Diplexer (for Cellular Band, Mirror Type ) FI 212P089213 Tentative ■ Shapes & Dimensions ■ Electrical Characteristics L Pass Band frequency Insertion Loss at Pass band V.S.W.R at Common Port Low Pass band Low Band Port Band 1710-2170MHz Attenuation Common Port Impedance Low Band Port Pass Band frequency Insertion Loss at Pass band V.S.W.R at Common Port High Pass band High Band Port Band 824-894MHz Attenuation Common Port Impedance High Band Port Isolation at Low Band Isolation at High Band Tentative Specification Typical Data 824 - 960MHz ← 0.27dB Max. (25deg-C) 0.25dB 2.0 Max. 1.2 2.0 Max. 1.2 13.0dB Min. 18.3dB 50 ohm 50 ohm 1710-2170 MHz ← 0.45dB Max. (25deg-C) 0.29dB 2.0 Max. 1.3 2.0 Max. 1.3 19.0dB Min. 27.6dB 50 ohm 50 ohm 19.0dB Min. 27.7dB 13.0dB Min. 19.6dB (1) A (2) (3) W (Top) (6) b a ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ (5) Terminal High Band GND Low Band GND Common GND (4) e Marking Directional Input Mark Mark A T p c2 c1 (Bottom) Mark L W T a b Dimension 2.00 +/-0.15 1.25 +/-0.15 0.90 +/-0.1 0.30 +/-0.20 0.20 +/-0.15 Mark c1 c2 e p Dimension 0.20 +/-0.15 0.20 +/-0.15 0.35 +/-0.20 0.65 +/-0.20 Unit: mm ■ Actual Data 0 -10 データシート Attenuation[dB] -20 -30 -40 Common Port RL -50 Low Band High Band -60 Note : All the specifications are subject to change without notice. Confidential 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 Frequency[MHz] Date: Feb/23/2010 The Example of a Land Pattern Diplexer (FI 212P Series) Electrodes pattern Resist pattern (aperture size) 0.80 0.65 0.78 Low High High Low 0.80 Unit : mm 0.35 Comm Unit : mm Line width be designed to match 50ohm characteristic impedance. Note : All the specifications are subject to change without notice. Confidential Date: Feb/22/2010