RF compon nents Min niaturize ed low-pass fillter for LTE L • Mo ore than 50 percent sm maller than e existing pro oducts and equal e or bettter perform mance • En nables low-p profile desig gns and mo odule integra ation Janu uary 22, 201 15 TDK Corporation presents a new multtilayer low-p pass filter fo or LTE and oother next-g generation high--speed wire eless communication syystems. Tha anks to thin nner ceramicc layers, fin ner cond ductor lines and an optiimized interrnal electrod de design, the t new filteer with orde ering code DEA A071910LT-4 4003B1 ach hieves a mi niaturized footprint f of 0.65 0 mm x 00.5 mm and d a slimmerr inserrtion height of just 0.3 mm m (form fa actor of 065 505) to enab ble low-proffile designs and modu ule integration. As a re esult, the ne ew multilaye er low-pass filter is morre than 50 percent p smalller than pre evious comp ponents witth a conventional case size of IEC C 1005 (1.0 mm x 0.5 mm x 0.4 mm). At the same e time it offe ers equal or even supe erior insertioon loss and atten nuation perfformance. For F example e, the maxim mum insertion loss in thhe 1.71 GH Hz to 1.91 GHz range e is just 0.55 5 dB, while the minimum attenuation in the raange of 5.13 3 GHz to 5.73 GHz is 20 dB. Mass production p o of the new lo ow-pass filte er started inn January 2015. 2 The new DEA07 71910LT-40 003B1 multiilayer low-p pass filter ha as an operaating temperature range e of -40°C to t +85°C an nd is suitablle for use in n the RF circ cuitry of sm martphones, tablets and o other mobile devices fo or LTE. ----ns Main application F circuitry in smartphones s s, tablets and d other mobile devices fo or LTE and oother next-generation • RF hig gh-speed wirreless communication sysstems nd benefits Main features an olume more than t 50 perce ent smaller tthan existing products and equal or beetter perform mance • Vo • Miniaturized footprint and in nsertion heig ght enable low-profile des signs and moodule integra ation data Key d Type e DEA0 071910LT4003B1 Dimensio ons [mm] Typical fo ootprint: 0.65 x 0.5 5 Max. inse ertion height:: 0.3 Max. insertion loss s [dB] Min n. attenuatio on [dB] at 1.71 to 1.91 GHz at 33.42 to 3.822 GHz at a 5.13 to 5.73 5 GHz 0.55 30 20 2 ----- TDK C Corporation 1/ 2 Abou ut TDK Corp poration TDK Corporation is a leading electronics ccompany bas sed in Tokyo o, Japan. It w was establish hed in 1935 to com mmercialize ferrite, a key y material in electronic an nd magnetic products. TD DK's portfolio o includes electrronic components, modules and syste ems* marketted under the e product braands TDK an nd EPCOS, powe er supplies, magnetic m app plication prod ducts as well as energy devices, d flashh memory ap pplication devicces, and othe ers. TDK focu uses on dem manding mark kets in the arreas of inform mation and comm munication te echnology an nd consumerr, automotive e and industrial electroniccs. The comp pany has a netwo ork of design n and manufa acturing loca ations and sa ales offices in n Asia, Europpe, and in No orth and South h America. In n fiscal 2014, TDK posted d total sales of USD 9.6 billion and em mployed abo out 83,000 people worldwide e. * The product portfo olio includes ceramic, c alumiinum electroly ytic and film ca apacitors, ferrittes, inductors, highency compone ents such as surface s acousttic wave (SAW W) filter produc cts and modulles, piezo and protection freque compo onents, and sensors. ----ad this text an nd associate ed images fro om You ccan downloa www.global.tdk.co om/news_ce enter/press/2 20150122162 22.htm. ----gional media a Conttacts for reg Regio on Contact Japan n Mr. Yoicchi OSUGA ASEA AN Ms. Jian ng MAN Mr. Sho ota KANZAKI Greate er China a Ms. Clover XU Europ pe Mr. Fran nk TRAMPNAU U Ameriica Ms. Sarra M. LAMBETH TDK C Corporation TDK Corpo oration Tokyo, Jap pan TDK Singa apore (Pte) Ltd d. Singapore e TDK China a Co., Ltd. Shanghai, China TDK Europ pe GmbH Duesseldo orf, Germany TDK Corpo oration of Ame erica Irving, TX, USA Phone Mail +813 6852-7102 [email protected] m +65 6273 5022 asean.inquiry@ @sg.tdk.com +86 21 61962307 [email protected] m +49 211 9077 127 [email protected] m +1 972-409-4519 sara.lambeth@ @us.tdk.com 2/ 2