PAC-005 Recommended Temperature Profile For Soldering AOS Product With Lead Free Solder For AOS internal reliability precondition profile see Appendix A DO NOT COPY WITHOUT ANY AUTHORIZATION OF ALPHA & OMEGA SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. TITLE: Soldering Temperature Profile of AOS Product with Lead free solder 1 PURPOSE This document defines the recommendation of soldering temperature profiles for all the Alpha & Omega Semiconductor (AOS) products. Using temperature and time duration not to exceed these conditions will prevent damage to the parts during the mounting processes, and also help to ensure the quality and reliability of AOS parts. 2 SCOPE This procedure is applicable to all of AOS product/packages that are required to perform soldering on to PCB (Printed circuit board) 3 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS JESD22-A113,Preconditioning of Nonhermetic Surface Mount Devices Prior to Reliability Testing IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020D , Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices 4 GENERAL Soldering profile is used in PCB assembly. Since different system, different components and different solder are used by different customer, the optimum soldering condition to insure the solder integrity and reliability can only be determined by user (customer). The recommended soldering profiles reflect the common range used by PCB assembly process which has less thermal stresses than our reliability qualification precondition. This will insure the long term reliability of usage of AOS parts. During the reliability qualification, AOS parts are subject to very severe condition in accordance with the IPC/JEDEC J-STD-20D document (see profile in Appendix A), which involves one week moisture absorption in 85 ºC and 85% relative humidity follow by three solder reflows simulation for >=30 sec at peak temperature between 255 ºC and 260 ºC. By using temperature and time duration not to exceed these recommended conditions will be obviously not damage AOS parts. DO NOT COPY WITHOUT ANY AUTHORIZATION OF ALPHA & OMEGA SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. 5 Reecommend ded Solderring Profille 5.1 Reflow R Sold dering Proffile: Profille Featuree Requirem ment 1. Ram mp up 1-4 ºC/seecond 2. Soakk 150 ºC~2200 ºC 60-180 seeconds 3. Ram mp up to peeak 1-4ºC/seccond 4. Peak k soak * 245~260 ºC 10 seconds max 5. Ram mp-down Rate R 1~6 ºC/seecond maxx. * Maxximum therrmal excurrsion allow wed during the reflow w assembly y is as folloow: Tempeerature: 2555 ºC ~ 260 2 ºC Duratiion at peakk soak: 30 sec Numbber of reflow: 3 5.2 Wave W Soldeering Profiile: 5.2.1 Proffile Profille Featuree 1. Prehheat - Ramp p up rate 2. Soakk - Tempprature: - Timee: 3.Rampp up -Rampp up rate 4. Peak k - Peak package body b tempeerature - Timee 5. Rampp down: - Rampp down rate: R Recommen nded Cond dition 1-7 ºC/seco ond 110ºC rampp to 140ºC 660-120 secoonds ~ ~150 ºC/secc 2245 ºC to 260 ºC 10 seconds max. For ddual wave also 1-7 ºC/seco ond 5.2.2 Leadless Device Assembled on the back side of PCB By and large wave soldering is for through hole device assemble. Leadless device is not recommended to be assemble on the backside of the PCB, however if customer has needs to do so, care needs to be exercised. Then the thermal stress from this wave solder profile is allowed. If the device is to be attached by surface mount reflow first on the backside, then the special holding fixture needs to be used to prevent the device from falling into the wave soldering bath. If the device is attached on the backside with adhesive it is customer’s responsibility to insure that it will not dropped during the wave soldering process. Device with heat sink on the backside, it is recommended that no more than 50% of the area will be blocked by adhesive. It is customer’s responsibility to do the thermal and electrical characterization to insure the system integrity. 5.3 Hand Soldering: Not recommended for mass production, for engineering project or re-work it is allowed. It should be used with cautious. Parameters Tip Temperature Time* Recommended Condition 350 ±10 ºC 3 seconds *Maximum duration is 5 seconds DO NOT COPY WITHOUT ANY AUTHORIZATION OF ALPHA & OMEGA SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. Appendix A AOS internal reflow profile for reliability test precondition is as follow: Profile Feature Condition Preheat & Soak - Temperature Min (TS(min)): - Temperature Max (TS(min)): - Time (min to max)(ts): 150 ºC 200 ºC 60-120 seconds Average ramp-up rate (Tsmax to Tp) 3 ºC/second max Liquidous Temperature (TL): Time (tL): 217 ºC 60-150 seconds Peak Package body Temperature(Tp)*: See IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 for detail Tp must equal to or exceed the Classification Temperature. Typically Tp = 260 ºC Time tp within 5ºC of specified classification temperature (TC): 30 seconds min. Ramp-down Rate (Tp to Tsmax) : 6 ºC/second max. Time 25 ºC to Peak Temp. : 8 minutes max DO NOT COPY WITHOUT ANY AUTHORIZATION OF ALPHA & OMEGA SEMICONDUCTOR, INC.