HI-DAC80V, HI-DAC85V 12-Bit, Low Cost, Monolithic D/A Converters August 1997 Features Description • DAC 80V/DAC 85V Alternative Source The Hl-DAC80V is a monolithic direct replacement for the popular DAC80 and AD DAC80. The HI-DAC85V is a monolithic direct replacement for the popular DAC85 and AD DAC85 as well as the HI-5685V. Single chip construction along with several design innovations make the Hl-DAC80V the optimum choice for low cost, high reliability applications. Intersil’ unique Dielectric Isolation (Dl) processing reduces internal parasitics resulting in fast switching times and minimum glitch. On board span resistors are provided for good tracking over temperature, and are laser trimmed to high accuracy. • Monolithic Construction • Fast Settling Time (Typ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5µs • Guaranteed Monotonicity • Wafer Laser Trimmed Linearity, Gain, Offset • Span Resistors On-Chip • On-Board Reference • Supply Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±12V Applications Internally the Hl-DAC80V/HI-DAC85V eliminates code dependent ground currents by routing current from the positive supply to the internal ground node, as determined by an auxiliary R2R ladder. This results in a cancellation of code dependent ground currents allowing virtually zero variation in current through the package common, pin 21. • High Speed A/D Converters • Precision Instrumentation • CRT Display Generation Ordering Information PART NUMBER TEMP. RANGE (oC) PACKAGE PKG. NO. HI3-DAC80V-5 0 to 75 24 Ld PDIP E24.6 HI3-DAC85V-4 -25 to 85 24 Ld PDIP E24.6 The Hl-DAC80V is available as a voltage output device which is guaranteed over the 0oC to 75oC temperature range. The HI-DAC85V is available as a voltage output device which is guaranteed over the -25oC to 85oC temperature range. It includes a buried zener reference featuring a low temperature coefficient as well as an on board operational amplifier. The Hl-DAC80V requires only two power supplies and will operate in the range of ± (11.4V to 16.5V). Pinout HI-DAC80V/HI-DAC85V (PDIP) TOP VIEW (MSB) BIT 1 1 24 6.3V REF OUT BIT 2 2 23 GAIN ADJUST BIT 3 3 22 +VS BIT 4 4 21 COMMON BIT 5 5 20 ∑ JUNCTION BIT 6 6 19 20V RANGE BIT 7 7 18 10V RANGE BIT 8 8 17 BIPOLAR OFFSET BIT 9 9 16 REF INPUT BIT 10 10 15 VOUT BIT 11 11 14 -VS (LSB) BIT 12 12 13 NC CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures. http://www.intersil.com or 407-727-9207 | Copyright © Intersil Corporation 1999 10-1034 File Number 3110.1 HI-DAC80V, HI-DAC85V Functional Block Diagram BIPOLAR OFFSET REF IN OUT COMMON +VS BIT 1 IN (MSB) 20V 5K SPAN R GROUND CURRENT CANCELLATION CIRCUIT 6.3K 10V SPAN R BIT 12 IN (LSB) DIGITAL INPUT LEVEL SHIFTERS AND SWITCH DRIVERS 5K 12.6K SPAN Σ JUNCTION + 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K - - + CONTROL AMP + - 12.6K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K GAIN ADJUST 8K -VS 10-1035 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K VOUT HI-DAC80V, HI-DAC85V Absolute Maximum Ratings Thermal Information Power Supply Inputs +VS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +20V -VS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-20V Reference Input (Pin 16) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +VS Output Drain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5mA Digital Inputs (Bits 1 to 12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1V to +VS Thermal Resistance (Typical, Note 1) θJA (oC/W) PDIP Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Maximum Power Dissipation PDIP Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550mW Maximum Junction Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150oC Maximum Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . .-65oC to 150oC Maximum Lead Temperature (Soldering 10s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300oC Operating Conditions Die Characteristics Operating Temperature Range HI-DAC80V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0oC to 75oC HI-DAV85V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -25oC to 85oC Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bipolar-DI Transistor Count . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress only rating and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: 1. θJA is measured with the component mounted on an evaluation PC board in free air. Electrical Specifications TA = 25oC, VS ±12V to ±15V (Note 4), Pin 16 to Pin 24, Unless Otherwise Specified HI-DAC80V-5, HI-DAC85V-5 PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS - - 12 Bits - ±1/4 ±1/2 LSB - ±1/ ±3/4 LSB SYSTEM PERFORMANCE Resolution ACCURACY (Note 2) Linear Error Full Temperature Differential Linearity Error Full Temperature Monotonicity Full Temperature Gain Error Full Temperature (Notes 1, 3) Offset Error Full Temperature (Note 1) 2 Guaranteed - ±0.1 ±0.3 % FSR ±0.05 ±0.15 % FSR ±2.5 - V ANALOG OUTPUT Output Ranges - Output Current Output Resistance Short Circuit Duration - ±5 - V - ±10 - V - 0 to 5 - V - 0 to 10 - V ±5 - - mA - 0.05 - Ω To Common Continuous - DRIFT (Note 2) Full Temperature - - ±20 ppm/oC Full Temperature (Note 5) - ±0.08 ±0.15 % FSR Full Temperature (Note 5) - ±0.06 ±0.1 % FSR With Internal Reference - ±15 ±30 ppm/oC Without Internal Reference - ±7 - ppm/oC Unipolar Offset - ±1 ±3 ppm/oC Bipolar Offset - ±5 ±10 ppm/oC - 3 - µs - 1.5 - µs - 1.5 - µs Total Bipolar Drift (Includes Gain, Offset and Linearity Drifts) Total Error Unipolar Bipolar Gain CONVERSION SPEED Settling Time With 10K Feedback With 5K Feedback Full Scale Transition All Bits ON to OFF or OFF to ON to ±0.01% or FSR (Note 2) For 1 LSB Change 10-1036 HI-DAC80V, HI-DAC85V Electrical Specifications TA = 25oC, VS ±12V to ±15V (Note 4), Pin 16 to Pin 24, Unless Otherwise Specified (Continued) HI-DAC80V-5, HI-DAC85V-5 PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 10 15 - V/µs 6.250 +6.3 6.350 V Output Impedance - 1.5 - Ω External Current - - +2.5 mA Tempco of Drift - 5 - ppm/oC Slew Rate INTERNAL REFERENCE Output Voltage DIGITAL INPUT (Note 2) Logic Levels Logic “1” TTL Compatible At +1µA +2 - +5.5 V TTL Compatible At -100µA 0 - +0.8 V +15V Supply - 0.001 0.002 % FSR / %VS -15V Supply - 0.001 0.002 % FSR / %VS Full Temperature +11.4 +15 +16.5 V Full Temperature -11.4 -15 -16.5 V Full Temperature, VS = ±15V - +12 +15 mA Full Temperature, VS = ±15V - -15 -20 mA Logic “0” POWER SUPPLY SENSITIVITY (Notes 2, 4) POWER SUPPLY CHARACTERISTICS (Note 4) Voltage Range +VS -VS Current +IS -IS NOTES: 1. Adjustable to zero using external potentiometers. 2. See Definitions. 3. FSR is “Full Scale Range: and is 20V for ±10V range, 10V for ±5V range, etc. 4. The HI-DAC80V/HI-DAC85V will operate with supply voltages as low as ±11.4V. It is recommended that output voltage range -10V to +10V not be used if the supply voltages are less than ±12.5V. 5. With Gain and Offset errors adjusted to zero at 25oC. Definitions of Specifications TABLE 1. Digital Inputs ANALOG OUTPUT The Hl-DAC80V accepts digital input codes in complementary binary, complementary offset binary, and complementary two’s complement binary. Settling Time That interval between application of a digital step input, and final entry of the analog output within a specified window about the settled value. Intersil Corporation usually specifies a unipolar 10V full scale step, to be measured from 50% of the input digital transition, and a window of ±1/2 LSB about the final value. The device output is then rated according to the worst (longest settling) case: low to high, or high to low. In a 12-bit system ±1/2 LSB = ±0.012% of FSR. COMPLEMENTARY STRAIGHT BINARY COMPLEMENTARY OFFSET BINARY COMPLEMENTARY TWO’S COMPLEMENT † 000...000 + Full Scale + Full Scale -LSB 100...000 Mid Scale-1 LSB -1 LSB + Full Scale 111...111 Zero - Full Scale Zero 011...111 +1/2 Full Scale Zero - Full Scale DIGITAL INPUT MSB...LSB 10-1037 † Invert MSB with external inverter to obtain CTC Coding HI-DAC80V, HI-DAC85V Thermal Drift Thermal drift is based on measurements at 25oC, at high (TH) and low (TL) temperatures. Drift calculations are made for the high (TH -25oC) and low (25oC-TL) ranges, and the larger of the two values is given as a specification representing worst case drift. Gain Drift, Offset Drift, Reference Drift and Total Bipolar Drift are calculated in parts per million per oC as follows: 6 ∆FSR ⁄ ∆°C GainDrift = -------------------------------- × 10 FSR values within the specified operating range. Gain and offset errors must be calibrated to zero at 25oC. Then the specified limits for Total Error apply for any input code and for any temperature within the specified operating range. Power Supply Sensitivity Power Supply Sensitivity is a measure of the change in gain and offset of the D/A converter resulting from a change in -VS , or +VS supplies. It is specified under DC conditions and expressed as full scale range percent of change divided by power supply percent change. ∆FullScaleRange × 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------FSR ( Nominal ) PSS = ------------------------------------------------------------------∆V S × 100 ---------------------------------V S (Nominal) 6 ∆Offset ⁄ ∆°C OffsetDrift = ------------------------------------- × 10 FSR ∆V REF ⁄ ( ∆°C ) ReferenceDrift = --------------------------------------- × 10 6 V REF Glitch ∆V O ⁄ ( ∆°C ) 6 To talBipolarDrift = -------------------------------- × 10 FSR NOTE: FSR = Full Scale Output Voltage - Zero Scale Output Voltage ∆FSR = FSR (TH) - FSR (25oC), or FSR (25oC) - FSR (TL). VO = Steady State response to any input code. Total Bipolar Drift is the variation of output voltage with temperature, in the bipolar mode of operation. It represents the net effect of drift in Gain, Offset, Linearity and Reference Voltage. Total Bipolar Drift values are calculated, based on measurements as explained above. Gain and Offset need not be calibrated to zero at 25oC. The specified limits for TBD apply for any input code and for any power supply setting within the specified operating range. Accuracy A glitch on the output of a D/A converter is a transient spike resulting from unequal internal ON-OFF switching times. Worst case glitches usually occur at half-scale, i.e., the major carry code transition from 011...1 to 100...0 or vice versa. For example, if turn ON is greater than OFF for 011...1 to 100...0, an intermediate state of 000...0 exists, such that, the output momentarily glitches toward zero output. Matched switching times and fast switching will reduce glitches considerably. (Measured as one half the Product of duration and amplitude.) Decoupling and Grounding For best accuracy and high frequency performance, the grounding and decoupling scheme shown in Figure 1 should be used. Decoupling capacitors should be connected close to the HI-DAC80V/HI-DAC85V (preferably to the device pins) and should be tantalum or electrolytic bypassed with ceramic types for best high frequency noise rejection. Linearity Error (Short for “Integral Linearity Error.” Also, sometimes called “Integral Nonlinearity” and “Nonlinearity”.) The maximum deviation of the actual transfer characteristic from an ideal straight line. The ideal line is positioned according to end-point linearity for D/A converter products from Intersil Corporation , i.e., the line is drawn between the end-points of the actual transfer characteristic (codes 00...0 and 11...1). Differential Linearity Error The difference between one LSB and the output voltage change corresponding to any two consecutive codes. A Differential Nonlinearity of ±1 LSB or less guarantees monotonicity. Monotonicity The property of a D/A converter’s transfer function which guarantees that the output derivative will not change sign in response to a sequence of increasing (or decreasing) input codes. That is, the only output response to a code change is to remain constant, increase for Increasing code, or decrease for decreasing code. Total Error The net output error resulting from all internal effects (primarily non-ideal Gain, Offset, Linearity and Reference Voltage). Supply voltages may be set to any 10-1038 -VS 14 +VS 0.01µF 0.01µF 1µF 1µF 21 22 18 19 24 20 16 - + FIGURE 1. 15 HI-DAC80V, HI-DAC85V Reference Supply TABLE 3. GAIN AND OFFSET CALIBRATIONS An internal 6.3V reference is provided on board the HI-DAC80V/HI-DAC85V. The voltage (pin 24) is accurate to ±0.8% and must be connected to the reference input (pin 16) for specified operation. This reference may be used externally, provided current drain is limited to 2.5mA. An external buffer amplifier is recommended if this reference is to be used to drive other system components. Otherwise, variations in the load driven by the reference will result in gain variations of the HI-DAC80V/HI-DAC85V. All gain adjustments should be made under constant load conditions. Output Voltage Ranges Step 1: Offset Turn all bits OFF (11 . . . 1) Adjust R2 for 0V out Step 2: Gain Turn all bits ON (00 . . . 0) Adjust R1 for FS - 1 LSB That is: 4.9988 for 0 to +5V range 9.9976 for 0 to +10V range BIPOLAR CALIBRATION 24 +VS 18 5kΩ 19 5kΩ 3.9 MΩ 20 - 17 UNIPOLAR CALIBRATION Step 1: Offset Turn all bits OFF (11 . . . 1) Adjust R2 for Negative FS That is: -10V for ±10V range -5V for ±5V range -2.5V for ±2.5V range Step 2: Gain Turn all bits ON (00 . . . 0) Adjust R1 for Positive FS - 1 LSB That is: +9.9951V for ±10V Range +4.9976V for ±5V Range +2.4988V for ±2.5V Range R2 + 6.3K 16 12.6kΩ +VS - + R1 23 21 CONTROL AMP 2.8MΩ -VS 10kΩ TO 100kΩ 15 -VS 5kΩ TO 100kΩ This Bipolar procedure adjusts the output range end points. The maximum error at zero (half scale) will not exceed the Linearity Error. See the “Accuracy” Specifications. 0.01µF FIGURE 2. HI-DAC80V/HI-DAC85V TABLE 2. RANGE CONNECTIONS CONNECT Unipolar Bipolar RANGE PIN 15 PIN 17 PIN 19 0 to +5V 18 NC 20 0 to +10V 18 NC NC ±2.5V 18 20 20 ±5V 18 20 NC ±10V 19 20 15 10-1039 HI-DAC80V, HI-DAC85V Die Characteristics PASSIVATION: DIE DIMENSIONS: Type: Nitride over Silox Nitride Thickness: 3.5kÅ ±0.5kÅ Silox Thickness: 12kÅ ±1.5kÅ 108 mils x 163 mils METALLIZATION: Type: Al Thickness: 16kÅ ±2kÅ WORST CASE CURRENT DENSITY: 0.95 x 105 A/cm2 TIE SUBSTRATE TO: Ground Metallization Mask Layout HI-DAC80V, HI-DAC85V BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 (MSB) 6.3V REF OUT GAIN ADJUST +VS COMMON BIT 4 SUMMING JUNCTION BIT 5 20V SPAN BIT 6 10V SPAN BIT 7 BIPOLAR OFFSET BIT 8 BIT 9 REF IN BIT 10 BIT 11 BIT 12 -VS VOUT All Intersil semiconductor products are manufactured, assembled and tested under ISO9000 quality systems certification. Intersil products are sold by description only. Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. Information furnished by Intersil is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Intersil or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Intersil or its subsidiaries. For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see web site http://www.intersil.com 10-1040