19-2287; Rev 0; 1/02 Quad Bus LVDS Transceiver The MAX9157’s high-impedance I/Os (except for receiver outputs) when VCC = 0 or open, combined with glitch-free power-up and power-down, allow hot swapping of cards in multicard bus systems; 7.2pF (max) BLVDS I/O capacitances minimize bus loading. The MAX9157 is offered in 5mm ✕ 5mm 32-pin QFN and TQFP packages. The MAX9157 is fully specified for the -40°C to +85°C extended temperature range. Refer to the MAX9129 data sheet for a quad BLVDS driver, ideal for dual multipoint full-duplex buses. Applications Add/Drop Muxes Digital Cross-Connects Network Switches/Routers Cellular Phone Base Stations Features ♦ 32-TQFP and Space-Saving 32-QFN Packages ♦ 52mV LVDS Input Hysteresis ♦ 1ns (min) Transition Time (0% to 100%) Minimizes Reflections ♦ Guaranteed 7.2pF (max) Bus Load Capacitance ♦ Glitch-Free Power-Up and Power-Down ♦ Hot-Swappable, High-Impedance I/O with VCC = 0 or Open ♦ Guaranteed 200Mbps Driver Data Rate ♦ Fail-Safe Circuit ♦ Flow-Through Pinout Ordering Information TEMP RANGE PIN-PACKAGE MAX9157EGJ PART -40°C to +85°C 32 QFN (5mm ✕ 5mm) MAX9157EHJ -40°C to +85°C 32 TQFP (5mm ✕ 5mm) Pin Configurations appear at end of data sheet. Functional Diagram appears at end of data sheet. DSLAMs Multipoint Buses Typical Operating Circuit MAX9157 MAX9157 MAX9157 CARD 1 CARD 15 CARD 16 1in CARD SPACING Rt = 54Ω Rt = 54Ω ________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct! at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at www.maxim-ic.com. 1 MAX9157 General Description The MAX9157 is a quad bus LVDS (BLVDS) transceiver for heavily loaded, half-duplex multipoint buses. Small 32-pin QFN and TQFP packages and flow-through pinouts allow the transceiver to be placed near the connector for the shortest possible stub length. The MAX9157 drives LVDS levels into a 27Ω load (double terminated, heavily loaded LVDS bus) at up to 200Mbps. An input fail-safe circuit ensures the receiver output is high when the differential inputs are open, or undriven and shorted, or undriven and terminated. The MAX9157 differential inputs feature 52mV hysteresis for greater immunity to bus noise and reflections. The MAX9157 operates from a single 3.3V supply, consuming 80.9mA supply current with drivers enabled, and 22.7mA with drivers disabled. MAX9157 Quad Bus LVDS Transceiver ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS VCC, AVCC to GND................................................-0.3V to +4.0V DO_+/RIN_+, DO_-/RIN_-, to GND .......................-0.3V to +4.0V DIN_, DE_, RE_ to GND.........................................-0.3V to +4.0V RO_ to GND................................................-0.3V to (VCC + 0.3V) AGND to GND .......................................................-0.3V to +0.3V Short-Circuit Duration (DO_+/RIN_+, DO_-/RIN_-) ....Continuous Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C) MAX9157EGJ (derate 21.2mW/°C above +70°C) .....1702mW MAX9157EHJ (derate 11.1mW/°C above +70°C).........889mW Storage Temperature Range .............................-65°C to +150°C Maximum Junction Temperature .....................................+150°C Operating Temperature Range ...........................-40°C to +85°C ESD Protection Human Body Model (DO_+/RIN_+, DO_-/RIN_-).............±4kV Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) .................................+300°C Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = 3.0V to 3.6V, RL = 27Ω ±1%, differential input voltage |VID| = 0.1V to VCC, input common-mode voltage VCM = 0.05V to 2.4V, input voltage range = 0 to VCC, DE_ = high, RE_ = low, TA = -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC = 3.3V, |VID| = 0.2V, VCM = 1.2V, and TA = +25°C.) (Notes 1 and 2) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX 26 100 -100 -26 TA = +25°C, VCC = 3.3V, VCM = 1.2V 12 26 43 Full operating range 9 26 78 UNITS BLVDS (DO_+/RIN_+, DO_-/RIN_-) Differential Input High Threshold VTH DE_ = low Differential Input Low Threshold VTL DE_ = low VHYST DE_ = low Threshold Hysteresis (Note 3) Input Current Input Resistance mV mV mV 0.1V ≤VID≤ 0.6V, DE_ = low -15 ±1.8 15 µA 0.6V < VID≤ 1.2V, DE_ = low -20 ±2.5 20 µA RIN1 VCC = 3.6V, 0 or open, Figure 1 53 RIN2 IIN+, IIN- kΩ VCC = 3.6V, 0 or open, Figure 1 148 Power-Off Input Current IINO+, IINO- 0.1V ≤ VID≤ 0.6V, VCC = 0 or open -15 ±0.9 15 µA 0.6V < VID≤ 1.2V, VCC = 0 or open -20 ±1.8 20 µA Differential Output Voltage VOD Figure 2 250 405 460 mV Change in Magnitude of VOD for Complementary Output States ∆VOD Figure 2 1 25 mV VOS Figure 2 1.302 1.435 V Change in Magnitude of VOS for Complementary Output States ∆VOS Figure 2 3.3 25 mV Output High Voltage VOH Figure 2 1.505 1.6 V Output Low Voltage VOL Figure 2 0.9 1.099 DIN_ = high, DO_+/RIN_+ = 0 or VCC, DO_-/RIN_- = 0 or VCC -30 -14.8 30 DIN_ = low, DO_-/RIN_- = 0 or VCC, DO_+/RIN_+ = 0 or VCC -30 -14.8 30 Offset Voltage Output Short-Circuit Current 2 IOS 1.185 kΩ V mA _______________________________________________________________________________________ Quad Bus LVDS Transceiver (VCC = 3.0V to 3.6V, RL = 27Ω ±1%, differential input voltage |VID| = 0.1V to VCC, input common-mode voltage VCM = 0.05V to 2.4V, input voltage range = 0 to VCC, DE_ = high, RE_ = low, TA = -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC = 3.3V, |VID| = 0.2V, VCM = 1.2V, and TA = +25°C.) (Notes 1 and 2) PARAMETER Differential Output Short-Circuit Current (Note 3) Capacitance at Bus Pins (Note 3) SYMBOL IOSD COUTPUT CONDITIONS MIN DIN_ = high or low, VOD = 0 TYP MAX UNITS 14.8 30 mA 7.2 pF Capacitance from DO_+/RIN_+ or DO_-/RIN_- to GND, VCC = 3.6V or 0 LVCMOS/LVTTL OUTPUTS (RO_) Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage VOH VOL IOH = -4.0mA, DE_ = low Open, undriven short, or undriven 27Ω parallel termination VCC 0.3 VCC 0.172 VID = 100mV VCC 0.3 VCC 0.172 IOL = 4.0mA, VID = -100mV, DE_ = low 0.179 V 0.25 V VID = 100mV, VRO_ = VCC - 1.0V, DE_ = low -15 -22.7 mA VID = -100mV, VRO_ = 1.0V, DE_ = low 12 19.9 mA Dynamic Output Current IOD Output Short-Circuit Current (Note 4) IOS VID = 100mV, VRO_ = 0, DE_ = low Output High-Impedance Current IOZ RE_ = high, VRO = 0 or VCC Capacitance at Receiver Output (Note 3) COUTPUT -10 -52 -130 mA 0.1 +10 µA 4.5 pF V Capacitance from RO_ to GND, VCC = 3.6V or 0 LVCMOS/LVTTL INPUTS (DIN, DE, RE) Input High Voltage VIH Input Low Voltage VIL Input Current IIN 2.0 1.825 VCC GND 1.315 0.8 V VDE_, VRE_, VDIN_ = high or low -20 ±9.2 20 µA IINO VDE_, VRE_, VDIN_ = 3.6V or 0, VCC = 0 or open -20 ±2.4 20 µA ICC DE_ = high, RE_ = low, RL = 27Ω 80.9 95 mA Supply Current Drivers Enabled and Receivers Disabled ICCD DE_ = high, RE_ = high, RL = 27Ω 80.9 95 mA Supply Current Drivers Disabled and Receivers Enabled ICCR DE_ = low, RE_ = low 22.7 30 mA Supply Current Drivers Disabled and Receivers Disabled ICCZ DE_ = low, RE_ = high 22.7 30 mA Power-Off Input Current SUPPLY Supply Current Drivers and Receivers Enabled _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3 MAX9157 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) MAX9157 Quad Bus LVDS Transceiver AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = 3.0V to 3.6V, RL = 27Ω ±1%, differential input voltage |VID| = 0.2V to VCC, input frequency to LVDS inputs = 85MHz, input frequency to LVCMOS/LVTTL inputs = 100MHz, LVCMOS/LVTTL inputs = 0 to 3V with 2ns (10% to 90%) transition times. Differential input voltage transition time = 1ns (20% to 80%). Input common-mode voltage VCM = 1.2V to 1.8V, DE_ = high, RE_ = low, TA = -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC = 3.3V, |VID| = 0.2V, VCM = 1.2V, and TA = +25°C.) (Notes 3 and 5) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS DRIVER Differential Propagation Delay High to Low tPHLD RE_ = high, CL = 10pF, Figures 3, 4 MAX9157EGJ 1.2 1.96 2.5 MAX9157EHJ 1.1 1.87 2.4 Differential Propagation Delay Low to High tPLHD RE_ = high, CL = 10pF, Figures 3, 4 MAX9157EGJ 1.2 1.94 2.5 MAX9157EHJ 1.1 1.84 2.4 Differential Skew | tPHLD - tPLHD | (Note 6) tSKD1 RE_ = high, CL = 10pF, Figures 3, 4 33 160 ps Channel-to-Channel Skew (Note 7) tCCSK RE_ = high, CL = 10pF, Figures 3, 4 58 300 ps Chip-to-Chip Skew (Note 8) tSKD2 RE_ = high, CL = 10pF, Figures 3, 4 0.38 Chip-to-Chip Skew (Note 9) TSKD3 RE_ = high, CL = 10pF, Figures 3, 4 ns ns 0.8 ns 1.3 ns Rise Time tTLH RE_ = high, CL = 10pF, Figures 3, 4 MAX9157EGJ 0.6 1.13 1.4 MAX9157EHJ 0.6 1.07 1.4 Fall Time tTHL RE_ = high, CL = 10pF, Figures 3, 4 MAX9157EGJ 0.6 1.16 1.4 MAX9157EHJ 0.6 1.11 1.4 Disable Time High to Z tPHZ RE_ = high, CL = 10pF, Figures 5, 6 MAX9157EGJ 6.79 8 MAX9157EHJ 6.79 8 Disable Time Low to Z tPLZ RE_ = high, CL = 10pF, Figures 5, 6 MAX9157EGJ 3.16 8 MAX9157EHJ 3.48 8 Enable Time Z to High tPZH RE_ = high, CL = 10pF, Figures 5, 6 MAX9157EGJ 4.67 7 MAX9157EHJ 4.71 7 Enable Time Z to Low tPZL RE_ = high, CL = 10pF, Figures 5, 6 MAX9157EGJ 4.36 7 MAX9157EHJ 4.39 7 Maximum Operating Frequency (Note 10) fMAX RE_ = high, CL = 10pF, Figures 5, 6 Differential Propagation Delay High to Low tPHLD DE_ = low, Figures 7, 8; CL =15pF MAX9157EGJ 1.8 2.58 4.1 MAX9157EHJ 1.8 2.61 4.1 Differential Propagation Delay Low to High tPLHD DE_ = low, Figures 7, 8; CL =15pF MAX9157EGJ 1.8 2.49 4.1 MAX9157EHJ 1.8 2.52 4.1 Differential Skew | tPHLD tPLHD | (Note 6) tSKD1 DE_ = low, Figures 7, 8; CL = 15pF 90 450 ps Channel-to-Channel Skew (Note 7) tCCSK DE_ = low, Figures 7, 8; CL = 15pF 131 580 ps Chip-to-Chip Skew (Note 8) tSKD2 DE_ = low, Figures 7, 8; CL =15pF 0.7 1.7 ns Chip-to-Chip Skew (Note 9) tSKD3 DE_ = low, Figures 7, 8; CL =15pF 0.7 1.7 ns tTLH DE_ = low, Figures 7, 8; CL = 15pF 1.1 1.6 ns 100 ns ns ns ns ns ns MHz RECEIVER Rise Time 4 0.5 _______________________________________________________________________________________ ns ns Quad Bus LVDS Transceiver (VCC = 3.0V to 3.6V, RL = 27Ω ±1%, differential input voltage |VID| = 0.2V to VCC, input frequency to LVDS inputs = 85MHz, input frequency to LVCMOS/LVTTL inputs = 100MHz, LVCMOS/LVTTL inputs = 0 to 3V with 2ns (10% to 90%) transition times. Differential input voltage transition time = 1ns (20% to 80%). Input common-mode voltage VCM = 1.2V to 1.8V, DE_ = high, RE_ = low, TA = -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC = 3.3V, |VID| = 0.2V, VCM = 1.2V, and TA = +25°C.) (Notes 3 and 5) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 0.7 1.2 1.8 ns Fall Time tTHL DE_ = low, Figures 7, 8; CL = 15pF Disable Time High to Z tPHZ DE_ = low, RL = 500Ω, CL = 15pF, Figures 9, 10 Disable Time Low to Z tPLZ DE_ = low, RL = 500Ω, CL = 15pF, Figures 9, 10 Enable Time Z to High tPZH DE_ = low, RL = 500Ω, CL = 15pF, Figures 9, 10 MAX9157EGJ 4.67 7 MAX9157EHJ 4.57 7 Enable Time Z to Low tPZL DE_ = low, RL = 500Ω, CL = 15pF, Figures 9, 10 MAX9157EGJ 5.43 7 MAX9157EHJ 4.71 7 Maximum Operating Frequency (Note 10) fMAX DE_ = low, CL = 15pF MAX9157EGJ 6.74 8 MAX9157EHJ 6.82 8 MAX9157EGJ 6.49 8 MAX9157EHJ 6.79 8 85 ns ns ns ns MHz Note 1: Current into a pin is defined as positive. Current out of a pin is defined as negative. All voltages are referenced to ground except VTH, VTL, VID, VHYST, VOD, and ∆VOD. Note 2: Maximum and minimum limits over temperature are guaranteed by design and characterization. Devices are production tested at TA = +25°C. Note 3: Guaranteed by design and characterization. Note 4: Short only one output at a time. Do not exceed the absolute maximum junction temperature specification. Note 5: CL includes scope probe and test jig capacitance. Note 6: tSKD1 is the magnitude difference of differential propagation delays in a channel. tSKD1 = | tPHLD - tPLHD |. Note 7: tCCSK is the magnitude difference of the tPLHD or tPHLD of one channel and the tPLHD or tPHLD of any other channel on the same part. Note 8: tSKD2 is the magnitude difference of any differential propagation delays between parts operating over rated conditions at the same VCC and within 5°C of each other. Note 9: tSKD3 is the magnitude difference of any differential propagation delays between parts operating over rated conditions. Note 10: Meets data sheet specifications while operating at minimum fMAX rating. Typical Operating Characteristics (VCC = 3.3V, RL = 27Ω, driver CL = 10pF, receiver CL = 15pF, |VID| = 200mV, VCM = 1.2V, fIN = 20MHz, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) 95 VCC = 3.6V 90 VCC = 3.3V 85 80 VCC = 3.0V 0.403 0.402 0.401 0.400 0.1 1 10 FREQUENCY (MHz) 100 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 75 0.01 MAX9157 toc03 0.404 2.0 DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) 100 0.405 MAX9157 toc02 FOUR CHANNELS DRIVEN DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) MAX9157 toc01 105 DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs. OUTPUT LOAD DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE SUPPLY CURRENT vs. FREQUENCY 1000 0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 3.5 3.6 15 45 75 105 135 OUTPUT LOAD (Ω) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 MAX9157 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (VCC = 3.3V, RL = 27Ω, driver CL = 10pF, receiver CL = 15pF, |VID| = 200mV, VCM = 1.2V, fIN = 20MHz, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) DRIVER TRANSITION TIME vs. LOAD CAPACITANCE DRIVER TRANSITION TIME vs. TEMPERATURE 1.2 tTHL tTLH 1.1 MAX9157 toc05 1.3 DRIVER TRANSITION TIME (ns) MAX9157 toc04 DRIVER TRANSITION TIME (ns) 1.3 1.2 tTHL 1.1 tTLH 1.0 0.9 0.8 1.0 0.7 5 10 15 20 25 -15 10 35 60 TEMPERATURE (°C) DRIVER TRANSITION TIME vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE RECEIVER TRANSITION TIME vs. LOAD CAPACITANCE 1.10 tTLH 1.05 1.00 85 MAX9157 toc07 tTHL 3.0 RECEIVER TRANSITION TIME (ns) MAX9157 toc06 1.15 0.95 2.5 tTHL 2.0 1.5 tTLH 1.0 0.5 0.90 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 6 -40 LOAD CAPACITANCE (pF) 1.20 DRIVER TRANSITION TIME (ns) MAX9157 Quad Bus LVDS Transceiver 3.5 3.6 0 5 10 15 20 25 LOAD CAPACITANCE (pF) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 30 Quad Bus LVDS Transceiver PIN NAME FUNCTION 1, 2, 22, 23, 24 N.C. No Connection. Not internally connected. 3 VCC Digital Power Supply 4, 21 GND Digital Ground 5 RE34 Receiver Channels 3 and 4 Enable (Enable Low). Drive RE34 low to enable receiver channels 3 and 4. 6 DE34 Driver Channels 3 and 4 Enable (Enable High). Drive DE34 high to enable driver channels 3 and 4. 7, 17 AGND Analog Ground 8, 19 AVCC Analog Power Supply 9 DO4-/RIN4- 10 DO4+/RIN4+ 11 DO3-/RIN3- 12 DO3+/RIN3+ 13 DO2-/RIN2- 14 DO2+/RIN2+ Channel 4 Inverting BLVDS Input/Output Channel 4 Noninverting BLVDS Input/Output Channel 3 Inverting BLVDS Input/Output Channel 3 Noninverting BLVDS Input/Output Channel 2 Inverting BLVDS Input/Output Channel 2 Noninverting BLVDS Input/Output 15 DO1-/RIN1- 16 DO1+/RIN1+ Channel 1 Inverting BLVDS Input/Output 18 DE12 Driver Channels 1 and 2 Enable (Enable High). Drive DE12 high to enable driver channels 1 and 2. 20 RE12 Receiver Channels 1 and 2 Enable (Enable Low). Drive RE12 low to enable receiver channels 1 and 2. 25 DIN1 Driver Channel 1 Input Channel 1 Noninverting BLVDS Input/Output 26 RO1 Receiver Channel 1 Output 27 DIN2 Driver Channel 2 Input 28 RO2 Receiver Channel 2 Output 29 DIN3 Driver Channel 3 Input 30 RO3 Receiver Channel 3 Output 31 DIN4 Driver Channel 4 Input 32 RO4 Receiver Channel 4 Output EP* EXPOSED PAD Exposed Pad. Solder exposed pad to GND. *MAX9157EGJ only. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 MAX9157 Pin Description MAX9157 Quad Bus LVDS Transceiver Detailed Description The MAX9157 is a four-channel, 200Mbps, 3.3V BLVDS transceiver in 32-lead TQFP and QFN packages, ideal for driving heavily loaded multipoint buses, typically 16 to 20 cards plugged into a backplane. The MAX9157 receivers accept a differential input and have a fail-safe input circuit. The devices detect differential signals as low as 100mV and as high as VCC. The MAX9157 driver outputs use a current-steering configuration to generate a 9.25mA to 17mA output current. This current-steering approach induces less ground bounce and no shoot-through current, enhancing noise margin and system speed performance. The outputs are short-circuit current limited. The MAX9157 current-steering output requires a resistive load to terminate the signal and complete the transmission loop. Because the devices switch the direction of current flow and not voltage levels, the output voltage swing is determined by the value of the termination resistor multiplied by the output current. With a typical 15mA output current, the MAX9157 produces a 405mV output voltage when driving a bus terminated with two 54Ω resistors (15mA ✕ 27Ω = 405mV). Logic states are determined by the direction of current flow through the termination resistor. Fail-Safe Receiver Inputs The fail-safe feature of the MAX9157 sets the output high when the differential input is: • Open Effect of Capacitive Loading The characteristic impedance of a differential PC board trace is uniformly reduced when equal capacitive loads are attached at equal intervals (provided the transition time of the signal being driven on the trace is longer than the delay between loads). This kind of loading is typical of multipoint buses where cards are attached at 1in or 0.8in intervals along the length of a backplane. The reduction in characteristic impedance is approximated by the following formula: ZDIFF-loaded = ZDIFF-unloaded ✕ SQRT [Co / (Co + N ✕ CL / L)] where: ZDIFF-unloaded = unloaded differential characteristic impedance Co = unloaded trace capacitance (pF/unit length) CL = value of each capacitive load (pF) N = number of capacitive loads L = trace length For example, if Co = 2.5pF/in, CL = 10pF, N = 18, L = 18in, and ZDIFF-unloaded = 120Ω, the loaded differential impedance is: ZDIFF-loaded = 120Ω ✕ SQRT [2.5pF / (2.5pF + 18 x 10pF / 18in)] ZDIFF-loaded = 54Ω In this example, capacitive loading reduces the characteristic impedance from 120Ω to 54Ω. The load seen by • Undriven and shorted • Undriven and terminated Without a fail-safe circuit, when the input is undriven, noise at the input may switch the outputs and it may appear to the system that data is being sent. Open or undriven terminated input conditions can occur when a cable is disconnected or cut, or when driver output is in high impedance. A shorted input can occur because of a cable failure. When the input is driven with a differential signal with a common-mode voltage of 0.05V to 2.4V, the fail-safe circuit is not activated. If the input is open, undriven and shorted, or undriven and parallel terminated, an internal resistor in the fail-safe circuit pulls both inputs above VCC - 0.3V, activating the fail-safe circuit and forcing the outputs high (Figure 1). VCC RIN2 VCC - 0.3V DO_+/RIN_+ RIN1 RO_ RIN1 D0_-/RIN_- MAX9157 Figure 1. Internal Fail-Safe Circuit 8 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Quad Bus LVDS Transceiver The MAX9157 driver outputs are current-source drivers and drive larger differential signal levels into loads lighter than 27Ω and smaller levels into loads heavier than 27Ω (see Typical Operating Characteristics curves). To keep loading from reducing bus impedance below the rated 27Ω load, PC board traces can be designed for higher unloaded characteristic impedance. Effect of Transition Times For transition times (measured from 0% to 100%) shorter than the delay between capacitive loads, the loads are seen as low-impedance discontinuities from which the driven signal is reflected. Reflections add and subtract from the signal being driven and cause decreased noise margin and jitter. The MAX9157 output drivers are designed for a minimum transition time of 1ns (rated 0.6ns from 20% to 80%, or about 1ns from 0% to 100%) to reduce reflections while being fast enough for high-speed backplane data transmission. Power-On Reset The power-on reset voltage of the MAX9157 is typically 2.25V. When the supply falls below this voltage, the devices are disabled and the receiver inputs/driver outputs are in high impedance. The power-on reset ensures glitch-free power-up and power-down, allowing hot swapping of cards in a multicard bus system without disrupting communications. Receiver Input Hysteresis The MAX9157 receiver inputs feature 52mV hysteresis to increase noise immunity for low-differential input signals. Operating Modes The MAX9157 features driver/receiver enable inputs that select the bus I/O function (Table 1). Tables 2 and 3 show the driver and receiver truth tables. Input Internal Pullup/Pulldown Resistors The MAX9157 includes pullup or pulldown resistors (300kΩ) to ensure that unconnected inputs are defined (Table 4). Applications Information Supply Bypassing Bypass each supply pin with high-frequency surfacemount ceramic 0.1µF and 1nF capacitors in parallel as close to the device as possible, with the smaller value capacitor closest to the device. Termination In the example given in the Effect of Capacitive Loading section, the loaded differential impedance of a bus is reduced to 54Ω. Since the bus can be driven from any card position, the bus must be terminated at each end. A parallel termination of 54Ω at each end of the bus placed across the traces that make up the differential pair provides a proper termination. The total load seen by the driver is 27Ω. The MAX9157 drives higher differential signal levels into lighter loads. (See Differential Output Voltage vs. Output Load graph in the Typical Operating Characteristics section). A multidrop bus with the driver at one end and receivers connected at regular intervals along the bus has a lowered impedance due to capacitive loading. Assuming a 54Ω impedance, the multidrop bus can be terminated with a single, parallel-connected 54Ω resistor at the far end from the driver. Only a single resistor is required because the driver sees one 54Ω differential trace. The signal swing is larger with a 54Ω load. In general, parallel terminate each end of the bus with a resistor Table 1. I/O Enable Functional Table MODE SELECTED Driver Mode DE_ RE_ H H Receiver Mode L L High-Impedance Mode L H Loopback Mode H L Table 2. Driver Mode INPUTS OUTPUTS DE_ DIN_ DO_+/RIN_+ DO_-/RIN_- H L L H H H H L L X Z Z _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9 MAX9157 a driver located on a card in the middle of the bus is 27Ω because the driver sees two 54Ω loads in parallel. A typical LVDS driver (rated for a 100Ω load) would not develop a large enough differential signal to be reliably detected by an LVDS receiver. The MAX9157 BLVDS drivers are designed and specified to drive a 27Ω load to differential voltage levels of 250mV to 460mV. A standard LVDS receiver is able to detect this level of differential signal. Short extensions off the bus, called stubs, contribute to capacitive loading. Keep stubs less than 1in for a good balance between ease of component placement and good signal integrity. Table 3. Receiver Mode OUTPUTS VID = (VDO_+/RIN_+) - (VDO_-/RIN_-) L VID < -100mV L L VID > 100mV H Fail-safe operation guaranteed when DO_+/RIN_+ and DO_-/RIN_- are open, undriven and shorted, or undriven and parallel terminated L H X RO_ Board Layout H Z A four-layer PC board that provides separate power, ground, input, and output signals is recommended. Keep the LVTTL/LVCMOS and BLVDS signals separated to prevent coupling. Table 4. Input Internal Pullup/Pulldown Resistors PIN INTERNAL RESISTOR DE12 Pulldown to GND DE34 Pulldown to GND RE12 Pullup to VCC RE34 Pullup to VCC DIN_ Pullup to VCC matching the differential impedance of the bus (taking into account any reduced impedance due to loading). D0_+/RIN_+ RL/2 VCC DIN_ VOS GND S INPUTS RE_ Avoid the use of unbalanced cables, such as ribbon cable. Balanced cables, such as twisted pair, offer superior signal quality and tend to generate less EMI due to canceling effects. Balanced cables tend to pick up noise as common mode, which is rejected by the receiver. VOD VO MAX9157 Quad Bus LVDS Transceiver RL/2 DO_-/RIN_- Figure 2. Driver VOD and VOS Test Circuit Traces, Cables, and Connectors The characteristics of input and output connections affect the performance of the MAX9157. Use controlled-impedance traces, cables, and connectors with matched characteristic impedance. Ensure that noise couples as common mode by running the traces of a differential pair close together. Reduce within-pair skew by matching the electrical length of the traces of a differential pair. Excessive skew can result in a degradation of magnetic field cancellation. Maintain the distance between traces of a differential pair to avoid discontinuities in differential impedance. Minimize the number of vias to further prevent impedance discontinuities. 10 CL DO_+/RIN_+ GENERATOR DIN_ RL DO_-/RIN_- 50Ω CL Figure 3. Driver Propagation Delay and Transition Time Test Circuit ______________________________________________________________________________________ Quad Bus LVDS Transceiver DIN_ 50% 50% tPLHD tPHLD CL 0 DO_+/RIN_+ RIN_- VOH 0 DIFFERENTIAL VCC 0 DIN_ RL/2 GND RIN_+ VOL DE_ +1.2V GENERATOR 80% 80% 0 VOD 50Ω 0 VOD = (VDO_+/RIN_+ - VDO_-/RIN_-) 20% RL/2 tTLH DO_-/RIN_1/4 MAX9157 CL 20% tTHL Figure 5. Driver High-Impedance Delay Test Circuit Figure 4. Driver Propagation Delay and Transition Time Waveforms VCC DE_ 50% 50% 0 tPZH tPHZ D0_+/RIN_+ WHEN DIN_ = VCC DO_-/RIN_- WHEN DIN_ = 0 VOH 50% 50% 1.2V 1.2V 50% DO_+/RIN_+ WHEN DIN_ = 0 DO_-/RIN_- WHEN DIN_ = VCC 50% VOL tPZL tPLZ Figure 6. Driver High-Impedance Delay Waveform DO_+/RIN_+ PULSE GENERATOR RO_ DO_-/RIN_- 50Ω* 50Ω* CL RECEIVER ENABLED 1/4 MAX9157 *50Ω REQUIRED FOR PULSE GENERATOR TERMINATION. Figure 7. Receiver Transition Time and Propagation Delay Test Circuit ______________________________________________________________________________________ 11 MAX9157 VCC MAX9157 Quad Bus LVDS Transceiver DO_-/RIN_VID VCM VCM DO_+/RIN_+ tPLHD tPHLD VOH 80% 80% 50% 50% 20% 20% RO_ tTLH VOL tTHL Figure 8. Receiver Transition Time and Propagation Delay Timing Diagram VCC S1 RL DO_+/RIN_+ RO_ DO_-/RIN_GENERATOR CL RE_ 50Ω 1/4 MAX9157 CL INCLUDES LOAD AND TEST JIG CAPACITANCE. S1 = VCC FOR tPZL AND tPLZ MEASUREMENTS. S1 = GND FOR tPZH AND tPHZ MEASUREMENTS. Figure 9. Receiver High-Impedance Delay Test Circuit VCC 50% 50% 0 RE_ tPZL VCC tPLZ RO_ WHEN VID = -100mV RO_ WHEN VID = +100mV 50% 0.5V VOL tPZH tPHZ VOH 0.5V 50% GND Figure 10. Receiver High-Impedance Waveforms 12 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Quad Bus LVDS Transceiver Pin Configurations DIN3 RO2 DIN2 RO1 DIN1 26 25 N.C. 1 24 N.C. N.C. 2 23 N.C. VCC 3 22 N.C. GND 4 RE34 21 GND MAX9157 5 20 RE12 19 AVCC 18 DE12 AVCC 8 17 AGND RO3 RE34 9 10 11 DO4+/RIN4+ 12 13 14 15 16 DO1+/RIN1+ 6 7 DO1-/RIN1- DE34 AGND DO3-/RIN3- DE34 27 DO2+/RIN2+ DIN3 28 DO2-/RIN2- DO3+/RIN3+ 29 DO3+/RIN3+ RO2 30 DO3-/RIN3- DO2-/RIN2- 31 DO4+/RIN4+ DO2+/RIN2+ DIN2 32 DO4-/RIN4- RO1 RE12 RO3 DO1-/RIN1- DE12 DIN4 DIN1 RO4 TOP VIEW DO1+/RIN1+ TQFP DIN4 DO4-/RIN4- RO4 DIN4 RO3 DIN3 RO2 DIN2 RO1 DIN1 30 29 28 27 26 25 1 24 N.C. N.C. 2 23 N.C. VCC 3 22 N.C. 21 GND 20 RE12 GND 4 RE34 5 DE34 6 19 AVCC AGND 7 18 DE12 AVCC 8 17 AGND 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DO3-/RIN3- DO3+/RIN3+ DO2-/RIN2- DO2+/RIN2+ DO1-/RIN1- DO1+/RIN1+ MAX9157 DO4-/RIN4- TRANSISTOR COUNT: 1826 PROCESS: CMOS N.C. DO4+/RIN4+ Chip Information 31 MAX9157 32 TOP VIEW RO4 QFN ______________________________________________________________________________________ 13 MAX9157 Functional Diagram Quad Bus LVDS Transceiver MAX9157 Package Information 14 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Quad Bus LVDS Transceiver ______________________________________________________________________________________ 15 MAX9157 Package Information (continued) Quad Bus LVDS Transceiver 32L TQFP, 5x5x01.0.EPS MAX9157 Package Information (continued) Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 ____________________ 16 © 2002 Maxim Integrated Products Printed USA is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.