Drive Application Software Application Set Application Set Title Drive Product File Name for (AS) Date - Revision Indexer PowerFlex 700S AC Drive Phase II AS_PF700SII_Indexer_20COMM.doc 12/16/05 02 Attention: This document and related file(s) are designed to supplement configuration of the listed drive product. The information provided does not replace the drive products user manual and is intended for qualified personnel only. Description: This application set is for a PowerFlex 700S drive Phase II indexer controlled over a network via a 20-COMM module. Limitations: Dynamic Braking or other type of method to dissipate regen should be used. This application set uses external dynamic braking resistor. Options & Notes: After the .dno file is downloaded, the assisted Startup routine on the HIM should be performed to enter the motor data and auto-tune the PF700S drive to the motor. Drive Input & Output Connections: Inputs Function DI 1 DI 2 DI 3 DI 4 DI 5 DI 6 AI 1 AI 2 AI 3 Encoder 0 (Primary) Outputs Function DO 1 DO 2 DO 3 AO 1 AO 2 AO 3 NA AS_PF700SII_Indexer_20COMM.doc Form Revision – A Page 1 of 3 Description Description Drive Application Software Application Set Parameter Configurations Changes from Default Parameter Settings Par Name Value 0 - Zero 27 Speed Ref A Sel Speed Link Description There is no speed reference in pt to pt mode. Speed for jog. Jog will be used to home drive after power up.1 Tuning for the speed regulator. Higher value = more responsive. This will allow up to -200% regenerative power to flow to the dynamic brake. Enables positioning functions in the firmware. Turns on Position Enable bit. Enables dynamic braking with external resistor. Sets the peak watt-second rating of an external dynamic brake resistor. Sets the continuous watt rating of the external dynamic brake resistor. Data In A2 and Data In B1 from the Network are controlling floating point parameters. Sent P741[Position Status] over the Network. Bit 10 “In Position” can be monitored to indicate when an index move has completed. P740 is controlled via parameter 651 [DPI Data In A1] from the Network. Bits 1 and 11 must always be set to 1. Toggle bit 12 to index forward. Toggle bit 15 to index reverse. Selects Point to Point positioning. The position reference from the Indexer, P799 [BasicIndx Output], is linked to the input of the point to point position loop. Sets the acceleration time from 0 to base motor speed of the position loop. Sets the deceleration time from base motor speed to 0 of the position loop. Gain for the position regulator. P768 should be set to between 1/3rd and 1/5th of P90 [Spd Reg BW] for best performance. Sets the reverse speed of the position loop via parameter 652 [DPI Data In A2] from the Network. 2 Sets the forward speed of the position loop via parameter 653 [DPI Data In B1] from the Network. 2 Sets the number of position counts to index via parameter 654 [DPI Data In B2] from the Network 29 Jog Speed 1 100 RPM 90 Spd Reg BW 10 rad/sec 128 Regen Power Lim -2.0 per unit 147 151 414 FW Functions En Logic Command Brake/Bus Config 416 Brake Pulse Watts 417 Brake Watts B16 = 1 B13 = 1 B0 =1, B1 = 1 Application Dependent Application Dependent 650 DPI In DataType 660 DPI Data Out A1 741 740 Position Control 651 742 Posit Ref Sel 758 Pt-Pt Posit Ref 759 Pt-Pt Accel Time 1 second 760 Pt-Pt Decel Time 1 second 768 PositReg P Gain 4 rad/sec 775 Xreg Spd LoLim 652 776 Xreg Spd HiLim 653 797 Posit Index Step 654 *** 20-COMM Settings 13 DPI I/O Config B0 =1, B1 =1, B2 = 1 Enables Cmd/Ref, Status/Fdbk, Datalinks A1, A2, B1, and B2. 25 M-S Input B0 =1, B1 =1, B2 = 1 Configures the Cmd/Ref, Datalink In A1, A2, B1, and B2 to come from a DeviceNet scanner (instead of peer to peer). AS_PF700SII_Indexer_20COMM.doc Form Revision – A Page 2 of 3 B1 = 1, B2 =1 2 - Pt to Pt 799 Drive Application Software Application Set Par Name Value 26 M-S Output B0 =1, B1 =1, B2 = 1 9 Reset Module 1 - Reset Module Link Description Configures the Status/Fdbk, Datalink Out A1, A2, B1, and B2 to go to a DeviceNet scanner (instead of peer to peer). Set this last after configuring the 20-COMM-D in order for the 20-COMM-D parameter changes to take effect. Notes: 1 To home the drive after a power up, send a Jog 1 command over the network (bit 2 of the logic command). 2 To send the Xreg Spd HiLim and LoLim over the network, you must create floating point tags in the controller. The speeds must be set in per unit, where a value of 1.0 per unit corresponds to base motor speed. P775 [Xreg Spd LoLim} must be set to a negative value. Then use a COP instruction to copy the speed floating point tag to the DINT sent over the network. AS_PF700SII_Indexer_20COMM.doc Form Revision – A Page 3 of 3