REJ09B0162-0110 16/32 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Hardware Manual RENESAS 16/32-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER M16C FAMILY / M32C/80 SERIES Before using this material, please visit our website to verify that this is the most current document available. Rev. 1.10 Revision Date: Oct. 18, 2005 Keep safety first in your circuit designs! 1. Renesas Technology Corp. puts the maximum effort into making semiconductor products better and more reliable, but there is always the possibility that trouble may occur with them. Trouble with semiconductors may lead to personal injury, fire or property damage. Remember to give due consideration to safety when making your circuit designs, with appropriate measures such as (i) placement of substitutive, auxiliary circuits, (ii) use of nonflammable material or (iii) prevention against any malfunction or mishap. Notes regarding these materials 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. These materials are intended as a reference to assist our customers in the selection of the Renesas Technology Corp. product best suited to the customer's application; they do not convey any license under any intellectual property rights, or any other rights, belonging to Renesas Technology Corp. or a third party. Renesas Technology Corp. assumes no responsibility for any damage, or infringement of any third-party's rights, originating in the use of any product data, diagrams, charts, programs, algorithms, or circuit application examples contained in these materials. All information contained in these materials, including product data, diagrams, charts, programs and algorithms represents information on products at the time of publication of these materials, and are subject to change by Renesas Technology Corp. without notice due to product improvements or other reasons. It is therefore recommended that customers contact Renesas Technology Corp. or an authorized Renesas Technology Corp. product distributor for the latest product information before purchasing a product listed herein. The information described here may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Renesas Technology Corp. assumes no responsibility for any damage, liability, or other loss rising from these inaccuracies or errors. Please also pay attention to information published by Renesas Technology Corp. by various means, including the Renesas Technology Corp. Semiconductor home page (http:// When using any or all of the information contained in these materials, including product data, diagrams, charts, programs, and algorithms, please be sure to evaluate all information as a total system before making a final decision on the applicability of the information and products. Renesas Technology Corp. assumes no responsibility for any damage, liability or other loss resulting from the information contained herein. Renesas Technology Corp. semiconductors are not designed or manufactured for use in a device or system that is used under circumstances in which human life is potentially at stake. Please contact Renesas Technology Corp. or an authorized Renesas Technology Corp. product distributor when considering the use of a product contained herein for any specific purposes, such as apparatus or systems for transportation, vehicular, medical, aerospace, nuclear, or undersea repeater use. The prior written approval of Renesas Technology Corp. is necessary to reprint or reproduce in whole or in part these materials. If these products or technologies are subject to the Japanese export control restrictions, they must be exported under a license from the Japanese government and cannot be imported into a country other than the approved destination. Any diversion or reexport contrary to the export control laws and regulations of Japan and/ or the country of destination is prohibited. Please contact Renesas Technology Corp. for further details on these materials or the products contained therein. How to Use This Manual 1. Introduction This hardware manual provides detailed information on the M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) microcomputer. Users are expected to have basic knowledge of electric circuits, logical circuits and microcomputers. 2. Register Diagram The symbols, and descriptions, used for bit function in each register are shown below. XXX Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 *1 b1 b0 0 0 Symbol XXX Address After Reset XXX 0016 Bit Name Bit Symbol Function RW *2 b1 b0 XXX0 XXX bit XXX1 (b2) 0 0: XXX 0 1: XXX 1 0: Do not set a value 1 1: XXX RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. Reserved bit (b4 - b3) Set to "0" *3 WO *4 XXX5 XXX bit Function varies depending on mode of operation RW RW XXX6 XXX7 RW XXX bit 0: XXX 1: XXX RO *1 Blank:Set to "0" or "1" according to the application 0: Set to "0" 1: Set to "1" X: Nothing is assigned *2 RW: RO: WO: –: Read and write Read only Write only Nothing is assigned *3 • Reserved bit Reserved bit. Set to specified value. *4 • Nothing is assigned Nothing is assigned to the bit concerned. As the bit may be use for future functions, set to "0" when writing to this bit. • Do not set a value The operation is not guaranteed when a value is set. • Function varies depending on mode of operation Bit function varies depending on peripheral function mode. Refer to respective register for each mode. 3. M16C Family Documents The following documents were prepared for the M16C family. (1) Document Short Sheet Data Sheet Hardware Manual Contents Hardware overview Hardware overview and electrical characteristics Hardware specifications (pin assignments, memory maps, peripheral specifications, electrical characteristics, timing charts) Software Manual Detailed description of assembly instructions and microcomputer performance of each instruction Application Note • Application examples of peripheral functions • Sample programs • Introduction to the basic functions in the M16C family • Programming method with Assembly and C languages RENESAS TECHNICAL UPDATE Preliminary report about the specification of a product, a document, etc. NOTES : 1. Before using this material, please visit the our website to verify that this is the most current document available. Table of Contents Quick Reference by Address _______________________ 1 1. Overview _____________________________________ 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Applications ................................................................................................................ 1 Performance Overview .............................................................................................. 2 Block Diagram ............................................................................................................ 4 Product Information ................................................................................................... 5 Pin Assignment .......................................................................................................... 7 Pin Description ......................................................................................................... 14 2. Central Processing Unit (CPU) __________________ 17 2.1 General Registers .................................................................................................... 18 2.1.1 Data Registers (R0, R1, R2 and R3) ................................................................. 18 2.1.2 Address Registers (A0 and A1) ....................................................................... 18 2.1.3 Static Base Register (SB) ................................................................................. 18 2.1.4 Frame Base Register (FB) ................................................................................ 18 2.1.5 Program Counter (PC) ...................................................................................... 18 2.1.6 Interrupt Table Register (INTB) ........................................................................ 18 2.1.7 User Stack Pointer (USP), Interrupt Stack Pointer (ISP) ............................... 18 2.1.8 Flag Register (FLG) ........................................................................................... 18 2.2 High-Speed Interrupt Registers .............................................................................. 19 2.3 DMAC-Associated Registers ................................................................................... 19 3. Memory _____________________________________ 20 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs)_______________ 21 5. Reset _______________________________________ 45 5.1 Hardware Reset 1 ..................................................................................................... 45 5.1.1 Reset on a Stable Supply Voltage .................................................................... 45 5.1.2 Power-on Reset .................................................................................................. 45 5.2 Software Reset ......................................................................................................... 47 5.3 Watchdog Timer Reset ............................................................................................ 47 5.4 Internal Space ........................................................................................................... 47 6. Cold Start-up/Warm Start-up Determine Function __ 48 7. Processor Mode ______________________________ 50 7.1 Types of Processor Mode ........................................................................................ 50 7.2 Setting of Processor Mode ...................................................................................... 50 A-1 8. Clock Generation Circuit _______________________ 54 8.1 Types of the Clock Generation Circuit ................................................................... 54 8.1.1 Main Clock ......................................................................................................... 63 8.1.2 Sub Clock .......................................................................................................... 64 8.1.3 On-Chip Oscillator Clock ................................................................................. 65 8.1.4 PLL Clock .......................................................................................................... 67 8.2 CPU Clock and BCLK .............................................................................................. 68 8.3 Peripheral Function Clock ....................................................................................... 68 8.3.1 f1, f8, f32 and f2n ......................................................................................................................... 68 8.3.2 fAD .................................................................................................................................................... 68 8.3.3 fC32 ................................................................................................................................................... 69 8.3.4 fCAN .................................................................................................................................................. 69 8.4 Clock Output Function ............................................................................................ 69 8.5 Power Consumption Control .................................................................................. 70 8.5.1 Normal Operating Mode ................................................................................... 70 8.5.2 Wait Mode .......................................................................................................... 71 8.5.3 Stop Mode .......................................................................................................... 73 8.6 System Clock Protect Function .............................................................................. 77 9. Protection ___________________________________ 78 10. Interrupts___________________________________ 79 10.1 Types of Interrupts ................................................................................................. 79 10.2 Software Interrupts ................................................................................................ 80 10.2.1 Undefined Instruction Interrupt ..................................................................... 80 10.2.2 Overflow Interrupt ........................................................................................... 80 10.2.3 BRK Interrupt .................................................................................................. 80 10.2.4 BRK2 Interrupt ................................................................................................ 80 10.2.5 INT Instruction Interrupt ................................................................................. 80 10.3 Hardware Interrupts ............................................................................................... 81 10.3.1 Special Interrupts ............................................................................................ 81 10.3.2 Peripheral Function Interrupt ........................................................................ 81 10.4 High-Speed Interrupt ............................................................................................. 82 10.5 Interrupts and Interrupt Vectors ........................................................................... 82 10.5.1 Fixed Vector Tables ........................................................................................ 83 10.5.2 Relocatable Vector Tables .............................................................................. 83 10.6 Interrupt Request Acknowledgement ................................................................... 86 10.6.1 I Flag and IPL ................................................................................................... 86 10.6.2 Interrupt Control Register and RLVL Register ............................................. 86 10.6.3 Interrupt Sequence ......................................................................................... 90 A-2 10.6.4 Interrupt Response Time ................................................................................ 91 10.6.5 IPL Change when Interrupt Request is Acknowledged ............................... 92 10.6.6 Saving a Register ............................................................................................ 93 10.6.7 Restoration from Interrupt Routine ............................................................... 93 10.6.8 Interrupt Priority .............................................................................................. 94 10.6.9 Interrupt Priority Level Select Circuit ........................................................... 94 ______ 10.7 INT Interrupt ............................................................................................................ 96 ______ 10.8 NMI Interrupt ........................................................................................................... 97 10.9 Key Input Interrupt ................................................................................................. 97 10.10 Address Match Interrupt ...................................................................................... 98 10.11 Intelligent I/O Interrupt and CAN Interrupt ......................................................... 99 11. Watchdog Timer ____________________________ 103 11.1 Count Source Protection Mode ........................................................................... 106 12. DMAC_____________________________________ 107 12.1 Transfer Cycle ...................................................................................................... 114 12.1.1 Effect of Source and Destination Addresses ............................................. 114 12.1.2 Effect of Software Wait State ....................................................................... 114 12.2 DMAC Transfer Cycle ........................................................................................... 116 12.3 Channel Priority and DMA Transfer Timing ....................................................... 116 13. DMAC II ___________________________________ 118 13.1 DMAC II Settings .................................................................................................. 118 13.1.1 RLVL Register................................................................................................ 118 13.1.2 DMAC II Index ................................................................................................ 120 13.1.3 Interrupt Control Register for the Peripheral Function ............................. 122 13.1.4 Relocatable Vector Table for the Peripheral Function ............................... 122 13.1.5 IRLT Bit in the IIOiIE Register (i=0 to 6, 8 to 11) ......................................... 122 13.2 DMAC II Performance .......................................................................................... 122 13.3 Transfer Data ........................................................................................................ 122 13.3.1 Memory-to-memory Transfer ....................................................................... 122 13.3.2 Immediate Data Transfer .............................................................................. 123 13.3.3 Calculation Transfer ..................................................................................... 123 13.4 Transfer Modes ..................................................................................................... 123 13.4.1 Single Transfer .............................................................................................. 123 13.4.2 Burst Transfer ............................................................................................... 123 13.5 Multiple Transfer .................................................................................................. 123 13.6 Chained Transfer .................................................................................................. 124 13.7 End-of-Transfer Interrupt ..................................................................................... 124 13.8 Execution Time ..................................................................................................... 125 A-3 14. Timer _____________________________________ 126 14.1 Timer A .................................................................................................................. 128 14.1.1 Timer Mode .................................................................................................... 134 14.1.2 Event Counter Mode ..................................................................................... 136 14.1.3 One-Shot Timer Mode ................................................................................... 140 14.1.4 Pulse Width Modulation Mode ..................................................................... 142 14.2 Timer B .................................................................................................................. 145 14.2.1 Timer Mode .................................................................................................... 148 14.2.2 Event Counter Mode ..................................................................................... 149 14.2.3 Pulse Period/Pulse Width Measurement Mode .......................................... 151 15. Three-Phase Motor Control Timer Functions ____ 154 16. Serial I/O __________________________________ 165 16.1 Clock Synchronous Serial I/O Mode .................................................................. 175 16.1.1 Selecting CLK Polarity Selecting ................................................................ 179 16.1.2 Selecting LSB First or MSB First ................................................................. 179 16.1.3 Continuous Receive Mode ........................................................................... 180 16.1.4 Serial Data Logic Inverse ............................................................................. 180 16.2 Clock Asynchronous Serial I/O (UART) Mode ................................................... 181 16.2.1 Bit Rate .......................................................................................................... 185 16.2.2 Selecting LSB First or MSB First ................................................................. 186 16.2.3 Serial Data Logic Inverse ............................................................................. 186 16.2.4 TxD and RxD I/O Polarity Inverse ................................................................ 187 16.3 Special Mode 1 (I2C Mode) .................................................................................. 188 16.3.1 Detecting Start Condition and Stop Condition .......................................... 194 16.3.2 Start Condition or Stop Condition Output .................................................. 194 16.3.3 Arbitration ...................................................................................................... 196 16.3.4 Transfer Clock ............................................................................................... 196 16.3.5 SDA Output .................................................................................................... 196 16.3.6 SDA Input ....................................................................................................... 197 16.3.7 ACK, NACK .................................................................................................... 197 16.3.8 Transmit and Receive Reset ........................................................................ 197 16.4 Special Mode 2 ..................................................................................................... 198 ______ 16.4.1 SSi Input Pin Function (i=0 to 4) .................................................................. 201 16.4.2 Clock Phase Setting Function ..................................................................... 202 16.5 Special Mode 3 (GCI Mode) ................................................................................. 204 16.6 Special Mode 4 (IE Mode) .................................................................................... 208 A-4 16.7 Special Mode 5 (SIM Mode) ................................................................................. 212 16.7.1 Parity Error Signal ........................................................................................ 216 16.7.2 Format ............................................................................................................ 217 17. A/D Converter ______________________________ 218 17.1 Mode Description ................................................................................................. 226 17.1.1 One-shot Mode .............................................................................................. 226 17.1.2 Repeat Mode .................................................................................................. 227 17.1.3 Single Sweep Mode ...................................................................................... 228 17.1.4 Repeat Sweep Mode 0 .................................................................................. 229 17.1.5 Repeat Sweep Mode 1 .................................................................................. 230 17.1.6 Multi-Port Single Sweep Mode ..................................................................... 231 17.1.7 Multi-Port Repeat Sweep Mode 0 ................................................................ 232 17.2 Functions .............................................................................................................. 233 17.2.1 Resolution Select Function .......................................................................... 233 17.2.2 Sample and Hold Function ........................................................................... 233 17.2.3 Trigger Select Function ................................................................................ 233 17.2.4 DMAC Operating Mode ................................................................................. 233 17.2.5 Extended Analog Input Pins ........................................................................ 234 17.2.6 External Operating Amplifier (Op-Amp) Connection Mode....................... 234 17.2.7 Power Consumption Reducing Function ................................................... 235 17.2.8 Output Impedance of Sensor Equivalent Circuit under A/D Conversion ... 235 18. 19. 20. 21. D/A Converter ______________________________ CRC Calculation ____________________________ X/Y Conversion _____________________________ Intelligent I/O_______________________________ 237 240 242 245 21.1 Base Timer ............................................................................................................ 254 21.2 Time Measurement Function............................................................................... 259 21.3 Waveform Generating Function .......................................................................... 264 21.3.1 Single-Phase Waveform Output Mode ........................................................ 265 21.3.2 Phase-Delayed Waveform Output Mode ..................................................... 267 21.3.3 Set/Reset Waveform Output (SR Waveform Output) Mode ....................... 269 21.4 Communication Unit 0 and 1 Communication Function .................................. 272 21.4.1 Clock Synchronous Serial I/O Mode (Communication Units 0 and 1) ..... 282 21.4.2 Clock Asynchronous Serial I/O (UART) Mode (Communication Unit 1) .. 286 21.4.3 HDLC Data Processing Mode (Communication Units 0 and 1) ................ 289 A-5 22. CAN Module _______________________________ 292 22.1 CAN-Associated Registers .................................................................................. 296 22.1.1 CANi Control Register 0 (CiCTLR0 Register) (i=0 to 2) ............................. 296 22.1.2 CANi Control Register 1 (CiCTLR1 Register) (i=0 to 2) ............................. 299 22.1.3 CANi Sleep Control Register (CiSLPR Register) (i=0 to 2) ....................... 300 22.1.4 CANi Status Register (CiSTR Register) (i=0 to 2) ...................................... 301 22.1.5 CANi Extended ID Register (CiIDR Register) (i=0 to 2) ............................. 304 22.1.6 CANi Configuration Register (CiCONR Register) (i=0 to 2) ...................... 305 22.1.7 CANi Baud Rate Prescaler (CiBRP Register) (i=0 to 2) ............................. 307 22.1.8 CANi Time Stamp Register (CiTSR Register) (i=0 to 2) ............................. 308 22.1.10 CANi Receive Error Count Register (CiREC Register) (i=0 to 2) ............ 309 22.1.9 CANi Transmit Error Count Register (CiTEC Register) (i=0 to 2) ............. 309 22.1.11 CANi Slot Interrupt Status Register (CiSISTR Register) (i=0 to 2).......... 310 22.1.12 CANi Slot Interrupt Mask Register (CiSIMKR Register) (i=0 to 2) .......... 312 22.1.13 CANi Error Interrupt Mask Register (CiEIMKR Register) (i=0 to 2) ........ 313 22.1.14 CANi Error Interrupt Status Register (CiEISTR Register) (i=0 to 2) ....... 314 22.1.15 CANi Error Factor Register (CiEFR Register) (i=0 to 2) .......................... 315 22.1.16 CANi Mode Register (CiMDR Register) (i=0 to 2) ..................................... 316 22.1.17 CANi Single-Shot Control Register (CiSSCTLR Register) (i=0 to 2) ...... 318 22.1.18 CANi Single-Shot Status Register (CiSSSTR Register) (i=0 to 2) .......... 319 22.1.19 CANi Global Mask Register, CANi Local Mask Register A and CANi Local Mask Register B (CiGMRk, CiLMARk and CiLMBRk Registers) (i=0 to 2, k=0 to 4) ... 320 22.1.20 CANi Message Slot j Control Register (CiMCTLj Register) (i=0 to 2, j=0 to 15). 327 22.1.21 CANi Slot Buffer Select Register (CiSBS Register) (i=0 to 2) ................. 331 22.1.22 CANi Message Slot Buffer j (i=0 to 2, j=0,1) .............................................. 332 22.1.23 CANi Acceptance Filter Support Register (CiAFS Register) (i=0 to 2) ... 336 22.2 CAN Clock ............................................................................................................. 337 22.2.1 Main Clock Direct Mode ............................................................................... 337 22.3 Timing with CAN-Associated Registers ............................................................. 338 22.3.1 CAN Module Reset Timing ........................................................................... 338 22.3.2 CAN Transmit Timing ................................................................................... 338 22.3.3 CAN Receive Timing ..................................................................................... 339 22.3.4 CAN Bus Error Timing .................................................................................. 340 22.4 CAN Interrupts ...................................................................................................... 340 22.4.1 CANi Wake-Up Interrupt ............................................................................... 340 22.4.2 CANij Interrupts ............................................................................................ 341 22.5 CAN0/CAN2 Combination Mode ......................................................................... 344 22.5.1 Notes for CAN0/CAN2 Combination Mode ................................................. 345 A-6 23. Programmable I/O Ports _____________________ 346 23.1 Port Pi Direction Register (PDi Register, i=0 to 15)........................................... 346 23.2 Port Pi Register (Pi Register, i=0 to 15) .............................................................. 346 23.3 Function Select Register Aj (PSj Register) (j=0 to 3, 5, 8, 9) ............................ 346 23.4 Function Select Register B0 to B3 (PSL0 to PSL3 Registers) ......................... 346 23.5 Function Select Register C, C2, C3 (PSC, PSC2, PSC3 Registers) ................. 346 23.6 Function Select Register D (PSD1 Register) ..................................................... 347 23.7 Pull-up Control Register 0 to 4 (PUR0 to PUR4 Registers) .............................. 347 23.8 Port Control Register (PCR Register) ................................................................ 347 23.9 Input Function Select Register (IPS and IPSA Registers) ................................ 347 23.10 Analog Input and Other Peripheral Function Input ......................................... 347 24. Flash Memory Version _______________________ 369 24.1 Memory Map ......................................................................................................... 370 24.1.1 Boot Mode ..................................................................................................... 371 24.2 Functions to Prevent Rewriting of Flash Memory ............................................ 371 24.2.1 ROM Code Protect Function ........................................................................ 371 24.2.2 ID Code Verify Function ............................................................................... 371 24.3 CPU Rewrite Mode ............................................................................................... 373 24.3.1 EW Mode 0 ..................................................................................................... 373 24.3.2 EW Mode 1 ..................................................................................................... 373 24.3.3 Flash Memory Control Register (FMR0 Register and FMR1 Register) .... 374 24.3.4 Precautions in CPU Rewrite Mode .............................................................. 380 24.3.5 Software Commands .................................................................................... 382 24.3.6 Data Protect Function ................................................................................... 388 24.3.7 Status Register (SRD Register) ................................................................... 388 24.3.8 Full Status Check .......................................................................................... 390 24.4 Standard Serial I/O Mode ..................................................................................... 392 24.4.1 ID Code Verify Function ............................................................................... 392 24.4.2 Circuit Application in Standard Serial I/O Mode ........................................ 396 24.5 Parallel I/O Mode .................................................................................................. 398 24.5.1 Boot ROM Area.............................................................................................. 398 24.5.2 ROM Code Protect Function ........................................................................ 398 25. Electrical Characteristics ____________________ 399 26. Precautions ________________________________ 411 26.1 Special Function Registers (SFRs) .................................................................... 411 26.1.1 100-Pin Package ............................................................................................ 411 26.1.2 Register Settings .......................................................................................... 411 A-7 26.2 Clock Generation Circuit ..................................................................................... 412 26.2.1 CPU Clock...................................................................................................... 412 26.2.2 Sub Clock ...................................................................................................... 412 26.2.3 PLL Frequency Synthesizer ......................................................................... 413 26.2.4 External Clock ............................................................................................... 413 26.2.5 Clock Divide Ratio ........................................................................................ 413 26.2.6 Power Consumption Control ....................................................................... 413 26.3 Protection ............................................................................................................. 416 26.4 Interrupts .............................................................................................................. 417 26.4.1 ISP Setting ..................................................................................................... 417 _______ 26.4.2 NMI Interrupt .................................................................................................. 417 ______ 26.4.3 INT Interrupt .................................................................................................. 417 26.4.4 Watchdog Timer Interrupt ............................................................................ 418 26.4.5 Changing Interrupt Control Register .......................................................... 418 26.4.6 Changing IIOiIR Register (i = 0 to 6, 8 to 11) .............................................. 418 26.4.7 Changing RLVL Register .............................................................................. 418 26.5 DMAC .................................................................................................................... 419 26.6 Timer...................................................................................................................... 420 26.6.1 Timers A and B .............................................................................................. 420 26.6.2 Timer A ........................................................................................................... 420 26.6.3 Timer B ........................................................................................................... 422 26.7 Serial I/O ................................................................................................................ 423 26.7.1 Clock Synchronous Serial I/O Mode ........................................................... 423 26.7.2 UART Mode .................................................................................................... 424 26.7.3 Special Mode 1 (I2C Mode) ........................................................................... 424 26.8 A/D Converter ....................................................................................................... 425 26.9 Intelligent I/O ........................................................................................................ 427 26.9.1 Register Setting ............................................................................................ 427 26.10 Programmable I/O Ports .................................................................................... 428 26.11 Flash Memory Version ....................................................................................... 429 26.11.1 Boot Mode .................................................................................................... 429 26.12 Noise ................................................................................................................... 430 Package Dimensions ___________________________ 431 Register Index _________________________________ 432 A-8 Quick Reference by Address Address 000016 000116 000216 000316 000416 000516 000616 000716 000816 000916 000A16 000B16 000C16 000D16 000E16 000F16 001016 001116 001216 001316 001416 001516 001616 001716 001816 001916 001A16 001B16 001C16 001D16 001E16 001F16 002016 002116 002216 002316 002416 002516 002616 002716 002816 002916 002A16 002B16 002C16 002D16 002E16 002F16 Register Page Processor Mode Register 0 (PM0) Processor Mode Register 1 (PM1) System Clock Control Register 0 (CM0) System Clock Control Register 1 (CM1) 51 52 56 57 Address Match Interrupt Enable Register (AIER) Protect Register (PRCR) 98 78 Main Clock Division Register (MCD) Oscillation Stop Detection Register (CM2) Watchdog Timer Start Register (WDTS) Watchdog Timer Control Register (WDC) 58 59 104 Address Match Interrupt Register 0 (RMAD0) 98 Processor Mode Register 2 (PM2) 62 Address Match Interrupt Register 1 (RMAD1) 98 Address Match Interrupt Register 2 (RMAD2) 98 Address Match Interrupt Register 3 (RMAD3) 98 PLL Control Register 0 (PLC0) PLL Control Register 1 (PLC1) 61 Address Match Interrupt Register 4 (RMAD4) 98 Address Match Interrupt Register 5 (RMAD5) 98 Address Register 003016 003116 003216 003316 003416 003516 003616 003716 003816 003916 Address Match Interrupt Register 6 (RMAD6) 003A16 003B16 003C16 003D16 Address Match Interrupt Register 7 (RMAD7) 003E16 Page 98 98 003F16 004016 004116 004216 004316 004416 004516 004616 004716 004816 004916 004A16 004B16 004C16 004D16 004E16 004F16 005016 005116 005216 005316 005416 005516 Flash Memory Control Register 1 (FMR1) 005616 005716 Flash Memory Control Register 0 (FMR0) 005816 005916 005A16 005B16 005C16 005D16 005E16 005F16 375 374 Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. B-1 Quick Reference by Address Address 006016 006116 006216 006316 006416 006516 006616 006716 006816 006916 006A16 006B16 006C16 006D16 006E16 006F16 007016 007116 007216 007316 007416 007516 007616 007716 007816 007916 007A16 007B16 007C16 007D16 007E16 007F16 008016 008116 008216 008316 008416 008516 008616 008716 008816 008916 008A16 008B16 008C16 008D16 008E16 008F16 Register DMA0 Interrupt Control Register (DM0IC) Timer B5 Interrupt Control Register (TB5IC) DMA2 Interrupt Control Register (DM2IC) UART2 Receive /ACK Interrupt Control Register (S2RIC) Timer A0 Interrupt Control Register (TA0IC) UART3 Receive /ACK Interrupt Control Register (S3RIC) Timer A2 Interrupt Control Register (TA2IC) UART4 Receive /ACK Interrupt Control Register (S4RIC) Timer A4 Interrupt Control Register (TA4IC) UART0 Bus Conflict Detect Interrupt Control Register (BCN0IC)/ UART3 Bus Conflict Detect Interrupt Control Register (BCN3IC) UART0 Receive/ACK Interrupt Control Register (S0RIC) A/D0 Conversion Interrupt Control Register (AD0IC) UART1 Receive/ACK Interrupt Control Register (S1RIC) Intelligent I/O Interrupt Control Register 0 (IIO0IC)/ CAN Interrupt 3 Control Register (CAN3IC) Timer B1 Interrupt Control Register (TB1IC) Intelligent I/O Interrupt Control Register 2 (IIO2IC) Timer B3 Interrupt Control Register (TB3IC) Intelligent I/O Interrupt Control Register 4 (IIO4IC) INT5 Interrupt Control Register (INT5IC) CAN Interrupt 8 Control Register (CAN8IC) INT3 Interrupt Control Register (INT3IC) Intelligent I/O Interrupt Control Register 8 (IIO8IC) INT1 Interrupt Control Register (INT1IC) Intelligent I/O Interrupt Control Register 10 (IIO10IC)/ CAN Interrupt 1 Control Register (CAN1IC) 87 88 87 88 87 88 87 CAN Interrupt 2 Control Register (CAN2IC) 87 DMA1 Interrupt Control Register (DM1IC) UART2 Transmit /NACK Interrupt Control Register (S2TIC) DMA3 Interrupt Control Register (DM3IC) UART3 Transmit /NACK Interrupt Control Register (S3TIC) Timer A1 Interrupt Control Register (TA1IC) UART4 Transmit /NACK Interrupt Control Register (S4TIC) Timer A3 Interrupt Control Register (TA3IC) UART2 Bus Conflict Detect Interrupt Control Register (BCN2IC) 87 Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. B-2 Page Address Register Page 009016 UART0 Transmit /NACK Interrupt Control Register (S0TIC) UART1 Bus Conflict Detect Interrupt Control Register (BCN1IC)/ 009116 UART4 Bus Conflict Detect Interrupt Control Register (BCN4IC) 009216 UART1 Transmit/NACK Interrupt Control Register (S1TIC) 009316 Key Input Interrupt Control Register (KUPIC) 009416 Timer B0 Interrupt Control Register (TB0IC) 87 Intelligent I/O Interrupt Control Register 1 (IIO1IC)/ 009516 CAN Interrupt 4 Control Register (CAN4IC) 009616 Timer B2 Interrupt Control Register (TB2IC) Intelligent I/O Interrupt Control Register 3 (IIO3IC)/ 009716 CAN Interrupt 7 Control Register (CAN7IC) 009816 Timer B4 Interrupt Control Register (TB4IC) 009916 CAN Interrupt 5 Control Register (CAN5IC) 009A16 INT4 Interrupt Control Register (INT4IC) 88 009B16 009C16 INT2 Interrupt Control Register (INT2IC) 88 Intelligent I/O Interrupt Control Register 9 (IIO9IC)/ 009D16 87 CAN Interrupt 0 Control Register (CAN0IC) 009E16 INT0 Interrupt Control Register (INT0IC) 88 009F16 Exit Priority Control Register (RLVL) 89 00A016 Interrupt Request Register 0 (IIO0IR) 00A116 Interrupt Request Register 1 (IIO1IR) 00A216 Interrupt Request Register 2 (IIO2IR) 101 00A316 Interrupt Request Register 3 (IIO3IR) 00A416 Interrupt Request Register 4 (IIO4IR) 00A516 Interrupt Request Register 5 (IIO5IR) 00A616 Interrupt Request Register 6 (IIO6IR) 00A716 00A816 Interrupt Request Register 8 (IIO8IR) 00A916 Interrupt Request Register 9 (IIO9IR) 101 00AA16 Interrupt Request Register 10 (IIO10IR) 00AB16 Interrupt Request Register 11 (IIO11IR) 00AC16 00AD16 00AE16 00AF16 00B016 Interrupt Enable Register 0 (IIO0IE) 00B116 Interrupt Enable Register 1 (IIO1IE) 00B216 Interrupt Enable Register 2 (IIO2IE) 102 00B316 Interrupt Enable Register 3 (IIO3IE) 00B416 Interrupt Enable Register 4 (IIO4IE) 00B516 Interrupt Enable Register 5 (IIO5IE) 00B616 Interrupt Enable Register 6 (IIO6IE) 00B716 00B816 Interrupt Enable Register 8 (IIO8IE) 00B916 Interrupt Enable Register 9 (IIO9IE) 102 00BA16 Interrupt Enable Register 10 (IIO10IE) 00BB16 Interrupt Enable Register 11 (IIO11IE) 00BC16 00BD16 00BE16 00BF16 Quick Reference by Address Address 00C016 00C116 00C216 00C316 00C416 00C516 00C616 00C716 00C816 00C916 00CA16 00CB16 00CC16 00CD16 00CE16 00CF16 00D016 00D116 00D216 00D316 00D416 00D516 00D616 00D716 00D816 00D916 00DA16 00DB16 00DC16 00DD16 00DE16 00DF16 00E016 00E116 00E216 00E316 00E416 00E516 00E616 00E716 00E816 00E916 00EA16 00EB16 00EC16 00ED16 00EE16 00EF16 Register Page SI/O Receive Buffer Register0 (G0RB) 273 Transmit Buffer/Receive Data Register 0 (G0TB/G0DR) 279 Receive Input Register 0 (G0RI) SI/O Communication Mode Register 0 (G0MR) Transmit Output Register 0 (G0TO) SI/O Communication Control Register 0 (G0CR) 272 274 272 273 Address 00F016 00F116 00F216 00F316 00F416 00F516 00F616 00F716 00F816 00F916 00FA16 00FB16 00FC16 00FD16 00FE16 00FF16 010016 010116 010216 010316 010416 010516 010616 010716 010816 010916 010A16 010B16 010C16 010D16 010E16 010F16 011016 011116 011216 011316 011416 011516 011616 011716 011816 011916 011A16 011B16 011C16 011D16 011E16 011F16 Register Data Compare Register 00 (G0CMP0) Data Compare Register 01 (G0CMP1) Data Compare Register 02 (G0CMP2) Data Compare Register 03 (G0CMP3) Data Mask Register 00 (G0MSK0) Data Mask Register 01 (G0MSK1) Communication Clock Select Register (CCS) Page 280 281 Receive CRC Code Register 0 (G0RCRC) 280 Tramsmit CRC Code Register 0 (G0TCRC) SI/O Extended Mode Register 0 (G0EMR) SI/O Extended Receive Control Register 0 (G0ERC) SI/O Special Communication Interrupt Detect Register 0 (G0IRF) SI/O Extended Transmit Control Register 0 (G0ETC) Time Measurement Register 10 (G1TM0)/ Waveform Generating Register 10 (G1PO0) Time Measurement Register 11 (G1TM1)/ Waveform Generating Register 11 (G1PO1) Time Measurement Register 12 (G1TM2)/ Waveform Generating Register 12 (G1PO2) Time Measurement Register 13 (G1TM3)/ Waveform Generating Register 13 (G1PO3) Time Measurement Register 14 (G1TM4)/ Waveform Generating Register 14 (G1PO4) Time Measurement Register 15 (G1TM5)/ Waveform Generating Register 16 (G1PO5) Time Measurement Register 16 (G1TM6)/ Waveform Generating Register 16 (G1PO6) Time Measurement Register 17 (G1TM7)/ Waveform Generating Register 17 (G1PO7) Waveform Generating Control Register 10 (G1POCR0) Waveform Generating Control Register 11 (G1POCR1) Waveform Generating Control Register 12 (G1POCR2) Waveform Generating Control Register 13 (G1POCR3) Waveform Generating Control Register 14 (G1POCR4) Waveform Generating Control Register 15 (G1POCR5) Waveform Generating Control Register 16 (G1POCR6) Waveform Generating Control Register 17 (G1POCR7) Time Measurement Control Register 10 (G1TMCR0) Time Measurement Control Register 11 (G1TMCR1) Time Measurement Control Register 12 (G1TMCR2) Time Measurement Control Register 13 (G1TMCR3) Time Measurement Control Register 14 (G1TMCR4) Time Measurement Control Register 15 (G1TMCR5) Time Measurement Control Register 16 (G1TMCR6) Time Measurement Control Register 17 (G1TMCR7) 275 272 278 276 251/ 252 251 250 Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. B-3 Quick Reference by Address Address 012016 012116 012216 012316 012416 012516 012616 012716 012816 012916 012A16 012B16 012C16 012D16 012E16 012F16 013016 013116 013216 013316 013416 013516 013616 013716 013816 013916 013A16 013B16 013C16 013D16 013E16 013F16 014016 014116 014216 014316 014416 014516 014616 014716 014816 014916 014A16 014B16 014C16 014D16 to 016F16 Register Base Timer Register1 (G1BT) 248 Base Timer Control Register 10 (G1BCR0) Base Timer Control Register 11 (G1BCR1) Time Measurement Prescaler Register 16 (G1TPR6) Time Measurement Prescaler Register 17 (G1TPR7) Function Enable Register 1 (G1FE) Function Select Register 1 (G1FS) 253 252 SI/O Receive Buffer Register 1 (G1RB) 273 Transmit Buffer/Receive Data Register 1 (G1TB/G1DR) 279 Receive Input Register 1 (G1RI) SI/O Communication Mode Register 1 (G1MR) Transmit Output Register 1 (G1TO) SI/O Communication Control Register 1 (G1CR) Data Compare Register 10 (G1CMP0) Data Compare Register 11 (G1CMP1) Data Compare Register 12 (G1CMP2) Data Compare Register 13 (G1CMP3) Data Mask Register 10 (G1MSK0) Data Mask Register 11 (G1MSK1) 272 274 272 273 249 250 280 Receive CRC Code Register1 (G1RCRC) 280 Transmit CRC Code Register1 (G1TCRC) SI/O Extended Mode Register 1 (G1EMR) SI/O Extended Receive Control Register 1 (G1ERC) SI/O Special Communication Interrupt Detect Register 1 (G1IRF) SI/O Extended Transmit Control Register 1 (G1ETC) Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. B-4 Page 275 277 279 276 Address 017016 017116 017216 017316 017416 017516 017616 017716 017816 017916 017A16 017B16 017C16 017D16 017F16 018016 018116 018216 018316 018416 018516 018616 018716 018816 018916 018A16 018B16 018C16 018D16 018E16 018F16 019016 019116 019216 019316 019416 019516 019616 019716 019816 019916 019A16 019B16 019C16 019D16 019E16 019F16 Register CAN2 Slot Buffer Select Register (C2SBS) CAN2 Control Register 1 (C2CTLR1) CAN2 Sleep Control Register (C2SLPR) Page 331 299 300 CAN2 Acceptance Filter Support Register (C2AFS) 336 Input Function Select Register (IPS) Input Function Select Register A (IPSA) 363 364 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Standard ID0 (C2SLOT0_0) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Standard ID1 (C2SLOT0_1) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID0 (C2SLOT0_2) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID1 (C2SLOT0_3) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID2 (C2SLOT0_4) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data Length Code (C2SLOT0_5) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 0 (C2SLOT0_6) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 1 (C2SLOT0_7) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 2 (C2SLOT0_8) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 3 (C2SLOT0_9) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 4 (C2SLOT0_10) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 5 (C2SLOT0_11) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 6 (C2SLOT0_12) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 7 (C2SLOT0_13) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Time Stamp High-Order (C2SLOT0_14) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Time Stamp Low-Order (C2SLOT0_15) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Standard ID0 (C2SLOT1_0) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Standard ID1 (C2SLOT1_1) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID0 (C2SLOT1_2) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID1 (C2SLOT1_3) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID2 (C2SLOT1_4) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data Length Code (C2SLOT1_5) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 0 (C2SLOT1_6) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 1 (C2SLOT1_7) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 2 (C2SLOT1_8) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 3 (C2SLOT1_9) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 4 (C2SLOT1_10) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 5 (C2SLOT1_11) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 6 (C2SLOT1_12) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 7 (C2SLOT1_13) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Time Stamp High-Order (C2SLOT1_14) CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Time Stamp Low-Order (C2SLOT1_15) 332 333 334 335 332 333 334 335 Quick Reference by Address Address 01A016 01A116 01A216 01A316 01A416 01A516 01A616 01A716 01A816 01A916 01AA16 01AB16 01AC16 01AD16 01AE16 01AF16 01B016 01B116 01B216 01B316 01B416 01B516 01B616 01B716 01B816 01B916 01BA16 01BB16 01BC16 01BD16 01BE16 01BF16 01C016 01C116 01C216 01C316 01C416 01C516 01C616 01C716 01C816 01C916 01CA16 01CB16 01CC16 01CD16 01CE16 01CF16 Page Address CAN2 Control Register0 (C2CTLR0) 296 01D016 CAN2 Status Register (C2STR) 301 01D116 CAN2 Extended ID Register (C2IDR) 304 01D216 CAN2 Configuration Register (C2CONR) 305 01D316 CAN2 Time Stamp Register (C2TSR) 308 01D416 CAN2 Transmit Error Count Register (C2TEC) CAN2 Receive Error Count Register (C2REC) 309 333 CAN2 Slot Interrupt Status Register (C2SISTR) 310 01D516 01D616 01D716 Register 01D816 01D916 CAN2 Slot Interrupt Mask Register (C2SIMKR) 312 01DA16 CAN2 Error Interrupt Mask Register (C2EIMKR) CAN2 Error Interrupt Status Register (C2EISTR) CAN2 Error Cause Register (C2EFR) CAN2 Baud Rate Prescaler (C2BRP) 313 314 315 307 CAN2 Mode Register (C2MDR) 316 CAN2 Single Shot Control Register (C2SSCTLR) 318 CAN2 Single Shot Status Register (C2SSSTR) 319 CAN2 Global Mask Register Standard ID0 (C2GMR0) CAN2 Global Mask Register Standard ID1 (C2GMR1) CAN2 Global Mask Register Extended ID0 (C2GMR2) CAN2 Global Mask Register Extended ID1 (C2GMR3) CAN2 Global Mask Register Extended ID2 (C2GMR4) 320 321 322 323 324 01DB16 01DC16 01DD16 01DE16 01DF16 01E016 01E116 01E216 01E316 01E416 01E516 01E616 01E716 01E816 01E916 01EA16 01EB16 01EC16 01ED16 01EE16 01EF16 Register Page CAN2 Message Slot 0 Control Register (C2MCTL0)/ 327/ CAN2 Local Mask Register A Standard ID0 (C2LMAR0) 320 CAN2 Message Slot 1 Control Register (C2MCTL1)/ 327/ CAN2Local Mask Register A Standard ID1 (C2LMAR1) 321 CAN2 Message Slot 2 Control Register (C2MCTL2)/ 327/ CAN2 Local Mask Register A Extended ID0 (C2LMAR2) 322 CAN2 Message Slot 3 Control Register (C2MCTL3)/ 327/ CAN2 Local Mask Register A Extended ID1 (C2LMAR3) 323 CAN2 Message Slot 4 Control Register (C2MCTL4)/ 327/ CAN2 Local Mask Register A Extended ID2 (C2LMAR4) 324 CAN2 Message Slot 5 Control Register (C2MCTL5) CAN2 Message Sot 6 Control Register (C2MCTL6) 327 CAN2 Message Slot 7 Control Register (C2MCTL7) CAN2 Message Slot 8 Control register (C2MCTL8)/ 327/ CAN2 Local Mask Register B Standard ID0 (C2LMBR0) 320 CAN2 Message Slot 9 Control register (C2MCTL9)/ 327/ CAN2 Local Mask Register B Standard ID1 (C2LMBR1) 321 CAN2 Message Slot 10 Control register (C2MCTL10)/ 327/ CAN2 Local Mask Register B Standard ID2 (C2LMBR2) 322 CAN2 Message Slot 11 Control register (C2MCTL11)/ 327/ CAN2 Local Mask Register B Standard ID3 (C2LMBR3) 323 CAN2 Message Slot 12 Control register (C2MCTL12)/ 327/ CAN2 Local Mask Register B Standard ID4 (C2LMBR4) 324 CAN2 Message Slot 13 Control Register (C2MCTL13) CAN2 Message Sot 14 Control Register (C2MCTL14) 327 CAN2 Message Slot 15 Control Register (C2MCTL15) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Standard ID0 (C0SLOT0_0) 332 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Standard ID1 (C0SLOT0_1) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID0 (C0SLOT0_2) 333 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID1 (C0SLOT0_3) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID2 (C0SLOT0_4) 334 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data Length Code (C0SLOT0_5) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 0 (C0SLOT0_6) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 1 (C0SLOT0_7) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 2 (C0SLOT0_8) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 3 (C0SLOT0_9) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 4 (C0SLOT0_10) 335 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 5 (C0SLOT0_11) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 6 (C0SLOT0_12) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 7 (C0SLOT0_13) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Time Stamp High-Order (C0SLOT0_14) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Time Stamp Low-Order (C0SLOT0_15) Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. B-5 Quick Reference by Address Address 01F016 01F116 01F216 01F316 01F416 01F516 01F616 01F716 01F816 01F916 01FA16 01FB16 01FC16 01FD16 01FE16 01FF16 020016 020116 020216 020316 020416 020516 020616 020716 020816 020916 020A16 020B16 020C16 020D16 020E16 020F16 021016 021116 021216 021316 021416 021516 021616 021716 021816 021916 021A16 021B16 021C16 021D16 021E16 021F16 Register Page CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Standard ID0 (C0SLOT1_0) 332 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Standard ID1 (C0SLOT1_1) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID0 (C0SLOT1_2) 333 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID1 (C0SLOT1_3) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID2 (C0SLOT1_4) 334 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data Length Code (C0SLOT1_5) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 0 (C0SLOT1_6) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 1 (C0SLOT1_7) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 2 (C0SLOT1_8) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 3 (C0SLOT1_9) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 4 (C0SLOT1_10) 335 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 5 (C0SLOT1_11) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 6 (C0SLOT1_12) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 7 (C0SLOT1_13) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Time Stamp High-Order (C0SLOT1_14) CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Time Stamp Low-Order (C0SLOT1_15) Address 022016 022116 022216 022316 022416 022516 022616 022716 022816 022916 022A16 022B16 022C16 022D16 022E16 022F16 CAN0 Control Register0 (C0CTLR0) 296 023016 CAN0 Status Register (C0STR) 301 023116 CAN0 Extended ID Register (C0IDR) 304 023216 CAN0 Configuration Register (C0CONR) 305 023316 CAN0 Time Stamp Register (C0TSR) 308 CAN0 Transmit Error Count Register (C0TEC) CAN0 Receive Error Count Register (C0REC) 309 CAN0 Slot Interrupt Status Register (C0SISTR) 310 023516 023616 023716 023816 023916 CAN0 Slot Interrupt Mask Register (C0SIMKR) 312 023A16 CAN0 Error Interrupt Mask Register (C0EIMKR) CAN0 Error Interrupt Status Register (C0EISTR) CAN0 Error Cause Register (C0EFR) CAN0 Baud Rate Prescaler (C0BRP) 313 314 315 307 CAN0 Mode Register (C0MDR) 316 Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. B-6 023416 023B16 023C16 023D16 023E16 023F16 Register Page CAN0 Single Shot Control Register (C0SSCTLR) 318 CAN0 Single Shot Status Register (C0SSSTR) 319 CAN0 Global Mask Register Standard ID0 (C0GMR0) CAN0 Global Mask Register Standard ID1 (C0GMR1) CAN0 Global Mask Register Extended ID0 (C0GMR2) CAN0 Global Mask Register Extended ID1 (C0GMR3) CAN0 Global Mask Register Extended ID2 (C0GMR4) 320 321 322 323 324 CAN0 Message Slot 0 Control Register (C0MCTL0)/ CAN0 Local Mask Register A Standard ID0 (C0LMAR0) CAN0 Message Slot 1 Control Register (C0MCTL1)/ CAN0Local Mask Register A Standard ID1 (C0LMAR1) CAN0 Message Slot 2 Control Register (C0MCTL2)/ CAN0 Local Mask Register A Extended ID0 (C0LMAR2) CAN0 Message Slot 3 Control Register (C0MCTL3)/ CAN0 Local Mask Register A Extended ID1 (C0LMAR3) CAN0 Message Slot 4 Control Register (C0MCTL4)/ CAN0 Local Mask Register A Extended ID2 (C0LMAR4) CAN0 Message Slot 5 Control Register (C0MCTL5) CAN0 Message Sot 6 Control Register (C0MCTL6) CAN0 Message Slot 7 Control Register (C0MCTL7) CAN0 Message Slot 8 Control register (C0MCTL8)/ CAN0 Local Mask Register B Standard ID0 (C0LMBR0) CAN0 Message Slot 9 Control Register (C0MCTL9)/ CAN0 Local Mask Register B Standard ID1 (C0LMBR1) CAN0 Message Slot 10 Control Register (C0MCTL10)/ CAN0 Local Mask Register B Extended ID0 (C0LMBR2) CAN0 Message Slot 11 Control Register (C0MCTL11)/ CAN0 Local Mask Register B Extended ID1 (C0LMBR3) CAN0 Message Slot 12 Control Register (C0MCTL12)/ CAN0 Local Mask Register B Extended ID2 (C0LMBR4) CAN0 Message Slot 13 Control Register (C0MCTL13) CAN0 Message Slot 14 Control Register (C0MCTL14) CAN0 Message Slot 15 Control Register(C0MCTL15) 327/ 320 327/ 321 327/ 322 327/ 323 327/ 324 327 327/ 320 327/ 321 327/ 322 327/ 323 327/ 324 327 Quick Reference by Address Address 024016 024116 024216 024316 024416 024516 024616 024716 024816 024916 024A16 024B16 024C16 024D16 024E16 024F16 025016 025116 025216 025316 025416 025516 025616 025716 025816 025916 025A16 025B16 025C16 025D16 025E16 025F16 026016 026116 026216 026316 026416 026516 026616 026716 026816 026916 026A16 026B16 026C16 026D16 026E16 026F16 Register CAN0 Slot Buffer Select Register (C0SBS) CAN0 Control Register 1 (C0CTLR1) CAN0 Sleep Control Register (C0SLPR) Page 331 299 300 CAN0 Acceptance Filter Support Register (C0AFS) 336 CAN1 Slot Buffer Select Register (C1SBS) CAN1 Control Register 1 (C1CTLR1) CAN1 Sleep Control Register (C1SLPR) 331 299 300 CAN1 Acceptance Filter Support Register (C1AFS) 336 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Standard ID0 (C1SLOT0_0) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Standard ID1 (C1SLOT0_1) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID0 (C1SLOT0_2) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID1 (C1SLOT0_3) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID2 (C1SLOT0_4) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data Length Code (C1SLOT0_5) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 0 (C1SLOT0_6) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 1 (C1SLOT0_7) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 2 (C1SLOT0_8) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 3 (C1SLOT0_9) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 4 (C1SLOT0_10) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 5 (C1SLOT0_11) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 6 (C1SLOT0_12) CAN1 message Slot Buffer 0 Data 7 (C1SLOT0_13) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Time Stamp High-Order (C1SLOT0_14) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Time Stamp Low-Order (C1SLOT0_15) 332 333 334 335 Address 027016 027116 027216 027316 027416 027516 027616 027716 027816 027916 027A16 027B16 027C16 027D16 027E16 027F16 028016 028116 028216 028316 028416 028516 028616 028716 028816 028916 028A16 028B16 028C16 028D16 028E16 028F16 029016 029116 029216 029316 029416 029516 029616 029716 029816 029916 029A16 029B16 029C16 029D16 029E16 029F16 Register Page CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Standard ID0 (C1SLOT1_0) 332 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Standard ID1 (C1SLOT1_1) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID0 (C1SLOT1_2) 333 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID1 (C1SLOT1_3) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID2 (C1SLOT1_4) 334 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data Length Code (C1SLOT1_5) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 0 (C1SLOT1_6) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 1 (C1SLOT1_7) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 2 (C1SLOT1_8) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 3 (C1SLOT1_9) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 4 (C1SLOT1_10) 335 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 5 (C1SLOT1_11) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 6 (C1SLOT1_12) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 7 (C1SLOT1_13) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Time Stamp High-Order (C1SLOT1_14) CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Time Stamp Low-Order (C1SLOT1_15) CAN1 Control Register0 (C1CTLR0) 296 CAN1 Status Register (C1STR) 301 CAN1 Extended ID Register (C1IDR) 304 CAN1 Configuration Register (C1CONR) 305 CAN1 Time Stamp Register (C1TSR) 308 CAN1 Transmit Error Count Register (C1TEC) CAN1 Receive Error Count Register (C1REC) 309 CAN1 Slot Interrupt Control Register (C1SISTR) 310 CAN1 Slot Interrupt Mask Register (C1SIMKR) 312 CAN1 Error Interrupt Mask Register (C1EIMKR) CAN1 Error Interrupt Status Register (C1EISTR) CAN1 Error Factor Register (C1EFR) CAN1 Baud Rate Prescaler (C1BRP) 313 314 315 307 CAN1 Mode Register (C1MDR) 316 Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. B-7 Quick Reference by Address Address 02A016 02A116 02A216 02A316 02A416 02A516 02A616 02A716 02A816 02A916 02AA16 02AB16 02AC16 02AD16 02AE16 02AF16 02B016 02B116 02B216 02B316 02B416 02B516 02B616 02B716 02B816 02B916 02BA16 02BB16 02BC16 02BD16 02BE16 02BF16 Register Page CAN1 Single Shot Control Register (C1SSCTLR) 318 CAN1 Single Shot Status Register (C1SSSTR) CAN1 Global Mask Register Standard ID0 (C1GMR0) CAN1 Global Mask Register Standard ID1 (C1GMR1) CAN1 Global Mask Register Extended ID0 (C1GMR2) CAN1 Global Mask Register Extended ID1 (C1GMR3) CAN1 Global Mask Register Extended ID2 (C1GMR4) CAN1 Message Slot 0 Control Register (C1MCTL0)/ CAN1 Local Mask Register A Standard ID0 (C1LMAR0) CAN1 Message Slot 1 Control Register (C1MCTL1)/ CAN1 Local Mask Register A Standard ID1 (C1LMAR1) CAN1 Message Slot 2 Control Register (C1MCTL2)/ CAN1 Local Mask Register A Extended ID0 (C1LMAR2) CAN1 Message Slot 3 Control Register (C1MCTL3)/ CAN1 Local Mask Register A Extended ID1 (C1LMAR3) CAN1 Message Slot 4 Control Register (C1MCTL4)/ CAN1 Local Mask Register A Extended ID2 (C1LMAR4) CAN1 Message Slot 5 Control Register (C1MCTL5) CAN1 Message Slot 6 Control Register (C1MCTL6) CAN1 Message Slot 7 Control Register (C1MCTL7) CAN1 Message Slot 8 Control Register (C1MCTL8)/ CAN1 Local Mask Register B Standard ID0 (C1LMBR0) CAN1 Message Slot 9 Control Register (C1MCTL9)/ CAN1 Local Mask Register B Standard ID1 (C1LMBR1) CAN1 Message Slot 10 Control Register (C1MCTL10)/ CAN1 Local Mask Register B Extended ID0 (C1LMBR2) CAN1 Message Slot 11 Control Register (C1MCTL11)/ CAN1 Local Mask Register B Extended ID1 (C1LMBR3) CAN1 Message Slot 12 Control Register (C1MCTL12)/ CAN1 Local Mask Register B Extended ID2 (C1LMBR4) CAN1 Message Slot 13 Control Register (C1MCTL13) CAN1 Message Slot 14 Control Register (C1MCTL14) CAN1 Message Slot 15 Control Register (C1MCTL15) Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. B-8 319 320 321 322 323 324 327/ 320 327/ 321 327/ 322 327/ 323 327/ 324 327 327/ 320 353/ 321 327/ 322 327/ 323 327/ 324 327 Address 02C016 02C116 02C216 02C316 02C416 02C516 02C616 02C716 02C816 02C916 02CA16 02CB16 02CC16 02CD16 02CE16 02CF16 02D016 02D116 02D216 02D316 02D416 02D516 02D616 02D716 02D816 02D916 02DA16 02DB16 02DC16 02DD16 02DE16 02DF16 Register Page X0 Register Y0 Register (X0R,Y0R) X1 Register Y1 Register (X1R,Y1R) X2 Register Y2 Register (X2R,Y2R) X3 Register Y3 Register (X3R,Y3R) X4 Register Y4 Register (X4R,Y4R) X5 Register Y5 Register (X5R,Y5R) X6 Register Y6 Register (X6R,Y6R) X7 Register Y7 Register (X7R,Y7R) 242 X8 Register Y8 Register (X8R,Y8R) X9 Register Y9 Register (X9R,Y9R) X10 Register Y10 Register (X10R,Y10R) X11 Register Y11 Register (X11R,Y11R) X12 Register Y12 Register (X12R,Y12R) X13 Register Y13 Register (X13R,Y13R) X14 Register Y14 Register (X14R,Y14R) X15 Register Y15 Register (X15R,Y15R) Quick Reference by Address Address 02E016 02E116 02E216 02E316 02E416 02E516 02E616 02E716 02E816 02E916 02EA16 02EB16 02EC16 02ED16 02EE16 02EF16 02F016 02F116 02F216 02F316 02F416 02F516 02F616 02F716 02F816 02F916 02FA16 02FB16 02FC16 02FD16 02FE16 02FF16 030016 030116 030216 030316 030416 030516 030616 030716 030816 030916 030A16 030B16 030C16 030D16 030E16 030F16 Register X/Y Control Register (XYC) UART1 Special Mode Register 4 (U1SMR4) UART1 Special Mode Register 3 (U1SMR3) UART1 Special Mode Register 2 (U1SMR2) UART1 Special Mode Register (U1SMR) UART1 Transmit/Receive Mode Register (U1MR) UART1 Bit Rate Register (U1BRG) Page 242 173 172 171 170 168 UART1 Transmit Buffer Register (U1TB) 167 UART1 Transmit/Receive Control Register 0 (U1C0) UART1 Transmit/Receive Control Register 1 (U1C1) 169 170 UART1 Receive Buffer Register (U1RB) 167 UART4 Special Mode Register 4 (U4SMR4) UART4 Special Mode Register 3 (U4SMR3) UART4 Special Mode Register 2 (U4SMR2) UART4 Special Mode Register (U4SMR) UART4 Transmit/Receive Mode Register (U4MR) UART4 Bit Rate Register (U4BRG) 173 172 171 170 168 UART4 Transmit Buffer Register (U4TB) 167 UART4 Transmit/Receive Control Register 0 (U4C0) UART4 Transmit/Receive Control Register 1 (U4C1) 169 170 UART4 Receive Buffer Register (U4RB) 167 Timer B3,B4,B5 Count Start Flag (TBSR) 147 Timer A1-1 Register (TA11) Timer A2-1 Register (TA21) 160 Timer A4-1 Register (TA41) Three-Phase PWM Control Register 0 (INVC0) Three-Phase PWM Control Register 1 (INVC1) Three-Phase Output Buffer Register 0 (IDB0) Three-Phase Output Buffer Register 1 (IDB1) Dead Time Timer (DTT) Timer B2 Interrupt Generating Frequency Set Counter (ICTB2) 157 158 159 160 Address 031016 031116 031216 031316 031416 031516 031616 031716 031816 031916 031A16 031B16 031C16 031D16 031E16 031F16 032016 032116 032216 032316 032416 032516 032616 032716 032816 032916 032A16 032B16 032C16 032D16 032E16 032F16 033016 033116 033216 033316 033416 033516 033616 033716 033816 033916 033A16 033B16 033C16 033D16 033E16 033F16 Register Page Timer B3 Register (TB3) Timer B4 Register (TB4) 145 Timer B5 Register (TB5) Timer B3 Mode Register (TB3MR) Timer B4 Mode Register (TB4MR) Timer B5 Mode Register (TB5MR) 146 External Interrupt Request Source Select Register (IFSR) 96 UART3 Special Mode Register 4 (U3SMR4) UART3 Special Mode Register 3 (U3SMR3) UART3 Special Mode Register 2 (U3SMR2) UART3 Special Mode Register (U3SMR) UART3 Transmit/Receive Mode Register (U3MR) UART3 Bit Rate Register (U3BRG) 173 172 171 170 168 UART3 Transmit Buffer Register (U3TB) 167 UART3 Transmit/Receive Control Register 0 (U3C0) UART3 Transmit/Receive Control Register 1 (U3C1) 169 170 UART3 Receive Buffer Register (U3RB) 167 UART2 Special Mode Register 4 (U2SMR4) UART2 Special Mode Register 3 (U2SMR3) UART2 Special Mode Register 2 (U2SMR2) UART2 Special Mode Register (U2SMR) UART2 Transmit/Receive Mode Register (U2MR) UART2 Bit Rate Register (U2BRG) 173 172 171 170 168 UART2 Transmit Buffer Register (U2TB) 167 UART2 Transmit/Receive Control Register 0 (U2C0) UART2 Transmit/Receive Control Register 1 (U2C1) 169 170 UART2 Receive Buffer Register (U2RB) 167 Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. B-9 Quick Reference by Address Address 034016 034116 034216 034316 034416 034516 034616 034716 034816 034916 034A16 034B16 034C16 034D16 034E16 034F16 035016 035116 035216 035316 035416 035516 035616 035716 035816 035916 035A16 035B16 035C16 035D16 035E16 035F16 036016 036116 036216 036316 036416 036516 Register Count Start Flag (TABSR) Clock Prescaler Reset Flag (CPSRF) One-Shot Start Flag (ONSF) Trigger Select Register (TRGSR) Up/Down Flag (UDF) UART0 Special Mode Register 4 (U0SMR4) UART0 Special Mode Register 3 (U0SMR3) 173 172 036616 036716 036816 036916 036A16 036B16 036C16 036D16 036E16 036F16 UART0 Special Mode Register 2 (U0SMR2) UART0 Special Mode Register (U0SMR) UART0 Transmit/Receive Mode Register (U0MR) UART0 Bit Rate Register (U0BRG) 171 170 Timer A0 Register (TA0) Timer A1 Register (TA1) Timer A2 Register (TA2) 129 Timer A3 Register (TA3) Timer A4 Register (TA4) Timer B0 Register (TB0) Timer B1 Register (TB1) 145 Timer B2 Register (TB2) Timer A0 Mode Register (TA0MR) Timer A1 Mode Register (TA1MR) Timer A2 Mode Register (TA2MR) Timer A3 Mode Register (TA3MR) Timer A4 Mode Register (TA4MR) Timer B0 Mode Register (TB0MR) Timer B1 Mode Register (TB1MR) Timer B2 Mode Register (TB2MR) Timer B2 Special Mode Register (TB2SC) Count Source Prescaler Register (TCSPR) 130 146 160 60 168 UART0 Transmit Buffer Register (U0TB) 167 UART0 Transmit/Receive Control Register 0 (U0C0) UART0 Transmit/Receive Control Register 1 (U0C1) 169 170 UART0 Receive Buffer Register (U0RB) 167 Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. B-10 Page 130 60 131 132 131 Address 037016 037116 037216 037316 037416 037516 037616 037716 037816 037916 037A16 037B16 037C16 037D16 037E16 037F16 038016 038116 038216 038316 038416 038516 038616 038716 038816 038916 038A16 038B16 038C16 038D16 038E16 038F16 039016 039116 039216 039316 039416 039516 039616 039716 039816 039916 039A16 039B16 039C16 039D16 039E16 039F16 Register Page DMA0 Request Source Select Register (DM0SL) DMA1 Request Source Select Register (DM1SL) DMA2 Request Source Select Register (DM2SL) DMA3 Request Source Select Register (DM3SL) 109 CRC Data Register (CRCD) 240 CRC Input Register (CRCIN) A/D0 Register0 (AD00) A/D0 Register1 (AD01) A/D0 Register2 (AD02) A/D0 Register3 (AD03) 225 A/D0 Register4 (AD04) A/D0 Register5 (AD05) A/D0 Register6 (AD06) A/D0 Register7 (AD07) A/D0 Control Register 4 (AD0CON4) 225 A/D0 Control Register 2 (AD0CON2) A/D0 Control Register 3 (AD0CON3) 224 223 A/D0 Control Register 0 (AD0CON0) A/D0 Control Register 1 (AD0CON1) D/A Register 0 (DA0) 222 221 239 D/A Register 1 (DA1) 239 D/A Control Register (DACON) 239 Quick Reference by Address Address 03A016 03A116 03A216 03A316 03A416 03A516 03A616 03A716 03A816 03A916 03AA16 03AB16 03AC16 03AD16 03AE16 03AF16 03B016 Register Function Select Register A8 (PS8) Function Select Register A9 (PS9) 03B116 03B216 03B316 03B416 03B516 03B616 03B716 03B816 03B916 03BA16 03BB16 03BC16 03BD16 03BE16 03BF16 03C016 03C116 03C216 03C316 03C416 03C516 03C616 03C716 03C816 03C916 03CA16 03CB16 03CC16 03CD16 03CE16 03CF16 Function Select Register A1 (PS1) Function Select Register B0 (PSL0) Function Select Register B1 (PSL1) Function Select Register A2 (PS2) Function Select Register A3 (PS3) Function Select Register B2 (PSL2) Function Select Register B3 (PSL3) Function Select Register D1 (PSD1) Page 355 356 360 Function Select Register C2 (PSC2) Function Select Register C3 (PSC3) 359 360 Function Select Register C (PSC) Function Select Register A0 (PS0) 359 Function Select Register A5 (PS5) Port P6 Register (P6) Port P7 Register (P7) Port P6 Direction Register (PD6) Port P7 Direction Register (PD7) Port P8 Register (P8) Port P9 Register (P9) Port P8 Direction Register (PD8) Port P9 Direction Register (PD9) Port P10 Register (P10) Port P11 Register (P11) Port P10 Direction Register (PD10) Port P11 Direction Register(PD11) Port P12 Register (P12) Port P13 Register (P13) Port P12 Direction Register (PD12) Port P13 Direction Register (PD13) 353 357 354 358 355 352 351 352 351 352 351 352 351 Address 03D016 03D116 03D216 03D316 03D416 03D516 03D616 03D716 03D816 03D916 03DA16 03DB16 03DC16 03DD16 03DE16 03DF16 03E016 Register Port P14 Register (P14) Port P15 Register (P15) Port P14 Direction Register (PD14) Port P15 Direction Register (PD15) Page Pull-Up Control Register 2 (PUR2) Pull-Up Control Register 3 (PUR3) Pull-Up Control Register 4 (PUR4) 361 03E116 03E216 03E316 03E416 03E516 03E616 03E716 03E816 03E916 03EA16 03EB16 03EC16 03ED16 03EE16 03EF16 03F016 03F116 03F216 03F316 03F416 03F516 03F616 03F716 03F816 03F916 03FA16 03FB16 03FC16 03FD16 03FE16 03FF16 Port P1 Register (P1) Port P0 Direction Register (PD0) Port P1 Direction Register (PD1) Port P2 Register (P2) Port P3 Register (P3) Port P2 Direction Register (PD2) Port P3 Direction Register (PD3) Port P4 Register (P4) Port P5 Register (P5) Port P4 Direction Register (PD4) Port P5 Direction Register (PD5) Port P0 Register (P0) 352 351 362 352 351 352 351 352 351 Pull-up Control Register 0 (PUR0) Pull-up Control Register 1 (PUR1) 361 Port Control Register (PCR) 363 Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. B-11 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) SINGLE-CHIP 16/32-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER 1. Overview The M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) microcomputer is a single-chip control unit that utilizes high-performance silicon gate CMOS technology with the M32C/80 Series CPU core. The M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) is available in 144-pin and 100-pin plastic molded LQFP packages. With a 16-Mbyte address space, this microcomputer combines advanced instruction manipulation capabilities to process complex instructions by less bytes and execute instructions at higher speed. It includes a multiplier and DMAC adequate for office automation, communication devices and industrial equipments, and other high-speed processing applications. 1.1 Applications Automobiles, audio, cameras, office equipment, communications equipment, portable equipment, etc. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 1 of 435 1. Overview M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 1.2 Performance Overview Tables 1.1 and 1.2 list performance overview of the M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T). Table 1.1 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Performance (144-Pin Package) Characteristic Basic Instructions Minimum Instruction Execution Time Operating Mode Address Space Memory Capacity Peripheral I/O Port Function Multifunction Timer CPU Intelligent I/O Serial I/O CAN Module A/D Converter D/A Converter DMAC DMAC II CRC Calculation Circuit X/Y Converter Watchdog Timer Interrupt Clock Generation Circuit Oscillation Stop Detect Function Cold Start-up/Warm Start-up Determine Function Electrical Supply Voltage Charact- Power Consumption eristics Flash Program/Erase Supply Voltage Memory Program and Erase Endurance Operating Ambient Temperature Package Performance 108 instructions 31.3 ns (f(BCLK)=32 MHz, VCC=4.2 V to 5.5 V) Single-chip mode 16 Mbytes See Table 1.3 123 I/O pins and 1 input pin Timer A: 16 bits x 5 channels, Timer B: 16 bits x 6 channels Three-phase motor control circuit Time measurement function or Waveform generating function: 16 bits x 8 channels Communication function (Clock synchronous serial I/O, Clock asynchronous serial I/O, HDLC data processing) 5 Channels Clock synchronous serial I/O, Clock asynchronous serial I/O, IEBus(1), I2C bus(2) 3 channels Supporting CAN 2.0B specification 10-bit A/D converter: 1 circuit, 34 channels 8 bits x 2 channels 4 channels Can be activated by all peripheral function interrupt sources Immediate transfer, Calculation transfer and Chain transfer functions CRC-CCITT 16 bits x 16 bits 15 bits x 1 channel (with prescaler) 40 internal and 8 external sources, 5 software sources Interrupt priority level: 7 4 circuits Main clock oscillation circuit(*), Sub clock oscillation circuit(*), On-chip oscillator, PLL frequency synthesizer (*)Equipped with a built-in feedback resistor. Ceramic resonator or crystal oscillator must be connected externally Main clock oscillation stop detect function On-chip (option) VCC=4.2 V to 5.5 V, (f(BCLK)=32 MHz) 28 mA (VCC=5 V, f(BCLK)=32 MHz) 10µA (VCC=5 V, f(BCLK)=32 kHz, in wait mode) 5.0 V ± 0.5 V 100 times (all space) –40 to 85oC (T version) –40 to 105oC (U version) 144-pin plastic molded LQFP NOTES: 1. IEBus is a trademark of NEC Electronics Corporation. 2. I2C bus is a trademark of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N. V. All options are on a request basis. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 2 of 435 1. Overview M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 1.2 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Performance (100-Pin Package) Characteristic Basic Instructions Minimum Instruction Execution Time Operating Mode Address Space Memory Capacity Peripheral I/O Port Function Multifunction Timer CPU Intelligent I/O Serial I/O CAN Module A/D Converter D/A Converter DMAC DMAC II CRC Calculation Circuit X/Y Converter Watchdog Timer Interrupt Clock Generation Circuit Oscillation Stop Detect Function Cold Start-up/Warm Start-up Determine Function Electrical Supply Voltage Charact- Power Consumption eristics Flash Program/Erase Supply Voltage Memory Program and Erase Endurance Operating Ambient Temperature Package Performance 108 instructions 31.3 ns (f(BCLK)=32 MHz, VCC=4.2 V to 5.5 V) Single-chip mode 16 Mbytes See Table 1.3 87 I/O pins and 1 input pin Timer A: 16 bits x 5 channels, Timer B: 16 bits x 6 channels Three-phase motor control circuit Time measurement function or Waveform generating function: 16 bits x 8 channels Communication function (Clock synchronous serial I/O, Clock asynchronous serial I/O, HDLC data processing) 5 Channels Clock synchronous serial I/O, Clock asynchronous serial I/O, IEBus(1), I2C bus(2) 3 channels Supporting CAN 2.0B specification 10-bit A/D converter: 1 circuit, 34 channels 8 bits x 2 channels 4 channels Can be activated by all peripheral function interrupt sources Immediate transfer, Calculation transfer and Chain transfer functions CRC-CCITT 16 bits x 16 bits 15 bits x 1 channel (with prescaler) 40 internal and 8 external sources, 5 software sources Interrupt priority level: 7 4 circuits Main clock oscillation circuit(*), Sub clock oscillation circuit(*), On-chip oscillator, PLL frequency synthesizer (*)Equipped with a built-in feedback resistor. Ceramic resonator or crystal oscillator must be connected externally Main clock oscillation stop detect function On-chip (option) VCC=4.2 V to 5.5 V, (f(BCLK)=32 MHz) 28 mA (VCC=5 V, f(BCLK)=32 MHz) 10µA (VCC=5 V, f(BCLK)=32 kHz, in wait mode) 5.0 V ± 0.5 V 100 times (all space) –40 to 85oC (T version) –40 to 105oC (U version) 100-pin plastic molded LQFP NOTES: 1. IEBus is a trademark of NEC Electronics Corporation. 2. I2C bus is a trademark of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N. V. All options are on a request basis. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 3 of 435 1. Overview M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 1.3 Block Diagram Figure 1.1 shows a block diagram of the M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) microcomputer. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Port P0 Port P1 Port P2 Port P3 Port P4 Port P5 Port P6 Peripheral Functions Timer (16 bits) Timer A: 5 channels Timer B: 6 channels UART/Clock Synchronous Serial I/O: 5 channels DMAC DMACII CAN Module: 3 channels 7 X/Y Converter: 16 bits X 16 bits D/A Converter: 8 bits X 2 channels Port P8 Watchdog Timer (15 bits) 8 Three-Phase Motor Control Circuit Port P7 Clock Generation Circuit XIN - XOUT XCIN - XCOUT On-chip Oscillator PLL Frequency Synthesizer A/D Converter: 1 circuit Standard: 10 inputs Maximum: 34 inputs(2) CRC Calculation Circuit (CCITT): X16+X12+X5+1 P85 M32C/80 series CPU Core Time Measurement: 8 channels Wave Generating: 8 channels Communication Functions: Clock Synchronous Serial I/O, UART, HDLC Data Processing Port P14 7 Port P15 8 Port P11 5 FLG INTB R2 ISP R3 USP A0 SVF FB SVP SB VCT Port P13 8 8 (Note 1) NOTES: 1. Ports P11 to P15 are provided in the 144-pin package only. 2. Included in the 144-pin package only. Figure 1.1 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Block Diagram Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 4 of 435 RAM PC A1 Port P12 ROM Multiplier 8 R1L 8 R0L R1H Port P10 R0H Memory Port P9 Intelligent I/O 1. Overview M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 1.4 Product Information Table 1.3 lists the product information. Figure 1.2 shows the product numbering system. Table 1.3 M32C/88 Group (1) (T version, M32C/88T) Type Number Package Type M30882FJTGP (D) PLQP0144KA-A (144P6Q-A) M30880FJTGP (D) PLQP0100KB-A (100P6Q-A) M30882FHTGP (D) PLQP0144KA-A (144P6Q-A) M30880FHTGP (D) PLQP0100KB-A (100P6Q-A) M30882FWTGP (D) PLQP0144KA-A (144P6Q-A) M30880FWTGP (D) PLQP0100KB-A (100P6Q-A) As of October, 2005 ROM Capacity RAM Capacity Remarks 18K Flash Memory T version (High-reliability 85° C) 512K+4K 384K+4K 320K+4K (D): Under development Table 1.3 M32C/88 Group (2) (U version, M32C/88T) Type Number Package Type M30882FJUGP (D) PLQP0144KA-A (144P6Q-A) M30880FJUGP (D) PLQP0100KB-A (100P6Q-A) M30882FHUGP (D) PLQP0144KA-A (144P6Q-A) M30880FHUGP (D) PLQP0100KB-A (100P6Q-A) M30882FWUGP (D) PLQP0144KA-A (144P6Q-A) M30880FWUGP (D) PLQP0100KB-A (100P6Q-A) As of October, 2005 ROM Capacity RAM Capacity Remarks 18K Flash Memory U version (High-reliability 105° C) 512K+4K 384K+4K 320K+4K (D): Under development NOTE: Contact our sales office if you are interested in the V version. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 5 of 435 1. Overview M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) M30 88 0 F H T GP Package Type: GP = Package PLQP0100KB-A (100P6Q-A) Package PLQP0144KA-A (144P6Q-A) Classification: T = T Version U = U Version ROM Capacity: W = 320 Kbytes H = 384 Kbytes J = 512 Kbytes Memory Type: F = Flash Memory Version RAM Capacity, Pin Count, etc M32C/88 Group M16C Family Figure 1.2 Product Numbering System Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 6 of 435 1. Overview M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 1.5 Pin Assignment 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 109 72 110 71 111 70 112 69 113 68 114 67 115 66 116 65 117 64 118 63 119 62 120 61 121 60 122 59 123 58 124 57 M32C/88 GROUP (M32C/88T) 125 126 127 128 56 55 54 53 NOTES: 1. P70 / TA0OUT / TxD2 / SDA2 / SRxD2 / INPC16 / OUTC16 2. P70 and P71 are ports for the N-channel open drain output. Figure 1.3 Pin Assignment for 144-Pin Package Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 7 of 435 P44 P45 P46 P47 P125 P126 P127 P50 P51 P52 P53 / CLKOUT P130 P131 Vcc P132 Vss P133 P54 P55 P56 P57 P134 P135 P136 P137 P60 / CTS0 / RTS0 / SS0 / CAN2OUT P61 / CLK0 / CAN2IN / CAN2WU P62 / RxD0 / SCL0 / STxD0 P63 / TxD0 / SDA0 / SRxD0 P64 / CTS1 / RTS1 / SS1 P65 / CLK1 Vss P66 / RxD1 / SCL1 / STxD1 Vcc P67 / TxD1 / SDA1 / SRxD1 P70(1, 2) 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 CAN1OUT / SRxD4 / SDA4 / TxD4 / ANEX1 / P96 CAN1WU / CAN1IN / CLK4 / ANEX0 / P95 SS4 / RTS4 / CTS4 / TB4IN / DA1 / P94 SS3 / RTS3 / CTS3 / TB3IN / DA0 / P93 SRxD3 / SDA3 / TxD3 / TB2IN / P92 STxD3 / SCL3 / RxD3 / TB1IN / P91 CLK3 / TB0IN / P90 P146 P145 P144 OUTC17 / INPC17 / P143 OUTC16 / INPC16 / P142 OUTC15 / INPC15 / P141 OUTC14 / INPC14 / P140 BYTE CNVss XCIN / P87 XCOUT / P86 RESET XOUT Vss XIN Vcc NMI / P85 INT2 / P84 CAN0IN / CAN1IN / INT1 / P83 CAN0OUT / CAN1OUT / INT0 / P82 INPC15 / OUTC15 / U / TA4IN / P81 ISRxD0 / U / TA4OUT / P80 ISCLK0 / INPC14 / OUTC14 / CAN0IN / CAN02IN / TA3IN / P77 ISTxD0 / INPC13 / OUTC13 / CAN0OUT / CAN02OUT / TA3OUT / P76 BE1IN / ISRxD1 / OUTC12 / INPC12 / W / TA2IN / P75 ISCLK1 / OUTC11 / INPC11 / W / TA2OUT / P74 BE1OUT / ISTxD1 / OUTC10 / INPC10 / SS2 / RTS2 / CTS2 / V / TA1IN / P73 CLK2 / V / TA1OUT / P72 (2)INPC17 / OUTC17 / STxD2 / SCL2 / RxD2 / TA0IN / TB5IN / P71 18 37 17 38 144 16 39 143 15 40 142 14 41 141 13 42 140 12 43 139 11 44 138 10 45 137 9 46 136 8 47 135 7 48 134 6 49 133 5 50 132 4 51 131 3 52 130 2 129 1 P10 AN07 / P07 AN06 / P06 AN05 / P05 AN04 / P04 P114 OUTC13 / INPC13 / P113 BE1IN / ISRxD1 / OUTC12 / INPC12 / P112 ISCLK1 / OUTC11 / INPC11 / P111 BE1OUT / ISTxD1 / OUTC10 / INPC10 / P110 AN03 / P03 AN02 / P02 AN01 / P01 AN00 / P00 AN157 / P157 AN156 / P156 AN155 / P155 AN154 / P154 AN153 / P153 ISRxD0 / AN152 / P152 ISCLK0 / AN151 / P151 Vss ISTxD0 / AN150 / P150 Vcc KI3 / AN7 / P107 KI2 / AN6 / P106 KI1 / AN5 / P105 KI0 / AN4 / P104 AN3 / P103 AN2 / P102 AN1 / P101 AVss AN0 / P100 VREF AVcc STxD4 / SCL4 / RxD4 / ADTRG / P97 107 108 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 / INT3 P16 / INT4 P17 / INT5 P20 / AN20 P21 / AN21 P22 / AN22 P23 / AN23 P24 / AN24 P25 / AN25 P26 / AN26 P27 / AN27 Vss P30 Vcc P120 P121 P122 P123 P124 P31 P32 P33 P34 P35 P36 P37 P40 P41 Vss P42 Vcc P43 Figures 1.3 and 1.4 show pin assignments (top view). PLQP0144KA-A (144P6Q-A) 1. Overview M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 1.4 Pin Characteristics for 144-Pin Package Pin No. Control Pin Port Interrupt Pin Timer Pin UART/CAN Pin Intelligent I/O Pin Analog Pin 1 P96 TxD4/SDA4/SRxD4/CAN1OUT ANEX1 2 3 P95 CLK4/CAN1IN/CAN1WU P94 TB4IN CTS4/RTS4/SS4 ANEX0 DA1 4 P93 TB3IN 5 6 P92 TB2IN CTS3/RTS3/SS3 TxD3/SDA3/SRxD3 P91 TB1IN RxD3/SCL3/STxD3 7 P90 TB0IN CLK3 8 9 P146 10 P144 11 12 P143 INPC17/OUTC17 P142 INPC16/OUTC16 13 P141 INPC15/OUTC15 14 15 BYTE 16 CNVSS P140 INPC14/OUTC14 17 XCIN 18 XCOUT 19 RESET 20 XOUT P87 DA0 P145 P86 21 VSS 22 XIN 23 VCC 24 25 26 P85 27 28 29 P82 P80 TA4IN/U TA4OUT/U 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 VCC 39 VSS 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 P77 TA3IN CAN0IN/CAN02IN ISRxD0 INPC14/OUTC14/ISCLK0 P76 TA3OUT CAN0OUT/CAN02OUT INPC13/OUTC13/ISTxD0 P75 P74 TA2IN/W TA2OUT/W P73 P72 TA1IN/V TA1OUT/V P71 TB5IN/TA0IN P70 TA0OUT P84 P83 P81 NMI INT2 CAN0IN/CAN1IN INT1 INT0 CAN0OUT/CAN1OUT INPC15/OUTC15 INPC12/OUTC12/ISRxD1/BE1IN P67 CTS2/RTS2/SS2 CLK2 RxD2/SCL2/STxD2 TxD2/SDA2/SRxD2 TxD1/SDA1/SRxD1 P66 RxD1/SCL1/STxD1 P65 CLK1 CTS1/RTS1/SS1 TxD0/SDA0/SRxD0 RxD0/SCL0/STxD0 P64 P63 P62 CLK0/CAN2IN/CAN2WU P61 P60 CTS0/RTS0/SS0/CAN2OUT P137 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 8 of 435 INPC11/OUTC11/ISCLK1 INPC10/OUTC10/ISTxD1/BE1OUT INPC17/OUTC17 INPC16/OUTC16 1. Overview M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 1.4 Pin Characteristics for 144-Pin Package (Continued) Pin No. Control Pin Port 49 P136 50 51 P135 52 P57 53 54 P56 55 P54 P133 56 57 Analog Pin P132 VCC P131 P130 P53 64 P51 P50 P52 65 66 P127 67 68 69 P126 P125 P47 P46 70 71 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Intelligent I/O Pin VSS 62 63 75 76 77 UART/CAN Pin P55 61 72 73 74 Timer Pin P134 58 59 60 Interrupt Pin P45 P44 VCC P43 VSS P42 P41 P40 P37 P36 P35 P34 P33 P32 P31 P124 P123 P122 P121 VCC P120 VSS P30 P27 AN27 P26 AN26 P25 AN25 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 9 of 435 1. Overview M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 1.4 Pin Characteristics for 144-Pin Package (Continued) Pin No. Control Pin Port Interrupt Pin Timer Pin UART/CAN Pin Intelligent I/O Pin Analog Pin 97 P24 AN24 98 99 P23 AN23 P22 AN22 100 P21 AN21 101 102 P20 P17 INT5 103 P16 P15 INT4 INT3 104 105 AN20 P14 106 P13 107 108 P12 109 P10 110 111 P07 AN07 P06 AN06 112 P05 P04 AN05 AN04 P11 113 114 P114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 P113 INPC13/OUTC13 P112 INPC12/OUTC12/ISRxD1/BE1IN P111 P110 INPC11/OUTC11/ISCLK1 INPC10/OUTC10/ISTxD1/BE1OUT P03 AN03 P02 AN02 P01 AN01 P00 P157 AN00 AN157 P156 AN156 P155 AN155 P154 AN154 P153 AN153 P152 AN152 P151 ISRxD0 ISCLK0 P150 ISTxD0 AN150 AN151 VSS VCC P107 KI3 AN7 P106 KI2 AN6 P105 KI1 AN5 P104 KI0 AN4 P103 AN3 P102 AN2 P101 AN1 P100 AN0 AVSS VREF AVCC RxD4/SCL4/STxD4 P97 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 10 of 435 ADTRG 1. Overview P36 P37 P40 P41 52 51 P31 59 53 Vcc 60 P35 P30 61 54 Vss 62 P34 P27 / AN27 63 55 P26 / AN26 64 56 P25 / AN25 65 P32 P24 / AN24 66 P33 P23 / AN23 67 57 P22 / AN22 68 58 P20 / AN20 P21 / AN21 69 P17 / INT5 71 70 P15 / INT3 P16 / INT4 72 P14 74 73 P13 75 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) P12 76 50 P42 P11 77 49 P43 P10 78 48 P44 AN07 / P07 79 47 P45 AN06 / P06 80 46 P46 AN05 / P05 81 45 P47 AN04 / P04 82 44 P50 AN03 / P03 83 43 P51 AN02 / P02 84 42 P52 AN01 / P01 85 41 P53 / CLKOUT M32C/88 GROUP (M32C/88T) 40 P54 39 P55 38 P56 37 P57 90 36 P60 / CTS0 / RTS0 / SS0 / CAN2OUT AN3 / P103 91 35 P61 / CLK0 / CAN2IN / CAN2WU AN2 / P102 92 34 P62 / RxD0 / SCL0 / STxD0 AN1 / P101 93 33 P63 / TxD0 / SDA0 / SRxD0 AN00 / P00 86 KI3 / AN7 / P107 87 KI2 / AN6 / P106 88 KI1 / AN5 / P105 89 KI0 / AN4 / P104 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 11 of 435 24 25 ISCLK1 / OUTC11 / INPC11 / W / TA2OUT / P74 19 OUTC15 / INPC15 / U / TA4IN / P81 BE1OUT / ISTxD1 / OUTC10 / SS2 / INPC10 / RTS2 / CTS2 / V / TA1IN / P73 18 CAN0OUT / CAN1OUT / INT0 / P82 23 17 CAN0IN / CAN1IN / INT1 / P83 BE1IN / ISRxD1 / OUTC12 / INPC12 / W / TA2IN / P75 16 INT2 / P84 22 15 NMI / P85 ISTxD0 / OUTC13 / INPC13 / CAN0OUT / CAN02OUT / TA3OUT / P76 14 Vcc 21 13 XIN 20 12 Vss Figure 1.4 Pin Assignment for 100-Pin Package ISRxD0 / U / TA4OUT / P80 11 XOUT NOTES: 1. P70 / TA0OUT / TxD2 / SDA2 / SRxD2 / OUTC16 / INPC16 2. P71 / TA0IN / TB5IN / RxD2 / SCL2 / STxD2 / OUTC17 / INPC17 3. P96 / ANEX1 / TxD4 / SDA4 / SRxD4 / CAN1OUT 4. P70 and P71 are ports for the N-channel open drain output. ISCLK0 / OUTC14 / INPC14 / CAN0IN / CAN02IN / TA3IN / P77 10 P72 / TA1OUT / V / CLK2 RESET 26 9 100 8 CAN1WU / CAN1IN / CLK4 / ANEX0 / P95 XCIN / P87 P71(2, 4) XCOUT / P86 99 27 7 P70 P96 (3) CNVss 28 6 98 5 P67 / TxD1 / SDA1 / SRxD1 STxD4 / SCL4 / RxD4 / ADTRG / P97 BYTE 29 CLK3 / TB0IN / P90 97 4 P66 / RxD1 / SCL1 / STxD1 AVcc STxD3 / SCL3 / RxD3 / TB1IN / P91 30 3 96 SRxD3 / SDA3 / TxD3 / TB2IN / P92 P65 / CLK1 VREF 2 P64 / CTS1 / RTS1 / SS1 31 1 32 95 SS3 / RTS3 / CTS3 / TB3IN / DA0 / P93 94 SS4 / RTS4 / CTS4 / TB4IN / DA1 / P94 AVss AN0 / P100 (1, 4) PLQP0100KB-A (100P6Q-A) 1. Overview M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 1.5 Pin Characteristics for 100-Pin Package Pin No. Control Pin Port Interrupt Pin Timer Pin UART/CAN Pin 1 2 P94 P93 TB4IN TB3IN CTS4/RTS4/SS4 CTS3/RTS3/SS3 3 4 5 P92 P91 P90 TB2IN TB1IN TB0IN TxD3/SDA3/SRxD3 RxD3/SCL3/STxD3 CLK3 6 7 8 BYTE CNVSS XCIN P87 9 10 XCOUT RESET XOUT P86 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Intelligent I/O Pin DA1 DA0 VSS XIN VCC P85 P84 P83 P82 P81 P80 P77 P76 P75 P74 P73 P72 P71 P70 P67 P66 NMI INT2 CAN0IN/CAN1IN CAN0OUT/CAN1OUT INT1 INT0 TA4IN/U TA4OUT/U TA3IN TA3OUT TA2IN/W TA2OUT/W TA1IN/V TA1OUT/V TB5IN/TA0IN TA0OUT P65 P64 P63 P62 P61 P60 P57 P56 P55 P54 P53 P52 P51 P50 P47 P46 P45 P44 P43 P42 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 12 of 435 INPC15/OUTC15 CAN0IN/CAN02IN CAN0OUT/CAN02OUT Analog Pin ISRxD0 INPC14/OUTC14/ISCLK0 INPC13/OUTC13/ISTxD0 INPC12/OUTC12/ISRxD1/BE1IN INPC11/OUTC11/ISCLK1 CTS2/RTS2/SS2 INPC10/OUTC10/ISTxD1/BE1OUT CLK2 RxD2/SCL2/STxD2 INPC17/OUTC17 TxD2/SDA2/SRxD2 INPC16/OUTC16 TxD1/SDA1/SRxD1 RxD1/SCL1/STxD1 CLK1 CTS1/RTS1/SS1 TxD0/SDA0/SRxD0 RxD0/SCL0/STxD0 CLK0/CAN2IN/CAN2WU CTS0/RTS0/SS0/CAN2OUT 1. Overview M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 1.5 Pin Characteristics for 100-Pin Package (Continued) Pin No. Control Pin 51 52 Analog Pin P31 VCC P30 VSS P27 P26 AN27 AN26 P25 AN25 P24 P23 P22 AN24 AN23 AN22 P21 AN21 P20 P17 P16 P15 AN20 INT5 INT4 INT3 P14 P13 P12 P11 84 85 86 P10 P07 AN07 P06 P05 AN06 AN05 P04 P03 AN04 AN03 P02 P01 AN02 AN01 P00 P107 87 88 89 P106 P105 90 91 92 99 100 Intelligent I/O Pin P34 P33 P32 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 96 97 98 UART/CAN Pin P35 65 66 67 93 94 95 Timer Pin P40 P37 P36 56 57 58 62 63 64 Interrupt Pin P41 53 54 55 59 60 61 Port P104 AN00 AN7 KI3 KI2 AN6 AN5 KI1 KI0 AN4 P103 P102 P101 AN3 AN2 AN1 P100 AN0 AVSS VREF AVCC P97 P96 RxD4/SCL4/STxD4 TxD4/SDA4/SRxD4/CAN1OUT P95 CLK4/CAN1IN/CAN1WU Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 13 of 435 ADTRG ANEX1 ANEX0 1. Overview M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 1.6 Pin Description Table 1.6 Pin Description (100-Pin and 144-Pin Packages) Classsfication Symbol I/O Type Function Power Supply VCC I Apply 4.2 to 5.5 V to both VCC pins. Analog Power VSS AVCC I Apply 0 V to the VSS pin Supplies power to the A/D converter. Connect the AVCC pin to VCC and the Supply Reset Input AVSS ____________ RESET I AVSS pin to VSS ___________ The microcomputer is in a reset state when "L" is applied to the RESET pin CNVSS CNVSS Input to Switch BYTE I I Switches processor mode. Connect the CNVSS pin to VSS Connect the BYTE pin to VSS Main Clock Input XIN I I/O pins for the main clock oscillation circuit. Connect a ceramic resonator Main Clock Output XOUT O Sub Clock Input XCIN I Sub Clock output XCOUT O O Outputs the clock having the same frequency as fC, f8 or f32 I Input pins for the INT interrupt I I Input pin for the NMI interrupt Input pins for the key input interrupt External Data Bus Width Clock Output CLKOUT ______ ________ INT Interrupt Input INT0 to ________ INT5 _______ _______ Timer B TA0OUT to TA4OUT between XCIN and XCOUT. To apply external clock, apply it to XCIN and leave XCOUT open I/O I/O pins for the timer A0 to A4 (TA0OUT is a pin for the N-channel open drain output.) TA0IN to TA4IN I Input pins for Timer A0 to A4 TB0IN to TB5IN I Input pins for Timer B0 to B5 O Output pins for the three-phase motor control timer CTS0 to CTS4 _________ _________ RTS0 to RTS4 I O Input pins for data transmission control Output pins for data reception control CLK0 to CLK4 I/O Inputs and outputs the transfer clock RxD0 to RxD4 I Inputs serial data TxD0 to TxD4 O Outputs serial data (TxD2 is a pin for the N-channel open drain output.) SDA0 to SDA4 I/O Inputs and outputs serial data (SDA2 is a pin for the N-channel open drain output.) ___ _________ I2C Mode I/O pins for the sub clock oscillation circuit. Connect a crystal oscillator _______ ___ Three-phase Motor U, U, V, V, ___ Control Timer Output W, W Serial I/O to XIN and leave XOUT open. ______ NMI Interrupt Input NMI _____ _____ Key Input Interrupt KI0 to KI3 Timer A or crystal oscillator between XIN and XOUT. To apply external clock, apply it ________ SCL0 to SCL4 Inputs and outputs the transfer clock (SCL2 is a pin for the N-channel open drain output.) Serial I/O STxD0 to Special Function STxD4 O Outputs serial data when slave mode is selected (STxD2 is a pin for the N-channel open drain output.) SRxD0 to SRxD4 I Inputs serial data when slave mode is selected I Input pins to control serial I/O special function _______ _______ SS0 to SS4 I : Input O : Output Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 I/O : Input and output Page 14 of 435 1. Overview M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 1.6 Pin Description (100-Pin and 144-Pin Packages) (Continued) Classsfication Symbol I/O Type Function Reference VREF I Applies reference voltage to the A/D converter and D/A converter Voltage Input A/D Converter AN0 to AN7 I Analog input pins for the A/D converter AN00 to AN07 AN20 to AN27 ___________ D/A Converter Intelligent I/O CAN ADTRG ANEX0 I I/O Input pin for an external A/D trigger Extended analog input pin for the A/D converter and output pin in external ANEX1 I op-amp connection mode Extended analog input pin for the A/D converter DA0, DA1 INPC10 to O I Output pin for the D/A converter Input pins for the time measurement function INPC17 OUTC10 to O Output pins for the waveform generating function OUTC17 ISCLK0 I/O (OUTC16 and OUTC17 assigned to P70 and P71 are pins for the N-channel open drain output.) Inputs and outputs the clock for the intelligent I/O communication function ISCLK1 ISRXD0 I Inputs data for the intelligent I/O communication function ISRXD1 ISTXD0 O Outputs data for the intelligent I/O communication function ISTXD1 BE1IN I Inputs data for the intelligent I/O communication function BE1OUT CAN0IN O I Outputs data for the intelligent I/O communication function Input pin for the CAN communication function O Output pin for the CAN communication function I Input pin for the CANi wake-up interrupt (i=1, 2) CAN02IN CAN1IN CAN2IN CAN0OUT CAN02OUT CAN1OUT CAN2OUT _______________ CAN1WU ________________ I/O Ports CAN2WU P00 to P07 I/O under the control of the direction register. An input port can be set, by program, for a pull-up resistor available or for no pull-up resister available in P30 to P37 P40 to P47 4-bit units P50 to P57 P60 to P67 I/O P70 to P77 P90 to P97 P100 to P107 P80 to P84 Input Port I : Input 8-bit I/O ports for CMOS. Each port can be programmed for input or output P10 to P17 P20 to P27 P86, P87 P85 O : Output Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 I/O ports having equivalent functions to P0 (P70 and P71 are ports for the N-channel open drain output.) I/O I/O ports having equivalent functions to P0 _______ I I/O : Input and output Page 15 of 435 _______ Shares a pin with NMI. NMI input state can be got by reading P8 5 1. Overview M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 1.6 Pin Description (144-Pin Package Only) (Continued) Classsfication Symbol I/O Type A/D Converter AN150 to AN157 I I/O Ports P110 to P114 I/O Function Analog input pins for the A/D converter I/O ports having equivalent functions to P0 P120 to P127 P130 to P137 P140 to P146 P150 to P157 I : Input O : Output Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 I/O : Input and output Page 16 of 435 2. Central Processing Unit (CPU) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 2. Central Processing Unit (CPU) Figure 2.1 shows the CPU registers. The register bank is comprised of 8 registers (R0, R1, R2, R3, A0, A1, SB and FB) out of 28 CPU registers. Two sets of register banks are provided. b31 b15 General Registers b0 R2 R0H R3 R1H R0L R1L Data Register(1) R2 R3 b23 A0 Address Register(1) A1 SB Static Base Register(1) FB Frame Base Register(1) USP User Stack Pointer ISP Interrupt Stack Pointer INTB Interrupt Table Register Program Counter PC FLG b15 Flag Register b8 b7 IPL b0 U I O B S Z D C Carry Flag Debug Flag Zero Flag Sign Flag Register Bank Select Flag Overflow Flag Interrupt Enable Flag Stack Pointer Select Flag Reserved Space Processor Interrupt Priority Level Reserved Space b15 High-speed Interrupt Registers b0 SVF b23 Flag Save Register SVP PC Save Register VCT Vector Register b7 DMAC-associated Registers b0 DMD0 DMD1 b15 DCT0 DCT1 DMA Mode Register DMA Transfer Count Register DRC0 DRC1 b23 DMA Transfer Count Reload Register DMA0 DMA1 DMA Memory Address Register DRA0 DRA1 DMA Memory Address Reload Register DSA0 DSA1 DMA SFR Address Register NOTE: 1. The register bank is comprised of these registers. Two sets of register banks are provided. Figure 2.1 CPU Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 17 of 435 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 2. Central Processing Unit (CPU) 2.1 General Registers 2.1.1 Data Registers (R0, R1, R2 and R3) R0, R1, R2 and R3 are 16-bit registers for transfer, arithmetic and logic operations. R0 and R1 can be split into high-order bits (R0H) and low-order bits (R0L) to be used separately as 8-bit data registers. R0 can be combined with R2 to be used as a 32-bit data register (R2R0). The same applies to R1 and R3. 2.1.2 Address Registers (A0 and A1) A0 and A1 are 24-bit registers for A0-/A1-indirect addressing, A0-/A1-relative addressing, transfer, arithmetic and logic operations. 2.1.3 Static Base Register (SB) SB is a 24-bit register for SB-relative addressing. 2.1.4 Frame Base Register (FB) FB is a 24-bit register for FB-relative addressing. 2.1.5 Program Counter (PC) PC, 24 bits wide, indicates the address of an instruction to be executed. 2.1.6 Interrupt Table Register (INTB) INTB is a 24-bit register indicating the starting address of an relocatable interrupt vector table. 2.1.7 User Stack Pointer (USP), Interrupt Stack Pointer (ISP) The stack pointers (SP), USP and ISP, are 24 bits wide each. The U flag is used to switch between USP and ISP. Refer to 2.1.8 Flag Register (FLG) for details on the U flag. Set USP and ISP to even addresses to execute an interrupt sequence efficiently. 2.1.8 Flag Register (FLG) FLG is a 16-bit register indicating a CPU state. Carry Flag (C) The C flag indicates whether carry or borrow has occurred after executing an instruction. Debug Flag (D) The D flag is for debug only. Set to "0". Zero Flag (Z) The Z flag is set to "1" when the value of zero is obtained from an arithmetic operation; otherwise "0". Sign Flag (S) The S flag is set to "1" when a negative value is obtained from an arithmetic operation; otherwise "0". Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 18 of 435 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 2. Central Processing Unit (CPU) Register Bank Select Flag (B) The register bank 0 is selected when the B flag is set to "0". The register bank 1 is selected when this flag is set to "1". Overflow Flag (O) The O flag is set to "1" when the result of an arithmetic operation overflows; otherwise "0". Interrupt Enable Flag (I) The I flag enables a maskable interrupt. Interrupt is disabled when the I flag is set to "0" and enabled when the I flag is set to "1". The I flag is set to "0" when an interrupt is acknowledged. Stack Pointer Select Flag (U) ISP is selected when the U flag is set to "0". USP is selected when this flag is set to "1". The U flag is set to "0" when a hardware interrupt is acknowledged or the INT instruction of software interrupt numbers 0 to 31 is executed. Processor Interrupt Priority Level (IPL) IPL, 3 bits wide, assigns processor interrupt priority levels from level 0 to level 7. If a requested interrupt has greater priority than IPL, the interrupt is enabled. Reserved Space When writing to a reserved space, set to "0". When reading, its content is indeterminate. 2.2 High-Speed Interrupt Registers Registers associated with the high-speed interrupt are as follows: - Flag save register (SVF) - PC save register (SVP) - Vector register (VCT) Refer to 10.4 High-Speed Interrupt for details. 2.3 DMAC-Associated Registers Registers associated with DMAC are as follows: - DMA mode register (DMD0, DMD1) - DMA transfer count register (DCT0, DCT1) - DMA transfer count reload register (DRC0, DRC1) - DMA memory address register (DMA0, DMA1) - DMA SFR address register (DSA0, DSA1) - DMA memory address reload register (DRA0, DRA1) Refer to 12. DMAC for details. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 19 of 435 3. Memory M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 3. Memory Figure 3.1 shows a memory map of the M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T). The M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) provides 16-Mbyte address space addressed from 000000 16 to FFFFFF16. The internal ROM is allocated from address FFFFFF16 to lower. For example, a 64-Kbyte internal ROM is addressed from FF000016 to FFFFFF16. The fixed interrupt vectors are allocated from address FFFFDC16 to FFFFFF16. It stores the starting address of each interrupt routine. The internal RAM is allocated from address 00040016 to higher. For example, a 10-Kbyte internal RAM is allocated from address 00040016 to 002BFF16. Besides storing data, it becomes stacks when the subroutine is called or an interrupt is acknowledged. SFRs, consisting of control registers for peripheral functions such as I/O port, A/D converter, serial I/O, timers, is allocated from address 00000016 to 0003FF16. All blank spaces within SFRs are reserved and cannot be accessed by users. The special page vectors are addressed from FFFE0016 to FFFFDB16. It is used for the JMPS instruction and JSRS instruction. Refer to the Renesas publication M32C/80 Series Software Manual for details. 00000016 SFRs 00040016 XXXXXX16 Internal RAM Reserved Space 00F00016 FFFE00 16 Special Page Vector Table (1) Internal ROM (Data space) Internal RAM XXXXXX16 Capacity 18 Kbytes 004BFF16 Internal ROM YYYYYY16 Capacity FB000016 320 Kbytes FA000016 384 Kbytes F8000016 512 Kbytes 00FFFF16 FFFFDC 16 Undefined Instruction Overflow BRK Instruction Address Match Reserved Space Watchdog Timer(2) YYYYYY16 Internal ROM FFFFFF16 FFFFFF 16 NOTES: 1. Additional 4-Kbyte space is provided in the flash memory version for storing data. 2. Watchdog timer interrupt and oscillation stop detection interrupt share vectors. Figure 3.1 Memory Map Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 20 of 435 NMI Reset 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) Address 000016 000116 000216 000316 000416 000516 000616 000716 000816 000916 000A16 000B16 000C16 000D16 000E16 000F16 001016 001116 001216 001316 001416 001516 001616 001716 001816 001916 001A16 001B16 001C16 001D16 001E16 001F16 002016 002116 002216 002316 002416 002516 002616 002716 002816 002916 002A16 002B16 002C16 002D16 002E16 002F16 Register Symbol Value after RESET Processor Mode Register(1) Processor Mode Register 1 System Clock Control Register 0 System Clock Control Register 1 PM0 PM1 CM0 CM1 1000 00002(CNVss pin ="L") 0016 0000 10002 0010 00002 Address Match Interrupt Enable Register Protect Register AIER PRCR 0016 XXXX 00002 Main Clock Division Register Oscillation Stop Detection Register Watchdog Timer Start Register Watchdog Timer Control Register MCD CM2 WDTS WDC XXX0 10002 0016 XX16 000X XXXX2 Address Match Interrupt Register 0 RMAD0 00000016 Processor Mode Register 2 PM2 0016 Address Match Interrupt Register 1 RMAD1 00000016 Address Match Interrupt Register 2 RMAD2 00000016 Address Match Interrupt Register 3 RMAD3 00000016 PLL Control Register 0 PLL Control Register 1 PLC0 PLC1 0001 X0102 000X 00002 Address Match Interrupt Register 4 RMAD4 00000016 Address Match Interrupt Register 5 RMAD5 00000016 X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. NOTE: 1. The PM01 and PM00 bits in the PM0 register maintain values set before reset, even after software reset or watchdog timer reset has been performed. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 21 of 435 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Address 006016 003016 003116 003216 003316 003416 003516 003616 003716 003816 003916 003A16 003B16 003C16 003D16 003E16 003F16 004016 004116 004216 004316 004416 004516 004616 004716 004816 004916 004A16 004B16 004C16 004D16 004E16 004F16 005016 005116 005216 005316 005416 005516 005616 005716 005816 005916 005A16 005B16 005C16 005D16 005E16 005F16 Register Address Match Interrupt Register 6 Address Match Interrupt Register 7 Symbol RMAD6 RMAD7 Value after RESET 00000016 00000016 Flash Memory Control Register 1 FMR1 0000 01012 Flash Memory Control Register 0 FMR0 0000 00012 X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 22 of 435 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Address 006016 006116 006216 006316 006416 006516 006616 006716 006816 006916 006A16 006B16 006C16 006D16 006E16 006F16 007016 007116 007216 007316 007416 007516 007616 007716 007816 007916 007A16 007B16 007C16 007D16 007E16 007F16 008016 008116 008216 008316 008416 008516 008616 008716 008816 008916 008A16 008B16 008C16 008D16 008E16 008F16 Register Symbol Value after RESET DMA0 Interrupt Control Register Timer B5 Interrupt Control Register DMA2 Interrupt Control Register UART2 Receive /ACK Interrupt Control Register Timer A0 Interrupt Control Register UART3 Receive /ACK Interrupt Control Register Timer A2 Interrupt Control Register UART4 Receive /ACK Interrupt Control Register Timer A4 Interrupt Control Register UART0/UART3 Bus Conflict Detect Interrupt Control Register DM0IC TB5IC DM2IC S2RIC TA0IC S3RIC TA2IC S4RIC TA4IC BCN0IC/BCN3IC XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 UART0 Receive/ACK Interrupt Control Register A/D0 Conversion Interrupt Control Register UART1 Receive/ACK Interrupt Control Register Intelligent I/O Interrupt Control Register 0/ CAN Interrupt 3 Control Register Timer B1 Interrupt Control Register Intelligent I/O Interrupt Control Register 2/ CAN Interrupt 6 Control Register Timer B3 Interrupt Control Register Intelligent I/O Interrupt Control Register 4 INT5 Interrupt Control Register CAN Interrupt 8 Control Register INT3 Interrupt Control Register Intelligent I/O Interrupt Control Register 8 INT1 Interrupt Control Register Intelligent I/O Interrupt Control Register 10/ S0RIC AD0IC S1RIC IIO0IC/ CAN3IC TB1IC IIO2IC/ CAN6IC TB3IC IIO4IC INT5IC CAN8IC INT3IC IIO8IC INT1IC IIO10IC/ XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 CAN Interrupt 1 Control Register CAN1IC CAN Interrupt 2 Control Register CAN2IC XXXX X0002 DMA1 Interrupt Control Register UART2 Transmit /NACK Interrupt Control Register DMA3 Interrupt Control Register UART3 Transmit /NACK Interrupt Control Register Timer A1 Interrupt Control Register UART4 Transmit /NACK Interrupt Control Register Timer A3 Interrupt Control Register UART2 Bus Conflict Detect Interrupt Control Register DM1IC S2TIC DM3IC S3TIC TA1IC S4TIC TA3IC BCN2IC XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 23 of 435 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XX00 X0002 XXXX X0002 XX00 X0002 XXXX X0002 XX00 X0002 XXXX X0002 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Address 009016 009116 009216 009316 009416 009516 009616 009716 009816 009916 009A16 009B16 009C16 009D16 009E16 009F16 00A016 00A116 00A216 00A316 00A416 00A516 00A616 00A716 00A816 00A916 00AA16 00AB16 00AC16 00AD16 00AE16 00AF16 00B016 00B116 00B216 00B316 00B416 00B516 00B616 00B716 00B816 00B916 00BA16 00BB16 00BC16 00BD16 00BE16 00BF16 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) Register UART0 Transmit /NACK Interrupt Control Register UART1/UART4 Bus Conflict Detect Interrupt Control Register UART1 Transmit/NACK Interrupt Control Register Key Input Interrupt Control Register Timer B0 Interrupt Control Register Intelligent I/O Interrupt Control Register 1/ CAN Interrupt 4 Control Register Timer B2 Interrupt Control Register Intelligent I/O Interrupt Control Register 3/ CAN Interrupt 7 Control Register Timer B4 Interrupt Control Register CAN Interrupt 5 Control Register INT4 Interrupt Control Register Symbol S0TIC BCN1IC/BCN4IC S1TIC KUPIC TB0IC IIO1IC/ CAN4IC TB2IC IIO3IC/ CAN7IC TB4IC CAN5IC INT4IC Value after RESET XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 INT2 Interrupt Control Register Intelligent I/O Interrupt Control Register 9/ INT2IC IIO9IC/ XX00 X0002 CAN Interrupt 0 Control Register INT0 Interrupt Control Register Exit Priority Control Register Interrupt Request Register 0 Interrupt Request Register 1 Interrupt Request Register 2 Interrupt Request Register 3 Interrupt Request Register 4 Interrupt Request Register 5 Interrupt Request Register 6 CAN0IC INT0IC RLVL IIO0IR IIO1IR IIO2IR IIO3IR IIO4IR IIO5IR IIO6IR XX00 X0002 XXXX 00002 0000 000X2 0000 000X2 0000 000X2 0000 000X2 0000 000X2 0000 000X2 0000 000X2 Interrupt Request Register 8 Interrupt Request Register 9 Interrupt Request Register 10 Interrupt Request Register 11 IIO8IR IIO9IR IIO10IR IIO11IR 0000 000X2 0000 000X2 0000 000X2 0000 000X2 Interrupt Enable Register 0 Interrupt Enable Register 1 Interrupt Enable Register 2 Interrupt Enable Register 3 Interrupt Enable Register 4 Interrupt Enable Register 5 Interrupt Enable Register 6 IIO0IE IIO1IE IIO2IE IIO3IE IIO4IE IIO5IE IIO6IE 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 Interrupt Enable Register 8 Interrupt Enable Register 9 Interrupt Enable Register 10 Interrupt Enable Register 11 IIO8IE IIO9IE IIO10IE IIO11IE 0016 0016 0016 0016 X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 24 of 435 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XX00 X0002 XXXX X0002 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Address 00C016 00C116 00C216 00C316 00C416 00C516 00C616 00C716 00C816 00C916 00CA16 00CB16 00CC16 00CD16 00CE16 00CF16 00D016 00D116 00D216 00D316 00D416 00D516 00D616 00D716 00D816 00D916 00DA16 00DB16 00DC16 00DD16 00DE16 00DF16 00E016 00E116 00E216 00E316 00E416 00E516 00E616 00E716 00E816 00E916 00EA16 00EB16 00EC16 00ED16 00EE16 00EF16 Register Symbol Value after RESET SI/O Receive Buffer Register 0 G0RB Transmit Buffer/Receive Data Register 0 G0TB/G0DR XXXX XXXX2 XXX0 XXXX2 XX16 Receive Input Register 0 SI/O Communication Mode Register 0 Transmit Output Register 0 SI/O Communication Control Register 0 G0RI G0MR G0TO G0CR XX16 0016 XX16 0000 X0112 X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 25 of 435 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Address 00F016 00F116 00F216 00F316 00F416 00F516 00F616 00F716 00F816 00F916 00FA16 00FB16 00FC16 00FD16 00FE16 00FF16 010016 010116 010216 010316 010416 010516 010616 010716 010816 010916 010A16 010B16 010C16 010D16 010E16 010F16 011016 011116 011216 011316 011416 011516 011616 011716 011816 011916 011A16 011B16 011C16 011D16 011E16 011F16 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) Register Data Compare Register 00 Data Compare Register 01 Data Compare Register 02 Data Compare Register 03 Data Mask Register 00 Data Mask Register 01 Communication Clock Select Register Symbol G0CMP0 G0CMP1 G0CMP2 G0CMP3 G0MSK0 G0MSK1 CCS Receive CRC Code Register 0 G0RCRC Transmit CRC Code Register 0 G0TCRC SI/O Extended Mode Register 0 SI/O Extended Receive Control Register 0 SI/O Special Communication Interrupt Detect Register 0 SI/O Extended Transmit Control Register 0 G0EMR G0ERC G0IRF G0ETC Time Measurement/Waveform Generating Register 10 G1TM0/G1PO0 Time Measurement/Waveform Generating Register 11 G1TM1/G1PO1 Time Measurement/Waveform Generating Register 12 G1TM2/G1PO2 Time Measurement/Waveform Generating Register 13 G1TM3/G1PO3 Time Measurement/Waveform Generating Register 14 G1TM4/G1PO4 Time Measurement/Waveform Generating Register 15 G1TM5/G1PO5 Time Measurement/Waveform Generating Register 16 G1TM6/G1PO6 Time Measurement/Waveform Generating Register 17 G1TM7/G1PO7 Waveform Generating Control Register 10 Waveform Generating Control Register 11 Waveform Generating Control Register 12 Waveform Generating Control Register 13 Waveform Generating Control Register 14 Waveform Generating Control Register 15 Waveform Generating Control Register 16 Waveform Generating Control Register 17 Time Measurement Control Register 10 Time Measurement Control Register 11 Time Measurement Control Register 12 Time Measurement Control Register 13 Time Measurement Control Register 14 Time Measurement Control Register 15 Time Measurement Control Register 16 Time Measurement Control Register 17 G1POCR0 G1POCR1 G1POCR2 G1POCR3 G1POCR4 G1POCR5 G1POCR6 G1POCR7 G1TMCR0 G1TMCR1 G1TMCR2 G1TMCR3 G1TMCR4 G1TMCR5 G1TMCR6 G1TMCR7 Value after RESET XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XXXX 00002 XX16 X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 26 of 435 XX16 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0000 0XXX2 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 0000 X0002 0X00 X0002 0X00 X0002 0X00 X0002 0X00 X0002 0X00 X0002 0X00 X0002 0X00 X0002 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Address 012016 012116 012216 012316 012416 012516 012616 012716 012816 012916 012A16 012B16 012C16 012D16 012E16 012F16 013016 013116 013216 013316 013416 013516 013616 013716 013816 013916 013A16 013B16 013C16 013D16 013E16 013F16 014016 014116 014216 014316 014416 014516 014616 014716 014816 014916 014A16 014B16 014C16 014D16 to 016F16 Register Symbol Value after RESET XX16 Base Timer Register 1 G1BT Base Timer Control Register 10 Base Timer Control Register 11 Time Measurement Prescaler Register 16 Time Measurement Prescaler Register 17 Function Enable Register 1 Function Select Register 1 G1BCR0 G1BCR1 G1TPR6 G1TPR7 G1FE G1FS SI/O Receive Buffer Register 1 G1RB Transmit Buffer/Receive Data Register 1 G1TB/G1DR X000 XXXX2 XX16 Receive Input Register 1 SI/O Communication Mode Register 1 Transmit Output Register 1 SI/O Communication Control Register 1 Data Compare Register 10 Data Compare Register 11 Data Compare Register 12 Data Compare Register 13 Data Mask Register 10 Data Mask Register 11 G1RI G1MR G1TO G1CR G1CMP0 G1CMP1 G1CMP2 G1CMP3 G1MSK0 G1MSK1 XX16 0016 XX16 0000 X0112 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 Receive CRC Code Register 1 G1RCRC Transmit CRC Code Register 1 G1TCRC SI/O Extended Mode Register 1 SI/O Extended Receive Control Register 1 SI/O Special Communication Interrupt Detection Register 1 SI/O Extended Transmit Control Register 1 G1EMR G1ERC G1IRF G1ETC XX16 0016 X000 000X2 0016 0016 0016 0016 XXXX XXXX2 XX16 X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 27 of 435 XX16 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0000 0XXX2 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Address 017016 017116 017216 017316 017416 017516 017616 017716 017816 017916 017A16 017B16 017C16 017D16 017E16 017F16 018016 018116 018216 018316 018416 018516 018616 018716 018816 018916 018A16 018B16 018C16 018D16 018E16 018F16 019016 019116 019216 019316 019416 019516 019616 019716 019816 019916 019A16 019B16 019C16 019D16 019E16 019F16 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) Register CAN2 Slot Buffer Select Register CAN2 Control Register 1 CAN2 Sleep Control Register Symbol C2SBS C2CTLR1 C2SLPR Value after RESET 0016(1) X000 00XX2(1) XXXX XXX02 CAN2 Acceptance Filter Support Register C2AFS 0016(1) 0116(1) Input Function Select Register Input Function Select Register A IPS IPSA 0016 0016 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Standard ID0 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Standard ID1 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID0 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID1 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID2 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data Length Code CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 0 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 1 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 2 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 3 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 4 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 5 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 6 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 7 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Time Stamp High-Order CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 0 Time Stamp Low-Order CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Standard ID0 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Standard ID1 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID0 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID1 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID2 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data Length Code CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 0 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 1 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 2 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 3 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 4 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 5 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 6 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 7 CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Time Stamp High-Order CAN2 Message Slot Buffer 1 Time Stamp Low-Order C2SLOT0_0 C2SLOT0_1 C2SLOT0_2 C2SLOT0_3 C2SLOT0_4 C2SLOT0_5 C2SLOT0_6 C2SLOT0_7 C2SLOT0_8 C2SLOT0_9 C2SLOT0_10 C2SLOT0_11 C2SLOT0_12 C2SLOT0_13 C2SLOT0_14 C2SLOT0_15 C2SLOT1_0 C2SLOT1_1 C2SLOT1_2 C2SLOT1_3 C2SLOT1_4 C2SLOT1_5 C2SLOT1_6 C2SLOT1_7 C2SLOT1_8 C2SLOT1_9 C2SLOT1_10 C2SLOT1_11 C2SLOT1_12 C2SLOT1_13 C2SLOT1_14 C2SLOT1_15 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. NOTE: 1. Values are obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the C2SLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 28 of 435 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Address 01A016 01A116 01A216 01A316 01A416 01A516 01A616 01A716 01A816 Register Value after RESET XX01 0X012(2) CAN2 Control Register 0 C2CTLR0 XXXX 00002(2) 0000 00002(2) CAN2 Status Register C2STR X000 0X012(2) 0016(2) CAN2 Extended ID Register C2IDR 0016(2) 0000 XXXX2(2) CAN2 Configuration Register C2CONR 0000 00002(2) 0016(2) C2TSR 0016(2) 0016(2) 0016(2) 0016(2) CAN2 Time Stamp Register 01A916 01AA16 CAN2 Transmit Error Count Register 01AB16 CAN2 Receive Error Count Register 01AC16 CAN2 Slot Interrupt Status Register 01AD16 01AE16 01AF16 01B016 CAN2 Slot Interrupt Mask Register 01B116 01B216 01B316 01B416 01B516 01B616 01B716 01B816 01B916 01BA16 01BB16 01BC16 01BD16 01BE16 01BF16 01C016 01C116 01C216 01C316 01C416 01C516 01C616 01C716 01C816 01C916 01CA16 01CB16 01CC16 01CD16 01CE16 01CF16 Symbol C2TEC C2REC C2SISTR 0016(2) 0016(2) C2SIMKR 0016(2) CAN2 Error Interrupt Mask Register CAN2 Error Interrupt Status Register CAN2 Error Cause Register CAN2 Baud Rate Prescaler C2EIMKR C2EISTR C2EFR C2BRP XXXX X0002(2) XXXX X0002(2) 0016(2) 0000 00012(2) CAN2 Mode Register C2MDR XXXX XX002(2) CAN2 Single Shot Control Register C2SSCTLR 0016(2) 0016(2) CAN2 Single Shot Status Register C2SSSTR 0016(2) 0016(2) (Note 1) CAN2 Global Mask Register Standard ID0 CAN2 Global Mask Register Standard ID1 CAN2 Global Mask Register Extended ID0 CAN2 Global Mask Register Extended ID1 CAN2 Global Mask Register Extended ID2 C2GMR0 C2GMR1 C2GMR2 C2GMR3 C2GMR4 00002(2) XXX0 XX00 00002(2) XXXX 00002(2) 0016(2) XX00 00002(2) X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. NOTES: 1. The BANKSEL bit in the C2CTLR1 register switches functions for addresses 01C016 to 01DF16. 2. Values are obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the C2SLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 29 of 435 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Address 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) Register CAN2 Message Slot 0 Control Register / Symbol C2MCTL0/ Value after RESET 0000 00002(2) CAN2 Local Mask Register A Standard ID0 CAN2 Message Slot 1 Control Register / C2LMAR0 C2MCTL1/ XXX0 00002(2) 0000 00002(2) CAN2 Local Mask Register A Standard ID1 CAN2 Message Slot 2 Control Register / C2LMAR1 C2MCTL2/ XX00 00002(2) 0000 00002(2) CAN2 Local Mask Register A Extended ID0 CAN2 Message Slot 3 Control Register / C2LMAR2 C2MCTL3/ XXXX 00002(2) 0016(2) CAN2 local Mask Register A Extended ID1 CAN2 Message Slot 4 Control Register / C2LMAR3 C2MCTL4/ 0016(2) 0000 00002(2) CAN2 Local Mask Register A Extended ID2 CAN2 Message Slot 5 Control Register CAN2 Message Slot 6 Control Register CAN2 Message Slot 7 Control Register CAN2 Message Slot 8 Control Register / C2LMAR4 C2MCTL5 C2MCTL6 C2MCTL7 C2MCTL8/ XX00 00002(2) 0016(2) 0016(2) 0016(2) 0000 00002(2) CAN2 Local Mask Register B Standard ID0 CAN2 Message Slot 9 Control Register / C2LMBR0 C2MCTL9/ XXX0 00002(2) 0000 00002(2) CAN2 Local Mask Register B Standard ID1 CAN2 Message Slot 10 Control Register / C2LMBR1 C2MCTL10/ XX00 00002(2) 0000 00002(2) CAN2 Local Mask Register B Extended ID2 CAN2 Message Slot 11 Control Register / C2LMBR2 C2MCTL11/ XXXX 00002(2) 0016(2) CAN2 Local Mask Register B Extended ID3 CAN2 Message Slot 12 Control Register / C2LMBR3 C2MCTL12/ 0016(2) 0000 00002(2) CAN2 Local Mask Register B Extended ID4 01DD16 CAN2 Message Slot 13 Control Register 01DE16 CAN2 Message Slot 14 Control Register 01DF16 CAN2 Message Slot 15 Control Register C2LMBR4 C2MCTL13 C2MCTL14 C2MCTL15 XX00 00002(2) 0016(2) 0016(2) 0016(2) 01D016 01D116 01D216 01D316 01D416 01D516 01D616 01D716 01D816 01D916 01DA16 01DB16 01DC16 (Note 1) X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. NOTES: 1. The BANKSEL bit in the C2CTLR1 register switches functions for addresses 01C016 to 01DF16. 2. Values are obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the C2SLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 30 of 435 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) Address 01E016 01E116 01E216 01E316 01E416 01E516 01E616 01E716 01E816 01E916 01EA16 01EB16 01EC16 01ED16 01EE16 01EF16 01F016 01F116 Register CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Standard ID0 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Standard ID1 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID0 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID1 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID2 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data Length Code CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 0 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 1 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 2 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 3 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 4 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 5 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 6 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 7 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Time Stamp High-Order CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 0 Time Stamp Low-Order CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Standard ID0 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Standard ID1 Symbol C0SLOT0_0 C0SLOT0_1 C0SLOT0_2 C0SLOT0_3 C0SLOT0_4 C0SLOT0_5 C0SLOT0_6 C0SLOT0_7 C0SLOT0_8 C0SLOT0_9 C0SLOT0_10 C0SLOT0_11 C0SLOT0_12 C0SLOT0_13 C0SLOT0_14 C0SLOT0_15 C0SLOT1_0 C0SLOT1_1 Value after RESET XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 01F216 01F316 01F416 01F516 01F616 01F716 01F816 01F916 01FA16 01FB16 01FC16 01FD16 01FE16 01FF16 020016 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID0 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID1 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID2 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data Length Code CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 0 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 1 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 2 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 3 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 4 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 5 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 6 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 7 CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Time Stamp High-Order CAN0 Message Slot Buffer 1 Time Stamp Low-Order C0SLOT1_2 C0SLOT1_3 C0SLOT1_4 C0SLOT1_5 C0SLOT1_6 C0SLOT1_7 C0SLOT1_8 C0SLOT1_9 C0SLOT1_10 C0SLOT1_11 C0SLOT1_12 C0SLOT1_13 C0SLOT1_14 C0SLOT1_15 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX01 0X012(1) CAN0 Control Register 0 C0CTLR0 XXXX 00002(1) 0000 00002(1) CAN0 Status Register C0STR X000 0X012(1) 0016(1) CAN0 Extended ID Register C0IDR 0016(1) 0000 XXXX2(1) CAN0 Configuration Register C0CONR 0000 00002(1) 0016(1) CAN0 Time Stamp Register C0TSR CAN0 Transmit Error Count Register CAN0 Receive Error Count Register C0TEC C0REC 0016(1) 0016(1) 0016(1) 0016(1) CAN0 Slot Interrupt Status Register C0SISTR 020116 020216 020316 020416 020516 020616 020716 020816 020916 020A16 020B16 020C16 020D16 020E16 020F16 0016(1) X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. NOTE: 1. Values are obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the C0SLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 31 of 435 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Address 021016 021116 021216 021316 021416 021516 021616 021716 021816 021916 021A16 021B16 021C16 021D16 021E16 021F16 022016 022116 022216 022316 022416 022516 022616 022716 022816 022916 022A16 022B16 022C16 022D16 022E16 022F16 023016 023116 023216 023316 023416 023516 023616 023716 023816 023916 Register Symbol Value after RESET 0016(2) CAN0 Slot Interrupt Mask Register C0SIMKR 0016(2) CAN0 Error Interrupt Mask Register CAN0 Error Interrupt Status Register CAN0 Error Cause Register CAN0 Baud Rate Prescaler C0EIMKR C0EISTR C0EFR C0BRP XXXX X0002(2) XXXX X0002(2) 0016(2) 0000 00012(2) CAN0 Mode Register C0MDR XXXX XX002(2) CAN0 Single Shot Control Register C0SSCTLR 0016(2) 0016(2) CAN0 Single Shot Status Register C0SSSTR 0016(2) 0016(2) CAN0 Global Mask Register Standard ID0 CAN0 Global Mask Register Standard ID1 CAN0 Global Mask Register Extended ID0 CAN0 Global Mask Register Extended ID1 CAN0 Global Mask Register Extended ID2 C0GMR0 C0GMR1 C0GMR2 C0GMR3 C0GMR4 XXX0 00002(2) XX00 00002(2) XXXX 00002(2) 0016(2) XX00 00002(2) CAN0 Message Slot 0 Control Register / C0MCTL0/ 0000 00002(2) (Note 1) 00002(2) CAN0 Local Mask Register A Standard ID0 CAN0 Message Slot 1 Control Register / C0LMAR0 C0MCTL1/ XXX0 0000 00002(2) CAN0 Local Mask Register A Standard ID1 CAN0 Message Slot 2 Control Register / C0LMAR1 C0MCTL2/ XX00 00002(2) 0000 00002(2) CAN0 Local Mask Register A Extended ID0 CAN0 Message Slot 3 Control Register / C0LMAR2 C0MCTL3/ XXXX 00002(2) 0016(2) CAN0 local Mask Register A Extended ID1 CAN0 Message Slot 4 Control Register / C0LMAR3 C0MCTL4/ 0016(2) 0000 00002(2) CAN0 Local Mask Register A Extended ID2 CAN0 Message Slot 5 Control Register CAN0 Message Slot 6 Control Register CAN0 Message Slot 7 Control Register CAN0 Message Slot 8 Control Register / C0LMAR4 C0MCTL5 C0MCTL6 C0MCTL7 C0MCTL8/ XX00 00002(2) 0016(2) 0016(2) 0016(2) 0000 00002(2) CAN0 Local Mask Register B Standard ID0 CAN0 Message Slot 9 Control Register / C0LMBR0 C0MCTL9/ XXX0 00002(2) 0000 00002(2) CAN0 Local Mask Register B Standard ID1 C0LMBR1 XX00 00002(2) X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. NOTES: 1. The BANKSEL bit in the C0CTLR1 register switches functions for addresses 022016 to 023F16. 2. Values are obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the C0SLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 32 of 435 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Address 023A16 023B16 023C16 023D16 023E16 023F16 024016 024116 024216 024316 024416 024516 024616 024716 024816 024916 024A16 024B16 024C16 024D16 024E16 024F16 025016 025116 025216 025316 025416 025516 025616 025716 025816 025916 025A16 025B16 025C16 025D16 025E16 025F16 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) Register CAN0 Message Slot 10 Control Register / Symbol C0MCTL10/ Value after RESET 0000 00002(2) CAN0 Local Mask Register B Extended ID0 CAN0 Message Slot 11 Control Register / C0LMBR2 C0MCTL11/ XXXX 00002(2) 0016(2) CAN0 Local Mask Register B Extended ID1 CAN0 Message Slot 12 Control Register / C0LMBR3 C0MCTL12/ 0016(2) 0000 00002(2) CAN0 Local Mask Register B Extended ID2 CAN0 Message Slot 13 Control Register CAN0 Message Slot 14 Control Register CAN0 Message Slot 15 Control Register CAN0 Slot Buffer Select Register CAN0 Control Register 1 CAN0 Sleep Control Register C0LMBR4 C0MCTL13 C0MCTL14 C0MCTL15 C0SBS C0CTLR1 C0SLPR XX00 00002(2) 0016(2) 0016(2) 0016(2) 0016(2) X000 00XX2(2) XXXX XXX02 CAN0 Acceptance Filter Support Register C0AFS 0016(2) 0116(2) CAN1 Slot Buffer Select Register CAN1 Control Register 1 CAN1 Sleep Control Register C1SBS C1CTLR1 C1SLPR 0016(3) X000 00XX2(3) XXXX XXX02(3) CAN1 Acceptance Filter Support Register C1AFS 0016(3) 0116(3) (Note 1) X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. NOTES: 1. The BANKSEL bit in the C0CTLR1 register switches functions for addresses 022016 to 023F16. 2. Values are obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the C0SLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. 3. Values are obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the C1SLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 33 of 435 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Address 026016 026116 026216 026316 026416 026516 026616 026716 026816 026916 026A16 026B16 026C16 026D16 026E16 026F16 027016 027116 027216 027316 027416 027516 027616 027716 027816 027916 027A16 027B16 027C16 027D16 027E16 027F16 028016 028116 028216 028316 028416 028516 028616 028716 028816 028916 028A16 028B16 028C16 028D16 028E16 028F16 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) Register CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Standard ID0 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Standard ID1 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID0 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID1 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID2 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data Length Code CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 0 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 1 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 2 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 3 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 4 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 5 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 6 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 7 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Time Stamp High-Order CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 0 Time Stamp Low-Order CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Standard ID0 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Standard ID1 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID0 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID1 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID2 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data Length Code CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 0 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 1 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 2 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 3 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 4 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 5 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 6 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 7 CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Time Stamp High-Order CAN1 Message Slot Buffer 1 Time Stamp Low-Order Symbol C1SLOT0_0 C1SLOT0_1 C1SLOT0_2 C1SLOT0_3 C1SLOT0_4 C1SLOT0_5 C1SLOT0_6 C1SLOT0_7 C1SLOT0_8 C1SLOT0_9 C1SLOT0_10 C1SLOT0_11 C1SLOT0_12 C1SLOT0_13 C1SLOT0_14 C1SLOT0_15 C1SLOT1_0 C1SLOT1_1 C1SLOT1_2 C1SLOT1_3 C1SLOT1_4 C1SLOT1_5 C1SLOT1_6 C1SLOT1_7 C1SLOT1_8 C1SLOT1_9 C1SLOT1_10 C1SLOT1_11 C1SLOT1_12 C1SLOT1_13 C1SLOT1_14 C1SLOT1_15 Value after RESET XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX01 0X012(1) CAN1 Control Register 0 C1CTLR0 XXXX 00002(1) 0000 00002(1) CAN1 Status Register C1STR X000 0X012(1) 0016(1) CAN1 Extended ID Register C1IDR 0016(1) 0000 XXXX2(1) CAN1 Configuration Register C1CONR 0000 00002(1) 0016(1) CAN1 Time Stamp Register C1TSR CAN1 Transmit Error Count Register CAN1 Receive Error Count Register C1TEC C1REC 0016(1) 0016(1) 0016(1) 0016(1) CAN1 Slot Interrupt Status Register C1SISTR 0016(1) X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. NOTE: 1. Values are obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the C1SLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying the clock to the CAN module. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 34 of 435 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Address 029016 029116 029216 029316 029416 029516 029616 029716 029816 029916 029A16 029B16 029C16 029D16 029E16 029F16 02A016 02A116 02A216 02A316 02A416 02A516 02A616 02A716 02A816 02A916 02AA16 02AB16 02AC16 02AD16 02AE16 02AF16 02B016 02B116 02B216 02B316 02B416 02B516 02B616 02B716 02B816 02B916 Register Symbol Value after RESET 0016(2) CAN1 Slot Interrupt Mask Register C1SIMKR 0016(2) CAN1 Error Interrupt Mask Register CAN1 Error Interrupt Status Register CAN1 Error Factor Register CAN1 Baud Rate Prescaler C1EIMKR C1EISTR C1EFR C1BRP XXXX X0002(2) XXXX X0002(2) 0016(2) 0000 00012(2) CAN1 Mode Register C1MDR XXXX XX002(2) CAN1 Single Shot Control Register C1SSCTLR 0016(2) 0016(2) CAN1 Single Shot Status Register C1SSSTR 0016(2) 0016(2) CAN1 Global Mask Register Standard ID0 CAN1 Global Mask Register Standard ID1 CAN1 Global Mask Register Extended ID0 CAN1 Global Mask Register Extended ID1 CAN1 Global Mask Register Extended ID2 C1GMR0 C1GMR1 C1GMR2 C1GMR3 C1GMR4 XXX0 00002(2) XX00 00002(2) XXXX 00002(2) 0016(2) XX00 00002(2) CAN1 Message Slot 0 Control Register / C1MCTL0/ 0000 00002(2) (Note 1) 00002(2) CAN1 Local Mask Register A Standard ID0 CAN1 Message Slot 1 Control Register / C1LMAR0 C1MCTL1/ XXX0 0000 00002(2) CAN1 Local Mask Register A Standard ID1 CAN1 Message Slot 2 Control Register / C1LMAR1 C1MCTL2/ XX00 00002(2) 0000 00002(2) CAN1 Local Mask Register A Extended ID0 CAN1 Message Slot 3 Control Register / C1LMAR2 C1MCTL3/ XXXX 00002(2) 0016(2) CAN1 Local Mask Register A Extended ID1 CAN1 Message Slot 4 Control Register / C1LMAR3 C1MCTL4/ 0016(2) 0000 00002(2) CAN1 Local Mask Register A Extended ID2 CAN1 Message Slot 5 Control Register CAN1 Message Slot 6 Control Register CAN1 Message Slot 7 Control Register CAN1 Message Slot 8 Control Register / C1LMAR4 C1MCTL5 C1MCTL6 C1MCTL7 C1MCTL8/ XX00 00002(2) 0016(2) 0016(2) 0016(2) 0000 00002(2) CAN1 Local Mask Register B Standard ID0 CAN1 Message Slot 9 Control Register / C1LMBR0 C1MCTL9/ XXX0 00002(2) 0000 00002(2) CAN1 Local Mask Register B Standard ID1 C1LMBR1 XX00 00002(2) X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. NOTES: 1. The BANKSEL bit in the C1CTLR1 register switches functions for addresses 02A016 to 02BF16. 2. Values are obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the C1SLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 35 of 435 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Address 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) Register CAN1 Message Slot 10 Control Register / Symbol C1MCTL10/ Value after RESET 0000 00002(2) CAN1 Local Mask Register B Extended ID0 CAN1 Message Slot 11 Control Register / C1LMBR2 C1MCTL11/ XXXX 00002(2) 0016(2) CAN1 Local Mask Register B Extended ID1 CAN1 Message Slot 12 Control Register / C1LMBR3 C1MCTL12/ 0016(2) 0000 00002(2) CAN1 Local Mask Register B Extended ID2 02BD16 CAN1 Message Slot 13 Control Register 02BE16 CAN1 Message Slot 14 Control Register 02BF16 CAN1 Message Slot 15 Control Register 02C016 X0 Register Y0 Register 02C116 02C216 X1 Register Y1 Register 02C316 02C416 X2 Register Y2 Register 02C516 02C616 X3 Register Y3 Register 02C716 02C816 X4 Register Y4 Register 02C916 02CA16 X5 Register Y5 Register 02CB16 02CC16 X6 Register Y6 Register 02CD16 02CE16 X7 Register Y7 Register 02CF16 02D016 X8 Register Y8 Register 02D116 02D216 X9 Register Y9 Register 02D316 02D416 X10 Register Y10 Register 02D516 02D616 X11 Register Y11 Register 02D716 02D816 X12 Register Y12 Register 02D916 02DA16 X13 Register Y13 Register 02DB16 02DC16 X14 Register Y14 Register 02DD16 02DE16 X15 Register Y15 Register 02DF16 C1LMBR4 C1MCTL13 C1MCTL14 C1MCTL15 XX00 00002(2) 0016(2) 0016(2) 0016(2) XX16 02BA16 02BB16 02BC16 X0R,Y0R X1R,Y1R X2R,Y2R X3R,Y3R X4R,Y4R X5R,Y5R X6R,Y6R X7R,Y7R X8R,Y8R X9R,Y9R X10R,Y10R X11R,Y11R X12R,Y12R X13R,Y13R X14R,Y14R X15R,Y15R (Note 1) XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. NOTES: 1. The BANKSEL bit in the C1CTLR1 register switches functions for addresses 02A016 to 02BF16. 2. Values are obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the C1SLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 36 of 435 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Address 02E016 02E116 02E216 02E316 02E416 02E516 02E616 02E716 02E816 02E916 02EA16 X/Y Control Register Register Symbol XYC Value after RESET XXXX XX002 UART1 Special Mode Register 4 UART1 Special Mode Register 3 UART1 Special Mode Register 2 UART1 Special Mode Register UART1 Transmit/Receive Mode Register UART1 Bit Rate Register U1SMR4 U1SMR3 U1SMR2 U1SMR U1MR U1BRG 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 XX16 XX16 UART1 Transmit Buffer Register 02EB16 02EC16 UART1 Transmit/Receive Control Register 0 02ED16 UART1 Transmit/Receive Control Register 1 02EE16 UART1 Receive Buffer Register 02EF16 02F016 02F116 02F216 02F316 02F416 UART4 Special Mode Register 4 02F516 UART4 Special Mode Register 3 02F616 UART4 Special Mode Register 2 02F716 UART4 Special Mode Register 02F816 UART4 Transmit/Receive Mode Register 02F916 UART4 Bit Rate Register 02FA16 UART4 Transmit Buffer Register 02FB16 02FC16 UART4 Transmit/Receive Control Register 0 02FD16 UART4 Transmit/Receive Control Register 1 02FE16 UART4 Receive Buffer Register 02FF16 030016 Timer B3, B4, B5 Count Start Flag 030116 030216 Timer A1-1 Register 030316 030416 Timer A2-1 Register 030516 030616 Timer A4-1 Register 030716 030816 Three-Phase PWM Control Register 0 030916 Three-Phase PWM Control Register 1 030A16 Three-Phase Output Buffer Register 0 030B16 Three-Phase Output Buffer Register 1 030C16 Dead Time Timer 030D16 Timer B2 Interrupt Generation Frequency Set Counter 030E16 030F16 X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 37 of 435 U1TB U1C0 U1C1 U1RB U4SMR4 U4SMR3 U4SMR2 U4SMR U4MR U4BRG U4TB U4C0 U4C1 U4RB TBSR XX16 0000 10002 0000 00102 XX16 XX16 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 XX16 XX16 XX16 0000 10002 0000 00102 XX16 XX16 000X XXXX2 XX16 TA11 TA21 TA41 INVC0 INVC1 IDB0 IDB1 DTT ICTB2 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 0016 0016 XX11 11112 XX11 11112 XX16 XX16 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Address 031016 031116 031216 031316 031416 031516 031616 031716 031816 031916 031A16 031B16 031C16 031D16 031E16 031F16 032016 032116 032216 032316 032416 032516 032616 032716 032816 032916 032A16 032B16 032C16 032D16 032E16 032F16 033016 033116 033216 033316 033416 033516 033616 033716 033816 033916 033A16 033B16 033C16 033D16 033E16 033F16 Register Symbol Value after RESET XX16 Timer B3 Register TB3 Timer B4 Register TB4 Timer B5 Register TB5 Timer B3 Mode Register Timer B4 Mode Register Timer B5 Mode Register TB3MR TB4MR TB5MR 00XX 00002 00XX 00002 00XX 00002 External Interrupt Request Source Select Register IFSR 0016 UART3 Special Mode Register 4 UART3 Special Mode Register 3 UART3 Special Mode Register 2 UART3 Special Mode Register UART3 Transmit/Receive Mode Register UART3 Bit Rate Register U3SMR4 U3SMR3 U3SMR2 U3SMR U3MR U3BRG UART3 Transmit Buffer Register U3TB UART3 Transmit/Receive Control Register 0 UART3 Transmit/Receive Control Register 1 U3C0 U3C1 UART3 Receive Buffer Register U3RB 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 XX16 XX16 XX16 0000 10002 0000 00102 XX16 XX16 UART2 Special Mode Register 4 UART2 Special Mode Register 3 UART2 Special Mode Register 2 UART2 Special Mode Register UART2 Transmit/Receive Mode Register UART2 Bit Rate Register U2SMR4 U2SMR3 U2SMR2 U2SMR U2MR U2BRG UART2 Transmit Buffer Register U2TB UART2 Transmit/Receive Control Register 0 UART2 Transmit/Receive Control Register 1 U2C0 U2C1 UART2 Receive Buffer Register U2RB X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 38 of 435 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 XX16 XX16 XX16 0000 10002 0000 00102 XX16 XX16 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Address 034016 034116 034216 034316 034416 034516 034616 034716 034816 034916 034A16 034B16 034C16 034D16 034E16 034F16 035016 035116 035216 035316 035416 035516 035616 035716 035816 035916 035A16 035B16 035C16 035D16 035E16 035F16 036016 036116 036216 036316 036416 036516 036616 036716 036816 036916 036A16 036B16 036C16 036D16 036E16 036F16 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) Register Count Start Flag Clock Prescaler Reset Flag One-Shot Start Flag Trigger Select Register Up/Down Flag Symbol TABSR CPSRF ONSF TRGSR UDF Timer A0 Register TA0 Timer A1 Register TA1 Timer A2 Register TA2 Timer A3 Register TA3 Timer A4 Register TA4 Timer B0 Register TB0 Timer B1 Register TB1 Timer B2 Register TB2 Timer A0 Mode Register Timer A1 Mode Register Timer A2 Mode Register Timer A3 Mode Register Timer A4 Mode Register Timer B0 Mode Register Timer B1 Mode Register Timer B2 Mode Register Timer B2 Special Mode Register Count Source Prescaler Register(1) TA0MR TA1MR TA2MR TA3MR TA4MR TB0MR TB1MR TB2MR TB2SC TCSPR UART0 Special Mode Register 4 UART0 Special Mode Register 3 UART0 Special Mode Register 2 UART0 Special Mode Register UART0 Transmit/Receive Mode Register UART0 Bit Rate Register U0SMR4 U0SMR3 U0SMR2 U0SMR U0MR U0BRG UART0 Transmit Buffer Register U0TB UART0 Transmit/Receive Control Register 0 UART0 Transmit/Receive Control Register 1 U0C0 U0C1 UART0 Receive Buffer Register U0RB Value after RESET 0016 0XXX XXXX2 0016 0016 0016 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 00XX 00002 00XX 00002 00XX 00002 XXXX XXX02 0XXX 00002 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 XX16 XX16 XX16 0000 10002 0000 00102 XX16 XX16 X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. NOTE: 1. The TCSPR register maintains values set before reset, even after software reset or watchdog timer reset has been performed. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 39 of 435 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Address 037016 037116 037216 037316 037416 037516 037616 037716 037816 037916 037A16 037B16 037C16 037D16 037E16 037F16 038016 038116 038216 038316 038416 038516 038616 038716 038816 038916 038A16 038B16 038C16 038D16 038E16 038F16 039016 039116 039216 039316 039416 039516 039616 039716 039816 039916 039A16 039B16 039C16 039D16 039E16 039F16 Register Symbol Value after RESET DMA0 Request Source Select Register DMA1 Request Source Select Register DMA2 Request Source Select Register DMA3 Request Source Select Register DM0SL DM1SL DM2SL DM3SL CRC Data Register CRCD CRC Input Register CRCIN A/D0 Register 0 AD00 A/D0 Register 1 AD01 A/D0 Register 2 AD02 A/D0 Register 3 AD03 A/D0 Register 4 AD04 A/D0 Register 5 AD05 A/D0 Register 6 AD06 A/D0 Register 7 AD07 A/D0 Control Register 4 AD0CON4 XXXX 00XX2 A/D0 Control Register 2 A/D0 Control Register 3 A/D0 Control Register 0 A/D0 Control Register 1 D/A Register 0 AD0CON2 AD0CON3 AD0CON0 AD0CON1 DA0 XX0X X0002 XXXX X0002 0016 0016 XX16 D/A Register 1 DA1 XX16 D/A Control Register DACON XXXX XX002 X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 40 of 435 0X00 00002 0X00 00002 0X00 00002 0X00 00002 XX16 XX16 XX16 XXXX XXXX2 0000 00002 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 XX16 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) <144-pin package> Address 03A016 03A116 03A216 03A316 03A416 03A516 03A616 03A716 03A816 03A916 03AA16 03AB16 03AC16 03AD16 03AE16 03AF16 03B016 03B116 03B216 Register Function Select Register A8 Function Select Register A9 Symbol PS8 PS9 Value after RESET X000 00002 0016 Function Select Register D1 PSD1 X0XX XX002 Function Select Register C2 Function Select Register C3 PSC2 PSC3 XXXX X00X2 X0XX XXXX2 Function Select Register C Function Select Register A0 Function Select Register A1 Function Select Register B0 PSC PS0 PS1 PSL0 00X0 00002 0016 0016 0016 03B316 03B416 03B516 03B616 03B716 03B816 03B916 03BA16 03BB16 03BC16 03BD16 03BE16 03BF16 03C016 03C116 03C216 03C316 03C416 03C516 03C616 03C716 03C816 03C916 03CA16 03CB16 03CC16 03CD16 03CE16 03CF16 Function Select Register B1 Function Select Register A2 Function Select Register A3 Function Select Register B2 Function Select Register B3 PSL1 PS2 PS3 PSL2 PSL3 0016 00X0 00002 0016 00X0 00002 0016 Function Select Register A5 PS5 XXX0 00002 Port P6 Register Port P7 Register Port P6 Direction Register Port P7 Direction Register Port P8 Register Port P9 Register Port P8 Direction Register Port P9 Direction Register Port P10 Register Port P11 Register Port P10 Direction Register Port P11 Direction Register Port P12 Register Port P13 Register Port P12 Direction Register Port P13 Direction Register P6 P7 PD6 PD7 P8 P9 PD8 PD9 P10 P11 PD10 PD11 P12 P13 PD12 PD13 XX16 XX16 0016 0016 XX16 XX16 00X0 00002 0016 XX16 XX16 0016 XXX0 00002 XX16 XX16 0016 0016 X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 41 of 435 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) <144-pin package> Address 03D016 03D116 03D216 03D316 03D416 03D516 03D616 03D716 03D816 03D916 03DA16 03DB16 03DC16 03DD16 03DE16 03DF16 03E016 03E116 03E216 03E316 03E416 03E516 03E616 03E716 03E816 03E916 03EA16 03EB16 03EC16 03ED16 03EE16 03EF16 03F016 03F116 03F216 03F316 03F416 03F516 03F616 03F716 03F816 03F916 03FA16 03FB16 03FC16 03FD16 03FE16 03FF16 Register Port P14 Register Port P15 Register Port P14 Direction Register Port P15 Direction Register Symbol P14 P15 PD14 PD15 Value after RESET XX16 XX16 X000 00002 0016 Pull-Up Control Register 2 Pull-Up Control Register 3 Pull-Up Control Register 4 PUR2 PUR3 PUR4 0016 0016 XXXX 00002 Port P0 Register Port P1 Register Port P0 Direction Register Port P1 Direction Register Port P2 Register Port P3 Register Port P2 Direction Register Port P3 Direction Register Port P4 Register Port P5 Register Port P4 Direction Register Port P5 Direction Register P0 P1 PD0 PD1 P2 P3 PD2 PD3 P4 P5 PD4 PD5 XX16 XX16 0016 0016 XX16 XX16 0016 0016 XX16 XX16 0016 0016 Pull-Up Control Register 0 Pull-Up Control Register 1 PUR0 PUR1 0016 XXXX 00002 Port Control Register PCR XXXX XXX02 X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 42 of 435 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) <100-pin package> Address 03A016 03A116 03A216 03A316 03A416 03A516 03A616 03A716 03A816 03A916 03AA16 03AB16 03AC16 03AD16 03AE16 03AF16 03B016 03B116 03B216 03B316 03B416 03B516 03B616 03B716 03B816 03B916 03BA16 03BB16 03BC16 03BD16 03BE16 03BF16 03C016 03C116 03C216 03C316 03C416 03C516 03C616 03C716 03C816 03C916 03CA16 03CB16 03CC16 03CD16 03CE16 03CF16 Register Symbol Value after RESET Function Select Register D1 PSD1 X0XX XX002 Function Select Register C2 Function Select Register C3 PSC2 PSC3 XXXX X00X2 X0XX XXXX2 Function Select Register C Function Select Register A0 Function Select Register A1 Function Select Register B0 Function Select Register B1 Function Select Register A2 Function Select Register A3 Function Select Register B2 Function Select Register B3 PSC PS0 PS1 PSL0 PSL1 PS2 PS3 PSL2 PSL3 00X0 00002 0016 0016 0016 0016 00X0 00002 0016 00X0 00002 0016 Port P6 Register Port P7 Register Port P6 Direction Register Port P7 Direction Register Port P8 Register Port P9 Register Port P8 Direction Register Port P9 Direction Register Port P10 Register P6 P7 PD6 PD7 P8 P9 PD8 PD9 P10 XX16 XX16 0016 0016 XX16 XX16 00X0 00002 0016 XX16 Port P10 Direction Register Set default value to "FF16" PD10 0016 Set default value to "FF16" Set default value to "FF16" X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 43 of 435 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) <100-pin package> Address 03D016 03D116 03D216 03D316 03D416 03D516 03D616 03D716 03D816 03D916 03DA16 03DB16 03DC16 03DD16 03DE16 03DF16 03E016 03E116 03E216 03E316 03E416 03E516 03E616 03E716 03E816 03E916 03EA16 03EB16 03EC16 03ED16 03EE16 03EF16 03F016 03F116 03F216 03F316 03F416 03F516 03F616 03F716 03F816 03F916 03FA16 03FB16 03FC16 03FD16 03FE16 03FF16 Register Symbol Value after RESET Set default value to "FF16" Set default value to "FF16" Pull-Up Control Register 2 Pull-Up Control Register 3 Set default value to "0016" PUR2 PUR3 0016 0016 Port P0 Register Port P1 Register Port P0 Direction Register Port P1 Direction Register Port P2 Register Port P3 Register Port P2 Direction Register Port P3 Direction Register Port P4 Register Port P5 Register Port P4 Direction Register Port P5 Direction Register P0 P1 PD0 PD1 P2 P3 PD2 PD3 P4 P5 PD4 PD5 XX16 XX16 0016 0016 XX16 XX16 0016 0016 XX16 XX16 0016 0016 Pull-up Control Register 0 Pull-up Control Register 1 PUR0 PUR1 0016 XXXX 00002 Port Control Register PCR XXXX XXX02 X: Indeterminate Blank spaces are reserved. No access is allowed. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 44 of 435 5. Reset M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 5. Reset Hardware reset 1, software reset, and watchdog timer reset are available to reset the microcomputer. 5.1 Hardware Reset 1 ____________ Pins, the CPU and SFRs are reset by setting the RESET pin. If the supply voltage meets the recommended operating conditions, all pins are reset and become input ports(1) when a low-level ("L") signal is applied to ___________ the RESET pin. The oscillation circuit is also reset and the main clock starts oscillating. The CPU and SFRs ____________ are reset when a signal applied to the RESET pin changes "L" to high ("H"). The microcomputer executes the program in an address indicated by the reset vector. The internal RAM is not reset. When an "L" signal ____________ is applied to the RESET pin while writing data to the internal RAM, the internal RAM is in an indeterminate state. Figure 5.1 shows an example of the reset circuit. Figure 5.2 shows a reset sequence. NOTE: 1. Whether ports are pulled up or not is indeterminate until intenal supply voltage stabilizes. 5.1.1 Reset on a Stable Supply Voltage ____________ (1) Apply an "L" signal to the RESET pin (2) Provide 20 or more clock cycle inputs into the XIN pin ____________ (3) Apply an "H" signal to the RESET pin 5.1.2 Power-on Reset ____________ (1) Apply an "L" signal to the RESET pin (2) Raise the supply voltage to the recommended operating level (3) Wait for td(P-R) ms to allow the internal voltage to stabilize (4) Provide 20 or more clock cycle inputs into the XIN pin ____________ (5) Apply an "H" signal to the RESET pin Recommended operating voltage VCC 0V VCC RESET RESET 0.2VCC or below 0.2VCC or below 0V td(P-R) + 20 or more clock cycle input into the XIN pin Figure 5.1 Reset Circuit Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 45 of 435 5. Reset M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) VCC XIN XIN td(P-R) ms or more is required 20 or more cycles are required RESET 168 to 173 BCLK cycles BCLK Single-Chip Mode FFFFFC16 Content of reset vector Address FFFFFE16 Figure 5.2 Reset Sequence Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 46 of 435 5. Reset M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 5.2 Software Reset Pins, the CPU and SFRs are reset when the PM03 bit in the PM0 register is set to "1" (microcomputer reset). Then the microcomputer executes the program in an address determined by the reset vector. Set the PM03 bit to "1" while the main clock is selected as the CPU clock and the main clock oscillation is stable. In the software reset, the microcomputer does not reset a part of SFRs. Refer to 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) for details. Processor mode remains unchanged since the PM01 and PM00 bits in the PM0 register are not reset. 5.3 Watchdog Timer Reset Pins, the CPU and SFRs are reset when the CM06 bit in the CM0 register is set to "1" (reset) and the watchdog timer underflows. Then the microcomputer executes the program in an address determined by the reset vector. In the watchdog timer reset, the microcomputer does not reset a part of SFRs. Refer to 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) for details. Processor mode remains unchanged since the PM01 and PM00 bits in the PM0 register are not reset. 5.4 Internal Space Figure 5.3 shows CPU register states after reset. Refer to 4. Special Function Registers (SFRs) for SFR states after reset. 0 : "0" after reset X : Indeterminate after reset General Registers High-speed Interrupt Registers b15 b15 b0 Flag Register (FLG) b15 b8 b7 b0 X 0 0 0 X X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IPL U I O B S Z D C b0 XXXX16 b23 Flag Save Register (SVF) XXXXXX16 PC Save Register (SVP) XXXXXX16 Vector Register (VCT) DMAC-associated Registers b0 b7 0016 0016 Data Register (R0H/R0L) 0016 0016 Data Register (R1H/R1L) b15 b0 0016 DMA Mode Register (DMD0) 0016 DMA Mode Register (DMD1) 000016 Data Register (R2) XXXX16 DMA Transfer Count Register (DCT0) 000016 Data Register (R3) XXXX16 DMA Transfer Count Register (DCT1) 00000016 Address Register (A0) XXXX16 DMA Transfer Count Reload Register (DRC0) 00000016 Address Register (A1) XXXX16 DMA Transfer Count Reload Register (DRC1) 00000016 Static Base Register (SB) XXXXXX16 DMA Memory Address Register (DMA0) 00000016 Frame Base Register (FB) XXXXXX16 DMA Memory Address Register (DMA1) XXXXXX16 DMA Memory Address Reload Register (DRA0) XXXXXX16 DMA Memory Address Reload Register (DRA1) XXXXXX16 DMA SFR Address Register (DSA0) XXXXXX16 DMA SFR Address Register (DSA1) b23 00000016 User Stack Pointer (USP) 00000016 Interrupt Stack Pointer (ISP) 00000016 Contents of addresses Interrupt Table Register (INTB) Program Counter (PC) FFFFFE16 to FFFFFC16 Figure 5.3 CPU Register States after Reset Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 47 of 435 b23 6. Cold Start-up/Warm Start-up Determine Function M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 6. Cold Start-up/Warm Start-up Determine Function The WDC5 bit in the WDC register determines either cold start-up, power-on reset, or warm start-up, reset during the microcomputer running. Default value of the WDC5 bit is "0" (cold start-up) when power-on. It is set to "1" (warm start-up) by writing desired values to the WDC register. The WDC5 bit is not reset, regardless of a software reset or reset signal input. Figure 6.1 shows the WDC registser. Figure 6.2 shows a block diagram of the cold start-up/warm start-up determine function. Figure 6.3 shows its operation exmaple. Watchdog Timer Control Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol WDC 0 Bit Symbol (b4 - b0) WDC5 (b6) WDC7 Address 000F16 After Reset 000X XXXX2 Bit Name Function High-Order Bit of the Watchdog Timer Cold Start-up/ Warm Start-up Determine Flag(1,2, 3) Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 48 of 435 RO 0: Cold start-up 1: Warm start-up RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW Prescaler Select Bit 0: Divide-by-16 1: Divide-by-128 RW NOTES: 1. The WDC5 bit remains set to "1", regardless of setting to "1" or "0". 2. The WDC5 bit is set to "0" when power is turned on and can be set to "1" by program only. 3. The WDC5 bit maintains a value set before reset, even after reset has been performed. Figure 6.1 WDC Register RW 6. Cold Start-up/Warm Start-up Determine Function M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) WDC5 Bit Write to WDC register S Q COLD/WARM (Cold Start-up/Warm Start-up) Hardware Reset 1 when Power-on R Figure 6.2 Cold Start-up/Warm Start-up Determine Function Block Diagram 5V VCC 0V 5V Pch transistor ON (Approx. 4V) CPU reset release RESET 0V T1 "1" Set to "1" by program T2 T > 100µs WDC5 Bit "0" Program running started No change even if the voltage applied to RESET is 0V. Reset Sequence (Approx. 20µs @16MHz) NOTE: 1. Time difference between T1 and T2 may affect the WDC5 bit setting period. Figure 6.3 Cold Start-up/Warm Start-up Determine Function Operation Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 49 of 435 The WDC5 bit is set to "0" as soon as enough voltage is applied to VCC. M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 7. Processor Mode 7. Processor Mode NOTE Use M32C/88T in single-chip mode only. M32C/88T cannot be used in memory expansion mode and microprocessor mode. 7.1 Types of Processor Mode Only single-chip mode can be selected as a processor mode. SFRs, internal RAM, and internal ROM can be accessed. All pins are assigned to input/output ports or peripheral function input/output ports. 7.2 Setting of Processor Mode The CNVSS pin and the PM01 and PM00 bits in the PM0 register determine which processor mode is selected. Apply an low-level ("L") signal to the CNVSS pin. Set the PM01 and PM00 bits to "002" (singlechip mode). Figures 7.1 and 7.2 show the PM0 register and PM1 register. Figure 7.3 shows a memory map in singlechip mode. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 50 of 435 7. Processor Mode M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Processor Mode Register 0(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 0 b0 Symbol PM0 Bit Symbol Address 000416 After Reset 1000 00002 (CNVss = "L") 0000 00112 (CNVss = "H") Bit Name Function RW b1 b0 PM00 PM01 0 0: Single-chip mode (8) Processor Mode Bit(2, 3) 0 1: Memory expansion mode 1 0: Do not set to this value 1 1: Microprocessor mode(8) RW RW PM02 R/W Mode Select Bit 0: RD / BHE / WR 1: RD / WRH / WRL RW PM03 Software Reset Bit The microcomputer is reset when this bit is set to "1". When read, its content is "0". RW b5 b4 Multiplexed Bus Space Select Bit(4) 0 0: Multiplexed bus is not used RW 0 1: Access the CS2 area using the bus 0 1: Access the CS1 area using the bus 1 1: Access all CS areas using the bus(5) RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" PM04 PM05 (b6) PM07 BCLK Output Disable Bit(6) RW 0: BCLK is output(7) 1: BCLK is not output RW The CM01 and CM00 bits in the CM0 register determine pin functions NOTES: 1. Rewrite the PM0 register after the PRC1 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1"(write enabled). 2. The PM01 and PM00 bits maintain values set before reset, even after software reset or watchdog timer reset has performed. 3. Set the PM01 and PM00 bits to "012" or "112" separately. Rewrite other bits before rewriting the PM01 and PM00 bits. 4. The PM04 and PM05 bits are available in memory expansion mode or microprocessor mode. • Set the PM05 and PM04 bits to "002" in mode 0. • Do not set the PM05 and PM04 bits to "012" in mode 2. 5. The PM05 and PM04 bits cannot be set to "112" in microprocessor mode since the microcomputer starts up with the separate bus after reset. When the PM05 and PM04 bits are set to "112" in memory expansion mode, the microcomputer can access each 64-Kbyte chip-select-assigned address space. The multiplexed bus is not available in mode 0. The microcomputer accesses the CS0 to CS2 in mode 1, CS0 and CS1 in mode 2 and CS0 to CS3 in mode 3. 6. No BCLK is output in single-chip mode even if the PM07 bit is set to "0". When a clock output is terminated in microprocessor mode or memory expansion mode, set the PM07 bit to "1" and the CM01 and CM00 bits in the CM0 register to "002" (I/O port P53). P53 outputs "L". 7. When the PM07 bit is set to "0" (BCLK output), set the CM01 and CM00 bits to "002". 8. M32C/88T cannot be used in memory expansion mode and microprocessor mode. Figure 7.1 PM0 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 51 of 435 7. Processor Mode M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Processor Mode Register 1(1) b7 b6 0 0 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Symbol PM1 b0 Bit Symbol After Reset 0016 Address 000516 Bit Name Function RW b1 b0 PM10 PM11 0 0: Mode 0 (A20 to A23 for P44 to P47) RW 0 1: Mode 1 (A20 for P44, CS2 to CS0 for P4 5 to P47) External Memory Space 1 0: Mode 2 (A20, A21 for P44, P45, Mode Bit(2, 4) CS1, CS0 for P46, P47) RW 1 1: Mode 3 (CS3 to CS0 for P44 to P47) PM12 Internal Memory Wait Bit 0: No wait state 1: Wait state RW PM13 SFR Area Wait Bit 0: 1 wait state 1: 2 Wait states RW b5 b4 PM14 ALE Pin Select Bit(2, 4) PM15 Reserved Bit (b7-b6) 0 0: No ALE 0 1: P53/BCLK(3) 1 0: P56 1 1: P54/HLDA RW Set to "0" RW RW NOTES: 1. Rewrite the PM1 register after the PRC1 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). 2. The PM15 and PM14 bit setting, PM11 and PM10 bit setting are available in memory expansion mode or microprocessor mode. 3. Set the CM01 and CM00 bits in the CM0 register to "002" (I/O port P53) when the PM15 and PM14 bits are set to "012" (P53/BCLK select). 4. M32C/88T cannot be used in memory expansion mode and microprocessor mode. Figure 7.2 PM1 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 52 of 435 7. Processor Mode M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Single-chip Mode 00000016 00040016 SFRs Internal RAM Reserved Space 00F00016 01000016 Block A(1) Not Used F F F F F F 16 Internal ROM NOTE: 1. Additional 4-Kbyte space is provided in the flash memory version for storing data. Figure 7.3 Memory Map in Single-chip Mode Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 53 of 435 8. Clock Generation Circuit M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 8. Clock Generation Circuit 8.1 Types of the Clock Generation Circuit Four circuits are included to generate the system clock signal: • Main clock oscillation circuit • Sub clock oscillation circuit • On-chip oscillator • PLL frequency synthesizer Table 8.1 lists specifications of the clock generation circuit. Figure 8.1 shows a block diagram of the clock generation circuit. Figures 8.2 to 8.8 show registers controlling the clock. Table 8.1 Clock Generation Circuit Specification Item Main Clock Oscillation Circuit Sub Clock Oscillation Circuit PLL Frequency Synthesizer On-chip Oscillator Use CPU clock source, Peripheral function clock source CPU clock source, Timer A and B clock source CPU clock source, Peripheral function clock source CPU clock source, Peripheral function clock source Clock Frequency Up to 32 MHz 32.768 kHz Approx. 1 MHz Up to 32 MHz (See Table 8.3) Connectable Osillator or Additional Circuit Ceramic resonator Crystal oscillator Crystal oscillator --- --- Pins for Oscillator or for Additional Circuit XIN, XOUT XCIN, XCOUT --- --- Oscillation Stop/ Restart Function Available Available Available Available Oscillator State after Reset Oscillating Stopped Stopped Stopped Externally generated clock can be applied. Externally generated clock can be applied. When the main clock stops oscillating, the on-chip oscillator starts oscillating automatically and becomes clock source for the CPU and peripheral function. --- Other Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 54 of 435 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Figure 8.1 Clock Generation Circuit Page 55 of 435 CLKOUT CM10=1 (Stop Mode) Output signal to determine interrupt priority request level NMI RESET Software Reset WAIT Instruction (Wait Mode) CM01 and CM00 11 10 01 PM21 CM21 PM21 PM22 Clock Edge Detect /Charge and Discharge Circuit Control Charge and Discharge Circuit CM04 CM05 On-Chip Oscillator Watchdog Timer Interrupt Request Circuit to Generate Oscillation Stop Detection Interrupt Request On-Chip Oscillator and Main Clock Stop Detection a S Q R S Q R CM02 CM10 CM20 PM26 XIN XCIN XCOUT b CM21 Switch Signal On-chip Oscillator Clock f(ROC) Interrupt Request Signal 1 b CM17 0 CM21 Phase Comparator PLC12: Bit in the PLC1 register Reference Frequency Counter Programmable Counter PLL Frequency Synthesizer c 1 0 fC 0 CM07 fC32 1 Divider Reset CPSR=1 1/32 1/2 1/2 1/2 CST PM24 1 0 PM27 to PM26 1/m 10 01 00 1/2 (Note 2) fROC XIN Clock fROC CM21 1/2n 1/2 fAD Peripheral Function Clock Peripheral Function Clock BCLK CPU Clock fCAN f2n(1) f32 f8 f1 Charge Pump Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) 1/3 1/2 PLC12 PLL Clock e NOTES: 1. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). 2. The MCD4 to MCD0 bits in the MCD register select divide-by-m (m=1,2,3,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 ). Sub Clock CM21 CM05 XIN Clock Main Clock On-chip Oscillator 0scillating Activated Main Clock Stop Detect Detecting Function Activated c PLL Frequency e Synthesizer a Sub Clock Oscillation Circuit XOUT Main Clock Oscillation Circuit PM21 CM00, CM01, CM02, CM04, CM05, CM07: Bits in the CM0 register PM21, PM22, PM24, PM26, PM27: Bits in the PM2 register CM10, CM17: Bits in the CM1 register CST: Bit in the TCSPR register CM20, CM21: Bits in the CM2 register CPSR: Bit in the CPSRF register fC f8 f32 Pheripheral Function Clock Port P53 00 Wait Mode CM02 PM27 PM26 Wait Mode CM02 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 8. Clock Generation Circuit 8. Clock Generation Circuit M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) System Clock Control Register 0(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol CM0 Bit Symbol Address 000616 After Reset 0000 10002 Bit Name Function b1 b0 CM00 Clock Output Function Select Bit(2) CM01 0 0: I/O port P53 0 1: Outputs fC 1 0: Outputs f8 1 1: Outputs f32 RW RW RW CM02 0: Peripheral clock does not stop in In Wait Mode, Peripheral wait mode Function Clock Stop Bit(9) 1: Peripheral clock stops in wait mode(3) RW CM03 XCIN-XCOUT Drive Capacity Select Bit(11) 0: Low 1: High RW CM04 Port XC Switch Bit 0: I/O port function 1: XCIN-XCOUT oscillation function(4) RW CM05 Main Clock (XIN-XOUT) Stop Bit(5, 9) 0: Main clock oscillates 1: Main clock stops(6) RW CM06 Watchdog Timer Function Select Bit 0: Watchdog timer interrupt 1: Reset(7) RW CM07 CPU Clock Select Bit 0(8, 9, 10) 0: Clock selected by the CM21 bit divided by MCD register setting 1: Sub clock RW NOTES: 1. Rewrite the CM0 register after the PRC0 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). 2. When the PM07 bit in the PM0 register is set to "0" (BCLK output), set the CM01 and CM00 bits to "002". When the PM15 and PM14 bits in the PM1 register are set to "012" (ALE output to P53), set the CM01 and CM00 bits to "002". When the PM07 bit is set to "1" (function selected in the CM01 and CM00 bits) in microprocessor or memory expansion mode, and the CM01 and CM00 bits are set to "002", an "L" signal is output from port P53 (port P53 does not function as an I/O port). 3. fc32 does not stop running. When the CM02 bit is set to "1", the PLL clock cannot be used in wait mode. 4. When setting the CM04 bit is set to "1", set the PD8_7 and PD8_6 bits in the PD8 register to "002" (port P87 and P86 in input mode) and the PU25 bit in the PUR2 register to "0" (no pull-up). 5. When entering low-power consumption mode or on-chip oscillator low-power consumption mode, the CM05 bit stops running the main clock. The CM05 bit cannot detect whether the main clock stops or not. To stop running the main clock, set the CM05 bit to "1" after the CM07 bit is set to "1" with a stable sub clock oscillation or after the CM21 bit in the CM2 register is set to "1" (on-chip oscillator clock). When the CM05 bit is set to "1", the clock applied to XOUT becomes "H". The built-in feedback resistor remains ON. XIN is pulled up to XOUT ("H" level) via the feedback resistor. 6. When the CM05 bit is set to "1", the MCD4 to MCD0 bits in the MCD register are set to "010002" (divide-by-8 mode). In on-chip oscillation mode, the MCD4 to MCD0 bits are not set to "010002" even if the CM05 bit terminates XIN-XOUT. 7. Once the CM06 bit is set to "1", it cannot be set to "0" by program. 8. After the CM04 bit is set to "1" with a stable sub clock oscillation, set the CM07 bit to "1" from "0". After the CM05 bit is set to "0" with a stable main clock oscillation, set the CM07 bit to "0" from "1". Do not set the CM07 bit and CM04 or CM05 bit simultaneously. 9. When the PM21 bit in the PM2 register is set to "1" (clock change disable), the CM02, CM05 and CM07 bits do not change even when written. 10. After the CM07 bit is set to "0", set the PM21 bit to "1". 11. When stop mode is entered, the CM03 bit is set to "1". Figure 8.2 CM0 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 56 of 435 8. Clock Generation Circuit M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) System Clock Control Register 1(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol CM1 0 1 0 0 0 0 Bit Symbol CM10 (b4 - b1) (b5) (b6) CM17 Address 000716 After Reset 0010 00002 Bit Name Function RW All Clock Stop Control Bit(2, 5) 0: Clock oscillates 1: All clocks stop (stop mode)(3) RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW Reserved Bit Set to "1" RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW CPU Clock Select Bit 1(4,5) 0: Main clock 1: PLL clock RW NOTES: 1. Rewrite the CM1 register after the PRC0 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). 2. When the CM10 bit is set to "1", the clock applied to XOUT becomes "H" and the built-in feedback resistor is disabled. XIN, XCIN and XCOUT are placed in high-impedance states. 3. When the CM10 bit is set to "1", the MCD4 to MCD0 bits in the MCD register are set to "010002" (divide-by-8 mode). When the CM20 bit is set to "1" (oscillation stop detect function enabled) or the CM21 bit to "1" (on-chip oscillator selected), do not set the CM10 bit to "1". 4. The CM17 bit setting is enabled only when the CM21 bit in the CM2 register is set to "0". Use the procedure shown in Figure 8.12 to set the CM17 bit to "1". 5. If the PM21 bit in the PM2 register is set to "1" (clock change disable), the CM10 and CM17 bits do not change when written. If the PM22 bit in the PM2 register is set to "1" (on-chip oscillator clock as watchdog timer count source), the CM10 bit setting does not change when written. Figure 8.3 CM1 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 57 of 435 8. Clock Generation Circuit M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Main Clock Division Register(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol MCD Bit Symbol Address 000C16 After Reset XXX0 10002 Bit Name Function RW b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 MCD0 MCD1 MCD2 Main Clock Division Select Bit(2, 4) MCD3 MCD4 (b7 - b5) Reserved Bit 1 0 0 1 0: Divide-by-1(no division) mode 0 0 0 1 0: Divide-by-2 mode 0 0 0 1 1: Divide-by-3 mode 0 0 1 0 0: Divide-by-4 mode 0 0 1 1 0: Divide-by-6 mode 0 1 0 0 0: Divide-by-8 mode 0 1 0 1 0: Divide-by-10 mode 0 1 1 0 0: Divide-by-12 mode 0 1 1 1 0: Divide-by-14 mode 0 0 0 0 0: Divide-by-16 mode (Note 3) When read, its content is indeterminate RW RW RW RW RW RO NOTES: 1. Rewrite the MCD register after the PRC0 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). 2. When the microcomputer enters stop mode or low-power consumption mode, the MCD4 to MCD0 bits are set to "010002". The MCD4 to MCD0 bits are not set to "010002" even if the CM05 bit in the CM0 register is set to "1" (XIN-XOUT stopped) in on-chip oscillator mode. 3. Bit combinations cannot be set not listed above. 4. Access CAN-associated register addresses after setting the MCD4 to MCD0 bits are set to "100102", when the PM24 bit in the PM2 register is set to "0" (clock selected by the CM07 bit). Figure 8.4 MCD Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 58 of 435 8. Clock Generation Circuit M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Oscillation Stop Detection Register(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 0 0 0 0 b1 b0 Symbol CM2 Bit Symbol Address 000D16 After Reset 0016 Bit Name Function RW CM20 Oscillation Stop Detection 0: Disables oscillation stop detect function RW 1: Enables oscillation stop detect function Enable Bit(2) CM21 CPU Clock Select Bit 2(3, 4) CM22 Oscillation Stop Detection 0: Main clock does not stop 1: Detects a main clock stop Flag(5) CM23 Main Clock Monitor Flag(6) 0: Main clock oscillates 1: Main clock stops RO Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW (b7 - b4) 0: Clock selected by the CM17 bit 1: On-chip oscillator clock RW RW NOTES: 1. Rewrite the CM2 register after the PRC0 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). 2. If the PM21 bit in the PM2 register is set to "1" (clock change disable), the CM20 bit setting does not change when written. 3. When a main clock oscillation stop is detected while the CM20 bit is set to "1", the CM21 bit is set to "1". Although the main clock starts oscillating, the CM21 bit is not set to "0". If the main clock is used as a CPU clock source after the main clock resumes oscillating, set the CM21 bit to "0" by program. 4. When the CM20 bit is set to "1" and the CM22 bit is set to "1", do not set the CM21 bit to "0". 5. When a main clock stop is detected, the CM22 bit is set to "1". The CM22 bit can only be set to "0", not "1", by program. If the CM22 bit is set to "0" by program while the main clock stops, the CM22 bit cannot be set to "1" until the next main clock stop is detected. 6. Determine the main clock state by reading the CM23 bit several times after the oscillation stop detection interrupt is generated. Figure 8.5 CM2 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 59 of 435 8. Clock Generation Circuit M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Count Source Prescaler Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol TCSPR Bit Symbol Address 035F16 Bit Name After Reset(2) 0XXX 00002 Function CNT0 RW CNT1 Division Rate Select Bit(1) CNT2 If setting value is n, f2n is the main clock, on-chip oscillator clock or PLL clock divided by 2n. When n is set to "0", no division is selected. CNT3 (b6 - b4) CST RW RW RW RW Reserved Bit Operation Enable Bit When read, its content is indeterminate 0: Divider stops 1: Divider starts RO RW NOTES: 1. Rewrite the CNT3 to CNT0 bits after the CST bit is set to "0". 2. Value of the TCSPR register is not reset by software reset or watchdog timer reset. Clock Prescaler Reset Flag b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol CPSRF Bit Symbol Address 034116 Bit Name After Reset 0XXX XXXX2 Function RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b6 - b0) When read, its content is indeterminate. CPSR Clock Prescaler Reset Flag Figure 8.6 TCSPR and CPSRF Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 60 of 435 When the CPSR bit is set to "1", fC divided by 32 is reset. When read, its content is "0". RW 8. Clock Generation Circuit M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) PLL Control Register 0(1, 2, 5) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol PLC0 1 0 1 Bit Symbol Address 002616 After Reset 0001 X0102 Function Bit Name RW RW PLC00 b2 b1 b0 PLC01 Programmable Counter Select Bit(3) 0 1 1: Multiply-by-6 1 0 0: Multiply-by-8 Do not set to values except the above PLC02 RW Reserved Bit When read, its content is indeterminate RO Reserved Bit Set to "1" RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW Reserved Bit Set to "1" RW Operation Enable Bit(4) 0: PLL is Off 1: PLL is On RW (b3) (b4) (b5) (b6) PLC07 RW NOTES: 1. Rewrite the PLC0 register after the PRC0 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). 2. If the PM21 bit in the PM2 register is set to "1" (clock change disabled), the PLC0 register setting does not change when written. 3. Set the PLC02 to PLC00 bits when the PLC07 bit is set to "0". Once these bits are set, they cannot be changed. 4. Set the CM17 bit in the CM1 register to "0" (main clock as CPU clock source) and the PLC07 bit to "0" before entering wait or stop mode. 5. Set the PLC0 and PLC1 registers simultaneously in 16-bit units. PLL Control Register 1(1, 2, 3, 4) b7 b6 b5 0 0 0 b4 b3 0 b2 b1 b0 Symbol PLC1 1 0 Bit Symbol (b0) (b1) PLC12 (b3) (b4) (b7 - b5) Address 002716 After Reset 000X 00002 Bit Name Function RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW Reserved Bit Set to "1" RW PLL Clock Division Switch Bit 0: Divide-by-2 1: Divide-by-3 RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW Reserved Bit When read, its content is indeterminate RO Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW NOTES: 1. Rewrite the PLC1 register after the PRC0 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). 2. If the PM21 bit in the PM2 register is set to "1" (clock change disabled), the PLC1 register does not change when written. 3. Set the PLC1 register when the PLC07 bit is set to "0" (PLL off). 4. Set the PLC0 and PLC1 registers simultaneously in 16-bit units. Figure 8.7 PLC0 and PLC1 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 61 of 435 8. Clock Generation Circuit M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Processor Mode Register 2(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 0 b0 0 Symbol PM2 Bit Symbol Address 001316 After Reset 0016 Bit Name Function RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW PM21 System Clock Protect Bit(2, 3) 0: Protects the clock by a PRCR register setting 1: Disables a clock change RW PM22 WDT Count Source Protect Bit(2, 4) 0: Selects BCLK as count source of the watchdog timer RW 1: Selects the on-chip oscillator clock as count source of the watchdog timer Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW PM24 CPU Clock Select Bit 3 0: Clock selected by the CM07 bit 1: Main Clock RW PM25 CAN Clock Select Bit 0: f1 1: Main Clock RW (b0) (b3) b7 b6 PM26 PM27 f2n Count source Select Bit 0 0: Peripheral function clock 0 1: XIN clock 1 0: On-chip oscillator clock 1 1: Do not set to this value RW RW NOTES: 1. Rewrite the PM2 register after the PRC1 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). 2. Once the PM22 and PM21 bits are set to "1", they can not be set to "0" by program. 3. When the PM21 bit is set to "1", the CPU clock keeps running when the WAIT instruction is executed; nothing is changed even if following bits are set to either "0" or "1". • the CM02 bit in the CM0 register (the peripheral function clock is not stopped in wait mode.) • the CM05 bit in the CM0 register (the main clock is not stopped.) • the CM07 bit in the CM0 register (a CPU clock source is not changed.) • the CM10 bit in the CM1 register (the microcomputer does not enter stop mode.) • the CM17 bit in the CM1 register (a CPU clock source is not changed.) • the CM20 bit in the CM2 register (oscillation stop detect function settings are not changed.) • all bits in the PLC0 and PLC1 registers (PLL frequency synthesizer function settings are not changed.) 4. When the PM22 bit is set to "1", the on-chip oscillator clock becomes a count source of the watchdog timer after the on-chip oscillator starts; write to the CM10 bit is disabled (the microcomputer does not enter stop mode.); the watchdog timer keeps running when the microcomputer is in wait mode and hold state. Figure 8.8 PM2 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 62 of 435 8. Clock Generation Circuit M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 8.1.1 Main Clock Main clock oscillation circuit generates the main clock. The main clock becomes clock source of the CPU clock and peripheral function clock. The main clock oscillation circuit is configured by connecting an oscillator or resonator between the XIN and XOUT pins. The circuit has a built-in feedback resistor. The feedback resistor is separated from the oscillation circuit in stop mode to reduce power consumption. An external clock can be applied to the XIN pin in the main clock oscillation circuit. Figure 8.9 shows an example of a main clock circuit connection. Circuit constants vary depending on each oscillator. Use the circuit constant recommended by each oscillator manufacturer. The main clock divided-by-eight becomes a CPU clock source after reset. To reduce power consumption, set the CM05 bit in the CM0 register to "1" (main clock stopped) after switching the CPU clock source to the sub clock or on-chip oscillator clock. In this case, the clock applied to XOUT becomes high ("H"). XIN is pulled up by XOUT via the feedback resistor which remains on. When an external clock is applied to the XIN pin, do not set the CM05 bit to "1". All clocks, including the main clock, stop in stop mode. Refer to 8.5 Power Consumption Control for details. Microcomputer (Built-in Feedback Resistor) Microcomputer (Built-in Feedback Resistor) CIN XIN External Clock XIN VCC VSS Oscillator XOUT Rd(1) COUT VSS XOUT Open NOTE: 1. Place a damping resistor if required. Resistance values vary depending on the oscillator setting. Use values recommended by each oscillator manufacturer. Place a feedback resistor between XIN and XOUT if the oscillator manufacturer recommends placing the resistor externally. Figure 8.9 Main Clock Circuit Connection Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 63 of 435 8. Clock Generation Circuit M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 8.1.2 Sub Clock Sub clock oscillation circuit generates the sub clock. The sub clock becomes clock source of the CPU clock and for the timers A and B. The same frequency, fc, as the sub clock can be output from the CLKOUT pin. The sub clock oscillation circuit is configured by connecting a crystal oscillator between the XCIN and XCOUT pins. The circuit has a built-in feedback resistor. The feedback resistor is separated from the oscillation circuit in stop mode to reduce power consumption. An external clock can be applied to the XCIN pin. Figure 8.10 shows an example of a sub clock circuit connection. Circuit constants vary depending on each oscillator. Use the circuit constant recommended by each oscillator manufacturer. The sub clock stops after reset. The feedback resistor is separated from the oscillation circuit. When the PD8_6 and PD8_7 bits in the PD8 register are set to "0" (input mode) and the PU25 bit in the PUR2 register is set to "0" (no pull-up), set the CM04 bit in the CM0 register to "1" (XCIN-XCOUT oscillation function). The sub clock oscillation circuit starts oscillating. To apply an external clock to the XCIN pin, set the CM04 bit to "1" when the PD8_7 bit is set to "0" and the PU25 bit to "0". The clock applied to the XCIN pin becomes a clock source of the sub clock. When the CM07 bit in the CM0 register is set to "1" (sub clock) after the sub clock oscillation has stabilized, the sub clock becomes a CPU clock source. All clocks, including the sub clock, stop in stop mode. Refer to 8.5 Power Consumption Control for details. Microcomputer (Built-in Feedback Resistor) Microcomputer (Built-in Feedback Resistor) CCIN XCIN External Clock XCIN VCC VSS Oscillator XCOUT RCd(1) CCOUT VSS XCOUT Open NOTE: 1. Place a damping resistor if required. Resistance values vary depending on the oscillator setting. Use values recommended by each oscillator manufacturer. Place a feedback resistor between XCIN and XCOUT if the oscillator manufacturer recommends placing the resistor externally. Figure 8.10 Sub Clock Circuit Connection Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 64 of 435 8. Clock Generation Circuit M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 8.1.3 On-Chip Oscillator Clock On-chip oscillator generates the on-chip oscillator clock. The 1-MHz on-chip oscillator clock becomes a clock source of the CPU clock and peripheral function clock. The on-chip oscillator clock stops after reset. When the CM21 bit in the CM2 register is set to "1" (on-chip oscillator clock), the on-chip oscillator starts oscillating. Instead of the main clock, the on-chip oscillator clock becomes clock source of the CPU clock and peripheral function clock. Table 8.2 shows bit settings for on-chip oscillator start condition. Table 8.2 Bit Settings for On-Chip Oscillator Start Condition CM2 Register PM2 Register Used as CM21 Bit PM22 Bit PM27 and PM26 Bits 1 0 00 CPU clock source or peripheral function clock source 0 1 00 Watchdog timer operating clock source (The clock keeps running when entering stop mode.) 0 0 01 f2n count source Oscillation Stop Detect Function When the main clock is terminated by external source, the on-chip oscillator automatically starts oscillating to generate another clock. When the CM 20 bit in the CM2 registser is set to "1" (oscillation stop detect function enabled), an oscillation stop detection interrupt request is generated as soon as the main clock stops. Simultaneously, the onchip oscillator starts oscillating. Instead of the main clock, the on-chip oscillator clock becomes clock source for the CPU clock and peripheral function clock. Associated bits are set as follows: • The CM21 bit is set to "1" (on-chip oscillator clock becomes a clock source of the CPU clock.) • The CM22 bit is set to "1" (main clock stop is detected.) • The CM23 bit is set to "1" (main clock stops.) (See Figure 8.14) How to Use Oscillation Stop Detect Function • The oscillation stop detection interrupt shares vectors with the watchdog timer interrupt. When these interrupts are used simultaneously, read the CM22 bit with an interrupt routine to determine if an oscillation stop detection interrupt request has been generated. • When the main clock resumes running after an oscillation stop is detected, set the main clock as clock source of the CPU clock and peripheral function clock. Figure 8.11 shows the procedure to switch the on-chip oscillator clock to the main clock. • In low-speed mode, when the main clock is stopped by setting the CM20 bit to "1", the oscillation stop detection interrupt request is generated. Simultaneously, the on-chip oscillator starts oscillating. The sub clock remains the CPU clock source. The on-chip oscillator clock becomes a clock source for the peripheral function clock. • When the peripheral function clock stops running, the oscillation stop detect function is also disabled. To enter wait mode while the oscillation stop detect function is in use, set the CM02 bit in the CM0 register to "0" (peripheral clock does not stop in wait mode). • The oscillation stop detect function is provided to handle main clock stop caused by external source. Set the CM20 bit to "0" (oscillation stop detect function disabled) when the main clock is terminated by program, i.e., entering stop mode or setting the CM05 bit to "1" (main clock oscillation stop). • When the main clock frequency is 2MHz or less, the oscillation stop detect function is not available. Set the CM20 bit to "0". Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 65 of 435 8. Clock Generation Circuit M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Switch to the main clock No Determine several times whether the CM23 bit is set to "0" (main clock oscillates) Yes Set the MCD4 to MCD0 bits to "010002" (divide-by-8 mode) Set the CM22 bit to "0" (main clock does not stop) Set the CM21 bit to "0" (main clock as CPU clock source) End MCD4 to MCD0 bits: Bits in the MCD Register CM23 to CM21 bits: Bits in the CM2 Register Figure 8.11 Switching Procedure from On-chip Oscillator Clock to Main Clock Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 66 of 435 8. Clock Generation Circuit M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 8.1.4 PLL Clock The PLL frequency synthesizer generates the PLL clock based on the main clock. The PLL clock can be used as clock source for the CPU clock and peripheral function clock. The PLL frequency synthesizer stops after reset. When the PLC07 bit is set to "1" (PLL on), the PLL frequency synthesizer starts operating. Wait tsu(PLL) ms for the PLL clock to stabilize. The PLL clock can either be the clock output from the voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) divided-by-2 or divided-by-3. When the PLL clock is used as a clock source for the CPU clock or peripheral function clock, set each bit as is shown in Table 8.3. Figure 8.12 shows the procedure to use the PLL clock as the CPU clock source. To enter wait or stop mode, set the CM17 bit to "0" (main clock as CPU clock source), set the PLC07 bit in the PLC0 register to "0" (PLL off) and then enter wait or stop mode. Table 8.3 Bit Settings to Use PLL Clock as CPU Clock Source PLC0 Register PLC1 Register f(XIN) 10 MHz PLL Clock PLC02 Bit PLC01 Bit PLC00 Bit 0 1 1 8 MHz 1 0 PLC12 Bit 0 30 MHz 1 20 MHz 0 32 MHz 1 21.3 MHz 0 Use PLL clock as CPU clock source Set the PLC0 and the PLC1 registers (Set the PLC07 bit to "0") Set the PLC07 bit to "1" (PLL on) Wait tsu(PLL)ms Set the CM17 bit to "1" (PLL clock as CPU clock source) End PLC07 bit: Bit in the PLC0 Register CM17 bit: Bit in the CM1 Register Figure 8.12 Procedure to Use PLL Clock as CPU Clock Source Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 67 of 435 8. Clock Generation Circuit M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 8.2 CPU Clock and BCLK The CPU operating clock is referred to as the CPU clock. The CPU clock is also a count source for the watchdog timer. After reset, the CPU clock is the main clock divided-by-8 . In memory expansion or microprocessor mode, the clock having the same frequency as the CPU clock can be output from the BCLK pin as BCLK. Refer to 8.4 Clock Output Function for details. The main clock, sub clock, on-chip oscillator clock or PLL clock can be selected as a clock source for the CPU clock. Table 8.4 shows CPU clock source and bit settings. When the main clock, on-chip oscillator clock or PLL clock is selected as a clock source of the CPU clock, the selected clock divided-by-1 (no division), -2, -3, -4, -6, -8, -10, -12, -14 or -16 becomes the CPU clock. The MCD4 to MCD0 bits in the MCD register select the clock division. When the microcomputer enters stop mode or low-power consumption mode (except when the on-chip oscillator clock is the CPU clock), the MCD4 to MCD0 bits are set to "010002" (divide-by-8 mode). Therefore, when the main clock starts running, the CPU clock enters medium-speed mode (divide-by-8). Table 8.4 CPU Clock Source and Bit Settings CM0 Register CM1 Register CM2 Register PM2 Register CPU Clock Source CM07 Bit CM17 Bit CM21 Bit PM24 Bit Main Clock 0 0 0 0 Main Clock (Main Clock Direct Mode)(1) 0 0 0 1 Sub Clock 1 0 0 0 On-Chip Oscillator Clock 0 0 1 0 PLL Clock 0 1 0 0 NOTE: 1. Refer to 22.2 CAN Clock for details. 8.3 Peripheral Function Clock The peripheral function clock becomes an operating clock or count source for peripheral functions excluding the watchdog timer. 8.3.1 f1, f8, f32 and f2n f1, f8 and f32 are the peripheral function clock, selected by the CM21 bit, divided-by-1, -8, or -32. The PM27 and PM26 bits in the PM2 register selects a f2n count source from the peripheral clock, XIN clock, and the on-chip oscillator clock. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register selects a f2n division. (n=0 to 15. No division when n=0.) f1, f8, f32 and f2n stop when the CM02 bit in the CM0 register to "1" (peripheral function stops in wait mode) to enter wait mode or when in low-power consumption mode. f1, f8 and f2n are used as an operating clock of the serial I/O and count source of the timers A and B. f1 is also used as an operating clock for the intelligent I/O. The CLKOUT pin outputs f8 and f32 . Refer to 8.4 Clock Output Function for details. 8.3.2 fAD fAD is an operating clock for the A/D converter and has the same frequency as either the main clock(1) or the on-chip oscillator clock. The CM21 bit determines which clock is selected. If the CM02 bit is set to "1" (peripheral function stop in wait mode) to enter wait mode, fAD stops. fAD also stops in low-power consumption mode. NOTE: 1. The PLL clock, instead of the main clock, when the CM17 bit is set to "1" (PLL clock). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 68 of 435 8. Clock Generation Circuit M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 8.3.3 fC32 fC32 is the sub clock divided by 32. fC32 is used as a count source for the timers A and B. fC32 is available when the sub clock is running. 8.3.4 fCAN fCAN has the same frequency as the main clock. It is a clock for the CAN module only. 8.4 Clock Output Function The CLKOUT pin outputs fC, f8 or f32. In memory expansion mode or microprocessor mode, a clock having the same frequency as the CPU clock can be output from the BCLK pin as BCLK. Table 8.5 lists CLKOUT pin function in single-chip mode. Table 8.5 CLKOUT Pin in Single-Chip Mode PM0 Register (1) PM07 Bit CM0 Register (2) CLKOUT Pin Function CM01 Bit 0 CM00 Bit 0 1 0 1 Outputs fc 1 1 0 Outputs f8 1 1 1 Outputs f32 P53 I/O port - : Can be set to either "0" or "1" NOTES: 1. Rewrite the PM0 register after the PRC1 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). 2. Rewrite the CM0 register after the PRC0 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 69 of 435 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 8. Clock Generation Circuit 8.5 Power Consumption Control Normal operating mode, wait mode and stop mode are provided as the power consumption control. All mode states, except wait mode and stop mode, are called normal operating mode in this section. Figure 8.13 shows a block diagram of status transition in wait mode and stop mode. Figure 8.14 shows a block diagram of status transition in all modes. 8.5.1 Normal Operating Mode The normal operating mode is further separated into six modes. In normal operating mode, the CPU clock and peripheral function clock are supplied to operate the CPU and peripheral function. The power consumption control is enabled by controlling a CPU clock frequency. The higher the CPU clock frequency is, the more processing power increases. The lower the CPU clock frequency is, the more power consumption decreases. When unnecessary oscillation circuit stops, power consumption is further reduced. High-Speed Mode The main clock(1) becomes the CPU clock and a clock source of the peripheral function clock. When the sub clock runs, fC32 can be used as a count source for the timers A and B. Medium-Speed Mode The main clock(1) divided-by-2, -3, -4, -6, -8, -10, -12, -14, or -16 becomes the CPU clock. The main clock(1) is a clock source for the peripheral function clock. When the sub clock runs, fC32 can be used as a count source for the timers A and B. Low-Speed Mode The sub clock becomes the CPU clock . The main clock(1) is a clock source for the peripheral function clock. fC32 can be used as a count source for the timers A and B. Low-Power Consumption Mode The microcomputer enters low-power consumption mode when the main clock stops in low-speed mode. The sub clock becomes the CPU clock. Only fC32 can be used as a count source for the timers A and B and the peripheral function clock. In low-power consumption mode, the MCD4 to MCD0 bits in the MCD register are set to "010002" (divide-by-8 mode). Therefore, when the main clock resumes running, the microcomputer is in midium-speed mode (divide-by-8 mode). On-Chip Oscillator Mode The on-chip oscillator clock divided-by-1 (no division), -2, -3, 4-, -6, -8, -10, -12, -14, or -16 becomes the CPU clock. The on-chip oscillator clock is a clock source for the peripheral function clock. When the sub clock runs, fC32 can be used as a count source for the timers A and B. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 70 of 435 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 8. Clock Generation Circuit On-Chip Oscillator Low-Power Consumption Mode The microcomputer enters on-chip oscillator low-power consumption mode when the main clock stops in on-chip oscillator mode . The on-chip oscillator clock divided-by-1 (no division), -2, -3, -4, -6, -8, -10, 12, -14, or -16 becomes the CPU clock. The on-chip oscillator clock is a clock source for the peripheral function clock. When the sub clock runs, fC32 can be used as a count source for the timers A and B. Switch the CPU clock after the clock to be switched to stabilize. Sub clock oscillation will take longer(2) to stabilize. Wait, by program, until the clock stabilizes directly after turning the microcomputer on or exiting stop mode. To switch the on-chip oscillator clock to the main clock, enter medium-speed mode (divide-by-8) after the main clock is divided by eight in on-chip oscillator mode (the MCD4 to MCD0 bits in the MCD register are set to "010002"). Do not enter on-chip oscillator mode or on-chip oscillator low-power consumption mode from lowspeed mode or low-power consumption mode and vice versa. NOTES: 1. The PLL clock, instead of the main clock, when the CM17 bit is set to "1" (PLL clock). 2. Contact your oscillator manufacturer for oscillation stabilization time. 8.5.2 Wait Mode In wait mode, the CPU clock stops running. The CPU and watchdog timer, operated by the CPU clock, also stop. When the PM22 bit in the PM2 register is set to "1" (on-chip oscillator clock as watchdog timer count source), the watchdog timer continues operating. Because the main clock, sub clock and on-chip oscillator clock continue running, peripheral functions using these clocks also continue operating. Peripheral Function Clock Stop Function If the CM02 bit in the CM0 register is set to "1" (peripheral function clock stops in wait mode), f1, f8, f32, f2n (when peripheral clock is selected as a count source), and fAD stop in wait mode. Power consumption can be reduced. f2n, when XIN clock or on-chip oscillator clock is selected as a count source, and fC32 do not stop running. Entering Wait Mode If wait mode is entered after setting the CM02 bit to "1", set the MCD4 to MCD0 bits in the MCD register to be the 10-MHz or less CPU clock flequency after dividing the main clock. Enter wait mode after setting the followings. • Initial Setting Set each interrupt priority level after setting the exit priority level required to exit wait mode, controlled by the RLVL2 to RLVL0 bits in the RLVL register, to "7". Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 71 of 435 8. Clock Generation Circuit M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) • Before Entering Wait Mode (1) Set the I flag to "0" (2) Set the interrupt priority level of the interrupt being used to exit wait mode (3) Set the interrupt priority levels of the interrupts, not being used to exit wait mode, to "0" (4) Set IPL in the FLG register. Then set the exit priority level to the same level as IPL Interrupt priority level of the interrupt used to exit wait mode > IPL = the exit priority level (5) Set the PRC0 bit in the PRCR register to "1" (6) If the CPU clock source is the PLL clock, set the CM17 bit in the CM1 register to "0" (main clock) and PLC07 bit in the PLC0 register to "0" (PLL off) (7) Set the I flag to "1" (8) Execute the WAIT instruction • After Exiting Wait Mode Set the exit priority level to "7" as soon as exiting wait mode. Pin Status in Wait Mode Table 8.6 lists pin states in wait mode. Table 8.6 Pin States in Wait Mode Pin Ports Single-Chip Mode Maintains state immediately before entering wait mode CLKOUT When fC is selected Outputs clock When f8, f32 are selected Outputs the clock when the CM02 bit in the CM0 register is set to "0" (peripheral function clock does not stop in wait mode). Maintains state immediately before entering wait mode when the CM02 bit is set to "1" (peripheral function clock stops in wait mode). Exiting Wait Mode _______ Wait mode is exited by the hardware reset, NMI interrupt or peripheral function interrupts. _______ When the hardware reset or NMI interrupt, but not the peripheral function interrupts, is used to exit wait mode, set the ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits for the peripheral function interrupts to "0002" (interrupt disabled) before executing the WAIT instruction. CM02 bit setting affects the peripheral function interrupts. When the CM02 bit in the CM0 register is set to "0" (peripheral function clock does not stop in wait mode), all peripheral function interrupts can be used to exit wait mode. When the CM02 bit is set to "1" (peripheral function clock stops in wait mode), peripheral functions using the peripheral function clock stop. Therefore, the peripheral function interrupts cannot be used to exit wait mode. However, the peripheral function interrupts caused by an external clock, fC32, or f2n whose count source is the XIN clock or on-chip oscillator clock, can be used to exit wait mode. _______ The CPU clock used when exiting wait mode by the peripheral function interrupts or NMI interrupt is the same CPU clock used when the WAIT instruction is executed. Table 8.7 shows interrupts to be used to exit wait mode and usage conditions. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 72 of 435 8. Clock Generation Circuit M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 8.7 Interrupts to Exit Wait Mode Interrupt When CM02=0 When CM02=1 NMI Interrupt Can be used Can be used Serial I/O Interrupt Can be used when either internal or external clock is selected Can be used when external clock or f2n (when XIN clock or on-chip oscillator is selected) is selected Key Input Interrupt Can be used Can be used A/D Conversion Interrupt Can be used in single or singlesweep mode Do not use Timer A Interrupt Timer B Interrupt Can be used in all modes Can be used in event counter mode or when count source is fC32 or f2n (when XIN clock or on-chip oscillator is selected) INT Interrupt Can be used Can be used CAN Interrupt Can be used Do not use Intelligent I/O Interrupt Can be used Do not use 8.5.3 Stop Mode In stop mode, all oscillators and resonators stop. The CPU clock and peripheral function clock, as well as the CPU and peripheral functions operated by these clocks, also stop. The least power required to operate the microcomputer is in stop mode. The internal RAM holds its data when the voltage applied to the VCC pin is VRAM or more. If the voltage applied to the VCC pin is 2.7V or less, the voltage must be Vcc ≥ VRAM. The following interrupts can be used to exit stop mode: _______ • NMI interrupt • Key Input Interrupt ______ • INT interrupt • Timer A and B interrupt (Available when the timer counts external pulse, having its 100Hz or less frequency, in event counter mode) Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 73 of 435 8. Clock Generation Circuit M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Entering Stop Mode Stop mode is entered when setting the CM10 bit in the CM10 register to "1" (all clocks stops). The MCD4 to MCD0 bits in the MCD register become set to "010002" (divide-by-8 mode). Enter stop mode after setting the followings. • Initial Setting Set each interrupt priority level after setting the exit priority level required to exit stop mode, controlled by the RLVL2 to RLVL0 bits in the RLVL register, to "7". • Before Entering stop mode (1) Set the I flag to "0" (2) Set the interrupt priority level of the interrupt being used to exit stop mode (3) Set the interrupt priority levels of the interrupts, not being used to exit stop mode, to "0" (4) Set IPL in the FLG register. Then set the exit priority level to the same level as IPL Interrupt priority level of the interrupt used to exit stop mode > IPL = the exit priority level (5) Set the PRC0 bit in the PRCR register to "1" (write enabled) (6) Select the main clock as the CPU clock • When the CPU clock source is the sub clock, (a) set the CM05 bit in the CM0 register to "0" (main clock oscillates) (b) set the CM07 bit in the CM0 register to "0" (clock selected by the CM21 bit divided by MCD register setting) • When the CPU clock source is the PLL clock, (a) set the CM17 bit in the CM1 register to "0" (main clock) (b) set the PLC07 bit in the PLC0 register to "0" (PLL off) • When main clock direct mode is used, (a) set the PRC1 bit in the PRCR register to "1" (write enabled) (b) set the PM24 bit in the PM2 register to "0" (clock selected by the CM07 bit) • When the CPU clock source is the on-chip oscillator clock, (a) set MCD4 to MCD0 bits to "010002" (divide-by-8 mode) (b) set the CM05 bit to "0" (main clock oscillates) (c) set the CM21 bit in the CM2 register to "0" (clock selected by the CM17 bit) (7) The oscillation stop detect function is used, set the CM20 bit in the CM2 register to "0" (oscillation stop detect fucntion disabled) (8) Set the I flag to "1" (9) Set the CM10 bit to "1" (all clocks stops) • After Exiting Stop Mode Set the exit priority level to "7" as soon as exiting stop mode. Exiting Stop Mode _______ Stop mode is exited by the hardware reset, NMI interrupt or peripheral function interrupts (key input ______ interrupt and INT interrupt). _______ When the hardware reset or NMI interrupt, but not the peripheral function interrupts, is used to exit wait mode, set all ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits in the interrupt control registers for the peripheral function interrupt to "0002" (interrupt disabled) before setting the CM10 bit to "1" (all clocks stops). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 74 of 435 8. Clock Generation Circuit M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Pin Status in Stop Mode Table 8.8 lists pin status in stop mode. Table 8.8 Pin Status in Stop Mode Pin Single-Chip Mode Ports Maintains state immediately before entering stop mode CLKOUT When fC selected "H" When f8, f32 selected Maintains state immediately before entering stop mode XIN Placed in a high-impedance state XOUT "H" XCIN, XCOUT Placed in a high-impedance state Reset All oscillation is stopped CPU operation is stopped CM10=1 (Note 2) Stop Mode Interrupt Inter Stop Mode rupt CM10=1 Middle-Speed Mode (divide-by-8 mode) (Note 2) WAIT Instruction Interrupt Wait Mode (Note 1) (Note 2) High-Speed/ Middle-Speed Mode (Note 2) (Note 1) WAIT Instruction Wait Mode Interrupt (Note 3) Low-Speed/Low-Power Consumption Mode On-Chip Oscillator/OnChip Oscillator Low-Power Consumption Mode WAIT Instruction Wait Mode Interrupt WAIT Instruction Interrupt Wait Mode Normal Operating Mode NOTES: 1. See Figure 8.14. 2. When the CM17 bit is set to "1" (PLL clock as CPU clock source), set the CM17 bit to "0"(main clock as CPU clock source) and the PLC07 bit is set to "0" (PLL off). Then enter wait mode or stop mode. 3. When the CM17 bit is set to "1" (PLL clock as CPU clock source), set the CM17 bit to "0"(main clock as CPU clock source) and the PLC07 bit is set to "0" (PLL off). Then enter low-speed or low-power consumption mode. Figure 8.13 Status Transition in Wait Mode and Stop Mode Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 75 of 435 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Figure 8.14 Status Transition Page 76 of 435 CM17=0 PLC07=0 PLC07=1 NOTES: 1. Switch the clock after main clock oscillation is fully stabilized. 2. Switch the clock after sub clock oscillation is fully stabilized. 3. The MCD4 to MCD0 bits in the MCD register are set to "010002" (devide-by-8 mode) automatically. 4. The CM05 bit is not set to "1" when the microcomputer detects a main clock oscillation stop through the oscillation stop detection circuit . 5. The on-chip oscillator clock runs when setting the PM22 bit to "1" (on-chip oscillator clock as watchdog timer count source) and setting the PM27 and PM26 bits to "102" (on-chip oscillator clock), even if the CM21 bit is set to "0". (Note 5) Main clock stop is detected when CM20=1 Medium-Speed Mode CPU clock: f(XIN)/n (n=2,3,4,6,8,10,12,14,16) CM07=0 MCD=XX16 CM21=0 CM05=0 CM04=0 PLC07=1 CM17=0 : An arrow shows mode can be changed. Do not change mode to another mode when no arrow is shown. MCD=XX16: Set the MCD to MCD0 bits in the MCD register to the desired division. Medium-Speed Mode CPU clock: f(XPLL)/n (n=2,3,4,6,8,10,12,14,16) CM07=0 MCD=XX16 CM21=0 CM05=0 CM04=0 PLC07=1 CM17=1 CPU clock: f(XIN) CM07=0 MCD=1216 CM21=0 CM05=0 CM04=0 PLC07=1 CM17=0 High-Speed Mode CM17=1 High-Speed Mode CPU clock: f(XPLL) CM07=0 MCD=1216 CM21=0 CM05=0 CM04=0 PLC07=1 CM17=1 Main Clock Oscillation Sub Clock Stop On-Chip Oscillator Clock Stop PLL Clock Oscillation Main Clock Oscillation Sub Clock Stop On-Chip Oscillator Clock Stop PLL Clock Oscillation CM05=1 On-Chip Oscillator Low-Power Consumption Mode Main Clock Stop Sub Clock Stop CM04=0 On-Chip Oscillator Clock Oscillation PLL Clock Stop CPU Clock: On-Chip Oscillator Clock /n (n=1,2,3,4,6,8,10,12,14,16) CM04=1 CM07=0 MCD=XX16 CM21=1 CM05=1 CM04=0 PLC07=0 CM17=0 CM05=0 (Note 4) CM05=1 CM07=1 (Note 2) CM07=0 (Note 1) Medium-Speed Mode CPU clock: f(XIN)/n (n=2,3,4,6,8,10,12,14,16) CM07=0 MCD=XX16 CM21=0 CM05=0 CM04=1 PLC07=1 CM17=0 CM21=0 CM05=0 (Note 3) Main Clock Stop Sub Clock Oscillation On-Chip Oscillator Clock Oscillation PLL Clock Stop CPU Clock: f(XCIN) CM07=1 MCD=0816 CM21=1 CM05=1 CM04=1 PLC07=0 CM17=0 CM05=0 Main Clock Stop Sub Clock Oscillation On-Chip Oscillator Clock Stop PLL Clock Stop CPU Clock: f(XCIN) CM07=1 MCD=0816 CM21=0 CM05=1 CM04=1 PLC07=0 CM17=0 Low-Power Consumption Mode CM05=1 CM21=1 (Note 1) Main Clock Oscillation Sub Clock Oscillation On-Chip Oscillator Clock Stop PLL Clock Stop CPU clock: f(XCIN) CM07=1 CM21=0 CM05=0 CM04=1 PLC07=0 CM17=0 Main Clock Oscillation Sub Clock Oscillation On-Chip Oscillator Clock Oscillation PLL Clock Stop CPU Clock: f(XCIN) CM07=1 CM21=1 CM05=0 CM04=1 PLC07=0 CM17=0 Low-Power Consumption Mode CM07=1 (Note 2) CM07=0 Low-Speed Mode (Note 3) CM05=1 Medium-Speed Mode CPU clock: f(XPLL)/n (n=2,3,4,6,8,10,12,14,16) CM07=0 MCD=XX16 CM21=0 CM05=0 CM04=1 PLC07=1 CM17=1 Low-Speed Mode CM17=1 CPU clock: f(XPLL) CM07=0 MCD=1216 CM21=0 CM05=0 CM04=1 PLC07=1 CM17=1 High-Speed Mode CM17=0 High-Speed Mode CPU clock: f(XIN) CM07=0 MCD=1216 CM21=0 CM05=0 CM04=1 PLC07=1 CM17=0 Main Clock Oscillation Sub Clock Oscillation On-Chip Oscillator Clock Stop PLL Clock Oscillation Main Clock Oscillation Sub Clock Oscillation On-Chip Oscillator Clock stop PLL Clock Oscillation Main clock stop is detected when CM20=1 PLC07=1 PLC07=0 CM21=1 Main Clock Stop Sub Clock Oscillation On-Chip Oscillator Clock Oscillation PLL Clock Stop CPU Clock: On-Chip Oscillator Clock /n (n=1,2,3,4,6,8,10,12,14,16) CM07=0 MCD=XX16 CM21=1 CM05=1 CM04=1 PLC07=0 CM17=0 CM05=0 On-Chip Oscillator Low-Power Consumption Mode Main Clock Oscillation Sub Clock Oscillation On-Chip Oscillator Clock Oscillation PLL Clock Stop CPU Clock: On-Chip Oscillator Clock /n (n=1,2,3,4,6,8,10,12,14,16) CM07=0 MCD=XX16 CM21=1 CM05=0 CM04=1 PLC07=0 CM17=0 Main Clock Oscillation Sub Clock Stop On-Chip Oscillator Clock Oscillation CM04=0 PLL Clock Stop CPU Clock: On-Chip Oscillator Clock /n (n=1,2,3,4,6,8,10,12,14,16) CM04=1 CM07=0 MCD=XX16 CM21=1 CM05=0 CM04=0 PLC07=0 CM17=0 (Note 1) CM21=0 Medium-Speed Mode CPU clock: f(XIN)/n (n=2,3,4,6,8,10,12,14,16) CM07=0 MCD=XX16 CM21=0 CM05=0 CM04=1 PLC07=0 CM17=0 On-Chip Oscillator Mode CM21=1 CM04=1 On-Chip Oscillator Mode (Note 1) CM21=0 Medium-Speed Mode CPU clock: f(XIN)/n (n=2,3,4,6,8,10,12,14,16) CM07=0 MCD=XX16 CM21=0 CM05=0 CM04=0 PLC07=0 CM17=0 CPU clock :f(XIN) CM07=0 MCD=1216 CM21=0 CM05=0 CM04=1 PLC07=0 CM17=0 High-Speed Mode High-Speed Mode CPU clock: f(XIN) CM07=0 MCD=1216 CM21=0 CM05=0 CM04=0 PLC07=0 CM17=0 Main Clock Oscillation Sub Clock Oscillation On-Chip Oscillator Clock Stop PLL Clock Stop CM04=1 (Note 1) Main Clock Oscillation Sub Clock Stop On-Chip Oscillator Clock Stop PLL Clock Stop CM04=0 MCD=XX16 (Note 1) After reset, Medium-Speed Mode (Divide-by-8) Main Clock Oscillation Sub Clock Stop On-Chip Oscillator Clock Stop PLL Clock Stop CPU Clock: f(XIN)/8 CM07=0 MCD=0816 CM21=0 CM05=0 CM04=0 PLC07=0 CM17=0 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 8. Clock Generation Circuit M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 8. Clock Generation Circuit 8.6 System Clock Protect Function The system clock protect function prohibits the CPU clock from changing clock sources when the main clock is selected as the CPU clock source. This prevents the CPU clock from stopping the program crash. When the PM21 bit in the PM2 register is set to "1" (clock change disabled), the following bits cannot be written to: • The CM02 bit, CM05 bit and CM07 bit in the CM0 register • The CM10 bit and CM17 bit in the CM1 register • The CM20 bit in the CM2 register • All bits in the PLC0 and PLC1 registers The CPU clock continues running when the WAIT instruction is executed. To use the system clock protect function, set the CM05 bit in the CM0 register to "0" (main clock oscillation) and CM07 bit to "0" (main clock as BCLK clock source) and follow the procedure below. (1) Set the PRC1 bit in the PRCR register to "1" (write enabled). (2) Set the PM21 bit in the PM2 register to "1" (protects the clock). (3) Set the PRC1 bit in the PRCR register to "0" (write disabled). When the PM21 bit is set to "1", do not execute the WAIT instruction. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 77 of 435 9. Protection M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 9. Protection The protection function protects important registers from being easily overwritten when a program runs out of control. Figure 9.1 shows the PRCR register. Individual bit in the PRCR register protects the following registers: • The PRC0 bit protects the CM0, CM1, CM2, MCD, PLC0, and PLC1 registers; • The PRC1 bit protects the PM0, PM1, PM2, INVC0, and INVC1 registers; • The PRC2 bit protects the PD9 and PS3 registers. The PRC2 bit is set to "0" (write disabled) when data is written to a given address after setting the PRC2 bit to "1" (write enabled). Set the PD9 and PS3 registers immediately after setting the PRC2 bit in the PRCR register to "1" (write enabled). Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between the instruction to set to the PRC2 bit to "1" and the following instruction. The PRC0 and PRC1 bits are not set to "0" even if data is written to a given address. Set the PRC0 and PRC1 bits to "0" by program. Protect Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol PRCR 0 Bit Symbol Address 000A16 After Reset XXXX 00002 Bit Name Function Protect Bit 0 Enables writing to CM0, CM1, CM2, MCD, PLC0, PLC1 registers 0: Write disabled 1: Write enabled RW PRC1 Protect Bit 1 Enables writing to PM0, PM1, PM2, INVC0, INVC1 registers 0: Write disabled 1: Write enabled RW PRC2 Protect Bit 2(1) Enables writing to PD9, PS3 registers 0: Write disabled 1: Write enabled RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW PRC0 (b3) Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b4) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTE: 1. The PRC2 bit is set to "0" by writing into a given address after the PRC2 bit is set to "1". The PRC0 and PRC1 bits are not automatically set to "0". Set them to "0" by program. Figure 9.1 PRCR Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 RW Page 78 of 435 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 10. Interrupts 10.1 Types of Interrupts Figure 10.1 shows types of interrupts. Hardware Special (Non-Maskable Interrupt) Interrupt Software (Non-Maskable Interrupt) Undefined Instruction (UND Instruction) Overflow (INTO Instruction) BRK Instruction BRK2 Instruction(2) INT Instruction _______ NMI Watchdog Timer Oscillation Stop Detection Single-Step(2) Address Match DMACII Peripheral Function(1) (Maskable Interrupt) NOTES: 1. The peripheral functions in the microcomputer are used to generate the peripheral interrupt. 2. Do not use this interrupt. For development support tools only. Figure 10.1 Interrupts • Maskable Interrupt The I flag enables or disables an interrupt. The interrupt priority order based on interrupt priority level can be changed. • Non-Maskable Interrupt The I flag does not enable nor disable an interrupt . The interrupt priority order based on interrupt priority level cannot be changed. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 79 REJ09B0162-0110 of 435 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 10.2 Software Interrupts Software interrupt occurs when an instruction is executed. The software interrupts are non-maskable interrupts. 10.2.1 Undefined Instruction Interrupt The undefined instruction interrupt occurs when the UND instruction is executed. 10.2.2 Overflow Interrupt The overflow interrupt occurs when the O flag in the FLG register is set to "1" (overflow of arithmetic operation) and the INTO instruction is executed. Instructions to set the O flag are : ABS, ADC, ADCF, ADD, ADDX, CMP, CMPX, DIV, DIVU, DIVX, NEG, RMPA, SBB, SCMPU, SHA, SUB, SUBX 10.2.3 BRK Interrupt The BRK interrupt occurs when the BRK instruction is executed. 10.2.4 BRK2 Interrupt The BRK2 interrupt occurs when the BRK2 instruction is executed. Do not use this interrupt. For development support tools only. 10.2.5 INT Instruction Interrupt The INT instruction interrupt occurs when the INT instruction is executed. The INT instruction can select software interrupt numbers 0 to 63. Software interrupt numbers 8 to 50, 52 to 54 and 57 are assigned to the vector table used for the peripheral function interrupt. Therefore, the microcomputer executes the same interrupt routine when the INT instruction is executed as when a peripheral function interrupt occurs. When the INT instruction is executed, the FLG register and PC are saved to the stack. PC also stores the relocatable vector of specified software interrupt numbers. Where the stack is saved varies depending on a software interrupt number. ISP is selected as the stack for software interrupt numbers 0 to 31 (setting the U flag to "0"). SP, which is set before the INT instruction is executed, is selected as the stack for software interrupt numbers 32 to 63 (the U flag is not changed). With the peripheral function interrupt, the FLG register is saved and the U flag is set to "0" (ISP select) when an interrupt request is acknowledged. With software interrupt numbers 32 to 50, 52 to 54 and 57, SP to be used varies depending on whether the interrupt is generated by the peripheral function interrupt request or by the INT instruction. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 80 REJ09B0162-0110 of 435 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 10.3 Hardware Interrupts Special interrupts and peripheral function interrupts are available as hardware interrupts. 10.3.1 Special Interrupts Special interrupts are non-maskable interrupts. ______ NMI Interrupt ______ ______ The NMI interrupt occurs when a signal applied to the NMI pin changes from a high-level ("H") signal ______ to a low-level ("L") signal. Refer to 10.8 NMI Interrupt for details. Watchdog Timer Interrupt The watchdog timer interrupt occurs when a count source of the watchdog timer underflows. Refer to 11. Watchdog Timer for details. Oscillation Stop Detection Interrupt The oscillation stop detection interrupt occurs when the microcomputer detects a main clock oscillation stop. Refer to 8. Clock Generation Circuit for details. Single-Step Interrupt Do not use the single-step interrupt. For development support tool only. Address Match Interrupt The address match interrupt occurs immediately before executing an instruction that is stored into an address indicated by the RMADi register (i=0 to 7) when the AIERi bit in the AIER register is set to "1" (address match interrupt enabled). Set the starting address of the instruction in the RMADi register. The address match interrupt does not occur when a table data or addresses of the instruction other than the starting address, if the instruction has multiple addresses, is set. Refer to 10.10 Address Match Interrupt for details. 10.3.2 Peripheral Function Interrupt The peripheral function interrupt occurs when a request from the peripheral functions in the microcomputer is acknowledged. The peripheral function interrupts and software interrupt numbers 8 to 50, 52 to 54 and 57 for the INT instruction use the same interrupt vector table. The peripheral function interrupt is a maskable interrupt. See Table 10.2 about how the peripheral function interrupt occurs. Refer to the descriptions of each function for details. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 81 REJ09B0162-0110 of 435 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 10.4 High-Speed Interrupt The high-speed interrupt executes an interrupt sequence in five cycles and returns from the interrupt in three cycles. When the FSIT bit in the RLVL register is set to "1" (interrupt priority level 7 available for the high-speed interrupt), the ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits in the interrupt control registers can be set to "1112" (level 7) to use the high-speed interrupt. Only one interrupt can be set as the high-speed interrupt. When using the high-speed interrupt, do not set multiple interrupts to interrupt priority level 7. Set the DMAII bit in the RLVL register to "0" (interrupt priority level 7 available for interrupts). Set the starting address of the high-speed interrupt routine in the VCT register. When the high-speed interrupt is acknowledged, the FLG register is saved into the SVF register and PC is saved into the SVP register. The program is executed from an address indicated by the VCT register. Execute the FREIT instruction to return from the high-speed interrupt routine. The values saved into the SVF and SVP registers are restored to the FLG register and PC by executing the FREIT instruction. The high-speed interrupt and the DMA2 and DMA3 use the same register. When using the high-speed interrupt, neither DMA2 nor DMA3 is available. DMA0 and DMA1 can be used. 10.5 Interrupts and Interrupt Vectors There are four bytes in one vector. Set the starting address of interrupt routine in each vector table. When an interrupt request is acknowledged, the interrupt routine is executed from the address set in the interrupt vectors. Figure 10.2 shows the interrupt vector. AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA MSB LSB Vector Address + 0 Low-order bits of an address Vector Address + 1 Middle-order bits of an address Vector Address + 2 High-order bits of an address Vector Address + 3 0016 Figure 10.2 Interrupt Vector Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 82 REJ09B0162-0110 of 435 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 10.5.1 Fixed Vector Tables The fixed vector tables are allocated addresses FFFFDC16 to FFFFFF16. Table 10.1 lists the fixed vector tables. Refer to 24.2 Functions to Prevent Rewriting of Flash Memory for fixed vectors of flash memory. Table 10.1 Fixed Vector Table Interrupt Generated by Vector Addresses Address (L) to Address (H) Undefined Instruction FFFFDC16 to FFFFDF16 Overflow FFFFE016 to FFFFE316 BRK Instruction FFFFE416 to FFFFE716 Address Match FFFFE816 to FFFFEB16 - FFFFEC16 to FFFFEF16 Remarks M32C/80 Series If the content of address FFFFE716 is Software Manual FF16, a program is executed from the address stored into software interrupt number 0 in the relocatable vector table Reserved space These addresses are used for the Reset, watchdog timer interrupt and oscillation Clock Generation Circuit, stop detection interrupt Watchdog Timer Watchdog Timer FFFFF016 to FFFFF316 - FFFFF416 to FFFFF716 NMI FFFFF816 to FFFFFB16 Reset FFFFFC16 to FFFFFF16 Reference Reserved space Reset 10.5.2 Relocatable Vector Tables The relocatable vector tables occupy 256 bytes from the starting address set in the INTB register. Table 10.2 lists the relocatable vector tables. Set an even address as the starting address of the vector table set in the INTB register to increase interrupt sequence execution rate. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 83 REJ09B0162-0110 of 435 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 10.2 Relocatable Vector Tables Interrupt Generated by Vector Table Address Address(L) to Address(H)(1) Software Reference Interrupt Number BRK Instruction(2) +0 to +3 (000016 to 000316) 0 M32C/80 Series Reserved Space +4 to +31 (000416 to 001F16) 1 to 7 Software Manual DMA0 +32 to +35 (002016 to 002316) 8 DMAC DMA1 +36 to +39 (002416 to 002716) 9 DMA2 +40 to +43 (002816 to 002B16) 10 DMA3 +44 to +47 (002C16 to 002F16) 11 Timer A0 +48 to +51 (003016 to 003316) 12 Timer A1 +52 to +55 (003416 to 003716) 13 Timer A2 +56 to +59 (003816 to 003B16) 14 Timer A3 +60 to +63 (003C16 to 003F16) 15 +64 to +67 (004016 to 004316) 16 +68 to +71 (004416 to 004716) 17 +72 to +75 (004816 to 004B16) 18 +76 to +79 (004C16 to 004F16) 19 UART1 Reception, ACK (3) +80 to +83 (005016 to 005316) 20 Timer B0 +84 to +87 (005416 to 005716) 21 Timer B1 +88 to +91 (005816 to 005B16) 22 Timer B2 +92 to +95 (005C16 to 005F16) 23 Timer B3 +96 to +99 (006016 to 006316) 24 Timer B4 +100 to +103 (006416 to 006716) 25 Timer A4 UART0 Transmission, NACK(3) UART0 Reception, ACK(3) UART1 Transmission, NACK(3) Timer A Serial I/O Timer B ________ INT5 +104 to +107 (006816 to 006B16) 26 Interrupt ________ INT4 +108 to +111 (006C16 to 006F16) 27 ________ INT3 +112 to +115 (007016 to 007316) 28 +116 to +119 (007416 to 007716) 29 ________ INT2 ________ INT1 +120 to +123 (007816 to 007B16) 30 _______ INT0 +124 to +127 (007C16 to 007F16) 31 Timer B5 UART2 Transmission, NACK(3) UART2 Reception, ACK(3) UART3 Transmission, Timer B +132 to +135 (008416 to 008716) 33 Serial I/O +140 to +143 (008C16 to 008F16) 35 NACK(3) UART4 Reception, ACK(3) Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 84 REJ09B0162-0110 32 +136 to +139 (008816 to 008B16) 34 NACK(3) UART3 Reception, ACK(3) UART4 Transmission, +128 to +131 (008016 to 008316) +144 to +147 (009016 to 009316) 36 +148 to +151 (009416 to 009716) 37 +152 to +155 (009816 to 009B16) 38 of 435 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 10.2 Relocatable Vector Tables (Continued) Interrupt Generated by Vector Table Address Address(L) to Address(H)(1) Software Interrupt Number Bus Conflict Detect, Start Condition Detect, +156 to +159 (009C16 to 009F16) 39 Reference Serial I/O Stop Condition Detect (UART2)(3), Bus Conflict Detect, Start Condition Detect, +160 to +163 (00A016 to 00A316) 40 Stop Condition Detect (UART3/UART0)(4) Bus Conflict Detect, Start Condition Detect, +164 to +167 (00A416 to 00A716) 41 Stop Condition Detect (UART4/UART1)(4) A/D0 +168 to +171 (00A816 to 00AB16) 42 A/D Converter Key Input +172 to +175 (00AC16 to 00AF16) 43 Interrupts Intelligent I/O Interrupt 0, CAN 3 +176 to +179 (00B016 to 00B316) 44 Intelligent I/O Intelligent I/O Interrupt 1, CAN 4 +180 to +183 (00B416 to 00B716) 45 CAN Intelligent I/O Interrupt 2, CAN 6 +184 to +187 (00B816 to 00BB16) 46 Intelligent I/O Interrupt 3, CAN 7 +188 to +191 (00BC16 to 00BF16) 47 Intelligent I/O Interrupt 4 +192 to +195 (00C016 to 00C316) 48 CAN 5 +196 to +199 (00C416 to 00C716) 49 CAN 8 +200 to +203 (00C416 to 00C716) 50 Reserved Space +204 to +207 (00C816 to 00CF16) 51 Intelligent I/O Interrupt 8 +208 to +211 (00D016 to 00D316) 52 Intelligent I/O Intelligent I/O Interrupt 9, CAN 0 +212 to +215 (00D416 to 00D716) 53 CAN Intelligent I/O Interrupt 10, CAN 1 +216 to +219 (00D816 to 00DB16) 54 Reserved Space +220 to +227 (00DC16 to 00E316) 55, 56 CAN 2 +228 to +231 (00E416 to 00E716) 57 Reserved Space +232 to +255 (00E816 to 00FF16) 58 to 63 INT Instruction(2) +0 to +3 (000016 to 000316) to 0 to 63 CAN CAN Interrupts +252 to +255 (00FC16 to 00FF16) NOTES: 1. These addresses are relative to those in the INTB register. 2. The I flag does not disable interrupts. 3. In I2C mode, NACK, ACK or start/stop condition detection causes interrupts to be generated. 4. The IFSR6 bit in the IFSR register determines whether these addresses are used for an interrupt in UART0 or in UART3. The IFSR7 bit in the IFSR register determines whether these addresses are used for an interrupt in UART1 or in UART4. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 85 REJ09B0162-0110 of 435 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 10.6 Interrupt Request Acknowledgement Software interrupts and special interrupts occur when conditions to generate an interrupt are met. The peripheral function interrupts are acknowledged when all conditions below are met. • I flag = "1" • IR bit = "1" • ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits > IPL The I flag, IPL, IR bit and ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits are independent of each other. The I flag and IPL are in the FLG register. The IR bit and ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits are in the interrupt control register. 10.6.1 I Flag and IPL The I flag enables or disables maskable interrupts. When the I flag is set to "1" (enable), all maskable interrupts are enabled; when the I flag is set to "0" (disable), they are disabled. The I flag is automatically set to "0" after reset. IPL, consisting of three bits, indicates the interrupt priority level from level 0 to level 7. If a requested interrupt has higher priority level than indicated by IPL, the interrupt is acknowledged. Table 10.3 lists interrupt priority levels associated with IPL. Table 10.3 Interrupt Priority Levels IPL2 IPL1 IPL0 Interrupt Priority Levels 0 0 0 Level 1 and above 0 0 1 Level 2 and above 0 1 0 Level 3 and above 0 1 1 Level 4 and above 1 0 0 Level 5 and above 1 0 1 Level 6 and above 1 1 0 Level 7 and above 1 1 1 All maskable interrupts are disabled 10.6.2 Interrupt Control Register and RLVL Register The peripheral function interrupts use interrupt control registers to control each interrupt. Figures 10.3 and 10.4 show the interrupt control register. Figure 10.5 shows the RLVL register. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 86 REJ09B0162-0110 of 435 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Interrupt Control Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol TA0IC to TA4IC TB0IC to TB5IC S0TIC to S4TIC S0RIC to S4RIC Address 006C16, 008C16, 006E16, 008E16, 007016 009416, 007616, 009616, 007816, 009816, 006916 BCN0IC to BCN4IC DM0IC to DM3IC 009016, 009216, 008916, 008B16, 008D16 007216, 007416, 006B16, 006D16, 006F16 007116, 009116, 008F16, 007116(1), 009116(2) 006816, 008816, 006A16, 008A16 AD0IC KUPIC IIO0IC to IIO4IC 007316 009316 007516, 009516, 007716, 009716, 007916 IIO8IC to IIO10IC CAN0IC to CAN2IC 007D16, 009D16, 007F16 009D16, 007F16, 008116(3) 007516, 009516, 009916(3) CAN3IC to CAN5IC CAN6IC to CAN8IC Bit Symbol XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 007716, 009716, 007B16(3) Bit Name After Reset XXXX X0002 Function RW b2b1b0 ILVL0 ILVL1 Interrupt Priority Level Select Bit ILVL2 IR Interrupt Request Bit 0 0 0: Level 0 (interrupt disabled) 0 0 1: Level 1 0 1 0: Level 2 0 1 1: Level 3 1 0 0: Level 4 1 0 1: Level 5 1 1 0: Level 6 1 1 1: Level 7 0: requests no interrupt 1: requests an interrupt(4) Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b4) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTES: 1. The BCN0IC register shares an address with the BCN3IC register. 2. The BCN1IC register shares an address with the BCN4IC register. 3. The IIO9IC register shares an address with the CAN0IC register. The IIO10IC register shares an address with the CAN1IC register. The IIO0IC register shares an address with the CAN3IC register. The IIO1IC register shares an address with the CAN4IC register. The IIO2IC register shares an address with the CAN6IC register. The IIO3IC register shares an address with the CAN7IC register. 4. The IR bit can be set to only "0" (do not set to "1"). Figure 10.3 Interrupt Control Register (1) Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 87 REJ09B0162-0110 of 435 RW RW RW RW 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Interrupt Control Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol INT0IC to INT2IC INT3IC to INT5IC Bit Symbol Address 009E16, 007E16, 009C16 After Reset XX00 X0002 007C16, 009A16, 007A16 XX00 X0002 Bit Name Function RW b2b1b0 ILVL0 ILVL1 Interrupt Priority Level Select Bit ILVL2 0 0 0: Level 0 (interrupt disabled) 0 0 1: Level 1 0 1 0: Level 2 0 1 1: Level 3 1 0 0: Level 4 1 0 1: Level 5 1 1 0: Level 6 1 1 1: Level 7 RW RW RW Interrupt Request Bit 0: requests no interrupt 1: requests an interrupt(1) RW POL Polarity Switch Bit 0: Selects falling edge or "L"(2) 1: Selects rising edge or "H" RW LVS Level Sensitive/Edge Sensitive Switch Bit 0: Edge sensitive 1: Level sensitive(3) RW IR (b7 - b6) Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTES: 1. The IR bit can be set to only "0" (do not set to "1"). 2. Set the POL bit to "0" when a corresponding bit in the IFSR register is set to "1" (both edges). 3. When setting the LVS bit to "1" , set a corresponding bit in the IFSR register to "0" (one edge). Figure 10.4 Interrupt Control Register (2) ILVL2 to ILVL0 Bits The ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits determines an interrupt priority level. The higher the interrupt priority level is, the higher interrupt priority is. When an interrupt request is generated, its interrupt priority level is compared to IPL. This interrupt is acknowledged only when its interrupt priority level is higher than IPL. When the ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits are set to "0002" (level 0), its interrupt is ignored. IR Bit The IR bit is automatically set to "1" (interrupt requested) when an interrupt request is generated. The IR bit is automatically set to "0" (no interrupt requested) after an interrupt request is acknowledged and an interrupt routine in the corresponding interrupt vector is executed. The IR bit can be set to "0" by program. Do not set to "1". Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 88 REJ09B0162-0110 of 435 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Exit Priority Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Symbol RLVL b0 Bit Symbol RLVL0 RLVL1 RLVL2 Address 009F16 After Reset XXXX 00002 Bit Name Function b2b1b0 0 0 0 : Level 0 0 0 1 : Level 1 Stop/Wait Mode Exit 0 1 0 : Level 2 Minimum Interrupt Priority 0 1 1 : Level 3 1 0 0 : Level 4 Level Control Bit(1) 1 0 1 : Level 5 1 1 0 : Level 6 1 1 1 : Level 7 0: Interrupt priority level 7 is used for normal interrupt 1: Interrupt priority level 7 is used for high-speed interrupt FSIT High-Speed Interrupt Set Bit(2) (b4) Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. DMAII DMA II Select Bit(4) 0: Interrupt priority level 7 is used for interrupt 1: Interrupt priority level 7 is used for DMA II transfer(3) RW RW RW RW RW RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b6) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTES: 1. The microcomputer exits stop or wait mode when the requested interrupt priority level is higher than the level set in the RLVL2 to RLVL0 bits. Set the RLVL2 to RLVL0 bits to the same value as IPL in the FLG register. 2. When the FSIT bit is set to "1", an interrupt having the interrupt priority level 7 becomes the high-speed interrupt. In this case, set only one interrupt to the interrupt priority level 7 and the DMAII bit to "0". 3. Set the ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits in the interrupt control register after setting the DMAII bit to "1". Do not change the DMAII bit setting to "0" after setting the DMAII bit to "1". Set the FSIT bit to "0" when the DMAII bit to "1". 4. The DMAII bit becomes indeterminate after reset. To use the DMAII bit for an interrupt setting, set it to "0" before setting the interrupt control register. Figure 10.5 RLVL Register RLVL2 to RLVL0 Bits When using an interrupt to exit stop or wait mode, refer to 8.5.2 Wait Mode and 8.5.3 Stop Mode for details. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 89 REJ09B0162-0110 of 435 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 10.6.3 Interrupt Sequence The interrupt sequence is performed between an interrupt request acknowledgment and interrupt routine execution. When an interrupt request is generated while an instruction is executed, the CPU determines its interrupt priority level after the instruction is completed. The CPU starts the interrupt sequence from the following cycle. However, in regards to the SCMPU, SIN, SMOVB, SMOVF, SMOVU, SSTR, SOUT or RMPA instruction, if an interrupt request is generated while executing the instruction, the microcomputer suspends the instruction to start the interrupt sequence. The interrupt sequence is performed as follows: (1) The CPU obtains interrupt information (interrupt number and interrupt request level) by reading address 00000016 (address 00000216 for the high-speed interrupt). Then, the IR bit applicable to the interrupt information is set to "0" (interrupt requested). (2) The FLG register, prior to an interrupt sequence, is saved to a temporary register(1) within the CPU. (3) Each bit in the FLG register is set as follows: • The I flag is set to "0" (interrupt disabled) • The D flag is set to "0" (single-step disabled) • The U flag is set to "0" (ISP selected) (4) A temporary register within the CPU is saved to the stack; or to the SVF register for the high-speed interrupt. (5) PC is saved to the stack; or to the SVP register for the high-speed interrupt. (6) The interrupt priority level of the acknowledged interrupt is set in IPL . (7) A relocatable vector corresponding to the acknowledged interrupt is stored into PC. After the interrupt sequence is completed, an instruction is executed from the starting address of the interrupt routine. NOTE: 1. Temporary register cannot be modified by users. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 90 REJ09B0162-0110 of 435 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 10.6.4 Interrupt Response Time Figure 10.6 shows an interrupt response time. Interrupt response time is the period between an interrupt generation and the execution of the first instruction in an interrupt routine. Interrupt response time includes the period between an interrupt request generation and the completed execution of an instruction ((a) on Figure 10.6) and the period required to perform an interrupt sequence ((b) on Figure 10.6). Interrupt request is generated Interrupt request is acknowledged Time Instruction (a) Interrupt sequence Instruction in interrupt routine (b) Interrupt response time (a) Period between an interrupt request generation and the completed execution of an instruction. (b) Period required to perform an interrupt sequence. Figure 10.6 Interrupt Response Time Time (a) varies depending on an instruction being executed. The DIV, DIVX and DIVU instructions require the longest time (a); 42 cycles when an immediate value or register is set as the divisor. When the divisor is a value in the memory, the following value is added. • Normal addressing :2+X • Index addressing :3+X • Indirect addressing : 5 + X + 2Y • Indirect index addressing : 6 + X + 2Y X is the number of wait states for a divisor space. Y is the number of wait states for the space that stores indirect addresses. If X and Y are in an odd address or in 8-bit bus space, the X and Y value must be doubled. Table 10.4 lists time (b), shown Figure 10.6. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 91 REJ09B0162-0110 of 435 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 10.4 Interrupt Sequence Execution Time Interrupt Interrupt Vector Address Peripheral Function 16-Bit Bus 8-Bit Bus Even address 14 cycles 16 cycles Odd address(1) 16 cycles 16 cycles Even address 12 cycles 14 cycles Odd address(1) 14 cycles 14 cycles Even address(2) 13 cycles 15 cycles Overflow Even address(2) 14 cycles 16 cycles BRK Instruction (relocatable vector table) Even address 17 cycles 19 cycles Odd address(1) 19 cycles 19 cycles BRK Instruction (fixed vector table) Even address(2) 19 cycles 21 cycles High-Speed Interrupt Vector table is internal register 5 cycles INT Instruction _______ NMI Watchdog Timer Undefined Instruction Address Match NOTES: 1. Allocate interrupt vectors in even addresses. 2. Vectors are fixed to even addresses. 10.6.5 IPL Change when Interrupt Request is Acknowledged When a peripheral function interrupt request is acknowledged, IPL sets the priority level for the acknowledged interrupt. Software interrupts and special interrupts have no interrupt priority level. If an interrupt request that has no interrupt priority level is acknowledged, the value shown in Table 10.5 is set in IPL as the interrupt priority level. Table 10.5 Interrupts without Interrupt Priority Levels and IPL Interrupt Source Level Set to IPL _______ Watchdog Timer, NMI, Oscillation Stop Detection 7 Reset 0 Software, Address Match Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 92 REJ09B0162-0110 Not changed of 435 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 10.6.6 Saving a Register In the interrupt sequence, the FLG register and PC are saved to the stack. After the FLG register is saved to the stack, 16 high-order bits and 16 low-order bits of PC, extended to 32 bits, are saved to the stack. Figure 10.7 shows stack states before and after an interrupt request is acknowledged. Other important registers are saved by program at the beginning of an interrupt routine. The PUSHM instruction can save several registers(1) in the register bank used. Refer to 10.4 High-Speed Interrupt for the high-speed interrupt. NOTE: 1. Can be selected from the R0, R1, R2, R3, A0, A1, SB and FB registers. Address The Stack Address LSB MSB m-6 The Stack MSB m-6 LSB PCL PCM m-5 m-5 m–4 m–4 PCH m–3 m–3 0016 m–2 m–2 FLGL m–1 m–1 m Content of previous stack m+1 Content of previous stack [SP] SP value before an interrupt is generated m m+1 Stack state before an interrupt request is acknowledged [SP] New SP value FLGH Content of previous stack Content of previous stack Stack state after an interrupt request is acknowledged Figure 10.7 Stack States 10.6.7 Restoration from Interrupt Routine When the REIT instruction is executed at the end of an interrupt routine, the FLG register and PC before the interrupt sequence is performed, which have been saved to the stack, are automatically restored. The program, executed before an interrupt request was acknowledged, starts running again. Refer to 10.4 HighSpeed Interrupt for the high-speed interrupt. Restore registers saved by program in an interrupt routine by the POPM instruction or others before the REIT and FREIT instructions. Register bank is switched back to the bank used prior to the interrupt sequence by the REIT or FREIT instruction. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 93 REJ09B0162-0110 of 435 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 10.6.8 Interrupt Priority If two or more interrupt requests are sampled at the same sampling points (a timing to detect whether an interrupt request is generated or not), the interrupt with the highest priority is acknowledged. Set the ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits to select the desired priority level for maskable interrupts (peripheral function interrupt). Priority levels of special interrupts such as reset (reset has the highest priority) and watchdog timer are set by hardware. Figure 10.8 shows priority levels of hardware interrupts. The interrupt priority does not affect software interrupts. Executing instruction causes the microcomputer to execute an interrupt routine. _______ Reset > NMI > Oscillation Stop Detection > Peripheral Function > Address Match Watchdog Timer Figure 10.8 Interrupt Priority 10.6.9 Interrupt Priority Level Select Circuit The interrupt priority level select circuit selects the highest priority interrupt when two or more interrupt requests are sampled at the same sampling point. Figure 10.9 shows the interrupt priority level select circuit. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 94 REJ09B0162-0110 of 435 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Hig h Each Interrupt Priority Level Level 0 (Initial Value) DMA0 DMA1 DMA2 DMA3 Each Interrupt Priority Level Timer A0 A/D0 Timer A1 Key Input Interrupt Timer A2 Intelligent I/O Interrupt 0 /CAN Interrupt 3 Timer A3 Intelligent I/O Interrupt 1 /CAN Interrupt 4 Timer A4 UART0 Transmission/NACK Intelligent I/O Interrupt 2 /CAN Interrupt 6 UART0 Reception/ACK Intelligent I/O Interrupt 3 /CAN Interrupt 7 UART1 Transmission/NACK Intelligent I/O Interrupt 4 UART1 Reception/ACK CAN Interrupt 5 Timer B0 CAN Interrupt 8 Timer B1 Intelligent I/O Interrupt 8 Timer B2 Intelligent I/O Interrupt 9 /CAN Interrupt 0 Timer B3 Intelligent I/O Interrupt 10 /CAN Interrupt 1 Timer B4 CAN Interrupt 2 INT5 RLVL2 to RLVL0 Bits INT4 Interrupt request priority detection results output (to clock generation circuit) INT3 INT2 IPL INT1 INT0 I Flag Timer B5 Address Match Watchdog Timer, Oscillation Stop Detection UART2 Transmission/NACK NMI UART2 Reception/ACK DMAC II UART3 Transmission/NACK UART3 Reception/ACK UART4 Transmission/NACK UART4 Reception/ACK Bus Conflict/Start, Stop Condition(UART2) Bus Conflict/Start, Stop Condition (UART0, UART3) Bus Conflict/Start, Stop Condition (UART1, UART4) Low Peripheral Function Interrupt Priority (if priority levels are the same) Figure 10.9 Interrupt Priority Level Select Circuit Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 95 REJ09B0162-0110 of 435 Interrupt request acknowledged (to CPU) 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) ______ 10.7 INT Interrupt ______ External input generates the INTi interrupt (i = 0 to 5). The LVS bit in the INTiIC register selects either edge sensitive triggering to generate an interrupt on any edge or level sensitive triggering to generate an interrupt at an applied signal level. The POL bit in the INTiIC register determines the polarity. For edge sensitive, when the IFSRi bit in the IFSR register is set to "1", an interrupt occurs on both rising and falling edges of the external input. If the IFSRi bit is set to "1", set the POL bit in the corresponding register to "0" (falling edge). _______ For level sensitive, set the IFSRi bit to "0" (single edge). When the INTi pin input level reaches the level set _______ in the POL bit, the IR bit in the INTiIC register is set to "1". The IR bit remains unchanged even if the INTi _______ pin level is changed. The IR bit is set to "0" when the INTi interrupt is acknowledged or when the IR bit is written to "0" by program. Figure 10.10 shows the IFSR register. External Interrupt Request Source Select Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol IFSR Address 031F16 After Reset 0016 Bit Symbol Bit Name IFSR0 INT0 Interrupt Polarity Select Bit(1) 0: One edge 1: Both edges RW IFSR1 INT1 Interrupt Polarity Select Bit(1) 0: One edge 1: Both edges RW IFSR2 INT2 Interrupt Polarity Select Bit(1) 0: One edge 1: Both edges RW IFSR3 INT3 Interrupt Polarity Select Bit(1) 0: One edge 1: Both edges RW IFSR4 INT4 Interrupt Polarity select bit(1) 0: One edge 1: Both edges RW IFSR5 INT5 Interrupt Polarity Select Bit(1) 0: One edge 1: Both edges RW IFSR6 UART0, UART3 Interrupt Source Select Bit 0: UART3 bus conflict, start condition detect, stop condition detect RW 1: UART0 bus conflict, start condition detect, stop condition detect IFSR7 UART1, UART4 Interrupt Source Select Bit 0: UART4 bus conflict, start condition detect, stop condition detect RW 1: UART1 bus conflict, start condition detect, stop condition detect Function NOTE: 1. Set this bit to "0" to select a level-sensitive triggering. When setting this bit to "1", set the POL bit in the INTilC register (i = 0 to 5) to "0" (falling edge). Figure 10.10 IFSR Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 96 REJ09B0162-0110 of 435 RW 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) ______ 10.8 NMI Interrupt ______ ______ The NMI interrupt(1) occurs when a signal applied to the NMI pin changes from a high-level ("H") signal to a ______ ______ low-level ("L") signal. The NMI interrupt is a non-maskable interrupt. Although the P85/NMI pin is used as ______ the NMI interrupt input pin, the P8_5 bit in the P8 register indicates the input level for this pin. NOTE: ______ ______ ______ 1. When the NMI interrupt is not used, connect the NMI pin to VCC via a resistor. Because the NMI interrupt cannot be ignored, the pin must be connected. 10.9 Key Input Interrupt Key input interrupt request is generated when one of the signals applied to the P104 to P107 pins in input mode is on the falling edge. The key input interrupt can be also used as key-on wake-up function to exit wait or stop mode. To use the key input interrupt, do not use P104 to P107 as A/D input ports. Figure 10.11 shows a block diagram of the key input interrupt. When an "L" signal is applied to any pins in input mode, signals applied to other pins are not detected as an interrupt request signal. When the PSC_7 bit in the PSC register(2) is set to "1" (key input interrupt disabled), no key input interrupt occurs regardless of interrupt control register settings. When the PSC_7 bit is set to "1", no input from a port pin is available even when in input mode. NOTE: 2. Refer to 23. Programmable I/O Ports about the PSC register. PU31 Bit in the PUR3 Register Pull-up Transistor PD10_7 Bit PSC_7 Bit KUPIC Register PD10_7 Bit P107/KI3 Pull-up Transistor PD10_6 Bit Interrupt Control Circuit P106/KI2 Pull-up Transistor PD10_5 Bit P105/KI1 Pull-up Transistor PD10_4 Bit P104/KI0 Figure 10.11 Key Input Interrupt Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 97 REJ09B0162-0110 of 435 Key Input Interrupt Request 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 10.10 Address Match Interrupt The address match interrupt occurs immediately before executing an instruction that is stored into an address indicated by the RMADi register (i=0 to 7). The address match interrupt can be set in eight addresses. The AIERi bit in the AIER register determines whether the interrupt is enabled or disabled. The I flag and IPL do not affect the address match interrupt. Figure 10.12 shows registers associated with the address match interrupt. The starting address of an instruction must be set in the RMADi register. The address match interrupt does not occur when a table data or addresses other than the starting address of the instruction is set. Address Match Interrupt Enable Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol AIER Bit Symbol Address 000916 After Reset 0000 00002 Function Bit Name RW AIER0 Address Match Interrupt 0 Enable Bit 0: Disables an interrupt 1: Enables an interrupt RW AIER1 Address Match Interrupt 1 Enable Bit 0: Disables an interrupt 1: Enables an interrupt RW AIER2 Address Match Interrupt 2 Enable Bit 0: Disables an interrupt 1: Enables an interrupt RW AIER3 Address Match Interrupt 3 Enable Bit 0: Disables an interrupt 1: Enables an interrupt RW AIER4 Address Match Interrupt 4 Enable Bit 0: Disables an interrupt 1: Enables an interrupt RW AIER5 Address Match Interrupt 5 Enable Bit 0: Disables an interrupt 1: Enables an interrupt RW AIER6 Address Match Interrupt 6 Enable Bit 0: Disables an interrupt 1: Enables an interrupt RW AIER7 Address Match Interrupt 7 Enable Bit 0: Disables an interrupt 1: Enables an interrupt RW Address Match Interrupt Register i (i=0 to 7) b23 b16 b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol RMAD0 RMAD1 RMAD2 RMAD3 RMAD4 RMAD5 RMAD6 RMAD7 Address 001216 - 001016 001616 - 001416 001A16 - 001816 001E16 - 001C16 002A16 - 002816 002E16 - 002C16 003A16 - 003816 003E16 - 003C16 Function Addressing Register for Address Match Interrupt Figure 10.12 AIER Register and RMAD0 to RMAD7 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 98 REJ09B0162-0110 of 435 After Reset 00000016 00000016 00000016 00000016 00000016 00000016 00000016 00000016 Setting Range RW 00000016 to FFFFFF16 RW 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 10.11 Intelligent I/O Interrupt and CAN Interrupt The intelligent I/O interrupt and CAN interrupt are assigned to software interrupt numbers 44 to 50, 52 to 54, and 57. When using the intelligent I/O interrupt or CAN interrupt, set the IRLT bit in the IIOiIE register (i = 0 to 6, 8 to 11) to "1" (interrupt request for interrupt used). Various interrupt requests cause the intelligent I/O interrupt to occur. When an interrupt request is generated with each intelligent I/O or CAN functions, the corresponding bit in the IIOiIR register is set to "1" (interrupt requested). When the corresponding bit in the IIOiIE register is set to "1" (interrupt enabled), the IR bit in the corresponding IIOiIC register is set to "1" (interrupt requested). After the IR bit setting changes "0" to "1", the IR bit remains set to "1" when a bit in the IIOiIR register is set to "1" by another interrupt request and the corresponding bit in the IIOiIE register is set to "1". Bits in the IIOiIR register are not set to "0" automatically, even if an interrupt is acknowledged. Set each bit to "0" by program. If these bit settings are left "1", all generated interrupt requests are ignored. Figure 10.13 shows a block diagram of the intelligent I/O interrupt and CAN interrupt. Figure 10.14 shows the IIOiIR register. Figure 10.15 shows the IIOiIE register. IIOiIR Register(2) IRLT Bit in the IIOiIE Register 0 Bit 1 1 Interrupt Request(1) Intelligent I/O Interrupt i Request 0 Bit 2 1 Interrupt Request(1) 0 Bit 7 1 Interrupt Request(1) IIOiIE Register(3) Bit 1 NOTES: 1. See Figures 10.14 and 10.15 about bits 1 to 7 in the IIOiIR register and bits 1 to 7 in the IIOiIE register. 2. Bits 1 to 7 in the IIOiIR register are not set to "0" automatically even if an interrupt request is generated. Set to "0" by program. 3. Do not change the IRLT bit and the interrupt enable bit in the IIOiIE register simultaneously. Bit 2 Bit 7 i= 0 to 6, 8 to 11 Figure 10.13 Intelligent I/O Interrupt and CAN Interrupt Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 99 REJ09B0162-0110 of 435 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 10. Interrupts The CANjk (j=0 to 2, k=0 to 2) interrupt and CANn (n=1, 2) wake-up interrupt are provided as the CAN interrupt. The following registers are required for the CAN interrupts: • Bits 7 in the IIO9IR to IIO11IR registers and bits 7 in the IIO9IE to IIO11IE registers for the CAN00 to CAN02 interrupts. • Bits 7 in the IIO0IR, IIO1IR and IIO5IR registers and bits 7 in the IIO0IE, IIO1IE and IIO5IE registers for the CAN10 to CAN12 interrupts. • Bits 7 in the IIO2IR, IIO3IR and IIO6IR registers and bits 7 in the IIO2IE, IIO3IE and IIO6IE registers for the CAN20 to CAN22 interrupts. • Bit 6 in the IIO5IR register and bit 6 in the IIO5IE register for the CAN1 wake-up interrupt. • Bit 6 in the IIO6IR register and bit 6 in the IIO6IE register for the CAN2 wake-up interrupt. The CAN0IC, CAN1IC, CAN3IC, CAN4IC CAN6IC, and CAN7IC registers share addresses with the following registers: • The CAN0IC register shares an address with the IIO9IC register. • The CAN1IC register shares an address with the IIO10IC register. • The CAN3IC register shares an address with the IIO0IC register. • The CAN4IC register shares an address with the IIO1IC register. • The CAN6IC register shares an address with the IIO2IC register. • The CAN7IC register shares an address with the IIO3IC register. Refer to 22.4 CAN Interrupt for details. When using the intelligent I/O interrupt or CAN interrupt to activate DMAC II, set the IRLT bit in the IIOiIE register to "0" (interrupt used for DMAC, DMAC II) to enable the interrupt request that the IIOiIE (i=0 to 6, 8 to 11) register requires. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 100 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Interrupt Request Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 Symbol Address After Reset IIO0IR to IIO6IR, IIO8IR to IIO11IR See below 0000 000X2 Bit Symbol RW Function Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. (b0) (Note 1) 0: requests no interrupt 1: requests an interrupt(2) RW (Note 1) 0: requests no interrupt 1: requests an interrupt(2) RW Reserved bit. Set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. RW (Note 1) 0: requests no interrupt 1: requests an interrupt(2) RW (Note 1) 0: requests no interrupt 1: requests an interrupt(2) RW (Note 1) 0: requests no interrupt 1: requests an interrupt(2) RW (Note 1) 0: requests no interrupt 1: requests an interrupt(2) RW (b3) NOTES: 1. See table below for bit symbols. 2. Only "0" can be set (nothing is changed even if "1" is set). Bit Symbols for the Interrupt Request Register Symbol Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 IIO0IR 00A016 CAN10R - SIO0RR G0RIR - TM13R/PO13R - - IIO1IR 00A116 CAN11R - SIO0TR G0TOR - TM14R/PO14R - - IIO2IR 00A216 CAN20R - SIO1RR G1RIR - TM12R/PO12R - - IIO3IR 00A316 CAN21R - SIO1TR G1TOR - TM10R/PO10R - - IIO4IR 00A416 SRT0R SRT1R - BT1R - TM17R/PO17R - - IIO5IR 00A516 CAN12R CAN1WUR - - - - - - IIO6IR 00A616 CAN22R CAN2WUR - - - - - - IIO8IR 00A816 - - - - - - TM11R/PO11R - IIO9IR 00A916 CAN00R - - - - - TM15R/PO15R - IIO10IR 00AA16 CAN01R - - - - - TM16R/PO16R - IIO11IR 00AB16 CAN02R - - - - - - - BT1R : Intelligent I/O Base Timer Interrupt Request TM1jR PO1jR SIOiRR : Intelligent I/O Time Measurement j Interrupt Request : Intelligent I/O Waveform Generating Function j Interrupt Request : Intelligent I/O Communication Unit i Receive Interrupt Request SIOiTR GiTOR : Intelligent I/O Communication Unit i Transmit Interrupt Request : Intelligent I/O Communication Unit i HDLC Data Processing Function Interrupt Request (TO: Output to Transmit) GiRIR SRTiR CANkmR : Intelligent I/O Communication Unit i HDLC Data Processing Function Interrupt Request (RI: Input to Receive) : Intelligent I/O Special Communication Function Interrupt Request : CANk Communication Function Interrupt Request (k=0 to 2, m=0 to 2) i=0, 1 CANnWUR : CANn Wake-up Interrupt Request (n=1, 2) j=0 to 7 : Reserved Bit. Set to "0". Figure 10.14 IIO0IR to IIO6IR, IIO8IR to IIO11IR Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 101 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 10. Interrupts M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Interrupt Enable Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 Symbol Address After Reset IIO0IE to IIO6IE, IIO8IE to IIO11IE See below 0016 Bit Symbol IRLT Bit Name RW Function Interrupt Request 0: Interrupt request is used for DMAC, DMAC II Select Bit(2) 1: Interrupt request is used for interrupt 0: Disables an interrupt by bit 1 in IIOiIR register (Note 1) 1: Enables an interrupt by bit 1 in IIOiIR register 0: Disables an interrupt by bit 2 in IIOiIR register (Note 1) 1: Enables an interrupt by bit 2 in IIOiIR register Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW RW RW (b3) 0: Disables an interrupt by bit 4 in IIOiIR register (Note 1) RW 1: Enables an interrupt by bit 4 in IIOiIR register RW (Note 1) 0: Disables an interrupt by bit 5 in IIOiIR register RW 1: Enables an interrupt by bit 5 in IIOiIR register (Note 1) 0: Disables an interrupt by bit 6 in IIOiIR register RW 1: Enables an interrupt by bit 6 in IIOiIR register 0: Disables an interrupt by bit 7 in IIOiIR register (Note 1) 1: Enables an interrupt by bit 7 in IIOiIR register RW NOTES: 1. See table below for bit symbols. 2. If an interrupt request is used for interrupt, set bits 1, 2, 4 to 7 to "1" after the IRLT bit is set to "1". Bit Symbols for the Interrupt Enable Register Symbol Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 IIO0IE 00B016 CAN10E - SIO0RE G0RIE - TM13E/PO13E - IRLT IIO1IE 00B116 CAN11E - SIO0TE G0TOE - TM14E/PO14E - IRLT IIO2IE 00B216 CAN20E - SIO1RE G1RIE - TM12E/PO12E - IRLT IIO3IE 00B316 CAN21E - SIO1TE G1TOE - TM10E/PO10E - IRLT IIO4IE 00B416 SRT0E SRT1E - BT1E - TM17E/PO17E - IRLT IIO5IE 00B516 CAN12E CAN1WUE - - - - - IRLT IIO6IE 00B616 CAN22E CAN2WUE - - - - - IRLT IIO8IE 00B816 - - - - - - TM11E/PO11E IRLT IIO9IE 00B916 CAN00E - - - - - TM15E/PO15E IRLT IIO10IE 00BA16 CAN01E - - - - - TM16E/PO16E IRLT IIO11IE 00BB16 CAN02E - - - - - - IRLT BT1E TM1jE PO1jE SIOiRE SIOiTE GiTOE GiRIE SRTiE CANkmE CANnWUE - : Intelligent I/O Base Timer Interrupt Enabled : Intelligent I/O Time Measurement j Interrupt Enabled : Intelligent I/O Waveform Generating Function j Interrupt Enabled : Intelligent I/O Communication Unit i Receive Interrupt Enabled : Intelligent I/O Communication Unit i Transmit Interrupt Enabled : Intelligent I/O Communication Unit i HDLC Data Processing Function Interrupt Enabled (TO: Output to Transmit) : Intelligent I/O Communication Unit i HDLC Data Processing Function Interrupt Enabled (RI: Input to Receive) : Intelligent I/O Special Communication Function Interrupt Enabled : CANk Communication Function Interrupt Enabled (k=0 to 2, m=0 to 2) i=0, 1 : CANn Wake-up Interrupt Enabled (n=1, 2) j=0 to 7 : Reserved Bit. Set to "0". Figure 10.15 IIO0IE to IIO6IE, IIO8IE to IIO11IE Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 102 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 11. Watchdog Timer M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 11. Watchdog Timer The watchdog timer monitors the program executions and detects defective program. It allows the microcomputer to trigger a reset or to generate an interrupt if the program error occurs. The watchdog timer contains a 15-bit counter, which is decremented by the CPU clock that the prescaler divides. The CM06 bit in the CM0 register determines whether a watchdog timer interrupt request or reset is generated if the watchdog timer underflows. The CM06 bit can only be set to "1" (reset). Once the CM06 bit is set to "1", it cannot be changed to "0" ( watchdog timer interrupt) by program. The CM06 bit is set to "0" only after reset. When the main clock, on-chip oscillator clock, or PLL clock runs as the CPU clock, the WDC7 bit in the WDC register determine whether the prescaler divides the clock by 16 or by 128. When the sub clock runs as the CPU clock, the prescaler divides the clock by 2 regardless of the WDC7 bit setting. Watchdog timer cycle is calculated as follows. Marginal errors, due to the prescaler, may occur in watchdog timer cycle. When the main clock, on-chip oscillator clock, or PLL clock is selected as the CPU clock, Watchdog timer cycle = Divide-by-16 or -128 prescaler x counter value of watchdog timer (32768) CPU clock When the sub clock is selected as the CPU clock, Watchdog timer cycle = Divide-by-2 prescaler x counter value of watchdog timer (32768) CPU clock For example, if the CPU clock frequency is 30MHz and the prescaler divides it by 16, the watchdog timer cycle is approximately 17.5 ms. The watchdog timer is reset when the WDTS register is set and when a watchdog timer interrupt request is generated. The prescaler is reset only when the microcomputer is reset. Both watchdog timer and prescaler stop after reset. They begin counting when the WDTS register is set. The watchdog timer and prescaler stop in stop mode, wait mode and hold state. They resume counting from the value held when the mode or state is exited. Figure 11.1 shows a block diagram of the watchdog timer. Figure 11.2 shows registers associated with the watchdog timer. Prescaler 1/16 CPU Clock 1/128 CM07 = 0 WDC7 = 0 CM07 = 0 WDC7 = 1 PM22 = 0 CM06 = 0 HOLD Signal Watchdog Timer Interrupt Request CM07 = 1 Watchdog Timer 1/2 Reset CM06 = 1 On-chip Oscillator Clock Write to WDTS Register Internal Reset Signal CM06, CM07: Bits in the CM0 Register WDC7: Bit in the WDC Register PM22: Bit in the PM2 Register Figure 11.1 Watchdog Timer Block Diagram Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 103 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 PM22 = 1 Set to 7FFF16 11. Watchdog Timer M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Watchdog Timer Control Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol WDC 0 Address 000F16 Bit Symbol (b4 - b0) WDC5 (b6) WDC7 After Reset 000X XXXX2 Bit Name Function High-Order Bit of the Watchdog Timer Cold Start-up/ Warm Start-up Determine Flag(1,2, 3) RW RO 0: Cold start-up 1: Warm start-up RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW Prescaler Select Bit 0: Divide-by-16 1: Divide-by-128 RW NOTES: 1. The WDC5 bit remains set to "1", regardless of setting to "1" or "0". 2. The WDC5 bit is set to "0" when power is turned on and can be set to "1" by program only. 3. The WDC5 bit maintains a value set before reset, even after reset has been performed. Watchdog Timer Start Register(1) b7 b0 Symbol WDTS Address 000E16 After Reset Indeterminate Function The watchdog timer is reset to start counting by a write instruction to the WDTS register. Default value of the watchdog timer is always set to "7FFF16" regardless of the value written. NOTE: 1. Write the WDTS register after the watchdog timer interrupt is generated. Figure 11.2 WDC Register and WDTS Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 104 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 RW WO 11. Watchdog Timer M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) System Clock Control Register 0(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol CM0 Bit Symbol Address 000616 After Reset 0000 10002 Bit Name Function b1 b0 CM00 Clock Output Function Select Bit(2) CM01 0 0: I/O port P53 0 1: Outputs fC 1 0: Outputs f8 1 1: Outputs f32 RW RW RW CM02 0: Peripheral clock does not stop in In Wait Mode, Peripheral wait mode Function Clock Stop Bit(9) 1: Peripheral clock stops in wait mode(3) RW CM03 XCIN-XCOUT Drive Capacity Select Bit(11) 0: Low 1: High RW CM04 Port XC Switch Bit 0: I/O port function 1: XCIN-XCOUT oscillation function(4) RW CM05 Main Clock (XIN-XOUT) Stop Bit(5, 9) 0: Main clock oscillates 1: Main clock stops(6) RW CM06 Watchdog Timer Function Select Bit 0: Watchdog timer interrupt 1: Reset(7) RW CM07 CPU Clock Select Bit 0(8, 9, 10) 0: Clock selected by the CM21 bit divided by MCD register setting 1: Sub clock RW NOTES: 1. Rewrite the CM0 register after the PRC0 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). 2. When the PM07 bit in the PM0 register is set to "0" (BCLK output), set the CM01 and CM00 bits to "002". When the PM15 and PM14 bits in the PM1 register are set to "012" (ALE output to P53), set the CM01 and CM00 bits to "002". When the PM07 bit is set to "1" (function selected in the CM01 and CM00 bits) in microprocessor or memory expansion mode, and the CM01 and CM00 bits are set to "002", an "L" signal is output from port P53 (port P53 does not function as an I/O port). 3. fc32 does not stop running. When the CM02 bit is set to "1", the PLL clock cannot be used in wait mode. 4. When setting the CM04 bit is set to "1", set the PD8_7 and PD8_6 bits in the PD8 register to "002" (port P87 and P86 in input mode) and the PU25 bit in the PUR2 register to "0" (no pull-up). 5. When entering low-power consumption mode or on-chip oscillator low-power consumption mode, the CM05 bit stops running the main clock. The CM05 bit cannot detect whether the main clock stops or not. To stop running the main clock, set the CM05 bit to "1" after the CM07 bit is set to "1" with a stable sub clock oscillation or after the CM21 bit in the CM2 register is set to "1" (on-chip oscillator clock). When the CM05 bit is set to "1", the clock applied to XOUT becomes "H". The built-in feedback resistor remains ON. XIN is pulled up to XOUT ("H" level) via the feedback resistor. 6. When the CM05 bit is set to "1", the MCD4 to MCD0 bits in the MCD register are set to "010002" (divide-by-8 mode). In on-chip oscillation mode, the MCD4 to MCD0 bits are not set to "010002" even if the CM05 bit terminates XIN-XOUT. 7. Once the CM06 bit is set to "1", it cannot be set to "0" by program. 8. After the CM04 bit is set to "1" with a stable sub clock oscillation, set the CM07 bit to "1" from "0". After the CM05 bit is set to "0" with a stable main clock oscillation, set the CM07 bit to "0" from "1". Do not set the CM07 bit and CM04 or CM05 bit simultaneously. 9. When the PM21 bit in the PM2 register is set to "1" (clock change disable), the CM02, CM05 and CM07 bits do not change even when written. 10. After the CM07 bit is set to "0", set the PM21 bit to "1". 11. When stop mode is entered, the CM03 bit is set to "1". Figure 11.3 CM0 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 105 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 11. Watchdog Timer M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 11.1 Count Source Protection Mode In count source protection mode, the on-chip oscillator clock is used as a count source for the watchdog timer. The count source protection mode allows the on-chip oscillator clock to run continuously, maintaining watchdog timer operation even if the program error occurs and the CPU clock stops running. Follow the procedures below when using this mode. (1) Set the PRC0 bit in the PRCR register to "1" (write to CM0 register enabled) (2) Set the PRC1 bit in the PRCR register to "1" (write to PM2 register enabled) (3) Set the CM06 bit in the CM0 register to "1" (reset when the watchdog timer overflows) (4) Set the PM22 bit in the PM2 register to "1" (the on-chip oscillator clock as a count source of the watchdog timer) (5) Set the PRC0 bit to "0" (write to CM0 register disabled) (6) Set the PRC1 bit to "0" (write to PM2 register disabled) (7) Write to the WDTS register (the watchdog timer starts counting) The followings will occur when the PM22 bit is set to "1". • The on-chip oscillator starts oscillating and the on-chip oscillator clock becomes a count source for the watchdog timer. Watchdog timer cycle = Counter value of watchdog timer (32768) On-chip oscillator clock • Write to the CM10 bit in the CM1 register is disabled. (The bit setting remains unchanged even if set it to "1". The microcomputer does not enter stop mode.) • In wait mode or hold state, the watchdog timer continues running. However, the watchdog timer interrupt cannot be used to exit wait mode. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 106 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 12. DMAC M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 12. DMAC This microcomputer contains four DMAC (direct memory access controller) channels that allow data to be sent to memory without using the CPU. DMAC transmits a 8- or 16-bit data from a source address to a destination address whenever a transmit request occurs. DMA0 and DMA1 must be prioritized if using DMAC. DMA2 and DMA3 share registers required for high-speed interrupts. High-speed interrupts cannot be used when using three or more DMAC channels. The CPU and DMAC use the same data bus, but DMAC has a higher bus access privilege than the CPU. The cycle-steal method employed on DMAC enables high-speed operation between a transfer request and the complete transmission of 16-bit (word) or 8-bit (byte) data. Figure 12.1 shows a mapping of registers to be used for DMAC. Table 12.1 lists specifications of DMAC. Figures 12.2 to 12.5 show registers associated with DMAC. Because the registers shown in Figure 12.1 are allocated in the CPU, use the LDC instruction to write to the registers. To set the DCT2, DCT3, DRC2, DRC3, DMA2 and DMA3 registers, set the B flag to "1" (register bank 1) and set the R0 to R3, A0, A1 registers with the MOV instruction. To set the DSA2 and DSA3 registers, set the B flag to "1" and set the SB and FB registers with the LDC instruction. To set the DRA2 and DRA3 registers, set the SVP and VCT registers with the LDC instruction. DMAC-associated Registers DMD0 DMA Mode Register 0 DMD1 DMA Mode Register 1 DCT0 DMA 0 Transfer Count Register DCT1 DMA 1 Transfer Count Register DRC0 DMA 0 Transfer Count Reload Register(1) DRC1 DMA 1 Transfer Count Reload Register(1) DMA0 DMA 0 Memory Address Register DMA1 DMA 1 Memory Address Register DSA0 DMA 0 SFR Address Register DSA1 DMA 1 SFR Address Register DRA0 DMA 0 Memory Address Reload Register(1) DRA1 DMA 1 Memory Address Reload Register(1) When Three or More DMAC Channels are Used, the Register Bank 1 is Used as DMAC Registers When Three or More DMAC Channels are Used, the High-speed Interrupt Register is Used as DMAC Registers Flag Save Register DCT2 (R0) DMA2 Transfer Count Register SVF DCT3 (R1) DMA3 Transfer Count Register DRA2 (SVP) DMA2 Memory Address Reload Register(1) DRC2 (R2) DMA2 Transfer Count Reload Register(1) DRA1 (VCT) DMA3 Memory Address Reload Register(1) DRC3 (R3) DMA3 Transfer Count Reload Register(1) DMA2 (A0) DMA2 Memory Address Register DMA3 (A1) DMA3 Memory Address Register DSA2 (SB) DMA2 SFR Address Register DSA3 (FB) DMA3 SFR Address Register NOTE: 1. Registers are used for repeat transfer, not for single transfer. Figure 12.1 Register Mapping for DMAC Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 107 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 When using DMA2 and DMA3, use the CPU registers shown in parentheses (). M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 12. DMAC DMAC starts a data transfer by setting the DSR bit in the DMiSL register (i=0 to 3) or by using an interrupt request, generated by the functions determined by the DSEL 4 to DSEL0 bits in the DMiSL register, as a DMA request. Unlike interrupt requests, the I flag and interrupt control register do not affect DMA. Therefore, a DMA request can be acknowledged even if an interrupt is disabled and cannot be acknowledged. In addition, the IR bit in the interrupt control register does not change when a DMA request is acknowledged. Table 12.1 DMAC Specifications Item Specification Channels 4 channels (cycle-steal method) Transfer Memory Space • From a desired address in a 16-Mbyte space to a fixed address in a 16-Mbyte space • From a fixed address in a 16-Mbyte space to a desired address in a 16-Mbyte space Maximum Bytes Transferred 128 Kbytes (when a 16-bit data is transferred) or 64 Kbytes (with an 8bit data is transferred) ________ ________ DMA Request Source(1) Falling edge or both edges of signals applied to the INT0 to INT3 pins Timers A0 to A4 interrupt requests Timers B0 to B5 interrupt requests UART0 to UART4 transmit and receive interrupt requests A/D0 conversion interrupt request Intelligent I/O interrupt request CAN interrupt request Software trigger Channel Priority DMA0 > DMA1 > DMA2 > DMA3 (DMA0 has highest priority) Transfer Unit 8 bits, 16 bits Destination Address Forward/fixed (forward and fixed directions cannot be specified when specifying source and destination addresses simultaneously) Transfer Mode Single Transfer Transfer is completed when the DCTi register (i = 0 to 3) is set to "000016" Repeat Transfer When the DCTi register is set to "000016", the value of the DRCi register is reloaded into the DCTi register and the DMA transfer is continued DMA Interrupt Request Generation Timing When the DCTi register changes "000116" to "000016" DMA Startup Single Transfer DMA starts when a DMA request is generated after the DCTi register is set to "000116" or more and the MDi1 and MD0 bits in the DMDj register (j = 0,1) are set to "012" (single transfer) Repeat Transfer DMA starts when a DMA request is generated after the DCTi register is set to "000116" or more and the MDi1 and MDi0 bits are set to "112" (repeat transfer) DMA Stop Single Transfer DMA stops when the MDi1 and MDi0 bits are set to "002" (DMA disabled) and the DCTi register is set to "000016" (0 DMA transfer) by DMA transfer or write Repeat Transfer DMA stops when the MDi1 and MDi0 bits are set to "002" and the DCTi register is set to "000016" and the DRCi register set to "000016" Reload Timing to the DCTi When the DCTi register is set to "000016" from "000116" in repeat transor DMAi Register fer mode DMA Transfer Cycles Minimum 3 cycles between SFRs and internal RAM NOTE: 1. The IR bit in the interrupt control register does not change when a DMA request is acknowledged. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 108 of 435 12. DMAC M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) DMAi Request Source Select Register (i=0 to 3) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address DM0SL to DM3SL 037816, 037916, 037A16, 037B16 Bit Symbol Bit Name After Reset 0X00 00002 Function RW DSEL0 RW DSEL1 RW DSEL2 DMA Request Source Select Bit(1) See Table 12.2 for the DMiSL register (i=0 to 3) function RW DSEL3 RW DSEL4 RW DSR Software DMA Request Bit(2) When a software trigger is selected, a DMA request is generated by RW setting this bit to "1" (When read, its content is always "0") Reserved Bit When read, its content is indeterminate RO DMA Request Bit(2, 3) 0: Not requested 1: Requested RW (b6) DRQ NOTES: 1. Change the DSEL4 to DSEL0 bit settings while the MDi1 and MDi0 bits in the DMD0 and DMD1 registers are set to "002" (DMA disabled). Also, set the DRQ bit to "1" simultaneously when the DSEL4 to DSEL0 bit settings are changed. e.g., MOV.B #083h, DMiSL ; Set timer A0 2. When the DSR bit is set to "1", set the DRQ bit to "1" simultaneously. e.g., OR.B #0A0h, DMiSL 3. Do not set the DRQ bit to "0". Figure 12.2 DM0SL to DM3SL Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 109 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 12. DMAC M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 12.2 DMiSL Register (i = 0 to 3) Function Setting Value DMA Request Source DMA0 DMA1 Falling Edge of INT0 Falling Edge of INT1 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 0 0 1 0 DMA3 Software trigger 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 DMA2 Both Edges of INT0 Both Edges of INT1 Falling Edge of INT2 Both Edges of INT2 0 0 0 1 1 Timer A0 Interrupt Request 0 0 1 0 0 Timer A1 Interrupt Request 0 0 1 0 1 Timer A2 Interrupt Request 0 0 1 1 0 Timer A3 Interrupt Request 0 0 1 1 1 Timer A4 Interrupt Request 0 1 0 0 0 Timer B0 Interrupt Request 0 1 0 0 1 Timer B1 Interrupt Request 0 1 0 1 0 Timer B2 Interrupt Request 0 1 0 1 1 Timer B3 Interrupt Request 0 1 1 0 0 Timer B4 Interrupt Request 0 1 1 0 1 Timer B5 Interrupt Request 0 1 1 1 0 UART0 Transmit Interrupt Request 0 1 1 1 1 UART0 Receive or ACK Interrupt Request(3) 1 0 0 0 0 UART1 Transmit Interrupt Request 1 0 0 0 1 UART1 Receive or ACK Interrupt Request(3) 1 0 0 1 0 UART2 Transmit Interrupt Request 1 0 0 1 1 UART2 Receive or ACK Interrupt Request(3) 1 0 1 0 0 UART3 Transmit Interrupt Request 1 0 1 0 1 UART3 Receive or ACK Interrupt Request(3) 1 0 1 1 0 UART4 Transmit Interrupt Request 1 0 1 1 1 UART4 Receive or ACK Interrupt Request(3) Falling Edge of INT3(1) Both Edges of (Note 2) INT3(1) (Note 2) A/D0 Interrupt Request 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Intelligent I/O Interrupt 0 Request(6) 1 1 0 1 0 Intelligent I/O Interrupt 1 Request(7) 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Intelligent I/O Interrupt 2 Request Intelligent I/O Interrupt 9 Request(4) Intelligent I/O Interrupt 8 Request Intelligent I/O Interrupt 3 Request Intelligent I/O Interrupt 10 Request(5) Intelligent I/O Interrupt 2 Request(8) Intelligent I/O Interrupt 9 Request(4) Intelligent I/O Interrupt 4 Request CAN Interrupt 2 Request Intelligent I/O Interrupt 3 Request(9) Intelligent I/O Interrupt 10 Request(5) CAN Interrupt 5 Request Intelligent I/O Interrupt 0 Request(6) 1 1 1 0 1 Intelligent I/O Interrupt 4 Request CAN Interrupt 2 Request CAN Interrupt 8 Request Intelligent I/O Interrupt 1 Request(7) 1 1 1 1 0 CAN Interrupt 5 Intelligent I/O Interrupt 0 Request(6) Request 1 1 1 1 1 CAN Interrupt 8 Request Intelligent I/O Interrupt 1 Request(7) Intelligent I/O Interrupt 2 Request(8) Intelligent I/O Interrupt 8 Request Intelligent I/O Interrupt 3 Request(9) NOTES: 1. If the INT3 pin is used for data bus in memory expansion mode or microprocessor mode, a DMA3 interrupt request cannot be generated by a signal applied to the INT3 pin. 2. The falling edge and both edges of signals applied to the INTj pin (j=0 to 3) cause a DMA request generation. The INT interrupt (the POL bit in the INTjlC register, the LVS bit, the IFSR register) is not affected and vice versa. 3. Use the UkSMR register and UkSMR2 register (k=0 to 4) to switch between the UARTk receive and ACK interrupt as a DMA request source. To use the ACK interrupt for a DMA reqest, set the IICM bit in the UkSMR register to "1" and the IICM2 bit in the UkSMR2 register to "0". 4. The same setting is used to generate an intelligent I/O interrupt 9 request and a CAN interrupt 0 request. 5. The same setting is used to generate an intelligent I/O interrupt 10 request and a CAN interrupt 1 request. 6. The same setting is used to generate an intelligent I/O interrupt 0 request and a CAN interrupt 3 request. 7. The same setting is used to generate an intelligent I/O interrupt 1 request and a CAN interrupt 4 request. 8. The same setting is used to generate an intelligent I/O interrupt 2 request and a CAN interrupt 6 request. 9. The same setting is used to generate an intelligent I/O interrupt 3 request and a CAN interrupt 7 request. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 110 of 435 12. DMAC M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) DMA Mode Register 0(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol DMD0 Bit Symbol Address (CPU Internal Register) Bit Name After Reset 0016 Function RW b1 b0 MD00 Channel 0 Transfer Mode Select Bit MD01 0 0: DMA disabled 0 1: Single transfer 1 0: Do not set to this value 1 1: Repeat transfer RW RW BW0 Channel 0 Transfer Unit Select Bit 0: 8 bits 1: 16 bits RW0 Channel 0 Transfer Direction Select Bit 0: Fixed address to memory (forward direction) RW 1: Memory (forward direction) to fixed address RW b5 b4 MD10 Channel 1 Transfer Mode Select Bit MD11 0 0: DMA disabled 0 1: Single transfer 1 0: Do not set to this value 1 1: Repeat transfer RW RW BW1 Channel 1 Transfer Unit Select Bit 0: 8 bits 1: 16 bits RW1 Channel 1 Transfer Direction Select Bit 0: Fixed address to memory (forward direction) RW 1: Memory (forward direction) to fixed address RW NOTE: 1. Use the LDC instruction to set the DMD0 register. DMA Mode Register 1(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol DMD1 Bit Symbol Address (CPU internal register) Bit Name After Reset 0016 Function RW b1 b0 MD20 MD21 0 0: DMA disabled Channel 2 Transfer 0 1: Single transfer Mode Select Bit 1 0: Do not set to this value 1 1: Repeat transfer RW RW BW2 Channel 2 Transfer 0: 8 bits 1: 16 bits Unit Select Bit RW2 Channel 2 Transfer 0: Fixed address to memory (forward direction) RW Direction Select Bit 1: Memory (forward direction) to fixed address MD30 MD31 b5 b4 0 0: DMA disabled Channel 3 Transfer 0 1: Single transfer Mode Select Bit 1 0: Do not set to this value 1 1: Repeat transfer RW RW RW BW3 Channel 3 Transfer 0: 8 bits 1: 16 bits Unit Select Bit RW3 Channel 3 Transfer 0: Fixed address to memory (forward direction) RW Direction Select Bit 1: Memory (forward direction) to fixed address NOTE: 1. Use the LDC instruction to set the DMD1 register. Figure 12.3 DMD0 and DMD1 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 111 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 RW 12. DMAC M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) DMAi Transfer Count Register (i=0 to 3) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol DCT0(2) DCT1(2) DCT2(bank1;R0)(3) DCT3(bank1;R1)(4) Address (CPU Internal Register) (CPU Internal Register) (CPU Internal Register) (CPU Internal Register) Function Set the number of transfers After Reset XXXX16 XXXX16 000016 000016 Setting Range RW 000016 to FFFF16(1) RW NOTES: 1. When the DCTi register is set to "000016", no data transfer occurs regardless of a DMA request. 2. Use the LDC instruction to set the DCT0 and DCT1 registers. 3. To set the DCT2 register, set the B flag in the FLG register to "1" (register bank 1) and set the R0 register. Use the MOV instruction to set the R0 register. 4. To set the DCT3 register, set the B flag to "1" and set R1 register. Use the MOV instruction to set the R1 register. DMAi Transfer Count Reload Register (i=0 to 3) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol DRC0(1) DRC1(1) DRC2(bank1;R2)(2) DRC3(bank1;R3)(3) Address (CPU Internal Register) (CPU Internal Register) (CPU Internal Register) (CPU Internal Register) Function Set the number of transfers After Reset XXXX16 XXXX16 000016 000016 Setting Range RW 000016 to FFFF16 RW NOTES: 1. Use the LDC instruction to set the DRC0 and DRC1 registers. 2. To set the DRC2 register, set the B flag in the FLG register to "1" (register bank 1) and set the R2 register. Use the MOV instruction to set the R2 register. 3. To set the DRC3 register, set the B flag to "1" and set R3 register. Use the MOV instruction to set the R3 register. Figure 12.4 DCT0 to DCT3 Registers and DRC0 to DRC3 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 112 of 435 12. DMAC M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) DMAi Memory Address Register (i=0 to 3) b23 b16 b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol DMA0(2) DMA1(2) DMA2(bank1;A0)(3) DMA3(bank1;A1)(4) Address (CPU Internal Register) (CPU Internal Register) (CPU Internal Register) (CPU Internal Register) Function Set source memory address or destination memory address(1) After Reset XXXXXX16 XXXXXX16 00000016 00000016 Setting Range RW 00000016 to FFFFFF16 (16-Mbyte space) RW NOTES: 1. When the RWk bit (k=0 to 3) in the DMDj register (j=0, 1)is set to "0" (fixed address to memory), a destination address is selected. When the RWk bit is set to "1" (memory to fixed address), a source address is selected. 2. Use the LDC instruction to set the DMA0 and DMA1 registers. 3. To set the DMA2 register, set the B flag in the FLG register to "1" (register bank 1) and set the A0 register. Use the MOV instruction to set the A0 register. 4. To set the DMA3 register, set the B flag to "1" and set the A1 register. Use the MOV instruction to set the A1 register. DMAi SFR Address Register (i=0 to 3) b23 b16 b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol DSA0(2) DSA1(2) DSA2(bank1;SB)(3) DSA3(bank1;FB)(4) Address (CPU Internal Register) (CPU Internal Register) (CPU Internal Register) (CPU Internal Register) Function Set source fixed address or destination fixed address(1) After Reset XXXXXX16 XXXXXX16 00000016 00000016 Setting Range RW 00000016 to FFFFFF16 (16-Mbyte space) RW NOTES: 1. When the RWk bit (k=0 to 3) in the DMDj register (j=0, 1)is set to "0" (fixed address to memory), a source address is selected. When the RWk bit is set to "1" (memory to fixed address), a destination address is selected. 2. Use the LDC instruction to set the DSA0 and DSA1 registers. 3. To set the DSA2 register, set the B flag in the FLG register to "1" (register bank 1) and the set the SB register. Use the LDC instruction to set the SB register. 4. To set the DSA3 register, set the B flag to "1" and set the FB register. Use the LDC instruction to set the PB register. DMAi Memory Address Reload Register(1) (i=0 to 3) b23 b16 b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol DRA0 DRA1 DRA2(SVP)(2) DRA3(VCT)(3) Address (CPU Internal Register) (CPU Internal Register) (CPU Internal Register) (CPU Internal Register) Function Set source memory address or destination memory address(1) After Reset XXXXXX16 XXXXXX16 XXXXXX16 XXXXXX16 Setting Range RW 00000016 to FFFFFF16 (16-Mbyte space) RW NOTES: 1. Use the LDC instruction to set the DRA0 and DRA1 registers. 2. To set the DRA2 register, set the SVP register. 3. To set the DRA3 register, set the VCT register. Figure 12.5 DMA0 to DMA3 Registers, DSA0 to DSA3 Registers and DRA0 to DRA3 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 113 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 12. DMAC 12.1 Transfer Cycle Transfer cycle contains a bus cycle to read data from a memory or the SFR area (source read) and a bus cycle to write data to a memory space or the SFR area (destination write). The number of read and write bus cycles depends on source and destination addresses. 12.1.1 Effect of Source and Destination Addresses When a 16-bit data is transferred with a 16-bit data bus and a source address starting with an odd address, source read cycle is incremented by one bus cycle, compared to a source address starting with an even address. When a 16-bit data is transferred with a 16-bit data bus and a destination address starting with an odd address, a destination write cycle is incremented by one bus cycle, compared to a destination address starting with an even address. 12.1.2 Effect of Software Wait State When the SFR area or memory space with software wait states is accessed, the number of CPU clock cycles is incremented by software wait states. Figure 12.6 shows an example of a transfer cycle for the source-read bus cycle. In Figure 12.6, the number of source-read bus cycles is illustrated under different conditions, provided that the destination address is an address of an external space with the destination-write cycle as two CPU clock cycles (=one bus cycle). In effect, the destination-write bus cycle is also affected by each condition and the transfer cycles change accordingly. To calculate a transfer cycle, apply respective conditions to both destination-write bus cycle and source-read bus cycle. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 114 of 435 12. DMAC M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) (1) When 8-bit data is transferred or when 16-bit data is transferred with a 16-bit data bus from an even source address CPU Clock Address Bus CPU Use Source Destination CPU Use RD Signal WR Signal Data bus CPU Use Destination Source CPU Use (2) When 16-bit data is transferred from an odd source address CPU CPUClock Clock Address Bus CPU Use Source Source + 1 CPU Use Destination RD Signal WR Signal Data Bus CPU Use Source Source + 1 CPU Use Destination (3) When one wait state is inserted into the source-read bus cycle under the conditions in (1) CPU Clock Address Bus CPU Use Source Destination CPU Use RD Signal WR Signal Data Bus CPU Use Source CPU Use Destination (4) When one wait state is inserted into the source-read bus cycle under the conditions in (2) CPU Clock Address Bus CPU Use Source Source + 1 Destination CPU Use RD Signal WR Signal Data Bus CPU Use Source Source + 1 Destination CPU Use NOTE: 1. The above applies when the destination-write bus cycle is 2 CPU clock cycles (=1 bus cycle). However, if the destination-write bus cycle is pleaced under these conditions, it will change to the same timing as the source-read cycle illustrated above. Figure 12.6 Transfer Cycle Examples with the Source-Read Bus Cycle Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 115 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 12. DMAC M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 12.2 DMAC Transfer Cycle The number of DMAC transfer cycle can be calculated as follows. Any combination of even or odd transfer read and write addresses are possible. Table 12.3 lists the number of DMAC transfer cycles. Table 12.4 lists coefficient j, k. Transfer cycles per transfer = Number of read cycle x j + Number of write cycle x k Table 12.3 DMAC Transfer Cycles Transfer Unit Bus Width 8-bit Transfer (BWi=0) 16 Bits 8 Bits 16-bit Transfer (BWi=1) 16 Bits 8 Bits Single-chip Mode Access Address Read Cycle Write Cycle Even 1 1 Odd 1 1 Even - - Odd - - Even 1 1 Odd 2 2 Even - - Odd - - BWi: Bit in the DMDp register (i=0 to 3, p=0, 1) Table 12.4 Coefficient j, k Internal space Internal ROM or internal RAM with no wait state Internal ROM or internal RAM with a wait state SFR area j=1 k=1 j=2 k=2 j=2 k=2 12.3 Channel Priority and DMA Transfer Timing When multiple DMA requests are generated in the same sampling period, between the falling edge of the CPU clock and the next falling edge, the DRQ bit in the DMiSL register (i = 0 to 3) is set to "1" (requested) simultaneously. Channel priority in this case is : DMA0 > DMA1 > DMA2 > DMA3. Figure 12.7 shows an example of the DMA transfer by external source. In Figure 12.7, the DMA0 request having highest priority is received first to start a transfer when a DMA0 request and DMA1 request are generated simultaneously. After one DMA0 transfer is completed, the bus privilege is returned to the CPU. When the CPU has completed one bus access, the DMA1 transfer starts. After one DMA1 transfer is completed, the privilege is again returned to the CPU. In addition, DMA requests cannot be counted up since each channel has one DRQ bit. Therefore, when DMA requests, as DMA1 in Figure 12.7, occur more than once before receiving bus privilege, the DRQ bit is set to "0" as soon as privilege is acquired. The bus privilege is returned to the CPU when one transfer is completed. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 116 of 435 12. DMAC M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) When DMA transfer request signals by external source are applied to INT0 and INT1 simultaneously and a DMA transfer with minimum cycle occurs CPU Clock DMA0 DMA1 CPU INT0 AAA AAA AAA AAA AAAAAAAA AAA AA A AAA AA AA A AAA AA DRQ Bit in the DMA0 Register INT1 DRQ Bit in the DMA1 Register Figure 12.7 DMA Transfer by External Source Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 117 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 Bus privilege acquired M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 13. DMACII 13. DMAC II DMAC II performs memory-to-memory transfer, immediate data transfer and calculation transfer, which transfers the sum of two data added by an interrupt request from any peripheral functions. Table 13.1 lists specifications of DMAC II. Table 13.1 DMAC II Specifications Item DMAC II Request Source Specification Interrupt requests generated by all peripheral functions when the ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits are set to "1112" Transfer Data • Data in memory is transferred to memory (memory-to-memory transfer) • Immediate data is transferred to memory (immediate data transfer) • Data in memory (or immediate data) + data in memory are transferred to memory (calculation transfer) Transfer Block 8 bits or 16 bits Transfer Space 64-Kbyte space in addresses 0000016 to 0FFFF16(1, 2) Transfer Direction Fixed or forward address Selected separately for each source address and destination address Transfer Mode Single transfer, burst transfer Chained Transfer Function Parameters (transfer count, transfer address and other information) are switched when transfer counter reaches zero End-of-Transfer Interrupt Interrupt occurs when a transfer counter reaches zero Multiple Transfer Function Multiple data can be transferred by a generated request for one DMAC II transfer NOTES: 1. When transferring a 16-bit data to destination address 0FFFF16, it is transferred to 0FFFF16 and 1000016. The same transfer occurs when the source address is 0FFFF16. 2. The actual space where transfer can occurs is limited due to internal RAM capacity. 13.1 DMAC II Settings DMAC II can be made available by setting up the following registers and tables. • RLVL register • DMAC II Index • Interrupt control register of the peripheral function causing a DMAC II request • The relocatable vector table of the peripheral function causing a DMAC II request • IRLT bit in the IIOiIE register (i = 0 to 5, 8 to 11) if using the intelligent I/O or CAN interrupt Refer to 10. Interrupts for details on the IIOiIE register. 13.1.1 RLVL Register When the DMAII bit is set to "1" (DMAC II transfer) and the FSIT bit to "0" (normal interrupt), DMAC II is activated by an interrupt request from any peripheral function with the ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits in the interrupt control register set to "1112" (level 7). Figure 13.1 shows the RLVL register. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 118 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 13. DMACII M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Exit Priority Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Symbol RLVL b0 Bit Symbol RLVL0 RLVL1 RLVL2 Address 009F16 After Reset XXXX 00002 Bit Name Function b2b1b0 0 0 0 : Level 0 0 0 1 : Level 1 Stop/Wait Mode Exit 0 1 0 : Level 2 Minimum Interrupt Priority 0 1 1 : Level 3 1 0 0 : Level 4 Level Control Bit(1) 1 0 1 : Level 5 1 1 0 : Level 6 1 1 1 : Level 7 0: Interrupt priority level 7 is used for normal interrupt 1: Interrupt priority level 7 is used for high-speed interrupt FSIT High-Speed Interrupt Set Bit(2) (b4) Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. DMAII DMA II Select Bit(4) 0: Interrupt priority level 7 is used for interrupt 1: Interrupt priority level 7 is used for DMA II transfer(3) RW RW RW RW RW RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b6) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTES: 1. The microcomputer exits stop or wait mode when the requested interrupt priority level is higher than the level set in the RLVL2 to RLVL0 bits. Set the RLVL2 to RLVL0 bits to the same value as IPL in the FLG register. 2. When the FSIT bit is set to "1", an interrupt having the interrupt priority level 7 becomes the high-speed interrupt. In this case, set only one interrupt to the interrupt priority level 7 and the DMAII bit to "0". 3. Set the ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits in the interrupt control register after setting the DMAII bit to "1". Do not change the DMAII bit setting to "0" after setting the DMAII bit to "1". Set the FSIT bit to "0" when the DMAII bit to "1". 4. The DMAII bit becomes indeterminate after reset. To use the DMAII bit for an interrupt setting, set it to "0" before setting the interrupt control register. Figure 13.1 RLVL Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 119 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 13. DMACII M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 13.1.2 DMAC II Index The DMAC II index is a data table which comprises 8 to 18 bytes (maximum 32 bytes when the multiple transfer function is selected). The DMAC II index stores parameters for transfer mode, transfer counter, source address (or immediate data), operation address as an address to be calculated, destination address, chained transfer address, and end-of-transfer interrupt address. This DMAC II index must be located on the RAM area. Figure 13.2 shows a configuration of the DMAC II index. Table 13.2 lists a configuration of the DMAC II index in transfer mode. Memory-to-Memory Transfer, Immediate Transfer, Calculation Transfer DMAC II Index Starting Address (BASE) BASE + 2 Multiple Transfer 16 bits 16 bits Transfer Mode (MOD) BASE Transfer Mode (MOD) Transfer Counter (COUNT) BASE + 2 Transfer Counter (COUNT) (SADR1) BASE + 4 Transfer Source Address (or immediate data) (SADR) BASE + 4 Transfer Source Address BASE + 6 Operation Address(1) (OADR) BASE + 6 Transfer Destination Address (DADR1) BASE + 8 Transfer Destination Address (DADR) BASE + 8 Transfer Source Address (SADR2) BASE + 10 Chained Transfer Address(2) (CADR0) BASE + 10 Transfer Destination Address (DADR2) BASE + 12 Chained Transfer Address(2) (CADR1) BASE + 14 End-of-Transfer Interrupt Address(3) (IADR0) BASE + 28 Transfer Source Address (SADR7) BASE + 16 End-of-Transfer Interrupt Address(3) (IADR1) BASE + 30 Transfer Destination Address (DADR7) NOTES: 1. This data is not required when not using the calculation transfer function. 2. This data is not required when not using the chained transfer function. 3. This data is not required when not using the end-of-transfer interrupt. The DMAC II index must be located on the RAM. Necessary data is set front-aligned. For example, if not using a calculation transfer function, set destination address to BASE+6. (See Table 13.2) Starting address of the DMAC II index must be set in the interrupt vector for the peripheral function interrupt causing a DMAC II request. Figure 13.2 DMAC II Index The followings are details of the DMAC II index. Set these parameters in the specified order listed in Table 13.2, according to DMAC II transfer mode. • Transfer mode (MOD) Two-byte data is required to set transfer mode. Figure 13.3 shows a configuration for transfer mode. • Transfer counter (COUNT) Two-byte data is required to set the number of transfer. • Transfer source address (SADR) Two-byte data is required to set the source memory address or immediate data. • Operation address (OADR) Two-byte data is required to set a memory address to be calculated. Set this data only when using the calculation transfer function. • Transfer destination address (DADR) Two-byte data is required to set the destination memory address. • Chained transfer address (CADR) Four-byte data is required to set the starting address of the DMAC II index for the next transfer. Set this data only when using the chained transfer function. • End-of-transfer interrupt address (IADR) Four-byte data is required to set a jump address for end-of-transfer interrupt processing. Set this data only when using the end-of-transfer interrupt. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 120 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 13. DMACII M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 13.2 DMAC II Index Configuration in Transfer Mode Memory-to-Memory Transfer /Immediate Data Transfer Transfer Data Calculation Transfer Multiple Transfer Chained Transfer Not Used Used Not Used Used Not Used Used Not Used Used Not Available End-of-Transfer Not Used Interrupt Not Used Used Used Not Used Not Used Used Used Not Available DMAC II Index MOD MOD MOD MOD MOD MOD MOD MOD MOD COUNT COUNT COUNT COUNT COUNT COUNT COUNT COUNT COUNT SADR SADR SADR SADR SADR SADR SADR SADR SADR1 DADR DADR DADR DADR OADR OADR OADR OADR DADR1 CADR0 IADR0 CADR0 DADR DADR DADR DADR CADR1 IADR1 CADR1 10 bytes CADR0 IADR0 CADR0 CADR1 IADR1 CADR1 SADRi IADR0 DADRi IADR1 i=1 to 7 max. 32 bytes (when i=7) 8 bytes 12 bytes 12 bytes IADR0 IADR1 14 bytes 14 bytes 16 bytes 18 bytes Transfer Mode (MOD)(1) b15 b8 b7 b0 Bit Symbol Bit Name Function (MULT=0) SIZE Transfer Unit Select Bit 0: 8 bits 1: 16 bits IMM Transfer Data Select Bit 0: Immediate data 1: Memory Function (MULT=1) RW RW Set to "1" RW UPDS Transfer Source 0: Fixed address Direction Select Bit 1: Forward address RW UPDD Transfer Destination 0: Fixed address Direction Select Bit 1: Forward address RW OPER/ Calculation Transfer 0: Not used CNT0(2) Function Select Bit 1: Used BRST/ Burst Transfer CNT1(2) Select Bit 0: Single transfer 1: Burst transfer INTE/ End-of-Transfer CNT2(2) Interrupt Select Bit 0: Interrupt not used 1: Use interrupt CHAIN Chained Transfer Select Bit b6 b5 b4 0 0 0: Do not set to this value 0 0 1: Once 0 1 0: Twice : : 1 1 0: 6 times 1 1 1: 7 times 0: Chained transfer not used Set to "0" 1: Use chained transfer RW RW RW RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b14 - b8) When read, its content is indeterminate. MULT Multiple Transfer Select Bit 0: Multiple transfer not used 1: Use multiple transfer RW NOTES: 1. MOD must be located on the RAM. 2. When the MULT bit is set to "0" (no multiple transfer), bits 6 to 4 becomes the INTE, OPER and BRST bits. When the MULT bit is set to "1" (multiple transfer), bits 6 to 4 becomes the CNT2 to CNT0 bits. Figure 13.3 MOD Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 121 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 13. DMACII 13.1.3 Interrupt Control Register for the Peripheral Function For the peripheral function interrupt activating DMAC II, set the ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits to "1112" (level 7). 13.1.4 Relocatable Vector Table for the Peripheral Function Set the starting address of the DMAC II index in the interrupt vector for the peripheral function interrupt activating DMAC II. When using the chained transfer, the relocatable vector table must be located in the RAM. 13.1.5 IRLT Bit in the IIOiIE Register (i=0 to 6, 8 to 11) When the intelligent I/O interrupt or CAN interrupt is used to activate DMAC II, set the IRLT bit in the IIOiIE register of the interrupt to "0". 13.2 DMAC II Performance Function to activate DMAC II is selected by setting the DMA II bit to "1" (DMAC II transfer). DMAC II is activated by all peripheral function interrupts with the ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits set to "1112" (level 7). These peripheral function interrupt request signals become DMAC II transfer request signals and the peripheral function interrupt cannot be used. When an interrupt request is generated by setting the ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits to "1112" (level 7), DMAC II is activated regardless of what state the I flag and IPL are in. 13.3 Transfer Data DMAC II transfers 8-bit or 16-bit data. • Memory-to-memory transfer : Data is transferred from a desired memory location in a 64-Kbyte space (Addresses 0000016 to 0FFFF16) to another desired memory location in the same space. • Immediate data transfer : Immediate data is transferred to a desired memory location in a 64-Kbyte space. • Calculation transfer : Two 8-bit or16-bit data are added together and the result is transferred to a desired memory location in a 64-Kbyte space. When a 16-bit data is transferred to the destination address 0FFFF16, it is transferred to 0FFFF16 and 1000016. The same transfer occurs when the source address is 0FFFF16. Actual transferable space varies depending on the internal RAM capacity. 13.3.1 Memory-to-memory Transfer Data transfer between any two memory locations can be: • a transfer from a fixed address to another fixed address • a transfer from a fixed address to a relocatable address • a transfer from a relocatable address to a fixed address • a transfer from a relocatable address to another relocatable address When a relocatable address is selected, the address is incremented, after a transfer, for the next transfer. In a 8-bit transfer, the transfer address is incremented by one. In a 16-bit transfer, the transfer address is incremented by two. When a source or destination address exceeds address 0FFFF16 as a result of address incrementation, the source or destination address returns to address 0000016 and continues incrementation. Maintain source and destination address at address 0FFFF16 or below. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 122 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 13. DMACII 13.3.2 Immediate Data Transfer DMAC II transfers immediate data to any memory location. A fixed or relocatable address can be selected as the destination address. Store the immediate data into SADR. To transfer an 8-bit immediate data, write the data in the low-order byte of SADR (high-order byte is ignored). 13.3.3 Calculation Transfer After two memory data or an immediate data and memory data are added together, DMAC II transfers calculated result to any memory location. SADR must have one memory location address to be calculated or immediate data and OADR must have the other memory location address to be calculated. Fixed or relocatable address can be selected as source and destination addresses when using a memory + memory calculation transfer. If the transfer source address is relocatable, the operation address also becomes relocatable. Fixed or relocatable address can be selected as the transfer destination address when using an immediate data + memory calculation transfer. 13.4 Transfer Modes Single and burst transfers are available. The BRST bit in MOD selects transfer method, either single transfer or burst transfer. COUNT determines how many transfers occur. No transfer occurs when COUNT is set to "000016". 13.4.1 Single Transfer For every transfer request source, DMAC II transfers one transfer unit of 8-bit or 16-bit data once. When the source or destination address is relocatable, the address is incremented, after a transfer, for the next transfer. COUNT is decremented every time a transfer occurs. When using the end-of-transfer interrupt, the interrupt is acknowledged when COUNT reaches "0". 13.4.2 Burst Transfer For every transfer request source, DMAC II continuously transfers data the number of times determined by COUNT. COUNT is decremented every time a transfer occurs. The burst transfer ends when COUNT reaches "0". The end-of-transfer interrupt is acknowledged when the burst transfer ends if using the endof-transfer interrupt. All interrupts are ignored while the burst transfer is in progress. 13.5 Multiple Transfer The MULT bit in MOD selects the multiple transfer. When using the multiple transfer, select the memory-tomemory transfer. One transfer request source initiates multiple transfers. The CNT2 to CNT0 bits in MOD selects the number of transfers from "0012" (once) to "1112" (7 times). Do not set the CNT2 to CNT0 bits to "0002". The transfer source and destination addresses for each transfer must be allocated alternately in addresses following MOD and COUNT. When the multiple transfer is selected, the calculation transfer, burst transfer, end-of-transfer interrupt and chained transfer cannot be used. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 123 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 13. DMACII M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 13.6 Chained Transfer The CHAIN bit in MOD selects the chained transfer. The following process initiates the chained transfer. (1) Transfer, caused by a transfer request source, occurs according to the content of the DMAC II index. The vectors of the request source indicates where the DMAC II index is allocated. For each request, the BRST bit selects either single or burst transfer. (2) When COUNT reaches "0", the contents of CADR1 and CADR0 are written to the vector of the request source. When the INTE bit in MOD is set to "1", the end-of-transfer interrupt is generated simultaneously. (3) When the next DMAC II transfer request is generated, transfer occurs according to the contents of the DMAC II index indicated by the peripheral function interrupt vector rewritten in (2). Figure 13.4 shows the relocatable vector and DMACII index when the chained transfer is in progress. For the chained transfer, the relocatable vector table must be located in the RAM. RAM INTB Relocatable Vector Peripheral I/O interrupt vector causing DMAC II request Default value of DMAC II is BASE(1). BASE(1) DMAC II Index(1) (CADR1 and CADR0) BASE(2) The above vector is rewritten to BASE(2) when a transfer is completed. Starts at BASE(2) when next request condition are met. Transferred according to the DMAC II Index. BASE(2) DMAC II Index(2) (CADR1 and CADR0) BASE(3) The above vector is rewritten to BASE(3) when transfer is completed. Figure 13.4 Relocatable Vector and DMAC II Index 13.7 End-of-Transfer Interrupt The INTE bit in MOD selects the end-of-transfer interrupt. Set the starting address of the end-of-transfer interrupt routine in IADR1 and IADR0. The end-of-transfer interrupt is generated when COUNT reaches "0." Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 124 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 13. DMACII M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 13.8 Execution Time DMAC II execution cycle is calculated by the following equations: Multiple transfers: t = 21+ (11 + b + c) x k cycles Other than multiple transfers: t = 6 + (26 + a + b + c + d) x m + (4 + e) x n cycles a: If IMM = 0 (source of transfer is immediate data), a = 0; if IMM = 1 (source of transfer is memory), a = –1 b: If UPDS = 1 (source transfer address is a relocatable address), b = 0; if UPDS = 0 (source transfer address is a fixed address), b = 1 c: If UPDD = 1 (destination transfer address is a relocatable address), c = 0; if UPDD = 0 (destination transfer address is a fixed address), c = 1 d: If OPER = 0 (calculation function is not selected), d = 0; if OPER = 1 (calculation function is selected) and UPDS = 0 (source of transfer is immediate data or fixed address memory), d = 7; if OPER = 1 (calculation function is selected) and UPDS = 1 (source of transfer is relocatable address memory), d = 8 e: If CHAIN = 0 (chained transfer is not selected), e = 0; if CHAIN = 1 (chained transfer is selected), e = 4 m: BRST = 0 (single transfer), m = 1; BRST = 1 (burst transfer), m = the value set in transfer counter n: If COUNT = 1, n = 0; if COUNT = 2 or more, n = 1 k: Number of transfers set in the CNT2 to CNT0 bits The equations above are approximations. The number of cycles may vary depending on CPU state, bus wait state, and DMAC II index allocation. The first instruction from the end-of-transfer interrupt routine is executed in the eighth cycle after the DMAC II transfer is completed. If the end-of-transfer interrupt (transfer counter = 2) occurs with no chained transfer function after a memory-to-memory transfer occurs with a relocatable source address, fixed destination address, single transfer and double transfer: a=-1 b=0 c=1 d=0 e=0 m=1 First DMAC II transfer t=6+26x1+4x1=36 cycles Second DMAC II transfer t=6+26x1+4x0=32 cycles DMAC II transfer request Program DMAC II transfer (First time) DMAC II transfer request Program 36 cycles Transfer counter = 2 Processing the end-of-transfer interrupt DMAC II transfer (Second time) 32 cycles 7 cycles Transfer counter = 1 Decrement a transfer counter Transfer counter = 1 Decrement a transfer counter Transfer counter = 0 Figure 13.5 Transfer Cycle When an interrupt request as a DMAC II transfer request source and another interrupt request with higher _______ priority (e.g., NMI or watchdog timer) are generated simultaneously, the interrupt with higher priority takes precedence over the DMAC II transfer. The pending DMAC II transfer starts after the interrupt sequence has been completed. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 125 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 14. Timer M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 14. Timer The microcomputer has eleven 16-bit timers. Five timers A and six timers B have different functions. Each timer functions independently. The count source for each timer becomes the clock for timer operations including counting and reloading, etc. Figures 14.1 and 14.2 show block diagrams of timer A and timer B configuration. Clock prescaler 1/32 XCIN fC32 Reset Set the CPSR bit in the CPSRF register to "1" f1 f8 f2n fC32 00 01 10 11 TCK1 and TCK0 TMOD1 and TMOD0 10 Noise filter TA0IN 00: Timer mode 10: One-shot timer mode 11: PWM mode Timer A0 interrupt Timer A0 01 00 01: Event counter mode 11 TA0TGH and TA0TGL 00 01 10 11 TCK1 and TCK0 TCK1 and TCK0 00 01 10 11 Noise filter Timer A1 interrupt Timer A1 01 00 11 TA2IN TMOD1 and TMOD0 10 Noise filter TA1IN 00: Timer mode 10: One-shot tiemr mode 11: PWM mode 01: Event counter mode TA1TGH and TA1TGL 00: Timer mode 10: One-shot timer mode 11: PWM mode TMOD1 and TMOD0 10 01 00 Timer A2 interrupt Timer A2 01: Event counter mode 11 TA2TGH and TA2TGL 00TCK1 and TCK0 01 10 11 Noise filter TA3IN 00: Timer mode 10: One-shot timer mode 11: PWM mode TMOD1 and TMOD0 10 01 00 Timer A3 interrupt Timer A3 01: Event counter mode 11 TA3TGH and TA3TGL 00 01 10 11 TA4IN TCK1 and TCK0 00: Timer mode 10: One-shot timer mode 11: PWM mode TMOD1 and TMOD0 10 Noise filter Timer A4 01 00 01: Event counter mode 11 TA4TGH and TA4TGL Timer B2 overflow or underflow signal CST: Bit in the TCSPR Register TCK1 and TCK0, TMOD1 and TMOD0: Bits in the TAiMR Register (i=0 to 4) TAiTGH and TAiTGL: Bits in the ONSF Register or TRGSR Register Figure 14.1 Timer A Configuration Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 126 of 435 Timer A4 interrupt 14. Timer M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Clock prescaler 1/32 XCIN fC32 Reset Set the CPSR bit in the CPSRF register to "1" f1 f8 f2n fC32 00 01 10 11 Timer B2 overflow or underflow signal (to a count source of Timer A) TCK1 to TCK0 00: Timer mode 10: Pulse width measurement mode TMOD1 and TMOD0 TB0IN Noise filter 00 01 10 11 TB1IN Timer B0 TCK1 1 01:Event counter mode TMOD1 and TMOD0 0 TCK1 01:Event counter mode TCK1 and TCK0 00: Timer mode 10: Pulse width measurement mode 1 TMOD1 and TMOD0 0 01:Event counter mode TCK1 and TCK0 00: Timer mode 10: Pulse width measurement mode TMOD1 and TMOD0 Noise filter 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 TB5IN 0 Timer B3 TCK1 TCK1 and TCK0 01:Event counter mode 1 TMOD1 and TMOD0 Timer B4 0 TCK1 TCK1 and TCK0 Timer B4 interrupt 01:Event counter mode 00: Timer mode 10: Pulse width measurement mode 1 Noise filter TMOD1 and TMOD0 Timer B5 0 TCK1 01:Event counter mode CST: Bit in the TCSPR Register TCK1 and TCK0, TMOD1 and TMOD0: Bits in the TBiMR Register (i=0 to 5) Figure 14.2 Timer B Configuration Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Timer B3 interrupt 00: Timer mode 10: Pulse width measurement mode Noise filter TB4IN Timer B2 interrupt Timer B2 1 TB3IN Timer B1 interrupt Timer B1 TCK1 00 01 10 11 Timer B0 interrupt 00: Timer mode 10: Pulse width measurement mode Noise filter TB2IN 0 TCK1 and TCK0 Noise filter 00 01 10 11 1 Page 127 of 435 Timer B5 interrupt 14. Timer (Timer A) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 14.1 Timer A Figure 14.3 shows a block diagram of the timer A. Figures 14.4 to 14.7 show registers associated with the timer A. The timer A supports the following four modes. Except in event counter mode, all timers A0 to A4 have the same function. The TMOD1 and TMOD0 bits in the TAiMR register (i=0 to 4) determine which mode is used. • Timer mode: The timer counts an internal count source. • Event counter mode: The timer counts an external pulse or an overflow and underflow of other timers. • One-shot timer mode: The timer outputs one valid pulse until a counter value reaches "000016". • Pulse width modulation mode: The timer continuously outputs desired pulse widths. Table 14.1 lists TAiOUT pin settings when used as an output. Table 14.2 lists TAiIN and TAiOUT pin settings when used as an input. Select clock High-Order Bits of Data Bus Select Count Source f1 f8 f2n(1) fC32 TAiIN 00 01 10 11 TCK1 and TCK0 • Timer Mode: TMOD1 and TMOD0=00, MR2=0 • One-Shot Timer Mode: TMOD1 and TMOD0=10 • Pulse Width Modulation Mode: TMOD1 and TMOD0=11 TMOD1 and TMOD0, MR2 • Timer Mode (gate function): TMOD1 and TMOD0=00, MR2=1 • Event Counter Mode:TMOD1 and TMOD0=01 Polarity Selector Low-Order Bits of Data Bus 8 loworder bits Reload Register A A Counter Increment / decrement Always decrement except in event counter mode TAiS 00 01 TB2 Overflow(2) 10 TAj Overflow(2) 11 (2) TAk Overflow Decrement 00 01 11 01 TAiTGH and TAiTGL TAiUD TMOD1 and TMOD0 0 1 Pulse Output MR2 TAiOUT Toggle Flip Flop i=0 to 4 j=i-1, except j=4 if i=0 k=i+1, except k=0 if i=4 NOTES: 1. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). 2. Overflow or underflow signal TAi Timer A0 Timer A1 Timer A2 Timer A3 Timer A4 Addresses 034716 034616 034916 034816 034B16 034A16 034D16 034C16 034F16 034E16 TCK1 and TCK0, TMOD1 and TMOD0, MR2 and MR1: Bits in the TAiMR register TAiTGH and TAiTGL: Bits in the ONSF register if i=0 or bits in the TRGSR register if i=1 to 4 TAiS: Bits in the TABSR register TAiUD: Bits in the UDF register Figure 14.3 Timer A Block Diagram Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 128 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 8 highorder bits TAj Timer A4 Timer A0 Timer A1 Timer A2 Timer A3 TAk Timer A1 Timer A2 Timer A3 Timer A4 Timer A0 14. Timer (Timer A) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Timer Ai Register (i=0 to 4)(1) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol TA0 to TA2 TA3, TA4 Address 034716-034616, 034916-034816, 034B16-034A16 034D16-034C16, 034F16-034E16 Mode Function After Reset Indeterminate Indeterminate Setting Range RW Timer Mode If setting value is n, count source is divided by n+1. 000016 to FFFF16 RW Event Counter Mode(2) If setting value is n, count source is divided by FFFF16 - n+1 when the counter is incremented and by n+1 when the counter is decremented. 000016 to FFFF16 RW One-shot Timer Mode(4) If setting value is n, count source is divided by n, then stops. 000016 to FFFF16(3) WO If count source frequency is fj Pulse Width and setting value of the TAi Modulation Mode(5) register is n, PWM cycle: (216-1) / fj (16-bit PWM) "H" width of PWM pulse: n / fj Pulse Width Modulation Mode(5) (8-bit PWM) If count source frequency is fj, setting value of high-order bits in the TAi register is n and setting value of low-order bits in the TAi register is m, PWM cycle: (28-1)x(m+1) / fj "H" width of PWM pulse: (m+1)n / fj 000016 to FFFE16(3) WO 0016 to FE16(3) (High-order address bits) 0016 to FF16(3) (Low-order address bits) WO fj : f1, f8, f2n, fC32 NOTES: 1. Use 16-bit data for reading and writing. 2. The TAi register counts how many pulse inputs are provided externally or how many times another timer counter overflows and underflows. 3. Use the MOV instruction to set the TAi register. 4. When the TAi register is set to "000016", the timer counter does not start and the timer Ai interrupt request is not generated. 5. When the TAi register is set to "000016", the pulse width modulator does not operate and the TAiOUT pin is held "L". The TAi interrupt request is also not generated. The same situation occurs in 8-bit pulse width modulator mode if the 8 high-order bits in the TAi register are set to "0016". Figure 14.4 TA0 to TA4 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 129 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 14. Timer (Timer A) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Timer Ai Mode Register (i=0 to 4) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 Symbol TA0MR to TA4MR Bit Symbol Address 035616, 035716, 035816, 035916, 035A16 Bit Name After Reset 0016 Function RW b1b0 0 0: Timer mode 0 1: Event counter mode 1 0: One-shot timer mode 1 1: Pulse width modulation (PWM) mode RW Operating Mode Select Bit Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW TMOD0 TMOD1 (b3) MR1 RW RW Function varies depending on operating mode MR2 MR3 RW RW TCK0 Count Source Select Bit Function varies depending on operating mode TCK1 RW RW Count Start Flag b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol TABSR Bit Symbol Address 034016 After Reset 0016 Bit Name Function RW TA0S Timer A0 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TA1S Timer A1 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TA2S Timer A2 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TA3S Timer A3 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TA4S Timer A4 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TB0S Timer B0 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TB1S Timer B1 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TB2S Timer B2 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW Figure 14.5 TA0MR to TA4MR Registers and TABSR Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 130 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 14. Timer (Timer A) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Up/Down Flag(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol UDF Address 034416 After Reset 0016 Bit Symbol Bit Name TA0UD Timer A0 Up/Down Flag(2) 0: Decrement 1: Increment RW TA1UD Timer A1 Up/Down Flag(2) 0: Decrement 1: Increment RW TA2UD Timer A2 Up/Down Flag(2) 0: Decrement 1: Increment RW TA3UD Timer A3 Up/Down Flag(2) 0: Decrement 1: Increment RW TA4UD Timer A4 Up/Down Flag(2) 0: Decrement 1: Increment RW Function 0: Disables two-phase pulse signal Timer A2 Two-Phase processing function Pulse Signal Processing 1: Enables two-phase pulse signal Function Select Bit(3) processing function 0: Disables two-phase pulse signal Timer A3 Two-Phase processing function Pulse Signal Processing 1: Enables two-phase pulse signal (3) Function Select Bit processing function 0: Disables two-phase pulse signal Timer A4 Two-Phase processing function Pulse Signal Processing 1: Enables two-phase pulse signal Function Select Bit(3) processing function TA2P TA3P TA4P RW WO WO WO NOTES: 1. Use the MOV instruction to set the UDF register. 2. This bit is enabled when the MR2 bit in the TAiMR register (i=0 to 4) is set to "0" (the UDF register causes increment/decrement switching) in event counter mode. 3. Set this bit to "0" when not using the two-phase pulse signal processing function. One-Shot Start Flag b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol ONSF Bit Symbol Address 034216 After Reset 0016 Bit Name Function RW TA0OS Timer A0 One-Shot Start Flag(1) 0: In an idle state 1: Starts the timer RW TA1OS Timer A1 One-Shot Start Flag(1) 0: In an idle state 1: Starts the timer RW TA2OS Timer A2 One-Shot Start Flag(1) 0: In an idle state 1: Starts the timer RW TA3OS Timer A3 One-Shot Start Flag(1) 0: In an idle state 1: Starts the timer RW TA4OS Timer A4 One-Shot Start Flag(1) 0: In an idle state 1: Starts the timer RW TAZIE Z-Phase Input Enable Bit 0: Disables Z-phase input 1: Enables Z-phase input RW b7b6 TA0TGL Timer A0 Event/Trigger Select Bit TA0TGH NOTES: 1. When read, this bit is set to "0". 2. Overflow or underflow. Figure 14.6 UDF Register and ONSF Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 131 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 0 0: Selects an input to the TA0IN pin RW 0 1: Selects TB2 overflows(2) 1 0: Selects TA4 overflows(2) RW 1 1: Selects TA1 overflows(2) 14. Timer (Timer A) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Trigger Select Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address After Reset TRGSR 034316 0016 Bit Symbol Function RW 0 0: Selects an input to the TA1IN pin 0 1: Selects TB2 overflows(1) 1 0: Selects TA0 overflows(1) 1 1: Selects TA2 overflows(1) RW Bit Name b1 b0 TA1TGL Timer A1 Event/Trigger Select Bit TA1TGH RW b3 b2 TA2TGL Timer A2 Event/Trigger Select Bit TA2TGH 0 0: Selects an input to the TA2IN pin 0 1: Selects TB2 overflows(1) 1 0: Selects TA1 overflows(1) 1 1: Selects TA3 overflows(1) RW RW b5 b4 TA3TGL Timer A3 Event/Trigger Select Bit TA3TGH 0 0: Selects an input to the TA3IN pin 0 1: Selects TB2 overflows(1) 1 0: Selects TA2 overflows(1) 1 1: Selects TA4 overflows(1) RW RW b7 b6 TA4TGL Timer A4 Event/Trigger Select Bit TA4TGH 0 0: Selects an input to the TA4IN pin 0 1: Selects TB2 overflows(1) 1 0: Selects TA3 overflows(1) 1 1: Selects TA0 overflows(1) RW RW NOTE: 1. Overflow or underflow. Count Source Prescaler Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol TCSPR Bit Symbol Address 035F16 Bit Name After Reset(2) 0XXX 00002 Function RW CNT0 CNT1 Divide Ratio Select Bit(1) CNT2 If setting value is n, f2n is the main clock, on-chip oscillator or PLL clock divided by 2n. Not divided if n=0. CST RW RW RW CNT3 (b6 - b4) RW Reserved Bit When read, its content is indeterminate RO Operation Enable Bit 0: Stops a divider 1: Starts a divider RW NOTES: 1. Set the CST bit to "0" before the CNT3 to CNT0 bits are rewritten. 2. The TCSPR register maintains values set before reset, even after software reset or watchdog timer reset has performed. Figure 14.7 TRGSR Register and TCSPR Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 132 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 14. Timer (Timer A) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 14.1 Pin Settings for Output from TAiOUT Pin (i=0 to 4) Pin Setting PS1, PS2 Registers PSL1, PSL2 Registers PSC Register P70/TA0OUT(1) PS1_0= 1 PSL1_0=1 PSC_0= 0 P72/TA1OUT PS1_2= 1 PSL1_2=1 PSC_2= 0 P74/TA2OUT PS1_4= 1 PSL1_4=0 PSC_4= 0 P76/TA3OUT PS1_6= 1 PSL1_6=1 PSC_6= 0 P80/TA4OUT PS2_0= 1 PSL2_0=0 – NOTE: 1. P70/TA0OUT is a port for the N-channel open drain output. Table 14.2 Pin Settings for Input to TAiIN and TAiOUT Pins (i=0 to 4) Pin Setting PS1, PS2 Registers PD7, PD8 Registers P70/TA0OUT PS1_0=0 PD7_0=0 P71/TA0IN PS1_1=0 PD7_1=0 P72/TA1OUT PS1_2=0 PD7_2=0 P73/TA1IN PS1_3=0 PD7_3=0 P74TA2OUT PS1_4=0 PD7_4=0 P75/TA2IN PS1_5=0 PD7_5=0 P76TA3OUT PS1_6=0 PD7_6=0 P77/TA3IN PS1_7=0 PD7_7=0 P80/TA4OUT PS2_0=0 PD8_0=0 P81/TA4IN PS2_1=0 PD8_1=0 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 133 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 14. Timer (Timer A) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 14.1.1 Timer Mode In timer mode, the timer counts an internally generated count source (see Table 14.3). Figure 14.8 shows the TAiMR register (i=0 to 4) in timer mode. Table 14.3 Timer Mode Specifications Item Specification Count Source f1, f8, f2n(1), fC32 Counting Operation • The timer decrements a counter value When the timer counter underflows, content of the reload register is reloaded into the count register and counting resumes. Divide Ratio 1/(n+1) n: setting value of the TAi register (i=0 to 4) 000016 to FFFF16 Counter Start Condition The TAiS bit in the TABSR register is set to "1" (starts counting) Counter Stop Condition The TAiS bit is set to "0" (stops counting) Interrupt Request Generation Timing The timer counter underflows TAiIN Pin Function Programmable I/O port or gate input TAiOUT Pin Function Programmable I/O port or pulse output Read from Timer The TAi register indicates counter value Write to Timer • While the timer counter stops, the value written to the TAi register is also written to both reload register and counter • While counting, the value written to the TAi register is written to the reload register (It is transferred to the counter at the next reload timing) Selectable Function • Gate function Input signal to the TAiIN pin determines whether the timer counter starts or stops counting • Pulse output function The polarity of the TAiOUT pin is inversed whenever the timer counter underflows NOTE: 1. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 134 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 14. Timer (Timer A) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Timer Ai Mode Register (i=0 to 4) (Timer Mode) b7 b6 b5 0 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol TA0MR to TA4MR 0 0 0 Bit Symbol Address 035616, 035716, 035816, 035916, 035A16 Bit Name TMOD0 Operating Mode Select Bit Function b1b0 RW RW 0 0: Timer mode TMOD1 (b2) After Reset 0016 RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW b4b3 MR1 Gate Function Select Bit MR2 MR3 0 X: Gate function disabled(1) RW (TAiIN pin is a programmable I/O pin) 1 0: Timer counts only while the TAiIN pin is held "L" RW 1 1: Timer counts only while the TAiIN pin is held "H" Set to "0" in timer mode RW b7b6 TCK0 Count Source Select Bit TCK1 0 0: f1 0 1: f8 1 0: f2n(2) 1 1: fC32 RW RW NOTES: 1. X can be set to either "0" or "1". 2. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). Figure 14.8 TA0MR to TA4MR Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 135 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 14. Timer (Timer A) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 14.1.2 Event Counter Mode In event counter mode, the timer counts how many external signals are applied or how many times another timer counter overflows and underflows. The timers A2, A3 and A4 can count externally generated two-phase signals. Table 14.4 lists specifications in event counter mode (when not handling a twophase pulse signal). Table 14.5 lists specifications in event counter mode (when handling a two-phase pulse signal with the timers A2, A3 and A4). Figure 14.9 shows the TAiMR register (i=0 to 4) in event counter mode. Table 14.4 Event Counter Mode Specifications (When Not Processing Two-phase Pulse Signal) Item Count Source Specification • External signal applied to the TAiIN pin (i = 0 to 4) (valid edge can be selected by program) • Timer B2 overflow or underflow signal, timer Aj overflow or underflow signal (j=i-1, except j=4 if i=0) and timer Ak overflow or underflow signal (k=i+1, except k=0 if i=4) Counting Operation • External signal and program can determine whether the timer increments or decrements a counter value • When the timer counter underflows or overflows, content of the reload register is reloaded into the count register and counting resumes. When the free-running count function is selected, the timer counter continues running without reloading. Divide Ratio • 1/(FFFF16 - n + 1) for counter increment Counter Start Condition The TAiS bit in the TABSR register is set to "1" (starts counting) Counter Stop Condition The TAiS bit is set to "0" (stops counting) • 1/(n + 1) for counter decrement n : setting value of the TAi register 0000 16 to FFFF16 Interrupt Request Generation Timing The timer counter overflows or underflows TAiIN Pin Function Programmable I/O port or count source input TAiOUT Pin Function Programmable I/O port, pulse output or input selecting a counter increment or decrement Read from Timer The TAi register indicates counter value Write to Timer • When the timer counter stops, the value written to the TAi register is also written to both reload register and counter • While counting, the value written to the TAi register is written to the reload register (It is transferred to the counter at the next reload timing) Selectable Function • Free-running count function Content of the reload register is not reloaded even if the timer counter overflows or underflows • Pulse output function The polarity of the TAiOUT pin is inversed whenever the timer counter overflows or underflows Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 136 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 14. Timer (Timer A) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 14.5 Event Counter Mode Specifications (When Processing Two-phase Pulse Signal on Timer A2, A3 and A4) Item Specification Count Source Two-phase pulse signal applied to the TAiIN and TAiOUT pins (i = 2 to 4) Counting Operation • Two-phase pulse signal determines whether the timer increments or decrements a counter value • When the timer counter overflows or underflows, content of the reload register is reloaded into the count register and counting resumes. With the free-running count function, the timer counter continues running without reloading. Divide Ratio • 1/ (FFFF16 - n + 1) for counter increment • 1/ (n + 1) for counter decrement n : setting value of the TAi register 000016 to FFFF16 Counter Start Condition The TAiS bit in the TABSR register is set to "1" (starts counting) Counter Stop Condition The TAiS bit is set to "0" (stops counting) Interrupt Request Generation Timing The timer counter overflows or underflows TAiIN Pin Function Two-phase pulse signal is applied TAiOUT Pin Function Two-phase pulse signal is applied Read from Timer The TAi register indicates the counter value Write to Timer • When the timer counter stops, the value written to the TAi register is also written to both reload register and counter • While counting, the value written to the TAi register is written to the reload register (It is transferred to the counter at the next reload timing) Selectable Function(1) • Normal processing operation (the timer A2 and timer A3) While a high-level ("H") signal is applied to the TAjOUT pin (j = 2 or 3), the timer increments a counter value on the rising edge of the TAjIN pin or decrements a counter on the falling edge. TAjOUT TAjIN Increment Increment Increment Decrement Decrement Decrement • Multiply-by-4 processing operation (the timer A3 and timer A4) While an "H" signal is applied to the TAkOUT pin (k = 3 or 4) on the rising edge of the TAkIN pin, the timer increments a counter value on the rising and falling edges of the TAkOUT and TAkIN pins. While an "H" signal is applied to the TAkOUT pin on the falling edge of the TAkIN pin, the timer decrements a counter value on the rising and falling edges of the TAkOUT and TAkIN pins. TAkOUT TAkIN Increment on all edges Decrement on all edges NOTE: 1. Only timer A3 operation can be selected. The timer A2 is for the normal processing operation. The timer A4 is for the multiply-by-4 operation. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 137 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 14. Timer (Timer A) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Timer Ai Mode Register (i=0 to 4) (Event Counter Mode) b7 b6 b5 0 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 0 1 Symbol TA0MR to TA4MR Bit Symbol Address 035616, 035716, 035816, 035916, 035A16 Bit Name TMOD0 Operating Mode Select Bit After Reset 0016 Function Function (When not processing two-phase pulse signal) (When processing two-phase pulse signal) RW RW b1b0 0 1: Event counter mode(1) RW TMOD1 Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW MR1 Count Polarity Select Bit(2) 0: Counts falling edges of an external signal Set to "0" 1: Counts rising edges of an external signal RW MR2 Increment/Decrement 0: UDF registser setting Switching Source 1: Input signal to Select Bit TAiOUT pin(3) (b2) Set to "1" RW MR3 Set to "0" in event counter mode RW TCK0 Count Operation Type Select Bit RW TCK1 Two-Phase Pulse Set to "0" Signal Processing Operation Select Bit(4,5) 0: Reloading 1: Free running 0: Normal processing operation RW 1: Multiply-by-4 processing operation NOTES: 1. The TAiTGH and TAiTGL bits in the ONSF or TRGSR register determine the count source in the event counter mode. 2. MR1 bit setting is enabled only when counting how many times external signals are applied. 3. The timer decrements a counter value when an "L" signal is applied to the TAiOUT pin and the timer increments a counter value when an "H" signal is applied to the TAiOUT pin. 4. The TCK1 bit is enabled only in the TA3MR register. 5. For two-phase pulse signal processing, set the TAjP bit in the UDF register (j=2 to 4) to "1" (two-phase pulse signal processing function enabled). Also, set the TAjTGH and TAjTGL bits to "002" (input to the TAjIN pin). Figure 14.9 TA0MR to TA4MR Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 138 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 14. Timer (Timer A) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Counter Reset by Two-Phase Pulse Signal Processing Z-phase input resets the timer counter when processing a two-phase pulse signal. This function can be used in timer A3 event counter mode, two-phase pulse signal processing, free_______ running count operation type or multiply-by-4 processing. The Z-phase signal is applied to the INT2 pin. When the TAZIE bit in the ONSF register is set to "1" (Z-phase input enabled), Z-phase input can reset the timer counter. To reset the counter by a Z-phase input, set the TA3 register to "000016" beforehand. _______ Z-phase input is enabled when the edge of the signal applied to the INT2 pin is detected. The POL bit in the INT2IC register can determine edge polarity. The Z-phase must have a pulse width of one timer A3 count source cycle or more . Figure 14.10 shows two-phase pulses (A-phase and B-phase) and the Z-phase. Z-phase input resets the timer counter in the next count source following Z-phase input. Figure 14.11 shows the counter reset timing. Timer A3 interrupt request is generated twice continuously when a timer A3 overflow or underflow, _______ and a counter reset by INT2 input occur at the same time. Do not use the timer A3 interrupt request when this function is used. TA3OUT (A-phase) TA3IN (B-phase) Count source INT2 (1) (Z-phase) Pulse width of one count source cycle or more is required NOTE: 1. When the rising edge of INT2 is selected. Figure 14.10 Two-Phase Pulse (A-phase and B-phase) and Z-phase TA3OUT (A-phase) TA3IN (B-phase) Count source INT2 (1) (Z-phase) Counter value m m+1 1 Timer counter is reset at this timing Figure 14.11 Counter Reset Timing Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 139 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 2 3 4 5 NOTE: 1. When the rising edge of INT2 is selected. 14. Timer (Timer A) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 14.1.3 One-Shot Timer Mode In one-shot timer mode, the timer operates only once for each trigger (see Table 14.6). Once a trigger occurs, the timer starts and continues operating for a desired period. Figure 14.12 shows the TAiMR register (i=0 to 4) in one-shot timer mode. Table 14.6 One-Shot Timer Mode Specifications Item Specification Count Source f1, f8, f2n(1), fC32 Counting Operation • The timer decrements a counter value When the timer counter reaches "000016", it stops counting after reloading. If a trigger occurs while counting, content of the reload register is reloaded into the count register and counting resumes. Divide Ratio 1/n n : setting value of the TAi register (i=0 to 4) 000016 to FFFF16, Counter Start Condition The TAiS bit in the TABSR register is set to "1" (starts counting) and following triggers but the timer counter does not run if n=000016 occur: • External trigger input is provided • Timer counter overflows or underflows • The TAiOS bit in the ONSF register is set to "1" (timer started) Counter Stop Condition • After the timer counter has reached "000016" and is reloaded • When the TAiS bit is set to "0" (stops counting) Interrupt Request Generation Timing The timer counter reaches "000016" TAiIN Pin Function Programmable I/O port or trigger input TAiOUT Pin Function Programmable I/O port or pulse output Read from Timer The value in the TAi register is indeterminate when read Write to Timer • When the timer counter stops, the value written to the TAi register is also written to both reload register and counter • While counting, the value written to the TAi register is written to the reload register (It is transferred to the counter at the next reload timing) NOTE: 1. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 140 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 14. Timer (Timer A) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Timer Ai Mode Register (i=0 to 4) (One-Shot Timer Mode) b7 b6 b5 0 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol 0 1 0 TA0MR to TA4MR Bit Symbol Address 035616, 035716, 035816, 035916, 035A16 Bit Name TMOD0 Operating Mode Select Bit After Reset 0016 Function b1b0 RW 1 0: One-shot timer mode TMOD1 (b2) RW RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" MR1 External Trigger Select 0: Falling edge of input signal to TAiIN pin RW Bit(1) 1: Rising edge of input signal to TAiIN pin MR2 Trigger Select Bit MR3 Set to "0" in the one-shot timer mode 0: TAiOS bit setting is enabled 1: Selected by the TAiTGH and TAiTGL bits b7b6 TCK0 Count Source Select Bit TCK1 0 0: f1 0 1: f8 1 0: f2n(2) 1 1: fC32 RW RW RW RW NOTES: 1. The MR1 bit setting is enabled only when the TAiTGH and TAiTGL bits in the TRGSR register are set to "002" (input to the TAiIN pin). The MR1 bit can be set to either "0" or "1" when the TAiTGH and TAiTGL bits are set to "012" (TB2 overflow and underflow), "102" (TAi overflow and underflow) or "112" (TAi overflow and underflow). 2. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). Figure 14.12 TA0MR to TA4MR Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 141 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 14. Timer (Timer A) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 14.1.4 Pulse Width Modulation Mode In pulse width modulation mode, the timer outputs pulse of desired width continuously (see Table 14.7). The timer counter functions as either 16-bit pulse width modulator or 8-bit pulse width modulator. Figure 14.13 shows the TAiMR register (i=0 to 4) in pulse width modulation mode. Figures 14.14 and 14.15 show examples of how a 16-bit pulse width modulator operates and of how an 8-bit pulse width modulator operates. Table 14.7 Pulse Width Modulation Mode Specifications Item Specification Count Source f1, f8, f2n(1), fC32 Counting Operation • The timer decrements a counter value (The counter functions as an 8-bit or a 16-bit pulse width modulator) Content of the reload register is reloaded on the rising edge of PWM pulse and counting continues. The timer is not affected by a trigger that is generated during counting. 16-Bit PWM • "H" width = n / fj n : setting value of the TAi register 000016 to FFFE16 fj : count source frequency • Cycle = (216-1) / fj fixed 8-Bit PWM • "H" width = n x (m+1) / fj • Cycles = (28-1) x (m+1) / fj m : setting value of low-order bit address of the TAi register n : setting value of high-order bit address of the TAi register Counter Start Condition 0016 to FF16 0016 to FE16 • External trigger input is provided • Timer counter overflows or underflows • The TAiS bit in the TABSR register is set to "1" (starts counting) Counter Stop Condition The TAiS bit is set to "0" (stops counting) Interrupt Request Generation Timing On the falling edge of the PWM pulse TAiIN Pin Function Programmable I/O port or trigger input TAiOUT Pin Function Pulse output Read from Timer The value in the TAi register is indeterminate when read Write to Timer • When the timer counter stops, the value written to the TAi register is also written to both reload register and counter • While counting, the value written to the TAi register is written to the reload register (It is transferred to the counter at the next reload timing) NOTE: 1. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 142 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 14. Timer (Timer A) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Timer Ai Mode Register (i=0 to 4) (Pulse Width Modulator Mode) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol TA0MR to TA4MR 0 1 1 Bit Symbol Address 035616, 035716, 035816, 035916, 035A16 Bit Name TMOD0 Operating Mode Select Bit TMOD1 After Reset 0016 Function b1b0 1 1: Pulse width modulation (PWM) mode RW RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" External Trigger Select Bit(1) 0: Falling edge of input signal to TAiIN pin RW 1: Rising edge of input signal to TAiIN pin (b2) MR1 RW RW MR2 Trigger Select Bit 0: TAiS bit setting is enabled 1: Selected by the TAiTGH and TAiTGL bits MR3 16/8-Bit PWM Mode Select Bit 0: Functions as a 16-bit pulse width modulator RW 1: Functions as an 8-bit pulse width modulator b7b6 TCK0 Count Source Select Bit TCK1 0 0: f1 0 1: f8 1 0: f2n(2) 1 1: fC32 RW RW RW NOTES: 1. MR1 bit setting is enabled only when the TAiTGH and TAiTGL bits in the TRGSR register are set to "002" (input to the TAiIN pin). The MR1 bit can be set to either "0" or "1" when the TAiTGH and TAiTGL bits are set to "012" (TB2 overflow and underflow), "102" (TAi overflow and underflow) or "112" (TAi overflow and underflow). 2. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). Figure 14.13 TA0MR to TA4MR Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 143 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 14. Timer (Timer A) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) When the reload register is set to "000316" and an external trigger (on rising edge of a signal applied to the TAiIN pin) is selected 1 / fj X (216 – 1) Count source “H” Signal applied to TAiIN pin “L” No trigger occurs by this signal 1 / fi X n “H” PWM pulse output from TAiOUT pin “L” “1” IR bit in TAiIC register “0” fj : Count source frequency (f1, f8, f2n(1), fC32) Set to "0" by an interrupt request acknowledgement or by program n=000016 to FFFE16 i=0 to 4 NOTE: 1. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). Figure 14.14 16-bit Pulse Width Modulator Operation When 8 high-order bits of the reload register are set to "0216", 8 low-order bits of the reload register are set to "0216" and an external trigger (on falling edge of a signal applied to the TAiIN pin) is selected 1 / fj X (m + 1) X (28 – 1) Count source(1) Signal applied to TAiIN pin “H” “L” AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1 / fj X (m + 1) Underflow signal of 8-bit prescaler(2) “H” “L” 1 / fj X (m + 1) X n PWM pulse output from TAiOUT pin “H” “L” “1” IR bit in TAiIC register “0” fj : Count source frequency (f1, f8, f2n(3), fC32) Set to "0" by an interrupt request acknowledgement or by program m=0016 to FF16, n=0016 to FE16 i=0 to 4 NOTES: 1. 8-bit prescaler counts a count source. 2. 8-bit pulse width modulator counts underflow signals of the 8-bit prescaler. 3. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). Figure 14.15 8-bit Pulse Width Modulator Operation Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 144 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 14. Timer (Timer B) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 14.2 Timer B Figure 14.16 shows a block diagram of the timer B. Figures 14.17 to 14.19 show registers associated with the timer B. The timer B supports the following three modes. The TMOD1 and TMOD0 bits in the TBiMR register (i=0 to 5) determine which mode is used. • Timer mode : The timer counts an internal count source. • Event counter mode : The timer counts pulses from an external source or overflow and underflow of another timer. • Pulse period/pulse width measurement mode : The timer measures pulse period or pulse width of an external signal. Table 14.8 lists TBiIN pin settings. High-order Bits of Data Bus Select Clock Source Low-order Bits of Data Bus TCK1 and TCK0 00 00: Timer Mode f1 TMOD1 and 01: Pulse Period/Pulse Width TMOD0 01 f8 Measurement Mode f2n(1) 10 fc32 11 01: Event TCK1 Counter Mode TBj Overflow 1 Signal(2,3) 8 highorder bits Reload Register Counter TBiS 0 Polarity Switching and Edge Pulse TBiIN 8 low-order bits Counter Reset Circuit i=0 to 5 NOTES: 1. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). 2. Overflow signal or underflow signal 3. j=i-1, except j=2 when i=0 j=5 when i=3 TBi Timer B0 Timer B1 Timer B2 Timer B3 Timer B4 Timer B5 Address 035116 035016 035316 035216 035516 035416 031116 031016 031316 031216 031516 031416 TBj Timer B2 Timer B0 Timer B1 Timer B5 Timer B3 Timer B4 TCK1 and TCK0, TMOD1 and TMOD0: Bits in the TBiMR Register TBiS: Bits in the TABSR and the TBSR Register Figure 14.16 Timer B Block Diagram Timer Bi Register(1) (i=0 to 5) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol TB0 to TB2 TB3 to TB5 Mode Address 035116 - 035016, 035316 - 035216, 035516 - 035416 After Reset Indeterminate 031116 - 031016, 031316 - 031216, 031516 - 031416 Indeterminate Function Setting Range Timer Mode If setting value is n, a count source 000016 to FFFF16 RW is divided by n+1 Event Counter Mode If setting value is n, a count source 000016 to FFFF16 RW is divided by n+1(2) Pulse Period/Pulse A count source is incremented Width Measurement between one valid edge and Mode another valid edge of TBiIN pulse NOTES: 1. Use 16-bit data for reading and writing. 2. The TBi register counts how many pulse are input externally or how many times another timer counter overflows and underflows. Figure 14.17 TB0 to TB5 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 RW Page 145 of 435 RO 14. Timer (Timer B) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Timer Bi Mode Register (i=0 to 5) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol TB0MR to TB5MR Bit Symbol Address After Reset 035B16, 035C16, 035D16, 031B16, 031C16, 031D16 00XX 00002 Bit Name Function RW b1b0 TMOD0 Operating Mode Select Bit TMOD1 0 0: Timer mode RW 0 1: Event counter mode 1 0: Pulse period measurement mode, pulse width measurement mode RW 1 1: Do not set to this value MR0 RW MR1 Function varies depending on operating mode (1, 2) MR2 MR3 RW RW RW TCK0 RW Count Source Select Bit Function varies depending on operating mode TCK1 RW NOTES: 1. Only MR2 bits in the TB0MR and TB3MR registers are enabled. 2. Nothing is assigned in the MR2 bit in the TB1MR, TB2MR, TB4MR and TB5MR registers. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. Count Start Flag b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol TABSR Bit Symbol Address 034016 After Reset 0016 Bit Name Function RW TA0S Timer A0 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TA1S Timer A1 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TA2S Timer A2 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TA3S Timer A3 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TA4S Timer A4 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TB0S Timer B0 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TB1S Timer B1 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TB2S Timer B2 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW Figure 14.18 TB0MR to TB5MR Registers, TABSR Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 146 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 14. Timer (Timer B) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Timer B3, B4,B5 Count Start Flag b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address After Reset TBSR 030016 000X XXXX2 Bit Symbol Bit Name Function RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b4 - b0) When read, its content is indeterminate. TB3S Timer B3 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TB4S Timer B4 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TB5S Timer B5 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW Figure 14.19 TBSR Register Table 14.8 Settings for the TBiIN Pins (i=0 to 5) Port Name Function Setting PS1, PS3(1) Registers PD7, PD9(1) Registers P90 TB0IN PS3_0=0 PD9_0=0 P91 TB1IN PS3_1=0 PD9_1=0 P92 TB2IN PS3_2=0 PD9_2=0 P93 TB3IN PS3_3=0 PD9_3=0 P94 TB4IN PS3_4=0 PD9_4=0 P71 TB5IN PS1_1=0 PD7_1=0 NOTE: 1. Set the PD9 and PS3 registers immediately after the PRC2 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between the instruction to set the PRC2 bit to "1" and the instruction to set the PD9 and PS3 registers. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 147 of 435 14. Timer (Timer B) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 14.2.1 Timer Mode In timer mode, the timer counts an internally generated count source (see Table 14.9). Figure 14.20 shows the TBiMR register (i=0 to 5) in timer mode. Table 14.9 Timer Mode Specifications Item Specification Count Source f1, f8, f2n(1), fC32 Counting Operation • The timer decrements a counter value When the timer counter underflows, content of the reload register is reloaded into the count register and counting resumes Divide Ratio 1/(n+1) n: setting value of the TBi register (i=0 to 5) Counter Start Condition The TBiS bits in the TABSR and TBSR registers are set to "1" (starts counting) Counter Stop Condition The TBiS bit is set to "0" (stops counting) 000016 to FFFF16 Interrupt Request Generation Timing Timer counter underflows TBiIN Pin Function Programmable I/O port Read from Timer The TBi register indicates counter value Write to Timer • When the timer counter stops, the value written to the TBi register is also written to both reload register and counter • While counting, the value written to the TBi register is written to the reload register (It is transferred to the counter at the next reload timing) NOTE: 1. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). Timer Bi Mode Register (i=0 to 5) (Timer Mode) b7 b6 b5 0 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 0 Symbol Address After reset TB0MR to TB5MR 035B16, 035C16, 035D16, 031B16, 031C16, 031D16 00XX 00002 Bit Symbol Bit Name TMOD0 Operating Mode Select Bit Function b1b0 MR1 RW 0 0: Timer mode TMOD1 MR0 RW RW RW Disabled in timer mode. Can be set to "0" or "1". RW TB0MR, TB3MR registers: Set to "0" in timer mode MR2 TB1MR, TB2MR TB4MR, TB5MR registers: Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. MR3 Set to "0" in timer mode RW RW b7 b6 TCK0 Count Source Select Bit TCK1 0 0: f1 0 1: f8 1 0: f2n(1) 1 1: fC32 RW RW NOTE: 1. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). Figure 14.20 TB0MR to TB5MR Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 148 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 14. Timer (Timer B) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 14.2.2 Event Counter Mode In event counter mode, the timer counts how many external signals are applied or how many times another timer overflows and underflows. (See Table 14.10) Figure 14.21 shows the TBiMR register (i=0 to 5) in event counter mode. Table 14.10 Event Counter Mode Specifications Item Specification • External signal applied to the TBiIN pin (i = 0 to 5) (valid edge can be selected by Count Source program) • TBj overflow or underflow signal (j=i-1, except j=2 when i=0, j=5 when i=3) Counting Operation • The timer decrements a counter value When the timer counter underflows, content of the reload register is reloaded into the count register to continue counting Divide Ratio 1/(n+1) n : setting value of the TBi register Counter Start Condition The TBiS bits in the TABSR and TBSR register are set to "1" (starts counting) Counter Stop Condition The TBiS bit is set to "0" (stops counting) 000016 to FFFF16 Interrupt Request Generation Timing The timer counter underflows TBiIN Pin Function Programmable I/O port or count source input Read from Timer The TBi register indicates counter value Write to Timer • When the timer counter stops, the value written to the TBi register is also written to both reload register and counter • While counting, the value written to the TBi register is written to the reload register (It is transferred to the counter at the next reload timing) Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 149 of 435 14. Timer (Timer B) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Timer Bi Mode Register (i=0 to 5) (Event Counter Mode) b7 b6 b5 0 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 1 Symbol Address After reset TB0MR to TB5MR 035B16, 035C16, 035D16, 031B16, 031C16, 031D16 00XX 00002 Bit Symbol TMOD0 TMOD1 Bit Name Operating Mode Select Bit Function b1b0 0 1: Event counter mode RW RW RW b3b2 MR0 Count Polarity Select Bit(1) MR1 0 0: Counts falling edges of external signal RW 0 1: Counts rising edges of external signal 1 0: Counts falling and rising edges of external signal RW 1 1: Do not set to this value TB0MR and TB3MR registers: Set to "0" in event counter mode MR2 TB1MR, TB2MR, TB4MR and TB5MR registers: Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. MR3 Disabled in event counter mode. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. TCK0 Disabled in event counter mode. Can be set to "0" or "1". TCK1 RW Event Clock Select Bit 0: Input signal from the TBiIN pin 1: TBj overflows or underflows(2) RW RW NOTES: 1. MR0 and MR1 bit settings are enabled when the TCK1 bit is set to "0". The MR1 bit can be set to either "0" or "1", when the TCK1 bit is set to "1". 2. j=i-1, except j=2 when i=0 and j=5 when i=3. Figure 14.21 TB0MR to TB5MR Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 150 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 14. Timer (Timer B) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 14.2.3 Pulse Period/Pulse Width Measurement Mode In pulse period/pulse width measurement mode, the timer measures pulse period or pulse width of an external signal. (See Table 14.11) Figure 14.22 shows the TBiMR register (i=0 to 5) in pulse period/pulse width measurement mode. Figure 14.23 shows an operation example in pulse period measurement mode. Figure 14.24 shows an operation example in the pulse width measurement mode. Table 14.11 Pulse Period/Pulse Width Measurement Mode Specifications Item Specification Count Source f1, f8, f2n(3), fC32 Counting Operation • The timer increments a counter value Counter value is transferred to the reload register on the valid edge of a pulse to be measured. It is set to "000016" and the timer continues counting Counter Start Condition The TBiS bits (i=0 to 5) in the TABSR and TBSR register are set to "1" (starts counting) Counter Stop Condition The TBiS bit is set to "0" (stops counting) Interrupt Request Generation Timing • On the valid edge of a pulse to be measured(1) • The timer counter overflows The MR3 bit in the TBiMR register is set to "1" (overflow) simultaneously. When the TBiS bit is set to "1" (start counting) and the next count source is counted after setting the MR3 bit to "1" (overflow), the MR3 bit can be set to "0" (no overflow) by writing to the TBiMR register. TBiIN Pin Function Input for a pulse to be measured Read from Timer The TBi register indicates reload register values (measurement results)(2) Write to Timer Value written to the TBi register can be written to neither reload register nor counter NOTES: 1. No interrupt request is generated when the pulse to be measured is on the first valid edge after the timer has started counting. 2. The TBi register is in an indeterminate state until the pulse to be measured is on the second valid edge after the timer has started counting. 3. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 151 of 435 14. Timer (Timer B) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Timer Bi Mode Register (i=0 to 5) (Pulse Period / Pulse Width Measurement Mode) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 1 0 Symbol Address After reset TB0MR to TB5MR 035B16, 035C16, 035D16, 031B16, 031C16, 031D16 00XX 00002 Bit Symbol TMOD0 TMOD1 Bit Name Operating Mode Select Bit Function RW b1b0 RW 1 0: Pulse period measurement mode, Pulse width measurement mode RW b3b2 MR0 Measurement Mode Select Bit(1) MR1 0 0: Pulse period measurement 1 0 1: Pulse period measurement 2 1 0: Pulse width measurement 1 1: Do not set to this value TB0MR, TB3MR registers: Set to "0" in pulse period/pulse width measurement mode MR2 MR3 RW RW RW TB1MR, TB2MR TB4MR, TB5MR registers: Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. 0: No overflow Timer Bi Overflow Flag(2) 1: Overflow RO b7b6 TCK0 Count Source Select Bit TCK1 0 0: f1 0 1: f8 1 0: f2n(3) 1 1: fC32 RW RW NOTES: 1. The MR1 and MR0 bits selects the following measurements. Pulse period measurement 1 (the MR1 and MR0 bits are set to "002") : Measures between the falling edge and the next falling edge of a pulse to be measured Pulse period measurement 2 (the MR1 and MR0 bits are set to "012") : Measures between the rising edge and the next rising edge of a pulse to be measured Pulse width measurement (the MR1 and MR0 bits are set to "102") : Measures between a falling edge and the next rising edge of a pulse to be measured and between the rising edge and the next falling edge of a pulse to be measured 2. The MR3 bit is indeterminate when reset. To set the MR3 bit to "0", se the TBiMR register after the MR3 bit is set to "1" and one or more cycles of the count source are counted, while the TBiS bits in the TABSR and TBSR registers are set to "1" (starts counting). The MR3 bit cannot be set to "1" by program. 3. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). Figure 14.22 TB0MR to TB5MR Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 152 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 14. Timer (Timer B) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Count source Pulse to be measured "H" "L" Transferred (indeterminate value) Timing to transfer value from counter to reload register Transferred (measured value) (Note 1) (Note 1) (Note 2) Timing that the counter reaches "000016" TBiS bits in the TABSR "1" and TBSR registers "0" "1" IR bit in the TBilC register "0" Set to "0" by an interrupt request acknowledgement or by program MR3 bit in the TBiMR register "1" "0" i=0 to 5 NOTES: 1. The counter is reset when a measurement is completed. 2. The timer counter overflows. Figure 14.23 Operation Example in Pulse Period Measurement Mode Count source "H" Pulse to be measured "L" Timing to transfer value from counter to reload register Transferred (indeterminate value) (Note 1) Transferred (measured value) (Note 1) Transferred (measured value) (Note 1) Transferred (measured value) (Note 1) (Note 2) Timing that the counter reaches "000016" TBiS bits in the TABSR "1" "0" and TBSR registers IR bit in the TBilC register "1" "0" Set to "0" by an interrupt request acknowledgement or by program MR3 bit in the TBiMR register “1” “0” i=0 to 5 NOTES: 1. The counter is reset when a measurement is completed. 2. The timer counter overflows. Figure 14.24 Operation Example in Pulse Width Measurement Mode Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 153 of 435 15. Three-Phase Motor Control Timer Functions M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 15. Three-Phase Motor Control Timer Functions Three-phase motor driving waveform can be output by using the timers A1, A2, A4 and B2. Table 15.1 lists specifications of the three-phase motor control timer functions. Table 15.2 lists pin settings. Figure 15.1 shows a block diagram. Figures 15.2 to 15.7 show registers associated with the three-phase motor control timer functions. Table 15.1 Three-Phase Motor Control Timer Functions Specification Item Specification ___ ___ ___ Three-Phase Waveform Output Pin Six pins (U, U, V, V, W, W) _______ Forced Cutoff(1) Apply a low-level ("L") signal to the NMI pin Timers to be Used Timer A4, A1, A2 (used in one-shot timer mode): ___ Timer A4: U- and U-phase waveform control ___ Timer A1: V- and V-phase waveform control ___ Timer A2: W- and W-phase waveform control Timer B2 (used in timer mode): Carrier wave cycle control Dead time timer (three 8-bit timers share reload register): Dead time control Output Waveform Triangular wave modulation, Sawtooth wave modulation Can output a high-level waveform or a low-level waveform for one cycle; Can set positive-phase level and negative-phase level separately Triangular wave modulation: count source x (m+1) x 2 Carrier Wave Cycle Sawtooth wave modulation: count source x (m+1) m: setting value of the TB2 register, 000016 to FFFF16 Count source: f1, f8, f2n(2), fc32 Three-Phase PWM Output Width Triangular wave modulation: count source x n x 2 Sawtooth wave modulation: count source x n n : setting value of the TA4, TA1 and TA2 register (of the TA4, TA41, TA1, TA11, TA2 and TA21 registers when setting the INV11 bit to "1"), 000116 to FFFF16 Count source: f1, f8, f2n(2), fc32 Count source x p, or no dead time Dead Time p: setting value of the DTT register, 0116 to FF16 Count source: f1, or f1 divided by 2 Active Level Selected from a high level ("H") or low level ("L") Positive- and Negative-Phase Con- Positive and negative-phases concurrent active disable function current Active Disable Function Positive and negative-phases concurrent active detect function Interrupt Frequency For the timer B2 interrupt, one carrier wave cycle-to-cycle basis through 15 time- carrier wave cycle-to-cycle basis can be selected NOTES: _______ 1. Forced cutoff by the signal applied to the NMI pin is available when the INV02 bit is set to "1" (threephase motor control timer functions) and the INV03 bit is set to "1" (three-phase motor control timer output enabled). 2. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 154 of 435 15. Three-Phase Motor Control Timer Functions M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 15.2 Pin Settings Setting Pin PS1, PS2 Registers(1) PSL1, PSL2 Registers PSC Register P72/V PS1_2 =1 PSL1_2 =0 PSC_2 =1 P73/V PS1_3 =1 PSL1_3 =1 PSC_3 =0 P74/W PS1_4 =1 PSL1_4 =1 PSC_4 =0 P75/W PS1_5 =1 PSL1_5 =0 P80/U PS2_0 =1 PSL2_0 =1 P81/U PS2_1 =1 PSL2_1 =0 NOTE: 1. Set the PS1_5 to PS1_2 bits and PS2_1 and PS2_0 bits in the PS1 and PS2 registers to "1" after the INV02 bit is set to "1". Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 155 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 (Timer Mode) Timer B2 Page 156 of 435 TA41 Register T Q INV11 (One-shot Timer Mode) Timer A4 Counter Reload TA11 Register T Q INV11 (One-shot Timer Mode) Timer A1 Counter Reload Figure 15.1 Three-Phase Motor Control Timer Functions Block Diagram TA21 Register (One-shot Timer Mode) INV11 T Q Timer A2 Counter Reload When setting the TA2S bit to "0", signal is set to "0" Trigger TA2 Register When setting the TA1S bit to "0", signal is set to "0" Trigger TA1 Register When setting the TA4S bit to "0", signal is set to "0" Trigger TA4 Register INV07 INV00 Reload Control Signal for the timer A4 Start Trigger Signal for the timers A1, A2, A4 Write Signal to Timer B2 INV10 Timer B2 Underflow INV07 to INV00: Bits in INVC0 Register INV15 to INV10: Bits in INVC1 Register DUi, DUBi: Bits in IDBi Register (i=0,1) TA4S to TA1S: Bits in TABSR Register 1/2 0 1 INV06 INV06 Timer A4 One-Shot Pulse Transfer Trigger(1) INV06 f1 INV12 INV01 INV11 0 1 T Q T Q T Q D T Q DUB0 bit D DU0 bit W-Phase Output Signal W-Phase Output Signal Dead Time Timer n = 1 to 255 V-phase Output Signal V-phase Output Signal Dead Time Timer n = 1 to 255 U-phase Output Signal Three-phase Output Shift Register (U Phase) U-Phase Output Signal T D Q D Q T D Q T D Q T T D Q D Q T INV05 INV04 RESET NMI Value set to the INV03 bit Write signal to the INV03 bit R Inverse Control Inverse Control Inverse Control Inverse Control Inverse Control Inverse Control INV14 INV02 T D Q INV03 Switching to P80, P81 and P72 to P75 is not shown in this diagram. NOTE: 1. Transfer trigger is generated only when the IDB0 and IDB1 registers are set and the first timer B2 counter underflows, if the INV06 bit is set to "0" (triangular wave modulation mode). W-phase Output Control Circuit Trigger Trigger V-phase Output Control Circuit Trigger Trigger D DUB1 bit D DU1 bit Reload Register n = 1 to 255 ICTB2 Counter n=1 to 15 Timer B2 Interrupt Request Bit ICTB2 Register n=1 to 15 Dead Time Timer n = 1 to 255 U-phase Output Control Circuit Trigger Trigger A PWCON INV13 Circuit to set Interrupt Generation Frequency W W V V U U M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 15. Three-Phase Motor Control Timer Functions 15. Three-Phase Motor Control Timer Functions M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Three-Phase PWM Control Register 0(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address INVC0 030816 Bit Symbol After Reset 0016 Bit Name Function RW INV00 Interrupt Enable Output Polarity Select Bit(3) 0: The ICTB2 counter is incremented by one on the rising edge of the timer A1 reload control signal 1: The ICTB2 counter is incremented by one on the falling edge of the timer A1 reload control signal RW INV01 Interrupt Enable Output Specification Bit(2, 3) 0: ICTB2 counter is incremented by one when timer B2 counter underflows 1: Selected by the INV00 bit RW INV02 Mode Select Bit(4, 5, 6) 0: No three-phase control timer function 1: Three-phase control timer function (6, 7) INV03 Output Control Bit 0: Disables three-phase control timer output 1: Enables three-phase control timer output RW Positive and NegativeINV04 Phases Concurrent Active Disable Function Enable Bit Positive and NegativeINV05 Phases Concurrent Active Output Detect Flag(8) 0: Enables concurrent active output 1: Disables concurrent active output RW 0: Not detected 1: Detected RW Modulation Mode Select(9, 10) 0: Triangular wave modulation mode 1: Sawtooth wave modulation mode RW Transfer trigger is generated when the INV07 bit is set to "1". Trigger to the dead time timer is also generated when setting the INV06 bit to "1". Its value is "0" when read. RW INV06 INV07 Software Trigger Select RW NOTES: 1. Set the INVC0 register after the PRC1 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). Rewrite the INV02 to INV00 and INV06 bits when the timers A1,A2, A4 and B2 stop. 2. Set the INV01 bit to "1" after setting the ICTB2 register. 3. The INV01 and INV00 bit settings are enabled only when the INV11 bit in the INVC1 register is set to "1" (three-phase mode 1). The ICTB2 counter is incremented by one every time the timer B2 counter underflows, regardless of INV01 and INV00bit settings, when the INV11 bit is set to "0" (three-phase mode). When setting the INV01 bit to "1", set the timer A1 count start flag before the first timer B2 counter underflows. When the INV00 bit is set to "1", the first interrupt is generated when the timer B2 counter underflows n-1 times, if n is the value set in the ICTB2 counter. Subsequent interrupts are generated every n times the timer B2 counter underflows. 4. Set the INV02 bit to "1" to operate the dead time timer, U-, V-and W-phase output control circuits and ICTB2 counter. 5. Set pins after the INV02 bit is set to "1". See Table 16.2 for pin settings. 6. When the INV02 bit is set to "1" and the INV03 bit to "0", the U, U, V, V, W and W pins, including pins shared with other output functions, are all placed in high-impedance states. 7. The INV03 bit is set to "0" when the followings occurs : - Reset - A concurrent active state occurs while the INV04 bit is set to "1" - The INV03 bit is set to "0" by program - An "H" signal applied to the NMI pin changes to an "L" signal 8. The INV05 bit can not be set to "1" by program. Set the INV04 bit to "0", as well, when setting the INV05 bit to "0". 9. The following table describes how the INV06 bit setting works. Item Mode Timing to Transfer from the IDB0 and IDB1 Registers to ThreePhase Output Shift Register INV06 = 0 Triangular wave modulation mode Transferred once by generating a transfer trigger after setting the IDB0 and IDB1 registers INV06 = 1 Sawtooth wave modulation mode Transferred every time a transfer trigger is generated Timing to Trigger the Dead Time On the falling edge of a one-shot pulse By a transfer trigger, or the falling edge of Timer when the INV16 Bit=0 a one-shot pulse of the timer A1, A2 or A4 of the timer A1, A2 or A4 INV13 Bit Enabled when the INV11 bit=1 and the Disabled INV06 bit=0 Transfer trigger : Timer B2 counter underflows and write to the INV07 bit, or write to the TB2 register when INV10 = 1 10. When the INV06 bit is set to "1", set the INV11 bit to "0" (three-phase mode 0) and the PWCON bit in the TB2SC register to "0" (timer B2 counter underflows). Figure 15.2 INVC0 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 157 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 15. Three-Phase Motor Control Timer Functions M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Three-Phase PWM Control Register 1(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 Symbol INVC1 Bit Symbol Address 030916 After Reset 0016 Bit Name Function RW INV10 Timer A1, A2 and A4 Start Trigger Select Bit 0: Timer B2 counter underflows 1: Timer B2 counter underflows and write to the TB2 register INV11 Timer A1-1, A2-1 and A4-1 Control Bit(2, 3) 0: Three-phase mode 0 1: Three-phase mode 1 INV12 Dead Time Timer 0: f1 Count Source Select Bit 1: f1 divided-by-2 INV13 Carrier Wave Detect Flag(4) 0: Timer A1 reload control signal is "0" RO 1: Timer A1 reload control signal is "1" INV14 Output Polarity Control Bit 0: Active "L" of an output waveform 1: Active "H" of an output waveform RW INV15 Dead Time Disable Bit 0: Enables dead time 1: Disables dead time RW INV16 0: Falling edge of a one-shot pulse of Dead Time Timer Trigger the timer A1, A2 and A4(5) RW 1: Rising edge of the three-phase output Select Bit shift register (U-, V-, W-phase) Reserved Bit RW RW RW Set to "0" RW (b7) NOTES: 1. Rewrite the INVC1 register after the PRC1 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). The timers A1, A2, A4, and B2 must be stopped during rewrite. 2. The following table lists how the INV11 bit setting works. Item INV11 = 0 Mode Three-phase mode 0 TA11, TA21 and TA41 Registers Not used INV11 = 1 Three-phase mode 1 Used INV01 and INV00 Bit in the INVC0 Register Disabled. The ICTB2 counter is incremented whenever the timer B2 counter underflows Enabled INV13 Bit Disabled Enabled when INV11=1 and INV06=0 3. When the INV06 bit in the INVC0 registser is set to "1" (sawtooth wave modulation mode), set the INV11 bit to "0". Also, when the INV11 bit is set to "0", set the PWCON bit in the TB2SC register to "0" (Timer B2 counter underflows). 4. The INV13 bit setting is enabled only when the INV06 bit is set to "0" (Triangular wave modulation mode) and the INV11 bit to "1". 5. If the following conditions are all met, set the INV16 bit to "1". • The INV15 bit is set to "0" • The Dij bit (i=U, V or W, j=0, 1) and DiBj bit always have different values when the INV03 bit in the INVC0 register is set to "1". (The positive-phase and negative-phase outputs always provide opposite level signals.) If the above conditions are not met, set the INV16 bit to "0". Figure 15.3 INVC1 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 158 of 435 15. Three-Phase Motor Control Timer Functions M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Three-Phase Output Buffer Register i(1) (i=0, 1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address After Reset IDB0, IDB1 030A16, 030B16 XX11 11112 Bit Symbol DUi DUBi DVi DVBi DWi DWBi Bit Name Function RW U-Phase Output Buffer i Write output level U-Phase Output Buffer i 0: Active level 1: Inactive level V-Phase Output Buffer i RW V-Phase Output Buffer i When read, the value of the threeW-Phase Output Buffer i phase shift register is read. RW W-Phase Output Buffer i RW Reserved Bit (b7 - b6) RW RW When read, its content is indeterminate RW RO NOTE: 1. Values of the IDB0 and IDB1 registers are transferred to the three-phase output shift register by a transfer trigger. After the transfer trigger occurs, the values written in the IDB0 register determine each phase output signal level first. Then the value written in the IDB1 register on the falling edge of the timers A1, A2 and A4 one-shot pulse determines each phase output signal level. Dead Time Timer(1, 2) b7 b0 Symbol DTT Address 030C16 Function If setting value is n, the timer stops when counting n times a count source selected by the INV12 bit after start trigger occurs. Positive or negative phase, which changes from inactive level to active level, shifts when the dead time timer stops. After Reset Indeterminate Setting Range RW 1 to 255 WO NOTES: 1. Use the MOV instruction to set the DTT register. 2. The DTT register setting is enabled when the INV15 bit in the INVC1 register is set to "0" (dead time enabled). No dead time can be set when the INV15 bit is set to "1" (dead time disabled). The INV06 bit in the INVC0 register determines start trigger of the DTT register. Figure 15.4 IDB0 and IDB1 registers, DTT Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 159 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 15. Three-Phase Motor Control Timer Functions M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Timer B2 Interrupt Generation Frequency Set Counter(1, 2, 3) b7 b0 Symbol Address After Reset ICTB2 030D16 Indeterminate Setting Range Function When the INV01 bit is set to "0" (the ICTB2 counter increments whenever the timer B2 counter underflows) and the setting value is n, the timer B2 interrupt is generated every nth time timer B2 counter underflow occurs. When the INV01 bit is set to "1" (the INV00 bit selects count timing of the ICTB2 counter) and setting value is n, the timer B2 interrupt is generated every nth time timer B2 counter underflow meeting the condition selected in the INV00 bit occurs. 1 to 15 RW WO Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". NOTES: 1. Use the MOV instruction to set the ICTB2 register. 2. If the INV01 bit in the INVC0 register is set to "1", set the ICTB2 register in the TABSR register when the TB2S bit is set to "0" (timer B2 counter stopped). If the INV01 bit is set to "0" and the TB2S bit to "1" (timer B2 counter start), do not set the ICTB2 register when the timer B2 counter underflows. 3. If the INV00 bit in the INVC0 register is set to "1", the first interrupt is generated when the timer B2 counter underflows n-1 times, n being the value set in the ICTB2 counter. Subsequent interrupts are generated every n times the timer B2 counter underflows. Timer Ai, Ai-1 Register (i=1, 2, 4)(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) b15 b8 b7 Symbol TA1, TA2, TA4 b0 TA11, TA21, TA41 Address After Reset 034916 - 034816, 034B16 - 034A16, 034F16 - 034E16 Indeterminate 030316 - 030216, 030516 - 030416, 030716 - 030616 Indeterminate Function If setting value is n, the timer stops when the nth count source is counted after a start trigger is generated. Positive phase changes to negative phase, and vice versa, when the timers A1, A2 and A4 stop. Setting Range RW 000016 to FFFF16 WO NOTES: 1. Use a 16-bit data for read and write. 2. If the TAi or TAi1 register is set to "000016", no counter starts and no timer Ai interrupt is generated. 3. Use the MOV instruction to set the TAi and TAi1 registers. 4. When the INV15 bit in the INVC1 register is set to "0" (dead timer enabled), phase switches from an inactive level to an active level when the dead time timer stops. 5. When the INV11 bit in the INVC1 register is set to "0" (three-phase mode 0), the value of the TAi register is transferred to the reload register by a timer Ai start trigger. When the INV11 bit is set to "1" (three-phase mode 1), the value of the TAi1 register is first transferred to the reload register by a timer Ai start trigger. Then, the value of the TAi register is transferred by the next trigger. The values of the TAi1 and TAi registers are transferred alternately to the reload register with every timer Ai start trigger. 6. Do not write to these registers when the timer B2 counter underflows. Timer B2 Special Mode Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address After Reset TB2SC 035E16 XXXX XXX02 Bit Symbol PWCON Bit Name Timer B2 Reload Timing Switching Bit(1) Function 0: Timer B2 counter underflows 1: Timer A output in odd-number times RW RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is "0." NOTE: 1. Set the PWCON bit to "0" when setting the INV11 bit to "0" (three-phase mode 0) or the INV06 bit to "1" (sawtooth wave modulation mode). Figure 15.5 ICTB2 Register, TA1, TA2, TA4, TA11, TA21, and TA41 Registers, TB2SC Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 160 of 435 15. Three-Phase Motor Control Timer Functions M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Timer B2 Register(1) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol Address After Reset TB2 035516 - 035416 Indeterminate Setting Range Function If setting value is n, count source is divided by n+1. 000016 to FFFF16 The timers A1, A2, and A4 start every time an underflow occurs. RW RW NOTE: 1. Use a 16-bit data for read and write. Trigger Select Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address After Reset TRGSR 034316 0016 Bit Symbol TA1TGL TA1TGH TA2TGL TA2TGH Bit Name Function RW Timer A1 Event/Trigger Select Bit Set to "012" (TB2 underflow) before using a V-phase output control circuit RW Timer A2 Event/Trigger Select Bit Set to "012" (TB2 underflow) before using a W-phase output control circuit RW RW RW b5b4 Timer A3 Event/Trigger Select Bit 0 0: Selects an input to the TA3IN pin RW 0 1: Selects TB2 overflow(1) 1 0: Selects TA2 overflow(1) RW 1 1: Selects TA4 overflow(1) Timer A4 Event/Trigger Select Bit Set to "012" (TB2 underflow) before using a U-phase output control circuit TA3TGL TA3TGH TA4TGL TA4TGH RW RW NOTE: 1. Overflow or underflow. Count Start Flag b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address After Reset TABSR 034016 0016 Bit Symbol Bit Name Function RW TA0S Timer A0 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TA1S Timer A1 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TA2S Timer A2 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TA3S Timer A3 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TA4S Timer A4 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TB0S Timer B0 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TB1S Timer B1 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW TB2S Timer B2 Count Start Flag 0: Stops counting 1: Starts counting RW Figure 15.6 TB2, TRGSR, and TABSR Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 161 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 15. Three-Phase Motor Control Timer Functions M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Timer Ai Mode Register (i=1, 2, 4) b7 b6 b5 b4 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address After Reset 0 1 0 0 1 0 TA1MR, TA2MR, TA4MR 035716, 035816, 035A16 0016 b3 Bit Symbol Bit Name TMOD0 Operating Mode TMOD1 Select Bit Function RW Set to "102" (one-shot timer mode) when using the three-phase motor control timer function RW RW MR0 Reserved Bit Set to "0" MR1 External Trigger Select Bit Set to "0" when using the three-phase RW motor control timer function MR2 Trigger Select Bit Set to "1" (selected by the TRGSR register) when using the threephase motor control timer function MR3 Set to "0" with the three-phase motor control timer function TCK0 0 0: f1 Count Source Select Bit 0 1: f8 1 0: f2n(1) 1 1: fC32 RW RW b7 b6 TCK1 RW RW NOTE: 1. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). Timer B2 Mode Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 0 0 0 0 Symbol Address After Reset TB2MR 035D16 00XX 00002 Bit Symbol Bit Name Function RW MR1 Set to "002" (timer mode) when using Operating Mode RW the three-phase motor control timer Select Bit function Disabled when using the three-phase motor control timer function. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. MR2 Set to "0" when using three-phase motor control timer function RW MR3 Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. TMOD0 TMOD1 MR0 RW b7 b6 TCK0 Count Source Select Bit TCK1 0 0: f1 0 1: f8 1 0: f2n(1) 1 1: fC32 RW RW NOTE: 1. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). Figure 15.7 TA1MR, TA2MR, and TA4MR Registers, TB2MR Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 162 of 435 15. Three-Phase Motor Control Timer Functions M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) The three-phase motor control timer function is available by setting the INV02 bit in the INVC0 register to "1". The timer B2 is used for carrier wave control and the timers A1, A2, A4 for three-phase PWM output __ __ ___ (U, U, V, V, W, W) control. An exclusive dead time timer controls dead time. Figure 15.8 shows an example of the triangular modulation waveform. Figure 15.9 shows an example of the sawtooth modulation waveform. Triangular waveform as a Carrier Wave Triangular Wave Signal Wave TB2S Bit in TABSR Register Timer B2 Timer A1 Reload Control Signal(1) Timer A4 Start Trigger Signal(1) TA4 Register(2) m n p q r TA4-1 Register(2) m n p q r Reload Register(2) m Timer A4 One-Shot Pulse(1) m m n m n n n p p n q q p p q r q Rewrite the IDB0 and IDB1 registers U-Phase Output Signal(1) Transfer the values to the three-phase shift register U-Phase Output Signal(1) U-Phase INV14 = 0 ("L" active) U-Phase Dead time INV14 = 1 ("H" active) U-Phase Dead time U-Phase INV00, INV01: Bits in INVC0 register INV11, INV14: Bits in INVC1 register NOTES: 1. Internal signals. See Figure 15.1. 2. Applies only when the INV11 bit is set to "1" (three-phase mode). The above applies to INVC0 = 00XX11XX2 and INVC1 = 010XXXX02 (X varies depending on individual system.) Examples of PWM output change are (b) When INV11=0 (three-phase mode 0) (a) When INV11=1 (three-phase mode 1) - INV01=0, ICTB2=116 (The timer B2 interrupt is generated - INV01=0 and ICTB2=216 (The timer B2 interrupt is whenever the timer B2 underflows) generated with every second timer B2 underflow) or - Default value of the timer: TA4=m INV01=1, INV00=1and ICTB2=116 (The timer B2 interrupt is The TA4 register is changed whenever the timer B2 generated on the falling edge of the timer A reload control interrupt is generated. signal) First time: TA4=m. Second time: TA4=n. - Default value of the timer: TA41=m, TA4=m Third time: TA4=n. Fourth time: TA=p. The TA4 and TA41 registers are changed whenever the Fifth time: TA4=p. timer B2 interrupt is generated. - Default value of the IDB0 and IDB1 registers: First time: TA41=n, TA4:=n. DU0=1, DUB0=0, DU1=0, DUB1=1 Second time: TA41=p, TA4=p. They are changed to DU0=1, DUB0=0, DU1=1, DUB1=0 by - Default value of the IDB0 and IDB1 registers the sixth timer B2 interrupt. DU0=1, DUB0=0, DU1=0, DUB1=1 They are changed to DU0=1, DUB0=0, DU1=1, DUB1=0 by the third timer B2 interrupt. Figure 15.8 Triangular Wave Modulation Operation Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 163 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 15. Three-Phase Motor Control Timer Functions M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Sawtooth Waveform as a Carrier Wave Sawtooth Wave Signal Wave Timer B2 Timer A4 Start Trigger Signal(1) Timer A4 One-Shot Pulse(1) Rewrite the IDB0 and IDB1 registers Transfer the register values to the three-phase shift register U-Phase (1) Output Signal U-Phase (1) Output Signal U-Phase INV14 = 0 ("L" active) Dead time U-Phase U-Phase INV14 = 1 ("H" active) Dead time U-Phase INV14: Bits in INVC1 register NOTE: 1. Internal signals. See Figure 15.1. The above applies to INVC0 = 01XX110X2 and INVC1 = 000XXX002 (X varies depending on individual system.) The examples of PWM output change are - Default value of the IDB0 and IDB1 registers: DU0=0, DUB0=1, DU1=1, DUB1=1 They are changed to DU0=1, DUB0=0, DU1=1, DUB1=1 by the timer B2 interrupt. Figure 15.9 Sawtooth Wave Modulation Operation Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 164 of 435 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 16. Serial I/O 16. Serial I/O Serial I/O consists of five channels (UART0 to UART4). Each UARTi (i=0 to 4) has an exclusive timer to generate the transfer clock and operates independently. Figure 16.1 shows a UARTi block diagram. UARTi supports the following modes : - Clock synchronous serial I/O mode - Clock asynchronous serial I/O mode (UART mode) - Special mode 1 (I2C mode) - Special mode 2 - Special mode 3 (Clock-divided synchronous function, GCI mode) - Special mode 4 (Bus conflict detect function, IE mode) - Special mode 5 (SIM mode) Figures 16.2 to 16.9 show registers associated with UARTi. Refer to the tables listing each mode for register and pin settings. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 165 of 435 16. Serial I/O M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) RxD Polarity Switching Circuit RxDi Selecting Clock Source 00 CKDIR f1 Internal 01 0 f8 10 f2n(2) CLK1 and 1 CLK0 External Clock Asynchronous Receive SMD2 to SMD0 010, 100, 101, 110 1/16 Receive 001 Control Circuit Clock Synchronous UiBRG Register Receive Clock Clock Asynchronous Transmit 1 / (m+1) 1/16 Transmit/ Receive Unit TxDi (Note 1) Transmit Clock Transmit Control Circuit 010, 100, 101, 110 Clock Synchronous 001 Clock Synchronous (when internal clock is selected) TxD Polarity Switching Circuit 1/2 0 1 Clock Synchronous Clock Synchronous CKDIR (when internal clock is selected) (when external clock is selected) CKPOL CLKi CLK Polarity Switching Circuit CTS/RTS selected 1 CTSi / RTSi CTS/RTS disabled CRD RTSi CRS 0 0 1 CRD CTS/RTS disabled CTSi m: setting value of the UiBRG register VSS IOPOL No inverse 0 RxD Data Inverse Circuit RxDi NOTES: 1. P70 and P71 are ports for the N-channel open drain output, but not for the CMOS output. 2. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). 1 Inverse Clock Synchronous 7-bit Clock Asynchronous 8-bit Clock Asynchronous PRYE PAR Clock disabled Synchronous 0 STPS 1SP 0 SP SP 7-bit Clock Asynchronous UARTi Receive Register 0 0 PAR Clock 1 Asynchronous PAR enabled SMD2 to SMD0 1 2SP 1 9-bit Clock Asynchronous Type Clock 1 Synchronous 8-bit Clock Asynchronous 9-bit Clock Asynchronous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 UiRB Register Logic Inverse Circuit + MSB/LSB Conversion Circuit High-order bits of data bus Low-order bits of data bus Logic Inverse Circuit + MSB/LSB Conversion Circuit D8 STPS 2SP 1 SP SP PRYE SMD2 to SMD0 PAR enabled 1 Clock Asynchronous 1 9-bit Clock Asynchronous 1 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 UiTB Register 8-bit Clock Asynchronous 9-bit Clock Asynchronous Clock Synchronous 1 PAR 0 1SP 0 Clock PAR Synchronous disabled 0 0 7-bit Clock Asynchronous 8-bit Clock Asynchronous Clock Synchronous 0 7-bit Clock Asynchronous UARTi Transmit Register Error Signal Output disabled 0 SP: Stop bit PAR: Parity bit i=0 to 4 SMD2 to SMD0, STPS, PRYE, IOPOL, CKDIR: Bits in the UiMR register CLK1 and CLK0, CKPOL, CRD, CRS: Bits in the UiC0 register UiERE: Bit in the UiC1 register Figure 16.1 UARTi Block Diagram Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 166 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 Error Signal Output Circuit 1 Error Signal Output enabled UiERE IOPOL 0 1 Inverse No inverse TxD Data Inverse Circuit TxDi 16. Serial I/O M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) UARTi Transmit Buffer Register (i=0 to 4)(1) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol Address U0TB to U2TB 036B16-036A16, 02EB16-02EA16, 033B16-033A16 U3TB, U4TB 032B16-032A16, 02FB16-02FA16 Bit Symbol After Reset Indeterminate Indeterminate RW Function (b7 - b0) Transmit data (D7 to D0) (b8) WO Transmit data (D8) WO Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b15 - b9) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTE: 1. Use the MOV instruction to set the UiTB register. UARTi Receive Buffer Register (i=0 to 4) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol Address U0RB to U2RB 036F16 - 036E16, 02EF16 - 02EE16, 033F16 - 033E16 U3RB, U4RB 032F16 - 032E16, 02FF16 - 02FE16 Bit Symbol Bit Name Function Indeterminate Indeterminate RW Received data (D7 to D0) RO Received data (D8) RO (b7 - b0) (b8) After Reset Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b10 - b9) When read, its content is indeterminate. ABT Arbitration Lost Detect Flag(1) OER 0: No overrun error occurs Overrun Error Flag(2) 1: Overrun error occurs RO FER Framing Error Flag(2, 3) 0: No framing error occurs 1: Framing error occurs RO PER Parity Error Flag(2, 3) 0: No parity error occurs 1: Parity error occurs RO SUM Error Sum Flag(2, 3) 0: No error occurs 1: Error occurs RO 0: Not detected (win) 1: Detected (lose) RW NOTES: 1. The ABT bit can be set to "0" only. 2. When the SMD2 to SMD0 bits in the UiMR register are set to "0002" (serial I/O disable) or the RE bit in the UiC1 register is set to "0" (receive disable), the OER, FER, PER and SUM bits are set to "0". When all OER, FER and PER bits are set to "0", the SUM bit is set to "0". Also, the FER and PER bits are set to "0" by reading low-order bits in the UiRB register. 3. These error flags are disabled when the SMD2 to SMD0 bits are set to "0012" (clock synchronous serial I/O mode) or to "0102" (I2C mode). When read, the contents are indeterminate. Figure 16.2 U0TB to U4TB Registers and U0RB to U4RB Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 167 of 435 16. Serial I/O M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) UARTi Bit Rate Register (i=0 to 4)(1, 2, 3) b7 b0 Symbol Address U0BRG to U4BRG 036916, 02E916, 033916, 032916, 02F916 Function After Reset Indeterminate Setting Range If the setting value is m, the UiBRG register divides a count source by m+1 0016 to FF16 RW WO NOTES: 1. Use the MOV instruction to set the UiBRG register. 2. Set the UiBRG register while no data transfer occurs. 3. Set the CLK1 and CLK0 bits in the UiC0 register, and then the UiBRG register. UARTi Transmit/Receive Mode Register (i=0 to 4) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol U0MR to U4MR Bit Symbol Address 036816, 02E816, 033816, 032816, 02F816 Bit Name Function After Reset 0016 RW b2 b1 b0 SMD0 SMD1 SMD2 0 0 0: Serial I/O disabled RW 0 0 1: Clock synchronous serial I/O mode 2 Serial I/O Mode Select 0 1 0: I C mode RW 1 0 0: UART mode, 7-bit transfer data Bit 1 0 1: UART mode, 8-bit transfer data 1 1 0: UART mode, 9-bit transfer data RW Do not set value other than the above CKDIR Internal/External Clock 0: Internal clock Select Bit 1: External clock RW STPS Stop Bit Length Select 0: 1 stop bit Bit 1: 2 stop bits RW PRY Odd/Even Parity Select Enables when PRYE = 1 0: Odd parity Bit 1: Even parity RW 0: Disables a parity 1: Enables a parity PRYE Parity Enable Bit IOPOL TxD,RxD Input/Output 0: Not inversed Polarity Switch Bit 1: Inverse Figure 16.3 U0BRG to U4BRG Registers and U0MR to U4MR Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 168 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 RW RW 16. Serial I/O M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) UARTi Transmit/Receive Control Register 0 (i=0 to 4) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol U0C0 to U4C0 Bit Symbol Address 036C16, 02EC16, 033C16, 032C16, 02FC16 Bit Name After Reset 0000 10002 Function RW b1 b0 CLK0 CLK1 CRS 0 0: Selects f1 UiBRG Count 0 1: Selects f8 (4) Source Select Bit 1 0: Selects f2n(2) 1 1: Do not set to this value CST/RTS Function Enabled when CRD=0 0: Selects CTS function Select Bit 1: Selects RTS function RW RW RW TXEPT Transmit Register Empty Flag 0: Data in the transmit register (during transmission) 1: No data in the transmit register (transmission is completed) RO CRD CTS/RTS Disable Bit 0: Enables CTS/RTS function 1: Disables CTS/RTS function RW 0: TxDi/SDAi and SCLi are ports for the Data Output Select CMOS output NCH RW Bit(1) 1: TxDi/SDAi and SCLi are ports for the N-channel open drain output 0: Data is transmitted on the falling edge of the transfer clock and data is received on the rising edge CLK Polarity CKPOL RW 1: Data is transmitted on the rising edge of Select Bit the transfer clock and data is received on the falling edge UFORM Transfer Format Select Bit(3) 0: LSB first 1: MSB first RW NOTES: 1. P70/TxD2 and P71/SCL2 are ports for the N-channel open drain output, but not for the CMOS output. 2. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). 3. The UFORM bit setting is enabled when the SMD2 to SMD0 bits in the UiMR register are set to "0012" (clock syncronous serial I/O mode) or "1012" (UART mode, 8-bit transfer data). Set the UFORM bit to "1" when setting the SMD2 to SMD0 bits to"0102" (I2C mode), or to "0" when setting them to "1002" (UART mode, 7-bit transfer data) or "1102" (UART mode, 9-bit transfer data). 4. Set the UiBRG register after the CLK1 and CLK0 bit settings are changed. Figure 16.4 U0C0 to U4C0 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 169 of 435 16. Serial I/O M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) UARTi Transmit/Receive Control Register 1 (i=0 to 4) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol U0C1 to U4C1 Bit Symbol Address 036D16, 02ED16, 033D16, 032D16, 02FD16 After Reset 0000 00102 Function Bit Name RW 0: Transmit disabled 1: Transmit enabled TE Transmit Enable Bit TI Transmit Buffer 0: Data in the UiTB register 1: No data in the UiTB register Empty Flag RE Receive Enable Bit 0: Receive disabled 1: Receive enabled RW RI Receive Complete Flag 0: No data in the UiRB register 1: Data in the UiRB register RO UiIRS RW RO UARTi Transmit 0: No data in the UiTB register (TI = 1) Interrupt Cause 1: Transmission is completed (TXEPT = 1) Select Bit RW UiRRM UARTi Continuous Receive Mode Enable Bit 0: Disables continuous receive mode to be entered RW 1: Enables continuous receive mode to be entered UiLCH Data Logic Select Bit(2) 0: Not inversed 1: Inverse Clock-Divided Synchronous Stop SCLKSTPB Bit / /UiERE Error Signal Output Enable Bit(1) RW Clock-divided synchronous stop bit (special mode 3) 0: Stops synchronizing 1: Starts synchronizing RW Error signal output enable bit (special mode 5) 0: Not output 1: Output NOTES: 1. Set the SCLKSTPB/UiERE bit after setting the SMD2 to SMD0 bits in the UiMR register. 2. The UiLCH bit setting is enabled when setting the SMD2 to SMD0 bits to "0012" (clock syncronous serial I/O mode), "1002" (UART mode, 7-bit transfer data) or "1012" (UART mode, 8-bit transfer data). Set the UiLCH bit to "0" when setting the SMD2 to SMD0 bits to"0102" (I2C mode) or "1102" (UART mode, 9-bit transfer data). UARTi Special Mode Register (i=0 to 4) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol U0SMR to U4SMR Bit Symbol Address 036716, 02E716, 033716, 032716, 02F716 After Reset 0016 Function Bit Name 0: Except I2C mode 1: I2C mode IICM I2C Mode Select Bit ABC Arbitration Lost Detect 0: Update per bit Flag Control Bit 1: Update per byte BBS Bus Busy Flag 0: Stop condition detected 1: Start condition detected (Busy) SCLL Sync Output Enable Bit 0: Disabled 1: Enabled LSYN ABSCS ACSE SSS SCLKDIV RW RW RW(1) RW Bus Conflict Detect 0: Rising edge of transfer clock Sampling Clock Select Bit 1: Timer Aj underflow(j=0 to 4)(2) RW Auto Clear Function Select 0: No auto clear function Bit for Transmit Enable Bit 1: Auto clear at bus conflict RW Transmit Start Condition Select Bit 0: Not related to RxDi 1: Synchronized with RxDi RW Clock Divide Synchronous Bit (Note 3) RW NOTES: 1. The BBS bit is set to "0" by program. It is unchanged if set to "1". 2. UART0: timer A3 underflow signal, UART1: timer A4 underflow signal, UART2: timer A0 underflow signal, UART3: timer A3 underflow signal, UART4: timer A4 underflow signal. 3. Refer to notes for the SU1HIM bit in the UiSMR2 register. Figure 16.5 U0C1 to U4C1 Registers and U0SMR to U4SMR Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 170 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 RW 16. Serial I/O M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) UARTi Special Mode Register 2 (i=0 to 4) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol U0SMR2 to U4SMR2 Address 036616, 02E616, 033616, 032616, 02F616 After Reset 0016 Bit Symbol Bit Name IICM2 I2C Mode Select Bit 2 (Note 1) RW CSC Clock Synchronous Bit 0: Disabled 1: Enabled RW SWC SCL Wait Output Bit 0: Disabled 1: Enabled RW ALS SDA Output Stop Bit 0: Output 1: No output RW STC UARTi Initialize Bit 0: Disabled 1: Enabled RW SWC2 SCL Wait Output Bit 2 0: Transfer clock 1: "L" output RW SDHI SDA Output Inhibit Bit 0: Output 1: No output (high-impedance) RW External Clock Synchronous Enable Bit (Note 2) RW SU1HIM Function NOTES: 1. Refer to Table 16.14. 2. The external clock synchronous function can be selected by combining the SU1HIM bit and the SCLKDIV bit in the UiSMR register. SCLKDIV bit in the UiSMR Register SU1HIM bit in the UiSMR2 Register 0 0 0 1 1 0 or 1 Figure 16.6 U0SMR2 to U4SMR2 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 171 of 435 External Clock Synchronous Function Selection No synchronization Same division as the external clock External clock divided by 2 RW 16. Serial I/O M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) UARTi Special Mode Register 3 (i=0 to 4) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol U0SMR3 to U4SMR3 Bit Symbol Address 036516, 02E516, 033516, 032516, 02F516 0016 Function RW SS Pin Function Enable Bit(1) 0: Disables SS pin function 1: Enables SS pin function RW CKPH Clock Phase Set Bit 0: No clock delay 1: Clock delay RW DINC Serial Input Port Set Bit 0: Selects the TxDi and RxDi pins (master mode) 1: Selects the STxDi and SRxDi pins (slave mode) RW NODC Clock Output Select Bit 0: CMOS output 1: N-channel open drain output RW Fault Error Flag(2) 0: No error 1: Error RW SSE ERR Bit Name After Reset b7 b6 b5 DL0 DL1 SDAi Digital Delay Time Set Bit(3, 4) DL2 000: No delay 001: 1-to-2 cycles of BRG count source 010: 2-to-3 cycles of BRG count source 011: 3-to-4 cycles of BRG count source 100: 4-to-5 cycles of BRG count source 101: 5-to-6 cycles of BRG count source 110: 6-to-7 cycles of BRG count source 111: 7-to-8 cycles of BRG count source NOTES: 1. Set the SS pin after the CRD bit in the UiC0 register is set to "1" (CTS/RTS function disabled). 2. The ERR bit is set to "0" by program. It is unchanged if set to "1". 3. Digital delay is generated from a SDAi output by the DL2 to DL0 bits in I2C mode. Set these bits to "0002" (no delay) except in the I2C mode. 4. When the external clock is selected, approximately 100ns delay is added. Figure 16.7 U0SMR3 to U4SMR3 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 172 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 RW RW RW 16. Serial I/O M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) UARTi Special Mode Register 4 (i=0 to 4) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol U0SMR4 to U4SMR4 Bit Symbol Address 036416, 02E416, 033416, 032416, 02F416 Bit Name Function RW STAREQ Start Condition Generate Bit(1) 0: Clear 1: Start RW RSTAREQ Restart Condition Generate Bit(1) 0: Clear 1: Start RW STPREQ Stop Condition Generate Bit(1) 0: Clear 1: Start RW STSPSEL SCL, SDA Output Select Bit 0: Selects the serial I/O circuit 1: Selects the start/stop condition generating circuit RW ACKD ACK Data Bit 0: ACK 1: NACK RW ACKC ACK Data Output Enable Bit 0: Serial I/O data output 1: ACK data output RW SCLHI SCL Output Stop Enable Bit 0: Disabled 1: Enabled RW SWC9 SCL Wait Output Bit 3 0: SCL "L" hold disabled 1: SCL "L" hold enabled RW NOTE: 1. When each condition is generated, the STAREQ, RSTAREQ, or STPREQ bit is set to "0". When a condition generation is incompleted, the bit remains unchanged as "1". Figure 16.8 U0SMR4 to U4SMR4 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 After Reset 0016 Page 173 of 435 16. Serial I/O M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) External Interrupt Request Source Select Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol IFSR Address 031F16 After Reset 0016 Bit Symbol Bit Name IFSR0 INT0 Interrupt Polarity Select Bit(1) 0: One edge 1: Both edges RW IFSR1 INT1 Interrupt Polarity Select Bit(1) 0: One edge 1: Both edges RW IFSR2 INT2 Interrupt Polarity Select Bit(1) 0: One edge 1: Both edges RW IFSR3 INT3 Interrupt Polarity Select Bit(1) 0: One edge 1: Both edges RW IFSR4 INT4 Interrupt Polarity select bit(1) 0: One edge 1: Both edges RW IFSR5 INT5 Interrupt Polarity Select Bit(1) 0: One edge 1: Both edges RW IFSR6 UART0, UART3 Interrupt Source Select Bit 0: UART3 bus conflict, start condition detect, stop condition detect RW 1: UART0 bus conflict, start condition detect, stop condition detect IFSR7 UART1, UART4 Interrupt Source Select Bit 0: UART4 bus conflict, start condition detect, stop condition detect RW 1: UART1 bus conflict, start condition detect, stop condition detect Function NOTE: 1. Set this bit to "0" to select a level-sensitive triggering. When setting this bit to "1", set the POL bit in the INTilC register (i = 0 to 5) to "0" (falling edge). Figure 16.9 IFSR Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 174 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 RW 16. Serial I/O (Clock Synchronous Serial I/O) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 16.1 Clock Synchronous Serial I/O Mode In clock synchronous serial I/O mode, data is transmitted and received with the transfer clock. Table 16.1 lists specifications of clock synchronous serial I/O mode. Table 16.2 lists register settings. Tables 16.3 to 16.5 list pin settings. When UARTi (i=0 to 4) operating mode is selected, the TxDi pin outputs a high-level ("H") signal before transfer starts (the TxDi pin is in a high-impedance state when the N-channel open drain output is selected). Figure 16.10 shows transmit and receive timings in clock synchronous serial I/O mode. Table 16.1 Clock Synchronous Serial I/O Mode Specifications Item Transfer Data Format Transfer Clock Transmit/Receive Control Transmit Start Condition Specification Transfer data : 8 bits long • The CKDIR bit in the UiMR register (i=0 to 4) is set to "0" (internal clock selected): fj (1) 2(m+1) fj=f1, f8, f2n m :setting value of the UiBRG register, 0016 to FF16 • The CKDIR bit is set to "1" (external clock selected) : an input from the CLKi pin _______ _______ _______ _______ Selected from the CTS function, RTS function or CTS/RTS function disabled To start transmitting, the following requirements must be met(2): - Set the TE bit in the UiC1 register to "1" (transmit enabled) - Set the TI bit in the UiC1 register to "0" (data in the UiTB register) ________ _______ - Apply a low-level ("L") signal to the CTSi pin when the CTS function is selected Receive Start Condition To start receiving, the following requirements must be met(2): - Set the RE bit in the UiC1 register to "1" (receive enabled) - Set the TE bit to "1" (transmit enabled) - Set the TI bit to "0" (data in the UiTB register) Interrupt Request Generation Timing • While transmitting, the following conditions can be selected: - The UiIRS bit in the UiC1 register is set to "0" (no data in the transmit buffer): when data is transferred from the UiTB register to the UARTi transmit register (transfer started) - The UiIRS bit is set to "1" (transmission completed): when a data transfer from the UARTi transmit register is completed • While receiving Error Detection When data is transferred from the UARTi receive register to the UiRB register (reception completed) Overrun error(3) This error occurs when the seventh bit of the next received data is read before reading the UiRB register Selectable Function • CLK polarity Selectable from the rising edge or falling edge of the transfer clock at transferred data output or input timing • LSB first or MSB first Selectable from data transmission or reception in either bit 0 or in bit 7 • Continuous receive mode Data can be received simultaneously by reading the UiRB register • Serial data logic inverse This function inverses transmitted/received data logically NOTES: 1. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). 2. To start transmission/reception when selecting the external clock, these conditions must be met after the CKPOL bit in the UiC0 register is set to "0" (data is transmitted on the falling edge of the transfer clock and data is received on the rising edge) and the CLKi pin is held "H", or when the CKPOL bit is set to "1" (data is transmitted on the rising edge of the transfer clock and data is received on the falling edge) and the CLKi pin is held "L". 3. If an overrun error occurs, the UiRB register is indeterminate. The IR bit setting in the SiRIC register does not change to "1" (interrupt requested). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 175 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 16. Serial I/O (Clock Synchronous Serial I/O) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 16.2 Register Settings in Clock Synchronous Serial I/O Mode Register UiTB UiRB Bit Function 7 to 0 Set transmit data 7 to 0 Received data can be read OER Overrun error flag UiBRG 7 to 0 Set bit rate UiMR SMD2 to SMD0 Set to "0012" CKDIR Select the internal clock or external clock UiC0 IOPOL Set to "0" CLK1, CLK0 Select count source for the UiBRG register CRS Select CTS or RTS when using either TXEPT Transmit register empty flag CRD Enables or disables the CTS or RTS function NCH Select output format of the TxDi pin _______ _______ _______ UiC1 _______ CKPOL Select transmit clock polarity UFORM Select either LSB first or MSB first TE Set to "1" to enable data transmission and reception TI Transmit buffer empty flag RE Set to "1" to enable data reception RI Reception complete flag UiIRS Select what causes the UARTi transmit interrupt to be generated UiRRM Set to "1" when using continuous receive mode UiLCH Set to "1" when using data logic inverse SCLKSTPB Set to "0" UiSMR UiSMR2 7 to 0 7 to 0 Set to "0016" Set to "0016" UiSMR3 2 to 0 Set to "0002" UiSMR4 NODC Select clock output format 7 to 4 Set to "00002" 7 to 0 Set to "0016" i=0 to 4 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 176 of 435 16. Serial I/O (Clock Synchronous Serial I/O) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 16.3 Pin Settings in Clock Synchronous Serial I/O Mode (1) Port Function Setting PS0 Register PSL0 Register PD6 Register PS0_0=0 - PD6_0=0 __________ P60 CTS0 input __________ P61 P62 P63 RTS0 output PS0_0=1 PSL0_0=0 - CLK0 input PS0_1=0 - PD6_1=0 CLK0 output PS0_1=1 - - RxD0 input PS0_2=0 - PD6_2=0 TxD0 output PS0_3=1 - - PS0_4=0 - PD6_4=0 __________ P64 CTS1 input _________ P65 RTS1 output PS0_4=1 PSL0_4=0 - CLK1 input PS0_5=0 - PD6_5=0 CLK1 output PS0_5=1 - - P66 RxD1 input PS0_6=0 - PD6_6=0 P67 TxD1 output PS0_7=1 - - Table 16.4 Pin Settings (2) Port Function P70(1) TxD2 output P71(1) P72 Setting PS1 Register PSL1 Register PSC Register PD7 Register PS1_0=1 PSL1_0=0 PSC_0=0 - RxD2 input PS1_1=0 - - PD7_1=0 CLK2 input PS1_2=0 - - PD7_2=0 CLK2 output PS1_2=1 PSL1_2=0 PSC_2=0 - PS1_3=0 - - PD7_3=0 PS1_3=1 PSL1_3=0 PSC_3=0 - __________ P73 CTS2 input __________ RTS2 output NOTE: 1. P70 and P71 are ports for the N-channel open drain output. Table 16.5 Pin Settings (3) Port Function Setting PS3 Register(1) PSL3 Register PSC3 Register PD9 Register(1) CLK3 input PS3_0=0 - - PD9_0=0 CLK3 output PS3_0=1 - - - P91 RxD3 input PS3_1=0 - - PD9_1=0 P92 TxD3 output PS3_2=1 PSL3_2=0 - - PS3_3=0 PSL3_3=0 - PD9_3=0 PS3_3=1 - - - P90 __________ P93 CTS3 input __________ RTS3 output __________ P94 CTS4 input PS3_4=0 PSL3_4=0 - PD9_4=0 RTS4 output PS3_4=1 - - - CLK4 input PS3_5=0 PSL3_5=0 - PD9_5=0 CLK4 output PS3_5=1 - - - __________ P95 P96 TxD4 output PS3_6=1 - PSC3_6=0 - P97 RxD4 input PS3_7=0 - - PD9_7=0 NOTE: 1. Set the PD9 and PS3 registers immediately after the PRC2 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between the instruction to set the PRC2 bit to "1" and the instruction to set the PD9 and PS3 registers. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 177 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 16. Serial I/O (Clock Synchronous Serial I/O) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) (1) Transmit Timing (Internal clock selected) Tc Transfer Clock "1" TE bit in the UiC1 "0" register TI bit in the UiC1 register Data is set in the UiTB register "1" "0" Data is transferred from the UiTB register to the UARTi transmit register "H" CTSi TCLK "L" Pulse stops because an "H" signal is applied to CTSi Pulse stops because the TE bit is set to "0" CLKi TxDi TXEPT bit in the UiC0 register D0 D 1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D0 D 1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D 6 D7 D 0 D1 D2 D 3 D 4 D 5 D6 D7 "1" "0" IR bit in the SiTIC "1" register "0" Set to "0" by an interrupt request acknowledgement or by program The above applies to the following settings: TC=TCLK=2(m+1)/fj • The CKDIR bit in the UiMR register is set to "0" (internal clock selected) fj: Count source frequency set in the UiBRG register (f1, f8, f2n(1)) • The CRD bit in the UiC0 register is set to "0" (RTS/CTS function enabled) m: Setting value of the UiBRG register The CRS bit is set to "0" (CTS function selected) i = 0 to 4 • The CKPOL bit the in UiC0 register is set to "0" (data transmitted on the NOTE: falling edge of the transfer clock) 1. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division ( • The UiIRS bit in the UiC1 register is set to "0" (no data in the UiTB register) n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). (2) Receive Timing (External clock selected) RE bit in the UiC1 register "1" TE bit in the UiC1 register "1" TI bit in the UiC1 register "1" "0" Dummy data is set in the UiTB register "0" "0" Data is transferred from the UiTB register to the UARTi transmit register RTSi "H" An "L" signal is applied when the UiRB register is read "L" 1 / fEXT CLKi Received data is taken in RxDi D0 D 1 D2 D3 D4 D 5 D6 D7 RI bit in the UiC1 register "1" IR bit in the SiRIC register "1" OER bit in the UiRB register "1" D 0 D1 D2 D3 D 4 D 5 D6 D7 D0 D1 D2 D 3 D4 D 5 D6 Read by the UiRB register Date is transferred from the UARTi receive register to the UiRB register "0" "0" Set to "0" by an interrupt request acknowledgement or by program "0" The above applies under the following conditions: • The CKDIR bit in the UiMR register is set to "1" (external clock selected) • The CRD bit in the UiC0 register is set to "0" (RTS/CTS function enabled) The CRS bit is set to "1" (RTS function selected) • The CKPOL bit in the UiC0 register is set to "0" (Data is received on the rising edge of the transfer clock) fEXT: External clock frequency i=0 to 4 Figure 16.10 Transmit and Receive Operation Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 178 of 435 The following conditions must be met while an "H" signal is applied to the CLKi pin before receiving data: • Set the TE bit in the UiC1 register to "1" (transmit enabled) • Set the RE bit in the UiC1 register to "1" (receive enabled) • Write dummy data to the UiTB register 16. Serial I/O (Clock Synchronous Serial I/O) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 16.1.1 Selecting CLK Polarity Selecting As shown in Figure 16.11, the CKPOL bit in the UiC0 register (i=0 to 4) determines the polarity of the transfer clock. (1) When the CKPOL bit in the UiC0 register (i=0 to 4) is set to "0" (Data is transmitted on the falling edge of the transfer clock and data is received on the rising edge) "H" CLKi "L" "H" "L" D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 "H" RXDi "L" D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 TXDi NOTES: 1. The CLKi pin is held high ("H") when no data is transferred. 2. The above applies when the UFORM bit in the UiC0 register is set to "0" (LSB first) and the UiLCH bit in the UiC1 register is set to "0" (not inversed). (2) When the CKPOL bit in the UiC0 register is set to "1" (Data is transmitted on the rising edge of the transfer clock and data is received on the falling edge) CLKi "H" "L" TXDi "H" "L" D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 RXDi "H" "L" D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 NOTES: 3. The CLKi pin is held low ("L") when no data is transferred. 4. The above applies when the UFORM bit in the UiC0 register is set to "0" (LSB first) and the UiLCH bit in the UiC1 register is set to "0" (not inversed). Figure 16.11 Transfer Clock Polarity 16.1.2 Selecting LSB First or MSB First As shown in Figure 16.12, the UFORM bit in the UiC0 register (i=0 to 4) determines a data transfer format. (1) When the UFORM bit in the UiC0 register (i=0 to 4) is set to "0" (LSB first) "H" CLKi "L" "H" TXDi "L" D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 "H" "L" D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 RXDi NOTE: 1. The above applies when the CKPOL bit in the UiC0 register is set to "0" (data is transmitted on the falling edge of the transfer clock and received on the rising edge) and the UiLCH bit in the UiC1 register is set to "0" (not inversed). (2) When the UFORM bit in the UiC0 register is set to "1" (MSB first) "H" CLKi "L" "H" "L" D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 "H" RXDi "L" D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 TXDi NOTE: 2. The above applies when the CKPOL bit in the UiC0 register is set to "0" (data is transmitted on the falling edge of the transfer clock and received on the rising edge) and the UiLCH bit in the UiC1 register is set to "0" (not inversed). Figure 16.12 Transfer Format Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 179 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 16. Serial I/O (Clock Synchronous Serial I/O) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 16.1.3 Continuous Receive Mode When the UiRRM bit in the UiC1 register (i=0 to 4) is set to "1" (continuous receive mode), the TI bit is set to "0" (data in the UiTB register) by reading the UiRB register. When the UiRRM bit is set to "1", do not set dummy data in the UiTB register by program. 16.1.4 Serial Data Logic Inverse When the UiLCH bit (i=0 to 4) in the UiC1 register is set to "1" (inverse), data logic written in the UiTB register is inversed when transmitted. The inversed receive data logic can be read by reading the UiRB register. Figure 16.13 shows a switching example of the serial data logic. (1) When the UiLCH bit in the UiC1 register (i=0 to 4) is set to "0" (not inversed) Transfer clock "H" "L" TxDi "H" (no inverse) "L" D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 (2) When the UiLCH bit in the UiC1 register is set to "1" (inverse) Transfer clock "H" "L" TxDi "H" (inverse) "L" D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 NOTE: 1. The above applies when the CKPOL bit in the UiC0 register is set to "0" (data is transmitted on the falling edge) and the UFORM bit in the UiC0 register is set to "0" (LSB first). Figure 16.13 Serial Data Logic Inverse Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 180 of 435 16. Serial I/O (UART) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 16.2 Clock Asynchronous Serial I/O (UART) Mode In UART mode, data is transmitted and received after setting a desired bit rate and data transfer format. Table 16.6 lists specifications of UART mode. Table 16.6 UART Mode Specifications Item Transfer Data Format Specification • Character bit (transfer data) : selected from 7 bits, 8 bits, or 9 bits long • Start bit: 1 bit long • Parity bit: selected from odd, even, or none Transfer Clock • Stop bit: selected from 1 bit or 2 bits long • The CKDIR bit in the UiMR register is set to "0" (internal clock selected): fj/16(m+1) fj = f1, f8, f2n(1) m: setting value of the UiBRG register , 0016 to FF16 • The CKDIR bit is set to "1" (external clock selected): Transmit/Receive Control Transmit Start Condition fEXT/16(m+1) fEXT: clock applied to the CLKi pin _______ _______ _______ _______ Select from CTS function, RTS function or CTS/RTS function disabled To start transmitting, the following requirements must be met: - Set the TE bit in the UiC1 register to "1" (transmit enabled) - Set the TI bit in the UiC1 register to "0" (data in the UiTB register) _______ _______ - Apply a low-velel ("L") signal to the CTSi pin when the CTS function is selected Receive Start Condition Interrupt Request Generation Timing To start receiving, the following requirements must be met: - Set the RE bit in the UiC1 register to "1" (receive enabled) - The start bit is detected While transmitting, the following condition can be selected: - The UiIRS bit in the UiC1 register is set to "0" (no data in the UiTB register): when data is transferred from the UiTB register to the UARTi transmit register (transfer started) - The UiIRS bit is set to "1" (transmission completed): when data transmission from the UARTi transfer register is completed While receiving Error Detect when data is transferred from the UARTi receive register to the UiRB register (reception completed) • Overrun error(2) This error occurs when the bit before the last stop bit of the next received data is read prior to reading the UiRB register (the first stop bit when selecting 2 stop bits) • Framing error This error occurs when the number of stop bits set is not detected • Parity error When parity is enabled, this error occurs when the number of "1" in parity and character bits does not match the number of "1" set • Error sum flag Selectable Function This flag is set to "1" when any of an overrun, framing or parity errors occur • LSB first or MSB first Selectable from data transmission or reception in either bit 0 or in bit 7 •Serial data logic inverse Logic values of data to be transmitted and received data are inversed. The start bit and stop bit are not inversed •TxD and RxD I/O polarity Inverse TxD pin output and RxD pin input are inversed. All I/O data levels are also inversed NOTES: 1. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). 2. If an overrun error occurs, the UiRB register is indeterminate. The IR bit setting in the SiRIC register does not change to "1" (interrupt requested). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 181 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 16. Serial I/O (UART) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 16.7 lists register settings. Tables 16.8 to 16.10 list pin settings. When UARTi (i=0 to 4) operating mode is selected, the TxDi pin outputs a high-level ("H") signal before transfer is started (the TxDi pin is in a high-impedance state when the N-channel open drain output is selected). Figure 16.14 shows an example of a transmit operation in UART mode. Figure 16.15 shows an example of a receive operation in UART mode. Table 16.7 Register Settings in UART Mode Register Bit Function UiTB 8 to 0 Set transmit data(1) UiRB 8 to 0 Received data can be read(1) OER, FER, Error flags PER, SUM UiBRG 7 to 0 UiMR SMD2 to SMD0 Set bit rate Set to "1002" when transfer data is 7 bits long Set to "1012" when transfer data is 8 bits long Set to "1102" when transfer data is 9 bits long CKDIR UiC0 Select the internal clock or external clock STPS Select stop bit length PRY, PRYE Select parity enable or disable, odd or even IOPOL Select TxD and RxD I/O polarity CLK1, CLK0 Select count source for the UiBRG register CRS Select either CTS or RTS when using either TXEPT Transfer register empty flag CRD Select the CTS or RTS function enabled or disabled NCH Select output format of the TxDi pin _______ ________ _______ _______ CKPOL Set to "0" UFORM Select the LSB first or MSB first when a transfer data is 8 bits long Set to "0" when transfer data is 7 bits or 9 bits long UiC1 TE Set to "1" to enable data transmission TI Transfer buffer empty flag RE Set to "1" to enable data reception RI Reception complete flag UiIRS Select what causes the UARTi transmit interrupt to be generated UiRRM Set to "0" UiLCH Select whether data logic is inversed or not inversed when a transfer data is UiERE Set to either "0" or "1" UiSMR 7 to 0 Set to "0016" UiSMR2 7 to 0 Set to "0016" UiSMR3 7 to 0 Set to "0016" UiSMR4 7 to 0 Set to "0016" 7 bits or 8 bits long. Set to "0" when transfer data is 9 bits long NOTE: 1. Use bits 0 to 6 when transfer data is 7 bits long, bits 0 to 7 when 8 bits long, bits 0 to 8 when 9 bits long. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 182 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 16. Serial I/O (UART) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 16.8 Pin Settings in UART Mode (1) Port Function Setting PS0 Register PSL0 Register PD6 Register PS0_0=0 – PD6_0=0 __________ P60 CTS0 input __________ RTS0 output PS0_0=1 PSL0_0=0 – P61 CLK0 input PS0_1=0 – PD6_1=0 P62 RxD0 input PS0_2=0 – PD6_2=0 P63 TxD0 output PS0_3=1 – – __________ P64 CTS1 input PS0_4=0 – PD6_4=0 RTS1 output PS0_4=1 PSL0_4=0 – P65 CLK1 input PS0_5=0 – PD6_5=0 P66 RxD1 input PS0_6=0 – PD6_6=0 P67 TxD1 output PS0_7=1 – – __________ Table 16.9 Pin Settings (2) Port Function Setting PS1 Register PSL1 Register PSC Register PD7 Register PS1_0=1 PSL1_0=0 PSC_0=0 – RxD2 input PS1_1=0 – – PD7_1=0 CLK2 input PS1_2=0 – – PD7_2=0 PS1_3=0 – – PD7_3=0 PS1_3=1 PSL1_3=0 PSC_3=0 – PSL3 Register PSC3 Register PD9 Register(1) PD9_0=0 P70(1) TxD2 output P71(1) P72 __________ P73 CTS2 input __________ RTS2 output NOTE: 1. P70 and P71 are ports for the N-channel open drain output. Table 16.10 Pin Settings (3) Port Function Setting PS3 Register(1) P90 CLK3 input PS3_0=0 – – P91 RxD3 input PS3_1=0 – – PD9_1=0 P92 TxD3 output PS3_2=1 PSL3_2=0 – – PS3_3=0 PSL3_3=0 – PD9_3=0 PS3_3=1 – – – PS3_4=0 PSL3_4=0 – PD9_4=0 PS3_4=1 – – – __________ P93 CTS3 input __________ RTS3 output __________ P94 CTS4 input __________ RTS4 output P95 CLK4 input PS3_5=0 PSL3_5=0 – PD9_5=0 P96 TxD4 output PS3_6=1 – PSC3_6=0 – P97 RxD4 input PS3_7=0 – – PD9_7=0 NOTE: 1. Set the PD9 and PS3 registers set immediately after the PRC2 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between the instruction to set to the PRC2 bit to "1" and the instruction to set the PD9 and PS3 registers. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 183 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 16. Serial I/O (UART) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) (1) 8-bit Data Transmit Timing (with a parity and 1 stop bit) Tc The transfer clock stops momentarily, because an "H" signal is applied to the CTS pin, when the stop bit state is verified. The transfer clock resumes running as soon as an "L" signal is applied to the CTS pin Transfer Clock TE bit in the UiC1 register "1" TI bit in the UiC1 register "1" "0" Data is set in the UiTB register "0" Data is transferred from the UiTB register to the UARTi transmit register "H" CTSi "L" Parity bit Start bit ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 TxDi TXEPT bit in the UiC0 register "1" IR bit in the SiTIC register "1" P Stop bit Pulse stops because the TE bit is set to "0" ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 SP P ST D0 D1 SP "0" "0" Set to "0" by an interrupt request acknowledgement or by program i=0 to 4 The above timing diagram applies under the following conditions: • The PRYE bit in the UiMR register is set to "1" (parity enabled) • The STPS bit in the UiMR register is set to "0" (1 stop bit) • The CRD bit in the UiC0 register is set to "0" and the CRS bit is set to "0" (CTS function selected) • The UilRS bit in the UiC1 register is set to "1" (transmission completed) Tc = 16 (m + 1) / fj or 16 (m + 1) / fEXT fj: count source frequency set in the UiBRG register (f1, f8, f2n(1)) fEXT: count source frequency set in the UiBRG register (external clock) m: setting value of the UiBRG register NOTE: 1. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). (2) 9-bit Data Transmit Timing (with no parity and 2 stop bits) Tc Transfer Clock TE bit in the UiC1 register TI bit in the UiC1 register "1" Data is set in the UiTB register "0" "1" "0" Data is transferred from the UiTB register to the UARTi transmit register Stop Stop bit bit Start bit TxDi ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 SP SP TXEPT bit in the UiC0 register "1" IR bit in the SiTIC register "1" ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 SP SP ST D0 D1 "0" "0" Set to "0" by an interrupt request acknowledgement or by program i=0 to 4 The above applies under the following conditions: • The PRYE bit in the UiMR register is set to "0" (parity disabled) • The STPS bit in the UiMR register is set to "1" (2 stop bits) • The CRD bit in the UiC0 register is set to "1" (CTS function disabled) • The UilRS bit in the UiC1 register is set to "0" (no data in the transmit buffer) Figure 16.14 Transmit Operation Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 184 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 Tc = 16 (m + 1) / fj or 16 (m + 1) / fEXT fj: count source frequency set in the UiBRG register (f1, f8, f2n(1)) fEXT: count source frequency set in the UiBRG register (external clock) m: setting value of the UiBRG register NOTE: 1. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). 16. Serial I/O (UART) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 8-bit Data Receive Timing (with no parity and 1 stop bit) UiBRG register setting output RE bit in the UiC1 register "1" "0" Stop bit Start bit RxDi D1 D0 Verify if an "L" signal is applied D7 Capture a received data Transfer Clock RI bit in the UiC1 register RTSi IR bit in the SiRIC register Data is transferred from the UARTi receive Start receiving when the transfer clock is "1" generated on the falling edge of the start bit register to the UiRB register "0" "H" "L" Change to "L" by reading the UiRB register "1" "0" Set to "0" by an interrupt request acknowledgement or by program i=0 to 4 NOTE: 1. The above applies when the PRYE bit in the UiMR register is set to "0" (parity disabled), the STPS bit in the UiMR register is set to "0" (1 stop bit) and the CRS bit in the UiC0 register is set to "1" (RTS function selected). Figure 16.15 Receive Operation 16.2.1 Bit Rate In UART mode, bit rate is clock frequency which is divided by a setting value of the UiBRG (i=0 to 4) register and again divided by 16. Table 16.11 lists an example of bit rate setting. Table 16.11 Bit Rate Bit Rate (bps) Count Source of UiBRG Peripheral Function Clock: 16MHz Setting Value of UiBRG: n Actual Bit Rate (bps) Peripheral Function Clock: 24MHz Setting Value of UiBRG: n Actual Bit Rate (bps) Peripheral Function Clock: 32MHz Setting Value of UiBRG: n Actual Bit Rate (bps) 1200 f8 103 (67h) 1202 155 (96h) 1202 207 (CFh) 1202 2400 f8 51 (33h) 2404 77 (46h) 2404 103 (67h) 2404 4800 f8 25 (19h) 4808 38 (26h) 4808 51 (33h) 4808 9600 f1 103 (67h) 9615 155 (96h) 9615 207 (CFh) 9615 14400 f1 68 (44h) 14493 103 (67h) 14423 138 (8Ah) 14388 19200 f1 51 (33h) 19231 77 (46h) 19231 103 (67h) 19231 28800 f1 34 (22h) 28571 51 (33h) 28846 68 (44h) 28986 31250 f1 31 (1Fh) 31250 47 (2Fh) 31250 63 (3Fh) 31250 38400 f1 25 (19h) 38462 38 (26h) 38462 51 (33h) 38462 51200 f1 19 (13h) 50000 28 (1Ch) 51724 38 (26h) 51282 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 185 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 16. Serial I/O (UART) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 16.2.2 Selecting LSB First or MSB First As shown in Figure 16.16, the UFORM bit in the UiC0 register (i=0 to 4) determines data transfer format. This function is available for 8-bit transfer data. (1) When the UFORM Bit in the UiC0 Register (i=0 to 4) is set to "0" (LSB first) CLKi "H" "L" TxDi "H" "L" RxDi ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 P SP ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 P SP "H" "L" (2) When the UFORM Bit in the UiC0 Register is set to "1" (MSB first) CLKi "H" "L" TxDi "H" ST D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 P SP "H" "L" ST D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 P SP "L" RxDi NOTE: 1. The above applies when the CKPOL bit in the UiC0 register is set to "0" (data is transmitted on the falling edge of the transfer clock and received on the rising edge) and the UiLCH bit in the UiC1 register is set to "0" (no inverse). ST: Start bit P: Parity bit SP: Stop bit Figure 16.16 Transfer Format 16.2.3 Serial Data Logic Inverse When the UiLCH bit (i=0 to 4) in the UiC1 register is set to "1" (inverse), data logic written in the UiTB register is inversed when transmitted. The inversed receive data logic can be read by reading the UiRB register. Figure 16.17 shows a switching example of the serial data logic. (1) When the UiLCH bit in the UiC1 register (i=0 to 4) is set to "0" (no inverse) Transfer Clock "H" "L" TxDi "H" (no inverse) "L" ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 P SP D7 P SP (2) When the UiLCH bit in the UiC1 register is set to "1" (inverse) Transfer Clock "H" "L" TxDi "H" (inverse) "L" ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 NOTE: 1. The above applies when the UFORM bit in the UiC0 register is set to "0" ( LSB first), the STPS bit in the UiMR register is set to "0" (1 stop bit) and the PRYE bit is set to "1" (parity enabled). Figure 16.17 Serial Data Logic Inverse Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 186 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 ST: Start bit P: Parity bit SP: Stop bit 16. Serial I/O (UART) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 16.2.4 TxD and RxD I/O Polarity Inverse TxD pin output and RxD pin input are inversed. All I/O data level, including the start bit, stop bit and parity bit, are inversed. Figure 16.18 shows TxD and RxD I/O polarity inverse. (1) When the IOPOL bit in the UiMR register (i=0 to 4) is set to "0" (no inverse) Transfer Clock "H" "L" TxDi "H" (no inverse) "L" RxDi "H" (no inverse) "L" ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 P SP ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 P SP (2) When the IOPOL bit in the UiMR register is set to "1" (inverse) Transfer Clock "H" TxDi "H" "L" (inverse) "L" RxDi "H" (inverse) "L" ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 P SP ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 P SP NOTE: 1. The above applies when the UFORM bit in the UiC0 register is set to "0" (LSB first), the STPS bit in the UiMR bit is set to "0" (1 stop bit) and the PRYE bit is set to "1" (parity enabled). Figure 16.18 TxD and RxD I/O Polarity Inverse Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 187 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 ST: Start bit P: Even parity SP: Stop bit 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 16.3 Special Mode 1 (I2C Mode) I2C mode is a mode to communicate with external devices with a simplified I2C. Table 16.12 lists specifications of I2C mode. Table 16.13 lists register settings, Table 16.14 lists each function. Figure 16.19 shows a block diagram of I2C mode. Figure 16.20 shows timings for transfer to the UiRB register (i=0 to 4) and interrupts. Tables 16.15 to 16.17 list pin settings. As shown in Table 16.12, I2C mode is entered when the SMD2 to SMD0 bits in the UiMR register is set to "0102" and the IICM bit in the UiSMR register is set to "1". Output signal from the SDAi pin changes after the SCLi pin level becomes low ("L") and stabilizes due to a SDAi transmit output via the delay circuit. Table 16.12 I2C Mode Specifications Item Interrupt Specifications Start condition detect, stop condition detect, no acknowledgment detect, acknowledgment detect Selectable Function • Arbitration lost Selectable from update timing of the ABT bit in the UiRB register. Refer to 16.3.3 Arbitration • SDAi digital delay Selectable from no digital delay or 2 to 8 cycle delay of the count source of the UiBRG register. Refer to 16.3.5 SDA Output • Clock phase setting Selectable from clock delay or no clock delay. Refer to 16.3.4 Transfer Clock Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 188 of 435 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) SDAi (Note1) Timer To DMA I/O UARTi IICM 1 Delay Circuit 0 SDHI D Q IICM=1 and IICM2=0 To DMA Arbitration 1 0 IICM=0 or IICM2=1 IICM Receive Register UARTi S Stop Condition Detection Falling Edge Detection SCLi Noise Filter Q Bus busy NACK D Q T LSYN bit D Q T R I/O Data Register ACK 9th Pulse Internal Clock UARTi Noise Filter R IICM=1 1 IICM Bus Conflict SWC2 CLK Detection Control UARTi External Clock 1 0 IICM 0 QR S Falling Edge of 9th Pulse SWC Port reading (Note 1) CLKi UARTi IICM=0 I/O Timer i=0 to 4 NOTE: 1. Set the PSj (j=0,1,3), PSLj, or PSC register to determine. IICM: Bit in the UiSMR register IICM2: Bit in the UiSMR2 register Figure 16.19 I2C Mode Block Diagram Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 189 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 UARTi Reception ACK Interrupt Request DMA Request IICM=1 and IICM2=0 Start Condition Detection (Note 1) UARTi Transmission NACK Interrupt Request UARTi ALS T Noise Filter IICM=0 or IICM2=1 Transmit Register * When the IICM bit is set to "1", port pin can be read regardless of the direction register being set to "1" ( output). Bus Conflict Start Condition Detection Stop Condition Detection Interrupt Request 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 16.13 Register Settings in I2C Mode Register Bit Function Master UiTB UiRB UiBRG UiMR UiC0 UiC1 UiSMR UiSMR2 UiSMR3 UiSMR4 IFSR i=0 to 4 Slave 7 to 0 7 to 0 8 ABT OER 7 to 0 SMD2 to SMD0 CKDIR IOPOL CLK1, CLK0 CRS TXEPT CRD, NCH CKPOL UFORM TE TI RE RI UiRRM, UiLCH, UiERE IICM ABC BBS 7 to 3 IICM2 CSC SWC Set transmit data Received data can be read ACK or NACK bit can be read Arbitration lost detect flag Overrun error flag Set bit rate Set to "0102" Set to "0" Set to "0" Select count source of the UiBRG register Disabled because the CRD bit is set to "1" Transfer register empty flag Set to "1" Set to "0" Set to "1" Set to "1" to enable data transmission Transfer buffer empty flag Set to "1" to enable data reception Reception complete flag Set to "0" STSPSEL ACKD ACKC SCLHI Set to "1" when using a condition generating function Select ACK or NACK Set to "1" for ACK data output Set to "1" to enable SCL output stop when Not used. Set to "0" SWC9 detecting stop condition Not used. Set to "0" IFSR6, IFSR7 Set to "1" Disabled Disabled Set to "1" Disabled Set to "1" Select an arbitration lost detect timing Disabled Bus busy flag Set to "000002" See Table 16.14 Set to "1" to enable clock synchronization Set to "0" Set to "1" to fix an "L" signal output from SCLi on the falling edge of the ninth bit of the transfer clock ALS Set to "1" to terminate SDAi output when Not used. Set to "0" detecting the arbitration lost STC Not used. Set to "0" Set to "1" to reset UARTi by detecting the start condition SWC2 Set to "1" for an "L" signal output from SCL forcibly SDHI Set to "1" to disable SDA output SU1HIM Set to "0" SSE Set to "0" CKPH See Table 16.14 DINC, NODC, ERR Set to "0" DL2 to DL0 Set digital delay value STAREQ Set to "1" when generating a start condition Not used. Set to "0" RSTAREQ Set to "1" when generating a restart condition STPREQ Set to "1" when generating a stop condition Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 190 of 435 Set to "1" to fix an "L" signal output from SCLi on the falling edge of the ninth bit of the transfer clock 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 16.14 I2C Mode Functions I2 C Mode (SMD2 to SMD0=0102, IICM=1) Function Clock Synchronous Serial I/O Mode (SMD2 to SMD0=0012, IICM=0) IICM2=0 (NACK/ACK interrupt) IICM2=1 (UART transmit/UART receive interrupt) CKPH=0 (No clock delay) CKPH=0 (No clock delay) CKPH=1 (Clock delay) CKPH=1 (Clock delay) Source for Interrupt Numbers 39 to 41(1) (See Figure 16.20) - Start condition or stop condition detection (See Table 16.18) Source for Interrupt Numbers 17, 19, 33, 35, and 37(1) (See Figure 16.20) UARTi transmission Transmission started or completed (selected by the UiIRS register) No acknowledgement detection (NACK) Rising edge of 9th bit of SCLi UARTi transmission Rising edge of 9th bit of SCLi Source for Interrupt Numbers 18, 20, 34, 36, and 38(1) (See Figure 16.20) UARTi reception Receiving at 8th bit CKPOL=0(rising edge) CKPOL=1(falling edge) Acknowledgement detection (ACK) Rising edge of 9th bit of SCLi UARTi Reception Falling edge of 9th bit of SCLi Data Transfer Timing from the UART Receive Shift Register to the UiRB Register CKPOL=0(rising edge) CKPOL=1(falling edge) Rising edge of 9th bit of SCLi Falling edge of 9th bit of SCLi UARTi Transmit Output Delay No delay Delay P63, P67, P70, P92, P96 Pin Functions TxDi output SDAi input and output P62, P66, P71, P91, P97 Pin Functions RxDi input SCLi input and output P61, P65, P72, P90, P95 Pin Functions Select CLKi input or output – (Not used in I2 C mode) Noise Filter Width 15 ns 200 ns Reading RxDi and SCLi Pin Levels Can be read if port direction bit is set to "0" Can be read regardless of the port direction bit Default Value of TxDi and SDAi Output CKPOL=0 (H) CKPOL=1 (L) Values set in the port register before entering I2 C mode( 2 ) SCLi Default and End Values – H Source for DMA (See Figure 16.20) UARTi reception Acknowledgement detection (ACK) Store Received Data Reading Received Data 1st to 8th bits of the received data are stored into bits 7 to 0 in the UiRB register L 1st to 8th bits of the received data are stored into bits 7 to 0 in the UiRB register The UiRB register status is read H UARTi transmission Next falling edge after the 9th bit of SCLi Falling edge and rising edge of 9th bit of SCLi L UARTi reception Falling edge of 9th bit of SCLi 1st to 7th bits of the received data are stored into bits 6 to 0 in the UiRB register. 8th bit is stored into bit 8 in the UiRB register. 1st to 8th bits are stored into bits 7 to 0 in the UiRB register(3 ) Bits 6 to 0 in the UiRB registerts( 4 ) are read as bit 7 to 1. Bit 8 in the UiRB register is read as bit 0 i=0 to 4 NOTES: 1. Use the following procedure to change what causes an interrupt to be generated. (a) Disable interrupt of corresponding interrupt number. (b) Change what causes an interrupt to be generated. (c) Set the IR bit of a corresponding interrupt number to "0" (no interrupt requested). (d) Set the ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits of a corresponding interrupt number. 2. Set default value of the SDAi output when the SMD2 to SMD0 bits in the UiMR register are set to "0002" (serial I/O disabled). 3. Second data transfer to the UiRB register (on the rising edge of the ninth bit of SCLi). 4. First data transfer to the UiRB register (on the falling edge of the ninth bit of SCLi). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 191 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) (1) When the IICM2 bit is set to "0" (ACK or NACK interrupt) and the CKPH bit is set to "0" (No clock delay) 1st bit 2nd bit 3rd bit 4th bit 5th bit 6th bit 7th bit 8th bit 9th bit SCLi SDAi D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D8 (ACK or NACK) ACK interrupt (DMA request) or NACK interrupt b15 Data is transferred to the UiRB register b9 b8 b7 b0 D8 D7 D 6 D 5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D 0 ••• Contents of the UiRB register (2) When the IICM2 bit is set to "0" and the CKPH bit is set to "1" (clock delay) 1st bit 2nd bit 3rd bit 4th bit 5th bit 6th bit 7th bit 8th bit 9th bit SCLi SDAi D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D8 (ACK or NACK) ACK interrupt (DMA request) or NACK interrupt b15 Data is transferred to the UiRB register b9 ••• b8 b7 b0 D8 D7 D6 D 5 D 4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Contents of the UiRB register (3) When the IICM2 bit is set to "1" (UART transmit or receive interrupt) and the CKPH bit is set to "0" 1st bit 2nd bit 3rd bit 4th bit 5th bit 6th bit 7th bit 8th bit 9th bit SCLi SDAi D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D8 (ACK or NACK) D0 Receive interrupt (DMA request) Transmit interrupt b15 Data is transferred to the UiRB register b9 b8 b7 D0 ••• b0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D 3 D 2 D 1 Contents of the UiRB register (4) When the IICM2 bit is set to "1" and the CKPH bit is set to "1" 1st bit 2nd bit 3rd bit 4th bit 5th bit 6th bit 7th bit 8th bit 9th bit SCLi SDAi D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D8 (ACK or NACK) Receive interrupt (DMA request) Data is transferred to the UiRB register b15 b9 ••• i=0 to 4 IICM2: Bit in the UiSMR2 register CKPH: Bit in the UiSMR3 regiser b8 D0 b7 b0 D7 D6 D 5 D 4 D3 D2 D1 Contents of the UiRB register The above timing diagram applies under the following condition: • The CKDIR bit in the UiMR register is set to "1" (slave) Figure 16.20 SCLi Timing Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 192 of 435 Transmit interrupt Data is transferred to the UiRB register b15 b9 ••• b8 b7 b0 D 8 D7 D6 D5 D 4 D 3 D2 D 1 D0 Contents of the UiRB register 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 16.15 Pin Settings in I2C Mode (1) Port Function Setting PS0 Register P62 P63 P66 P67 PSL0 Register PD6 Register SCL0 output PS0_2=1 PSL0_2=0 - SCL0 input PS0_2=0 - PD6_2=0 SDA0 output PS0_3=1 - - SDA0 input PS0_3=0 - PD6_3=0 SCL1 output PS0_6=1 PSL0_6=0 - SCL1 input PS0_6=0 - PD6_6=0 SDA1 output PS0_7=1 - - SDA1 input PS0_7=0 - PD6_7=0 Table 16.16 Pin Settings (2) Setting Port Function PS1 Register PSL1 Register PSC Register PD7 Register SDA2 output PS1_0=1 PSL1_0=0 PSC_0=0 – SDA2 input PS1_0=0 – – PD7_0=0 SCL2 output PS1_1=1 PSL1_1=1 PSC_1=0 – SCL2 input PS1_1=0 – – PD7_1=0 P70( 1 ) P71( 1 ) NOTE: 1. P70 and P71 are ports for the N-channel open drain output. Table 16.17 Pin Settings (3) Port Function Setting PS3 P91 P92 P96 P97 Register(1) PSL3 Register PSC3 Register PD9 Register(1) SCL3 output PS3_1=1 PSL3_1=0 - - SCL3 input PS3_1=0 - - PD9_1=0 SDA3 output PS3_2=1 PSL3_2=0 - - SDA3 input PS3_2=0 - - PD9_2=0 SDA4 output PS3_6=1 - PSC3_6=0 - SDA4 input PS3_6=0 - - PD9_6=0 SCL4 output PS3_7=1 PSL3_7=0 - - SCL4 input PS3_7=0 - - PD9_7=0 NOTE: 1. Set the PD9 and PS3 registers immediately after the PRC2 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between the instruction to set to the PRC2 bit to "1" and the instruction to set the PD9 and PS3 registers. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 193 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 16.3.1 Detecting Start Condition and Stop Condition The microcomputer detects either a start condition or stop condition. The start condition detect interrupt is generated when the SCLi (i=0 to 4) pin level is held high ("H") and the SDAi pin level changes "H" to low ("L"). The stop condition detect interrupt is generated when the SCLi pin level is held "H" and the SDAi pin level changes "L" to "H". The start condition detect interrupt shares interrupt control registers and vectors with the stop condition detect interrupt. The BBS bit in the UiSMR register determines which interrupt is requested. 3 to 6 cycles < setup time(1) 3 to 6 cycles < hold time(1) Setup time Hold time SCLi SDAi (Start condition) SDAi (Stop condition) i=0 to 4 NOTE: 1. These cycles are main clock generation frequency cycles f(XIN). Figure 16.21 Start Condition or Stop Condition Detecting 16.3.2 Start Condition or Stop Condition Output The start condition is generated when the STAREQ bit in the UiSMR4 register (i=0 to 4) is set to "1" (start). The restart condition is generated when the RSTAREQ bit in the UiSMR4 register is set to "1" (start). The stop condition is generated the STPREQ bit in the UiSMR4 is set to "1" (start). The start condition is output when the STAREQ bit is set to "1" and the STSPSEL bit in the UiSMR4 register is set to "1" (start or stop condition generating circuit selected). The restart condition output is provided when the RSTAREQ bit and STSPSEL bit are set to "1". The stop condition output is provided when the STPREQ bit and the STSPSEL bit are set to "1". When the start condition, stop condition or restart condition is output, do not generate an interrupt between the instruction to set the STAREQ bit, STPREQ bit or RSTAREQ bit to "1" and the instruction to set the STSPSEL bit to "1". When the start condition is output, set the STAREQ bit to "1" before the STSPSEL bit is set to "1". Table 16.18 lists function of the STSPSEL bit. Figure 16.22 shows functions of the STSPSEL bit. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 194 of 435 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 16.18 STSPSEL Bit Function Function STSPSEL = 0 STSPSEL = 1 Start condition and stop condition output Program with ports determines how the start condition or stop condition is output The STAREQ bit, RSTAREQ bit and STPREQ bit determine how the start condition or stop condition is output Timing to generate start condition and stop condition interrupt requests Start condition and stop condition are detected Start condition and stop condition generation are completed (1) In slave mode, The CKDIR bit is set to "1" (external clock) The STSPSEL bit is set to "0" (no start condition and stop condition output) SCLi SDAi Start condition detect interrupt Stop condition detect interrupt (2) In master mode, The CKDIR bit is set to "0" (internal clock) The STSPSEL bit is set to "1" (start condition and stop condition output) Setting value of the STSPEL bit 0 1 0 1 0 SCLi SDAi The STPREQ bit is set to "1" (start) Start condition detect interrupt i=0 to 4 Figure 16.22 STSPSEL Bit Function Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 195 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 The STPREQ bit is set to "1" (start) Stop condition detect interrupt M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) 16.3.3 Arbitration The ABC bit in the UiSMR register (i=0 to 4) determines an update timing for the ABT bit in the UiRB register. On the rising edge of the SCLi pin, the microcomputer determines whether a transmit data matches data input to the SDAi pin. When the ABC bit is set to "0" (update per bit), the ABT bit is set to "1" (detected-arbitration is lost) as soon as a data discrepancy is detected. The ABT bit is set to "0" (not detected-arbitration is won) if not detected. When the ABC bit is set to "1" (update per byte), the ABT bit is set to "1" on the falling edge of the ninth bit of the transfer clock if any discrepancy is detected. When the ABT bit is updated per byte, set the ABT bit to "0" between an ACK detection in the first byte data and the next byte data to be transferred. When the ALS bit in the UiSMR2 register is set to "1" (SDA output stop enabled), the arbitration lost occurs. As soon as the ABT bit is set to "1", the SDAi pin is placed in a high-impedance state. 16.3.4 Transfer Clock The transfer clock transmits and receives data as is shown in Figure 16.20. The CSC bit in the UiSMR2 register (i=0 to 4) synchronizes an internally generated clock (internal SCLi) with the external clock applied to the SCLi pin. When the CSC bit is set to "1" (clock synchronous enabled) and the internal SCLi is held high ("H"), the internal SCLi become low ("L") if signal applied to the SCLi pin is on the falling edge. Value of the UiBRG register is reloaded to start counting for low level. A counter stops when the SCLi pin is held "L" and then the internal SCLi changes "L" to "H". Counting is resumed when the SCLi pin become "H". The transfer clock of UARTi is equivalent to the AND for signals from the internal SCLi and the SCLi pin. The transfer clock is synchronized between a half cycle before the falling edge of first bit of the internal SCLi and the rising edge of the ninth bit. Select the internal clock as the transfer clock while the CSC bit is set to "1". The SWC bit in the UiSMR2 register determines whether the SCLi pin is fixed to be an "L" signal output on the falling edge of the ninth cycle of the transfer clock or not. When the SCLHI bit in the UiSMR4 register is set to "1" (enabled), a SCLi output stops when a stop condition is detected (high-impedance). When the SWC2 bit in the UiSMR2 register is set to "1" (0 output), the SCLi pin focibly outputs an "L" signal while transmitting and receiving. The fixed "L" signal applied to the SCLi pin is cancelled by setting the SWC2 bit to "0" (transfer clock) and the transfer clock input to and output from the SCLi pin are provided. When the CKPH bit in the UiSMR3 register is set to "1" and the SWC9 bit in the UiSMR4 register is set to "1" (SCL "L" hold enabled), the SCLi pin is fixed to be an "L" signal output on the next falling edge after the ninth bit of the clock. The fixed "L" signal applied to the SCLi pin is cancelled by setting the SWC9 bit to "0" (SCL "L" hold disabled). 16.3.5 SDA Output Values output set in bits 7 to 0 (D7 to D0) in the UiTB register (i=0 to 4) are provided in descending order from D7. The ninth bit (D8) is ACK or NACK. Set the default value of SDAi transmit output when the IICM bit is set to "1" (I2C mode) and the SMD2 to SMD0 bits in the UiMR register are set to "0002" (serial I/O disabled). The DL2 to DL0 bits in the UiSMR3 register determine no delay in the SDAi output or a delay of 2 to 8 UiBRG register count source cycles. When the SDHI bit in the UiSMR2 register is set to "1" (SDA output disabled), the SDAi pin is forcibly placed in a high-impedance state. Do not set the SDHI bit on the rising edge of the UARTi transfer clock. The ABT bit in the UiRB register may be set to "1" (detected). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 196 of 435 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) 16.3.6 SDA Input When the IICM2 bit in the UiSMR2 register (i=0 to 4) is set to "0", the first eight bits of received data are stored into bits 7 to 0 (D7 to D0) in the UiRB register. The ninth bit (D8) is ACK or NACK. When the IICM2 bit is set to "1", the first seven bits (D7 to D1) of received data are stored into bits 6 to 0 in the UiRB register. Store the eighth bit (D0) into bit 8 in the UiRB register. If the IICM2 bit is set to "1" and the CKPH bit in the UiSMR3 register is set to "1", the same data as that of when setting the IICM2 bit to "0" can be read. To read the data, read the UiRB register after the rising edge of the ninth bit of the transfer clock. 16.3.7 ACK, NACK When the STSPSEL bit in the UiSMR4 register (i=0 to 4) is set to "0" (serial I/O circuit selected) and the ACKC bit in the UiSMR4 register is set to "1" (ACK data output), the SDAi pin provides the value output set in the ACKD bit in the UiSMR4 register. If the IICM2 bit is set to "0", the NACK interrupt request is generated when the SDAi pin is held high ("H") on the rising edge of the ninth bit of the transfer clock. The ACK interrupt request is generated when the SDAi pin is held low ("L") on the rising edge of the ninth bit of the transfer clock. When ACK is selected to generate a DMA request, the DMA transfer is activated by an ACK detection. 16.3.8 Transmit and Receive Reset When the STC bit in the UiSMR2 register (i=0 to 4) is set to "1" (UARTi initialization enabled) and a start condition is detected, - the transmit shift register is reset and the content of the UiTB register is transferred to the transmit shift register. The first bit starts transmitting when the next clock is input. UARTi output value remains unchanged between when the clock is applied and when the first bit data output is provided. The value remains the same as when start condition was detected. - the receive shift register is reset and the first bit start receiving when the next clock is applied. - the SWC bit is set to "1" (SCL wait output enabled). The SCLi pin becomes "L" on the falling edge of the ninth bit of the transfer clock. If UARTi transmission and reception are started with this function, the TI bit in the UiC1 register remains unchanged. Select the external clock as the transfer clock when using this function. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 197 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 16.4 Special Mode 2 In special mode 2, serial communication between one or multiple masters and multiple slaves is available. _____ The SSi input pin (i=0 to 4) controls the serial bus communication. Table 16.19 lists specifications of special mode 2. Table 16.20 lists register settings. Tables 16.21 to 16.23 list pin settings. Table 16.19 Special Mode 2 Specifications Item Specification Transfer Data Format Transfer Clock Transfer data : 8 bits long • The CKDIR bit in the UiMR register (i=0 to 4) is set to "0" (internal clock selected): fj/2(m+1) fj = f1, f8, f2n(1) m : setting value of the UiBRG register, 0016 to FF16 • The CKDIR bit to "1" (external clock selected) : input from the CLKi pin ______ Transmit/Receive Control SSi input pin function Transmit Start Condition To start transmitting, the following requirements must be met(2): - Set the TE bit in the UiC1 register to "1" (transmit enabled) - Set the TI bit in the UiC1 register to "0" (data in the UiTB register) Receive Start Condition To start receiving, the following requirement must be met(2): - Set the RE bit in the UiC1 register to "1" (receive enabled) - Set the TE bit in the UiC1 register to "1" (transmit enabled) - Set the TI bit in the UiC1 register to "0" (data in the UiTB register) Interrupt Request • While transmitting, the following conditions can be selected: Generation Timing - The UiIRS bit in the UiC1 register is set to "0" (no data in a transmit buffer) : when data is transferred from the UiTB register to the UARTi transmit register (transmission started) - The UiIRS register is set to "1" (transmission completed): when data transmission from UARTi transfer register is completed • While receiving When data is transferred from the UARTi receive register to the UiRB register (reception completed) Error Detection • Overrun error(3) This error occurs when the seventh bit of the next received data is read before reading the UiRB register • Fault error ______ In master mode, the fault error occurs an "L" signal is applied to the SSi pin Selectable Function • CLK polarity Selectable from the rising edge or falling edge of the transfer clock at transferred data output or input timing • LSB first or MSB first Selectable from data transmission or reception in either bit 0 or in bit 7 • Continuous receive mode Reception is enabled simultaneously by reading the UiRB register • Serial data logic inverse This function inverses transmitted or received data logically • TxD and RxD I/O polarity inverse TxD pin output and RxD pin input are inversed. All I/O data levels are also inversed • Clock phase Selectable from one of 4 combinations of transfer data polarity and phases _____ • SSi input pin function Output pin is placed in a high-impedance state to avoid data conflict between master and other masters or slaves NOTES: 1. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). 2. To start transmission/reception when selecting the external clock, these conditions must be met after the CKPOL bit in the UiC0 register is set to "0" (data is transmitted on the falling edge of the transfer clock and data is received on the rising edge) and the CLKi pin is held high ("H"), or when the CKPOL bit is set to "1" (Data is transmitted on the rising edge of the transfer clock and data is received on the falling edge) and the CLKi pin is held low ("L"). 3. If an overrun error occurs, the UiRB register is in an indeterminate state. The IR bit setting in the SiRIC register does not change to "1" (interrupt requested). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 198 of 435 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 16.20 Register Settings in Special Mode 2 Register Bit Function UiTB 7 to 0 Set transmit data UiRB 7 to 0 Received data can be read OER Overrun error flag UiBRG 7 to 0 Set bit rate UiMR UiC0 SMD2 to SMD0 Set to "0012" CKDIR Set to "0" in master mode or "1" in slave mode IOPOL Set to "0" CLK1, CLK0 Select count source for the UiBRG register CRS Disabled because the CRD bit is set to "1" TXEPT Transfer register empty flag CRD Set to "1" NCH Select the output format of the TxDi pin CKPOL Clock phase can be set by the combination of the CKPOL bit and the CKPH bit in the UiSMR3 register UiC1 UFORM Select either LSB first or MSB first TE Set to "1" to enable data transmission and reception TI Transfer buffer empty flag RE Set to "1" to enable data reception RI Reception complete flag UiIRS Select what causes the UARTi transmit interrupt to be generated UiRRM Set to "1" to enable continuous receive mode UiLCH, SCLKSTPB Set to "0" UiSMR 7 to 0 Set to "0016" UiSMR2 7 to 0 Set to "0016" SSE Set to "1" CKPH Clock phase can be set by the combination of the CKPH bit and the CKPOL bit UiSMR3 in the UiC0 register DINC UiSMR4 Set to "0" in master mode or "1" in slave mode NODC Set to "0" ERR Fault error flag 7 to 5 Set to "0002" 7 to 0 Set to "0016" i=0 to 4 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 199 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 16.21 Pin Settings in Special Mode 2 (1) Port Function ______ P60 P61 SS0 input CLK0 input (slave) CLK0 output (master) RxD0 input (master) STxD0 output (slave) TxD0 output (master) SRxD0 input (slave) ______ SS1 input CLK1 input (slave) CLK1 output (master) RxD1 input (master) STxD1 output (slave) TxD1 output (master) SRxD1 input (slave) P62 P63 P64 P65 P66 P67 PS0 Register PS0_0=0 PS0_1=0 PS0_1=1 PS0_2=0 PS0_2=1 PS0_3=1 PS0_3=0 PS0_4=0 PS0_5=0 PS0_5=1 PS0_6=0 PS0_6=1 PS0_7=1 PS0_7=0 Setting PSL0 Register – – – – PSL0_2=1 – – – – – – PSL0_6=1 – – PS1 Register PS1_0=1 PS1_0=0 PS1_1=0 PS1_1=1 PS1_2=0 PS1_2=1 PS1_3=0 Setting PSL1 Register PSC Register PSL1_0=0 PSC_0=0 – – – – PSL1_1=1 PSC_1=0 – – PSL1_2=0 PSC_2=0 – – PD7 Register – PD7_0=0 PD7_1=0 – PD7_2=0 – PD7_3=0 PS3 Register(1) PS3_0=0 PS3_0=1 PS3_1=0 PS3_1=1 PS3_2=1 PS3_2=0 PS3_3=0 PS3_4=0 PS3_5=0 PS3_5=1 PS3_6=1 PS3_6=0 PS3_7=0 PS3_7=1 Setting PSL3 Register – – – PSL3_1=1 PSL3_2=0 – PSL3_3=0 PSL3_4=0 PSL3_5=0 – – PSL3_6=0 – PSL3_7=1 PD9 Register(1) PD9_0=0 – PD9_1=0 – – PD9_2=0 PD9_3=0 PD9_4=0 PD9_5=0 – – PD9_6=0 PD9_7=0 – PD6 Register PD6_0=0 PD6_1=0 – PD6_2=0 – – PD6_3=0 PD6_4=0 PD6_5=0 – PD6_6=0 – – PD6_7=0 Table 16.22 Pin Settings (2) Port P70(1) P71(1) P72 Function TxD2 output (master) SRxD2 input (slave) RxD2 input (master) STxD2 output (slave) CLK2 input (slave) CLK2 output (master) ______ SS2 input P73 NOTE: 1. P70 and P71 are ports for the N-channel open drain output. Table 16.23 Pin Settings (3) Port P90 P91 P92 P93 P94 P95 P96 P97 Function CLK3 input (slave) CLK3 output (master) RxD3 input (master) STxD3 output (slave) TxD3 output (master) SRxD3 input (slave) ______ SS3 input _______ SS4 input CLK4 input (slave) CLK4 output (master) TxD4 output (master) SRxD4 input (slave) RxD4 input (master) STxD4 output (slave) PSC3 Register – – – – – – – – – – PSC3_6=0 – – – NOTE: 1. Set the PD9 and PS3 registers immediately after the PRC2 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between the instruction to set to the PRC2 bit to "1" and the instruction to set the PD9 and PS3 registers. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 200 of 435 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) ______ 16.4.1 SSi Input Pin Function (i=0 to 4) ____ When the SSE bit in the UiSMR3 register is set to "1" (SS function enabled), the special mode 2 is selected, activating the pin function. The DINC bit in the UiSMR3 register determines which microcomputer performs as master or slave. ______ When multiple microcomputers perform as the masters (multi-master system), the SSi pin setting determines which master microcomputer is active and when. When Setting the DINC Bit to "1" (Slave Mode) _____ When a high-level ("H") signal is applied to the SSi pin, the STxDi and SRxDi pins are placed in a highimpedance state and the transfer clock applied to the CLKi pin is ignored. When a low-level ("L") signal _____ is applied to the SSi input pin, the transfer clock input is valid and serial communication is enabled. When Setting the DINC Bit to "0" (Master Mode) ______ When using the SSi pin functin in master mode, set the UiIRS bit in the UiC1 register to "1" (transmission completed). _____ When an "H" signal is applied to the SSi pin, serial communication is available due to transmission _____ privilege. The master provides the transfer clock output. When an "L" signal is applied to the SSi pin, it indicates that another master is active. The TxDi and CLKi pins are placed in high-impedance states and the ERR bit in the UiSMR3 register is set to "1" (fault error) Use the transmit complete interrupt routine to verify the ERR bit state. To resume the serial communication after the fault error occurs, set the ERR bit to "0" while applying ______ the "H" signal to the SSi pin. The TxDi and CLKi pins become ready for signal outputs. Microcomputer Microcomputer P13 P12 P93(SS3) P93(SS3) P90(CLK3) P90(CLK3) P91(RxD3) P91(STxD3) P92(TxD3) P92(SRxD3) Master Slave Microcomputer P93(SS3) P90(CLK3) P91(STxD3) P92(SRxD3) Slave ____ Figure 16.23 Serial Bus Communication Control with SS Pin Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 201 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 16.4.2 Clock Phase Setting Function The CKPH bit in the UiSMR3 register (i=0 to 4) and the CKPOL bit in the UiC0 register select one of four combinations of transfer clock polarity and phases. The transfer clock phase and polarity must be the same between the master and the slave involved in the transfer. When setting the DINC Bit to "0" (Master (Internal Clock)) Figure 16.24 shows transmit and receive timing. When Setting the DINC Bit to "1" (Slave (External Clock)) _____ When the CKPH bit is set to "0" (no clock delay) and the SSi input pin is held high ("H"), the STxDi pin _____ is placed in a high-impedance state. When the SSi input pin becomes low ("L"), conditions to start a serial transfer are met, but output is indeterminate. The serial transmission is synchronized with the transfer clock. Figure 16.25 shows the transmit and receive timing. _____ When the CKPH bit is set to "1" (clock delay) and the SSi input pin is held high, the STxDi pin is placed _____ in a high-impedance state. When the SSi pin becomes low, the first data is output. The serial transmission is synchronized with the transfer clock. Figure 16.26 shows the transmit and receive timing. Signal Applied to the SS Pin "H" "L" Clock Output "H" (CKPOL=0, CKPH=0) "L" Clock Output "H" (CKPOL=1, CKPH=0) "L" Clock Output "H" (CKPOL=0, CKPH=1) "L" Clock Output "H" (CKPOL=1, CKPH=1) "L" Data Output Timing "H" "L" D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Data Input Timing Figure 16.24 Transmit and Receive Timing in Master Mode (Internal Clock) Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 202 of 435 D6 D7 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Signal Applied to the SS Pin "H" "L" "H" Clock Input (CKPOL=0, CKPH=0) "L" "H" Clock Input (CKPOL=1, CKPH=0) "L" Data Output Timing(1) "H" "L" Data Input Timing D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Highimpedance Highimpedance Indeterminate NOTE: 1. P70 and P71 are ports for the N-channel open drain output and must be pulled up externally for data output. Figure 16.25 Transmit and Receive Timing in Slave Mode (External Clock) (CKPH=0) "H" Signal Applied to the SS Pin "L" "H" Clock Input (CKPOL=0, CKPH=0) "L" "H" Clock Input (CKPOL=1, CKPH=1) "L" Data Output Timing(1) "H" "L" D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Highimpedance Data Input Timing NOTE: 1. P70 and P71 are ports for the N-channel open drain output and must be pulled up externally for data output. Figure 16.26 Transmit and Receive Timing in Slave Mode (External Clock) (CKPH=1) Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 203 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 Highimpedance 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 16.5 Special Mode 3 (GCI Mode) In GCI mode, the external clock is synchronized with the transfer clock used in the clock synchronous serial I/O mode. Table 16.24 lists specifications of GCI mode. Table 16.25 lists registers settings. Tables 16.26 to 16.28 list pin settings. Table16.24 GCI Mode Specifications Item Specification Transfer Data Format Transfer data : 8 bits long Transfer Clock The CKDIR bit in the UiMR register (i=0 to 4) is set to "1" (external clock selected): input from the CLKi pin ________ Clock Synchronization Function Trigger signal input from the CTSi pin Transmit/Receive Start To start data transmission and reception, meet the following conditions and then apply a Condition trigger signal to the CTSi pin: ________ - Set the TE bit in the UiC1 register to "1" (transmit enabled) - Set the RE bit in the UiC1 register to "1" (receive enabled) - Set the TI bit in the UiC1 register to "0" (Data in the UiTB register) Interrupt Request • While transmitting, the following condition can be selected: Generation Timing - The UiIRS bit in the UiC1 register is set to "0" (UiTB register empty): when data is transferred from the UiTB register to the UARTi transmit register (transmission started) - The UiIRS bit is set to "1" (Transmit completed): when a data transmission from the UARTi transfer register is completed • While receiving, when data is transferred from the UARTi receive register to the UiRB register (reception completed) Error Detection Overrun error(1) This error occurs when the seventh bit of the next received data is read before reading the UiRB register. NOTE: 1. If an overrun error occurs, the UiRB register is indeterminate. The IR bit setting in the SiRIC register does not change to "1" (interrupt requested). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 204 of 435 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 16.25 Register Settings in GCI Mode Register Bit Function UiTB 7 to 0 Set transmit data UiRB 7 to 0 Received data OER Overrun error flag UiBRG 7 to 0 Set to "0016" UiMR UiC0 UiC1 UiSMR UiSMR2 UiSMR3 UiSMR4 SMD2 to SMD0 Set to "0012" CKDIR Set to "1" IOPOL Set to "0" CLK1, CLK0 Set to "002" CRS Disabled because the CRD bit is set to "1" TXEPT Transfer register empty flag CRD Set to "1" NCH Select the output format of the TxDi pin CKPOL Set to "0" UFORM Set to "0" TE Set to "1" to enable data transmission and reception TI Transfer buffer empty flag RE Set to "1" to enable data reception RI Reception complete flag UiIRS Select what causes the UARTi transmit interrupt to be generated UiRRM, UiLCH Set to "0" SCLKSTPB Set to "0" 6 to 0 Set to "00000002" SCLKDIV See Table 16.29 6 to 0 Set to "00000002" SU1HIM See Table 16.29 2 to 0 Set to "0002" NODC Set to "0" 7 to 4 Set to "00002" 7 to 0 Set to "0016" i=0 to 4 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 205 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 16.26 Pin Settings in GCI Mode (1) Port Function Setting PS0 Register PD6 Register P60 CTS0 input(1) PS0_0=0 PD6_0=0 P61 CLK0 input PS0_1=0 PD6_1=0 P62 RxD0 input PS0_2=0 PD6_2=0 TxD0 output __________ P63 PS0_3=1 – P64 CTS1 input(1) PS0_4=0 PD6_4=0 P65 CLK1 input PS0_5=0 PD6_5=0 P66 RxD1 input PS0_6=0 PD6_6=0 P67 TxD1 output PS0_7=1 – __________ NOTE: _______ 1. CTS input is used as a trigger siganl input. Table 16.27 Pin Settings (2) Port Function Setting PS1 Register PSL1 Register PSC Register PD7 Register P70(1) TxD2 output PS1_0=1 PSL1_0=0 PSC_0=0 – P71(1) RxD2 input PS1_1=0 – – PD7_1=0 CLK2 input PS1_2=0 – – PD7_2=0 PS1_3=0 – – PD7_3=0 P72 __________ CTS2 input(2) P73 NOTES: 1. P70 and P71 are ports for the N-channel open drain output. _______ 2. CTS input is used as a trigger siganl input. Table 16.28 Pin Settings (3) Port Function Setting PS3 Register(1) PSL3 Register PSL3 Register PD9 Register(1) P90 CLK3 input PS3_0=0 – – PD9_0=0 P91 RxD3 input PS3_1=0 – – PD9_1=0 TxD3 output PS3_2=1 PSL3_2=0 – – PS3_3=0 PSL3_3=0 – PD9_3=0 PS3_4=0 PSL3_4=0 – PD9_4=0 PS3_5=0 PSL3_5=0 – PD9_5=0 P92 __________ P93 CTS3 input(2) __________ input(2) P94 CTS4 P95 CLK4 input P96 TxD4 output PS3_6=1 PSL3_6=0 PSL3_6=0 – P97 RxD4 input PS3_7=0 – – PD9_7=0 NOTES: 1. Set the PD9 and PS3 registers immediately after the PRC2 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between the instruction to set to the PRC2 bit to "1" and the instruction to set the PD9 and PS3 registers. _______ 2. CTS input is used for a trigger siganl input. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 206 of 435 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) To generate the internal clock synchronized with the external clock, set the SU1HIM bit in the UiSMR2 register (i=0 to 4) and the SCLKDIV bit in the UiSMR register to values shown in Table 16.29. Then apply ________ a trigger signal to the CTSi pin. Either the same clock cycle as the external clock or external clock divided by two can be selected as the transfer clock. The SCLKSTPB bit in the UiC1 register controls the transfer clock. Set the SCLKSTPB bit accordingly, to start or stop the transfer clock during an external clock operation. Figure 16.27 shows an example of the clock-divided synchronous function. Table 16.29 Clock-Divided Synchronous Function Select SCLKDIV Bit in SU1HIM Bit in Clock-Divided Synchronous Function UiSMR Register UiSMR2 Register Example of Waveform 0 0 Not synchronized - 0 1 Same division as the external clock A in Figure 16.27 1 0 or 1 Same division as the external clock B in Figure 16.27 divided by 2 i=0 to 4 External Clock from the CLKi Pin Trigger Signal from the CTSi Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Transfer Clock The SCLKSTPB bit in the UiC1 register stops transfer clock A TxDi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Transfer Clock B TxDi 1 2 3 i=0 to 4 A, B: See Table 16.29. Figure 16.27 Clock-Divided Synchronous Function Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 207 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 4 5 6 7 8 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 16.6 Special Mode 4 (IE Mode) In IE mode, devices connected with the IEBus can communicate in UART mode. Table 16.30 lists register settings. Tables 16.31 to 16.33 list pin settings. Table 16.30 Register Settings in IE Mode Register Bit Function UiTB 8 to 0 Set transmit data UiRB 8 to 0 Received data can be read OER, FER, Error flags PER, SUM UiBRG 7 to 0 Set bit rate UiMR SMD2 to SMD0 Set to "1102" CKDIR Select the internal clock or external clock STPS Set to "0" PRY Disabled because the PRYE bit is set to "0" PRYE Set to "0" UiC0 UiC1 IOPOL Select TxD and RxD I/O polarity CLK1, CLK0 Select count source for the UiBRG register CRS Disabled because the CRD bit is set to "1" TXEPT Transfer register empty flag CRD Set to "1" NCH Select output format of the TxDi pin CKPOL Set to "0" UFORM Set to "0" TE Set to "1" to enable data transmission TI Transfer buffer empty flag RE Set to "1" te enable data reception RI Reception complete flag UiIRS Select what causes the UARTi transmit interrupt to be generated UiRRM, UiLCH, Set to "0" SCLKSTPB UiSMR 3 to 0 Set to "00002" ABSCS Select bus conflict detect sampling timing ACSE Set to "1" to automatically clear the transmit enable bit SSS Select transmit start condition SCLKDIV Set to "0" UiSMR2 7 to 0 Set to "0016" UiSMR3 7 to 0 Set to "0016" UiSMR4 7 to 0 Set to "0016" IFSR IFSR6, IFSR7 Select how the bus conflict interrupt occurs i=0 to 4 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 208 of 435 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 16.31 Pin Settings in IE Mode (1) Port Function Setting PS0 Register P61 PD6 Register CLK0 input PS0_1=0 PD6_1=0 CLK0 output PS0_1=1 – P62 RxD0 input PS0_2=0 PD6_2=0 P63 TxD0 output PS0_3=1 – P65 CLK1 input PS0_5=0 PD6_5=0 CLK1 output PS0_5=1 – P66 RxD1 input PS0_6=0 PD6_6=0 P67 TxD1 output PS0_7=1 – Table 16.32 Pin Settings (2) Port Function Setting PS1 Register P70(1) TxD2 output P71(1) P72 PSL1 Register PSC Register PD7 Register PS1_0=1 PSL1_0=0 PSC_0=0 – RxD2 input PS1_1=0 – – PD7_1=0 CLK2 input PS1_2=0 – – PD7_2=0 CLK2 output PS1_2=1 PSL1_2=0 PSC_2=0 – NOTE: 1. P70 and P71 are ports for the N-channel open drain output. Table 16.33 Pin Settings (3) Port Function Setting PS3 P90 Register(1) PSL3 Register PSC3 Register PD9 Register(1) CLK3 input PS3_0=0 – – PD9_0=0 CLK3 output PS3_0=1 – – – P91 RxD3 input PS3_1=0 – – PD9_1=0 P92 TxD3 output PS3_2=1 PSL3_2=0 – – P95 CLK4 input PS3_5=0 PSL3_5=0 – PD9_5=0 CLK4 output PS3_5=1 – – – P96 TxD4 output PS3_6=1 – PSC3_6=0 – P97 RxD4 input PS3_7=0 – – PD9_7=0 NOTE: 1. Set the PD9 and PS3 registers immediately after the PRC2 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between the instruction to set to the PRC2 bit to "1" and the instruction to set the PD9 and PS3 registers. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 209 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) If the output signal level of the TxDi pin (i=0 to 4) differs from the input signal level of the RxDi pin, an interrupt request is generated. UART0 and UART3 are assigned software interrupt number 40. UART1 and UART4 are assigned number 41. When using the bus conflict detect function of UART0 or UART3, of UART1 or UART4, set the IFSR6 bit and the IFSR7 bit in the IFSR register accordingly. When the ABSCS bit in the UiSMR register is set to "0" (rising edge of the transfer clock), it is determined, on the rising edge of the transfer clock, if the output level of the TxD pin and the input level of the RxD pin match. When the ABSCS bit is set to "1" (timer Aj underflow), it is determined when the timer Aj (timer A3 in UART0, timer A4 in UART1, timer A0 in UART2, timer A3 in UART3, the timer A4 in UART4) counter overflows. Use the timer Aj in one-shot timer mode. When the ACSE bit in the UiSMR register is set to "1" (automatic clear at bus conflict) and the IR bit in the BCNiIC register to "1" (discrepancy detected), the TE bit in the UiC1 register is set to "0" (transmit disable). When the SSS bit in the UiSMR register is set to "1" (synchronized with RxDi), data is transmitted from the TxDi pin on the falling edge of the RxDi pin. Figure 16.28 shows bits associated with the bus conflict detect function. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 210 of 435 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) (1) The ABSCS Bit in the UiSMR Register (Bus conflict and sampling clock selected) (i=0 to 4) Bus conflict is detected on the rising edge of the transfer clock when the ABSCS bit is set to "0" Transfer Clock ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 SP TxDi RxDi Trigger signal is applied to the TAjIN pin Timer Aj When the ABSCS bit is set to "1", bus conflict is detected when the timer Aj underflows (in the one-shot timer mode). An interrupt request is generated. Timer Aj: timer A3 in UART0 or UART3, timer A4 in UART1 or UART4, timer A0 in UART2 (2) The ACSE Bit in the UiSMR Register (Transmit enable bit is automatically cleared) Transfer Clock ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 SP TxDi RxDi IR bit in BCNilC register TE bit in UiC1 register (3) The SSS bit in the UiSMR Register (Transmit start condition is selected) When the SSS bit is set to "0", data is transmitted after one transfer clock cycle if data transmission is enabled. Transfer Clock ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 SP D7 D8 SP TxDi transmit enable conditons are met When the SSS bit is set to "1", data is transmitted on the falling edge of RxDi(1) CLKi ST TxDi D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 (Note 2) RxDi NOTES: 1. Data is transmitted on the falling edge of a signal applied to the RxDi pin when the IOPOL bit is set to "0". Data is transmitted on the rising edge of a signal applied to the RxDi pin when the IOPOL bit is set to "1". 2. Data transmission condition must be met before the falling edge of the RxDi pin. Figure 16.28 Bit Function Related Bus Conflict Detection Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 211 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 16.7 Special Mode 5 (SIM Mode) In SIM mode, SIM interface devices can communicate in UART mode. Both direct and inverse formats are available and a low-level ("L") signal output can be provided from the TxDi pin (i=0 to 4) when a parity error is detected. Table 16.34 lists specifications of SIM mode. Table 16.35 lists register settings. Tables 16.36 to 16.38 list pin settings. Table 16.34 SIM Mode Specifications Item Transfer Data Format Transfer Clock Specification • Transfer data: 8-bit UART mode • One stop bit • In direct format • In inverse format Parity: Even Parity: Odd Data logic: Direct Data logic: Inverse Transfer format: LSB first Transfer format: MSB first • The CKDIR bit in the UiMR register (i=0 to 4) is "0" (internal clock selected): fj/16(m+1)(1) fj = f1, f8, f2n(2) m : setting value of the UiBRG register, 0016 to FF16 Do not set the CKDIR bit to "1" (external clock selected) _______ _______ Transmit/Receive Control The CRD bit in the UiC0 register is set to "1" (CTS, RTS function disabled) Other Setting Items The UiIRS bit in the UiC1 register is set to "1" (transmission completed) Transmit Start Condition To start transmitting, the following requirements must be met: - Set the TE bit in the UiC1 register to "1" (transmit enabled) - Set the TI bit in the UiC1 register to "0" (data in the UiTB register) Receive Start Condition To start receiving, the following requirements must be met: - Set the RE bit in the UiC1 register to "1" (receive enabled) - Detect the start bit Interrupt Request Generation Timing • While transmitting, -The UiIRS bit is set to "1" (transmission completed): when data transmission from the UARTi transfer register is completed • While receiving, when data is transferred from the UARTi receive register to the UiRB register (reception completed) Error Detection • Overrun error(1) This error occurs when the eighth bit of the next data is received before reading the UiRB register • Framing error This error occurs when the number of the stop bit set is not detected • Parity error This error occurs when the number of "1" in parity bit and character bits differs from the number set • Error sum flag The SUM bit is set to "1" when an overrun error, framing error or parity error occurs NOTES: 1. If an overrun error occurs, the UiRB register is indeterminate. The IR bit setting in the SiRIC register does not change to "1" (interrupt requested). 2. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 212 of 435 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 16.35 Register Settings in SIM Mode Register UiTB UiRB Bit Function 7 to 0 Set transmit data 7 to 0 Received data can be read OER, FER, Error flags PER, SUM UiBRG UiMR UiC0 UiC1 7 to 0 Set bit rate SMD2 to SMD0 Set to "1012" CKDIR Set to "0" STPS Set to "0" PRY Set to "1" for direct format or "0" for inverse format PRYE Set to "1" IOPOL Set to "0" CLK1, CLK0 Select count source for the UiBRG register CRS Disabled because the CRD bit is set to "1" TXEPT Transfer register empty flag CRD Set to "1" NCH Set to "1" CKPOL Set to "0" UFORM Set to "0" for direct format or "1" for inverse format TE Set to "1" to enable data transmission TI Transfer buffer empty flag RE Set to "1" to enable data reception RI Reception complete flag UiIRS Set to "1" UiRRM Set to "0" UiLCH Set to "0" for direct format or "1" for inverse format UiERE Set to "1" UiSMR 7 to 0 Set to "0016" UiSMR2 7 to 0 Set to "0016" UiSMR3 7 to 0 Set to "0016" UiSMR4 7 to 0 Set to "0016" i=0 to 4 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 213 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 16.36 Pin Settings in SIM Mode (1) Port Function Setting PS0 Register PD6 Register P62 RxD0 input PS0_2=0 PD6_2=0 P63 TxD0 output PS0_3=1 – P66 RxD1 input PS0_6=0 PD6_6=0 P67 TxD1 output PS0_7=1 – PS1 Register PSL1 Register PSC Register Table 16.37 Pin Settings (2) Port Function Setting PD7 Register P70(1) TxD2 output PS1_0=1 PSL1_0=0 PSC_0=0 – P71(1) RxD2 input PS1_1=0 – – PD7_1=0 PSC3 Register PD9 Register(1) NOTE: 1. P70 and P71 are ports for the N-channel open drain output. Table 16.38 Pin Settings (3) Port Function Setting PS3 Register(1) PS3_1=0 PSL3 Register P91 RxD3 input – P92 TxD3 output PS3_2=1 PSL3_2=0 P96 TxD4 output PS3_6=1 – P97 RxD4 input PS3_7=0 – PD9_1=0 – PSC3_6=0 – PD9_7=0 NOTE: 1. Set the PD9 and PS3 registers immediately after the PRC2 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between the instruction to set to the PRC2 bit to "1" and the instruction to set the PD9 and PS3 registers. Figure 16.29 shows an example of a SIM interface operation. Figure 16.30 shows an example of a SIM interface connection. Connect the TxDi pin to the RxDi pin for a pull-up. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 214 of 435 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) (1) Transmit Timing Tc Transfer Clock TE bit in the UiC1 register TI bit in the UiC1 register "1" Data is written to the UiTB register "0" (Note 1) "1" "0" Data is transferred from the UiTB register to the UARTi transmit register Parity Stop bit bit Start bit TxDi ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 P ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 SP Parity Error Signal returned from Receiving End SP An "L" signal is applied from the SIM card due to a parity error Signal Line Level(2) TXEPT bit in the UiC0 register P ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 P ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 SP An interrupt routine detects "H" or "L" "1" SP P An interrupt routine detects "H" or "L" "0" IR bit in the SiTIC register "1" "0" Set to "0" by an interrupt request acknowledgement or by program i=0 to 4 The above applies under the following conditions: • The PRYE bit in the UiMR register is set to "1" (parity enabled) • The STPS bit in the UiMR register is set to "0" (1 stop bit) • The UiIRS bit in the UiC1 register is set to "1" (interrupt request generated when transmission completed) Tc = 16(m+1) / fj fj: count source frequency of the UiBRG register (f1, f8, f2n(4)) m: setting value of the UiBRG register (2) Receive Timing Transfer Clock RE bit in the UiC1 register "1" "0" Start bit Transmit Waveform from the Transmitting End ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Parity Stop bit bit P SP TxDi ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 P SP TxDi outputs "L" due to a parity error Signal Line Level(3) ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 RI bit in the UiC1 register "1" IR bit in the SiRIC register "1" P SP ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 P SP "0" Read the UiRB register "0" Set to "0" by an interrupt request acknowledgement or by program i=0 to 4 The above applies under the following conditions: • The PRYE bit in the UiMR register is set to "1" (parity enabled) • The STPS bit in the UiMR register is set to "0" (1 stop bit) Tc = 16(m+1) / fj fj: count source frequency of the UiBRG register (f1, f8, f2n(4)) m: setting value of the UiBRG register NOTES: 1. Data transmission starts when BRG overflows after a value is set to the UiTB register on the rising edge of the TI bit. 2. Because the TxDi and RxDi pins are connected, a composite waveform, consisting of transmit waveform from the TxDi pin and parity error signal from the receiving end, is generated. 3. Because the TxDi and RxDi pins are connected, a composite waveform, consisting of transmit waveform from the transmitting end and parity error signal from the TxDi pin, is generated. 4. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register selects no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). Figure 16.29 SIM Interface Operation Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 215 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Microcomputer SIM card TxDi RxDi i=0 to 4 Figure 16.30 SIM Interface Connection 16.7.1 Parity Error Signal Parity Error Signal Output Function When the UiERE bit in the UiC1 register (i=0 to 4) is set to "1" (output), the parity error signal output can be provided. The parity error signal output is provided when a parity error is detected upon receiving data. A low-level ("L") signal output is provided from the TxDi pin in the timing shown in Figure 16.31. When reading the UiRB register during a parity error output, the PER bit in the UiRB register is set to "0" (no error occurs) and a high-level ("H") signal output is again provided simultaneously. Parity Error Signal To determine whether the parity error signal is output, the port that shares a pin with the RxDi pin is read by using an end-of-transmit interrupt routine. Transfer Clock "H" "L" RxDi "H" ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 P SP "L" TxDi "H" Hi-Z "L" Recieve Complete Flag "1" "0" NOTE: 1. The above applies to the direct format. (The PRY bit is set to "1", the UFORM bit is set to "0", and the UiLCH bit is set to "0"). Figure 16.31 Parity Error Signal Output Timing (LSB First) Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 216 of 435 ST : Start bit P : Even parity SP : Stop bit i=0 to 4 16. Serial I/O (Special Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 16.7.2 Format Direct Format Set the PRYE bit in the UiMR register (i=0 to 4) to "1" (parity enabled), the PRY bit to "1" (even parity), the UFORM bit in the UiC0 register to "0" (LSB first) and the UiLCH bit in the UiC1 register to "0" (not inversed). When data are transmitted, data set in the UiTB register are transmitted with the even-numbered parity, starting from D0. When data are received, received data are stored in the UiRB register, starting from D0. The even-numbered parity determines whether a parity error occurs. Inverse Format Set the PRYE bit to "1", the PRY bit to "0" (odd parity), the UFORM bit to "1" (MSB first) and the UiLCH bit to "1" (inversed). When data are transmitted, values set in the UiTB register are logically inversed and are transmitted with the odd-numbered parity, starting from D7. When data are received, received data are logically inversed to be stored in the UiRB register, starting from D7. The odd-numbered parity determines whether a parity error occurs. (1) Direct Format Transfer Clock "H" "L" TxDi "H" D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 "L" P P : Even parity (2) Inverse Format Transfer Clock TxDi "H" "L" "H" "L" P P : Odd parity i=0 to 4 Figure 16.32 SIM Interface Format Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 217 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 17. A/D Converter 17. A/D Converter The A/D converter consists of one 10-bit successive approximation A/D converter with a capacitive coupling amplifier. The result of an A/D conversion is stored into the A/D registers corresponding to selected pins. It is stored into the AD00 register only when DMAC operating mode is entered. Table 17.1 lists specifications of the A/D converter. Figure 17.1 shows a block diagram of the A/D converter. Figures 17.2 to 17.6 show registers associated with the A/D converter. NOTE This section is described in the 144-pin package only as an example. The AN150 to AN157 pins are not included in the 100-pin package. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 218 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 17. A/D Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 17.1 A/D Converter Specifications Item A/D Conversion Method Analog Input Voltage(1) Specification Successive approximation (with a capacitive coupling amplifier) 0V to AVCC (VCC) Operating Clock, ØAD(2) fAD, fAD/2, fAD/3, fAD/4, fAD/6, fAD/8 Resolution 8 bits or 10 bits Operating Mode One-shot mode, repeat mode, single sweep mode, repeat sweep mode 0, repeat sweep mode 1, multi-port single sweep mode, multi-port repeat sweep mode 0 Analog Input Pins(3) 34 pins 8 pins each for AN (AN0 to AN7), AN0 (AN00 to AN07), AN2 (AN20 to AN27), AN15 (AN150 to AN157) 2 extended input pins (ANEX0 and ANEX1) A/D Conversion Start Condition • Software trigger The ADST bit in the AD0CON0 register is set to "1" (A/D conversion started) by program • External trigger (re-trigger is enabled) __________ When a falling edge is applied to the AD TRG pin after the ADST bit is set to "1" by program • Hardware trigger (re-trigger is enabled) The timer B2 interrupt request of the three-phase motor control timer functions (after the ICTB2 counter completes counting) is generated after the ADST bit is set to "1" by program Conversion Rate Per Pin • Without the sample and hold function 8-bit resolution : 49 ØAD cycles 10-bit resolution : 59 ØAD cycles • With the sample and hold function 8-bit resolution : 28 ØAD cycles 10-bit resolution : 33 ØAD cycles NOTES: 1. Analog input voltage is not affected by the sample and hold function status. 2. ØAD frequency must be 16 MHz or below when VCC=5V. Without the sample and hold function, the ØAD frequency is 250 kHz or above. With the sample and hold function, the ØAD frequency is 1 MHz or above. 3. AVCC = VREF = VCC, A/D input voltage (for AN0 to AN7, AN00 to AN07 and AN20 to AN27, AN150 to AN157, ANEX0 and ANEX1) ≤ VCC. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 219 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 17. A/D Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 000 AN20 001 AN21 010 AN22 011 AN23 100 AN24 101 AN25 110 AN26 111 AN27 0 ADTRG 1 Timer B2 interrupt request of the three-phase motor control timer functions 1 EX TRG0 TRG bit in the AD0CON0 register TRG0 bit in the AD0CON2 register 000 001 010 OPA1 and OPA0 bits in the AD0CON1 register 011 100 P96 ANEX1 P95 ANEX0 1X 101 110 X1 01 111 11 AN0 AN1 AN2 P10 AN3 AN4 AN5 AN6 AN7 000 000 001 001 010 010 00 011 011 10 01 00 11 100 100 APS1 and APS0 bits in the AD0CON2 register 101 101 110 110 CH2 to CH0 bits in the AD0CON0 register 111 111 CH2 to CH0 bits in the AD0CON0 register AD00 register Comparator 0 AD01 register AD02 register Decoder AD03 register AD04 register AD05 register AD06 register AD07 register AD0CON0 register Successive conversion register Resistor ladder AD0CON1 register AD0CON2 register 1 1/3 AD0CON3 register 1/2 1 0 1 1 1/2 AD0CON4 register fAD 0 1/2 0 0 CSK2 bit in the AD0CON3 register CSK0 bit in the AD0CON0 register CSK1 bit in the AD0CON1 register NOTE: 1. These pins are provided in the 144-pin package. Figure 17.1 A/D Converter Block Diagram Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 220 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 ØAD P2 AN00 AN01 AN02 AN03 AN04 P0 AN05 AN06 AN07 AN150 AN151 AN152 AN153 AN154 AN155 AN156 AN157 P15(1) 17. A/D Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) A/D0 Control Register 0(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol AD0CON0 Bit Symbol Address 039616 After Reset 0016 Bit Name Function RW b2 b1b0 CH0 CH1 Analog Input Pin Select Bit(2, 3, 8, 9) CH2 0 0 0: ANi0 0 0 1: ANi1 0 1 0: ANi2 0 1 1: ANi3 1 0 0: ANi4 1 0 1: ANi5 1 1 0: ANi6 1 1 1: ANi7 RW RW (i=none, 0, 2, 15) RW b4 b3 MD0 MD1 0 0: One-shot mode A/D Operating Mode 0 1: Repeat mode Select Bit 0(2, 6, 7) 1 0: Single sweep mode 1 1: Repeat sweep mode 0 or 1 RW RW TRG Trigger Select Bit 0: Software trigger 1: External trigger, hardware trigger(4) RW ADST A/D Conversion Start Flag 0: A/D conversion stops 1: A/D conversion starts(4) RW CKS0 Frequency Select Bit (Note 5) RW NOTES: 1. When the AD0CON0 register is rewritten during the A/D conversion, the conversion result is indeterminate. 2. Analog input pins must be set again after changing an A/D operating mode. 3. The CH2 to CH0 bit settings are enabled in one-shot mode and repeat mode. 4. To set the TRG bit to "1", select the cause of trigger by setting the TRG0 bit in the AD0CON2 register. Then set the ADST bit to "1" after the TRG bit is set to "1". 5. AD frequency must be under 16 MHz when VCC=5V. Combination of the CKS0, CKS1, and CKS2 bits selects AD. The CKS2 Bit in the AD0CON3 Register The CKS0 Bit in the AD0CON0 Register 0 0 1 1 0 The CKS1 Bit in the AD0CON1 Register 0 1 0 1 0 1 AD fAD divided by 4 fAD divided by 3 fAD divided by 2 fAD fAD divided by 8 fAD divided by 6 6. When the MSS bit in the AD0CON3 register is set to "1" (multi-port sweep mode enabled), set the MD1 and MD0 bits to "102" to enter multi-port single sweep mode and to "112" to enter multi-port repeat sweep mode 0. 7. When the MSS bit is set to "1", the MD1 and MD0 bits cannot be set to "002" or "012". 8. AVCC=VREF=VCC, AD input voltage (for AN0 to AN7, AN00 to AN07, AN20 to AM27, AN150 to AN157, ANEX0, ANEX1) ≤ VCC. 9. Set the PSC_7 bit in the PSC register to "1" to use the P10 pin as an analog input pin. Figure 17.2 AD0CON0 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 221 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 17. A/D Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) A/D0 Control Register 1(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address AD0CON1 039716 Bit Symbol After Reset 0016 Bit Name Function RW Single sweep mode and repeat sweep mode 0 b1 b0 0 0: ANi0, ANi1 0 1: ANi0 to ANi3 1 0: ANi0 to ANi5 1 1: ANi0 to ANi7 Repeat sweep mode 1(3) SCAN0 A/D Sweep Pin Select Bit(2, 10) SCAN1 RW b1 b0 0 0: ANi0 0 1: ANi0, ANi1 1 0: ANi0 to ANi2 1 1: ANi0 to ANi3 (i=none, 0, 2, 15) RW Multi-port single sweep mode and multi-port repeat sweep mode 0(4) b1 b0 1 1: ANi0 to ANi7 MD2 A/D Operating Mode Select Bit 1 0: Any mode other than repeat sweep mode 1 RW 1: Repeat sweep mode 1(5) BITS 8/10-Bit Mode Select Bit 0: 8-bit mode 1: 10-bit mode RW CKS1 Frequency Select Bit (Note 6) RW VCUT VREF Connection Bit 0: No VREF connection(11) 1: VREF connection RW b7 b6 OPA0 OPA1 External Op-Amp Connection Mode Bit(7, 9) 0 0: ANEX0 and ANEX1 are not used(8) 0 1: Signal into ANEX0 is A/D converted 1 0: Signal into ANEX1 is A/D converted 1 1: External op-amp connection mode RW RW NOTES: 1. When the AD0CON1 register is rewritten during the A/D conversion, the conversion result is indeterminate. 2. The SCAN1 and SCAN0 bit settings are disabled in single sweep mode, repeat sweep mode 0, repeat sweep mode 1, mutli-port single sweep mode and multi-port repeat sweep mode 0. 3. This pin is commonly used in the A/D conversion when the MD2 bit is set to "1". 4. In multi-port single sweep mode or multi-port repeat sweep mode 0, do not set the SCAN1 and SCAN0 bits to any setting other than "112". 5. When the MSS bit in the AD0CON3 register is set to "1" (multi-port sweep mode enabled), set the MD2 bit to "0". 6. Refer to the note for the CKS0 bit in the AD0CON0 register. 7. In one-shot mode and repeat mode, the OPA1 and OPA0 bits can be set to "012" or "102" only. Do not set the OPA0 and OPA1 bits to "012" or "102" in other modes. 8. To set the OPA1 and OPA0 bits to "002", set the PSL3_5 bit in PSL3 register to "0" (other than ANEX0) and the PSL3_6 bit to "0" (other than ANEX1). 9. When the MSS bit is set to "1", set the OPA1 and OPA0 bits to "002". 10. AVCC=VREF=VCC, AD input voltage (for AN0 to AN7, AN00 to AN07, AN20 to AM27, AN150 to AN157, ANEX0, ANEX1) ≤ VCC. 11. Do not set the VCUT bit to "0" during the A/D conversion. VREF is a reference voltage for AD0 only. The VCUT bit setting does not affect the VREF performance of the D/A converter. Figure 17.3 AD0CON1 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 222 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 17. A/D Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) A/D0 Control Register 2(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol AD0CON2 0 0 Bit Symbol SMP Address 039416 Bit Name A/D Conversion Method Select Bit After Reset XX0X X0002 Function RW 0: Without the sample and hold funtion RW 1: With the sample and hold function b2b1 APS0 Analog Input Port Select Bit(2, 3) APS1 (b4 - b3) TRG0 (b7 - b6) 0 0: AN0 to AN7, ANEX0, ANEX1 0 1: AN150 to AN157 1 0: AN00 to AN07 1 1: AN20 to AN27 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 223 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. External Trigger Request Cause Select Bit 0: Selects ADTRG 1: Selects a timer B2 interrupt request RW of the three-phase motor control timer functions (after the ICTB2 counter completes counting) Reserved Bit Set to "0". RW When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTES: 1. When the AD0CON2 register is rewritten during the A/D conversion, the conversion result is indeterminate. 2. When the MSS bit in the AD0CON3 register is set to "1" (multi-port sweep mode enabled), set the APS1 and APS0 bits to "012". 3. The APS1 and APS0 bits can be set to "012" in the 100-pin package only when the MSS bit in the AD0CON3 register is set to "1" (multi-port sweep mode enabled). Figure 17.4 AD0CON2 Register RW 17. A/D Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) A/D0 Control Register 3(1, 2) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol AD0CON3 0 0 0 Bit Symbol Address 039516 After Reset XXXX X0002 Bit Name Function RW DUS DMAC Operation Select Bit(3) 0: Disables DMAC operating mode 1: Enables DMAC operating mode(4, 5) RW MSS Multi-Port Sweep Mode Select Bit 0: Disables multi-port sweep mode 1: Enables multi-port sweep mode(3, 6) RW CKS2 Frequency Select Bit (Note 7) b4 b3 MSF0 Multi-Port Sweep Status Flag(8) MSF1 (b7 - b5) Reserved Bit 0 0: AN0 to AN7 0 1: AN150 to AN157 1 0: AN00 to AN07 1 1: AN20 to AN27 Set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. RW RO RO RW NOTES: 1. When the AD0CON3 register is rewritten during the A/D conversion, the conversion result is indeterminate. 2. The AD0CON3 may be read uncorrectly during the A/D conversion. It must be read or written after the A/D converter stops operating. 3. When the MSS bit is set to "1", set the DUS bit to "1". 4. When the DUS bit is set to "1", the AD00 register stores all A/D conversion results. 5. When the DUS bit is set to "1", set the DMAC. 6. When the MSS bit is set to "1", set the MD2 bit in the AD0CON1 register to "0" (other than repeat sweep mode 1), the APS1 and APS0 bits in the AD0CON2 register to "012" (AN150 to AN157) and the OPA1 and OPA0 bits in the AD0CON1 register to "002" (ANEX0 and ANEX1 not used). 7. Refer to the note for the CKS0 bit in the AD0CON0 register. 8. The MSF1 and MSF0 bit settings are enabled when the MSS bit is set to "1". Value in the bit is indeterminate when the MSS bit is set to "0". Figure 17.5 AD0CON3 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 224 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 17. A/D Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) A/D0 Control Register 4(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 0 0 0 0 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 0 Symbol AD0CON4 Bit Symbol Address After Reset 039216 XXXX 00XX2 Bit Name Reserved Bit (b1 - b0) Function RW Set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate RW b3 b2 MPS10 Multi-Port Sweep Port Select Bit(2) MPS11 Reserved Bit (b7 - b4) 0 0: (Note 3) 0 1: AN0 to AN7, AN150 to AN157 1 0: AN0 to AN7, AN00 to AN07 1 1: AN0 to AN7, AN20 to AN27 RW RW Set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate RW NOTES: 1. When the AD0CON4 register is rewritten during the A/D conversion, the conversion result is indeterminate. 2. The MPS11 and MPS10 bits cannot be set to "012" in the 100-pin package. 3. When the MSS bit in the AD0CON3 regsiter is set to "0" (multi-port sweep mode disabled), set the MPS11 and MPS10 bits to "002". When the MSS bit is set to "1" (multi-port sweep mode enabled), set the MPS11 and MPS10 bits to "012", "102" or "112". A/D0 Register i (i =0 to 7)(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol AD00 AD01 to AD03 AD04 to AD06 AD07 Address 038116 - 038016 038316 - 038216, 038516 - 038416, 038716 - 038616 038916 - 038816, 038B16 - 038A16, 038D16 - 038C16 038F16 - 038E16 After Reset 00000000 XXXXXXXX2 Indeterminate Indeterminate Indeterminate Function RW 8 low-order bits in an A/D conversion result RO In 10-bit mode: 2 high-order bits in an A/D conversion result In 8-bit mode: When read, its content is indeterminate RO When read, its content is indeterminate. RO NOTES: 1. In DMAC operating mode, register value read by program is indeterminate. 2. Register value is indeterminate when written while the A/D conversion is stopped. 3. Register value is indeterminate if the next A/D conversion result is stored before reading the register. 4. The AD00 register is available in DMAC operating mode. Other registers are indeterminate. 5. In DMAC operating mode and 10-bit mode, set DMAC for a 16-bit transfer. Figure 17.6 AD0CON4 Register and AD00 to AD07 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 225 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 17. A/D Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 17.1 Mode Description 17.1.1 One-shot Mode In one-shot mode, analog voltage applied to a selected pin is converted to a digital code once. Table 17.2 lists specifications of one-shot mode. Table 17.2 One-shot Mode Specifications Item Function Specification The CH2 to CH0 bits in the AD0CON0 register, the OPA1 and OPA0 bits in the AD0CON1 register and the APS1 and APS0 bits in the AD0CON2 register select a pin. Analog voltage applied to the pin is converted to a digital code once Start Condition • When the TRG bit in the AD0CON0 register is set to "0" (software trigger), the ADST bit in the AD0CON0 register is set to "1" (A/D conversion starts) by program • When the TRG bit is set to "1" (external trigger, hardware trigger): __________ - a falling edge is applied to the AD TRG pin after the ADST bit is set to "1" by program - The timer B2 interrupt request of three-phase motor control timer functions (after the ICTB2 register counter completes counting) is generated after the ADST bit is set to "1" by program Stop Condition • A/D conversion is completed (the ADST bit is set to "0" when the software trigger is selected) • The ADST bit is set to "0" (A/D conversion stopped) by program Interrupt Request Generation Timing A/D conversion is completed Analog Voltage Input Pins Select one pin from ANi0 to ANi7 (i=none, 0, 2, 15), ANEX0 or ANEX1 Reading of A/D Conversion Result • When the DUS bit in the AD0CON3 register is set to "0" (DMAC operating mode disabled), the microcomputer reads the AD0j register (j=0 to 7) corresponding to selected pin • When the DUS bit is set to "1" (DMAC operating mode enabled), do not read the AD00 register. A/D conversion result is stored in the AD00 register after the A/D conversion is completed. DMAC transfers the conversion result to any memory space. Refer to 12. DMAC for DMAC settings Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 226 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 17. A/D Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 17.1.2 Repeat Mode In repeat mode, analog voltage applied to a selected pin is repeatedly converted to a digital code. Table 17.3 lists specifications of repeat mode. Table 17.3 Repeat Mode Specifications Item Function Specification The CH2 to CH0 bits in the AD0CON0 register, the OPA1 and OPA0 bits in the AD0CON1 register and the APS1 and APS0 bits in the AD0CON2 register select a pin. Analog voltage applied to the pin is repeatedly converted to a digital code Start Condition Same as one-shot mode Stop Condition The ADST bit in the AD0CON0 register is set to "0" (A/D conversion stopped) by program Interrupt Request Generation Timing • When the DUS bit in the AD0CON3 register is set to "0" (DMAC operating mode disabled), no interrupt request is generated. • When DUS bit is set to "1" (DMAC operating mode enabled), an interrupt request is generated every time an A/D conversion is completed. Analog Voltage Input Pins Select one pin from ANi0 to ANi7 (i=none, 0, 2, 15), ANEX0 or ANEX1 Reading of A/D Conversion Result • When the DUS bit is set to "0", the microcomputer reads the AD0j register (j=0 to 7) corresponding to the selected pin. • When DUS bit is set to "1", do not read the AD00 register. A/D conversion result is stored in the AD00 register after the A/D conversion is completed. DMAC transfers the conversion result to any memory space. Refer to 12. DMAC for DMAC settings Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 227 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 17. A/D Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 17.1.3 Single Sweep Mode In single sweep mode, analog voltage that is applied to selected pins is converted one-by-one to a digital code. Table 17.4 lists specifications of single sweep mode. Table 17.4 Single Sweep Mode Specifications Item Function Specification The SCAN1 and SCAN0 bits in the AD0CON1 register and the APS1 and APS0 bits in the AD0CON2 register select pins. Analog voltage applied to the pin is converted one-by-one to a digital code Start Condition Same as one-shot mode Stop Condition Same as one-shot mode Interrupt Request Generation Timing • When the DUS bit in the AD0CON3 register is set to "0" (DMAC operating mode disabled), an interrupt request is generated after a sweep is completed. • When DUS bit is set to "1" (DMAC operating mode enabled), an interrupt request is generated every time an A/D conversion is completed Analog Voltage Input Pins Select from ANi0 and ANi1 (2 pins) (i=none, 0, 2, 15), ANi0 to ANi3 (4 pins), ANi0 to ANi5 (6 pins) or ANi0 to ANi7 (8 pins) Reading of A/D Conversion Result • When the DUS bit is set to "0", the microcomputer reads the AD0j register corresponding to selected pins • When DUS bit is set to "1", do not read the AD00 register. A/D conversion result is stored in the AD00 register after the A/D conversion is completed. DMAC transfers the conversion result to any memory space. Refer to 12. DMAC for DMAC settings Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 228 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 17. A/D Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 17.1.4 Repeat Sweep Mode 0 In repeat sweep mode 0, analog voltage applied to selected pins is repeatedly converted to a digital code. Table 17.5 lists specifications of repeat sweep mode 0. Table 17.5 Repeat Sweep Mode 0 Specifications Item Function Specification The SCAN1 and SCAN0 bits in the AD0CON1 register and the APS1 and APS0 bits in the AD0CON2 register select pins. Analog voltage applied to the pins is repeatedly converted to a digital code Start Condition Same as one-shot mode Stop Condition The ADST bit in the AD0CON0 register is set to "0" (A/D conversion stopped) by program Interrupt Request Generation Timing • When the DUS bit in the AD0CON3 register is set to "0" (DMAC operating mode disabled), no interrupt request is generated • When DUS bit is set to "1" (DMAC operating mode enabled), an interrupt request is generated every time an A/D conversion is completed Analog Voltage Input Pins Select from ANi0 and ANi1 (2 pins) (i=none, 0, 2, 15), ANi0 to ANi3 (4 pins), ANi0 to ANi5 (6 pins) or ANi0 to ANi7 (8 pins) Reading of A/D Conversion Result • When the DUS bit is set to "0", the microcomputer reads the AD0j register (j=0 to 7) corresponding to selected pins • When the DUS bit is set to "1", do not read the AD00 register. A/D conversion result is stored in the AD00 register after the A/D conversion is completed. DMAC transfers the conversion result to any memory space. Refer to 12. DMAC for DMAC settings Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 229 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 17. A/D Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 17.1.5 Repeat Sweep Mode 1 In repeat sweep mode 1, analog voltage selectively applied to eight pins is repeatedly converted to a digital code. Table 17.6 lists specifications of repeat sweep mode 1. Table 17.6 Repeat Sweep Mode 1 Specifications Item Function Specification The SCAN1 and SCAN0 bits in the AD0CON1 register and the APS1 and APS0 bits in the AD0CON2 register select 8 pins. Analog voltage selectively applied to 8 pins is repeatedly converted to a digital code e.g., When ANi0 is selected (i =none, 0, 2, 15), analog voltage is converted to a digital code in the following order: ANi0 ANi1 ANi0 ANi2 ANi0 ANi3 ....... etc. Start Condition Same as one-shot mode (Any trigger generated during an A/D conversion is invalid) Stop Condition The ADST bit is set to "0" (A/D conversion stopped) by program Interrupt Request Generation Timing • When the DUS bit in the AD0CON3 register is set to "0" (DMAC operating mode disabled), no interrupt request is generated • When DUS bit is set to "1" (DMAC operating mode enabled), an interrupt request is generated every time an A/D conversion is completed Analog Voltage Input Pins ANi0 to ANi7 (8 pins) Prioritized Pins ANi0 (1 pin), ANi0 and ANi1 (2 pins), ANi0 to ANi2 (3 pins) or ANi0 to ANi3 (4 pins) Reading of A/D Conversion Result • When the DUS bit is set to "0", the microcomputer reads the AD0j register (j=0 to 7) corresponding to selected pins • When the DUS bit is set to "1", do not read the AD00 register. A/D conversion result is stored in the AD00 register after the A/D conversion is completed. DMAC transfers the conversion result to any memory space. Refer to 12. DMAC for DMAC settings Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 230 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 17. A/D Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 17.1.6 Multi-Port Single Sweep Mode In multi-port single sweep mode, analog voltage applied to 16 selected pins is converted one-by-one to a digital code. Set the DUS bit in the AD0CON3 register to "1" (DMAC operating mode enabled). Table 17.7 lists specifications of multi-port single sweep mode. Table 17.7 Multi-Port Single Sweep Mode Specifications Item Function Specification The MPS11 and MPS10 bits in the AD0CON4 register select 16 pins. Analog voltage applied to 16 pins is converted one-by-one to a digital code in the following order: AN0 to AN7 ANi0 to ANi7 (i=0, 2, 15) e.g., When the MPS11 and MPS10 bits are set to "102" (AN0 to AN7, AN00 to AN07), analog voltage is converted to a digital code in the following order: AN0 AN1 AN2 AN3 AN4 AN00 AN01 ....... AN06 AN07 AN5 AN6 AN7 Start Condition Same as one-shot mode Stop Condition The ADST bit in the AD0CON0 register is set to "0" (A/D conversion stopped) by program Interrupt Request Generation Timing An interrupt request is generated every time A/D conversion is completed (Set the DUS bit to "1") Analog Voltage Input Pins Select from AN0 to AN7 AN7 AN150 to AN157, AN0 to AN7 AN00 to AN07 or AN0 to AN20 to AN27 Reading of A/D Conversion Result Do not read the AD00 register. A/D conversion result is stored in the AD00 register after the A/D conversion is completed. DMAC transfers the conversion result to any memory space. Refer to 12. DMAC for DMAC settings (Set the DUS bit to "1") Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 231 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 17. A/D Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 17.1.7 Multi-Port Repeat Sweep Mode 0 In multi-port repeat sweep mode 0, analog voltage that is applied to 16 selected pins is repeatedly converted to a digital code. Set the DUS bit in the AD0CON3 register to "1" (DMAC operating mode enabled). Table 17.8 lists specifications of multi-port repeat sweep mode 0. Table 17.8 Multi-Port Repeat Sweep Mode 0 Specifications Item Function Specification The MPS11 and MPS10 bits in the AD0CON4 register select 16 pins. Analog voltage applied to the 16 pins is repeatedly converted to a digital code in the following order: AN0 to AN7 ANi0 to ANi7 (i=0, 2, 15) e.g., When the MPS11 and MPS10 bits are set to "10 2" (AN0 to AN7, AN00 to AN07), analog voltage is repeatedly converted to a digital code in the following order: AN0 AN1 AN00 AN01 AN2 AN3 AN4 ....... AN06 AN07 AN5 AN6 Start Condition Same as one-shot mode Stop Condition The ADST bit is set to "0" (A/D conversion stopped) by program AN7 Interrupt Request Generation Timing An interrupt request is generated after each A/D conversion is completed (Set the DUS bit to "1") Analog Voltage Input Pins Selectable from AN0 to AN7 AN0 to AN7 AN150 to AN157, AN0 to AN7 AN00 to AN07 or AN20 to AN27 Reading of A/D Conversion Result Do not read the AD00 register. A/D conversion result is stored in the AD00 register after the A/D conversion is completed. DMAC transfers the conversion result to any memory space. Refer to 12. DMAC for DMAC settings (Set the DUS bit to "1") Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 232 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 17. A/D Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 17.2 Functions 17.2.1 Resolution Select Function The BITS bit in the AD0CON1 register determines the resolution. When the BITS bit is set to "1" (10-bit precision), the A/D conversion result is stored into bits 9 to 0 in the AD0j register (j = 0 to 7). When the BITS bit is set to "0" (8-bit precision), the A/D conversion result is stored into bits 7 to 0 in the AD0j register. 17.2.2 Sample and Hold Function When the SMP bit in the AD0CON2 register is set to "1" (with the sample and hold function), A/D conversion rate per pin increases to 28 ØAD cycles for 8-bit resolution and 33 ØAD cycles for 10-bit resolution. The sample and hold function is available in all operating modes. Start the A/D conversion after selecting whether the sample and hold function is to be used or not. 17.2.3 Trigger Select Function The TRG bit in the AD0CON0 register and the TRG0 bit in the AD0CON2 register select the trigger to start the A/D conversion. Table 17.9 lists settings of the trigger select function. Table 17.9 Trigger Select Function Settings Bit and Setting AD0CON0 Register TRG = 0 Trigger AD0CON2 Register - Software trigger The A/D0 starts the A/D conversion when the ADST bit in the AD0CON0 register is set to "1" TRG = 1(1) TRG0 = 0 External trigger(2) __________ Falling edge of a signal applied to ADTRG TRG0 = 1 Hardware trigger(2) The timer B2 interrupt request of three-phase motor control timer functions (after the ICTB2 counter completes counting) NOTES: 1. A/D0 starts the A/D conversion when the ADST bit is set to "1" (A/D conversion started) and a trigger is generated. 2. The A/D conversion is restarted if an external trigger or a hardware trigger is inserted during the A/D conversion. (The A/D conversion in process is aborted.) 17.2.4 DMAC Operating Mode DMAC operating mode is available with all operating modes. When the A/D converter is in multi-port single sweep mode or multi-port repeat sweep mode 0, the DMAC operating mode must be used. When the DUS bit in the AD0CON3 register is set to "1" (DMAC operating mode enabled), all A/D conversion results are stored into the AD00 register. DMAC transfers data from the AD00 register to any memory space every time an A/D conversion is completed in each pin. 8-bit DMA transfer must be selected for 8bit resolution and 16-bit DMA transfer for 10-bit resolution. Refer to 12. DMAC for instructions. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 233 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 17. A/D Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 17.2.5 Extended Analog Input Pins In one-shot mode and repeat mode, the ANEX0 and ANEX1 pins can be used as analog input pins. The OPA1 and OPA0 bits in the AD0CON1 register select which pins to use as analog input pins. An A/D conversion result for the ANEX0 pin is stored into the AD00 register. The result for the ANEX1 pin is stored into the AD01 register, but is stored into the AD00 register when the DUS bit in the AD0CON3 register is set to "1" (DMAC operating mode enabled). Set the APS1 and APS0 bits in the AD0CON2 register to "002" (AN0 to AN7, ANEX0, ANEX1) and the MSS bit in the AD0CON3 register to "0" (multi-port sweep mode disabled). 17.2.6 External Operating Amplifier (Op-Amp) Connection Mode In external op-amp connection mode, multiple analog voltage can be amplified by one external op-amp using extended analog input pins ANEX0 and ANEX1. When the OPA1 and OPA0 bits in the AD0CON1 register are set to "112" (external op-amp connection), voltage applied to the AN0 to AN7 pins are output from ANEX0. Amplify this output signal by an external op-amp and apply it to ANEX1. Analog voltage applied to ANEX1 is converted to a digital code and the A/D conversion result is stored into the corresponding AD0j register (j=0 to 7). A/D conversion rate varies depending on the response of the external op-amp. The ANEX0 pin cannot be connected to the ANEX1 pin directly. Set the APS1 and APS0 bits in the AD0CON2 register to "002" (AN0 to AN7, ANEX0, ANEX1). Figure 17.7 shows an example of an external op-amp connection. Table 17.10 Extended Analog Input Pin Settings AD0CON1 Register OPA1 Bit ANEX0 Function ANEX1 Function OPA0 Bit 0 0 Not used Not used 0 1 P95 as an analog input Not used 1 0 Not used P96 as an analog input 1 1 Output to an external op-amp Input from an external op-amp Analog input AN0 AN1 AN2 AN3 AN4 AN5 AN6 AN7 Resistor ladder Successive conversion register ANEX0 002 ANEX1 External op-amp Figure 17.7 External Op-Amp Connection Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 234 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 APS1 and APS0 bits in the AD0CON2 register Comparator 0 17. A/D Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 17.2.7 Power Consumption Reducing Function When the A/D converter is not used, the VCUT bit in the AD0CON1 register isolates the resistor ladder of the A/D converter from the reference voltage input pin (VREF). Power consumption is reduced by shutting off any current flow into the resistor ladder from the VREF pin. When using the A/D converter, set the VCUT bit to "1" (VREF connection) before setting the ADST bit in the AD0CON0 register to "1" (A/D conversion started). Do not set the ADST bit and VCUT bit to "1" simultaneously, nor set the VCUT bit to "0" (no VREF connection) during the A/D conversion. The VCUT bit does not affect the VREF performance of the D/A converter. 17.2.8 Output Impedance of Sensor Equivalent Circuit under A/D Conversion For perfect A/D converter performance, complete internal capacitor (C) charging, shown in Figure 17.8, for the specified period (T) as sampling time. Output Impedance of the sensor equivalent circuit (R0) is determined by the following equations: VC = VIN {1 – e When t = T, VC = VIN – e – – 1 X Y T C (R0 + R) = – 1 C (R0 + R) t } VIN = VIN (1 – X ) Y X Y X 1 T= ln C (R0 +R) Y T R0 = – X C • ln Y –R where: VC = Voltage between pins R = Internal resistance of the microcomputer X = Precision (error) of the A/D converter Y = Resolution of the A/D converter (1024 in 10-bit mode, and 256 in 8-bit mode) Figure 17.8 shows analog input pin and external sensor equivalent circuit. The impedance (R0) can be obtained if the voltage between pins (VC) changes from 0 to VIN-(0.1/1024) VIN in the time (T), when the difference between VIN and VC becomes 0.1LSB. (0.1/1024) means that A/D precision drop, due to insufficient capacitor charge, is held to 0.1LSB at time of A/ D conversion in the 10-bit mode. Actual error, however, is the value of absolute precision added to 0.1LSB. When ØAD = 10 MHz, T = 0.3 µs in the A/D conversion mode with the sample and hold function. Output impedance (R0) for sufficiently charging capacitor (C) in the time (T) is determined by the following equation: Using T = 0.3 µs, R = 7.8 kΩ, C = 1.5 pF, X = 0.1, Y = 1024, R0 = – 0.3 X 10-6 1.5 X 10 –12 • ln 0.1 –7.8 X103 = 13.9 X 103 1024 Thus, the allowable output impedance of the sensor equivalent circuit, making the precision (error) 0.1LSB or less, is approximately 13.9 kΩ maximum. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 235 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 17. A/D Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Microcopmuter Sensor equivalent circuit R0 R (7.8Ω) VIN Sampling time C (1.5pF) VC 3 Sample and hold function is enabled : φAD 2 Sample and hold function is disabled : φAD Figure 17.8 Analog Input Pin and External Sensor Equivalent Circuit Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 236 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 18. D/A Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 18. D/A Converter The D/A converter consists of two separate 8-bit R-2R ladder D/A converters. Digital code is converted to an analog voltage when a value is written to the corresponding DAi registers (i=0,1). The DAiE bit in the DACON register determines whether the D/A conversion result output is provided or not. Set the DAiE bit to "1" (output enabled) to disable a pull-up of a corresponding port. Output analog voltage (V) is calculated from value n (n=decimal) set in the DAi register. V = VREF x n (n = 0 to 255) 256 VREF : reference voltage (not related to VCUT bit setting in the AD0CON1 register) Table 18.1 lists specifications of the D/A converter. Table 18.2 lists the DA0 and DA1 pin settings. Figure 18.1 shows a block diagram of the D/A converter. Figure 18.2 shows the D/A control register. Figure 18.3 shows a D/A converter equivalent circuit. When the D/A converter is not used, set the DAi register to "0016" and the DAiE bit to "0" (output disabled). Table 18.1 D/A Converter Specifications Item D/A Conversion Method Resolution Analog Output Pin Specification R-2R 8 bits 2 channels Table 18.2 Pin Settings Port Function Bit and Setting PD9 Register(1) PS3 Register(1) PSL3 Register P93 DA0 output PD9_3=0 PS3_3=0 PSL3_3=1 P94 DA1 output PD9_4=0 PS3_4=0 PSL3_4=1 NOTE: 1. Set the PD9 and PS3 registers immediately after the PRC2 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between the instruction to set the PRC2 bit to "1" and the instruction to set the PD9 and PS3 registers. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 237 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 18. D/A Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) AA AA Low-order Bits of Data Bus DA0 Register DA0E 0 R-2R Resistor Ladder A DA0 1 DA1 Register DA1E 0 R-2R Resistor Ladder DA1 1 DA0E, DA1E: Bits in the DACON register Figure 18.1 D/A Converter Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 238 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 18. D/A Converter M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) D/A Control Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Symbol DACON b0 Address 039C16 After Reset XXXX XX002 Bit Symbol Bit Name DA0E D/A0 Output Enable Bit 0: Disables an output 1: Enables an output RW DA1E D/A1 Output Enable Bit 0: Disables an output 1: Enables an output RW (b7 - b2) Function RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. D/A Register i (i=0, 1) b7 b0 Symbol DA0, DA1 Address 039816, 039A16 After Reset Indeterminate Function Output value of D/A conversion Setting Range RW 0016 to FF16 RW Figure 18.2 DACON Register, DA0 and DA1 Registers r DA0E "0" R R R R R R R 2R DA0 "1" 2R 2R 2R 2R 2R 2R 2R LSB MSB D/A register 0 2R 0 1 AVSS VREF(4) NOTES: 1. The above applies when the DA0 register is set to "2A16". 2. This circuitry is the same for D/A1. 3. To reduce power consumption when the D/A converter is not used, set the DAiE bit (i=0, 1) to "0" (output disabled) and the DAi register to "0016" to stop current from flowing into the R-2R resistor. 4. VREF is not related to VCUT bit setting in the AD0CON1 register. Figure 18.3 D/A Converter Equivalent Circuit Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 239 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 20. CRC Calculation M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 19. CRC Calculation The CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) calculation detects an error in data blocks. A generator polynomial of CRC_CCITT (X16 + X12 + X5 + 1) generates CRC code. The CRC code is a 16-bit code generated for a block of data of desired length. This block of data is in 8-bit units.The CRC code is set in the CRCD register every time one-byte data is transferred to the CRCIN register after a default value is written to the CRCD register. CRC code generation for one-byte data is completed in two cycles. Figure 19.1 shows a block diagram of a CRC circuit. Figure 19.2 shows CRC-associated registers. Figure 19.3 shows an example of the CRC calculation. High-order bits of data bus AAA AAAA AAA AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA Low-order bits of data bus 8 low-order bits 8 highorder bits CRCD register CRC code generation circuit x16 + x12 + x5 + 1 CRCIN register Figure 19.1 CRC Calculation Block Diagram CRC Data Register b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol Address After Reset CRCD 037D16- 037C16 Indeterminate Function After default value is written to the CRCD register, the CRC code can be read from the CRCD register by writing data to the CRCIN register. Bit position of the default value is inversed. The inversed value is read as the CRC code. Setting Range RW 000016 to FFFF16 RW CRC Input Register b7 b0 Symbol CRCIN Address 037E16 Function Data input. Inverse bit position of data Figure 19.2 CRCD Register and CRCIN Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 240 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 After Reset Indeterminate Setting Range RW 0016 to FF16 RW 20. CRC Calculation M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) CRC Calculation and Setup Procedure to Generate CRC Code for "80C416" CRC Calculation for M32C value of the CRCIN register with inversed bit position generator polynomial CRC Code: a remainder of a division, 16 Generator Polynomial: X 12 +X 5 + X + 1 (1 0001 0000 0010 00012) Setting Steps (1) Inverse a bit position of "80C416" per byte by program "8016" "0116", "C416" "2316" b15 b0 (2) Set "000016" (default value) CRCD register b7 b0 CRCIN register Bit position of the CRC code for "8016" (918816) is inversed to "118916", which is stored into the CRCD register in 3rd cycle. (3) Set "0116" b15 b0 CRCD register 118916 b7 b0 CRCIN register Bit position of the CRC code for "80C416" (825016) is inversed to "0A4116", which is stored into the CRCD register in 3rd cycle. (4) Set "2316" b15 b0 0A4116 CRCD register Details of CRC Calculation As shown in (3) above, bit position of "0116" (000000012) written to the CRCIN register is inversed and becomes "100000002". Add "1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00002", as "100000002" plus 16 digits, to "000016" as the default value of the CRCD register to perform the modulo-2 division. 1000 1000 Modulo-2 Arithmetic is data 1 0001 0000 0010 0001 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 calculated on the law below. 1000 1000 0001 0000 1 0+0=0 1000 0001 0000 1000 0 0+1=1 Generator Polynomial 1000 1000 0001 0000 1 1+0=1 1001 0001 1000 1000 1+1=0 -1=1 CRC Code "0001 0001 1000 10012 (118916)", the remainder "1001 0001 1000 10002 (918816)" with inversed bit position, can be read from the CRCD register. When going on to (4) above, "2316 (001000112)" written in the CRCIN register is inversed and becomes "110001002". Add "1100 0100 0000 0000 0000 00002", as "110001002" plus 16 digits, to "1001 0001 1000 10002" as a remainder of (3) left in the CRCD register to perform the modulo-2 division. "0000 1010 0100 00012 (0A4116)", the remainder with inversed bit position, can be read from CRCD register. Figure 19.3 CRC Calculation Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 241 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 20. X/Y Conversion M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 20. X/Y Conversion The X/Y conversion rotates a 16 x 16 matrix data by 90 degrees and inverses high-order bits and low-order bits of a 16-bit data. Figure 20.1 shows the XYC register. The 16-bit XiR register (i=0 to 15) and 16-bit YjR register (j=0 to 15) are allocated to the same address. The XiR register is a write-only register, while the YjR register is a read-only register. Access the XiR and YjR registers from an even address in 16-bit units. Performance cannot be guaranteed if the XiR and YiR registers are accessed in 8-bit units. X/Y Control Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address XYC 02E016 Bit Symbol Bit Name Function RW XYC0 Read Mode Set Bit 0: Data is converted 1: Data is not convered RW XYC1 Write Mode Set Bit 0: Bit alignment is not converted 1: Bit alignment is converted RW (b7 - b2) Figure 20.1 XYC Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 After Reset XXXX XX002 Page 242 of 435 Noting is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. 20. X/Y Conversion M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) The XYC0 bit in the XYC register determines how to read the YjR register. By reading the YjR register when the XYC0 bit is set to "0" (data conversion), bit j in the X0R to X15R registers can be read simultaneously. For example, bit 0 in the X0R register can be read if reading bit 0 in the Y0R register, bit 0 in the X1R register if reading bit 1 in the Y0R register..., bit 0 in the X14R register if reading bit 14 in the Y0R register and bit 0 in the X15R register if reading bit 15 in the Y0R register. Figure 20.2 shows the conversion table when the XYC0 bit is set to "0". Figure 20.3 shows an example of the X/Y conversion. Y15R register Y14R register Y13R register Y12R register Y11R register Y10R register Y9R register Y8R register Y7R register Y6R register Y5R register Y4R register Y3R register Y2R register Y1R register Y0R register Address to be read b15 b0 Bits in the YjR register b0 AA AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A b15 Address to be written X0R register X1R register X2R register X3R register X4R register X5R register X6R register X7R register X8R register X9R register X10R register X11R register X12R register X13R register X14R register X15R register Bits in the XiR register b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Figure 20.2 Conversion Table when Setting the XYC0 Bit to "0" X0R register X1R register X2R register Y0R register Y1R register Y2R register X3R register X4R register X5R register X6R register X7R register X8R register Y3R register Y4R register Y5R register Y6R register Y7R register Y8R register X9R register X10R register X11R register X12R register X13R register X14R register X15R register Y9R register Y10R register Y11R register Y12R register Y13R register Y14R register Y15R register Figure 20.3 X/Y Conversion Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 243 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 AAAAAAAA AAAAAA AA AA AA AAAAAAA AA AA AA AAAA AA AA AA AA AA AAA AA A 20. X/Y Conversion M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) By reading the YjR register when the XYC0 bit in the XYC register is set to "1" (no data conversion), the value written to the XiR register can be read directly. Figure 20.4 shows the conversion table when the XYC0 bit is set to "1." Address to be written Address to be read AA AA AA AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A AA A X0R register, Y0R register X1R register, Y1R register X2R register, Y2R register X3R register, Y3R register X4R register, Y4R register X5R register, Y5R register X6R register, Y6R register X7R register, Y7R register X8R register, Y8R register X9R register, Y9R register X10R register, Y10R register X11R register, Y11R register X12R register, Y12R register X13R register, Y13R register X14R register, Y14R register X15R register, Y15R register b15 b0 Bits in the XiR register Bits in the YjR register i=0 to 15 j=0 to 15 Figure 20.4 Conversion Table when Setting the XYC0 Bit to "1" The XYC1 bit in the XYC register selects bit alignment of the value in the XiR register. By writing to the XiR register while the XYC1 bit is set to "0" (no bit alignment conversion), bit alignment is written as is. By writing to the XiR register while the XYC1 bit is set to "1" (bit sequence replaced), bit alignment is written inversed. Figure 20.5 shows the conversion table when the XYC1 bit is set to "1". b15 b0 b15 b0 Data to be written Bits in XiR register (i=0 to 15) Figure 20.5 Conversion Table when Setting the XYC1 Bit to "1" Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 REJ09B0162-0110 Page 244 of 435 21. Intelligent I/O M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 21. Intelligent I/O The intelligent I/O is a multifunctional I/O port for time measurement, waveform generating, clock synchronous serial I/O, clock asynchronous serial I/O (UART), HDLC data processing and more. The intelligent I/O has one 16-bit base timer for free-running operation, eight 16-bit registers for time measurement and waveform generating and two sets of two 8-bit shift registers for communications. Table 21.1 lists functions and channels of the intelligent I/O. Table 21.1 Intelligent I/O Functions and Channels Function Time Measurement(1) Description 8 channels Digital Filter 8 channels Trigger Input Prescaler 2 channels (channel 6 and channel 7) Trigger Input Gate 2 channels (channel 6 and channel 7) Waveform Generating(1) Single-Phase Waveform Output Mode 8 channels 8 channels Phase-Delayed Waveform Output Mode 8 channels SR Waveform Output Mode Communication 8 channels Communication unit 0 Clock Synchronous Serial I/O Mode Available UART Mode Not Available HDLC Data Processing Mode Available Communication unit 1 Available NOTE: 1. The time measurement function and the waveform generating function share a pin. The time measurement function and waveform generating function can be selected for each channel. The communication function is available by a combining multiple channels. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 245 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Figures 21.1 shows a block diagram of the intelligent I/O. Figure 21.2 shows a block diagram of the intelligent I/O communication. 0 1 Overflow of bit 15 in the base timer Overflow of bit 9 in the base timer BTRE Request by matching the base timer with the G1PO0 register Base timer reset in the communication unit 1 Request from the INT pin BTS f1 11 Two-phase pulse signal is applied 10 BCK1 and BCK0 INPC10 INPC11 / ISCLK1 INPC12 / ISRxD1 INPC13 INPC14 INPC15 INPC16 INPC17 00 10 : fBT1 Digital 11 : f1 Filter DF1 and DF0 10 : fBT1 00 Digital 11 : f1 Filter DF1 and DF0 00 10 : fBT1 Digital 11 : f1 Filter DF1 and DF0 00 10 : fBT1 Digital 11 : f1 Filter DF1 and DF0 00 10 : fBT1 Digital 11 : f1 Filter DF1 and DF0 00 10 : fBT1 Digital 11 : f1 Filter DF1 and DF0 fBT1 Divider 2(n+1) DIV4 to DIV0 Base Timer Edge Select CTS1 and CTS0 G1TM0, G1PO0 Register(1) Edge Select CTS1 and CTS0 G1TM1, G1PO1 Register(1) Edge Select CTS1 and CTS0 G1TM2, G1PO2 Register(1) 000 to 010 PWM Output MOD2 to MOD0 OUTC10/ISTxD1 /BE1OUT 111 000 to 010 111 MOD2 to MOD0 OUTC11/ISCLK1 OUTC12 PWM Output G1TM3, G1PO3 Register(1) Edge Select OUTC13 CTS1 and CTS0 G1TM4, G1PO4 Register(1) Edge Select OUTC14 PWM Output CTS1 and CTS0 G1TM5, G1PO5 Register(1) Edge Select CTS1 and CTS0 00 0 10 : fBT1 Edge Gate Digital 11 : f1 Select Function 1 Filter DF1 and DF0 GT CTS1 and CTS0 00 0 10 : fBT1 Gate Digital 11 : f1 Edge Function 1 Filter Select DF1 and DF0 GT CTS1 and CTS0 OUTC15 0 Prescaler Function 1 PR G1TM6, G1PO6 Register(1) 0 Prescaler Function 1 PR OUTC16 PWM Output G1TM7, G1PO7 Register(1) OUTC17 Ch0 to Ch7 interrupt request signal ISCLK0 ISRxD0 Communication Unit 0 ISTxD0 Communication Unit 1 f1 f8 f2n NOTE: 1. Each register is placed in a reset state after the G1BCR0 register supplies the clock. Figure 21.1 Intelligent I/O Block Diagram Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 246 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 DIV4 to DIV0, BCK1 and BCK0: Bits in the G1BCR0 Register BTS: Bit in the G1BCR1 Register CTS1 and CTS0, DF1 and DF0, GT, PR: Bits in the G1TMCRj Register (j=0 to 7) MOD2 to MOD0: Bits in the G1POCRj Register BTRE: Bit in the G1POCR0 Register 21. Intelligent I/O M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Communication Unit 0 ISRxD0 ISCLK0 Transmit Interrupt Request SIO0TR(1) CCS1 and CCS0 01 f1 f2n f8 10 11 G0TB Register (Transmit Buffer Register) SOF Generation Circuit Transmit Buffer Bit Insert Circuit Transmit Register Transmit Latch Transmission Transmit Data Generation Circuit TXSL G0TCRC Register 0 ISTxD0 1 Data Selector G0TO Register Clock Wait Control Circuit HDLC Data Transmit Interrupt Request G0TOR(1) Transmit Register Transmit CKDIR Operation 0 Clock Transmit Buffer 1 Receive Operation Clock Reception Arbitration Receive Data Generation Circuit G0RCRC Register G0RI Register Receive Buffer Receive Register Data Selector Bit Insert Check 0 G0RB Register Receive Interrupt Request SIO0RR(1) Receive Buffer 1 RXSL G0DR Register (Receive Data Register) Receive Register Shift Register Buffer Register G0CMP0 register G0CMP0 register G0CMP0 register G0CMP3 Register Special Communication Interrupt Request SRT0R(1) Special Interrupt Check Comparator Comparator Comparator Comparator HDLC Data Receive Interrupt Request G0RIR(1) Communication Unit 1 G1TB Register (Transmit Buffer Register) Generated Clock in the Channel i (i=1 to 3) f1 f2n f8 SOF Generation Circuit Transmit Buffer Bit Insert Circuit Transmit Register Transmit Latch Clock Wait Control Circuit 01 10 11 TXSL Start Bit Generation Circuit CKDIR ISRxD1 0 HDLC Data Transmit Interrupt Request G1TOR(1) Reception Receive Data Generation Circuit Bit Insert Check Data Selector G1RB Register Receive Buffer Polarity Inverse RXSL ISTxD1 Transmit Buffer G1RCRC Register 1 Polarity Inverse Transmit Register Receive Operation Clock G1RI Register Receive Register SIO1TR(1) G1TO Register Arbitration Receive Buffer Transmit Interrupt Request 1 1 ISCLK1 0 Data Selector Stop Bit Generation Circuit Transmit Operation Clock 0 Transmission G1TCRC Register CCS3 and CCS2 00 Transmit Data Generation Circuit G1DR Register (Receive Data Register) Shift Register Start Bit Check Receive Register Stop Bit Check Special Interrupt Check Buffer Register G1CMP0 Register G1CMP0 (8bit) Register G1CMP0 (8bit) Register (8bit) Register G1CMP3 Receive Interrupt Request SIO1RR(1) Special Communication Interrupt Request SRT1R(1) Comparator Comparator (8bit) Comparator (8bit) (8bit) Comparator HDLC Data Receive Interrupt Request G1RIR(1) NOTE: 1. See Figure 10.14. CKDIR: Bit in the GiMR Register (i=0,1) TXSL, RXSL: Bits in the GiEMR Register CCS1 and CCS0: Bits in the CCS Register Figure 21.2 Intelligent I/O Communication Block Diagram Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 247 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Figures 21.3 to 21.8 show registers associated with the intelligent I/O base timer, the time measurement function and waveform generating function. (For registers associated with the communication function, see Figures 21.19 to 21.28.) Base Timer Register 1(2) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol G1BT Address After Reset 012116 - 012016 Indeterminate Setting Range Function When the base timer is counting: When read, the value of the base timer can be read. When write, the counter starts counting from the value written. When the base timer is reset, the G1BT register is set to "000016"(1). When the base timer is reset: The G1BT register is set to "000016" but value is indeterminate. No value is written(1). 000016 to FFFF16 RW RW NOTES: 1. The base timer stops only when the BCK1 and BCK0 bits in the G1BCR0 register are set to "002" (clock stopped). The base timer counts when the BCK1 and BCK0 bits are set to a value other than "002". When the BTS bit in the G1BCR1 register is set to "0", the base timer is reset continually, remaining set to "000016". This, in effect, places the base timer in a "no counting" state. When the BTS bit is set to "1", this state is cleared and counting starts. 2. The G1BT register reflects the base timer value after one half fBT1 cycle. Base Timer Control Register 10 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol G1BCR0 Bit Symbol Address 012216 After Reset 0016 Bit Name Function RW b1b0 BCK0 Count Source Select Bit BCK1 RW 0 0 : Clock stops 0 1 : Do not set to this value 1 0 : Two-phase pulse signal is applied(1) RW 1 1 : f1 If setting value is n (n = 0 to 31), count source is divided by 2(n + 1). No division if n=31. DIV0 DIV1 DIV2 RW Count Source Divide Ratio Select Bit DIV3 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 (n=0) 0 0 0 0 0: Divide-by-2 (n=1) 0 0 0 0 1: Divide-by-4 (n=2) 0 0 0 1 0: Divide-by-6 RW (n=30) 1 1 1 1 0: Divide-by-62 (n=31) 1 1 1 1 1: No division RW DIV4 IT RW RW Base Timer Interrupt Select Bit 0: Bit 15 overflows 1: Bit 14 overflows RW NOTE: 1. This setting can be used only when the UD1 and UD0 bits in the G1BCR1 register are set to "102" (two-phase signal processing mode). Do not set the BCK1 and BCK0 bits to "102" when setting the UD1 and UD0 bits to "002" (counter increment mode) or "012" (Counter increment/decrement mode). Figure 21.3 G1BT Register and G1BCR0 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 248 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Base Timer Control Register 11 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address 012316 G1BCR1 0 Bit Symbol (b0) Bit Name After Reset X000 000X2 Function RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. RST1 Base Timer Reset Cause Select Bit 1 0: The base timer is not reset by matching with the G1PO0 register 1: The base timer is reset by matching with the G1PO0 register(1) RW RST2 Base Timer Reset Cause Select Bit 2 0: The base timer is not reset by applying "L" to the INT0 or INT1 pin 1: The base timer is reset by applying "L" to the INT0 or INT1 pin(2) RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW Base Timer Start Bit 0: Base timer is reset 1: Base timer starts counting RW (b3) BTS b6 b5 UD0 UD1 (b7) RW 0 0: Counter increment mode 0 1: Counter increment/decrement mode Counter Increment/ pulse signal processing Decrement Control Bit 1 0: Two-phase mode(3) RW 1 1: Do not set to this value Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTES: 1. The base timer is reset after two fBT1 clock cycles when the base timer value matches the G1PO0 register setting. (See Figure 21.7 for details on the G1PO0 register.) When the RST1 bit is set to "1", the G1POj register (j=1 to 7) for the waveform generating function and communication function must be set to a value smaller than the G1PO0 register. 2. The IPSA_0 bit in the IPSA register can select the INT0 or INT1 pin. 3. In two-phase pulse signal processing mode, the base timer is not reset, even though the RST1 bit is set to "1", if the counter is decremented after two clock cycles when the base timer value matches the G1PO0 register setting. Figure 21.4 G1BCR1 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 249 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Time Measurement Control Register 1j (j=0 to 7) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol G1TMCR0 to G1TMCR3 G1TMCR4 to G1TMCR7 Bit Symbol Address 011816, 011916, 011A16, 011B16 011C16, 011D16, 011E16, 011F16 Bit Name After Reset 0016 0016 Function RW b1 b0 CTS0 Time Measurement Trigger Select Bit CTS1 0 0 1 1 0: No time measurement 1: Rising edge 0: Falling edge 1: Both edges RW RW b3 b2 DF0 Digital Filter Function Select Bit DF1 0 0 1 1 0: No digital filter 1: Do not set to this value 0: fBT1 1: f1 RW RW Gate Function Select Bit(1) 0: Gate function is not used 1: Gate function is used GOC Gate Function Clear Select Bit(1, 2, 3) 0: Not cleared 1: The gate is cleared when the base RW timer matches the GiPOk register GSC Gate Function Clear Bit(1, 2) The gate is cleared by setting the GSC bit to "1" RW Prescaler Function Select Bit(1) 0: Not used 1: Used RW GT PR RW NOTES: 1. The GT, GOC, GSC and PR bits in the G1TMCR6 and G1TMCR7 registers can be used to select these functions. Set all bits 7 to 4 in the G1TMCR0 to G1TMCR5 registers to "0". 2. The GOC and GSC bits are enabled only when the GT bit is set to "1". 3. The GOC bit is set to "0" after the gate function is cleared. See Figure 21.7 about the G1POk register (k=4 when j=6 and k=5 when j=7). Time Measurement Prescaler Register 1j (j=6,7) b7 b0 Symbol G1TPR6, G1TPR7 Address 012416, 012516 Function If the setting value is n, the base timer value is stored into G1TMj register whenever a trigger input is counted by n+1(1) After Reset 0016 Setting Range RW 0016 to FF16 RW NOTE: 1. The first prescaler, after the PR bit setting in the G1TMCRj register is changed from "0" (not used) to "1" (used), may be divided by n rather than n+1. The subsequent prescaler is divided by n+1. Figure 21.5 G1TMCR0 to G1TMCR7 Registers, G1TPR6 and G1TPR7 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 250 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Time Measurement Register 1j (j=0 to 7) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol G1TM0 to G1TM2 G1TM3 to G1TM5 G1TM6, G1TM7 Address 010116 - 010016, 010316 - 010216, 010516 - 010416 010716 - 010616, 010916 - 010816, 010B16 - 010A16 010D16 - 010C16, 010F16 - 010E16 Function After Reset Indeterminate Indeterminate Indeterminate Setting Range The base timer value is stored every measurement timing RW RO Waveform Generating Control Register 1j (j=0 to 7) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address After Reset G1POCR0 G1POCR1 to G1POCR3 G1POCR4 to G1POCR7 011016 011116, 011216, 011316 011416, 011516, 011616, 011716 0000 X0002 0X00 X0002 0X00 X0002 Bit Symbol Bit Name Function RW b2 b1b0 MOD0 MOD1 Operating Mode Select Bit MOD2 (b3) IVL RLD BTRE INV 0 0 0 : Single waveform output mode RW 0 0 1 : SR waveform output mode(1) 0 1 0 : Phase-delayed waveform output mode 0 1 1 : Do not set to this value RW 1 0 0 : Do not set to this value 1 0 1 : Do not set to this value 1 1 0 : Do not set to this value(2) 1 1 1 : Use communication function RW output(3) Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. Output Initial Value Select Bit(6) 0: "L" output as default value 1: "H" output as default value RW 0: Reloads the G1POj register when G1POj Register Value value is written RW Reload Timing Select Bit 1: Reloads the G1POj register when the base timer is reset 0: Enables base timer reset when Base Timer Reset Enable bit 15 in the base timer overflows RW 1: Enables base timer reset when Bit(4) bit 9 in the base timer overflows(7) Inverse Output Function Select Bit(5) 0: Output is not inversed 1: Output is inversed RW NOTES: 1. This setting is enabled only for even channels. In SR waveform output mode, values written to the corresponding odd channel (next channel after an even channel) are ignored. Even channels provides waveform output. Odd channels provides no waveform output. 2. To receive data in UART mode, set the G1POCR2 register to "0000 01102". 3. This setting is enabled only for channels 0 and 1. To use the ISTxD1 pin, set the MOD2 to MOD0 bits in the G1POCR0 register to "1112". To use the ISCLK1 pin for an output, set the MOD2 to MOD0 bits in the G1POCR1 register to"1112". Do not set the MOD2 to MOD0 bits to "1112" except in channels 0 and 1 and for the communication function. 4. The BTRE bit is provided in the G1POCR0 register only. Set each bit 6 in the G1POCR1 to G1POCR7 registers to "0". 5. The inverse output function is the final step in waveform generating process. When the INV bit is set to "1", an "H" signal is provided a default output by setting the IVL bit to "0"; and an "L" signal is provided by setting it to "1". 6. To output either "H" or "L" signal set in the IVL bit, set the FSCj bit in the G1FS register to "0" (waveform generating function selected) and IFEj bit in the G1FE register to "1" (channel j function enabled). Then set the IVL bit to "0" or "1". 7. When the BTRE bit is set to "1", set the BCK1 and BCK0 bits in the G1BCR0 register to "112" (f1) and the UD1 and UD0 bits in the G1BCR1 register to "002" (counter increment mode). Figure 21.6 G1TM0 to G1TM7 Registers and G1POCR0 to G1POCR7 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 251 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Waveform Generating Register 1j (j=0 to 7) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol G1PO0 to G1PO2 G1PO3 to G1PO5 G1PO6 to G1PO7 Address After Reset 010116-010016, 010316-010216, 010516-010416 Indeterminate 010716-010616, 010916-010816, 010B16-010A16 Indeterminate 010D16-010C16, 010F16-010E16 Indeterminate Function Setting Range RW • When the RLD bit in the G1POCRj register is set to "0", value is reloaded into the G1POj register for output as soon as written, for example, a waveform output, reflecting the value. • When the RLD bit is set to "1", the value is reloaded when the base timer is reset. The value written can be read until reloading. 000016 to FFFF16 RW Function Select Register 1 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address After Reset G1FS 012716 0016 Bit Symbol FSC0 FSC1 Bit Name Function RW Channel 0 Time Measure- 0: Selects the waveform generating ment/Waveform Generating RW function Function Select Bit 1: Selects the time measurement function Channel 1 Time Measurement/Waveform Generating RW Function Select Bit FSC2 Channel 2 Time Measurement/Waveform Generating Function Select Bit RW FSC3 Channel 3 Time Measurement/Waveform Generating Function Select Bit RW FSC4 FSC5 Channel 4 Time Measurement/Waveform Generating Function Select Bit Channel 5 Time Measurement/Waveform Generating Function Select Bit RW RW FSC6 Channel 6 Time Measurement/Waveform Generating Function Select Bit RW FSC7 Channel 7 Time Measurement/Waveform Generating Function Select Bit RW Figure 21.7 G1PO0 to G1PO7 Registers and G1FS Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 252 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Function Enable Register 1 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Symbol b0 G1FE Bit Symbol Address 012616 Bit Name After Reset 0016 Function RW IFE2 Channel 0 Function Enable Bit 0: Disables functions for channel j RW Channel 1 Function Enable Bit 1: Enables functions for channel j RW (j=0 to 7) Channel 2 Function Enable Bit RW IFE3 Channel 3 Function Enable Bit RW IFE4 Channel 4 Function Enable Bit RW IFE5 Channel 5 Function Enable Bit RW IFE6 Channel 6 Function Enable Bit RW IFE7 Channel 7 Function Enable Bit RW IFE0 IFE1 Figure 21.8 G1FE Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 253 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Base Timer) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 21.1 Base Timer The base timer is a free-running counter that counts an internally generated count source. Table 21.2 lists specifications of the base timer. Figures 21.3 and 21.4 show registers associated with the base timer. Figure 21.9 shows a block diagram of the base timer. Figure 21.10 shows an example of the base timer in counter increment mode. Figure 21.11 shows an example of the base timer in counter increment/decrement mode. Figure 21.12 shows an example of two-phase pulse signal processing mode. Table 21.2 Base Timer Specifications Item Count Source (fBT1) Specification f1 divided by 2(n+1) , two-phase pulse input divided by 2(n+1) n: determined by the DIV4 to DIV0 bits in the G1BCR0 register n=0 to 31; however no division when n=31 Counting Operation The base timer increments the counter value The base timer increments and decrements the counter value Two-phase pulse signal processing Counter Start Condition The BTS bit in the G1BCR1 register is set to "1" (base timer starts counting) Counter Stop Condition The BTS bit in the G1BCR1 register is set to "0" (base timer reset) Base Timer Reset Condition • The value of the base timer matches the value of the G1PO0 register ________ _______ • An low-level ("L") signal is applied to the INT0 or INT1 pin • Bit 15 or bit 9 in the base timer overflows Value when the Base Timer is Reset "000016" Interrupt Request The BT1R bit in the IIO4IR register is set to "1" (interrupt requested) when bit 9, bit 14 or bit 15 in the base timer overflows (See Figure 10.14.) Read from Base Timer • The G1BT register indicates the counter value while the base timer is running Write to Base Timer Selectable Function • The G1BT register is indeterminate when the base timer is reset When a value is written while the base timer is running, the timer counter immediately starts counting from this value. No value can be written while the base timer is reset • Counter increment/decrement mode The base timer starts counting when the BTS bit is set to "1". After reaching to "FFFF16", the timer counter is then decremented back to "000016". If the RST1 bit in the G1BCR1 register is set to "1" (the base timer is reset by matching with the G1PO0 register), the timer counter starts decrementing in two counts after the base timer matches the G1PO0 register. The base timer increments the counter value again when the timer counter reaches "000016." (See Figure 21.11.) • Two-phase pulse processing mode Two-phase pulse signals from P76 and P77 pins or P80 and P81 pins are counted as well. (See Figure 21.12.) The IPSA_0 bit in the IPSA register controls input pin selection. (Refer to 23. Programmable I/O Ports) P80 (P76) P81 (P77) The timer increments counter on all edge Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 254 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 The timer decrements counter on all edges 21. Intelligent I/O (Base Timer) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) fBT1 BCK1 and BCK0 f1 Apply the Two-Phase Pulse Signal Base Timer 2(n+1) Divider 11 b9 b14 b15 Overflow Signal 1 10 BTRE 0 0 1 BTS Bit IT Base Timer Interrupt Request (See the BT1R bit on Figure 10.14) RST1 Matching with the G1PO0 Register Base Timer Reset RST2 Apply "L" to the INTi Pin i=0,1 BCK1 and BCK0, IT: Bits in the G1BCR0 register RST2 to RST0, BTS: Bits in the G1BCR1 register BTRE: Bit in the G1POCR0 register Figure 21.9 Base Timer Block Diagram Table 21.3 Base Timer Associated Register Settings (Also applies when using time measurement function, waveform generating function and communication function) Register G1BCR0 G1BCR1 G1POCR0 G1BT Bit BCK1, BCK0 DIV4 to DIV0 IT RST2, RST1 BTS UD1, UD0 BTRE - Function Select count source Select divide ratio of count source Select the base timer interrupt Select source for a base timer reset Used to start the base timer independently Select how to count Select source for a base timer reset Read or write base timer value Set the following registers to set the RST1 bit to "1" (base timer reset by matching the base timer with the G1PO0 register). G1POCR0 MOD2 to MOD0 Set to "0002" (single-phase waveform output mode) G1PO0 G1FS G1FE FSC0 IFE0 Set reset cycle Set to "0" (waveform generating function) Set to "1" (channel operation start) Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 255 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Base Timer) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) (1) When the IT bit in the G1BCR0 register is set to "0" (bit 15 in the base timer overflows) FFFF16 Base Timer 800016 000016 "1" Bit 15 Overflow Signal "0" BT1R bit in the IIO4IR register "1" "0" Write "0" by program if setting to "0" The above applies under the following conditions: • The RST1 in the G1BCR1 register is set to "0" (the base timer is not reset by matching the G1PO0 register) • The UD1 and UD0 bits in the G1BCR1 register are set to "002" (counter increment mode) (2) When the IT bit is set to "1" (bit 14 in the base timer overflows) FFFF16 C00016 Base Timer 800016 400016 000016 Bit 14 Overflow Signal BT1R bit in the IIO4IR register "1" "0" "1" "0" Write "0" by program if setting to "0" The above applies under the following conditions: • The RST1 in the G1BCR1 register is set to "0" (the base timer is not reset by matching the G1PO0 register) • The UD1 and UD0 bits in the G1BCR1 register are set to "002" (counter increment mode) Figure 21.10 Counter Increment Mode Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 256 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Base Timer) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) (1) When the IT bit in the G1BCR0 register is set to "0" (bit 15 in the base timer overflows) FFFF16 Base Timer 800016 Bit 15 Overflow Signal "1" "0" "1" BT1R bit in the IIO4IR register "0" Write "0" by program if setting to "0" The above applies under the following conditions: • The RST1 in the G1BCR1 register is set to "0" (the base timer is not reset by matching the G1PO0 register) • The UD1 and UD0 bits in the G1BCR1 register are set to "012" (counter increment/decrement mode) (2) When the IT bit is set to "1" (bit 14 in the base timer overflows) FFFF16 C00016 Base Timer 800016 400016 000016 Bit 14 Overflow Signal BT1R bit in the IIO4IR register "1" "0" "1" "0" Write "0" by program if setting to "0" The above applies under the following conditions: • The RST1 in the G1BCR1 register is set to "0" (the base timer is not reset by matching the G1PO0 register) • The UD1 and UD0 bits in the G1BCR1 register are set to "012" (counter increment/decrement mode) (3) When the RST1 bit in the G1BCR1 register is set to "1" (the base timer is reset by matching with the G1PO0 register) 800216 800016 Base Timer 000016 The above applies under the following conditions: • Value of G1PO0 register: "800016" • The UD1 and UD0 bits in the G1BCR1 register are set to "012" (counter increment/decrement mode) Figure 21.11 Counter Increment/Decrement Mode Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 257 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Base Timer) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) (1) When the base timer is reset while the base timer increments the counter value Input Waveform P80 (P76)(2) "H" (A-phase) "L" min 1 µs P81 (P77)(2) "H" (B-phase) "L" min 1 µs fBT1 "H" ( ) When selects no division "L" with the divider by 2(n+1) INT1 "H" (Z-phase) "L" (Note 1) The base timer starts counting Base TImer m m+1 0 1 2 Set to "1" in this timing Set to "0" in this timing (2) When the base timer is reset while the base timer decrements the counter value P80 (P76)(2) (A-phase) "H" Input Waveform "L" P81 (P77)(2) (B-phase) "H" min 1 µs min 1 µs "L" fBT1 ( When selects no division "H" with the divider by 2(n+1) ) "L" INT1 (Z-phase) "H" (Note 1) "L" The base timer starts counting Base TImer m m-1 0 FFFF16 FFFE16 Set to "FFFF16" in this timing Set to "0" in this timing NOTES: 1. 1.5 fBT1 clock cycles or more are required. 2. Set the IPSA_0 bit in the IPSA register to select either port. Figure 21.12 Base Timer Operation in Two-phase Pulse Signal Processing Mode Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 258 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Time Measurement Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 21.2 Time Measurement Function When external trigger is applied, the base timer value is stored into the G1TMj register (j=0 to 7). Table 21.4 shows specifications of the time measurement function. Tables 21.5 and 21.6 list pin settings of the time measurement function. Figures 21.13 and 21.14 show operation examples of the time measurement function. Figure 21.15 shows an operation example of the prescaler function and gate function. Table 21.4 Time Measurement Function Specifications Item Specification Measurement Channel Channels 0 to 7 Trigger Input Polarity Rising edge, falling edge and both edges of the INPC1j pin Measurement Start Condition The IFEj bit in the G1FE register is set to "1" (channel j function enabled) while the FSCj bit (j=0 to 7) in the G1FS register is set to "1" (time measurement function selected) Measurement Stop Condition The IFEj bit is set to "0" (channel j function disabled) Time Measurement Timing • No prescaler: every time a trigger signal is applied • Prescaler (for channel 6 and channel 7): every G1TPRk register (k=6,7) value +1 times a trigger signal is applied Interrupt Request Generating Timing The TM1jR bit in the interrupt request register (See Figure 10.14) is set to "1" (interrupt requested) at time measurement timing INPC1j Pin Function Trigger input pin Selectable Function • Digital filter function The digital filter samples a trigger input signal level every f1 or fBT1 cycles and passes pulse signals, matching trigger input signal level three times • Prescaler function (for channel 6 and channel 7) Time measurement is executed every G1TPRk register value +1 times a trigger signal is applied • Gate function (for channel 6 and channel 7) After time measurement by the first trigger input, trigger input cannot be accepted. However, while the GOC bit in the G1TMCRk register is set to "1" (gate cleared by matching the base timer with the G1POp register (p=4 when k=6, p=5 when k=7), trigger input can be accepted again by matching the base timer value with the G1POp register setting or by setting the GSC bit in the G1TMCRk register is set to "1" Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 259 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Time Measurement Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 21.5 Pin Settings for Time Measurement Function Pin Bit and Setting PS1, PS2, PS5, PS8 Registers PD7, PD8, PD11, PD14 Registers P70/INPC16 PS1_0 = 0 PD7_0 = 0 P71/INPC17 PS1_1 = 0 PD7_1 = 0 P73/INPC10 PS1_3 = 0 PD7_3 = 0 P74/INPC11 PS1_4 = 0 PD7_4 = 0 P75/INPC12 PS1_5 = 0 PD7_5 = 0 P76/INPC13 PS1_6 = 0 PD7_6 = 0 P77/INPC14 PS1_7 = 0 PD7_7 = 0 P81/INPC15 PS2_1 = 0 PD8_1 = 0 P110/INPC10(1) PS5_0 = 0 PD11_0 = 0 P111/INPC11(1) PS5_1 = 0 PD11_1 = 0 P112/INPC12(1) PS5_2 = 0 PD11_2 = 0 P113/INPC13(1) PS5_3 = 0 PD11_3 = 0 P140/INPC14(1) PS8_0 = 0 PD14_0 = 0 P141/INPC15(1) PS8_1 = 0 PD14_1 = 0 P142/INPC16(1) PS8_2 = 0 PD14_2 = 0 P143/INPC17(1) PS8_3 = 0 PD14_3 = 0 IPS Register IPS1 = 0 IPS1 = 1 NOTE: 1. This port is provided in the 144-pin package only. Table 21.6 Time Measurement Function Associated Register Settings Register G1TMCRj Bit Function CTS1, CTS0 Select a time measurement trigger DF1, DF0 Select the digital filter function GT, GOC, GSC Select the gate function PR Select the prescaler function G1TPRk - Setting value of the prescaler G1FS FSCj Set to "1" (time measurement function) G1FE IFEj Set to "1" (channel j function enabled) j = 0 to 7 k = 6, 7 Bit configurations and functions vary with channels used. Registers associated with the time measurement function must be set after setting registers associated with the base timer. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 260 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Time Measurement Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Signal Applied to the INPC1j Pin "H" "L" FFFF16 n Base Timer p m 000016 G1TMj Register m n p Write "0" by program if setting to "0" TM1jR Bit in the IIOiIR Register "1" "0" i= 0 to 4, 8 to 10 j= 0 to 7 The above applies under the following conditions: The CTS1 and CTS0 bits in the G1TMCRj registers are set to "012" (rising edge). The PR bit is set to "0" (no prescaler used) and the GT bit is set to "0" (no gate function used). The RST2 and RST1 bits in the G1BCR1 register are set to "002" (no base timer reset). The UD1 and UD0 bits are set to "002" (counter increment mode). To set the base timer to "000016" (setting the RST1 bit to "1" and the RST2 bit to "0") when the base timer value matches the G1PO0 register setting, the base timer is set to "000016" after it reaches the G1PO0 register value +2. Figure 21.13 Time Measurement Function (1) Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 261 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Time Measurement Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) (1) When selecting the rising edge as a time measurement trigger (The CTS1 and CTS0 bits in the G1TMCRj register (j=0 to 7) are set to "012") fBT1 Base timer n-2 n-1 n n+1 n+2 n+3 n+4 n+5 n+6 n+7 n+8 n+9 n+10 n+11 n+12 n+13 n+14 (Note 2) INPC1j pin "H" "L" "1" TM1jR bit(1) "0" Write "0" by program if setting to "0" Delayed by max. 1 clock G1TMj register n n+5 n+8 NOTES: 1. Bits in the IIO0IR to IIO4IR, IIO8IR to IIO10IR registers. See Figure 10.14 about the TM1jR bit. 2. Input pulse applied to the INPC1j pin requires 1.5 fBT1 clock cycles or more. (2) When selecting both edges as a time measurement trigger (The CTS1 and CTS0 bits are set to "112") fBT1 Base timer n-2 n-1 n n+1 n+2 n+3 n+4 n+5 n+6 n+7 n+8 n+9 n+10 n+11 n+12 n+13 n+14 "H" INPC1j pin "L" (Note 2) "1" TM1jR bit(1) "0" Write "0" by program if setting to "0" G1TMj register n n+2 n+5 n+6 n+8 n+12 NOTES: 1. Bits in the IIO0IR to IIO4IR, IIO08IR to IIO10IR registers. See Figure 10.14 about the TM1jR bit. 2. No interrupt is generated if the microcomputer receives a trigger signal when the TM1jR bit is set to "1". However, the value of the G1TMj register changes. (3) Trigger signal when using the digital filter (The DF1 and DF0 bits in the G1TMCRj register are set to "102" or "112") f1 or fBT1(1) "H" INPC1j pin Trigger signal after passing the digital filter "L" "H" "L" Maximum 3.5 f1 or fBT1(1) clock cycles Signal, which does not match three times, is stripped off The trigger signal is delayed by the digital filter NOTE: 1. fBT1 when the DF1 and DF0 bits are set to "102", and f1 when to "112". Figure 21.14 Time Measurement Function (2) Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 262 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Time Measurement Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) (1) With the Prescaler Function (When the G1TPRj register (j=6, 7) is set to "0216", the PR bit in the G1TMCRj register is set to "1") fBT1 Base Timer INPC1j pin input n-2 n-1 n n+1 n+2 n+3 n+4 n+5 n+6 n+7 n+8 n+9 n+10 n+11 n+12 n+13 n+14 "H" "L" "H" Internal time measurement trigger "L" Prescaler(1) TM1jR bit(2) 0 2 1 0 2 Write "0" by program if setting to "0" "1" "0" G1TMj register n n+12 NOTES: 1. This applies to cycles following the first cycle the G1TPRj register decrements after the PR bit in the G1TMCRj register is set to "1" (prescaler used). 2. Bits in the IIO0IR to IIO4IR, IIO8IR to IIO10IR registers. See Figure 10.14 for the TM1jR bit. (2) With the Gate Function (The gate function is cleared by matching the base timer with the G1POk register (k=4, 5). the GT bit in the G1TMCRj register is set to "1", the GOC bit is set to "1") fBT1 FFFF16 Value of the G1POk register Base Timer 000016 IFEj bit in G1FE register "1" "0" INPC1j pin input "H" "L" Internal time "H" measurement trigger "L" Signal to match G1POk register This trigger input is disabled due to the gate function "H" "L" Gate control signal "H" "L" TM1jR bit(1) "1" Gate Gate cleared Write "0" by program if setting to "0" "0" G1TMj register NOTE: 1. Bits in the IIO0IR to IIO4IR, IIO8IR to IIO10IR registers. See Figure 10.14 for the TM1jR bit. Figure 21.15 Prescaler Function and Gate Function Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 263 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 Gate 21. Intelligent I/O (Waveform Generating Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 21.3 Waveform Generating Function Waveforms are generated when the value of the base timer matches that of the G1POj register (j=0 to 7). The waveform generating function has the following three modes : • Single-phase waveform output mode • Phase-delayed waveform output mode • Set/Reset waveform output (SR waveform output) mode Table 21.7 lists pin settings of the waveform generating function. Table 21.8 lists registers associated with the waveform generating function. Table 21.7 Pin Settings for Waveform Generating Function Pin PS1, PS2, PS5 to PS8 Registers Bit and Setting PSL1, PSL2 Registers PSC, PSC2 Registers PSD1 Register P70/OUTC16 PS1_0 = 1 PSL1_0 = 0 PSC_0 = 1 PSD1_0=1 P71/OUTC17 PS1_1 = 1 PSL1_1 = 0 PSC_1 = 1 PSD1_1=1 P73/OUTC10 PS1_3 = 1 PSL1_3 = 0 PSC_3 = 1 - P74/OUTC11 PS1_4 = 1 PSL1_4 = 0 PSC_4 = 1 - P75/OUTC12 PS1_5 = 1 PSL1_5 = 1 - - P76/OUTC13 PS1_6 = 1 PSL1_6 = 0 PSC_6 = 0 PSD1_6=1 P77/OUTC14 PS1_7 = 1 PSL1_7 = 1 - - P81/OUTC15 PS2_1 = 1 PSL2_1 = 1 PSC2_1=1 - P110/OUTC10(1) PS5_0 = 1 - - - P111/OUTC11(1) PS5_1 = 1 P112/OUTC12(1) PS5_2 = 1 P113/OUTC13(1) PS5_3 = 1 P140/OUTC14(1) PS8_0 = 1 P141/OUTC15(1) PS8_1 = 1 P142/OUTC16(1) PS8_2 = 1 P143/OUTC17(1) PS8_3 = 1 NOTE: 1. This port is provided in the 144-pin package only. Table 21.8 Waveform Generating Function Associated Register Settings Register G1POCRj Bit MOD2 to MOD0 IVL RLD INV FSCj IFEj Function Select waveform output mode Select default output value Select a timing to reload the value of the G1POj register Select if output level is inversed Select when output waveform is inversed Set to "0" (waveform generating function) Set to "1" (channel j function enabled) G1POj G1FS G1FE j = 0 to 7 Bit configurations and functions vary with channels used. Registers associated with the waveform generating measurement function must be set after setting registers associated with the base timer. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 264 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Waveform Generating Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 21.3.1 Single-Phase Waveform Output Mode Output signal level of the OUTC1j pin becomes high ("H") when the base timer value matches the G1POj register (j=0 to 7) setting. The "H" signal switches to a low-level ("L") signal when the base timer reaches "000016". If the IVL bit in the G1POCRj register is set to "1" ("H" output as default value), an "H" signal output is provided when waveform output starts. If the INV bit is set to "1" (output inversed), the level of the waveform output is inversed. See Figure 21.16 for details on single-phase waveform output mode operation. Table 21.9 lists specifications of single-phase waveform output mode. Table 21.9 Single-Phase Waveform Output Mode Specifications Item Specification Output Waveform(2) • Free-running operation (the RST2 and RST1 bits in the G1BCR1 register are set to "002") Cycle : "L" width : "H" width : 65536 fBT1 m fBT1 65536-m fBT1 m : setting value of the G1POj register (j=0 to 7), 000016 to FFFF16 • The base timer is cleared to "000016" by matching the base timer with the G1PO0 register (the RST1 bit is set to "1" and the RST2 bit is set to "0") n+2 Cycle : fBT1 m "L" width : fBT1 n+2-m "H" width : fBT1 m : setting value of the G1POj register (j=1 to 7), 000016 to FFFF16 n : setting value of the G1PO0 register, 000116 to FFFD16 If m ≥ n+2, the output level is fixed to "L" Waveform Output Start Condition(1) The IFEj bit in the G1FE register is set to "1" (channel j function enabled) Waveform Output Stop Condition The IFEj bit is set to "0" (channel j function disabled) Interrupt Request The PO1jR bit in the interrupt request register is set to "1" (interrupt requested) when the base timer value matches the G1POj register setting. (See Figure 10.14) OUTC1j Pin Pulse signal output pin Selectable Function • Default value set function: Set starting waveform output level • Inversed output function: Waveform output signal is inversed and provided from the OUTC1j pin NOTES: 1. Set the FSCj bit in the G1FS register to "0" (waveform generating function selected). 2. When the INV bit in the G1POCRj register is set to "1" (output inversed), the "L" width and "H" width are inversed. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 265 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Waveform Generating Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) (1) Free-Running Operation (The RST2 and RST1 bits in the G1BCR1 register are set to "002") FFFF16 Base Timer m 000016 m fBT1 OUTC1j pin(1) "H" "L" OUTC1j pin(2) PO1jR bit in the IIOiIR register 65536-m fBT1 65536 fBT1 "H" "L" Write "0" by program if setting to "0" "1" "0" i=0 to 4, 8 to 10; j=0 to 7 m: Setting value of the G1POj register, 000016 to FFFF16 NOTES: 1. Waveform output when the INV bit in the G1POCRj register is set to "0" (not inversed) and the IVL bit in the G1POCRi register is set to "0" (output "L" as default value). 2. Waveform output when the INV bit is set to "0" (not inversed) and the IVL bit is set to "1" ("H" output as default value). The above applies under the following condition: • The RST2 and RST1 bits in the G1BCR1 register are set to "002" (no base timer reset and the UD1 and UD0 bits in the G1BCR1 register to "002" (counter increment mode). (2) The Base Timer is Reset by Matching the Base Timer with the G1PO0 Registe (The RST1 bit is set to "1" and the RST2 bit is set to "0") n+2 Base Timer m 000016 m fBT1 n+2-m fBT1 "H" OUTC1j pin "L" n+2 fBT1 PO1jR bit in the IIOiIR register "1" "0" Write "0" by program if setting to "0" i=0 to 4, 8 to 10; j=1 to 7 m: Setting value of the G1POj register, 000016 to FFFF16 n: Setting value of the G1PO0 register, 000116 to FFFD16 The above applies under the following conditions: • The IVL bit in the G1POCRj register is set to "0" ("L" output as default value) and the INV bit is set to "0" (not inversed). • The UD1 and UD0 bits are set to "002" (counter increment mode). • m<n+2 Figure 21.16 Single-Phase Waveform Output Mode Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 266 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 21.3.2 Phase-Delayed Waveform Output Mode Output signal level of the OUTC1j pin is inversed every time the base timer value matches the G1POj register (j=0 to 7) setting. Table 21.10 lists specifications of phase-delayed waveform output mode. Figure 21.17 lists an example of phase-delayed waveform output mode operation. Table 21.10 Phase-Delayed Waveform Output Mode Specifications Item Output Waveform Specification • Free-running operation (the RST2 and RST1 bits in the G1BCR1 register are set to "002") Cycle "H" and "L" widths 65536 x 2 fBT1 65536 : fBT1 : Setting value of the G1POj (j=0 to 7) register is 000016 to FFFF16 • The base timer is cleared to "000016" by matching the base timer with the G1PO0 register (the RST1 bit is set to "1" and the RST2 bit is set to "0") 2(n+2) Cycle : fBT1 n+2 "H" and "L" widths : fBT1 n : setting value of the G1PO0 register, 000116 to FFFD16 Setting value of the G1POj (j=1 to 7) register is 000016 to FFFF16 If G1POj register ≥ n+2, the output level is not inversed Waveform Output Start Condition(1) The IFEj bit (j=0 to 7) in the G1FE register is set to "1" (channel j function enabled) Waveform Output Stop Condition The IFEj bit is set to "0" (channel j function disabled) Interrupt Request The PO1jR bit in the interrupt request register is set to "1" (interrupt requested) when the base timer vslur matches the G1POj register setting. (See Figure 10.14) OUTC1j Pin Pulse signal output pin Selectable Function • Default value set function: Set starting waveform output level • Inversed output function Waveform output level is inversed to output a waveform from the OUTC1j pin NOTE: 1. Set the FSCj bit in the G1FS register to "0" (waveform generating function selected). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 267 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) (1) Free-Running Operation (The RST2 and RST1 bits in the G1BCR1 register are set to "002") FFFF16 Base Timer m 000016 65536 fBT1 65536 fBT1 "H" OUTC1j pin(1) OUTC1j pin(2) PO1jR bit in the IIOiIR register Inverse Inverse "L" "H" 65536 x 2 fBT1 Inverse Inverse "L" Write "0" by program if setting to "0" "1" "0 " i=0 to 4, 8 to 10; j=0 to 7 m: Setting value of the G1POj register, 000016 to FFFF16 NOTES: 1. Waveform output when the INV bit in the G1POCRj register is set to "0" (not inversed) and the IVL bit in the G1POCRj register is set to "0" ("L" output as default value). 2. Waveform output when the INV bit is set to "0" (not inversed) and the IVL bit is set to "1" ("H" output as default value). The above applies under the following condition: • The RST2 and RST1 bits in the G1BCR1 register are set to "002" (no base timer reset) and the UD1 and UD0 bits in the G1BCR1 register to "002" (counter increment mode). (2) The Base Timer is Reset when the Base Timer Matches the G1PO0 Register (The RST1 bit is set to "1" and the RST2 bit is set to "0") n+2 Base Timer m 000016 m fBT1 "H" "L" OUTC1j pin PO1jR bit in the IIOiIR register "1" n+2 fBT1 Inverse Write "0" by program if setting to "0" n+2 fBT1 Inverse Inverse 2(n+2) fBT1 "0" i=0 to 4, 8 to 10; j=1 to 7 m: Setting value of the G1POj register, 000016 to FFFF16 n: Setting value of the G1PO0 register, 000116 to FFFD16 The above applies under the following conditions: • The IVL bit in the G1POCRj register is set to "0" ("L" output as default value) and the INV bit is set to "0" (not inversed). • The UD1 and UD0 bits are set to "002" (counter increment mode). • m<n+2 Figure 21.17 Phase-delayed Waveform Output Mode Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 268 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Waveform Generating Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 21.3.3 Set/Reset Waveform Output (SR Waveform Output) Mode Output signal level of the OUTC1j pin becomes high ("H") when the base timer value matches the G1POj register (j=0, 2, 4, 6) setting. The "H" signal switches to a low-level ("L") signal when the base timer value matches the G1POk register (k=j+1) setting or when the base timer is set to "000016". If the IVL bit in the G1POCRj register is set to "1" ("H" output as default value), an "H" signal output is provided when waveform output starts. If the INV bit is set to "1" (output inversed), the level of the output waveform is inversed. Table 21.11 lists specifications of SR waveform output mode. Figure 21.18 shows an example of a SR waveform output mode operation. Table 21.11 SR Waveform Output Mode Specifications Item Output Waveform(2) Specification • Free-running operation (the RST2 and RST1 bits in the G1BCR1 register are set to "002") (1) m < n "H" width : "L" width : n-m fBT1 m (3) fBT1 + 65536 - n(4) fBT1 (2) m ≥ n : 65536 - m fBT1 m "L" width : fBT1 m : setting value of the G1POj register (j=0, 2, 4, 6 ) "H" width n : setting value of the G1POk register (k=j+1) • The base timer is cleared to "000016" by matching the base timer with the G1PO0 register(1) (the RST1 bit is set to "1" and the RST2 bit is set to "0") (1) m < n < p+2 "H" width : "L" width : n-m fBT1 m (3) fBT1 + p + 2 - n(4) fBT1 (2) m < p+2 ≤ n "H" width "L" width : p+2-m fBT1 m : fBT1 (3) If m ≥ p+2, the output level is fixed to "L" m : setting value of the G1POj register (j=2, 4, 6), 000016 to FFFF16 n : setting value of the G1POk register (k=j+1), 000016 to FFFF16 p : setting value of the G1PO0 register, 000116 to FFFD16 NOTES: 1. When the G1PO0 register resets the base timer, the channel 0 and 1 SR waveform generating functions are not available. 2. When the INV bit in the G1POCRj register is set to "1" (output inversed), the "L" width and "H" width are inversed. 3. Waveform from base timer reset until when output level becomes "H". 4. Waveform from when output level becomes "L" until base timer reset. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 269 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Waveform Generating Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 21.11 SR Waveform Output Mode Specifications (Continued) Item Specification Waveform Output Start Condition(5) The IFEq bit (q=0 to 7) in the G1FE register is set to "1" (channel q function enabled) Waveform Output Stop Condition The IFEq bit is set to "0" (channel q function disabled) Interrupt Request The PO1jR bit in the interrupt request register is set to "1" (interrupt requested) when the value of the base timer matches that of the G1POj register. The PO1kR bit in the interrupt request register is set to "1" (imterrupt requested) when the value of the base timer matches that of the G1POk register. (See Figure 10.14) OUTC1j Pin Pulse signal output pin Selectable Function • Default value set function: Set starting waveform output level • Inversed output function Waveform output level is inversed to provide a waveform from the OUTC1j pin NOTE: 5. Set the FSCj bit in the G1FS register to "0" (waveform generating function selected). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 270 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Waveform Generating Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) (1) Free-Running Operation (The RST2 to RST0 bits in the G1BCR1 register are set to "002") FFFF16 n Base Timer m 000016 n-m fBT1 "H" OUTC1j pin(1) OUTC1j 65536-n+m fBT1 "L" 65536 fBT1 "H" pin(2) "L" PO1jR bit in the IIOiIR register "1" PO1kR bit in the IIOiIR register "1" Write "0" by program if setting to "0" "0" Write "0" by program if setting to "0" "0" i=0 to 4, 8 to 10; j=0, 2, 4, 6; k=j+1 m: Setting value of the G1POj register, 000016 to FFFF16 n: Setting value of the G1POk register, 000016 to FFFF16 NOTES: 1. Waveform output when the INV bit in the G1POCRj register is set to "0" (not inversed) and the IVL bit in the G1POCRj register is set to "0" (output "L" as default value). 2. Waveform output when the INV bit is set to "0" (not inversed) and the IVL bit is set to "1" ("H" output as default value). The above applies under the following conditions: • The RST2 and RST1 bits in the G1BCR1 register are set to "002" (no base timer reset) and the UD1 and UD0 bits in the G1BCR1 register to "002" (counter increment mode). • m<n (2) The Base Timer is Reset when the Base Timer Matches the G1PO0 Register (The RST1 bit is set to "1" and the RST2 bit is set to "0") p+2 n Base timer m 000016 OUTC1j pin n-m fBT1 p+2-n+m fBT1 "H" "L" PO1jR bit in the "1" IIOiIR register "0" PO1kR bit in the "1" IIOiIR register "0" p+2 fBT1 Write "0" by program if setting to "0" Write "0" by program if setting to "0" i=0 to 4, 8 to 10; j=2, 4, 6; k=j+1 m: Setting value of the G1POj register, 000016 to FFFF16 n: Setting value of the G1POk register, 000016 to FFFF16 p: Setting value of the G1PO0 register, 000116 to FFFD16 The above applies under the following conditions: • The IVL bit in the G1POCRj register is set to "0" ("L" output as default value) and the INV bit is set to "0" (not inversed). • The UD1 and UD0 bits are set to "002" (counter increment mode). • m<n<p+2 Figure 21.18 SR Waveform Output Mode Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 271 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Communication Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 21.4 Communication Unit 0 and 1 Communication Function In the intelligent I/O communication unit 1, 8-bit clock synchronous serial I/O, 8-bit clock asynchronous serial I/O (UART) or HDLC data processing is available. In the communication unit 0, 8-bit clock synchronous serial I/O or HDLC data processing is available. Figures 21.19 to 21.28 show registers associated with the communication function. Receive Input Register i (i=0,1) b7 b0 Symbol Address 00EC16, 012C16 G0RI, G1RI Function Set data to be transmitted to a received data generation circuit After Reset Indeterminate Setting Range RW 0016 to FF16 WO Transmit Output Register i (i=0,1) b7 b0 Symbol Address After Reset G0TO, G1TO 00EE16, 012E16 Indeterminate Function Can read a data transmitted by a transmitted data generation circuit Figure 21.19 G0RI and G1RI Registers, G0TO and G1TO Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 272 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 RW RO 21. Intelligent I/O (Communication Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) SI/O Communication Control Register i (i=0, 1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address 00EF16, 012F16 G0CR, G1CR Bit Symbol TI Bit Name Transmit Buffer Empty Flag Transmit Register TXEPT Empty Flag RI After Reset 0000 X0112 Receive Complete Flag Function RW 0: Data in the GiTB register 1: No data in the GiTB register RO 0: Data in the transmit register (during transmission) 1: No data in the transmit register (transmit completed) RO 0: No data in the GiRB register 1: Data in the GiRB register RO (b3) Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its contents is indeterminate. TE Transmit Enable Bit 0: Transmit disabled 1: Transmit enabled RW RE Receive Enable Bit 0: Receive disabled 1: Receive enabled RW IPOL ISRxD Input Polarity 0: No inverse 1: Inverse(1) Switch Bit RW OPOL ISTxD Output Polarity 0: No inverse 1: Inverse(1) Switch Bit RW NOTE: 1. Set this bit to "1" when using UART mode. SI/O Receive Buffer Register i (i=0, 1) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol G0RB, G1RB Bit Symbol Address 00E916-00E816, 012916-012816 Bit Name After Reset X000 XXXX XXXX XXXX2 Function Received data (b7 - b0) RW RW Nothing is assigned. (b11 - b8) When read, its content is indeterminate. OER Overrun Error Flag 0: No overrun error 1: Overrun error found RO FER Framing Error Flag(1) 0: No framing error 1: Framing error found RO PER Parity Error Flag(1) 0: No parity error 1: Parity error found RO (b15) Nothing is assigned. When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTE: 1. Nothing is assigned in the FER and PER bits in the G0RB register. When read, its content is indeterminate. Figure 21.20 G0CR and G1CR Registers, G0RB and G1RB Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 273 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Communication Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) SI/O Communication Mode Register 0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 0 0 Symbol Address After Reset G0MR 00ED16 0016 Bit Symbol Bit Name Function b1b0 GMD0 Communication Mode Select Bit RW 0 1 : Clock synchronous serial I/O mode 1 1 : HDLC data processing mode(1) RW Internal/External Clock Select Bit 0: Internal clock 1: External clock RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW Transfer Format Select Bit 0: LSB first 1: MSB first RW Transmit Interrupt Cause Select Bit 0: No data in the G0TB register (TI=1) 1: Transmission is completed (TXEPT=1) RW GMD1 CKDIR (b5 - b3) UFORM IRS RW NOTE: 1. Do not set to any bit combinations except the above. SI/O Communication Mode Register 1 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address 012D16 G1MR Bit Symbol After Reset 0016 Bit Name Function RW b1b0 GMD0 Communication Mode Select Bit GMD1 0 0 : UART mode RW 0 1 : Clock synchronous serial I/O mode 1 0 : Special communication mode(1) RW 1 1 : HDLC data processing mode CKDIR Internal/External Clock Select Bit 0 : Internal clock 1 : External clock RW STPS Stop Bit Length Select Bit 0: 1 stop bit 1: 2 stop bits RW PRY Parity Odd/Even Select Bit 0: Odd parity 1: Even parity RW Parity Enable Select Bit 0: Parity disabled 1: Parity enabled RW Transfer Format Select Bit 0: LSB first 1: MSB first RW Transmit Interrupt Cause Select Bit 0: No data in the G1TB register (TI=1) 1: Transmission is completed (TXEPT=1) RW PRYE UFORM IRS NOTE: 1. In M32C/88, do not set the GMD1 and GMD0 bits to "102" except when using in motor vehicles. Figure 21.21 G0MR and G1MR Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 274 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Communication Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) SI/O Expansion Mode Register 0(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol G0EMR 0 Address 00FC16 Bit Symbol After Reset 0016 Bit Name Function RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW CRCV CRC Default Value Select Bit 0: Set to "000016" 1: Set to "FFFF16" RW ACRC CRC Reset Select Bit 0: Not reset 1: Reset(2) RW BSINT Bit Stuffing Error Interrupt Select Bit 0: Not used 1: Used RW RXSL Receive Source Switch Bit 0: ISRxD0 pin 1: G0RI register RW TXSL Transmit Source Switch Bit 0: ISTxD0 pin 1: G0TO register RW (b0) b7 b6 CRC0 CRC Generation Polynomial Select Bit CRC1 0 0 1 1 0 : X8+X4+X+1 1 : Do not set to this value 0 : X16+X15+X2+1 1 : X16+X12+X5+1 RW RW NOTES: 1. The G0EMR register is used in HDLC data processing mode. It must be in a reset state or set to "0016" in clock synchronous serial I/O mode. 2. CRC is reset when data in the G0CMP3 register matches received data. SI/O Expansion Mode Register 1(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol G1EMR Bit Symbol Address 013C16 After Reset 0016 Bit Name Function RW SMODE Synchronous Mode Select Bit 0: Re-synchronous mode not used 1: Re-synchronous mode RW CRCV CRC Default Value Select Bit 0: Set to "000016" 1: Set to "FFFF16" RW ACRC CRC Reset Select Bit 0: Not reset 1: Reset(2) RW BSINT Bit Stuffing Error Interrupt Select Bit 0: Not used 1: Used RW RXSL Receive Source Switch Bit 0: ISRxD1 pin 1: G1RI register RW TXSL Transmit Source Switch Bit 0: ISTxD1 pin 1: G1TO register RW b7 b6 CRC0 CRC Generation Polynomial Select bit CRC1 0 0 1 1 0 : X8+X4+X+1 1 : Do not set to this value 0 : X16+X15+X2+1 1 : X16+X12+X5+1 NOTES: 1. The G1EMR register is used in special communication mode or HDLC data processing mode. It must be in a reset state or be set to "0016" in clock synchronous serial I/O mode or UART mode. 2. CRC is reset when data in the G1CMP3 register matches received data. Figure 21.22 G0EMR and G1EMR Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 275 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 RW RW 21. Intelligent I/O (Communication Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) SI/O Expansion Transmit Control Register 0(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 0 0 0 0 Symbol Address After Reset G0ETC 00FF16 0000 0XXX2 Bit Symbol Bit Name Function RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" Transmit CRC Enable Bit 0: Not used 1: Used RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW TBSF0 Transmit Bit Stuffing "1" Insert Select Bit 0: "1" is not inserted 1: "1" is inserted RW TBSF1 Transmit Bit Stuffing "0" Insert Select Bit 0: "0" is not inserted 1: "0" is inserted RW (b3 - b0) TCRCE (b5) NOTE: 1. The G0ETC register is used in HDLC data processing mode. It must be in a reset state or set to "0016" in clock synchronous serial I/O mode. SI/O Expansion Transmit Control Register 1(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol G1ETC Bit Symbol (b2 - b0) Address 013F16 After Reset 0000 0XXX2 Bit Name Reserved Bit Function When read, its content is indeterminate RW RO SOF SOF Transmit Request Bit 0: Not requested to transmit SOF 1: Requested to transmit SOF RW TCRCE Transmit CRC Enable Bit 0: Not used 1: Used RW ABTE Arbitration Enable Bit 0: Not used 1: Used RW TBSF0 Transmit Bit Stuffing "1" 0: "1" is not inserted 1: "1" is inserted Insert Select Bit RW TBSF1 Transmit Bit Stuffing "0" 0: "0" is not inserted 1: "0" is inserted Insert Select Bit RW NOTE: 1. The G1ETC register is used in special communication mode or HDLC data processing mode. It must be in a reset state or set to "0016" in clock synchronous serial I/O mode or UART mode. Figure 21.23 G0ETC and G1ETC Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 276 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Communication Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) SI/O Expansion Receive Control Register i (i=0,1)(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol G0ERC, G1ERC Bit Symbol CMP0E CMP1E Address 00FD16, 013D16 Bit Name After Reset 0016 Function RW Data Compare 0: The GiDR register (receive data register) is not compared with the GiCMP0 register RW Function 0 1: The GiDR register is compared with the Select Bit GiCMP0 register Data Compare 0: The GiDR register (receive data register) is not compared with the GiCMP1 register RW Function 1 1: The GiDR register is compared with the Select Bit GiCMP1 register CMP2E Data Compare Function 2 Select Bit CMP3E Data Compare Function 3 Select Bit 0: The GiDR register (receive data register) is not compared with the GiCMP2 register RW 1: The GiDR register is compared with the GiCMP2 register 0: The GiDR register (receive data register) is not compared with the GiCMP3 register RW 1: The GiDR register is compared with the GiCMP3 register(2) RCRCE Receive CRC Enable Bit 0: Not used 1: Used RW Receive Shift Operation Enable Bit Receive Bit Stuffing "1" Delete Select Bit Receive Bit Stuffing "0" Delete Select Bit 0: Receive shift operation disabled 1: Receive shift operation enabled RW 0: "1" is not deleted 1: "1" is deleted RW 0: "0" is not deleted 1: "0" is deleted RW RSHTE RBSF0 RBSF1 NOTES: 1. The GiERC register is used in special communication mode or HDLC data processing mode. It must be set to "0010 00002" in clock synchronous serial I/O mode. It must be in a reset state or be set to "0016" in UART mode. 2. When the ACRC bit in the GiEMR register is set to "1" (CRC reset function used), set the CMP3E bit to "1". Figure 21.24 G0ERC and G1ERC Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 277 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Communication Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) SI/O Special Communication Interrupt Detect Register 0 (1, 2) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 0 b2 b1 b0 0 0 Symbol Address 00FE16 G0IRF Bit Symbol Bit Name Reserved Bit (b1 - b0) After Reset 0016 Function Set to "0" RW RW Bit Stuffing Error 0: Not detected Detect Flag 1: Detected RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW IRF0 Interrupt Cause Determination Flag 0 IRF1 Interrupt Cause Determination Flag 1 IRF2 Interrupt Cause Determination Flag 2 IRF3 Interrupt Cause Determination Flag 3 0: The G0DR register (receive data register) does not match the G0CMP0 register 1: The G0DR register matches the G0CMP0 register 0: The G0DR register (receive data register) does not match the G0CMP1 register 1: The G0DR register matches the G0CMP1 register 0: The G0DR register (receive data register) does not match the G0CMP2 register 1: The G0DR register matches the G0CMP2 register 0: The G0DR register (receive data register) does not match the G0CMP3 register 1: The G0DR register matches the G0CMP3 register BSERR (b3) RW RW RW RW NOTES: 1. The G0IRF register is used in HDLC data processing mode. Do not use in clock synchronous serial I/O mode. 2. The SRT0R bit in the IIO4IR register is set to "1" if the BSERR or IRF0 to IRF3 bit is set to "1". Figure 21.25 G0IRF Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 278 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Communication Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) SI/O Special Communication Interrupt Detect Register 1(1,2) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 0 Symbol Address After Reset G1IRF 013E16 0016 Bit Symbol (b1 - b0) BSERR Bit Name Reserved Bit Function RW RW Set to "0" Bit Stuffing Error 0 : Not detected 1 : Detected Detect Flag RW RW ABT Arbitration Lost Detect Flag 0 : Not detected 1 : Detected IRF0 Interrupt Cause Determination Flag 0 IRF1 Interrupt Cause Determination Flag 1 IRF2 Interrupt Cause Determination Flag 2 IRF3 Interrupt Cause Determination Flag 3 0: The G1DR register (receive data register) does not match the G1CMP0 register 1: The G1DR register (receive data register) matches the G1CMP0 register 0: The G1DR register (receive data register) does not match the G1CMP1 register 1: The G1DR register (receive data register) matches the G1CMP1 register 0: The G1DR register (receive data register) does not match the G1CMP2 register 1: The G1DR register (receive data register) matches the G1CMP2 register 0: The G1DR register (receive data register) does not match the G1CMP3 register 1: The G1DR register (receive data register) matches the G1CMP3 register RW RW RW RW NOTES: 1. The G1IRF register is used in special communication mode or HDLC data processing mode. It must be in a reset state or set to "0016" in clock synchronous serial I/O mode or UART mode. 2. The SRT1R bit in the IIO4IR register is also set to "1" if the BSERR, ABT, or IRF0 to IRF3 bit is set to "1". Transmit Buffer (Receive Data) Register i (i=0,1) b7 b0 Symbol G0TB, G0DR G1TB, G1DR Address 00EA16 012A16 After Reset Indeterminate Indeterminate Function RW Set data to be transmitted. In HDLC data processing mode, the receive data register is read by reading the GiTB register. Value is written to the transmit buffer register by writing it to the GiTB register. In HDLC data processing mode, the value set in the GiRI register is transferred to the GiDR register. RW Figure 21.26 G1IRF Register, G0TB and G1TB / G0DR and G1DR Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 279 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Communication Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Data Compare Register ij (i=0,1, j=0 to 3) b7 b0 Symbol Address After Reset G0CMP0 to G0CMP3 G1CMP0 to G1CMP3 00F016, 00F116, 00F216, 00F316 013016, 013116, 013216, 013316 Indeterminate Indeterminate Function Setting Range RW 0016 to FF16 RW Data to be compared NOTE: 1. Set the GiMSK0 register to use the GiCMP0 register. Set the GiMSK1 register to use the GiCMP1 register. Data Mask Register ij (i=0,1, j=0,1) b7 b0 Symbol G0MSK0, G0MSK1 G1MSK0, G1MSK1 Address 00F416, 00F516 After Reset Indeterminate 013416, 013516 Indeterminate Function Setting Range RW 0016 to FF16 RW Masked data for received data Set incomparable bit to "1" Transmit CRC Code Register i (i=0,1) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol G0TCRC, G1TCRC Address 00FB16-00FA16, 013B16-013A16 After Reset 000016 Function RW Result of the transmit CRC calculation(1, 2) RO NOTES: 1. The calculated result is reset by setting the TE bit in the GiCR register to "0" (transmit disabled). The CRCV bit in the GiEMR register selects a default value. 2. Transmit CRC calculation is performed with each bit of data transmitted while the TCRCE bit in the GiETC register is set to "1" (used). Receive CRC Code Register i (i=0,1) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol G0RCRC, G1RCRC Address 00F916-00F816, 013916-013816 After Reset Indeterminate Function RW Result of the receive CRC calculation(1, 2, 3) RO NOTES: 1. The calculated result is reset by setting the RCRCE bit in the GiERC register to "0" (not used). If the ACRC bit in the GiEMR register is set to "1" (reset), the result is reset by matching data in the GiCMPj register (j=0 to 3) with the received data. 2. The result is reset to the default value selected by the CRCV bit in the GiEMR register before reception starts. 3. Receive CRC calculation is performed with every bit of data received while the RCRCE bit in the GiERC register is set to "1" (used). Figure 21.27 G0CMP0 to G0CMP3 Registers and G1CMP0 to G1CMP3 Registers G0MSK0 and G0MSK1 Registers, G1MSK0 and G1MSK1 Registers G0TCRC and G1TCRC Registers, G0RCRC and G1RCRC Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 280 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Communication Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Communication Clock Select Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address 00F616 CCS Bit Symbol Bit Name After Reset XXXX 00002 Function RW b1 b0 CCS0 CCS1 Communication Unit 0 Clock Select Bit 0 0 1 1 0 : Do not set to this value 1 : f1(1) 0 : f2n 1 : f8 RW RW b3 b2 CCS2 CCS3 Communication Unit 1 Clock Select Bit 0 0 1 1 0 : Clock output from the channel i (i=1 to 3) RW 1 : f1(1) 0 : f2n RW 1 : f8 Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b4) When read, its contents is indeterminate. NOTE: 1. This setting is enabled in HDLC data processing mode. Do not set the CCS1 and CC0 bits or CCS3 and CCS2 bits to "012" in other modes. Figure 21.28 CCS Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 281 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Communication Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 21.4.1 Clock Synchronous Serial I/O Mode (Communication Units 0 and 1) In clock synchronous serial I/O mode, data is transmitted and received with the transfer clock. f8 or f2n can be selected as the communication unit 0 transfer clock. f8, f2n or the clock generated in channels 0 and 3 can be selected as the communication unit 1 transfer clock. Table 21.12 lists specifications of clock synchronous serial I/O mode for the communication units 0 and 1. Tables 21.13 and 21.14 list clock settings. Table 21.15 lists register settings. Tables 21.16 to 21.19 list pin settings. Figure 21.29 shows an example of transmit and receive operation. Table 21.12 Clock Synchronous Serial I/O Mode Specifications (Communication Units 0 and 1) Item Specification Transfer Data Format Transfer Clock(1) Transfer data : 8 bits long See Tables 21.13 and 21.14 Transmit Start Condition Set registers associated with the waveform generating function, the GiMR and GiERC registers (i=0,1). Then, set as is written below after at least one transfer clock cycle. • Set the TE bit in the GiCR register to "1" (transmit enabled) • Set the TI bit in the GiCR register to "0" (data in the GiTB register) Set registers associated with the waveform generating function, the GiMR and GiERC registers. Then, set as is written below after at least one transfer clock cycle. • Set the RE bit in the GiCR register to "1" (receive enabled) • Set the TE bit to "1" (transmit enabled) • Set the TI bit to "0" (data in the GiTB register) Receive Start Condition Interrupt Request • While transmitting, one of the following conditions can be selected to set the SIOiTR bit to "1" (interrupt requested) (see Figure 11.14) : _ The IRS bit in the GiMR register is set to "0" (no data in the GiTB register) and data is transferred to the transmit register from the GiTB register _ The IRS bit is set to "1" (transmission completed) and data transfer from the transmit register is completed • While receiving, the following condition can be selected to set SIOiRR bit is set to "1" (data reception is completed): Data is transferred from the receive register to the GiRB register Error Detection Overrun error(2) This error occurs, when the next data reception is started and the 8th bit of the next data is received before reading the GiRB register Selectable Function • LSB first or MSB first Select either bit 0 or bit 7 to transmit or receive data • ISTxDi and ISRxDi I/O polarity inverse ISTxDi pin output level and ISRxDi pin input level are inversed NOTES: 1. In clock synchronous serial I/O mode, set the RSHTE bit in the GiERC register (i=0, 1) to "1" (receive shift operation enabled). 2. When an overrun error occurs, the GiRB register is indeterminate. When the OPOL bit in the GiCR register is set to "0" (ISTxD output polarity not inversed), the ISTxDi pin puts in a high-level ("H") signal output after selecting operating mode until transfer starts. When the OPOL bit is set to "1" (ISTxD output polarity inversed), the ISTxDi pin puts in a low-level ("L") signal output. Table 21.13 Clock Settings (Communication Unit 0) Transfer Clock f8 f2n(1) Input from ISCLK0 G0MR Register CKDIR Bit 0 0 1 CCS Register CCS0 Bit CCS1 Bit 1 1 0 1 - NOTE: 1. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 282 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Communication Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 21.14 Clock Settings (Communication Unit 1) Transfer Clock(3) G1MR Register CKDIR Bit (1) fBT1 2(n+2) f8 f2n(2) Input from ISCLK1 CCS Register CCS2 Bit CCS3 Bit 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 - 1 1 - n: Setting value of the G1PO0 register, 000116 to FFFD16 NOTES: 1. The transfer clock is generated in phase-delayed waveform output mode of the channel 3 waveform generating function. 2. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). 3. The transfer clock must be fBT1 divided by six or more. Table 21.15 Register Settings in Clock Synchronous Serial I/O Mode (Communication Units 0 and 1) Register CCS G1BCR0(2) G1BCR1(2) G1POCR0(2) G1POCR1(2) G1POCR3(2) G1PO0(2) G1PO3(2) G1FS(2) G1FE(2) GiERC GiMR GiCR GiTB GiRB Bit Function Communication Unit 1 Communication Unit 0 CCS1, CCS0 Setting not required when using the Select transfer clock communication unit 1 only CCS3, CSS2 Select transfer clock Setting not required when using the BCK1, BCK0 Set to "112" (f1) communication unit 0 only DIV4 to DIV0 Select divide ratio of count source IT Set to "0" 7 to 0 Set to "0001 00102" 7 to 0 Set to "0000 01112" 7 to 0 Set to "0000 01112" MOD2 to MOD0 Set to "0102"(1) IVL Select default ISCLKi output value(1) RLD Set to "0" INV Select whether ISCLKi puts in an inversed signal or not(1) 15 to 0 Set bit rate fBT1 = transfer clock 2 x (setting value + 2) frequency 15 to 0 Set to a value smaller than the G1PO0 register(1) FSC3,FSC1,FSC0 Set to "0"(1) IFE3,IFE1,IFE0 Set to "1"(1) 7 to 0 Set to "0010 00002" GMD1, GMD0 Set to "012" CKDIR Select the internal clock or external clock STPS Set to "0" UFORM Select either LSB first or MSB first IRS Select what cause the transmit interrupt to be generated TI Transmit buffer empty flag TXEPT Transmit register empty flag RI Receive complete flag TE Set to "1" to enable transmission and reception RE Set to "1" to enable reception IPOL Select ISRxDi input polarity (usually set to "0") OPOL Select ISTxDi output polarity (usually set to "0") – Write data to be transmitted – Received data and error flag are stored i = 0 to 1 NOTES: 1. The CKDIR bit in the GiMR register is set to "0" (internal clock). 2. These registers must be set, when f8 or f2n is selected as transfer clock source notwithstanding. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 283 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Communication Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 21.16 Pin Settings in Clock Synchronous Serial I/O Mode (Communication Units 0 and 1)(1) Port Name Setting Function PS1 Register PSL1 Register PSC Register PSD1 Register PD7 Register IPS Register P73 ISTxD1 Output PS1_3=1 PSL1_3=0 PSC_3=1 - - P74 ISCLK1 Input PS1_4=0 - PD7_4=0 IPS1=0 G1POCR1 - - - Register ( 1 ) ISCLK1 Output PS1_4=1 PSL1_4=0 PSC_4=1 - - P75 ISRxD1 Input PS1_5=0 - PD7_5=0 IPS1=0 p7 6 ISTxD0 Output PS1_6=1 PSL1_6=0 PSC_6=0 PSD1_6=0 - p7 7 ISCLK0 Input PS1_7=0 - ISCLK0 Output PS1_7=1 - - - G1POCR0 - - - PD7_7=0 IPS0=0 - PSL1_7=0 - - - - - NOTE: 1. Set the MOD2 to MOD0 bits in the corresponding register to "1112" (output from the communication function used). Table 21.17 Pin Settings (2) Port Name P80 Function ISRxD0 input Setting PS2 Register PD8 Register PS2_0 = 0 PD8_0 = 0 IPS Register IPS0 = 0 Table 21.18 Pin Settings (3) Port Name P110 P111 P112 Setting PS5 Register PD11 Register ISTxD1 output PS5_0 = 1 ISCLK1 input PS5_1 = 0 PD11_1 = 0 ISCLK1 output PS5_1 = 1 ISRxD1 input PS5_2 = 0 PD11_2 = 0 Register(1) Function IPS Register IPS1 = 1 IPS1 = 1 G1POCR0 G1POCR1 - NOTE: 1. Set the MOD2 to MOD0 bits in the corresponding register to "1112" (output from communication function used). Table 21.19 Pin Settings (4) Port Name P150 P151 P152 Function PS9 Register ISTxD0 output PS9_0 = 1 ISCLK0 input PS9_1 = 0 ISCLK0 output PS9_1 = 1 ISRxD0 input - Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 284 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 Setting PD15 Register PD15_2 = 0 PD15_2 = 0 IPS Register IPS0 = 1 IPS0 = 1 21. Intelligent I/O (Communication Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) (1) When f8, f2n or External Clock is Selected as the Communication Clock (Communication Units 0 and 1) Write to the GiTB register f8, f2n or External Clock TE Bit Transfer Clock ISTxDi Pin Output (transmit data) Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 6 Bit7 SIOiTR Bit when IRS=0 (no data in the GiTB register) SIOiTR Bit when IRS=1 (transmission completed) Write "0" by program if setting to "0" Write "0" by program if setting to "0" ISRxDi Pin Input (received data) Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 6 Bit7 SIOiRR Bit Write "0" by program if setting to "0" The above applies under the following conditions: • The CKDIR bit in the GiMR register is set to "0" (internal clock) • The CCS1 and CCS0 bits or the CCS3 and CCS2 bits in the CCS register are set to "102" or "112" • The UFORM bit in the GiMR register is set to "0" (LSB first) • The IPOL and OPOL bits in the GiCR register are set to "0" (no inverse) SIOiTR: Bit in the IIOjIR register (j=1, 3) SIOiRR: Bit in the IIOkIR register (k=0, 2) IRS: Bit in the GiMR register TE: Bit in the GiCR register i=0, 1 (2) When the Communication Clock is Generated in Channel 3 Phase-Delayed Waveform Output Mode (Communication Unit 1) Write to the G1TB register The base timer is reset by the channel 0 waveform generation function n+2 Base Timer m ISCLK1 Pin Output (transmit clock in the channel 3 generation function) ISTxD1 Pin Output (transmit data) Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 6 Bit7 Bit 2 Bit 6 Bit 7 SIO1TR Bit when IRS=0 (no data in the G1TB register) Write "0" by program if setting to "0" ISRxD1 Pin Input (received data) Bit 0 Bit 1 SIO1RR Bit Write "0" by program if setting to "0" The above applies under the following conditions: • The CKDIR bit in the G1MR register is set to "0" (internal clock) • The CCS3 and CCS2 bits in the CCS register are set to "002" • The UFORM bit in the G1MR register is set to "0" (LSB first) • The IPOL and OPOL bits in the G1CR register are set to "0" (no inverse) Figure 21.29 Transmit and Receive Operation Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 285 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 n: Setting value of the G1PO0 register m: Setting value of the G1PO3 register SIO1TR: Bit in the IIO3IR register SIO1RR: Bit in the IIO2IR register IRS: Bit in the G1MR register 21. Intelligent I/O (Communication Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 21.4.2 Clock Asynchronous Serial I/O (UART) Mode (Communication Unit 1) In clock asynchronous serial I/O (UART) mode, data is transmitted at a desired bit rate and in a desired transfer data format. Table 21.20 lists specifications of UART mode in the communication unit 1. Table 21.21 lists clock settings. Table 21.22 lists register settings. Tables 21.23 and 21.24 list pin settings. Figure 21.30 shows an example of transmit operation. Figure 21.31 shows an example of receive operation. Table 21.20 UART Mode Specifications (Communication Unit 1) Item Transfer Data Format Transfer Clock(1) Transmit Start Condition Specification • Character bit (transfer data) : 8 bits long • Start bit : 1 bit long • Parity bit: selected from odd, even, or none • Stop bit : selected length from 1 bit or 2 bits See Table 21.21 Set registers associated with the waveform generating function, the G1MR and G1ERC registers. Then, set as is written below after at least one transfer clock cycle: • Set the TE bit in the G1CR register to "1" (transmit enabled) • Set the TI bit in the G1CR register to "0" (data written to the G1TB register) Receive Start Condition Set registers associated with the waveform generating function, the G1MR and G1ERC registers. Then, set as is written below after at least one transfer clock cycle: • Set the RE bit in the G1CR register to "1" (receive enabled) • Detect the start bit Interrupt Request • While transmitting, one of the following conditions can be selected to set the SIO1TR bit to "1" (interrupt requested) (See Figure 10.14.) : _ The IRS bit in the G1MR register is set to "0" (no data in the G1TB register) and data is transferred to the transmit register from the G1TB register. _ The IRS bit is set to "1" (transmission completed) and data transfer from the transmit register is completed • While receiving, the following condition can be selected to set the SIO1RR bit is set to "1": Data is transferred from the receive register to the G1RB register (data reception is completed) Error Detection • Overrun error(2) This error occurs, when the next data reception is started and the final stop bit of the next data is received before reading the G1RB register • Parity error While parity is enabled, this error occurs when the number of "1" in parity and character bits does not match the number of "1" set • Framing error This error occurs when the number of the stop bits set is not detected Selectable Function • Stop bit length The length of the stop bit is selected from 1 bit or 2 bits • LSB first or MSB first Select either bit 0 or bit 7 to transmit or receive data NOTES: 1. The transfer clock must be fBT1 divided by six or more. 2. When an overrun error occurs, the G1RB register is indeterminate. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 286 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Communication Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 21.21 Clock Settings (Communication Unit 1) Transfer Clock(3) G1MR Register CKDIR Bit fBT1 (1, 2) 2(n+2) 0 CCS Register CCS2 Bit CCS3 Bit 0 0 n: Setting value of the G1PO0 register 000116 to FFFD16 NOTES: 1. Transmit clock is generated in phase-delayed waveform output mode of the channel 3 waveform generating function. 2. Received clock is generated when phase-delayed waveform mode of the channel 2 waveform generating function and the channel 2 time measurement function is simultaneously performed. 3. The transfer clock must be fBT1 divided by six or more. Table 21.22 Register Settings in UART Mode (Communication Unit 1) Register G1BCR0 G1BCR1 G1POCR0 G1POCR2 G1POCR3 G1TMCR2 Bit BCK1, BCK0 DIV4 to DIV0 IT 7 to 0 7 to 0 7 to 0 7 to 0 7 to 0 G1PO0 15 to 0 Set bit rate fBT1 2 x (setting value + 2) = transfer clock frequency G1PO3 G1FS G1FE G1MR 15 to 0 FSC3 to FSC0 IFE3 to IFE0 GMD1, GMD0 CKDIR STPS PRY, PRYE UFORM IRS TI TXEPT RI TE RE IPOL OPOL 7 to 0 15 to 0 CCS3, CCS2 Set to a value smaller than the G1PO0 register Set to "01002" Set to "11012" Set to "002" Set to "0" Select stop bit length Select either parity enabled or disabled and either odd parity or even parity Select either the LSB first or MSB first Select what causes the receive interrupt to be generated Transmit buffer empty flag Transmit register empty flag Receive complete flag Set to "1" to enable transmission and reception Set to "1" to enable reception Set to "1" Set to "1" Write data to be transmitted Received data and error flag are stored Set to "002" G1CR G1TB G1RB CCS Function Set to "112" (f1) Select divide ratio of count source Set to "0" Set to "0001 00102" Set to "0000 01112" Set to "0000 01102" Set to "0000 00102" Set to "0000 00102" Table 21.23 Pin Settings in UART Mode Port Name P73 P75 Function ISTxD1 output ISRxD1 input Setting Register(1) PS1 Register PSL1 Register PSC Register PD7 Register IPS Register PS1_3 = 1 PSL1_3 = 0 PSC_3 = 1 G1POCR0 PS1_5 = 0 PD7_5 = 0 IPS1 = 0 - NOTE: 1. Set the MOD2 to MOD0 bits in the corresponding register to "1112" (output from communication function used). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 287 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Communication Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 21.24 Pin Settings (Continued) Port Name P110 P112 Function ISTxD1 output ISRxD1 input Setting Register(1) PS5 Register PD11 Register IPS Register PS5_0 = 1 G1POCR0 PS5_2 = 0 PD11_2 = 0 IPS1 = 1 - NOTE: 1. Set the MOD2 to MOD0 bits in the corresponding register to "1112" (output from the communication function used). Tc Internal Transfer clock ISTxD1 pin "H" ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 SP ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 "L" Set data in G1TB register TI bit SP Set data in G1TB register "1" "0" TXEPT bit "1" "0" "1" SIO1TR bit "0" Write "0" by program if setting to "0" The above applies under the following conditions: • The STPS bit in the G1MR register is set to "0" (1 stop bit) • The PRYE bit in the G1MR register is set to "0" (parity disabled) • The UFORM bit in the G1MR register is set to "0" (LSB first) • The INV bits in the G1POCR0 to G1POCR7 registers are set to "0" (no inverse) • The IRS bit in the G1MR register is set to "0" (no data in the G1TB register) TI, TXEPT: Bits in the G1CR register SIO1TR: Bit in the IIO3IR register Figure 21.30 Transmit Operation Internal transfer clock ISRxD1 pin "H" ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 SP ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 SP "L" Read the G1RB register "1" RI bit "0" "1" SIO1RR bit "0" Write "0" by program if setting to "0" The above applies under the following conditions: • The STPS bit in the G1MR register is set to "0" (1 stop bit) • The PRYE bit in the G1MR register is set to "0" (parity disabled) • The UFORM bit in the G1MR register is set to "0" (LSB first) • The INV bits in the G1POCR0 to G1POCR7 registers are set to "0" (no inverse) Figure 21.31 Receive Operation Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 288 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 SIO1RR: Bit in the IIO2IR register RI: Bit in the G1CR register 21. Intelligent I/O (Communication Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 21.4.3 HDLC Data Processing Mode (Communication Units 0 and 1) In HDLC data processing mode, bit stuffing, flag detection, abort detection and CRC calculation are available for HDLC control. f1, f8 or f2n can be selected as the communication unit 0 transfer clock. f1, f8, f2n or clock, generated in the channel 0 or 1, can be selected as the communication unit 1 transfer clock. No pin is used. To convert data, data to be transmitted is written to the GiTB register (i=0,1) and the data conversion result is restored after data conversion. If any data are in the GiTO register after data conversion, the conversion is terminated. If no data is in the GiTO register, bit stuffing processing is executed regardless of no data available in the transmit output buffer. A CRC value is calculated every time one bit is converted. If no data is in the GiRI register, received data conversion is terminated. Table 21.25 list specifications of the HDLC data processing mode. Tables 21.26 and 21.27 list clock settings. Table 21.28 lists register settings. Table 21.25 HDLC Processing Mode Specifications (Communication Units 0 and 1) Item Specification Input Data Format 8-bit data fixed, bit alignment is optional Output Data Format 8-bit data fixed Transfer Clock See Tables 21.26 and 21.27 I/O Method • During transmit data processing, value set in the GiTB register is converted in HDLC data processing mode and transferred to the GiTO register. • During received data processing, value set in the GiRI register is converted in HDLC data processing mode and transferred to the GiRB register. The value in the GiRI register is also transferred to the GiTB register (received data register). Bit Stuffing During transmit data processing, "0" following five continuous "1" is inserted. During received data processing, "0" following five continuous "1" is deleted. Flag Detection Write the flag data "7E16" to the GiCMPj register (j=0 to 3) to use the special commu- Abort Detection Write the masked data "0116" to the GiMSKj register CRC The CRC1 and CRC0 bits are set to "112" (X16+X12+X5+1). The CRCV bit is set to "1" (set to "FFFF16"). nication interrupt (the SRTiR bit in the IIO4IR register) • During transmit data processing, CRC calculation result is stored into the GiTCRC register. The TCRCE bit in the GiETC register is set to "1" (transmit CRC used). The CRC calculation result is reset when the TE bit in the GiCR register is set to "0" (transmit disabled). • During received data processing, CRC calculation result is stored into the GiRCRC register. The RCRCE bit in the GiERC register is set to "1" (receive CRC used). The CRC calculation result is reset by comparing the flag data "7E16" and matching the result with the value in the GiCMP3 register. The ACRC bit in the GiEMR register is set to "1" (CRC reset). Data Processing Start Condition The following conditions are required to start transmit data processing: • The TE bit in the GiCR register is set to "1" (transmit enabled) • Data is written to the GiTB register The following conditions are required to start receive data processing: • The RE bit in the GiCR register is set to "1" (receive enabled) • Data is written to the GiRI register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 289 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Communication Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 21.25 HDLC Processing Mode Specifications (Continued) Item Specification Interrupt Request During transmit data processing, • One of the following conditions can be selected to set the GiTOR bit(1) in the _ interrupt request register to "1" (interrupt requested). When the IRS bit in the GiMR register is set to "0" (no data in the GiTB register) and data is transferred from the GiTB register to the transmit register (transmit start). _ When the IRS bit is set to "1" (transmission completed) and data transfer from the transmit register to the GiTO register is completed. • When data, which is already converted to HDLC data, is transferred from the receive register of the GiTO register to the transmit buffer, the GiTOR bit is set to "1" During received data processing, • When data is transferred from the GiRI register to the GiRB register (reception completed), the GiRIR bit(1) is set to "1". • When received data is transferred from the receive buffer of the GiRI register to the receive register, the GiRIR bit is set to "1". • When the GiTB register is compared to the GiCMPj register (j=0 to 3), the SRTiR bit(1) is set to "1". NOTE: 1. See Figure 10.14 for details on the GiTOR bit, GiRIR bit and SRTiR bit. Table 21.26 Clock Settings (Communication Unit 0) Transfer Clock(1) f1 f8 f2n(2) CCS Register CCS0 Bit CCS1 Bit 1 0 1 1 0 1 NOTES: 1. The transfer clock for reception is generated when the RSHTE bit in the G0ERC register is set to "1" (receive shift operation enabled). 2. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). Table 21.27 Clock Settings (Communication Unit 1) Transfer Clock(1) fBT1 (2) 2x(n+2) f1 f8 f2n(3) CCS Register CCS2 Bit CCS3 Bit 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 n: Setting value of the G1PO0 register, 000116 to FFFD16 NOTES: 1. The transfer clock for reception is generated when the RSHTE bit in the G1ERC register is set to "1" (receive shift operation enabled). 2. The transfer clock is generated in single-phase waveform output mode of the channel 1. 3. The CNT3 to CNT0 bits in the TCSPR register select no division (n=0) or divide-by-2n (n=1 to 15). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 290 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 21. Intelligent I/O (Communication Function) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 21.28 Register Settings in HDLC Processing Mode (Communication Units 0 and 1) Register G1BCR0 G1BCR1(1) G1POCR0(1) G1POCR1(1) G1PO0(1) G1PO1(1) G1FS(1) G1FE(1) GiMR GiEMR GiCR GiETC GiERC GiIRF GiCMP0, GiCMP1 GiCMP2 GiCMP3 GiMSK0, GiMSK1 GiTCRC GiRCRC GiTO GiRI GiRB GiTB CCS Bit BCK1, BCK0 DIV4 to DIV0 IT 7 to 0 7 to 0 7 to 0 15 to 0 15 to 0 Function Select count source Select divide ratio of count source Select the base timer interrupt Set to "0001 00102" Set to "0000 00002" Set to "0000 00002" Set bit rate Set the timing of the rising edge of the transfer clock. Timing of the falling edge ("H" width of the transfer clock) is fixed. Setting value of the G1PO1 register ≤ Setting value of the G1PO0 register FSC1, FSC0 Set to "002" IFE1, IFE0 Set to "112" GMD1, GMD0 Set to "112" CKDIR Set to "0" UFORM Set to "0" IRS Select what causes the transmit interrupt to be generated 7 to 0 Set to "1111 01102" TI Transmit buffer empty flag TXEPT Transmit register empty flag RI Receive complete flag TE Transmit enable bit RE Receive enable bit SOF Set to "0" TCRCE Select whether transmit CRC is used or not ABTE Set to "0" TBSF1, TBSF0 Transmit bit stuffing CMP2E to CMP0E Select whether received data is compared or not CMP3E Set to "1" RCRCE Select whether receive CRC is used or not RSHTE Set to "1" to use it in the receiver RBSF1, RBSF0 Receive bit stuffing BSERR, ABT Set to "0" IRF3 to IRF0 Select what causes an interrupt to be generated 7 to 0 Write "FE16" to abort processing 7 to 0 7 to 0 7 to 0 Data to be compared Write "7E16" Write "0116" to abort processing 15 to 0 15 to 0 7 to 0 7 to 0 7 to 0 7 to 0 Transmit CRC calculation result can be read Receive CRC calculation result can be read Data, which is output from a transmit data generation circuit, can be read Set data input to a receive data generation circuit Received data is stored For transmission: write data to be transmitted For reception : received data for comparison is stored Select the HDLC processing clock Select the HDLC processing clock CCS1, CCS0 CCS3, CCS2 i=0, 1 NOTE: 1. These register settings are required when the CCS3 and CCS2 bit in the CCS register are set to "002" (clock output from channel j (j=1 to 3)). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 291 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22. CAN Module 22. CAN Module The CAN (Controller Area Network) module included in the M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) is a Full CAN module, compatible with CAN Specification 2.0 Part B. Three channels, CAN0, CAN1, and CAN2, can be used. Table 22.1 lists specifications of the CAN module. Table 22.1 CAN Module Specifications Item Specification Protocol CAN Specification 2.0 Part B Message Slots 16 slots Polarity Dominant: "L" Recessive: "H" Acceptance Filter Global mask: 1 (for message slots 0 to 13) Local mask: 2 (for message slots 14 and 15 respectively) 1 Baud Rate Baud rate = Tq clock cycle x Tq per bit --- Max. 1 Mbps BRP + 1 Tq clock cycle = CAN clock Tq per bit = SS + PTS +PBS1+PBS2 Tq: Time quantum BRP: Setting value of the C0BRP and C1BRP registers, 1-255 SS: Synchronization Segment; 1 Tq PTS: Propagation Time Segment; 1 to 8 Tq PBS1: Phase Buffer Segment 1; 2 to 8 Tq PBS2: Phase Buffer Segment 2 ; 2 to 8 Tq Remote Frame Automatic Message slot that receives the remote frame transmits the data frame Answering Function automatically Time Stamp Function Time stamp function with a 16-bit counter. Count source can be selected from the CAN bus bit clock divided by 1, 2, 3 or 4 1 CAN bus bit clock = CAN bit time BasicCAN Mode BasicCAN function can be used with the CANi message slots 14 and 15 Transmit Abort Function Transmit request is aborted Loopback Function Frame transmitted by the CAN module is received by the same CAN module Forcible Error Active The CAN module is forced into an error active state by resetting an error Transition Function counter. Single-Shot Transmit Function The CAN module does not transmit data again even if arbitration lost or transmission error causes a transmission failure Self-Test Function The CAN module communicates internally and diagnoses its CAN module state NOTE: 1. Use an oscillator with maximum 1.58% oscillator tolerance. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 292 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Figure 22.1 shows a block diagram of the CAN module. Figure 22.2 shows CANi message slot (the message slot) j (j = 0 to 15) and CANi message slot buffer (i=0 to 2). Table 22.2 lists pin settings of the CAN module. The message slot cannot be accessed directly from the CPU. Allocate the message slot j to be used to the message slot buffer 0 or 1. The message slot j is accessed via the message slot buffer address. The CiSBS register selects the message slot j to be allocated. Figure 22.2 shows the 16-byte message slot buffer and message slot. Internal Data Bus CAN0 f1 fCAN "0" CAN Clock Baud Rate Prescaler "1" PM25 See Figure 22.2 CAN0OUT Self-test Function Acceptance Filter CAN0IN CAN Protocol Controller CAN Interrupt Control Circuit Message Slots 0 to 15 Message Slot Buffer 0,1 Interrupt Request CAN1 f1 fCAN "0" CAN Clock "1" PM25 Baud Rate Prescaler See Figure 22.2 CAN1OUT Self-test Function Acceptance Filter CAN1IN CAN Protocol Controller CAN Interrupt Control Circuit Message Slots 0 to 15 Message Slot Buffer 0,1 Interrupt Request CAN2 f1 fCAN "0" CAN Clock "1" PM25 Baud Rate Prescaler See Figure 22.2 CAN2OUT Self-test Function CAN2IN Acceptance Filter CAN Protocol Controller CAN Interrupt Control Circuit Figure 22.1 CAN Module Block Diagram Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 293 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 Message Slots 0 to 15 Interrupt Request Message Slot Buffer 0,1 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) CANi Message Slot 0 CANi Message Slot 1 CANi Message Slot 2 CANi Message Slot 3 CANi Message Slot 4 CANi Message Slot 5 CANi Message Slot 6 CANi Message Slot 7 CANi Message Slot 8 CANi Message Slot 9 CANi Message Slot 10 CANi Message Slot 11 CANi Message Slot 12 CANi Message Slot 13 CANi Message Slot 14 CANi Message Slot 15 CiSBS b3 to b0 CANi Message Slot Buffer 0 (16 bytes) CANi Message Slot Buffer 1 (16 bytes) CAN0 CAN1 CAN2 01E016 026016 018016 01EF16 01F016 026F16 018F16 027016 019016 01FF16 027F16 019F16 CiSBS b7 to b4 Internal Data Bus CANi Message Slot Buffer 0 CANi Message Slot j CAN Protcol Controller CANi Message Slot 0 Standard ID0 CANi Message Slot 0 Standard ID1 CANi message slot buffer CANi Message Slot 0 Extended ID00 standard ID0 CANi message slot buffer CANi Message Slot 0 Extended ID10 standard ID1 CANi message slot buffer CANi Message Slot 0 Extended ID20 extended ID0 CANi message slotLength buffer 0 extended ID1 CANi Message Slot 0 Data Code CANi message slot0buffer 0 extended ID2 CANi Message Slot 0 Data CANi message slot1buffer 0 data length cod CANi Message Slot 0 Data CANi message slot2buffer 0 data 0 CANi Message Slot 0 Data CANi message slot3buffer 0 data 1 CANi Message Slot 0 Data CANi message slot4buffer 0 data 2 CANi Message Slot 0 Data CANi message slot5buffer 0 data 3 CANi Message Slot 0 Data CANi message slot6buffer 0 data 4 CANi Message Slot 0 Data CANi message slot7buffer 0 data 5 CANi Message Slot 0 Data CANi message slotStamp buffer High-Ordered 0 data 6 CANi Message Slot 0 Time CANi message slotStamp buffer Low-Ordered 0 dataO7 CANi Message Slot 0 Time CANi Message Slot 15 Time Stamp Low-Ordered i=0 to 2, j=0 to 15 CANi Message Slot Buffer 0 Standard ID0 (CiSLOT0_0) CANi Message Slot Buffer 0 Standard ID1 (CiSLOT0_1) CANi Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID0 (CiSLOT0_2) CANi Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID1 (CiSLOT0_3) CANi Message Slot Buffer 0 Extended ID2 (CiSLOT0_4) CANi Message Slot Buffer 0 Data Length Code (CiSLOT0_5) CANi Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 0 (CiSLOT0_6) CANi Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 1 (CiSLOT0_7) CANi Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 2 (CiSLOT0_8) CANi Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 3 (CiSLOT0_9) CANi Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 4 (CiSLOT0_10) CANi Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 5 (CiSLOT0_11) CANi Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 6 (CiSLOT0_12) CANi Message Slot Buffer 0 Data 7 (CiSLOT0_13) CANi Message Slot Buffer 0 Time Stamp High-Ordered (CiSLOT0_14) CANi Message Slot Buffer 0 Time Stamp Low-Ordered (CiSLOT0_15) CANi Message Slot Buffer 1 CANi Message Slot Buffer 1 Standard ID0 (CiSLOT1_0) CANi Message Slot Buffer 1 Standard ID1 (CiSLOT1_1) CANi Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID0 (CiSLOT1_2) CANi Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID1 (CiSLOT1_3) CANi Message Slot Buffer 1 Extended ID2 (CiSLOT1_4) CANi Message Slot Buffer 1 Data Length Code (CiSLOT1_5) CANi Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 0 (CiSLOT1_6) CANi Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 1 (CiSLOT1_7) CANi Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 2 (CiSLOT1_8) CANi Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 3 (CiSLOT1_9) CANi Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 4 (CiSLOT1_10) CANi Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 5 (CiSLOT1_11) CANi Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 6 (CiSLOT1_12) CANi Message Slot Buffer 1 Data 7 (CiSLOT1_13) CANi Message Slot Buffer 1 Time Stamp High-Ordered (CiSLOT1_14) CANi Message Slot Buffer 1 Time Stamp Low-Ordered (CiSLOT1_15) Figure 22.2 CANi Message Slot and CANi Message Slot Buffer Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 294 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 22.2 Pin Settings Port Function Bit and Setting(2) IPS, IPSA Registers PS0, PS1, PS2, PS3 Registers PSL0, PSL1, PSL2, PSC, PSC2, PSC3 PSL3 Registers Registers PSL0_0=1 P60 CAN2OUT − PS0_0=1 P61 CAN2IN IPSA_7=0 PS0_1=0 P76 CAN0OUT IPSA_7=0 PS1_6=1 CAN02OUT IPSA_7=1 CAN0IN PD6, PD7, PD8, PD9(1) Regsiters − − − PD6_1=0 PSL1_6=0 PSC_6=1 − PS1_6=1 PSL1_6=0 PSC_6=1 − IPS_3=0 PS1_7=0 − − PD7_7=0 CAN02IN IPS_3=0, IPSA_7=1 PS1_7=0 − − PD7_7=0 CAN0OUT − PS2_2=1 PSL2_2=1 PSC2_2=0 − CAN1OUT − PS2_2=1 PSL2_2=1 PSC2_2=1 − CAN0IN IPS_3=1 − − − PD8_3=0 CAN1IN IPSA_3=1 − − − PD8_3=0 P95 CAN1IN IPSA_3=0 PS3_5=0 PSL3_5=0 − PD9_5=0 P96 CAN1OUT − PS3_6=1 − PSC3_6=1 − P77 P82 P8 3 NOTE: 1. Set the PD9 and PS3 registers immediately after the PRC2 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between the instruction to set to the PRC2 bit to "1" and the instruction to set the PD9 and PS3 registers. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 295 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.1 CAN-Associated Registers Figures 22.3 to 22.18, and Figures 22.20 to 22.33 show registers associated with CAN. To access the CAN-associated registers, set the CM21 bit in the CM2 register to "0" (main clock or PLL clock as CPU clock) and the MCD4 to MCD0 bits in the MCD register to "100102" (no division mode). Or, set the PM24 bit in the PM2 register to "1" (main clock direct mode) and the PM25 bit in the PM2 regiseter to "1" (CAN clock). Two wait states are added into the bus cycle. Refer to 7. Processor Mode and 8. Clock Generation Circuit. 22.1.1 CANi Control Register 0 (CiCTLR0 Register) (i=0 to 2) CANi Control Register 0 (i=0 to 2) b15 b8 b7 b0 0 Symbol Address After Reset(1) C0CTLR0 C1CTLR0 C2CTLR0 020116 - 020016 028116 - 028016 01A116 - 01A016 XXXX 0000 XX01 0X012 XXXX 0000 XX01 0X012 XXXX 0000 XX01 0X012 Bit Symbol Bit Name RESET0 CAN Reset Bit 0 LOOPBACK (b2) BASICCAN Loop Back Mode Select Bit (b7 - b6) RW 0: CAN module reset exited 1: CAN module is reset(2) RW 0: Disables loop back function 1: Enables loop back function RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. BasicCAN Mode Select Bit RESET1 CAN Reset Bit 1 (b5) Function Reserved Bit 0 : Disables BasicCAN mode function 1 : Enables BasicCAN mode function RW 0: CAN module reset exited 1: CAN module is reset(2) RW Set to "0". RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. b9 b8 TSPRE0 0 0: Selects the CAN bus bit clock 0 1: Selects the CAN bus bit clock divided by 2 Time Stamp Counter Reset Bit 0: Nothing is occurred 1: This bit is automatically set to "0" after RW the CiTSR register is set to "000016"(3) TSPRE1 TSRESET RW Time Stamp Prescaler Select Bit ECRESET Error Counter Reset Bit 1 0: Selects the CAN bus bit clock divided by 3 RW 1 1: Selects the CAN bus bit clock divided by 4 0: Nothing is occurred 1: This bit is automatically set to "0" after RW the CiTEC and CiREC registers are set to "0016"(3) Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b15 - b12) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTES: 1. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. 2. Set the RESET1 and RESET0 bits to the same value simultaneously. 3. These bits can only be set to "1", not "0", by program. Figure 22.3 C0CTLR0, C1CTLR0 and C2CTLR0 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 296 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22. CAN Module RESET1 and RESET0 Bits When both RESET1 and RESET0 bits are set to "1" (CAN module reset), the CAN module is immediately initialized regardless of ongoing CAN communication. After the RESET1 and RESET0 bits are set to "1" and the CAN module reset is completed, the CiTSR register (i=0 to 2) is set to "000016". The CiTEC and CiREC registers are set to "0016" and the STATE_ERRPAS and STATE_BUSOFF bits in the CiSTR register are set to "0" as well. When both RESET1 and RESET0 bit settings are changed "1" to "0", the CiTSR register starts counting. CAN communication is available after 11 continuous recessive bits are detected. NOTES: 1. Set the same value in both RESET1 and RESET0 bits simultaneously. 2. Confirm that the STATE_RESET bit in the CiSTR register is set to "1" (CAN module reset completed) after setting the RESET1 and RESET0 bits to "1". 3. The CANOUT pin puts in a high-level ("H") signal as soon as the RESET1 and RESET0 bits are set to "1". CAN bus error may occur when the RESET1 and RESET0 bits are set to "1" while the CAN frame is transmitting. 4. For CAN communication, set the PS0, PS1, PS2, PS3, PSL0, PSL1, PSL2, PSL3, PSC, PSC2, PSC3, IPS, IPSA, PD6, PD7, PD8, and PD9 registers when the STATE_RESET bit is set to "1" (CAN module reset completed). LOOPBACK Bit When the LOOPBACK bit is set to "1" (loopback function enabled) and the receive message slot has a matched ID and frame format with a transmitted frame, the transmitted frame is stored to the receive message slot. NOTES: 1. No ACK for the transmitted frame is returned. 2. Change the LOOPBACK bit setting only when the STATE_RESET bit is set to "1" (CAN module reset completed). BASICCAN Bit When the BASICCAN bit is set to "1", the message slots 14 and 15 enter BasicCAN mode. In BasicCAN mode, the message slots 14 and 15 are used as dual-structured buffers. The message slots 14 and 15 alternately store a received frame having matched ID detected by acceptance filtering. ID in the message slot 14 and the CiLMAR0 to CiLMAR4 registers are used for acceptance filtering when the message slot 14 is active (the next received frame is to be stored in the message slot 14). ID in the message slot 15 and the CiLMBR0 to CiLMBR4 registers are used when the message slot 15 is active. Both data frame and remote frame can be received. Use the following procedure to enter BasicCAN mode. (1) Set the BASICCAN bit to "1". (2) Set the same value into IDs in the message slots 14 and 15. (3) Set the same value in the CiLMAR0 to CiLMAR4 registers and CiLMBR0 to CiLMBR4 registers. (4) Set the IDE14 and IDE15 bits in the CiIDR register to select a frame format (standard or extended) for the message slots 14 and 15. (Set to the same format.) (5) Set the CiMCTL14 and CiMCTL15 registers in the message slots 14 and 15 to receive the data frame. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 297 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22. CAN Module NOTES: 1. Change the BASICCAN bit setting only when the STATE_RESET bit is set to "1" (CAN module reset completed). 2. The message slot 14 is the first slot to become active after the RESET1 and RESET0 bits are set to "0". 3. The message slots 0 to 13 are not affected by entering BasicCAN mode. TSPRE1, TSPRE0 Bits The TSPRE1 and TSPRE0 bits determine which count source is used for the time stamp counter. NOTE: 1. Change the TSPRE1 and TSPRE0 bit settings only when the STATE_RESET bit is set to "1" (CAN module reset completed). TSRESET Bit When the TSRESET bit is set to "1", the CiTSR register is set to "000016". The TSRESET bit is automatically set to "0" after the CiTSR register is set to "000016". ECRESET Bit When the ECRESET bit is set to "1", the CiTEC and CiREC registers are set to "0016". The CAN module forcibly goes into an error active state. The ECRESET bit is automatically set to "0" after the CAN module enters an error active state. NOTES: 1. In an error active state, the CAN module is ready to communicate when 11 continuous recessive bits are detected on the CAN bus. 2. The CANiOUT pin provides an "H" signal output as soon as the ECRESET bit is set to "1". The CAN bus error may occur when setting the ECRESET bit to "1" during CAN frame transmission. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 298 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.1.2 CANi Control Register 1 (CiCTLR1 Register) (i=0 to 2) CANi Control Register 1 (i=0 to 2) b7 b6 b5 b4 0 0 b3 b2 b1 Symbol C0CTLR1 C1CTLR1 C2CTLR1 b0 0 Bit Symbol (b1 - b0) After Reset(1) X000 00XX2 X000 00XX2 X000 00XX2 Address 024116 025116 017116 Bit Name Function Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. Set to "0". RW 0: Selects the message slot control register and single-shot register 1: Selects the mask register RW Reserved Bit Set to "0". RW CANi Interrupt Mode Select Bit 0: Outputs 3 types of interrupts via OR 1: Outputs 3 types of interrupts separately RW Reserved Bit (b2) BANKSEL CANi Bank Select Bit (b5 - b4) INTSEL (b7) RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTE: 1. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. Figure 22.4 C0CTLR1, C1CTLR1 and C2CTLR1 Registers BANKSEL Bit The BANKSEL bit in the C0CTLR1 register selects the registers allocated to addresses 022016 to 023F16. The BANKSEL bit in the C1CTLR1 register selects registers allocated to addresses 02A016 to 02BF16. The BANKSEL bit in the C2CTLR1 register selects registers allocated to addresses 01C016 to 01DF16. The CiSSCTLR register, CiSSSTR register, and the CiMCTL0 to CiMCTL15 registers can be accessed by setting the BANKSEL bit to "0". The CiGMR0 to CiGMR4 registers, CiLMAR0 to CiLMAR4 registers and CiLMBR0 to CiLMBR4 registers can be accessed by setting the BANKSEL bit to "1". INTSEL Bit The INTSEL bit determines whether the three types of interrupt outputs (CANi transmit interrupt, CANi receive interrupt and CANi error interrupt) are provided via OR or is separately. Refer to 22.4 CAN Interrupts for details. NOTE: 1. Change the INTSEL bit setting when the STATE_RESET bit is set to "1" (CAN module reset completed). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 299 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.1.3 CANi Sleep Control Register (CiSLPR Register) (i=0 to 2) CANi Sleep Control Register (i=0 to 2) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol C0SLPR Address 024216 XXXX XXX02 C1SLPR C1SLPR 025216 017216 XXXX XXX02 XXXX XXX02 Bit Symbol Bit Name SLEEP Sleep Mode Control Bit After Reset Function RW 0: Enters sleep mode 1: Exits sleep mode(1) RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b1) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTE: 1. Set up the initial setting for the CAN module after CAN sleep mode is exited. While the CAN0 module is in sleep mode, no SFR (addresses 01E016 to 024516) for CAN0, except the C0SLPR register, can be accessed. While the CAN1 module is in sleep mode, no SFR (addresses 025016 to 02BF16) for CAN1, except the C1SLPR register, can be accessed. While the CAN2 module is in sleep mode, no SFR (addresses 017016 to 017516, 018016 to 01DF16) for CAN2, except the C2SLPR register, can be accessed. Figure 22.5 C0SLPR, C1SLPR and C2SLPR Registers SLEEP Bit When the SLEEP bit is set to "0", the clock supplied to the CAN module stops running and the CAN module enters sleep mode. When the SLEEP bit is set to "1", the clock supplied to the CAN module starts running and the CAN module exits sleep mode. NOTE: 1. Enter sleep mode after the STATE_RESET bit in the CiSTR register is set to "1" (CAN module reset completed). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 300 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.1.4 CANi Status Register (CiSTR Register) (i=0 to 2) CANi Status Register (i=0 to 2) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol Address After Reset(1) C0STR C1STR 020316 - 020216 028316 - 028216 X000 0X01 0000 00002 X000 0X01 0000 00002 C2STR 01A316 - 01A216 X000 0X01 0000 00002 Bit Symbol Bit Name b3 b2 b1 b0 MBOX0 MBOX1 Function Active Slot Determination Bit MBOX2 0 0 0 0: Message slot 0 0 0 0 1: Message slot 1 0 0 1 0: Message slot 2 0 0 1 1: Message slot 3 1 1 0 1: Message slot 13 1 1 1 0: Message slot 14 1 1 1 1: Message slot 15 MBOX3 RW RO RO RO RO TRMSUCC Transmit Complete State Flag 0: Transmission is not completed RO 1: Transmission is completed RECSUCC Receive Complete State Flag 0: Reception is not completed 1: Reception is completed RO TRMSTATE Transmit State Flag 0: Not transmitting 1: During transmission RO RECSTATE Receive State Flag 0: Not receiving 1: During reception RO STATE_RESET CAN Reset State Flag 0: CAN module is operating RO 1: CAN module reset is completed STATE_LOOPBACK Loop Back State Flag 0: Mode except Loop back mode RO 1: Loop back mode (b10) Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. STATE_BASICCAN BasicCAN State Flag 0: Mode except BasicCAN mode RO 1: BasicCAN mode STATE_BUSERROR CAN Bus Error State Flag 0: No error occurs 1: Error occurs RO STATE_ERRPAS Error Passive State Flag 0: No error passive state 1: Error passive state RO STATE_BUSOFF Bus-Off State Flag 0: No bus-off state 1: Bus-off state RO (b15) Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTE: 1. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module after reset. Figure 22.6 C0STR, C1STR and C2STR Registers MBOX3 to MBOX0 Bits The MBOX3 to MBOX0 bits store relevant slot numbers when the CAN module has completed transmitting data or storing received data. TRMSUCC Bit The TRMSUCC bit is set to "1" when the CAN module has transmitted data as expected. The TRMSUCC bit is set to "0" when the CAN module has received data as expected. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 301 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22. CAN Module RECSUCC Bit The RECSUCC bit is set to "1" when the CAN module has received data as expected. (Whether received message has been stored in the message slot or not is irrelevant.) If the received message is transmitted in loopback mode, the TRMSUCC bit is set to "1" and the RECSUCC bit is set to "0". The RECSUCC bit is set to "0" when the CAN module has transmitted data as expected. TRMSTATE Bit The TRMSTATE bit is set to "1" when the CAN module is performing as a transmit node. The TRMSTATE bit is set to "0" when the CAN module is in a bus-idle state or starts performing as a receive node. RECSTATE Bit The RECSTATE bit is set to "1" when the CAN module is performing as a receive node. The RECSTATE bit is set to "0" when the CAN module is in a bus-idle state or starts performing as a transmit node. STATE_RESET Bit After both RESET1 and RESET0 bits are set to "1" (CAN module reset), the STATE_RESET bit is set to "1" as soon as the CAN module is initialized. The STATE_RESET bit is set to "0" when the RESET1 and RESET0 bits are set to "0". STATE_LOOPBACK Bit The STATE_ LOOPBACK bit is set to "1" when the CAN module is in loopback mode. The STATE_LOOPBACK bit is set to "1" when the LOOPBACK bit in the CiCTLR0 register is set to "1" (loop back function enabled). The STATE_LOOPBACK bit is set to "0" when the LOOPBACK bit is set to "0" (loop back function disabled). STATE_BASICCAN Bit The STATE_BASICCAN bit is set to "1" when the CAN module is in BasicCAN mode. Refer to BASICCAN bit for BasicCAN mode. The STATE_BASICCAN bit is set to "0" when the BASICCAN bit is set to "0" (BasicCAN mode function disabled). The STATE_BASICCAN bit is set to "1" when the BASICCAN bit is set to "1" (BasicCAN mode function enabled), the REMACTIVE bits in the CiMCTL14 and CiMCTL15 registers in the message slots 14 and 15 are set to "0" (data frame received). STATE_BUSERROR Bit The STATE_BUSERROR bit is set to "1" when an CAN communication error is detected. The STATE_BUSERROR bit is set to "0" when the CAN module has transmitted or received data as expected. Whether a received message has been stored into the message slot or not is irrelevant. NOTE: 1. When the STATE_BUSERROR bit is set to "1", the STATE_BUSERROR bit remains unchanged even if both RESET1 and RESET0 bits are set to "1" (CAN module reset). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 302 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22. CAN Module STATE_ERRPAS Bit The STATE_ERRPAS bit is set to "1" when the value of the CiTEC or CiREC register (i=0, 1) exceeds 127 and the CAN module is placed in an error-passive state. The STATE_ERRPAS bit is set to "0" when the CAN module in an error-passive state is placed in another error state. The STATE_ERRPAS bit is set to "0" when both RESET1 and RESET0 bits are set to "1" (CAN module is reset). STATE_BUSOFF Bit The STATE_BUSOFF bit is set to "1" when the value of the CiTEC register exceeds 255 and the CAN module is placed in a bus-off state. The STATE_BUSOFF bit is set to "0" when the CAN module in a bus-off state is placed in an erroractive state. The STATE_BUSOFF bit is set to "0" when both RESET1 and RESET0 bits are set to "1" (CAN module reset). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 303 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.1.5 CANi Extended ID Register (CiIDR Register) (i=0 to 2) CANi Extended ID Register (i=0 to 2)(1) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol C0IDR C1IDR Address 020516 - 020416 028516 - 028416 After Reset(2) 000016 000016 C2IDR 01A516 - 01A416 000016 Bit Symbol Bit Name IDE15 Extended ID15 (Message Slot 15) IDE14 Extended ID14 (Message Slot 14) IDE13 Extended ID13 (Message Slot 13) IDE12 Extended ID12 (Message Slot 12) Function Set corresponding message slot to standard or extended format 0: Standard format 1: Extended format RW RW RW RW RW IDE11 Extended ID11 (Message Slot 11) RW IDE10 Extended ID10 (Message Slot 10) RW IDE9 Extended ID9 (Message Slot 9) RW IDE8 Extended ID8 (Message Slot 8) RW IDE7 Extended ID7 (Message Slot 7) RW IDE6 Extended ID6 (Message Slot 6) RW IDE5 Extended ID5 (Message Slot 5) RW IDE4 Extended ID4 (Message Slot 4) RW IDE3 Extended ID3 (Message Slot 3) RW IDE2 Extended ID2 (Message Slot 2) RW IDE1 Extended ID1 (Message Slot 1) RW IDE0 Extended ID0 (Message Slot 0) RW NOTES: 1. Change the CilDR register setting while the CiMCTLj (j=0 to 15) register, corresponding to the bit to be changed, is set to "0016". 2. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. Figure 22.7 C0IDR, C1IDR and C2IDR Registers Bits in the CiIDR register determine the frame format in the message slot corresponding to each bit. The standard format is selected when the bit is set to "0". The extended format is selected when the bit is to set "1". Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 304 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.1.6 CANi Configuration Register (CiCONR Register) (i=0 to 2) CANi Configuration Register (i=0 to 2) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol Address After Reset(1) C0CONR C1CONR 020716 - 020616 028716 - 028616 0000 0000 0000 XXXX2 0000 0000 0000 XXXX2 C2CONR 01A716 - 01A616 0000 0000 0000 XXXX2 Bit Symbol (b3 - b0) SAM Bit Name Function RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. Sampling Number 0: Sampled once 1: Sampled three times RW b7 b6 b5 PTS0 PTS1 Propagation Time Segment PTS2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 : 1Tq 1 : 2Tq 0 : 3Tq 1 : 4Tq 0 : 5Tq 1 : 6Tq 0 : 7Tq 1 : 8Tq RW RW RW b10 b9 b8 PBS10 PBS11 Phase Buffer Segment 1 PBS12 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 : Do not set to this value 1 : 2Tq 0 : 3Tq 1 : 4Tq 0 : 5Tq 1 : 6Tq 0 : 7Tq 1 : 8Tq RW RW RW b13b12 b11 PBS20 PBS21 Phase Buffer Segment 2 PBS22 SJW0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 : Do not set to this value 1 : 2Tq 0 : 3Tq 1 : 4Tq 0 : 5Tq 1 : 6Tq 0 : 7Tq 1 : 8Tq b15 b14 reSynchronization Jump Width SJW1 0 0 1 1 0 : 1Tq 1 : 2Tq 0 : 3Tq 1 : 4Tq RW RW RW RW RW NOTE: 1. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module after reset. Figure 22.8 C0CONR, C1CONR and C2CONR Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 305 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) SAM Bit The SAM bit determines the number of sample points to be taken per bit. When the SAM bit is set to "0", only one sample is taken per bit at the end of the Phase Buffer Segment 1 (PBS1) to determine the value of the bit. When the SAM bit is set to "1", three samples per bit are taken; one time quantum and two time quanta before the end of PBS1, and at the end of PBS1. The sample result value which is detected more than twice becomes the value of the bit sampled. PTS2 to PTS0 Bits The PTS2 to PTS0 bits determine PTS width. PBS12 to PBS10 Bits The PBS12 to PBS10 bits determine PBS1 width. Set the PBS12 to 10 bits to "0012" or more. PBS22 to PBS20 Bits The PBS22 to PBS20 bits determine PBS2 width. Set the PBS22 to PBS20 bits to "0012" or more. SJW1 and SJW0 Bits The SJW1 and SJW0 bits determine SJW width. Set the SJW1 and SJW0 bits to values less than or equal to the PBS12 to PBS10 bit settings and the PBS22 to PBS20 bit settings. Table 22.3 Bit Timing when CAN Clock = 30 MHz Baud Rate BRP Tq Clock Cycles (ns) Tq Per Bit 1Mbps 1 66.7 15 1 66.7 15 1 66.7 15 2 100 10 2 100 10 2 100 10 500Kbps 2 100 20 2 100 20 2 100 20 3 133.3 15 3 133.3 15 3 133.3 15 4 166.7 12 4 166.7 12 4 166.7 12 5 200 10 5 200 10 5 200 10 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 306 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 PTS+PBS1 12 11 10 7 6 5 16 15 14 12 11 10 9 8 7 7 6 5 PBS2 2 3 4 2 3 4 3 4 5 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 Sample Point 87% 80% 73% 80% 70% 60% 85% 80% 75% 87% 80% 73% 83% 75% 67% 80% 70% 60% 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.1.7 CANi Baud Rate Prescaler (CiBRP Register) (i=0 to 2) CANi Baud Rate Prescaler (i=0 to 2)(1) b7 b0 Symbol C0BRP C1BRP Address 021716 029716 After Reset(2) 0116 0116 C2BRP 01B716 0116 Function If setting value is n, the CAN clock is divided by (n+1). Setting Range RW 0116 to FF16(3) RW NOTES: 1. Set the CiBRP register while the STATE_RESET bit in the CiSTR register is set to "1" (CAN module reset completed). 2. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module after reset. 2. Do not set to "0016" (divide-by-1). Figure 22.9 C0BRP, C1BRP and C2BRP Registers The CiBRP register determines the Tq clock cycle of the CAN bit time. The baud rate is obtained from Tq clock cycle x Tq per bit. Tq clock cycle = (BRP+1) / CAN clock Baud rate = 1 Tq clcok cycle x Tq per bit Tq per bit = SS + PTS + PBS1 + PBS2 Tq: Time quantum SS: Synchronization Segment; 1 Tq PBS1: Phase Buffer Segment 1; 2 to 8 Tq Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 307 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 BRP: Setting value of the CiBPR register; 1-255 PTS: Propagation Time Segment; 1 to 8 Tq PBS2: Phase Buffer Segment 2; 2 to 8 Tq 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) CANi Time Stamp Register (i=0 to 2) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol C0TSR Address 020916 - 020816 After Reset(1) 000016 C1TSR C2TSR 028916 - 028816 01A916 - 01A816 000016 000016 Function Value of time stamp RW RO NOTE: 1. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. 22.1.8 CANi Time Stamp Register (CiTSR Register) (i=0 to 2) Figure 22.10 C0TSR, C1TSR and C2TSR Registers The CiTSR register is a 16-bit counter. The TSPRE1 and TSPRE0 bits in the CiCTLR0 register select the CAN bus bit clock divided by 1, 2, 3 or 4 as the count source for the CiTSR register. When data transmission or reception is completed, the value of the CiTSR register is automatically stored into the message slot. In loopback mode, when either data frame receive message slot or remote frame receive message slot is available to store the message, the value of the CiTSR register is also stored into the message slot when data reception is completed. The value of the CiTSR register is not stored when data transmission is completed. The CiTSR register starts a counter increment when the RESET1 and RESET0 bits in the CiCTLR0 register are set to "0". The CiTSR register is set to "000016": • at the next count timing after the CiTSR register is set to "FFFF16"; • when the RESET1 and RESET0 bits are set to "1" (CAN module reset) by program; or 1 • when the TSRESET bit is set to "1" (CiTSR register reset) by program. CAN bit time CAN bus bit clock = Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 308 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) CANi Transmit Error Count Register (i=0 to 2) b7 b0 Symbol C0TEC C1TEC C2TEC After Reset(1) 0016 0016 0016 Address 020A16 028A16 01AA16 Function RW Counter value of transmission errors RO NOTE: 1. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. 22.1.9 CANi Transmit Error Count Register (CiTEC Register) (i=0 to 2) Figure 22.11 C0TEC, C1TEC and C2TEC Registers In an error active or an error passive state, the counting value of a transmission error is stored into the CiTEC register. The counter is decremented when the CAN module has transmitted data as expected or is incremented when an transmit error occurs. In a bus-off state, an indeterminate value is stored into the CiTEC register. The CiTEC register is set to "0016" when the CAN module is placed in an error active state again. CANi Receive Error Count Register (i=0 to 2) b7 Symbol C0REC C1REC C2REC b0 After Reset(1) 0016 0016 0016 Address 020B16 028B16 01AB16 Function Counter value of reception error RW RO NOTE: 1. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module after reset. 22.1.10 CANi Receive Error Count Register (CiREC Register) (i=0 to 2) Figure 22.12 C0REC, C1REC and C2REC Registers In an error active or an error passive state, a counting value of the reception error is stored into the CiREC register. The counter is decremented when the CAN module has received data as expected or it is incremented when a receive error occurs. The CiREC register is set to 127 when the CiREC register is 128 (error passive state) or more and the CAN module has received as expected. In a bus-off state, an indeterminate value is stored into the CiREC register. The CiREC register is set to "0016" when the CAN module is placed in an error active state again. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 309 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.1.11 CANi Slot Interrupt Status Register (CiSISTR Register) (i=0 to 2) CANi Slot Interrupt Status Register (i=0 to 2) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol C0SISTR Address 020D16 - 020C16 After Reset(1) 000016 C1SISTR C2SISTR 028D16 - 028C16 01AD16 - 01AC16 000016 000016 Bit Symbol SIS15 SIS14 Bit Name Message Slot 15 Interrupt Request Status Bit Message Slot 14 Interrupt Request Status Bit RW Function Determines whether an interrupt of a corresponding message slot is requested or not. 0: Interrupt not requested 1: Interrupt requested RW RW (Note 2) SIS13 Message Slot 13 Interrupt Request Status Bit SIS12 Message Slot 12 Interrupt Request Status Bit RW SIS11 Message Slot 11 Interrupt Request Status Bit RW SIS10 Message Slot 10 Interrupt Request Status Bit RW SIS9 Message Slot 9 Interrupt Request Status Bit RW SIS8 Message Slot 8 Interrupt Request Status Bit RW SIS7 Message Slot 7 Interrupt Request Status Bit RW SIS6 Message Slot 6 Interrupt Request Status Bit RW SIS5 Message Slot 5 Interrupt Request Status Bit RW SIS4 Message Slot 4 Interrupt Request Status Bit RW RW SIS3 Message Slot 3 Interrupt Request Status Bit RW SIS2 Message Slot 2 Interrupt Request Status Bit RW SIS1 Message Slot 1 Interrupt Request Status Bit RW SIS0 Message Slot 0 Interrupt Request Status Bit RW NOTES: 1. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. 2. Set to "0" by program. If it is set to "1", the value before setting to "1" remains. Figure 22.13 C0SISTR, C1SISTR and C2SISTR Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 310 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22. CAN Module When using the CAN interrupt, the CiSISTR register (i=0 to 2) indicates which message slot is requesting an interrupt. The SISj bits (j=0 to 15) are not automatically set to "0" (no interrupt requested) when an interrupt is acknowledged. Set the SISj bits to "0" by program. Use the MOV instruction, instead of the bit clear instruction, to set the SISj bits to "0". The SISj bits, which are not being changed to "0", must be set to "1". For example: To set the SIS0 bit to "0" Assembly language: mov.w #07FFFh, C0SISTR C language: c0sistr = 0x7FFF; Refer to 22.4 CAN Interrupt for details. Message Slot for Transmission The SISj bit is set to "1" (interrupt requested) when the CiTSR register is stored into the message slot j after data transmission is completed. Message Slot for Reception The SISj bit is set to "1" (interrupt requested) when the received message is stored in the message slot j after data reception is completed. NOTES: 1.If the automatic answering function is enabled in the remote frame receive message slot, the SISj bit is set to "1" after the remote frame is received and the data frame is transmitted. 2.In the remote frame transmit message slot, the SISj bit is set to "1" after the remote frame is transmitted and the data frame is received. 3.The SISj bit is set to "1" if the SISj bit is set to "1" by an interrupt request and "0" by program simultaneously. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 311 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.1.12 CANi Slot Interrupt Mask Register (CiSIMKR Register) (i=0 to 2) CANi Slot Interrupt Mask Register(1) (i=0 to 2) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol Address After Reset(2) C0SIMKR 021116 - 021016 000016 C1SIMKR C2SIMKR 029116 - 029016 01B116 - 01B016 000016 000016 Bit Symbol SIM15 SIM14 SIM13 Bit Name Function RW Message Slot 15 Interrupt Controls whether the interrupt RW Request Mask Bit request of the corresponding Message Slot 14 Interrupt message slot is enabled or masked. RW 0: Masks (disables) an interrupt request Request Mask Bit Message Slot 13 Interrupt 1: Enables an interrupt request RW Request Mask Bit SIM12 Message Slot 12 Interrupt Request Mask Bit RW SIM11 Message Slot 11 Interrupt Request Mask Bit RW SIM10 Message Slot 10 Interrupt Request Mask Bit RW SIM9 Message Slot 9 Interrupt Request Mask Bit RW SIM8 Message Slot 8 Interrupt Request Mask Bit RW SIM7 Message Slot 7 Interrupt Request Mask Bit RW SIM6 Message Slot 6 Interrupt Request Mask Bit RW SIM5 Message Slot 5 Interrupt Request Mask Bit RW SIM4 Message Slot 4 Interrupt Request Mask Bit RW SIM3 Message Slot 3 Interrupt Request Mask Bit RW SIM2 Message Slot 2 Interrupt Request Mask Bit RW SIM1 Message Slot 1 Interrupt Request Mask Bit RW SIM0 Message Slot 0 Interrupt Request Mask Bit RW NOTES: 1. Change the CiSIMKR register setting while the CiMCTLj (j=0 to 15) register, corresponding to the bit to be changed, is set to "0016". 2.Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. Figure 22.14 C0SIMKR, C1SIMKR and C2SIMKR Registers The CiSIMKR register determines whether an interrupt request, generated by a data transmission or reception in the corresponding message slot is enabled or disabled. When the SIMj bit (j=0 to 15) is set to "1" (no interrupt requested), an interrupt request generated by a data transmission or reception in the corresponding message slot is enabled. Refer to 22.4 CAN Interrupt for details. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 312 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.1.13 CANi Error Interrupt Mask Register (CiEIMKR Register) (i=0 to 2) CANi Error Interrupt Mask Register (i=0 to 2) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address After Reset(1) C0EIMKR C1EIMKR C2EIMKR 021416 029416 01B416 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 Bit Symbol Bit Name Function RW BOIM Bus-Off Interrupt Mask Bit 0: Masks (disables) an interrupt request 1: Enables an interrupt request RW EPIM Error-Passive Interrupt 0: Masks (disables) an interrupt request 1: Enables an interrupt request Mask Bit RW BEIM CAN Bus-Error Interrupt 0: Masks (disables) an interrupt request Mask Bit 1: Enables an interrupt request RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b3) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTE: 1. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. Figure 22.15 C0EIMKR, C1EIMKR and C2EIMKR Registers Refer to 22.4 CAN Interrupt for details. BOIM Bit The BOIM bit determines whether an interrupt request is enabled or disabled when the CAN module is placed in a bus-off state. When the BOIM bit is set to "1", the bus-off interrupt request is enabled. EPIM Bit The EPIM bit determines whether an interrupt request is enabled or disabled when the CAN module is placed in an error passive state. When the EPIM bit is set to "1", the error passive interrupt request is enabled. BEIM Bit The BEIM bit determines whether an interrupt request is enabled or disabled when a CAN bus error occurs. When the BEIM bit is set to "1", the CAN bus error interrupt request is enabled. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 313 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.1.14 CANi Error Interrupt Status Register (CiEISTR Register) (i=0 to 2) CANi Error Interrupt Status Register (i=0 to 2) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol C0EISTR C1EISTR Address 021516 029516 C2EISTR 01B516 Bit Symbol After Reset(1) XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 XXXX X0002 Bit Name Function RW BOIS Bus-Off Interrupt Status Bit(2) 0: Interrupt not requested 1: Interrupt requested RW EPIS Error-Passive Interrupt Status Bit(2) 0: Interrupt not requested 1: Interrupt requested RW BEIS CAN Bus-Error Interrupt 0: Interrupt not requested 1: Interrupt requested Status Bit(2) RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b3) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTES: 1. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. 2. Set to "0" by program. When it is set to "1", the value before setting to "1" remains. Figure 22.16 C0EISTR, C1EISTR and C2EISTR Registers When using the CAN interrupt, the CiEISTR register indicates the source of the generated error interrupt. The BOIS, EPIS and BEIS bits are not automatically set to "0" (no interrupt requested) even if an interrupt is acknowledged. Set these bits to "0" by program. Use the MOV instruction, instead of the bit clear instruction, to set each bit in the CiEISTR register to "0". Bits not being changed to "0" must be set to "1". For example: To set the BOIS bit for CAN0 to "0" Assembly language: mov.b#006h, C0EISTR C language: c0eistr = 0x06; Refer to 22.4 CAN Interrupt for details. BOIS Bit The BOIS bit is set to "1" when the CAN module is placed in a bus-off state. EPIS Bit The EPIS bit is set to "1" when the CAN module is placed in an error passive state. BEIS Bit The BEIS bit is set to "1" when a CAN bus error is detected. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 314 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.1.15 CANi Error Factor Register (CiEFR Register) (i=0 to 2) CANi Error Factor Register (i=0 to 2) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address After Reset(1) C0EFR 021616 0016 C1EFR C2EFR 029616 01B616 0016 0016 Bit Symbol Bit Name Function RW ACKE ACK Error Detect Bit(2) 0: Detects no ACK error 1: Detects an ACK error RW CRCE CRC Error Detect Bit(2) 0: Detects no CRC error 1: Detects a CRC error RW 0: Detects no form error 1: Detects a form error RW RW FORME FORM Error Detect Bit(2) STFE Stuff Error Detect Bit(2) 0: Detects no stuff error 1: Detects a stuff error BITE0 Bit Error Detect Bit 0(2) 0: Detects no bit error while transmitting "H" RW 1: Detects a bit error while transmitting "H" BITE1 Bit Error Detect Bit 1(2) 0: Detects no bit error while transmitting "L" RW 1: Detects a bit error while transmitting "L" RCVE Receive Error Detect Bit(2) 0: Detects no error while receiving data RW 1: Detects an error while receiving data TRE Transmit Error Detect Bit(2) 0: Detects no error while transmitting data RW 1: Detects an error while transmitting data NOTES: 1. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. 2. Set to "0" by program. If it is set to "1", the value before setting to "1" remains. Figure 22.17 C0EFR, C1EFR and C2EFR Registers The CiEFR register indicates the cause of error when a communication error is detected. Set the following bits to "0" by program because they are not changed "1" to "0" automatically. Use the MOV instruction, instead of the bit clear instruction, to set each bit in the CiEFR register to "0". Bits not being changed to "0" must be set to "1". For example: To set the ACKE bit for CAN0 to "0" Assembly language: mov.b#0FEh, C0EFR C language: c0efr = 0xFE; ACKE Bit The ACKE bit is set to "1" when an ACK error is detected. CRCE Bit The CRC bit is set to "1" when a CRC error is detected. FORME Bit The FORME bit is set to "1" when a form error is detected. STFE Bit The STFE bit is set to "1" when a stuff error is detected. BITE0 Bit The BITE0 bit is set to "1" when a bit error is detected while transmitting recessive "H". BITE1 Bit The BITE1 bit is set to "1" when a bit error is detected while transmitting dominant "L". RCVE Bit The RCVE bit is set to "1" when an error is detected while receiving data. TRE Bit The TRE bit is set to "1" when an error is detected while transmitting data. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 315 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.1.16 CANi Mode Register (CiMDR Register) (i=0 to 2) CANi Mode Register (i=0 to 2)(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address After Reset(2) C0MDR 021916 XXXX XX002 C1MDR 029916 XXXX XX002 C2MDR 01B916 XXXX XX002 Bit Symbol Bit Name Function RW b1 b0 CMOD (b7 - b2) CAN Operating Mode Select Bit 0 0: Normal operating mode 0 1: Bus monitoring mode 1 0: Self-test mode 1 1: Do not set to this value RW RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTES: 1. Set the CiMDR register when the STATE_RESET bit in the CiSTR register is set to "1" (CAN module reset completed). 2. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. Figure 22.18 C0MDR, C1MDR and C2MDR Registers CMOD Bit The CMOD bit selects a CAN operating mode. • Normal operating mode: The CAN module transmits and receives data as expected. • Bus monitoring mode(1): The CAN module receives data. Output signal from the CANiOUT pin is fixed as a high-level ("H") signal in bus monitoring mode. The CAN mod ule transmits neither ACK nor error frame. • Self-test mode: The CAN module connects the CANiOUT pin to the CANiIN pin internally. The CAN module can communicate without additional device in loop back mode. Output signal from the CANiOUT pin is fixed as an "H" signal in self-test mode while transmitting data. Figure 22.19 shows an image diagram in self-test mode. NOTE: 1. Do not generate a transmit request in bus monitoring mode. The CAN module assumes the ACK bit is set to dominant "L" regardless of the ACK bit setting. Therefore, when the CRC delimiter is received as expected, the CAN module determines the data is received with no error regardless of the ACK bit setting. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 316 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) CAN Module Self-test Mode CANiIN Pin CANiIN ACK Signal Generation Circuit CANiOUT CANiOUT Pin i=0 to 2 Figure 22.19 Self-Test Mode Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 317 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.1.17 CANi Single-Shot Control Register (CiSSCTLR Register) (i=0 to 2) CANi Single-Shot Control Register (i=0 to 2)(1, 2) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol C0SSCTLR Address 022116 - 022016 After Reset(3) 000016 C1SSCTLR C2SSCTLR 02A116 - 02A016 01C116 - 01C016 000016 000016 Bit Symbol Bit Name SSC15 Message Slot 15 Single-Shot Control Bit SSC14 Message Slot 14 Single-Shot Control Bit RW SSC13 Message Slot 13 Single-Shot Control Bit RW SSC12 Message Slot 12 Single-Shot Control Bit RW SSC11 Message Slot 11 Single-Shot Control Bit RW SSC10 Message Slot 10 Single-Shot Control Bit RW SSC9 Message Slot 9 Single-Shot Control Bit RW SSC8 Message Slot 8 Single-Shot Control Bit RW SSC7 Message Slot 7 Single-Shot Control Bit RW SSC6 Message Slot 6 Single-Shot Control Bit RW SSC5 Message Slot 5 Single-Shot Control Bit RW SSC4 Message Slot 4 Single-Shot Control Bit RW SSC3 Message Slot 3 Single-Shot Control Bit RW SSC2 Message Slot 2 Single-Shot Control Bit RW SSC1 Message Slot 1 Single-Shot Control Bit RW SSC0 Message Slot 0 Single-Shot Control Bit RW Function 0: Single-shot mode not used 1: Use single-shot mode RW RW NOTES: 1. Set the CiSSCTLR register after the CiMCTLj register (j=0 to 15) in a slot corresponding to the bit to be changed is set to "0016". 2. The CiSSCTLR register can be accessed only when the BANKSEL bit in the CiCTLR1 register is set to "0" (message slot control register and single-shot register selected). 3. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module, and setting the BANKSEL bit to "0". Figure 22.20 C0SSCTLR, C1SSCTLR and C2SSCTLR Registers According to the CAN Specification 2.0 Part B, if the arbitration lost or transmission error causes a transmit failure, the microcomputer continues transmitting data until the transmission is completed. The CiSSCTLR register determines whether or not, and from which slot, data is re-transmitted. In single-shot mode, if the arbitration lost or transmission error causes a transmission failure, data is not transmitted again. When the SSCj bit (j=0 to 15) is set to "1", the corresponding message slot j is in single-shot mode. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 318 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.1.18 CANi Single-Shot Status Register (CiSSSTR Register) (i=0 to 2) CANi Single-Shot Status Register (i=0 to 2)(1) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol Address After Reset(2) C0SSSTR C1SSSTR 022516 - 022416 02A516 - 02A416 000016 000016 C2SSSTR 01C516 - 01C416 000016 Bit Symbol Bit Name SSS15 Message Slot 15 Single-Shot Status Bit(3) SSS14 Function 0: No arbitration is lost, or no transmit error occurs Message Slot 14 Single-Shot 1: Arbitration is lost, or transmit error occurs Status Bit(3) RW RW RW SSS13 Message Slot 13 Single-Shot Status Bit(3) RW SSS12 Message Slot 12 Single-Shot Status Bit(3) RW SSS11 Message Slot 11 Single-Shot Status Bit(3) RW SSS10 Message Slot 10 Single-Shot Status Bit(3) RW SSS9 Message Slot 9 Single-Shot Status Bit(3) RW SSS8 Message Slot 8 Single-Shot Status Bit(3) RW SSS7 Message Slot 7 Single-Shot Status Bit(3) RW SSS6 Message Slot 6 Single-Shot Status Bit(3) RW SSS5 Message Slot 5 Single-Shot Status Bit(3) RW SSS4 Message Slot 4 Single-Shot Status Bit(3) RW SSS3 Message Slot 3 Single-Shot Status Bit(3) RW SSS2 Message Slot 2 Single-Shot Status Bit(3) RW SSS1 Message Slot 1 Single-Shot Status Bit(3) RW SSS0 Message Slot 0 Single-Shot Status Bit(3) RW NOTES: 1. The CiSSSTR register can be accessed when the BANKSEL bit in the CiCTLR1 is set to "0". 2. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module, and setting the BANKSEL bit to "0". 3. Set to "0" by program. When it is set it to "1", the value before setting to "1" remains. Figure 22.21 C0SSSTR, C1SSSTR and C2SSSTR Registers If the arbitration lost or transmission error causes a transmission failure, the bit corresponding to message slot j (j=0 to 15) is set to "1". The SSSj bit is set to "0" by program because it is not set to "0" automatically. Use the MOV instruction, instead of the bit clear instruction, to set the SSSj bit to "0". Bits not being changed to "0" must be set to "1". For example: To set the SSS0 bit for CAN0 to "0" Assembly language: mov.w #07FFFh, C0SSSTR C language: c0ssstr = 0x7FFF; Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 319 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.1.19 CANi Global Mask Register, CANi Local Mask Register A and CANi Local Mask Register B (CiGMRk, CiLMARk and CiLMBRk Registers) (i=0 to 2, k=0 to 4) CANi Global Mask Register Standard ID0(1) CANi Local Mask Register A Standard ID0(1) CANi Local Mask Register B Standard ID0(1) (i=0 to 2) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address After Reset(2) C0GMR0, C1GMR0, C2GMR0 C0LMAR0, C1LMAR0, C2LMAR0 022816, 02A816, 01C816 023016(3), 02B016(4), 01D016(5) XXX0 00002 XXX0 00002 C0LMBR0, C1LMBR0, C2LMBR0 023816(6), 02B816(7), 01D816(8) XXX0 00002 Bit Symbol Bit Name Function RW SID6M Standard ID6 RW SID7M Standard ID7 RW SID8M Standard ID8 0: No ID is checked 1: ID is checked RW SID9M Standard ID9 RW SID10M Standard ID10 RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b5) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTES: 1. This register can be accessed when the BANKSEL bit in the CiCTLR1 register is set to "1". 2. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset, supplying a clock to the CAN module, and setting the BANKSEL bit to "1". 3. The C0LMAR0 register shares the same address with the C0MCTL0 register. 4. The C1LMAR0 register shares the same address with the C1MCTL0 register. 5. The C2LMAR0 register shares the same address with the C2MCTL0 register. 6. The C0LMBR0 register shares the same address with the C0MCTL8 register. 7. The C1LMBR0 register shares the same address with the C1MCTL8 register. 8. The C2LMBR0 register shares the same address with the C2MCTL8 register. Figure 22.22 C0GMR0, C0LMAR0 and C0LMBR0 Registers C1GMR0, C1LMAR0 and C1LMBR0 Registers C2GMR0, C2LMAR0 and C2LMBR0 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 320 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) CANi Global Mask Register Standard ID1(1) CANi Local Mask Register A Standard ID1(1) CANi Local Mask Register B Standard ID1(1) (i=0 to 2) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol C0GMR1, C1GMR1, C2GMR1 Address 022916, 02A916, 01C916 After Reset(2) XX00 00002 C0LMAR1, C1LMAR1, C2LMAR1 023116(3), 02B116(4), 01D116(5) XX00 00002 C0LMBR1, C1LMBR1, C2LMBR1 023916(6), 02B916(7), 01D916(8) XX00 00002 Bit Symbol Bit Name Function RW SID0M Standard ID0 RW SID1M Standard ID1 RW SID2M Standard ID2 RW 0: No ID is verified 1: ID is verified SID3M Standard ID3 RW SID4M Standard ID4 RW SID5M Standard ID5 RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b6) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTES: 1. The CiGMR0, CiLMAR0 and CiLMBR0 registers can be accessed only when the BANKSEL bit in the CiCTLR1 register is set to "1" (mask register selected). 2. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset, supplying a clock to the CAN module, and setting the BANKSEL bit to "1". 3. The C0LMAR1 register shares the same address with the C0MCTL1 register. 4. The C1LMAR1 register shares the same address with the C1MCTL1 register. 5. The C2LMAR1 register shares the same address with the C2MCTL1 register. 6. The C0LMBR1 register shares the same address with the C0MCTL9 register. 7. The C1LMBR1 register shares the same address with the C1MCTL9 register. 8. The C2LMBR1 register shares the same address with the C2MCTL9 register. Figure 22.23 C0GMR1, C0LMAR1 and C0LMBR1 Registers C1GMR1, C1LMAR1 and C1LMBR1 Registers C2GMR1, C2LMAR1 and C2LMBR1 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 321 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) CANi Global Mask Register Extended ID0(1) CANi Local Mask Register A Extended ID0(1) CANi Local Mask Register B Extended ID0(1) (i=0 to 2) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 After Reset(2) Symbol Address C0GMR2, C1GMR2, C2GMR2 C0LMAR2, C1LMAR2, C2LMAR2 C0LMBR2, C1LMBR2, C2LMBR2 022A16, 02AA16, 01CA16 XXXX 00002 023216(3), 02B216(4), 01D216(5) XXXX 00002 023A16(6), 02BA16(7), 01DA16(8) XXXX 00002 Bit Symbol Bit Name Function RW RW EID14M Extended ID14 EID15M Extended ID15 RW 0: No ID is checked 1: ID is checked EID16M Extended ID16 RW EID17M Extended ID17 RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b4) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTES: 1. This register can be accessed when the BANKSEL bit in the CiCTLR1 register is set to "1". 2. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset, supplying a clock to the CAN module, and setting the BANKSEL bit to "1". 3. The C0LMAR2 register shares the same address with the C0MCTL2 register. 4. The C1LMAR2 register shares the same address with the C1MCTL2 register. 5. The C2LMAR2 register shares the same address with the C2MCTL2 register. 6. The C0LMBR2 register shares the same address with the C0MCTL10 register. 7. The C1LMBR2 register shares the same address with the C1MCTL10 register. 8. The C2LMBR2 register shares the same address with the C2MCTL10 register. Figure 22.24 C0GMR2, C0LMAR2 and C0LMBR2 Registers C1GMR2, C1LMAR2 and C1LMBR2 Registers C2GMR2, C2LMAR2 and C2LMBR2 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 322 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) CANi Global Mask Register Extended ID1(1) CANi Local Mask Register A Extended ID1(1) CANi Local Mask Register B Extended ID1(1) (i=0 to 2) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol C0GMR3, C1GMR3, C2GMR3 C0LMAR3, C1LMAR3, C2LMAR3 C0LMBR3, C1LMBR3, C2LMBR3 Bit Symbol Bit Name Address 022B16, 02AB16, 01CB16 023316(3), 02B316(4), 01D316(5) 023B16(6), 02BB16(7), 01DB16(8) After Reset(2) 0016 0016 0016 Function RW EID6M Extended ID6 RW EID7M Extended ID7 RW EID8M Extended ID8 RW EID9M Extended ID9 RW 0: No ID is checked 1: ID is checked EID10M Extended ID10 RW EID11M Extended ID11 RW EID12M Extended ID12 RW EID13M Extended ID13 RW NOTES: 1. This register can be accessed when the BANKSEL bit in the CiCTLR1 register is set to "1". 2. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset, supplying a clock to the CAN module, and setting the BANKSEL bit to "1". 3. The C0LMAR3 register shares the same address with the C0MCTL3 register. 4. The C1LMAR3 register shares the same address with the C1MCTL3 register. 5. The C2LMAR3 register shares the same address with the C2MCTL3 register. 6. The C0LMBR3 register shares the same address with the C0MCTL11 register. 7. The C1LMBR3 register shares the same address with the C1MCTL11 register. 8. The C2LMBR3 register shares the same address with the C2MCTL11 register. Figure 22.25 C0GMR3, C0LMAR3 and C0LMBR3 Registers C1GMR3, C1LMAR3 and C1LMBR3 Registers C2GMR3, C2LMAR3 and C2LMBR3 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 323 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) CANi Global Mask Register Extended ID2(1) CANi Local Mask Register A Extended ID2(1) CANi Local Mask Register B Extended ID2(1) (i=0 to 2) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 After Reset(2) XX00 00002 Symbol C0GMR4, C1GMR4, C2GMR4 Address 022C16, 02AC16, 01CC16 C0LMAR4, C1LMAR4, C2LMAR4 C0LMBR4, C1LMBR4, C2LMBR4 023416(3), 02B416(4), 01D416(5) XX00 00002 023C16(6), 02BC16(7), 01DC16(8) XX00 00002 Bit Symbol Bit Name Function RW EID0M Extended ID0 RW EID1M Extended ID1 RW EID2M Extended ID2 RW 0: No ID is checked 1: ID is checked EID3M Extended ID3 RW EID4M Extended ID4 RW EID5M Extended ID5 RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b6) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTES: 1. This register can be accessed when the BANKSEL bit in the CiCTLR1 register is set to "1". 2. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset, supplying a clock to the CAN module, and setting the BANKSEL bit to "1". 3. The C0LMAR4 register shares the same address with the C0MCTL4 register. 4. The C1LMAR4 register shares the same address with the C1MCTL4 register. 5. The C2LMAR4 register shares the same address with the C2MCTL4 register. 6. The C0LMBR4 register shares the same address with the C0MCTL12 register. 7. The C1LMBR4 register shares the same address with the C1MCTL12 register. 8. The C2LMBR4 register shares the same address with the C2MCTL12 register. Figure 22.26 C0GMR4, C0LMAR4 and C0LMBR4 Registers C1GMR4, C1LMAR4 and C1LMBR4 Registers C2GMR4, C2LMAR4 and C2LMBR4 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 324 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22. CAN Module The CiGMRk, CiLMARk and CiLMBRk registers are used for acceptance filtering. The users can select and receive user-desired messages. The CiGMRk register determines whether IDs in the message slots 0 to 13 are verified. The CiLMARk register determines whether ID in the message slot 14 is verified. The CiLMBRk register determines whether ID in the message slot 15 is verified. • When bits in these registers are set to "0", each standard ID0 and standard ID1 bits (ID bit) and extended ID0 to extended ID2 bits in the CANi message slots j (j=0 to 15) corresponding to the bits in the above registers, is masked while acceptance filtering. (The corresponding bits are assumed to have matching IDs.) • When bits in these registers are set to "1", corresponding ID bits are compared with received IDs while acceptance filtering. If the received ID matches the ID in the message slot j, the received data having the matched ID is stored into that message slot. NOTES: 1. Change the CiGMRk register setting only when the message slots 0 to 13 have no receive request. 2. Change the CiLMARk register setting only when the message slot 14 has no receive request. 3. Change the CiLMBRk register setting only when the message slot 15 has no receive request. 4. More than two message slots are able to store a receive message ID, the ID is stored into the message slot, having the smallest slot number. Figure 22.27 shows each mask register and corresponding message slot. Figure 22.28 shows the acceptance filtering. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 325 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) CiGMARk Regiser Message Slot 0 to Message Slot 13 CiLMARk Register Message Slot 14 CiLMBRk Register Message Slot 15 i=0 to 2, k=0 to 4 Figure 22.27 Mask Registers and Message Slots For Standard ID Receive Message ID ID Set in the Message Slot Standard ID0 Setting Velue of the Mask Register Standard ID0 Value of the Mask Bit 0: Mask a receive message ID, corresponding to a bit in the maks register 1: Verify whether a recive message ID matches a corresponding bit Standard ID0 Standard ID1 Standard ID1 Standard ID1 ... Standard ID10 Standard ID10 Figure 22.28 Acceptance Filtering Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 326 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 Acceptance Verify Signal Standard ID10 Acceptance Verify Signal 0: Received message is ignored (Message is stored into no message slot) 1: Received message is stored an slot, having the matched ID 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.1.20 CANi Message Slot j Control Register (CiMCTLj Register) (i=0 to 2, j=0 to 15) CANi Message Slot j Control Register (i=0 to 2, j=0 to 15)(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol C0MCTL0 to C0MCTL15 C1MCTL0 to C1MCTL15 C2MCTL0 to C2MCTL15 Bit Symbol Bit Name After Reset(2) 0016 0016 0016 Address 023016 to 023F16(3) 02B016 to 02BF16(4) 01D016 to 01DF16(5) Function When receive, Receive Complete When transmitting NEWDATA Flag(6) 0: Not transmitted When transmit, Transmit Complete 1: Transmit completed SENTDATA Flag(6) When transmitting When receive, 0: Except transmitting INVALDATA Receiving Flag When transmit, Transmitting Flag 1: Transmitting TRMACTIVE RW When receiving 0: Not received RW 1: Receive completed When receiving 0: Except storing received data 1: Storing received data MSGLOST Overwrite Flag(6) 0: No overrun error occurs 1: Overrun error occurs In modes other than BasicCan mode 0: Data frame Remote Frame 1: Remote frame REMACTIVE Transmit/Receive In BasicCan mode Status Flag 0: Receives the data frame (status) 1: Receives the remote frame (status) 0: Enables automatic answering of the remote Automatic frame Answering RSPLOCK Disable Mode 1: Disables automatic answering of the remote Select Bit frame RO RW RO RW REMOTE Remote Frame Set Bit 0: Transmits/receives the data frame 1: Transmits/receives the remote frame RW RECREQ Receive Request Bit 0: No request to receive the frame 1: Request to receive the frame RW TRMREQ Transmit Request Bit 0: No request to transmit the frame 1: Request to transmit the frame RW NOTES: 1. This register can be accessed when the BANKSEL bit in the CiCTLR1 register is set to "0". 2. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying the clock to the CAN module, and setting the BANKSEL bit to "0" . 3. The C0MCTL0 to C0MCTL4 registers share addresses with the C0LMAR0 to C0LMAR4 registers respectively. The C0MCTL8 to C0MCTL12 registers share addresses with the C0LMBR0 to C0LMBR4 registers respectively. 4. The C1MCTL0 to C1MCTL4 registers share addresses with the C1LMAR0 to C1LMAR4 registers respectively. The C1MCTL8 to C1MCTL12 registers share addresses with the C1LMBR0 to C1LMBR4 registers respectively. 5. The C2MCTL0 to C2MCTL4 registers share addresses with the C2LMAR0 to C2LMAR4 registers respectively. The C2MCTL8 to C2MCTL12 registers share addresses with the C2LMBR0 to C2LMBR4 registers respectively. 6. Set to "0" by program. If it is set to "1", the value before setting to "1" remains. Figure 22.29 C0MCTL0 to C0MCTL15 Registers, C1MCTL0 to C1MCTL15 Registers and C2MCTL0 to C2MCTL15 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 327 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 22.4 CiMCTLj register(i=0 to 2, j= 0 to 15) Settings and Transmit/Receive Mode Settings for the CiMCTLj Register TRMREQ RECREQ REMOTE RSPLOCK REMACTIVE MSGLOST TRMACTIVE SENTDATA Transmit/Receive Mode INVALDATA NEWDATA 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 or 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No frame is transmitted or received Data frame is received Remote frame is received (The data frame is transmitted after receiving the remote frame.) Data frame is transmitted Remote frame is transmitted (The data frame is received after transmitting the remote frame) SENTDATA/NEWDATA Bit The SENTDATA/NEWDATA bit indicates that the CAN module has transmitted or received the CAN message. Set the SENTDATA/NEWDATA bit to "0 " (not transmitted or not received) by program before data transmission and reception is started. The SENTDATA/NEWDATA bit is not set to "0" automatically. When the TRMACTIVE/INVALDATA bit is set to "1" (during transmission or storing received data), the SENTDATA/NEWDATA bit cannot be set to "0". SENTDATA : The SENTDATA bit is set to "1" (transmit complete) when data transmission is completed in the transmit message slot. NEWDATA : The NEWDATA bit is set to "1" (receive complete) when the message to be stored into the message slot j (j=0 to 15) is received in the receive message slot as expected. NOTES: 1. To read a received data from the message slot j, set the NEWDATA bit to "0" before reading. If the NEWDATA bit is set to "1" immediately after reading, this indicates that new received data has been stored into the message slot while reading and the read data contains an indeterminate value. In this case, discard the data with indeterminate value and then read the message slot again after the NEWDATA bit is set to "0". 2. When the remote frame is transmitted or received, the SENTDATA/NEWDATA bit remains unchanged after the remote frame transmission or reception is completed. The SENTDATA/ NEWDATA bit is set to "1" when a subsequent data frame transmission or reception is completed. TRMACTIVE/INVALDATA Bit The TRMACTIVE/INVALDATA bit indicates that the CAN protcol controller is transmitting or receiving a message and accessing the message slot j. The TRMACTIVE/INVALDATA bit is set to "1" when the CAN module is accessing the message slot and to "0 " when not accessing the message slot. TRMACTIVE : The TRMACTIVE bit is set to "1" (except transmitting) when a data transmission is started in the message slot. If the CAN module loses in bus arbitration, the TRMACTIVE bit is set to "0" (stops transmitting) when a CAN bus error occurs or when a data transmission is completed. INVALDATA : The INVALDATA bit is set to "1" (storing received data) when receiving a received message into the messaqe slot j, after a message reception is completed. Then the INVALDATA bit is set to "0" after a message storage is completed. Data, if read from the message slot j while this bit is set to "1", is indeterminate. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 328 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22. CAN Module MSGLOST Bit The MSGLOST bit is enabled only when the message slot is set for reception. The MSGLOST bit is set to "1" (overrun error occurred) when the message slot j is overwritten by a new received message while the NEWDATA bit set to "1" (already received). The MSGLOST bit is not automatically set to "0". Set to "0" (no overrun error occurred) by program. REMACTIVE Bit The CiMCTL0 to CiMCTL15 registers all have the same function when the STATE_BASICCAN bit is set to "0" (other than BasicCAN mode). The REMACTIVE bit is set to "1" (remote frame) when the message slot j is set to transmit or receive the remote frame. The REMACTIVE bit is set to "0" (data frame) after the remote frame has been transmitted or received. The functions of the CiMCTL14 and CiMCTL15 registers change when the STATE_BASICCAN bit is set to "1" (BasicCAN mode). When the REMACTIVE bit is set to "0", this indicates that a message stored into the message slot is the data frame. When the REMACTIVE bit is set to "1", this indicates a message stored into the message slot is the remote frame. RSPLOCK Bit The RSPLOCK bit is enabled only when remote frame reception shown in Table 22.4 is selected. The RSPLOCK bit determines whether the received remote frame is processed or not. When the RSPLOCK bit is set to "0" (automatic answering of the remote frame enabled), the slot automatically changes to a transmit slot after the remote frame is received and the message stored into the message slot is automatically transmitted as the data frame. When the RSPLOCK bit is set to "1" (automatic answering of the remote frame disabled), message is not automatically transmitted upon receiving the remote frame. Set the RSPLOCK bit to "0" to select any transmit/receive mode other than the remote frame reception. REMOTE Bit The REMOTE bit selects transmit/receive mode shown in Table 22.4. Set the REMOTE bit to "0" to transmit or receive data frame. Set to "1" to transmit or receive remote frame. The followings occur during remote frame transmission or reception. • Transmitting the remote frame A message stored into the message slot j (j=0 to 15) is transmitted as the remote frame. After transmission, the slot automatically becomes ready to receive data frame. If the data frame is received before the remote frame is transmitted, the data frame is stored into the message slot j. The remote frame is not transmitted. • Receiving the remote frame The message slot receives the remote frame. The RSPLOCK bit determines whether or not to process the received remote frame. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 329 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22. CAN Module RECREQ Bit The RECREQ bit selects transmit/receive mode shown in Table 22.4. Set the RECREQ bit to "1" (receive requested) when data frame or remote frame is received. Set the RECREQ bit to "0" (no receive requested) when data frame or remote frame is transmitted. When a data frame is automatically transmitted after a remote frame is received, the RECREQ bit remains set to "1". Set the RECREQ bit to "0" to transmit a remote frame. After a remote frame is transmitted, a data frame is automatically received while the RECREQ bit remains set to "0". When setting the TRMREQ bit to "1" (transmit requested), do not set the RECREQ bit to "1" (receive requested). TRMREQ Bit The TRMREQ bit selects transmit/receive mode shown in Table 22.4. Set the TRMREQ bit to "1" (transmit requested) when data frame or remote frame is transmitted. Set the TRMREQ bit to "0" (no request to transmit the frame) when data frame or remote frame is received. When the data frame is automatically received after the remote frame is transmitted, the TRMREQ bit remains set to "1". Set the TRMREQ bit to "0" to receive the remote frame. After the remote frame is received, data frame is automatically transmitted while the TRMREQ bit remains set to "0". If the RECREQ bit is set to "1" (request to receive the frame), do not set the TRMREQ bit to "1" ( request to transmit the frame). NOTES: 1. If some message slots are requested to transmit the data frame or remote frame, the message slot, having the smallest slot number starts transmitting. 2. In single-shot mode, the CiMCTLj register is set to "0016" when data transmission is failed, due to the arbitration lost or transmission error. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 330 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.1.21 CANi Slot Buffer Select Register (CiSBS Register) (i=0 to 2) CANi Slot Buffer Select Register (i=0 to 2) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Symbol C0SBS C1SBS C2SBS b0 Bit Symbol After Reset(2) 0016 0016 0016 Address 024016 025016 017016 Bit Name RW Function b3 b2 b1 b0 SBS00 SBS01 SBS02 CANi Message Slot Buffer 0 Number Select Bit SBS03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0: 1: 0: 1: Message slot 0 Message slot 1 Message slot 2 Message slot 3 RW RW (Note 1) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0: 1: 0: 1: Message slot 12 Message slot 13 Message slot 14 Message slot 15 RW RW RW b3 b2 b1 b0 SBS10 SBS11 SBS12 CANi Message Slot Buffer 1 Number Select Bit SBS13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0: 1: 0: 1: Message slot 0 Message slot 1 Message slot 2 Message slot 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0: 1: 0: 1: Message slot 12 Message slot 13 Message slot 14 Message slot 15 RW (Note 1) RW RW NOTES: 1. 16 CANi message slots are provided. Each message slot can be selected as a transmit or a receive slot. 2. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) after reset and supplying a clock to the CAN module. Figure 22.30 C0SBS, C1SBS and C2SBS Registers SBS03 to SBS00 Bits If the SBS03 to SBS00 bits select a number j (j=0 to 15), the message slot j is allocated to the CANi message slot buffer 0. The message slot j can be accessed via addresses 01E016 to 01EF16, and 026016 to 026F16. SBS13 to SBS10 Bits If the SBS13 to SBS10 bits select a number j, the message slot j is allocated to the CANi message slot buffer 1. The message slot j can be accessed via addresses 01F016 to 01FF16, and 027016 to 027F16. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 331 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.1.22 CANi Message Slot Buffer j (i=0 to 2, j=0,1) CANi Message Slot Buffer j Standard ID0 (i=0 to 2, j=0,1)(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Symbol C0SLOT0_0, C0SLOT1_0 C1SLOT0_0, C1SLOT1_0 C2SLOT0_0, C2SLOT1_0 b0 Bit Symbol Address 01E016, 01F016 026016, 027016 018016, 019016 Bit Name After Reset Indeterminate Indeterminate Indeterminate Function RW SID6 Standard ID6 Read or write the standard ID6 in the message slot k (k=0 to 15) RW SID7 Standard ID7 Read or write the standard ID7 in the message slot k RW SID8 Standard ID8 Read or write the standard ID8 in the message slot k RW SID9 Standard ID9 Read or write the standard ID9 in the message slot k RW SID10 Standard ID10 Read or write the standard ID10 in the message slot k RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b5) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTE: 1. Select, by setting the CiSBS register, the message slot k to be accessed by the CiSLOTj_0 register. CANi Message Slot Buffer j Standard ID1 (i=0 to 2, j=0,1)(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Symbol C0SLOT0_1, C0SLOT1_1 C1SLOT0_1, C1SLOT1_1 C2SLOT0_1, C2SLOT1_1 b0 Bit Symbol Bit Name Address 01E116, 01F116 026116, 027116 018116, 019116 After Reset Indeterminate Indeterminate Indeterminate Function RW SID0 Standard ID0 Read or write the standard ID0 in the message slot k (k=0 to 15) RW SID1 Standard ID1 Read or write the standard ID1 in the message slot k RW SID2 Standard ID2 Read or write the standard ID2 in the message slot k RW SID3 Standard ID3 Read or write the standard ID3 in the message slot k RW SID4 Standard ID4 Read or write the standard ID4 in the message slot k RW SID5 Standard ID5 Read or write the standard ID5 in the message slot k RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b6) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTE: 1. Select, by setting the CiSBS register, the message slot k to be accessed by the CiSLOTj_1 register. Figure 22.31 C0SLOT0_0, C0SLOT1_0, C0SLOT0_1 and C0SLOT1_1 Registers C1SLOT0_0, C1SLOT1_0, C1SLOT0_1 and C1SLOT1_1 Registers C2SLOT0_0, C2SLOT1_0, C2SLOT0_1 and C2SLOT1_1 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 332 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) CANi Message Slot Buffer j Extended ID0 (i=0 to 2, j=0,1)(1, 2) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Symbol C0SLOT0_2, C0SLOT1_2 b0 C1SLOT0_2, C1SLOT1_2 C2SLOT0_2, C2SLOT1_2 Bit Symbol Address 01E216, 01F216 026216, 027216 018216, 019216 Bit Name After Reset Indeterminate Indeterminate Indeterminate Function RW EID14 Extended ID14 Read or write the extended ID14 in the message slot k (k=0 to 15) RW EID15 Extended ID15 Read or write the extended ID15 in the message slot k RW EID16 Extended ID16 Read or write the extended ID16 in the message slot k RW EID17 Extended ID17 Read or write the extended ID17 in the message slot k RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b4) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTES: 1. If the receive slot is standard ID formatted, the EID bits are indeterminate when received data is stored. 2. Select, by setting the CiSBS register, the message slot k to be accessed by the CiSLOTj_2 register. CANi Message Slot Buffer j Extended ID1 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Symbol C0SLOT0_3, C0SLOT1_3 C1SLOT0_3, C1SLOT1_3 C2SLOT0_3, C2SLOT1_3 b0 Bit Symbol Bit Name (i=0 to 2, j=0,1)(1, 2) Address 01E316, 01F316 026316, 027316 018316, 019316 After Reset Indeterminate Indeterminate Indeterminate Function RW EID6 Extended ID6 Read or write the extended ID6 in the message slot k (k=0 to 15) RW EID7 Extended ID7 Read or write the extended ID7 in the message slot k RW EID8 Extended ID8 Read or write the extended ID8 in the message slot k RW EID9 Extended ID9 Read or write the extended ID9 in the message slot k RW EID10 Extended ID10 Read or write the extended ID10 in the message slot k RW EID11 Extended ID11 Read or write the extended ID11 in the message slot k RW EID12 Extended ID12 Read or write the extended ID12 in the message slot k RW EID13 Extended ID13 Read or write the extended ID13 in the message slot k RW NOTES: 1. If the receive slot is standard ID formatted, the EID bits are indeterminate when received data is stored. 2. Select, by setting the CiSBS register, the message slot k to be accessed by the CiSLOTj_3 register. Figure 22.32 C0SLOT0_2, C0SLOT1_2, C0SLOT0_3 and C0SLOT1_3 Registers C1SLOT0_2, C1SLOT1_2, C1SLOT0_3 and C1SLOT1_3 Registers C2SLOT0_2, C2SLOT1_2, C2SLOT0_3 and C2SLOT1_3 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 333 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) CANi Message Slot Buffer j Extended ID2 (i=0 to 2, j=0,1)(1, 2) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Symbol C0SLOT0_4, C0SLOT1_4 C1SLOT0_4, C1SLOT1_4 b0 C2SLOT0_4, C2SLOT1_4 Bit Symbol Address 01E416, 01F416 026416, 027416 018416, 019416 Bit Name After Reset Indeterminate Indeterminate Indeterminate Function RW EID0 Extended ID0 Read or write the extended ID0 in the message slot k (k=0 to 15) RW EID1 Extended ID1 Read or write the extended ID1 in the message slot k RW EID2 Extended ID2 Read or write the extended ID2 in the message slot k RW EID3 Extended ID3 Read or write the extended ID3 in the message slot k RW EID4 Extended ID4 Read or write the extended ID4 in the message slot k RW EID5 Extended ID5 Read or write the extended ID5 in the message slot k RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b6) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTES: 1. If the receive slot is standard ID formatted, the EID bits are indeterminate when received data is stored. 2. Select, by setting the CiSBS register, the message slot k to be accessed by the CiSLOTj_4 register. CANi Message Slot Buffer j Data Length Code (i=0 to 2, j=0,1)(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Symbol C0SLOT0_5, C0SLOT1_5 b0 After Reset C1SLOT0_5, C1SLOT1_5 Address 01E516, 01F516 026516, 027516 C2SLOT0_5, C2SLOT1_5 018516, 019516 Indeterminate Bit Symbol Bit Name Indeterminate Indeterminate Function DLC0 RW RW DLC1 RW Data Length Set Bit Read or write the data length set bit in the message slot k (k=0 to 15) DLC2 RW DLC3 RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b4) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTE: 1. Select, by setting the CiSBS register, the message slot k to be accessed by the CiSLOTj_5 register. Figure 22.33 C0SLOT0_4, C0SLOT1_4, C0SLOT0_5 and C0SLOT1_5 Registers C1SLOT0_4, C1SLOT1_4, C1SLOT0_5 and C1SLOT1_5 Registers C2SLOT0_4, C2SLOT1_4, C2SLOT0_5 and C2SLOT1_5 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 334 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) CANi Message Slot Buffer j Data m (i=0 to 2, j=0,1, m=0 to 7)(1, 2) b7 Symbol C0SLOT0_6 to C0SLOT0_13 C0SLOT1_6 to C0SLOT1_13 C1SLOT0_6 to C1SLOT0_13 C1SLOT1_6 to C1SLOT1_13 C2SLOT0_6 to C2SLOT0_13 C2SLOT1_6 to C2SLOT1_13 b0 Address 01E616 to 01ED16 01F616 to 01FD16 026616 to 026D16 027616 to 027D16 018616 to 018D16 019616 to 019D16 Function After Reset Indeterminate Indeterminate Indeterminate Indeterminate Indeterminate Indeterminate Setting Range Read or write data m in the message slot k (k=0 to 15, m=0 to 7) 0016 to FF16 RW RW NOTES: 1. Select, by setting the CiSBS register, the data m in the message slot k to be accessed by the CiSLOTj_6 to CiSLOTj_13 register. 2. When the data frame is received, data with lessthan the data length selected by the CiSLOTj_5 register is indeterminate. CANi Message Slot Buffer j Time Stamp High-Ordered (i=0,1, j=0,1)(1) b7 Symbol C0SLOT0_14, C0SLOT1_14 b0 C1SLOT0_14, C1SLOT1_14 C2SLOT0_14, C2SLOT1_14 Address 01EE16, 01FE16 026E16, 027E16 018E16, 019E16 Function Read or write the time stamp high-ordered in the message slot k (k=0 to 15) After Reset Indeterminate Indeterminate Indeterminate Setting Range RW 0016 to FF16 RW NOTE: 1. Select, by setting the CiSBS register, the time stamp high-ordered in the message slot k to be accessed by the CiSLOTj_14 register. CANi Message Slot Buffer j Time Stamp Low-Ordered (i=0 to 2, j=0,1)(1) b7 Symbol C0SLOT0_15, C0SLOT1_15 C1SLOT0_15, C1SLOT1_15 C2SLOT0_15, C2SLOT1_15 b0 Address 01EF16, 01FF16 026F16, 027F16 018F16, 019F16 Function Read or write the time stamp low-ordered in the message slot k (k=0 to 15) After Reset Indeterminate Indeterminate Indeterminate Setting Range RW 0016 to FF16 RW NOTE: 1. Select, by setting the CiSBS register, the time stamp low-ordered in the message slot k to be accessed by the CiSLOTj_15 register. Figure 22.34 C0SLOT0_6 to C0SLOT0_13, C0SLOT1_6 to C0SLOT1_13, C0SLOT0_14, C0SLOT1_14, C0SLOT0_15 and C0SLOT1_15 Registers C1SLOT0_6 to C1SLOT0_13, C1SLOT1_6 to C1SLOT1_13, C1SLOT0_14, C1SLOT1_14, C1SLOT0_15 and C1SLOT1_15 Registers C2SLOT0_6 to C2SLOT0_13, C2SLOT1_6 to C2SLOT1_13, C2SLOT0_14, C2SLOT1_14, C2SLOT0_15 and C2SLOT1_15 Registers The message slot, selected by setting the CiSBS register, is read by reading the message slot buffer. A message can be written in the message slot selected by the CiSBS register if the message is written to the message slot buffer. Write to the message slot k (k=0 to 15) while the corresponding CiMCTLk register is set to "0016". Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 335 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.1.23 CANi Acceptance Filter Support Register (CiAFS Register) (i=0 to 2) CANi Acceptance Filter Support Register (i=0 to 2) b15 b8 b7 b0 Symbol Address After Reset(1) C0AFS C1AFS 024516 - 024416 025516 - 025416 010016 C2AFS 017516 - 017416 010016 010016 Function Generates data to determine a received ID Setting Range RW 000016 to FFFF16 RW NOTE: 1. Value is obtained by setting the SLEEP bit in the CiSLPR register to "1" (sleep mode exited) and supplying a clock to the CAN module after reset. b0 b15 Write SID10 SID9 SID8 SID7 SID6 SID5 SID4 SID3 SID2 SID1 SID0 3-8 decoding b15 Read b8 b0 b7 CSID7 CSID6 CSID5 CSID4 CSID3 CSID2 CSID1 CSID0 SID10 SID9 SID8 SID7 SID6 SID5 SID4 SID3 b7 Data used to search a data table is generated from a received ID in standard format. The table search with this data determines whether or not a received ID is valid. Top+0016 Top+0116 Top+DE16 Top+FE16 Top+FF16 b15 b8 b5 b3 b2 b1 b0 7F716 7F616 7F516 7F416 7F316 7F216 7F116 7F016 "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "1" 7FF16 7FE16 7FD16 7FC16 7FB16 7FA16 7F916 7F816 "0" "0" "1" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" Bit search information b7 b0 SID5 SID4 SID3 SID2 SID1 SID0 SID10SID9 SID8 SID7 SID6 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 SID10 SID0 "6" Received ID "F" "3" 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 "D" "E" "3" Divide it to 8 bits and 3 bits 8 bits b15 Read from the CiAFS register b4 6F716 6F616 6F516 6F416 6F316 6F216 6F116 6F016 "0" "0" "0" "0" "1" "0" "0" "0" Address search information When a received ID is "6F316" Write to the CiAFS register b6 00716 00616 00516 00416 00316 00216 00116 00016 "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "1" "0" 00F16 00E16 00D16 00C16 00B16 00A16 00916 00816 "1" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" b8 3 bits b7 b0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 "0816" "D" "E" Bit search information Bit search information b7 0116 0216 0416 0816 1016 2016 4016 8016 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 b3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Address search information b0 3 low-order bits of received ID 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 016 116 216 316 416 516 616 716 Because the value of the 3 bits is 3, b3 in the table left is 1. (If the value of the 3 bits is 4, b4 in the table left is 1.) i = 0 to 2 Figure 22.35 C0AFS, C1AFS and C2AFS Registers The CiAFS register enables prompt performance of the table search to determine the varidity of a received ID. This function is for standard-formatted ID only. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 336 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.2 CAN Clock The CAN clock is the operating clock for the CAN module. f1 or fCAN can be selected as the CAN clock. fCAN has the same frequency as the main clock. The PM25 bit in the PM2 register determines the CAN clock. Refer to 8. Clock Generation Circuit for details. 22.2.1 Main Clock Direct Mode fCAN becomes the CAN clock in main clock direct mode. The CAN module must enter main clock direct mode while the PM25 bit is set to "1" (main clock). Set the PM25 bit in CAN sleep mode. Set the PM24 bit in the PM2 register to "1" (main clock) before accessing CAN-associated registers in main clock direct mode. Do not enter wait mode or stop mode when the PM24 bit is set to "1". Table 22.5 lists CAN clock settings. Figure 22.36 shows a flow chart of accessing procedure for CANassociated registers. Table 22.5 CAN Clock Settings CAN Clock fCAN CM0 Register CM1 Register CM2 Register CM07 Bit CM17 Bit CM21 Bit PM24 Bit PM25 Bit MCD4 to MCD0 bits Main Clock (Main Clock Direct Mode) 0 1 0 1 1 --- Main Clock 0 0 0 0 0 100102 PLL Clock 0 1 0 0 0 100102 PM2 Register MCD Register Clock Source f1 Start Set the PM24 bit in the PM2 register to "1" (main clock) Wait until a clock oscillation stabilized Access to CAN-associated registers Set the PM24 bit to "0" (clock selected by the CM07 bit in the CM0 register) End NOTE: 1. Waiting time varies depending on the CPU clock frequency before or after PM24 bit setting is changed. - High Frequency: Higher frequency compared "before PM24 bit setting changes" with "after PM24 bit setting changes" - Low Frequency: Lower frequency compared "before PM24 bit setting changes" with "after PM24 bit setting changes" 2 x High frequency Low frequency cycles Figure 22.36 Accessing Procedure for CAN-Associated Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 337 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.3 Timing with CAN-Associated Registers 22.3.1 CAN Module Reset Timing Figure 22.37 shows an operation example of when the CAN module is reset. (1) The CAN module can be reset when the STATE_RESET bit in the CiSTR register (i=0 to 2) is set to "1" (CAN module reset completed) after the RESET1 and RESET0 bits in the CiCTLR0 register are set to "1" (CAN module reset). (2) Set necessary CAN-associated registers. (3) CAN communication can be established after the STATE_RESET bit is set to "0" (resetting) after the RESET1 and RESET0 bits are set to "0" (CAN module reset exited) . Set to "1" by program simultaneously RESET0 bit Set to "0" by program simultaneously "1" "0" RESET1 bit STATE_RESET bit "1" "0" "1" Initial Setting for the CAN Module "0" CAN Operation Verify the STATE_RESET bit Verify the STATE_RESET bit Operation (1) Operation (2) Operation (3) Figure 22.37 Example of CAN Module Reset Operation 22.3.2 CAN Transmit Timing Figure 22.38 shows an operation example of when the CAN transmits a frame. (1) When the TRMREQ bit in the CiMCTLj register (j=0 to 15) is set to "1" (request to transmit the data frame) while the CAN bus is in an idle state, the TRMACTIVE bit in the CiMCTLj register is set to "1" (during transmission) and the TRMSTATE bit in the CiSTR register is set to "1" (during transmission). The CAN starts transmitting the frame. (2) After a CAN frame transmission is completed, the SENTDATA bit in the CiMCTLj register is set to "1" (already transmitted), the TRMSUCC bit in the CiSTR register to "1" (transmission completed) and the SISj bit in the CiSISTR register to "1" (interrupt requested). The MBOX3 to MBOX0 bits in the CiSTR register store transmitted message slot numbers. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 338 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Start transmtting Transmission completed (2) Intermission field (1) CAN bus Bus idle Bus idle Transmit frame "1" SENTDATA bit "0" TRMACTIVE bit TRMREQ bit Transmit frame "1" Set to "1" by program "0" "1" Transmission-completed message slot number "0" MBOX3 to MBOX0 bits TRMSUCC bit "1" "0" TRMSTATE bit "1" SISj bit "1" j=0 to 15 "0" "0" Figure 22.38 Example of CAN Data Frame Transmit Operation 22.3.3 CAN Receive Timing Figure 22.39 shows an operation example of when the CAN receives a frame. (1) When the RECREQ bit in the CiMCTLj register (i=0 to 2, j= 0 to 15) is set to "1" (receive requested), the CAN is ready to receive the frame at anytime. (2) When the CAN starts receiving the frame, the RECSTATE bit in the CiSTR register is set to "1" (during reception). (3) After the CAN frame reception is completed, the INVALDATA bit in the CiMCTLj register is set to "1" (storing received data), the NEWDATA bit in the CiMCTLj register is set to "1" (receive complete) and the RECSUCC bit in the CiSTR register is set to "1" (reception completed). (4) After data is written to the message slot, the INVALDATA bit is set to "0" (storing receiving data) and the SISj bit in the CiSISTR register is set to "1" (interrupt requested). The MBOX3 to MBOX0 bits in the CiSTR register store received message slot numbers. Start receiving (1) CAN bus (2) Bus idle NEWDATA bit "1" INVALDATA bit "1" RECREQ bit "1" Reception completed Receive frame (3) Receive frame Bus idle "0" "0" "0" Set to "1" by program MBOX3 to MBOX0 bits RECSUCC bit "1" RECSTATE bit "1" SISj bit "1" j=0 to 15 Intermission field (4) "0" "0" "0" Figure 22.39 Example of CAN Data Frame Receive Operation Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 339 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 Reception-completed message slot number 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.3.4 CAN Bus Error Timing Figure 22.40 shows an operation example of when a CAN bus error occurs. (1) When a CAN bus error is detected, the STATE_BUSERROR bit in the CiSTR register is set to "1", (error occurred) and the BEIS bit in the CiEISTR register is set to "1" (interrupt requested). The CAN starts transmitting the error frame. (1) CAN bus STATE_BUSERROR bit BEIS bit Transmit / receive frame Error detected Error frame "1" "0" "1" "0" Figure 22.40 Operation Timing when CAN Bus Error Occurs 22.4 CAN Interrupts The CANi wake-up interrupt and CANij interrupts (i=0 to 2, j=0 to 2) are provided as the CAN interrupt. 22.4.1 CANi Wake-Up Interrupt CAN0 Wake-Up Interrupt If P77 (CAN0IN/CAN02IN) is used as a CAN input port, the CAN0 wake-up interrupt is available by using event counter mode of the timer A3 (TA3IN) that shares a pin with CAN0. If P83 (CAN0IN/CAN1IN) is used as a CAN input port, the CAN0 and CAN1 wake-up interrupts are ________ available by using INT1 that shares a pin with CAN0IN/CAN1IN. CAN1 Wake-Up Interrupt When a signal applied to the CAN1WU pin is on the falling edge, the CAN1WUR bit in the IIO5IR register is set to "1" (interrupt requested). At this time, the IR bit in the CAN5IC register is set to "1" (interrupt requested) if the CAN1WUE bit in the IIO5IE register is set to "1" (interrupt enabled). If P83 (CAN0IN/CAN1IN) is used as a CAN input port, the CAN0 and CAN1 wake-up interrupts are ________ available by using INT1 that shares a pin with CAN0IN/CAN1IN. CAN2 Wake-Up Interrupt When a signal applied to the CAN2WU pin is on the falling edge, the CAN2WUR bit in the IIO6IR register is set to "1" (interrupt requested). At this time, the IR bit in the CAN8IC register is set to "1" (interrupt requested) if the CAN2WUE bit in the IIO6IE register is set to "1" (interrupt enabled). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 340 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22. CAN Module 22.4.2 CANij Interrupts Figure 22.41 shows a block diagram of the CANij interrupts. The followings cause the CAN-associated interrupt request to be generated. - The CANi slot k (k=0 to 15) completes a transmission - The CANi slot k completes a reception - The CANi module detects a bus error - The CANi module moves into an error-passive state - The CANi module moves into a bus-off state The INTSEL bit in the CiCTLR1 register determines how an interrupt request is generated. When the INTSEL bit is set to "0", one of the above CANi interrupt request sources cause the CANij interrupts to be generated by the OR circuit. When the INTSEL bit is set to "1", CANi transmission completed, CANi reception completed and CANi errors (CANi bus error detection, CANi module into error-passive state and CANi module into bus-off state) cause the CANij interrupt corresponding to each source to be generated. When the INTSEL Bit is Set to "0" If the CAN-associated interrupt is generated by one of the interrupt request sources listed in 22.4.2 CANij Interrupts, the corresponding bit in the CiSISTR register (i=0 to 2) is set to "1" (interrupt requested) when the CANi slot k completes a transmission or a reception. The corresponding bit in the CiEISTR register (i=0 to 2) is set to "1" (interrupt requested) when the CANi module detects a bus error, moves into an error-passive state, or moves into a bus-off state. The CANi interrupt request signal is set to "1" when the corresponding bit in the CiSISTR or CiEISTR is set to "1" and the corresponding bit in the CiSIMKR or CiEIMKR is set to "1" When the CAN0 interrupt request signal changes "0" to "1", all CAN0jR bits (j=0 to 2) in the IIO9IR to IIO11IR registers are set to "1" (interrupt requested). If at least one of the CAN0jE bits in the IIO9IE to IIO11IE registers is set to "1" (interrupt enabled), the IR bits in the corresponding CAN0IC to CAN2IC registers are set to "1" (interrupt requested). The CAN0 interrupt request signal remains set to "1" if another interrupt request causes a corresponding bit in the C0SISTR or C0EISTR to be set to "1" and the corresponding bit in the C0SIMKR or C0EIMKR to be set to "1" after the CAN0 interrupt request signal changes "0" to "1". The CAN0jR and IR bits also remain unchanged. When the CAN1 interrupt request signal changes "0" to "1", all three CAN1jR bits in the IIO0IR to IIO1IR and IIO5IR registers are set to "1" (interrupt requested). If at least one of the CAN1jE bits in the IIO0IE to IIO1IE and IIO5IE registers is set to "1", the IR bits in the corresponding CAN3IC to CAN5IC registers are set to "1". The CAN1 interrupt request signal remains set to "1" if another interrupt request causes the corresponding bit in the C1SISTR or C1EISTR to be set to "1" and the corresponding bit in the C1SIMKR or C1EIMKR to be set to "1" after the CAN1 interrupt request signal changes "0" to "1". The CAN1jR and IR bits also remain unchanged. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 341 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22. CAN Module When the CAN2 interrupt request signal changes "0" to "1", all three CAN2jR bits in the IIO2IR to IIO3IR and IIO6IR registers are set to "1" (interrupt requested). If at least one of the CAN2jE bits in the IIO2IE to IIO3IE and IIO6IE registers is set to "1", the IR bits in the corresponding CAN6IC to CAN8IC registers are set to "1". The CAN2 interrupt request signal remains set to "1" if another interrupt request causes the corresponding bit in the C2SISTR or C2EISTR to be set to "1" and the corresponding bit in the C2SIMKR or C2EIMKR to be set to "1" after the CAN2 interrupt request signal changes "0" to "1". The CAN2jR and IR bits also remain unchanged. Bits in the CiSISTR or CiEISTR register and CANijR bits (i=0 to 2, j=0 to 2) in the IIO0IR to IIO1IR, IIO5IR, IIO9IR to IIO11IR, IIO2IR to IIO3IR and IIO6IR registers are not set to "0" automatically, interrupt acknowledgment notwithstanding. Set these bits to "0" by program. The CANi interrupts are acknowledged when the CANijR bit in the IIO0IR to IIO1IR, IIO5IR, IIO9IR to IIO11IR, IIO2IR to IIO3IR or IIO6IR register and the corresponding bit in the CiSISTR or CiEISTR register are set to "0". If these bits remain set to "1", all CAN-associated interrupt request sources become invalid. When the INTSEL Bit is Set to "1" If the CAN-associated interrupt is generated by one of the interrupt request sources listed in 22.4.2 CANij Interrupts, the corresponding bit in the CiSISTR register (i=0 to 2) is set to "1" (interrupt requested) when the CANi slot k(k=0 to 15) completes a transmission or a reception. The corresponding bit in the CiEISTR registe is set to "1" (interrupt requested) when the CANi module detects a bus error, moves into an error-passive state, or moves into a bus-off state. The CANi receive interrupt request signal is set to "1" if the corresponding bit in the CiSIMKR is set to "1" and the corresponding bit in the CiSISTR register is set to "1" when the CANi module completes a reception. The CANi transmit interrupt request signal is set to "1" if the corresponding bit in the CiSIMKR is set to "1" and the corresponding bit in the CiSISTR register is set to "1" when the CANi module completes a transmission. The CANi error interrupt request signal is set to "1" if corresponding bits in the CiEIMKR are set to "1" and the corresponding bit in the CiEISTR register is set to "1" when the CANi module detects a bus error, moves into an error-passive state, or moves into a bus-off state. When the CANi receive interrupt request signal changes "0" to "1", the CAN00R bit in the IIO9IR register, the CAN10R bit in the IIO0IR register and the CAN20R bit in the IIO2IR register are set to "1" (interrupt requested). If the CAN00E in the IIO9IE register is set to "1" (interrupt enabled), the IR bit in the CAN0IC register is set to "1" (interrupt requested). If the CAN10E bit in the IIO0IE register is set to "1" (interrupt enabled), the IR bit in the CAN3IC register is set to "1" (interrupt requested). If the CAN20E bit in the IIO2IE register is set to "1" (interrupt enabled), the IR bit in the CAN6IC register is set to "1" (interrupt requested). When the CANi transmit interrupt request signal changes "0" to "1", the CAN01R bit in the IIO10IR register, the CAN11R bit in the IIO1IR register and the CAN21R bit in the IIO3IR register are set to "1" (interrupt requested). If the CAN01E in the IIO10IE register is set to "1" (interrupt enabled), the IR bit in the CAN1IC register is set to "1" (interrupt requested). If the CAN11E bit in the IIO1IE register is set to "1" (interrupt enabled), the IR bit in the CAN4IC register is set to "1" (interrupt requested). If the CAN21E bit in the IIO3IE register is set to "1" (interrupt enabled), the IR bit in the CAN7IC register is set to "1" (interrupt requested). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 342 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) When the CANi error interrupt request signal changes "0" to "1", the CAN02R bit in the IIO11IR register, the CAN12R bit in the IIO5IR register and the CAN22R bit in the IIO6IR register are set to "1" (interrupt requested). If the CAN02E in the IIO11IE register is set to "1" (interrupt enabled), the IR bit in the CAN2IC register is set to "1" (interrupt requested). If the CAN12E bit in the IIO5IE register is set to "1" (interrupt enabled), the IR bit in the CAN5IC register is set to "1" (interrupt requested). If the CAN22E bit in the IIO6IE register is set to "1" (interrupt enabled), the IR bit in the CAN8IC register is set to "1" (interrupt requested). The CANi error interrupt request signal remains set to "1" if another interrupt request causes the corresponding bit in the CiEIMKR register is set to "1" and the corresponding bit in the CiEISTR to be set to "1" after the CANi interrupt request signal changes "0" to "1". The CAN02R, CAN12R, CAN22R and IR bits also remain unchanged. Bits in the CiSISTR or CiEISTR register and CANijR bits (i=0 to 2, j=0 to 2) in the IIO0IR to IIO1IR, IIO5IR, IIO9IR to IIO11IR, IIO2IR to IIO3IR or IIO6IR registers are not set to "0" automatically, interrupt acknowledgment notwithstanding. Set these bits to "0" by program. The CANi receive interrupt and CANi transmit interrupt are acknowledged when the CAN00R bit in the IIO9IR register, the CAN01R bit in the IIO10IR register, the CAN10R bit in the IIO0IR register, the CAN11R bit in the IIO1IR register, the CAN20R bit in the IIO2IR register and the CAN21R bit in the IIO3IR register are set to "0". Corresponding bits in the CiSISTR register can be set to either "0" or "1". The CANi error interrupt is acknowledged when the CAN02R bit in the IIO11IR register, the CAN12R bit in the IIO5IR register, the CAN22R bit in the IIO6IR register and corresponding bits in the CiEISTR register are set to "0". If these bits remain set to "1", all CAN- associated interrupt request sources become invalid. CANi Slot 0 Received CANi Slot 0 Transmitted INTSEL bit "1" SIM0 bit "0" CANi Interrupt Request/ CANi Receive Interrupt Request Signal SIS0 bit CANi Slot 15 Received CANi Slot 15 Transmitted INTSEL bit "1" SIM15 bit "0" CANi Interrupt Request/ CANi Transmit Interrupt Request Signal SIS15 bit CANi Bus Error Detection CANi Module into Error-passive State CANi Module into Bus-off State BEIS bit BEIM bit EPIS bit INTSEL bit "1" EPIM bit "0" BOIS bit BOIM bit Figure 22.41 CAN Interrupts Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 343 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 CANi Interrupt Request/ CANi Error Interrupt Request Signal i=0 to 2 22. CAN Module M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22.5 CAN0/CAN2 Combination Mode In CAN0/CAN2 combination mode, CAN0 and CAN2 are combined for input/ output. Signals output from CAN0 and CAN2 are combined and provided from the CAN02OUT pin. Signal applied to the CAN02IN pin is applied to CAN0 and CAN2. When using CAN0/CAN2 combination mode, refer to Table 22.2 CAN Pin Settings for pin settings. Figure 22.42 shows a block diagram of CAN0/CAN2 combination mode. off (default) P60 CAN2OUT CAN2OUT PS0_0=1 PSL0_0=1 CAN2 IPSA_7=0 P61 CAN2IN CAN2IN IPSA_7=1 IPSA_7=1 off (default) P76 CAN0OUT/CAN02OUT CAN0OUT CAN0 IPSA_7=0 PS1_6=1 PSL1_6=0 PSC_6=1 IPS_3=0 P77 CAN0IN/CAN02IN CAN0IN off (default) IPS_3=1 PS2_2=1 PSL2_2=1 CAN0OUT : PSC2_2=0 CAN1OUT : PSC2_2=1 P82 CAN0OUT/CAN1OUT P83 CAN0IN/CAN1IN off (default) P96 CAN1OUT CAN1OUT CAN1 PS3_6=1(1) PSC3_6=1 IPSA_3=1 CAN1IN P95 CAN1IN IPSA_3=0 NOTE: 1. Set the PD9 and PS3 registers immediately after the PRC2 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1"(write enabled). Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between the instruction to set to the PRC2 bit to "1" and the instruction to set the PD9 and PS3 registers. Figure 22.42 CAN0/CAN2 Combination Mode Block Diagram Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 344 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 22. CAN Module 22.5.1 Notes for CAN0/CAN2 Combination Mode It is important to note the following information to use CAN0/CAN2 combination mode: Transmission Do not transmit frames with the same ID from CAN0 and CAN2. When transmitting frames with different IDs simultaneously from CAN0 and CAN2, they are arbitrated. As a result, the frame with higher priority gains the right to transmit. Reception When CAN0 transmits, ACK for the transmitted frame is transmitted from CAN2 even if other nodes are not connected to the CAN bus. The same applies to CAN2 transmission. Interrupts CAN0 and CAN2 have different completed transmission or reception interrupts. When CAN0 completes a transmission or reception, the IR bits in the corresponding CAN0IC to CAN2IC registers are set to "1" (interrupt requested). When CAN2 completes a transmission or reception, the IR bits in the corresponding CAN6IC to CAN8IC registers are set to "1" (interrupt requested). Use the CAN0 wake-up interrupt when operating in CAN0/CAN2 combination mode. Errors The count value of the error counter and the error status may differ between CAN0 and CAN2 depending on where the error has been generated. When using CAN0/CAN2 combination mode, an error frame longer than the length noted in the specification may be transmitted. Configuration Set CAN configuration to both CAN0 and CAN2. Set CAN baud rates and bit timings of both CAN 0 and CAN2 to the same values. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 345 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 23. Programmable I/O Ports 23. Programmable I/O Ports 87 programmable I/O ports from P0 to P10 (excluding P85) are available in the 100-pin package and 123 programmable I/O ports from P0 to P15 (excluding P85) are in the 144-pin package. The direction registers determine each port status, input or output. The pull-up control registers determine whether the ports, divided into groups of four ports, are pulled up or not. P85 is an input port and no pull-up for this port is ______ ______ allowed. The P8_5 bit in the P8 register indicates an NMI input level since P85 shares pins with NMI. Figures 23.1 to 23.4 show programmable I/O port configurations. Each pin functions as the programmable I/O port or an I/O pin for internal peripheral functions. To use pins as input or output pins for internal peripheral functions, refer to the explanations for each fuction. The registers associated with the programmable I/O ports are as follows. 23.1 Port Pi Direction Register (PDi Register, i=0 to 15) Figure 23.5 shows the PDi register. The PDi register selects input or output status of a programmable I/O port. Each bit in the PDi register corresponds to a port. No bit controlling P85 is provided in the direction registers. 23.2 Port Pi Register (Pi Register, i=0 to 15) Figure 23.6 shows the Pi register. The Pi register writes and reads data to communicate with external devices. The Pi register consists of a port latch to hold output data and a circuit to read pin states. Each bit in the Pi register corresponds to a port. 23.3 Function Select Register Aj (PSj Register) (j=0 to 3, 5, 8, 9) Figures 23.7 to 23.10 show the PSj registers. The PSj register selects either I/O port or peripheral function output if an I/O port shares pins with a peripheral function output (excluding DA0 and DA1.) When multiple peripheral function outputs are assigned to a pin, set the PSL0 to PSL3, PSC, PSC2, PSC3 and PSD1 registers to select which function is used. Tables 23.2 to 23.9 list peripheral function output control settings for each pin. 23.4 Function Select Register B0 to B3 (PSL0 to PSL3 Registers) Figures 23.11 and 23.12 show the PSL0 to PSL3 registers. When multiple peripheral function outputs are assigned to a pin, the PSL0 to PSL3 registers select which peripheral function output is used. Refer to 23.10 Analog Input and Other Peripheral Function Input for the PSL3_6 to PSL3_3 bits in the PSL3 register. 23.5 Function Select Register C, C2, C3 (PSC, PSC2, PSC3 Registers) Figures 23.13 and 23.14 show the PSC, PSC2 and PSC3 registers. When multiple peripheral function outputs are assigned to a pin, the PSC, PSC2 and PSC3 registers select which peripheral function output is used. Refer to 23.10 Analog Input and Other Peripheral Function Input for the PSC_7 bit in the PSC register. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 346 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 23. Programmable I/O Ports 23.6 Function Select Register D (PSD1 Register) Figure 23.14 shows the PSD1 register. When multiple peripheral function outputs are assigned to a pin, the PSD1 register selects which peripheral function output is used. 23.7 Pull-up Control Register 0 to 4 (PUR0 to PUR4 Registers) Figures 23.15 and 23.16 show the PUR0 to PUR4 registers. The PUR0 to PUR4 registers select whether the ports, divided into groups of four ports, are pulled up or not. Ports with bits in the PUR0 to PUR4 registers set to "1" (pull-up) and the direction registers set to "0" (input mode) are pulled up. 23.8 Port Control Register (PCR Register) Figure 23.17 shows the PCR register. The PCR register selects either CMOS output or N-channel open drain output as the P1 output format. If the PCR0 bit is set to "1", N-channel open drain output is selected because the P-channel in the CMOS port is turned off. This is, however, not a perfect open drain. Therefore, the absolute maximum rating of the input voltage is between -0.3V and VCC + 0.3V. 23.9 Input Function Select Register (IPS and IPSA Registers) Figures 23.17 and 23.18 show the IPS and IPSA registers. The IPS3, IPS1 and IPS0 bits in the IPS register and the IPSA_3 and IPSA_0 bits in the IPSA register select which pin is assigned for the intelligent I/O or CAN input functions. Refer to 23.10 Analog Input and Other Peripheral Function Input for the IPS2 bit. 23.10 Analog Input and Other Peripheral Function Input The PSL3_6 to PSL3_3 bits in the PSL3 register, the PSC_7 bit in the PSC register and the IPS2 bit in the IPS register each separate analog I/O ports from other peripheral functions. Setting the corresponding bit to "1" (analog I/O) to use the analog I/O port (DA0, DA1, ANEX0, ANEX1, AN4 to AN7 or AN150 to AN157) prevents an intermediate potential from being impressed to other peripheral functions. The impressed intermediate potential may cause increase in power consumption. Set the corresponding bit to "0" (except analog I/O) when analog I/O is not used. All peripheral function inputs except the analog I/O port are available when the corresponding bit is set to "0". These inputs are indeterminate when the bit is set to "1". When the PSC_7 bit is set to "1", key input interrupt request remains _____ _____ unchanged regardless of KI0 to KI3 pin input level change. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 347 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Programmable I/O Ports Select Pull-up Direction Register Port Latch Data Bus A Input to each Peripheral Function B C Analog Signal Option Port (A) Hysteresis Circuit (B) Peripheral Function Input P00 to P07 P20 to P27 P30 to P37 P40 to P47 P50 to P52 P54 P55 P56 P57 P83, P84 P86 P87 P100 to P103 P104 to P107 (Note 1) P114 P144 to P146 P152 to P157 : Available : Not Available NOTE: 1. These ports are provided in the 144-pin package only. Figure 23.1 Programmable I/O Ports (1) Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 348 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 Circuit (C) Analog I/F 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Programmable I/O Ports with the Port Control Register Select Pull-up Direction Register PCR Register Port Latch Data Bus A Input to each Peripheral Function Option Port B Circuit (B) Peripheral Function Input (A) Hysteresis P10 to P14 P15 to P17 : Available : Not Available Programmable I/O Ports with the Function Select Register INV03 T Q Write Signal to INV03 Value Written to INV03 D R RESET NMI INV05 INV02 Select Pull-up PS1 and PS2 Registers Direction Register Output from each Peripheral Function Data Bus Port Latch Input to each Peripheral Function Ports: P72, P73, P74, P75, P80, P81 Figure 23.2 Programmable I/O Ports (2) Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 349 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Programmable I/O ports with the Function Select Register Select Pull-up D PS0 to PS9 Registers Direction Register Output from each Peripheral Function Data Bus Port Latch A Input to each Peripheral Function B C Analog Signal Option Port (A) Hysteresis Circuit (B) Peripheral Function Input P53 P60 to P67 P70, P71 (1) P76, P77 P82 P90 to P92 P93 to P96 P97 P110 to P113 P120 to P127 P130 to P137 (Note 2) P140 to P143 P150 P151 : Available : Not Available NOTES: 1. P70 and P71 are ports for the N-channel open drain output. 2. These ports are provided in the 144-pin package only. Figure 23.3 Programmable I/O Ports (3) Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 350 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 Circuit (C) Analog I/F Circuit (D) 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Input Port (P85) Data Bus NMI Figure 23.4 Programmable I/O Ports (4) Port Pi Direction Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 (i=0 to 15) (2) b0 Symbol Address After Reset PD0 to PD3 03E216, 03E316, 03E616, 03E716 PD4 to PD7 03EA16, 03EB16, 03C216, 03C316 0016 0016 PD8 PD9 to PD10 PD11 PD12 to PD13 PD14 PD15 03C616(3) 03C716(1), 03CA16 03CB16(2, 3) 03CE, 03CF16(2) 03D216(2, 3) 03D316(2) 00X0 00002 0016 XXX0 00002 0016 X000 00002 0016 Bit Symbol Bit Name Function RW PDi_0 Port Pi0 Direction Bit 0: Input mode (Functions as input port) 1: Output mode (Functions as output port) RW PDi_1 Port Pi1 Direction Bit 0: Input mode (Functions as input port) 1: Output mode (Functions as output port) RW PDi_2 Port Pi2 Direction Bit 0: Input mode (Functions as input port) 1: Output mode (Functions as output port) RW PDi_3 Port Pi3 Direction Bit 0: Input mode (Functions as input port) RW 1: Output mode (Functions as output port) PDi_4 Port Pi4 Direction Bit 0: Input mode (Functions as input port) RW 1: Output mode (Functions as output port) PDi_5 Port Pi5 Direction Bit 0: Input mode (Functions as input port) 1: Output mode (Functions as output port) RW PDi_6 Port Pi6 Direction Bit 0: Input mode (Functions as input port) RW 1: Output mode (Functions as output port) PDi_7 Port Pi7 Direction Bit 0: Input mode (Functions as input port) 1: Output mode (Functions as output port) RW NOTES: 1. Set the PD9 register immediately after the PRC2 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between the instruction to set the PRC2 bit to "1" and the instruction to set the PD9 register. 2. Set the PD11 to PD15 registers to "FF16" in the 100-pin package. 3. Nothing is assigned in the PD8_5 bit in the PD8 register, the PD11_7 to PD11_5 bits in the PD11 register (144-pin package only) and the P14_7 bit in the PD14 register (144-pin package only). If write, set these bits to "0". When read, their contents are indeterminate. Figure 23.5 PD0 to PD15 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 351 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Port Pi Register (i=0 to 15)(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol P0 to P5 P6 to P10 P11 to P15 Bit Symbol Address 03E016, 03E116, 03E416, 03E516, 03E816, 03E916 03C016, 03C116(2), 03C416(3), 03C516, 03C816 03C916(4), 03CC16, 03CD16, 03D016(4), 03D116 After Reset Indeterminate Indeterminate Indeterminate Function Bit Name Pin levels can be read by reading bits corresponding to programmable ports in input mode. Pin levels can be controlled by writing to bits corresponding to programmable ports in output mode. RW Pi_0 Port Pi0 Bit Pi_1 Port Pi1 Bit Pi_2 Port Pi2 Bit Pi_3 Port Pi3 Bit RW Pi_4 Port Pi4 Bit RW Pi_5 Port Pi5 Bit RW Pi_6 Port Pi6 Bit RW Pi_7 Port Pi7 Bit RW 0: "L" level 1: "H" level RW RW RW NOTES: 1. The P11 to P15 registers are provided in the 144-pin package only. 2. P70 and P71 are ports for the N-channel open drain output. The pins go into high-impedance states when P70 and P71 output "H" signal. 3. The P8_5 bit is for read only. 4. Nothing is assigned in the P11_7 to P11_5 bits in the P11 register and the P14_7 bit in the P14 register. If write, set these bits to "0". When read, their contents are indeterminate. Figure 23.6 P0 to P15 Registers Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 352 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Function Select Register A0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol PS0 Bit Symbol Address 03B016 After Reset 0016 Bit Name Function RW PS0_0 Port P60 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: Selected by the PSL0_0 bit RW PS0_1 Port P61 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: CLK0 output RW PS0_2 Port P62 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: Selected by the PSL0_2 bit RW PS0_3 Port P63 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: TXD0/SDA0 output RW PS0_4 Port P64 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: Selected by the PSL0_4 bit RW PS0_5 Port P65 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: CLK1 output RW PS0_6 Port P66 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: Selected by the PSL0_6 bit RW PS0_7 Port P67 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: TXD1/SDA1 output RW Function Select Register A1 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol PS1 Address 03B116 After Reset 0016 Bit Symbol Bit Name PS1_0 Port P70 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: Selected by the PSL1_0 bit RW PS1_1 Port P71 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: Selected by the PSL1_1 bit RW PS1_2 Port P72 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: Selected by the PSL1_2 bit RW PS1_3 Port P73 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: Selected by the PSL1_3 bit RW PS1_4 Port P74 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: Selected by the PSL1_4 bit RW PS1_5 Port P75 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: Selected by the PSL1_5 bit RW PS1_6 Port P76 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: Selected by the PSL1_6 bit RW PS1_7 Port P77 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: Selected by the PSL1_7 bit RW Figure 23.7 PS0 Register and PS1 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 353 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 Function RW 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Function Select Register A2 b7 b6 b5 0 0 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 0 Symbol Address PS2 03B416 After Reset 00X0 00002 Bit Symbol Bit Name PS2_0 Port P80 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: Selected by the PSL2_0 bit RW PS2_1 Port P81 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: Selected by the PSL2_1 bit RW PS2_2 Port P82 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: Selected by the PSL2_2 bit RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW (b4 - b3) Function RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. (b5) Reserved Bit (b7 - b6) Set to "0" RW Function Select Register A3(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol PS3 Bit Symbol Address 03B516 After Reset 0016 Bit Name Function RW PS3_0 Port P90 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: CLK3 output RW PS3_1 Port P91 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: Selected by the PSL3_1 bit RW PS3_2 Port P92 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: Selected by the PSL3_2 bit RW PS3_3 Port P93 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: RTS3 RW PS3_4 Port P94 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: RTS4 RW PS3_5 Port P95 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: CLK4 output RW PS3_6 Port P96 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: Selected by the PSC3_6 bit RW PS3_7 Port P97 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: Selected by the PSL3_7 bit RW NOTE: 1. Set the PS3 register immediately after the PRC2 bit in the PRCR register is set to "1" (write enabled). Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between the instruction to set the PRC2 bit to "1" and the instruction to set the PS3 register. Figure 23.8 PS2 Register and PS3 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 354 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Function Select Register A5(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 Symbol Address PS5 03B916 Bit Symbol After Reset XXX0 00002 Bit Name Function RW PS5_0 Port P110 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: OUTC10/ ISTXD1/BE1OUT RW PS5_1 Port P111 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: OUTC11/ ISCLK1 output RW PS5_2 Port P112 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: OUTC12 RW PS5_3 Port P113 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: OUTC13 RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW (b4) Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b5) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTE: 1. The PS5 register is provided in the 144-pin package only. Function Select Register A8(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol PS8 0 0 0 Address 03A016 After Reset X000 00002 Bit Symbol Bit Name PS8_0 Port P140 output function select bit 0: I/O port 1: OUTC14 RW PS8_1 Port P141 output function select bit 0: I/O port 1: OUTC15 RW PS8_2 Port P142 output function select bit 0: I/O port 1: OUTC16 RW PS8_3 Port P143 output function select bit 0: I/O port 1: OUTC17 RW Reserved bit Set to "0" RW (b6 - b4) (b7) Function Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTE: 1. The PS8 register is provided in the 144-pin package only. Figure 23.9 PS5 Register and PS8 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 355 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 RW 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Function Select Register A9(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 0 0 0 0 0 0 b1 b0 Symbol Address PS9 03A116 After Reset 0016 Bit Symbol Bit Name PS9_0 Port P150 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: ISTXD0 RW PS9_1 Port P151 Output Function Select Bit 0: I/O port 1: ISCLK0 output RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW (b7 - b2) Function NOTE: 1. The PS9 register is provided in the 144-pin package only. Figure 23.10 PS9 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 356 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 RW 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Function Select Register B0 b7 b6 0 b5 b4 0 b3 b2 0 b1 b0 0 Symbol PSL0 Address 03B216 After Reset 0016 Bit Symbol Bit Name PSL0_0 Port P60 Output Peripheral Function Select Bit 0: RTS0 1: CAN2OUT RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW Port P62 Output Peripheral Function Select Bit 0: SCL0 output 1: STXD0 RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW Port P64 Output Peripheral Function Select Bit 0: RTS1 1: Do not set to this value RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW Port P66 Output Peripheral Function Select Bit 0: SCL1 output 1: STXD1 RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW (b1) PSL0_2 Function (b3) PSL0_4 (b5) PSL0_6 (b7) RW Function Select Register B1 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol PSL1 Bit Symbol Address 03B316 Bit Name After Reset 0016 Function RW PSL1_0 Port P70 Output Peripheral 0: Selected by the PSC_0 bit Function Select Bit 1: TA0OUT output(1) RW PSL1_1 Port P71 Output Peripheral 0: Selected by the PSC_1 bit 1: STXD2(1) Function Select Bit RW PSL1_2 Port P72 Output Peripheral 0: Selected by the PSC_2 bit Function Select Bit 1: TA1OUT output(1) RW PSL1_3 Port P73 Output Peripheral 0: Selected by the PSC_3 bit Function Select Bit 1: V(1) RW PSL1_4 Port P74 Output Peripheral 0: Selected by the PSC_4 bit Function Select Bit 1: W(1) RW PSL1_5 Port P75 Output Peripheral 0: W Function Select Bit 1: OUTC12 RW PSL1_6 Port P76 Output Peripheral 0: Selected by the PSC_6 bit Function Select Bit 1: TA3OUT output(1) RW PSL1_7 Port P77 Output Peripheral 0: ISCLK0 output 1: OUTC14 Function Select Bit RW NOTE: 1. When setting the PSL1_i (i = 0 to 4, 6) bit to "1", set the corresponding PSC_i bit in the PSC register to "0". Figure 23.11 PSL0 Register and PSL1 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 357 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Function Select Register B2 b7 b6 b5 0 0 b4 b3 0 0 b2 b1 b0 Symbol PSL2 Address 03B616 Bit Symbol After Reset 00X0 00002 Bit Name Function RW PSL2_0 Port P80 Output Peripheral 0: TA4OUT output Function Select Bit 1: U RW PSL2_1 Port P81 Output Peripheral 0: U Function Select Bit 1: Selected by the PSC2_1 bit RW PSL2_2 Port P82 Output Peripheral 0: Do not set to this value Function Select Bit 1: Selected by the PSC2_2 bit RW Reserved Bit RW (b4 - b3) Set to "0" Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. (b5) Reserved Bit (b7 - b6) Set to "0" RW Function Select Register B3 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol PSL3 0 Bit Symbol (b0) Address 03B716 After Reset 0016 Bit Name Reserved Bit Function Set to "0" RW RW PSL3_1 Port P91 Output Peripheral 0: SCL3 output Function Select Bit 1: STxD3 RW PSL3_2 Port P92 Output Peripheral 0: TxD3/SDA3 output Function Select Bit 1: Do not set to this value RW PSL3_3 Port P93 Output Peripheral 0: Except DA0 1: DA0(1) Function Select Bit RW PSL3_4 Port P94 Output Peripheral 0: Except DA1 1: DA1(1) Function Select Bit RW PSL3_5 Port P95 Output Peripheral 0: Except ANEX0 1: ANEX0(1) Function Select Bit RW PSL3_6 Port P96 Output Peripheral 0: Except ANEX1 1: ANEX1(1) Function Select Bit RW PSL3_7 Port P97 Output Peripheral 0: SCL4 output Function Select Bit 1: STxD4 RW NOTE: 1. Although DA0, DA1, ANEX0 and ANEX1 can be used when this bit is set to "0", power consumption may increase. Figure 23.12 PSL2 Register and PSL3 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 358 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Function Select Register C b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol PSC Bit Symbol Address 03AF16 After Reset 00X0 00002 Bit Name Function RW PSC_0 Port P70 Output Peripheral 0: TxD2/SDA2 output Function Select Bit 1: Selected by the PSD1_0 bit RW PSC_1 Port P71 Output Peripheral 0: SCL2 output Function Select Bit 1: Selected by the PSD1_1 bit RW PSC_2 Port P72 Output Peripheral 0: CLK2 output Function Select Bit 1: V RW PSC_3 Port P73 Output Peripheral 0: RTS2 Function Select Bit 1: OUTC10/ISTxD1/BE1OUT RW PSC_4 Port P74 Output Peripheral 0: TA2OUT output Function Select Bit 1: OUTC11/ISCLK1 RW (b5) Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. PSC_6 Port P76 Output Peripheral 0: Selected by the PSD1_6 bit 1: CAN0OUT Function Select Bit RW PSC_7 Key Input Interrupt Disabled Select Bit RW 0: P104 to P107 or KI0 to KI3 1: AN4 to AN7(1) NOTE: 1. Set the ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits in the the KUPIC register to "0002" (interrupt disabled) when changing the PSC_7 bit setting. Although AN4 to AN7 can be used when this bit is set to "0", power consumption may increase. Function Select Register C2 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol PSC2 Bit Symbol (b0) Address 03AC16 After Reset XXXX X00X2 Bit Name Function RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. PSC2_1 Port P81 Output Peripheral 0: Do not set to this value Function Select Bit 1: OUTC15 RW PSC2_2 Port P82 Output Peripheral 0: CAN0OUT Function Select Bit 1: CAN1OUT RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b3) When read, its content is indeterminate. Figure 23.13 PSC Register and PSC2 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 359 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Function Select Register C3 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol PSC3 Bit Symbol Address 03AD16 Bit Name After Reset X0XX XXXX2 Function RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b5 - b0) When read, its content is indeterminate. PSC3_6 (b7) Port P96 Output Peripheral 0: TxD4/SDA4 output Function Select Bit 1: CAN1OUT RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. Function Select Register D1 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol PSD1 Bit Symbol Address 03A716 Bit Name After Reset X0XX XX002 Function RW PSD1_0 Port P70 Output Peripheral 0: Do not set to this value Function Select Bit 1: OUTC16 RW PSD1_1 Port P71 Output Peripheral 0: Do not set to this value Function Select Bit 1: OUTC17 RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b5 - b2) When read, its content is indeterminate. PSD1_6 (b7) Port P76 Output Peripheral 0: ISTxD0 Function Select Bit 1: OUTC13 Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. Figure 23.14 PSC3 Register and PSD1 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 360 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 RW 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Pull-Up Control Register 0(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol PUR0 Bit Symbol Address 03F016 After Reset 0016 Bit Name Function RW PU00 P00 to P03 Pull-Up PU01 P04 to P07 Pull-Up PU02 P10 to P13 Pull-Up Pull-up setting for corresponding port RW 0: Not pulled up RW 1: Pulled up RW PU03 P14 to P17 Pull-Up RW PU04 P20 to P23 Pull-Up RW PU05 P24 to P27 Pull-Up RW PU06 P30 to P33 Pull-Up RW PU07 P34 to P37 Pull-Up RW Pull-Up Control Register 1(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol PUR1 Address 03F116 Bit Symbol After Reset XXXX 00002 Bit Name Function RW PU10 P40 to P43 Pull-Up PU11 P44 to P47 Pull-Up PU12 P50 to P53 Pull-Up Pull-up setting for corresponding port RW 0: Not pulled up RW 1: Pulled up RW PU13 P54 to P57 Pull-Up RW (b7 - b4) Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". When read, its content is indeterminate. Pull-Up Control Register 2 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address PUR2 03DA16 Bit Symbol After Reset 0016 Bit Name Function RW Pull-up setting for corresponding port RW 0: Not pulled up RW 1: Pulled up RW PU20 P60 to P63 Pull-Up PU21 P64 to P67 Pull-Up PU22 P72 to P73 Pull-Up(1) PU23 P74 to P77 Pull-Up RW PU24 P80 to P83 Pull-Up RW PU25 P84 to P87 Pull-Up(2) RW PU26 P90 to P93 Pull-Up RW PU27 P94 to P97 Pull-Up RW NOTES: 1. P70 and P71 cannot be pulled up. 2. P85 cannot be pulled up. Figure 23.15 PUR0 Register, PUR1 Register and PUR2 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 361 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) <144-Pin Package> Pull-Up Control Register 3 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol PUR3 Address 03DB16 Bit Symbol After Reset 0016 Bit Name Function Pull-up setting for corresponding port RW 0: Not pulled up RW 1: Pulled up RW PU30 P100 to P103 Pull-Up PU31 P104 to P107 Pull-Up PU32 P110 to P113 Pull-Up PU33 P114 Pull-Up RW PU34 P120 to P123 Pull-Up RW PU35 P124 to P127 Pull-Up RW PU36 P130 to P133 Pull-Up RW PU37 P134 to P137 Pull-Up RW <100-Pin Package> Pull-Up Control Register 3 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RW Symbol PUR3 Address 03DB16 Bit Symbol 0016 Bit Name PU30 P100 to P103 Pull-Up PU31 P104 to P107 Pull-Up (b7 - b2) After Reset Reserved Bit Function RW Pull-up setting for corresponding port RW 0: Not pulled up 1: Pulled up RW Set to "0" RW Pull-Up Control Register 4(1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol PUR4 Bit Symbol Address 03DC16 Bit Name After Reset XXXX 00002 Function RW PU40 P140 to P143 Pull-Up PU41 P144 to P146 Pull-Up PU42 P150 to P153 Pull-Up Pull-up setting for corresponding port RW 0: Not pulled up RW 1: Pulled up RW PU43 P154 to P157 Pull-Up RW Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b4) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTE: 1. Set the PUR4 register to "0016" in the 100-pin package. Figure 23.16 PUR3 Register and PUR4 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 362 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Port Control Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 0 0 b0 Symbol PCR Bit Symbol PCR0 Address 03FF16 After Reset XXXX XXX02 Bit Name Port P1 Control Bit(1) Reserved Bit Function 0 : CMOS output 1 : N-channel open drain output(2) RW RW RW Set to "0" (b2 - b1) Nothing is assigned. When write, set to "0". (b7 - b3) When read, its content is indeterminate. NOTES: 1. When using port P1 as I/O ports, CMOS port or N-channel open drain output port can be selected. 2. This function is designed not to make port P1 a full open drain but to turn off the P channel in the CMOS port. Absolute maximum rating of the input voltage is between -0.3V and VCC + 0.3V. Input Function Select Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol Address 017816 IPS 0 0 0 0 Bit Symbol After Reset 0016 Function RW Communication Unit 0 Input Pin Select Bit 0 Assigns each function of ISCLK0 and ISRxD0 to the following ports. 0: P77, P80 1: P151, P152 RW IPS1 Communication Unit 1 Input Pin Select Bit 1 Assigns each function of INPC10, INPC11/ISCLK1, INPC12/ISRxD1/BE1IN, INPC13, INPC14, INPC15, INPC16 and RW INPC17 to the following ports. 0: P73, P74, P75, P76, P77, P81, P70, P71 1: P110, P111, P112, P113, P140, P141, P142, P143 IPS2 Port P15 Input Peripheral 0: Except AN15(1) Function Select Bit 1: AN15 RW IPS3 CAN0IN Function Pin Select Bit 0: P77 1: P83 RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW IPS0 (b7 - b4) Bit Name NOTE: 1. Although AN150 to AN157 can be used when the IPS2 bit is set to "0", power consumption may increase. Figure 23.17 PCR Register and IPS Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 363 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Input Function Select Register A b7 b6 b5 0 0 0 b4 b3 b2 b1 0 0 b0 Symbol IPSA Address 017916 After Reset 0016 Bit Symbol Bit Name IPSA_0 Intelligent I/O Two-Phase Pulse Input Pin and Base Timer Reset Pin Switch Bit 0: P80, P81 used as two-phase pulse input pin, INT1 as base timer reset RW 1: P76, P77 used as two-phase pulse input pin, INT0 as base timer reset Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW CAN1IN Function Pin Select Bit 0: P95 1: P83 RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW CAN0/CAN2 Combination Select Bit 0: Use CAN0,CAN2 separately 1: Use CAN0/CAN2 combination RW (32 slots) (b2 - b1) IPSA_3 (b7 - b4) IPSA_7 Figure 23.18 IPSA Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 364 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 Function RW 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 23.1 Unassigned Pin Settings in Single-Chip Mode Pin Name Setting P0 to P15 Enter input mode and connect each pin to VSS via a resistor (pull-down); (1,2,3.4,6) (excluding P85) or enter output mode and leave the pins open XOUT(5) Leave pin open _______ NMI(P85) Connect pin to VCC via a resistor (pull-up) AVCC Connect pin to VCC AVSS, VREF, BYTE Connect pins to VSS NOTES: 1. Ports P11 to P15 are provided in the 144-pin package only. 2. If the port enters output mode and is left open, it is in input mode before output mode is entered by program after reset. While the port is in input mode, voltage level on the pins is indeterminate and power consumption may increase. Direction register settings may be changed by noise or failure caused by noise. Configure direction register settings regulary to increase the reliability of the program. 3. Use the shortest possible wiring to connect the microcomputer pins to unassigned pins (within 2 cm). 4. Ports P70 and P71 must output low-level ("L") signals if they are in output mode. They are ports for the N-channel open drain output. 5. When the external clock is applied to the XIN pin, set the pin as written above. 6. In the 100-pin package, set "FF16" in the following addresses, in addition to the above settings: Addresses 0003CB16, 0003CE16, 0003CF16, 0003D216, 0003D316 Microcomputer P0 to P15(1) (except for P85) (Input mode) · · · (Input mode) (Output mode) ·· · Open VCC NMI(P85) XOUT Open VCC AVCC BYTE AVSS VREF VSS In single-chip mode NOTE: 1. Ports P11 to P15 are provided in the 144-pin package only. Figure 23.19 Unassigned Pin Handling Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 365 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 23.2 Port P6 Peripheral Function Output Control Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 PS0 Register _________ _______ 0: P60/CTS0/SS0 1: Selected by the PSL0 register ________________ 0: P61/CLK0(input)/CAN2IN/CAN2WU 1: CLK0(output) 0: P62/RxD0/SCL0(input) 1: Selected by the PSL0 register 0: P63/SRxD0/SDA0(input) 1: TxD0/SDA0 (output) _________ _______ 0: P64/CTS1/SS1 1: Selected by the PSL0 register 0: P65/CLK1(input) 1: CLK1(output) 0: P66/RxD1/SCL1(input) 1: Selected by the PSL0 register 0: P67/SRxD1/SDA1(input) 1: TxD1/SDA1(output) PSL0 Register _________ 0: RTS0 1: CAN2OUT Set to "0" 0: SCL0(output) 1: STxD0 Set to "0" ________ 0: RTS1 1: Do not set this value Set to "0" 0: SCL1(output) 1: STxD1 Set to "0" Table 23.3 Port P7 Peripheral Function Output Control PS1 Register Bit 0 0: P70/TA0OUT(input)/SRxD2 INPC16/SDA2 (input) 1: Selected by the PSL1 register Bit 1 0: P71/TB5IN/TA0IN/RxD2/ INPC17/SCL2 (input) 1: Selected by the PSL1 register PSL1 Register PSC Register(1) 0: Selected by the PSC register 0: TxD2/SDA2(output) 1: TA0OUT(output) 1: Selected by the PSD1 register 1: OUTC16 0: Selected by the PSC register 0: SCL2(output) 0: Do not set to this value 1: STxD2 1: Selected by the PSD1 register 1: OUTC17 Bit 2 0: P72/TA1OUT(input)/ 0: Selected by the PSC register 0: CLK2(output) CLK2(input) 1: Selected by the PSL1 register 1: TA1OUT(output) 1: V _________ ______ Bit 3 0: P73/TA1IN/CTS2/SS2/ INPC10 1: Selected by the PSL1 register Bit 4 0: P74/INPC11/ISCLK1(input)/ TA2OUT(input) 1: Selected by the PSL1 register PSD1 Register 0: Do not set to this value Set to "0" _________ 0: Selected by the PSC register 0: RTS2 Set to "0" __ 1: V 1: OUTC10/ISTxD1/BE1OUT 0: Selected by the PSC register 0: TA2OUT(output) Set to "0" 1: W 1: OUTC11/ISCLK1(output) ___ Bit 5 0: P75/TA2IN/INPC12/ 0: W ISRxD1/BE1IN 1: Selected by the PSL1 register 1: OUTC12 Bit 6 0: P76/INPC13/TA3OUT(input) 1: Selected by the PSL1 register Bit 7 0: P77/TA3IN/CAN0IN/ ISCLK0(input)/INPC14 1: Selected by the PSL1 register Set to "0" Set to "0" 0: Selected by the PSC register 0: Selected by the PSD1 register 0: ISTxD0 1: TA3OUT(output) 1: CAN0OUT 1: OUTC13 _____ _____ 0: ISCLK0(output) 0: P104 to P107 or KI0 to KI3 Set to "0" 1: OUTC14 1: AN4 to AN7 (No relation to P77) NOTE: 1. When setting the PSL1_i bit (i=0 to 4, 6) to "1", set the corresponding PSC_i bit to "0". Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 366 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 23.4 Port P8 Peripheral Function Output Control PS2 Register 0: P80/ISRxD0/TA4OUT(input) 1: Selected by the PSL2 register Bit 1 0: P81/TA4IN/INPC15 1: Selected by the PSL2 register ________ Bit 2 0: P82/INT0 1: Selected by the PSL2 register Bit 3 to 7 Set to "000002" Bit 0 PSL2 Register 0: TA4OUT(output) 1: U ____ 0: U 1: Selected by the PSC2 register 0: Do not set to this value 1: Selected by the PSC2 register PSC2 Register Set to "0" 0: Do not set to this value 1: OUTC15 0: CAN0OUT 1: CAN1OUT Table 23.5 Port P9 Peripheral Function Output Control PS3 Register Bit 0 0: P90/TB0IN/CLK3(input) 1: CLK3(output) Bit 1 0: P91/TB1IN/RxD3/SCL3(input) 1: Selected by the PSL3 register Bit 2 0: P92/TB2IN/SRxD3/SDA3(input) 1: Selected by the PSL3 register _______ _______ Bit 3 0: P9 3/TB3IN/CTS3/SS3/DA0(output) ________ 1: RTS3 ________ ______ Bit 4 0: P9 4/TB4IN/CTS4/SS4/DA1(output) ________ 1: RTS4 Bit 5 0: ________________ P95/ANEX0/CLK4(input)/CAN1IN/ CAN1WU 1: CLK4(output) Bit 6 0: P96/SRxD4/ANEX1/SDA4(input) 1: Selected by the PSC3 register __________ Bit 7 0: P97/RxD4/ADTRG/SCL4(input) 1: Selected by the PSL3 register PSL3 Register Set to "0" PSC3 Register Set to "0" 0: SCL3(output) 1: STxD3 0: TxD3/SDA3(output) 1: Do not set to this value 0: Except DA0 1: DA0 0: Except DA1 1: DA1 0: Except ANEX0 Set to "0" 1: ANEX0 0: Except ANEX1 1: ANEX1 0: SCL4(output) 1: STxD4 Table 23.6 Port P10 Peripheral Function Output Control PSC Register _____ _____ Bit 7 0: P104 to P107 or KI0 to KI3 1: AN4 to AN7 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 367 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 Set to "0" Set to "0" Set to "0" Set to "0" 0: TxD4/SDA4 1: CAN1OUT Set to "0" M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 23.7 Port P11 Peripheral Function Output Control PS5 Register 0: P110/INPC10 1: OUTC10/ISTxD1/BE1OUT Bit 1 0: P111/INPC11/ISCLK1(input) 1: OUTC11/ISCLK1(output) Bit 2 0: P112/INPC12/ISRxD1/BE1IN 1: OUTC12 Bit 3 0: P113/INPC13 1: OUTC13 Bit 4 to 7 Set to "00002" Bit 0 Table 23.8 Port P14 Peripheral Function Output Control PS8 Register 0: P140/INPC14 1: OUTC14 Bit 1 0: P141/INPC15 1: OUTC15 Bit 2 0: P142/INPC16 1: OUTC16 Bit 3 0: P143/INPC17 1: OUTC17 Bit 4 to 7 Set to "00002" Bit 0 Table 23.9 Port P15 Peripheral Function Output Control PS9 Register 0: P150/AN150 1: ISTxD0 Bit 1 0: P151/AN151/ISCLK0(input) 1: ISCLK0(output) Bit 2 to 7 Set to "0000002" Bit 0 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 368 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 23. Programmable I/O Ports M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version 24. Flash Memory Version Aside from the built-in flash memory, the flash memory version microcomputer has the same functions as the masked ROM version. In the flash memory version, rewrite operation to the flash memory can be performed in three modes: CPU rewrite mode, standard serial I/O mode and parallel I/O mode. Table 24.1 lists specifications of the flash memory version. See Tables 1.1 and 1.2 for the items not listed in Table 24.1. Table 24.1 Flash Memory Version Specifications Item Specification Flash Memory Operating Mode 3 modes (CPU rewrite, standard serial I/O, parallel I/O) Erase Block User ROM Area See Figure 24.1 Boot ROM Area 1 block (4 Kbytes)(1) Program Method Per word (16 bytes), per byte (8 bits)(2) Erase Method All block erase, erase per block Program and Erase Control Method Software commands control programming and erasing on the flash memory Protect Method The lock bit protects each block in the flash memory Number of Commands 8 commands Program and Erase Endurance 100 times(3) Data Retention 10 years ROM Code Protection Standard serial I/O mode and parallel I/O mode supported NOTES: 1. The rewrite control program for standard serial I/O mode is stored in the boot ROM area before shipment. This space can be rewritten in parallel I/O mode only. 2. Programming per byte is available in parallel I/O mode only. 3. Program and erase endurance refers to the number of times a block erase can be performed. Every block erase performed after writing data of one word or more counts as one program and erase operation. Table 24.2 Flash Memory Rewrite Mode Overview Flash Memory Rewrite Mode CPU Rewrite Mode Standard Serial I/O Mode Parallel I/O Mode Function Software command execution by CPU rewrites the user ROM area. EW mode 0: Rewritable in areas other than flash memory EW mode 1: Rewritable in flash memory A dedicated serial programmer rewrites the user ROM area. Standard serial I/O mode 1: Clock synchronous serial I/O Standard serial I/O mode 2: UART Standard serial I/O mode 3: CAN A dedicated parallel programmer rewrites the boot ROM area and user ROM area. Rewritable Space User ROM area User ROM area User ROM area Boot ROM area Operating Mode Single-chip mode Memory expansion mode (EW mode 0) Boot mode (EW mode 0) Boot mode Parallel I/O mode Programmer None Serial programmer Parallel programmer Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 369 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version 24.1 Memory Map The flash memory includes the user ROM area and the boot ROM area. The user ROM area has space to store the microcomputer operating programs in single-chip mode and a separate 4-kbyte space as the block A. Figure 24.1 shows a block diagram of the flash memory. The user ROM area is divided into several blocks, each of which can be protected (locked) from program or erase. The user ROM area can be rewritten in CPU rewrite mode, standard serial I/O mode and parallel I/O mode. The boot ROM area is located at the same addresses as the user ROM area. It can only be rewritten in parallel I/O mode. A program in the boot ROM area is executed after a hardware reset occurs while a highlevel ("H") signal is applied to the CNVSS and P50 pins and a low-level ("L") signal is applied to the P55 pin. A program in the user ROM area is executed after a hardware reset occurs while an "L" signal is applied to the CNVSS pin. Consequently, the boot ROM area cannot be read. 00F00016 00FFFF16 Block A :4 Kbytes (4) F8000016 Block 12 : 64 Kbytes F8FFFF16 F9000016 Block 11 : 64 Kbytes F9FFFF16 FA000016 Block 10 : 64 Kbytes FAFFFF16 FB000016 FF000016 Block 9 : 64 Kbytes FBFFFF16 FC000016 Block 5 : 32 Kbytes Block 8 : 64 Kbytes FCFFFF16 FD000016 Block 7 : 64 Kbytes FF7FFF16 FF800016 FDFFFF16 Block 4 : 8 Kbytes FF9FFF16 FE000016 FFA00016 Block 6 : 64 Kbytes Block 3 : 8 Kbytes FFBFFF16 FEFFFF16 FFC00016 Block 2 : 8 Kbytes FF000016 FFDFFF16 FFE00016 FFEFFF16 FFF00016 FFFFFF16 Block 0 to Block 5 (32+8+8+8 +4+4) Kbytes FFFFFF16 Block 1 : 4 Kbytes Block 0 : 4 Kbytes FFF00016 FFFFFF16 User ROM area NOTES: 1. The boot ROM area can be rewritten in parallel I/O mode only. 2. When specifying a block, use an even address in the block to be specified. 3. Shown here is a flash memory block diagram in single-chip mode. 4. The block A cannot be erased by the all erase unlocked block command. Use the block erase command to erase. Figure 24.1 Flash Memory Block Diagram Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 370 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 4 Kbytes Boot ROM area(1) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version 24.1.1 Boot Mode The microcomputer enters boot mode when a hardware reset is performed while a high-level ("H") signal is applied to the CNVSS and P50 pins and a low-level ("L") signal is applied to the P55 pin. A program in the boot ROM area is executed. In boot mode, the FMR05 bit in the FMR0 register selects access to either the boot ROM area or the user ROM area. In the factory setting, the rewrite control program for standard serial I/O mode is stored into the boot ROM area. The boot ROM area can be rewritten in parallel I/O mode only. If any rewrite control program using erasewrite mode 0 (EW mode 0) is written in the boot ROM area, the flash memory can be rewritten according to the system implemented. 24.2 Functions to Prevent Rewriting of Flash Memory The flash memory has the ROM code protect function for parallel I/O mode and the ID code verify function for standard I/O mode to prevent the flash memory from reading or rewriting. 24.2.1 ROM Code Protect Function The ROM code protect function prevents the flash memory from reading and rewriting in parallel I/O mode. Figure 24.2 shows the ROMCP register. The ROMCP register is located in the user ROM area. The ROM code protect function is enabled when the ROMCP1 bit is set to "002", "012" or "102". 24.2.2 ID Code Verify Function Use the ID code verify function in standard serial I/O mode. The ID code sent from the serial programmer is compared with the ID code written in the flash memory for a match. If the ID codes do not match, commands sent from the serial programmer are not accepted. However, if the four bytes of the reset vector are "FFFFFFFF16", ID codes are not compared, allowing all commands to be accepted. The ID codes are 7-byte data stored consecutively, starting with the first byte, into addresses 0FFFFDF16, 0FFFFE316, 0FFFFEB16, 0FFFFEF16, 0FFFFF316, 0FFFFF716 and 0FFFFFB16. The flash memory must have a program with the ID codes set in these addresses. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 371 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version ROM Code Protect Control Address(5) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol ROMCP 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bit Symbol Address FFFFFF16 Factory Setting FF16(4) Bit Name Function Reserved Bit Set to "1" RW RW (b5 - b0) b7 b6 ROM Code Protect ROMCP1 Level 1 Set Bit(1, 2, 3) 0 0: ROM code protection active 0 1: ROM code protection active 1 0: ROM code protection active 1 1: ROM code protection inactive RW NOTES: 1. When the ROM code protection is active by the ROMCP1 bit setting, the flash memory is protected against reading or rewriting in parallel I/O mode. 2. Set the bit 5 to bit 0 to "1111112" when the ROMCP1 bit is set to a value other than "112". If the bit 5 to bit 0 are set to values other than "1111112", the ROM code protection may not become active by setting the ROMCP1 bit to a value other than "112". 3. To make the ROM code protection inactive, erase a block including the ROMCP address in standard serial I/O mode or CPU rewrite mode. 4. The ROMCP address is set to "FF16" when a block, including the ROMCP address, is erased. 5. When a value of the ROMCP address is "0016" or "FF16", the ROM code protect function is disabled. Figure 24.2 ROMCP Address Address FFFFDF16 to FFFFDC16 ID1 Undefined Instruction Vector FFFFE316 to FFFFE016 ID2 Overflow Vector FFFFE716 to FFFFE416 BRK Instruction Vector FFFFEB16 to FFFFE816 ID3 Address Match Vector FFFFEF16 to FFFFEC16 ID4 Single-Step Vector FFFFF316 to FFFFF016 ID5 Watchdog Timer Vector FFFFF716 to FFFFF416 ID6 DBC Vector FFFFFB16 to FFFFF816 ID7 NMI Vector FFFFFF16 to FFFFFC16 ROMCP Reset Vector 4 bytes Figure 24.3 Address for ID Code Stored Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 372 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version 24.3 CPU Rewrite Mode In CPU rewrite mode, the user ROM area can be rewritten when the CPU executes software commands. The user ROM area can be rewritten with the microcomputer mounted on a board without using a parallel or serial programmer. In CPU rewrite mode, only the user ROM area shown in Figure 24.1 can be rewritten. The boot ROM area cannot be rewritten. The program and block erase commands are executed only for each block in the user ROM area. Erase-write (EW) mode 0 and erase-write mode 1 are provided as CPU rewrite mode. Table 24.3 lists differences between EW mode 0 and EW mode 1. Table 24.3 EW Mode 0 and EW Mode 1 Item EW mode 0 EW mode 1 Operating Mode • Single-chip mode • Boot mode Single-chip mode Space where the rewrite control program can be placed • User ROM area • Boot ROM area User ROM area Space where the rewrite control program can be executed The rewrite control program must be The rewrite control program can be executed transferred to any space other than the flash in the user ROM area memory (e.g.,RAM) before being executed Space which can be rewritten User ROM area User ROM area However, this excludes blocks with the rewrite control program Software Command Restriction None • Program and block erase commands cannot be executed in a block having the rewrite control program. • Erase all unlocked block command cannot be executed when the lock bit in a block having the rewrite control program is set to "1"(unlocked) or when the FMR02 bit in the FMR0 register is set to "1"(lock bit disabled). • Read status register command cannot be used. Mode after Programming or Erasing Read status register mode Read array mode CPU State during Auto Program and Erase Operation Operating In a hold state (I/O ports maintains the state before the command was executed)(1) Flash Memory State Detection • Read the FMR00, FMR06 and FMR07 bits in the FMR0 register by program • Execute the read status register command to read the SR7, SR5 and SR4 bits in the SRD register Read the FMR00, FMR06 and FMR07 bits in the FMR0 register by program NOTE: _______ 1. Do not generate an interrupt (except NMI interrupt) or a DMA transfer. 24.3.1 EW Mode 0 The microcomputer enters CPU rewrite mode by setting the FMR01 bit in the FMR0 register to "1" (CPU rewrite mode enabled) and is ready to accept commands. EW mode 0 is selected by setting the FMR11 bit in the FMR1 register to "0". To set the FMR01 bit to "1", set to "1" after first writing "0". The software commands control programming and erasing. The FMR0 register or the SRD register indicates whether a program or erase operation is completed as expected or not. 24.3.2 EW Mode 1 EW mode 1 is selected by setting the FMR11 bit to "1" after the FMR01 bit is set to "1". (Both bits must be set to "0" first before setting to "1".) The FMR0 register indicates whether or not a program or erase operation has been completed as expected. The SRD register cannot be read in EW mode 1. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 373 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version 24.3.3 Flash Memory Control Register (FMR0 Register and FMR1 Register) Flash Memory Control Register 0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 Symbol FMR0 Bit Symbol Address 005716 After Reset 0000 00012 Bit Name Function RW erasing)(6) FMR00 RY/BY Status Flag 0: BUSY (programming or 1: READY FMR01 CPU Rewrite Mode Select Bit(1, 7) 0: Disables CPU rewrite mode 1: Enables CPU rewrite mode RW FMR02 Lock Bit Disable Select Bit(2) 0: Enables lock bit 1: Disables lock bit RW FMSTP Flash Memory Stop Bit(3, 5) 0: Starts the flash memory 1: Stops the flash memory (Enters low power consumption state and flash memory is reset) RO RW Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW FMR05 User ROM Area Select Bit(3) (Available in boot mode only) 0: Boot ROM area is accessed 1: User ROM area is accessed RW FMR06 Program Status Flag(4) 0: Successfully completed 1: Terminated by error RO FMR07 Erase Status Flag(4) 0: Successfully completed 1: Terminated by error RO (b4) NOTES: 1. Set the FMR01 bit while the NMI pin is held "H". Set it by program in a space other than the flash memory in EW mode 0. 2. Set the FMR02 bit to "1" in 8-bit unit immediately after setting it first to "0" while the FMR01 bit is set to "1". Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between setting the FMR02 bit to "0" and setting it to "1". 3. Set the FMSTP and FMR05 bits by program in a space other than the flash memory. 4. The FMR07 and FMR06 bits is set to "0" by executing the clear status command. 5. FMSTP bit setting is enabled when the FMR01 bit is set to "1" (CPU rewrite mode enabled). The FMSTP bit can be set to "1" when the FMR01 bit is set to "0", but the flash memory does not enter low-power consumption state nor is reset. 6. Write and read operations by the lock bit program command and read lock bit status command are included. 7. To change a FMR01 bit setting from "0" to "1", set the FMR01 bit to "1" immediately after setting it first to "0" in 8-bit unit. Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between setting the FMR01 bit to "0" and setting it to "1". To change a FMR01 bit setting from "1" to "0", enter read array mode to write to addresses 005716 in 16-bit unit. Write "0016" into 8 high-order bits. e. g., to change a FMR01 bit setting from "1" to "0"; Assembly language: mov.w #0000h, 0057h Figure 24.4 FMR0 Register Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 374 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version Flash Memory Control Register 1 b7 0 b6 b5 b4 0 0 b3 b2 b1 b0 Symbol FMR1 Bit Symbol (b0) FMR11 (b3 - b2) (b5 - b4) FMR16 (b7) Address 005516 After Reset 0000 01012 Bit Name Reserved Bit EW Mode Select Bit(1) Reserved Bit Function When read, its content is indeterminate 0: EW mode 0 1: EW mode 1 When read, its content is indeterminate RW RO RW RO Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW Lock Bit Status Flag 0: Locked 1: Unlocked RO Reserved Bit Set to "0" RW NOTE: 1. Set the FMR11 bit to "1" in 8-bit unit immediately after setting it first to "0" while the FMR01 bit is set to "1". Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between setting the FMR11 bit to "0" and setting it to "1". Set it while the NMI pin is held "H". If the FMR01 bit is set to "0", the FMR01 bit and FMR11 bit are both set to "0". Figure 24.5 FMR1 Register FMR00 Bit The FMR00 bit indicates the flash memory operating state. It is set to "0" while the program, block erase, erase all unlocked block, lock bit program, or read lock bit status command is being executed; otherwise, it is set to "1". FMR01 Bit The microcomputer can accept commands when the FMR01 bit is set to "1" (CPU rewrite mode). Set the FMR05 bit to "1" (user ROM area access) as well if in boot mode. FMR02 Bit The lock bit is invalid by setting the FMR02 bit to "1" (lock bit disabled). (Refer to 24.3.6 Data Protect Function.) The lock bit is valid by setting the FMR02 bit to "0" (lock bit enabled). The FMR02 bit does not change the lock bit status but disables the lock bit function. If the block erase or erase all unlocked block command is executed when the FMR02 bit is set to "1", the lock bit status changes "0" (locked) to "1" (unlocked) after command execution is completed. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 375 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version FMSTP Bit The FMSTP bit initializes the flash memory control circuits and minimizes power consumption in the flash memory. Access to the flash memory is disabled when the FMSTP bit is set to "1". Set the FMSTP bit by program in a space other than the flash memory. Set the FMSTP bit to "1" if one of the followings occurs: • A flash memory access error occurs while erasing or programming in EW mode 0 (FMR00 bit does not switch back to "1" (ready)). • Low-power consumption mode or on-chip low-power consumption mode is entered. Use the following the procedure to change the FMSTP bit setting. (1) Set the FMSTP bit to "1" (2) Set tps (the wait time to stabilize flash memory circuit) (3) Set the FMSTP bit to "0" (4) Set tps (the wait time to stabilize flash memory circuit) Figure 24.8 shows a flow chart illustrating how to start and stop the flash memory before and after entering low power mode. Follow the procedure on this flow chart. When entering stop or wait mode, the flash memory is automatically turned off. When exiting stop or wait mode, the flash memory is turned back on. The FMR0 register does not need to be set. FMR05 Bit The FMR05 bit selects the boot ROM or user ROM area in boot mode. Set to "0" to access (read) the boot ROM area or to "1" (user ROM access) to access (read, write or erase) the user ROM area. FMR06 Bit The FMR06 bit is a read-only bit indicating an auto program operation state. The FMR06 bit is set to "1" when a program error occurs; otherwise, it is set to "0". Refer to 24.3.8 Full Status Check. FMR07 Bit The FM07 bit is a read-only bit indicating the auto erase operation state. The FMR07 bit is set to "1" when an erase error occurs; otherwise, it is set to “0”. For details, refer to 24.3.8 Full Status Check. Figure 24.6 shows how to enter and exit EW mode 0. Figure 24.7 shows how to enter and exit EW mode 1. FMR11 Bit EW mode 0 is entered by setting the FMR11 bit to "0" (EW mode 0). EW mode 1 is entered by setting the FMR11 bit to "1" (EW mode 1). FMR16 Bit The FMR16 bit is a read-only bit indicating the execution result of the read lock bit status command. When the block, where the read lock bit status command is executed, is locked, the FMR16 bit is set to "0". When the block, where the read lock bit status command is executed, is unlocked, the FMR16 bit is set to "1". Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 376 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version Procedure to Enter EW Mode 0 Rewrite control program Single-chip mode or boot mode In boot mode only Set the FMR05 bit to "1"(user ROM area accessed) Set MCD and PM1 registers(1) Set the FMR01 bit to "1" (CPU rewrite mode enabled) after writing "0"(2) Transfer the rewrite control program in CPU rewrite mode to a space other than the flash memory Jump to the rewrite control program transferred to a space other than the flash memory. (In the following steps, use the rewrite control program in a space other than the flash memory) Execute the software commands Execute the read array command(3) Set the FMR01 bit to "0" (CPU rewrite mode disabled)(5) In boot mode only Set the FMR05 bit to "0" (boot ROM area accessed)(4) Jump to a desired address in the flash memory NOTES: 1. In CPU rewrite mode, set the MCD register to be the 10-MHz CPU clock frequency or less and set the PM12 bit in the PM1 register to "1" (internal access wait). 2. To set the FMR01 bit to "1", set it to "1" in 8-bit unit immediately after setting it first to "0". Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between setting the bit to "0" and setting it to "1". Set the FMR01 bit in a space other than flash memory. Set the FMR01 bit while the NMI pin is held "H". 3. Exit CPU rewrite mode after executing the read array command. 4. When the FMR05 bit is set to "1", the user ROM area can be accessed. 5. To change the FMR01 bit setting from "1" to "0", enter read array mode to write to addresses 005716 in 16-bit unit. Write "0016" into 8 high-order bits. Figure 24.6 How to Enter and Exit EW Mode 0 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 377 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version Procedure to Enter EW Mode 1 Program in the ROM Single-chip mode(1) Set the MCD and PM1 registers(2) Set the FMR01 bit to "1" (CPU rewrite mode enabled) after writing "0" Set the FMR11 bit to "1" (EW mode 1) after writing "0"(3) Execute the software commands Set the FMR01 bit to "0" (CPU rewrite mode disabled)(4) NOTES: 1. In EW mode 1, do not enter boot mode. 2. In CPU rewrite mode, set the MCD register to be the 10-MHz CPU clock frequency or less. Set the PM12 bit in the PM1 register to "1" (internal access wait). 3. To set the FMR01 bit to "1", set it to "1" in 8-bit unit immediately after setting it first to "0". Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between setting the FMR01 bit to "0" and setting it to "1". To set the FMR11 bit to "1", set it to "1" in 8-bit unit immediately after setting it first to "0". Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between setting the FMR11 bit to "0" and setting it to "1". Set the FMR01 and FMR11 bits while the NMI pin is held "H". 4. To change the FMR01 bit setting from "1" to "0", enter read array mode to write to addresses 005716 in 16-bit unit. Write "0016" into 8 high-order bits. Figure 24.7 How to Enter and Exit EW Mode 1 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 378 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version Low-power consumption mode program Transfer the low-power consumption mode program to a space other than the flash memory Set the FMR01 bit to "1" after setting it to "0" (CPU rewrite mode enabled)(4) Jump to the low-power consumption mode program transferred to a space other than the flash memory. (In the following steps, use the low-power consumption mode program in a space other than the flash memory.) Set the FMSTP bit to "1" (The flash memory stops operating. It is in a low-power consumption state)(1) Switch clock source of the CPU clock. The main clock stops.(2) Process in low-power consumption mode or on-chip oscillator low-power consumption mode NOTES: 1. Set the FMSTP bit to "1" after the FMR01 bit is set to "1" (CPU rewrite mode enabled). 2. Wait until clock stabilizes to switch a clock source of the CPU clock to the main clock or sub clock. 3. Add tps ms wait time by program. Do not access the flash memory during this wait time. 4. To set the FMR01 bit to "1", set it to "1" in 8-bit unit immediately after setting it first to "0". Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between setting the bit to "0" and setting it to "1". Set the FMR01 bit while the NMI pin is held "H". 5. To change the FMR01 bit setting from "1" to "0", enter read array mode to write to addresses 005716 in 16-bit unit. Write "0016" into 8 high-order bits. Start main clock oscillation Wait until oscillation stabilizes Switch clock source of the CPU clock(2) Set the FMSTP bit to "0" (flash memory operation) Set the FMR01 bit to "0" (CPU rewrite mode disabled)(5) Wait until the flash memory stabilizes (tps ms)(3) Jump to a desired address in the flash memory Figure 24.8 Handling Before and After Low Power Consumption Mode Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 379 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version 24.3.4 Precautions in CPU Rewrite Mode Operating Speed Set the MCD4 to MCD0 bits in the MCD register to CPU clock frequency of 10 MHz or less before entering CPU rewrite mode (EW mode 0 or EW mode 1). Also, set the PM12 bit in the PM1 register to "1" (wait state). Prohibited Instructions The following instructions cannot be used in EW mode 0 because the CPU tries to read data in the flash memory: the UND instruction, INTO instruction, JMPS instruction, JSRS instruction, and BRK instruction. Interrupts (EW Mode 0) • To use interrupts having vectors in a relocatable vector table, the vectors must be relocated to the RAM area. _______ • The NMI and watchdog timer interrupts are available since the FMR0 and FMR1 registers are forcibly reset when either interrupt occurs. Allocate the forward addresses for each interrupt routine to _______ the fixed vector table. Flash memory rewrite operation is aborted when the NMI or watchdog timer interrupt occurs. Execute the rewrite program again after exiting the interrupt routine. • The address match interrupt is not available since the CPU tries to read data in the flash memory. Interrupts (EW Mode 1) • Do not acknowledge any interrupts with vectors in the relocatable vector table or address match interrupt during the auto program or auto erase period. • Do not use the watchdog timer interrupt. _______ • The NMI interrupt is available since the FMR0 and FMR1 registers are forcibly reset when either interrupt occurs. Allocate the forward address for the interrupt routine to the fixed vector table. Flash _______ memory rewrite operation is aborted when the NMI interrupt occurs. Execute the rewrite program again after exiting the interrupt routine. How to Access To set the FMR01, FMR02 in the FMR0 register or FMR11 bit in the FMR1 register to "1", set to "1" in 8-bit units immediately after setting to "0". Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between the instruction to set the bit to "0" and the instruction to set the bit to "1". Set the bit while a high-level _______ ("H") signal is applied to the NMI pin. To change the FMR01 bit from "1" to "0", enter read array mode first, and write into address 005716 in 16-bit units. Eight high-order bits must be set to "0016". Rewriting in the User ROM Area (EW Mode 0) If the supply voltage drops while rewriting the block where the rewrite control program is stored, the flash memory cannot be rewritten because the rewrite control program is not rewritten as expected. If this error occurs, rewrite the user ROM area while in standard serial I/O mode or parallel I/O mode. Rewriting in the User ROM Area (EW Mode 1) Do not rewrite the block where the rewrite control program is stored. DMA Transfer In EW mode 1, do not generate a DMA transfer while the FMR00 bit in the FMR0 register is set to "0" (busy-programming or erasing). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 380 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version Writing Command and Data Write commands and data to even addresses in the user ROM area. Wait Mode When entering wait mode, set the FMR01 bit in the FMR0 register to "0" (CPU rewrite mode disabled) before executing the WAIT instruction. Stop Mode When entering stop mode, the following settings are required: • Set the FMR01 bit to "0" (CPU rewrite mode disabled). Disable a DMA transfer before setting the CM10 bit to "1" (stop mode). • Execute the instruction to set the CM10 bit to "1" (stop mode) and then the JMP.B instruction. e.g., BSET 0, CM1 ; Stop mode JMP.B L1 L1: Program after exiting stop mode Low-Power Consumption Mode and On-Chip Oscillator Low-Power Consumption Mode If the CM05 bit is set to "1" (main clock stopped), do not execute the following commands: • Program • Block erase • Erase all unlocked blocks • Lock bit program • Read lock bit status Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 381 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version 24.3.5 Software Commands Read or write 16-bit commands and data from or to even addresses in the user ROM area, in 16-bit units. When writing a command code, 8 high-order bits (D15 to D8) are ignored. Table 24.4 Software Commands First Bus Cycle Command Second Bus Cycle Mode Address Data (D15 to D0) Mode Address Data (D15 to D0) Read Array Write X xxFF16 Read Status Register Write X xx7016 Read X SRD Clear Status Register Write X xx5016 Program Write WA xx4016 Write WA WD Block Erase Write X xx2016 Write BA xxD016 Erase All Unlocked Block(1) Write X xxA716 Write X xxD016 Lock Bit Program Write BA xx7716 Write BA xxD016 Read Lock Bit Status Write X xx7116 Write BA xxD016 NOTE: 1. Blocks 0 to 12 can be erased by the erase all unlocked block command. Block A cannot be erased. The block erase command must be used to erase the block A. SRD: Data in the SRD register (D7 to D0) WA: Address to be written (The address specified in the the first bus cycle is the same even address as the address specified in the second bus cycle.) WD: 16-bit write data BA: Highest-order block address (must be an even address) X: Any even address in the user ROM space xx: 8 high-order bits of command code (ignored) Read Array Command The read array command reads the flash memory. Read array mode is entered by writing command code "xxFF16" in the first bus cycle. Content of a specified address can be read in 16-bit units after the next bus cycle. The microcomputer remains in read array mode until another command is written. Therefore, contents from multiple addresses can be read consecutively. Read Status Register Command The read status register command reads the SRD register (refer to 24.3.7 Status Register for detail). By writing command code "xx7016" in the first bus cycle, the SRD register can be read in the second bus cycle. Read an even address in the user ROM area. Do not execute this command in EW mode 1. Clear Status Register Command The clear status register command clears the SRD register. By writing "xx5016" in the first bus cycle, the FMR07 and FMR06 bits in the FMR0 register are set to "002" and the SR5 and SR4 bits in the SRD register are set to "002". Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 382 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version Program Command The program command writes 1-word, or 2-byte, data to the flash memory. Auto program operation (data program and verify) will start by writing command code "xx4016" in the first bus cycle and data to the write address in the second bus cycle. The address value specified in the first bus cycle must be the same even address as the write address specified in the second bus cycle. The FMR00 bit in the FMR0 register indicates whether or not an auto program operation has been completed. The FMR00 bit is set to "0" (busy) during auto program and to "1" (ready) when the auto program operation is completed. After the completion of auto program operation, the FMR06 bit in the FMR0 register indicates whether or not the auto program operation has been completed as expected. (Refer to 24.3.8 Full Status Check.) An address that is already written cannot be altered or rewritten. Figure 24.9 shows a flow chart of the program command programming. The lock bit can protect each block from being programmed inadvertently. (Refer to 24.3.6 Data Protect Function.) In EW mode 1, do not execute this command on the block where the rewrite control program is allocated. In EW mode 0, the microcomputer enters read status register mode as soon as an auto program operation starts. The SRD register can be read. The SR7 bit in the SRD register is set to "0" at the same time an auto program operation starts. It is set to "1" when an auto program operation is completed. The microcomputer remains in read status register mode until the read array command is written. After completion of an auto program operation, the SRD register indicates whether or not the auto program operation has been completed as expected. Start Write the command code "xx4016" to an address to be written Write data to an address to be written FMR00=1? NO YES Full status check Program operation is completed NOTE: 1. Write the command code and data to even addresses. Figure 24.9 Program Command Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 383 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version Block Erase Command The block erase command erases each block. Auto erase operation (erase and verify) will start in the specified block by writing command code "xx2016" in the first bus cycle and "xxD016" to the highest-order even address of a block in the second bus cycle. The FMR00 bit in the FMR0 register indicates whether or not an auto erase operation has been completed. The FMR00 bit is set to "0" (busy) during auto erase and to "1" (ready) when the auto erase operation is completed. After the completion of an auto erase operation, the FMR07 bit in the FMR0 register indicates whether or not the auto erase operation has been completed as expected. (Refer to 24.3.8 Full Status Check.) Figure 24.10 shows a flow chart of the block erase command programming. The lock bit can protect each block from being programmed inadvertently. (Refer to 24.3.6 Data Protect Function.) In EW mode 1, do not execute this command on the block where the rewrite control program is allocated. In EW mode 0, the microcomputer enters read status register mode as soon as an auto erase operation starts. The SRD register can be read. The SR7 bit in the SRD register is set to "0" at the same time an auto erase operation starts. It is set to "1" when an auto erase operation is completed. The microcomputer remains in read status register mode until the read array command or read lock bit status command is written. Start Write the command code "xx2016" Write "xxD016" to the highestorder block address FMR00=1? NO YES Full status check Block erase operation is completed NOTE: 1. Write the command code and data to even addresses. Figure 24.10 Block Erase Command Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 384 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version Erase All Unlocked Block Command The erase all unlocked block command erases all blocks except the block A. By writing command code "xxA716" in the first bus cycle and "xxD016" in the second bus cycle, auto erase (erase and verify) operation will run continuously in all blocks except the block A. The FMR00 bit in the FMR0 register indicates whether or not an auto erase operation has been completed. After the completion of an auto erase operation, the FMR07 bit in the FMR0 register indicates whether or not the auto erase operation has been completed as expected. The lock bit can protect each block from being programmed inadvertently. (Refer to 24.3.6 Data Protect Function.) In EW mode 1, do not execute this command when the lock bit for any block storing the rewrite control program is set to "1" (unlocked) or when the FMR02 bit in the FMR0 register is set to "1" (lock bit disabled). In EW mode 0, the microcomputer enters read status register mode as soon as an auto erase operation starts. The SRD register can be read. The SR7 bit in the SRD register is set to "0" (busy) at the same time an auto erase operation starts. It is set to "1" (ready) when an auto erase operation is completed. The microcomputer remains in read status register mode until the read array command or read lock bit status command is written. Only blocks 0 to 12 can be erased by the erase all unlocked block command. The block A cannot be erased. Use the block erase command to erase the block A. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 385 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version Lock Bit Program Command The lock bit program command sets the lock bit for a specified block to "0" (locked). By writing command code "xx7716" in the first bus cycle and "xxD016" to the highest-order even address of a block in the second bus cycle, the lock bit for the specified block is set to "0". The address value specified in the first bus cycle must be the same highest-order even address of a block specified in the second bus cycle. Figure 24.11 shows a flow chart of the lock bit program command programming. Execute read lock bit status command to read lock bit state (lock bit data). The FMR00 bit in the FMR0 register indicates whether a lock bit program operation is completed. Refer to 24.3.6 Data Protect Function for details on lock bit functions and how to set it to "1" (unlocked). Start Write the command code "xx7716" to the highest-order block address Write "xxD016" to the highest-order block address FMR00=1? NO YES Full status check Lock bit program operation is completed NOTE: 1. Write the command code and data to even addresses. Figure 24.11 Lock Bit Program Command Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 386 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version Read Lock Bit Status Command The read lock bit status command reads the lock bit state (the lock bit data) of a specified block. By writing command code "xx7116" in the first bus cycle and "xxD016" to the highest-order even address of a block in the second bus cycle, the FMR16 bit in the FMR1 register stores information on whether or not the lock bit of a specified block is locked. Read the FMR16 bit after the FMR00 bit in the FMR0 register is set to "1" (ready). Figure 24.12 shows a flow chart of the read lock bit status command programming. Start Write the command code "xx7116" Write "xxD016" to the highestorder block address FMR00=1? NO YES FMR16=0? NO YES Block is locked Block is not locked NOTE: 1. Write the command code and data to even addresses. Figure 24.12 Read Lock Bit Status Command Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 387 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version 24.3.6 Data Protect Function Each block in the flash memory has a nonvolatile lock bit. The lock bit is enabled by setting the FMR02 bit to "0" (lock bit enabled). The lock bit individually protects (locks) each block against program and erase. This prevents data from being inadvertently written to or erased from the flash memory. • When the lock bit status is set to "0", the block is locked (block is protected against program and erase). • When the lock bit status is set to "1", the block is not locked (block can be programmed or erased). The lock bit status is set to "0" (locked) by executing the lock bit program command and to "1" (unlocked) by erasing the block. The lock bit status cannot be set to "1" by any commands. The lock bit status can be read by the read lock bit status command. The lock bit function is disabled by setting the FMR02 bit to "1". All blocks are unlocked. However, individual lock bit status remains unchanged. The lock bit function is enabled by setting the FMR02 bit to "0". Lock bit status is retained. If the block erase or erase all unlocked block command is executed while the FMR02 bit is set to "1", the target block or all blocks are erased regardless of lock bit status. The lock bit status of each block are set to "1" after an erase operation is completed. Refer to 24.3.5 Software Commands for details on each command. 24.3.7 Status Register (SRD Register) The SRD register indicates the flash memory operating state and whether or not an erase or program operation is completed as expected. The FMR00, FMR06 and FMR07 bits in the FMR0 register indicate SRD register states. Table 24.5 shows the SRD register. In EW mode 0, the SRD register can be read when the followings occur. • Any even address in the user ROM area is read after writing the read status register command • Any even address in the user ROM area is read from when the program, block erase, erase all unlocked block, or lock bit program command is executed until when the read array command is executed. Sequencer Status (SR7 and FMR00 Bits ) The sequencer status indicates the flash memory operating state. It is set to "0" while the program, block erase, erase all unlocked block, lock bit program, or read lock bit status command is being executed; otherwise, it is set to "1". Erase Status (SR5 and FMR07 Bits) Refer to 24.3.8 Full Status Check. Program Status (SR4 and FMR06 Bits) Refer to 24.3.8 Full Status Check. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 388 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version Table 24.5 Status Register Bits in Bits in FMR0 Status SRD Register Name register SR7 (D7) Sequencer status FMR00 SR6 (D6) Reserved bit (1) SR5 (D5) FMR07 SR4 (D4) FMR06(1) Program status Erase status Definition "0" BUSY "1" READY Value after Reset 1 - - Successfully completed Error 0 Successfully completed Error 0 - SR3 (D3) Reserved bit - - - SR2 (D2) Reserved bit - - - SR1 (D1) Reserved bit - - - SR0 (D0) Reserved bit - - - D0 to D7: These data buses are read when the read status register command is executed. NOTE: 1. The FMR07 (SR5) and FMR06 (SR4) bits are set to "0" by executing the clear status register command. When the FMR07 (SR5) or FMR06 (SR4) bit is set to "1", the program, block erase, erase all unlocked block and lock bit program commands are not accepted. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 389 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version 24.3.8 Full Status Check If an error occurs when a program or erase operation is completed, the FMR07 and FMR06 bits in the FMR0 register are set to "1", indicating a specific error. Therefore, execution results can be confirmed by verifying these bits (full status check). Table 24.6 lists errors and FMR0 register state. Figure 24.13 shows a flow chart of the full status check and handling procedure for each error. Table 24.6 Errors and FMR0 Register State FMR0 Register (SRD Register) State FMR07 FMR06 (SR5) (SR4) 1 1 1 0 0 1 Error Error Occurrence Conditions Command • An incorrect command is written sequence error • A value other than "xxD016" or "xxFF16" is written in the second bus cycle of the lock bit program, block erase or erase all unlocked block command(1) Erase error • The block erase command is executed on a locked block(2) • The block erase or erase all unlocked block command is executed on an unlock block, but the erase operation is not successfully completed Program error • The program command is executed on locked blocks(2) • The program command is executed on an unlocked block, but the program operation is not completed as expected • The lock bit program command is executed but the program operation is not successfully completed NOTES: 1. The flash memory enters read array mode when command code "xxFF16" is written in the second bus cycle of these commands. The command code written in the first bus cycle is ignored. 2. When the FMR02 bit is set to "1" (lock bit disabled), no error occurs even under the conditions above. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 390 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version Full status check FMR06 =1 and FMR07=1? YES Command sequence error (1) Execute the clear status register command and set the SR5 and SR4 bits to "0" (successfully completed) . (2) Execute the correct commands again. NO FMR07=0? NO Erase error YES FMR06=0? NO Program error YES (1) Execute the clear status register command and set the SR5 bit to "0". (2) Execute the lock bit read status command. Set the FMR02 bit to "1" ( lock bit disabled) if the lock bit in the block where the error occurred is set to "0" (locked). (3) Execute the block erase or erase all unlocked block command again. NOTE: If similar error occurs, that block cannot be used. If the lock bit is set to "1" (unlocked) in (2) above, that block cannot be used. [When a program operation is executed] (1) Execute the clear status register command and set the SR4 bit to "0"( successfully completed) . (2) Execute the read lock bit status command and set the FMR02 bit to "1" if the lock bit in the block where the error occurred is set to "0". (3) Execute the program command again. NOTE: If a similar error occurs, that block cannot be used. If the lock bit is set to "1" in (2) above, that block cannot be used. [When a lock bit program operation is executed] (1) Execute the clear status register command and set the SR4 bit to "0". (2) Set the FMR02 bit in the FMR0 register to "1". (3) Execute the block erase command to erase the block where the error occurred. (4) Execute the lock bit program command again. NOTE: If similar error occurs, that block cannot be used. Full status check completed NOTE: When either FMR06 or FMR07 bit is set to "1" (terminated by error) , the program, block erase, erase all unlocked block, lock bit program and read lock bit status commands cannot be accepted. Execute the clear status register command before each command. Figure 24.13 Full Status Check and Handling Procedure for Each Error Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 391 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version 24.4 Standard Serial I/O Mode In standard serial I/O mode, the serial programmer supporting the M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) can be used to rewrite the flash memory user ROM area, while the microcomputer is mounted on a board. For more information about the serial programmer, contact your serial programmer manufacturer. Refer to the user's manual included with your serial programmer for instructions. Table 24.7 lists pin descriptions (flash memory standard serial I/O mode). Figures 24.14 to 24.16 show pin connections in serial I/O mode. 24.4.1 ID Code Verify Function The ID code verify function determines whether or not the ID codes sent from the serial programmer matches those written in the flash memory. (Refer to 24.2 Functions to Prevent Rewriting of Flash Memory.) Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 392 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 24. Flash Memory Version M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 24.7 Pin Description (Flash Memory Standard Serial I/O Mode) Symbol Function I/O Type I VCC VSS CNVSS _______ RESET Power supply input CNVSS Reset input XIN XOUT BYTE AVCC AVSS VREF I O I I P00 to P07 P10 to P17 P20 to P27 P30 to P37 P40 to P47 P50 P55 P51 to P54 P56, P57 P60 to P63 P64 Clock input Clock output BYTE input Analog power supply input Reference voltage input Input port P0 Input port P1 Input port P2 Input port P3 Input port P4 ___ CE input _____ EPM input Input port P5 Description I Apply the guaranteed program/erase supply voltage to the VCC pin. Apply 0 V to the VSS pin Connect this pin to VCC Reset input pin. Apply 20 or more clock cycles to the XIN pin while "L" is ____________ applied to the RESET pin Connect a ceramic resonator or crystal oscillator between XIN and XOUT To use the external clock, input the clock from XIN and leave XOUT open Connect this pin to VSS or VCC Connect AVCC to VCC Connect AVSS to VSS Reference voltage input pin for the A/D converter I I I I I I I I Apply "H" or "L" to this pin, or leave open Apply "H" or "L" to this pin, or leave open Apply "H" or "L" to this pin, or leave open Apply "H" or "L" to this pin, or leave open Apply "H" or "L" to this pin, or leave open Apply "H" to this pin Apply "L" to this pin Apply "H" or "L" to this pin, or leave open Input port P6 BUSY output I O P65 SCLK input I P66 I P70 to P75 P76 RxD Data input TxD Data output Input port P7 CAN output P77 CAN input I P80 to P84 P86, P87 P85 P90 to P97 P100 to P107 P110 to P114 P120 to P127 P130 to P137 P140 to P146 P150 to P157 Input port P8 I Apply "H" or "L" to this pin, or leave open Standard serial I/O mode 1: BUSY signal output pin Standard serial I/O mode 2: Program running verify monitor Standard serial I/O mode 3: Leave open Standard serial I/O mode 1: Serial clock input pin Standard serial I/O mode 2, 3: Apply "L" to this pin Standard serial I/O mode 1, 2: Serial data input pin Standard serial I/O mode 3: Apply "H" to this pin Standard serial I/O mode 1, 2: Serial data output pin Standard serial I/O mode 3: Leave open Apply "H" or "L" to this pin, or leave open Standard serial I/O mode 1, 2: Apply "H" or "L" to this pin, or leave open Standard serial I/O mode 3: CAN output pin Standard serial I/O mode 1, 2: Apply "H" or "L" to this pin, or leave open Standard serial I/O mode 3: CAN input pin Apply "H" or "L" to this pin, or leave open I I I I I I I I Connect this pin to VCC Apply "H" or "L" to this pin, or leave open Apply "H" or "L" to this pin, or leave open Apply "H" or "L" to this pin, or leave open(1) Apply "H" or "L" to this pin, or leave open(1) Apply "H" or "L" to this pin, or leave open(1) Apply "H" or "L" to this pin, or leave open(1) Apply "H" or "L" to this pin, or leave open(1) P67 I I O I O ____ NMI input Input port P9 Input port P10 Input port P11 Input port P12 Input port P13 Input port P14 Input port P15 NOTE: 1. These pins are provided in the 144-pin package only. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 393 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 24. Flash Memory Version M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) EPM RESET CE VCC Mode settings Signal Value CNVss VCC VSS Vss >> VCC VCC 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Flash Memory Version 100-Pin Package 100 CE EPM BUSY SCLK RXD TXD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CANOUT Connect to oscillation circuit CANIN RESET CNVSS VCC VSS Figure 24.14 Pin Connections in Standard Serial I/O Mode (1) Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 394 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 PLQP0100KB-A (100P6Q-A) 24. Flash Memory Version M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Mode settings VCC Signal Value CNVss Vcc EPM Vss RESET Vss >> Vcc CE Vcc 108 107 106 10 104 103 102 101 100 5 9 98 97 9 9 94 9 9 6 5 3 9 2 9 1 9 0 8 9 8 8 8 7 86 8 84 5 8 3 8 2 81 80 7 78 77 7 9 6 7 74 73 5 109 110 72 71 111 112 70 69 113 68 67 114 115 66 65 116 117 CE 64 118 119 63 62 120 121 61 60 122 123 59 58 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Flash Memory Version 144-Pin Pacakge 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 57 56 55 54 EPM 53 52 51 50 49 133 134 48 47 135 46 45 136 137 44 43 138 139 BUSY 42 SCLK 140 141 41 40 RxD 142 143 39 38 TxD 144 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 0 2 9 2 21 22 23 24 2 0 5 2 27 6 2 29 3 31 3 8 0 2 3 34 3 3 5 3 6 VCC VSS CANIN RESET CNVSS CANOUT Connect to oscillation circuit Figure 24.15 Pin Connections in Standard Serial I/O Mode (2) Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 395 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 PLQP0144KA-A (144P6Q-A) 24. Flash Memory Version M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24.4.2 Circuit Application in Standard Serial I/O Mode Figure 24.16 shows an example of a circuit application in standard serial I/O mode 1. Figure 24.17 shows an example of a circuit application serial I/O mode 2. Figure 24.18 shows an example of a circuit application serial I/O mode 3. Refer to the user's manual of your serial programmer to handle pins controlled by the serial programmer. VCC Microcomputer VCC SCLK Clock input P50(CE) TXD Data output P55(EPM) VCC BUSY BUSY output RxD Data input CNVss VCC VCC Reset input RESET User reset signal NMI NOTES: 1. Control pins and external circuitry vary with the serial programmer. Refer to the user's manual included with the serial programmer. 2. In this example, a selector controls the voltage applied to the CNVSS pin to switch between in single-chip mode and in standard serial I/O mode. 3. In standard serial I/O mode 1, if the user reset signal becomes "L" while the microcomputer is communicating with the serial programmer, break the connection between the user reset signal and the RESET pin by, for example, a jumper selector. Figure 24.16 Circuit Application in Standard Serial I/O Mode 1 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 396 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 24. Flash Memory Version M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Microcomputer SCLK Data Output TxD Monitor Output BUSY Data Input RxD VCC P50(CE) P55(EPM) VCC CNVss VCC NMI NOTE: 1. In this example, a selector controls the voltage applied to the CNVSS pin to switch between in single-chip mode and in standard serial I/O mode. Figure 24.17 Circuit Application in Standard Serial I/O Mode 2 CAN Transceiver CAN_H CAN_L CAN_H CAN_L VCC Microcomputer P77(CANIN) P76(CANOUT) P65(SCLK) VCC VCC VCC P66(RxD) VCC NMI CNVss P50(CE) Reset Input RESET P55(EPM) User Reset Signal NOTES: 1. Control pins and external circuitry vary with the serial programmer. Refer to the user's manual included with the serial programmer. 2. In this example, a selector controls the voltage applied to the CNVSS pin to switch between in single-chip mode and in standard serial I/O mode. Figure 24.18 Circuit Application in Standard Serial I/O Mode 3 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 397 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 24. Flash Memory Version 24.5 Parallel I/O Mode In parallel I/O mode, the user ROM area and the boot ROM area can be rewritten by a parallel programmer supporting the M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T). Contact your parallel programmer manufacturer for more information on the parallel programmer. Refer to the user's manual included with your parallel programmer for instructions. 24.5.1 Boot ROM Area An erase block operation in the boot ROM area is applied to only one 4-Kbyte block. The rewrite control program in standard serial I/O mode is written in the boot ROM area before shipment. Do not rewrite the boot ROM area if using the serial programmer. In parallel I/O mode, the boot ROM area is located in addresses FFF00016 to FFFFFF16. Rewrite this address range only if rewriting the boot ROM area. (Do not access addresses other than addresses FFF00016 to FFFFFF16.) 24.5.2 ROM Code Protect Function The ROM code protect function prevents the flash memory from being read and rewritten in parallel I/O mode. (Refer to 24.2 Functions to Prevent Rewriting of Flash Memory.) Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 398 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 25. Electrical Characteristics (M32C/88T) 25. Electrical Characteristics Table 25.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Parameter Condition Value Unit VCC Supply Voltage VCC=AVCC -0.3 to 6.0 V AV CC Analog Supply Voltage VCC=AVCC -0.3 to 6.0 V VI Input Voltage -0.3 to VCC+0.3 V VO Output Voltage P00-P07, P10-P17, P20-P27, P30-P37, P40-P47, P50-P57, P60-P67, P72-P77, P80-P84, P86, P87, P90-P97, P100-P107, P110-P114, P120-P127, P130-P137, P140-P146, P150-P157(1), XOUT Pd Power Dissipation Topr Operating Ambient Temperature RESET, CNVSS, BYTE, P00-P07, P10-P17, P20P27, P30-P37, P40-P47, P50-P57, P60-P67, P72P77, P80-P87, P90-P97, P100-P107, P110-P114, P120-P127, P130-P137, P140-P146, P150-P157(1), VREF, XIN P70, P71 -0.3 to 6.0 -0.3 to VCC+0.3 P70, P71 during CPU operation -0.3 to 6.0 T version Tstg Storage Temperature Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 399 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 Topr=25° C 500 U version 400 T version -40 to 85 U version -40 to 105 during flash memory program and erase operation NOTE: 1. P11 to P15 are provided in the 144-pin package only. V mW °C 0 to 60 -65 to 150 °C 25. Electrical Characteristics (M32C/88T) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Table 25.2 Recommended Operating Conditions (VCC=4.2 to 5.5V, VSS=0V at Topr = -40 to 85oC (T version)/-40 to 105oC (U version) unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter VCC AVCC Supply Voltage Analog Supply Voltage VSS Supply Voltage Standard Min. 4.2 Typ. 5.0 VCC Max. 5.5 0 AVSS Analog Supply Voltage VIH Input High ("H") Voltage P00-P07, P10-P17, P20-P27, P30-P37, P40-P47, P50-P57, P60-P67, P72-P77, P80-P87(3), P90-P97, P100-P107, P110P114, P120-P127, P130-P137(4), P140-P146, P150-P157(4), V V V 0 0.8VCC Unit V VCC V XIN, RESET, CNVSS, BYTE P70, P71 VIL Input Low ("L") Voltage IOH(peak) Peak Output High ("H") Current(2) IOH(avg) Average Output High ("H") Current(1) IOL(peak) IOL(avg) 0.8VCC 6.0 0 0.2VCC V -10.0 mA -5.0 mA 10.0 mA 5.0 mA P00-P07, P10-P17, P20-P27, P30-P37, P40-P47, P50-P57, P60-P67, P72-P77, P80-P87(3), P90-P97, P100-P107, P110P114, P120-P127, P130-P137(4), P140-P146, P150-P157(4), XIN, RESET, CNVSS, BYTE P00-P07, P10-P17, P20-P27, P30-P37, P40-P47, P50-P57, P60P67, P72-P77, P80-P84, P86, P87, P90-P97, P100-P107, P110- P114, P120-P127, P130-P137, P140-P146, P150-P157(4) P00-P07, P10-P17, P20-P27, P30-P37, P40-P47, P50-P57, P60P67, P72-P77, P80-P84, P86, P87, P90-P97, P100-P107, P110P114, P120-P127, P130-P137, P140-P146, P150-P157(4) Peak Output Low P00-P07, P10-P17, P20-P27, P30-P37, P40-P47, P50-P57, P60("L") Current(2) P67, P70-P77, P80-P84, P86, P87, P90-P97, P100-P107, P110- Average Output Low ("L") Current(1) P114, P120-P127, P130-P137, P140-P146, P150-P157(4) P00-P07, P10-P17, P20-P27, P30-P37, P40-P47, P50-P57, P60P67, P70-P77, P80-P84, P86, P87, P90-P97, P100-P107, P110P114, P120-P127, P130-P137, P140-P146, P150-P157(4) NOTES: 1. Typical values when average output current is 100 ms. 2. Total IOL(peak) for P0, P1, P2, P86, P87, P9, P10, P11, P14 and P15 must be 80 mA or less. Total IOL(peak) for P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P80 to P84, P12 and P13 must be 80 mA or less. Total IOH(peak) for P0, P1, P2, and P11 must be -40mA or less. Total IOH(peak) for P86, P87, P9, P10, P14 and P15 must be -40 mA or less. Total IOH(peak) for P3, P4, P5, P12 and P13 must be -40 mA or less. Total IOH(peak) for P6, P7, and P80 to P84 must be -40 mA or less. 3. VIH and VIL reference for P87 applies when P87 is used as a programmable input port. It does not apply when P87 is used as XCIN. 4. Ports P11 to P15 are provided in the 144-pin package only. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 400 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 25. Electrical Characteristics (M32C/88T) Table 25.3 Recommended Operating Conditions (Continued) (VCC=4.2 to 5.5V, VSS=0V at Topr = -40 to 85oC (T version)/-40 to 105oC (U version) unless otherwise specified) Symbol Standard Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit f(BCLK) CPU Operation Frequency VCC=4.2 to 5.5 V 0 32 MHz f(XIN) Main Clock Input Frequency VCC=4.2 to 5.5 V 0 24 MHz f(XCIN) Sub Clock Frequency 32.768 50 kHz f(Ring) On-chip Oscillator Frequency (VCC=5.0V, Topr=25° C) 0.5 1 2 MHz f(PLL) PLL Clock Frequency VCC=4.2 to 5.5 V 10 32 MHz tSU(PLL) Wait Time to Stabilize PLL Frequency Synthesizer VCC=5.0 V 5 ms Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 401 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 25. Electrical Characteristics (M32C/88T) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) VCC=5V Table 25.4 Electrical Characteristics (VCC=4.2 to 5.5V, VSS=0V at Topr = -40 to 85oC (T version)/-40 to 105oC (U version), f(BCLK)=32MHz unless otherwise specified) Symbol VOH Parameter Output High ("H") Voltage P00-P07, P10-P17, P20-P27, P30-P37, P40-P47, IOH=-5 mA P50-P57, P60-P67, P72-P77, P80-P84, P86, P87, P90-P97, P100-P107, P110-P114, P120P127, P130-P137, P140-P146, P150-P157(1) P00-P07, P10-P17, P20-P27, P30-P37, P40-P47, IOH=-200 µA P50-P57, P60-P67, P72-P77, P80-P84, P86, P87, P90-P97, P100-P107, P110-P114, P120P127, P130-P137, P140-P146, P150-P157(1) XOUT IOH=-1 mA XCOUT VOL Output Low ("L") Voltage IIH IIL Input High ("H") Current Input Low ("L") Current RPULLUP Pull-up Resistance Standard Min. Typ. VCC-2.0 Max. VCC VCC-0.3 VCC 3.0 High Power 2.5 Low Power No load applied 1.6 High Power No load applied 0 Low Power No load applied 0 HOLD, RDY, TA0IN-TA4IN, TB0IN-TB5IN, INT0-INT5, ADTRG, CTS0-CTS4, CLK0-CLK4, TA0OUT-TA4OUT, NMI, KI0-KI3, RxD0-RxD4, SCL0-SCL4, SDA0-SDA4 RESET P00-P07, P10-P17, P20-P27, P30-P37, P40-P47, VI=5 V P50-P57, P60-P67, P70-P77, P80-P87, P90-P97, P100-P107, P110-P114, P120-P127, P130P137, P140-P146, P150-P157(1), XIN, RESET, CNVSS, BYTE P00-P07, P10-P17, P20-P27, P30-P37, P40-P47, VI=0 V P50-P57, P60-P67, P70-P77, P80-P87, P90-P97, P100-P107, P110-P114, P120-P127, P130P137, P140-P146, P150-P157(1), XIN, RESET, CNVSS, BYTE P00-P07, P10-P17, P20-P27, P30-P37, P40-P47, VI=0 V Unit V V V No load applied P00-P07, P10-P17, P20-P27, P30-P37, P40-P47, IOL=5mA P50-P57, P60-P67, P70-P77, P80-P84, P86, P87, P90-P97, P100-P107, P110-P114, P120P127, P130-P137, P140-P146, P150-P157(1) P00-P07, P10-P17, P20-P27, P30-P37, P40-P47, IOL=200 µA P50-P57, P60-P67, P70-P77, P80-P84, P86, P87, P90-P97, P100-P107, P110-P114, P120P127, P130-P137, P140-P146, P150-P157(1) XOUT IOL=1 mA XCOUT VT+-VT- Hysteresis Condition V 2.0 V 0.45 V 2.0 V V 0.2 1.0 V 0.2 1.8 5.0 V µA -5.0 µA 167 kΩ 30 50 P50-P57, P60-P67, P72-P77, P80-P84, P86, P87, P90-P97, P100-P107, P110-P114, P120P127, P130-P137, P140-P146, P150-P157(1) Feedback Resistance XIN RfXIN Feedback Resistance XCIN RfXCIN RAM Standby Voltage In stop mode VRAM NOTE: 1. Ports P11 to P15 are provided in the 144-pin package only. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 402 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 1.5 10 2.0 MΩ MΩ V 25. Electrical Characteristics (M32C/88T) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) VCC=5V Table 25.4 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) (VCC=4.2 to 5.5V, VSS=0V at Topr = -40 to 85oC (T version)/-40 to 105oC (U version), f(BCLK)=32MHz unless otherwise specified) Symbol I CC Parameter Measurement Condition Power Supply Current In single-chip mode, output pins are left open and other pins are connected to VSS. Standard Min. f(BCLK)=32 MHz, Square wave, No division f(BCLK)=32 kHz, In low-power consumption mode, Program running on ROM f(BCLK)=32 kHz, In low-power consumption mode, Program running on RAM(1) f(BCLK)=32 kHz, In wait mode, Topr=25° C While clock stops, Topr=25° C While clock stops, Topr=85° C While clock stops, Topr=105° C While clock stops, Topr=125° C NOTE: 1. Value is obtained when setting the FMSTP bit in the FMR0 register to "1" (flash memory stopped). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 403 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 Typ. 28 Unit Max. 50 mA 430 µA 25 µA 10 µA 0.8 5 50 100 200 µA µA µA µA 25. Electrical Characteristics (M32C/88T) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) VCC=5V Table 25.5 A/D Conversion Characteristics (VCC=4.2 to 5.5V, VSS=0V at Topr = -40 to 85oC (T version)/-40 to 105oC (U version), f(BCLK)=32MHz unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter Standard Measurement Condition Min. - INL Resolution VREF=VCC Integral Nonlinearity Error DNL VREF=VCC=5V Unit Typ. Max. 10 AN0 to AN7, AN00 to AN07, AN20 to AN27, AN150 to AN157, ANEX0, ANEX1 ±3 External op-amp connection mode ±7 Bits LSB LSB LSB LSB Differential Nonlinearity Error ±1 LSB - Offset Error ±3 LSB - Gain Error ±3 LSB 40 kΩ RLADDER Resistor Ladder tCONV 10-bit Conversion Time(1, 2) VREF=VCC 8 Time(1, 2) 2.06 µs 1.75 µs 0.188 µs tCONV 8-bit Conversion tSAMP Sampling Time(1) VREF Reference Voltage 2 VCC V VIA Analog Input Voltage 0 VREF V NOTES: 1. Divide f(XIN), if exceeding 16 MHz, to keep φAD frequency at 16 MHz or less. 2. With using the sample and hold function. Table 25.6 D/A Conversion Characteristics (VCC=4.2 to 5.5V, VSS=0V at Topr = -40 to 85oC (T version)/-40 to 105oC (U version), f(BCLK)=32MHz unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter Standard Measurement Condition Min. tSU - Resolution - Absolute Accuracy Typ. Unit Max. Setup Time RO Output Resistance IVREF Reference Power Supply Input Current 4 10 (Note 1) NOTE: 1. Measurement when using one D/A converter. The DAi register (i=0, 1) of the D/A converter, not being used, is set to "0016". The resistor ladder in the A/D converter is excluded. IVREF flows even if the VCUT bit in the AD0CON1 register is set to "0" (no VREF connection). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 404 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 8 Bits 1.0 % 3 µs 20 kΩ 1.5 mA 25. Electrical Characteristics (M32C/88T) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) VCC=5V Table 25.7 Flash Memory Version Electrical Characteristics (VCC=4.5 to 5.5V at Topr= 0 to 60oC unless otherwise specified) Symbol Standard Parameter Min. 100 Typ. Max. Unit - Program and Erase Endurance(2) - Word Program Time (VCC=5.0V, Topr=25° C) 25 200 µs - Lock Bit Program Time Block Erase Time (VCC=5.0V, Topr=25° C) 25 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.8 µs - All-Unlocked-Block Erase Time(1) Wait Time to Stabilize Flash Memory Circuit Data Hold Time (Topr=-40 to 85 ° C) 200 4 4 4 4 4xn 15 tPS 4-Kbyte Block 8-Kbyte Block 32-Kbyte Block 64-Kbyte Block cycles s s s s s µs 10 years NOTES: 1. n denotes the number of block to be erased. 2. Number of program-erase cycles per block. If Program and Erase Endurance is n cycle (n=100), each block can be erased and programmed n cycles. For example, if a 4-Kbyte block A is erased after programming a word data 2,048 times, each to a different address, this counts as one program and erase endurance. Data can not be programmed to the same address more than once without erasing the block. (rewrite prohibited). Table 25.8 Power Supply Timing Symbol Parameter Standard Measurement Condition Min. td(P-R) Wait Time to Stabilize Internal Supply Voltage when Power-on td(P-R) Recommanded Operating Voltage VCC Wait Time to Stabilize Internal Supply Voltage when Power-on td(P-R) CPU Clock Figure 25.1 Power Supply Timing Diagram Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 405 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 VCC=4.2 to 5.5V Typ. Unit Max. 2 ms 25. Electrical Characteristics (M32C/88T) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) VCC=5V Timing Requirements (VCC=4.2 to 5.5V, VSS=0V at Topr = -40 to 85oC (T version)/-40 to 105oC (U version) unless otherwise specified) Table 25.9 External Clock Input Symbol Parameter Standard Min. Max. Unit tc External Clock Input Cycle Time 31.25 ns tw(H) External Clock Input High ("H") Width 13.75 ns tw(L) External Clock Input Low ("L") Width 13.75 ns tr External Clock Rise Time 5 ns tf External Clock Fall Time 5 ns Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 406 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 25. Electrical Characteristics (M32C/88T) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) VCC=5V Timing Requirements (VCC=4.2 to 5.5V, VSS=0V at Topr = -40 to 85oC (T version)/-40 to 105oC (U version) unless otherwise specified) Table 25.10 Timer A Input (Count Source Input in Event Counter Mode) Symbol Standard Parameter Min. Unit Max. tc(TA) TAiIN Input Cycle Time 100 ns tw(TAH) TAiIN Input High ("H") Width 40 ns tw(TAL) TAiIN Input Low ("L") Width 40 ns Table 25.11 Timer A Input (Gate Input in Timer Mode) Standard Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Unit tc(TA) TAiIN Input Cycle Time 400 ns tw(TAH) TAiIN Input High ("H") Width 200 ns tw(TAL) TAiIN Input Low ("L") Width 200 ns Table 25.12 Timer A Input (External Trigger Input in One-Shot Timer Mode) Standard Symbol Parameter Unit Min. Max. tc(TA) TAiIN Input Cycle Time 200 ns tw(TAH) TAiIN Input High ("H") Width 100 ns tw(TAL) TAiIN Input Low ("L") Width 100 ns Table 25.13 Timer A Input (External Trigger Input in Pulse Width Modulation Mode) Standard Symbol Parameter Unit Min. Max. tw(TAH) TAiIN Input High ("H") Width 100 ns tw(TAL) TAiIN Input Low ("L") Width 100 ns Table 25.14 Timer A Input (Counter Increment/Decrement Input in Event Counter Mode) Standard Symbol Parameter Unit Min. Max. tc(UP) TAiOUT Input Cycle Time 2000 ns tw(UPH) TAiOUT Input High ("H") Width 1000 ns tw(UPL) TAiOUT Input Low ("L") Width 1000 ns tsu(UP-TIN) TAiOUT Input Setup Time 400 ns th(TIN-UP) TAiOUT Input Hold Time 400 ns Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 407 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 25. Electrical Characteristics (M32C/88T) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) VCC=5V Timing Requirements (VCC=4.2 to 5.5V, VSS=0V at Topr = -40 to 85oC (T version)/-40 to 105oC (U version) unless otherwise specified) Table 25.15 Timer B Input (Count Source Input in Event Counter Mode) Symbol Parameter Standard Min. Max. Unit tc(TB) TBiIN Input Cycle Time (counted on one edge) tw(TBH) TBiIN Input High ("H") Width (counted on one edge) 40 ns tw(TBL) TBiIN Input Low ("L") Width (counted on one edge) 40 ns 100 ns tc(TB) TBiIN Input Cycle Time (counted on both edges) 200 ns tw(TBH) TBiIN Input High ("H") Width (counted on both edges) 80 ns tw(TBL) TBiIN Input Low ("L") Width (counted on both edges) 80 ns Table 25.16 Timer B Input (Pulse Period Measurement Mode) Symbol Parameter Standard Min. Max. Unit tc(TB) TBiIN Input Cycle Time 400 ns tw(TBH) TBiIN Input High ("H") Width 200 ns tw(TBL) TBiIN Input Low ("L") Width 200 ns Table 25.17 Timer B Input (Pulse Width Measurement Mode) Standard Symbol Parameter Unit Min. Max. tc(TB) TBiIN Input Cycle Time 400 ns tw(TBH) TBiIN Input High ("H") Width 200 ns tw(TBL) TBiIN Input Low ("L") Width 200 ns Table 25.18 A/D Trigger Input Symbol Parameter Standard Min. Max Unit tc(AD) ADTRG Input Cycle Time (required for trigger) 1000 ns tw(ADL) ADTRG Input Low ("L") Pulse Width 125 ns Table 25.19 Serial I/O Symbol Parameter Standard Min. Max. Unit tc(CK) CLKi Input Cycle Time 200 ns tw(CKH) CLKi Input High ("H") Width 100 ns tw(CKL) CLKi Input Low ("L") Width 100 td(C-Q) TxDi Output Delay Time ns 80 ns th(C-Q) TxDi Hold Time 0 ns tsu(D-C) RxDi Input Setup Time 30 ns th(C-Q) RxDi Input Hold Time 90 ns _______ Table 25.20 External Interrupt INTi Input Symbol Parameter Standard Min. Max. Unit tw(INH) INTi Input High ("H") Width 250 ns tw(INL) INTi Input Low ("L") Width 250 ns Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 408 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 25. Electrical Characteristics (M32C/88T) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) VCC=5V P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 30pF P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 Note 1 P14 P15 NOTE: 1. Ports P11 to P15 are provided in the 144-pin package only. Figure 25.2 P0 to P15 Measurement Circuit Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 409 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 25. Electrical Characteristics (M32C/88T) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Vcc=5V tc(TA) tw(TAH) TAiIN Input tw(TAL) tc(UP) tw(UPH) TAiOUT Input tw(UPL) TAiOUT Input (Counter increment/ decrement input) In event counter mode TAiIN Input th(TIN–UP) tsu(UP–TIN) (When counting on the falling edge) TAiIN Input (When counting on the rising edge) tc(TB) tw(TBH) TBiIN Input tw(TBL) tc(AD) tw(ADL) ADTRG Input tc(CK) tw(CKH) CLKi tw(CKL) th(C–Q) TxDi td(C–Q) tsu(D–C) th(C–D) RxDi tw(INL) INTi Input tw(INH) NMI Input 2 CPU clock cycles + 300ns or more ("L" width) Figure 25.3 VCC=5V Timing Diagram Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 410 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 2 CPU clock cycles + 300ns or more 26. Precautions (Special Function Registers(SFRs)) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 26. Precautions 26.1 Special Function Registers (SFRs) 26.1.1 100-Pin Package Set address spaces 03CB16, 03CE16, 03CF16, 03D216, 03D316 to "FF16" after reset when using the 100pin package. Address space 03DC16 must be set to "0016" after reset. 26.1.2 Register Settings Table 26.2 lists registers containing bits which can only be written to. Set these registers with immediate values. When establishing the next value by altering the present value, write the present value to the RAM as well as to the register. Transfer the next value to the register after making changes in the RAM. Table 26.1 Registers with Write-only Bits Register Address Register Address WDTS Register 000E16 U3BRG Register 032916 G0RI Register 00EC16 U3TB Register 032B16, 032A16 G1RI Register 012C16 U2BRG Register 033916 U1BRG Register 02E916 U2TB Register 033B16, 033A16 U1TB Register 02EB16, 02EA16 UDF Register 034416 U4BRG Register 02F916 TA0 Register(1) 034716, 034616 TA1 Register(1) 034916, 034816 Register(1) 034B16, 034A16 U4TB Register 02FB16, 02FA16 TA11 Register 030316, 030216 TA2 TA21 Register 030516, 030416 TA3 Register(1) 034D16, 034C16 TA41 Register 030716, 030616 TA4 Register(1) 034F16, 034E16 DTT Register 030C16 U0BRG Register 036916 ICTB2 Register 030D16 U0TB Register 036B16, 36A16 NOTE: 1. In one-shot timer mode and pulse width modulation mode only. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 411 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 26. Precautions (Clock Generation Circuit) 26.2 Clock Generation Circuit 26.2.1 CPU Clock • When the CPU operating frequency is 24 MHz or more, use the following procedure for better EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) performance. 1) Oscillator connected between the XIN and XOUT pins, or external clock applied to the XIN pin, has less than 24 MHz frequency. 2) Use the PLL frequency synthesizer to multiply the main clock. • The main clock frequency must be 24 MHz or less. 26.2.2 Sub Clock Set the CM03 bit to "0" (XCIN-XCOUT drive capacity "LOW") when selecting the sub clock (XCIN-XCOUT) as the CPU clock, or Timer A or Timer B count source (fC32). Sub Clock Oscillation When oscillating the sub clock, set the CM04 bit in the CM0 register to "1" (XCIN-XCOUT oscillation function) after setting the CM07 bit in the CM0 register to "0" (clock other than sub clock) and the CM03 bit to "1" (XCIN-XCOUT drive capacity "HIGH"). Set the CM03 bit to "0" after sub clock oscillation stabilizes. Set the sub clock as the CPU clock, or Timer A or Timer B count source (fC32) after the above settings are completed. Using Stop Mode When the microcomputer enters stop mode, the CM03 bit is automatically set to "1" (XCIN-XCOUT drive capacity "HIGH"). Use the following procedure to select the main clock as the CPU clock when entering stop mode. 1) Set the CM17 bit in the CM1 register to "0" (main clock). 2) Set the CM21 bit in the CM2 register to "0" (clock selected by the CM17 bit). 3) Set the CM07 bit in the CM0 register to "0" (clock selected by the CM21 bit divided by the MCD register setting). After exiting stop mode, wait for the sub clock oscillation to stabilize. Then set the CM03 bit to "0" and the CM07 bit to "1" (sub clock). Oscillation Parameter Matching If the sub slock oscillation parameters have only been evaluated with the drive capacity "HIGH", the parameters should be reevaluated for drive capacity "LOW". Contact your oscillator manufacturer for details on matching parameters. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 412 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 26. Precautions (Clock Generation Circuit) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 26.2.3 PLL Frequency Synthesizer Stabilize supply voltage to meet the power supply standard when using the PLL frequency synthesizer. Table 26.2 Power Supply Ripple Symbol Standard Parameter Min. Unit Typ. Max. f(ripple) Power Supply Ripple Tolerable Frequency (VCC) VCC=5V 10 kHz VP-P(ripple) Power Supply Ripple Voltage Fluctuation Range VCC=5V 0.5 V VCC(| Power Supply Ripple Voltage Fluctuation Rate VCC=5V 1 V/ms V/ T|) f(ripple) f(ripple) Power Supply Ripple Tolerable Frequency (VCC) Vp-p(ripple) Power Supply Ripple Amplitude Voltage VCC Vp-p(ripple) Figure 26.1 Power Supply Fluctuation Timing 26.2.4 External Clock Do not stop an external clock running if the main clock is selected as the CPU clock while the external clock is applied to the XIN pin. Do not set the CM05 bit in the CM0 register to "1" (main clock stopped) while the external clock input is used for the CPU clock. 26.2.5 Clock Divide Ratio Set the PM12 bit in the PM1 register to "0" (no wait state) when changing the MCD4 to MCD0 bit settings in the MCD register. 26.2.6 Power Consumption Control Stabilize the main clock, sub clock or PLL clock to switch the CPU clock source to each clock. Wait Mode When entering wait mode while the CM02 bit in the CM0 register is set to "1" (peripheral function stop in wait mode), set the MCD4 to MCD0 bits in the MCD register to maintain the 10-MHz CPU clock frequency or less. When entering wait mode, the instruction queue reads ahead to instructions following the WAIT instruction, and the program stops. Write at least 4 NOP instructions after the WAIT instruction. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 413 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 26. Precautions (Clock Generation Circuit) Stop Mode • Use the following procedure to select the main clock as the CPU clock when entering stop mode. 1) Set the CM17 bit in the CM1 register to "0" (main clock). 2) Set the CM21 bit in the CM2 register to "0" (clock selected by the CM17 bit). 3) Set the CM07 bit in the CM0 register to "0" (clock selected by the CM21 bit divided by the MCD register setting). If the PLL clock is selected as the CPU clock source, set the CM17 bit to "0" (main clock) and the PLC07 bit in the PLC0 register to "0" (PLL off) before entering stop mode. ______ • The microcomputer cannot enter stop mode if a low-level signal ("L") is applied to the NMI pin. Apply a high-level ("H") signal instead. ____________ • If stop mode is exited by any reset, apply an "L" signal to the RESET pin until a main clock oscillation is stabilized enough. ______ • If using the NMI interrupt to exit stop mode, use the following procedure to set the CM10 bit in the CM1 register (all clocks stopped). ______ 1) Exit stop mode with using the NMI interrupt. 2) Generate a dummy interrupt. 3) Set the CM10 bit to "1". e.g., int #63 ; dummy interrupt bset cm1 ; all clocks stopped /* dummy interrupt handling */ dummy reit • When entering stop mode, the instruction queue reads ahead to instructions following the instruction setting the CM10 bit in the CM1 register to "1" (all clocks stopped), and the program stops. When the microcomputer exits stop mode, the instruction lined in the instruction queue is executed before the interrupt routine for recovery is done. Write the JMP.B instruction, as follows, after the instruction setting the CM10 bit in the CM1 register to "1" (all clocks stopped). e.g., bset 0, prcr ; protection removed bset 0, cm1 ; all clocks stopped jmp.b LABEL_001 ; JMP.B instruction executed (no instuction between JMP.B ; and LABEL.) LABEL_001: nop ; NOP (1) nop ; NOP (2) nop ; NOP (3) nop ; NOP (4) mov.b #0, prcr ; Protection set • • • Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 414 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 26. Precautions (Clock Generation Circuit) Suggestions for Reducing Power Consumption The followings are suggestions for reducing power consumption when programming or designing systems. Ports: I/O ports maintains the same state despite the microcomputer entering wait mode or stop mode. Current flows through active output ports. Feedthrough current flows through input ports in a high-impedance state. Set unassigned ports as input ports and stabilize electrical potential before entering wait mode or stop mode. A/D Converter: If the A/D conversion is not performed, set the VCUT bit in the AD0CON1 register to "0" (no VREF connection). Set the VCUT bit to "1" (VREF connection) and wait at least 1µs before starting the A/D conversion. D/A Converter: Set the DAi bit (i=0, 1) in the DACON register to "0" (output disabled) and set the DAi register to "0016" when the D/A conversion is not performed. Peripheral Function Stop: Set the CM02 bit in the CM0 register while in wait mode to stop unnecessary peripheral functions. However, this does not reduce power consumption because the peripheral function clock (fc32) generating from the sub clock does not stop. When in low-speed mode and low-power consumption mode, do not enter wait mode when the CM02 bit is set to "1" (peripheral clock stops in wait mode). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 415 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 26. Precautions (Protection) 26.3 Protection The PRC2 bit setting in the PRCR register is changed to "0" (write disabled) when an instruction is written to any address after the PRC2 bit is set to "1" (write enabled). Write instruction immediately after setting the PRC2 bit to "1" to change registers protected by the PRC2 bit. Do not generate an interrupt or a DMA transfer between the instruction to set the PRC2 bit to "1" and the next instruction. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 416 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 26. Precautions (Interrupts) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 26.4 Interrupts 26.4.1 ISP Setting After reset, the ISP is set to "00000016". The program runs out of control if an interrupt is acknowledged before the ISP is set. Therefore, the ISP must be set before an interrupt request is generated. Set the ISP to an even address, which allows interrupt sequences to be executed at a higher speed. _______ _______ To use NMI interrupt, set the ISP at the beginning of the program. The NMI interrupt can be acknowledged after the first instruction has been executed after reset. _______ 26.4.2 NMI Interrupt _______ _______ • NMI interrupt cannot be denied. Connect the NMI pin to VCC via a resistor (pull-up) when not in use. _______ • The P8_5 bit in the P8 register indicates the NMI pin value. Read the P8_5 bit only to determine the pin _______ level after a NMI interrupt occurs. _______ • "H" and "L" signals applied to the NMI pin must be over 2 CPU clock cycles + 300 ns wide. _______ • NMI interrupt request may not be acknowledged if this and other interrupt requests are generated simultaneously. ______ 26.4.3 INT Interrupt • Edge Sensitive ______ ______ "H" and "L" signals applied to the INT0 to INT5 pins must be at least 250 ns wide, regardless of the CPU clock. • Level Sensitive ______ ______ "H" and "L" signals applied to the INT0 to INT5 pins must be at least 1 CPU clock cycle + 200 ns wide. For example, "H" and "L" must be at least 234ns wide if XIN=30MHz with no division. ______ ______ • The IR bit setting may change to "1" (interrupt requested) when switching the polarity of the INT0 to INT5 pins. Set the IR bit to "0" (no interrupt requested) after selecting the polarity. Figure 26.3 shows an ______ example of the switching procedure for the INT interrupt. Set the ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits in the INTiIC register (i = 0 to 5) to "0002" (level 0) (INT interrupt disabled) Set the POL bit in the INTiIC register Set the IR bit in the INTiIC register to "0" Set the ILVL2 to ILVL0 bits to "0012" (level 1) to "1112" (level 7) (INT interrupt request acknowledgement enabled) ______ Figure 26.2 Switching Procedure for INT Interrupt Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 417 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 26. Precautions (Interrupts) 26.4.4 Watchdog Timer Interrupt Reset the watchdog timer after a watchdog timer interrupt occurs. 26.4.5 Changing Interrupt Control Register To change the interrupt control register while the interrupt request is denied, follow the instructions below. Changing IR bit The IR bit setting may not change to "0" (no interrupt requested) depending on the instructions written. If this is a problem, use the following instruction to change the register: MOV Changing Bits Except IR Bit When an interrupt request is generated while executing an instruction, the IR bit may not be set to "1" (interrupt requested) and the interrupt may be ignored. If this is a problem, use the following instructions to change the register: AND, OR, BCLR, BSET 26.4.6 Changing IIOiIR Register (i = 0 to 6, 8 to 11) Use the following instructions to set bits 1 to 7 in the IIOilR register to "0" (no interrupt requested): AND, BCLR 26.4.7 Changing RLVL Register The DMAII bit is indeterminate after reset. When using the DMAII bit to generate an interrupt, set the interrupt control register after setting the DMAII bit to "0" (interrupt priority level 7 available for interrupts). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 418 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 26. Precautions (DMAC) 26.5 DMAC • Set DMAC-associated registers while the MDi1 and MDi0 bits (i=0 to 3) in the channel to be used are set to "002" (DMA disabled). Set the MDi1 and MDi0 bits to "012" (single transfer) or "112" (repeat transfer) at the end of setup procedure to start DMA requests. • Do not set the DRQ bit in the DMiSL register to "0" (no request). If a DMA request is generated but the receiving channel is not ready to receive(1), the DMA transfer does not occur and the DRQ bit is set to "0". NOTE: 1. The MDi1 and MDi0 bits are set to "002" or the DCTi register is set to "000016" (transferred 0 times). • To start a DMA transfer by a software trigger, set the DSR bit and DRQ bit in the DMiSL register to "1" simultaneously. e.g., OR.B #0A0h,DMiSL ; Set the DSR and DRQ bits to "1" simultaneously • Do not generate a channel i DMA request when setting the MDi1 and MDi0 bits in the DMDj register (j=0,1) corresponding to channel i to "012" (single transfer) or "112" (repeat transfer), if the DCTi register of channel i is set to "1". • Select the peripheral function which causes the DMA request after setting the DMA-associated regis______ ters. If none of the conditions above (setting INT interrupt as DMA request source) apply, do not write "1" to the DCTi register. • Enable DMA(2) after setting the DMiSL register (i=0 to 3) and waiting six BCLK cycles or more by program. NOTE: 2. DMA is enabled when the values set in the MDi1 and MDi0 bits in the DMDj register are changed from "002" (DMA disabled) to "012" (single transfer) or "112" (repeat transfer). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 419 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 26. Precautions (Timer) 26.6 Timer 26.6.1 Timers A and B Timers stop after reset. Set the TAiS(i=0 to 4) bit or TBjS(j=0 to 5) bit in the TABSR register or TBSR register to "1" (starts counting) after setting operating mode, count source and counter. The following registers and bits must be set while the TAiS bit or TBjS bit is set to "0" (stops counting). • TAiMR, TBjMR register • TAi, TBj register • UDF register • TAZIE, TA0TGL, TA0TGH bits in the ONSF register • TRGSR register 26.6.2 Timer A The TA1OUT, TA2OUT and TA4OUT pins are placed in high-impedance states when a low-level ("L") signal _______ is applied to the NMI pin while the INV03 and INV02 bits in the INVC0 register are set to "112" (forced _______ cutoff of the three-phase output by an "L" signal applied to the NMI pin). Timer A (Timer Mode) • The TAiS bit (i=0 to 4) in the TABSR register is set to "0" (stops counting) after reset. Set the TAiS bit to "1" (starts counting) after selecting an operating mode and setting the TAi register. • The TAi register indicates the counter value during counting at any given time. However, the counter is "FFFF16" when reloading. The setting value can be read after setting the TAi register while the counter stops and before the counter starts counting. Timer A (Event Counter Mode) • The TAiS (i=0 to 4) bit in the TABSR register is set to "0" (stops counting) after reset. Set the TAiS bit to "1" (starts counting) after selecting an operating mode and setting the TAi register. • The TAi register indicates the counter values during counting at any given time. However, the counter will be "FFFF16" during underflow and "000016" during overflow, when reloading. The setting value can be read after setting the TAi register while the counter stops and before the counter starts counting. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 420 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 26. Precautions (Timer) Timer A (One-shot Timer Mode) • The TAiS (i=0 to 4) bit in the TABSR register is set to "0" (stops counting) after reset. Set the TAiS bit to "1" (starts counting) after selecting an operating mode and setting the TAi register. • The followings occur when the TABSR register is set to "0" (stops counting) while counting: - The counter stops counting and the microcomputer reloads contents of the reload register. - The TAiOUT pin becomes low ("L"). - The IR bit in the TAiIC register is set to "1" (interrupt requested) after one CPU clock cycle. • The output of the one-shot timer is synchronized with an internal count source. When set to an external trigger, there is a delay of one count source cycle maximum, from trigger input to the TAiIN pin to the one-shot timer output. • The IR bit is set to "1" when the following procedures are performed to set timer mode: - selecting one-shot timer mode after reset. - switching from timer mode to one-shot timer mode. - switching from event counter mode to one-shot timer mode. Therefore, set the IR bit to "0" to generate a timer Ai interrupt (IR bit) after performing these procedures. • When a trigger is generated while counting, the reload register reloads and continues counting after the counter has decremented once following a re-trigger. To generate a trigger while counting, wait at least 1 count source cycle after the previous trigger has been generated and generate a retrigger. • If an external trigger input is selected to start counting in timer A one-shot timer mode, do not provide another external trigger input again for 300 ns before the timer A counter value reaches "000016". One-shot timer may stop counting. Timer A (Pulse Width Modulation Mode) • The TAiS(i=0 to 4) bit in the TABSR register is set to "0" (stops counting) after reset. Set the TAiS bit to "1" (starts counting) after selecting an operating mode and setting the TAi register. • The IR bit is set to "1" when the following procedures are performed to set timer mode: - Selecting PWM mode after reset - Switching from timer mode to PWM mode - Switching from event counter mode to PWM mode Therefore, set the IR bit to "0" by program to generate a timer Ai interrupt (IR bit) after performing these procedures. • The followings occur when the TAiS bit is set to "0" (stops counting) while PWM pulse is output: - The counter stops counting - Output level changes to low ("L") and the IR bit changes to "1" when the TAiOUT pin is held high ("H") - The IR bit and the output level remain unchanged when TAiOUT pin is held "L" Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 421 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 26. Precautions (Timer) 26.6.3 Timer B Timer B (Timer Mode, Event Counter Mode) • The TBiS (i=0 to 5) bit is set to "0" (stops counting) after reset. Set the TBiS bit to "1" (starts counting) after selecting an operating mode and setting TBi register. The TB2S to TB0S bits are bits 7 to 5 in the TABSR register. The TB5S to TB3S bits are bits 7 to 5 in the TBSR register. • The TBi register indicates the counter value during counting at any given time. However, the counter is "FFFF16" when reloading. The setting value can be read after setting the TBi register while the counter stops and before the counter starts counting. Timer B (Pulse Period/Pulse Width Measurement Mode) • The IR bit in the TBiIC (i=0 to 5) register is set to "1" (interrupt requested) when the valid edge of a pulse to be measured is input and when the timer Bi counter overflows. The MR3 bit in the TBiMR register determines the interrupt source within an interrupt routine. • Use another timer to count how often the timer counter overflows when an interrupt source cannot be determined by the MR3 bit, such as when a pulse to be measured is input at the same time the timer counter overflows. • To set the MR3 bit in the TBiMR register to "0" (no overflow), set the TBiMR register after the MR3 bit is set to "1" (overflow) and one or more cycles of the count source are counted, while the TBiS bits in the TABSR and TBSR registers are set to "1" (starts counting). • The IR bit in the TBiIC register is used to detect overflow only. Use the MR3 bit only to determine interrupt source within an interrupt routine. • Indeterminate values are transferred to the reload register during the first valid edge input after counting is started. Timer Bi interrupt request is not generated at this time. • The counter value is indeterminate when counting is started. Therefore, the MR3 bit setting may change to "1" (overflow) and causes timer Bi interrupt requests to be generated until a valid edge is input after counting is started. • The IR bit may be set to "1" (interrupt requested) if the MR1 and MR0 bits in the TBiMR register are set to a different value after a count begins. If the MR1 and MR0 bits are rewritten, but to the same value as before, the IR bit remains unchanged. • Pulse width measurement measures pulse width continuously. Use program to determine whether measurement results are high ('"H") or low ("L"). Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 422 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 26. Precautions (Serial I/O) 26.7 Serial I/O 26.7.1 Clock Synchronous Serial I/O Mode _______ The RTS2 and CLK2 pins are placed in high-impedance states when a low-level ("L") signal is applied to ______ the NMI pin while the INV03 to INV02 bits in the INVC0 register are set to "112" (forced cutoff of the three_______ phase output by an "L" signal applied to the NMI pin). Transmission /Reception _______ ________ When the RTS function is used while an external clock is selected, the output level of the RTSi pin is held "L" indicating that the microcomputer is ready for reception. The transmitting microcomputer is ________ notified that reception is possible. The output level of the RTSi pin becomes high ("H") when reception ________ ________ begins. Therefore, connecting the RTSi pin to the CTSi pin of the transmitting microcomputer synchro_______ nizes transmission and reception. The RTS function is disabled if an internal clock is selected. Transmission When an external clock is selected while the CKPOL bit in the UiC0 (i=0 to 4) register is set to "0" (data is transmitted on the falling edge of the transfer clock and received on the rising edge) and the external clock is held "H", or when the CKPOL bit is set to "1" (data is transmitted on the rising edge of the transfer clock and received on the falling edge) and the external clock is held "L", meet the following conditions: • Set the TE bit in the UiC1 register to "1" (receive enabled) • Set the TI bit in the UiC1 register to "0" (data in the UiTB register) ________ ________ • Apply "L" signal to the CTSi pin if the CTS function is selected Reception Activating the transmitter in clock synchronous serial I/O mode generates the shift clock. Therefore, set for transmission even if the microcomputer is used for reception only. Dummy data is output from the TxDi pin while receiving. If an internal clock is selected, the shift clock is generated when the TE bit in the UiC1 registers is set to "1" (receive enabled) and dummy data is set in the UiTB register. If an external clock is selected, the shift clock is generated when the external clock is input into CLKi pin while the TE bit is set to "1" (receive enabled) and dummy data is set in the UiTB register. When receiving data consecutively while the RE bit in the UiC1 register is set to "1" (data in the UiRB register) and the next data is received by the UARTi reception register, an overrun error occurs and the OER bit in the UiRB register is set to "1" (overrun error). In this case, the UiRB register is indeterminate. When overrun error occurs, program both reception and transmission registers to retransmit earlier data. The IR bit in the SiRIC does not change when an overrun error occurs. When receiving data consecutively, feed dummy data to the low-order byte in the UiTB register every time a reception is made. When an external clock is selected while the CKPOL bit in the UiC0 register is set to "0" (data is transmitted on the falling edge of the transfer clock and received on the rising edge) and the external clock is held "H" or when the CKPOL bit is set to "1" (data is transmitted on the rising edge of the transfer clock and received on the falling edge) and the external clock is held "L", meet the following conditions: • Set the RE bit in the UiC1 register to "1" (receive enabled) • Set the TE bit in the UiC1 register to "1" (transmit enabled) • Set the TI bit in the UiC1 register to "0" (data in the UiTB register) Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 423 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 26. Precautions (Serial I/O) 26.7.2 UART Mode Set the UiERE bit (i=0 to 4) in the UiC1 register after setting the UiMR register. 26.7.3 Special Mode 1 (I2C Mode) To generate the start condition, stop condition or restart condition, set the STSPSEL bit in the UiSMR4 register to "0" first. Then, change each condition generating bit (the STAREQ bit, STPREQ bit or RSTAREQ bit) setting from "0" to "1" after going through a half cycle of the transfer clock. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 424 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 26. Precautions (A/D Converter) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 26.8 A/D Converter • Set the AD0CON0 (bit 6 excluded), AD0CON1, AD0CON2, AD0CON3, and AD0CON4 registers while the A/D conversion is stopped (before a trigger is generated). • Wait a minimum of 1µs before starting the A/D conversion when changing the VCUT bit setting in the AD0CON1 register from "0" (VREF no connection) to "1" (VREF connection). Change the VCUT bit setting from "1" to "0" after the A/D conversion is completed. • Insert capacitors between the AVCC pin, VREF pin, analog input pin ANij (i=none, 0, 2, 15; j=0 to 7) and AVSS pin to prevent latch-ups and malfunctions due to noise, and to minimize conversion errors. The same applies to the VCC and VSS pins. Figure 26.4 shows the use of capacitors to reduce noise. Microcomputer VCC VCC VCC AVCC VSS VREF C4 C1 C2 AVSS VCC C3 VCC C5 ANi VSS ANi: ANi, AN0i, AN15i and AN2i (i=0 to 7) NOTES: 1. C1≥0.47µF, C2≥0.47µF, C3≥100pF, C4≥0.1µF, C5≥0.1µF (reference) 2. Use thick and shortest possible wiring to connect capacitors. Figure 26.3 Use of Capacitors to Reduce Noise • Set the bit in the port direction register, which corresponds to the pin being used as the analog input, to __________ "0" (input mode). Set the bit in the port direction register, which corresponds to the ADTRG pin, to "0" (input mode) if the TRG bit in the AD0CON0 register is set to "1" (external trigger). • When generating a key input interrupt, do not use the AN4 to AN7 pins as analog input pins (key input interrupt request is generated when the A/D input voltage becomes "L"). • The φAD frequency must be 16MHz or less. When the sample and hold function is not activated, the φAD frequency must be 250 kHz or more. If the sample and hold function is activated, the φAD frequency must be 1MHz or more. • Set the CH2 to CH0 bits in the AD0CON0 register or the SCAN1 and SCAN0 bits in the AD0CON1 register to re-select analog input pins when changing A/D conversion mode. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 425 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 26. Precautions (A/D Converter) • AVCC = VREF = VCC, A/D input voltage (for AN0 to AN7, AN00 to AN07, and AN20 to AN27, AN150 to AN157, ANEX0, and ANEX1) ≤ VCC. • Wrong values are stored in the AD0i register (i=0 to 7) if the CPU reads the AD0i register while the AD0i register stores results from a completed A/D conversion. This occurs when the CPU clock is set to a divided main clock or a sub clock. In one-shot mode or single sweep mode, read the corresponding AD0i register after verifying that the A/D conversion has been completed. The IR bit in the AD0IC register determines the completion of the A/D conversion. In repeat mode, repeat sweep mode 0, repeat sweep mode 1, multi-port single sweep mode, and multiport repeat sweep mode 0, use an undivided main clock as the CPU clock. • Conversion results of the A/D converter are indeterminate if the ADST bit in the AD0CON0 register is set to "0" (A/D conversion stopped) and the conversion is forcibly terminated by program during the A/D conversion. The AD0i register not performing the A/D conversion may also be indeterminate. If the ADST bit is changed to "0" by program, during the A/D conversion, do not use any values obtained from the AD0i registers. • External triggers cannot be used in DMAC operating mode. Do not read the AD00 register by program. • Do not perform the A/D conversion in wait mode. • Set the MCD4 to MCD0 bits in the MCD register to "100102" (no division) if using the sample and hold function. • Do not acknowledge any interrupt requests, even if generated, before setting the ADST bit, if the A/D conversion is terminated by setting the ADST bit in the AD0CON0 register to "0" (A/D conversion stopped) while the microcomputer is A/D converting in single sweep mode. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 426 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 26. Precautions (Intelligent I/O) 26.9 Intelligent I/O 26.9.1 Register Setting Operations, controlled by the values written to the G1BT, G1BCR1, G1TMCR0 to G1TMCR7, G1TPR6, G1TPR7, G1TM0 to G1TM7, G1POCR0 to G1POCR7, G1PO0 to G1PO7, G1FS and G1FE registers, are affected by the count source (fBT1) set in the BCK1 and BCK0 bits in the G1BCR0 register. Set the BCK1 and BCK0 bits before setting the G1BT, G1BCR1, G1TMCR0 to G1TMCR7, G1TPR6, G1TPR7, G1TM0 to G1TM7, G1POCR0 to G1POCR7, G1PO0 to G1PO7, G1FS and G1FE registers. Operations, controlled by the values written to the G0RI and G1RI, G0TO and G1TO, G0CR and G1CR, G0RB and G1RB, G0MR and G1MR, G0EMR and G1EMR, G0ETC and G1ETC, G0ERC and G1ERC, G0IRF, G1IRF, G0TB and G1TB, G0CMP0 to G0CMP3, G1CMP0 to G1CMP3, G0MSK0 and G0MSK1, G1MSK0 and G1MSK1, G0TCRC and G1TCRC, G0RCRC and G1RCRC registers are affected by the transfer clock. Set trasfer clock before setting the G0RI and G1RI, G0TO and G1TO, G0CR and G1CR, G0RB and G1RB, G0MR and G1MR, G0EMR and G1EMR, G0ETC and G1ECT, G0ERC and G1ERC, G0IRF and G1IRF, G0TB and G1TB, G0CMP0 to G0CMP3, G1CMP0 to G1CMP3, G0MSK0 and G0MSK1, G1MSK0 and G1MSK1, G0TCRC and G1TCRC, G0RCRC and G1RCRC registers. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 427 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 26. Precautions (Programmable I/O Ports) M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 26.10 Programmable I/O Ports • Because ports P72 to P75, P80, and P81 have three-phase PWM output forced cutoff function, they are _______ affected by the three-phase motor control timer function and the NMI pin when these ports are set for output functions (port output, timer output, three-phase PWM output, serial I/O output, intelligent I/O output). _______ Table 26.4 shows the INVC0 register setting, the NMI pin input level and the state of output ports. _______ Table 26.3 INVC0 Register and the NMI Pin Setting Value of the INVC0 Register INV02 Bit INV03 Bit Signal level Applied to the NMI Pin P72 to P75, P80, P81 Pin States (When Setting Them as Output Pins) 0 (Not Using the Three-Phase Motor Control Timer Functions) - - Provides functions selected by the PS1, PSL1, PSC, PS2, PSL2 registers 1 (Using the Three-Phase Motor Control Timer Functions) 0 (Three-Phase Motor Control Timer Output Disabled) - High-impedance state 1 (Three-Phase Motor Control Timer Output Enabled)(1) H Provides functions selected by the PS1, PSL1, PSC, PS2, PSL2 registers L High-impedance state (Forcibly Terminated) NOTE: _______ 1. The INV03 bit is set to "0" after a low-level ("L") signal is applied to the NMI pin. • The availability of pull-up resistors is indeterminate until internal power voltage stabilizes, if the RESET pin is held "L". • The input threshold voltage varies between programmable I/O ports and peripheral functions. Therefore, if the lelvel of the voltage applied to a pin shared by both programmable I/O ports and peripheral functions is not within the recommended operating condition, VIH and VIL (neither "H" nor "L"), the level may vary depending on the programmable ports and peripheral functions. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 428 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 26. Precautions (Flash Memory Version) 26.11 Flash Memory Version 26.11.1 Boot Mode I/O pins may not be placed in high-impedance states until internal voltage stabilizes, when power is turned on in boot mode. Use the following procedure to turn on power in boot mode. ____________ 1) Apply an low-level ("L") signal to the RESET and the CNVSS pin 2) Wait a minimum of 2 ms after VCC reaches 2.7V or above (until internal voltage stabilizes) 3) Apply a high-level ("H") signal to the CNVSS pin ____________ 4) Apply an "H" signal to the RESET pin (reset exited) Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 429 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) 26. Precautions (Noise) 26.12 Noise Connect a bypass capacitor (0.1µF or more) between VCC and VSS by shortest path, using thick wires. Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 430 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 Package Dimensions M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Package Dimensions JEITA Package Code P-LQFP144-20x20-0.50 RENESAS Code PLQP0144KA-A Previous Code 144P6Q-A / FP-144L / FP-144LV MASS[Typ.] 1.2g HD *1 D 108 73 109 NOTE) 1. DIMENSIONS "*1" AND "*2" DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. 2. DIMENSION "*3" DOES NOT INCLUDE TRIM OFFSET. 72 bp c Reference Symbol *2 E HE c1 b1 Terminal cross section Index mark c 36 A 1 ZD ZE 37 A2 144 D E A2 HD HE A A1 bp b1 c c1 A1 F L L1 e x y ZD ZE L L1 *3 e bp y JEITA Package Code P-LQFP100-14x14-0.50 RENESAS Code PLQP0100KB-A Detail F x Previous Code 100P6Q-A / FP-100U / FP-100UV Dimension in Millimeters Min Nom Max 19.9 20.0 20.1 19.9 20.0 20.1 1.4 21.8 22.0 22.2 21.8 22.0 22.2 1.7 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.17 0.22 0.27 0.20 0.09 0.145 0.20 0.125 0° 8° 0.5 0.08 0.10 1.25 1.25 0.35 0.5 0.65 1.0 MASS[Typ.] 0.6g HD *1 D 51 75 NOTE) 1. DIMENSIONS "*1" AND "*2" DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. 2. DIMENSION "*3" DOES NOT INCLUDE TRIM OFFSET. 50 76 bp HE Reference Symbol c c1 *2 E b1 D E A2 HD HE A A1 bp b1 c c1 100 26 1 ZE Terminal cross section 25 Index mark ZD y e *3 bp A1 c A A2 F L x L1 Detail F Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 431 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 e x y ZD ZE L L1 Dimension in Millimeters Min Nom Max 13.9 14.0 14.1 13.9 14.0 14.1 1.4 15.8 16.0 16.2 15.8 16.0 16.2 1.7 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.18 0.09 0.145 0.20 0.125 0° 8° 0.5 0.08 0.08 1.0 1.0 0.35 0.5 0.65 1.0 Register Index M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Register Index A AD00 to AD07 225 AD0CON0 221 AD0CON1 222 AD0CON2 223 AD0CON3 224 AD0CON4 225 AIER 98 C C0AFS 336 C0BPR 307 C0CONR 305 C0CTLR0 296 C0CTLR1 299 C0EFR 315 C0EIMKR 313 C0EISTR 314 C0GMR0 320 C0GMR1 321 C0GMR2 322 C0GMR3 323 C0GMR4 324 C0IDR 304 C0LMAR0 320 C0LMAR1 321 C0LMAR2 322 C0LMAR3 323 C0LMAR4 324 C0LMBR0 320 C0LMBR1 321 C0LMBR2 322 C0LMBR3 323 C0LMBR4 324 C0MCTL0 to C0MCTL15 C0MDR 316 C0REC 309 C0SBS 331 C0SIMKR 312 C0SISTR 310 C0SLOT0_0 332 C0SLOT0_1 332 C0SLOT0_2 333 327 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 432 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 C0SLOT0_3 333 C0SLOT0_4 334 C0SLOT0_5 334 C0SLOT0_6 to C0SLOT0_13 335 C0SLOT0_14 335 C0SLOT0_15 335 C0SLOT1_0 332 C0SLOT1_1 332 C0SLOT1_2 333 C0SLOT1_3 333 C0SLOT1_4 334 C0SLOT1_5 334 C0SLOT1_6 to C0SLOT1_13 335 C0SLOT1_14 335 C0SLOT1_15 335 C0SLPR 300 C0SSCTLR 318 C0SSSTR 319 C0STR 301 C0TEC 309 C0TSR 308 C1AFS 336 C1BRP 307 C1CONR 305 C1CTLR0 296 C1CTLR1 299 C1EFR 315 C1EIMKR 313 C1EISTR 314 C1GMR0 320 C1GMR1 321 C1GMR2 322 C1GMR3 323 C1GMR4 324 C1IDR 304 C1LMAR0 320 C1LMAR1 321 C1LMAR2 322 C1LMAR3 323 C1LMAR4 324 C1LMBR0 320 C1LMBR1 321 C1LMBR2 322 C1LMBR3 323 Register Index M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) C1LMBR4 324 C1MCTL0 to C1MCTL15 327 C1MDR 316 C1REC 309 C1SBS 331 C1SIMKR 312 C1SISTR 310 C1SLOT0_0 332 C1SLOT0_1 332 C1SLOT0_2 333 C1SLOT0_3 333 C1SLOT0_4 334 C1SLOT0_5 334 C1SLOT0_6 to C1SLOT0_13 335 C1SLOT0_14 335 C1SLOT0_15 335 C1SLOT1_0 332 C1SLOT1_1 332 C1SLOT1_2 333 C1SLOT1_3 333 C1SLOT1_4 334 C1SLOT1_5 334 C1SLOT1_6 to C1SLOT1_13 335 C1SLOT1_14 335 C1SLOT1_15 335 C1SLPR 300 C1SSCTLR 318 C1SSSTR 319 C1STR 301 C1TEC 309 C1TSR 308 C2AFS 336 C2BRP 307 C2CONR 305 C2CTLR0 296 C2CTLR1 299 C2EFR 315 C2EIMKR 313 C2EISTR 314 C2GMR0 320 C2GMR1 321 C2GMR2 322 C2GMR3 323 C2GMR4 324 C2IDR 304 C2LMAR0 320 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 433 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 C2LMAR1 321 C2LMAR2 322 C2LMAR3 323 C2LMAR4 324 C2LMBR0 320 C2LMBR1 321 C2LMBR2 322 C2LMBR3 323 C2LMBR4 324 C2MCTL0 to C2MCTL15 327 C2MDR 316 C2REC 309 C2SBS 331 C2SIMKR 312 C2SISTR 310 C2SLOT0_0 332 C2SLOT0_1 332 C2SLOT0_2 333 C2SLOT0_3 333 C2SLOT0_4, 334 C2SLOT0_5 334 C2SLOT0_6 to C2SLOT0_13 335 C2SLOT0_14 335 C2SLOT0_15 335 C2SLOT1_0 332 C2SLOT1_1 332 C2SLOT1_2 333 C2SLOT1_3 333 C2SLOT1_4 334 C2SLOT1_5 334 C2SLOT1_6 to C2SLOT1_13 335 C2SLOT1_14 335 C2SLOT1_15 335 C2SLPR 300 C2SSCTLR 318 C2SSSTR 319 C2STR 301 C2TEC 309 C2TSR 308 CCS 281 CM0 56, 105 CM1 57 CM2 59 CPSRF 60 CRCD 240 CRCIN 240 Register Index M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) D DA0, DA1 239 DACON 239 DCT0 to DCT3 112 DM0SL to DM3SL 109 DMA0 to DMA3 113 DMD0, DMD1 111 DRA0 to DRA3 113 DRC0 to DRC3 112 DSA0 to DSA3 113 DTT 159 F FMR0 374 FMR1 375 G G0CMP0 to G0CMP3 280 G0CR, G1CR 273 G0DR, G1DR 279 G0EMR 275 G0ERC, G1ERC 277 G0ETC 276 G0IRF 278 G0MR 274 G0MSK0, G0MSK1 280 G0RB, G1RB 273 G0RCRC, G1RCRC 280 G0RI, G1RI 272 G0TB, G1TB 279 G0TCRC, G1TCRC 280 G0TO, G1TO 272 G1BCR0 248 G1BCR1 249 G1BT 248 G1CMP0 to G1CMP3 280 G1EMR 275 G1ETC 276 G1FE 253 G1FS 252 G1IRF 279 G1MR 274 G1MSK0, G1MSK1 280 G1PO0 to G1PO7 252 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 434 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 G1POCR0 to G1POCR7 251 G1TM0 to G1TM7 251 G1TMCR0 to G1TMCR7 250 G1TPR6, G1TPR7 250 I ICTB2 160 IDB0, IDB1 159 IFSR 96, 174 IIO0IE to IIO6IE, IIO8IE to IIO11IE 102 IIO0IR to IIO6IR, IIO8IR to IIO11IR 101 Interrupt Control 87, 88 INVC0 157 INVC1 158 IPS 363 IPSA 364 M MCD 58 O ONSF 131 P P0 to P15 352 PCR 363 PD0 to PD15 351 PLC0 61 PLC1 61 PM0 51 PM1 52 PM2 62 PRCR 78 PS0 353 PS1 353 PS2 354 PS3 354 PS5 355 PS8 355 PS9 356 PSC 359 PSC2 359 PSC3 360 PSD1 360 PSL0 357 Register Index M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) PSL1 PSL2 PSL3 PUR0 PUR1 PUR2 PUR3 PUR4 357 358 358 361 361 361 362 362 R RLVL 89, 119 RMAD0 to RMAD7 98 ROMCP 372 T TA0 to TA4 129 TA0MR to TA4MR 130, 135, 138, 141, 143 TA1, TA2, TA4, TA11, TA21, TA41 160 TA1MR, TA2MR, TA4MR 162 TABSR 130, 146, 161 TB0 to TB5 145 TB0MR to TB5MR 146, 148, 150, 152 TB2 161 TB2MR 162 TB2SC 160 TBSR 147 TCSPR 60, 132 TRGSR 132, 161 U U0BRG to U4BRG 168 U0C0 to U4C0 169 U0C1 to U4C1 170 U0MR to U4MR 168 U0RB to U4RB 167 U0SMR to U4SMR 170 U0SMR2 to U4SMR2 171 U0SMR3 to U4SMR3 172 U0SMR4 to U4SMR4 173 U0TB to U4TB 167 UDF 131 W WDC 48, 104 WDTS 104 Rev. 1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Page 435 of 435 REJ09B0162-0110 X X0R to X15R 242 XYC 242 Y Y0R to Y15R 242 REVISION HISTORY Rev. Date 1.10 Oct., 05 M32C/88 Group(M32C/88T) Hardware Manual Description Summary Page New Document C-1 RENESAS 16/32-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER HARDWARE MANUAL M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Publication Data : Rev.1.10 Oct. 18, 2005 Published by : Sales Strategic Planning Div. Renesas Technology Corp. © 2005. Renesas Technology Corp., All rights reserved. Printed in Japan. M32C/88 Group (M32C/88T) Hardware Manual 2-6-2, Ote-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0004, Japan