19-5346; Rev 3/11 A Maxim Integrated Products Brand 78M6618 Octal Power and Energy Measurement IC DATA SHEET DS_6618_005 March 2011 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Teridian 78M6618 is a highly integrated IC for independent monitoring and measurement of up to eight single-phase AC outlets. With multiple host interface options, an integrated LCD driver, and configurable I/Os, the device is ideal for metered power distribution units (PDUs) and rack enclosures for the data center, as well as intelligent power strips and subpanels in the grid-friendly digital home. < 0.5% Wh Accuracy Over Wide 2000:1 Current Range and Over Temperature Exceeds IEC 62053/ANSI C12.20 Standards Voltage Reference < 40ppm/°C 10 Sensor Inputs—V3P3 Referenced 21-Bit Delta-Sigma ADC with Independent 32-Bit Compute Engine (CE) 8-Bit MPU (80515), One Clock Cycle per Instruction with 4KB MPU XRAM 128KB Flash with Security Integrated ICE for MPU Debug 32kHz Time Base with Hardware Watchdog Timer UART and High-Speed Slave SPI Host Interface Options Up to 19 General-Purpose 5V Tolerant I/O Pins LCD Driver (Up to 70 Pixels) At the measurement interface, the device provides 10 analog inputs for interfacing to voltage and current sensors. Scaled voltages from the sensors are fed to our Single Converter Technology® that uses a 21-bit delta-sigma ADC, independent 32-bit compute engine (CE), digital temperature compensation, and precision voltage references to provide better than 0.5% accuracy over a wide 2000:1 dynamic range. The integrated MPU core and 128KB of flash memory provides a flexible means of configuration, postprocessing, data formatting, interfacing to host processor through a UART or SPI™ interface, displaying output data to an LCD, or using DIO pins for intelligent relay control. Complete firmware for common applications is available from Teridian and can be loaded into the IC during manufacturing test. Alternatively, a Packaged in a Lead(Pb)-Free/RoHS-Compliant (6/6) 68-Pin QFN complete array of ICE, development tools, and programming libraries are available to allow customization MPU code for Robust Sub-Metering Application Firmware: each application. o True RMS Calculations for Current, Voltage, Line Frequency, Real Power, Reactive Power, Apparent Power, and Power Factor o Accumulated Watt-Hours, Kilowatt-Hours, and Cost o Intelligent Switch Control at Zero Crossings o Digital Temperature Compensation o Phase Compensation (15) o Quick Calibration Routines o 46-64Hz Line Frequency Range with Same Calibration o Programmable Alarm Thresholds o High-Level UART Communication Protocols o High-Level SPI Communication Protocols Single Converter Technology is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. SPI is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. Rev. 1.4 © 2011 Teridian Semiconductor Corporation 1 78M6618 Data Sheet DS_6618_005 Table of Contents 1 Hardware Functional Description...................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Hardware Overview ..................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 Device Reset ................................................................................................................................ 7 1.3 Power Management ..................................................................................................................... 7 1.3.1 Voltage Regulator ............................................................................................................ 7 1.3.2 Power Fault Management................................................................................................ 7 1.3.3 BROWNOUT.................................................................................................................... 7 1.3.4 SLEEP mode ................................................................................................................... 7 1.4 Analog Front End (AFE)............................................................................................................... 7 1.4.1 Analog Current and Voltage Inputs ................................................................................. 8 1.5 Digital Computation Engine (CE) ................................................................................................. 8 1.6 80515 MPU Core ......................................................................................................................... 8 1.6.1 SFR .................................................................................................................................. 9 1.7 XRAM ........................................................................................................................................... 9 1.8 IORAM ......................................................................................................................................... 9 1.9 FLASH.......................................................................................................................................... 9 1.9.1 Program Security ............................................................................................................. 9 1.10 Oscillator ...................................................................................................................................... 9 1.11 PLL and Internal Clock Generation.............................................................................................. 9 1.12 Real-Time Clock (RTC).............................................................................................................. 10 1.13 Hardware Watchdog Timer ........................................................................................................ 10 1.14 Temperature Sensor .................................................................................................................. 10 1.15 General Purpose Digital I/O ....................................................................................................... 10 1.16 LCD Drivers ............................................................................................................................... 11 1.17 EEPROM Interface .................................................................................................................... 11 1.18 SPI Slave Port ............................................................................................................................ 11 1.19 Test Port..................................................................................................................................... 12 1.20 UARTs........................................................................................................................................ 13 1.20.1 UART1 (OPT_TX/OPT_RX) .......................................................................................... 13 1.21 In Circuit Emulator (ICE) Port .................................................................................................... 13 2 Electrical Specifications................................................................................................................... 14 2.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ....................................................................................................... 14 2.2 Recommended External Components ....................................................................................... 15 2.3 Recommended Operating Conditions........................................................................................ 15 2.4 Performance Specifications ....................................................................................................... 16 2.4.1 Input Logic Levels .......................................................................................................... 16 2.4.2 Output Logic Levels ....................................................................................................... 16 2.4.3 Power-Fault Comparator ............................................................................................... 16 2.4.4 Battery Monitor............................................................................................................... 17 2.4.5 Supply Current ............................................................................................................... 17 2.4.6 V3P3D Switch ................................................................................................................ 17 2.4.7 2.5 V Voltage Regulator................................................................................................. 18 2.4.8 Low-Power Voltage Regulator ....................................................................................... 18 2.4.9 Crystal Oscillator ............................................................................................................ 18 2.4.10 LCD DAC ....................................................................................................................... 18 2.4.11 LCD Drivers ................................................................................................................... 19 2.4.12 Optical Interface ............................................................................................................. 19 2.4.13 Temperature Sensor ...................................................................................................... 19 2.4.14 VREF ............................................................................................................................. 20 2.4.15 ADC Converter, V3P3A Referenced ............................................................................. 21 2.5 Timing Specifications ................................................................................................................. 22 2.5.1 Flash Memory ................................................................................................................ 22 2.5.2 EEPROM Interface ........................................................................................................ 22 2.5.3 RESET ........................................................................................................................... 22 2.5.4 RTC................................................................................................................................ 22 2.5.5 SPI Slave Port (MISSION Mode) ................................................................................... 23 2 Rev. 1.4 DS_6618_005 78M6618 Data Sheet 3 Packaging .......................................................................................................................................... 24 3.1 68-Pin QFN Package ................................................................................................................. 24 3.1.1 Pinout ............................................................................................................................. 24 3.1.2 68-Pin QFN Package Outline ........................................................................................ 25 3.1.3 Recommended PCB Land Pattern for the QFN-68 Package ........................................ 26 4 Pin Descriptions ................................................................................................................................ 27 4.1 Power and Ground Pins ............................................................................................................. 27 4.2 Analog Pins ................................................................................................................................ 27 4.3 Digital Pins ................................................................................................................................. 28 5 I/O Equivalent Circuits...................................................................................................................... 29 6 Ordering Information ........................................................................................................................ 30 7 Contact Information .......................................................................................................................... 30 8 Appendix A: Acronyms .................................................................................................................... 31 9 Revision History ................................................................................................................................ 32 Rev. 1.4 3 78M6618 Data Sheet DS_6618_005 Figures Figure 1: 78M6618 IC Functional Block Diagram ......................................................................................... 6 Figure 2: AFE Block Diagram ....................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 3: SPI Slave Port: Typical Read and Write Operations ................................................................... 12 Figure 4: SPI Slave Port (MISSION Mode) Timing ..................................................................................... 23 Figure 5: Pinout for QFN-68 Package......................................................................................................... 24 Figure 6: QFN-68 Package Outline (Top, Bottom, and Side View) ............................................................ 25 Figure 7: PCB Land Pattern for QFN 68 Package ...................................................................................... 26 Figure 8: I/O Equivalent Circuits ................................................................................................................. 29 Tables Table 1: SPI Command Description ............................................................................................................ 12 Table 2: Absolute Maximum Ratings .......................................................................................................... 14 Table 3: Recommended External Components .......................................................................................... 15 Table 4: Recommended Operating Conditions ........................................................................................... 15 Table 5: Input Logic Levels ......................................................................................................................... 16 Table 6: Output Logic Levels ...................................................................................................................... 16 Table 7: Power-Fault Comparator Performance Specifications.................................................................. 16 Table 8: Battery Monitor Performance Specifications (BME= 1) ................................................................. 17 Table 9: Supply Current Performance Specifications ................................................................................. 17 Table 10: V3P3D Switch Performance Specifications ................................................................................ 17 Table 11: 2.5 V Voltage Regulator Performance Specifications ................................................................. 18 Table 12: Low-Power Voltage Regulator Performance Specifications ....................................................... 18 Table 13: Crystal Oscillator Performance Specifications ............................................................................ 18 Table 14: LCD DAC Performance Specifications ....................................................................................... 18 Table 15: LCD Driver Performance Specifications ..................................................................................... 19 Table 16: Optical Interface Performance Specifications ............................................................................. 19 Table 17: Temperature Sensor Performance Specifications ...................................................................... 19 Table 18: VREF Performance Specifications.............................................................................................. 20 Table 19: ADC Converter Performance Specifications ............................................................................... 21 Table 20: Flash Memory Timing Specifications .......................................................................................... 22 Table 21: EEPROM Interface Timing.......................................................................................................... 22 Table 22: RESET Timing ............................................................................................................................ 22 Table 23: RTC Range ................................................................................................................................. 22 Table 24: SPI Slave Port (MISSION Mode) Timing .................................................................................... 23 Table 25: Recommended PCB Land Pattern Dimensions.......................................................................... 26 Table 26: Power and Ground Pins .............................................................................................................. 27 Table 27: Analog Pins ................................................................................................................................. 27 Table 28: Digital Pins .................................................................................................................................. 28 Table 29: Ordering Information ................................................................................................................... 30 4 Rev. 1.4 DS_6618_005 78M6618 Data Sheet 1 Hardware Functional Description 1.1 Hardware Overview The Teridian 78M6618 single-chip measurement and monitoring IC integrates all the primary AC measurement and control blocks required to implement an 8-outlet single-phase PDU with per outlet metering and intelligent relay control The 78M6618 includes: • A ten-input analog front end (AFE) • An independent digital computation engine (CE) • An 8051-compatible microprocessor (MPU) which executes one instruction per clock cycle (80515) • A precision voltage reference • A temperature sensor • RAM and Flash memory • • A variety of I/O pins LCD drivers Various current sensor technologies are supported including Current Transformers (CT), Resistive Shunts and Rogowski coils. In a sub-metering application, the 32-bit compute engine (CE) of the 78M6618 sequentially process the samples from the analog inputs on pins IA, IB, IC, ID, IE, IF, IG, IH, VA, VB and performs calculations to measure active energy (Wh) and reactive energy (VARh), as well as A2h and V2h for four-quadrant measurement. These measurements are then accessed by the MPU, processed further, and output via the peripheral devices available to the MPU. In addition to the temperature-trimmed ultra-precision voltage reference, the on-chip digital temperature compensation mechanism includes a temperature sensor and associated controls for correction of undesirable temperature effects on measurement accuracy. Temperature-dependent external components such as a crystal oscillator and current sensors can be characterized and their correction factors can be programmed to produce measurements with exceptional accuracy over the industrial temperature range. A block diagram of the 78M6618 IC is shown in Figure 1. A detailed description of the various functional blocks follows. Rev. 1.4 5 78M6618 Data Sheet DS_6618_005 VREF V3P3A GNDA V3P3SYS IA ∆Σ ADC CONVERTER IB IC VBIAS V3P3D VBIAS RTM FIR ID VADC IE IF VREF VREF VOLT REG RPULSE CE MUXP IG VBAT to TMUX WPULSE IH GNDD XPULSE VA 16 32 CE_DATA YPULSE XPULSE WPULSE RPULSE YPULSE CE_PROG VB V2P5 2.5V to logic VBAT TEMP MCK PLL XIN XOUT 80MHz CK_CE FLASH 128KB MULTIPURPOSE IO XRAM 4kB DIO3 CK_MPU OSC (32.768kHz) DIO43 / SEG63 CKTESTI DIO19 / SEG39 DIO18 / SEG38 DIO17 / SEG37 DIO16 / SEG36 DIO15 / SEG35 DIO14 / SEG34 DIO13 / SEG33 CKTEST RTC LCD DISPLAY DRIVER TEST DIO11 / SEG31 DIO10 / SEG30 TEST MODE COM0, COM1 COM1, 0 SEG0... DIO9 / SEG29 DIO8 / SEG28 DIO7 / SEG27 DIO6 / SEG26 DIO5 / SEG25 DIO4 / SEG24 RX UART DIGITAL I/O TX DIO_4... XRAM BUS 8 SPI SLAVE OPT_RX / DIO1 80515 MPU PCSZ PCLK PSDI PSDO SEG19 SEG18 SEG17 SEG16 SEG15 SEG14 SDATA EEPROM I/F SCLK OPTICAL OPT_TX / DIO2 SEG12 SEG11 / E_RST SEG10 / E_TCLK SEG9 / E_RXTX SEG8 SEG7 SEG6 / PSDI SEG5 / PCSZ SEG4 / PSDO SEG3 / PCLK SEG2 SEG1 SEG0 MOD SFR E_RXTX E_TCLK EMULATOR V1 POWER FAULT E_RSTZ ICE_E FAULTZ TEST MUX RESET TMUXOUT ICE_E Figure 1: 78M6618 IC Functional Block Diagram 6 Rev. 1.4 DS_6618_005 1.2 78M6618 Data Sheet Device Reset When the RESET pin is pulled high, all digital activity stops. Only the oscillator and RTC module continue to run. Additionally, all IORAM bits are set to their default states. As long as V1 (the input voltage at the power fault block) is greater than VBIAS, the internal 2.5 V regulator will continue to provide power to the digital section. Once initiated, the reset mode will persist until the reset timer times out. This will occur in 4096 cycles of the crystal clock after RESET goes low, at which time the MPU will begin executing its preboot and boot sequences from address 0x0000. 1.3 Power Management 1.3.1 Voltage Regulator The 78M6618 provides an on chip voltage regulator to create a 2.5V supply for the digital logic. This regulator can be run off of the V3P3SYS or VBAT inputs depending upon power availability. 1.3.2 Power Fault Management The 78M6618 includes both hardware and software controlled power fault management. V1 is connected to a comparator to monitor system power fault conditions. When the output of the comparator falls (V1<VBIAS) the device will enter BROWNOUT mode if there is sufficient voltage on VBAT. If there is not sufficient voltage on VBAT then the part will enter RESET mode. 1.3.3 BROWNOUT In BROWNOUT mode the AFE, CE and other analog circuits are disabled leaving only the non-metering digital circuits running. The MPU is reduced to the crystal clock rate (32kHz). From BROWNOUT the 78M6618 SW may choose to voluntarily enter other power management modes. See the 78M6618 Programmer’s Reference Manual for more information regarding the programmability of the 78M6618 power management modes. If the overhead on VBAT is insufficient to maintain the BROWNOUT mode then the device will attempt to enter SLEEP mode. If power is restored the device will return to normal (mission mode) operation once the PLL has settled. 1.3.4 SLEEP Mode SLEEP mode provides the savings in battery current as only the Oscillator, and RTC functions are active. As the CPU is disabled in SLEEP, the device can only wake up from SLEEP by the restoration of power or RTC autowake. 1.4 Analog Front End (AFE) The AFE functions as a data acquisition system, controlled by the MPU. The main blocks in the AFE consist of an input multiplexer, a delta-sigma A/D converter, a FIR(Finite Impulse Response) filter and a voltage reference. The metrology input signals (IAIH, VA, VB, VBAT and TEMP) are multiplexed before being sampled by the ADC. The ADC output is decimated by the FIR filter and the results are stored in XRAM where they can be accessed by the CE and the MPU. The AFE is programmable for various system requirements including but not limited to: • Programmable Input Multiplexer settings • Voltage reference, Battery and Temperature monitors inputs • Programmable ADC sampling rate • Programmable FIR length/resolution Rev. 1.4 7 78M6618 Data Sheet DS_6618_005 IA IB IC ID IE IF IG IH VA VB VREF ∆Σ ADC CONVERTER MUX VBIAS VBIAS V3P3A FIR + VBAT VREF VREF MUX TEMP CROSS MUX CTRL 4.9152 MHz CK32 FIR_DONE FIR_START Figure 2: AFE Block Diagram See the 78M6618 Programmer’s Reference Manual for more information regarding the programmability of the 78M6618 AFE. 1.4.1 Analog Current and Voltage Inputs Pins IA, IB, IC, ID, IE, IF, IG, IH, VA, VB are analog inputs the AFE that provide support for measuring current and voltage in a variety of ways. Various current sensor technologies are supported including Current Transformers (CT), Resistive Shunts and Rogowski coils. 1.5 Digital Computation Engine (CE) The CE, a dedicated 32-bit digital signal processor, performs the precision computations necessary to accurately measure energy. Typically CE calculations and processes include: • Scaling of the processed samples based on calibration coefficients. • Frequency-insensitive delay cancellation on all channels • 90° phase shifter (for narrowband VAR calculations). • Monitoring of the input signal frequency (for frequency and phase information). • Monitoring of the input signal amplitude (for sag detection). • Multiplication of each voltage and current sample to obtain the energy per sample. • RTM(Real Time Monitor) for debug purposes • Pulse Generators used to output CE status indicators (e.g. SAG) directly to designated DIO pins. Due to the custom nature and complexity of the CE, generally, pre-compiled CE code is provided by Teridian as a part of the available reference firmware and is not modified by the user. Please contact Teridian support for more information regarding CE code. See the 78M6618 Programmer’s Reference Manual for more information on interfacing to and configuration of the 78M6618 CE. 1.6 80515 MPU Core The 78M6618 includes an 80515 MPU (8-bit, 8051-compatible) that processes most instructions in one clock cycle. The 80515 architecture eliminates redundant bus states and implements parallel execution of fetch and execution phases. Normally, a machine cycle is aligned with a memory fetch, therefore, most of the 1-byte instructions are performed in a single machine cycle (MPU clock cycle). This leads to an 8x average performance improvement (in terms of MIPS) over the Intel 8051 device running at the same clock frequency. See the 78M6618 Programmer’s Reference Manual for more information regarding the programmability of MPU Memory Organization, Special Function Registers, Interrupts, Counters, and other CPU controls. 8 Rev. 1.4 DS_6618_005 78M6618 Data Sheet 1.6.1 SFR Several custom Special Function Registers (SFR) registers are implemented in the 78M6618’s 80515 MPU. See the 78M6618 Programmer’s Reference Manual for more information regarding the mapping of functionality to specific SFR and IORAM addresses. 1.7 XRAM The CE and MPU share a single, general purpose 4 KB RAM (also referred to as XRAM) for data. The XRAM is natively accessible as 32bit words from the CE and on 8 bit boundaries from the CPU. The XRAM is accessed by the CPU through addresses 0x0000 to 0x0FFF. 1.8 IORAM The MPU accesses most of its external input and output functionality as well as programmable functionality through memory mapped IO (IORAM). The IORAM is accessed by the CPU as data addresses 0x2000 to 0x20FF. See the 78M6618 Programmer’s Reference Manual for more information regarding the mapping of functionality to specific IORAM addresses. 1.9 FLASH The 78M6618 includes 128 KB of on-chip Flash memory. For read/write access from the CPU, the flash is broken into four 32 KB banks that are managed by SFR settings. For erasing of the flash memory from the CPU the flash is segmented into individual 1024-byte pages and also controlled by SFR settings. See the 78M6618 Programmer’s Reference Manual for more information regarding the use of flash and the mapping of functionality to specific SFR settings. 1.9.1 Program Security The 78M6618 has functionality to guarantee the security of the user’s MPU and CE program code. When enabled, the security feature limits the ICE to global Flash erase operations only. All other ICE operations are blocked. Security is enabled by MPU code that is executed in a pre-boot interval before the primary boot sequence begins. Once security is enabled, the only way to disable it is to perform a global erase of the Flash, followed by a chip reset. 1.10 Oscillator The 78M6618 oscillator drives a standard 32.768 kHz watch crystal. These crystals are accurate and do not require a high-current oscillator circuit. The 78M6618 oscillator has been designed specifically to handle these crystals and is compatible with their high impedance and limited power handling capability. The oscillator is powered directly and only from the VBAT pin, which therefore must be connected to a DC voltage source not to exceed 4 V. The oscillator requires approximately 100 nA, which is negligible compared to the internal leakage of a battery Since the oscillator is self-biasing, an external resistor must not be connected across the crystal. 1.11 PLL and Internal Clock Generation Timing for the device is derived from the 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator output. The PLL and on-chip timing functions provide several clocks which include: • The MPU clock (CKMPU) • The emulator clock (2 x CKMPU) • The clock for the CE (CKCE) • The delta-sigma ADC and FIR clock(CKADC, CKFIR) These internal clocks can be adjusted for various programmable rates which affect device functionality. See the 78M6618 Programmer’s Reference Manual for more information regarding the programmability of the 78M6618 PLL and internal clock generation modules. Rev. 1.4 9 78M6618 Data Sheet DS_6618_005 1.12 Real-Time Clock (RTC) The RTC circuit is driven directly by the crystal oscillator. The RTC consists of a counter chain and output registers. The counter chain consists of registers for seconds, minutes, hours, day of week, day of month, month, and year (including leap years). See the 78M6618 Programmer’s Reference Manual for more information regarding the use of the 78M6618 RTC. 1.13 Hardware Watchdog Timer V1 V3P3 V3P3 - 10mV WDT disabled V3P3 400mV Normal operation, WDT enabled VBIAS Battery modes In addition to the basic watchdog timer included in the 80515 MPU, an independent, robust, fixed-duration, watchdog timer (WDT) is included in the device. It uses the crystal oscillator as its time base and must be refreshed by the MPU firmware at least every 1.5 seconds. When not refreshed on time the WDT overflows, and the part is reset as if the RESET pin were pulled high, except that the IORAM bits will be maintained. 4096 oscillator cycles (or 125 ms) after the WDT overflow, the MPU will be launched from program address 0x0000. Asserting ICE_E will deactivate the WDT. The WDT can also be disabled by tying the V1 pin to V3P3. This also deactivates V1 power fault detection. Since there is no method in firmware to disable the crystal oscillator or the WDT, it is guaranteed that whatever state the part might find itself in, upon watchdog overflow, the part will be reset to a known state. 0V Figure 3: Functions Defined by V1 1.14 Temperature Sensor The device includes an on-chip temperature sensor for determining the temperature of the bandgap reference. The primary use of the temperature data is to determine the magnitude of compensation required to offset the thermal drift in the system. See the 78M6618 Programmer’s Reference Manual for more information regarding the use of the 78M6618 Temperature Sensor. 1.15 General Purpose Digital I/O The 78M6618 includes up to 19 pins of general-purpose digital I/O. When configured as inputs, these pins are 5V compatible (no current-limiting resistors are needed). On reset or power-up, all DIO pins are inputs until they are configured for the desired direction under MPU control. The Digital I/O pins can be categorized as follows: • • • • • 10 DIO1/OPT_RX, DIO2/OPT_TX DIO3 DIO4/SEG24 -- DIO11/SEG31 DIO13/SEG33 -- DIO19/SEG39 DIO43/SEG63 (2 (1 (8 (7 (1 pins) pin ) pins) pins) pin ) UART/DIO pin Dedicated DIO pin LCD/DIO pins LCD/DIO pins LCD/DIO pin Rev. 1.4 DS_6618_005 78M6618 Data Sheet 1.16 LCD Drivers The 78M6618 contains a total of 35 dedicated and multiplexed LCD drivers which are grouped as follows: • 11 dedicated LCD segment drivers. • 3 drivers multiplexed with the ICE interface (E_TCLK, E_RST, E_RXTX). • 1 driver multiplexed with auxiliary signal CKTEST (SEG19). • 4 drivers multiplexed with the SPI port (PCLK, PSDO, PCSZ, PSDI). • 16 drivers multiplexed with general purpose DIO pins. • 2 common drivers for multiplexing (50%, or 100% duty cycle) – always available. With a minimum of 15 driver pins always available and a total of 35 driver pins in the maximum configuration, the device is capable of driving between 30 to 70 pixels of LCD display. At eight pixels per digit, this corresponds to 3 to 8 digits. The following dedicated and multi-use pins can be assigned as LCD segment pins for the 78M6618: • 11 dedicated LCD segment pins: SEG0 to SEG2, SEG7, SEG8, SEG12, SEG14 to SEG18. • 8 dual-function pins: SEG3/PCLK, SEG4/PSDO, SEG5/PCSZ, SEG6/PSDI, E_RXTX/SEG9, E_TCLK/SEG10, E_RST/SEG11, and SEG19/CKTEST. • 16 combined DIO and segment pins: SEG24/DIO4 to SEG31/DIO11, SEG33/DIO13 to SEG39/DIO19, and SEG63/DIO43. Of which, DIO7/SEG27 through DIO15/SEG35 can be used for controlling relays. See the 78M6618 Programmer’s Reference Manual for more information regarding the programmability of the 78M6618 LCD drivers. See the 78M6618 Hardware Design Guidelines for more information regarding connecting the 78M6618 LCD drivers to LCDs. 1.17 EEPROM Interface The 78M6618 provides hardware support for an optional two-pin or a three-wire (µ-wire) EEPROM interface. Two-Pin EEPROM Interface The dedicated 2-pin serial interface communicates with external EEPROM devices. The interface is multiplexed onto the DIO4 (SCK) and DIO5 (SDA) pins. Three-Wire (µ-Wire) EEPROM Interface A 500 kHz three-wire interface, using SDATA, SCK and a DIO pin for CS is also available. See the 78M6618 Programmer’s Reference Manual for more information regarding the programmability of the 78M6618 EEPROM interfaces. See the 78M6618 Hardware Design Guidelines for more information regarding connecting the 78M6618 EEPROM interfaces to various EEPROM. 1.18 SPI Slave Port The slave SPI port communicates directly with the MPU data bus and is able to directly read and write XRAM and IORAM locations. It is also able to send commands to the MPU. The interface to the slave port consists of the PCSZ, PCLK, PSDI and PSDO pins. These pins are multiplexed with the LCD segment driver pins SEG3 to SEG6. A typical SPI transaction is as follows. While PCSZ is high, the port is held in an initialized/reset state. During this state, PSDO is held in HiZ state and all transitions on PCLK and PSDI are ignored. When PCSZ falls, the port will begin the transaction on the first rising edge of PCLK. A transaction consists of an 8-bit command, a 16-bit address and then one or more bytes of data. The transaction ends when PCSZ is raised. Some transactions may consist of a command only. The last SPI command and address (if part of the command) are available in the IORAM. Rev. 1.4 11 78M6618 Data Sheet DS_6618_005 The SPI port supports data transfers at up to 1 Mb/s. The SPI commands are described in Table 1 and Figure 4 illustrates the SPI Interface read and write timing. Table 1: SPI Command Description Command 11xx xxxx ADDR D0 ... DN 1100 0000 ADDR D0 ... DN Description Output data on PSDO is read from RAM starting with byte at ADDR. ADDR will auto-increment until PCSZ is raised. MPU SPI interrupt is generated Output data on PSDO is read from RAM starting with byte at ADDR. ADDR will auto-increment until PCSZ is raised. No MPU SPI interrupt is generated 10xx xxxx ADDR D0 ... DN Input data on PSDI is written to RAM starting with byte at ADDR. ADDR will auto-increment until PCSZ is raised. MPU SPI interrupt is generated 1000 0000 ADDR D0 ... DN Input data on PSDI is written to RAM starting with byte at ADDR. ADDR will auto-increment until PCSZ is raised. No MPU SPI interrupt is generated CMD CMD and ADDR are available to the CPU in IORAM D0 … DN are ignored. MPU SPI interrupt is generated ADDR D0 ... DN SERIAL READ 8 bit CMD DATA[ADDR] 16 bit Address DATA[ADDR+1] Extended Read . . . PCSZ 0 7 8 C0 A15 23 24 A0 x 31 32 D0 D7 39 PSCK (From Host) PSDI x C7 C6 C5 A14 A1 HI Z (From 6531) PSDO SERIAL WRITE D7 8 bit CMD D6 D1 D6 DATA[ADDR] 16 bit Address D1 D0 DATA[ADDR+1] PCSZ Extended Write . . . 0 7 8 C0 A15 23 24 A0 D7 31 32 D0 D7 39 PSCK (From Host) PSDI x (From 6531) PSDO C7 C6 C5 A14 A1 D6 D1 D6 D1 D0 x HI Z Figure 4: SPI Slave Port: Typical Read and Write Operations Since the addresses are in 16-bit format, any type of XRAM data can be accessed: CE, MPU or IORAM but not SFRs or the 80515-internal register bank. See the 78M6618 Programmer’s Reference Manual for more information regarding the mapping and use of SPI functions. 1.19 Test Port One out of 16 digital or 8 analog signals can be selected to be output on the TMUXOUT pin. See the 78M6618 Programmer’s Reference Manual for more information regarding the use of TMUXOUT. 12 Rev. 1.4 DS_6618_005 78M6618 Data Sheet 1.20 UARTs The 78M6618 includes two UARTs (UART0 and UART1) that can be programmed to communicate with a variety of external devices. The UARTs are dedicated 2-wire serial interfaces, which can communicate at rates up to 38,400 bits/s. All UART transfers are programmable for parity enable, parity, 2 stop bits/1 stop bit and XON/XOFF options for variable communication baud rates from 300 to 38,400 bps. See the 78M6618 Programmer’s Reference Manual for more information regarding the use of the UART resources. 1.20.1 UART1 (OPT_TX/OPT_RX) The device includes an interface to implement an IR/optical port on UART1. The pin OPT_TX is designed to directly drive an external LED for transmitting data on an optical link. The pin OPT_RX has the same threshold as the RX(UART0) pin, but can also be used to sense the input from an external photo detector used as the receiver for the optical link. Alternately, the UART1 may be interfaced with a standard level UART transceiver. Contact Teridian support for more information. 1.21 In Circuit Emulator (ICE) Port The 78M6618 implements an In Circuit Emulator(ICE) port for debug and programming of the device. To enable the use of the port the ICE_E pin must be pulled high. In this mode the SEG11,SEG10 and SEG9 pins are repurposed and the E_RST, E_TCLK and E_RXTX pins respectively. Please contact Teridian support for more information regarding the use of the ICE interface for device programming and debug. Rev. 1.4 13 78M6618 Data Sheet DS_6618_005 2 Electrical Specifications 2.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Table 2 shows the absolute maximum ranges for the device. Stresses beyond Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional operation at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under recommended operating conditions (Section 4.3) is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. All voltages are with respect to GNDA. Table 2: Absolute Maximum Ratings Voltage and Current Supplies and Ground Pins V3P3SYS, V3P3A -0.5 V to 4.6 V VBAT -0.5 V to 4.6 V GNDD -0.5 V to +0.5 V Analog Output Pins V3P3D -10 mA to 10 mA, -0.5 V to 4.6 V VREF -10 mA to +10 mA, -0.5 V to V3P3A+0.5 V V2P5 -10 mA to +10 mA, -0.5 V to 3.0 V Analog Input Pins IA, IB, IC, ID, IE, IF, IG, IH, VA, VB, V1 -10 mA to +10 mA -0.5 V to V3P3A+0.5 V XIN, XOUT -10 mA to +10 mA -0.5 V to 3.0 V All Other Pins Configured as SEG or COM drivers -1 mA to +1 mA, -0.5 to V3P3D+0.5 Configured as Digital Inputs -10 mA to +10 mA, -0.5 to 6 V Configured as Digital Outputs -15 mA to +15 mA, -0.5 V to V3P3D+0.5 V All other pins -0.5 V to V3P3D+0.5 V Temperature and ESD Stress Operating Junction Temperature (peak, 100ms) +140°C Operating Junction Temperature (continuous) +125°C Storage Temperature Range -45°C to +165°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) +300°C Soldering Temperature (reflow) +260°C ESD Stress on All Pins ±4kV 14 Rev. 1.4 DS_6618_005 2.2 78M6618 Data Sheet Recommended External Components Table 3: Recommended External Components Name From To C1 V3P3A AGND C2 V3P3D CSYS Function Value Unit Bypass capacitor for 3.3 V supply ≥0.1 ±20% µF DGND Bypass capacitor for 3.3 V output 0.1 ±20% µF V3P3SYS DGND Bypass capacitor for V3P3SYS ≥1.0 ±30% µF C2P5 V2P5 DGND Bypass capacitor for V2P5 0.1 ±20% µF XTAL XIN XOUT 32.768 kHz crystal – electrically similar to ECS .327-12.5-17X or Vishay XT26T, load capacitance 12.5 pF. 32.768 kHz CXS XIN AGND Load capacitor for crystal (depends on crystal specs and board parasitics). 33 ±10% pF CXL XOUT AGND Load capacitor for crystal (depends on crystal specs and board parasitics). 15 ±10% pF Notes: 1. AGND and DGND should be connected together. 2. V3P3SYS and V3P3A should be connected together. 2.3 Recommended Operating Conditions Table 4: Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit V3P3SYS, V3P3A: 3.3 V Supply Voltage V3P3A and V3P3SYS must be at the same voltage Normal Operation 3.0 3.3 3.6 V 3.6 V VBAT No Battery Battery Backup Battery Backup: BRN and LCD modes SLEEP mode Operating Temperature Rev. 1.4 0 Externally Connect to V3P3SYS 3.0 2.0 3.8 3.8 V V -40 +85 ºC 15 78M6618 Data Sheet 2.4 DS_6618_005 Performance Specifications 2.4.1 Input Logic Levels Table 5: Input Logic Levels Parameter Condition Min a Digital high-level input voltage , VIH Typ Max 2 V a Digital low-level input voltage , VIL a Input pull-up current, IIL E_RXTX, E_RST, CKTEST Other digital inputs VIN=0 V, ICE_E=1 Input pull down current, IIH ICE_E RESET Other digital inputs VIN = V3P3D Unit 10 10 -1 10 10 -1 0.8 V 0 100 100 1 µA µA µA 0 100 100 1 µA µA µA In battery powered modes, digital inputs should be below 0.3 V or above 2.5 V to minimize battery current. 2.4.2 Output Logic Levels Table 6: Output Logic Levels Parameter Condition Digital high-level output voltage VOH Min Typ Max Unit ILOAD = 1 mA V3P3D–0.4 V ILOAD = 15 mA V3P3D-0.6 V Digital low-level output voltage VOL ILOAD = 1 mA 0 0.4 V OPT_TX VOH (V3P3D-OPT_TX) ILOAD = 15 mA ISOURCE=1 mA 0.8 0.4 V V OPT_TX VOL ISINK=20 mA 0.7 V 2.4.3 Power-Fault Comparator Table 7: Power-Fault Comparator Performance Specifications Parameter Condition Offset Voltage: V1-VBIAS Hysteresis Current: V1 Vin = VBIAS – 100 mV Response Time: V1 +100 mV overdrive Voltage at V1 rising Voltage at V1 falling WDT Disable Threshold: V1-V3P3A 16 Min Max Unit -20 +15 mV 0.8 1.2 µA 100 100 µs µs -10 mV 10 -400 Typ 8 37 Rev. 1.4 DS_6618_005 78M6618 Data Sheet 2.4.4 Battery Monitor Table 8: Battery Monitor Performance Specifications (BME= 1) Parameter Condition Load Resistor LSB Value Min Typ Max Unit 27 45 63 kΩ [M40MHZ, M26MHZ] = [00], [10], or [11] FIR_LEN=0(L=138) FIR_LEN=1(L=288) (-10%) -48.7 -5.35 (+10%) µV µV [M40MHZ, M26MHZ] = [01] FIR_LEN=0(L=186) FIR_LEN=1(L=384) (-10%) -19.8 -2.26 (+10%) -200 0 +100 µV µV mV Typ Max Unit 4.2 6.35 mA 8.4 9.6 mA 3.3 3.8 mA +400 nA 9.1 12 mA 52 250 µA 11 15 20 30 µA µA 16 21 0.5 0.7 25 35 1 1.5 µA µA µA µA Typ Max Unit Offset Error 2.4.5 Supply Current Table 9: Supply Current Performance Specifications Parameter Condition V3P3SYS current (CE off) V3P3SYS current (CE on) V3P3A current VBAT current V3P3SYS current, Write Flash VBAT current Normal Operation, V3P3A = V3P3SYS = 3.3 V CKMPU = 614 kHz No Flash Memory write RTM_E=0, ECK_DIS=1, ADC_E=1, ICE_E=0 Normal Operation as above, except write Flash at maximum rate, CE_E = 0, ADC_ E = 0 Min -400 VBAT=3.6 V BROWNOUT mode LCD Mode, LCD DAC off <25°C over temperature LCD Mode, LCD DAC on <25°C over temperature SLEEP Mode, 25°C SLEEP Mode, over temperature 2.4.6 V3P3D Switch Table 10: V3P3D Switch Performance Specifications Parameter Condition Min On resistance – V3P3SYS to V3P3D | IV3P3D | ≤ 1 mA 9 15 Ω On resistance – VBAT to V3P3D | IV3P3D | ≤ 1 mA 32 50 Ω Rev. 1.4 17 78M6618 Data Sheet DS_6618_005 2.4.7 2.5 V Voltage Regulator Table 11: 2.5 V Voltage Regulator Performance Specifications Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit 2.3 2.5 2.7 V V2P5 Iload = 0 V2P5 load regulation Iload = 0 mA to 5 mA 40 mV Voltage overhead V3P3-V2P5 Iload = 5 mA, reduce V3P3 until V2P5 drops 200 mV 470 mV PSSR ∆V2P5/∆V3P3 RESET=0, iload=0 +2 mV/V -2 2.4.8 Low-Power Voltage Regulator Unless otherwise specified, V3P3SYS = V3P3A = 0. Table 12: Low-Power Voltage Regulator Performance Specifications Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit 2.3 2.5 2.7 V V2P5 ILOAD = 0 V2P5 load regulation ILOAD = 0 mA to 1 mA 30 mV VBAT voltage requirement ILOAD = 1 mA, reduce VBAT until REG_LP_OK = 0 3.0 V PSRR ΔV2P5/ΔVBAT ILOAD = 0 50 mV/V Max Unit 1 µW 3 pF 5 5 pF pF Max Unit +10 % -50 2.4.9 Crystal Oscillator Table 13: Crystal Oscillator Performance Specifications Parameter Condition Maximum Output Power to Crystal XIN to XOUT Capacitance Capacitance to DGND XIN XOUT 1 4 Min Typ Crystal connected 1 RTCA_ADJ = 0 2.4.10 LCD DAC Table 14: LCD DAC Performance Specifications Parameter VLCD Voltage Condition 1 ≤ LCD_DAC ≤ 7 Min -10 Typ VLCD = V3P3 ⋅ (1 − 0.059 ⋅ LCD_DAC) − 0.019V 18 Rev. 1.4 DS_6618_005 78M6618 Data Sheet 2.4.11 LCD Drivers The information in Table 15 applies to all COM and SEG pins with LCD_DAC[2:0] = 000. Table 15: LCD Driver Performance Specifications Parameter Condition Min 1 Typ Max Unit -0.1 +0.1 V -4 +1 % VLC2 Voltage With respect to VLCD VLC0 Voltage, ½ bias With respect to VLC2/2 VLC0 Impedance ∆ILOAD = 100 µA (Isink) 9 15 ∆ILOAD = -100 µA (Isource) 9 15 kΩ 1 VLCD is V3P3SYS in MISSION mode and VBAT in BROWNOUT and LCD modes. 2.4.12 Optical Interface Table 16: Optical Interface Performance Specifications Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit OPT_TX VOH (V3P3D-OPT_TX) ISOURCE = 1 mA 0.4 V OPT_TX VOL ISINK = 20 mA 0.7 V 2.4.13 Temperature Sensor Table 17 shows the performance for the temperature sensor. The LSB values do not include the 8-bit left shift at CE input. Table 17: Temperature Sensor Performance Specifications Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit Nominal relationship: N(T) = Sn*(T-Tn) + Nn, Tn = 25ºC Nominal Sensitivity (Sn) L S n = −0.00107 ⋅ 3 FIR_LEN=0 FIR_LEN=1 (L=138) (L=288) -104 -947 [M26MHZ, M40MHZ] = [10] FIR_LEN=0 (L=186) -255 [M26MHZ, M40MH] = [00], [01], or [11] FIR_LEN=0 (L=138) FIR_LEN=1 (L=288) FIR_LEN=0 (L=186) 3 Nominal Offset (Nn) 4 L N n = 0.510 ⋅ 3 [M26MHZ, M40MH] = [00], [01], or [11] 3 [M26MHZ, M40MHZ] = [10] Temperature Error 2 ( N (T ) − N n ) + Tn ERR = T − S n Tn = 25°C, T = -40ºC to +85ºC LSB/ºC 49641 451200 121500 -101 LSB 101 ºC 1 Guaranteed by design; not production tested. Nn is measured at Tn during measurement calibration and is stored in MPU or CE for use in temperature calculations. 2 Rev. 1.4 19 78M6618 Data Sheet DS_6618_005 2.4.14 VREF Table 18 shows the performance specifications for VREF. Unless otherwise specified, VREF_DIS = 0. Table 18: VREF Performance Specifications Parameter VREF output voltage, VREF(22) Condition Ta = 22ºC Min Typ Max Unit 1.193 1.195 1.197 V 40 mV 1.5 mV/V VREF chop step VREF power supply sensitivity ΔVREF / ΔV3P3A V3P3A = 3.0 to 3.6 V -1.5 VREF input impedance VREF_DIS = 1, VREF = 1.3 to 1.7 V VREF output impedance CAL =1, ILOAD = 10 µA, -10 µA VNOM definition2 VNOM (T ) = VREF (22) + (T − 22)TC1 + (T − 22) 2 TC 2 VNOM temperature coefficients: TC1 TC2 kΩ 100 2.5 3.18·(52.46-TRIMT) -0.444 kΩ V µV/ºC µV/°C2 VREF(T) deviation from VNOM(T) VREF (T ) − VNOM (T ) 10 6 VNOM (T ) max( T − 22 ,40) VREF aging 1 2 -401 +401 ±25 PPM/ºC PPM/ year Guaranteed by design; not production tested. This relationship describes the nominal behavior of VREF at different temperatures. 20 Rev. 1.4 DS_6618_005 78M6618 Data Sheet 2.4.15 ADC Converter, V3P3A Referenced Table 19 shows the performance specifications for the ADC converter, V3P3A referenced. For this data, FIR_LEN=0, VREF_DIS=0 and LSB values do not include the 9-bit left shift at the CE input. Table 19: ADC Converter Performance Specifications Parameter Condition Recommended Input Range (Vin-V3P3A) Voltage to Current Crosstalk 6 10 *Vcrosstalk cos(∠Vin − ∠Vcrosstalk ) Vin Vin = 200 mV peak, 65 Hz, on VA. Vcrosstalk = largest measurement on IA or IB Typ Max -250 250 Unit mV peak -101 101 µV/V -75 -90 dB dB 90 kΩ THD (First 10 harmonics) 1: 250 mV-pk 20 mV-pk Vin=65 Hz, 64 kpts FFT, BlackmanHarris window CKCE = 5 MHz Input Impedance Vin = 65 Hz Temperature coefficient of Input Impedance Vin = 65 Hz 1.7 Ω/°C LSB size [M40MHZ, M26MHZ] = [00], [10], or [11] [M40MHZ, M26MHZ] = [01] FIR_LEN=0 FIR_LEN=1 3231 355 nV/ LSB FIR_LEN=0 1319 nV/ LSB Digital Full Scale [M40MHZ, 3 M26MHZ] = L [00], [10], or [11] 3 FIR_LEN=0 FIR_LEN=1 ±97336 ±884736 LSB L = FIR length FIR_LEN=0 ±238328 LSB 1.25 3 ⋅ 4.75 L L = FIR length VLSB = VREF ⋅ 3 [M40MHZ, M26MHZ] = [01] ADC Gain Error versus %Power Supply Variation 10 6 ∆Nout PK 357 nV / VIN 100 ∆V 3P3 A / 3.3 40 Vin=200 mV pk, 65 Hz V3P3A=3.0 V, 3.6 V Input Offset (Vin-V3P3A) 1 Min -10 50 ppm/% 10 mV Guaranteed by design; not production tested. Rev. 1.4 21 78M6618 Data Sheet 2.5 DS_6618_005 Timing Specifications 2.5.1 Flash Memory Table 20: Flash Memory Timing Specifications Parameter Condition Flash write cycles -40°C to +85°C Flash data retention Flash data retention Min Typ Max Unit 20,000 Cycles 25°C 100 Years 85°C 10 Years Flash byte write operations between page or mass erase operations 2 Cycles Write Time per Byte 42 µs Page Erase (1024 bytes) 20 ms Mass Erase 200 ms Max Unit 2.5.2 EEPROM Interface Table 21: EEPROM Interface Timing Parameter Condition 2 Write Clock frequency (I C) Write Clock frequency (3-wire) Min Typ CKMPU = 4.9152 MHz, Using interrupts 78 kHz CKMPU = 4.9152 MHz, bit-banging DIO4/5 150 kHz CKMPU = 4.9152 MHz 500 kHz 2.5.3 RESET Table 22: RESET Timing Parameter Condition Reset pulse width Min Typ Unit µs 5 Reset pulse fall time 1 Max 1 1 µs Guaranteed by design; not production tested. 2.5.4 RTC Table 23: RTC Range Parameter Range for date 22 Condition Min 2000 Typ Max Unit 2255 year Rev. 1.4 DS_6618_005 78M6618 Data Sheet 2.5.5 SPI Slave Port (MISSION Mode) Table 24: SPI Slave Port (MISSION Mode) Timing Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit tSPIcycPCLK cycle time 1 µs tSPILead Enable lead time 15 ns tSPILag Enable lag time 0 ns tSPIW PCLK pulse width: High Low 40 40 ns ns 2 ns 0 ns Ignore if PCLK is low when PCSZ falls. tSPISCK PCSZ to first PCLK fall tSPIDIS Disable time tSPIEV PCLK to Data Out 15 ns tSPISUData input setup time 10 ns tSPIHData input hold time 5 ns PCSZ tSPILead tSPIcyc tSPILag PCLK PSDO tSPISCK tSPIW MSB OUT tSPIEV tSPIW LSB OUT tSPIDIS tSPIH PSDI MSB IN LSB IN Figure 5: SPI Slave Port (MISSION Mode) Timing Rev. 1.4 23 78M6618 Data Sheet DS_6618_005 3 Packaging 3.1 68-Pin QFN Package 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 XOUT TEST XIN GNDD OPT_RX/DIO1 V1 VREF IA IB IC ID IE IF IG IH VA VB 3.1.1 Pinout 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Teridian 78M6618-IM 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 V3P3A GNDA RESET V2P5 VBAT RX SEG31/DIO11 SEG30/DIO10 SEG29/DIO9/YPULSE SEG28/DIO8/XPULSE SEG39/DIO19 SEG27/DIO7/RPULSE SEG26/DIO6/WPULSE SEG25/DIO5/SDATA SEG24/DIO4/SDCK ICE_E SEG18 COM1 SEG0 SEG1 SEG2 SEG34/DIO14 SEG35/DIO15 SEG36/DIO16 SEG6/PSDI SEG7 SEG8 SEG63/DIO43 SEG33/DIO13 SEG12 SEG14 SEG15 SEG16 SEG17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 E_RST/SEG11 E_TCLK/SEG10 GNDD SEG9/E_RXTX OPT_TX/DIO2 TMUXOUT TX SEG3/PCLK V3P3D SEG19/CKTEST V3P3SYS SEG4/PSDO SEG5/PCSZ SEG37/DIO17 SEG38/DIO18 DIO3 COM0 Figure 6: Pinout for QFN-68 Package 24 Rev. 1.4 DS_6618_005 78M6618 Data Sheet 3.1.2 68-Pin QFN Package Outline 0.850 Figure 7: QFN-68 Package Outline (Top, Bottom, and Side View) NOTE: Controlling dimensions are in mm Pin length is nominally 0.4mm (min. 0.3 mm, max 0.4 mm). Rev. 1.4 25 78M6618 Data Sheet DS_6618_005 3.1.3 Recommended PCB Land Pattern for the QFN-68 Package Figure 8: PCB Land Pattern for QFN 68 Package Table 25: Recommended PCB Land Pattern Dimensions Symbol e x y d A G Description Lead pitch Pad width Pad length. Nee Note 3. See Note 1 Typical Dimension 0.4 mm 0.23 mm 0.8 mm 6.3 mm 6.63 mm 7.2 mm Notes: 1. Do not place unmasked vias in the region denoted by dimension d. 2. Soldering of bottom internal pad is not required for proper operation. 3. The y dimension has been elongated to allow for hand soldering and reworking. Production assembly may allow this dimension to be reduced as long as the G dimension is maintained. 26 Rev. 1.4 DS_6618_005 78M6618 Data Sheet 4 Pin Descriptions 4.1 Power and Ground Pins Table 26: Power and Ground Pins Name Type Circuit GNDA P – Analog ground: This pin should be connected directly to the ground plane. GNDD P – Digital ground: This pin should be connected directly to the ground plane. V3P3A P – Analog power supply: A 3.3 V power supply should be connected to this pin, must be the same voltage as V3P3SYS. V3P3SYS P – System 3.3 V supply. This pin should be connected to a 3.3 V power supply. V3P3D O 13 Auxiliary voltage output of the chip, controlled by the internal 3.3 V selection switch. In mission mode, this pin is internally connected to V3P3SYS. In BROWNOUT mode, it is internally connected to VBAT. This pin is left unconnected in LCD and sleep mode. A bypass capacitor to ground should not exceed 0.1 µF. VBAT P 12 Battery backup and oscillator power supply. A battery or super-capacitor is to be connected between VBAT and GNDD. If no battery is used, connect VBAT to V3P3SYS. V2P5 O 10 Output of the internal 2.5 V regulator. Leave this pin open. 4.2 Description Analog Pins Table 27: Analog Pins Name Type Circuit Description IA, IB, IC, ID, IE, IF, IG, IH I 6 Line Current Sense Inputs: These pins are voltage inputs to the internal A/D converter. Typically, they are connected to the outputs of current sensors. Unused pins must be tied to V3P3A. VA, VB I 6 Line Voltage Sense Inputs: These pins are voltage inputs to the internal A/D converter. Typically, they are connected to the outputs of resistor dividers. Unused pins must be tied to V3P3A. V1 I 7 Comparator Input: This pin is a voltage input to the internal comparator. The voltage applied to the pin is compared to the internal BIAS voltage (1.6 V). If the input voltage is above VBIAS, the comparator output will be high (1). If the comparator output is low, a voltage fault will occur. A series 5 kΩ resistor should be connected from V1 to the resistor divider. VREF O 9 Voltage Reference for the ADC. Normally disabled and left unconnected. If enabled, a 0.1 µF capacitor to V3P3A should be connected to this pin. XIN XOUT I 8 Crystal Inputs: A 32 kHz crystal should be connected across these pins. Typically, a 33 pF capacitor is also connected from XIN to GNDA and a 15 pF capacitor is connected from XOUT to GNDA. It is important to minimize the capacitance between these pins. See the crystal manufacturer datasheet for details. If an external clock is used, a 150 mV (p-p) clock signal should be applied to XIN, and XOUT should be left unconnected. 1) Pin types: P = Power, O = Output, I = Input, I/O = Input/Output The circuit number denotes the equivalent circuit, as specified under Section 5, I/O Equivalent Circuits. Rev. 1.4 27 78M6618 Data Sheet 4.3 DS_6618_005 Digital Pins Table 28: Digital Pins Name Type Circuit Description COM1,COM0 O 5 DIO3 I/O 3,4 SEG0…SEG2, SEG7, SEG8 SEG12, SEG14…SEG18 O 5 SEG24/DIO4… SEG31/DIO11, SEG33/DIO13… SEG39/DIO19, SEG63/DIO43 I/O 3, 4, 5 Multi-use pins, configurable as either LCD SEG driver or DIO. (DIO4 = SCK, DIO5 = SDA when configured as EEPROM interface; WPULSE = DIO6, VARPULSE = DIO7 when configured as pulse outputs). If unused, these pins must be configured as DIOs and set to outputs by the firmware. SEG3/PCLK SEG4/PSDO SEG5/PCSZ SEG6/PSDI I/O 3, 4, 5 Multi-use pins, configurable as either LCD SEG driver or SPI PORT. E_RXTX/SEG9 I/O E_RST/SEG11 I/O 1, 4, 5 Multi-use pins, configurable as either emulator port pins (when ICE_E pulled high) or LCD SEG drivers (when ICE_E tied to GND). 1, 4, 5 E_TCLK/SEG10 O 4, 5 ICE_E I 2 CKTEST/SEG19, MUXSYNC/SEG7 O 4, 5 TMUXOUT OPT_RX/DIO1 O I/O OPT_TX/DIO2 I/O RESET I RX I TX TEST LCD Common Outputs: These 2 pins provide the select signals for an LCD display. Dedicated DIO pin. Dedicated LCD Segment Output pins. ICE enable. When zero, E_RST, E_TCLK and E_RXTX become SEG32, SEG33 and SEG38 respectively. For production units, this pin should be pulled to GND to disable the emulator port. Multi-use pins, configurable as either multiplexer/clock output or LCD segment driver using the I/O RAM registers CKOUT_E or MUX_SYNC_E. Digital output test multiplexer. Controlled by TMUX[3:0]. 4 3, 4, 7 Multi-use pin, configurable as Optical Receive Input or general DIO. When configured as OPT_RX, this pin receives a signal from an external photo-detector used in an IR serial interface. If unused, this pin must be terminated to V3P3D or GNDD, or configured as a DIO and set to an output by the firmware. Multi-use pin, configurable as either optical LED transmit output, 3, 4 WPULSE, RPULSE, or general DIO. When configured as OPT_TX, this pin is capable of directly driving an LED for transmitting data in an IR serial interface. If unused, this pin must be left open, or configured as a DIO and set to an output by the firmware. Chip reset: This input pin is used to reset the chip into a known state. 2 For normal operation, this pin is pulled low. To reset the chip, this pin should be pulled high. This pin has an internal 30 µA (nominal) current source pull-down. No external reset circuitry is necessary. 3 UART input. If this pin is unused, it must be terminated to V3P3D or GNDD. O 4 UART output. I 7 Enables Production Test. This pin must be grounded in normal operation. Pin types: P = Power, O = Output, I = Input, I/O = Input/Output. The circuit number denotes the equivalent circuit, as specified in Section 5 I/O Equivalent Circuits. 28 Rev. 1.4 DS_6618_005 78M6618 Data Sheet 5 I/O Equivalent Circuits V3P3D V3P3A V3P3D 110K Digital Input Pin CMOS Input from internal reference LCD SEG Output Pin LCD Driver VREF Pin GNDD GNDA GNDD LCD Output Equivalent Circuit Type 5: LCD SEG or pin configured as LCD SEG Digital Input Equivalent Circuit Type 1: Standard Digital Input or pin configured as DIO Input with Internal Pull-Up VREF Equivalent Circuit Type 9: VREF V3P3A V3P3D V3P3D Digital Input Pin CMOS Input Analog Input Pin V2P5 Pin GNDA 110K GNDD from internal reference To MUX GNDD GNDD Analog Input Equivalent Circuit Type 6 : ADC Input Digital Input Type 2: Pin configured as DIO Input with Internal Pull-Down V2P5 Equivalent Circuit Type 10: V2P5 V3P3A V3P3D Comparator Input Pin To Comparator VLCD Pin LCD Drivers GNDA Digital Input Pin CMOS Input GNDD Comparator Input Equivalent Circuit Type 7: Comparator Input VLCD Equivalent Circuit Type 11: VLCD Power GNDD Oscillator Pin Digital Input Type 3: Standard Digital Input or pin configured as DIO Input To Oscillator Power Down Circuits VBAT Pin GNDD GNDD V3P3D Oscillator Equivalent Circuit Type 8: Oscillator I/O V3P3D VBAT Equivalent Circuit Type 12: VBAT Power 10 Digital Output Pin CMOS Output from V3P3SYS V3P3D Pin GNDD GNDD Digital Output Equivalent Circuit Type 4: Standard Digital Output or pin configured as DIO Output 40 from VBAT V3P3D Equivalent Circuit Type 13: V3P3D Figure 9: I/O Equivalent Circuits Rev. 1.4 29 78M6618 Data Sheet DS_6618_005 6 Ordering Information Table 29: Ordering Information Part Part Description (Package) 78M6618 78M6618 78M6618 68-pin QFN (Lead(Pb)- Free) 78M6618 Flash Size Packaging 128 KB Bulk 128 KB Order Number Package Marking 78M6618-IM/F 78M6618-IM Bulk, *Programmed 78M6618-IM/F/P 78M6618-IM 128 KB Tape and Reel 78M6618-IMR/F 78M6618-IM 128 KB Tape and Reel, *Programmed 78M6618-IMR/F/P 78M6618-IM * Contact Maxim for more information on programmed part options. 7 Contact Information For more information about Maxim products or to check the availability of the 78M6618, contact technical support at www.maxim-ic.com/support. 30 Rev. 1.4 DS_6618_005 78M6618 Data Sheet 8 Appendix A: Acronyms ANSI CE DIO ICE IEC MPU PLL RMS SFR SOC UART Rev. 1.4 American National Standards Institute Compute Engine Digital I /O In-Circuit Emulator International Electrotechnical Commission Microprocessor Unit (CPU) Phase-Locked Loop Root Mean Square Special Function Register System on Chip Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 31 78M6618 Data Sheet DS_6618_005 9 Revision History REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE 1.0 5/6/2009 1.4 3/11 DESCRIPTION PAGES CHANGED First publication. In Section 1.13, added text changes and Figure 3. 10 In Section 2, Electrical Specifications, added Guaranteed By Design information. 19−23 In Section 7, added the new contact information. 30 Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 2011 Maxim Integrated Products Maxim is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.