DC Accurate FSK Modulator
There have been several solutions developed and
implemented that address this problem. One approach
is to predistort the modulation signal to compensate for
the effects of the PLL. This has limited results and a
finite frequency range. Another commonly used
method is to encode the data stream with such techniques as Manchester coding or split phase coding.
The basis of this coding is to send two complementary
symbols for every data bit, thus a transition is guaranteed for every data bit. This is very effective in that it
fixes the lowest frequency component of the modulation signal so that a loop bandwidth can be designed to
have a minimal effect on the coded data. Unfortunately,
this means that the effective data rate of the radio is
doubled, increasing channel bandwidth. The encoding
procedure is rather simple (exclusive OR the data and
clock together). The decoding is much more complicated requiring some synchronization to guarantee the
correct two symbols are used to decode the data bit.
Other approaches avoid the problem altogether by
modulating outside of the PLL loop. Modulating the reference crystal, for example, can do this. A varactor can
be used with a crystal to pull the center frequency to
the mark and space frequencies. Since the modulation
occurs outside the loop, the PLL does not effect the
modulation signal, it simply tracks the changes in the
reference frequency. The pullability of the crystal will
limit the achievable frequency deviation and thus the
maximum data rate using this method. Given the variances in crystals and varactors, this would require tun-
ing to set the desired deviation. Another method would
be to generate the reference frequency with a Direct
Digital Synthesizer and modulate within this synthesizer. This works very well and accurately but cost is
considerably higher.
Another type of approach is to program the mark and
space frequencies in the PLL. There are several ways
to do this depending on the programmability of the PLL
divider registers. A new technique takes advantage of
low cost ICs that contain an integrated, simple PLL and
the VCO functions. These devices are typically
designed to be multipliers of a reference crystal to generate a local oscillator frequency or they can be modulated for FSK transmitters. One component of the PLL
is the prescaler. This divides the VCO frequency down
to the reference crystal frequency. The prescaler usually has 2 divide-by rates (N and N+1) and is referred
to as dual modulus. By controlling the ratio of the 2
rates, the VCO frequency can be set to a desired frequency. Using one ratio for logic 1 and another ratio for
logic 0 can effectively generate FSK modulation that is
not affected by the PLL and therefore can be used for
signals that contain near DC components.
One way to generate this ratio is to use a pulse width
modulator. This is similar to how a typical PLL would
work. The prescaler would divide by N for part of a
cycle and then divide by N+1 for the remainder. This
would synthesize a frequency that is N+(duty cycle)
times the reference frequency. The step size between
two frequencies is set by the resolution of the counter
used to set the duty cycle. Another way to generate a
ratio is to start with a clock pattern and periodically
inject an extra bit. The ratio is then tied to the period of
the injected bit. By changing the period of the injected
bit, a new ratio is formed and thus a new synthesized
An example of this approach is as follows using a 4-bit
programmable counter. By loading one set of bits into
the counter with the carry-out, the counter can be programmed to divide the clock by s, (Fclk/s), resulting in
a cycle rate of s/Fclk second. The first divider output,
Qa, normally looks like Fclk divided by 2. If the programmed value s is chosen such that a “1” is loaded
into the “a” divider (an odd number), then the Qa output stays a “1” from the previous state. This puts one
more “1” in the Qa output than “0” for every cycle of the
counter. This unequal number of 1s and 0s will define a
Copyright 1997-2000 RF Micro Devices, Inc.
A typical, low cost, FSK modulator is implemented by
injecting the modulation voltage into the phase lock
loop of the carrier synthesizer. This is done in two
ways, by summing the modulation voltage and the loop
error voltage together and applying that to a VCO tuning port. Or, by using a separate tuning port usually
having lower sensitivity to voltage changes. The modulating data would change the carrier frequency by a
predetermined amount (deviation). This, however,
causes a frequency error within the PLL that the loop
begins to correct for. The effect of the loop correcting
for the frequency errors caused by the modulation is
analogous to passing the modulating signal through a
high pass filter. Lower frequency components of the
modulation signal get filtered off (or even eliminated).
This results in unreliable communications for random
data streams, especially for long strings of non-changing bits.
fractional number over the cycle rate of the programmed bits. Different programmed bits can generate
different fractional numbers and thus different synthesized frequencies. If b is the number of bits in the
counter and s is the programmed word, then the fractional number generated is:
# of Qa states per cycle = 2b -s
# of 0s per cycle = 2b -s-1
Then fractional n = 2b -s-1
The synthesized frequency can then be calculated as
F(ref)*(N+n). If s and n(s) represent the space frequency and m and n(m) represent the mark frequency,
then the peak to peak frequency deviation can be calculated as F(ref)*(n(s)-n(m)). This method can produce smaller deviations with fewer dividers than the
previous method but offers fewer selections from which
to chose.
A simple form of this technique is described in Figure
1. It is implemented with a 4-bit counter and the values
of s and m are chosen such that only 1 of the 4 bits is
different. Therefore, the data to be modulated onto the
carrier is used to set or clear that divider every cycle.
An infinite numbers of cycles can occur at either the
mark of space frequency without correction by the PLL
therefore making this modulator accurate down to DC.
4 -b it
C o u n te r
Lo ad
P re s c ale r
M od ulus
C on tro l
F S K O utp u t
D iv. b y
N / N+1
stays high with the correct load value. For a loaded
value of ‘5’, the Qa output will be low for 5 out of the 11
states of the counter, (16 -5-1)/2. This sets up a ratio
or duty cycle of n=.454. The ‘B’ bit of the counter can
be changed from a 0 to a 1 to change the load value
from 5 to 7. In this case the Qa output is low for 4 out of
9 states, ((16-7-1)/2) for a duty cycle of n=.444. The
ratios modify the prescaler to produce an output frequency with a fractional divide by ratio, that is 128.454
or 128.444. Therefore the output frequencies differ by
(128.454 - 128.444) times the reference oscillator. The
rate of change on the modulus control pin is very high
relative to the PLL loop bandwidth so the changes are
averaged or smoothed out over time.
A simple hardware implementation of a radio link using
this method is described here. A family of transmitter or
transceiver ICs from RF Micro Devices offer the internal PLL and dual modulus prescaler which can be
used in this design. The RF2513 was chosen to demonstrate a simple low cost transmitter for USA ISM
band applications. The RF2513 contains all the active
circuitry necessary to implement a single IC FSK transmitter; a reference crystal oscillator, PLL, dual modulus
prescaler, VCO, TX buffer amp, and PA. The RF2513
also has an internal varactor for tuning the VCO. By
using printed inductors for the resonators, the external
component count is minimized. A 74HC161 4-bit
counter is used to implement the counter and a
74HC04 is used for the necessary inversion to load the
counter and to buffer the reference oscillator used for
the clock. The schematic of the final circuit is shown in
Figure 2.
C lk
Lo ad
R efe re nce
O scilla tor
Lo ad "5 "
C arry ou t
M od . con tro l (Q a)
In the example of Figure 1, a 4-bit counter is used to
control the divider ratio of the prescaler in a PLL synthesizer. The Qa output toggles high and low except
when the carry out is asserted. Then the Qa output
D uty C ycle 'n' = 4/9 = 0 .44 4
Figure 1. DC Accurate FSK Modulator
D uty C ycle 'n'= 5/1 1 = 0.4 54
M od . con tro l (Q a)
Lo ad "7 "
C arry ou t
R efe re nce O scillato r
#%% '!
P h as e
D e te c to r
C arry
ou t
Figure 2. Example Schematic of DC Accurate
Copyright 1997-2000 RF Micro Devices, Inc.
The reference crystal which is supplied with the
RF2513 eval board is 7.15909MHz,. This normally produces a transmit frequency of 916.4MHz for a divide
by 128 setting. Other values could easily be substituted. Since the divider ratios are 128.454 and
128.444, the output frequencies are 919.6137MHz for
a logic “0” and 919.5421MHz for a logic “1” input.
Thus, peak to peak deviation is fixed at 71.6kHz. Since
the deviation is derived by numerical means as a fraction of the crystal frequency, it is very accurate and
repeatable without the tuning. This deviation allows for
a wide range of data rates, from 1bps to 100kbps by
using different modulation indices. The upper limit is
actually limited by the loop bandwidth of the PLL, up to
the point where the modulation index becomes too
small. In Figure 3, a pseudo random data pattern
clocked at a 100bps bit rate is shown as an example of
the low data rate capability. The recovered data maintains its DC level through several consecutive data bits
providing evidence of the DC accuracy of this modulator. In Figure 4, the same pseudo random data pattern
at 72kbps is shown. In each instance, a RF2917 evaluation board tuned for 919.578MHz was used to
demodulate the data.
Figure 4. Transmitted Data (top) and Recovered
Data (bottom) at 72Kbps
Figure 5. Kbps Eye Pattern
Figure 3. Transmitted Data (top) and Recovered
Data (bottom) at 100Bps
The PLL loop bandwidth is designed to be reasonably
wide and yet still provide reasonable spurious rejection. The loop bandwidth is one of the factors that
determine the rate at which the VCO changes from
one frequency to the other and, thus, the upper data
rates. As data rates exceed the loop bandwidth, the
modulation waveform becomes band-limited and takes
on the appearance of inter-symbol interference. Figure
5 shows the eye pattern of this modulator as seen at
the RF2917 receiver output. The flatness of the eye
pattern attests to immunity of this modulator to random
Copyright 1997-2000 RF Micro Devices, Inc.
data patterns. The slew rate due to the PLL loop bandwidth is also evident here. the high loop bandwidth
offers a couple of advantages. First, the close-in phase
noise of the VCO is corrected for by the PLL, at best to
that of the crystal. More importantly, though, is that the
PLL synthesizer will have a faster lock time because of
the higher bandwidth. This is useful for systems that
occasionally burst a packet of data and then shut down
to conserve battery life. Burst type systems are also
affected by load pulling when the PA is turned on. The
faster loop response can minimize or eliminate out of
band spurs due to turn on transients that would be
problematic for low data rate systems that use lower
loop bandwidths.
For this design, the loop bandwidth is set at 50kHz and
a type II, 3rd order loop is used to help with suppression of the crystal reference spurs. Please refer to
technical article TA0031 in the 1999 RFMD catalog for
more information on designing the loop filters. Figure 6
demonstrates the close in phase noise and Figure 7
shows the spurious output. Also seen in Figure 7 are
the modulation spurs that result from the counter
cycles. The primary source for these modulation spurs
are voltage spikes caused by the gates and flip-flops
changing states during the carry over which then get
coupled into the VCO. Careful isolation and decoupling
are needing to the best suppression of these spurs.
The modulated signal, shown in Figure 8, shows an
occupied bandwidth (99%) of 150kHz for the 72kbps
data rate. The loop filter acts as a smoothing filter and
helps shape the frequency spectrum even though the
input signal is digital. This bandwidth works well with a
receiver using low cost 180kHz ceramic IF filters.
The RF2513 transmitter IC has a companion single IC
receiver, the RF2917, for low cost FM or FSK simplex
links. The RF2917 incorporates the reference oscillator, PLL, VCO, LNA, downconverting mixer, 94dB limiting IF amps, frequency discriminating demodulator,
and data slicer in a single chip. With the addition of a
few external, discrete components, a complete FSK
receiver can be built. One of the features of this part is
the differential connection of the demodulator to the
data slicer. A DC averaging circuit is not needed, therefore, the response to receiver data is 1 or 2 bit times
and a lengthy preamble is not required. This approach
is also immune to the low frequency components in the
data pattern that plague the DC averaging circuits. This
makes it a perfect receiver to complement the DCaccurate modulator. A fully assembled evaluation
board for the RF2917 is available with 180kHz IF filters. By using this bandwidth for low data rates, sensitivity is lost due to the increased noise power over the
signal power resulting in less than optimum range. The
higher bandwidth and larger deviations do not reduce
the frequency accuracy needed, thereby allowing
lower-cost crystals to be used.
There are a variety of applications that can benefit from
this type of modulation. Computer peripherals, for
example, tend to send data in bursts with indeterminate pauses in-between. Wireless keyboards, mice
and joysticks are migrating from infra-red to RF, but the
immunity to random data patterns and pauses is necessary to guarantee reliable operation. It is generally
preferred that remote controls for satellite receivers be
RF as opposed to infra-red so that the TV does not
have to be co-located with the receiver. The range of
infra-red remote controls can be augmented by RF
repeaters. An IR receiver data output can be used to
modulate this RF2513 circuit and an RF2917 receiver
data output can be buffered to drive the IR LEDs.
Telemetry sensor outputs such as temperature or fluid
level can be transmitted directly from the A/D output
with this transmitter without concern for the data pattern. This modulator can also be implemented with the
RF2905 transceiver IC to create a low cost half duplex
two way radio link.
In conclusion, the enticements of low cost single chip
solutions get many people entangled by the problems
that random data patterns can cause when modulating
VCOs. Veteran radio designers are aware of the problem and several methods for working with it. With so
many new applications that need low to moderate data
rates at a low cost, this modulator provides a low cost,
easy to implement alternative to existing schemes.
This modulation scheme is being patented and will be
incorporated into new IC which can reduce the overall
cost of the transmitter even lower.
Copyright 1997-2000 RF Micro Devices, Inc.
Figure 6. Linear Final Stage RMS Collector Currents for the Two Cases as the Input Signal is Varied
Figure 7. RF2510 Spurious Output with Modulation
Copyright 1997-2000 RF Micro Devices, Inc.
Figure 8. Modulated Spectrum with 72Kbps Pseudo Random Data
Copyright 1997-2000 RF Micro Devices, Inc.