VEAM PT Connectors PT07A Jam Nut Receptacle without Rear Accessory Thread (Solder Contacts) M Z S Q A R P K ʻAʼ General Duty Shell size A diameter Q diameter M depth T length S diameter .003 (0.08) .017 (0.43) .031 (0.08) max max min max thread 8 0.47 0.750 0.696 0.191 0.956 0.06 0.13 .5625-24 UNEF 10 0.59 0.875 0.696 0.191 1.062 0.06 0.13 .6875-24 UNEF 12 0.75 1.062 0.696 0.191 1.250 0.06 0.13 .8750-20 UNEF 14 0.88 1.188 0.696 0.191 1.375 0.06 0.13 1.000-20 UNEF 16 1.00 1.312 0.696 0.191 1.500 0.06 0.13 1.125-18 UNEF 18 1.13 1.458 0.696 0.191 1.625 0.06 0.13 1.250-18 UNEF 20 1.25 1.562 0.884 0.221 1.812 0.06 0.255 1.375-18 UNEF 22 1.38 1.688 0.884 0.221 1.938 0.06 0.255 1.500-18 UNEF 24 1.50 1.812 0.917 0.188 2.062 0.06 0.255 1.625-18 UNEF jam nut tolerance K panel thickness R VEAM PT Connectors PT77A Jam Nut Receptacle with External Rear Accessory Thread (Solder Contacts) S Q D P V H U N Shell size tolerance D diameter .003 (0.08) Q V diameter depth .017 (0.43) .031 (0.08) U length max S diameter max K H panel thickness min max K rear diameter max P jam nut thread N rear access thread 8 0.473 0.750 0.606 0.286 0.956 0.06 0.125 0.436 .5625-24 UNEF .4375-28 UNEF 10 0.590 0.875 0.606 0.286 1.062 0.06 0.125 0.561 .6875-24 UNEF .5625-24 UNEF 12 0.750 1.062 0.606 0.286 1.250 0.06 0.125 0.686 .8750-20 UNEF .6875-24 UNEF 14 0.875 1.188 0.606 0.286 1.375 0.06 0.125 0.811 1.000-20 UNEF .8125-20 UNEF 16 1.000 1.312 0.606 0.286 1.500 0.06 0.125 0.936 1.125-18 UNEF .9375-20 UNEF 18 1.125 1.458 0.606 0.286 1.625 0.06 0.125 1.061 1.250-18 UNEF 1.0625-18 UNEF 20 1.250 1.562 0.764 0.306 1.812 0.06 0.250 1.186 1.375-18 UNEF 1.1875-18 UNEF 22 1.375 1.688 0.764 0.306 1.938 0.06 0.250 1.311 1.500-18 UNEF 1.3125-18 UNEF 24 1.500 1.812 0.782 0.306 2.062 0.06 0.250 1.436 1.625-18 UNEF 1.4375-18 UNEF VEAM PT Connectors PT02 Box Mount Receptacle without Rear Accessory Thread (Solder Contacts) L S R M A N K Shell size T dia T holes R S Z M length 0.01 L depth 0.825 N rear diameter 0.01 R hole space tolerance A diameter .003 (0.08) S width 0.016 T hole diameter 0.005 8 0.473 0.431 0.825 0.449 0.594 0.812 0.120 10 0.590 0.431 0.825 0.573 0.719 0.938 0.120 12 0.750 0.431 0.825 0.699 0.812 1.031 0.120 14 0.875 0.431 0.825 0.823 0.906 1.125 0.120 16 1.000 0.431 0.825 0.949 0.969 1.219 0.120 18 1.125 0.431 0.825 1.073 1.062 1.312 0.120 20 1.250 0.556 1.076 1.199 1.156 1.438 0.120 22 1.375 0.556 1.076 1.323 1.250 1.562 0.120 24 1.500 0.589 1.109 1.449 1.375 1.688 0.147 PT33A Wall Mount Receptacle with External Rear Accessory Thread (Solder Contacts) L M Z POLARIZING GROOVE Q THD. T DIA 4 MTG. HOLES A DIA. K R (TP) S SOLDER Shell size .140 RAD. MAX. M length 0.01 L depth 0.020 K thickness 0.01 Z length 0.04 KK rear diameter 0.01 R hole space S width Q thread tolerance A diameter .003 (0.08) 8 0.473 0.431 0.887 0.062 0.594 0.438 0.594 0.812 .4375-28 UNEF 10 0.590 0.431 0.887 0.062 0.394 0.562 0.719 0.938 .5625-24 UNEF 12 0.750 0.431 0.887 0.062 0.394 0.688 0.812 1.031 .6875-24 UNEF 14 0.875 0.431 0.887 0.062 0.394 0.812 0.906 1.125 .8125-20 UNEF 16 1.000 0.431 0.887 0.062 0.394 0.938 0.969 1.219 .9375-20 UNEF 18 1.125 0.431 0.887 0.062 0.394 1.062 1.062 1.312 1.0625-18 UNEF 20 1.250 0.556 1.105 0.094 0.455 1.188 1.156 1.438 1.1875-18 UNEF 22 1.375 0.556 1.105 0.094 0.455 1.312 1.250 1.562 1.3125-18 UNEF 24 1.500 0.589 1.105 0.094 0.422 1.438 1.375 1.688 1.4375-18 UNEF VEAM PT Connectors PT44A Line Connecting Receptacle (no fixing holes) with Rear Accessory Thread Solder Contacts L Q S M Y A S K Z Shell size M length 0.016 Y diameter 0.02 Z length 0.04 N rear diameter 0.01 Q thread S width tolerance A diameter .003 (0.08) 8 0.473 0.400 0.938 0.948 0.469 .4375-28 UNEF 0.812 10 0.590 0.400 1.062 0.948 0.593 .5625-24 UNEF 0.938 12 0.750 0.400 1.156 0.948 0.719 .6875-24 UNEF 1.031 14 0.875 0.400 1.25 0.948 0.843 .8125-20 UNEF 1.125 16 1.000 0.400 1.344 0.948 0.969 .9375-20 UNEF 1.219 18 1.125 0.400 1.438 0.948 1.093 1.0625-18 UNEF 1.312 20 1.250 0.535 1.562 1.166 1.219 1.1875-18 UNEF 1.438 22 1.375 0.535 1.688 1.166 1.343 1.3125-18 UNEF 1.562 24 1.500 0.568 1.812 1.166 1.469 1.4375-18 UNEF 1.688 SEE TERMINATION L1-L44.qxd:Layout 1 2/10/11 9:01 AM Page 26 VEAM PT Connectors PT55A Straight Plug with Solder Contacts L J Shell Size Z G Q G J Z L Q diameter mate depth body thread tolerance .003 (0.08) 0.01 8 .765 0.353 0.594 0.906 .4375-28 UNEF 10 .840 0.353 0.594 0.906 .5625-24 UNEF 12 .999 0.353 0.594 0.906 .6875-24 UNEF 14 1.139 0.353 0.594 0.906 .8125-20 UNEF 16 1.261 0.353 0.594 0.906 .9375-20 UNEF 18 1.337 0.353 0.594 0.906 1.0625-18 UNEF 20 1.477 0.415 0.672 1.062 1.1875-18 UNEF 22 1.602 0.415 0.672 1.062 1.3125-18 UNEF 24 1.723 0.415 0.672 1.125 1.4375-18 UNEF L PTG55A Straight Plug with Grounding Spring and Solder Contacts J Shell Size L Z G Q G J Z L Q diameter mate depth body thread tolerance .003 (0.08) 0.01 8 .765 0.353 0.594 0.906 .4375-28 UNEF 10 .840 0.353 0.594 0.906 .5625-24 UNEF 12 .999 0.353 0.594 0.906 .6875-24 UNEF 14 1.139 0.353 0.594 0.906 .8125-20 UNEF 16 1.261 0.353 0.594 0.906 .9375-20 UNEF 18 1.337 0.353 0.594 0.906 1.0625-18 UNEF 20 1.477 0.415 0.672 1.062 1.1875-18 UNEF 22 1.602 0.415 0.672 1.062 1.3125-18 UNEF 24 1.723 0.415 0.672 1.125 1.4375-18 UNEF