DA9122.002 7 September, 2001 MAS9122 3 Outputs LDO Voltage Regulator IC • Three Low Dropout Voltage Regulators • Very Low Noise: 25 µVrms • High Ripple Rejection: 63 dB • Very Low Crosstalk • Low Ground Pin Current • Regulator Enable/Disable Control DESCRIPTION MAS9122 is a three output voltage regulator. It is designed for three different output voltages, which can be modified through a mask option. Regulators operating mode is controlled by two enable/disable pins. The circuit consists of a bandgap voltage reference, an error amplifier, a current limit circuit and a thermal protection circuit. MAS9122 features very low ground pin current: typically less than 1.5 µA sleep mode current and typical 125 µA for one regulator in active mode. Excellent noise and PSRR performance enables the use of MAS9122 in high precision portable devices. Low crosstalk between regulators provides an area efficient solution compared to single regulators. FEATURES • • • • • • APPLICATION • Three Regulators at 135 mA, 70 mA and 50 mA Output Options 2.70, 2.85 and 3.00 V, see Ordering Information p. 12 Low Noise: 20 µVrms Typical and 30 µVrms Maximum for All Regulators over Frequency Range 100 Hz…100 kHz Fast Dynamic Response Output Voltage Accuracy < ±2.0 % MSOP-8 Package • • • • Systems Requiring Stabilized Power in Separate Blocks Cordless Phones Mobile Phones Portable Systems Battery Powered Systems BLOCK DIAGRAM VIN ENA & LDO_A 135 mA OUT A & LDO_B 70 mA OUT B & LDO_C 50 mA OUT C ENBC Temperature Protection ORgate & GND Bandgap Reference VREF 1 (12) DA9122.002 7 September, 2001 PIN CONFIGURATION OUTA 1 OUTC 2 ENBC 3 ENA 8 OUTB 9122 AXWW Top View 4 7 VIN 6 GND 5 VRF Top Marking Information: AX = voltage version, see p.12 Ordering information WW = week PIN DESCRIPTION Pin Name Pin Type OUTA OUTC ENBC ENA VREF GND VIN OUTB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 O O I I O P P O Function 135 mA Regulator Output 50 mA Regulator Output Enable for Regulators B and C Enable for Regulator A Reference Voltage: Pin for Bypass Capacitor Ground Positive Supply Voltage 70 mA Regulator Output G = Ground, I = Input, O = Output, P = Power 2 (12) DA9122.002 7 September, 2001 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS All Voltages with Respect to Ground Parameter Symbol Supply Voltage Voltage Range for All Pins ESD Rating Junction Temperature Conditions VIN Min Max Unit −0.3 −0.3 6 VIN + 0.3 2 175 V V kV o C HBM TJmax (limited) Storage Temperature −55 TS +150 o C Stresses beyond those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. The device may not operate under these conditions, but will not be destroyed. Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Max Unit Supply Voltage VIN VOUT(NOM) + 0.25 5.3 V Operating Junction Temperature Operating Ambient Temperature TJ −40 +125 °C TA −40 +85 °C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TA = -40°C to +85°C, typical values at TA = +27°C, VIN = 4.5 V, IOUT = 1.0 mA, CIN = 1.0 µF, CL = 1.0 µF, CBYPASS = 10 nF, VCTRL = 2.0 V, unless otherwise specified. ◆ Thermal Protection Parameter Threshold High Threshold Low Symbol Conditions TH TL Min Typ Max 130 150 170 o 160 o 120 140 Unit C C The hysteresis of 10 oC prevents the device from turning on too soon after thermal shut-down. ◆ Control Pin Parameters Parameter Symbol Input Voltage ENA, ENBC ON-state OFF-state Conditions Min Typ −0.3 Max Unit VIN + 0.3 V 2.0 0.3 If CTRL-pin is not connected, the particular regulator(s) is/are in OFF state (900 kΩ pull-down resistor to ground). 3 (12) DA9122.002 7 September, 2001 ◆ Current Parameters Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit LDO_A Continuous Output Current IOUTA 0 135 mA LDO_B Continuous Output Current IOUTB 0 70 mA LDO_C Continuous Output Current IOUTC 0 50 mA Short Circuit Current for LDO_A ISHORTA 350 mA Short Circuit Current for LDO_B ISHORTB 265 mA Short Circuit Current for LDO_C ISHORTC 230 mA Ground Pin Current IGND(OFF) Ground Pin Current IGND(ONA) Ground Pin Current IGND(ONBC) Ground Pin Current IGND(ONABC) 2 IOUT = 0 A, VENA,ENBC < 0.3 V, VIN= 3.6 IOUT = 0 A, VENA > 2 V, VENBC < 0.3 V, VIN = 3.6 IOUT = 0 A, VENA < 0.3 V, VENBC > 2 V, VIN = 3.6 IOUT = 0 A, VENA, ENBC > 2 V VIN = 3.6 4 µA 125 µA 170 µA 245 µA ◆ Voltage Parameters Parameter Output Voltage: Mask option for 2.85 V LDO_A Dropout Voltage LDO_B Dropout Voltage LDO_C Dropout Voltage Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit VOUTA Max IOUT = 135 mA 2.85 – 3% 2.85 2.85 + 2% V VOUTA,B,C 2.85 – 2% 2.85 2.85 + 2% V VDROPB Max IOUTA = 100 mA, Max IOUTB = 70 mA, Max IOUTC = 50 mA IOUTA = 135 mA IOUTA = 100 mA IOUTB = 70 mA VDROPC IOUTC = 50 mA VDROPA 220 180 165 mV mV 150 mV ◆ External Capacitors Parameter Symbol Output Capacitors for all Regulators Effective Series Resistance Bypass Capacitor COUTA,B,C ESR CBYPASS Conditions Min Typ 0.8 0.01 1 0.1 10 Max Unit µF 2 Ω nF ◆ Power Dissipation Parameter Symbol Conditions Junction to Case Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient Thermal Resistance RJC RJA typical PC board mounting, still air Maximum Power Dissipation Pd any ambient temperature Min Pd MAX = Typ Max Unit 39 °C/W 206 °C/W TJ (MAX) − TA R JA mW Note 1 Note 1: TJ(MAX) denotes maximum operating junction temperature (+125°C), TA ambient temperature, and RJA junction-to-ambient thermal resistance (+206°C/W). 4 (12) DA9122.002 7 September, 2001 ◆ Load Regulation Parameter Symbol Conditions Load Regulation LDO_A Min 0 mA < IOUT < 135 mA 0 mA < IOUT < 100 mA 0 mA < IOUT < 70 mA 0 mA < IOUT < 50 mA Load Regulation LDO_B Load Regulation LDO_C Typ Max Unit 22 22 21 13 50 30 25 22 mV mV mV Typ Max Unit 0.40 1.2 mV Typ Max Unit ◆ Line Regulation Parameter Symbol Line Regulation for all LDOs Conditions Min IOUT = IMAX ,VIN from 5.3 V to 3.1 V ◆ PSRR Parameter Symbol Conditions PSRR for all LDOs Min IOUT = Max IOUT VIN = 3.6 V f = 1 kHz f = 10 kHz 47 75 63 Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit VNO 100 Hz < f < 100 kHz 25 30 µVrms Symbol Conditions Typ Max Unit dB ◆ Noise and Crosstalk Parameter Noise Voltage for all LDOs ◆ Dynamic Parameters Parameter Start-up Delay (from enabling LDO_A to 90% * VOUT(NOM) , other LDOs at ON state) (Note 2) Overshoot Settling Time (from 90% * VOUT(NOM)A to max ±0.1% fluctuation) Min VENA from < 0.3 V to > 2.0 V, VENBC > 2.0 V, IOUT = Max IOUT, COUTA = 1 µF 25 µs VENA from < 0.3 V to > 2.0 V, VENBC > 2.0 V, IOUT = Max IOUT, COUTA = 1 µF VENA from < 0.3 V to > 2.0 V, VENBC > 2.0 V, IOUT = Max IOUT, COUTA = 1 µF, w/o CBYPASS 1 % 200 µs Note 2: When all regulators are disabled the start-up delay is a function of a bypass capacitor. Typically 0.5 ms for 10 nF capacitor. 50% TRL overshoot 90% VOUT start-up delay settling time Figure 1. Definitions of start-up delay, overshoot and settling time. 5 (12) DA9122.002 7 September, 2001 APPLICATION INFORMATION VIN 3.1 V ... 5.3 V VIN 1 uF OUTA OUTB MAS9122 1 uF VREF ENA 1 uF OUTC ENBC 1 uF 10 nF GND See also table External Capacitors on p. 4. FUNCTIONS ◆ Reference voltage The device is supplied with 3.1 V to 5.3 V battery under normal conditions. An internal bandgap voltage reference is routed via 20 kOhm resistor to an external pin, where a filter capacitor can be connected in order to reduce noise level of all regulators. The startup time of the reference voltage is then determined by the value of the bypass capacitor at pin VREF. ◆ Enable pins Each regulator can be enabled/disabled by two enable pins ENA and ENBC. Pin ENA controls regulator LDO_A and pin ENBC controls both regulator LDO_B and LDO_C. If both enable pins are forced low, the whole circuit goes into power saving sleep-mode. In the table below all functional modes are presented. ◆ Regulators The device contains three low dropout CMOS regulators, with maximum output currents of 135 mA, 70 mA and 50 mA. Three different output voltage options are available by mask option: 2.70 V, 2.85 V and 3.00 V. ◆ Logic Table for Enable Inputs ENA ENBC LDO_A LDO_B LDO_C VREF 1 1 ON ON ON ON 1 0 ON OFF OFF ON 0 1 OFF ON ON ON 0 0 OFF OFF OFF OFF 6 (12) DA9122.002 7 September, 2001 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE 4.5 15 Vin(V) 10 4 5 3.5 0 -5 3 -10 Delta Vout (mV) 2.8535 2.853 2.8525 2.852 2.8515 2.851 2.8505 Vout (V) 2.85 2.8495 2.849 2.8485 -15 2.5 -20 2 0 10 20 30 0 50 100 Time (us) 150 200 250 300 -25 350 Time (us) Figure 2. LDO_C line transient for 1 V change at supply voltage. Figure 5. LDO_A load transient response to maximum output current with 10 µs steps (IOUT max 100 mA). NOTE: With 135 mA current the overshoot values and lengths will grow by 30% compared to 100 mA current. 450 15 400 5 300 0 250 -5 200 -10 150 Delta Vout (mV) Noise voltage (nV/sqrt(Hz)) 10 350 -15 100 -20 50 0 100 0 1000 10000 50 100 100000 200 250 300 -25 350 Time (us) Frequency (Hz) Figure 3. Regulator output noise density. 150 Figure 6. LDO_B load transient response to maximum output current with 10 µs steps. 2.86 15 2.855 2.85 2.845 2.84 -40 5 0 -5 -10 Delta Vout (mV) Output voltage (V) 10 -15 -20 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Temperature Figure 4. Regulator output voltage temperature dependency. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 -25 350 Time (us) Figure 7. LDO_C load transient response to maximum output current with 10 µs steps. 7 (12) DA9122.002 7 September, 2001 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE 25 2.86 Load regulation (mV) ldo_a and ldo_b outputs (V) 2.88 20 2.84 2.82 LDO_A LDO_B LDO_C 15 2.80 2.78 10 2.76 2.74 5 2.72 0 -40 2.70 0 500 1000 1500 -20 0 20 Figure 8. LDO_A start-up, overshoot and cross-coupling to LDO_B. LDO_A LDO_B LDO_C 200 150 100 50 Short circuit current (mA) Dropout voltage (mV) 360 340 LDO_A 320 300 280 260 LDO_B 240 LDO_C 220 200 -20 0 20 40 60 3 80 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Supply voltage (V) Temperature Figure 9. Dropout voltage temperature dependency with maximum output current. Figure 12. Short circuit current variation vs. supply voltage. 450 120 max. load 400 350 300 250 minload Ground Pin Current (uA) Ground Pin Current (uA) 80 Figure 11. Load regulation vs. temperature. 250 200 -40 60 Temperature Time (100 us/Div) 0 -40 40 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Temperature Figure 10. Total ground pin current vs. temperature. 0 20 40 60 80 100 Output current (mA) Figure 13. LDO_A ground pin current vs. output current. 8 (12) DA9122.002 7 September, 2001 PACKAGE (MSOP-8) OUTLINE Gage plane F E1 E Land Pattern Recommendation P R A Q L A R1 N e c D G A2 c1 M b1 (b) A A1 Section A - A b Symbol Min A A1 A2 b b1 c c1 D E E1 e F G L (Terminal length for soldering) M N P Q R R1 0 0.75 0.22 0.22 0.08 0.08 0.40 Nom 0.85 0.30 3.00 BSC 4.90 BSC 3.00 BSC 0.65 BSC 4.8 0.65 0.60 Max Unit 1.10 0.15 0.95 0.38 0.33 0.23 0.18 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 0.80 0.41 1.02 0° mm mm 8° 0.25 BSC 0.07 0.07 mm mm mm Dimensions do not include mold or interlead flash, protrusions or gate burrs. All measurement according to JEDEC standard MO-187. 9 (12) DA9122.002 7 September, 2001 SOLDERING INFORMATION Resistance to Soldering Heat Maximum Reflow Temperature Maximum Number of Reflow Cycles Seating Plane Co-planarity Lead Finish According to RSH test IEC 68-2-58/20 2*220°C 235°C 2 max 0.08 mm Solder plate 7.62 - 25.4 µm, material Sn 85% Pb 15% EMBOSSED TAPE SPECIFICATIONS P1 T DO PO P2 E W F BO A AO KO D1 Section A-A User Direction of Feed Pin 1 Designator Dimension Min/Max Unit Ao Bo Do D1 E F Ko Po P1 P2 T W 5.00 ±0.10 3.20 ±0.10 1.50 +0.1/-0.0 1.50 min 1.75 5.50 ±0.05 1.45 ±0.10 4.0 8.0 ±0.10 2.0 ±0.05 0.3 ±0.05 12.00 +0.30/-0.10 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 10 (12) DA9122.002 7 September, 2001 REEL SPECIFICATIONS W2 A D C Tape Slot for Tape Start N B W1 5000 Components on Each Reel Reel Material: Conductive, Plastic Antistatic or Static Dissipative Carrier Tape Material: Conductive Cover Tape Material: Static Dissipative Carrier Tape Cover Tape End Start Trailer Dimension A B C D N W 1 (measured at hub) W 2 (measured at hub) Trailer Leader Weight Leader Components Min 1.5 12.80 20.2 50 12.4 Max Unit 330 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 13.50 14.4 18.4 160 390, of which minimum 160 mm of empty carrier tape sealed with cover tape 1500 g 11 (12) DA9122.002 7 September, 2001 ORDERING INFORMATION Product Code MAS9122ASM2-T MAS9122ASM3-T MAS9122ASM4-T Product Top Marking (ax) Package Comments 3 x 2.70 V LDO Voltage Regulator IC 3 x 2.85 V LDO Voltage Regulator IC 3 x 3.00 V LDO Voltage Regulator IC A2 A3 A4 MSOP-8 MSOP-8 MSOP-8 Tape & Reel Tape & Reel Tape & Reel For more voltage options contact Micro Analog Systems Oy. LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR MICRO ANALOG SYSTEMS OY CONTACTS Micro Analog Systems Oy Kamreerintie 2, P.O.Box 51 FIN-02771 Espoo, FINLAND http://www.mas-oy.com Tel. (09) 80 521 Tel. Int. +358 9 80 521 Telefax +358 9 805 3213 E-mail: info@mas-oy.com NOTICE Micro Analog Systems Oy reserves the right to make changes to the products contained in this data sheet in order to improve the design or performance and to supply the best possible products. Micro Analog Systems Oy assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuits shown in this data sheet, conveys no license under any patent or other rights unless otherwise specified in this data sheet, and makes no claim that the circuits are free from patent infringement. Applications for any devices shown in this data sheet are for illustration only and Micro Analog Systems Oy makes no claim or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the use specified without further testing or modification. 12 (12)