TS68C000 LOW POWER HCMOS 16/32 BIT MICROPROCESSOR April 1999 1/38 TS68C000 2/38 TS68C000 3/38 TS68C000 4/38 TS68C000 5/38 TS68C000 6/38 TS68C000 7/38 TS68C000 8/38 TS68C000 9/38 TS68C000 10/38 TS68C000 11/38 TS68C000 12/38 TS68C000 13/38 TS68C000 14/38 TS68C000 15/38 TS68C000 16/38 TS68C000 17/38 TS68C000 18/38 TS68C000 19/38 TS68C000 20/38 TS68C000 21/38 TS68C000 22/38 TS68C000 23/38 TS68C000 24/38 TS68C000 25/38 TS68C000 26/38 TS68C000 27/38 TS68C000 28/38 TS68C000 29/38 TS68C000 30/38 TS68C000 31/38 TS68C000 32/38 TS68C000 33/38 TS68C000 34/38 TS68C000 TCS offers a certificate of compliance with each shipment of parts, affirming the products are in compliance with MIL-STD-883 and guarantying the parameters not tested at extreme temperatures for the entire temperature range. 35/38 TS68C000 36/38 TS68C000 TS 68C000 M C1 B/C 8 A TCS (1) prefix Device M = -55 / +125°C Revision level Operating frequency (MHz) MIL-STD-883 class B Package : C : Ceramic DIL R : PGA E : LCCC C1 : Ceramic DIL, tin dipped leads E1 : LCCC, tin dipped leads F : CQFP 37/38 TS68C000 TS 68C000DESC 02 T A A TCS (1) prefix Revision level Part number for DESC Drawing 82021 Lead finish per MIL-M-38510 Device type : 01 : 8 MHz 02 : 10 MHz 03 : 12.5 MHz A = tin dipped C = gold plated Case outlines : U : PGA 68 Y : CDIL 64 X : LCCC 68 (on request) Z : CQFP 68 (on request) TS 68C000 M C 8 A M = -55°C /+125°C V = -40°C /+85°C Operating frequency (MHz) Package : C : Ceramic DIL R : PGA E : LCCC F : CQFP (on request) Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However THOMSON-CSF SEMICONDUCTEURS SPECIFIQUES assumes no responsability for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of THOMSON-CSF SEMICONDUCTEURS SPECIFIQUES. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. THOMSON-CSF SEMICONDUCTEURS SPECIFIQUES products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval from THOMSON-CSF SEMICONDUCTEURS SPECIFIQUES. ã 1999 THOMSON-CSF SEMICONDUCTEURS SPECIFIQUES - Printed in France - All rights reserved. This product is manufactured by THOMSON-CSF SEMICONDUCTEURS SPECIFIQUES - 38521 SAINT-EGREVE / FRANCE. For further information please contact : THOMSON-CSF SEMICONDUCTEURS SPECIFIQUES - Route Départementale 128 - B.P. 46 - 91401 ORSAY Cedex / FRANCE - Tél. : (33)(0) / Téléfax : (33)(0) E-mail : monique.lafrique@tcs.thomson-csf.com - Internet : http://www.tcs.thomson-csf.com 38/38 Réalisé par Graphic Express - Tél. : - 10569 - 04/99 Device Revision level ORDER CODE : DSTS68C000T/0499 TCS (1) prefix