CY24272 Rambus® XDR™ Clock Generator with Zero SDA Hold Time Features ■ Table 1. Device Comparison Meets Rambus® Extended Data Rate (XDR™) clocking requirements ■ 25 ps typical cycle-to-cycle jitter ❐ –135 dBc/Hz typical phase noise at 20 MHz offset ■ 100 or 133 MHz differential clock input ■ 300–667 MHz high speed clock support ■ Quad (open drain) differential output drivers ■ Supports frequency multipliers: 3, 4, 5, 6, 9/2 and 15/4 ■ Spread Aware™ ■ 2.5V operation ■ 28-pin TSSOP package Logic Block Diagram /BYPASS CY24271 CY24272 SDA hold time = 300 ns (SMBus compliant) SDA hold time = 0 ns (I2C compliant) RRC = 200Ω typical (Rambus standard drive) RRC = 295Ω minimum (Reduced output drive) EN EN RegA CLK0 CLK0B EN RegB CLK1 Bypass MUX CLK1B EN RegC PLL REFCLK,REFCLKB CLK2 CLK2B EN RegD CLK3 CLK3B SCL Cypress Semiconductor Corporation Document Number: 001-42414 Rev. ** SDA • ID0 ID1 198 Champion Court • San Jose, CA 95134-1709 • 408-943-2600 Revised November 9, 2007 [+] Feedback CY24272 Pinouts Figure 1. Pin Diagram - 28 Pin TSSOP VDDP VSSP ISET VSS REFCLK VDDC VSSC SCL SDA EN ID0 ID1 /BYPASS CY24272 REFCLKB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 VDD CLK0 CLK0B VSS CLK1 CLK1B VDD VSS CLK2 CLK2B VSS CLK3 CLK3B VDD Table 2. Pin Definition - 28 Pin TSSOP Name IO 1 Pin No. VDDP PWR 2.5V power supply for phased lock loop (PLL) 2 VSSP GND Ground 3 ISET I 4 VSS GND 5 REFCLK I Reference clock input (connect to clock source) 6 REFCLKB I Complement of reference clock (connect to clock source) 7 VDDC PWR 2.5V power supply for core 8 VSSC GND Ground 9 SCL I 10 SDA I SMBus data (connect to SMBus) 11 EN I Output Enable (CMOS signal) 12 ID0 I Device ID (CMOS signal) 13 ID1 I Device ID (CMOS signal) 14 /BYPASS I REFCLK bypassing PLL (CMOS signal) 15 VDD PWR 16 CLK3B O Complement clock output 17 CLK3 O Clock output 18 VSS GND 19 CLK2B O 20 CLK2 O 21 VSS GND Ground 22 VDD PWR Power supply for outputs 23 CLK1B O Complement clock output 24 CLK1 O 25 VSS GND 26 CLK0B O Complement clock output 27 CLK0 O Clock output 28 VDD PWR Document Number: 001-42414 Rev. ** Description Set clock driver current (external resistor) Ground SMBus clock (connect to SMBus) Power supply for outputs Ground Complement clock output Clock output Clock output Ground Power supply for outputs Page 2 of 13 [+] Feedback CY24272 PLL Multiplier Table 3 shows the frequency multipliers in the PLL, selectable by programming the SMBus registers MULT0, MULT1, and MULT2. Default multiplier at power up is 4. Table 3. PLL Multiplier Selection Register MULT2 MULT1 MULT0 0 0 0 Frequency Multiplier Output Frequency (MHz) [1] REFCLK = 100 MHz , REFSEL = 0 REFCLK = 133 MHz[1], REFSEL = 1 3 300 400 – 0 0 1 4 400[2] 0 1 0 5 500 667 0 1 1 6 600 – 1 0 0 Reserved – – 1 0 1 9/2 450 600 1 1 0 Reserved – – 1 1 1 15/4 375 500 Input Clock Signal Modes of Operation The XCG receives either a differential (REFCLK/REFCLKB) or a single-ended reference clocking input (REFCLK). The modes of operation are determined by the logic signals applied to the EN and /BYPASS pins and the values in the five SMBus Registers: RegTest, RegA, RegB, RegC, and RegD. Table 5 on page 4 shows selection from one to all four of the outputs, the Outputs Disabled Mode (EN = low), and Bypass Mode (EN = high, /BYPASS = low). There is an option reserved for vendor test. Disabled outputs are set to High Z. When the reference input clock is from a different clock source, it must meet the voltage levels and timing requirements listed in DC Operating Conditions on page 7 and AC Operating Conditions on page 8. For a single-ended clock input, an external voltage divider and a supply voltage, as shown in Figure 2 on page 6, provide a reference voltage VTH at the REFCLKB pin. This determines the proper trip point of REFCLK. For the range of VTH specified in DC Operating Conditions on page 7, the outputs also meet the DC and AC Operating Conditions tables. At power up, the SMBus registers default to the last entry in Table 6 on page 5. The value at RegTest is 0. The values at RegA, RegB, RegC, and RegD are all ‘1’. Thus, all outputs are controlled by the logic applied to EN and /BYPASS. Table 4. SMBus Device Addresses for CY24272 XCG Device 0 1 2 3 Operation Hex Address Write D8 Read D9 Write DA Read DB Write DC Read DD Write DE Read DF 8-bit SMBus Device Address Including Operation Five Most Significant Bits ID1 ID0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 WR# / RD 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Notes 1. Output frequencies shown in Table 3 are based on nominal input frequencies of 100 MHz and 133.3 MHz. The PLL multipliers are applicable to spread spectrum modulated input clock with maximum and minimum input cycle time. The REFSEL bit in SMBus 81h is set correctly as shown. 2. Default PLL multiplier at power up. Document Number: 001-42414 Rev. ** Page 3 of 13 [+] Feedback CY24272 Table 5. Modes of Operation for CY24272 EN /BYPASS RegTest RegA RegB RegC RegD CLK0/CLK0B X X X X High Z High Z CLK2/CLK2B CLK3/CLK3B X H X 1 X X X X H L 0 X X X X REFCLK/ REFCLKB[3] REFCLK/ REFCLKB REFCLK/ REFCLKB REFCLK/ REFCLKB H H 0 0 0 0 0 High Z High Z High Z High Z H H 0 0 0 0 1 High Z High Z High Z CLK/CLKB H H 0 0 0 1 0 High Z High Z CLK/CLKB High Z H H 0 0 0 1 1 High Z High Z CLK/CLKB CLK/CLKB H H 0 0 1 0 0 High Z CLK/CLKB High Z High Z H H 0 0 1 0 1 High Z CLK/CLKB High Z CLK/CLKB H H 0 0 1 1 0 High Z CLK/CLKB CLK/CLKB High Z H H 0 0 1 1 1 High Z CLK/CLKB CLK/CLKB CLK/CLKB H H 0 1 0 0 0 CLK/CLKB High Z High Z High Z H H 0 1 0 0 1 CLK/CLKB High Z High Z CLK/CLKB H H 0 1 0 1 0 CLK/CLKB High Z CLK/CLKB High Z H H 0 1 0 1 1 CLK/CLKB High Z CLK/CLKB CLK/CLKB H H 0 1 1 0 0 CLK/CLKB CLK/CLKB High Z High Z H H 0 1 1 0 1 CLK/CLKB CLK/CLKB High Z CLK/CLKB H H 0 1 1 1 0 CLK/CLKB CLK/CLKB CLK/CLKB High Z H 0[4] 1[4] 1[4] 1[4] 1[4] CLK/CLKB CLK/CLKB CLK/CLKB CLK/CLKB H X CLK1/CLK1B L High Z High Z Reserved for Vendor Test Device ID and SMBus Device Address SMBus Data Byte Definitions The device ID (ID0 and ID1) is a part of the SMBus device 8-bit address. The least significant bit of the address designates a write or read operation. Table 4 on page 3 shows the addresses for four CY24272 devices on the same SMBus. Three data bytes are defined for the CY24272. Byte 0 is for programming the PLL multiplier registers and clock output registers. SMBus Protocol The CY24272 is a slave receiver supporting operations in the word and byte modes described in sections 5.5.4 and 5.5.5 of the SMBus Specification 2.0. The definition of Byte 2 is shown in Table 6, Table 7, and Table 8 on page 5. The upper five bits are the revision numbers of the device and the lower three bits are the ID numbers assigned to the vendor by Rambus. DC specifications are modified to Rambus standard to support 1.8, 2.5, and 3.3 volt devices. Time out detection and packet error protocol SMBus features are not supported. Hold time for SDA is reduced relative to the CY24271, so that it is compatible with I2C. Notes 3. Bypass Mode: REFCLK bypasses the PLL to the output drivers. 4. Default mode of operation is at power up. Document Number: 001-42414 Rev. ** Page 4 of 13 [+] Feedback CY24272 Table 6. Command Code 80h[5] Bit Register POD Type Description 7 Reserved 0 RW Reserved (no internal function) 6 MULT2 0 RW PLL Multiplier Select (reference Table 3 on page 3) 5 MULT1 0 RW 4 MULT0 1 RW 3 RegA 1 RW Clock 0 Output Select 2 RegB 1 RW Clock 1 Output Select 1 RegC 1 RW Clock 2 Output Select 0 RegD 1 RW Clock 3 Output Select Table 7. Command Code 81h[5] Bit Register POD Type 7 Reserved 0 RW 6 Reserved 0 RW 5 Reserved 0 RW 4 Reserved 0 RW 3 Reserved 1 RW Description Reserved (no internal function) Reserved (must be set to ‘1’ for proper operation) 2 REFSEL 0 RW Reference Frequency Select (reference Table 3 on page 3) 1 Reserved 0 RW Reserved (must be set to ‘0’ for proper operation) 0 RegTest 0 RW Reserved (must be set to ‘0’ for proper operation) Table 8. Command Code 82h[5] Bit Register POD Type 7 Device Revision Number ? RO ? RO ? RO 4 ? RO 3 ? RO 6 5 2 0 RO 1 Vendor ID 1 RO 0 0 RO Description Contact factory for Device Revision Number information. Rambus assigned Vendor ID Code Note 5. RW = Read and Write, RO = Read Only, POD = Power on default. See Table 3 on page 3 for PLL multipliers and Table 5 on page 4 for clock output selections. Document Number: 001-42414 Rev. ** Page 5 of 13 [+] Feedback CY24272 Figure 2. Differential and Single-Ended Clock Inputs Supply Voltage V TH REFCLKB Input Input REFCLK REFCLK XDR Clock Generator XDR Clock Generator Differential Input Single-ended Input Absolute Maximum Conditions Parameter Description Condition Min Max Unit –0.5 4.6 V VDD Clock Buffer Supply Voltage VDDC Core Supply Voltage –0.5 4.6 V VDDP PLL Supply Voltage –0.5 4.6 V VIN Input Voltage (SCL and SDA) Relative to VSS –0.5 4.6 V Input Voltage (REFCLK/REFCLKB) Relative to VSS –0.5 VDD + 1.0 V Input Voltage Relative to VSS –0.5 VDD + 0.5 V TS Temperature, Storage Non-functional –65 150 °C TA Temperature, Operating Ambient Functional 0 70 °C TJ Temperature, Junction Functional – 150 °C ØJA Junction to Ambient thermal resistance Zero air flow – 100 °C/W ESDHBM ESD Protection (Human Body Model) MIL-STD-883, Method 3015 2000 – V Document Number: 001-42414 Rev. ** Page 6 of 13 [+] Feedback CY24272 DC Operating Conditions Parameter Description Condition Min Max Unit 2.5V ± 5% 2.375 2.625 V VDDP Supply Voltage for PLL VDDC Supply Voltage for Core 2.5V ± 5% 2.375 2.625 V VDD Supply Voltage for Clock Buffers 2.5V ± 5% 2.375 2.625 V VIHCLK Input High Voltage, REFCLK/REFCLKB 0.6 0.95 V VILCLK Input Low Voltage, REFCLK/REFCLKB –0.15 +0.15 V VIXCLK[6] ΔVIXCLK[6] Crossing Point Voltage, REFCLK/REFCLKB 200 550 mV – 150 mV VIH Input Signal High Voltage at ID0, ID1, EN, and /BYPASS 1.4 2.625 V VIL Input Signal Low Voltage at ID0, ID1, EN, and /BYPASS –0.15 0.8 V VIH,SM Input Signal High Voltage at SCL and SDA[7] VIL,SM Input Signal Low Voltage at SCL and SDA VTH[8] Input Threshold Voltage for single-ended REFCLK VIH,SE Input Signal High Voltage for single-ended REFCLK VIL,SE Input Signal Low Voltage for single-ended REFCLK –0.15 VTH – 0.3 V TA Ambient Operating Temperature 0 70 °C Difference in Crossing Point Voltage, REFCLK/REFCLKB 1.4 3.465 V –0.15 0.8 V 0.35 0.5VDD V VTH + 0.3 2.625 V Notes 6. Not 100% tested except VIXCLK and ΔVIXCLK. Parameters guaranteed by design and characterizations, not 100% tested in production. 7. This range of SCL and SDA input high voltage enables the CY24272 for use with 3.3V, 2.5V, or 1.8V SMBus voltages. 8. Single-ended operation guaranteed only when 0.8 < (VIH,SE – VTH)/(VTH – VIL,SE) < 1.2. Document Number: 001-42414 Rev. ** Page 7 of 13 [+] Feedback CY24272 AC Operating Conditions The AC operating conditions follow.[6] Parameter tCYCLE,IN Description Condition REFCLK, REFCLKB input cycle time Min Max Unit REFSEL = 0, /BYPASS = High 9 11 ns REFSEL = 1, /BYPASS = High 7 8 ns /BYPASS = Low 4 – ns – 185 ps Over 10,000 cycles 40% 60% tCYCLE Measured at 20%–80% of input voltage for REFCLK and REFCLKB inputs 175 700 ps Rise and Fall Times Difference – 150 ps Modulation Index for triangular modulation – 0.6 % % tJIT,IN(cc) Input Cycle to Cycle Jitter[9] tDCIN[10] Input Duty Cycle tRIN / tFIN Rise and Fall Times ΔtRIN / tFIN pMIN[11] Modulation Index for non-triangular modulation – 0.5[12] fMIN[11] Input Frequency Modulation 30 33 kHz tSR,IN Input Slew Rate (measured at 20%–80% of input voltage) for REFCLK 1 4 V/ns CIN,REF Capacitance at REFCLK inputs – 7 pF CIN,CMOS Capacitance at CMOS inputs – 10 pF fSCL SMBus clock frequency input in SCL pin DC 100 kHz Min Typ Max Unit DC Electrical Specifications Parameter Description voltage[13] VOX[6] VCOS[6] Differential output crossing point – 1.08 – V Output voltage swing (peak-to-peak single-ended)[14] – 400 – mV VOL,ABS Absolute output low voltage at CLK[3:0], CLK[3:0]B[15] 0.85 – – V VISET Reference voltage for swing controlled current, IREF 0.98 1.0 1.02 V IDD[7] Power Supply Current at 2.625V, fref = 100 MHz, and fout = 300 MHz – – 85 mA IDD[7] Power Supply Current at 2.625V, fref = 133 MHz, and fout = 667 MHz – – 125 mA IOL/IREF Ratio of output low current to reference current[16] 6.8 7.0 7.2 IOL,ABS Minimum current at VOL,ABS[17] 25 – – VOL,SDA SDA output low voltage at test condition of SDA output low current = 4 mA – – 0.4 V IOL,SDA SDA output low voltage at test condition of SDA voltage = 0.8V 6 – – mA IOZ Current during High Z per pin at CLK[3:0], CLK[3:0]B – – 10 μA ZOUT Output dynamic impedance when clock output signal is at VOL = 0.9V[18] 1000 – – Ω mA Notes 9. Jitter measured at crossing points and is the absolute value of the worst case deviation. 10. Measured at crossing points. 11. If input modulation is used; input modulation is allowed but not required. 12. The amount of allowed spreading for any non-triangular modulation is determined by the induced downstream tracking skew that cannot exceed the skew generated by the specified 0.6% triangular modulation. Typically, the amount of allowed non-triangular modulation is about 0.5%. 13. VOX is measured on external divider network. 14. VCOS = (clock output high voltage – clock output low voltage), measured on the external divider network. 15. VOL_ABS is measured at the clock output pins of the package. 16. IREF is equal to VISET/RRC. 17. Minimum IOL,ABS is measured at the clock output pin with RRC = 266 ohms or less. 18. ZOUT is defined at the output pins as (0.94V – 0.90V)/(I0.94 – I0.90) under conditions specified for IOL, ABS. Document Number: 001-42414 Rev. ** Page 8 of 13 [+] Feedback CY24272 AC Electrical Specification The AC Electrical specifications follow. [6] Parameter tCYCLE tJIT(cc) Description Min Clock Cycle time[19] Typ 1.25 [20] Max Unit 3.34 ns Jitter over 1-6 clock cycles at 400–635 MHz – 25 40 ps Jitter over 1-6 clock cycles at 638–667 MHz – 25 30 ps L20 Phase noise SSB spectral purity L(f) at 20 MHz offset: 400–500 MHz (In addition, device must not exceed L(f) = 10log[1+(50x106/f)2.4] –138 for f = 1 MHz to 100 MHz except for the region near f = REFCLK/Q where Q is the value of the internal reference divider.) – –135 –128 dBC/Hz tJIT(hper,cc) Cycle-to-cycle duty cycle error at 400–635 MHz – 25 40 ps Cycle-to-cycle duty cycle error at 636–667 MHz – 25 30 ps Drift in tSKEW when ambient temperature varies between 0°C and 70°C and supply voltage varies between 2.375V and 2.625V.[21] – – 15 ps ΔtSKEW DC Long term average output duty cycle 45% 50 55% tCYCLE tEER,SCC PLL output phase error when tracking SSC –100 – 100 ps tCR,tCF Output rise and fall times at 400–667 MHz (measured at 20%–80% of output voltage) – 150 – ps tCR,CF Difference between output rise and fall times on the same pin of the single device (20%–80%) of 400–667 MHz[22] – – 100 ps Table 9. SMBus Timing Specification Parameter Min Max Units SMBus Operating Frequency 10 100 kHz TBUF Bus free time between Stop and Start Condition 4.7 μs THD:STA Hold time after (Repeated) Start Condition. After this period, the first clock is generated. 4.0 μs TSU:STA Repeated Start Condition setup time 4.7 μs TSU:STO Stop Condition setup time 4.0 μs THD:DAT Data Hold time 0 ns TSU:DAT Data Setup time 250 TTIMEOUT Detect clock low timeout TLOW Clock low period 4.7 THIGH Clock high period 4.0 TLOW:SEXT TLOW:MEXT FSMB Description ns Not supported μs 50 μs Cumulative clock low extend time (slave device) 25 ms CY24272 doesn’t extend Cumulative clock low extend time (master device) 10 ms TF Clock/Data Fall Time 300 ns TR Clock/Data Rise Time 1000 ns TPOR Time in which a device must be operational after power on reset 500 ms Document Number: 001-42414 Rev. ** Page 9 of 13 [+] Feedback CY24272 Test and Measurement Setup Figure 3. Clock Outputs Measurement Point V TS R1 CLK Swing Current Control R2 R3 C VT R T1 Z CH R T2 S Differential Driver ISET Measurement Point V TS R RC R1 CLKB R2 Example External Resistor Values and Termination Voltages for a 50Ω Channel Parameter Value Unit R1 33.0 Ω R2 18.0 Ω R3 17.0 Ω RT1 60.4 Ω RT2 301 Ω CS 2700 pF RRC 432 Ω VTS 2.5V V VT 1.2V V Signal Waveforms R3 C Z CH S VT R T1 R T2 Figure 5 on page 11 shows the definition of the output crossing point. The nominal crossing point between the complementary outputs is defined as the 50% point of the DC voltage levels. There are two crossing points defined: Vx+ at the rising edge of CLK and Vx– at the falling edge of CLK. For some waveforms, both Vx+ and Vx– are below Vx,nom (for example, if tCR is larger than tCF). Jitter This section defines the specifications that relate to timing uncertainty (or jitter) of the input and output waveforms. Figure 6 on page 11 shows the definition of cycle-to-cycle jitter with respect to the falling edge of the CLK signal. Cycle-to-cycle jitter is the difference between cycle times of adjacent cycles. Equal requirements apply rising edges of the CLK signal. Figure 7 on page 11 shows the definition of cycle-to-cycle duty cycle error (tDC,ERR). Cycle-to-cycle duty cycle is defined as the difference between tPW+ (high times) of adjacent differential clock cycles. Equal requirements apply to tPW-, low times of the differential click cycles. A physical signal that appears at the pins of a device is deemed valid or invalid depending on its voltage and timing relations with other signals. Input and output voltage waveforms are defined as shown in Figure 4 on page 11. Both rise and fall times are defined between the 20% and 80% points of the voltage swing, with the swing defined as VH–VL. Notes 19. Max and min output clock cycle times are based on nominal outputs frequency of 300 and 667 MHz, respectively. For spread spectrum modulated differential or single-ended REFCLK, the output clock tracks the modulation of the input. 20. Output short term jitter spec is the absolute value of the worst case deviation. 21. tSKEW is the timing difference between any two of the four differential clocks and is measured at common mode voltage. ΔtSKEW is the change in tSKEW when the operating temperature and supply voltage change. 22. tCR,CF applies only when appropriate RRC and output resistor network resistor values are selected to match pull up and pull down currents. Document Number: 001-42414 Rev. ** Page 10 of 13 [+] Feedback CY24272 Figure 4. Input and Output Waveforms VH 80% V (t) 20% VL tR tF Figure 5. Crossing Point Voltage CLK Vx+ Vx.nom Vx- CLKB Figure 6. Cycle-to-cycle Jitter CLK CLKB tCYCLE,i tCYCLE,i+1 tJ = tCYCLE,i - tCYCLE,i+1 over 10,000 consecutive cycles Figure 7. Cycle-to-cycle Duty-cycle Error CLK CLKB tPW-(i) tCYCLE,(i) tPW+(i) tPW-(i+1) tPW+(i+1) tCYCLE,(i+1) tDC,ERR = tPW-(i) - tPW-(i+1) and tPW-(i+1) - tPW+(i+1) Document Number: 001-42414 Rev. ** Page 11 of 13 [+] Feedback CY24272 Ordering Information Part Number Package Type Product Flow Pb-Free CY24272ZXC 28-pin TSSOP Commercial, 0°C to 70°C CY24272ZXCT 28-pin TSSOP – Tape and Reel Commercial, 0°C to 70°C Package Drawing and Dimension Figure 8. 28-Pin Thin Shrunk Small Outline Package (4.40-mm Body) ZZ28 PIN 1 ID 1 4.30[0.169] 4.50[0.177] 6.25[0.246] 6.50[0.256] 28 0.65[0.025] BSC. 0.19[0.007] 0.30[0.012] 1.10[0.043] MAX. 0.25[0.010] BSC GAUGE PLANE 0°-8° 0.076[0.003] 0.85[0.033] 0.95[0.037] 9.60[0.378] 9.80[0.386] 0.05[0.002] 0.15[0.006] SEATING PLANE 0.50[0.020] 0.70[0.027] 0.09[[0.003] 0.20[0.008] 51-85120-*A Document Number: 001-42414 Rev. ** Page 12 of 13 [+] Feedback CY24272 Document History Page Document Title: CY24272 Rambus® XDR™ Clock Generator with Zero SDA Hold Time Document Number: 001-42414 REV. ECN NO. Issue Date ** 1749003 See ECN Orig. of Change Description of Change KVM/AESA New data sheet No 8 or 15/2 multipliers or 133MHz * 4 option Max frequency is 667MHz © Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2007. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in a Cypress product. Nor does it convey or imply any license under patent or other rights. Cypress products are not warranted nor intended to be used for medical, life support, life saving, critical control or safety applications, unless pursuant to an express written agreement with Cypress. Furthermore, Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress products in life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges. Any Source Code (software and/or firmware) is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (Cypress) and is protected by and subject to worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign), United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Cypress hereby grants to licensee a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to copy, use, modify, create derivative works of, and compile the Cypress Source Code and derivative works for the sole purpose of creating custom software and or firmware in support of licensee product to be used only in conjunction with a Cypress integrated circuit as specified in the applicable agreement. Any reproduction, modification, translation, compilation, or representation of this Source Code except as specified above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress. Disclaimer: CYPRESS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Cypress reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the materials described herein. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein. Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress’ product in a life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges. Use may be limited by and subject to the applicable Cypress software license agreement. Document Number: 001-42414 Rev. ** Revised November 9, 2007 Page 13 of 13 PSoC Designer™, Programmable System-on-Chip™, and PSoC Express™ are trademarks and PSoC® is a registered trademark of Cypress Semiconductor Corp. All other trademarks or registered trademarks referenced herein are property of the respective corporations. Purchase of I2C components from Cypress or one of its sublicensed Associated Companies conveys a license under the Philips I2C Patent Rights to use these components in an I2C system, provided that the system conforms to the I2C Standard Specification as defined by Philips. Spread Aware is a trademark of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. Rambus is a registered trademark, and XDR is a trademark, of Rambus Inc. All products and company names mentioned in this document may be the trademarks of their respective holders. [+] Feedback