Bulletin I27106 rev. B 02/02 T..HF SERIES T-Modules POWER RECTIFIER DIODES Features 40 A 70 A 85 A 110 A Electrically isolated base plate Types up to 1200 V RRM 3500 V RMS isolating voltage Simplified mechanical designs, rapid assembly High surge capability Large creepage distances UL E78996 approved Description These series of T-modules use standard recovery power rectifier diodes. The semiconductors are electrically isolated from the metal base, allowing common heatsink and compact assembly to be built. Applications include power supplies, battery charges, welders, motor controls and general industrial current rectification. Major Ratings and Characteristics Parameters T40HF T70HF T85HF T110HF Units IF(AV) 40 70 85 110 IF(RMS) IFSM 2 I t A 63 110 134 173 50Hz 570 1200 1700 2000 A 60Hz 600 1250 1800 2100 A 50Hz 1630 7100 14500 20500 A2s 60Hz 1500 6450 13500 18600 A2s 16300 70700 148700 204300 A2√s 2 I √t VRRM range TJ www.irf.com 100 to 1200 -40 to 150 C o V C o 1 T..HF Series Bulletin I27106 rev. B 02/02 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Voltage Ratings Type number Voltage Code VRRM , maximum repetitive peak reverse voltage V VRSM , maximum non-repetitive peak reverse voltage V 10 100 150 T40HF.. 20 200 300 T70HF.. 40 400 500 T85HF.. 60 600 700 T110HF.. 80 800 900 100 1000 1100 120 1200 1300 IRRM max. TJ= @ 25°C µA 100 Forward Conduction Parameters IF(AV) Max. average fwd current 40 70 85 110 @ Case temperature 85 85 85 85 63 110 134 173 A Max. peak, one-cycle 570 1200 1700 2000 A forward,non-repetitive 600 1250 1800 2100 IF(RMS) Max. RMS forward current IFSM surge current I2t I2√t T40HF T70HF T85HF T110HF Units Conditions Maximum I2t for fusing Maximum I2√t for fusing VF(TO)1 Low level value of threshold A 180o conduction, half sine wave C o t = 10ms No voltage t = 8.3ms reapplied 480 1000 1450 1700 t = 10ms 500 1050 1500 1780 t = 8.3ms reapplied 1630 7100 14500 20500 1500 6450 13500 18600 t = 8.3ms reapplied 1150 5000 10500 14500 t = 10ms 1050 4570 9600 13200 t = 8.3ms reapplied A2s t = 10ms 100% VRRM No voltage Sinusoidal half wave, Initial TJ = TJ max. 100% VRRM 16300 70700 148700 204300 A2√s t = 0.1 to 10ms, no voltage reapplied 0.66 0.76 0.68 0.68 0.84 0.95 0.90 0.86 4.3 2.4 1.76 1.56 3.1 1.7 1.08 1.12 1.30 1.35 1.27 1.35 V (16.7% x π x IF(AV) < I < π x IF(AV)), @ TJ max. voltage VF(TO)2 High level value of threshold (I > π x IF(AV)), @ TJ max. voltage rf1 Low level value of forward mΩ (16.7% x π x IF(AV) < I < π x IF(AV)), @ TJ max. slope resistance rf2 High level value of forward (I > π x IF(AV)), @ TJ max. slope resistance VFM Max. forward voltage drop V IFM = π x IF(AV), TJ = 25 oC, tp = 400 µs square pulse Av. power = VF(TO) x IF(AV) + rf x (IF(RMS))2 Blocking Parameters IRRM Max. peak reverse leakage T40HF T70HF T85HF T110HF Units Conditions 15 15 20 20 3500 3500 3500 3500 mA TJ = 150 oC current VINS RMS isolation voltage V 50Hz, circuit to base, all terminals shorted TJ = 25 oC , t = 1s 2 www.irf.com T..HF Series Bulletin I27106 rev. B 02/02 ∆R Conduction (per Junction) (The following table shows the increment of thermal resistance RthJC when devices operate at different conduction angles than DC) Sinusoidal conduction @ TJ max. Devices Rectangular conduction @ TJ max. 180o 120o 90o 60o 30o 180o 120o 90o 60o 30o T40HF 0.12 0.14 0.18 0.27 0.46 0.09 0.15 0.20 0.28 0.46 T70HF 0.09 0.11 0.14 0.20 0.35 0.07 0.11 0.15 0.21 0.35 T85HF 0.08 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.31 0.06 0.10 0.13 0.19 0.31 T110HF 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.14 0.23 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.15 0.24 Units K/W Thermal and Mechanical Specifications Parameters TJ T40HF T70HF T85HF T110HF Units -40 to 150 °C -40 to 150 °C Max. junction operating Conditions temperature range Tstg Max. storage temperature range RthJC Max. thermal resistance, 1.36 0.69 0.62 0.47 K/W DC operation, per junction 0.2 K/W Mounting surface smooth, flat and greased 1.3 ± 10% Nm junction to case RthCS Max. thermal resistance, case to heatsink T Mounting wt torque ± 10% terminals Approximate weight to heatsink 3 ± 10% 54 Case style g D-56 M3.5 mounting screws (2) M5 screw terminals See outline table non lubricated threads T type (2) A mounting compound is recommended and the torque should be rechecked after a period of about 3 hours to allow for the spread of the compound Ordering Information Table Circuit configuration ** Device Code www.irf.com T 110 HF 120 1 2 3 4 1 - Module type 2 - Current rating 3 - Circuit configuration ** 4 - Voltage code : code x 10 = VRRM 3 T..HF Series Bulletin I27106 rev. B 02/02 Outline Table 4 150 T40HF.. Series R thJC (DC ) = 1.36 K/W 140 130 120 C ond uc tio n A ngle 110 100 90 30 80 60 90 120 70 180 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 M axim um Allow ab le C ase Te m pe ra tu re ( C ) M axim um Allow a ble C ase Tem p era ture ( C ) All dimensions in millimeters (inches) 150 T40H F.. Serie s R th JC (D C ) = 1 .36 K /W 140 130 120 C o nd uc tio n P e rio d 110 100 30 90 60 90 80 120 70 1 80 DC 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 A verage Fo rw ard C urrent (A ) A v erag e Fo rw a rd C urrent (A ) Fig. 1 - Current Ratings Characteristics Fig. 2 - Current Ratings Characteristics 70 www.irf.com T..HF Series Bulletin I27106 rev. B 02/02 R th 1 K/ SA W .5 =0 W K/ K/ W W W 30 3 K/ K/ 35 2 5 180 120 90 60 30 40 1. RM S Lim it 25 -D 5K /W a R 20 e lt M a xim um A ver age F orw a rd Pow er Loss (W ) 45 7K /W C o nd uc tio n A ng le 1 0 K /W 15 10 T40HF.. Series T J = 150 C 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 A verag e Fo rw a rd C urrent (A ) 25 50 75 100 125 150 M a xim um A llo w ab le A m bien t Tem p era ture ( C ) Fig. 3 - Forward Power Loss Characteristics DC 180 120 90 60 30 W 5 W K/ 0. K/ = 5 3K /W el 30 RM S Lim it -D 2K W 40 K/ 1. SA 50 1 th 60 R /W ta R M axim u m Av erage Fo rw ard P ow er Loss (W ) 70 20 C o nd uc tio n P e rio d 5 K/ W 7 K/ W 10 T40 HF.. Series T J = 1 50 C 10 K/W 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 A verage Fo rw a rd C urrent (A) 0 70 25 50 75 100 125 150 M axim um A llow a ble A m bien t Tem p e ra ture ( C ) 550 A t A ny Ra te d Loa d C o nd ition A nd W ith Ra ted V RR M A p p lied Fo llow in g Surg e . Initial T J = 150 C @ 60 H z 0.0083 s @ 50 H z 0.0100 s 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 T40HF.. Series 150 1 10 100 Pea k H alf Sine W a ve Fo rw a rd C urr ent (A ) Peak H a lf Sin e W ave Fo rw ar d C ur ren t (A ) Fig. 4 - Forward Power Loss Characteristics 600 550 500 450 M axim um N on Re petitive Surg e Current Versus Pulse Train Duration. Initial T J = 150 C N o Voltage Reapp lied Rated V RR M Reapp lied 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 0.01 T40HF.. Series 0.1 1 Num ber O f Equal Amplitude Half Cycle Current Pulses (N) Pulse Tra in D uration (s) Fig. 5 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current Fig. 6 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current www.irf.com 5 T..HF Series 150 T70 H F.. Serie s R th JC (D C ) = 0 .6 9 K /W 140 130 120 110 C o nd u c tio n A n gle 100 90 30 60 90 80 1 20 70 180 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 150 M axim um Allow a ble C a se Tem perature ( C ) M a xim um A llow a ble C ase Tem p erature ( C ) Bulletin I27106 rev. B 02/02 80 T70HF.. Series R thJC (DC ) = 0.69 K/W 140 130 120 C ond uc tio n P e riod 110 100 30 90 60 80 90 120 70 180 0 20 A vera ge Forw ard C urrent (A) 40 60 80 100 120 Average Forw a rd C urren t (A ) Fig. 7 - Current Ratings Characteristics Fig. 8 - Current Ratings Characteristics 90 5 = W A K/ 0 .3 W hS R t 2K 0. K/ W K/ -D W el ta /W R 50 RM S Lim it K/ W 60 1. 5 1 K/ 70 180 120 90 60 30 7 80 0. M a xim um Average Forw a rd Pow er Loss (W ) DC 60 3K /W 40 30 C o nd uc tio n A ng le 5 K/ W T70HF.. Series T J= 150 C 7 K/ W 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 A verag e Forw ard C urren t (A ) 25 50 75 100 125 150 M a xim u m A llow ab le A m b ie n t e m pe rature ( C ) 120 K/ /W W -D el /W ta R RM S Lim it 2 0. 60 = 1K 1. 5 /W SA 5K 7K /W 80 0. 0. 3K 100 h R t DC 1 80 1 20 90 60 30 0. M a xim um A verag e Forw ard Pow e r Loss (W ) Fig. 9 - Forward Power Loss Characteristics K /W 2 K/ 40 C o nd uctio n P e rio d 20 T70HF.. Series T J = 15 0 C W 3 K /W 5 K /W 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 A verag e Forw ard C urren t (A ) 120 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 M a xim um A llow ab le Am bien t Tem p era ture ( C ) Fig. 10 - Forward Power Loss Characteristics 6 www.irf.com T..HF Series 1100 A t A ny Ra te d Loa d C o nd itio n A nd W ith R a ted V RRM A pp lie d Fo llo wing Surg e . Initial T J = 150 C @ 60 Hz 0.008 3 s @ 50 Hz 0.010 0 s 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 T70HF.. Series 300 1 10 1200 Peak Ha lf Sin e W ave Forw a rd C urrent (A) Peak Ha lf Sine W ave Forw a rd C urrent ( A) Bulletin I27106 rev. B 02/02 M axim um No n Re pe titive Surge C urre nt Versus Pulse Train D uration . In itial T J = 150 C No Vo ltag e Reap p lied Rated V RR M Reap p lied 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 T70 HF.. Series 300 200 0.01 100 0.1 N um ber O f Equal Am plitude Half Cycle Current Pulses (N) Fig. 12 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current 140 130 C ond uc tio n A n gle 120 110 30 60 90 100 120 180 90 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 150 M axim um Allow ab le C ase Tem p erature ( C ) T85HF.. Series R thJC (DC ) = 0.62 K/W 90 T85HF.. Series R thJC (DC ) = 0.62 K/W 140 130 120 C ond uc tio n P erio d 110 100 30 90 60 80 90 120 70 180 DC 60 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 A verag e Forw ard C urrent (A) Avera ge Forw ard Curren t (A) Fig. 13 - Current Ratings Characteristics Fig. 14 - Current Ratings Characteristics 100 A 3K .2 =0 /W W W W K/ K/ 1 0. 7 K/ 0. K/ W 70 5 80 -D 1 .5 K/ W 2K /W R 50 a RM S Lim it e lt 60 140 S R th 180 120 90 60 30 90 0. M a xim um A verag e Forw ard Pow er Loss (W ) M a xim um A llo w a ble C ase T em pera ture ( C ) Fig. 11 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current 150 1 P ulse Train Du ratio n (s) 3K /W 40 30 C o nd uc tion A ng le 20 T85 HF.. Series T J = 1 50 C 10 5 K/ W 7 K/ W 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 A vera g e Forw a rd C urrent (A ) 80 0 90 25 50 75 100 125 150 M a xim um A llow ab le A m bien t Tem p era ture ( C ) Fig. 15 - Forward Power Loss Characteristics www.irf.com 7 T..HF Series 140 DC 1 80 1 20 90 60 30 0. 2 K/ W W -D ta el W R /W /W C o n du ction Pe rio d 2K /W T85HF.. Series T J = 15 0 C 5K /W 40 /W K/ K/ 1 .5 K RM S Lim it = 1K 3K 0 .5 0 .7 80 60 SA 0. 100 th 120 R M axim um Ave ra ge Forwa rd Pow er Lo ss (W ) Bulletin I27106 rev. B 02/02 3 K /W 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 A vera ge Forw a rd C urren t (A ) 140 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 M a xim um Allow a ble A m bien t Tem p era ture ( C ) A t A ny Ra te d Lo a d C o nd itio n A nd W ith R a ted V RR M A p p lie d Fo llo w in g Surg e . Initia l T J = 15 0 C @ 60 H z 0.0 083 s @ 50 H z 0.0 100 s 1400 1200 1000 800 600 T85HF.. Series 400 M axim um A llowa b le C ase Tem perature ( C ) 1 8 10 Pe ak H alf Sine W ave Forw a rd C urr ent (A) 1600 100 1800 M axim um No n Re pe titive Surge Current Versus Pulse Tra in D uration . Initial T J = 150 C No Vo lta ge Reap p lied Rated V RR M Reap p lied 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 T8 5HF.. Series 400 0.01 0.1 1 N um be r O f Equal A m plitude Half C ycle C urrent Pulse s (N) P ulse Tra in D ura tio n (s) Fig. 17 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current Fig. 18 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current 150 T110 HF.. Series R thJC (D C ) = 0.47 K/W 140 130 120 C o nd uc tion A ng le 110 100 90 30 60 80 90 120 70 180 60 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 M axim um Allow a ble C ase Tem p era ture ( C ) P eak H alf Sine W ave Fo rw ard C urren t (A ) Fig. 16 - Forward Power Loss Characteristics 150 T110HF.. Series R thJC (D C) = 0.47 K/W 140 130 120 C o nd uction Pe rio d 110 100 30 90 60 90 80 120 70 180 DC 60 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 A verage Forw ard C u rrent (A ) Averag e Forw a rd C urren t (A ) Fig. 19 - Current Ratings Characteristics Fig. 20 - Current Ratings Characteristics www.irf.com T..HF Series 130 /W = W 0. W 2 K/ W /W -D 1K 5K K/ A 90 7 K/ 100 0. 0. 3 110 S R th 18 0 12 0 90 60 30 120 0. 80 el RM S Lim it 1. 5 K/W 2K /W 60 R 70 ta M axim um A vera ge Fo rw ard Po w er Lo ss (W ) Bulletin I27106 rev. B 02/02 50 3 K/ W C o nd uc tio n A ng le 40 30 T110HF.. Series T J = 1 50 C 20 10 5 K /W 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 A verag e Fo rw a rd C urrent (A ) 120 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 M a xim um A llow a ble A m b ie nt Te m p e ratu re ( C ) 180 DC 180 120 90 60 30 160 120 SA 140 R th M a xim um A verage Forw ard Pow er Loss ( W ) Fig. 21 - Forward Power Loss Characteristics 0. 3K 0 .5 0 .7 100 = 0. 2 /W K/ K/ K/ W -D W el ta R W 1K /W 80 RM S Lim it 1 .5 60 C ond uc tio n P e rio d 40 3 K/W T110HF.. Series T J = 150 C 20 K /W 2 K/W 5 K /W 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 A vera ge F orw ard C urre nt (A ) 25 50 75 100 125 150 M axim um A llow a ble A m bien t Tem p e ra ture ( C ) 1800 A t A ny Ra te d Loa d C o nd ition A nd W ith Ra ted V RRM A p p lie d Fo llo w in g Surg e . Initial T J= 150 C @ 60 Hz 0.0083 s @ 50 Hz 0.0100 s 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 T110H F.. Series 400 1 10 100 Num ber O f Equal A m plitude Half C ycle Current Pulses (N) Fig. 23 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current www.irf.com Pea k H alf Sin e W a ve Forw ard C urre n t (A) Pe ak H a lf Sine W ave Fo rw a rd C urrent (A) Fig. 22 - Forward Power Loss Characteristics 2000 1800 1600 M axim um N o n Rep etitive Surg e Current Versus Pulse Train D uratio n . Initia l T J = 150 C N o Vo lta ge Rea pp lied Ra ted V RRM Rea pp lied 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 0.01 T110H F.. Series 0.1 1 P ulse Train D u ratio n (s) Fig. 24 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current 9 T..HF Series Bulletin I27106 rev. B 02/02 1000 Instan taneous Forw ard C urrent (A) Instanta neo us Fo rw ard Cu rre nt (A ) 1000 100 T J = 25 C T J = 1 50 C 10 T4 0HF.. Series 100 T J = 25 C 10 T J= 15 0 C T70H F.. Series 1 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 In sta ntaneo us Fo rwa rd Vo lta g e (V) Fig. 25 - Forward Voltage Drop Characteristics 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Fig. 26 - Forward Voltage Drop Characteristics 10000 10000 Instantan eo us Forw a rd C urre n t (A) Instantan eous Forw ard C urren t (A) 0.5 In sta n tan eous Forw a rd V oltage (V ) 1000 T J= 2 5 C 100 T J = 15 0 C T85 HF.. Series 1000 T J= 25 C 100 T J = 15 0 C T1 10H F.. Series 10 10 0 1 2 3 4 0 5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Fig. 27 - Forward Voltage Drop Characteristics Fig. 28 - Forward Voltage Drop Characteristics Transient The rm al Im pedanc e Z thJC (K/W ) In sta nta n eo us Forw a rd V oltag e (V ) In sta nta n e ous Fo rw a rd V olt ag e (V ) 10 1 Stea dy Sta te Value: R thJC = 1 .3 6 K/W R thJC = 0 .6 9 K/W R thJC = 0 .6 2 K/W R thJC = 0 .4 7 K/W (D C O pera tio n ) T4 0HF.. Series T70HF.. Series T85HF.. Series T110HF.. Series 0.1 0.01 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Sq ua re W a ve Pulse D uration (s) Fig. 29 - Thermal Impedance ZthJC Characteristics 10 www.irf.com T..HF Series Bulletin I27106 rev. B 02/02 Data and specifications subject to change without notice. This product has been designed and qualified for Industrial Level. Qualification Standards can be found on IR's Web site. IR WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245, USA Tel: (310) 252-7105 TAC Fax: (310) 252-7309 Visit us at www.irf.com for sales contact information. 02/02 www.irf.com 11