MDT90P01 Sleep Mode for power saving 1. General Description oscillator start-up time : 20ms This EPROM-Based 4-bit micro-controller uses a fully 8 bit real time clock/counter(RTCC) with 8-bit static CMOS technology process to achieve higher programmable prescaler speed On-chip RC oscillator based Watchdog and smaller size with the low power consumption and high noise immunity. On chip Timer(WDT) memory includes 0.5K words of ROM, and 30 nibbles Wake-up from sleep on pin change of static RAM. 3. Applications 2. Features The application areas of this MDT90P01 range The followings are some of the features on the from appliance motor control and high speed hardware and software : automotive to low power remote transmitters/receivers, small instruments, chargers, Fully COMS static design toy, automobile and PC pe-ripheral … etc. 4-bit data bus On chip EPROM size : 0.5 K words Internal RAM size : 30 nibbles 4. Pin Assignment (24 general purpose registers, 6 special MDT90P01ST2611(SOT-26) registers) PB0 1 VSS 2 PB1 3 24 single word instructions 11-bit instructions 2-level stacks 6 PB3 5 VDD 4 PB2/RTCC Operating voltage : 2.5 V ~ 5.5 V Internal RC oscillator : 4MHz / 8MHz Power-on Reset This specification is subject to be changed without notice. Please visit our web site for the most updated information. P. 1 2008/5 Ver. 1.0 MDT90P01 5. Order Information Device ROM (Words) RAM (Nibbles) I/O MDT90P01ST2611 512 24 4 Timer (8 Bit) Package 1 SOT-26 Remark - 6. Block Diagram Stack Two Levels RAM 24 x 4 ROM 512×11 9 bits 9 bits Program Counters 11 bits Instruction Register Special Register Port B Oscillator Circuit (INTRC 4M / 8Mhz) Instruction Decoder Port PB0~PB3 4 bits Control Circuit D0~D3 Data 4-bit Power on Reset Power Down Reset Working Register Status Register ALU 8-bit Timer /Counter WDT/OST Timer Prescale PB2(RTCC) This specification is subject to be changed without notice. Please visit our web site for the most updated information. P. 2 2008/5 Ver. 1.0 MDT90P01 7. Pin Function Description Pin Name I/O PB0 I/O Function Description Port B, TTL input level .Can be software programmed for internal weak pill-up and wake-up from SLEEP on pin change PB1 I/O Port B, TTL input level .Output is open drain type. Can be software programmed for wake-up from SLEEP on pin change PB2/RTCC I/O Real Time Clock/Counter, Schmitt Trigger input levels. .Output is open drain type. PB3 I/O Port B, TTL input level . Can be software programmed for internal weak pill-up and wake-up from SLEEP on pin change Vdd Power supply Vss Ground 8. Memory Map (A) Register Map Address Description BANK0 01 RTCCL 02 PCL 03 STATUSL 04 STATUSH 05 IODS 06 PORTB 07 RTCCH 08~1F General purpose registers (1) RTCCL (Real Time Counter/Counter Register) : R1 RTCCH (Real Time Counter/Counter Register) : R7 This specification is subject to be changed without notice. Please visit our web site for the most updated information. P. 3 2008/5 Ver. 1.0 MDT90P01 (2) PC (Program Counter) : R2 Write PC --- unchanged JUMP(CALL) --- from instruction word RTWI --- from STACK A8~A4 A3~A0 Write PC --- from ALU JUMP( CALL) --- from instruction word RTWI --- from STACK (3) STATUSL (Status register) : R3 Bit Symbol Function 0 TF WDT Timer overflow Flag bit 1 C Carry bit 2 Z Zero bit 3 PF Power loss Flag bit STATUSH(Status register) : R4 Bit Symbol Function 0 —— Unimplemented 1 —— Unimplemented 2 SCALL 0: JUMP (initial) 1: CALL (Change JUMP instruction to CALL instruction. This bit will be clear to zero automatically after CALL was executed) 3 PCWUF Pin change wake up from sleep This specification is subject to be changed without notice. Please visit our web site for the most updated information. P. 4 2008/5 Ver. 1.0 MDT90P01 (4) IODS(I/O data select) : R5 Bit Symbol 0 IODS0 Function 0: Output the PORTB0 register data to PB0(initial) Output the PORTB3 register data to PB3(initial) 1: Output the input clock of RTCC register to PB0 Output the inverted input clock of RTCC register to PB3 1 IODS1 0: Output the PORTB1 register data to PB1(initial) Output the PORTB2 register data to PB2(initial) 1: Output the input clock of RTCC register to PB1 Output the inverted input clock of RTCC register to PB2 2 RCOS 0: RTCC PIN can also be the clock input (initial) 1: RTCC PIN can also be the RC oscillater input 3 —— Fosc/4 Unimplemented 0 TCE 1 RTCC PIN 1 prescaler 0 Sync with internal clocks RTCC reg CPIOB0/1 ENB 1 RCOS TCS D PSC PB0/1 D 0 q e PORTB0/1 data IODS TTL CPIOB3/2 1 D ENB PB3/2 D q 0 e PORTB3/2 data IODS TTL (5) PORT B : R6 PB3~PB0, I/O Register This specification is subject to be changed without notice. Please visit our web site for the most updated information. P. 5 2008/5 Ver. 1.0 MDT90P01 (6) TMRL (Time Mode Register Low Nibble) (only write) Bit Symbol Function Prescaler Value 2—0 PS1—0 3 PSC 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 Prescaler assignment bit : 0 — RTCC 1 — Watchdog Timer RTCC rate 1:2 1:4 1:8 1 : 16 1 : 32 1 : 64 1 : 128 1 : 256 WDT rate 1:1 1:2 1:4 1:8 1 : 16 1 : 32 1 : 64 1 : 128 TMRH (Time Mode Register High Nibble) (only write) Bit Symbol 0 TCE 1 TCS 2 PBPHB 3 PBWUB Function RTCC signal Edge : 0 — Increment on low-to-high transition on RTCC pin 1 — Increment on high-to-low transition on RTCC pin RTCC signal set : 0 — Internal instruction cycle clock 1 — Transition on RTCC pin PortB pull-high : 0 — Enable 1 — Disable PortB wake-up : 0 — Enable 1 — Disable (7) CPIO B (Control Port I/O Mode Register) The CPIO register is “write-only” =“0”, I/O pin in output mode; =“1”, I/O pin in input mode. (8) Configurable options for EPROM (Set by writer) : Oscilltor Type INTRC 4Mhz INTRC 8Mhz Watchdog Timer control Watchdog timer disable all the time Watchdog timer enable all the time This specification is subject to be changed without notice. Please visit our web site for the most updated information. P. 6 2008/5 Ver. 1.0 MDT90P01 Power Edge Detect PED Disable PED Enable Security state Security Disable Security Enable The default security state of EPROM is weak disable. Once the IC was set to enable or disable, it’s forbidden to change. (B) Program Memory Address Description 000-1FF Program memory 000 The starting address of power on , pin change or WDT time-out reset. 9. Reset Condition for all Registers Register Address Power-On Reset WDT Reset RTCCL 01h xxxx uuuu PC 02h 0000 0000 STATUSL 03h 1xx1 #uu# STATUSH 04h 0000 0000 PORT B 06h xxxx uuuu RTCCH 07h xxxx uuuu Note : u=unchanged, x=unknown, - =unimplemented, read as “0” #=value depends on the condition of the following table Condition STATUSH: bit 3 STATUSL: bit 3 STATUSL: bit 0 WDT reset (not during SLEEP) 0 1 0 WDT reset during SLEEP 0 0 0 Wake-up from SLEEP on pin change 1 0 1 This specification is subject to be changed without notice. Please visit our web site for the most updated information. P. 7 2008/5 Ver. 1.0 MDT90P01 10. Instruction Set : Mnemonic Operands Instruction Code Function Operating Status 100 0000 0000 NOP No operation None 100 0000 0001 CLRWT Clear Watchdog timer 0→WT TF, PF 100 0000 0010 SLEEP Sleep mode 0→WT, stop OSC TF, PF 100 0000 0011 TMODEL Load W to TMRL register W→TMRL None 100 0000 0101 TMODEH Load W to TMRH register W→TMRH None 100 1010 iiii RTWI Return,place immediate to W Stack→PC , I→W None 100 0000 0rrr CPIO R Control I/O port register W→CPIO r None 111 100r rrrr STWR R Store W to register W→R None 1t1 101r rrrr LDR R, t Load register R→t Z 100 1000 iiii LDWI I Load immediate to W I→W None 1t1 110r rrrr ADDWR R, t Add W and register W + R→t C, Z 1t1 111r rrrr DECRSZ R, t Decrement register, skip if zero R ﹣1→t None 1t1 001r rrrr ANDWR R, t AND W and register R ∩ W→t Z 100 0010 iiii ANDWI i AND W and immediate i ∩ W→W Z 1t1 011r rrrr IORWR R, t Inclu. OR W and register R ∪ W→t Z 100 0110 iiii IORWI i Inclu. OR W and immediate i ∪ W→W Z 1t1 010r rrrr XORWR R, t Exclu. OR W and register R ♁ W→t Z 100 0100 iiii XORWI i Exclu. OR W and immediate i ♁ W→W Z 1t1 000r rrrr RRR R, t Rotate right register 010 0bbr rrrr BCR R, b Bit clear R(n) →R(n-1), 0→R(3), R(0)→x 0→R(b) None 011 0bbr rrrr BSR R, b Bit set 1→R(b) None 010 1bb rrrr BTSC R, b Bit Test, skip if clear Skip if R(b)=0 None 011 1bbr rrrr BTSS R, b Bit Test, skip if set Skip if R(b)=1 None 00n nnnn nnnn JUMP JUMP(CALL) to address n→PC None n None Note : W WT TMRL TMRH CPIO TF PF PC OSC Inclu. Exclu. AND : : : : : : : : : : : : Working register Watchdog timer Time mode register low nibble TIme mode register high nibble Control I/O port register Timer overflow flag Power loss flag Program Counter Oscillator Inclusive ‘∪’ Exclusive ‘♁’ Logic AND ‘∩’ b t : : Bit position Target 0: Working register 1: General register R C : : General register address Carry flag Z : Zero flag x i n : : : Don’t care Immediate data ( 4 bits ) Immediate address This specification is subject to be changed without notice. Please visit our web site for the most updated information. P. 8 2008/5 Ver. 1.0 MDT90P01 11. Oscillator start up timer condition : Oscillator Type Power-on reset Subsequest resets INTRC 20ms 20ms 12. Electrical Characteristics (A) Operating Voltage & Frequency Vdd ﹕2.5V ~ 5.5 V Frequency﹕4 Hz & 8 MHz (B) Input Voltage @ Vdd=5.0 V, Temperature=25 ℃ Vil Vih Port Min. Max. PB3, PB0 Vss 1.0 V PB1 Vss 1.0V PB2 Vss 1.2V PB3, PB0 2.0 V Vdd PB1 3.6 V Vdd PB2 3.6 V Vdd *Threshold Voltage : PB3 & PB0 Vth=1.55V PB1 Vil=1.1 V, Vih=3.5 V (Schmitt Trigger) PB2 Vil=1.4 V, Vih=3.4 V (Schmitt Trigger) (C) Output Voltage﹕ @ Vdd=5.0 V, Temperature=25 ℃, the typical value as followings : PB Port Ioh=-20.0 mA Voh=3.8 V Iol=20.0 mA Vol=0.4V Ioh=-5.0 mA Voh=4.5 V Iol=5.0 mA Vol=0.12 V *PB1 & PB2 : Output is open drain type. This specification is subject to be changed without notice. Please visit our web site for the most updated information. P. 9 2008/5 Ver. 1.0 MDT90P01 (D) Leakage Current @ Vdd=5.0 V, Temperature=25 ℃, the typical value as followings : Iil - 0.1μA (Max.) Iih + 0.1μA (Max.) (E) Sleep Current @WDT-Disable, Temperature=25 ℃, the typical value as followings : Vdd=2.5 V Idd<1.0 μA Vdd=3.0 V Idd<1.0 μA Vdd=4.0 V Idd<1.0 μA Vdd=5.0 V Idd<1.0 μA Vdd=5.5V Idd<1.0 μA @WDT-Enable, Temperature=25 ℃, the typical value as followings : Vdd=2.5 V Idd=1.5 μA Vdd=3.0 V Idd=2.5 μA Vdd=4.0 V Idd=5.0 μA Vdd=5.0 V Idd=10.0 μA Vdd=5.5 V Idd=15.0 μA (F) Operating Current Temperature=25 ℃, the typical value as followings : (i) WDT-Enable & PED -Enable Voltage/Frequency 4M 8M Sleep 2.5 V 240uA 255uA 1.5 μA 3.0 V 320uA 360uA 2.5 μA 4.0 V 440uA 470uA 5.0 μA 5.0 V 565uA 610uA 10.0 μA 5.5 V 635uA 700uA 15.0 μA This specification is subject to be changed without notice. Please visit our web site for the most updated information. P. 10 2008/5 Ver. 1.0 MDT90P01 (G) The basic WDT time-out cycle time @ Vdd=5.0v ,Temperature=25 ℃, the typical value as followings : Voltage (V) Basic WDT time-out cycle time (ms) 2.5 26.6 3.0 24.0 4.0 21.2 5.0 19.4 5.5 18.8 This specification is subject to be changed without notice. Please visit our web site for the most updated information. P. 11 2008/5 Ver. 1.0