FAN102 Primary-Side-Control PWM Controller Features Description Constant-Voltage (CV) and Constant-Current (CC) Control without Secondary-Feedback Circuitry Green Mode: PWM Frequency Linearly Decreasing Cable Compensation in CV Mode This highly integrated PWM controller, FAN102, provides several features to enhance the performance of low-power flyback converters. The proprietary topology enables simplified circuit design for battery charger applications. A low-cost, smaller and lighter charger results when compared to a conventional design or a linear transformer. The startup current is only 10µA, which allows use of large startup resistance for further power saving. Fixed PWM Frequency at 42kHz with Frequency Hopping to Solve EMI Problem Low Startup Current: 10μA To minimize the standby power consumption, the proprietary green-mode function provides off-time modulation to linearly decrease PWM frequency under light-load conditions. This green-mode function assists the power supply in meeting the power conservation requirements. Low Operating Current: 3.5mA Peak-Current-Mode Control in CV Mode Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limiting VDD Over-Voltage Protection with Auto-Restart VDD Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO) Fixed Over-temperature Protection with Latch Using FAN102, a charger can be implemented with fewer external components and minimized cost. A typical output CV/CC characteristic envelope is shown in Figure 1. SOP-8 Package Available FAN102 controller is available in 8-pin SOP package. Gate Output Maximum Voltage Clamped at 18V Applications Battery chargers for cellular phones, cordless phones, PDA, digital cameras, power tools Replaces linear transformer and RCC SMPS Figure 1. Typical Output V-I Characteristic Ordering Information Part Number Operating Temperature Range FAN102MY -40°C to +105°C Eco Status Green Package Packing Method 8-Lead, Small Outline Package (SOP-8) Tape & Reel For Fairchild’s definition of “green” Eco Status, please visit: © 2008 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN102 Rev. 1.0.1 FAN102 — Primary-Side-Control PWM Controller August 2008 FAN102 — Primary-Side-Control PWM Controller Application Diagram Figure 2. Typical Application Internal Block Diagram VDD Brownout Protection Vsah Vsah IPK Figure 3. © 2008 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN102 Rev. 1.0.1 Functional Block Diagram 2 FAN102 — Primary-Side-Control PWM Controller Marking Information F- Fairchild logo Z- Plant code X- 1 digit year code Y- 1 digit week code TT: 2 digits die run code T: Package type (M=SOP) P: Z: Pb free, Y: Green package M: Manufacture flow code DXYTT ZXYTT FAN102 TPM Figure 4. Top Mark Pin Configuration GATE CS COMR VDD COMI GND COMV VS Figure 5. Pin Configuration Pin Definitions Pin # Name Description 1 CS 2 COMR Analog output, cable compensation. Connect a resistor between COMR and GND for cable loss compensation in CV mode. 3 COMI Analog output, current compensation. Output of the current error amplifier. Connect a capacitor between COMI pin and GND for frequency compensation. 4 COMV Analog output, voltage compensation. Output of the voltage error amplifier. Connect a capacitor between the COMV pin and GND for frequency compensation. 5 VS 6 GND Voltage reference, ground. 7 VDD Supply, power supply. 8 GATE Analog input, current sense. Connected to a current-sense resistor for peak-current-mode control in CV mode. The current-sense signal is also provided for output-current regulation in CC mode. Analog input, voltage sense. Output-voltage-sense input for output-voltage regulation. Driver output. The totem-pole output driver to drive the power MOSFET. © 2008 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN102 Rev. 1.0.1 3 Stresses exceeding the absolute maximum ratings may damage the device. The device may not function or be operable above the recommended operating conditions and stressing the parts to these levels is not recommended. In addition, extended exposure to stresses above the recommended operating conditions may affect device reliability. The absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only. Symbol Parameter Min. (1,2) VDD DC Supply Voltage Max. Unit 30 V VVS VS Pin Input Voltage -0.3 7.0 V VCS CS Pin Input Voltage -0.3 7.0 V VCOMV Voltage Error Amplifier Output Voltage -0.3 7.0 V VCOMI Voltage Error Amplifier Output Voltage -0.3 7.0 V Power Dissipation (TA<50°C) 660 mW θJA Thermal Resistance (Junction-to-Air) 150 °C /W θJC Thermal Resistance (Junction-to-Case) 39 °C /W +150 °C +150 °C +260 °C 4.5 KV 1250 V PD TJ TSTG TL ESD Operating Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range -55 Lead Temperature (Wave Soldering or IR, 10 Seconds) Electrostatic Discharge Capability, Human Body Model (JEDEC- JESD22_A114) Electrostatic Discharge Capability, Charged Device Model (JEDEC- JESD22_C101) FAN102 — Primary-Side-Control PWM Controller Absolute Maximum Ratings Notes: 1. Stresses beyond those listed under ”absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. 2. All voltage values, except differential voltages, are given with respect to GND pin. Recommended Operating Conditions The Recommended Operating Conditions table defines the conditions for actual device operation. Recommended operating conditions are specified to ensure optimal performance to the datasheet specifications. Fairchild does not recommend exceeding them or designing to Absolute Maximum Ratings. Symbol TA Parameter Conditions Operating Ambient Temperature © 2008 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN102 Rev. 1.0.1 Min. -40 Typ. Max. Unit +105 °C 4 VDD=15V and TA=25°C unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units 25 V VDD Section VOP Continuously Operating Voltage VDD-ON Turn-On Threshold Voltage VDD-OFF Turn-Off Threshold Voltage 15 16 17 V 4.5 5.0 5.5 V 3.5 5.0 mA 1 2 mA Operating Current VDD=20V, fS=fOSC, VVS=2V, VCS=3V, CL=1nF IDD-GREEN Green-Mode Operating Supply Current VDD=20V, VVS=2.7V fS=fOSC-N-MIN, VCS=0V CL=1nF, VCOMV=0V VDD-OVP VDD Over-Voltage Protection Level VCS=3V, VVS=2.3V 27 28 29 V tD-VDDOVP VDD Over-Voltage Protection Debounce Time fs=fOSC, VVS=2.3V 100 250 400 μs Center Frequency TA=25°C 39 42 45 Frequency Hopping Range TA=25°C ±1.8 ±2.6 ±3.6 IDD-OP Oscillator Section fOSC Frequency tFHR Frequency Hopping Period TA=25°C 3 FAN102 — Primary-Side-Control PWM Controller Electrical Characteristics KHz ms fOSC-N-MIN Minimum Frequency at No Load VVS=2.7V, VCOMV=0V 550 Hz fOSC-CM-MIN Minimum Frequency at CCM VVS=2.3V, VCS=0.5V 20 KHz fDV Frequency Variation vs. VDD Deviation VDD=10V to 25V 5 % fDT Frequency Variation vs. Temperature Deviation TA=-40°C to +85°C 15 % Voltage-Sense Section IVS-UVP Itc VBIAS-COMV Sink Current for Brownout Protection RVS=20KΩ IC Compensation Bias Current Adaptive Bias Voltage Dominated by VCOMV VCOMV=0V, TA=25°C, RVS=20KΩ 125 μA 9.5 μA 1.4 V Current-Sense Section tPD Propagation Delay to GATE Output 100 200 ns tMIN-N Minimum On Time at No Load VVS=-0.8V, RS=2KΩ, VCOMV=1V 1100 ns tMINCC Minimum On Time in CC Mode VVS=0V, VCOMV=2V 400 ns DSAW Duty Cycle of SAW Limiter 40 % Threshold Voltage for Current Limit 1.3 V VTH Continued on the following page… © 2008 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN102 Rev. 1.0.1 5 VDD=15V and TA=25°C unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units 2.475 2.500 2.525 V Voltage-Error-Amplifier Section VVR Reference Voltage VN Green Mode Starting Voltage on fS=fOSC-2KHz, VVS=2.3V COMV Pin 2.8 V VG Green Mode Ending Voltage on COMV Pin fS=1KHz 0.8 V Output Sink Current VVS=3V, VCOMV=2.5V 90 μA 90 μA IV-SINK IV-SOURCE VV-HGH Output Source Current VVS=2V, VCOMV=2.5V Output High Voltage VVS=2.3V 4.5 V Current-Error-Amplifier Section VIR Reference Voltage II-SINK Output Sink Current II-SOURCE VI-HGH 2.475 VCS=3V, VCOMI=2.5V Output Source Current VCS=0V, VCOMI=2.5V Output High Voltage VCS=0V 2.500 2.525 V 55 μA 55 μA 4.5 V Cable Compensation Section VCOMR Variation Test Voltage on COMR RCOMR=100KΩ Pin for Cable Compensation 0.735 V 75 % FAN102 — Primary-Side-Control PWM Controller Electrical Characteristics Gate Section DCYMAX Maximum Duty Cycle VOL Output Voltage Low VDD=20V, IO=10mA VOH Output Voltage High VDD=8V, IO=1mA 5 V VOH_MIN Output Voltage High VDD=5.5V, IO=1mA 4 V tr Rising Time VDD=20V, CL=1nF 200 300 ns tf Falling Time VDD=20V, CL=1nF 80 150 ns Output Clamp Voltage VDD=25V 15 18 V VCLAMP 1.5 V Over-Temperature-Protection Section TOTP Threshold Temperature for (3) OTP +140 °C Note: 3. When over-temperature protection is activated, the power system enters latch mode and output is disabled. © 2008 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN102 Rev. 1.0.1 6 5.5 16.6 5.3 16.2 VDD-OFF (V) VDD-ON (V) 17 15.8 15.4 5.1 4.9 4.7 15 14.6 -40 -30 -15 0 25 50 75 85 100 4.5 125 -40 -30 -15 0 Temperature (ºC) Figure 6. Turn-on Threshold Voltage (VDD-ON) vs. Temperature Figure 7. 75 85 100 125 Turn-off Threshold Voltage (VDD-OFF) vs. Temperature 45 fOSC (KHz) 3.6 IDD-OP (mA) 50 47 4 3.2 2.8 2.4 43 41 39 37 2 -40 -30 -15 0 25 50 75 85 100 35 125 -40 -30 -15 Temperature (ºC) Figure 8. 0 25 50 75 85 100 125 Temperature (ºC) Operating Current (IDD-OP) vs. Temperature Figure 9. 2.525 2.525 2.515 2.515 2.505 2.505 VIR (V) VVR (V) 25 Temperature (ºC) FAN102 — Primary-Side-Control PWM Controller Typical Performance Characteristics 2.495 2.485 Center Frequency (fOSC) vs. Temperature 2.495 2.485 2.475 -40 -30 -15 0 25 50 75 85 100 2.475 125 -40 Temperature (ºC) -15 0 25 50 75 85 100 125 Temperature (ºC) Figure 10. Reference Voltage (VVR) vs. Temperature © 2008 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN102 Rev. 1.0.1 -30 Figure 11. Reference Voltage (VIR) vs. Temperature 7 23 600 22 fOSC-CM-MIN (KHz) fOSC-N-MIN (Hz) 580 560 540 520 21 20 19 18 500 -40 -30 -15 0 25 50 75 85 100 17 125 -40 -30 -15 Temperature (ºC) 25 75 85 100 125 Figure 13. Minimum Frequency at CCM (fOSC-CM-MIN) vs. Temperature 30 1250 25 1170 tMIN-N (ns) 20 15 10 1090 1010 930 5 0 -40 -30 -15 0 25 50 75 85 100 850 125 -40 -30 -15 0 Temperature (ºC) 25 50 75 85 100 125 Temperature (ºC) Figure 14. Green Mode Frequency Decreasing Rate (SG) vs. Temperature Figure 15. Minimum On Time at No Load (tMIN-N) vs. Temperature 3 1 2.5 0.8 VG (V) 2 VN (V) 50 Temperature (ºC) Figure 12. Minimum Frequency at No Load (fOSC-N-MIN) vs. Temperature SG (KHz/V) 0 FAN102 — Primary-Side-Control PWM Controller Typical Performance Characteristics 1.5 0.6 0.4 1 0.2 0.5 0 -40 -30 -15 0 25 50 75 85 100 0 125 -40 Temperature (ºC) Figure 16. Green Mode Starting Voltage on COMV Pin (VN) vs. Temperature © 2008 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN102 Rev. 1.0.1 -30 -15 0 25 50 75 85 100 125 Temperature (ºC) Figure 17. Green Mode Ending Voltage on COMV Pin (VG) vs. Temperature 8 95 92 91 IV-SOURCE (µA) IV-SINK (µA) 95 89 86 83 87 83 79 80 -40 -30 -15 0 25 50 75 85 100 75 125 -40 -30 -15 0 Temperature (ºC) 50 75 85 100 125 Figure 19. Output Source Current (IV-SOURCE) vs. Temperature 60 60 58 58 II-SOURCE (µA) II-SINK (µA) Figure 18. Output Sink Current (IV-SINK) vs. Temperature 56 54 52 56 54 52 50 -40 -30 -15 0 25 50 75 85 100 50 125 -40 -30 -15 0 Temperature (ºC) 25 50 75 85 100 125 Temperature (ºC) Figure 20. Output Sink Current (II-SINK) vs. Temperature Figure 21. Output Source Current (II-SOURCE) vs. Temperature 2 80 1.6 76 DCYMAX (%) VCOMR (V) 25 Temperature (ºC) FAN102 — Primary-Side-Control PWM Controller Typical Performance Characteristics 1.2 0.8 0.4 72 68 64 0 -40 -30 -15 0 25 50 75 85 100 60 125 -40 Temperature (ºC) -15 0 25 50 75 85 100 125 Temperature (ºC) Figure 22. Variation Test Voltage on COMR Pin for Cable Compensation (VCOMR) vs. Temperature © 2008 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN102 Rev. 1.0.1 -30 Figure 23. Maximum Duty Cycle (DCYMAX) vs. Temperature 9 The proprietary topology of FAN102 enables most simplified circuit design for battery charger applications. Without secondary feedback circuitry, the CV and CC control are achieved accurately. As shown in Figure 24, with the frequency-hopping PWM operation, EMI problems can be solved by using minimized filter components. FAN102 also provides many protection functions. The VDD pin is equipped with over-voltage protection and under-voltage lockout. Pulse-by-pulse current limiting and CC control ensure over-current protection at heavy loads. The GATE output is clamped at 15V to protect the external MOSFET from overvoltage damage. Also, the internal over-temperatureprotection function shuts down the controller with latch when overheated. Figure 25. Green Mode Frequency vs. VCOMV Constant Voltage (CV) and Constant Current (CC) Operation An innovative technique allows the FAN102 to accurately achieve CV / CC characteristic output without secondary-side voltage or current-feedback circuitry. A feedback signal for CV / CC operation from the reflected voltage across the primary auxiliary winding is proportional to secondary winding, so provides the controller the feedback signal from secondary side and achieves constant voltage output property. In constantcurrent-output operation, this voltage signal is detected and examined by the precise constant current regulation controller, which then determines the on-time of the MOSFET to control input power and provide constant current output property. With feedback voltage VCS across the current-sense resistor, the controller can obtain input power of power supply. Therefore, the region of constant current output operation can be adjusted by the current-sense resistor. Figure 24. Frequency Hopping Startup Current The startup current is 10µA. Low startup current allows a startup resistor with a high resistance and a lowwattage to supply the startup power for the controller. A 1.5MΩ, 0.25W, startup resistor and a 10µF/25V VDD hold-up capacitor are sufficient for an AC-to-DC power adapter with a wide input range (100VAC to 240VAC) FAN102 — Primary-Side-Control PWM Controller Functional Description Temperature Compensation Built-in temperature compensation provides better constant voltage regulation at different ambient temperatures. This internal compensation current is a positive temperature coefficient (PTC) current that can compensate the forward-voltage drop of the secondary diode of varying with temperature. This variation causes output voltage rising at high temperature. Operating Current The operating current has been reduced to 3.5mA. The low operating current results in higher efficiency and reduces the VDD hold-up capacitance requirement. Once FAN102 enters “deep“ green mode, the operating current is reduced to 1.2mA, which assists the power supply in meeting the power conservation requirements. Leading-Edge Blanking (LEB) Green-Mode Operation Each time the power MOSFET switches on, a turn-on spike occurs at the sense resistor. To avoid premature termination of the switching pulse, a leading-edge blanking time is built in. Conventional RC filtering can be omitted. During this blanking period, the currentlimit comparator is disabled and cannot switch off the gate driver. Figure 25 shows the characteristics of the PWM frequency vs. the output voltage of the error amplifier (VCOMV). The FAN102 uses the positive, proportional, output load parameter (VCOMV) as an indication of the output load for modulating the PWM frequency. In heavy load conditions, the PWM frequency is fixed at 42KHz. Once VCOMV is lower than VN, the PWM frequency starts to linearly decrease from 42KHz to 550Hz, providing further power savings and meeting international power conservation requirements. © 2008 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN102 Rev. 1.0.1 10 Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO) Gate Output The turn-on and turn-off thresholds are fixed internally at 16V and 5V. During startup, the hold-up capacitor must be charged to 16V through the startup resistor to enable the FAN102. The hold-up capacitor continues to supply VDD until power can be delivered from the auxiliary winding of the main transformer. VDD must not drop below 5V during this startup process. This UVLO hysteresis window ensures that hold-up capacitor is adequate to supply VDD during startup. The BiCMOS output stage is a fast totem-pole gate driver. Cross conduction has been avoided to minimize heat dissipation, increase efficiency, and enhance reliability. The output driver is clamped by an internal 15V Zener diode to protect power MOSFET transistors against undesired over-voltage gate signals. Built-in Slope Compensation The sensed voltage across the current-sense resistor is used for current-mode control and pulse-by-pulse current limiting. Built-in slope compensation improves stability and prevents sub-harmonic oscillations due to peak-current mode control. The FAN102 has a synchronized, positively-sloped ramp built-in at each switching cycle. VDD Over-Voltage Protection (OVP) VDD over-voltage protection prevents damage due to over-voltage conditions. When the VDD voltage exceeds 28V due to abnormal conditions, PWM pulses are disabled until the VDD voltage drops below the UVLO, then start again. Over-voltage conditions are usually caused by open feedback loops. Noise Immunity Noise from the current sense or the control signal can cause significant pulse-width jitter, particularly in continuous-conduction mode. While slope compensation helps alleviate these problems, further precautions should still be taken. Good placement and layout practices should be followed. Avoiding long PCB traces and component leads, locating compensation and filter components near the FAN102, and increasing the power MOS gate resistance are advised. Over-Temperature Protection (OTP) The built-in temperature-sensing circuit shuts down PWM output once the junction temperature exceeds 140°C. While PWM output is shut down, the VDD voltage gradually drops to the UVLO voltage. Some of the FAN102’s internal circuits are shut down and VDD gradually starts increasing again. When VDD reaches 16V, all the internal circuits, including the temperaturesensing circuit, start operating normally. If the junction temperature is still higher than 140°C, the PWM controller shuts down immediately. This situation continues until the temperature drops below 110°C. © 2008 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN102 Rev. 1.0.1 FAN102 — Primary-Side-Control PWM Controller Functional Description (Continued) 11 D3 1N4007 C2 R6 1 2 +C6 10uF/400V 1 N3 1 L3 L1 1 2 2 5uH 3 R5 + C3 560uF/10V VO R7 510 + C4 330uF/6.3V 4 270 IN4007 R3 750K 1 1 2 1 N 1 1 + C5 1uF/400V N P2 102P 7 2 D6 SB560 C1 472PF/1KV D5 R4 100K T1 2 R2 750K D4 1N4007 2 D2 1N4007 P3 2 1 2 2 CR47R 2 D1 1N4007 1 18R L 2 R1 1 L P1 P4 2 5 6 TRANS33 1mH SGND D7 1 2 2 FR103 C7 R9 137K + 1 10uF/50V 3 6 C8 0.1uF R10 47K C9 10nF R11 200K C10 68nF COMV VS GATE COMI CS SGND COMR R16 30K 5 Q1 8 1 1N60 R13 47R 1 3 4 VDD 2 C12 22P U1 7 R14 100R 2 FAN102 R12 82K C11 1uF R15 1R4 FAN102 — Primary-Side-Control PWM Controller Applications Information Figure 26. 5W (5V/1A) Application Circuit BOM Designator Part Type Designator D1, D2, D3, D4, D5 1N4007 D6 SB560 R5 R 270Ω D7 FR103 R6 R 47Ω C1 CC 4.7nF/1KV R7 R 510Ω C2 1nF R9 R 137KΩ C3 EC 560µF/10V R10 R 47KΩ C4 EC 330µF/6.3V R11 R 200KΩ C5 EC 1µF/400V R12 R 82KΩ C6 EC 10µF/400V R13 R 47Ω C7 EC 10µF/50V R14 R 100Ω C8 0.1µF R15 R 1.4Ω C9 10nF R16 R 30KΩ C10 68nF L1 5µH C11 1µF L3 1mH C12 22pF Q1 MOSFET 1A/600V R1 R 18Ω T1 EE16 (1.5mH) R2, R3 R 750KΩ U1 IC FAN102 © 2008 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN102 Rev. 1.0.1 R4 Part Type R 100KΩ 12 5.00 4.80 A 0.65 3.81 8 5 B 6.20 5.80 PIN ONE INDICATOR 1.75 4.00 3.80 1 5.60 4 1.27 (0.33) 0.25 M 1.27 C B A LAND PATTERN RECOMMENDATION 0.25 0.10 SEE DETAIL A 1.75 MAX R0.10 0.25 0.19 C 0.10 0.51 0.33 0.50 x 45° 0.25 C OPTION A - BEVEL EDGE GAGE PLANE R0.10 8° 0° 0.90 0.406 FAN102 — Primary-Side-Control PWM Controller Physical Dimensions OPTION B - NO BEVEL EDGE 0.36 NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED A) THIS PACKAGE CONFORMS TO JEDEC MS-012, VARIATION AA, ISSUE C, B) ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS. C) DIMENSIONS DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH OR BURRS. D) LANDPATTERN STANDARD: SOIC127P600X175-8M. E) DRAWING FILENAME: M08AREV13 SEATING PLANE (1.04) DETAIL A SCALE: 2:1 Figure 27. 8-Lead, Small Outline Package (SOP-8) Package drawings are provided as a service to customers considering Fairchild components. Drawings may change in any manner without notice. Please note the revision and/or date on the drawing and contact a Fairchild Semiconductor representative to verify or obtain the most recent revision. Package specifications do not expand the terms of Fairchild’s worldwide terms and conditions, specifically the warranty therein, which covers Fairchild products. Always visit Fairchild Semiconductor’s online packaging area for the most recent package drawings: © 2008 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN102 Rev. 1.0.1 13 FAN102 — Primary-Side-Control PWM Controller © 2008 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN102 Rev. 1.0.1 14