TRUMPower 200 WATT MEDICAL POWER SUPPLIES D E SCR IPTION TM200 SERIES (MDD) Comprising single and multiple output models with 200 watts of continuous output power, the TM200 series is specially designed for medical applications. Auto-ranging input allows them to operate from any line voltage throughout the world without a selector strap. All auxiliary outputs are with magnetic amplifier or linear regulator to keep regulation. The units are constructed on a printed circuit board with a U-bracket for mechanical support and heat sinking. A cover-and-fan assembly can be added during manufacturing. Saf et y Sta n da rd A ppr o va ls: F EATU R E S ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ Low safety ground leakage current M e e t E N 5 5 0 11 a n d F C C c l a s s B Auto-ranging input Short-circuit protection with auto-recovery Pow er Fail Detect( PFD) signal 100% burn-in at full rated load Optional cover-and-fan assembly UL 2601-1 CSA C22.2 No. 601.1 TÜV EN60601-1 IN PUT S PE C IF ICAT ION S E N V IR O N M ENTA L SP E C IF ICATI O N S I n p u t v o l ta g e : Operating temperature: Storage temperature: Relative humidity: Derating: Input frequency: Input current: Leakage current: 9 0 t o 1 3 0 VA C , o r 1 8 0 t o 2 6 4 VA C ( a u t o - r a n g i n g ) 47 to 63 Hz 4 . 5 A ( r m s ) f o r 11 5 VA C 2 . 6 A ( r m s ) f o r 2 3 0 VA C 9 0 µ A m a x . @ 11 5 VA C , 6 0 H z 1 5 µ A m a x . @ 2 3 0 VA C , 5 0 H z Cooling: 0ºC to +70ºC -40ºC to +85ºC 5% to 95% non-condensing Derate from 100% at +50ºC linearly to 50% at +70ºC 2 5 C F M f o r c e d a i r, p r o v i d e d on covered version, to be provided f o r U - b r a c k e t version by user OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Output voltage/current: See rating chart Switching frequency: Efficiency: Hold-up time: Line regulation: Inrush current: Total output power: 200 watts maximum Ripple and noise: 2% peak to peak maximum Overvoltage protection: Provided on output #1 only; set at 112 – 132% of its nominal output voltage Overcurrent protection: All outputs protected to short circuit conditions Temperature coefficient:All outputs ±0.04%/ºC maximum Transient response: Maximum excursion of 4% or better on all models, recovering to 1% of final value within 500µs after a 25% step load change PFD signal: TTL logic high for normal operation and TTL logic low upon loss of input power. This signal appears at least 1 ms prior to +5V output dropping 5% below its nominal value. This signal also provides a minimum delay of 100 ms after +5V is within regulation. 64KHz ±5KHz 70% minimum on all models 12 msec minimum at 110VAC ±0.5% maximum at full load 20 amps @ 115VAC, or 40 amps @ 230VAC, at 25ºC cold start Withstand voltage: 4000VAC from input to output 1500VAC from input to ground 500VAC from output to ground MTBF: 450,000 hours at full load at 25ºC ambient, calculated per MIL-HDBK-217F EMC Performance (EN60601-1-2: 2 0 0 1 ) E N 5 5 0 11 : Class B conducted, Class B radiated FCC: Class B conducted, Class B radiated VCCI: Class B conducted, Class B radiated EN61000-3-2: Harmonic distortion, Class A EN61000-3-3: Line flicker EN61000-4-2: ESD, ±8KV air and ±4KV contact EN61000-4-3: Radiated immunity, 3V/m EN61000-4-4: Fast transient/burst, ±1KV EN61000-4-5: Surge, ±1KV diff, ±2KV com. EN61000-4-6: Conducted immunity, 3Vrms EN61000-4-8: Magnetic field immunity, 1A/m E N 6 1 0 0 0 - 4 - 11 : Voltage dips, 30% reduction for 500ms and >95% reduction for 10ms Interruptions, >95% for 5000ms Tumbler Technologies + TRUMPower 3350 Scott Blvd., Bldg. 13, Santa Clara, California 95054, USA Phone: 408-988-6616 ● Fax: 408-988-6622 ● email: ● Website: MEDICAL GRADE TM200 SERIES OUTPUT VOLTAGE/CURRENT RATING CHART Product No. TM200-S05 TM200-S12 TM200-S15 TM200-S24 TM200-S30 TM200-S48 TM200-D23 TM200-D24 TM200-D25 TM200-T30 TM200-T31 TM200-T32 TM200-T33 TM200-Q40 TM200-Q41 TM200-Q42 TM200-Q44 TM200-Q45 Notes: Vnom. 5V 12V 15V 24V 30V 48V +5V +5V +5V +5V +5V +5V +5V +5V +5V +5V +5V +5V Output #1 Imin. Imax. Tol. 3.0A 40A 2% 1.2A 16.7A 2% 1.0A 13.4A 2% 0.6A 8.4A 2% 0.5A 6.7A 2% 0.5A 4.2A 2% 3.0A 30A 2% 3.0A 30A 2% 3.0A 30A 2% 3.0A 30A 2% 3.0A 30A 2% 3.0A 30A 2% 3.0A 30A 2% 3.0A 30A 2% 3.0A 30A 2% 3.0A 30A 2% 3.0A 30A 2% 3.0A 30A 2% Output #2 Vnom. Imin. Imax. (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) +12V 0A 8A +15V 0A 6A +24V 0A 4A +12V 0A 8A +12V 0A 8A +15V 0A 6A +15V 0A 6A +12V 0A 8A +15V 0A 6A +12V 0A 8A +12V 0A 8A +12V 0A 8A Tol. 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% Output #3 Vnom. Imin. Imax. (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) -5V 0A 6A -12V 0A 4A -15V 0A 4A -12V 0A 4A -12V 0A 4A -15V 0A 4A -12V 0A 4A -15V 0A 4A -12V 0A 4A Tol. 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% Output #4 Vnom. Imin. Imax. (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) 5V 0A 6A 24V 0A 4A 12V 0A 4A 15V 0A 4A 24V 0A 4A Tol. 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% Maximum Output Power 200W 200W 200W 200W 200W 200W 200W 200W 200W 200W 200W 200W 200W 200W 200W 200W 200W 200W (1) Add suffix “C” for enclosed format, e.g. TM200-Q45C. (2) Peak current is 12A on +12V, 9A on +15V and 6A on +24V. (3) Output #4 is floating. It can be connected externally for positive or negative output. (4) 200 watts for “C” version with a cover-and-fan assembly. 150 watts U-bracket version without moving air (maximum current of output #1 & #2 derated to 70%), or 200 watts with 25 CFM forced air provided by user. (5) When the remote sense facility is not used, +Sense must be connected to +V, and –Sense to return, on P2 connector. (6) All models may be operated at no-load. At no-load, output voltage tolerance increases to 10% MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS NOTES: 1. Dimensions shown in inch [mm] 2. Tolerance 0.02 [0.5] maximum 3. Input connector P1 is Beau Inc. P/N 72-5-03C, output connector P2 is Beau Inc. P/N 72-5-09C. Screws are #6-32 on 0.375 inch centers. 4. Connector P3 mates with Molex housing 22-01-1043 and Molex 40445 series crimp terminal. 5. Connector P4 mates with Molex housing 22-01-1023 and Molex 40445 series crimp terminal. 6. P4 is for DC fan rated 24V/0.12A (models TM200-S24, -S30, -D25), or 12V/0.2A (other models) 7. Weight: 1.40 Kgs (3.08Lbs.) approx. for U-bracket version 1.60 Kgs (3.52 Lbs.) approx. for “C” version PIN CHART CON Product No. TM200-S05 TM200-S15 TM200-S30 TM200-D23 TM200-D25 TM200-T30 TM200-T32 TM200-Q40 TM200-Q42 TM200-Q45 PIN P1 1 TM200-S12 AC TM200-S24 LIVE TM200-S48 TM200-D24 AC LIVE TM200-T31 AC TM200-T33 LIVE TM200-Q41 AC TM200-Q44 LIVE 2 P2 3 1, 2 AC AC -SENSE NEUTRAL GROUND 3, 4, 5 RET. 6 P3 7 8 9 OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT +SENSE #1 #1 #1 AC AC OUTPUT COM. OUTPUT N.C. NEUTRAL GROUND #1 RET. #2 AC AC OUTPUT COM. OUTPUT OUTPUT NEUTRAL GROUND #1 RET. #2 #3 AC AC OUTPUT COM. OUTPUT OUTPUT NEUTRAL GROUND #1 RET. #2 #3 1 2 3 4 FAN COM. RET. COM. RET. PFD COM. RET. COM. RET. COM. RET. COM. RET. COM. RET. COM. RET. N.C. N.C. FAN N.C. N.C. FAN OUTPUT OUTPUT #4 #4 RETURN FAN Tumbler Technologies + TRUMPower 3350 Scott Blvd., Bldg. 13, Santa Clara, California 95054, USA Phone: 408-988-6616 ● Fax: 408-988-6622 ● email: ● Website: PFD PFD PFD