Spectrum Microwave / RF Solutions Division 23 North Division Street Auburn, NY 13021 Tel: 315/237-6600 Fax: 315/253-6247 www.apitech.com Digitally Controlled Crystal Oscillator (MIS-20079/26) The /26 Digitally Controlled Crystal Oscillator (DCXO) combines the frequency stability of a crystal oscillator source with the flexibility of Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) in a temperature controlled housing to provide a highly accurate output signal. The output frequency of 70.2 MHz ± 140 KHz is controlled by a 16 bit binary work supplied from an external source to control the frequency. SPECIFICATIONS Output frequency ........................... 70 Mhz Frequency Deviation .................. ± 140 Khz Frequency Increment ................. 4.2735 Hz Output Power ..........................9 ± 0.8 dBm Long Term Stability ............± 1.5x10 -6/yr. Phase noise ........................ >138dB/10KHz Isolation........................................... ≥40 db Spurious Levels ............................. ≥84 dBc Mech freq. Adjustment ......... ± 5 ppm min. Operating Temp Range .......... -20º to 60º C For more information contact API Technologies 23 N. Division Street Auburn, NY 13021 Phone (315) 237-6600 Fax (315) 253-6247