Features • Integer Unit Based on SPARC V7 High-performance RISC Architecture • Optimized Integrated 32/64-bit Floating-point Unit • On-chip Peripherals • • • • • • • • • • • – EDAC and Parity Generator and Checker – Memory Interface Chip Select Generator Waitstate Generation Memory Protection – DMA Arbiter – Timers General Purpose Timer (GPT) Real-time Clock Timer (RTCT) Watchdog Timer (WDT) – Interrupt Controller with 5 External Inputs – General Purpose Interface (GPI) – Dual UART Speed Optimized Code RAM Interface 8- or 40-bit boot-PROM (Flash) Interface IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port (TAP) for Debugging and Test Purposes Fully Static Design Performance: 12 MIPs/3 MFlops (Double Precision) at SYSCLK = 15 MHz Core Consumption: 1.0W Typ. at 20 MIPs/0.7W typ. at 10 MIPs Operating Range: 4.5V to 5.5V(1) -55°C to +125°C Total Dose Radiation Capability (Parametric and Functional): 300 KRADs (Si) SEU Event Rate Better than 3 E-8 Error/Component/Day (Worst Case) Latch-up Immunity Better than (LET) 100 MeV-cm2/mg Quality Grades: ESA SCC, QML Q or V Package: 256 MQFPF; Bare Die Note: Rad-Hard 32-bit SPARC Embedded Processor TSC695F 1. For 3.3V capability see the TSC695FL datasheet on the Atmel site. Description The TSC695F (ERC32 Single-Chip) is a highly integrated, high-performance 32-bit RISC embedded processor implementing the SPARC architecture V7 specification. It has been developed with the support of the ESA (European Space Agency), and offers a full development environment for embedded space applications. The processor is manufactured using the Atmel 0.5 µm radiation tolerant (≥ 300 KRADs (Si)) CMOS enhanced process (RTP). It has been specially designed for space, as it has on-chip concurrent transient and permanent error detection. The TSC695F includes an on-chip Integer Unit (IU), a Floating Point Unit (FPU), a Memory Controller and a DMA arbiter. For real-time applications, the TSC695F offers a high security watchdog, two timers, an interrupt controller, parallel and serial interfaces. Fault tolerance is supported using parity on internal/external buses and an EDAC on the external data bus. The design is highly testable with the support of an On-Chip Debugger (OCD), and a boundary scan through JTAG interface. Rev. 4118H–AERO–06/03 Block Diagram Figure 1. TSC695F Block Diagram 32-bit Integer Unit TAP 32/64-bit Floating-Point Unit Parity Gen./Chk. Clock & Parity Reset Managt Gen./Chk. Error Managt General Purpose Timer Real Time Clock Timer General Purpose Interface UART B UART A GPI bits RxD, TxD Pin Descriptions Watch Dog Interrupt Controller DMA Arbiter DMA Ctrl Access Controller Mem Ctrl Wait State Controller Ready/Busy Address Interface Add.+Size+ASI EDAC Data+Check bits Parity Gen./Check. Parities Interrupts For pin assignment, refer to package section. Table 1. Pin Descriptions Signal Type Active Description RA[31:0] I/O, RAPAR I/O RASI[3:0] I/O 4-bit registered address space identifier - RSIZE[1:0] I/O 2-bit registered bus transaction size - RASPAR I/O High Registered ASI and SIZE parity - CPAR I/O High Control bus parity - D[31:0] I/O 32-bit data bus - CB[6:0] I/O 7-bit check-bit bus - DPAR I/O High Data bus parity - RLDSTO I/O High Registered atomic load-store - ALE O Low Address latch enable - DXFER I/O High Data transfer - LOCK I/O High Bus lock - RD I/O High Read access - WE I/O Low Write enable - WRT I/O High Advanced write High 32-bit registered address bus Output buffer: 400 pF Registered address bus parity - Memory bus hold MHOLD+FHOLD +BHOLD+FCCV MHOLD O Low MDS O Low Memory data strobe - MEXC O Low Memory exception - Low Select 8-bit wide PROM - Latched address used for 8-bit wide boot PROM - PROM8 I BA[1:0] O ROMCS O Low PROM chip select - ROMWRT I Low ROM write enable - MEMCS[9:0] O Low Memory chip select Output buffer: 400 pF MEMWR O Low Memory write strobe Output buffer: 400 pF 2 TSC695F 4118H–AERO–06/03 TSC695F Table 1. Pin Descriptions (Continued) Signal Type Active Description OE O Low Memory output enable BUFFEN O Low Data buffer enable - DDIR O High Data buffer direction - DDIR O Low Data buffer direction - IOSEL[3:0] O Low I/O chip select - IOWR O Low I/O and exchange memory write strobe - EXMCS O Low Exchange memory chip select - BUSRDY I Low Bus ready - BUSERR I Low Bus error - DMAREQ I Low DMA request - DMAGNT O Low DMA grant - DMAAS I High DMA address strobe - DRDY O Low Data ready during DMA access - Output buffer: 400 pF IUERR O Low IU error - CPUHALT O Low Processor (IU & FPU) halt and freeze - SYSERR O Low System error SYSHALT I Low System halt - SYSAV O High System availability - NOPAR I Low No parity - INULL O High Integer unit nullify cycle INST O High Instruction fetch FLUSH O High FPU instruction flush DIA O High Delay instruction annulled RTC O High Real Time Clock Counter output Used to check the execute stage of IU instruction pipeline - RxA/RxB I Receive data UART ’A’ and ’B’ TxA/TxB O Transmit data UART ’A’ and ’B’ GPI[7:0] I/O GPI input/output GPIINT O EXTINT[4:0] I EXTINTACK O High External interrupt acknowledge IWDE I High Internal watch dog enable EWDINT I High External watch dog input interrupt WDCLK I Watch dog clock - CLK2 I Double frequency clock - SYSCLK O System clock - RESET O Low Output reset - SYSRESET I Low System input reset Input trigger TMODE[1:0] I Factory test mode Functional mode=00 DEBUG I TCK I TRST I TMS I High GPI interrupt External interrupt High Low Input trigger Input trigger Input trigger Input trigger Software debug mode - Test (JTAG) clock - Test (JTAG) reset pull-up ≈ 37 kΩ Test (JTAG) mode select pull-up ≈ 37 kΩ pull-up ≈ 37 kΩ TDI I Test (JTAG) data input TDO O Test (JTAG) data output - VCCI/VSSI Main internal power - VCCO/VSSO Output driver power - Note: If not specified, the output buffer type is 150 pF, the input buffer type is TTL. 3 4118H–AERO–06/03 System Architecture The TSC695F is to be used as an embedded processor requiring only memory and application specific peripherals to be added to form a complete on-board computer. All other system support functions are provided by the core. Figure 2. System Architecture Based on TSC695F DMA Unit Boot PROM Ax[31:0] Xtd PROM Master Xchg Mem Glue Logic Local Memory Xtd RAM I/O 0 to I/O 3 DMAGNT DMAREQ DMAAS DPAR Xtd I/O (BUFFEN, DDIR) Xtd general Memory Interface FPU CB[6:0] RA[31:0] MEMCtrl (ROMCS, EXMCS, IOSEL[3:0], MEMWR, IOWR, OE, BUSRDY,...) RAMCtrl DMA A[31:0] IU DMA Peripherals RAM Memory D[31:0] SYSCLK ALE (MEMCS[9:0], MEMWR, OE) (0 WS) User Application TSC695F 4 TSC695F 4118H–AERO–06/03 TSC695F Product Description Integer Unit The Integer Unit (IU) is designed for highly dependable space and military applications, and includes support for error detection. The RISC architecture makes the creation of a processor that can execute instructions at a rate approaching one instruction per processor clock possible. To achieve that rate of execution, the IU employs a four-stage instruction pipeline that permits parallel execution of multiple instructions. • Fetch - The processor outputs the instruction address to fetch the instruction. • Decode - The instruction is placed in the instruction register and is decoded. The processor reads the operands from the register file and computes the next instruction address. • Execute - The processor executes the instruction and saves the results in temporary registers. Pending traps are prioritized and internal traps are taken during this stage. • Write - If no trap is taken, the processor writes the result to the destination register. All four stages operate in parallel, working on up to four different instructions at a time. A basic ‘single-cycle’ instruction enters the pipeline and completes infour cycles. By the time it reaches the write stage, three more instructions have entered and are moving through the pipeline behind it. So, after the first four cycles, a single-cycle instruction exits the pipeline and a single-cycle instruction enters the pipeline on every cycle. Of course, a ’single-cycle’ instruction actually takes four cycles to complete, but they are called single cycle because with this type of instruction the processor can complete one instruction per cycle after the initial four-cycle delay. Floating-point Unit The FLoating Point Unit (FPU) is designed to provide execution of single and doubleprecision floating-point instructions concurrently with execution of integer instructions by the IU. The FPU is compliant to the ANSI/IEEE-754 (1985) floating-point standard. The FPU is designed for highly dependable space and military applications, and includes support for concurrent error detection and testability. The FPU uses a four stage instruction pipeline consisting of fetch, decode, execute and write stages (F, D, E and W). The fetch unit captures instructions and their addresses from the data and address buses. The decode unit contains logic to decode the floatingpoint instruction opcodes. The execution unit handles all instruction execution. The execution unit includes a floating-point queue (FP queue), which contains stored floatingpoint operate (FPop) instructions under execution and their addresses. The execution unit controls the load unit, the store unit, and the datapath unit. The FPU depends upon the IU to access all addresses and control signals for memory access. Floating-point loads and stores are executed in conjunction with the IU, which provides addresses and control signals while the FPU supplies or stores the data. Instruction fetch for integer and floating-point instructions is provided by the IU. The FPU provides three types of registers: f registers, FSR, and the FP queue. The FSR is a 32-bit status and control register. It keeps track of rounding modes, floating-point trap types, queue status, condition codes, and various IEEE exception information. The floating-point queue contains the floating-point instruction currently under execution, along with its corresponding address. 5 4118H–AERO–06/03 Instruction Set TSC695F instructions fall into six functional categories: load/store, arithmetic/logical/shift, control transfer, read/write control register, floating-point, and miscellaneous. Please refer to SPARC V7 Instruction-set Manual. Note: The execution of IFLUSH will cause an illegal instruction trap. On-chip Peripherals Memory Interface The TSC695F is designed to allow easy interfacing to internal/external memory resources. Table 2. Memory Mapping Memory Contents Boot PROM Extended PROM Start Address 0x 0000 0000 0x 0100 0000 Size (bytes) 128K → 16M Max: 15M Data Size and Parity Options 8-bit mode No parity/-No EDAC/-Only byte write 40-bit mode Parity + EDAC mandatory/-Only word write 8-bit mode No parity/-No EDAC/-Only byte write 40-bit mode Parity + EDAC mandatory/-Only word write Exchange Memory 0x 01F0 0000 4k → 512k Parity + EDAC option/-Only word write System Registers 0x 01F8 0000 512K (124 used) Parity/-Only word read/write access RAM (8 blocks) 0x 0200 0000 8*32K → 8*4M Parity + EDAC option/-All data sizes allowed Extended RAM 0x 0400 0000 Max: 192M I/O Area 0 0x 1000 0000 0 → 16M I/O Area 1 0x 1100 0000 0 → 16M I/O Area 2 0x 1200 0000 0 → 16M I/O Area 3 0x 1300 0000 0 → 16M Extended I/O Area 0x 1400 0000 Max: 1728M Extended General 0x 8000 0000 Max: 2G System Registers Parity option/-All data sizes allowed No parity/-All data sizes allowed The system registers are only writable by IU in the supervisor mode or by DMA during halt mode. Table 3. System Registers Address Map System Register Name 6 Address System Control Register SYSCTR 0x 01F8 0000 Software Reset SWRST 0x 01F8 0004 Power Down PDOWN 0x 01F8 0008 System Fault Status Register SYSFSR 0x 01F8 00A0 Failing Address Register FAILAR 0x 01F8 00A4 Error & Reset Status Register ERRRSR 0x 01F8 00B0 Test Control Register TESCTR 0x 01F8 00D0 TSC695F 4118H–AERO–06/03 TSC695F Table 3. System Registers Address Map (Continued) System Register Name Wait-state and Time-out Generator Address Memory Configuration Register MCNFR 0x 01F8 0010 I/O Configuration Register IOCNFR 0x 01F8 0014 Waitstate Configuration Register WSCNFR 0x 01F8 0018 Access Protection Segment 1 Base Register APS1BR 0x 01F8 0020 Access Protection Segment 1 End Register APS1ER 0x 01F8 0024 Access Protection Segment 2 Base Register APS2BR 0x 01F8 0028 Access Protection Segment 2 End Register APS2ER 0x 01F8 002C Interrupt Shape Register INTSHR 0x 01F8 0044 Interrupt Pending Register INTPDR 0x 01F8 0048 Interrupt Mask Register INTMKR 0x 01F8 004C Interrupt Clear Register INTCLR 0x 01F8 0050 Interrupt Force Register INTFCR 0x 01F8 0054 Watchdog Timer Register WDOGTR 0x 01F8 0060 Watchdog Timer Trap Door Set WDOGST 0x 01F8 0064 Real Time Clock Timer <Counter> Register RTCCR 0x 01F8 0080 Real Time Clock Timer <Scaler> Register RTCSR 0x 01F8 0084 General Purpose Timer <Counter> Register GPTCR 0x 01F8 0088 General Purpose Timer <Scaler> Register GPTSR 0x 01F8 008C Timers Control Register TIMCTR 0x 01F8 0098 General Purpose Interface Configuration Register GPICNFR 0x 01F8 00A8 General Purpose Interface Data Register GPIDATR 0x 01F8 00AC UART ’A’ Rx & Tx Register UARTAR 0x 01F8 00E0 UART ’B’ Rx & Tx Register UARTBR 0x 01F8 00E4 UART Status Register UARTSR 0x 01F8 00E8 It is possible to control the wait-state generation by programming a Wait-state Configuration Register. The maximum programmable number of wait-states is applied by default at reset. It is possible to program the number of wait-states for the following combinations: – RAM read and write – PROM read and write (i.e. EEPROM or Flash write) – Exchange Memory read/write – Four individual I/O peripherals read/write A bus time-out function of 256 system clock cycles is provided for the bus ready controlled memory areas, i.e., the Extended PROM, Exchange Memory, Extended RAM, 7 4118H–AERO–06/03 Extended I/O and the Extended General areas. EDAC The TSC695F includes a 32-bit EDAC (Error Detection And Correction). Seven bits (CB[6:0]) are used as check bits over the data bus. The Data Bus Parity signal (DPAR) is used to check and generate the odd parity over the 32-bit data bus. This means that altogether 40 bits are used when the EDAC is enabled. The TSC695F EDAC uses a 7-bit Hamming code which detects any double bit error on the 40-bit bus as a non-correctable error. In addition, the EDAC detects all bits stuck-atone and stuck-at-zero failure for any nibble in the data word as a non-correctable error. Stuck-at-one and stuck-at-zero for all 32 bits of the data word is also detected as a noncorrectable error. Memory and I/O Parity The TSC695F handles parity towards memory and I/O in a special way. The processor can be programmed to use no parity, only parity or parity and EDAC protection towards memory and to use parity or no towards I/O. The signal used for the parity bit is DPAR. Memory Redundancy Programming the Memory Configuration Register, the TSC695F provides chip selects for two redundant memory banks for replacement of faulty banks. Memory Access Protection • Unimplemented Areas - Access to all unimplemented memory areas are handled by the TSC695F and detected as illegal. • RAM Write Access Protection - The TSC695F can be programmed to detect and mask write accesses in any part of the RAM. The protection scheme is enabled only for data area, not for the instruction area. The programmable write access protection is based on two segments. • Boot PROM Write Protection - The TSC695F supports a qualified PROM write for an 8-bit wide PROM and/or for a 40-bit wide PROM. DMA DMA Interface The TSC695F supports Direct Memory Access (DMA). The DMA unit requests access to the processor bus by asserting the DMA request signal (DMAREQ). When the DMA unit receives the DMAGNT signal in response, the processor bus is granted. In case the processor is in the power-down mode the processor is permanent tri-stated, and a DMAREQ will directly give a DMAGNT. The TSC695F includes a DMA session time-out function. Bus Arbiter The TSC695F always has the lowest priority on the system bus. Traps A trap is a vectored transfer of control to the supervisor through a special trap table that contains the first four instructions of each trap handler. The base address of the table is established by supervisor and the displacement, within the table, is determined by the trap type. Two categories of traps can appear. 8 TSC695F 4118H–AERO–06/03 TSC695F Synchronous Traps Table 4. Synchronous Traps Trap Priority Reset 1 Trap Type (tt) Comments – Sources: SYSRESET* pin software reset watchdog reset IU or System error reset 2.1 64h Severe error requiring a re-boot TSC695F enters (if not masked) in halt or reset mode Non-restartable, precise error 2.2 62h Error not removable, PC & nPC OK TSC695F enters (if not masked) in halt or reset mode Register file error 2.3 65h Special case of non-restartable, precise error. TSC695F enters (if not masked) in halt or reset mode Restartable, late error 2.4 63h Retrying instruction but PC & nPC have to be re-adjusted TSC695F enters (if not masked) in halt or reset mode 2.5 61h Retrying instruction TSC695F enters (if not masked) in halt or reset mode 3 01h Parity error on control bus Parity error on data bus Parity error on address bus Access to protected or unimplemented area Uncorrectable error in memory Bus time out Bus error Illegal Instruction 4 02h – Privileged instruction 5 03h – FPU disabled 6 04h – 05h During SAVE instruction or trap taken 7 06h During RESTORE instruction or RETT instruction 8 07h – Hardware Error Non-restartable, imprecise error Restartable, precise error 2 Instruction access (Error on instruction fetch) Overflow Window Underflow FPU exception Memory address not aligned Non-restartable error 9.1 Severe error, cannot restart the instruction Data bus error 9.2 Parity error on FPU data bus Restartable error 9.3 Can be removed restarting the instruction Sequence error 9.4 – Unimplemented FPop 9.5 – 9.6 Invalid operation Division by zero Overflow Underflow Inexact IEEE exceptions: 9 08h 9 4118H–AERO–06/03 Table 4. Synchronous Traps (Continued) Trap Priority Trap Type (tt) Comments Data access exception (Error on data load) 10 09h Idem “instruction access” System register access violation Tag overflow 11 0Ah TADDccTV and TSUBccTV instructions Trap instructions 12 80h to FFh Trap on integer condition codes (Ticc) Table 5. Interrupts or Asynchronous Traps Trap Priority Trap Type (tt) Comments Watchdog time-out 13 1Fh Internal or external (EWDINT pin) External INT 4 14 1Eh EXTINTAK on only one of EXTINT[4:0] Real time clock timer 15 1Dh – General purpose timer 16 1Ch – External INT 3 17 1Bh EXTINTAK on only one of EXTINT[4:0] External INT 2 18 1Ah EXTINTAK on only one of EXTINT[4:0] DMA time-out 19 19h – DMA access error 20 18h – UART Error 21 17h – Correctable error in memory 22 16h Data read OK but source not updated – UART B Data ready Transmitter ready 23 15h UART A Data ready Transmitter ready 24 14h External INT 1 25 13h EXTINTAK on only one of EXTINT[4:0] External INT 0 26 12h EXTINTAK on only one of EXTINT[4:0] 11h Logical OR of: IU hardware error masked IU error mode masked System hardware error masked Masked hardware errors – 27 It is possible to mask each individual interrupt (except Watchdog time-out). The interrupts in the Interrupt Pending Register are cleared automatically when the interrupt is acknowledged. By programming the Interrupt Shape Register, it is possible to define the external interrupts to either be active low or active high and to define the external interrupts to either be edge or level sensitive. 10 TSC695F 4118H–AERO–06/03 TSC695F Timers In software debug mode the timers are controlled by a system register bit and the external pin DEBUG. General Purpose Timer The General Purpose Timer (GPT) provides, in addition to a generalized counter function, a mechanism for setting the step size in which actual time counts are performed. GPT is clocked by the internal system clock. They are possible to program to be either of single-shot type or periodical type and in both cases generate an interrupt when the delay time has elapsed. The current value of the scaler and counter of the GPT can be read. Real Time Clock Timer The only functional differences between the two timers are that the Real Time Clock Timer (RTCT) has an 8-bit scaler (16-bit scaler for GPT) and that the RTCT interrupt has higher priority than the GPT interrupt. RTCT information is available on RTC output pin. Watchdog Timer Setting the external pin IWDE to VCC enables the internal watchdog timer. Otherwise the watchdog function must be externally provided. The watchdog is supplied from a separate external input (WDCLK). After reset, the timer is enabled and starts running with the maximum range. If the timer is not refreshed (reprogrammed) before the counter reaches zero value, an interrupt is sent. Simultaneously, the timer starts counting a reset time-out period. If the timer is not acknowledged before the reset time-out period elapses, a reset is applied to TSC695F. UARTs Two full duplex asynchronous receiver transmitters (UART) are included. In software debug mode the UART’s are controlled by system register bits. The data format of the UART’s is eight bits. It is possible to choose between even or odd parity, or no parity, and between one and two stop bits. The UART’s provide double buffering, i.e. each UART consists of a transmitter holding register, a receiver holding register, a transmitter shift register, and a receiver shift register. Each of these registers are 8-bit wide. For each UART a RX and TX Register is provided. The UART’s generate an interrupt each time a byte has been received or a byte has been sent. There is another interrupt to indicate errors. The baud rate of both the UART’s is programmable. The clock is derived either from the system clock or can use the watchdog clock. General Purpose Interface The General Purpose Interface (GPI) is an 8-bit parallel I/O port. Each pin can be configured as an input or an output. A falling or rising edge detection is made on each selected GPI inputs. Every input transition on GPI generates an external positive pulse on GPIINT pin of two SYSCLK width. Execution Modes Reset Mode Reset mode is entered when: – The SYSRES input is asserted – Software reset which is caused by the software writing to a Software Reset Register – Watchdog reset which is caused by a Watchdog counter time-out – Error reset which is caused by a hardware parity error 11 4118H–AERO–06/03 This RESET output has a minimum of 1024 SYSCLK width to allow the usage of Flash memories. The error and Reset Status Register contain the source of the last processor reset. Run Mode In this mode the IU/FPU is executing, while all peripherals are running (if software enabled). System Halt Mode System Halt mode is entered when the SYSHALT input is asserted. In this mode, the IU and FPU are frozen, while the timers (includeing the internal watchdog timer) and UART’s are stopped. Power Down Mode This mode is entered by writing to the Power-down Register. In this mode, the IU and FPU are frozen. The TSC695F leaves the power-down mode if an external interrupt is asserted. Error Halt Mode Error Halt mode is entered under the following circumstances: – A internal hardware parity error. – The IU enters error mode. The only way to exit Error Halt Mode is through Cold Reset by asserting SYSRESET. Error Handler The TSC695F has one error output signal (SYSERR) which indicates that an unmasked error has occurred. Any error signalled on the error inputs from the IU and the FPU is latched and reflected in the Error and Reset Status Register. By default, an error leads to a processor halt. Parity Checking The TSC695F includes: – Parity checking and generation (if required) on the external data bus – Parity checking on the external address bus – Parity checking on ASI and SIZE – Parity checking and generation on all system registers – Parity generation and checking on the internal control bus to the IU All external parity checking can be disabled using the NOPAR signal. System Clock The TSC695F uses CLK2 clock input directly and creates a system clock signal by dividing CLK2 by two. It drives SYSCLK pin with a nominal 50% duty cycle for the application. It is highly recommended that only SYSCLK rising edge is used as reference as far as possible. System Availability The SYSAV bit in the Error and Reset Status Register can be used by software to indicate system availability. Test Mode The TSC695F includes a number of software test facilities such as EDAC test, Parity test, Interrupt test, Error test and a simple Test Access Port. These test functions are controlled using the Test Control Register. 12 TSC695F 4118H–AERO–06/03 TSC695F Test and Diagnostic Hardware Functions A variety of TSC695F test and diagnostic hardware functions, including boundary scan, internal scan, clock control and On-chip Debugger, are controlled through an IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) standard Test Access Port (TAP). Test Access Port The TAP interfaces to the JTAG bus via 5 dedicated pins on the TSC695F chip. These pins are: Instruction Register Debugging • TCK (input): Test Clock • TMS (input): Test Mode Select • TDI (input): Test Data Input • TDO (output): Test Data Output • TRST (input): Test Reset Five standard instructions are supported by the TSC695F TAP. Binary Value Name of Instruction Data Register Scan Chain Accessed 00. 0000 EXTEST Boundary Scan Register Boundary scan chain 00. 0001 SAMPLE/PRELOAD Boundary Scan Register Boundary scan chain 00. 0011 INTEST Boundary Scan Register Boundary scan chain 11. 1111 BYPASS Bypass Register Bypass register 10. 0000 IDCODE Device ID Register ID register scan chain The design is highly testable with the support of an On-Chip Debugger (OCD), an internal and boundary scan through JTAG interface. 13 4118H–AERO–06/03 Electrical Characteristics Absolute Maximum Ratings Note: Stresses at or above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions may affect device reliability. Military Range............................................... -55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature ..................................... -65°C to +150°C Supply Voltage...................................................-0.5V to +7.0V Input Voltage......................................................-0.5V to +7.0V DC Characteristics Table 6. DC Characteristics at VDD 5V ± 10% Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions VIL trigger Input Low Voltage for trigger input – – 0.8 V VCC = 4.5 to 5.5V VIH trigger Input High Voltage for trigger input 3.0 – – V VCC = 4.5 to 5.5V ∆VT Input Hysteresis for trigger input – 0.9 – V VCC = 4.5 to 5.5V VIL TTL Input Low Voltage for TTL input – – 0.8 V VCC = 4.5 to 5.5V VIH TTL Input High Voltage for TTL input 2.2 – – V VCC = 4.5 to 5.5V VOL400 pF Output Low Voltage for 400 pF buffer – 0.3 0.4 V VCC = 4.5 to 5.5V IOL = 12 mA VOH400 pF Output High Voltage for 400 pF buffer 2.4 0.3 – V VCC = 4.5 to 5.5V IOH = -16 mA VOL150 pF Output Low Voltage for 150 pF buffer – 0.3 0.4 V VCC = 4.5 to 5.5V IOL = 4 mA VOH150 pF Output High Voltage for 150 pF buffer 2.4 4.3 – V VCC = 4.5 to 5.5V IOH = -6 mA – – 230 IccOP Operating Supply Current for core processor – – 210 – – 170 VCC = 5.5V, f = 10 MHz – – 41 VCC = 5.5V, f = 25MHz – – 38 – – 30 IccPD 14 Power Down Supply Current for core processor VCC = 5.5V, f = 25 MHz mA mA VCC = 5.5V, f = 20 MHz VCC = 5.5V, f = 20 MHz VCC = 5.5V, f = 10 MHz TSC695F 4118H–AERO–06/03 TSC695F Capacitance Ratings Parameter Description Max CIN Input Capacitance 7 pF COUT Output Capacitance 8 pF CIO Input/Output Capacitance 8 pF AC Characteristics Table 7. AC Characteristics (SYSCLK Freq. = 25 MHz − 5V ±10%) Cload = 50 pF, Vref = 2.5V Parameter Min (ns) Max (ns) t1 20 t2 Comment Reference Edge – CLK2 period – 40 – SYSCLK period – t3 9.75 – CLK2 high and low pulse width – t4 – 6.5 RA(31:0) RAPAR RSIZE RLDSTO output delay SYSCLK+ t5 – 12.5 MEMCS*(9:0) ROMCS* EXMCS* output delay SYSCLK+ t6 – 15 DDIR DDIR* output delay SYSCLK+ t7 – 23.5 MEMWR* IOWR*output delay formula: 13.5 ns + 1/4 t2 SYSCLK- or SYSCLK+ t8 – 20.5 OE* HL output delay formula: 10.5 ns + 1/4 t2 SYSCLK+ t9_1 11.5 – Data setup time during load SYSCLK+ t9_2 9 – Data setup time during load mNOPAR = 0 rpa = rec = either 1 or 0 SYSCLK+ t10 5 – Data hold time during load SYSCLK+ t11 – 28 Data output delay SYSCLK- t12 8 – Data output valid to HZ – guaranteed by design SYSCLK+ t13 – 19 CB output delay SYSCLK+ t14 – 13 ALE* output delay SYSCLK- t15 – 21 BUFFEN* HL output delay formula: 11 ns + 1/4 t2 SYSCLK+ t16 – 15 MHOLD* output delay – guaranteed by design SYSCLK+ t17 – 15 MDS* DRDY* output delay SYSCLK+ t20 – 15 MEXC* output delay SYSCLK- t21 10 – RASI(3:0) RSIZE(1:0) RASPAR setup time SYSCLK+ t22 3 – RASI(3:0) RSIZE(1:0) RASPAR hold time SYSCLK+ t23 – 13 BOOT PROM address output delay SYSCLK+ t9 15 4118H–AERO–06/03 Table 7. AC Characteristics (SYSCLK Freq. = 25 MHz − 5V ±10%) Cload = 50 pF, Vref = 2.5V (Continued) 16 Parameter Min (ns) Max (ns) t24 12 t25 Comment Reference Edge – BUSRDY* setup time SYSCLK+ 0 – BUSRDY* hold time SYSCLK+ t27 – 15 IOSEL output delay SYSCLK+ HL SYSCLK- LH t28 12 20 DMAAS setup time formula of max: 1/2 t2 SYSCLK+ t29 0 20 DMAAS hold time formula of max: 1/2 t2 SYSCLK- t30 12 – DMAREQ* setup time SYSCLK+ t31 – 15 DMAGNT* output delay SYSCLK+ t32 10 – RA(31:0) RAPAR CPAR setup time SYSCLK+ t33 3 – RA(31:0) RAPAR CPAR hold time SYSCLK+ t36 100 – TCK period - t37 10 – TMS setup time TCK+ t38 4 – TMS hold time TCK+ t39 10 – TDI setup time TCK+ t40 10 – TDI hold time TCK+ t41 – 20 TDO output delay TCK- t46 – 22 INULL output delay SYSCLK+ t48 – 22 RESET* CPUHALT* output delay SYSCLK+ t49 – 20 SYSERR* SYSAV output delay SYSCLK+ t50 – 20 IUERR* output delay SYSCLK+ t52 12 – EXTINT(4:0) setup time SYSCLK- t53 0 – EXTINT(4:0) hold time SYSCLK+ t54 – 15 EXTINTACK output delay SYSCLK+ t56 – 8.5 OE* LH output delay (no DMA mode) SYSCLK+ t57 – 9 BUFFEN* LH output delay SYSCLK+ t60 – 22 INST output delay SYSCLK+ t61 20 – Data output delay to low-Z – guaranteed by design SYSCLK+ formula: 10 ns + 1/4 t2 TSC695F 4118H–AERO–06/03 Figure 3. 150 pF Buffer Response (Data from simulation) 17 TSC695F 4118H–AERO–06/03 Figure 4. 400 pF Buffer Response (Data from simulation) 18 TSC695F 4118H–AERO–06/03 TSC695F Figure 5. OE*/400 pF Buffer Response (Data from simulation) 19 4118H–AERO–06/03 3 (RAM fetch) 4 (RAM store) 5 (RAM fetch) t3 t3 CLK2 n ws n ws n ws m ws n ws t2 SYSCLK t4_1 RA [31:0] FA1 t4_1 LA1 t14 t4_1 t4_1 FA2 SA1 FA3 t14 ALE t5 t5 t5 t5 MEMCS* [0] MEMCS* [1] ROMCS* t6 t6 DDIR t7 t7 MEMWR* BUFFEN* t8 t56 t56 t8 OE* t10 t11 t61 t9 D [31:0] FD1 LD1 t12 FD2 SD1 FD3 previous stored data t10 t11 t61 t9 DPAR FP1 LP1 t12 FP2 SP1 FP3 previous stored parity t10 t9 CB [6:0] FC1 t61 LC1 FC2 t13 t12 SC1 FC3 previous stored checkbyte t60 t60 t60 t60 INST t16 t16 MHOLD* 4118H–AERO–06/03 t17 MDS* t17 t17 t17 t17 t17 t17 Timing Diagrams TSC695F 2 (RAM load) t1 Figure 6. RAM Fetch, RAM Load and RAM Store Sequence - n Waitstates for Read, m Waitstates for Write 20 1 (RAM fetch) 2 (RAM atomic load store) 3 (RAM fetch) t2 SYSCLK t4_1 RA [31:0] t4_1 FA1 FA5 ALSA ALE* t5 t5 t5 t5 MEMCS* [0] MEMCS* [1] t6 t6 t6 t6 DDIR t7 t7 MEMWR* BUFFEN* t8 t56 t8 t56 t8 OE* t10 t61 t10 t9 D [31:0] t9 t11 t12 FD5 FD1 byte from RAM word from RAM word to RAM t10 t61 t10 t9 DPAR t9 t11 t12 FP1 FP5 parity from RAM parity from RAM t10 t61 t9 t10 t9 CB [6:0] Figure 7. RAM Atomic-load-store byte Sequence - 0 Waitstate 4118H–AERO–06/03 1 (RAM fetch) parity to RAM t13 t12 FC1 FC5 checkbyte from RAM checkbyte from RAM checkbyte to RAM t60 t60 INST t16 MHOLD* t16 held to update the full word MDS* t46 t46 INULL t4_1 t4_1 t4_2 LOCK t4_2 21 TSC695F RLDSTO TSC695F 2 (RAM double load) 3 (RAM fetch) 4 (RAM double store) 5 (RAM fetch) t2 SYSCLK t4_1 RA [31:0] FA1 t4_1 LA1 t4_1 LA2 t4_1 t4_1 FA2 t4_1 SA1 SA2 FA3 ALE* t5 t5 t5 t5 t5 t5 t5 t5 MEMCS* [0] MEMCS* [1] t6 t6 DDIR t7 t7 t7 t7 MEMWR* BUFFEN* t8 t56 t8 t56 t8 OE* t9 D [31:0] FD1 LD2 LP1 LP2 LC1 LC2 t9 DPAR FP1 FC1 t11 t11 FD2 SD2 t11 t11 FP2 t13 FC2 SP2 t13 SC2 t60 FC3 t60 t16 MHOLD* MDS* t46 INULL t4_2 FP3 t12 SC1 INST 4118H–AERO–06/03 LOCK FD3 t12 SP1 t61 t10 t12 SD1 t61 t10 t9 CB [6:0] t61 t10 LD1 t4_2 t46 t16 Figure 8. RAM Load-double and RAM Store-double Sequence - 0 Waitstate 22 1 (RAM fetch) 2 (RAM load correctable data) load 3 (RAM fetch) Figure 9. RAM Load with Correctable Error - 0 Waitstate 4118H–AERO–06/03 1 (RAM fetch) 4 (RAM fetch) internal error correction t2 SYSCLK t14 t14 ALE* t4_1 RA[31-0] FA1 t4_1 t4_1 LA1 FA2 t5 t5 t5 t5 FA3 MEMCS*[0] MEMCS*[1] DDIR MEMWR* IOWR* t8 t56 t56 t8 OE* BUFFEN* t9 D[31-0] t10 FD1 t9 t10 LD1 FD2 FD2 FD3 FC2 FC3 FP2 FP3 data correction CB[6-0] FC1 DPAR FP1 LC1 FC2 LP1 1-bit error on 40-bit data made inside FP2 t16 t16 MHOLD* MEXC* t17 t17 MDS* t60 INULL t60 23 TSC695F INST TSC695F 2 (RAM load) load 3 (RAM fetch) internal error detection 4 (null cycle) 5 (RAM fetch) exception 6 (RAM fetch) trap t2 SYSCLK t14 t14 ALE* t4_1 RA[31-0] FA1 t4_1 t4_1 LD1 FA2 t5 t5 t5 t5 t4_1 FA3 TA1 TA2 MEMCS*[0] MEMCS*[1] DDIR MEMWR* IOWR* t8 t56 t8 t56 OE* BUFFEN* t10 t10 t9 t9 D[31-0] FD1 LD1 FD2 FD2 FD2 FD3 TD1 TD2 CB[6-0] FC1 LC1 FC2 FC2 FC2 FC3 TC1 TC2 DPAR FP1 FP2 FP2 FP2 FP3 TP1 TP2 LP1 2-bit error on 40-bit data t16 t16 MHOLD* t20 t20 MEXC* t17 t17 MDS* t60 t60 t60 t60 t46 t46 INST 4118H–AERO–06/03 INULL Figure 10. RAM Load with Uncorrectable Error - 0 Waitstate 24 1 (RAM fetch) 2 (RAM load) 3 (RAM fetch) internal error 4 (null cycle) 5 (RAM fetch) fetch 6 (RAM fetch) trap t2 SYSCLK ALE* RA[31-0] t4_1 unimplemented address LA1 FA1 t5 FA2 t4_1 FA3 TA1 TA2 t5 MEMCS*[0] MEMCS*[1] DDIR MEMWR* IOWR* BUFFEN* t56 t8 t8 t56 OE* t9 D[31-0] t10 FD1 t9 no data t16 t10 FD2 FD3 TD1 Figure 11. RAM Load with Unimplemented Area Access - 0 Waitstate 4118H–AERO–06/03 1 (RAM fetch) TD2 t16 MHOLD* t20 t20 MEXC* t17 t17 MDS* t60 t60 t60 t60 t46 t46 INST 25 TSC695F INULL TSC695F 2 (i/o store) start of cycle (n-1) ws 3 (RAM fetch) rdy waiting end of cycle t2 SYSCLK ALE* t4_1 RA[31-0] t4_1 t4_1 FA1 SA1 FA2 t5 t5 MEMCS*[0] t27 t27 IOSEL*[0] t25 t24 t24 BUSRDY* t6 t6 DDIR MEMWR* t7 t7 IOWR* t15 t57 BUFFEN* t56 t8 OE* t10 t61 t9 D[31-0] t11 FD1 t12 SD1 FD2 previous stored data t60 t60 INST t16 MHOLD* 4118H–AERO–06/03 MDS* t16 Figure 12. I/O Store Sequence with BUSRDY* and n Waitstates (Timing for 0 Waitstate = Timing for 1 Waitstates) 26 1 (RAM fetch) 2 (i/o load) start of cycle (n-1) ws 3 (RAM fetch) rdy waiting end of cycle t2 SYSCLK t14 t14 ALE* t4_1 RA[31-0] t4_1 FA1 LA1 FA2 t5 t5 MEMCS*[0] t27 t27 IOSEL*[0] t25 t24 t24 BUSRDY* DDIR MEMWR* IOWR* t15 t57 t8 t56 BUFFEN* t56 t8 OE* t10 data driven by external buffers (c.f BUFFEN*) t9 D[31-0] FD1 t9 t10 LD1 t60 FD2 t60 INST t16 t16 Figure 13. I/O Load Sequence with BUSRDY* and n Waitstates (Timing for 0 ws = Timing for 1 ws) 4118H–AERO–06/03 1 (RAM fetch) MHOLD* t17 27 TSC695F t17 MDS* TSC695F 2 (xchgRAM store) start of cycle rdy waiting 3 (RAM fetch) in between n ws end of cycle t2 SYSCLK ALE* t4_1 RA[31-0] t4_1 FA1 SA1 FA2 t5 t5 t5 t5 t6 t6 MEMCS*[0] EXMCS* DDIR t7 t7 MEMWR* t7 t7 IOWR* t15 t57 BUFFEN* t56 t8 OE* t25 t24 t24 BUSRDY* t61 D[31-0] t11 FD1 t12 SD1 FD2 previous stored data t60 t60 INST t16 MHOLD* 4118H–AERO–06/03 MDS* t16 Figure 14. EXCHANGE RAM Store with BUSDRY* and n Waitstates 28 1 (RAM fetch) 2 (xchgRAM load) start of cycle 3 (RAM fetch) rdy waiting n ws end of cycle t2 SYSCLK t14 t14 ALE* t4_1 RA[31-0] t4_1 FA1 LA1 FA2 t5 t5 t5 t5 MEMCS*[0] EXMCS* DDIR MEMWR* IOWR* t15 t57 BUFFEN* t56 Figure 15. EXCHANGE RAM Load with BUSDRY* and n Waitstates 4118H–AERO–06/03 1 (RAM fetch) t8 OE* t24 t24 t25 BUSRDY* t9 D[31-0] FD1 t10 LD1 FD2 data driven by external buffers (c.f BUFFEN*) t60 t60 INST t16 t16 MHOLD* t17 29 TSC695F t17 MDS* TSC695F 2 (8-bit ROM fetch or load word) byte 0 (n-1) ws start of cycle byte 1 (n-1) ws 3 (ROM fetch) byte 2 (n-1) ws byte 3 (n-1) ws t2 end of cycle SYSCLK t14 t4 ALE* t4_1 t4_1 RSIZE[0,1] 10 t4_1 RA[31-0] t4_1 FA1 (address mod. 4) FA2 t23 BA[0,1] 0 t5 t23 FA2 t23 1 t23 2 3 0 t5 t5 ROMCS* MEMCS*[0] DDIR MEMWR* t15 t57 t15 BUFFEN* t8 t56 t8 OE* data driven by external buffers (c.f BUFFEN*) D[31-8] t10 t9 D[7-0] t10 t9 FD2-0 t10 t9 FD2-1 FD2-2 t10 t9 FD2-3 t60 t60 INST (1 = fetch, t16 0 = load word) t16 t16 MHOLD* t17 4118H–AERO–06/03 MDS* t17 t17 Figure 16. 8-bit BOOT PROM Fetch (or Load Word) - n Waitstates 30 1 (ROM fetch) 2 (8-bit ROM write) start of cycle 3 (RAM fetch) (n-1) ws 4 (8-bit ROM write) start of cycle t2 5 (RAM fetch) (n-1) ws SYSCLK ALE* t4_1 RA[31-0] t4_1 FA1 t4_1 addr.=mod. 4 SA1 FA2 addr.=mod. 4 +1 SA2 t23 BA[0,1] t23 00 01 t4_1 RSIZE[0,1] t4_1 10 t4_1 FA3 00 t4_1 t4_1 10 t5 00 00 t5 10 t5 t5 MEMCS*[0] t5 t5 t5 t5 ROMCS* t6 t6 t6 t6 Figure 17. 8-bit BOOT PROM 2x Store byte - n Waitstate 4118H–AERO–06/03 1 (RAM fetch) DDIR t7 t7 t7 t7 MEMWR* IOWR* t15 t57 t15 t57 BUFFEN* t56 t8 t56 OE* t61 t61 t11 t9 D[31-0] FD1 byte D[7:0] SD1 t60 t12 t11 t9 FD2 t60 byte D[7:0] SD2 t12 t60 INST t16 t16 t16 t16 MHOLD* 31 TSC695F MDS* TSC695F 3 (DMA session) (0 cycle min) 1st DMA load (0 ws) (0 cycle min) nth DMA store (0 ws) lead-out 4 (RAM fetch) 5 (RAM fetch) cont’ t2 SYSCLK t14 t14 t14 t14 ALE* RA[31-0] FA1 t4_1 FA2 RASI[3-0] FS1 t4_1 FS2 RSIZE[1-0] FZ1 t4_1 FZ2 t4_1 t4_1 t4_1 t30 t33 t32 D LA1 (held to the end of RAM access) t22 t21 D LS1 t22 t32 t33 D SAn (held to the end of RAM access) t22 t21 D SSn t22 t21 10 (only word access) t21 10 (only word access) t4_1 FA2 FA3 t4_1 FS2 FS3 t4_1 FZ2 FZ3 t30 DMAREQ* early time for DMAREQ* desassertion t31 t31 DMAGNT* t28 t29 t28 t29 DMAAS t31 t32 t31 t32 t33 t32 t33 t31 RD WRT (pull-up on WE*) t5 t33 t32 t5 t33 t31 t5 t5 t5 MEMCS*[9-0] t17 t17 t17 t17 DRDY* t8 t56 t8 t56 OE* t7 t7 MEMWR* corrected data if needed t6 t6 DDIR D[31-0] t10 t9 FD1 DPAR t10 t9 FP1 CB[7-0] t10 t9 FC1 4118H–AERO–06/03 t16 MHOLD* t10 t10 t9 t9 t10 t9 t11 t12 D SDn D LD1 D LD1 FD2 (from RAM) (held to the end of RAM access) (from TSC695F) t10 t10 t9 t9 t11 t12 t13 t13 DSPn D LP1 D LP1 FP2 (from RAM) Parity generated by TSC695F if dpe =1, (from TSC695F) else, same timing as D[31-0] t10 t10 corrected parity if needed t13 t9 t9 t13 D SCn D LC1 FC2 (from RAM) t16 Figure 18. DMA RAM load with or without Correctable Error and DMA RAM Store - 0 Waitstates 32 1 (RAM fetch) 2 (RAM fetch) (null cycle)lead-in Figure 19. Edge Triggered Interrupt Timing 4118H–AERO–06/03 Sampled Prioritized Latched Taken SYSCLK RA[31:0] FA(-1) FA0 FA1 FA2 FA3 FA4 TTA0 TTA1 TSA0 FD(-1) FD0 FD1 FD2 FD3 FD4 TD0 TD1 TSD0 TSA1 TSA2 ALE* D[31:0] TSD1 INULL t52 t53 EXTINT[i] t54 t54 EXTINTACK TSC695F 33 Figure 20. Halt Timing 34 TSC695F SYSCLK RA[31:0] FAn-1 FAn FAn+1 FAn+1 FAn+2 RASI[3:0] 09H 09H 09H 09H 09H 10 10 10 10 10 RSIZE[1:0] t14 t14 ALE* SYSHALT* t16 t16 MHOLD* t49 t49 SYSAV t48 t48 CPUHALT* D[31:0] FDn-1 FDn FDn+1 FDn+2 4118H–AERO–06/03 Figure 21. External Error with Halt Timing 4118H–AERO–06/03 SYSCLK RA[31:0] FAn-1 FAn FAn+1 RASI[3:0] 09H 09H 09H 10 10 10 RSIZE[1:0] t14 ALE* t50 t50 IUERR* t49 SYSERR* t16 MHOLD* t49 SYSAV t48 CPUHALT* D[31:0] FDn-1 FDn TSC695F 35 Figure 22. Reset Timing 36 TSC695F SYSCLK SYSRESET* RA[31:0] FA n FA n+1 0H RASI[3:0] RSIZE[1:0] t14 t14 ALE* t46 t47 INULL t48 RESET* t48 4H 8H 4118H–AERO–06/03 TSC695F Package Description Thermal Characteristics The thermal performance of a package is measured by its ability to dissipate the power required by the device into its surroundings. The electrical power drawn by the device generates heat on the top surface of the die. This heat is conducted through the package to the surface and then transferred when there is surrounding air by convection. Each heat transfer step has corresponding resistance, when there is surrounding air, to the heat flow, which is given the value Rθ, the thermal resistance coefficient. Subscripts are added to the coefficient to specify the two points that the heat is transferred between. Commonly used coefficients are Rθja (junction to ambient air), Rθjc (junction to case) and Rθca (case to ambient). An electrical analogy can be made, as shown in Figure 23, to illustrate the heat flow of a package. The heat transfer can be characterized mathematically by the following equation: Tj – Ta = P × Rθja – Where: – P = Device operating power (Watts) Tj = Temperature of a junction on the device (°C) Ta = Temperature of the surrounding ambient air (°C) Rθja = Rθjc + Rθca in °C/W Figure 23. Thermal Model Rθja Rθca Heat Flow Rθjc Cavity Die Package Table 8. Thermal Characteristics Conditions Rθ - Value ja 20 ~ 23 jc 0.4 ja 31 ~ 41 jc 0.4 Unit Temperature Air Blown air °C/W 25/90°C Stationary air 37 4118H–AERO–06/03 256-lead MQFP-F Package 38 TSC695F 4118H–AERO–06/03 TSC695F 256-lead MQFP-F Pin Assignments Table 9. Pin Assignments Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 GPIINT 65 D[0] 129 RA[0] 193 DXFER 2 GPI[7] 66 RSIZE[1] 130 VCCO 194 MEXC 3 VCCO 67 RSIZE[0] 131 VSSO 195 VCCO 4 VSSO 68 RASI[3] 132 RAPAR 196 VSSO 5 GPI[6] 69 VCCO 133 RASPAR 197 RESET 6 GPI[5] 70 VSSO 134 DPAR 198 SYSRESET 7 GPI[4] 71 RASI[2] 135 VCCO 199 BA[1] 8 GPI[3] 72 RASI[1] 136 VSSO 200 BA[0] 9 VCCO 73 RASI[0] 137 SYSCLK 201 CB[6] 10 VSSO 74 RA[31] 138 TDO 202 CB[5] 11 GPI[2] 75 RA[30] 139 TRST 203 VCCO 12 GPI[1] 76 VCCO 140 TMS 204 VSSO 13 GPI[0] 77 VSSO 141 TDI 205 CB[4] 14 D[31] 78 RA[29] 142 TCK 206 CB[3] 15 D[30] 79 RA[28] 143 CLK2 207 CB[2] 16 VCCO 80 RA[27] 144 DRDY 208 CB[1] 17 VSSO 81 VCCO 145 DMAAS 209 VCCO 18 D[29] 82 VSSO 146 VCCO 210 VSSO 19 D[28] 83 RA[26] 147 VSSO 211 CB[0] 20 VCCI 84 RA[25] 148 DMAGNT 212 ALE 21 VSSI 85 RA[24] 149 EXMCS 213 VCCI 22 D[27] 86 VCCI 150 VCCI 214 VSSI 23 D[26] 87 VSSI 151 VSSI 215 PROM8 24 VCCO 88 VCCO 152 DMAREQ 216 ROMCS 25 VSSO 89 VSSO 153 BUSERR 217 MEMCS[9] 26 D[25] 90 RA[23] 154 BUSRDY 218 VCCO 27 D[24] 91 RA[22] 155 ROMWRT 219 VSSO 28 D[23] 92 RA[21] 156 NOPAR 220 MEMCS[8] 29 D[22] 93 VCCO 157 SYSHALT 221 MEMCS[7] 30 VCCO 94 VSSO 158 CPUHALT 222 MEMCS[6] 31 VSSO 95 RA[20] 159 VCCO 223 MEMCS[5] 32 D[21] 96 RA[19] 160 VSSO 224 MEMCS[4] 33 D[20] 97 RA[18] 161 SYSERR 225 MEMCS[3] 34 D[19] 98 VCCO 162 SYSAV 226 VCCO 35 D[18] 99 VSSO 163 EXTINT[4] 227 VSSO 39 4118H–AERO–06/03 Table 9. Pin Assignments (Continued) 40 Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal 36 VCCO 100 RA[17] 164 EXTINT[3] 228 MEMCS[2] 37 VSSO 101 RA[16] 165 EXTINT[2] 229 MEMCS[1] 38 D[17] 102 RA[15] 166 EXTINT[1] 230 MEMCS[0] 39 D[16] 103 VCCO 167 EXTINT[0] 231 VCCI 40 VCCI 104 VSSO 168 VCCI 232 VSSI 41 VSSI 105 RA[14] 169 VSSI 233 OE 42 D[15] 106 VCCI 170 EXTINTACK 234 VCCO 43 D[14] 107 VSSI 171 IUERR 235 VSSO 44 VCCO 108 RA[13] 172 VCCO 236 MEMWR 45 VSSO 109 RA[12] 173 VSSO 237 BUFFEN 46 D[13] 110 VCCO 174 CPAR 238 DDIR 47 D[12] 111 VSSO 175 TXA 239 VCCO 48 D[11] 112 RA[11] 176 RXA 240 VSSO 49 D[10] 113 RA[10] 177 RXB 241 DDIR 50 VCCO 114 RA[9] 178 TXB 242 MHOLD 51 VSSO 115 VCCO 179 IOWR 243 MDS 52 D[9] 116 VSSO 180 IOSEL[3] 244 WDCLK 53 D[8] 117 RA[8] 181 VCCO 245 IWDE 54 D[7] 118 RA[7] 182 VSSO 246 EWDINT 55 D[6] 119 RA[6] 183 IOSEL[2] 247 TMODE[1] 56 VCCO 120 VCCO 184 IOSEL[1] 248 TMODE[0] 57 VSSO 121 VSSO 185 IOSEL[0] 249 DEBUG 58 D[5] 122 RA[5] 186 WRT 250 INULL 59 D[4] 123 RA[4] 187 WE 251 DIA 60 D[3] 124 RA[3] 188 VCCO 252 VCCO 61 D[2] 125 VCCO 189 VSSO 253 VSSO 62 VCCO 126 VSSO 190 RD 254 FLUSH 63 VSSO 127 RA[2] 191 RLDSTO 255 INST 64 D[1] 128 RA[1] 192 LOCK 256 RTC TSC695F 4118H–AERO–06/03 TSC695F Ordering Information Table 10. Possible Order Entries Temperature Supply Voltage Range Maximum Speed (MHz) Packaging Quality Flow TSC695F-25MA-E 5V 25°C 25 MQFP-F256 Engineering Samples TSC695F-25MA 5V -55° to +125°C 25 MQFP-F256 Standard Mil. 5962-0054001QXC 5V -55° to +125°C 25 MQFP-F256 QML-Q 5962-0054001VXC 5V -55° to +125°C 25 MQFP-F256 QML-V TSC695F-25SASB 5V -55° to +125°C 25 MQFP-F256 SCC B TSC695F-25MB-E 5V 25°C 25 Die Engineering Samples 5962-0054001Q9A 5V -55° to +125°C 25 Die QML-Q 5962-0054001V9A 5V -55° to +125°C 25 Die QML-V Part-Number 41 4118H–AERO–06/03 Atmel Corporation 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 487-2600 Regional Headquarters Europe Atmel Sarl Route des Arsenaux 41 Case Postale 80 CH-1705 Fribourg Switzerland Tel: (41) 26-426-5555 Fax: (41) 26-426-5500 Asia Room 1219 Chinachem Golden Plaza 77 Mody Road Tsimshatsui East Kowloon Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2721-9778 Fax: (852) 2722-1369 Japan 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. 1-24-8 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 Japan Tel: (81) 3-3523-3551 Fax: (81) 3-3523-7581 Atmel Operations Memory 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 436-4314 RF/Automotive Theresienstrasse 2 Postfach 3535 74025 Heilbronn, Germany Tel: (49) 71-31-67-0 Fax: (49) 71-31-67-2340 Microcontrollers 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 436-4314 La Chantrerie BP 70602 44306 Nantes Cedex 3, France Tel: (33) 2-40-18-18-18 Fax: (33) 2-40-18-19-60 ASIC/ASSP/Smart Cards 1150 East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Tel: 1(719) 576-3300 Fax: 1(719) 540-1759 Biometrics/Imaging/Hi-Rel MPU/ High Speed Converters/RF Datacom Avenue de Rochepleine BP 123 38521 Saint-Egreve Cedex, France Tel: (33) 4-76-58-30-00 Fax: (33) 4-76-58-34-80 Zone Industrielle 13106 Rousset Cedex, France Tel: (33) 4-42-53-60-00 Fax: (33) 4-42-53-60-01 1150 East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Tel: 1(719) 576-3300 Fax: 1(719) 540-1759 Scottish Enterprise Technology Park Maxwell Building East Kilbride G75 0QR, Scotland Tel: (44) 1355-803-000 Fax: (44) 1355-242-743 e-mail [email protected] Web Site http://www.atmel.com Disclaimer: Atmel Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products, other than those expressly contained in the Company’s standard warranty which is detailed in Atmel’s Terms and Conditions located on the Company’s web site. The Company assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. No licenses to patents or other intellectual property of Atmel are granted by the Company in connection with the sale of Atmel products, expressly or by implication. Atmel’s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems. © Atmel Corporation 2003. All rights reserved. Atmel ® and combinations thereof are the registered trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other terms and product names may be the trademarks of others. Printed on recycled paper. 4118H–AERO–06/03 /xM