28-1800 Vdc Features: Kilovac EV250-2A & 2B - 400 Amps ("Czonka II EVX") Make & Break Load Switching Note: Dimensions in inches. Multiply values by 25.4 for dimensions in mm. CONTACT RATINGS* 400A 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 9 0 0 0A M o m en t a ry C a rry R eg i o n 1 0 ,0 0 0 dc R eg i o n o f C on t a c t L e v it a ti on . O pe r at io n P ro h ib i te d dc dc 1 ,0 0 0 6 0 V c 0V d dc 90 c dc Vd 0V 00 1 0 0 27 0 18 L ife C y c le s 0V V 0V 28 12 40 Hydrogen dielectric for power switching high current loads 400 A carry, 2,500 A interrupt @ 320 Vdc Ideal for circuit protection, control, battery switching, and main power safety disconnect Versatile power, voltage, and current operating range: 28-1800Vdc tested Internal coil economizer provides: − 4W typical hold power independent of temperature & voltage range − EMI spectrum tested and approved − Built-in coil suppression Patented "hammer effect" mechanism breaks light contact welds Patented hermetically "Super-sealed" environment chamber uniquely protects ALL moving parts Features: Can operate in harsh environments Moving contact rotates to provide fresh contact surface for low contact resistance and low power comsumption Sealed control connector. Mating connector with flying leads P/N 2005 available, see page 59 Special versions available: − Economical (-8A/B) for light duty power switching (without arc blowout magnets − 10 inch flying leads model (-7A) 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 ,0 0 0 1 0 ,0 0 0 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 S w itc h ing C u rre n t * For circuit conditions and actual data refer to the EV250 hot switch study. Since each application is unique, user is encouraged to verify rating in actual application. Part Number PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS UNIT EV250-2A COIL DATA** EV250-2B Parameter EV250-2A EV250-2B Units Contact Arrangement .......................................................... SPST-NO SPST-NO Voltage* (nominal ) 12 24 Contact Form ........................................................................ X X Pickup (close), max. 9 18 Vdc Continuous Current Carry, Max. ........................................ A 400 400 Hold, Min. 7 14 6.5 Minutes .................................................................... A 500 500 Dropout (open), min. Break Current @ 320 Vdc ................................................... 5 10 A 2,500 2,500 Contact Resistance, Max. ................................................... Current (@VsNom/ 25oC) ohms 0.0003 0.0003 Contact Resistance, Typ. .................................................... Inrush 2.8 1.8 ohms 0.0001 - 0.0002 0.0001 - 0.0002 Dielectric at Sea Level (leakage < 1mA) ............................ Holding, standby, Vrms 2,200 2,200 0.34 0.11 A Shock, 11 ms 1/2 Sine (peak), operating ......................... G's peak 30 30 Inrush Time, max. 200 200 ms Vibration, Sinusoidal (80-2000 Hz, peak) ......................... G's 20 20 Operating Ambient Temperature Range ............................ o C -40 to +85 -40 to +85 cycles See Page 19 See Page 19 Close (includes bounce) Typ. ...................................... ms 18 18 Bounce (after close only), Max. .................................. ms 5 5 Release Time (includes arcing), Max. @ 2500A ........ ms 15 15 Load Life, @ 320 Vdc. 95% Weibull* ................................ Operate Time, 25o C ............................................................. Insulation Resistance @ 500 Vdc, Min. ............................ Mohm 100 100 Weight, Nominal .................................................................. pound (kg) 1.76 (0.8) 1.76 (0.8) * Refer to sales drawing, qualification test plan for actual mix of precharge and break currents used on each cycle. 17 A * Other special coil voltages available upon request. * * Do not use a free wheeling diode or capacitor across the coil. Built in suppression limits back EMF to zero volts PART NUMBER SELECTION Sample Part No. EV250-2 A Model 2 = with blowout magnets 8 = without blowout magnets 7 = 10" flying leads (12 V, with magnets only) Coil Voltage A = 12 Vdc, Nominal B = 24 Vdc, Nominal For detailed specifications and recommendations, refer to the EV250-2A & B or 7A sales drawings. Tyco Electronics / www.tycoelectronics.com / Factory Direct Technical Support: 800-253-4560, ext. 2023 (U.S., Canada, Mexico) or 805-220-2020, ext. 2023 (International) EV250 Contact Ratings Features: C UR RE NT vs T IM E C ON TA CT S C LOSED I NT O 7 0 % AN D 9 0% C A PAC IT OR PR E C HA R GE 7 50 7 00 6 50 6 00 5 50 5 00 4 50 4 00 3 50 3 00 2 50 Features: 2 00 1 50 1 00 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 L IF E R A T IN G S A N D Q U A L IF IC A T IO N T E S T P L A N Test # C u rre n t V o lta g e Load Type % P re C h a rg e S w itc h M o d e N o rm a l O p e ra tio n s 1 2 re fe re n c e g ra p h a n d te s t circ u it d ia g ra m (s h t. 8 ) C a p a c itive C a p a c itive 90% 70% m ake m ake o n ly o n ly A b n o rm a l O p e ra tio n s 3 -2 5 0 A 320 V R e s istiv e N /A m a k e / b re a k 4 2500 A 320 V R e s istiv e N /A b re a k o n ly S equence 1 0 K c y c le s 1 0 c yc le s 2 2 1 10K 10 2 2 10K 10 2 3 10K 10 2 2 4 10K 10 2 5 E tc . C o n tin u e C y c lin g to R e la y F a ilu re T h e te s tin g o b je c tiv e is to v e rify p ro p e r re la y fu n c tio n fo r a g ive n n u m b e r o f c o n se c u tiv e a n d cu m u la tiv e c yc le s u n d e r b o th n o rm a l a n d a b n o rm a l co n d itio n s in a v a rie ty o f lo a d s w itc h in g a p p lic a tio n s . T h e life ra tin g o f 4 0 K cy c le s m in im u m w a s c a lc u la te d w ith 9 5 % W e ib u ll re lia b ility . Electrical Data (Over Temperature Range - Max. Terminal Temp. = 200oC) Make/Break Life for Capacitive & Resistive Loads at 320 Vdc (1) (2) @ 90% capacitive pre-charge Cycles 50,000 @ 70% capacitive pre-charge Cycles 50 @ -250 A (2 consecutive, reverse polarity) (1) Cycles 10 @ 3300 A (break only, 2 consecutive) (1) Cycles 4 Cycles 100,000 Mechanical Life (1) Resistive load includes inductance L = 25 uH. Load @ 2500 A tested @ 200 uH. (2) Conductor: 2 each of Copper 54 mm2 (AWG 0) required for > 250 A carry. 1 Copper (AWG 0) conductor recommneded for ≤ 250 A (3) Life based on projected Weibull Life with 95% Reliability 19 CII Technologies / P.O. Box 4422 / Santa Barbara, CA 93140 / ph 805.684.4560 / fax 805.684.9679 / e-mail info@kilovac.com / website www.ciitech.com