NI 778756-02

100 MHz, 100 MS/s, 14-Bit Digitizer
NI 5122
• 2 channels simultaneously sampled
at 14-bit resolution
• 100 MS/s real-time and 2.0 GS/s
random interleaved sampling
• 100 MHz bandwidth
• 50 Ω or 1 MΩ input impedance,
• 200 mV to 20 V input range
• 75 dBc SFDR and 62 dB SINAD
• Memory options from 8 to 512 MB
per channel
• Edge, window, hysteresis, video,
and digital triggering with
100 ps timestamping
• NI PCI-5122
• NI PXI-5122
• NI PXIe-5122
Operating Systems
• Windows Vista/XP/2000
Recommended Software
• LabWindows™/CVI
• Measurement Studio for Visual Studio
Other Compatible Software
• Visual Basic
• C/C++
• .NET
Application Software (included)
• Spectral Measurements Toolkit
(32 and 256 MB/channel models only)
Driver Software (included)
National Instruments 5122 high-speed digitizers feature two 100 MS/s
simultaneously sampled input channels with 14-bit resolution, 100 MHz
bandwidth, and up to 512 MB of memory per channel in a compact,
3U PXI Express, PXI, or PCI device. With its high sampling rate and
low-distortion front end, an NI 5122 is ideal for a wide range of applications in automotive, communications, scientific research, military/
aerospace, and consumer electronics. Using the National Instruments
Synchronization and Memory Core (SMC) architecture, you can easily
synchronize to other analog and digital instruments to develop
high-channel-count or mixed-signal test systems.
Analog Input Performance
NI 5122 digitizers use 14-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs),
low-noise variable-gain amplifiers, and a low-jitter 100 MHz timebase
to deliver a 75 dBc spurious-free dynamic range and a 62 dB signal-tonoise ratio. The 14-bit data converters have 64 times the resolution
of traditional 8-bit instruments, providing more accurate time- and
frequency-domain measurements.
Software-selectable 50 Ω or 1 MΩ input impedance, input ranges
from 200 mVpp to 20 Vpp, seven trigger modes, and antialias and noise
filters make NI 5122 digitizers versatile enough to meet the most
demanding application requirements. The programmable DC offset
feature maximizes the use of the entire 14 bits of vertical range.
Onboard self-calibration also ensures measurement stability over
the entire operating temperature range of 0 to 55 °C.
Figure 1. Graph of Dynamic Performance (FFT)
Deep Onboard Acquisition Memory
An NI 5122, based on the SMC architecture, comes with high-speed
memory options from 8 to 512 MB per channel (4 to 256 million 14-bit
samples per channel). An NI 5122 can acquire more than 1 million
triggered waveforms without software intervention in multiple-record
acquisition mode for applications such as RADAR, ultrasound, and event
detection, which require short trigger rearm times. In addition, you can
timestamp each triggered event with 100 ps resolution in both singleshot and multiple-record acquisition modes. An NI 5122 also can stream
data continuously from onboard memory to host memory for longer
acquisitions and streaming to disk.
100 MHz, 100 MS/s, 14-Bit Digitizer
SMC (Synchronization and Memory Core)
CH 0
Gain and
Offset Control
-1 MΩ
CH 1
100/40/20 MHz
Filter Stage
50 Ω
Gain and
Offset Control
Onboard Memory
(8 to 512 MB)
(PCI Bus
Decimation Engine
100/40/20 MHz
Filter Stage
50 Ω
Onboard Memory
(8 to 512 MB)
-1 MΩ
Timing and
Trigger and
Event Control
Clk IN
Routing Matrix
PXI Trigger Bus
Figure 2. Hardware Block Diagram
Data Streaming up to 400 MB/s
Because of the PCI and PCI Express buses used in PXI, an NI 5122 can
continuously stream data to the host computer at rates up to 110 MB/s
using PCI/PXI or 400 MB/s using PXI Express. At 400 MB/s, an NI 5122
is streaming data on both channels at its maximum data rate. The
dedicated per-slot bandwidth available in PXI Express enables multimodule systems to achieve higher aggregate data rates. High-speed
data record and playback applications are possible using the host
computer’s memory or high-end storage solutions such as RAID. Using an
8 x 500 GB drive RAID system with a capacity of 4 TB, you can capture
data at 400 MB/s for more than 2.5 hours. Areas that benefit from this
capability include RF/IF data streaming in signal intelligence, data
record and playback, and scientific applications.
NI 5122 digitizers have three trigger sources – analog, digital, and
software control. Compare the input signal on either channel or the
external trigger channel to one or two thresholds for edge, hysteresis,
or window trigger detection. You can also use line-selectable video
triggering for NTSC, PAL, or SECAM broadcast standards. Drive and
receive digital triggers to and from the PXI trigger bus or the external
9-pin AUX connector. You can specify the number of samples to acquire
before and after a trigger event occurs. These pretrigger and posttrigger
settings also apply when the module is used in multiple-record mode.
directly from the device under test. Synchronize multiple instruments
using the PXI backplane 10 MHz reference clock or an external reference
ranging from 1 to 20 MHz in 1 MHz increments. Because an NI 5122 is
built on the SMC architecture, you can synchronize two or more digitizers
for high-channel-count applications and build mixed-signal test systems
using NI PXI-5421 arbitrary waveform generators and NI PXI-655x digital
waveform generator/analyzers.
Every National Instruments high-speed digitizer comes with the
IVI-compliant NI-SCOPE driver, which is fully compatible with NI LabVIEW,
LabWindows/CVI, and Measurement Studio for Visual Studio 6.0 and
.NET. NI-SCOPE includes more than 50 built-in measurement and
analysis functions and an interactive SCOPE Soft Front Panel. The
NI Spectral Measurements Toolkit gives you sophisticated frequencydomain measurements, such as power in-band, multiple peak search,
and 3D spectrogram, for applications in communications, signal
intelligence, and avionics.
Timing and Synchronization
An advanced 100 MHz clock generator produces the low-jitter, low-phaseskew clock for the precise clocking and stable synchronization necessary
for high-speed, high-resolution digitizers. You can also use an external
clock source, such as the NI PXI-5404 100 MHz frequency generator, for
applications that require very specific sample frequencies or you can clock
Figure 3. Spectral Measurements Toolkit 3D Spectrogram
BUY ONLINE at or CALL 800 813 3693 (U.S.)
100 MHz, 100 MS/s, 14-Bit Digitizer
Ordering Information
NI PCI-5122
8 MB/channel....................................................................778758-01
32 MB/channel..................................................................778758-02
256 MB/channel................................................................778758-03
NI PXI-5122
8 MB/channel....................................................................778756-01
32 MB/channel..................................................................778756-02
256 MB/channel................................................................778756-03
512 MB/channel................................................................778756-04
NI PXIe-5122
8 MB/channel....................................................................779967-01
64 MB/channel..................................................................779967-02
256 MB/channel................................................................779967-03
Includes NI 5122 device, NI-SCOPE, and Scope Soft Front Panel. The 32 and
256 MB/channel models also include the NI Spectral Measurements Toolkit.
Recommended PXI switch
NI PXI-2593........................................................................778793-01
Switchable 1/10x probe
SP200B ..............................................................................763391-01
9-pin DIN to BNC for AUX I/O connector
Aux110 ............................................................................189919-0R5
Related Products
NI 5421 arbitrary waveform generators
NI PXI-5404 clock and frequency generator
NI PXI-655x digital waveform generator/analyzers
For complete product specifications, pricing, and accessory
information, call 800 813 3693 (U.S.) or go to
These specifications are valid for 0 to 55° C for PXI, and 0 to 45° C
for PCI, unless otherwise stated.
Acquisition System
Number of channels............................
Vertical resolution...............................
Bandwidth1 (-3 dB)..............................
Bandwidth limit filters
(software selectable)......................
Maximum sample rate........................
Onboard sample memory....................
Pretrigger and posttrigger data points2 ...
Input impedance .................................
2 simultaneously sampled
14 bits
100 MHz
20 MHz noise (2-pole Bessel)
40 MHz antialias
(-6 dB, 6-pole Chebyshev)
100 MS/s real-time, 2 GS/s
random interleaved sampling
8 to 512 MB per channel
(4 to 256 million samples)
0 to 100% of full record length
50 Ω and 1 MΩ || 27 pF(± 2 pF),
software selectable
Maximum number of records for
multiple-record acquisition3 ........... 32,768 for 8 MB/ch, 100,000 for
all other memory options
Full scale input range ......................... 50 Ω: 200 mV, 400 mV, 1 V, 2 V,
4 V, 10 V
1 MΩ: 200 mV, 400 mV, 1 V, 2 V,
4 V, 10 V, 20 V
Vertical offset ranges ......................... ±50% of full scale input range
Maximum input overload.................... 50 Ω: 7 Vrms with peaks ≤10 V,
1 MΩ: peaks ≤42 V
Input coupling ..................................... AC, DC, GND (AC coupling
on 1 MΩ only)
AC coupling cutoff
frequency (-3 dB) ............................ 12 Hz
110 MB/s
Maximum Data Streaming Rates 4
PXI Express
400 MB/s
DC accuracy (0 V offset setting)
Full Scale Input Range
200 mV, 400 mV, 1 V, 2 V
4 V, 10 V
20 V
50 Ω and 1 MΩ
±0.65% of input ±1.0 mV (±2.0 mV for PCI)
±0.65% of input ±8.0 mV
±0.65% of input ±10.0 mV
Passband Flatness (referenced to 50 kHz)
Full Scale Input Range
400 mV, 1 V, 2 V, 5 V,
10 V, 20 V
200 mV
Filters off
Antialias filter on
All ranges
50 Ω and 1 MΩ
±0.4 dB DC to 20 MHz
±1 dB 20 to 50 MHz
±0.4 dB DC to 20 MHz
±1 dB 20 to 40 MHz
±1.2 dB DC to 16 MHz
±1.6 dB 16 to 32 MHz
AC amplitude accuracy (50 kHz) ......... 50 Ω: ±0.06 dB, 1 MΩ: ±0.09 dB
Channel-to-channel crosstalk ............. ≤-100 dB at 10 MHz
Spectral Characteristics (typical)
Dynamic performance (50 Ω input impedance with 10 MHz,
-1 dBFS input signal, filters on)
Full Scale Input Range
200 mV
400 mV
10 V
SFDR (dBc)
THD (dBc)
SNR (dB)
SFDR = Spurious-free dynamic range
THD = Total harmonic distortion
SNR = Signal-to-noise ratio, excluding distortion (antialias filter enabled)
SINAD = Signal-to-noise and distortion (antialias filter enabled)
BUY ONLINE at or CALL 800 813 3693 (U.S.)
100 MHz, 100 MS/s, 14-Bit Digitizer
Dynamic performance (1 MΩ input impedance with 10 MHz,
-1 dBFS input signal, filters on)
Full Scale Input Range
200 mV
400 mV
10 V
20 V
SFDR (dBc)
THD (dBc)
SNR (dB)
SFDR = Spurious-free dynamic range
THD = Total harmonic distortion
SNR = Signal-to-noise ratio, excluding distortion (antialias filter enabled)
SINAD = Signal-to-noise and distortion (antialias filter enabled)
Intermodulation distortion5 (IMD)....... <75 dBc
Phase noise density (10 MHz input) ... <-100 dBc/Hz at 100 Hz,
<-120 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz,
<-130 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz
Sensitivity............................................ CH 0 and CH 1: 2.5% FS up to
50 MHz increasing to 5% FS at
100 MHz; TRIG: 2.5% up to
100 MHz increasing to 10%
at 200 MHz
Level accuracy..................................... CH 0, CH 1, and TRIG: ±3.5% FS
up to 10 MHz
Time resolution ................................... 100 ps with time-to-digital
converter enabled
Holdoff7 ............................................... 2 µ to 171.79 s, software selectable
External Trigger Channel (TRIG)
Impedance........................................... 1 MΩ || 22 pF
Range .................................................. ±5 V
Coupling .............................................. AC, DC
Acquisition Modes
Real-time sample rate ........................ 100 MS/s to 1.526 kS/s
sampling rate
Random interleaved sampling (RIS)..... 2 GS/s to 200 MS/s sampling
rate (repetitive signals only)
Timebase System
Timebase options................................ Internal, PXI star, external (CLK IN)
Total sample clock jitter6 .................... ≤1 psrms
Internal sample clock frequency......... 100 MS/s sampling rate
with decimation by n where
1 ≤ n ≤ 65,535
Timebase accuracy.............................. ±25 ppm (±0.0025%)
External sample clock sources ........... CLK IN (SMB connector), PXI star
External sample clock range............... 30 to 105 MHz (to 80 MHz using
PXI Star Trigger), variable with
decimation by n where
1 ≤ n ≤ 65,535
External reference clock sources........ CLK IN (SMB connector),
PXI backplane 10 MHz
External reference clock range ........... 1 to 20 MHz in 1 MHz
+3.3 VDC
1.4 A
1.4 A
1.6 A
+5 VDC
1.5 A
2.4 A
+12 VDC
110 mA
110 mA
2.0 A
-12 VDC
270 mA
Total Power
16.7 W
17.9 W
29.3 W
Operating temperature8 ...................... 0 to 55 °C (meets IEC-60068-2-1
and IEC-60068-2-2)
Storage temperature........................... -40 to 71 °C (meets IEC-60068-2-1
and 60068-2-2)
Relative humidity ................................ 10 to 90%, noncondensing
(meets 60068-2-56)
NIST traceability ................................. Factory calibrated to verify it
meets NIST-traceable standards
Self-calibration.................................... Gain, offset, frequency
response, triggering, and
timing for all input ranges
External calibration interval................ 2 years
Routine calibration.............................. Return your device to
National Instruments or ship
to a qualified metrology lab
on 200 mV range is 80 MHz.
5122 also supports continuous acquisition.
Trigger System
Modes ................................................. Edge, hysteresis, window, video,
digital, immediate, software
Sources................................................ CH 0, CH 1, TRIG, PXI_Trig <0:6>,
PFI <0:1>, PXI Star, Software
Slope ................................................... Rising or falling
Video trigger........................................ Negative sync of NTSC, PAL,
and SECAM standards
Video trigger types.............................. Any line, specific line, specific field
High-frequency reject filter................. 50 kHz, software selectable
Low-frequency reject filter ................. 50 kHz, software selectable
to 100% pretrigger and posttrigger data.
are for a single NI 5122 device. Dedicated per-slot bandwidth available in
PXI Express enables multimodule systems to achieve higher aggregate data rates.
Using a 12-drive high-performance RAID system, aggregate data rates up to 600 MB/s
to disk are possible.
on ranges up to 2 V on 50 Ω input with two tones at 10.2 and 11.2 MHz,
each at -7 dBFS.
effects of converter aperture and clock circuitry jitter from 100 Hz to 100 kHz.
to 45 °C in PXI-101x and 1000/B chassis.
BUY ONLINE at or CALL 800 813 3693 (U.S.)
NI Services and Support
NI has the services and support to meet
your needs around the globe and through
the application life cycle – from planning
and development through deployment
and ongoing maintenance. We offer
services and service levels to meet
customer requirements in research,
design, validation, and manufacturing.
Training and Certification
NI training is the fastest, most certain route to productivity with our
products. NI training can shorten your learning curve, save development
time, and reduce maintenance costs over the application life cycle. We
schedule instructor-led courses in cities worldwide, or we can hold a
course at your facility. We also offer a professional certification program
that identifies individuals who have high levels of skill and knowledge on
using NI products. Visit
Professional Services
Our Professional Services Team is comprised of NI applications engineers,
NI Consulting Services, and a worldwide National Instruments Alliance
Partner program of more than 600 independent consultants and
integrators. Services range from
start-up assistance to turnkey
system integration.
OEM Support
We offer design-in consulting and product integration assistance if you
want to use our products for OEM applications. For information about
special pricing and services for OEM customers, visit • 800 813 3693
National Instruments •
Local Sales and Technical Support
In offices worldwide, our staff is local to the country, giving you access
to engineers who speak your language. NI delivers industry-leading
technical support through online knowledge bases, our applications
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professionals within NI Developer Exchange forums. Find immediate
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We also offer service programs that provide automatic upgrades to
your application development environment and higher levels of technical
support. Visit
Hardware Services
NI Factory Installation Services
NI Factory Installation Services (FIS) is the fastest and easiest way to
use your PXI or PXI/SCXI combination systems right out of the box.
Trained NI technicians install the software and hardware and configure
the system to your specifications. NI extends the standard warranty by
one year on hardware components (controllers, chassis, modules)
purchased with FIS. To use FIS, simply configure your system online
Calibration Services
NI recognizes the need to maintain properly calibrated devices for
high-accuracy measurements. We provide manual calibration
procedures, services to recalibrate your products, and automated
calibration software specifically designed for use by metrology
laboratories. Visit
Repair and Extended Warranty
NI provides complete repair services for our products. Express repair
and advance replacement services are also available. We offer
extended warranties to help you meet project life-cycle requirements.
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