于满足所有现行国际标 准的要求。 电路板所选用的外形可满足标准梨形(E17) LED替换灯的要求。输出采用非隔离式,要求外 壳的机械设计能够将电源输出和LED负载与用户隔离。 本文档包括电源规格、电路图、物料清单、变压器规格文件、印刷电路板布局及性能数据。 ᅄ1 – 装配后的电路板尺寸 Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 第4页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 ᅄ2 – 装配后的电路板,经改装,置于A17灯泡内 ᅄ3 – 便于测试的参考设计测试电路,带LED负载,顶视图 第5页(共46页) Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 2011年6月8日 ᅄ4 – 便于测试的参考设计测试电路,带LED负载,底视图 Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 第6页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 2 ࢟Ꮞਖৃ 下表所列为设计的最低可接受性能。实际性能可参考测量结果部分。 ႁී ၒྜྷ 电压 频率 功率因数 > %ATHD < ၒ߲ 输出电压 输出电流 ᔐၒ߲ൈ 连续输出功率 ൈ 额定 ९ VIN fLINE ᔢቃᒋ ࢜ቯᒋ ᔢࡍᒋ 85 47 0.9 50/60 135 63 ᆡ ۸ᓖ VAC Hz 双导线 – 无P.E. 在任何线输入电压下 15 VOUT IOUT 120 35 130 140 V A POUT 4.5 W 85 % o 在POUT、25 C、115 VAC条件下 测得 ણஹ 传导EMI 满足CISPR22B/EN55015要求 输入浪涌 (选择1:不填装VR2) 0.5 >0.7 1 >1.5 2.5 >3 kV 差模(L1-L2) 输入浪涌 (选择2:填装VR2-TVS) 差模(L1-L2) 振铃波(100 kHz) 差模(L1-L2) 内部环境温度 第7页(共46页) TAMB -40 kV kV 90 o C 1.2/50 s浪涌,IEC 1000-4-5, 串联电阻: 差模:2 1.2/50 s浪涌,IEC 1000-4-5, 串联电阻: 差模:2 超过1.7 kV,F1断开 2 短路 串联电阻 板级,自然对流,海平面 Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 2011年6月8日 3 ࢟വᏇಯᅄ ᅄ5 – 电路原理图。移除VR2,仅为满足500 V差模输入浪涌要求。 Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 第8页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 4 ࢟വහၤ LinkSwitch-PL (U1)是一款适用于LED驱动器应用的高集成度初级侧控制器芯片。 LinkSwitch-PL能够在单级转换拓扑结构中提供高功率因数,同时特别对LED驱动器环境中 的各种输入(85 VAC -135 VAC)和输出电压条件下的输出电流进行调节。所有提供这些功能 的控制电路以及高压功率MOSFET都集成在该器件中。 ၒྜྷEMI݆ 4.1 保险丝F1提供元件故障保护。需要使用一个额定值5 A(相对较高)的快速恢复二极管来防 止在输入浪涌下误开路。在差模浪涌期间,RV1和VR2 (TVS)对最大输入电压进行箝位。 可移除齐纳二极管VR2,以满足差模输入浪涌≤500 V的要求。 BR1对AC输入进行全波整流(相对于半波)以获得良好的功率因数和THD。 电容C1、C2、C3和差模扼流圈L1、L2执行EMI滤波,同时限定的总电容维持高功率因数。 该输入2-滤波器网络与LinkSwitch-PL的频率调制特性相结合,可使设计满足Class B干扰 限值。电阻R1和R2用于抑制EMI滤波器的谐振,避免在EMI频谱中出现谐波峰值。 电感L1和L2位于桥后,可避免相线与零线之间的EMI扫描失衡。这也为在输入滤波器 中使用小型高压陶瓷电容提供了可能。 电容C2是薄膜电容,可达到10 dBV以上的设计裕量。如果EMI设计裕量要求可以放 宽(<4 dBV裕量),可用X7R高压陶瓷电容替代。 ဧLinkSwitch-PLࡼଢ଼ኹ-ဍኹᅠແஉ৩ 4.2 降压-升压功率转换电路由U1(电源开关 + 控制)、D2(续流二极管)、C6和C7(输出电 容)以及L3(电感)构成。二极管D1用来防止U1的漏-源极出现负电压,特别是在输入电压 在接近过零点时。旁路电容C4在功率MOSFET导通时为器件提供内部电源。 4.3 D1和D2是低压降二极管(肖特基),可提高效率。 电感L3绕制结构和线规经过优化,可减小绕组间电容并降低AC损耗。 ၒ߲नౣ 输出电流反馈通过R3上的压降来检测,然后由低通滤波器(R4和C5)进行滤波,以维持 LinkSwitch-PL的工作点,从而使反馈(FB)引脚的平均电压稳定在290 mV。 电阻R5与R3并联,使输出电流保持中间值。 第9页(共46页) Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 4.4 2011年6月8日 ঌᏲࣥఎۣઐ 在断开负载以避免C7(输出电容)出现严重故障时,VR1为系统提供保护。如果负载断开, 齐纳二极管VR1将会提供输出短路保护,但该保护不可自动恢复。如果想自动恢复以重新 使用LED驱动器,请替换VR1。请注意,在系统层面,LED负载始终是连接的。如果系统 将进行严密灌封或封闭,可能不需要VR1。 如果需要自动恢复,请用SCR箝位电路替代VR1。 4.5 ݬఠଐᄁୈ 作为一个完整套件,参考设计随LED负载一起提供 。负载用于照明,环境工作温度不可超过 25 ºC。可使用环线通过电流探头或箝位监测输出电流。 可采用可拆卸式电路板,以装入普通E17灯泡和满足更高的工作温度测试条件。 ኊገ೫ஊৎࣶቧᇦǛ! 使用您的智能手机和来自的 www.neoreader.com的免费软件 (或任何其他来自您智能手机应用 程序商店的免费 QR 码阅读器) 即可连接到我们网站上的相关内容。 Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 第10页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 5 PCBݚ ᅄ6 – 印刷电路板布局顶视图 ᅄ7 – 印刷电路板布局底视图 第11页(共46页) Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 2011年6月8日 ᅄ8 – 套件印刷电路板布局顶视图 注释:仅在25 ºC环境温度下操作LED负载。将LED驱动器从套件移除以在更高的环境温度 下测试。确保在上电前已连接LED,以避免触发不可复位的OVP保护功能(替换VR1以复 位驱动器)。 Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 第12页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 ᅄ9 – 套件印刷电路板布局底视图 注释:仅在25ºC环境温度下操作LED负载。将LED驱动器从套件移除以在更高的环境温度 下测试。确保在上电前已连接LED,以避免触发不可复位的OVP保护功能(替换VR1以复 位驱动器)。 第13页(共46页) Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 2011年6月8日 6 ᇕ೯༹(BOM) 下表分为两个部分,即:参考设计物料清单(BOM)和负载的其他元件。 ࡾᇕ೯༹(BOM) 6.1 ሲ ၫ ݬఠኔ 1 1 BR1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 2 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 6 1 C7 7 1 D1 8 1 D2 9 1 F1 10 2 L1 L2 11 1 L3 12 13 14 15 2 1 1 1 R1 R2 R3 R4 RV1 16 1 U1 17 18 1 1 VR1 VR2 ႁී 600 V,0.5 A,桥式整流管,SMD, MBS-1,4-SOIC 33 nF,630 V,陶瓷,X7R,1210 68 nF,250 V,聚酯薄膜 100 nF,500 V,陶瓷,X7R,1812 1 F,16 V,陶瓷,X5R,0603 22 F,50 V,电解,低ESR, 900 m,(5 x 11.5) 60 V,1 A,肖特基二极管,PWRDI 123 200 V,1 A,肖特基二极管,1 A 200 V PWRDI 123 5 A,250V,快速熔断微型轴向引线式保 险丝 1200 H,0.018 A 330 H EE10电感 3.3 k,5%,1/8 W,厚膜,0805 2.2 ,1%,1/4 W,厚膜,1206 3.3 k,5%,1/10 W,厚膜,0603 140 V,12 J,7 mm,径向 ညޘቯ ညޘ MB6S-TP Micro Commercial GRM32DR72J333KW01L ECQ-E2683KB VJ1812Y104KXEAT GRM188R61C105KA93D Murata Panasonic Vishay Murata ELXZ500ELL220MEB5D Nippon ChemiCon DFLS160-7 Diodes, Inc DFLS1200-7 Diodes, Inc 0263005.MXL Littelfuse RL-5480-1-1200 RLPI-1002 SNX-R1577 ERJ-6GEYJ332V ERJ-8ENF2204V ERJ-3GEYJ332V V140LA2P Renco Renco Santronics Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Littlefuse Power Integrations Diodes Inc LittlelFuse LinkSwitch-PL,eSOP-12P LNK458KG 47 V,5%,1 W,DO-41 350 V,400 W,5%,DO214AC (SMA) 1N4756A-T SMAJ350A LEDঌᏲᇕ೯༹(BOM) 6.2 ሲ ၫ ݬఠኔ 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 1 2 1 1 ml +LED LED+ D3 D4 D5 JP1 LINE NEUT Glue ႁී 测试点,红色,直插式安装 LED,SMD,87.4 lm,Cree,暖白光 跳线,绝缘,24 AWG,2.2 in 测试点,黑色,直插式安装 测试点,白色,直插式安装 热熔性胶粘剂 V0 5/8”X2) Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com ညޘቯ ညޘ 5010 MX3SWT-A1-0000-000AE7 C2003A-12-02 5011 5012 3748 Vo-TC Keystone Cree Gen Cable Keystone Keystone 3M 第14页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 7 ࢟ঢਖৃ 7.1 ࢟Ꮗಯᅄ ᅄ10 –电感电气原理图 7.2 ࢟ਖৃ ߱࢟ঢ 7.3 引脚1 - 3,所有其他绕组开路,在100 kHz、0.4 VRMS条件下测得 330 H ±10% ݢ೯ ሲ [1] [2] [3] [4] ႁී 磁芯:EE10/PC40 骨架:EE10,水平,8个引脚,(4/4),台湾树林企业股份有限公司或昆山市丰顺和电子有限 公司同等材料 漆包线:2 X #33 AWG 乐泰Super Glue Control胶 第15页(共46页) Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 7.4 2011年6月8日 ࢟ঢஉ৩ᅄ 1 80T –2 X #33 AWG 3 ᅄ11 – 电感结构图 7.5 ࢟ঢஉ৩ ጙۅႁී WD1 உၦ 为了便于说明,骨架在卷绕器上的方向均为引脚1侧位于左侧(见图示)。绕制方向为逆 时针方向。 从引脚3开始。使用材料项[3]绕80圈。继续缠绕直至达到5.5层,然后在引脚1终止。 打磨磁芯,使磁芯间的漏感量达到330 H,±10%。用胶带固定两个磁芯。截断引脚2、 4、5、6、7和8。用胶粘剂[4]将磁芯和骨架粘在一起,防止磁芯有任何移动(见图示)。 Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 第16页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 8 ࢟ঢᅄာ ৷ଦᓰ۸ ጙۅႁී WD1 第17页(共46页) 为了便于说明,骨架在卷绕器 上的方向均为引脚1侧位于左侧 (见图示)。绕制方向为逆时针 方向。 从引脚3开始。使用材料项[3] 绕80圈。继续缠绕直至达到 5.5层,然后在引脚1终止。 Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 2011年6月8日 从引脚3开始。使用材料项[3] 绕80圈。继续缠绕直至达到 5.5层,然后在引脚1终止。 WD1 Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 第18页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 打磨磁芯,使磁芯间的漏感量 达到330 H,±10%。用胶带 固定两个磁芯。截断引脚2、 4、5、6、7和8。 用胶粘剂[4]将磁芯和骨架粘在 一起,防止磁芯有任何移动 (见图示)。 உၦ 箭头所示为使用胶粘剂的位置。 ᅄ12 – 电感装配 第19页(共46页) Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 2011年6月8日 9 ࢟ঢଐৃܭ ࢟ ቧᇦ ၒ߲ ᆡ LinkSwitch-PLଢ଼ኹ-ဍኹ࢟ঢଐৃܭ VACMIN 85 85 V 最小AC输入电压 VACNOM 115 115 V 额定AC输入电压 VACMAX 132 132 V 最大AC输入电压 FL 60 60 Hz 最小线电压频率 VO_MIN 30.00 30.0 V 最小输出电压容差 VO_NOM 35.00 35.00 V 额定输出电压 VO_MAX 38.00 38.00 V 最大输出电压容差 IO 0.130 0.130 A 平均输出电流规格 n 0.85 0.850 %/100 Z 壳体 0.5 开放式 损耗分配因子 开放式 PO 电源总效率 壳体选择决定了热条件和最大功率 4.55 W 总输出功率 0.4 V 输出二极管正向电压降 1.67 us MOSFET在低压及PO下的预期导通时间 FSW 88.9 kHz 占空比 14.8 % 低压及PO下的预期工作占空比 VD 0.40 LinkSwitch-PLଐܤ 器件 LNK458 LNK458 TON VDRAIN 所选LinkSwitch-PL器件 低压及PO下的预期开关频率 245 V 在VACMAX和VO_MAX下,估计的最差情况下的漏极电压 IRMS 0.129 A 通过开关的额定RMS电流 IPK 0.938 A 最差情况下的峰值电流 1.012 A 器件最小电流限值 ILIM_MIN KDP 1.25 1.25 器件 LNK458 LNK458 在VACNOM下,开关关断时间与磁芯复位时间的比值 所选LinkSwitch-PL器件 LinkSwitch-PLᅪᆍᏄୈࡼଐႯ RSENSE 2.231 Ohms 标准RSENSE 2.21 Ohms PSENSE 37.7 mW 输出电流检测电阻 与RSENSE最小相差1% RSENSE的功耗 ၒྜྷܤኹࠟበ/உ৩ܤ 磁芯类型 EE10 磁芯元件编号 骨架元件编号 EE10 磁芯类型 自定义 磁芯元件编号(如有) 自定义 骨架元件编号(如有) AE 12.10 12.10 mm^2 LE 26.10 26.10 mm AL 850 850 nH/T^2 BW 6.00 6 mm 5 5 L 磁芯等效截面积 磁芯等效路径长度 无气隙磁芯等效电感量 骨架绕线宽度 绕组层数 ܤኹ߱ླྀᔝଐݬၫ LP LP容差 N 330.7 uH 初级电感量 5.00 5 % 初级电感量容差 80 80 匝数 52 nH/T^2 3205 高斯 ALG BM 信息 圈数 带气隙磁芯等效电感量 减小BM (< 3000 G)。减小BP(增大NP)或增大磁芯尺寸。 Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 第20页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 BAC 1603 高斯 在最差条件下,磁芯损耗曲线中的交流磁通密度(0.5 × 峰值到峰值)。 4620 高斯 !!! 通过增大NP、选择更大尺寸的磁芯或减小KDP来减小峰值磁通密度 (BP < 3600 G);见下面的注释 0.294 mm 气隙长度(Lg > 0.1 mm) 30 mm 等效骨架宽度 L_IRMS 0.333 A OD 0.38 mm 初级绕组最大线径(包括绝缘层) INS 0.06 mm 估计的总绝缘层厚度(= 2 * 膜厚度) DIA 0.32 mm 裸线直径 29 AWG 初级绕组的导线规格(如果计算出的线径在两种标准线径之间,则使用较小线规 的导线) Cmil 以Cmil为单位的裸线等效面积 BP 告警 LG BWE AWG 通过电感的RMS电流 CM 128 CMA 384 Cmil/Amp 初级绕组电流容量(200 < CMA < 500) 电流密度(J) 5.19 A/ mm^2 电感绕组电流密度(3.8 < J < 9.75 A/mm^2) ၒ߲ݬၫ IO 0.130 A 预期输出电流 PIVS 42.2 V 在输出二极管VO_MAX下的峰值反向电压 注释:在启动期间,缓慢增大LinkSwitch-PL系列器件的占空比可限制峰值磁通密度。 第21页(共46页) Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 2011年6月8日 10 ቶถၫ 除非另有说明,所有测量均在25 ºC室温、60 Hz输入频率下进行。 10.1 ࡒᏲෝါൈ 86.5 36 V LED 39 V LED Efficiency (%) 86.0 85.5 85.0 84.5 84.0 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 AC Input (VRMS), 60 Hz ᅄ13 – 不同AC输入电压下的效率 Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 第22页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 10.2 ሣ࢟ኹࢯᑳ 8 Regulation Band (%) 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 85 - 135 VAC 50 Hz 115 VAC 60 Hz -6 85 - 135 VAC 47 - 63 Hz -8 VAC Input ᅄ14 – 线电压调整,室温 第23页(共46页) Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 2011年6月8日 10.3 ൈፐၫ 0.99 33 V LED 36 V LED 39 V LED Power Factor 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.93 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 AC Input Voltage (VRMS), 60 Hz ᅄ15 – 工作范围内的高功率因数 Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 第24页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 10.4 %THD 33 V LED 36 V LED 39 V LED 30 % ATHD 25 20 15 10 5 0 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 AC Input Voltage (VRMS), 60 Hz ᅄ16 – 工作范围内的极低%ATHD 第25页(共46页) Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 140 RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 2011年6月8日 10.5 ቕ݆ހ VAC (VRMS) 115 ຫൈ (Hz) 60 V (VRMS) 114.97 IIN (mARMS) 50.51 PIN (W) 5.58000 n mA ۾ሢᒋ mA/W ဣଔሢᒋ ۸ᓖ 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 38 39 48.67 1.38 1.67 2.09 2.20 2.36 1.82 1.67 1.00 0.79 0.40 0.10 0.24 0.24 0.49 0.33 0.18 0.19 0.10 0.27 3.40000 1.90000 1.00000 0.50000 0.35000 0.29615 0.25667 0.22647 0.20263 0.18333 0.16739 0.15400 0.14259 0.13276 0.12419 0.11667 0.11000 0.10405 0.09872 37.9440 21.2040 11.1600 5.5800 3.9060 3.3051 2.8644 2.5274 2.2614 2.0460 1.8681 1.7186 1.5913 1.4816 1.3860 1.3020 1.2276 1.1612 1.1017 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 通过 第26页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 40 Limits Measured 35 Harmonic Content 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 Harmonic Order ᅄ17 – 满足EN61000-3-2谐波含量标准(额定值<25 W) 第27页(共46页) Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 2011年6月8日 11 ེቶถ 11.1 Ⴥ۸ 热处理室: 交流电源供应器: 瓦特表: 数据记录器: Tenney环境试验箱 型号:TJR-17 942 Chroma可编程交流电源供应器 型号:6415 Yokogawa功率表 型号:WT2000 Monogram 序列号:1290492 ᅄ18 – 用来防止气流通过被测电源的纸板箱所在的热处理室 Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 第28页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 11.2 ེஉਫ 负载:36 V / 130 mA LED负载。采用90°C环境温度模拟密闭的LED替换灯壳体内的工作 情况。 ᑵޟᔫ Ꮔୈ 箱内环境温度(ºC) 桥式整流器(BR1) 阻断二极管(D1) LNK458KG (U1) 电感磁芯(L3) 输出二极管(D2) ୈᆨࣞ(ºC) 85 V/50 Hz 100 V/50Hz 115V/60Hz OTP OTP OTP ᑵޟ ᑵޟ ᑵޟ DŽਭེۣઐDž DŽਭེۣઐDž DŽਭེۣઐDž 90 106 90 113 90 113 108 120 103 125 102 125 113 125 107 130 106 129 120 134 112 134 111 134 116 126 108 130 105 130 126 138 110 132 109 132 ܭ1 – 在焊接U1裸焊盘情况下的热数据 ᑵޟᔫ Ꮔୈ 箱内环境温度(ºC) 桥式整流器(BR1) 阻断二极管(D1) LNK458KG (U1) 电感磁芯(L3) 输出二极管(D2) ୈᆨࣞ(ºC) 85 V/50 Hz 100 V/50Hz OTP OTP ᑵޟ ᑵޟ DŽਭེۣઐDž DŽਭེۣઐDž 115V/60Hz OTP ᑵޟ DŽਭེۣઐDž 90 108 112 125 115 122 90 104 110 118 110 113 104 118 124 133 124 127 90 104 109 117 108 112 107 120 126 135 126 129 107 120 126 135 126 129 ܭ2 – 在未焊接U1裸焊盘情况下的热数据 第29页(共46页) Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 2011年6月8日 12 ེྸහ 在环境温度25 ºC、85 VAC/47 Hz输入以及35 V LED灯串负载下进行扫描。 ᅄ19 – U1外壳温度 ᅄ20 – D2外壳温度 ᅄ21 – L3温度 ᅄ22 – BR1外壳温度 Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 第30页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 13 ݆ተ 13.1 ധ࢟ኹਜ਼࢟ഗLjᑵޟᔫ ᅄ23 – 85 VAC/47 Hz,35 V LED灯串 Ch1:VDRAIN,50 V/格 Ch2:VSOURCE,50 V/格 Ch4:IDRAIN,0.5 A/格 F1:VD-S,100 V/格,2 s/格 ᅄ24 – 85 VAC/47 Hz,35 V LED灯串 Ch1:VDRAIN,100 V/格 Ch2:VSOURCE,100 V/格 Ch4:IDRAIN,0.5 A/格 F1:VD-S,100 V/格,2 ms/格 ᅄ25 – 100 VAC/50 Hz,35 V LED灯串 Ch1:VDRAIN,50 V/格 Ch2:VSOURCE,50 V/格 Ch4:IDRAIN,0.5 A/格 F1:VD-S,100 V/格,2 s/格 ᅄ26 – 115 VAC/60 Hz,35 V LED灯串 Ch1:VDRAIN,50 V/格 Ch2:VSOURCE,50 V/格 Ch4:IDRAIN,0.5 A/格 F1:VD-S,100 V/格,2 s/格 第31页(共46页) Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 ᅄ27 – 135 VAC/63 Hz,35 V LED灯串 Ch1:VDRAIN,50 V/格 Ch2:VSOURCE,50 V/格 Ch4:IDRAIN,0.5 A/格 F1:VD-S,100 V/格,5 s/格 2011年6月8日 ᅄ28 – 355 VAC/63 Hz,35 V LED灯串 Ch1:VDRAIN,100 V/格 Ch2:VSOURCE,100 V/格 Ch4:IDRAIN,0.5 A/格 F1:VD-S,250 V/格,1 ms/格 13.2 ധ࢟ኹਜ਼࢟ഗࣅᄂᑯ ᅄ29 – 85 VAC/47 Hz,35 V LED灯串 Ch1:VDRAIN,50 V/格 Ch2:VSOURCE,50 V/格 Ch4:IDRAIN,0.5 A/格 F1:VD-S,100 V/格,10 ms/格 Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com ᅄ30 – 135 VAC/63 Hz,35 V LED灯串 Ch1:VDRAIN,50 V/格 Ch2:VSOURCE,50 V/格 Ch4:IDRAIN,0.5 A/格 F1:VD-S,100 V/格,200 s/格 第32页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 ᅄ31 – 135 VAC/63 Hz,35 V LED灯串 Ch1:VDRAIN,50 V/格 Ch2:VSOURCE,50 V/格 Ch4:IDRAIN,0.5 A/格 F1:VD-S,100 V/格,10 ms/格 ᅄ32 – 135 VAC/63 Hz,35 V LED灯串 Ch1:VDRAIN,50 V/格 Ch2:VSOURCE,50 V/格 Ch4:IDRAIN,0.5 A/格 ᅄ33 – 125 °C启动;135 VAC/63 Hz; 85°相位角,35 V LED灯串 Ch1:VDRAIN,100 V/格 Ch2:VSOURCE,100 V/格 Ch4:IDRAIN,0.5 A/格 F1:VD-S,100 V/格,500 s/格 Z4:IDRAIN,305 mA/格;500 ns/格 ᅄ34 – 150 °C启动;135 VAC/63 Hz; 85°相位角,35 V LED灯串 Ch1:VDRAIN,100 V/格 Ch2:VSOURCE,100 V/格 Ch4:IDRAIN,0.5 A/格 F1:VD-S,100 V/格,500 s/格 Z4:IDRAIN,305 mA/格;500 ns/格 第33页(共46页) F1:VD-S,100 V/格,2 s/格 Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 2011年6月8日 13.3 ၒ߲࢟ኹࣅᄂᑯ ᅄ35 – 85 VAC/47 Hz,35 V LED灯串 Ch1:VIN,50 V/格 Ch2:VOUT,10 V/格 Ch3:IIN,50 mA/格 Ch4:IOUT,50 mA/格,50 ms/格 Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com ᅄ36 – 135 VAC/63 Hz,35 V LED灯串 Ch1:VIN,50 V/格 Ch2:VOUT,10 V/格 Ch3:IIN,50 mA/格 Ch4:IOUT,50 mA/格,50 ms/格 第34页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 13.4 ധ࢟ኹਜ਼࢟ഗࣅവᄂᑯ ᅄ37 – 135 VAC/63 Hz,输出短路 Ch1:VDRAIN,100 V/格 Ch2:VSOURCE,100 V/格 Ch4:IDRAIN,0.5 A/格 F1:VD-S,100 V/格,1 s/格 ᅄ38 – 135 VAC/63 Hz,输出短路 Ch1:VDRAIN,100 V/格 Ch2:VSOURCE,100 V/格 Ch4:IDRAIN,0.5 A/格 F1:VD-S,100 V/格,10 s/格 ᅄ39 – 135 VAC/63 Hz,输出短路 Ch1:VDRAIN,100 V/格 Ch2:VSOURCE,100 V/格 Ch4:IDRAIN,0.5 A/格 F1:VD-S,100 V/格,20 ms/格 ᅄ40 – 135 VAC/63 Hz,输出短路 Ch1:VDRAIN,100 V/格 Ch2:VSOURCE,100 V/格 Ch4:IDRAIN,0.5 A/格 F1:VD-S,100 V/格,2 ms/格 第35页(共46页) Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 2011年6月8日 13.5 ၒྜྷၾზሰ። ᅄ41 – 115 VAC/50 Hz, 300 ms导通 – 300 ms关断 负载:35V LED灯串 Ch1:VIN,50 V/格 Ch2:VOUT,10 V/格 Ch4:IOUT,100 mA/格,1 s/格 Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com ᅄ42 – 115 VAC/50 Hz, 1 s导通 – 1 s关断 负载:35 V LED灯串 Ch1:VIN,50 V/格 Ch2:VOUT,10 V/格 Ch4:IOUT,100 mA/格,5 s/格 第36页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 ᅄ43 – 115 VAC/50 Hz,0.5周期跳频 负载:35 V LED灯串 Ch1:VIN,50 V/格 Ch3:IIN,50 mA/格,100 ms/格 ᅄ44 – 115 VAC/50 Hz,0.25周期跳频 负载:35 V LED灯串 Ch1:VIN,50 V/格 Ch3:IIN,50 mA/格,100 ms/格 ᅄ45 – 115 VAC/50 Hz,1周期跳频 负载:35 V LED灯串 Ch1:VIN,50 V/格 Ch3:IIN,50 mA/格,100 ms/格 ᅄ46 – 115 VAC/50 Hz,2周期跳频 负载:35 V LED灯串 Ch1:VIN,50 V/格 Ch3:IIN,50 mA/格,100 ms/格 第37页(共46页) Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 2011年6月8日 13.6 ࢟ኹࢰൢ 输入电压斜率在85-0-85 VAC/50 Hz的线电压输入变化下为0.1 V/s;未发现任何故障。 ᅄ47 – 85 VAC/50 Hz,35 V LED灯串 低于75 VAC时,负载的峰值电流高于正常 值,但平均电流稳定在130 mA。 Ch1:VIN,50 V/格 Ch2:VOUT,5 V/格 Ch3:IIN,50 mA/格,200 s/格 Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 第38页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 13.7 హᏲࣅ 在空载情况下,VR1为此LED驱动器提供保护,以防止输出电容产生漏感。该保护不可自动恢复;出现此类 情况时,可替换VR1。 ᅄ48 – 185 VAC/63 Hz,空载启动 Ch2:VOUT,10 V/格 Ch4:IOUT,100 mA/格,1 s/格 ᅄ49 – 85 VAC/63 Hz,空载启动 Ch2:VOUT,10 V/格 Ch4:IOUT,100 mA/格,200 ms/格 ᅄ50 – 135 VAC/63 Hz,空载启动 Ch2:VOUT,10 V/格 Ch4:IOUT,100 mA/格,1 s/格 ᅄ51 – 135 VAC/63 Hz,空载启动 Ch2:VOUT,10 V/格 Ch4:IOUT,100 mA/格,500 ms/格 第39页(共46页) Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 2011年6月8日 13.8 ၒྜྷ፻݆ተ ᅄ52 – 115 VAC/60 Hz, 500 V差模浪涌 Ch1:VIN,200 V/格 Ch2:VDRAIN,10 V/格 Ch3:VSOURCE,10 V/格 F1:VDS,500 V/格,50 s/格 Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com ᅄ53 – 115 VAC/60 Hz, 1 kV差模浪涌,安装有VR2 Ch1:VIN,200 V/格 Ch2:VDRAIN,10 V/格 Ch3:VSOURCE,10 V/格 F1:VDS,500V/格,50 s/格 第40页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 14 ၒྜྷ፻ 将输入电压设定在115 VAC/60 Hz。输出加载了35 V LED灯串,在每次浪涌事件后验证工作 状况。 根据IEC61000-4-5标准,差模输入线1.2/50 s浪涌测试在两个测试电源上完成。 ፻ၺຳ (V) ၒྜྷ࢟ኹ (VAC) +500 -500 +500 -500 115 115 115 115 +1200 -1200 +1200 -1200 115 115 115 115 ᓖྜྷሤᆡ (°) 选择1:不安装VR2 L到N 0 L到N 0 L到N 90 L到N 90 选择2:安装VR2 L到N 0 L到N 0 L到N 90 L到N 90 ᓖྜྷᆡᒙ ހ၂உਫ DŽᄰਭ/ပھDž 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 根据IEC61000-4-5标准,差模输入线振铃浪涌测试在两个测试电源上完成。 ፻ၺຳ (V) ၒྜྷ࢟ኹ (VAC) +2500 -2500 +2500 -2500 +3000 -3000 +3000 -3000 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 ᓖྜྷሤᆡ (°) 选择1:不安装VR2 L到N 0 L到N 0 L到N 90 L到N 90 L到N 0 L到N 0 L到N 90 L到N 90 ᓖྜྷᆡᒙ ހ၂உਫ DŽᄰਭ/ပھDž 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 被测电源在所有测试条件下均通过测试。 第41页(共46页) Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 2011年6月8日 15 ࠅࡴEMI 15.1 ۸ǖ 接收器: Rohde & Schwartz ESPI - 测试接收器(9 kHz – 3 GHz) 型号:ESPI3 LISN: Rohde & Schwartz Two-Line-V-Network 型号:ENV216 15.2 EMIހ၂ᒙ LED驱动器置于圆锥形金属壳体中(针对自镇流灯泡;CISPR15第7.2版)。 ᅄ54 – 传导辐射测试设置(圆锥形接地面中安装了被测电源) Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 第42页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 Power I nt egr at i ons 24. M ar 11 13: 18 RBW M T 9 kHz 500 m s At t 10 dB AUTO dBµV 100 kHz 120 EN55015Q 110 LI M I T CHECK 1 M Hz PASS 10 M Hz SGL 100 1 QP CLRW R 90 2 AV CLRW R 80 TDF 70 60 EN55015A 50 6DB 40 30 20 10 0 - 10 - 20 9 kHz 30 M Hz ᅄ55 – 传导EMI,最大稳态负载,115 VAC,60 Hz,EN55015限值 第43页(共46页) Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 EDI T PEAK LI ST ( Fi nal EN55015Q Tr ace1: Tr ace2: EN55015A Tr ace3: --- TRACE FREQ UENCY 2011年6月8日 M easur em ent Resul t s) LEVEL dBµV Aver age 95. 14984736 kHz 2 Aver age 99. 0133127137 kHz 8. 86 N gnd 1 Q uasi 190. 46019728 kHz 45. 86 N gnd - 18. 15 2 Aver age 192. 364799253 kHz 37. 68 N gnd - 16. 25 1 Q uasi 283. 569280422 kHz 42. 86 N gnd - 17. 84 2 Aver age 289. 269022958 kHz 36. 17 N gnd - 14. 36 1 Q uasi 378. 424303998 kHz 43. 21 N gnd - 15. 09 2 Aver age 389. 890938834 kHz 33. 37 N gnd - 14. 69 1 Q uasi 881. 64914842 kHz 42. 69 N gnd - 13. 30 2 Aver age 881. 64914842 kHz 30. 42 N gnd - 15. 57 1 Q uasi Peak 983. 628047757 kHz 36. 36 N gnd - 19. 63 1 Q uasi Peak 1. 17656420634 M Hz 42. 34 N gnd - 13. 65 2 Aver age 1. 17656420634 M Hz 31. 30 N gnd - 14. 69 2 Aver age 1. 23658080545 M Hz 31. 28 N gnd - 14. 71 1 Q uasi 1. 27405044044 M Hz 41. 86 N gnd - 14. 13 2 Aver age 1. 33903981723 M Hz 31. 57 N gnd - 14. 42 1 Q uasi Peak 1. 37961406273 M Hz 36. 63 N gnd - 19. 36 1 Q uasi Peak 1. 43563192593 M Hz 44. 42 N gnd - 11. 57 2 Aver age 1. 43563192593 M Hz 31. 34 N gnd - 14. 65 1 Q uasi 1. 57012949439 M Hz 40. 49 N gnd - 15. 51 Peak Peak Peak Peak Peak Peak 14. 69 DELTA LI M I T dB 2 L1 gnd ᅄ56 –传导EMI,最大稳态负载,115 VAC,60 Hz,EN55015限值相线和零线扫描设计裕量测量。 Power Integrations, Inc. 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 第44页(共46页) 2011年6月8日 使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 16 ಼۾ۈဥ ྇໐ 2011年6月8日 ᔫᑗ JDC 第45页(共46页) ኀࢿ۾ۈ 1.0 ႁීਜ਼ܤৎ 初始版本 ဃਖ਼ཽ Apps & Mktg Power Integrations 电话:+1 408 414 9200 传真:+1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-271:使用LNK458KG设计的4.5 W降压-升压电源 2011年6月8日 ೫ஊᔢቤቧᇦLj༿षᆰᆸඣࡼᆀᐶǖwww.powerint.com Power Integrations reserves the right to make changes to its products at any time to improve reliability or manufacturability. Power Integrations does not assume any liability arising from the use of any device or circuit described herein. POWER INTEGRATIONS MAKES NO WARRANTY HEREIN AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. PATENT INFORMATION The products and applications illustrated herein (including transformer construction and circuits external to the products) may be covered by one or more U.S. and foreign patents, or potentially by pending U.S. and foreign patent applications assigned to Power Integrations. A complete list of Power Integrations’ patents may be found at www.powerint.com. Power Integrations grants its customers a license under certain patent rights as set forth at http://www.powerint.com/ip.htm. The PI Logo, TOPSwitch, TinySwitch, LinkSwitch, DPA-Switch, PeakSwitch, CAPZero, SENZero, LinkZero, HiperPFS, HiperTFS, Qspeed, EcoSmart, Clampless, E-Shield, Filterfuse, StackFET, PI Expert and PI FACTS are trademarks of Power Integrations, Inc. Other trademarks are property of their respective companies. ©Copyright 2011 Power Integrations, Inc. Power Integrationsཝཆሾ၉ᑽߒᆀ ཝཆᔐݝ 5245 Hellyer Avenue San Jose, CA 95138, USA. Main: +1-408-414-9200 Customer Service: Phone: +1-408-414-9665 Fax: +1-408-414-9765 e-mail: [email protected] ࡺਪ Rüeckertstrasse 3 D-80336, Munich Germany Phone: +49-89-5527-3911 Fax: +49-89-5527-3920 e-mail: [email protected] ྇۾ Kosei Dai-3 Building 2-12-11, Shin-Yokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 222-0033 Japan Phone: +81-45-471-1021 Fax: +81-45-471-3717 e-mail: [email protected] გᅭ 5F, No. 318, Nei Hu Rd., Sec. 1 Nei Hu District Taipei 114, Taiwan R.O.C. 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A complete list of Power Integrations' patents may be found at www.powerint.com. Power Integrations grants its customers a license under certain patent rights as set forth at <http://www.powerint.com/ip.htm>. Power Integrations 5245 Hellyer Avenue, San Jose, CA 95138 USA. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 11-Jan-12 Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 4 Power Supply Specifications ...................................................................................... 6 Schematic ................................................................................................................... 7 Circuit Description ...................................................................................................... 8 4.1 Input EMI Filtering ............................................................................................... 8 4.2 Buck Boost Using LinkSwitch-PL ........................................................................ 8 4.3 Output Feedback ................................................................................................. 9 4.4 Disconnected Load Protection............................................................................. 9 5 PCB Layout .............................................................................................................. 10 6 Bill of Materials ......................................................................................................... 11 7 Inductor Specification ............................................................................................... 12 7.1 Electrical Diagram ............................................................................................. 12 7.2 Electrical Specifications ..................................................................................... 12 7.3 Materials ............................................................................................................ 12 7.4 Inductor Build Diagram ...................................................................................... 13 7.5 Inductor Construction ........................................................................................ 13 8 Inductor Design Spreadsheet ................................................................................... 14 9 Performance Data .................................................................................................... 16 9.1 Active Mode Efficiency ...................................................................................... 16 9.2 Line Regulation ................................................................................................. 17 9.3 Power Factor ..................................................................................................... 18 9.4 %THD ................................................................................................................ 19 9.5 Harmonics ......................................................................................................... 20 9.6 Harmonic Measurements .................................................................................. 21 9.7 Thermal Scans .................................................................................................. 22 10 Waveforms ............................................................................................................ 23 10.1 Drain Voltage and Current, Normal Operation................................................... 23 10.2 Drain Voltage and Current Start-up Profile ........................................................ 23 10.3 Output Voltage Start-up Profile.......................................................................... 24 10.4 Input and Output Voltage and Current Profiles .................................................. 24 10.5 Drain Voltage and Current Profile with Output Shorted ..................................... 25 10.6 Line Transient Response................................................................................... 26 10.7 Brown-out .......................................................................................................... 27 10.8 Disconnected Load ............................................................................................ 27 10.9 Line Surge Waveform ........................................................................................ 28 11 Line Surge............................................................................................................. 30 12 Conducted EMI ..................................................................................................... 31 12.1 Equipment ......................................................................................................... 31 12.2 EMI Test Set-up ................................................................................................ 31 12.3 EMI Test Result ................................................................................................. 32 13 Revision History .................................................................................................... 33 Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 2 of 34 11-Jan-12 DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG Important Note: Although this board is designed to satisfy safety requirements for non-isolated LED drivers, the engineering prototype has not been agency approved. Therefore, all testing should be performed using an isolation transformer to provide the AC input to the prototype board. Page 3 of 34 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 11-Jan-12 1 Introduction This document is an engineering report describing a non-isolated LED driver (power supply) utilizing a LNK458KG from the LinkSwitch-PL family of devices. The driver provides a single constant current output with an output power of 4.5 W. The key design goals were high efficiency and small size, enabling the driver to fit into candelabra and B10 sized lamps. The board was optimized to operate over the high AC input voltage range (190 VAC to 265 VAC, 47 Hz to 63 Hz). LinkSwitch-PL based designs provide a high power factor (>0.9) meeting current international requirements. The form factor of the board was chosen to meet the requirements for standard B10 LED replacement lamps. The output is non-isolated and requires the mechanical design of the enclosure to isolate the output of the supply and the LED load from the user. The design was not optimized for operation with phase controlled (TRIAC) dimmers but this is possible with some modification. For an example of a dimmable version please visit http://www.powerint.com/en/applications/led-lighting. The document contains the power supply specification, schematic, bill of materials, transformer documentation, printed circuit layout, design spreadsheet and performance data. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 4 of 34 11-Jan-12 DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG Figure 1 – Size of a Populated Circuit Board; Length = 28 mm. Figure 2 – Size of a Populated Circuit Board; Width = 16 mm. Note: The populated circuit board shown above used DER-297 PCB Page 5 of 34 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 11-Jan-12 2 Power Supply Specifications The table below represents the minimum acceptable performance of the design. Actual performance is listed in the results section. Description Symbol Min Typ Max Units Comment Input Voltage VIN 190 230 265 VAC 2 Wire – no P.E. Frequency fLINE 47 50/60 63 Hz %ATHD Output Output Voltage Output Current Total Output Power Continuous Output Power Efficiency Nominal 20 VOUT IOUT 48 93 87 V mA 4.5 POUT 97 At any line input voltage 85.5 W % o Measured at POUT 25 C at 230 VAC Environmental Conducted EMI Meets CISPR22B / EN55015 Line Surge Differential Mode (L1-L2) 1 kV Ring Wave (100 kHz) Differential Mode (L1-L2) 2.5 kV Power Factor Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 2 short-circuit Series Impedance Measured at VOUT(TYP), IOUT(TYP) and 230 VAC, 50 Hz 0.9 Harmonic Currents 1.2/50 s surge, IEC 1000-4-5, Series Impedance: Differential Mode: 2 EN 61000-3-2 Class D (C) Class C specifies Class D Limits when PIN <25 W Page 6 of 34 11-Jan-12 DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 3 Schematic Figure 3 – Schematic Page 7 of 34 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 11-Jan-12 4 Circuit Description The LinkSwitch-PL (U1) is a highly integrated primary-side controller intended for use in LED driver applications. The LinkSwitch-PL provides high power factor in a single-stage conversion topology while regulating the output current across a range of input (190 VAC -265 VAC) and output voltage variations typically encountered in LED driver applications. All of the control circuitry responsible for these functions plus a high-voltage power MOSFET is incorporated into the IC. 4.1 Input EMI Filtering Fuse F1 provides protection against component failure. A fast 5 A rating (this being relatively high) was needed to prevent false opening during line surges. The maximum input voltage is clamped by RV1 and by VR2 (TVS) during differential line surges. Zener diode VR2 can be removed for a differential line surge requirement of ≤500 V. The AC input is full wave rectified by BR1 to achieve good power factor and THD. Capacitor C1, C2, C3 and differential choke L1 and L2 perform EMI filtering while the limited total capacitance maintains high power factor. This 2- filter network plus the frequency jittering feature of LinkSwitch-PL ensures compliance with Class B emission limits. Resistor R1 and R2 are used to damp the resonance of the EMI filter, preventing peaks in the conducted EMI measurements when measured in a system (driver plus enclosure). Inductor L1 and L2 are positioned after the bridge to avoid an imbalance in the EMI scan between line and neutral. This also allows the use of small high-voltage ceramic capacitors in the input filter. 4.2 Buck Boost Using LinkSwitch-PL The buck boost power train is composed of U1 (power switch + control), D2 (freewheeling diode), C7 (output capacitor), and L3 (inductor). Diode D1 was used to prevent negative voltage appearing across the drain-source of U1 especially near the zerocrossing of the input voltage. Capacitor C8 reduces the RMS current through R3, improving efficiency. The bypass capacitor C4 provides the internal supply for the device when the power MOSFET is on. Diode D1 is a low drop diode (Schottky) type to maximize efficiency. An ultrafast type may be substituted if lower efficiency is acceptable. Inductor L3 winding construction and wire gauge were optimized to minimize interwinding capacitance and to reduce AC losses. As this was a non-dimming design, no external bias supply is required to supply the BP pin of U1. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 8 of 34 11-Jan-12 DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 4.3 Output Feedback The output current feedback is sensed on the voltage drop across R3 and then filtered by a low pass filter (R4 and C5) to keep the LinkSwitch-PL operating point such that the average FEEDBACK (FB) pin voltage is 290 mV in steady-state operation. 4.4 Disconnected Load Protection In order to avoid catastrophic failure of the output capacitor (C7) if the load is not connected, the output is protected by an auto-restart overvoltage protection circuit. Zener VR1 is connected to VOUT+ and in series with blocking diode D3. If a no-load condition is present on the output of the supply, the output overvoltage Zener diode VR1 will conduct once its threshold is reached. A voltage VOV in excess of VFB(AR) = 2 V will appear across the FB pin and the IC will enter auto-restart. Figure 4 – Auto-Restart Overvoltage Protection with Buck-Boost Configuration. Want More? Use your smartphone and free software from www.neoreader.com (or any other free QR Code Reader from your smartphone’s App Store) and you will be connected to related content Page 9 of 34 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 11-Jan-12 5 PCB Layout Figure 5 – Printed Circuit Layout, Top. Figure 6 – Printed Circuit Layout, Bottom. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 10 of 34 11-Jan-12 DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 6 Bill of Materials Item Qty Ref Des 1 1 BR1 2 1 C1 Description 600 V, 0.5 A, Bridge Rectifier, SMD, MBS-1, 4-SOIC 33 nF, 630 V, Ceramic, X7R, 1210 3 1 C2 47 nF, 400 V, Film 4 1 C3 47 nF, 500 V, Ceramic, X7R, 1812 5 2 C4 C5 6 1 C7 7 1 C8 1 F, 16 V, Ceramic, X5R, 0603 22 F, 63 V, Electrolytic, Low ESR, 1000 m, (6.3 x 11.5) 2.2 F, 10 V, Ceramic, X7R, 0805 8 1 D1 60 V, 1 A, DIODE SCHOTTKY, PWRDI 123 9 1 D2 600 V, 1 A, Ultrafast Recovery, 75 ns, SOD-123 10 1 D3 11 1 12 4 13 2 F1 J1 J2 J3 J4 L1 L2 14 1 L3 15 3 R1 R2 R4 16 1 R3 17 1 RV1 18 1 U1 19 1 VR1 68 V, 5%, 500 mW, DO-213AA (MELF) 20 1 VR2 350 V, 400 W, 5%, DO214AC (SMA) Page 11 of 34 800 V, 1 A, Rectifier, Glass Passivated, DO-213AA (MELF) 5 A, 250 V, Fast, Microfuse, Axial PCB Terminal Hole, #30 AWG 2200 H, 80 mA, 34.7 , Axial Ferrite Inductor Mfg Part Number GRM32DR72J333KW01L Manufacturer Micro Commercial Murata ECQ-E4473KF Panasonic MB6S-TP VJ1812Y473KXEAT Vishay GRM188R61C105KA93D Murata Nippon ChemiCon Murata ELXZ630ELL220MFB5D GRM21BR71A225MA01L DFLS160-7 UFM15PL-TP Diodes, Inc. Micro Commercial DL4006-13-F Diodes, Inc. 0263005.MXL Littlefuse N/A N/A B78108S1225J Epcos TF-1003 Taiwan Shulin 3.3 k, 5%, 1/10 W, Thick Film, 0603 ERJ-3GEYJ332V Panasonic 3.09 , 1%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 RC0805FR-073R09L Yageo 275 V, 23 J, 7 mm, RADIAL V275LA4P LinkSwitch-PL, eSOP-12P LNK458KG ZMM5266B-7 Littlefuse Power Integrations Diodes, Inc. SMAJ350A Littlefuse Custom EE10 Inductor, 695 H Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 11-Jan-12 7 Inductor Specification 7.1 Electrical Diagram Figure 7 – 48 V Inductor Electrical Diagram. 7.2 Electrical Specifications Primary Inductance 7.3 Pins 1-3, all other windings open, measured at 100 kHz, 0.4 VRMS 695 H ±5% Materials Item [1] [2] [3] [4] Description Core: EE10/PC40 Bobbin: EE10, Horizontal, 8 pins, (4/4), Taiwan Shulin Enterprise Co., Ltd. or Kunshan Fengshunhe Electronics Co., Ltd Equivalent Magnet Wire: 1 x #32 AWG Loctite Super Glue Control Gel Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 12 of 34 11-Jan-12 7.4 DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG Inductor Build Diagram 1 1 X #32 AWG 150 Turns Add 1 layer of tape between each winding 3 Figure 8 – Inductor Build Diagram. 7.5 Inductor Construction General Note WD1 Finish Page 13 of 34 For the purpose of these instructions, bobbin is oriented on winder such that pin 1 side is on the left (Figure 10). Winding direction is counter-clockwise. Start at pin 3. Wind enough turns of item [3] as shown in Figure 10 with 1 layer of tape between the windings. Continue winding and terminate at pin 1. Note: eliminating the tape between layers will increase capacitance and reduce driver efficiency Grind the core to get the specified inductance. Apply tape to secure both cores. Cut pins 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Apply adhesive item [4] to core and bobbin to prevent core movement. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 11-Jan-12 8 Inductor Design Spreadsheet ACDC_LinkSwitch-PL-BuckBoost_021811; Rev.0.1; INPUT Copyright Power Integrations 2011 ENTER APPLICATION VARIABLES VACMIN 190 VACNOM 230 VACMAX 265 FL 50 VO_MIN 42.00 VO_NOM 48.00 INFO OUTPUT UNIT 190 230 265 50 42.0 48.0 V V V Hz V V VO_MAX 54.00 54.0 V IO 0.090 0.090 A n Z 0.85 0.850 0.5 %/100 Retrofit Lamp Retrofit Lamp Enclosure PO VD 0.50 LinkSwitch-PL DESIGN VARIABLES Device LNK458 4.32 0.5 W V LNK458 TON 1.43 us FSW 60.1 kHz Duty Cycle 8.6 % VDRAIN 449 V IRMS 0.080 A IPK ILIM_MIN 0.784 1.012 A A KDP 1.60 1.58 LinkSwitch-PL EXTERNAL COMPONENT CALCULATIONS RSENSE 3.222 Standard RSENSE 3.24 PSENSE 26.1 ENTER TRANSFORMER CORE/CONSTRUCTION VARIABLES Core Type EE10 EE10 Core Part Number Custom Bobbin Part Number Custom Ohms Ohms mW AE 12.10 12.10 mm^2 LE 26.10 26.10 mm AL 850 850 nH/T^2 6.3 6 mm 694.8 uH BW 6.30 L 6 TRANSFORMER PRIMARY DESIGN PARAMETERS LP Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com ACDC_LinkSwitch-PL-BuckBoost_021811; LinkSwitch-PL Buck-Boost Transformer Design Spreadsheet Minimum AC input voltage Nominal AC input voltage Maximum AC input voltage Minimum line frequency Minimum output voltage tolerance Nominal Output Voltage Maximum output voltage tolerance Average output current specification Total power supply efficiency Loss allocation factor Enclosure selections determines thermal conditions and maximum power Total output power Output diode forward voltage drop Chosen LinkSwitch-PL Device Expected on-time of MOSFET at low line and PO Expected switching frequency at low line and PO Expected operating duty cycle at low line and PO Estimated worst case drain voltage at VACMAX and VO_MAX Nominal RMS current through the switch Worst Case Peak current Minimum device current limit Ratio between off-time of switch and reset time of core at VACNOM Output current sense resistor Closest 1% value for RSENSE Power dissipated by RSENSE Core Type Core Part Number (if Available) Bobbin Part Number (if available) Core Effective Cross Sectional Area Core Effective Path Length Ungapped Core Effective Inductance Bobbin Physical Winding Width Number of winding layers Primary Inductance Page 14 of 34 11-Jan-12 LP Tolerance N DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 5.00 150 5 150 % Turns 31 nH/T^2 3001 Gauss 1500 Gauss 5177 Gauss LG BWE L_IRMS 0.492 37.8 0.254 mm mm A OD 0.25 mm INS 0.05 mm DIA 0.20 mm AWG 32 AWG CM 64 Cmils CMA 252 Cmils/Amp Current Density (J) 7.93 A/mm^2 ALG BM Info BAC BP Warning Tolerance of Primary Inductance Number of Turns Gapped Core Effective Inductance Reduce BM < 3000 G. Decrease BP (increase NP) or increase core size. Worst case AC Flux Density for Core Loss Curves (0.5 X Peak to Peak) !!! Reduce peak flux density (BP < 3600 G) by increasing NP, selecting a bigger core or decreasing KDP Gap Length (Lg > 0.1 mm) Effective Bobbin Width RMS Curren through the inductor Maximum Primary Wire Diameter including insulation Estimated Total Insulation Thickness (= 2 * film thickness) Bare conductor diameter Primary Wire Gauge (Rounded to next smaller standard AWG value) Bare conductor effective area in circular mils Primary Winding Current Capacity (200 < CMA < 500) Inductor Winding Current density (3.8 < J < 9.75 A/mm^2) Output Parameters IRIPPLE IO 0.090 A PIVS 472.2 V Maximum Capacitor Ripple Current Expected Output Current Peak Inverse Voltage at VO_MAX on output diode Note: Peak flux density is limited by slowly increasing the duty cycle of LinkSwitch-PL family during startup. No core saturation occurred when tested for start-up short, running short, with the core temperature raised to 100 ºC. Page 15 of 34 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 11-Jan-12 9 Performance Data All measurements performed at 25 ºC room temperature, 60 Hz input frequency unless otherwise specified. 9.1 Active Mode Efficiency 86.1 86.0 Efficiency (%) 85.9 85.8 85.7 85.6 85.5 85.4 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 Input Voltage (VAC) Figure 9 – Efficiency with Respect to AC Input Voltage. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 16 of 34 11-Jan-12 DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 9.2 Line Regulation The LinkSwitch-PL device regulates the output by controlling the power MOSFET on-time and switching frequency to maintain the average FB pin at its 0.29 V threshold. Slight changes in output current may be observed when input or output conditions are changed or after AC cycling due to the device selecting a slightly different operating state (selection of on-time and frequency). 95.5 Output Current (mA) 95.0 94.5 94.0 93.5 93.0 92.5 92.0 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 Input Voltage (VAC) Figure 10 – Line Regulation, Room Temperature. Page 17 of 34 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 280 DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 9.3 11-Jan-12 Power Factor 1.00 0.98 Power Factor 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.86 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 Input Voltage (VAC) Figure 11 – High Power Factor Within the Operating Range. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 18 of 34 11-Jan-12 9.4 DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG %THD 20.0 19.5 19.0 THD (%) 18.5 18.0 17.5 17.0 16.5 16.0 15.5 15.0 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 Input Voltage (VAC) Figure 12 – Very Low %ATHD Within the Operating Range. Page 19 of 34 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 280 DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 11-Jan-12 9.5 Harmonics The design met the limits for Class C equipment for an active input power of <25 W. In this case IEC61000-3-2 specifies that harmonic currents shall not exceed the limits of Class D equipment1. Therefore the limits shown in the charts below are Class D limits which must not be exceeded to meet Class C compliance. 20 THD Limit 18 Harmonci Current (mA) 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 Harmonic Order Figure 13 – Meets EN61000-3-2 Harmonics Contents Standards for <25 W. 1 IEC6000-3-2 Section 7.3, table 2, column 2. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 20 of 34 11-Jan-12 9.6 DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG Harmonic Measurements V 230 nth Order 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 Page 21 of 34 Freq 50.00 mA Content 24.61 0.05 1.33 1.32 1.52 1.55 1.49 1.32 1.03 0.78 0.55 0.63 0.42 0.38 0.37 0.35 0.34 0.24 0.14 0.21 0.27 I (mA) 25.32 % Content P 5.3680 Limit <25 W 0.19% 5.39% 5.36% 6.17% 6.30% 6.05% 5.38% 4.19% 3.18% 2.22% 2.56% 1.69% 1.53% 1.50% 1.44% 1.36% 0.98% 0.55% 0.84% 1.08% 18.2512 10.1992 5.3680 2.6840 1.8788 1.5898 1.3778 1.2157 1.0877 0.9841 0.8986 0.8267 0.7654 0.7126 0.6667 0.6263 0.5905 0.5586 0.5299 PF 0.9224 Remarks Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 11-Jan-12 9.7 Thermal Scans The scan is conducted at ambient temperature of 25 ºC, 190 VAC / 50 Hz input. Figure 14 – Bottom Side. Hottest Component: U1, 53.3 °C. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Figure 15 – Top Side. Hottest Component: T1, 52.0 °C. Page 22 of 34 11-Jan-12 DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 10 Waveforms 10.1 Drain Voltage and Current, Normal Operation Figure 16 – 190 VAC / 47 Hz, 48 V LED String. Ch1: IDRAIN, 0.2 A / div. Ch2: VDRAIN, 200 V / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Zoom Time Scale: 10 s / div. Figure 17 – 265 VAC / 63 Hz, 48 V LED String. Ch1: IDRAIN, 0.2 A / div. Ch2: VDRAIN, 200 V / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Zoom Time Scale: 10 s / div. 10.2 Drain Voltage and Current Start-up Profile Figure 18 – 190 VAC / 47 Hz, 48 V LED String. Ch1: IDRAIN, 0.2 A / div. Ch2: VDRAIN, 200 V / div. Time Scale: 2 ms / div. Zoom Time Scale: 10 s / div. Page 23 of 34 Figure 19 – 265 VAC / 63 Hz, 48 V LED String. Ch1: IDRAIN, 0.2 A / div. Ch2: VDRAIN, 200 V / div. Time Scale: 2 ms / div. Zoom Time Scale: 10 s / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 11-Jan-12 10.3 Output Voltage Start-up Profile Figure 20 – 190 VAC / 47 Hz, 48 V LED String. Ch1: IIN, 20 mA / div. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IOUT, 50 mA / div. Ch4: VOUT, 20 V / div. Time Scale: 20 ms / div. Figure 21 – 265 VAC / 63 Hz, 48 V LED String. Ch1: IIN, 20 mA / div. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IOUT, 50 mA / div. Ch4: VOUT, 20 V / div. Time Scale: 20 ms / div. 10.4 Input and Output Voltage and Current Profiles Figure 22 – 190 VAC / 50 Hz, 48 V LED String. Ch1: IIN, 20 mA / div. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IOUT, 50 mA / div. Ch4: VOUT, 20 V / div. Time Scale: 10 ms / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Figure 23 – 265 VAC / 50 Hz, 48 V LED String. Ch1: IIN, 20 mA / div. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IOUT, 50 mA / div. Ch4: VOUT, 20 V / div. Time Scale: 10 ms / div. Page 24 of 34 11-Jan-12 DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 10.5 Drain Voltage and Current Profile with Output Shorted Figure 24 – 265 VAC / 50 Hz, 48 V LED String. Ch2: VDRAIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IDRAIN, 0.5 A / div. Time Scale: 1 ms / div. Page 25 of 34 Figure 25 – 265 VAC / 50 Hz, 48 V LED String. Ch2: VDRAIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IDRAIN, 0.5 A / div. Time Scale: 1 ms / div. Zoom Time Scale: 10 s / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 11-Jan-12 10.6 Line Transient Response Figure 26 – 230 VAC / 50 Hz, 48 V LED String. 300 ms On – 300 ms Off Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IOUT, 50 mA / div. Ch4: VOUT, 20 V / div. Time Scale: 1 s / div. Figure 27 – 230 VAC / 50 Hz, 48 V LED String. 1-Cycle Drop-Out Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IOUT, 50 mA / div. Ch4: VOUT, 20 V / div. Time Scale: 50 ms / div. Figure 28 – Line Transient from 190 VAC to 265 VAC. Ch2: VIN, 500 V / div. Ch3: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Ch4: VOUT, 20 V / div. Time Scale: 0.1 s / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 26 of 34 11-Jan-12 DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 10.7 Brown-out Input voltage slew rate of 1 V / s from 190-0-190 VAC / 50 Hz line input variation; no failure observed. Figure 29 – 230 VAC / 50 Hz, 48 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Ch4: VOUT, 20 V / div. Time Scale: 50 s / div. 10.8 Disconnected Load This LED driver is protected by VR1 in case of no-load condition in order to avoid leakage from the output capacitor. Figure 30 – 230 VAC / 50 Hz, 48 V LED String. Ch3: IOUT, 50 mA / div. Ch4: VOUT, 20 V / div. Time Scale: 0.2 s / div. Page 27 of 34 Figure 31 – 265 VAC / 50 Hz, 48 V LED String. Ch3: IOUT, 50 mA / div. Ch4: VOUT, 20 V / div. Time Scale: 0.2 s / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 11-Jan-12 10.9 Line Surge Waveform Figure 32 – 230 VAC / 60 Hz, (+)1 kV Differential Line Surge at 0°. Ch2: VIN, 500 V / div. Ch4: VDS, 200 V / div. Time Scale: 20 s / div. VDS: 591.67 VPK Figure 33 – 230 VAC / 60 Hz, (+)1 kV Differential Line Surge at 90°. Ch2: VIN, 500 V / div. Ch4: VDS, 200 V / div. Time Scale: 20 s / div. VDS: 608.33 VPK Figure 34 – 230 VAC / 60 Hz, (-)1 kV Differential Line Surge at 0°. Ch2: VIN, 500 V / div. Ch4: VDS, 200 V / div. Time Scale: 20 µs / div. VDS: 591.67 VPK. Figure 35 – 230 VAC / 60 Hz, (-)1 kV Differential Line Surge at 90°. Ch2: VIN, 500 V / div. Ch4: VDS, 200 V / div. Time Scale: 20 µs / div. VDS: 541.67 VPK. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 28 of 34 11-Jan-12 DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG Figure 36 – 230 VAC / 60 Hz, (+)2.5 kV Differential Ring Surge at 0°. Ch2: VIN, 500 V / div. Ch4: VDS, 200 V / div. Time Scale: 20 s / div. VDS: 550.00 VPK. Figure 38 – 230 VAC / 60 Hz, (-)2.5 kV Differential Ring Surge at 0°. Ch2: VIN, 500 V / div. Ch4: VDS, 200 V / div. Time Scale: 20 s / div. VDS: 533.33 VPK. Page 29 of 34 Figure 37 – 230 VAC / 60 Hz, (+)2.5 kV Differential Ring Surge at 90°. Ch2: VIN, 500 V / div. Ch4: VDS, 200 V / div. Time Scale: 20 s / div. VDS: 566.67 VPK. Figure 39 – 230 VAC / 60 Hz, (-)2.5 kV Differential Ring Surge at 90°. Ch2: VIN, 500 V / div. Ch4: VDS, 200 V / div. Time Scale: 20 s / div. VDS: 558.33 VPK. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 11-Jan-12 11 Line Surge Input voltage was set at 230 VAC / 60 Hz. Output was loaded with 48 V LED string and operation was verified following each surge event. Differential input line 1.2 / 50 s surge testing was completed on one test unit to IEC61000-4-5. Surge Level (V) +1000 -1000 +1000 -1000 Input Voltage (VAC) 230 230 230 230 Injection Location L to N L to N L to N L to N Injection Phase (°) 0 0 90 90 Test Result (Pass/Fail) Pass Pass Pass Pass Differential input line ring surge testing was completed on one test unit to IEC61000-4-5. Surge Level (V) +2500 -2500 +2500 -2500 Input Voltage (VAC) 230 230 230 230 Injection Location L to N L to N L to N L to N Injection Phase (°) 0 0 90 90 Test Result (Pass/Fail) Pass Pass Pass Pass Unit passes under all test conditions. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 30 of 34 11-Jan-12 DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 12 Conducted EMI 12.1 Equipment Receiver: Rohde & Schwartz ESPI - Test Receiver (9 kHz – 3 GHz) Model No: ESPI3 LISN: Rohde & Schwartz Two-Line-V-Network Model No: ENV216 12.2 EMI Test Set-up LED driver is placed in a conical metal housing (for self-ballasted lamps; CISPR15 Edition 7.2). Figure 40 – Conducted Emissions Measurement Set-up Showing Conical Ground Plane Inside which UUT was Mounted. Page 31 of 34 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 11-Jan-12 12.3 EMI Test Result dBµV 100 kHz 120 EN55015Q LIMIT CHECK 110 1 QP CLRWR 1 MHz PASS 10 MHz SGL 100 90 2 AV CLRWR TDF 80 70 60 EN55015A 50 6DB 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 9 kHz 30 MHz Trace1: EDIT PEAK LIST (Final Measurement Results) EN55015Q Trace2: EN55015A Trace3: --- TRACE FREQUENCY LEVEL dBµV DELTA LIMIT dB 2 Average 65.1922382836 kHz 10.99 N gnd 2 Average 132.133649648 kHz 22.93 L1 gnd 1 Quasi Peak 192.364799253 kHz 56.06 L1 gnd 2 Average 196.231331718 kHz 47.61 L1 gnd -6.15 1 Quasi Peak 256.711570318 kHz 48.95 L1 gnd -12.58 2 Average 259.278686021 kHz 39.69 N gnd -11.76 1 Quasi Peak 319.532962956 kHz 45.94 L1 gnd -13.77 2 Average 322.728292586 kHz 34.63 L1 gnd -15.00 1 Quasi Peak 386.030632509 kHz 43.63 L1 gnd -14.51 2 Average 386.030632509 kHz 33.11 L1 gnd -15.03 2 Average 452.651275966 kHz 31.04 L1 gnd -15.77 1 Quasi Peak 461.749566613 kHz 40.97 L1 gnd -15.68 1 Quasi Peak 525.514079005 kHz 40.72 L1 gnd -15.27 1 Quasi Peak 759.408030975 kHz 39.14 L1 gnd -16.85 1 Quasi Peak 855.719977385 kHz 40.06 L1 gnd -15.93 1 Quasi Peak 917.447639259 kHz 41.60 L1 gnd -14.39 1 Quasi Peak 1.16491505578 MHz 46.10 L1 gnd -9.89 2 Average 1.1883298484 MHz 33.48 L1 gnd -12.51 2 Average 4.46354295875 MHz 30.82 L1 gnd -15.17 2 Average 4.55326017222 MHz 30.96 L1 gnd -15.03 -7.87 Figure 41 – Conducted EMI, 48 V / 90 mA Steady-State Load, 230 VAC, 60 Hz, and EN55015 Limits. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 32 of 34 11-Jan-12 DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 13 Revision History Date 11-Jan-12 Page 33 of 34 Author DS Revision 1.0 Description and Changes Initial Release Reviewed Apps & Mktg Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-304 4.5 W Buck-Boost Power Supply Using LNK458KG 11-Jan-12 For the latest updates, visit our website: www.powerint.com Power Integrations reserves the right to make changes to its products at any time to improve reliability or manufacturability. Power Integrations does not assume any liability arising from the use of any device or circuit described herein. POWER INTEGRATIONS MAKES NO WARRANTY HEREIN AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. 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