SILICON MMIC L/S BAND DOWNCONVERTER UPC2782GR INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAM FEATURES • WIDEBAND OPERATION: 900 - 2100 MHz • HIGH DYNAMIC RANGE: +4.5 dBm IIP3 • HIGH LO-RF ISOLATION: -40 dBm Leakage 1 VCC (IF) BIAS CKT 20 VCC (LO) 19 VCC (LO OUT) VCC (MIX) 2 GND (MIX) 3 18 GND (LO) RF IN 4 17 LO OUT GND (MIX) 5 16 LO (B2) IF OUT 6 15 LO (C1) Vagc 7 14 LO (C2) IF AMP IN 8 13 LO (B1) 9 12 GND (LO) 10 11 IF AMP OUT • VARIABLE GAIN IF AMP: 25 dB Control Range • INTERNAL LO • SMALL 20 PIN SSOP PACKAGE • TAPE AND REEL PACKAGING OPTION AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION The UPC2782GR is a Silicon Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit manufactured using the NESAT III process. This process produces transistors with fT of 20 GHz. This device consists of a Gilbert cell mixer, two stages of LO buffering, local oscillator, external filter port, a high output variable gain IF amp, and a temperature compensation circuit. The device was specifically designed for digital satellite receivers, WLAN's, and other digital receiver applications. GND (IF) IF AMP IN NEC's stringent quality assurance and test procedures assure the highest reliability and performance. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25°C, Vcc = 5V, PLO = -10 dBm, ZL = ZS = 50 Ω unless otherwise specified) PART NUMBER PACKAGE OUTLINE SYMBOLS ICC fRFin fIFout CG PSAT Mixer Section NF IIP3 IM3 UPC2782GR S20 UNITS MIN TYP MAX Circuit Current PARAMETERS AND CONDITIONS mA 46 66 78 RF Frequency Response, PRFin = -20dBm, fIF = 480 MHz, -3 dB down IF Frequency Response, PRFin = -20 dBm, fRF = 2.1 GHz, -3 dB down Conversion Gain1, fRF = 900 MHz, fLO= 1380 MHz fRF = 2.1 GHz, fLO = 2.58 GHz Saturated Output Power2, fRF = 900 MHz, fLO = 1380 MHz fRF = 2.1 GHz, fLO = 2.58 GHz GHz MHz dB dB dBm dBm 0.9 150 7 8 +2 +2 Noise Figure, fRF = 900 MHz fRF = 2.1 GHz Input 3rd Order Intercept Point, fRF = 900, 930 MHz, fLO = 1380 MHz fRF = 2.1, 2.13 GHz, fLO = 2.58 GHz dB dB dBm dBm 11 13.5 0 +4.5 Two-Tone 3rd Order Intermod Level, fRF = 900, 930 MHz, PRF = -25 dBm each, fLO = 1380 MHz fRF = 2.1, 2.13 GHz, PRF = -25 dBm each, fLO = 2.58 GHz dBc dBc 50 59 10 11 +5 +5 PLOout Internal LO Output Power (pin 17), fLO = 1.9 GHz dBm -15 LOLRF LO Leakage to RF Pin, fLO = 1.0 ~ 2.6 GHz dBm -40 LOLIF LO Leakage to IF Pin, fLO = 1.0 ~ 2.6 GHz PN fOSC SSB Phase Noise, 10 KHz Offset Oscillator Frequency Range dBm -20 dBc/Hz -75 GHz 1.3 2.1 500 13 14 14 16.5 2.6 California Eastern Laboratories UPC2782GR ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (con't) (TA = 25°C, Vcc = 5V, PLO = -10 dBm, ZL = ZS = 50 Ω unless otherwise specified) PART NUMBER PACKAGE OUTLINE SYMBOLS PARAMETERS AND CONDITIONS GIF IF AGC Section UPC2782GR S20 UNITS Gain, fIF = 480 MHz, PIF = - 30 dBm, VAGC = 0 V MIN TYP MAX 26 dB 20 23 PSAT, IF Saturated Output Power, fIF = 480 MHz, PIF= 0 dBm, VAGC = 0 V dBm +5 +8 ∆GAGC Gain Control Range, fIF = 480 MHz, PIF = -30 dBm, VAGC = 0~5 V dB 20 25 NFIF Noise Figure, fIF = 480 MHz, VAGC = 0 V dB 12 RLIFin IF Input Return Loss dB 12 RLIFout IF Output Return Loss IF Output 3rd Order Intercept Point, fIF = 480, 510 MHz, POUT = -5 dBm, VAGC = 0 V OIP3 15 dB 12 dBm +15.5 Notes: 1. PRFin = -30 dBm 2. PRFin = 0 dBm ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1 (TA = 25°C) SYMBOLS VCC PARAMETERS UNITS RATINGS V 6.0 Supply Voltage PD Power Dissipation2 TOP Operating Temperature TSTG mW 430 °C -40 to +85 °C Storage Temperature RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS SYMBOLS PARAMETERS VCC Supply Voltage -55 to +150 Notes: 1. Operation in excess of any one of these parameters may result in permanent damage. 2. Mounted on a 50 x 50 x 1.6 mm epoxy glass PWB (TA = +85°C). UNITS MIN TYP MAX V 4.5 5.0 5.5 +85 TOP Operating Temperature °C -40 +25 PLOin LO Input Level dBm -15 -10 fRFin RF Input Frequency GHz 0.9 2.5 fIFout IF Output Frequency MHz 150 500 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (TA = 25°C, VCC = 5 V) CONVERSION GAIN vs. RF FREQUENCY CONVERSION GAIN vs. IF FREQUENCY 12 Conversion Gain, CG (dB) Conversion Gain, CG (dB) 14 10 8 6 4 2 fIF = 480 MHz POSC = -10 dBm 0 800 12 10 8 6 4 fRF = 2.1 GHz PRF = -20 dBm 2 0 1000 1400 1800 2200 RF Frequency, fRFin (MHz) 0 200 400 600 IF Frequency, fIFout (MHz) 800 0 UPC2782GR TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (TA = 25°C, VCC = 5 V) OUTPUT POWER vs. INPUT POWER (MIXER) OUTPUT POWER vs. INPUT POWER (MIXER) 10 Output Power, POUT (dBm) Output Power, POUT (dBm) 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -10 -20 -30 fRF = 900 MHz fLO = 1380 MHz PLO = -10 dBm -40 -30 -20 -10 0 fRF = 2.1 GHz fLO = 2.58 GHz PLO = -10 dBm 10 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 Input Power, PIN (dBm) Input Power, PIN (dBm) NOISE FIGURE vs. RF FREQUENCY (MIXER) SUPPLY CURRENT vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE 10 70 20 60 Supply Current, ICC (mA) 18 Noise Figure, NF (dB) 0 16 14 12 10 50 40 VCC = 6 → 0 V 30 20 VCC = 0 → 6 V 10 fIF = 480 MHz POSC = -10 dBm 0 8 800 1200 1600 2000 0.0 2400 3.0 4.0 5.0 Supply Voltage, VCC (V) THIRD ORDER INTERMOD LEVEL and OUTPUT POWER vs. INPUT POWER (MIXER) THIRD ORDER INTERMOD LEVEL and OUTPUT POWER vs. INPUT POWER (MIXER) 6.0 20 0 POUT -20 -40 IM3 -60 fRF = 900, 930 MHz fLO = 1380 MHz PLO = -10 dBm -80 -30 -20 -10 0 Input Power, PIN (dBm) 10 Third Order Intermod Level, IM3 (dBm) Output Power, POUT (dBm) Third Order Intermod Level, IM3 (dBm) Output Power, POUT (dBm) 2.0 RF Frequency, fRFin (MHz) 20 -40 1.0 0 POUT -20 -40 IM3 -60 fRF = 2.1, 2.13 GHz fLO = 2.58 GHz PLO = -10 dBm -80 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 Input Power, PIN (dBm) 10 UPC2782GR TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (TA = 25°C, VCC = 5 V) OUTPUT POWER vs. INPUT POWER (IF AMP) GAIN vs. IF FREQUENCY (IF AMP) 30 25 VAGC = 1 V 0 20 Gain (dB) Output Power, POUT (dBm) 10 -10 -20 15 VAGC = 2.6 V 10 5 -30 0 fIF = 480 MHz VAGC = 0 V -40 -30 -20 -10 VAGC = 4.2 V PIF = -30 dBm 0 -5 10 0 200 400 600 800 Input Power, PIN (dBm) IF Frequency, fIF (MHz) NOISE FIGURE vs. IF FREQUENCY (IF AMP) GAIN vs. AGC VOLTAGE (IF AMP) 35 1000 30 fIF = 480 MHz PIF = -30 dBm 30 25 20 25 VAGC = 2.6 V Gain (dB) Noise Figure, NF (dB) VAGC = 4.2 V 20 15 VAGC = 1 V 10 0 0 200 400 600 800 -5 1000 0 1 2 3 4 5 IF Frequency, fIF (MHz) AGC Voltage, VAGC (V) NOISE FIGURE vs. AGC VOLTAGE (IF AMP) THIRD ORDER INTERMOD LEVEL and OUTPUT POWER vs. INPUT POWER (IF AMP) 6 20 Third Order Intermod Level, IM3 (dB) Output Power, POUT (dBm) 35 30 Noise Figure, NF (dB) 10 5 5 25 20 15 10 5 fIF = 480 MHz PIF = -30 dBm 0 15 1 2 3 4 AGC Voltage, VAGC (V) 5 6 POUT 0 IM3 -20 -40 -60 -80 fIF = 480, 510 MHz -40 -30 -20 -10 Input Power, PIN (dBm) 0 10 UPC2782GR PIN CONNECTIONS PIN NO. SYMBOL PIN VOLT TYP (V) FUNCTIONS AND EXPLANATION 1 VCC (IF) 5.00 Power supply pin of IF AGC Amp. 2 VCC (MIX) 5.00 Power supply pin of mixer. 3 GND (MIX) 0.00 Ground pin of mixer. EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT 2 OSC 4 4 RF IN 2.00 RF signal input pin. Reg 5 5 GND (MIX) 0.00 Ground pin of mixer. 3 2 MIX 6 6 IF OUT 1.85 Output pin of mixer. This pin is assigned for the emitter follower output. Reg 3 5 7 VAGC 0 to 5 Gain control pin. This pin's bias governs the AGC output level. Maximum gain at VAGC = 0 V Minimum gain at VAGC = 5 V 1 3 kΩ VAGC 7 9 8 IF IN 2.36 IF signal input pin of IF AGC Amp. In case of single input, this pin should be grounded through a 1000 pF capacitor. 9 GND (IF) 0.00 Ground pin of IF AGC Amp. 1 VAGC 8 10 IF IN 2.36 IF signal input pin of IF AGC Amp. 10 Reg 9 PIN CONNECTIONS PIN NO. SYMBOL PIN VOLT TYP (V) 11 IF OUT 2.55 FUNCTIONS AND EXPLANATION EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT 1 Output pin of IF AGC Amp. This pin is assigned for emitter follower push-pull output. 11 Reg 9 12 GND (LO) 0.00 Ground pin of oscillator amplifier. Buffer amplifier, oscillator output. 13 LO (B1) 2.30 Base Pin of oscillator. Connected to 14 pin through a capacitor. 14 LO (C2) 5.00 Collector pin of oscillator. Connected to 15 pin through capacitor. Oscillator frequency bandwidth is dependent on this capacitor. This pin should be connected to VCC through a 150 Ω resistor. 15 LO (C1) 5.00 15 16 14 13 Reg Reg Collector pin of oscillator. Connected to 14 pin through capacitor. This pin should be connected to VCC through a 150 Ω resistor. 12 18 16 LO (B2) 2.30 Base pin of oscillator. Connected to 15 pin through capacitor. Assemble LC resonator between 13 pin and 16 pin through 2 pF capacitor to oscillate. 17 LO OUT 3.15 Output pin of oscillator. This pin is assigned for emitter follower output. 19 18 GND (LO) 0.00 Ground pin of oscillator amplifier, buffer amplifier, oscillator output. 17 19 VCC (LO) 5.00 Power supply pin of oscillator output. Reg 12 18 20 VCC (LO) 5.00 Power supply pin of oscillator amplifier, buffer amplifier. UPC2782GR PORT IMPEDANCES j50 j50 j100 j25 j100 j25 900 MHz j10 j10 0 0 2600 MHz 0 0 800 MHz 50 MHz -j10 -j10 -j100 -j25 -j100 -j25 -j50 -j50 RFIN (PIN 4) IFOUT (PIN 6) f (MHz) MAG ANG f (MHz) MAG ANG 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 0.849 0.820 0.791 0.767 0.718 0.635 0.567 0.485 0.402 0.290 -13.9 -18.4 -24.0 -30.2 -38.9 -45.9 -53.0 -58.6 -66.3 -76.2 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0.586 0.562 0.571 0.566 0.559 0.560 0.550 0.548 0.540 0.538 -175.3 174.9 165.0 156.4 149.6 144.1 139.5 135.8 132.9 130.6 j50 j50 j100 j25 j100 j25 900 MHz j10 j10 50 MHz 0 0 0 0 50 MHz -j10 -j10 900 MHz -j100 -j25 -j100 -j25 -j50 -j50 IF AMPIN (PIN 10) IF AMPOUT (PIN 11) f (MHz) MAG ANG f (MHz) MAG ANG 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0.894 0.890 0.891 0.890 0.884 0.868 0.839 0.805 0.769 0.737 -1.7 -3.6 -5.9 -9.6 -13.6 -17.9 -22.2 -26.2 -29.8 -33.0 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0.750 0.755 0.802 0.847 0.865 0.875 0.864 0.830 0.799 0.791 -173.7 178.5 171.0 161.2 151.4 142.7 134.0 128.2 121.1 115.4 UPC2782GR PIN CONNECTIONS OUTLINE DIMENSIONS (Units in mm) PACKAGE OUTLINE S20 20 11 3° 1 7.00 MAX +7° - 3° 10 1 20 2 19 3 18 4 17 5 16 6 15 7 14 8 13 9 12 10 11 6.4±0.2 4.4±0.1 1.0 1.5 ±0.1 +0.10 0.15- 0.05 1.8 MAX 0.1 ±0.1 0.65 0.5±0.2 0.15 0.575 MAX +0.10 0.22 - 0.05 Lead Material: Alloy 42 Lead Plating: Lead Tin Alloy PIN CONNECTIONS: ORDERING INFORMATION PART NUMBER QTY UPC2782GR-E1 2,500/Reel EXCLUSIVE NORTH AMERICAN AGENT FOR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. VCC (IF) VCC (MIX) GND (MIX) RFIN GND (MIX) IFOUT VAGC IF AMPIN GND (IF) IF AMPIN 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. VCC (LO) VCC (LOOUT) GND (LO) LOOUT LO (B2) LO (C1) LO (C2) LO (B1) GND (LO) IF AMPOUT RF, MICROWAVE & OPTOELECTRONIC SEMICONDUCTORS CALIFORNIA EASTERN LABORATORIES • Headquarters • 4590 Patrick Henry Drive • Santa Clara, CA 95054-1817 • (408) 988-3500 • Telex 34-6393 • FAX (408) 988-0279 24-Hour Fax-On-Demand: 800-390-3232 (U.S. and Canada only) • Internet: http://WWW.CEL.COM 06/21/2000 DATA SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE