WF5025 series Crystal Oscillator Module ICs OVERVIEW The WF5025 series are miniature crystal oscillator module ICs. They feature a damping resistor RD matched to the crystal's characteristics to reduce crystal current. The pad layout is arranged for flip chip mounting, which gives the pattern design more flexibility, even for mounting ultra-miniature crystal oscillators that provide almost no space for wiring patterns. They support fundamental oscillation and 3rd overtone oscillation modes. The WF5025 series can be used to correspond to wide range of applications. FEATURES ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Pad layout optimized for flip chip mounting Miniature-crystal matched oscillator characteristics Operating supply voltage range • 2.5V operation: 2.25 to 2.75V • 3.0V operation: 2.7 to 3.6V Recommended operating frequency range • For fundamental oscillator - WF5025AL×: 20MHz to 50MHz - WF5025BL1: 20MHz to 100MHz • For 3rd overtone oscillator - WF5025ML×: 70MHz to 133MHz −40 to 85°C operating temperature range Oscillator capacitor with excellent frequency characteristics built-in ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Oscillator circuit with damping resistor RD builtin for reduced crystal current Standby function • High impedance in standby mode, oscillator stops Low standby current • Power-saving pull-up resistor built-in Oscillation detector function Frequency divider built-in (WF5025AL×) • varies with version: fO, fO/2, fO/4, fO/8, fO/16, fO/32 CMOS output duty level (1/2VDD) 50 ± 5% output duty @ 1/2VDD 30pF output load Molybdenum-gate CMOS process SERIES CONFIGURATION Operating supply voltage [V] Version Oscillation mode Recommended Output operating frequency current range (fundamental (VDD = 2.5V) [mA] oscillation)*1 [MHz] Standby mode Output frequency WF5025AL1 fO WF5025AL2 fO/2 WF5025AL3 WF5025AL4 2.25 to 3.6 Fundamental 20 to 50 4 WF5025AL5 Output state CMOS Yes Hi-Z fO/32 2.25 to 3.6 Fundamental 20 to 100 2.25 to 3.6 3rd overtone 80 to 100 WF5025MLA (WF5025MLB) fO/8 Oscillator stop function fO/16 WF5025AL6 WF5025BL1*2 fO/4 Output duty level 8 fO CMOS Yes Hi-Z 8 fO CMOS Yes Hi-Z 70 to 80 WF5025MLC 90 to 133 *1. The recommended operating frequency is a yardstick value derived from the crystal used for NPC characteristics authentication. However, the oscillator frequency band is not guaranteed. Specifically, the characteristics can vary greatly due to crystal characteristics and mounting conditions, so the oscillation characteristics of components must be carefully evaluated. *2. The WF5025BL1 has a higher maximum operating frequency, hence the negative resistance is also larger than in the WF5025AL× devices. Note. These versions in parentheses ( ) are under development. Please ask our Sales & Marketing section for further detail. ORDERING INFORMATION Device Package WF5025×××–3 Wafer form NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC.—1 WF5025 series PAD LAYOUT (Unit: µm) (750,850) HA5025 VSS Y Q VDD INHN NPC XTN XT (0,0) X Chip size: 0.75 × 0.85mm Chip thickness: 180 ± 20µm PAD size: 90µm Chip base: VDD level PIN DESCRIPTION and PAD DIMENSIONS Pad dimensions [µm] Name I/O Description X Y INHN I Output state control input. High impedance when LOW (oscillator stops). Power-saving pull-up resistor built-in. 144.6 413.4 XT I Amplifier input 171.0 144.6 XTN O Amplifier output 579.0 144.6 VDD – Supply voltage 618.2 438.6 Q O Output. Output frequency determined by internal circuit to one of fO, fO/2, fO/4, fO/8, fO/16, fO/32. High impedance in standby mode 618.2 705.4 VSS – Ground 131.8 718.2 Crystal connection pins. Crystal is connected between XT and XTN. NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC.—2 WF5025 series BLOCK DIAGRAM For Fundamental Oscillator (WF5025AL×, WF5025BL1) VDD VSS XTN CG CD RD XT Rf 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Q INHN INHN = LOW active For 3rd Overtone Oscillator (WF5025ML×) VDD VSS XTN CG Rf 1 CD Cf RD XT Rf 2 Q INHN INHN = LOW active NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC.—3 WF5025 series SPECIFICATIONS Absolute Maximum Ratings VSS = 0V Parameter Symbol Condition Rating Unit Supply voltage range VDD −0.5 to +7.0 V Input voltage range VIN −0.5 to VDD + 0.5 V Output voltage range VOUT −0.5 to VDD + 0.5 V Operating temperature range Topr −40 to +85 °C Storage temperature range TSTG −65 to +150 °C Output current IOUT 20 mA Recommended Operating Conditions VSS = 0V Rating*1 Parameter Operating supply voltage Symbol Condition Operating temperature Operating frequency*2 typ max WF5025AL× CL ≤ 30pF 2.25 – 3.6 V WF5025BL1 CL ≤ 30pF 2.25 – 3.6 V WF5025MLA f ≤ 80MHz, CL ≤ 30pF 2.25 – 3.6 V WF5025MLB f ≤ 100MHz, CL ≤ 30pF (2.25) – (3.6) V f ≤ 100MHz, CL ≤ 30pF 2.25 – 3.6 V f ≤ 133MHz, CL ≤ 15pF 2.25 – 3.6 V VIN VSS – VDD V TOPR −40 – +85 °C WF5025AL× 20 – 50 MHz WF5025BL1*3 20 – 100 MHz WF5025MLA 70 – 80 MHz WF5025MLB*3 (80) – (100) MHz WF5025MLC*3 90 – 133 MHz VDD WF5025MLC Input voltage Unit min fO *1. Values in parentheses ( ) are provisional only. *2. The operating frequency is a yardstick value derived from the crystal used for NPC characteristics authentication. However, the oscillator frequency band is not guaranteed. Specifically, the characteristics can vary greatly due to crystal characteristics and mounting conditions, so the oscillation characteristics of components must be carefully evaluated. *3. When 2.5V operation, the ratings of switching characteristics are difference by the frequency or output load. Refer to “Switching Characteristics”. NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC.—4 WF5025 series Electrical Characteristics WF5025AL× (2.5V operation) VDD = 2.25 to 2.75V, VSS = 0V, Ta = −40 to +85°C unless otherwise noted. Rating Parameter Symbol Condition Unit min typ max HIGH-level output voltage VOH Q: Measurement cct 1, VDD = 2.25V, IOH = 4mA 1.65 1.95 – V LOW-level output voltage VOL Q: Measurement cct 2, VDD = 2.25V, IOL = 4mA – 0.3 0.4 V HIGH-level input voltage VIH INHN 0.7VDD – – V LOW-level input voltage VIL INHN – – 0.3VDD V – 10 µA IZ Q: Measurement cct 2, INHN = LOW VOH = VDD – Output leakage current VOL = VSS – – 10 µA WF5025AL1 – 7 14 mA WF5025AL2 – 4.5 9 mA WF5025AL3 – 3.5 7 mA WF5025AL4 – 2.9 5.8 mA WF5025AL5 – 2.5 5 mA WF5025AL6 – 2.4 4.8 mA – – 3 µA 2 6 12 MΩ 20 100 200 kΩ Current consumption Standby current INHN pull-up resistance IDD2 IST RUP1 Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, INHN = open, CL = 30pF, f = 50MHz Measurement cct 3, INHN = LOW Measurement cct 4 RUP2 Feedback resistance Rf Measurement cct 5 50 – 150 kΩ Oscillator amplifier output resistance RD Design value. A monitor pattern on a wafer is tested. 340 400 460 Ω 6.8 8 9.2 pF 8.5 10 11.5 pF Built-in capacitance CG CD Design value. A monitor pattern on a wafer is tested. NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC.—5 WF5025 series WF5025AL× (3.0V operation) VDD = 2.7 to 3.6V, VSS = 0V, Ta = −40 to +85°C unless otherwise noted. Rating Parameter Symbol Condition Unit min typ max HIGH-level output voltage VOH Q: Measurement cct 1, VDD = 2.7V, IOH = 4mA 2.3 2.4 – V LOW-level output voltage VOL Q: Measurement cct 2, VDD = 2.7V, IOL = 4mA – 0.3 0.4 V HIGH-level input voltage VIH INHN 0.7VDD – – V LOW-level input voltage VIL INHN – – 0.3VDD V – 10 µA IZ Q: Measurement cct 2, INHN = LOW VOH = VDD – Output leakage current VOL = VSS – – 10 µA WF5025AL1 – 8.5 17 mA WF5025AL2 – 5.5 11 mA WF5025AL3 – 4 8 mA WF5025AL4 – 3.3 6.6 mA WF5025AL5 – 2.9 5.8 mA WF5025AL6 – 2.7 5.4 mA – – 5 µA 2 4 8 MΩ 15 75 150 kΩ Current consumption Standby current INHN pull-up resistance IDD2 IST RUP1 Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, INHN = open, CL = 30pF, f = 50MHz Measurement cct 3, INHN = LOW Measurement cct 4 RUP2 Feedback resistance Rf Measurement cct 5 50 – 150 kΩ Oscillator amplifier output resistance RD Design value. A monitor pattern on a wafer is tested. 340 400 460 Ω 6.8 8 9.2 pF 8.5 10 11.5 pF Built-in capacitance CG CD Design value. A monitor pattern on a wafer is tested. NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC.—6 WF5025 series WF5025BL1 (2.5V operation) VDD = 2.25 to 2.75V, VSS = 0V, Ta = −40 to +85°C unless otherwise noted. Rating Parameter Symbol Condition Unit min typ max HIGH-level output voltage VOH Q: Measurement cct 1, VDD = 2.25V, IOH = 8mA 1.65 1.95 – V LOW-level output voltage VOL Q: Measurement cct 2, VDD = 2.25V, IOL = 8mA – 0.3 0.4 V HIGH-level input voltage VIH INHN 0.7VDD – – V LOW-level input voltage VIL INHN – – 0.3VDD V – 10 µA IZ Q: Measurement cct 2, INHN = LOW VOH = VDD – Output leakage current VOL = VSS – – 10 µA Current consumption IDD2 Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, INHN = open, CL = 30pF, f = 100MHz – 14 28 mA Standby current IST Measurement cct 3, INHN = LOW – – 3 µA 2 6 12 MΩ 20 100 200 kΩ INHN pull-up resistance RUP1 Measurement cct 4 RUP2 Feedback resistance Rf Measurement cct 5 50 – 150 kΩ Oscillator amplifier output resistance RD Design value. A monitor pattern on a wafer is tested. 170 200 230 Ω 6.8 8 9.2 pF 8.5 10 11.5 pF Built-in capacitance CG Design value. A monitor pattern on a wafer is tested. CD WF5025BL1 (3.0V operation) VDD = 2.7 to 3.6V, VSS = 0V, Ta = −40 to +85°C unless otherwise noted. Rating Parameter Symbol Condition Unit min typ max HIGH-level output voltage VOH Q: Measurement cct 1, VDD = 2.7V, IOH = 8mA 2.3 2.4 – V LOW-level output voltage VOL Q: Measurement cct 2, VDD = 2.7V, IOL = 8mA – 0.3 0.4 V HIGH-level input voltage VIH INHN 0.7VDD – – V LOW-level input voltage VIL INHN – – 0.3VDD V – 10 µA IZ Q: Measurement cct 2, INHN = LOW VOH = VDD – Output leakage current VOL = VSS – – 10 µA Current consumption IDD2 Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, INHN = open, CL = 30pF, f = 100MHz – 19 38 mA Standby current IST Measurement cct 3, INHN = LOW – – 5 µA 2 4 8 MΩ 15 75 150 kΩ INHN pull-up resistance RUP1 Measurement cct 4 RUP2 Feedback resistance Rf Measurement cct 5 50 – 150 kΩ Oscillator amplifier output resistance RD Design value. A monitor pattern on a wafer is tested. 170 200 230 Ω 6.8 8 9.2 pF 8.5 10 11.5 pF Built-in capacitance CG CD Design value. A monitor pattern on a wafer is tested. NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC.—7 WF5025 series WF5025ML× (2.5V operation) VDD = 2.25 to 2.75V, VSS = 0V, Ta = −40 to +85°C unless otherwise noted. Rating*1 Parameter Symbol Unit Condition min typ max HIGH-level output voltage VOH Q: Measurement cct 1, VDD = 2.25V, IOH = 8mA 1.65 1.95 – V LOW-level output voltage VOL Q: Measurement cct 2, VDD = 2.25V, IOL = 8mA – 0.3 0.4 V HIGH-level input voltage VIH INHN 0.7VDD – – V LOW-level input voltage VIL INHN – – 0.3VDD V – 10 µA IZ Q: Measurement cct 2, INHN = LOW VOH = VDD – Output leakage current VOL = VSS – – 10 µA f = 100MHz WF5025MLB – TBD TBD mA f = 133MHz WF5025MLC – 15 30 mA f = 72MHz WF5025MLA – 11 22 mA f = 100MHz WF5025MLB – TBD TBD mA f = 100MHz WF5025MLC – 15 30 mA – – 3 µA 2 6 12 MΩ 20 100 200 kΩ WF5025MLA 3.99 4.7 5.41 kΩ WF5025MLB TBD TBD TBD kΩ WF5025MLC 2.97 3.5 4.03 kΩ IDD1 Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, INHN = open, CL = 15pF IDD2 Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, INHN = open, CL = 30pF Current consumption Standby current INHN pull-up resistance IST RUP1 Measurement cct 3, INHN = LOW Measurement cct 4 RUP2 AC feedback resistance Rf1 Design value. A monitor pattern on a wafer is tested. DC feedback resistance Rf2 Measurement cct 5 50 – 150 kΩ Oscillator amplifier output resistance RD Design value. A monitor pattern on a wafer is tested. 85 100 115 Ω AC feedback capacitance Cf Design value. A monitor pattern on a wafer is tested. 8.5 10 11.5 pF WF5025MLA 1.70 2 2.30 pF CG Design value. A monitor pattern on a wafer is tested. WF5025MLB (1.70) (2) (2.30) pF WF5025MLC 0.85 1 1.15 pF WF5025MLA 3.40 4 4.60 pF WF5025MLB (3.40) (4) (4.60) pF WF5025MLC 3.40 4 4.60 pF Built-in capacitance CD Design value. A monitor pattern on a wafer is tested. *1. Values in parentheses ( ) are provisional only. NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC.—8 WF5025 series WF5025ML× (3.0V operation) VDD = 2.7 to 3.6V, VSS = 0V, Ta = −40 to +85°C unless otherwise noted. Rating*1 Parameter Symbol Unit Condition min typ max HIGH-level output voltage VOH Q: Measurement cct 1, VDD = 2.7V, IOH = 8mA 2.3 2.4 – V LOW-level output voltage VOL Q: Measurement cct 2, VDD = 2.7V, IOL = 8mA – 0.3 0.4 V HIGH-level input voltage VIH INHN 0.7VDD – – V LOW-level input voltage VIL INHN – – 0.3VDD V – 10 µA IZ Q: Measurement cct 2, INHN = LOW VOH = VDD – Output leakage current VOL = VSS – – 10 µA f = 100MHz WF5025MLB – TBD TBD mA f = 133MHz WF5025MLC – 20 40 mA f = 72MHz WF5025MLA – 15 30 mA f = 100MHz WF5025MLB – TBD TBD mA f = 100MHz WF5025MLC – 20 40 mA – – 5 µA 2 4 8 MΩ 15 75 150 kΩ WF5025MLA 3.99 4.7 5.41 kΩ WF5025MLB TBD TBD TBD kΩ WF5025MLC 2.97 3.5 4.03 kΩ IDD1 Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, INHN = open, CL = 15pF IDD2 Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, INHN = open, CL = 30pF Current consumption Standby current INHN pull-up resistance IST RUP1 Measurement cct 3, INHN = LOW Measurement cct 4 RUP2 AC feedback resistance Rf1 Design value. A monitor pattern on a wafer is tested. DC feedback resistance Rf2 Measurement cct 5 50 – 150 kΩ Oscillator amplifier output resistance RD Design value. A monitor pattern on a wafer is tested. 85 100 115 Ω AC feedback capacitance Cf Design value. A monitor pattern on a wafer is tested. 8.5 10 11.5 pF WF5025MLA 1.70 2 2.30 pF CG Design value. A monitor pattern on a wafer is tested. WF5025MLB (1.70) (2) (2.30) pF WF5025MLC 0.85 1 1.15 pF WF5025MLA 3.40 4 4.60 pF WF5025MLB (3.40) (4) (4.60) pF WF5025MLC 3.40 4 4.60 pF Built-in capacitance CD Design value. A monitor pattern on a wafer is tested. *1. Values in parentheses ( ) are provisional only. NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC.—9 WF5025 series Switching Characteristics WF5025AL× (2.5V operation) VDD = 2.25 to 2.75V, VSS = 0V, Ta = −40 to +85°C unless otherwise noted. Rating Parameter Output rise time Symbol tr1 tr2 Output fall time tf1 tf2 Output duty cycle*1 Duty1 Duty2 Output disable delay time*2 tPLZ Output enable delay time*2 tPZL Condition Unit min typ max Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, 0.1VDD to 0.9VDD CL = 15pF – 3 6 ns CL = 30pF – 5 10 ns Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, 0.9VDD to 0.1VDD CL = 15pF – 3 6 ns CL = 30pF – 5 10 ns Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, VDD = 2.5V, Ta = 25°C, f = 50MHz CL = 15pF 45 – 55 % CL = 30pF 45 – 55 % – – 100 ns – – 100 ns Measurement cct 6, load cct 1, VDD = 2.5V, Ta = 25°C, CL = 15pF *1. The duty cycle characteristic is checked the sample chips of each production lot. *2. Oscillator stop function is built-in. When INHN goes LOW, normal output stops. When INHN goes HIGH, normal output is not resumed until after the oscillator start-up time has elapsed. WF5025AL× (3.0V operation) VDD = 2.7 to 3.6V, VSS = 0V, Ta = −40 to +85°C unless otherwise noted. Rating Parameter Output rise time Symbol tr1 tr2 Output fall time tf1 tf2 Output duty cycle*1 Duty1 Duty2 Output disable delay time*2 tPLZ Output enable delay time*2 tPZL Condition Unit min typ max Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, 0.1VDD to 0.9VDD CL = 15pF – 2.5 5 ns CL = 30pF – 4.5 9 ns Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, 0.9VDD to 0.1VDD CL = 15pF – 2.5 5 ns CL = 30pF – 4.5 9 ns Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, VDD = 3.0V, Ta = 25°C, f = 50MHz CL = 15pF 45 – 55 % CL = 30pF 45 – 55 % – – 100 ns – – 100 ns Measurement cct 6, load cct 1, VDD = 3.0V, Ta = 25°C, CL = 15pF *1. The duty cycle characteristic is checked the sample chips of each production lot. *2. Oscillator stop function is built-in. When INHN goes LOW, normal output stops. When INHN goes HIGH, normal output is not resumed until after the oscillator start-up time has elapsed. NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC.—10 WF5025 series WF5025BL1 (2.5V operation) VDD = 2.25 to 2.75V, VSS = 0V, Ta = −40 to +85°C unless otherwise noted. Rating Parameter Symbol tr1 Output rise time tr2 tr3 tf1 Output fall time tf2 tf3 Condition Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, 0.1VDD to 0.9VDD Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, 0.2VDD to 0.8VDD Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, 0.9VDD to 0.1VDD Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, 0.8VDD to 0.2VDD Duty1 Output duty cycle*1 Duty2 Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, VDD = 2.5V, Ta = 25°C Duty3 Output disable delay time*2 tPLZ Output enable delay time*2 tPZL Unit min typ max CL = 15pF – 2 4 ns CL = 30pF – 3 6 ns CL = 30pF – 2.5 5 ns CL = 15pF – 2 4 ns CL = 30pF – 3 6 ns CL = 30pF – 2.5 5 ns CL = 15pF f = 100MHz 45 – 55 % CL = 30pF f = 80MHz 45 – 55 % CL = 30pF f = 100MHz 40 – 60 % – – 100 ns – – 100 ns Measurement cct 6, load cct 1, VDD = 2.5V, Ta = 25°C, CL = 15pF *1. The duty cycle characteristic is checked the sample chips of each production lot. *2. Oscillator stop function is built-in. When INHN goes LOW, normal output stops. When INHN goes HIGH, normal output is not resumed until after the oscillator start-up time has elapsed. WF5025BL1 (3.0V operation) VDD = 2.7 to 3.6V, VSS = 0V, Ta = −40 to +85°C unless otherwise noted. Rating Parameter Output rise time Symbol tr1 tr2 Output fall time tf1 tf2 Output duty cycle*1 Duty1 Duty2 Output disable delay time*2 tPLZ Output enable delay time*2 tPZL Condition Unit min typ max Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, 0.1VDD to 0.9VDD CL = 15pF – 1.5 3 ns CL = 30pF – 2.5 5 ns Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, 0.9VDD to 0.1VDD CL = 15pF – 1.5 3 ns CL = 30pF – 2.5 5 ns Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, VDD = 3.0V, Ta = 25°C, f = 100MHz CL = 15pF 45 – 55 % CL = 30pF 45 – 55 % – – 100 ns – – 100 ns Measurement cct 6, load cct 1, VDD = 3.0V, Ta = 25°C, CL = 15pF *1. The duty cycle characteristic is checked the sample chips of each production lot. *2. Oscillator stop function is built-in. When INHN goes LOW, normal output stops. When INHN goes HIGH, normal output is not resumed until after the oscillator start-up time has elapsed. NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC.—11 WF5025 series WF5025ML× (2.5V operation) VDD = 2.25 to 2.75V, VSS = 0V, Ta = −40 to +85°C unless otherwise noted. Rating*1 Parameter Output rise time Symbol tr1 tr2 Output fall time tf1 tf2 Duty1 Condition Output disable delay time*3 tPLZ Output enable delay time*3 tPZL typ max Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, 0.1VDD to 0.9VDD CL = 15pF – 2 4 ns CL = 30pF – 3 6 ns Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, 0.9VDD to 0.1VDD CL = 15pF – 2 4 ns CL = 30pF – 3 6 ns f = 72MHz WF5025MLA 45 – 55 % f = 100MHz WF5025MLB (45) – (55) % f = 133MHz WF5025MLC 45 – 55 % f = 72MHz WF5025MLA 45 – 55 % f = 100MHz WF5025MLB (40) – (60) % f = 100MHz WF5025MLC 40 – 60 % – – 100 ns – – 100 ns Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, VDD = 2.5V, Ta = 25°C, CL = 15pF Output duty cycle*2 Duty2 Unit min Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, VDD = 2.5V, Ta = 25°C, CL = 30pF Measurement cct 6, load cct 1, VDD = 2.5V, Ta = 25°C, CL = 15pF *1. Values in parentheses ( ) are provisional only. *2. The duty cycle characteristic is checked the sample chips of each production lot. *3. Oscillator stop function is built-in. When INHN goes LOW, normal output stops. When INHN goes HIGH, normal output is not resumed until after the oscillator start-up time has elapsed. WF5025ML× (3.0V operation) VDD = 2.7 to 3.6V, VSS = 0V, Ta = −40 to +85°C unless otherwise noted. Rating*1 Parameter Output rise time Symbol tr1 tr2 Output fall time tf1 tf2 Duty1 Output duty cycle*2 Duty2 tPLZ Output enable delay time*3 tPZL min typ max Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, 0.1VDD to 0.9VDD CL = 15pF – 1.5 3 ns CL = 30pF – 2.5 5 ns Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, 0.9VDD to 0.1VDD CL = 15pF – 1.5 3 ns CL = 30pF – 2.5 5 ns f = 72MHz WF5025MLA 45 – 55 % f = 100MHz WF5025MLB (45) – (55) % f = 133MHz WF5025MLC 45 – 55 % f = 72MHz WF5025MLA 45 – 55 % f = 100MHz WF5025MLB (45) – (55) % WF5025MLC 45 – 55 % – – 100 ns – – 100 ns Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, VDD = 3.0V, Ta = 25°C, CL = 15pF Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, VDD = 3.0V, Ta = 25°C, CL = 30pF Measurement cct 3, load cct 1, VDD = 3.3V, Ta = 25°C, CL = 30pF, f = 100MHz Output disable delay time*3 Unit Condition Measurement cct 6, load cct 1, VDD = 3.0V, Ta = 25°C, CL = 15pF *1. Values in parentheses ( ) are provisional only. *2. The duty cycle characteristic is checked the sample chips of each production lot. *3. Oscillator stop function is built-in. When INHN goes LOW, normal output stops. When INHN goes HIGH, normal output is not resumed until after the oscillator start-up time has elapsed. NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC.—12 WF5025 series FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Standby Function When INHN goes LOW, the oscillator stops and the oscillator output on Q becomes high impedance. Version INHN WF5025AL× HIGH (or open) WF5025BL1, ML× WF5025AL×, BL1, ML× Q Oscillator Any fO, fO/2, fO/4, fO/8, fO/16 or fO/32 output frequency Normal operation fO LOW High impedance Stopped Power-save Pull-up Resistor The INHN pull-up resistance changes in response to the input level (HIGH or LOW). When INHN goes LOW (standby state), the pull-up resistance becomes large to reduce the current consumption during standby. NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC.—13 WF5025 series MEASUREMENT CIRCUITS Measurement cct 1 Measurement cct 4 C1 Signal Generator VDD XT VDD XT Q XTN INHN R1 Q VSS XTN INHN R2 VSS V VPR VDD VOH 0V Q output 2Vp-p, 10MHz sine wave input signal C1: 0.001µF R1: 50Ω R2: 5025AL× : 412Ω (2.5V operation) 575Ω (3.0V operation) 5025BL1, ML× : 206Ω (2.5V operation) 287Ω (3.0V operation) IPR RUP1 = VDD IPR (VPR = V SS) RUP2 = VDD VPR IPR (VPR = 0.7VDD) A Measurement cct 5 Measurement cct 2 XT VDD Rf = Q XTN INHN IZ, IOL XT VDD IZ VSS V VDD IRf A A Q XTN INHN Rf 2 = VSS VDD IRf IRf VOH VOL Measurement cct 6 C1 Signal Generator Measurement cct 3 Q R1 A XT VDD XT XTN INHN VSS IDD1, IDD2 IST VDD X'tal Q XTN INHN VSS 2Vp-p, 10MHz sine wave input signal C1: 0.001µF R1: 50Ω Load cct 1 Q output CL (Including probe capacitance) NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC.—14 WF5025 series Switching Time Measurement Waveform Output duty level, tr, tf 0.9VDD 0.8VDD 0.9VDD 0.8VDD Q output 0.2VDD 0.1VDD 0.2VDD 0.1VDD TW tr3 DUTY measurement voltage (0.5V DD ) tf3 tr1,tr2 tf1,tf2 Output duty cycle DUTY measurement voltage (0.5V DD) Q output TW DUTY= TW/ T T 100 (%) Output Enable/Disable Delay when the device is in standby, the oscillator stops. When standby is released, the oscillator starts and stable oscillator output occurs after a short delay. VIH INHN VIL tPLZ tPZL INHN input waveform tr = tf 10ns Q output NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC.—15 WF5025 series Please pay your attention to the following points at time of using the products shown in this document. The products shown in this document (hereinafter “Products”) are not intended to be used for the apparatus that exerts harmful influence on human lives due to the defects, failure or malfunction of the Products. Customers are requested to obtain prior written agreement for such use from NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC. (hereinafter “NPC”). Customers shall be solely responsible for, and indemnify and hold NPC free and harmless from, any and all claims, damages, losses, expenses or lawsuits, due to such use without such agreement. NPC reserves the right to change the specifications of the Products in order to improve the characteristic or reliability thereof. NPC makes no claim or warranty that the contents described in this document dose not infringe any intellectual property right or other similar right owned by third parties. Therefore, NPC shall not be responsible for such problems, even if the use is in accordance with the descriptions provided in this document. Any descriptions including applications, circuits, and the parameters of the Products in this document are for reference to use the Products, and shall not be guaranteed free from defect, inapplicability to the design for the mass-production products without further testing or modification. Customers are requested not to export or re-export, directly or indirectly, the Products to any country or any entity not in compliance with or in violation of the national export administration laws, treaties, orders and regulations. Customers are requested appropriately take steps to obtain required permissions or approvals from appropriate government agencies. NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC. 15-6, Nihombashi-kabutocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0026, Japan Telephone: +81-3-6667-6601 Facsimile: +81-3-6667-6611 Email: NC0315CE 2005.11 NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC.—16