HT32F125x Development Board User Manual Revision: V1.20 Date: �������������� April 30, 2012 32-bit ARM Cortex™-M3 MCU HT32 Series Table of Contents 1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 5 Features................................................................................................................................. 6 2 Hardware Placement and Layout........................................................................... 7 Boot Option........................................................................................................................... 11 VBAT Option............................................................................................................................ 11 SWD-20P Port CN4.............................................................................................................. 12 SWD-10P Port CN5.............................................................................................................. 13 RS232 CN2........................................................................................................................... 14 Multi-Interface CN6............................................................................................................... 15 Extension Connectors CN3 & CN7....................................................................................... 16 Mini USB Type B Connector CN1......................................................................................... 17 3 Component Jumpers............................................................................................. 18 4 Schematics............................................................................................................. 19 Rev. 1.20 2 of 22 April 30, 2012 Table of Contents RS232 & USB Mode............................................................................................................. 10 32-bit ARM Cortex™-M3 MCU HT32 Series List of Figures Rev. 1.20 1. HT32F125x Development Board............................................................................................... 5 2. HT32F125x Development Board Block Diagram....................................................................... 7 3. HT32F125x Development Board PCB layout............................................................................ 8 4. HT32F125x Development Board Peripheral Block Diagram..................................................... 9 5. RS232 / USB Jumpers Switch Block Diagram........................................................................ 10 6. SWD-20P Port CN4................................................................................................................. 12 7. SWD-10P Port CN5................................................................................................................. 13 8. RS232 Connector CN2............................................................................................................ 14 9. Multi-Interface CN6.................................................................................................................. 15 10. Extension Connectors CN3 & CN7........................................................................................ 16 11. Mini USB type B Connector CN1........................................................................................... 17 12. MCU, Extension Connectors, Jumpers, SWD and Multi-interface........................................ 20 13. USB, RS232, Jumpers, Potentiometer, LEDs, Flash, EEPROM, Buttons and Buzzer.......... 21 3 of 22 April 30, 2012 List of Figures Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 32-bit ARM Cortex™-M3 MCU HT32 Series List of Tables Rev. 1.20 1. USART Mode Jumpers............................................................................................................. 10 2. Boot Jumpers.............................................................................................................................11 3. VBAT Jumpers..............................................................................................................................11 4. SWD-20P Connector CN4........................................................................................................ 12 5. SWD-10P Connector CN5........................................................................................................ 13 6. RS232 Connector CN2............................................................................................................. 14 7. Multi-Interface Connector CN6.................................................................................................. 15 8. Extension Connector CN3......................................................................................................... 16 9. Extension Connector CN7......................................................................................................... 16 10. Mini USB type B Connector CN1............................................................................................ 17 11. Component Jumpers............................................................................................................... 18 4 of 22 April 30, 2012 List of Tables Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table HT32F125x Development Board User Manual 1 Introduction The HT32F125x development board is designed for the HT32F125x series of microcontrollers. The HT32F125x series of microcontrollers contain a variety of peripheral functions such as high speed SAR A/D Converter, Operational Amplifiers, I2C interface, USART interface, SPI interface, Timer Modules, Watchdog Timer, Real Time Clock, Serial Wire Debug Interface etc.. Figure 1. HT32F125x Development Board Rev. 1.20 5 of 22 April 30, 2012 Introduction The development board is provided with some specific components to assist with device peripheral function operation such as RS232 connector, USB1.1 device controller, EEPROM, potentiometer and so on. HT32F125x Development Board User Manual Features Rev. 1.20 USB1.1 full speed connection – uses HT45B0K 5V power supply: mini USB connector RS232 connector Reset, wakeup and two key buttons Three LEDs I2C-compatible serial interface EEPROM SPI-compatible serial interface Flash SPI and I2C extended interfaces for LCD display application PWM output for Buzzer driving Backup battery Boot from Flash, SRAM or boot loader SWD-10P and SWD-20P serial-wire debug port interface 6 of 22 Introduction ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ April 30, 2012 HT32F125x HT32F125x Board User Manual Development 开发板使用手册 2 2 Hardware Placement and Layout 硬件配置和布局 SPI / I2C Extension I/O Extension-20P BUZZER RS-232 5V-to-3.3V Transceiver JUMPER RS-232 JUMPER HT32F1253 ARM Cortex-M3 Microcontroller SWD-10P SPI FLASH I2C EEPROM 8 MHz 5V-to-3.3V Regulator POWER LED RESET 32.768 kHz HT45B0K SPI-to-USB Bridge Mini-USB I/O Extension-20P SWD-20P CR1220 3V Battery WAKE UP KEY1 KEY2 Figure 2. HT32F125x Development Board Block Diagram 图 2. HT32F125x 开发板方框图 Rev. 1.20 Rev. 1.10 7 of 22 7/22 April 30, 2012 2011-10-24 硬 件配置和Placement 布局 Hardware and Layout VR HT32F125x Development Board User Manual Hardware Placement and Layout Figure 3. HT32F125x Development Board PCB layout Rev. 1.20 8 of 22 April 30, 2012 HT32F125x Development Board User Manual USART DB9 Connector RS232 Transceiver Extension Connector USART SPI to USB Bridge (HT45B0K) 2K bit EEPROM GPIO I2C 3 x LEDs 3 x Buttons HT32F1253 MultiInterface 2M byte Series Flash SPI Potentiometer ADC SWD-10P Connector SWD SWD-20P Connector Figure 4. HT32F125x Development Board Peripheral Block Diagram Rev. 1.20 9 of 22 April 30, 2012 Hardware Placement and Layout Mini USB Connector HT32F125x Development Board User Manual RS232 & USB Mode As the RS232 and USB ports share the same USART interface on the HT32F125x development board, only one of them can be chosen. This is implemented using the J8 & J9 jumpers. For example, to use the USB interface, the J8 and J9 jumpers must first select the USB mode and J4~7 & J24 must also be connected. Additionally, the USART to SPI mode must be configured by software to control the USB bridge (HT45B0K) to implement a USB function. Hardware Placement and Layout SP3232 RS232 Transceiver J8 R1 OUT PA8/USART Rx T1 IN SPI OUT HT32F1253 MCU J9 PA9/USART Tx SPI IN PA1 PA2 PA3 PA7 PA4 HT45B0K SPI to USB Bridge INTB CLKI CSCB SCK D+ Pull-high J4 J5 J6 J7 J24 Figure 5. RS232 / USB Jumpers Switch Block Diagram Table 1. USART Mode Jumpers Jumper Description RS232 mode setting. J9 J8 J9 & J8 USB mode setting - here J4~J7 and J24 also need to be connected for the USB bridge (HT45B0K) control. J9 J8 Rev. 1.20 10 of 22 April 30, 2012 HT32F125x Development Board User Manual Boot Option Table 2. Boot Jumpers Jumper Description Boot loader mode J2 J1 1 Hardware Placement and Layout 0 Boot from the embedded boot loader. SRAM mode J2 J1 1 J1 & J2 0 Boot from the embedded SRAM Main flash mode J2 J1 1 0 Boot from the embedded main flash. BOOT0 (J1) don’t care and BOOT1 (J2) = 1 (default setting) VBAT Option Table 3. VBAT Jumpers Jumper Description VBAT pin is connected to the 3.3V power - default setting VBAT J3 VDD J3 VBAT pin is connected to the 3V CR1220 battery VBAT J3 VDD Rev. 1.20 11 of 22 April 30, 2012 HT32F125x Development Board User Manual SWD-20P Port CN4 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Figure 6. SWD-20P Port CN4 Table 4. SWD-20P Connector CN4 Pin# Rev. 1.20 Description Pin# Description 1 3.3V 2 3.3V 3 NC 4 GND 5 NC 6 GND 7 SWDIO 8 GND 9 SWCLK 10 GND 11 NC 12 GND 13 TRACESWO 14 GND 15 Reset# 16 GND 17 NC 18 GND 19 NC 20 GND 12 of 22 April 30, 2012 Hardware Placement and Layout 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 HT32F125x Development Board User Manual SWD-10P Port CN5 2 4 6 8 10 Figure 7. SWD-10P Port CN5 Table 5. SWD-10P Connector CN5 Pin# Rev. 1.20 Description Pin# Description 1 3.3V 2 SWDIO 3 GND 4 SWCLK 5 GND 6 TRACESWO 7 NC 8 NC 9 GND 10 Reset 13 of 22 April 30, 2012 Hardware Placement and Layout 1 3 5 7 9 HT32F125x Development Board User Manual RS232 CN2 1 2 7 5 4 8 9 Figure 8. RS232 Connector CN2 Table 6. RS232 Connector CN2 Pin# Rev. 1.20 Description Pin# Description 1 Connected to PIN4 6 Connected to PIN1 2 USART_Rx (PA8) 7 Connected to PIN8 3 USART_Tx (PA9) 8 Connected to PIN7 4 Connected to PIN6 9 NC 5 GND 14 of 22 April 30, 2012 Hardware Placement and Layout 6 3 HT32F125x Development Board User Manual Multi-Interface CN6 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Figure 9. Multi-Interface CN6 Table 7. Multi-Interface Connector CN6 Pin# Rev. 1.20 Description Pin# Description 1 3.3V 2 GND 3 PB3 4 NC 5 PB5 6 PB6 7 PB15 8 PB14 9 PB13 10 PA11 11 PA12 12 PB4 13 GND 14 DC5V 15 of 22 April 30, 2012 Hardware Placement and Layout 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 HT32F125x Development Board User Manual Extension Connectors CN3 & CN7 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Figure 10. Extension Connectors CN3 & CN7 Table 8. Extension Connector CN3 Pin# Description Pin# Description 1 GND 2 3.3V 3 PA15 4 PA14 5 PA13 6 PA12 7 PA11 8 PB11 9 PB10 10 PB9 11 PB8 12 PA4 13 PA5 14 PA6 15 PA7 16 PA8 17 PA9 18 PA10 19 DC5V 20 GND Table 9. Extension Connector CN7 Pin# Rev. 1.20 Description Pin# Description 1 GND 2 3.3V 3 PB15 4 PB14 5 PB13 6 PB12 7 PB0 8 PB1 9 PB2 10 PB3 11 PB4 12 PB5 13 PB6 14 PB7 15 PA0 16 PA1 17 PA2 18 PA3 19 DC5V 20 GND 16 of 22 April 30, 2012 Hardware Placement and Layout 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 HT32F125x Development Board User Manual Mini USB Type B Connector CN1 1 2 3 4 5 Table 10. Mini USB type B Connector CN1 Pin# Rev. 1.20 Description Pin# Description 1 USB_5V 2 D- 3 D+ 4 NC 5 GND 6 USB shielding GND 17 of 22 April 30, 2012 Hardware Placement and Layout Figure 11. Mini USB type B Connector CN1 HT32F125x Development Board User Manual 3 Component Jumpers The component jumpers are used to connect up the components. For example, J13 will be connected to LED D3 to allow the LED to be switched on and off by the application program. Table 11. Component Jumpers Jumper# Description J1 PA9 Select boot0 input 0 (low) or 1 (high) J2 PA10 Select boot1 input 0 (low) or 1 (high) J3 VBAT Select VBAT power source (VDD or Battery) J4 PA1 Connected to HT45B0k INTB J5 PA2 Connected to HT45B0k CLKI J6 PA3 Connected to HT45B0k SCSB J7 PA7 Connected to HT45B0k SCK J8 PA8 Switch between RS232 or USB Mode J9 PA9 Switch between RS232 or USB Mode J10 PB10 Connected to wakeup button J11 PB11 Connected to key1 button J12 PA10 Connected to key2 button J13 PA5 Connected to LED (D3) J14 PA6 Connected to LED (D4) J15 PB12 Connected to LED (D5) J16 PA11 Connected to HT24LC16 SCL J17 PA12 Connected to HT24LC16 SDA J18 PB14 Connected to SST25VF016B SO J19 PB15 Connected to SST25VF016B SI J20 PB13 Connected to SST25VF016B SCLK J21 PB7 Connected to SST25VF016B CS J22 PB2 Connected to buzzer J23 PA0 Connected to potentiometer J24 PA4 USB D+ Pull-high control J25 VDD33 MCU 3.3V power input 18 of 22 April 30, 2012 Component Jumpers Rev. 1.20 PIN of HT32F1253 HT32F125x Development Board User Manual 4 Schematics This section shows the complete circuit of the HT32F125x development board: Rev. 1.20 19 of 22 April 30, 2012 Schematics ▀ Figure 12 includes the MCU, Extension Connectors, Jumpers, SWD-10P Connector, SWD-20P Connector and Multi-interface. ▀ Figure 13 includes the USB and RS232 interfaces, Jumpers, Potentiometer, LEDs, Flash, EEPROM, Buttons and Buzzer. C11 2.2uF C10 0.01uF C7 12p R7 12p R6 0 1M C9 0.01uF X2 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 BEAD C8 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CN6 VDD PB3/MRESET L1 R8 0 SWD Connector CN5 Multi-Interface DC5V PB4/IO_D_SHDN PA12/I2C_SDA PA11/I2C_SCL PB13/SPI_SCK PB14/SPI_MISO PB15/SPI_MOSI PB6/IO_D_CSB PB5/IO_PENIRQ MVDD MVDD Multi-Interface 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 BEAD PB0/XTALIN L3 BEAD PB1/XTALOUT L2 PB7/SPI_SEL PB6/IO_D_CSB PB5/IO_PENIRQ PB4/IO_D_SHDN PB3/MRESET PB2/TM_BZ USBGND CRYSTAL RESET R1 10K VSSA_1 VDDA VSS33_1 VDD33_1 PB7 PB6 PB5 PB4 PB3 PB2 VDD18 VDD18 PA9/USART_TX MVDD J2 1 C2 0.1uF C3 4.7uF MVDD PA15/SWO PA14/SWCLK PA13/SWDIO CN4 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 VDD VDD JTREST JTDI JTMS/SWDIO JTCK/SWCLK JTDO/SWO RESET RTCK DBGRQ DBGACK GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND C30 0.1uF DC5V VDD Extension Connector 1 VDD 1 2 3 5 7 9 13 15 11 17 19 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 SWD-20P R14 100 PA13/SWDIO 0.1uF VBAT R3 R4 0 10M R5 0 X1 C5 CRYSTAL C6 10pF DC5V R15 100 R16 100 PA14/SWCLK PA15/SWO VDD 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10pF PB9/XTAL32KOUT 2 C4 PA10/BOOT1/KEY2 PA9/USART_TX PA8/USART_RX PA7/USART_CTS PA6/LED2 PA5/LED1 PA4/USB_PULL PB8/XTAL32KIN PB9/XTAL32KOUT PB10/WAKEUP PB11/KEY1 PA11/I2C_SCL PA12/I2C_SDA J3 PB8/XTAL32KIN 1 3 CR1220 MVDD CN7 CON20 PB10/WAKEUP PB11/KEY1 PA11/I2C_SCL PA12/I2C_SDA RESET VBAT C1 4.7uF PA10/BOOT1/KEY2 BT1 PA13/SWDIO PB15/SPI_MOSI PB14/SPI_MISO PB13/SPI_SCK PB12/LED3 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3 MVDD PA14/SWCLK Extension Connector 2 HT32F1253 R2 10K 2 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 XTALOUT XTALIN PB15 PB14 PB13 PB12 VSS33_3 VSS33_2 VDD33_2 TRACESWO SWCLK SWDIO PA3/SPI_CSB PA2/CLOCKOUT PA1//USB_INT PA0/ADC_POT PB7/SPI_SEL PB6/IO_D_CSB PB5/IO_PENIRQ PB4/IO_D_SHDN PB3/MRESET PB2/TM_BZ PB1/XTALOUT PB0/XTALIN PB12/LED3 PB13/SPI_SCK PB14/SPI_MISO PB15/SPI_MOSI 2 3 VSSA_2 PA0 PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 PA8 BOOT0 BOOT1 PA15/SWO VLDOOUT NC VLDIN VSSLDO nRST VBAT XTAL32KIN XTAL32KOUT RTCOUT PB11 PA11 PA12 MVDD J1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 R26 R27 R28 10K 10K 10K SWD-10P VDD U1 PA0/ADC_POT PA1//USB_INT PA2/CLOCKOUT PA3/SPI_CSB PA4/USB_PULL PA5/LED1 PA6/LED2 PA7/USART_CTS PA8/USART_RX VDD HOLTEK SEMICONDUCTOR INC. CN3 CON20 Title Dtae Figure 12. MCU, Extension Connectors, Jumpers, SWD and Multi-interface Rev. HT32F125x DV Board MCU 2011-03-02 1.2 Sheet 1 of 2 Potentiometer RS-232 Port VDD Flash VDD VDD R29 10K CN2 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 U4 15 8 14 7 13 4 GND R2in T1out T2out R1in C2+ C22 0.1uF 5 VDD 16 C20 DB9 6 9 11 10 12 3 VR2out T1in T2in R1out C- C2- C1+ VCC V+ C23 0.1uF R13 10K VR1 POT1 J23 PA0/ADC_POT PB7/SPI_SEL PB14/SPI_MISO USART_TX U6 SST25VF016B 1 2 3 4 J18 VDD CS SO WP GND EEPROM DC5V C19 0.1uF SP3232 8 7 6 5 R24 4.7K VDD U7 A0 A1 A2 VSS BUZZER USART Mode Jumper SPI_Input USART_TX SPI_Output J8 3 1 J9 3 R30 Buzzer 2 PA8/USART_RX 2 VCC WP SCL SDA 8 7 6 5 J16 PA11/I2C_SCL PA12/I2C_SDA J17 LEDs 0 U8 NPN J22 PA9/USART_TX PB13/SPI_SCK PB15/SPI_MOSI R25 4.7K HT24LC16 1 J20 J19 C28 0.1uF U5 1 2 3 4 D6 DIODE USART_RX C29 0.1uF VDD 2 0.1uF VDD VCC HOLD SCLK SI USART_RX C21 0.1uF 1 J21 PB2/TM_BZ VDD D3 R32 4.7K VDD R31 PA5/LED1 560 D4 VDD J14 R22 10K USB Bridge J13 R21 Green_LED D5 VDD PA6/LED2 560 Yellow_LED J15 R23 Green_LED PB12/LED3 560 U3 C16 47p R11 33 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 C18 0.1uF USBDN USBDP R12 33 C17 47p R33 1.5K VSS VDD VDD UDN UDP V33O NC SDO NC VSS INT CLKI SCS SCK NC SDI J4 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PA1//USB_INT VDD J5 PA2/CLOCKOUT J6 PA3/SPI_CSB PA7/USART_CTS J7 B1 SPI_Output Buttons R18 100k C24 0.01uF PB10/WAKEUP Wakeup HT45B0K VDD J11 R19 100k PB11/KEY1 J12 R20 100k PA10/BOOT1/KEY2 J10 RESET SPI_Input J24 B2 PA4/USB_PULL R17 100k USB Port 1 2 3 4 5 6 USBDN USBDP USBGND C26 0.01uF B4 C27 0.01uF Reset D1 5.6V R9 1M U2 DC5V C13 + 100uF VIN 3 HT1117-33 C14 0.1uF 1 VCC DD+ ID GND SHELL B3 Key2 MVDD F1 POLYFUSE CN1 Key1 C25 0.01uF VOUT 2 C15 10uF GND/ADJ J25 VDD R10 560 D2 HOLTEK SEMICONDUCTOR INC. Title Rev. HT32F125x DV Board Peripherals USB-MINI 1.2 Red_LED C12 0.1uF Figure 13. USB, RS232, Jumpers, Potentiometer, LEDs, Flash, EEPROM, Buttons and Buzzer Dtae 2011-03-02 Sheet 2 of 2 HT32F125x Development Board User Manual Schematics Holtek Semiconductor Inc. (Headquarters) No.3, Creation Rd. II, Science Park, Hsinchu, Taiwan Tel: 886-3-563-1999 Fax: 886-3-563-1189 Holtek Semiconductor Inc. (Taipei Sales Office) 4F-2, No. 3-2, YuanQu St., Nankang Software Park, Taipei 115, Taiwan Tel: 886-2-2655-7070 Fax: 886-2-2655-7373 Fax: 886-2-2655-7383 (International sales hotline) Holtek Semiconductor Inc. (Shenzhen Sales Office) 5F, Unit A, Productivity Building, No.5 Gaoxin M 2nd Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China 518057 Tel: 86-755-8616-9908, 86-755-8616-9308 Fax: 86-755-8616-9722 Holtek Semiconductor (USA), Inc. (North America Sales Office) 46729 Fremont Blvd., Fremont, CA 94538, USA Tel: 1-510-252-9880 Fax: 1-510-252-9885 Copyright© 2012 by HOLTEK SEMICONDUCTOR INC. The information appearing in this Data Sheet is believed to be accurate at the time of publication. However, Holtek assumes no responsibility arising from the use of the specifications described. The applications mentioned herein are used solely for the purpose of illustration and Holtek makes no warranty or representation that such applications will be suitable without further modification, nor recommends the use of its products for application that may present a risk to human life due to malfunction or otherwise. Holtek's products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems. Holtek reserves the right to alter its products without prior notification. For the most up-to-date information, please visit our web site at Rev. 1.20 22 of 22 April 30, 2012