Retail+™/COTS/iPEMS Product Selector Guide Products Including: • SDRAM SDR, DDR, DDR2, DDR3 • SSRAM Pipelined, Flow-thru & ZBL • Async SRAM Benefits • Off-the-shelf extended environment products • Improved costs and performance • 100% tested/processed to*: Industrial [IT] -40°C to 85°C Enhanced [ET]-40°C to 105°C Extended [XT] -55°C to 125°C • 100% DC / AC tested* At voltage corners At temperature extremes • Industry standard packages • Upgradeable families • RoHS compliant options *Does not apply to Retail+™ Product Line. See Retail+™ Product Line flyer for details. • Non-Volatile Flash (NAND & NOR), EEPROM & nvSRAM Micross Components’ long-term experience and knowledge in product engineering, test and support of the Hi-Rel community, has lead to the development of the Retail+™, COTS and iPEM (integrated Plastic Encapsulated Microcircuit) device families. Micross Components’ Retail+™ product line enables customers to use industry leading components that were not previously available for their hi-rel, long life applications. COTS parts are developed and tested to industrial, extended, and military temperature ranges, with burn-in and temperature cycling available as requested. Reliability is ensured by leveraging off the OEM supplier’s qualification as a complement to Micross’ own qualification, which is based on 25 years of experience in manufacturing products to military and other hi-rel specifications. May 12, 2015 • Revision 1.2 Micross US (Americas) 407.298.7100 • Micross UK (EMEA & ROW) +44 (0) 1603 788967 • • Form #: CSI-D-688 Document 001 Retail+™/COTS /iPEMS Product Selector Guide Density Organization Part Number Technology Performance Volts Temp. Range 3.3 IT, ET, XT Package(s) Synchronous DRAM SDR 2M x 32 AS4SD2M32DG-xx/tt 8MB -6, -7, -7.5 (ns) 167, 143, 133 (MHz) SDR 4M x 16 AS4SD4M16DG-xx/tt 16MB 8M x 16 AS4SD8M16DG-xx/tt 32MB 16M x 16 64MB TSOP2-86; TSOP2-54 -8, -10 (ns) 125, 100 (MHz) TSOP2-54 SDR -7.5, -10 (ns) 100, 133 (MHz) 3.3 IT, ET, XT TSOP2-54 (DGCR - RoHS Compliant) AS4SD16M16DG-xx/tt SDR -7.5, -10 (ns) 100, 133 (MHz) 3.3 IT, ET, XT TSOP2-54 (DGCR - RoHS Compliant) 32M x 16 AS4SD32M16DG-xx/tt SDR -7.5, -10 (ns) 100, 133 (MHz) 3.3 IT, ET, XT TSOP2-54 (DGCR - RoHS Compliant) 128MB 16M x 72 AS4DDR16M72PBG-xx/tt DDR -6, -7.5, -8, -10 (ns) 333, 266, 250, 200 (Mb/s) 2.5 Core, 2.5 I/O IT, ET, XT iPEM* PBGA-219 256MB 32M x 72 AS4DDR32M72PBG-xx/tt DDR -6, -7.5, -8, -10 (ns) 333, 266, 250, 200 (Mb/s) 2.5 Core, 2.5 I/O IT, ET, XT iPEM* (PBG - PBGA-219) (PBGR - RoHS Compliant) 32M x 64 AS4DDR232M64PBG-xx/tt DDR2 -3, -3.8, -5 (ns) 667, 533, 400 (Mb/s) 1.8 Core, 1.8 I/O IT, ET, XT iPEM (PBG - PBGA-255) (PBGR - RoHS Compliant) DDR DDR2 256MB 32M x 72 AS4DDR232M72PBG-xx/tt 512MB 64M x 72 AS4DDR264M72PBG-xx/tt DDR2 -3, -3.8, -5 (ns) 667, 533, 400 (Mb/s) 1.8 Core, 1.8 I/O IT, ET, XT iPEM (PBG - PBGA-255) (PBGR - RoHS Compliant) (PBG1 - PBGA-208*) 1GB 128M x 72 MYX4DDR2128M72PBG-xx/tt DDR2 -3, -3.8, -5 (ns) 667, 533, 400 (Mb/s) 1.8 Core, 1.8 I/O IT, ET, XT PBG1 - PBGA-208* 1Gb 64M x16 MYX4DDR264M16HWBG-187EttRy DDR2 1.875ns 1066 1.8 C, IT FPGA - 84 Sn63/Pb37 2Gb 128M x 16 MYX4DDR2128M16PKBG-187EttRy DDR2 1.875ns 1066 1.8 C, IT FPGA - 84 Sn63/Pb37 1Gb 64M x 16 MYX4DDR364M16JTBG-15EttRy DDR3 1.5ns 1333 1.35 C, IT FPGA - 84 Sn63/Pb37 1Gb 64M x 16 MYX4DDR364M16JTBG-15EttRy DDR3 1.5ns 1333 1.35 ET FPGA - 84 Sn63/Pb37 2Gb 128M x 16 MYX4DDR3L128M16JTBG-125ttRy DDR3 1.25ns 1600 1.35 C, IT FPGA - 84 Sn63/Pb37 128K x 32 AS5SP128K32DQ-xx/tt Sync Burst Pipeline -5, -6, -7.5, -10 (ns) 200, 166, 133, 100 (MHz) 3.3 Core, 3.3/2.5 I/O IT, ET, XT TQFP-100 128K x 36 AS5SP128K36DQ-xx/tt Sync Burst Pipeline -3, -3.5, -4 (ns) 200, 166, 133 (MHz) 3.3 Core, 3.3/2.5 I/O IT, ET, XT TQFP-100 256K x 18 AS5SS256K18DQ-xx/tt Sync Burst Flow-Thru -8, -9, -10 (ns) 113, 100, 66 (MHz) 3.3 AS5SP256K36DQ-xx/tt Sync Burst Pipeline -3, -3.5, -4 (ns) 200, 166, 133 (MHz) 3.3 Core, 3.3/2.5 I/O IT, ET, XT AS5SS256K36DQ-xx/tt Sync Burst Flow-Thru -7.5, -8.5, -10 (ns) 117, 100, 66 (MHz) 3.3 IT, XT 512K x 18 AS5SP512K18DQ-xx/tt Sync Burst Pipeline -3, -3.5, -4 (ns) 200, 166, 133 (MHz) 3.3 Core, 3.3/2.5 I/O IT, ET, XT 512K x 36 AS5SP512K36DQ-xx/tt Sync Burst Pipeline -3, -3.5, -4 (ns) 200, 166, 133 (MHz) 3.3 Core, 3.3/2.5 I/O IT, ET, XT DDR3 Synchronous SRAM 4Mb 4.5Mb 256K x 36 9Mb 18Mb TQFP-100 TQFP-100 *Product in development. Advance information. May 12, 2015 • Revision 1.2 Micross US (Americas) 407.298.7100 • Micross UK (EMEA & ROW) +44 (0) 1603 788967 • • Form #: CSI-D-688 Document 001 Retail+™/COTS /iPEMS Product Selector Guide Density Organization Part Number Technology Performance Volts Temp. Range Package(s) AS5C2568DJ-xx/tt Asynchronous -12, -15, -20, -25 5 IT, XT PSOJ-28, 300mil -15, -20, -25 5 -10, -12, -15, -20 3.3 IT, XT PSOJ-32, 400mil -12, -15, -17, -20, -25, -35, -45 5 -12, -15, -20, -25 3.3 Asynchronous Ultra Low Power -55, -70, -85, -100 5 Asynchronous -12, -15, -20, -25 Asynchronous SRAM 256Kb 32K x 8 1Mb 128K x 8 AS5C1008DJ-xx/tt Asynchronous AS5LC1008DJ-xx/tt AS5C512K8DJ-xx/tt 4Mb Asynchronous AS5LC512K8DJ-xx/tt 512K x 8 AS5C4009LLDG-xx/tt 16Mb AS8S512K32PEC-xx/tt 512K x 32 AS8SLC512K32PEC-xx/tt PSOJ-36, 400 mil IT, XT TSOP2-32 5 3.3 IT, ET, XT iPEM, PLCC-68 Non-Volatile 16Mb 2M x 8 1M x 16 AS29LV016JBRG-xx/tt Flash, Bottom Boot Block AS29LV016JTRG-xx/tt Flash, Top Boot Block 1Gb 64M x 16 MYX29GL01GS11DPIV2BG-ITRy 1Gb 64M x 16 MYX28F00AM29EWHBG-ITRy 512Mb 512M x 1 64GB 64G x 8 -70, -90, -100 3.3 IT, ET, XT RG - TSOP1-48 RGR - RoHS Compliant NOR Flash -100ns 2.7V - 3.6V IT FBGA - 64 Sn63/Pb37 NOR Flash -100ns 2.7V - 3.6V IT FBGA - 64 Sn63/Pb37 MYXN25Q512BG-ttRy Serial NOR Flash 108MHz (STR) 2.7V - 3.6V IT, AT TBGA - 24 Sn63/Pb37 MYXFC64GJDDNBG-ITRy Parallel NAND Flash + Controller 52MHz 2.7V - 3.6V IT LFBGA - 169 Sn63/Pb37 Volts Temp. Range Package Revision Retail+TM Memory Products Density Organization Part Number Technology Performance 1Gb 64M x16 MYX4DDR264M16HWBG-187EttRy DDR2 1.875ns 1066 1.8 C, IT FPGA - 84 Sn63/Pb37 H 2Gb 128M x 16 MYX4DDR2128M16PKBG-187EttRy DDR2 1.875ns 1066 1.8 C, IT FPGA - 84 Sn63/Pb37 C 1Gb 64M x 16 MYX4DDR364M16JTBG-15EttRy DDR3 1.5ns 1333 1.35 C, IT FPGA - 84 Sn63/Pb37 J 1Gb 64M x 16 MYX4DDR364M16JTBG-15EttRy DDR3 1.5ns 1333 1.35 ET FPGA - 84 Sn63/Pb37 G 2Gb 128M x 16 MYX4DDR3L128M16JTBG-125ttRy DDR3 1.25ns 1600 1.35 C, IT FPGA - 84 Sn63/Pb37 K 1Gb 64M x 16 MYX29GL01GS11DPIV2BG-ITRy NOR Flash -100ns 2.7 - 3.6 IT FBGA - 64 Sn63/Pb37 MS4.0 1Gb 64M x 16 MYX28F00AM29EWHBG-ITRy NOR Flash -100ns 2.7 - 3.6 IT FBGA - 64 Sn63/Pb37 A 512Mb 512M x 1 MYXN25Q512A13G12BG-ttRy Serial NOR Flash 108MHz (STR) 2.7 - 3.6 IT, AT, XT TBGA - 24 Sn63/Pb37 A 64GB 64G x 8 MYXFC64GJDDNBG-ITRy Parallel NAND Flash + Cnt'lr 52MHz 2.7 - 3.6 IT LFBGA - 169 Sn63/Pb37 J = Flash; D = Cnt'l DDR2 DDR3 Non-Volatile Micross Part # Extension-xxxxttRyzzz (e.g. -25EITR) • xxxx = Speed Grade: 1 to 4 digits when applicable • R = Retail+ • y = Part Marking Options: • tt = Temp. Ranges • Blank = none Refer to Temp. Range column for specific • L = Label (default) temps offered for each part #. • D = Ink Dot • C, CT or blank = Commercial (0°C to +70°C) • A = Laser • IT = Industrial (-40°C to +85°C) • zzz = Special Custom Characters • ET = Enhanced (-40°C to +105°C) options controlled by Micross • AT = Automotive (-40°C to +125°C) • XT = Mil (-55°C to +125°C) May 12, 2015 • Revision 1.2 Micross US (Americas) 407.298.7100 • Micross UK (EMEA & ROW) +44 (0) 1603 788967 • • Form #: CSI-D-688 Document 001 Retail+™/COTS /iPEMS Product Selector Guide Memory Product Nomenclature Prefix Code Description AS ASI/Micross MT ASI/Micross/Micron1 MYX Micross SMJ/SM ASI/Micross/TI2 Sample Part Number Prefix 1. The MT product line was acquired from Micron Technology. In most cases, these industry established part numbers have been retained, but in no way does this indicate or guarantee a die source. Device Number Access Time MYX4DDR364M16JTBG-15ITRL 2. The SMJ/SM product line was acquired from Texas Instruments. In most cases, these industry established part numbers have been retained. This does not indicate or guarantee a die source. Nomenclature is provided in separate documentation. Product Type/Description Package Options/Processing See individual datasheets for exact part number and option combinations offered. Product Type/Description Code Type Description 41 & 44 4C 28C 58C 58LC 8E 8ER 8ERLC 28F 29F 29GL 29LV 8F 8FLC N25Q PM 80 4DDR 4DDR2 4DDR3 4SD 5C 5LC 8S 8SLC 5SP 5SS 27C 42C 44C 6nvLC 8nvC 8nvLC DRAM DRAM EEPROM EEPROM EEPROM EEPROM EEPROM EEPROM FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH PMIC Processor SDRAM SDRAM SDRAM SDRAM SRAM SRAM SRAM SRAM SSRAM SSRAM UVEPROM VRAM VRAM VRAM VRAM VRAM 5V, EPM 5V, FPM Byte Alterable Hitachi Die 3.3V Multi-chip Module Multi-chip Module, Rad-Tol 3.3V, Multi-chip Module, Rad-Tol Spansion compatible MirrorBit® Eclipse™ 3.3V Multi-chip Module 3.3V, Multi-chip Module Serial NOR Power Management IC SoC 2.5V/1.8V, Double Data Rate 2.5V/1.8V, Double Data Rate II 1.5V/1.35V, Double Data Rate III 3.3V, SDR 5V 3.3V 5V, Multi-chip Module 3.3V, Multi-chip Module Pipelined Flow-thru 3.3V 5V 3.3V Package Code Access Time Description Code Options/Processing ns BG, BG1, BGM1 FBGA 10 10 or 100 C DIP 3 3.0 CN Narrow DIP 11 CW Wide DIP CZ, SV, SVM ZIP DCG DCJ Code Description AT -40°C to +125°C 110 CT 0°C to +70°C 12 12 or 120 D Orange Dot 15 15 or 150 FP Gullwing (Formed) 15E 1.5 E Epi Die SOJ (Formed) 17 17 DG TSOPII ET -40°C to +105°C 20 20 or 200 DJ PSOJ 25 or 250 IT -40°C to +85°C EC, FE, HMM 25 LCC ECA 450 x 550 LCC 25E 2.5 L 2V Data Retention or Label ECG Gullwing LCC 30 30 or 300 35 Ultra Low Power SOJ (Attached) 35 LL ECJ ECN Narrow LCC 45 45 ECW Wide LCC 55 55 F, FN, HKD, HR, HK Flat pack 60 60 FNC LCC 70 70 J, JD, JDD, JDM Side Brazed DIP 75 7.5 or 75 P PGA 85 85 PBG, PBG1 PBGA 90 90 Q CQFP (Gullwing) 100 100 Q1 CQFP (w/special lead) 107 1.07 Q2, Q3, SQ CQFP 120 QB CQFP (w/Tie Bar) 125 QN QFN 150 150 QJ CQFP (J-lead) 187E 1.87 QT CQFP (Thin) QW CQFP (1.56” sq.) RG TSOPI SF Flat pack (Rad-Tol) SOJ, HJM SOJ SQB CQFP (Rad-Tol) M or XT -55°C to +125°C MIL MIL-STD-883 equivalent processing compliant to paragraph 1.2.2 -55°C to +125°C Q QML R Retail+ SPACE MIL-STD-883, Method 5004, Class Equivalent 120 ZZZ Special Flow 1.25 883C MIL-STD-883 (previously listed as “M”) Formoreinformationregardingourproducts andservices,pleasevisitwww.micross.comor May 12, 2015 • Revision 1.2 Micross US (Americas) 407.298.7100 • Micross UK (EMEA & ROW) +44 (0) 1603 788967 • • Form #: CSI-D-688 Document 001