ICs for Communication Prescaler Circuit 1.1 GHz PMB 2313T V1.5 Data Sheet 7.96 30%7 5HYLVLRQ+LVWRU\ Previous Releases: Page none Subjects (changes since last revision) 'DWD&ODVVLILFDWLRQ 0D[LPXP5DWLQJV Maximum ratings are absolute ratings; exceeding only one of these values may cause irreversible damage to the integrated circuit. &KDUDFWHULVWLFV The listed characteristics are ensured over the operating range of the integrated circuit. Typical characteristics specify mean values expected over the production spread. If not otherwise specified, typical characteristics apply at TA = 25 °C and the given supply voltage. 2SHUDWLQJ5DQJH In the operating range the functions given in the circuit description are fullfilled. For detailed technical information about “Processing Guidelines” and “Quality Assurance” for ICs, see our Product Overview “ICs for Communications” (GLWLRQ This edition was realized using the software system FrameMaker®. 3XEOLVKHGE\6LHPHQV$*%HUHLFK+DOEOHLWHU0DUNHWLQJ.RPPXQLNDWLRQ %DODQVWUDH'0QFKHQ © Siemens AG 1998. All Rights Reserved. As far as patents or other rights of third parties are concerned, liability is only assumed for components per se, not for applications, processes and circuits implemented within components or assemblies. The information describes the type of component and shall not be considered as assured characteristics. Terms of delivery and rights to change design reserved. For questions on technology, delivery, and prices please contact the Offices of Semiconductor Group in Germany or the Siemens Companies and Representatives worldwide. (see address list). Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the type in question please contact your nearest Siemens Office, Semiconductor Group. Siemens AG is an approved CECC manufacturer. 3UHVFDOHU&LUFXLW*+] 30%7 Preliminary Data Bipolar IC )XQFWLRQDO'HVFULSWLRQ$SSOLFDWLRQ The IC is designed for use in mobile radio communication devices up to 1100 MHz. Due to its low power consumption and low phase noise generation it is suitable for the use in battery powered handheld systems, e.g. GSM, cordless telephone and wireless LANs. Vignette 3'62 Low supply voltage down to 2.7V. It can be switched to a low-power standby mode. Internal current source at the emitter follower output. No external resistor needed in typical applications. The divide ratio is 1:64/65 or 1:128/129 depending on the external circuit configuration. The IC is board level compatible to the PMB 2312 prescaler. Semiconductor Group 3 7.96 30%7 &LUFXLW'HVFULSWLRQ The differential inputs of the IC may be connected either balanced or single ended. In the latter case the unused input must be RF-grounded with a capacitor (about 1.5 nF) with a low serial inductance. Depending on the logic level at SW input the basic divide ratio of the ECL-stages is fixed to 1:64/65 or 1:128/129. The MOD input determines whether modulus 1:n or 1:n+1 (n=64 or 128 according to SW-level) is active. The IC can be switched to a low-power standby mode (input STB). The MOD input is TTL/CMOS compatible. The emitter follower output is CMOS compatible according to the application circuit on page 11. The minimum logic swing is 0.8 Vpp. )XQFWLRQWDEOH ,QSXWSLQ 6: 02' 67% Semiconductor Group /RJLFOHYHO 3UHVFDOHUIXQFWLRQ HIGH = US-0.1 V to US LOW = GND to 0.8 V or open 1:64/65 1:128/129 HIGH = 2.0 V to US or open LOW = GND to 0.8 V 1:64/1:128 1:65/1:129 HIGH = US-0.1 V to US LOW = GND to 0.8 V Divider Q=HIGH, STANDBY-mode 4 7.96 30%7 3LQ$VVLJQPHQW Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 Pin 5 Pin 6 Pin 7 Pin 8 I1 1 8 I2 US 2 7 STB SW 3 6 MOD Q 4 5 GND RF-input I1 supply voltage US divide ratio 1:64/65 - 1:128/129 control input (SW) output Q GND modulus 1:n/n+1 (n=64 or 128) control input (MOD) standby mode control input (STB) RF-input I2 Semiconductor Group 5 7.96 30%7 US STB 2 7 Uref I2 4 8 Q 1:64/65 1:128/129 I1 1 I SW 3 6 MOD 5 GND %ORFN'LDJUDP Semiconductor Group 6 7.96 30%7 $EVROXWH0D[LPXP5DWLQJV 7A = -40 to 85 °C 3DUDPHWHU 6\PERO /LPLW9DOXHV 8QLW PLQ PD[ -0.3 6 V 2 V V Supply voltage 8S Input level (Pin 1; Pin 8) 8I Voltage swing (Pin 1 to 8) 8I18 -2 2 Input level (Pin 3; Pin 6; Pin 7) 8SW, 8MOD, 8STB, -0.3 8S+0.7V V or 5.5V if 8S+0.7V > 5.5V Output level (Pin 4) 8Q 8S V Output current (Pin 4) ,Q 5 mA Junction temperature 7j 125 °C Storage temperature 7S 125 °C Thermal resistance system-ambient 5thsa 185 K/W -65 5HPDUNV 8S=0V 8S=2.7...5.5V The maximum ratings may not be exceeded under any circumstances, not even momentarily and individually, as permanent damage to the IC will result. (6'LQWHJULW\DFFRUGLQJ0,/67''0HWK9 2SHUDWLQJ5DQJH 3DUDPHWHU 6\PERO /LPLW9DOXHV PLQ max. 8QLW Supply Voltage 8S 2.7 5.5 V Input frequency ƒ 50 1400 MHz Ambient temperature 7A -40 85 °C 5HPDUNV Within the operational range the IC operates as described in the circuit description. The AC / DC characteristic limits are not guaranteed. Semiconductor Group 7 7.96 30%7 $&'&&KDUDFWHULVWLFV 7$ WR& 3DUDPHWHU 6\PERO /LPLW9DOXHV PLQ W\S 8QLW 7HVW&RQGLWLRQ PD[ 6XSSO\YROWDJH8S=2.7 to 5.5V $PELHQWWHPSHUDWXUH7A = -20 to 85 °C (refered to the test circuit) Supply current Supply current in standby-mode Input level dynamicrange (see diagram 2) Output logic swing SW voltage High SW voltage Low SW input current High SW input current Low MOD voltage High MOD voltage Low MOD input current High MOD input current Low ,S 1.9 2.4 mA ,S 1.95 2.45 mA ,S 2.00 2.5 mA 0.1 mA 400 5 280 2 mVrms ,STB 8in 3in 8in 3in 8Q 8Q 8SWH 8SWL ,SWH 25 -19 25 -19 1.1 1 1.1 0.8 8S-0.1V GND 8MODH 8MODL 2.3 GND &L <= 12pF, 5L=2kΩ &L <= 8pF V V µA SW=8S 30 µA SW=GND 8S 0.8 50 V V µA MOD=8S 120 µA MOD=GND ,MODH ,MODL mVrms dBm VPP VPP 8S 0.8 60 ,SWL dBm inputs RF-grounded, 8S=2.7, 7A = 25 °C, STB= 8S output open inputs RF-grounded, 8S=4.0, 7A = 25 °C, STB= 8S output open inputs RF-grounded, 8S=5.5, 7A = 25 °C, STB= 8S output open inputs RF-grounded, output open, STB = GND 100-1000MHz (sine wave) 100-1000MHz (sine wave) 1000-1100MHz (sine wave) 1000-1100MHz (sine wave) AC /DC characteristics involve the spread of values guaranteed within the specified suply voltage and ambient temperature range. Typical characteristics are the median of the production. Semiconductor Group 8 7.96 30%7 $&'&&KDUDFWHULVWLFV 7$ WR& 3DUDPHWHU 6\PERO /LPLW9DOXHV PLQ STB voltage High STB voltage Low STB input current High STB input current Low Internal current source (see block diagram) 8STBH 8STBL ,STBH W\S 7HVW&RQGLWLRQ PD[ 8S-0.1 GND ,STBL , 8QLW 8S 0.8 30 V V µA STB = 8S 60 µA STB = GND µA 400 'HOD\WLPHV MOD setup time Wset (diagram 1) 29 ns AC /DC characteristics involve the spread of values guaranteed within the specified suply voltage and ambient temperature range. Typical characteristics are the median of the production. Semiconductor Group 9 7.96 30%7 7HVWFLUFXLW Calibration of the signal generator Signal generator (50Ω) Power meter 6dB attenuator (50Ω) 50Ω attenuator directly connected to power meter Input sensitivity and output logic swing measurement spectrum analyser GND 5 US 6 UMOD 7 Signal generator (50Ω) 6dB attenuator (50Ω) 4 30% 3 UQ USW 8 1n 1 US Scope US 2 USTB UI2 Frequency counter UI 1n RL Cload 1n Cload <= 8pF inc. jig and instrument input capacitance attenuator directly connected to power meter RL only needed for enhanced driving capability. Semiconductor Group 10 7.96 30%7 $SSOLFDWLRQ&LUFXLW MOD &0263// GND 5 MOD 6 STB 7 I2 8 1nF 4 30% 3 2 1 Q F ca. 1nF SW US US TBB 206 PMB 2306 PD I1 1n LF VCO (SW connected for 1:64/65 divider ratio) Semiconductor Group 11 7.96 30%7 'HILQLWLRQRI0RGXOXV6HWXS7LPH ≈ I MOD Wset ≈ Q Changes of the mod-level made up to this time will still affect the Q-output 'LDJUDP Semiconductor Group 12 7.96 30%7 'LDJUDP ,QSXW'\QDPLF5DQJH7HVW&RQILJXUDWLRQ VCC C3 VCC C1 I2 6 dB SW STB stand by Attenuator C2 50 Ohm I1 max. +13dBm Q MOD GND CL C1 = C2 = 1nF C3 = 10 pF || 22nF CL < 8pF modulus control input Pin / [ dBm ] 30%'\QDPLF5DQJH95DWLR7HVW&RQILJXUDWLRQ 10 Max. power of signal source 0 operating window -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0 200 Semiconductor Group 400 600 800 1000 f / [ MHz ] 13 1200 1400 1600 1800 7.96 30%7 'LDJUDP ,QSXW'\QDPLF5DQJH7HVW&RQILJXUDWLRQ VCC C3 SW VCC C1 I2 STB stand by 50 Ohm 50 Ohm C2 max. +13dBm I1 Q MOD GND CL C1 = C2 = 1nF C3 = 10pF || 22nF CL < 8pF modulus control input 30%'\QDPLF5DQJH95DWLR7HVW&RQILJXUDWLRQ 20 Pin / [ dBm ] Max. output power of signal source 10 0 operating window -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0 200 Semiconductor Group 400 600 800 1000 f / [ MHz ] 14 1200 1400 1600 1800 7.96 30%7 3KDVH1RLVH0HDVXUHPHQW 7HVW6HWXS +4.0V PMB 2306 GSM Application Board with PMB 2313 Spectrum Analyser Rhode & Schwarz FSBS RF REF Plotter 10MHz Ref Out 3 wire bus serial port MAC Board 3& PMB 2306 register programming: N = 70, A = 20 (fout = 900.0 MHz) R = 50 (fref = 200 kHz) Status =11111100011111 IPD=2mA Port 1=high Dual Mode Preamplifier Select= MOD A AAnti-Bachlash Width=1.3ns Standby 1/2=active PD-polarity=positive Mode 1/2=internal charge pump Data Acquisition=synchronous 0HDVXUHG6SHFWUXP Semiconductor Group 15 7.96 30%7 30%*60$SSOLFDWLRQ%RDUG C19 22 µ F R9 R7 C20 22 pF C12 22 pF C16 22 pF 8.2 kΩ 100 Ω R8 330 Ω R6 220 Ω L1 22 nH RF C15 22 pF R13 150 Ω R10 3.3 kΩ X2 SMA T3 T1 BFT 92 R4 18 kΩ C9 100 pF C8 C11 1.2 pF 10 pF R11 8.2 kΩ C13 BFR 280 C14 22 pF T2 BFR 280 2.2 pF C10 22 pF D1 R15 2.2 kΩ R12 6.8 kΩ R14 150 Ω RX 1.36 GHz BBY 51 R5 8.2 kΩ C7 5.6 nF R3 8.2 kΩ C5 560 pF R2 22 kΩ C17 33 pF R A* 4.7 kΩ R1 39 kΩ C1 33 pF C3 330 pF LD MFO2MFO1 VDD1 PD VSS1 FI IC 1 PMB 2306 RI VSS EN DA Q SW VS I1 IC2 PMB 2313 CLK VDD MOD GND MOD STB I2 C4 1 nF C2 33 pF C4 100 nF X1 SMA REF EN DA CLK R*) Only needed when using the PMB 2312 prescaler. A &LUFXLW'LDJUDP Semiconductor Group 16 7.96 30%7 30%*60$SSOLFDWLRQ%RDUG /LVWRI&RPSRQHQWV ,WHP 4XDQWLW\ 5HIHUHQFH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 R7 R13, R14 R6 R8 R15 R10 RA R12 R3, R5, R9, R11 R4 R2 R1 100Ω 150Ω 220Ω 330Ω 2.2kΩ 3.3kΩ 4.7kΩ 6.8kΩ 8.2kΩ 18kΩ 22kΩ 39kΩ 13 1 L1 22nH 14 15 16 17 1 1 1 6 1.2pF 2.2pF 10pF COG/0805 B37940-K5010-C262 COG/0805 B37940-K5020-C262 COG/0805 B37940-K5100-J62 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C11 C13 C8 C10, C12, C14 C15, C16, C30 C1, C2, C17 C9 C3 C5 C4 C7 C6 C19 22pF 33pF 100pF 330pF 560pF 1.0nF 5.6nF 100nF 22µF COG/0805 COG/0805 COG/0805 COG/0805 COG/0805 26 27 28 1 2 1 D1 T2, T3 T1 BBY51 BFR280 BFT92 Q62702-B631 Q62702-F1298 Q62702-F1062 29 30 2 1 X1, X2 RX SMA 1.3GHz Connector B69620-G1307-A410 31 1 32 1 IC1 or IC2 or PMB 2306T P-DSO-14 PMB 2306T P-DSO-14 PMB 2313T P-DSO-8-1 PMB 2313T P-DSO-8-1 Q67100-H6423 (TUBE) Q67106-H6423 (T+R) Q ?? (TUBE) Q 67006-A6116 (T+R) Semiconductor Group 3DUW SMD/0805 SMD/0805 SMD/0805 SMD/0805 SMD/0805 SMD/0805 SMD/0805 SMD/0805 SMD/0805 SMD/0805 SMD/0805 SMD/0805 B54102-A1101-X60 B54102-A1151-J60 B54102-A1221-J60 B54102-A1331-J60 B54102-A1222-J60 B54102-A1332-J60 B54102-A1472-J60 B54102-A1682-J60 B54102-A1822-J60 B54102-A1183-J60 B54102-A1223-J60 B54102-A1393-J60 SIMID 01 B82412-A3220-M 17 B37940-K5220-J62 B37940-K5330-J62 B37940-K5101-J62 B37940-K5331-J62 B37940-K5561-J62 COG/1210 X7R/1210 B37950-K5104-K62 7.96 30%7 5HSODFLQJWKH30%E\WKH30% Supply current (typ.): 30% 30% 7HVW&RQGLWLRQ 5.7mA 1.95 mA inputs RF-grounded, 8S = 4.0 V, 7amb = 25 °C STB open, output open Input frequency 200 - 1000 MHz Supply voltage 4.0 - 5.5V Output stage load: internal load resistor 100 - 1100 MHz 2.7 - 5.5 V internal current source Phase noise: same performance, see section "Phase Noise Measurement" Input impedance (typ.): 40 Ω || 1.3 pF 750 Ω || 560 fF 66 Ω || 1.4 pF 1150 Ω || 350 fF Input sensitivity: I = 900 MHz, C1= C2 = 1 nF 8S = 4.0 V, 7amb = 25 °C I = 450 MHz, C1= C2= 1 nF 8S = 4.0 V, 7amb = 25 °C see following diagram Due to the internal output current source of the PMB 2313, an external load resistor may be omitted in most cases. Input Sensitivity of PMB 2313 versus PMB 2312 Measurement according to Test Configuration 1 PMB 2313 vers. PMB 2312 Dynamic Range 4V Ratio 65 Test Circuit 1 0 PMB 2313 operating window -10 Pin / [ dBm ] 2313 2312 Max. output power of signal source 10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0 200 Semiconductor Group 400 600 800 1000 f / [ MHz ] 18 1200 1400 1600 1800 7.96 30%7 3DFNDJH2XWOLQHV 3ODVWLF3DFNDJH3'62 5,2 max 5 0,7 0,19+0,06 1,75 max 1,45-0,2 4 -0,2 6±0,2 0,35+0,15 0,7 max 1,27 3,81 (Dual-in-Line-Package, Small-Outline) 20 A 8 DIN 41870 T16 (SMD) Semiconductor Group 19 7.96