‘REPARED BY: ,PPROVED BY: DATE SPEC No. FILE SHARF’ DATE LIQUID SHARP CRYSTAL DISPLAY GROUP CORPORATION f DEVICE SPECIFICATION Jun. 29. 1995 17 Rages : APPLICABLE Liquid GROUP Crystal Display Group SPECIFICATION I No. ISSUE: PACE LD7620 FOR TFT-LCDmodule I 0 MODEL No. I LQ9D161 CUSTOMER’S APPROVAL DATE BY H. FUKIJOKA’ Department Engineering General Manager Department 2 TFf‘LCD Developmeyt Center LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY SHARP CORPORATION ” GROUP RECORDS OF REVISION --. 1. Application This specification appl ies to a color _-- TFT-LCD module. LQ9D161. 2. Overview This module is a color active matrix LCD module incorporating amorphous silicon TFTs (Thin Film Transistors). This module is composed of a low-reflection-type color TFT-LCD power supply circuit and a backlight unit. Graphics panel, driver ICs. control circuit. and texts can be displayed on a 640x3~480 dots panel with 4,096 colors by supplying 12 bit data signals(4bit/color). four timing signals. t3.3V DC supply voltage for TFT-LCD panel driving and supply voltage for backlight. But, a DC/AC inverter for backlight-driving is NOT built Optimum viewing direction in this module. is 6 o’clock. [Features] @ Low driving voltage and low power consumption. @I Gall footprint and thin shape. @I Light weight. @I Low surface reflection. It 3. Mechanical Specifications Parameter Display size Active area Pixel format Pixel pitch Pixel arrangement Display mode Unit outline dimensions Mass Surface treatment Specifications 21 (8. 4”) Diagonal 170. 9(H) y 129. 6(V) 640(H) .u;480(V) (1 pixel=R+C+B dots) 0.267(H) x 0.270(V) R. G. B vertical stripe Normally white *l 216.O(W)x152.4(H)x7.3(D) 3302 10 Anti-glare. hard-coating(2H) low-reflection(%5%) Haze value 25+5 tl Note: excluding backlight cables and mounting tabs. The outline.dimensions is shown in Fig.1 Unit cm mm pixels mm mm g and .I 36 - 4. Input Terainals 4-1. TFT-LCD panel driving The module-side connector:DFSBA-31P-1V (Hirose Electric Co.. Ltd. > The user-side connector :DFSZ-31S-1V ( n 1, c is blank. A or B. CNl Function 1 Remark ’ Pin No.1 Symbolj 1 RED data signal (LSB) 1 IRO I GiJD 2 RED data signal 3 Rl Vsync Vertical synchronous signal 4 (Note11 RED data signal 5 R2 Hsync Horizontal synchronous signal (Note11 6 1 7 1 R3 1 RED data signal MB) I I CND 8 GND 9 Clock signal for sampling each data signal 10 CK GREENdata signal (LSB) -11 GO GND 12 GREENdata signal 13 Gl This should be electrically opened during operatinr 14 TST GND 15 TST ) This should be electrically opened during operatio? 16 17 G2 / GREENdata signal / opened during ope.ratio{ 18 ) TST / This should be electrically 1GREENdata signal (NSB) 19 t G3 1 20 1 CPID 1 I I 1 21 1 GI’JD i 22 1 vcc ( -+3.3V power supply 23 I BO / BLUE data signal (LSBI 24 -vcc 1 +nv poll& supply 25 Bl BLUE data signal TST This should be electrically opened during operatior 26 GND 27 ENAB Signal to settle the horizontal display position 28 [Note21 BLUE data signal 29 B2 30 ( GND 1 ., ) BLUE data signal !KB) 31 lB3 34iThe shielding case is connected with GND in the module. . [Note 11 One of 480-. 400- and 350-line mnde is selected depending on the polari tg combination of the both synchronous signals. (Note21 The horizontal display start timing is settled in accord&e with a rising edge of ENAB signal. Jn case ENAB is fixed “Low”, the horizontal display start timing is ‘determined as described in 7-2. Do not keep ENAB “High” during operation. - 4-2. Backlight driving The module-side connector :BHR-03Wl(JST) :SM02(8. O>B-BIIS(JS-0 The user-side connector CN2 function Pin no. symbol 1 1 V11IGII Power supply for lamp (High voltage side) V C.~K Power supply for 3 lamp (Low voltage side) 5. Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note11 CK. ROzR3.GOG3,80~83. Hsync. Vsync, ENAB (Note‘21 Humidity : 95%RHMax. at Tas4O’C. Maximum wet-bulb temperature at 39’c or less at Ta>40%. No condensation. 6. Electrical 6-l. I Characteristics TFT-LCD panel driving Parameter /vcc -:iz;22z Permissive input ripple 1 Input voltage (Low) Input voltage (High) Input current (low) Input current (High) voltage Symbol( hlin. vcc +3.0 ICC v RP Vr,. V ,,, IO,. IO,,, / 1 TYP. ) +3.3 105 - 0. 7vcc - 1 - Ta = 25°C 1 Max.. 1 Unit 1 Remark +3.6 V ) [Notell m A ’ (Note21 350 mVp-p Vcc 100 0.3vcc v [Note31 v 1. 0 v,=ov fl A [Note31 / 1.0 / ,u A 1 ;;F=;;, I-? AI” . vcc vcc [Note11 On-off condition for supply voltage O<tlSlOmsec 0<t25 1Omsec O( t3Slsec t4ZlOmsec data vcc Vcc-dip conditions s’ zz -7 & oi s 1 1) 2.4v S vcc < 2.8V td 5 1Omsec 2) vcc < 2.4v Vcc-dip conditions td 43 shoud also follow the Vcc-turn-on conditions (Note21 The typical value of ICC is measured in the following condition. Black pat tern. All of the timing parameters are typical value (480 line mode). vcc=t3.3v (Note31 CK.RO-R3. GOG3, BO-B3. Hsync. Vsync. ENAB (Note41 CK. RO-R3.GO-G3 BO>B3.Hsync. Vsync (Note51 ENAB 6-2. Bach1 igh t driving ‘. The backlight system is an edge-lighting type with single Fluorescent Tube). The characteristics of the lamp installed in the following table. - - Lamp life time LI. 1oooc tl: Luminance of white YL= 70cd/m’(Typ.) *2: Luminance of white Y,.=140cdimz(Typ.) (Note11 Lamp current is measured with a current below. CCFT (Gold Cathode in the module are shown 1000 Vrms Ta=OC hour (Note41 .I meter for high frequency *3pin is VI.W as shown LD7620-5 (Note21 ralcutated value ior reference. (IL:<~I.> (Note31 Lamp frequency may produce interference with horizontal synchronous frequency, and this may cause beat on the display. Therefore lamp frequency shall be detached as much as possible from the horizontal synchronous frequency and from the harmonics of horizontal synchronous to avoid interference. [Noted] Lamp life time(Ll.) is defined as the time when either 0 or Q) occurs in the continuous operation under the condition of Ta=25’Cand 11.=5.SmArms. Q Brightness becomes 50% of the original value. @I Kick-off voltage at Ta=O’C exceeds maximumvalue. 1000 Vrms. Note) The performance of the backlight. for example life time or brightness, is much influenced by the characteristics of the DC-ACinverter for the lamp. lhen you design or order the inverter. please make sure that a poor lighting caused by the mismatch of the backlight and the inverter (miss-lighting, flicker, etc.) never occur. Whenyou confirm it, the module should be operated in the same condition as it is installed in your instrument. 7. Timing Characteristics of input signals The timing diagrams of the input signals are shown in Fig.2-Q-0,. 7-l. Timing characteristics Note) In case of lower frequency, the deterioration etc., may be occurred. of the display. quality, flicker LD7620-6 7-2. Horizontal display position The horizontal display position is determined by ENABsignal and the input data corresponding to the rising edge of ENAB signal is displayed at the left end of the active area. Parameter ENAB signal Setup time Pulse width Hsync-ENAB signal phase difference Note) Remark Symbol! Mode) Min. ) Typ. 1 Max. 1 Unit Tes 1 all 1 s j Tc-10 ns 640 clock Tw ) * 1 2 1 640 Tile ‘I 44 clock 164 Yhen ENAB is fixed “‘Low”. the display starts from the data of ClO4(clock) as shown in Fig. 2-Q-Q. Be careful that the module do noJ work when ENABis fixed “High’. 7-3. Vertical display position The vertical display position is automatically centered in the active area at each mode of VGA. 480-, 400- and 350-line mode. Each mode is selected depending on the polarity of the synchronous signals described in 4-l (Notel). In each mode, the data of TVn is displayed at the top line of the active area. And the display position will be centered on the screen like the following figure when the period of vertical synchronous signal. TV. is typical value. In 400- and 350-line mode. the data in the vertical data invalid period is also displayed. So, inputting all data “0” is recommendedduring vertical data invalid period. ENAB signal has no relation to the vertical display position. mode V-data start(TVs) 480 34 400 34 350 61 V-data period(TVd)!/ V-display start(TVn) Unit 1 Remark 480 ,I 34 line 400 443-TV line 350 i 445-TV . line data invalid period : 631 ines k da ra period data period JODlines f I data invalid NO-line period node (TV4491 350lines Miines c 4 data invalid 3X-line period mode (TV-449 Glines + t 7-4. Input Data Signals and Display Display pnsition Position on the screen of input data (W-line (H-V) mode) UP lDl.DH3t Dl. DIN30 I DMO. DW 1, Data signal (PD-RX co-CJ. lwU3) Borizoatal sync. signal (Bsync) Vertical sgnc. signal Usync) llorizontal invalid *IMy .bca EWIIICIrr~illsl Data enable signal (ENAU) Data signal (PO-IKI. CD-C3. uD-u:i) Clock signal (CL) Eorizoatal sync. signal tllsrIx9 data period Fig.2~(iJ Input signal waveforms (480-line Tell mode) 3. Huawr of I Juru Verrical invalid data period (Rll-RX Data signal Glwx. signal (Vsync) signal (ENAB) enable CD-C3. signal (a) Horizontal sync. signal (llsync) Vertical Data (PO-iti. Data Clock sync. Borironral au-sa, . . signal BD-BJ) ! il. vcc Uorizontal e Vertical invalid jbvalid Tip $ data data period period Tile m Fig. 2-Q y I Dl Input DL! ic signal ' IL1 TM Il. 3bcc U.7)CC DIP DH3 __ . . . . _ I Dfi (I mode) .____.__._.--_ .._._..-_....._ TVd DKI!) waveforms (400-line DUI TV I % d Porizontal ,I Jr, 11 Ferrical invalld ddtrl invalid periad ddt;~ I period u lbcr b -4 0 1‘3 0 I CD (R(I-Ii:{. Dara sync. signal CO-C;I. signal (Bsync) signal (Vsync) signal BD-B3, . - signal MI-US) (ENAB) enable GO-CJ. signal ICC) Uorizonral sync. signal (Usync) Vertical Dara (PB-P3. Data Cl03 sync. liorizontal ! Norizonral TVh , Il. 3Ycr < k invalld TVP :-Vertical t- data period inralid % Tile ?vCC period Tes _ Fig. 2-o dara t, Input signal waverorms (350-line TV Tw H DfW B mode) . . . . ..-v-m..-.. . .._.._______.- 06 DHA4!I Horizontal DIU~D invalid Verrlcal data period invalid dara perrod u. 3VCC 8. Input Signals. Basic Display Colors and Gray Scale of Each Color Color & Gray scale(GS) Black Blue Green Light blue Red Purple Brighter 0 I GS - RO Rl 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 - 111110 1 1 1 GS13 GS14 Data signal R2 R3 GO Cl G2 G3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1111 0 O/l 111 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 IO 0 0 0 0 0 0 BO Bl I32 83 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 011 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0: Low level voltage 1: High leve voltage 0 1 1:e 1 1 1 Blue GSl5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 basic color can be displayed in 16 gray scales from 4 bit data signals. According to the combination of total 12 bit data signals, the 4.096-colors display * can be achieved on the screen. P 9. Optical Characteristics Ta=25T.Vcc=+3.3V late) The measurement shall be executed 30 minutes after lighting at rating. The optical characteristics shall be measured in a dark room or equivalent state with the method shown in Fig. 3. Photode tee tor (BM-5A: TOPCON) *,‘..\ 1 -3 1: I LCD panei i TFT-LCD module . .... . I ..._............ .. ~ ._._........._.__..__-.....-........... _....-- ....Center of Fig.3 Optical characteristics .. ::: the screen measurement method 4- [Notell Definitions of viewing angle range: Jormal line a12 9, --*-... e’l e21 J$Jj%y _a-’ A- 6 o’clock direction (Note21 Definition of contrast,ratio: The contrast ratio is defined as the foliowing. Luminance (brightness) ‘Ontrast Rat1o (CR) = Luminance (brightness) of “white” of “black” (Note31 Definitions of response time: The response time is defined as the following figure and shall be measured by switching the input signal for “black” and "white". (Note41 This shall be measured at center of the screen. (Note51 Definition of white uniformity: White uniformity is defined as the following by five-point(AsE) measurements. Maximum Luminance of five-point bw = Minimum Luminance of five-point 10. Display Quality The display quality Inspect ion Standard. data data .d of the color TFT-LCD module shall be in compliance with the Incoming 11. Handling Precautions a) Laminated film is attached to the module surface to prevent it from being scratched. Peel the film off slowly. just before the use. with strict attention to electrostatic changes. Ionized air shall be blowed over during the action. Blow off ‘dust’ on the polarizer by using an ionized nitrogen gun. etc. b) Be sure to turn off the power supply and signal when inserting or disconnecting the cable. c) Since LCD panel is made of glass. it may break or crack if it’s dropped or bumped. Handle with care. d) The thin liquid crystal layer is packed in the LCD panel. This layer may be disturbed by the external force when the panel surface is pushed strongly and this disturbance may cause the transient display non-uniformity. So do not push the panel surface so strongly. e) Be sure to design the cabinet so that the module can be instalied without any extra stress such as warp or twist. f) Since the front polarizer is easily damaged. pay attention not to scratch it. Long contact with water may cause discoloration g) lipe off water drop immediately. or spots. h) Rhen the panel surface is soiled. wipe it with absorbent cotton or other soft cloth. i) Since CMOSLSIs are used in this module. take care of static electricity and ensure the humanearth when handling. j,) Observe all other precautionary requirements in handling co?ponents. 12. Packing form a) Piling number of cartons : MAX. 7 ._ b) Package quantity in one carton : MX. 10 c) Carton size : 374(1)xZ54(HJx314!D)mm d)Total weight of 1 carton filled with full modules : 4900 g Packing form is shown in Fig. 4. 13. Reliability test items : 58%500ffGravi ty : 9. 8m/s2 Sweep time : 11 minutes Test period : 3 hours (1 hour for each direction of X, Y, 2 (non-operating) Direction : CX.+Y. fZ once for each direction. [Evaluation Criteria] . There shall be no change which may affect Display Quality Test conditions. the practical -. use of this display under the 14. Others 1) Lot No. Label: 2) Adjusting volume have been set optimally before shipment, so do not change any adjusted value. If adjusted value is changed. the data mentioned in this technical literature may not be satisfied. .3) Disassembling the module can cause permanent damage and should be strictly avoided. 4) Please be careful since image retention may occur when a fixed pattern is displayed for a long time. 51 If any problem occur in relation to the description of this specifjcation. it shall be resolved through discussion with spirit of cooperation. electricity Partition Fig. 4 Packing form f 0 --t-i , I ! PIN LAYOUT(6Opins) CONNECTOR u I i D I -J--.--l----.----------~------------------~! i ! I I ! I ! i ! I I I I I ! ! r--------------------~----- CN~:FXB-~OS-SV(HIR~SE) INTERFACE - -- - \ --_ 308. BEZEL -Lz, ZXI1Z. OPENlHG 30‘. t 1X*,78. i I I ! f I I -i-r- I .i _ I I I 1 -2 CCFT CONNECTOR Figl.OUTLlNE 0 NOTES DIMENSIONS II D : ] .^ --_- .“.,, : &, _-_-_-_-___ .----_ -.-. r R.--..-.--.--..---I j l-n-- SECT. A B I Fut “ETA,L DETAIL !!. .__-’ , x N .I &&&, vi ! 4 : 1 .-,’ \,SEE C-C I-R SCALE=Z:’ SCALE=Z:I SPACE AROUND CONNECTOI! ACTIVE I NOTES ~14,:0F9--31P-1~ CIIZ: BIIR-03VS-1 (HIROSE) (JST) 1)TOLEAANCE 2)TOLERANCE 3)TULERANCE 4)TOLERANCE 5)OBLIOUITY X-DIRECTION X-DIRECTION Y-DIRECTION Y-DIRECTION OF DISPLAY A:2. 8:2. C:Z. D:Z. AREA AREA SlfO. 8 51fO. E 5fO. 8 SfO. 6 IE-FI<O. 8