56000 DC/DC Non-Isolated Point of Load Converter PRODUCT PREVIEW Product Status: This document contains information on a product under development. Micropac reserves the right to change or discontinue this product without notice. Features: Radiation Tolerant Non-Isolated DC-DC Point of Load Power Converter o TID 100k rad(Si) @ 50-300 rad(Si)/s o ELDRS TID 50K rad (Si) @ ≤ 10mrad(Si)/s o SET LET 86.4 MeV/mg/cm2 Input Voltage Range 3.0 to 5.5 VDC High efficiency up to 93% 3.3V input; with output externally trimmed between 0.8 to 1.8V 5.0V input; with output externally trimmed between 0.8 to 3.3V Maximum 6 Amps with internal over-current protection Power good signal Programmable soft start Two or more converters synchronize for out-of-phase operation Wide case temperature range -55°C to +125C; extended temperature to 175°C Test points provided to measure gain and phase margins Description: The 56000 DC/DC converter is designed to provide up to 6A output current at voltages from 0.8 to 3.3 volts at +125°C. The power controller is a TID and SEE hardened buck regulator utilizing common input, output, and case grounds for non-isolated applications. The controller uses peak current-mode control with integrated compensation and switches the integrated synchronous MOSFETs at a fixed frequency of 1 MHz. The baseplate is used as the heat sink for optimum thermal performance. These converters are intended for use in programs requiring tight control of low voltage supplies in high radiation, wide temperature, and high reliability systems. Applications: Satellite/Space Systems Military/High Reliability Systems High Temperature Downhole Tools FPGA, DSP, microcontroller power Enable input for direct output control Power good signal indicates stable & acceptable regulation Free run at 1 MHz or synchronize to external 1 MHz ±20% Programmable soft start 2 to 200 ms Input undervoltage lockout for low supply voltage protection Output undervoltage protection from shorted loads Output overcurrent shutdown and automatic restart Automatic restart after fault detected Shock and vibration resistant package Screened to MIL-PRF-38534 Class H and K RHA Pending ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Input Voltage VIN, PGOOD pin M/S, SYNC, ENA, PORSEL pins Soft Start pin Output Current Soldering Temperature Storage Temperature Range Operating Case Temperature Range Power Dissipation, Tc = +125°C Thermal Resistance Weight (Estimated) GND – 0.3VDC to GND + 5.7VDC GND – 0.3VDC to VIN + 0.3VDC GND – 0.3VDC to GND + 2.5VDC 11 Amps 300°C for 10 seconds -65°C to +200°C -55°C to +175°C 6.6 W 4.0 °C/W Junction-to-Case (θJ-C) 30.0 grams Stresses above the absolute maximum rating may cause permanent damage to the device. Extended operation at the maximum levels may degrade performance and affect reliability MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 (972) 272-3571 Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: sales@micropac.com 11/10/2014 Rev H Pg. 1 of 9 56000 Product Preview DC/DC Non-Isolated Point of Load Converter ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS PRE - RADIATION TC = -55°C to +125°C, unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max Units 5.5 VDC Power Supply Section Input Voltage VIN 3.0 Input current, no load IIN IL=0.0A, VIN=3.3V, VOUT=0.8V 65 mA Input Ripple Current IIN RIPPLE IL=6.0A, VIN=3.3.0V, VOUT=0.8V, BW=20Hz to 20MHz 50 mA p-p Output Voltage VOUT Any line, any load 0.816 VDC Output Current IOUT 6.0 A Output Ripple Voltage VRIPPLE IL=6.0A, BW=20Hz to 20MHz 30 mV p-p Startup Time TSTART SS pin open 10 ms Step Load Response VSTEP IL=0 to/from 6A 115 mV Recovery time tREC IL=0 to/from 6A 200 µs Efficiency η IL=3.0A, VIN=3.3V, VOUT=0.8V 83 % IL=3.0A, VIN=5.0V, VOUT=3.3V 93 % 1.15 MHz 1.2 MHz Output Voltage 0.784 0.800 0 Oscillator Section Switching Frequency FSW M/S=VIN 0.85 External Frequency FEXT M/S=GND 0.8 M/S VIH Input high threshold M/S VIL Input low threshold Master/slave (M/S) input voltage 1.0 VIN – 0.5 V 0.5 V Power ON Reset POR input voltage, High PORHI Rising threshold, PORSEL=VIN 4.25 V POR input voltage, High PORLOW Rising threshold, PORSEL=GND 2.80 V ENTHR Rising/Falling threshold 0.60 V Enable (EN) input voltage Power Good Signal Power Good rising threshold Power Good falling threshold Over Current Monitor PRRISE VOUT as a % of VNOM 111 % PRFALL VOUT as a % of VNOM 89 % Overcurrent trip level OCTRIP 7.8 11.4 18 A Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 (972) 272-3571 Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: sales@micropac.com 11-04-2014 Rev H Pg. 2 of 9 56000 Product Preview DC/DC Non-Isolated Point of Load Converter ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS TC = -55°C to +175°C, unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max Units TBD VDC TBD VDC TBD A Power Supply Section Input Voltage VIN TBD Output Voltage Section Output Voltage VOUT IL=TBD A TBD 0.80 Output Current IOUT Startup Time TSTART SS pin open TBD ms Recovery time tREC 50% to/from 100% load TBD µs Efficiency η IL=3.0A, VIN=3.3V, VOUT=0.8V TBD % IL=3.0A, VIN=5.0V, VOUT=3.3V TBD % 0 Oscillator Section Switching Frequency FSW Power ON Reset Section POR input voltage, PORHI High POR input voltage, PORLOW High Enable (EN) input ENTHR voltage Power Good Signal Section Power Good rising PRRISE threshold Power Good falling PRFALL threshold Over Current Monitor Overcurrent trip level M/S=VIN 1.0 MHz Rising threshold, PORSEL=VIN TBD V Rising threshold, PORSEL=GND TBD V Rising/Falling threshold TBD V VOUT as a % of VNOM TBD % VOUT as a % of VNOM TBD % OCTRIP TBD TBD TBD A 1. Output voltage may be adjusted upward from the factory preset value of 0.80 Volt to an output voltage specified in Table 1 for fixed RTrim values. Alternately, output values may also be set utilizing the formula in Table 1. Table 1 Input Voltage (V) 3.3 5.0 Output Voltage (Vout) 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.5 3.3 RTRIM (Ohms) - 3000 1500 845 604 348 237 RTRIM = 1800÷(3VOUT - 2.4) Ohms Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 (972) 272-3571 Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: sales@micropac.com 11-04-2014 Rev H Pg. 3 of 9 56000 Product Preview DC/DC Non-Isolated Point of Load Converter Block Diagram Application Circuit The diagram below shows the circuit connections needed to use the converter in the application. It is configured as a standalone device for 5.0V input to begin running when power is applied. The Power Good output can be monitored to determine when the output voltage is within the acceptable output range or left disconnected if not used. In the simplest application the converter is wired the same as a three-terminal regulator. Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 (972) 272-3571 Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: sales@micropac.com 11-04-2014 Rev H Pg. 4 of 9 56000 Product Preview DC/DC Non-Isolated Point of Load Converter Design Note A well damped low pass input filter can be used to precede the DC-DC converter. Its main function is to prevent converter generated signals from being conducted either back into the source or out into the load. To reduce its adverse impact on the converter loop stability and reliability, good filter design practice should be adhered to and should take into account the input source impedance, the corner frequency of the filter, and the overall loop cross-over frequency of the converter. Typically, the corner frequency of the filter should be less than the converter clock frequency and equal to or higher than the loop cross-over frequency. This device requires adequate heatsinking based upon the expected power dissipation. The user is cautioned to provide the heatsink prior to application of power. Typical Performance Plots Frequency Response VIN=3.3V, VOUT =0.8V @6A Phase Margin (ΦM) = 45° Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 (972) 272-3571 Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: sales@micropac.com 11-04-2014 Rev H Pg. 5 of 9 56000 Product Preview DC/DC Non-Isolated Point of Load Converter VIN=5.0V, VOUT= 3.3V @ 6A Phase Margin (ΦM) = 89° Load Transient Response Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 (972) 272-3571 Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: sales@micropac.com 11-04-2014 Rev H Pg. 6 of 9 56000 Product Preview DC/DC Non-Isolated Point of Load Converter Pinout Information PINOUT DESCRIPTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Supply input VIN VIN Supply input GND Input/Output ground, Output ground, case ground, and heatsink GND Input/Output ground, Output ground, case ground, and heatsink PGOOD Power good indication when HIGH through pull-up resistor Soft Start Soft Start Master-Slave Select Master (HIGH)/Slave (LOW) synchronization SYNC Sync output / input MSTR_EN Master Enable PORSEL Select 3.3 or 5.0 V input for power on threshold EN Enable input VTRIM Output Voltage Pin Adjust FB Feedback Voltage Output Regulated Output Voltage GND Output/Input ground, Output ground, case ground, and heatsink GND Output/Input ground, Output ground, case ground, and heatsink GND Output/Input ground, Output ground, case ground, and heatsink VOUT Regulated Output Voltage VOUT Regulated Output Voltage VOUT Regulated Output Voltage Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 (972) 272-3571 Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: sales@micropac.com 11-04-2014 Rev H Pg. 7 of 9 56000 Product Preview DC/DC Non-Isolated Point of Load Converter Packaging Information Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 (972) 272-3571 Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: sales@micropac.com 11-04-2014 Rev H Pg. 8 of 9 56000 Product Preview DC/DC Non-Isolated Point of Load Converter Ordering Information Part Number Output Voltage (Untrimmed) Operating Temperature Range Quality Level 56000-080-ST-H 0.8VDC -55°C to +125°C MIL-PRF-38534, Class H 56000-080-ST-K 0.8VDC -55°C to +125°C MIL-PRF-38534, Class K 2. Screened to Table C-IX of MIL-PRF-38534 Class H or Class K. Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 (972) 272-3571 Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: sales@micropac.com 11-04-2014 Rev H Pg. 9 of 9