CCG1 Datasheet USB Type-C Port Controller with Power Delivery General Description CCG1 provides a complete USB Type-C and USB Power Delivery port control solution. The core architecture of CCG1 enables a base Type-C solution that can scale to a complete 100-W USB Power Delivery with Alternate Mode multiplex support. CCG1 is also a Type-C cable ID IC for active and passive cables. The CCG1 controller detects connector insert, plug orientation and VCONN switching signals. CCG1 makes it easier to add USB Power Delivery to any architecture because it provides control signals to manage external VBUS and VCONN power management solutions and external mux controls for most single cable-docking solutions. The CCG1 family of devices are fixed-function parts that use a configuration table to control their operation in different applications. The functionality is implemented in firmware and will be certified against USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) compliance tests when available. The programmability allows CCG1 devices to track any USB Specification changes. For information on accessing the source code, contact Cypress support. Applications Type-C Support ■ Notebooks, tablets, monitors, docking stations ■ ■ Power adapters, USB Type-C cables ■ ■ Features PD Support ■ 32-bit MCU Subsystem ■ 48-MHz ARM Cortex-M0 CPU with 32-KB flash and 4-KB SRAM ■ ■ 12-bit, 1-Msps ADC for VBUS voltage and current monitoring ■ Dynamic overcurrent and overvoltage protection ■ Integrated digital blocks ■ Two configurable 16-bit TCPWM blocks 2 ■ One I C master or slave ■ ■ ■ Supports Provider and Consumer roles Supports all power profiles Low-Power Operation Integrated analog blocks Figure 1. CCG1 Block Integrated transceiver (BB PHY) Supports up to two USB ports with PD Supports routing of all protocols through an external mux 3.2 V to 5.5 V operation Sleep 1.3 mA, Deep Sleep 1.3 A[1] Packages ■ 40-pin QFN 16-pin SOIC 35-ball wafer-level CSP (WLCSP) Diagram[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] Notes 1. Values measured for CCG1 silicon only. Application specific power numbers may be higher. 2. Timer, counter, pulse-width modulation block. 3. Serial communication block configurable as I2C. 4. Base band. 5. Termination resistor denoting a Downstream Facing Port (DFP). 6. Termination resistor denoting a Upstream Facing Port (UFP). 7. Termination resistor denoting an Electronically Marked Cable Assembly (EMCA). Cypress Semiconductor Corporation Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I • 198 Champion Court • San Jose, CA 95134-1709 • 408-943-2600 Revised March 17, 2016 CCG1 Datasheet Contents Functional Definition ........................................................ 3 CPU and Memory Subsystem ..................................... 3 System Resources ...................................................... 3 GPIO ........................................................................... 3 Pin Definitions .................................................................. 4 Pinouts ............................................................................ 10 Power ............................................................................... 11 Electrical Specifications ................................................ 12 Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................................... 12 Device-Level Specifications ...................................... 12 Digital Peripherals ..................................................... 14 Memory ..................................................................... 15 System Resources .................................................... 16 Applications in Detail ..................................................... 18 Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Ordering Information ...................................................... 23 Ordering Code Definitions ......................................... 23 Packaging ........................................................................ 24 Acronyms ........................................................................ 27 Document Conventions ................................................. 28 Units of Measure ....................................................... 28 Revision History ............................................................. 29 Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information ...................... 31 Worldwide Sales and Design Support ....................... 31 Products .................................................................... 31 PSoC® Solutions ...................................................... 31 Cypress Developer Community ................................. 31 Technical Support ..................................................... 31 Page 2 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Functional Definition CPU and Memory Subsystem CPU The Cortex-M0 CPU in the CCG1 is part of the 32-bit MCU subsystem, which is optimized for low-power operation with extensive clock gating. It mostly uses 16-bit instructions and executes a subset of the Thumb-2 instruction set. This enables fully compatible binary upward migration of the code to higher performance processors such as the Cortex-M3 and M4, thus enabling upward compatibility. The Cypress implementation includes a hardware multiplier that provides a 32-bit result in one cycle. It includes a nested vectored interrupt controller (NVIC) block with 32 interrupt inputs and a Wakeup Interrupt Controller (WIC). The WIC can wake the processor up from the Deep Sleep mode, allowing power to be switched off to the main processor when the chip is in the Deep Sleep mode. The Cortex-M0 CPU provides a Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) input, which is made available to the user when it is not in use for system functions requested by the user. The CPU also includes a debug interface, the serial wire debug (SWD) interface, which is a 2-wire form of JTAG; the debug configuration used for CCG1 has four break-point (address) comparators and two watchpoint (data) comparators. Flash The CCG1 device has a flash module with a flash accelerator, tightly coupled to the CPU to improve average access times from the flash block. The flash block is designed to deliver 1 wait-state (WS) access time at 48 MHz and 0-WS access time at 24 MHz. The flash accelerator delivers 85% of single-cycle SRAM access performance on average. Part of the flash module can be used to emulate EEPROM operation if required. SROM A supervisory ROM that contains boot and configuration routines is provided. FIFO for receive and transmit which, by increasing the time given for the CPU to read data, greatly reduces the need for clock stretching caused by the CPU not having read data on time. The I2C peripheral is compatible with the I2C Standard-mode, Fast-mode, and Fast-mode Plus devices, as defined in the NXP I2C-bus specification and user manual (UM10204). The I2C bus I/O is implemented with GPIO in open-drain modes. The CCG1 is not completely compliant with the I2C spec in the following respects: ■ GPIO cells are not overvoltage tolerant and, therefore, cannot be hot-swapped or powered up independently of the rest of the I2C system. ■ Fast-mode Plus has an IOL specification of 20 mA at a VOL of 0.4 V. The GPIO cells can sink a maximum of 8 mA IOL with a VOL maximum of 0.6 V. ■ Fast-mode and Fast-mode Plus specify minimum Fall times, which are not met with the GPIO cell; Slow strong mode can help meet this spec depending on the Bus Load. ■ ■ The CCG1 has up to 30 GPIOs, which are configured for various functions. Refer to the pinout tables for the definitions. The GPIO block implements the following: ■ Eight drive strength modes: ❐ Analog input mode (input and output buffers disabled) ❐ Input only ❐ Weak pull-up with strong pull-down ❐ Strong pull-up with weak pull-down ❐ Open drain with strong pull-down ❐ Open drain with strong pull-up ❐ Strong pull-up with strong pull-down ❐ Weak pull-up with weak pull-down ■ Input threshold select (CMOS or LVTTL). ■ Individual control of input and output buffer enabling/disabling in addition to the drive strength modes. ■ Hold mode for latching previous state (used for retaining I/O state in Deep Sleep mode). ■ Selectable slew rates for dV/dt related noise control to improve EMI. Power System Serial Communication Blocks (SCB) The CCG1 has one SCB, which can implement an I2C interface. The hardware I2C block implements a full multi-master and slave interface (it is capable of multimaster arbitration). This block is capable of operating at speeds of up to 1 Mbps (Fast Mode Plus) and has flexible buffering options to reduce interrupt overhead and latency for the CPU. It also supports EZ-I2C that creates a mailbox address range in the memory of the CCG1 and effectively reduces I2C communication to reading from and writing to an array in memory. In addition, the block supports an 8-deep Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I When the SCB is in the I2C Slave mode, and Address Match on External Clock is enabled (EC_AM = 1) along with operation in the internally clocked mode (EC_OP = 0), then its I2C address must be even. GPIO System Resources The power system is described in detail in the section Power on page 11. It provides assurance that voltage levels are as required for each respective mode and either delay mode entry (on power-on reset (POR), for example) until voltage levels are as required for proper function or generate resets (Brown-Out Detect (BOD)) or interrupts (Low Voltage Detect (LVD)). The CCG1 operates with a single external supply over the range of 3.2 V to 5.5 V operation and has three different power modes: Active, Sleep, and Deep Sleep; transitions between modes are managed by the power system. When the SCB is an I2C Master, it interposes an IDLE state between NACK and Repeated Start; the I2C spec defines Bus free as following a Stop condition so other Active Masters do not intervene but a Master that has just become activated may start an Arbitration cycle. During power-on and reset, the I/O pins are forced to the disable state so as not to crowbar any inputs and/or cause excess turn-on current. A multiplexing network, known as a high-speed I/O matrix, is used to multiplex between various signals that may connect to an I/O pin. Page 3 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Pin Definitions Table 1 provides the pin definition for 35-Ball WLCSP for the Cable/EMCA application. Refer to Table 23 for part numbers to package mapping. Table 1. Pin Definitions for 35-ball WLCSP for EMCA Cable Application CYPD110335FNXIT Balls Type CC1_RX C4 I CC1 control 0: TX enabled z: RX sense CC1_TX D7 O Configuration Channel 1 SWD_IO D1 I/O SWD I/O SWD_CLK C1 I I2C_SCL B1 I/O I2C clock signal I2C_SDA B2 I/O I2C data signal XRES B6 I VCCD A7 POWER Regulated digital supply output. Connect a 1 to 1.6-µF capacitor. No external source should be connected VDDD C7 POWER Power supply for both analog and digital sections VSSA B7 GND CC_VREF C5 I Data reference signal for CC lines TX_U B3 O Signals for internal use only. The TX_U output signal should be connected to the TX_M signal TX_M B5 I TX_REF_IN D3 I TX_GND A3 I Connect to GND via 2K 1% resistor TX_REF_OUT D4 O Reference signal generated by connecting internal current source to two 1K external resistors RA_DISCONNECT E4 O Optional control signal to remove RA after assertion of VCONN 0: RA disconnected 1: RA connected VCONN_DET C6 I Local VCONN detection signal 0: VCONN is not locally applied 1: VCONN is locally applied CC1_LPREF A5 I Reference signal for internal use. Connect to the output of resistor divider from VDDD. Functional Pin Name Description SWD clock Reset Analog ground – Reference signal for internal use. Connect to TX_REF output via a 2.4K 1% resistor RA_FAR_DISCONNECT E5 O Optional control signal to remove RA after assertion of VCONN (NC for 2 chip/cable) 0: RA disconnected 1: RA connected BYPASS D5 I Bypass capacitor for internal analog circuits C3 I Configuration channel 1 RX signal for Low Power States A1, A2, A4, A6, B4, C2, D2, D6, E1, E2, E3, E6, E7 – General-purpose I/Os CC1_LPRX GPIO Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Page 4 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Table 2 provides the pin definitions for 40-pin QFN and 35-ball WLCSP for the notebook, tablet, smartphone, and monitor applications. Refer to Table 23 on page 23 for part numbers to package mapping. Table 2. Pin Definitions for 40-QFN and 35-ball WLCSP for Notebook, Tablet, SmartPhone and Monitor Applications Functional Pins CYPD CYPD CYPD 1122-40LQXI 1121-40LQXI 1131-35FNXIT Pins[8] Pins[9] Balls[10] Type Description MUXSEL_1 1 1 D5 O External Data Mux Select signal 1 MUXSEL_2 2 2 D6 O External Data Mux Select signal 2 CC1_CTRL 3 3 D3 I/O CC2_CTRL 4 4 E4 I/O MUXSEL_3 5 5 E5 O External Data Mux Select signal 3 MUXSEL_4 6 6 E6 O External Data Mux Select signal 4 CS_P 7 7 E3 I Current Sensing Plus input CS_M 8 8 E2 I Current Sensing Minus input I VSS 9 9 – GND CC1 10 10 - I/O Configuration Channel 1 CC_SEL_REF_1 11 11 E1 O CC Reference Select signal SWD_IO 12 12 D1 I/O SWD IO SWD_CLK 13 13 C1 I HOTPLUG_DET 14 14 C2 I/O HotPlug Detection for Display Port Alternate Mode GPIO1 15 – – I/O General-purpose I/O VSEL2 – 15 – O Voltage Select signal 2 for selecting output voltage GPIO2 16 – – I/O General-purpose I/O GPIO3 17 – – I/O General-purpose I/O IFAULT – 17 – I I2C_SCL 18 18 B1 I/O I2C Clock signal I2C_SDA 19 19 B2 I/O I2C Data signal I2C_INT 20 20 A2 O I2C Interrupt CC_SEL_REF_2 21 21 A1 O CC Reference Select signal CC1 control 0: TX enabled z: RX sense CC2 control 0: TX enabled z: RX sense Ground SWD Clock Current Fault Indication 0: No fault 1: Current fault CC1_RD 22 22 C3 O Open Drain signal to connect RD to CC 1 line z: RD not connected 0: RD connected for Monitor application 1: RD connected for Notebook application CC1_RP 23 23 A5 O Open Source signal to connect RP to CC 1 line z: RP not connected 1: RP connected Notes 8. Pinout for Notebook DRP application for 40-QFN. 9. Pinout for Monitor DRP application for 40-QFN. 10. Pinout for Notebook DRP application for 35-CSP. Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Page 5 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Table 2. Pin Definitions for 40-QFN and 35-ball WLCSP for Notebook, Tablet, SmartPhone and Monitor Applications (continued) Functional Pins CYPD CYPD CYPD 1122-40LQXI 1121-40LQXI 1131-35FNXIT [8] [9] Pins Pins Balls[10] Type Description CC1_VCONN_CTRL 24 24 A4 O Open Drain signal to control a PFET power switch for VCONN on CC 1 line 0: VCONN switch closed z: VCONN switch open VBUS_DISCHARGE 25 25 A3 O Signal used for discharging VBUS line during voltage change CC2 26 26 B3 O Configuration Channel 2 CC2_RD 27 27 A6 O Open Drain signal to connect RD to CC 2 line z: RD not connected 0: RD connected for Monitor application 1: RD connected for Notebook application CC2_RP 28 28 B4 O Open Source signal to connect RP to CC 2 line z: RP not connected 1: RP connected CC2_VCONN_CTRL 29 29 B5 O Open Drain signal to control a PFET power switch for VCONN on CC 2 line 0: VCONN switch closed z: VCONN switch open XRES 30 30 B6 I Reset VCCD 31 31 A7 Regulated digital supply output. Connect a 1 to POWER 1.6-μF capacitor. No external source should be connected VDDD 32 32 C7 POWER Power supply for digital sections VDDA 33 33 C7 POWER Power Supply for analog sections VSSA 34 34 B7 GND VBUS_VMON 35 35 C4 I VBUS Overvoltage Protection monitoring signal VBUS_VREF 36 36 C5 I VBUS reference signal for Overvoltage Protection detection VSEL1 – 37 – O Voltage Select signal 1 for selecting the output voltage CC_SEL_REF_3 37 16 C6 O CC Reference Select signal VBUS_C_CTRL 38 – D7 VBUS_OK – 38 – CC_VREF 39 39 D4 I Data reference signal for CC lines VBUS_P_CTRL 40 40 E7 O Full rail control signal for enabling/disabling Provider load FET O Analog ground pin Full rail control signal for enabling/disabling Consumer load FET VBUS_OK=1 - VBUS Voltage ok VBUS_OK=0 - VBUS Overvoltage detected Notes 8. Pinout for Notebook DRP application for 40-QFN. 9. Pinout for Monitor DRP application for 40-QFN. 10. Pinout for Notebook DRP application for 35-CSP. Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Page 6 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Table 3 provides the pin definition for 40-pin QFN for Notebook (DFP) application. Refer to Table 23 for part numbers to package mapping. Table 3. Pin Definitions for 40-Pin QFN for Notebook (DFP) HIGH/ Functional Pin Name Active LOW Drive Mode CYPD 1134-40LQXI Pins Type Description MUXSEL_1 – Open drain, drives low 1 O External Data Mux Select signal 1 MUXSEL_2 – Open drain, drives low 2 O External Data Mux Select signal 2 CC1_CTRL – Analog input/Strong drive (push pull) 3 IO CC1 control 0:Tx enabled z: RX sense CC2_CTRL – Analog input/Strong drive (push pull) 4 IO CC2 control 0: TX enabled z: RX sense MUXSEL_3 – Open drain, drives low 5 O External Data Mux Select signal 3 MUXSEL_4 – Open drain, drives low 6 O External Data Mux Select signal 4 CS_P – Analog input 7 I Current Sensing Plus input CS_M – Analog input 8 I Current Sensing Minus input VSS – – 9 GND – Strong drive (push pull) 10 O Configuration Channel 1 11 O Open Drain signal to connect RP to CC1 line (1.5A current) z: RP not connected 1: RP connected SWD IO CC1 CC1_RP_1.5 Active HIGH Open drain, drives high Ground SWD_IO – – 12 IO SWD_CLK – – 13 I SWD Clock O Open Source signal to connect RP to CC1 line (3A current) z: RP not connected 1: RP connected O Open Drain signal to connect RP to CC1 line (Default current) z: RP not connected 1: RP connected O Open Drain signal to connect RP to CC2 line (Default current) z: RP not connected 1: RP connected CC1_RP_3.0 CC1_RP_DEF Active HIGH Open drain, drives high Active HIGH Open drain, drives high 14 15 CC2_RP_DEF Active HIGH Open drain, drives high CC2_RP_1.5 Active HIGH Open drain, drives high 17 O Open Drain signal to connect RP to CC2 line (1.5A current) z: RP not connected 1: RP connected I2C_SCL Active LOW Open drain, drives low 18 IO I2C Clock signal I2C_SDA Active LOW Open drain, drives low 19 IO I2C Data signal I2C_INT Active LOW Open drain, drives low 20 O I2C Interrupt Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I 16 Page 7 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Table 3. Pin Definitions for 40-Pin QFN for Notebook (DFP) (continued) HIGH/ Functional Pin Name Active LOW CC2_RP_3.0 Drive Mode Active HIGH Open drain, drives high CYPD 1134-40LQXI Pins Type Description 21 O Open Source signal to connect RP to CC2 line (3A current) z: RP not connected 1: RP connected CC1_LPRX – Analog input 22 I Configuration channel 1 RX signal for Low Power states CC1_LPREF – Analog input 23 I Reference signal for internal use. CC2_LPRX – Analog input 24 I Configuration channel 2 RX signal for Low Power states CC2_LPREF – Analog input 25 I Reference signal for internal use. CC2 – Strong drive (push pull) 26 O Configuration Channel 2 O Open Drain signal to control a PFET power switch for VCONN on CC1 line 0: VCONN switch closed z: VCONN switch open CC1_VCONN_CTRL Active LOW Open drain, drives low CC2_VCONN_CTRL Active LOW Open drain, drives low 28 O Open Drain signal to control a PFET power switch for VCONN on CC2 line 0: VCONN switch closed z: VCONN switch open IFAULT Active HIGH Digital input 29 I Current Fault Indication on VBUS 0: No fault 1: Over Current fault XRES Active LOW Analog input 30 I Reset 27 VCCD – – 31 POWER Connect 1uf Capacitor between VCCD and Ground VDDD – – 32 POWER 5-V Supply VDDA – – 33 POWER 5-V Supply VSSA – – 34 GND – E-PAD – – E-PAD GND – VBUS_VMON – Analog input 35 I VBUS Over-voltage Protection monitoring signal VBUS_VREF – Analog input 36 I VBUS reference signal for Over-voltage Protection detection VBUS_P_CTRL Active HIGH Strong drive (Push Pull) 37 O Full rail control signal for enabling/disabling Provider load FET HOTPLUG_DET Active HIGH Open drain, drives low 38 IO HotPlug Detection for Display Port Alternate Mode Analog input/Strong drive (Push Pull) 39 IO Data reference signal for CC lines / Signal used for discharging VBUS line during voltage change Open drain, drives low 40 O External Data Mux Select signal 5 CC_VREF/ VBUS_DISCHARGE -/Active HIGH MUXSEL_5 – Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Page 8 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Table 4 provides the pin definition for 16-pin SOIC for the Power Adapter application. Refer to Table 23 on page 23 for part numbers to package mapping. Table 4. Pin Definitions for 16-pin SOIC for Power Adapter Application CYPD 1132-16SXI Pins Type SWD_CLK 1 I SWD Clock VBUS_P_CTRL 2 O Full rail control signal for enabling/disabling provider load FET VBUS_VMON 3 I VBUS over-voltage protection monitoring signal Functional Pin Name Description VBUS_VREF 4 I VBUS reference signal for over-voltage protection detection XRES 5 – Active Low Reset VCCD 6 – Connect 1 µF capacitor between VCCD and GROUND VSSD 7 – Ground VDDD 8 – Power 3.3 V/5 V VSSA 9 – Ground CC_VREF/VBUS_DISCHARGE 10 I/O Data reference signal for CC line (0.55 Volt) / Signal used for discharging VBUS line during voltage decrease CC_CTRL 11 I/O CC1 control 0: TX enabled z: RX sense CS 12 I Low Side Current Sense VSEL1 13 O Voltage select signal for selecting the output voltage 5/12/20 V VSEL2 14 O Voltage select signal for selecting the output voltage 5/12/20 V CC 15 I/O Configuration Channel TX/RX SWD_IO 16 I/O SWD I/O Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Page 9 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Pinouts 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 VBUS_P_CTRL CC_VREF VBUS_C_CTRL/VBUS_OK CC_SEL_REF_3/VSEL1 VBUS_VREF VBUS_VMON VSSA VDDA VDDD VCCD Figure 2. Pinout for CYPD1122-40LQXI/CYPD1121-40LQXI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 QFN 16 17 18 19 20 GPIO2/CC_SEL_REF_3 GPIO3/iFAULT I2C_SCL I2C_SDA I2C_INT 13 14 15 12 SWD_CLK HOTPLUG_DET GPIO1/VSEL2 11 SWD_IO (Top View ) CC_SEL_REF_1 MUXSEL _1 MUXSEL _2 CC1_CTRL CC2_CTRL MUXSEL _3 MUXSEL _4 CS _P CS_M VSS CC1 XRES CC2_VCONN _CTRL CC2_RP CC2_RD CC2 VBUS _DISCHARGE CC1_VCONN _CTRL CC1_RP CC1_RD CC_SEL_REF_2 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 MUXSEL_5 CC_VREF/VBUS_DISCHARGE HOTPLUG_DET VBUS_P_CTRL VBUS_VREF VBUS_VMON VSSA VDDA VDDD VCCD Figure 3. Pinout for CYPD1134-40LQXI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 QFN (Top View) 16 17 18 19 20 CC2_RP_DEF CC2_RP_1.5 I2C_SCL I2C_SDA I2C_INT 13 SWD_CLK CC1_RP_3.0 14 15 12 CC1_RP_DEF 11 SWD_IO 21 CC1_RP_1.5 MUXSEL _1 MUXSEL _2 CC1_CTRL CC2_CTRL MUXSEL _3 MUXSEL _4 CS _P CS_M VSS CC1 XRES IFAULT CC2_VCONN _CTRL CC1_VCONN _CTRL CC2 CC2_LPREF CC2_LPRX CC1_LPREF CC1_LPRX CC2_RP _3.0 Figure 4. Pinout for CYPD1132-16SXI Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I SWD_CLK 1 16 SWD_IO VBUS_P_CTRL 2 15 CC VBUS_VMON 3 14 VSEL2 VBUS_VREF 4 13 VSEL1 XRES 5 12 CS VCCD 6 11 CC_CTRL VSSD 7 10 CC_VREF/VBUS_DISCHARGE VDDD 8 9 SOIC (Top View) VSSA Page 10 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Figure 5. Pinout for CYPD1103-35FNXIT/CYPD1131-FNXIT 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 VCCD GPIO/ CC2_RD CC1_LPRE F/CC1_RP GPIO/ CC1_VCO NN_CTRL TX_GND/ VBUS_DIS CHARGE GPIO/ I2C_INT GPIO/ CC_SEL_R EF_2 A VSSA XRES TX_M/ CC2_VCON N_CTRL GPIO/ CC2_RP TX_U/ CC2 I2C_SDA I2C_SCL B VDDD/ VDDA VCONN_D ET/ CC_SEL_R EF_3 CC_VREF/ VBUS_VRE F CC1_RX/ VBUS_VMO N CC1_LPRX/ CC1_RD GPIO/ HOTPLUG_ DET SWD_CLK C CC1_TX/ VBUS_C_C TRL GPIO/ MUXSEL_2 BYPASS/ MUXSEL_1 TX_REF_O UT/ CC_VREF TX_REF_IN /CC1_CTRL GPIO SWD_IO D GPIO/ VBUS_P_C TRL GPIO/ MUXSEL_4 RA_FAR_D ISCONNEC T/ MUXSEL_3 RA_DISCO NNECT/ CC2_CTRL GPIO/ CS_P GPIO/ CS_M GPIO/ CC_SEL_R EF_1 E Power The following power system diagram shows the minimum set of power supply pins as implemented for the CCG1. The system has one regulator in Active mode for the digital circuitry. There is no analog regulator; the analog circuits run directly from the VDDA input. There is a separate regulator for the Deep Sleep mode. There is a separate low-noise regulator for the bandgap. The supply voltage range is 3.2 V to 5.5 V with all functions and circuits operating over that range. VDDA and VDDD must be shorted together; the grounds, VSSA and VSS must also be shorted together. Bypass capacitors must be used from VDDD to ground. The typical practice for systems in this frequency range is to use a capacitor in the 1-µF range in parallel with a smaller capacitor (0.1 µF, for example). Note that these are simply rules of thumb and that, for critical applications, the PCB layout, lead inductance, and the bypass capacitor parasitic should be simulated to design and obtain optimal bypassing. Refer to Application Diagrams for bypassing schemes. Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Page 11 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Electrical Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings Table 5. Absolute Maximum Ratings[11] Spec ID SID1 Parameter Description Min Typ Max Units Details/ Conditions VDDD_ABS Digital supply relative to VSSD –0.50 – 6.00 V Absolute max SID2 VCCD_ABS Direct digital core voltage input relative to VSSD –0.50 – 1.95 V Absolute max SID3 VGPIO_ABS GPIO voltage –0.50 – VDDD+0.50 V Absolute max SID4 IGPIO_ABS Maximum current per GPIO –25.00 – 25.00 mA Absolute max SID5 GPIO injection current, Max for VIH > IGPIO_injection VDDD, and Min for VIL < VSS –0.50 – 0.50 mA Absolute max, current injected per pin BID44 ESD_HBM Electrostatic discharge human body model 2200.00 – – V – BID45 ESD_CDM Electrostatic discharge charged device model 500.00 – – V – BID46 LU Pin current for latch-up –200.00 – 200.00 mA – Device-Level Specifications All specifications are valid for –40 °C TA 85 °C and TJ 100 °C for 35-CSP and 40-QFN package options. Specifications are valid for –40 °C TA 105 °C and TJ 120 °C for 16-SOIC package options. Specifications are valid for 3.2 V to VDD’s maximum value, depending on the type of application. Table 6. DC Specifications Spec ID Parameter Description Min Typ Max Units Details/ Conditions VDDD Power supply input voltage 3.20 – 5.20 V Notebook, tablet, monitor and power adapter applications SID53_A VDDD SID54 VCCD Power supply input voltage 3.20 – 5.50 V EMCA applications – 1.80 – V SID55 CEFC External regulator voltage bypass 1.00 1.30 1.60 μF X5R ceramic or better SID56 CEXC Power supply decoupling capacitor – 1.00 – μF X5R ceramic or better T = 25 °C SID53 Output voltage (for core logic) – Active Mode, VDDD = 3.2 to 5.5 V. Typical values measured at VDD = 3.3 V. SID19 IDD14 Execute from flash; CPU at 48 MHz – 12.80 – mA SID20 IDD15 Execute from flash; CPU at 48 MHz – – 13.80 mA – – Sleep Mode, VDDD = 3.2 to 5.5 V SID25A IDD20A 2 I C wakeup and comparators on – 1.70 2.2 0 mA – Deep Sleep Mode, VDDD = 3.2 to 3.6 V (Regulator on) SID31 SID32 IDD26 I2C wakeup on – 1.30 – μA T = 25 °C, 3.6 V IDD27 I2C – – 50.00 μA T = 85 °C I2C wakeup – 15.00 – μA T = 25 °C, 5 V Supply current while XRES asserted – 2.00 5.00 mA wakeup on Deep Sleep Mode, VDDD = 3.6 to 5.5 V SID34 IDD29 XRES Current SID307 IDD_XR – Note 11. Usage above the absolute maximum conditions listed in Table 5 may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum conditions for extended periods of time may affect device reliability. The maximum storage temperature is 150 °C in compliance with JEDEC Standard JESD22-A103, High Temperature Storage Life. When used below absolute maximum conditions but above normal operating conditions, the device may not operate to specification. Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Page 12 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Table 7. AC Specifications Spec ID Parameter Description Details/ Conditions Min Typ Max Units DC – 48.00 MHz 3.2 VDD 5.5 SID48 FCPU CPU frequency SID49 TSLEEP Wakeup from sleep mode – 0.00 – µs Guaranteed by characterization SID50 TDEEPSLEEP Wakeup from Deep Sleep mode – – 25.00 µs 24-MHz IMO. Guaranteed by characterization SID52 TRESETWIDTH External reset pulse width 1.00 – – µs Guaranteed by characterization Min Typ Max Units – V CMOS Input I/O Table 8. I/O DC Specifications Spec ID Parameter Description SID57 VIH[12] Input voltage high threshold 0.70 × VDDD – SID58 VIL Input voltage low threshold – – Details/ Conditions SID243 VIH[12] LVTTL input 2.00 – 0.30 × VDDD – V – SID244 VIL LVTTL input – – 0.80 V – SID59 VOH Output voltage high level SID62 V CMOS Input VOL Output voltage low level VDDD –0.60 – – 0.60 V IOL = 8 mA at 3 V VDDD SID62A VOL Output voltage low level – – 0.40 V IOL = 3 mA at 3 V VDDD – – – V IOH = 4 mA at 3 V VDDD SID63 RPULLUP Pull-up resistor 3.50 5.60 8.50 kΩ SID64 RPULLDOWN Pull-down resistor 3.50 5.60 8.50 kΩ SID65 IIL – – 2.00 nA – – 4.00 nA – – 7.00 pF SID66 CIN Input leakage current (absolute value) Input leakage current (absolute value) for analog pins Input capacitance SID67 VHYSTTL Input hysteresis LVTTL 15.00 40.00 – mV SID68 VHYSCMOS Input hysteresis CMOS 200.00 – – mV SID69 IDIODE – – 100.00 μA – – 200.00 mA Min Typ Max Units SID65A IIL_CTBM SID69A ITOT_GPIO Current through protection diode to VDD/VSS Maximum Total Source or Sink Chip Current – 25 °C, VDDD = 3.0 V – – VDDD 2.7 V. Guaranteed by characterization VDDD 4.5 V. Guaranteed by characterization Guaranteed by characterization Guaranteed by characterization Table 9. I/O AC Specifications (Guaranteed by Characterization) SID70 TRISEF Rise time 2.00 – 12.00 ns Details/ Conditions 3.3-V VDDD, Cload = 25 pF SID71 TFALLF Fall time 2.00 – 12.00 ns 3.3-V VDDD, Cload = 25 pF Spec ID Parameter Description Note 12. VIH must not exceed VDDD + 0.2 V. Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Page 13 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet XRES Table 10. XRES DC Specifications Spec ID Parameter Description Min Typ Max Units Details/ Conditions SID77 VIH Input voltage high threshold 0.70 × VDDD – – V CMOS input SID78 VIL Input voltage low threshold – – 0.30 × VDDD V CMOS input SID79 RPULLUP Pull-up resistor 3.50 5.60 8.50 kΩ – SID80 CIN Input capacitance – 3.00 – pF – SID81 VHYSXRES Input voltage hysteresis – 100.00 – mV Guaranteed by characterization SID82 IDIODE Current through protection diode to VDDD/VSS – – 100.00 µA Guaranteed by characterization Digital Peripherals The following specifications apply to the Timer/Counter/PWM peripherals in the Timer mode. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) for VSEL and CUR_LIM Pins Table 11. PWM AC Specifications (Guaranteed by Characterization) Spec ID Parameter Description Min Typ Max Units Details/ Conditions – – 48.00 MHz – SID140 TPWMFREQ Operating frequency SID141 TPWMPWINT Pulse width (internal) 42.00 – – ns – SID142 TPWMEXT Pulse width (external) 42.00 – – ns – SID143 TPWMKILLINT Kill pulse width (internal) 42.00 – – ns – SID144 TPWMKILLEXT Kill pulse width (external) 42.00 – – ns – SID145 TPWMEINT Enable pulse width (internal) 42.00 – – ns – SID146 TPWMENEXT Enable pulse width (external) 42.00 – – ns – SID147 TPWMRESWINT Reset pulse width (internal) 42.00 – – ns – SID148 TPWMRESWEXT Reset pulse width (external) 42.00 – – ns – Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Page 14 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet I2C Table 12. Fixed I2C DC Specifications (Guaranteed by Characterization) Spec ID Parameter Description Min Typ Max Units Details/Conditions SID149 II2C1 Block current consumption at 100 kHz – – 50 µA – SID150 II2C2 Block current consumption at 400 kHz – – 135.00 µA – SID151 II2C3 Block current consumption at 1 Mbps – – 310.00 µA – – – 1.40 µA – Min Typ Max Units Details/Conditions – – 1.00 Mbps – SID152 2 I C enabled in Deep Sleep mode II2C4 Table 13. Fixed I2C AC Specifications (Guaranteed by Characterization) Spec ID SID153 Parameter FI2C1 Description Bit rate Memory Table 14. Flash DC Specifications Spec ID SID173 Parameter Description VPE Erase and program voltage Min Typ Max Units Details/Conditions 3.20 – 5.50 V – Min Typ Max Units Table 15. Flash AC Specifications Spec ID Parameter SID174 TROWWRITE[13] SID175 TROWERASE[13] Description [13] Details/Conditions Row (block) write time (erase and program) Row (block) = 128 bytes – – 20.00 ms Row erase time – – 13.00 ms – SID176 TROWPROGRAM Row program time after erase – – 7.00 ms – SID178 TBULKERASE[13] Bulk erase time (32 KB) – – 35.00 ms – SID180 TDEVPROG[13] Total device program time – – 7.00 seconds Guaranteed by characterization SID181 FEND Flash endurance 100 K – – cycles Guaranteed by characterization SID182 FRET[14] Flash retention. TA 55 °C, 100 K P/E cycles 20 – – years Guaranteed by characterization SID182A – Flash retention. TA 85 °C, 10 K P/E cycles 10 – – years Guaranteed by characterization SID182B – Flash retention. 85 °C < TA < 105 °C, 10K P/E cycles 3 – – years Guaranteed by characterization Notes 13. It can take as much as 20 milliseconds to write to flash. During this time the device should not be Reset, or flash operations will be interrupted and cannot be relied on to have completed. Reset sources include the XRES pin, software resets, CPU lockup states and privilege violations, improper power supply levels, and watchdogs. Make certain that these are not inadvertently activated. 14. Cypress provides a retention calculator to calculate the retention lifetime based on customers' individual temperature profiles for operation over the –40 °C to +105 °C ambient temperature range. Contact Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Page 15 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet System Resources Power-on-Reset (POR) with Brown Out Table 16. Imprecise Power On Reset (PRES) Spec ID SID185 Parameter Description Min Typ Max Units Details/Conditions 0.80 – 1.45 V Guaranteed by characterization VRISEIPOR Rising trip voltage SID186 VFALLIPOR Falling trip voltage 0.75 – 1.40 V Guaranteed by characterization SID187 VIPORHYST Hysteresis 15.0 – 200.0 mV Guaranteed by characterization Min Typ Max Units Details/Conditions Table 17. Precise Power On Reset (POR) Spec ID Parameter Description SID190 VFALLPPOR BOD trip voltage in active and sleep modes 1.64 – – V Guaranteed by characterization SID192 VFALLDPSLP BOD trip voltage in Deep Sleep 1.40 – – V Guaranteed by characterization Min Typ Max Units Details/Conditions – – 14.00 MHz SWDCLK ≤1/3 CPU clock frequency SWD Interface Table 18. SWD Interface Specifications Spec ID SID213 Parameter F_SWDCLK1 Description 3.2 V VDDD 5.5 V SID215 T_SWDI_SETUP T = 1/f SWDCLK 0.25 × T – – ns Guaranteed by characterization SID216 T_SWDI_HOLD 0.25 × T – – ns Guaranteed by characterization SID217 T_SWDO_VALID T = 1/f SWDCLK – – 0.50*T ns Guaranteed by characterization SID217A T_SWDO_HOLD T = 1/f SWDCLK 1 – – ns Guaranteed by characterization Description Min Typ Max Units Details/Conditions IMO operating current at 48 MHz – – 1000.00 µA – T = 1/f SWDCLK Internal Main Oscillator Table 19. IMO DC Specifications (Guaranteed by Design) Spec ID SID218 Parameter IIMO1 Table 20. IMO AC Specifications Min Typ Max Units SID223 Spec ID FIMOTOL1 Parameter Frequency variation Description – – ±2.00 % SID226 TSTARTIMO IMO startup time – – 12.00 µs – SID229 TJITRMSIMO3 RMS Jitter at 48 MHz – 139.00 – ps – Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Details/Conditions With API-called calibration Page 16 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Internal Low-Speed Oscillator Table 21. ILO DC Specifications (Guaranteed by Design) Description Min Typ Max Units SID231 Spec ID IILO1 Parameter ILO operating current at 32 kHz – 0.30 1.05 µA Guaranteed by characterization Details/Conditions SID233 IILOLEAK ILO leakage current – 2.00 15.00 nA Guaranteed by design Min Typ Max Units – – 2.00 ms Table 22. ILO AC Specifications Spec ID SID234 Parameter Description TSTARTILO1 ILO startup time SID236 TILODUTY ILO duty cycle 40.00 50.00 60.00 % SID237 FILOTRIM1 32-kHz trimmed frequency 15.00 32.00 50.00 kHz Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Details/Conditions Guaranteed by characterization Guaranteed by characterization ±60% with trim Page 17 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Applications in Detail Figure 6. Single Chip/Cable, Component Count = 19 Type-C Plug Type-C Plug VBUS VCONN 1 BAT54V-7 A1 100k 10% C2 VCONN 2 A2 100k 10% 12.4k 1%100k 1% D TF412S G BAT54V-7 C1 806 1% D TF412S G S S 806 Ra_Far 1% 1uF Ra A5 CC1_LPREF C7 VDDD GPIO C6 VCONN_DET E4 TX_REF_OUT RA_DISCONNECT E5 RA_FAR_DISCONNECT B6 47pF D5 1uF A7 B7 BYPASS D4 CC_VREF C5 TX_GND XRES A1, A2, A4, A6, B4, C2, D2, D6, E1, E2, E3, E6, E7 A3 2k 1% CYPD1103-35FNXI D3 35CSP TX_REF_IN B5 TX_M TX_U B3 VCCD CC1_TX VSSA I2C_ I2C_ SWD_ SWD_ IO CLK SCL SDA B2 D1 C1 B1 D7 2.2nf 2.4k 1% 2k 1% 22 1% C4 CC1_RX C3 CC1_LPRX S G NTNS3164NZ D CC CC SuperSpeed and HighSpeed Lines GND Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Page 18 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Figure 7. Two Chip/Cable, Component Count = 15/paddle Type-C Plug Type-C Plug VBUS VBUS VCONN 1 100k 10% VCONN 2 D 12.4k 1% 100k 1% TF412S G 100k 10% 12.4k 1% 100k 1% D TF412S G S S Ra 1% 1uF A5 CC1_LPREF 1uF C7 VDDD GPIO TX_REF_OUT RA_DISCONNECT E5 RA_FAR_DISCONNECT B6 47pF D5 1uF A7 B7 CC_VREF TX_GND XRES BYPASS VCCD A5 CC1_LPREF A1, A2, A4, A6, B4, C2, D2, D6, E1, E2, E3, E6, E7 C6 C6 VCONN_DET E4 D4 E4 C5 A3 2k 1% 2k 1% CYPD1103-35FNXI D3 35CSP TX_REF_IN B5 TX_M B3 TX_U D7 CC1_TX 2.2nf 2.4k 1% I2C_ I2C_ SWD_ SWD_ SCL SDA IO CLK B2 D1 C1 B1 C7 VDDD GPIO VCONN_DET TX_REF_OUT RA_DISCONNECT B6 47pF D5 1uF A7 22 1% C4 CC1_RX C3 CC1_LPRX XRES S G TX_U B3 CC1_TX D7 VCCD VSSA I2C_ I2C_ SWD_ SWD_ SCL SDA IO CLK B1 B2 D1 C1 CC D4 A3 2k 1% CYPD1103-35FNXI TX_GND D3 35CSP TX_REF_IN TX_M B5 BYPASS Ra A1, A2, A4, A6, B4, C2, D2, D6, E1, E2, E3, E6, E7 CC_VREF C5 E5 RA_FAR_DISCONNECT B7 VSSA 806 1% 2.2nf 2.4k 1% 2k 1% 22 1% CC1_RX C4 CC1_LPRX C3 S NTNS3164NZ NTNS3164NZ G D D CC SuperSpeed and HighSpeed Lines SuperSpeed and HighSpeed Lines GND GND Figure 8. 16-pin SOIC Power Adapter Application Diagram PFET 5-20 Volts From Secondary Side DMG7401SFG-7 49.9k 1% S VBUS D G 100 1% NFET MGSF1N03L G 3.9k1% 5V 0 0 12V 0 1 19.6V 1 0 To Primary Side 13 14 CS VSEL1 VSEL2 3 2 3.3V 21.5k1% VBUS_DISCHARGE/ CC_VREF 10 5.6K 1% CYPD1132-16SXI 16SOIC 3.3v 16 SWD_IO 1 SWD_CLK Rp CC 5 XRES 15 VSSD 7 VSSA 9 CC_CTRL 11 4.7k 1% 3.3v 84.51% 51.11% 0.1uF Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I VBUS_DISCHARGE 4 VBUS_VREF 8 VDDD VCCD 12 VSEL2 MGSF1N03LT1G 1uF 6 VSEL1 0.1uF 100k 1uF VBUS 10k1% S VBUS_VMON 0.1uF D VBUS_P_CTRL Rsense 10 m 10uF 3.3v NFET MGSF1N03L Select NFET with Vth > 1V VBUS_DISCHARGE Sense Resistor on the return path of Secondary 100k1% 1k1% 4.7nF 330pF NTS3164NZ CC CCG1 supports up to 2.2kV ESD protection. If higher protection is required, add external ESD. Page 19 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Figure 9. Notebook (DRP) Application Diagram To System PFET D S From System S D 50k 5% G G VBUS PFET 5V D S S D 50k 5% G G 100k 1% 5 Volts 100 1% 1W 10k 1% CS_P NFET D D VBUS_DISCHARGE S 10k 1% VDDD = 5V 0.1uF NFET G CS_M S S D 0.2 1% 3.9k 1% G G Select NFET with Vth > 1V S 1uF PFET G D VBUS_DISCHARGE 1 MUXSEL_1 2 MUXSEL_2 5 MUXSEL_3 6 MUXSEL_4 24 VBU S_VREF NFET S CC1_RP CC1_RD CC1_CTRL S 10 USB Chipset HPD DP0/1/2/3 Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I S VDDD CC1 Type C Receptacle 3 10k 1% S CC2_VCONN_CTRL 29 D 287 1% PFET NFET S D G 2.2nF VDDD 330pF 1M, 5% CC2_CTRL 4 5.1k 10% Rd D NFET 34 11 21 CC_VREF CC_SEL_REF_3 CC_SEL_REF_2 VSSA VSS 9 CC_SEL_REF_1 G SS AUX+/- NFET G D G 40QFN 4.1k 1% DisplayPort Chipset G 2.2nF 80.6 1% I2C_SDA 20 I2C_INT XRES 5.1k 10% Rd CC2 19 0.1uF NFET 287 1% CYPD1122 -40LQXI 18 I2C_SCL HS 1M, 5% D 22 CC2 26 30 330pF VDDD 10k 1% CC1 12 SWD_IO 13 SWD_CLK Embedded Controller D G Rp 23 80.6 1% 14 HOTPLUG_DET HPD VBUS_VMON VBUS_C_CTRL/VBUS_OK 7 CS_P 8 CS_M 15 GPIO1 16 GPIO2 17 GPIO3 25 VBUS_DISCHARGE CS_P CS_M 35 36 CC1_VCONN_CTRL 38 40 VBUS_P_CTRL VDD A 32 VDDD 33 VCCD 31 1uF 37 CC2_RP CC2_RD 28 Rp 27 S NFET S D G 39 5 Volts 3.16k 1% 10k 1% VDDD HS MUXSEL_x 2.32k 1% 21.5k 1% SS/DP0/1 DP2/3 HS/SS/ DP/SBU Lines HS/SS/DP Mux AUX+/- Page 20 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Figure 10. Notebook (DFP) Application Diagram From System VBUS PFET 5V D S S D 50k 5% G 0.02 1% G 100k 1% Current Monitor + Comparator 5 Volts 10k 1% 100 1% 1W iFAULT CS_P NFET D D 0.2 1% 3.9k 1% G VBUS_DISCHARGE CS_M S 10k 1% VDDD = 5V 0.1uF NFET G S Select NFET with Vth > 1V S 1uF PFET G D VBUS_VREF 27 CC1_VCONN_CTRL 7 CS_P 8 CS_M CS_P CS_M 35 36 37 VBUS_VMON VDDD 32 VBUS_P_CTRL VCCD VDDA 31 33 1uF iFAULT CC1_CTRL 1 MUXSEL_1 2 MUXSEL_2 5 MUXSEL_3 6 MUXSEL_4 40 MUXSEL_5 CC2_VCONN_CTRL 40QFN USB Chipset 23 25 9 34 CC_VREF/ VBUS_DISCHARGE VSSA VSS CC2_LPREF XRES D 287 1% NFET S 2.2nF G D 390pF VDDD CC2_CTRL 4 CC1_LPREF 30 0.1uF PFET G 80.6 1% 19 HS CC2 S CC2 26 18 I2C_SCL I2C_SDA 20 I2C_INT Type C Receptacle 10k 1% 28 24 CC2_LPRX 12 SWD_IO 13 SWD_CLK Embedded Controller CC1 2.2nF 3 CYPD1134 -40LQXI 38 HOTPLUG_DET HPD 390pF 287 1% 80.6 1% iFAULT D G VDDD 10k 1% CC1_RP_3.0 14 22 CC1_LPRX 10 S 22k 1% CC1_RP_1.5 11 CC1 29 NFET 56k 1% CC1_RP_DEF 15 CC2_RP_DEF 16 CC2_RP_1.5 17 CC2_RP_3.0 21 56k 1% 22k 1% 10k 1% 39 HS 5 Volts SS MUXSEL_x 21.5k 1% DisplayPort Chipset HPD DP0/1/2/3 AUX+/- Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I VBUS_DISCHARGE 3.42k 1% SS/DP0/1 DP2/3 HS/SS/ DP/SBU Lines HS/SS/DP Mux AUX+/- Page 21 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Figure 11. Monitor Application Block Diagram DC Input 5/12/20V DC/DC VBUS PFET D S S D 50k 5% G G 100k 1% 5 Volts 100 1%, 1W 10k 1% D D NFET G VBUS_DISCHARGE 3.9k 1% CS_P 0.2 1% S CS_M REG 12V 0 0 0 1 0 0V 1 1 1 2 5 6 14 HPD HS USB Chipset DisplayPort Chipset SS HPD DP0/1/2/3 AUX+/- Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I 10 G D 330pF VDDD VDDA VDDD VBUS_VREF 80.6 1% CC1 2.2nF Type C Receptacle 3 CYPD1121-40LQXI CC2 S 40QFN CC2_VCONN_CTRL HOTPLUG_DET 29 26 PFET G D 287 1% NFET S 80.6 1% D G 2.2nF 330pF VDDD 9 34 4.1k 1% 11 21 CC_VREF CC_SEL_REF_3 CC_SEL_REF_2 VSSA CC_SEL_REF_1 CC2_CTRL 4 VSS XRES NFET 287 1% 10k 18 I2C_SCL 19 I2C_SDA 20 I2C_INT 30 5.1k 1% S CC1 12 SWD_IO 13 SWD_CLK 0.1uF Rd 22 CC1_RD CC2 Embedded Controller Rp 10k 1% 23 CC1_RP CC1_CTRL MUXSEL_1 MUXSEL_2 MUXSEL_3 MUXSEL_4 PFET D 24 17 iFAULT 38 VBUS_C_CTRL/VBUS_OK 1 19.6V 7 CS_P 8 CS_M 37 VSEL1 15 VSEL2 35 36 25 CC1_VCONN_CTRL 5V NFET Select NFET with Vth > 1V S G VBUS_VMON CS_P CS_M 40 VBUS_DISCHARGE VSEL2 32 VBUS_P_CTRL VSEL1 33 VCCD 1uF VBUS VBUS_ DISCHARGE 1uF 31 S 10k 1% VDDD = 5V 0.1uF G 16 CC2_RP CC2_RD 28 Rp 10k 1% 27 Rd 5.1k 1% HS 39 5 Volts 3.16k 1% MUXSEL_x 2.32k 1% 21.50k 1% SS/DP0/1 DP2/3 HS/SS/ DP/SBU Lines HS/SS/DP Mux AUX+/- Page 22 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Ordering Information The CCG1 part numbers and features are listed in the following table. Table 23. CCG1 Ordering Information Part Number[15] Application Type-C Overcurrent Overvoltage Termination Ports[16] Protection Protection Resistor[17] Role[18] Package Si ID 35-WLCSP[20] 0490 CYPD1103-35FNXIT Cable, EMCA 1 No No Ra[19] Notebook, CYPD1131-35FNXIT Tablet, Smartphone 1 Yes Yes Rp[23], Rd[21] DRP[24] 35-WLCSP[22] 0491 CYPD1121-40LQXI Monitor 1 Yes Yes Rp[23], Rd[21] DRP[24] 40-QFN 0489 CYPD1122-40LQXI Notebook 1 Yes Yes Rp[23], Rd[21] DRP[24] 40-QFN 048A CYPD1134-40LQXI Notebook, Desktop 1 Yes Yes Rp[23] DFP 40-QFN 048B CYPD1132-16SXI Power Adapter 1 Yes Yes Rp[23] DFP 16-SOIC 0498 Yes [23] DFP 16-SOIC 0498 CYPD1132-16SXQ Power Adapter 1 Yes Rp Cable Ordering Code Definitions CY PD X X XX- XX XX X X X T = Tape and reel for CSP, N/A for other packages Temperature Range: I = Industrial, Q = Extended industrial Lead: X = Pb-free Package Type: LQ = QFN, FN = CSP, S = SOIC Number of pins in the package 0X: OCP and OVP not supported, 1X: reserved, 2X, 3X: OCP and OVP supported Number of Type-C Ports: 1 = 1 Port, 2 = 2 Port Product Type: 1 = First-generation product family, CCG1 Marketing Code: PD = Power delivery product family Company ID: CY = Cypress Notes 15. All part numbers support: Input voltage range from 3.2 V to 5.5 V. Industrial parts support -40 °C to +85 °C, Extended Industrial parts support -40 °C to 105 °C. 16. Number of USB Type-C Ports supported . 17. Default VCONN termination. 18. PD Role. 19. Type-C Cable Termination. 20. 35-WLCSP #1 pinout. 21. USB Device Termination. 22. 35-WLCSP #2 pinout. 23. USB Host Termination. 24. Dual Role Port. Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Page 23 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Packaging Table 24. Package Characteristics Parameter Description TA (40-QFN, 35-CSP) Operating ambient temperature Conditions Min Typ Max Units – –40 25.00 85.00 °C TJ (40-QFN, 35-CSP) Operating junction temperature – –40 – 100.00 °C TA (16-SOIC) Operating ambient temperature – –40 25.00 105.00 °C TJ (16-SOIC) Operating junction temperature – –40 – 120.00 °C TJA Package JA (40-pin QFN) – – 15.34 – °C/Watt TJA Package JA (35-CSP) – – 28.00 – °C/Watt TJA Package JA (16-SOIC) – – 85.00 – °C/Watt TJC Package JC (40-pin QFN) – – 02.50 – °C/Watt TJC Package JC (35-CSP) – – 00.40 – °C/Watt TJC Package JC (16-SOIC) – – 49.00 – °C/Watt Table 25. Solder Reflow Peak Temperature Package 16-pin SOIC Maximum Peak Temperature Maximum Time at Peak Temperature 260 °C 30 seconds 40-pin QFN 260 °C 30 seconds 35-ball WLCSP 260 °C 30 seconds Table 26. Package Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL), IPC/JEDEC J-STD-2 Package MSL 16-pin SOIC MSL 3 40-pin QFN MSL 3 35-ball WLCSP MSL 1 Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Page 24 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Figure 12. 40-pin QFN Package Outline, 001-80659 001-80659 *A The center pad on the QFN package should be connected to ground (VSS) for best mechanical, thermal, and electrical performance. If not connected to ground, it should be electrically floating and not connected to any other signal. Figure 13. 35-Ball WLCSP Package Outline, 001-93741 SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BOTTOM VIEW 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A A B B C C D D E E NOTES: 1. REFERENCE JEDEC PUBLICATION 95, DESIGN GUIDE 4.18 2. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I 001-93741 ** Page 25 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Figure 14. 16-pin SOIC (150 Mils) S16.15/SZ16.15 Package Outline, 51-85068 51-85068 *E Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Page 26 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Acronyms Table 27. Acronyms Used in this Document Acronym Description Table 27. Acronyms Used in this Document (continued) Acronym Description opamp operational amplifier OCP Overcurrent protection OVP Overvoltage protection PCB printed circuit board PGA programmable gain amplifier PHY physical layer POR power-on reset ADC analog-to-digital converter API application programming interface ARM® advanced RISC machine, a CPU architecture CC Configuration Channel CPU central processing unit CRC cyclic redundancy check, an error-checking protocol CS Current Sense PRES DFP downstream facing port PSoC Programmable System-on-Chip™ DIO digital input/output, GPIO with only digital capabilities, no analog. See GPIO. PWM pulse-width modulator RAM random-access memory EEPROM electrically erasable programmable read-only memory RISC reduced-instruction-set computing EMI electromagnetic interference ESD electrostatic discharge FPB flash patch and breakpoint FS full-speed GPIO general-purpose input/output, applies to a PSoC pin IC ® precise power-on reset RMS root-mean-square RTC real-time clock RX receive SAR successive approximation register SCL I2C serial clock SDA I2C serial data integrated circuit S/H sample and hold IDE integrated development environment SPI I2C, or IIC Inter-Integrated Circuit, a communications protocol Serial Peripheral Interface, a communications protocol SRAM static random access memory ILO internal low-speed oscillator, see also IMO SWD serial wire debug, a test protocol IMO internal main oscillator, see also ILO TX transmit UART Universal Asynchronous Transmitter Receiver, a communications protocol UFP upstream facing port USB Universal Serial Bus I/O input/output, see also GPIO, DIO, SIO, USBIO LVD low-voltage detect LVTTL low-voltage transistor-transistor logic MCU microcontroller unit NC no connect USBIO USB input/output, PSoC pins used to connect to a USB port NMI nonmaskable interrupt XRES external reset I/O pin NVIC nested vectored interrupt controller Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Page 27 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Document Conventions Units of Measure Table 28. Units of Measure Symbol Unit of Measure °C degrees Celsius Hz hertz KB 1024 bytes kHz kilohertz k kilo ohm Mbps megabits per second MHz megahertz M mega-ohm Msps megasamples per second µA microampere µF microfarad µs microsecond µV microvolt µW microwatt mA milliampere ms millisecond mV millivolt nA nanoampere ns nanosecond ohm pF picofarad ppm parts per million ps picosecond s second sps samples per second V volt Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Page 28 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Revision History Description Title: CCG1 Datasheet USB Type-C Port Controller with Power Delivery Document Number: 001-93639 Revision ECN Orig. of Change ** 4520316 MSMI *A 4531795 Submission Date Description of Change 09/30/2014 New datasheet SJH Updated Functional Definition. Updated Figure 8, Figure , Figure 7, Figure , Figure 14, Figure 9. Added Figure 11. Updated Pinouts. Updated Power. 10/13/2014 Updated Figure , Figure 8. Updated Ordering Information Added Note 24 and referred the same note in 40-pin QFN corresponding to CYPD1122-40LQXI. Added Note 27 and referred the same note in 40-pin QFN corresponding to CYPD1134-40LQXI. *B 4569912 SJH Updated Features. Added 16-pin SOIC related information. Updated Functional Definition. Updated Pin Definitions. Added Table 2. Updated Pinouts. Updated Figure 2, Figure 5. Added Figure 4. Updated Power. Updated Figure , Figure 8. Added Figure 6. Updated Electrical Specifications. Updated Device-Level Specifications. 11/21/2014 Updated Memory. Added Note 14 and referred the same note in FRET parameter. Added details corresponding to spec ID SID182B under FRET parameter. Updated Figure 14, Figure 9, Figure 11. Added Figure 8 and Figure 10. Updated Ordering Information. Updated part numbers. Added a column “Si ID”. Updated Packaging. Updated Table 24. Updated details in maximum value column corresponding to TA and TJ parameters. Added 16-pin SOIC related information. Updated Table 25. *C 4596141 SJH 12/14/2014 Updated Figure 6, Figure 14, Figure 16. Updated Table 8, Table 23. *D 4646123 SJH Updated pin definitions for 40-pin QFN and 35-ball WLCSP. Updated Pinout for CYPD1122-40LQXI/CYPD1121-40LQXI and Ordering 02/04/2015 Information. Updated conditions for Device-Level Specifications. Updated diagrams in Applications in Detail section. *E 4686050 VGT Removed information about 28-pin SSOP. 03/13/2015 Updated Table 3, Table 23, Table 24, Table 25, Table 26, Table 27. Updated Figure 2, Figure . VGT Updated General Description. Added Note 1 and referenced it in Features. 05/13//2015 Updated Figure 6, Figure 8 through Figure 11. Removed Figure 9. Single Chip/Cable, Component Count = 13. Removed Figure 11. Two Chip/Cable, Component Count = 11/paddle. *F 4747272 Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Page 29 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Revision History (continued) Description Title: CCG1 Datasheet USB Type-C Port Controller with Power Delivery Document Number: 001-93639 Revision ECN Orig. of Change Submission Date Description of Change *G 4800534 VGT Updated Low-Power Operation. Updated the number of GPIOs to “up to 30” in GPIO. Updated “1.8 to 5.5 V” to “3.2 V to 5.5 V” in Low-Power Operation, Power System, Power, Device-Level Specifications and Note 15. Updated Table 2, Table 4, Table 5, Table 6, Table 7, Table 8, Table 14 and Table 18. 07/02/2015 Added table footnotes 8, 9 and 10. Deleted footnotes 25 through 28. Updated Figure 2 and Figure 8 through Figure 11. Added Figure 3. Updated the following in Power: Removed Figures 5 through 8. Updated the section. *H 4939764 VGT 09/29/2015 Removed specs SID241 and 242. Updated 40-pin QFN package to current revision. *I 5179365 KISB 03/17/2016 Updated max value of II2C1 from 10.50 µA to 50 µA. Updated copyright information and sales links at the end of the document. Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Page 30 of 31 CCG1 Datasheet Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information Worldwide Sales and Design Support Cypress maintains a worldwide network of offices, solution centers, manufacturer’s representatives, and distributors. To find the office closest to you, visit us at Cypress Locations. PSoC® Solutions Products ARM® Cortex® Microcontrollers Automotive Clocks & Buffers Interface Lighting & Power Control Memory PSoC Touch Sensing USB Controllers Wireless/RF PSoC 1 | PSoC 3 | PSoC 4 | PSoC 5LP Cypress Developer Community Community | Forums | Blogs | Video | Training Technical Support © Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 2014-2016. This document is the property of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation and its subsidiaries, including Spansion LLC ("Cypress"). This document, including any software or firmware included or referenced in this document ("Software"), is owned by Cypress under the intellectual property laws and treaties of the United States and other countries worldwide. Cypress reserves all rights under such laws and treaties and does not, except as specifically stated in this paragraph, grant any license under its patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights. If the Software is not accompanied by a license agreement and you do not otherwise have a written agreement with Cypress governing the use of the Software, then Cypress hereby grants you under its copyright rights in the Software, a personal, non-exclusive, nontransferable license (without the right to sublicense) (a) for Software provided in source code form, to modify and reproduce the Software solely for use with Cypress hardware products, only internally within your organization, and (b) to distribute the Software in binary code form externally to end users (either directly or indirectly through resellers and distributors), solely for use on Cypress hardware product units. Cypress also grants you a personal, non-exclusive, nontransferable, license (without the right to sublicense) under those claims of Cypress's patents that are infringed by the Software (as provided by Cypress, unmodified) to make, use, distribute, and import the Software solely to the minimum extent that is necessary for you to exercise your rights under the copyright license granted in the previous sentence. Any other use, reproduction, modification, translation, or compilation of the Software is prohibited. CYPRESS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS DOCUMENT OR ANY SOFTWARE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Cypress reserves the right to make changes to this document without further notice. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described in this document. Any information provided in this document, including any sample design information or programming code, is provided only for reference purposes. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to properly design, program, and test the functionality and safety of any application made of this information and any resulting product. Cypress products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as critical components in systems designed or intended for the operation of weapons, weapons systems, nuclear installations, life-support devices or systems, other medical devices or systems (including resuscitation equipment and surgical implants), pollution control or hazardous substances management, or other uses where the failure of the device or system could cause personal injury, death, or property damage ("Unintended Uses"). A critical component is any component of a device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. Cypress is not liable, in whole or in part, and Company shall and hereby does release Cypress from any claim, damage, or other liability arising from or related to all Unintended Uses of Cypress products. Company shall indemnify and hold Cypress harmless from and against all claims, costs, damages, and other liabilities, including claims for personal injury or death, arising from or related to any Unintended Uses of Cypress products. Cypress, the Cypress logo, Spansion, the Spansion logo, and combinations thereof, PSoC, CapSense, EZ-USB, F-RAM, and Traveo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cypress in the United States and other countries. For a more complete list of Cypress trademarks, visit Other names and brands may be claimed as property of their respective owners. Document Number: 001-93639 Rev. *I Revised March 17, 2016 All products and company names mentioned in this document may be the trademarks of their respective holders. Page 31 of 31