., Una. 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 TELEPHONE: (973) 378-2922 TYPES 1N2069, 1N2070, 1N2071 • 1N2Q69A, 1N2070A, 1N2071A BIFFUSED-JUNCTION SILICON RECTIFIERS U.SA FAX: 'absolute maximum ratings at specified ambienfl tcrnperatui'c " fM,.k9i V/orking Peak Reverse Voltage n| jor (,eiow) ioo°c (See Hole 1) Sltndy Slate Reverse Voltagn ot (or below) 100°C . Avcrnigc Rcdilicd forward Current '" at (01 below) 25°C (See Hotel) . Average Rcttilied forward Current '° at (or below) 100°C (Sec Mold) . Repetitive Peak Forward Current, 10 Cycles, lfw|rc;" ot (or below) 2S°C (See Holes 2 and 3) . Peak Surge Current, One Cycle, 'fM(,.,,,| Ql [or bc|ow) 10o°C (See Hole 2) V* TA|«.-> T,,,, NOTES Operating Ambient Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Land Temperature '/j Inch from Cose lor 5 Seconds (Sec Hole A) 1N2070A 1N2071A UNIT 1N2069 1N2070 1N2071 1N2069A 200 400 600 200 400 600 V 200 •100 600 200 -100 fiOO V 1SO mA J00 mA .__ -30 to 100 -30 lo 100 6 A 22 A -35 lo 100 -35 to 100 I 1 2 10 ). Thtif votuf't may be applied tohliuuouilf undor iing!ii-j)hn;p, tO-c/t, liaH-itii^ oprrnlion v/llli °C °C °C loud. Aliovn 25° C dcrnle otioiiiing to Ftguut 1. ?. 'itiut vnlu« op^ly far 60-t/j h»U lino vrnvrt when I ho dcvi(e it ttptuotin(| nt (or below) idled vulun al jionk lovptsir vn||n(]n niul (^ttififrf lofwqrd (uucnl. Surgo may be rtpcotnil u[lcr Ihv ilovi(c Inn ("tuimMt In uiiijiitnl tlntumil cqnilibritim. 3, D f t Q t f tiiieotly lo •) A ol IOO*C. 4. H ij rrtcmmtRffirf that A hfol link, mth os lun^-noto jilicrt, h»: (ipfilicij tirlwecn Itin jioittl ttf loldcilitg <ni(I (hit recliliur body. 'indicoifi JEDK fegiiteicd dali. 'i.^r am^tfnt tr^irokra ii mtatwrsd ol a point 2 inchit belnw (ht ttcvUc. Nnlurol air toBliitf ihall bt uied. JL. L NOTES: . 1. PO WRITV DENOTED IY CATHODE >ANO. 2. LEAD DIAMETEA MOT CONTBOllEO WITNIM 'f DIMENSION. NJ Senii-Condiictors reserves the right to change lest conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without notice. Information, furnished by NJ Semi-Conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. However NJ Semi-Conduclurs assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use NJ .Semi-Conductors entouraacs customers 10 voriK that datasheets are current before placing orders. •