v3.0 Radiation-Hardened FPGAs Fe a t ur es • Non-Volatile, User Programmable Devices • Guaranteed Total Dose Radiation Capability • Fabricated in 0.8µ Epitaxial Bulk CMOS Process • Low Single Event Upset Susceptibility • High Dose Rate Survivability • Unique In-System Diagnostic and Verification Capability with Silicon Explorer • Latch-Up Immunity Guaranteed G en er al D e sc r i p t i on • QML Qualified Devices Actel Corporation, the leader in antifuse-based field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), offers fully guaranteed RadHard versions of the A1280 and A1020 devices with gate densities of 8,000 and 2,000 gate array gates, respectively. • Commercial Devices Available for Prototyping and Pre-Production Requirements • Gate Capacities of 2,000 and 8,000 Gate Array Gates • More Design Flexibility than Custom ASICs • Significantly Greater Densities than Discrete Logic Devices • Replaces up to 200 TTL Packages • Design Library with over 500 Macro Functions • Single-Module Sequential Functions • Wide-Input Combinatorial Functions • Up to Two High-Speed, Low-Skew Clock Networks • Two In-Circuit Diagnostic Probe Pins Support Speed Analysis to 50 MHz The RH1020 and RH1280 devices are processed in 0.8µ, two-level metal epitaxial bulk CMOS technology. The devices are based on Actel’s patented channeled array architecture, and employ Actel’s PLICE antifuse technology. This architecture offers gate array flexibility, high performance, and fast design implementation through user programming. Actel devices also provide unique on-chip diagnostic probe capabilities, allowing convenient testing and debugging. On-chip clock drivers with hard-wired distribution networks provide efficient clock distribution with minimum skew. A security fuse may be programmed to disable all further programming, and to protect the design from being copied or reverse engineered. Pr od uc t F am i l y P r o f i l e Device RH1020 RH1280 3,000 2,000 6,000 50 20 12,000 8,000 20,000 200 80 Logic Modules S-Modules C-Modules 547 0 547 1,232 624 608 Flip-Flops (Maximum) 273 998 22 13 186,000 35 15 750,000 User I/Os (Maximum) 69 140 Packages (by Pin Count) Ceramic Quad Flat Pack (CQFP) 84 172 Capacity System Gates Gate Array Equivalent Gates PLD Equivalent Gates TTL Equivalent Packages 20-Pin PAL Equivalent Packages Routing Resources Horizontal Tracks/Channel Vertical Tracks/Channel PLICE Antifuse Elements J an u a r y 2 0 0 0 Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 © 2000 Actel Corporation 1 The RH1020 and RH1280 are available as fully qualified QML devices. Unlike traditional ASIC devices, the design does not have to be finalized six months prior to receiving the devices. Customers can make design modifications and program new devices within hours. These devices are fabricated, assembled, and tested at the Lockheed-Martin Space and Electronics facility in Manassas, Virginia on an optimized radiation-hardened CMOS process. R ad i at i on Su r v i v a bi l i t y In addition to all electrical limits, all radiation characteristics are tested and guaranteed, reducing overall system-level risks. With total dose hardness of 300Krad(Si), latch-up immunity, and a tested single event upset (SEU) of less than 1x10–6 errors/bit-day, these are the only RadHard, high-density field programmable products available today. Q M L Q u al i f i c a t i on Lockheed Martin Space and Electronics in Manassas, Virginia has achieved full QML certification, assuring that quality management, procedures, processes, and controls are in place from wafer fabrication through final test. QML qualification means that quality is built into the production process rather than verified at the end of the line by expensive and destructive testing. QML also ensures continuous process improvement, a focus on enhanced quality and reliability, and shortened product introduction and cycle time. Actel Corporation has also achieved QML certification. All RH1020 and RH1280 devices will be shipped with a “QML” marking, signifying that the devices and processes have been reviewed and approved by DESC for QML status. In addition, the RadHard devices contain ActionProbe circuitry that provides built-in access to every node in a design, enabling 100 percent real-time observation and analysis of a device’s internal logic nodes without design iteration. The probe circuitry is accessed by Silicon Explorer, an easy to use integrated verification and logic analysis tool that can sample data at 100 MHz (asynchronous) or 66 MHz (synchronous). Silicon Explorer attaches to a PC’s standard COM port, turning the PC into a fully functional 18 channel logic analyzer. Silicon Explorer allows designers to complete the design verification process at their desks and reduces verification time from several hours per cycle to a few seconds. A pp l i c at i on s The RH1020 and RH1280 devices are targeted for use in military and space applications subject to radiation effects. 1. With the significant increase in Earth-orbiting satellite launches and the ever-decreasing time-to-launch design cycles, the RH1020 and RH1280 devices offer the best combination of total dose radiation hardness and quick design implementation necessary for this increasingly competitive industry. In addition, the high total dose capability allows the use of these devices for deep space probes, which encounter other planetary bodies where the total dose radiation effects are more pronounced. 2. 2 Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 Single Event Effects (SEE) Many space applications are more concerned with the number of single event upsets and potential for latch-up in space. The RH1020 and RH1280 devices are latch-up immune, guaranteeing that no latch-up failures will occur. Single event upsets can occur in these devices as with all semiconductor products, but the rate of upset is low, as shown in the RadHard Radiation specifications table on page 7. D ev el o pm e n t T oo l S up po r t The RadHard devices are fully supported by Actel’s line of FPGA development tools, including the Actel DeskTOP series and Designer Advantage tools. The Actel DeskTOP Series is an integrated design environment for PCs that includes design entry, simulation, synthesis, and place and route tools. Designer Advantage is Actel’s suite of FPGA development point tools for PCs and Workstations that includes the ACTgen Macro Builder, Designer with DirectTime timing driven place and route and analysis tools, and device programming software. Accumulated Total Dose Effects 3. High Dose Rate Survivability An additional radiation concern is high dose rate survivability. Solar flares and sudden nuclear events can cause immediate high levels of radiation. The RadHard devices are appropriate for use in these types of applications, including missile systems, ground-based communication systems, and orbiting satellites. R a d ia t io n -H a r d e n e d F PG A s O r d e r i n g I nf o r m a t i o n RH1280 – CQ 172 V Application V = QML Qualified Package Lead Count Package Type CQ = Ceramic Quad Flat Pack Part Number RH1280 = 8000 Gates RH1020 = 2000 Gates C er a m i c De v i ce R es ou r c es CQFP 84-pin CQFP 172-pin RH1020 69 — RH1280 — 140 A0 B0 S0 D00 D01 R ad H ar d A r c hi t e c t ur e The RH1020 and RH1280 architecture is composed of fine-grained building blocks that produce fast and efficient logic designs. All the devices are composed of logic modules, routing resources, clock networks, and I/O modules, which are the building blocks for fast logic designs. Y D10 D11 A1 B1 S1 Logi c Modul es RH1280 devices contain two types of logic modules, combinatorial (C-modules) and sequential (S-modules). RH1020 devices contain only C-modules. The C-module, shown in Figure 1, implements the following function: Y=!S1*!S0*D00+!S1*S0*D01+S1*!S0*D10+S1*S0*D11 Figure 1 • C-Module Implementation C-modules. For details see the Radiation Specifications table on page 7 and the Design Techniques for RadHard Field Programmable Gate Arrays application note at http://www.actel.com/appnotes. where: Th e RH 1 02 0 Lo gi c M o du l e S0=A0*B0 The RH1020 logic module is an 8-input, one-output logic circuit chosen for the wide range of functions it implements and for its efficient use of interconnect routing resources (Figure 3 on page 4). S1=A1+B1 The S-module, shown in Figure 2 on page 4, is designed to implement high-speed sequential functions within a single logic module. The S-module implements the same combinatorial logic function as the C-module while adding a sequential element. The sequential element can be configured as either a D flip-flop or a transparent latch. To increase flexibility, the S-module register can be by-passed so it implements purely combinatorial logic. Flip-flops can also be created using two C-modules. The single event upset (SEU) characteristics differ between an S-module flip-flop and a flip-flop created using two Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 The logic module can implement the four basic logic functions (NAND, AND, OR, and NOR) in gates of two, three, or four inputs. Each function may have many versions, with different combinations of active-low inputs. The logic module can also implement a variety of D-latches, exclusivity functions, AND-ORs, and OR-ANDs. No dedicated hardwired latches or flip-flops are required in the array, since latches and flip-flops may be constructed from logic modules wherever needed in the application. 3 D00 D00 D01 Y D10 D S0 D11 S1 Q OUT D01 D11 S1 CLR Up to 7-Input Function Plus D-Type Flip-Flop with Clear Y D10 S0 D Q OUT GATE Up to 7-Input Function Plus Latch D00 D0 D01 Y D1 S D Q OUT OUT D10 D11 S1 GATE CLR Up to 4-Input Function Plus Latch with Clear Y S0 Up to 8-Input Function (Same as C-Module) Figure 2 • S-Module Implementation I / O Modu les I/O modules provide the interface between the device pins and the logic array. A variety of user functions, determined by a library macro selection, can be implemented in the I/O modules (refer to the Macro Library Guide for more information). I/O modules contain a tri-state buffer, and input and output latches which can be configured for input, output, or bi-directional pins (Figure 4 on page 5). RadHard devices contain flexible I/O structures in that each output pin has a dedicated output enable control. The I/O module can be used to latch input and/or output data, providing a fast set-up time. In addition, the Actel Designer Series software tools can build a D flip-flop, using a C-module, to register input and/or output signals. Actel’s Designer Series development tools provide a design library of I/O macros that can implement all I/O configurations supported by the RadHard FPGAs. R out ing S t ruc tu re Figure 3 • RH1020 Logic Module 4 Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 The RadHard device architecture uses vertical and horizontal routing tracks to interconnect the various logic and I/O modules. These routing tracks are metal interconnects that may either be of continuous length or broken into segments. R a d ia t io n -H a r d e n e d F PG A s Vertical Routing EN Q D PAD From Array G/CLK* Q D To Array Another set of routing tracks run vertically through the module. There are three types of vertical tracks, input, output, and long, that can be divided into one or more segments. Each segment in an input track is dedicated to the input of a particular module. Each segment in an output track is dedicated to the output of a particular module. Long segments are uncommitted and can be assigned during routing. Each output segment spans four channels (two above and two below), except near the top and bottom of the array where edge effects occur. Long vertical tracks contain either one or two segments. An example of vertical routing tracks and segments is shown in Figure 5. G/CLK* * Can be configured as a Latch or D Flip-Flop (Using C-Module) Segmented Horizontal Routing Tracks Figure 4 • I/O Module Varying segment lengths allow over 90 percent of the circuit interconnects to be made with only two antifuse connections. Segments can be joined together at the ends, using antifuses to increase their length up to the full length of the track. All interconnects can be accomplished with a maximum of four antifuses. Horizontal Routing Horizontal channels are located between the rows of modules, and are composed of several routing tracks. The horizontal routing tracks within the channel are divided into one or more segments. The minimum horizontal segment length is the width of a module-pair, and the maximum horizontal segment length is the full length of the channel. Any segment that spans more than one-third the row length is considered a long horizontal segment. A typical channel is shown in Figure 5. Non-dedicated horizontal routing tracks are used to route signal nets. Dedicated routing tracks are used for the global clock networks and for power and ground tie-off tracks. Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 Logic Modules Antifuses Vertical Routing Tracks Figure 5 • Routing Structure Antifuse Structures An antifuse is a “normally open” structure as opposed to the normally closed fuse structure used in PROMs or PALs. The use of antifuses to implement a programmable logic device results in highly testable structures, as well as efficient programming algorithms. The structure is highly testable because there are no pre-existing connections, enabling temporary connections to be made using pass transistors. These temporary connections can isolate individual antifuses to be programmed, as well as isolate individual circuit structures to be tested. This can be done both before and after programming. For example, all metal tracks can be tested for continuity and shorts between adjacent tracks, and the functionality of all logic modules can be verified. 5 Q M L F l ow Test Inspection Method Wafer Lot Acceptance LMFS Procedure MAN-STC-Q014 Serialization Required—100% Die Adhesion Test 2027 (Stud Pull) Bond Pull Test 2011 (Wirebond) Internal Visual 2010, Condition A Temperature Cycle 1010, Condition C, 50 Cycles Constant Acceleration 2001, Condition D or E, Y1 Orientation Only Particle Impact Noise Detection (PIND) 2020, Condition A X-Ray Radiography 2012 Pre Burn-In Electrical Parameters (T0) Per Device Specification Dynamic Burn-In 1015, 240 Hour Minimum, 125°C Interim Electrical Parameters (T1) Per Device Specification Percent Defective Allowable (PDA) LMFS Procedure MAN-STC-Q016 Static Burn-In 1015, 144 Hour Minimum, 125°C Minimum Final Electrical Parameters (T2) Per Device Specification Percent Defective Allowable (PDA) LMFS Procedure MAN-STC-Q016 Seal—Fine/Gross Leak 1014 External Visual (as required) 2009 A bs ol u t e M ax i m u m Ra t i n gs 1 R ec o m m en d ed O pe r a t i ng C on d i t i o ns Fr ee Ai r T e mp er at u re Ran ge Parameter Symbol VCC Parameter DC Supply Voltage Limits 2,3,4 Units °C ±10 %VCC Power Supply Tolerance Notes: 1. Case temperature (TC) is used. 2. All power supplies must be in the recommended operating range. For more information, refer to the Power-Up Design Considerations application note at http://www.actel.com/appnotes. –0.5 to VCC +0.5 V VO Output Voltage –0.5 to VCC +0.5 V IIO I/O Source/Sink Current5 ±20 mA –65 to +150 °C Notes: 1. Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Devices should not be operated outside the recommended operating conditions. 2. VPP = VCC , except during device operation. 3. VSV = VCC , except during device operation. 4. VKS = GND , except during device operation. 5. Device inputs are normally high impedance and draw extremely low current. However, when input voltage is greater than VCC + 0.5V or less than GND – 0.5V, the internal protection diode will be forward-biased and can draw excessive current. 6 –55 to +125 V Input Voltage Storage Temperature 2 Units –0.5 to +7.0 VI TSTG Temperature Range1 Military Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 R a d ia t io n -H a r d e n e d F PG A s El e c t r i c al S p ec i f i c at i o n s Limits Symbol Min. (IOH = –4 mA) 1, 2, 3 3.7 (IOL = 4 mA) 1, 2, 3 Test Conditions VOH1 VOL Group A Subgroups 1 VIH VIL Input Transition Time tR, tF Max. Units V 0.4 V 1, 2, 3 2.2 VCC + 0.3 V 1, 2, 3 –0.3 0.8 V — 500 ns 4 20 pF 2 2 CIO, I/O Capacitance IIH, IIL VIN = VCC or GND VCC = 5.5V 1, 2, 3 –10 10 µA IOZL, IOZH VOUT = VCC or GND VCC = 5.5V 1, 2, 3 –10 10 µA 25 mA ICC Standby3 1, 2, 3 Notes: 1. Only one output tested at a time. VCC = min. 2. Not tested, for information only. 3. All outputs unloaded. All inputs = VCC or GND. R ad i at i on Sp e ci f i c a t i o ns 1 , Symbol RTD 2 Characteristics Conditions Min. Total Dose Max. Units 300K Rad(Si) Single Event Latch-Up –55°C ≤ Tcase ≤ 125°C 0 3 Single Event Upset for S-modules –55°C ≤ Tcase ≤ 125°C 1E-6 Upsets/Bit-Day 3 SEU2 Single Event Upset for C-modules –55°C ≤ Tcase ≤ 125°C 1E-7 Upsets/Bit-Day SEU33 Single Event Fuse Rupture –55°C ≤ Tcase ≤ 125°C <1 RNF Neutron Fluence SEL SEU1 >1E+12 Fails/Device-Day FIT (Fails/Device/1E9 Hrs) N/cm2 Notes: 1. Measured at room temperature unless otherwise stated. 2. Device electrical characteristics are guaranteed for post-irradiation levels at 25°C. 3. 10% worst-case particle environment, geosynchronous orbit, 0.025” of aluminum shielding. Specification set using the CREME code upset rate calculation method with a 2µ epi thickness. Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 7 Pa c ka ge T he r m a l C ha r a ct e r i s t i c s The device junction to case thermal characteristics is θjc, and the junction to ambient air characteristics is θja. The thermal characteristics for θja are listed with two different air flow rates, as shown in the table below. Maximum junction temperature is 150°C. A sample calculation of the maximum power dissipation for an 84-pin ceramic quad flat pack at commercial temperature is as follows: 150°C – 70°C- = 2.0 W Max junction temp. ( °C ) – Max commercial temp. ( °C -) = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------40°C/W θja (°C/W) Pin Count θjc θja Still Air θja 300 ft/min Units Ceramic Quad Flat Pack 84 7.8 40 30 °C/W Ceramic Quad Flat Pack 172 6.8 28 20 °C/W Package Type Po w e r D i s s i pa t i o n Gener al P ow er E quat i on A ct iv e P ow er Co mp onen ts P = [ICCstandby + ICCactive] * VCC + IOL * VOL * N + IOH * (VCC – VOH) * M N equals the number of outputs driving TTL loads to VOL. Power dissipation in CMOS devices is usually dominated by the active (dynamic) power dissipation. This component is frequency-dependent and a function of the logic and the external I/O. Active power dissipation results from charging internal chip capacitances of the interconnect, unprogrammed antifuses, module inputs, and module outputs, plus external capacitance due to PC board traces and load device inputs. An additional component of the active power dissipation is the totempole current in CMOS transistor pairs. The net effect can be associated with an equivalent capacitance that can be combined with frequency and voltage to represent active power dissipation. M equals the number of outputs driving TTL loads to VOH. The power dissipated by a CMOS circuit can be expressed by Equation 1: where: ICCstandby is the current flowing when no inputs or outputs are changing. ICCactive is the current flowing due to CMOS switching. IOL, IOH are TTL sink/source currents. VOL, VOH are TTL level output voltages. Power (uW) = CEQ * VCC2 * F Accurate values for N and M are difficult to determine because they depend on the family type, design details, and on the system I/O. The power can be divided into two components: static and active. CEQ = Equivalent capacitance in pF S tat i c P ow er Co m ponen ts VCC = Power supply in volts (V) F = Switching frequency in MHz Actel FPGAs have small static power components that result in lower power dissipation than PALs or PLDs. By integrating multiple PALs/PLDs into one FPGA, an even greater reduction in board-level power dissipation can be achieved. The power due to standby current is typically a small component of the overall power. Standby power is calculated below for military, worst case conditions. 8 ICC VCC Power 25 mA 5.5V 138 mW (max) 1 mA 5.5V 5.5 mW (typ) Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 (1) where: E qui va len t Cap acit an ce Equivalent capacitance is calculated by measuring ICC active at a specified frequency and voltage for each circuit component of interest. Measurements have been made over a range of frequencies at a fixed value of VCC. Equivalent capacitance is frequency-independent so the results may be used over a wide range of operating conditions. Equivalent capacitance values follow. R a d ia t io n -H a r d e n e d F PG A s C E Q Va lues f or Ac tel F PG A s RH1020 RH1280 Modules (CEQM) 3.7 5.2 Input Buffers (CEQI) 22.1 11.6 Output Buffers (CEQO) 31.2 23.8 Routed Array Clock Buffer Loads (CEQCR) 4.6 3.5 To calculate the active power dissipated from the complete design, the switching frequency of each part of the logic must be known. Equation 2 shows a piece-wise linear summation over all components. Power = VCC2 * [(m * CEQM* fm)modules +(n * CEQI* fn)inputs + (p * (CEQO+ CL) * fp)outputs + 0.5 * (q1 * CEQCR * fq1)routed_Clk1 + (r1 * fq1)routed_Clk1 + 0.5 * (q2 * CEQCR * fq2)routed_Clk2 + (r2 * fq2)routed_Clk2] (2) where: Fix ed Capa cit anc e V alu es for A ct el FP GAs (pF) Device Type r1 routed_Clk1 r2 routed_Clk2 RH1020 RH1280 69 168 N/A 168 De ter m in ing Av er age S wi tc hing Fr equ ency To determine the switching frequency for a design, you must have a detailed understanding of the data input values to the circuit. The following guidelines are meant to represent worst-case scenarios, so they can be generally used to predict the upper limits of power dissipation. These guidelines are as follow: Logic Modules (m) = 80% of Modules Inputs Switching (n) = # Inputs/4 Outputs Switching (p) = # Outputs/4 First Routed Array Clock Loads (q1) = 40% of Sequential Modules m = Number of logic modules switching at fm n = Number of input buffers switching at fn p = Number of output buffers switching at fp q1 = Number of clock loads on the first routed array clock Second Routed Array Clock Loads (q2) = 40% of (RH1280 only) Sequential Modules q2 = Number of clock loads on the second routed array clock (RH1280 only) Load Capacitance (CL) r1 = Fixed capacitance due to first routed array clock r2 = Fixed capacitance due to second routed array clock (RH1280 only) Average Logic Module Switching Rate = F/10 (fm) CEQM = Equivalent capacitance of logic modules in pF CEQI = Equivalent capacitance of input buffers in pF CEQO = Equivalent capacitance of output buffers in pF CEQCR = Equivalent capacitance of routed array clock in pF CL = Output lead capacitance in pF fm = Average logic module switching rate in MHz fn = Average input buffer switching rate in MHz fp = Average output buffer switching rate in MHz fq1 = Average first routed array clock rate in MHz fq2 = Average second routed array clock rate in MHz (RH1280 only) Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 = 35 pF Average Input Switching Rate (fn) = F/5 Average Output Switching Rate (fp) = F/10 Average First Routed Array Clock Rate = F (fq1) Average Second Routed Array Clock = F/2 Rate (fq2) (RH1280 only) 9 R H1 0 20 Ti m i ng M od e l Internal Delays Input Delay I/O Module tINYL = 4.2 ns Predicted Routing Delays Output Delay I/O Module Logic Module tIRD2 = 1.9 ns tDLH = 9.1 ns tIRD1 = 1.2 ns tIRD4 = 4.2 ns tIRD8 = 8.9 ns ARRAY CLOCK tCKH = 7.6 ns tPD = 3.9 ns tCO = 3.9 ns tRD1 = 1.2 ns tRD2 = 1.9 ns tRD4 = 4.2 ns tRD8 = 8.9 ns tENHZ = 13.5 ns FO = 128 FMAX = 55 MHz R H1 2 80 Ti m i ng M od e l Input Delays Internal Delays Combinatorial I/O Module Logic Module tINYL = 2.3 ns t IRD2 = 7.5 ns† Predicted Routing Delays Output Delays I/O Module tDLH = 8.7 ns D Q tRD1 = 2.7 ns tRD2 = 3.4 ns tRD4 = 4.8 ns tRD8 = 9.0 ns tPD = 4.7 ns G Sequential Logic Module tINH = 0.0 ns tINSU = 0.6 ns tINGL = 5.3 ns Combinatorial Logic included in tSUD ARRAY CLOCKS tCKH = 11.2 ns FO = 384 FMAX = 95 MHz tSUD = 0.7 ns tHD = 0.0 ns D Q Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 Q tRD1 = 2.7 ns tENHZ = 9.7 ns G tCO = 4.7 ns tLCO = 17.7 ns (64 loads, pad-pad) † Input module predicted routing delay. 10 D I/O Module tDLH = 8.7 ns tOUTH = 0.0 ns tOUTSU = 0.6 ns tGLH = 7.6 ns R a d ia t io n -H a r d e n e d F PG A s Pa r a m et er M ea su r e m en t Out put B uffer Del ays E D In 50% PAD VOL 50% VOH E 1.5V 1.5V TRIBUFF 50% VCC PAD To AC Test Loads (shown below) E 50% 1.5V PAD PAD GND 10% VOL tDLH tENZL tDHL 50% VOH 50% tENLZ 90% 1.5V tENHZ tENZH AC T es t Loa ds Load 1 (Used to Measure Propagation Delay) Load 2 (Used to Measure Rising/Falling Edges) VCC GND To the Output Under Test 35 pF R to VCC for tPLZ/tPZL R to GND for tPHZ/tPZH R = 1 kΩ To the Output Under Test 35 pF Inpu t Buffe r De lay s PAD M odul e D el ays S A B Y INBUF S, A or B 3V PAD 1.5V 1.5V VCC Y GND 0V 50% tINYH 50% 50% Y tINYL Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 50% 50% tPLH 50% Y tPHL Y 50% tPHL 50% tPLH 11 Se q ue nt i al M o du l e Ti m i ng C ha r a ct e r i s t i c s Fli p- Flop s and Lat che s D E CLK Y PRE CLR (Positive Edge Triggered) tHD 1 D tSUD tA tWCLKA G, CLK tSUENA tWCLKI tHENA E tCO Q tRS PRE, CLR tWASYN Note: 12 D represents all data functions involving A, B, and S for multiplexed flip-flops. Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 R a d ia t io n -H a r d e n e d F PG A s Se q ue nt i al T i m i n g C h ar ac t er i st i c s (continued) Inpu t Buffe r Lat che s PAD DATA IBDL G PAD CLK CLKBUF DATA tINH G tINSU tHEXT CLK tSUEXT Out put B uffer Lat ches D PAD OBDLHS G D tOUTSU G tOUTH Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 13 R H1 0 20 Ti m i ng C ha r a ct e r i s t i c s (Worst-Case Military Conditions, V C C = 4.5V, T J = 125°C, RTD = 300Krad(Si)) Parameter Description Min. Max. Units Logic Module Propagation Delays tPD1 Single Module 3.9 ns tPD2 Dual Module Macros 9.2 ns tCO Sequential Clk to Q 3.9 ns tGO Latch G to Q 3.9 ns tRS Flip-Flop (Latch) Reset to Q 3.9 ns Logic Module Predicted Routing Delays 1 tRD1 FO=1 Routing Delay 1.2 ns tRD2 FO=2 Routing Delay 1.9 ns tRD3 FO=3 Routing Delay 2.8 ns tRD4 FO=4 Routing Delay 4.2 ns tRD8 FO=8 Routing Delay 8.9 ns Logic Module Sequential Timing 2 tSUD Flip-Flop (Latch) Data Input Set-Up 7.5 ns tHD Flip-Flop (Latch) Data Input Hold 0.0 ns tSUENA Flip-Flop (Latch) Enable Set-Up 7.5 ns tHENA Flip-Flop (Latch) Enable Hold 0.0 ns tWCLKA Flip-Flop (Latch) Clock Active Pulse Width 9.2 ns tWASYN Flip-Flop (Latch) Asynchronous Pulse Width 9.2 ns tA Flip-Flop Clock Input Period 19.2 ns fMAX Flip-Flop (Latch) Clock Frequency 50 MHz 4.2 ns 4.2 ns Input Module Propagation Delays tINYH Pad to Y High tINYL Pad to Y Low 1, 3 Input Module Predicted Routing Delays tIRD1 FO=1 Routing Delay 1.2 ns tIRD2 FO=2 Routing Delay 1.9 ns tIRD3 FO=3 Routing Delay 2.8 ns tIRD4 FO=4 Routing Delay 4.2 ns tIRD8 FO=8 Routing Delay 8.9 ns Notes: 1. Routing delays are for typical designs across worst-case operating conditions. These parameters should be used for estimating device performance. Post-route timing analysis or simulation is required to determine actual worst-case performance. Post-route timing is based on actual routing delay measurements performed on the device prior to shipment. 2. Set-up times assume fanout of 3. Further testing information can be obtained from the DirectTime Analyzer utility. 3. Optimization techniques may further reduce delays by 0 to 4 ns. 4. The hold time for the DFME1A macro may be greater that 0 ns. Use the Designer Series 3.0 (or later) Timer to check the hold time for this macro. 14 Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 R a d ia t io n -H a r d e n e d F PG A s R H1 0 20 Ti m i ng C ha r a ct e r i s t i c s (continued) (W or st -C as e M il it ar y Cond it ion s, V C C = 4.5 V, T J = 1 25° C, RT D = 300Kr ad(S i )) Parameter Description Min. Max. Units FO = 16 FO = 128 6.6 7.6 ns FO = 16 FO = 128 8.7 9.5 ns Global Clock Network tCKH tCKL tPWH tPWL tCKSW tP fMAX Input Low to High Input High to Low Minimum Pulse Width High Minimum Pulse Width Low Maximum Skew Minimum Period Maximum Frequency FO = 16 FO = 128 8.8 9.2 ns FO = 16 FO = 128 1.6 2.4 ns FO = 16 FO = 128 FO = 16 FO = 128 FO = 16 FO = 128 1.6 2.5 17.9 19.2 ns ns 55 50 MHz TTL Output Module Timing1 tDLH Data to Pad High 9.1 ns tDHL Data to Pad Low 10.2 ns tENZH Enable Pad Z to High 8.9 ns tENZL Enable Pad Z to Low 10.7 ns tENHZ Enable Pad High to Z 13.5 ns tENLZ Enable Pad Low to Z 12.2 ns dTLH Delta Low to High 0.08 ns/pF dTHL Delta High to Low 0.11 ns/pF CMOS Output Module Timing1 tDLH Data to Pad High 10.7 ns tDHL Data to Pad Low 8.7 ns tENZH Enable Pad Z to High 8.1 ns tENZL Enable Pad Z to Low 11.2 ns tENHZ Enable Pad High to Z 13.5 ns tENLZ Enable Pad Low to Z 12.2 ns dTLH Delta Low to High 0.14 ns/pF dTHL Delta High to Low 0.08 ns/pF Notes: 1. Delays based on 35 pF loading. 2. SSO information can be found in the Simultaneously Switching Output Limits for Actel FPGAs application note at http://www.actel.com/appnotes. Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 15 R H1 2 80 Ti m i ng C ha r a ct e r i s t i c s (W or st -C as e M il it ar y Cond it ion s, V C C = 4.5 V, T J = 1 25° C, RT D = 3 00Kr ad(S i )) Parameter Description Min. Max. Units 1 Logic Module Propagation Delays tPD1 Single Module 4.7 ns tCO Sequential Clk to Q 4.7 ns tGO Latch G to Q 4.7 ns tRS Flip-Flop (Latch) Reset to Q 4.7 ns Logic Module Predicted Routing Delays 2 tRD1 FO=1 Routing Delay 2.7 ns tRD2 FO=2 Routing Delay 3.4 ns tRD3 FO=3 Routing Delay 4.1 ns tRD4 FO=4 Routing Delay 4.8 ns tRD8 FO=8 Routing Delay 9.0 ns 3, 4 Sequential Timing Characteristics tSUD Flip-Flop (Latch) Data Input Set-Up 0.7 ns tHD Flip-Flop (Latch) Data Input Hold 0.0 ns tSUENA Flip-Flop (Latch) Enable Set-Up 1.4 ns tHENA Flip-Flop (Latch) Enable Hold 0.0 ns tWCLKA Flip-Flop (Latch) Clock Active Pulse Width 6.6 ns tWASYN Flip-Flop (Latch) Asynchronous Pulse Width 6.6 ns tA Flip-Flop Clock Input Period 13.5 ns tINH Input Buffer Latch Hold 0.0 ns tINSU Input Buffer Latch Set-Up 0.6 ns tOUTH Output Buffer Latch Hold 0.0 ns tOUTSU Output Buffer Latch Set-Up 0.6 ns fMAX Flip-Flop (Latch) Clock Frequency 95 MHz Notes: 1. For dual-module macros, use tPD + tRD1 + tPDn , tCO + tRD1 + tPDn , or tPD1 + tRD1 + tSUD , whichever is appropriate. 2. Routing delays are for typical designs across worst-case operating conditions. These parameters should be used for estimating device performance. Post-route timing analysis or simulation is required to determine actual worst-case performance. Post-route timing is based on actual routing delay measurements performed on the device prior to shipment. 3. Data applies to macros based on the S-module. Timing parameters for sequential macros constructed from C-modules can be obtained from the DirectTime Analyzer utility. 4. Set-up and hold timing parameters for the input buffer latch are defined with respect to the PAD and the D input. External set-up/hold timing parameters must account for delay from an external PAD signal to the G inputs. Delay from an external PAD signal to the G input subtracts (adds) to the internal set-up (hold) time. 16 Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 R a d ia t io n -H a r d e n e d F PG A s R H1 2 80 Ti m i ng C ha r a ct e r i s t i c s (continued) (Worst-Case Military Conditions, V C C = 4.5V, T J = 125°C, RTD = 300Krad(Si)) Parameter Description Min. Max. Units Input Module Propagation Delays tINYH Pad to Y High 1.9 ns tINYL Pad to Y Low 2.3 ns tINGH G to Y High 4.1 ns tINGL G to Y Low 5.3 ns 1 Input Module Predicted Routing Delays tIRD1 FO=1 Routing Delay 6.8 ns tIRD2 FO=2 Routing Delay 7.5 ns tIRD3 FO=3 Routing Delay 8.2 ns tIRD4 FO=4 Routing Delay 8.9 ns tIRD8 FO=8 Routing Delay 11.7 ns Global Clock Network tCKH Input Low to High FO = 32 FO = 384 9.6 11.2 ns tCKL Input High to Low FO = 32 FO = 384 9.6 11.2 ns tPWH Minimum Pulse Width High FO = 32 FO = 384 5.8 6.2 ns tPWL Minimum Pulse Width Low FO = 32 FO = 384 5.8 6.2 ns tCKSW Maximum Skew FO = 32 FO = 384 tSUEXT Input Latch External Set-Up FO = 32 FO = 384 0.0 0.0 ns tHEXT Input Latch External Hold FO = 32 FO = 384 4.6 5.8 ns tP Minimum Period FO = 32 FO = 384 11.8 13.0 ns fMAX Maximum Frequency FO = 32 FO = 384 1.1 1.1 105 95 ns MHz Note: 1. Routing delays are for typical designs across worst-case operating conditions. These parameters should be used for estimating device performance. Post-route timing analysis or simulation is required to determine actual worst-case performance. Post-route timing is based on actual routing delay measurements performed on the device prior to shipment. Optimization techniques may further reduce delays by 0 to 4 ns. Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 17 R H1 2 80 Ti m i ng C ha r a ct e r i s t i c s (continued) (Worst-Case Military Conditions, V C C = 4. 5V, T J = 125° C , R T D = 300 Kra d(S i) ) Parameter Description Min. Max. Units TTL Output Module Timing1 tDLH Data to Pad High 6.8 ns tDHL Data to Pad Low 7.6 ns tENZH Enable Pad Z to High 6.8 ns tENZL Enable Pad Z to Low 7.6 ns tENHZ Enable Pad High to Z 9.7 ns tENLZ Enable Pad Low to Z 9.7 ns tGLH G to Pad High 7.6 ns tGHL G to Pad Low 8.9 ns tLCO I/O Latch Clock-Out (Pad-to-Pad), 64 Clock Loading 17.7 ns tACO Array Clock-Out (Pad-to-Pad), 64 Clock Loading 25.0 ns dTLH Capacitive Loading, Low to High 0.07 ns/pF dTHL Capacitive Loading, High to Low 0.09 ns/pF 1 CMOS Output Module Timing tDLH Data to Pad High 8.7 ns tDHL Data to Pad Low 6.4 ns tENZH Enable Pad Z to High 6.8 ns tENZL Enable Pad Z to Low 7.6 ns tENHZ Enable Pad High to Z 9.7 ns tENLZ Enable Pad Low to Z 9.7 ns tGLH G to Pad High 7.6 ns tGHL G to Pad Low 8.9 ns tLCO I/O Latch Clock-Out (Pad-to-Pad), 64 Clock Loading 20.1 ns tACO Array Clock-Out (Pad-to-Pad), 64 Clock Loading 29.5 ns dTLH Capacitive Loading, Low to High 0.09 ns/pF dTHL Capacitive Loading, High to Low 0.08 ns/pF Notes: 1. Delays based on 35 pF loading. 2. SSO information can be found in the Simultaneously Switching Output Limits for Actel FPGAs application note at http://www.actel.com/appnotes. 18 Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 R a d ia t io n -H a r d e n e d F PG A s Pi n D es c ri pt i on CLKA Clock A (Input) TTL clock input for clock distribution networks. The clock input is buffered prior to clocking the logic modules. This pin can also be used as an I/O. CLKB Clock B (Input) Not applicable for RH1020. TTL clock input for clock distribution networks. The clock input is buffered prior to clocking the logic modules. This pin can also be used as an I/O. DCLK Diagnostic Clock (Input) TTL clock input for diagnostic probe and device programming. DCLK is active when the MODE pin is HIGH. This pin functions as an I/O when the MODE pin is LOW. GND Ground LOW supply voltage. I/O Input/Output (Input, Output) The I/O pin functions as an input, output, three-state, or bi-directional buffer. Input and output levels are compatible with standard TTL and CMOS specifications. Unused I/O pins are automatically driven LOW by the Designer software. MODE Mode (Input) The MODE pin controls the use of multi-function pins (DCLK, PRA, PRB, SDI). When the MODE pin is HIGH, the special functions are active. When the MODE pin is LOW, the pins function as I/Os. To provide debugging capability, the MODE pin should be terminated to GND through a 10 kΩ resistor so that the MODE pin can be pulled HIGH when required. NC PRA, I/O Probe A (Output) The Probe A pin is used to output data from any user-defined design node within the device. This independent diagnostic pin can be used in conjunction with the Probe B pin to allow real-time diagnostic output of any signal path within the device. The Probe A pin can be used as a user-defined I/O when verification has been completed. The pin’s probe capabilities can be permanently disabled to protect programmed design confidentiality. PRA is accessible when the MODE pin is HIGH. This pin functions as an I/O when the MODE pin is LOW. PRB, I/O Probe B (Output) The Probe B pin is used to output data from any user-defined design node within the device. This independent diagnostic pin can be used in conjunction with the Probe A pin to allow real-time diagnostic output of any signal path within the device. The Probe B pin can be used as a user-defined I/O when verification has been completed. The pin’s probe capabilities can be permanently disabled to protect programmed design confidentiality. PRB is accessible when the MODE pin is HIGH. This pin functions as an I/O when the MODE pin is LOW. SDI Serial Data Input (Input) Serial data input for diagnostic probe and device programming. SDI is active when the MODE pin is HIGH. This pin functions as an I/O when the MODE pin is LOW. V CC 5.0V Supply Voltage HIGH supply voltage. No Connection This pin is not connected to circuitry within the device. Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 19 Pa c ka ge P i n A s si g nm e n t s 84- Pi n CQFP (To p V iew ) Pin #1 Index 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 84-Pin CQFP 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 20 Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 R a d ia t io n -H a r d e n e d F PG A s 84-Pin CQFP Pin Number RH1020 Function Pin Number RH1020 Function 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 NC I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O GND GND I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O VCC VCC I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O VCC I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O GND I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O VCC I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O GND GND I/O I/O CLKA, I/O I/O MODE VCC VCC I/O I/O I/O SDI, I/O DCLK, I/O PRA, I/O PRB, I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O GND I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O VCC I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 21 Pa c ka ge P i n A s si g nm e n t s (continued) 172- P in CQF P (T op Vie w) 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 Pin #1 Index 1 129 2 128 3 127 4 126 5 125 6 124 7 123 8 122 172-Pin CQFP 35 95 36 94 37 93 38 92 39 91 40 90 41 89 42 88 43 87 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 22 Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 R a d ia t io n -H a r d e n e d F PG A s 172-Pin CQFP Pin Number RH1280A Function Pin Number RH1280A Function Pin Number RH1280A Function Pin Number 1 2 RH1280A Function MODE 44 I/O 87 I/O 130 I/O I/O 45 I/O 88 I/O 131 SDI, I/O 3 I/O 46 I/O 89 I/O 132 I/O 4 I/O 47 I/O 90 I/O 133 I/O 5 I/O 48 I/O 91 I/O 134 I/O 6 I/O 49 I/O 92 I/O 135 I/O 7 GND 50 VCC 93 I/O 136 VCC 8 I/O 51 I/O 94 I/O 137 I/O 9 I/O 52 I/O 95 I/O 138 I/O 10 I/O 53 I/O 96 I/O 139 I/O 11 I/O 54 I/O 97 I/O 140 I/O 12 VCC 55 GND 98 GND 141 GND 13 I/O 56 I/O 99 I/O 142 I/O 14 I/O 57 I/O 100 I/O 143 I/O 15 I/O 58 I/O 101 I/O 144 I/O 16 I/O 59 I/O 102 I/O 145 I/O 17 GND 60 I/O 103 GND 146 I/O 18 I/O 61 I/O 104 I/O 147 I/O 19 I/O 62 I/O 105 I/O 148 PRA, I/O 20 I/O 63 I/O 106 GND 149 I/O 21 I/O 64 I/O 107 VCC 150 CLKA, I/O 22 GND 65 GND 108 GND 151 VCC 23 VCC 66 VCC 109 VCC 152 GND 24 VCC 67 I/O 110 VCC 153 I/O 25 I/O 68 I/O 111 I/O 154 CLKB, I/O 26 I/O 69 I/O 112 I/O 155 I/O 27 VCC 70 I/O 113 VCC 156 PRB, I/O 28 I/O 71 I/O 114 I/O 157 I/O 29 I/O 72 I/O 115 I/O 158 I/O 30 I/O 73 I/O 116 I/O 159 I/O 31 I/O 74 I/O 117 I/O 160 I/O 32 GND 75 GND 118 GND 161 GND 33 I/O 76 I/O 119 I/O 162 I/O 34 I/O 77 I/O 120 I/O 163 I/O 35 I/O 78 I/O 121 I/O 164 I/O 36 I/O 79 I/O 122 I/O 165 I/O 37 GND 80 VCC 123 GND 166 VCC 38 I/O 81 I/O 124 I/O 167 I/O 39 I/O 82 I/O 125 I/O 168 I/O 40 I/O 83 I/O 126 I/O 169 I/O 41 I/O 84 I/O 127 I/O 170 I/O 42 I/O 85 I/O 128 I/O 171 DCLK, I/O 43 I/O 86 I/O 129 I/O 172 I/O Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 23 Pa c ka ge M e ch an i c al D r a w i ng s 84-Pin CQFP (Cavity Up) Top View D1 D2 H E2 F e b L1 Side View A Lid c A1 Notes: 1. Seal ring and lid are connected to Ground. 2. Lead material is Kovar with minimum 50 microinches gold plate over nickel. 3. Packages are shipped unformed with the ceramic tie bar in a test carrier. 24 Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 E1 Pa c ka ge M e ch an i c al D r a w i ng s (continued) 172-Pin CQFP (Cavity Up) Top View H D1 D2 No. 1 Ceramic Tie Bar L1 E2 E1 K F e b Side View Lid A1 A C Lead Kovar Notes: 1. Seal Ring and Lid are connected to Ground. 2. Lead material is Kovar with minimum 50 microinches gold plate over nickel. 3. Packages are shipped unformed with the ceramic tie bar in a test carrier. Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 25 Cer am i c Qu ad Flat Pa ck CQFP 84 CQFP 172 Symbol Min Nom. Max Min Nom. Max A 0.070 0.090 0.100 0.094 0.105 0.116 A1 0.060 0.075 0.080 0.080 0.090 0.100 b 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.007 0.008 0.010 c 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.004 0.006 0.008 D1/E1 0.640 0.650 0.660 1.168 1.180 1.192 D2/E2 0.500 BSC 1.050 BSC e 0.025 BSC 0.025 BSC F 0.130 0.140 0.150 0.175 0.200 H 1.460 BSC 2.320 BSC K — 2.140 BSC L1 1.595 1.600 1.615 2.485 2.495 0.225 2.505 Note: 1. All dimensions are in inches. 2. BSC equals Basic Spacing between Centers. This is a theoretical true position dimension and so has no tolerance. 26 Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003 27 Actel and the Actel logo are registered trademarks of Actel Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their owners. http://www.actel.com Actel Europe Ltd. Daneshill House, Lutyens Close Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 8AG United Kingdom Tel: +44-(0)125-630-5600 Fax: +44-(0)125-635-5420 Actel Corporation 955 East Arques Avenue Sunnyvale, California 94086 USA Tel: (408) 739-1010 Fax: (408) 739-1540 Actel Asia-Pacific EXOS Ebisu Bldg. 4F 1-24-14 Ebisu Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150 Japan Tel: +81-(0)3-3445-7671 Fax: +81-(0)3-3445-7668 5172123-2/1.00 Powered by ICminer.com Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003