Solar Heater Monitor Master : HT48R065 + HT71D04 Probe Head : HT48R01C + HT71D04 Characteristics Allows interconnection using telephone cable. Power Line Data Transceiver Data is modulated onto the power lines, enabling reductions in the interconnecting cables to only two lines. Telephone line testing -- transmission distance up to 500m Simulation of water temperature : 0 ~ 99°C Simulation of water levels (7 levels) : uses LEDs to indicate water level, full (blue) to empty (red) Empty : All LEDs flash 50m Cord Master Probe Head HT48R01C HT71D04 HT48R065 HT71D04 100m Cable Simulator Water temperature and water level Simulator Application Areas Various Interconnected System Applications Application Circuit Master P1 S1 R1 200_2W R2 910K_1/4W C3 0.47u_400V BD1 1P1T - + ZD1 F1 18V/1W FUSE C1 C2 220u/25V 1u/25V BRIDGE Power Circuit Vin VDD 2 1 C6 R9 100u/25V VO LDO 5.0V R15 100 560k . VCC Q1 C7 5 20 C4 VDLY CDLY 0.1u/25V 7 5 15 C8 Q2 LVD 9.0V C9 . VDD PA0/PFD PA1/PFD PA2/TC0 PA3/INT PA4 PA5/OSC2 PA6/OSC1 C5 100u/25V RPU1 0.1u/25V 100K R14 17 0.1u/25V VSS PB5 PA7/RES PC3 PB1/SCOM1 PB0/SCOM0 PB2/SCOM2 0.1u/25V CX . VDD - 13 PB3/SCOM3 Q3 C1 + 6 LED D4 LED D5 LED D6 LED D7 PC0 PC1 PC2 4 3 2 1 24 23 22 R5 R6 R7 R8 R10 R11 R12 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 21 R13 1K 7 6 4 2 1 9 10 SEG1 LED 7 6 4 2 1 9 10 SEG2 11 10 12 8 9 16 RPU2 Q4 VPT TG Protection circuit C2X C2 1 VSS/TS . . 8 14 PC7 PB4 PC6 - 3 CN . 2 CP/TD . PC5 VREF + PC4 HT71D04 Sensor J1 LED D3 U2 4 VIN . 1N4001 Line LED D2 5 U1 D8 2.7K 3 8 100(2W) J1 R4 5 R3 D1 3 8 AC 220V 7 Display Circuit 6 19 18 HT48R065 Data Transmission Circuit Tel-phone-line Probe Head Master J1 Simulation Circuit (Use VR to Simulation the variation) Tel-phone-line Data Transmission Circuit R2_Simulation of water temperature R3_Simulation of water level D1 4 VIN . 1N4001 R1 100K C3 22u/25V VO LDO 5.0V R7 75 560K VDLY CDLY 5 Q4 0.1u 8 VDD VSS 1 VSS/TS . HT71D04 PA0 PA1 . 6 4 7 6 R2 3 R8 PA5 1K PA2 RPU2 Protection VPT circuit PA7/RES Q3 C1 + 22u 0.1u VDD - C2 7 Q2 CX 3 CN . 2 CP/TD . . 1 C1 C5 C6 0.1u/25V U2 . RPU1 0.1u/25V LVD 9.0V R6 VCC Q1 C4 TG C2X C2 + 2 1 Line . 8 2 PA6 - J1 U1 VREF HT48R01C 5 C7 0.1u 50K R3 100K