Features • • • • • • • Supply-voltage Range: 2.7 V to 5.5 V Single-ended Output, no Balun Required Single-ended Input for RF and LO Excellent Isolation Characteristics Power-down Mode IP3 and Compression Point Programmable 2.5-GHz Operating Frequency Benefits • • • • Reduced System Costs as only Few External Component (no Balun) are Required Small Package Very Low Current Consumption Easy to Use Electrostatic sensitive device. Observe precautions for handling. 2.5-GHz Doublebalanced Mixer U2795B Description The U2795B is a 2.5-GHz mixer for WLAN and RF telecommunications equipment, e.g., DECT and PCN. The IC is manufactured using Atmel's advanced bipolar technology. A double-balanced approach was chosen to assure good isolation characteristics and a minimum of spurious products. The input and output are single-ended, and their characteristics are programmable. No output transformer or balun is required. Figure 1. Block Diagram VS 2 R2 RFi 3 5 IFo 4 So P VR R1 VH VH 7 LO i Voltage regulator 6 GND 8 PD 1 VS Rev. 4654A–CELL–01/03 1 Pin Configuration Figure 2. Pinning VS 1 8 PU RF 2 7 LOi P 3 6 GND SO 4 5 IFO Pin Description 2 Pin Symbol Function 1 VS Supply voltage 2 RFi RF input 3 P Progamming port IP3, CP 4 SO Output symmetry 5 IFO IF output 6 GND 7 LOi LO input 8 PU Power-up Ground U2795B 4654A–CELL–01/03 U2795B Functional Description Supply Voltage The IC is designed for a supply-voltage range of 2.7 V to 5.5 V. As the IC is internally stabilized, the performance of the circuit is nearly independent of the supply voltage. Input Impedance The input impedance, ZRFi, is about 700 W with an additional capacitive component. This condition provides the best noise figure in combination with a matching network. 3rd Order Intercept Point (IP3) The voltage divider, RP/R1, determinates both the input and output intercept point, IIP3 and OIP3. If the value of RP is infinite, the maximum value of IIP3 reachs about -4 dBm. The IP3/RP characteristics are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. Output Impedance and Intercept Point The output impedance is shown in Figure 11. Both low output impedance and a high intercept point are defined to a high value of RP. Current Consumption, IS Depending on the chosen input and output conditions of the IC, the current consumption,IS, is between 4 mA and 10 mA. The current consumption in dependence of Rp is shown in Figure 6. Power-up This feature provides extended battery lifetime. If this function is not used, Pin 8 has to be connected to VS (Pin 1). Output Symmetry The symmetry of the load current can be matched and thus optimized for a given load impedance. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameters Symbol Value Unit Supply voltage VS 6 V Input voltage VI 0 to VS V Junction temperature Tj 125 °C Tstg -40 to +125 °C Symbol Value Unit RthJA 175 K/W Symbol Value Unit Storage-temperature range Thermal Resistance Parameters Junction ambient SO8 Operating Range Parameters Supply-voltage range Ambient-temperature range VS 2.7 to 5.5 V Tamb -40 to +85 °C 3 4654A–CELL–01/03 Electrical Characteristics VS = 3 V, fLOi = 1 GHz, IF = 900 MHz, RF = 100 MHz, RP = ¥, system impedance Zo = 50 W, Tamb = 25°C, RT = 56 W reference point Pin 6, unless otherwise specified No. Parameters 1.1 Supply voltage range 1.2 1.3 2 Test Conditions Pin Symbol Min. 1 VS Typ. Max. Unit Type* 2.7 5.5 V A 9 3 13 6.2 mA mA A A dB dB B Supply Current VS = 2.7 V 1 1 IS IS Conversion Supply Current RL = 50 W, RT = ¥ RL = 50 W, RT = 56 W 1 PGC PGC 2 RFi 10 2500 MHz D 9 4 Operating Frequencies 2.1 RFi frequency 2.2 LOi frequency 7 fLOi 50 2500 MHz D 2.3 IFo frequency 5 fIFo 50 2500 MHz D 7, 2 ISLO–RF dBm D 3 Isolation 3.1 LO spurious at RFi PiLO = -10 to 0 dBm -30 3.2 RFi to LOi PiRF = -25 dBm 2, 7 ISRF–LO 35 dB D 3.3 LO spurious at IFo PiLO = -10 to 0 dBm 5, 7 ISLO–IF -25 dBm D 3.4 IFo to LOi 5, 7 ISIF–LO 30 dB D 5 CPO -10 dBm D 4 4.1 5 Output (IF) Output compression point Input (RF) 5.1 Input impedance 2 ZRFi 700||0.8 W||pF D 5.2 Input compression point 2 CPi -14 dBm D 5.3 3rd-order input intercept point 2 IIP3 -4 dBm D 7 PiLO -6 dBm D 6 6.1 7 Input (LO) LO level Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) 7.1 Input LO 7 VSWRLOi <2 D 7.2 Output IF 4 VSWRIFo <2 D NF 10 ISPU <5 8 8.1 9 9.1 10 10.1 10.2 Noise Performance Noise figure PiLO = 0 dBm, RT = ¥ dB D 30 µA µA B B VS + 0.5 VS + 0.5 V V D D 1 V D 0.22 mA µA A D µs D Power-down Mode Supply current VPU < 0.5V VPU = 0 V 1 VS = 3.5 to 5.5 V VS = 2.7 to 3.5 V 8 Power-down Voltage “Power ON” “Power DOWN” 10.3 Power-down current 10.4 Settling time 8 Power ON Power DOWN VPON VS -0.5 VS VPDN 8 IPON IPDN 0.15 <5 5,8 tsPD < 30 *) Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples, D = Design parameter 4 U2795B 4654A–CELL–01/03 U2795B Figure 3. IIP3 versus Resistor Rp, IF: 900 MHz -4 IIP3 (dBm) -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 0 20 40 60 80 100 80 100 Rp (kW) Figure 4. OIP3 versus Resistor Rp, IF: 900 MHz 0 OIP3 (dBm) -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 0 20 40 60 Rp (kW) 5 4654A–CELL–01/03 Figure 5. Gain versus Resistor Rp, LO: 1030 MHz, level -10 dBm; RF: 130 MHz, -30 dBm, RT = 56 W 3 Gain (dB) -1 -5 -9 -13 0 20 40 60 80 100 Rp (kW) Figure 6. Supply Current IS versus Resistor Rp 12 10 Is (mA) 8 6 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Rp (kW) 6 U2795B 4654A–CELL–01/03 U2795B Figure 7. Gain versus IF Output Frequency, LO Level: -6 dBm, RF: 130 MHz, -35 dBm; Parameter: RF Input Termination 18 with RF input matching LS = 220 nH, Cp = 4.7 pF Gain (dB) 14 without RT 10 6 2 with RT = 56 W -2 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 IF (MHz) Figure 8. IIP3 versus IF Output Frequency, LO Level: -6 dBm; RF: 130 MHz/ 130.1 MHz, -35 dBm; Parameter: RF Input Termination 0 -2 with R T = 56 W -4 IIP3 (dBm) -6 without R T -8 -10 -12 -14 with RF input matching LS = 220 nH, C p = 4.7 pF -16 -18 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 IF (MHz) 7 4654A–CELL–01/03 Figure 9. Double Sideband Noise Figure versus IF Output Frequency; LO: 1000 MHz, Level 0 dBm; no RF Input Matching, RT Left Out 12 10 NF (dB) 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 600 800 IF (MHz) Figure 10. Typical VSWR Frequency Response of the IF Output, RP = ¥ 5 VSWR 4 3 2 1 100 280 460 640 820 1000 IF Frequency (MHz) 8 U2795B 4654A–CELL–01/03 U2795B Figure 11. Typical Impedance of the Output versus RP at Frequency fIFo = 900 MHz Markers (from Left to Right): RP = ¥/22 kW/10 kW/8.2 kW/5.6 kW j 0.5j 2j 0.2j 5j 0 0.2 0.5 1 ¥ 5 2 -0.2j -5j -0.5j -2j -j Figure 12. Typical S11 Frequency Response of the IF Output, RP = ¥, IF Frequency from 100 MHz to 1000 MHz, Marker: 900 MHz j 0.5j 2j 0.2j 0 5j 0.2 0.5 1 2 ¥ 5 -0.2j -5j -0.5j -2j -j 9 4654A–CELL–01/03 Figure 13. Typical S11 Frequency Response of the RF Intput, RP = ¥, RT = ¥ RF Frequency from 100 MHz to 1000 MHz, Marker: 900 MHz j 0.5j 2j 0.2j 0 5j 0.2 0.5 1 2 ¥ 5 -0.2j -5j -0.5j -2j -j Figure 14. Typical S11 Frequency Response of the LO Intput, RP = ¥, LO Frequency from 100 MHz to 1000 MHz, Marker: 900 MHz j 0.5j 2j 0.2j 0 5j 0.2 0.5 1 2 ¥ 5 -0.2j -5j -0.5j -2j -j 10 U2795B 4654A–CELL–01/03 U2795B Application C1 VS 8 2 7 C2 RF Rp 3 C6 LO 6 5 4 C3 PU C5 U2795B RT C7 1 C4 IF RSO R I Table 1. Part List Part Value C1 10 nF C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7 100 pF *RP 50-W Microstrip *RSO 68 W ——— optional RT 56 W If the part-list values are used, the PU settling time is < 20 µs. Using other values, time requirements in burst-mode applications have to be considered. The values of RSO and RP depend on the input and output condition requirements. For RSO, 68 W is recommended. By means of the optional R I , the intercept and compression point can be slightly increased; values between 500 W and 1 kW are suitable. Please note that such modification will also increase the supply current. 11 4654A–CELL–01/03 Application Circuit (Evaluation Board) 12 U2795B 4654A–CELL–01/03 U2795B Ordering Information Extended Type Number Package Remarks U2795B-MFP SO8 Tube U2795B-MFPG3 SO8 Taped and reeled Package Information Package SO8 Dimensions in mm 5.2 4.8 5.00 4.85 3.7 1.4 0.25 0.10 0.4 1.27 6.15 5.85 3.81 8 0.2 3.8 5 technical drawings according to DIN specifications 1 4 13 4654A–CELL–01/03 Atmel Headquarters Atmel Operations Corporate Headquarters Memory 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TEL 1(408) 441-0311 FAX 1(408) 487-2600 Europe Atmel Sarl Route des Arsenaux 41 Case Postale 80 CH-1705 Fribourg Switzerland TEL (41) 26-426-5555 FAX (41) 26-426-5500 Asia Room 1219 Chinachem Golden Plaza 77 Mody Road Tsimhatsui East Kowloon Hong Kong TEL (852) 2721-9778 FAX (852) 2722-1369 Japan 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. 1-24-8 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 Japan TEL (81) 3-3523-3551 FAX (81) 3-3523-7581 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TEL 1(408) 441-0311 FAX 1(408) 436-4314 Microcontrollers 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TEL 1(408) 441-0311 FAX 1(408) 436-4314 La Chantrerie BP 70602 44306 Nantes Cedex 3, France TEL (33) 2-40-18-18-18 FAX (33) 2-40-18-19-60 ASIC/ASSP/Smart Cards Zone Industrielle 13106 Rousset Cedex, France TEL (33) 4-42-53-60-00 FAX (33) 4-42-53-60-01 RF/Automotive Theresienstrasse 2 Postfach 3535 74025 Heilbronn, Germany TEL (49) 71-31-67-0 FAX (49) 71-31-67-2340 1150 East Cheyenne Mtn. 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The Company assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. No licenses to patents or other intellectual property of Atmel are granted by the Company in connection with the sale of Atmel products, expressly or by implication. Atmel’s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems. Atmel ® is the registered trademark of Atmel. Other terms and product names may be the trademarks of others. Printed on recycled paper. 4654A–CELL–01/03 xM