AN13652 Schematic Review Checklist for West Bridge® Antioch™ Associated Project: No Associated Part Family: West Bridge Software Version: Antioch SDK 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Related Application Notes: None To get the latest version of this application note, or the associated project file, please visit West Bridge® Antioch™ is a USB mass storage control device that contains three main ports: processor interface (P-port), mass storage support (S-port), and USB Interface (U-port). This application note discusses the hardware recommendations and guidelines for designing a system using Antioch. Introduction The West Bridge® Antioch™ device (CYWB0124AB) is a peripheral controller that supports high-speed USB and mass storage access. This controller provides access from both a processor interface and a high-speed USB (HS-USB) interface to peripherals including SD, MMC/MMC+, CE-ATA, and NAND. It supports interleaving accesses between the processor interface, the HS-USB, and the peripherals. This enables both an external processor and an external USB host to transfer data simultaneously to each other, and to the mass storage peripherals. Following are the hardware considerations for designing Antioch into a system. 4. The DRQ Status Register and DRQ Mask Register indicate the available endpoints for transfer. They must be accessed even if a DMA or burst operation is not being implemented on the P-port interface. Use the DRQ# or the INT signal to indicate to the processor that at least one of the bits in the DRQ Status Register is set. If INT is used, an extra read of the P-Port interrupt register must be done before the DRQ Status Register is read. 5. DACK# is used in conjunction with DRQ#. If INT is used to indicate that at least one bit is set in the DRQ Status Register, then DACK# remains unused. DACK# is not required for Antioch to function. 6. The INT and DRQ# signals float when Antioch is in Standby state. These signals are active low. As a result, a pull-up resistor must be connected to these signals to prevent the P-port processor from receiving any false interrupts. 7. The WAKEUP pin should be connected to an externally controllable output (processor GPIO) with a pull-up resistor attached. P-Port 1. If operating in the asynchronous mode, CLK is tied LOW through a 10 k resistor. If operating in synchronous mode, CLK is connected to the incoming CLK signal from the processor interface. 2. ADV# is tied to a signal on the processor interface that conforms to the timing in the datasheet West Bridge: Antioch USB/Mass Storage Peripheral Controller. If this signal is not available, tie ADV# to the CE# signal of the processor interface as described in the application note, AN13553 - Using Processor Chip Enable as Address Valid Input to Antioch™. 3. All unused inputs and I/O pins on the P-port are tied to a valid logic level (HIGH for lowest leakage) through a 10 k resistor. You can use a single resistor for multiple unused pins. When pulling HIGH, the unused pins are tied to the appropriate power domain: in this case, PVDDQ. S-Port 1. You can use SD_D[3] or GPIO[0] to detect cards on Antioch. A 470 kΩ pull-down resistor is required for SD_D[3]. 2. Do not leave any floating unused input-only or I/O pins. Tie all unused pins HIGH through a single 10 k resistor to the appropriate SSVDDQ or SNVDDQ supply. The CMD pin and DATA lines require a 10 k pull-up resistor when used. Document No. 001-13652 Rev. *G 1 ® Schematic Review Checklist for West Bridge Antioch™ 3. You can treat the SD_CLK signal as a high-speed signal switching at 48 MHz to determine the appropriate signal integrity precautions. 4. The SD_POW signal floats when Antioch is in standby. If this signal is used to control power to the SD card through an external switch, a pull-up or pull-down resistor must be connected on SD_POW. This ensures that the switch remains on and power to the card is retained during Antioch’s standby condition. 5. If you are designing for an application supporting SD/MMC and CE-ATA, follow the trace length restrictions. Table 1 lists the acceptable frequencies for Antioch and the maximum trace lengths corresponding to the frequencies for SD cards that cannot operate in high-speed mode. 2. Minimize the trace lengths between the D+ and Dpins on Antioch and the USB connector. For CYWB0124ABX-FDXI, a trace length of less than two inches is required to pass USB certification. 3. The UVALID signal mirrors the value of a register bit in Antioch. The register bit is written to using firmware. The main processor in the system can use UVALID to control the external power management ICs or USB switches. Its behavior during reset and low power modes is documented in the datasheet. UVALID is not required for Antioch to function. 4. If you plan to use an USB switch, contact your local sales representative or use the Cypress Connection Center to determine the best option. Further information can be found in the application note, AN42961 - Using a USB Switch with West Bridge® Antioch™. 5. For further information, see application note, AN1168 - High Speed USB PCB Layout Recommendations. Table 1. Frequency vs. Trace Length (SD Default Mode) SDFREQ (MHz) Maximum Trace Length (in) 24.00 1.94 21.82 7.55 20.00 13.17 18.46 18.78 17.14 24.4 Table 2 lists the acceptable frequencies for Antioch, the perspective, and the corresponding maximum trace lengths for SD cards that are capable of operating in highspeed mode. Table 2. Frequency vs. Trace Length (SD High-speed Mode) SDFREQ (MHz) Maximum Trace Length (in) 48.00 8.18 40.00 20.66 34.29 33.13 30.00 45.61 26.67 58.08 Ensure that the XTALSLC[1:0] pin levels correspond to the frequency of the signal at XTALIN and XTALOUT. 2. Leave the XTALOUT floating if an external clock source is used. 3. Clock or crystal characteristics must conform to the requirements specified in the datasheet. 4. Further information about clock requirements can be found in this application note, AN49081 Requirements for Input Clock to West Bridge Devices. 5. You must adhere to the power supply noise specifications for the PLL specified in the datasheet. 6. XVDDQ is the select pin for crystal and clock. XVDDQ must be 3.3 V when using a crystal. XVDDQ must be 1.8 V when using a clock source as an input. Table 3. Clock Selection Input Settings To avoid an impedance mismatch, lay out the USB differential signals with constant spacing and on one plane. Avoid vias and stubs. It is prudent to lay out the signals before laying out the rest of the board. 1. Table 3 lists the various clock selection input settings. U-Port 1. Clocks XTALSLC[1] XTALSLC[0] Clock Frequency Crystal Support 0 0 19.2 MHz Yes 0 1 24 MHz Yes 1 0 48 MHz No 1 1 26 MHz Yes Document No. 001-13652 Rev. *G 2 ® Schematic Review Checklist for West Bridge Antioch™ Decoupling for Power Supplies 1. VDD requires 2.2 µF and 0.1 µF decoupling. 2. Although AVDDQ is tied to the same supply as VDD, route it separately with 0.01 µF and 0.1 µF capacitors. 3. UVDDQ requires 2.2 µF and 0.1 µF decoupling. 4. GVDDQ, PVDDQ, SSVDDQ, SNVDDQ, and XVDDQ do not have any specific decoupling requirements; combine them with decoupling for other supplies at the same level. If in doubt, use 2.2 µF and 0.1 µF. 5. Ensure that in the Core power down mode, when the VDD power supply is turned down, there is a 1 kΩ resistance between the VDD and ground. Miscellaneous You may leave all the unused output-only pins floating, but do not leave unused input-only and I/O pins floating. Tie the input-only and I/O to a valid logic level using a single 10 k pull-up resistor. There is a negligible difference if the unused input-only pins are tied HIGH or LOW. For lowest leakage, tie unused I/O pins HIGH. An easy solution is to tie all unused inputs and I/O HIGH through a single 10 k pull-up resistor. Ensure that all unused pins handled this way are tied to their corresponding power domain. For example, an unused GPIO[1] is tied HIGH to GVDDQ through a 10 k pull-up which is shared with other unused signals in the GVDDQ domain. If standby mode is not used in your design, WAKEUP should be tied high through its own 10 k resistor or through a 10 k resistor shared only with input-only pins. Tying this pin high through a resistor shared with I/O pins can lead to unstable operation. To prevent floating GPIO input from resetting the West Bridge inadvertently, we recommend placing a pull-up on the RESET input line. Additional Resources West Bridge® Antioch™ Advance Datasheet. AN42961 - Using a USB Switch with West Bridge® Antioch™. AN49081 - Requirements for Input Clock to West Bridge® Devices. AN1168 - High-Speed USB PCB Layout Recommendations. AN13553 - Using Processor Chip Enable as Address Valid Input to Antioch™. Summary This Application note began with the explanation on three interfaces available in Antioch peripheral controller namely P-Port, S-Port and U-Port. Then, it discusses the hardware recommendations and guidelines for designing a system using Antioch. Document No. 001-13652 Rev. *G 3 ® Schematic Review Checklist for West Bridge Antioch™ Document History Document Title: Schematic Review Checklist for West Bridge® Antioch™ - AN13652 Document Number: 001-13652 Revision ECN Orig. of Change Submission Date Description of Change ** 851520 DSG 03/22/2007 New application note. *A 1733043 OSG 11/12/2007 Updated to new template. *B 2620808 OSG / AESA 12/12/2008 Changed title to “Schematic Review Checklist for West Bridge Antioch™”. ® Updated P-port and S-port sections. *C 2650159 ODC 01/30/09 Added clarification on the USB trace length in the U-Port section. *D 2742382 ODC 07/22/09 Added information on Wakeup pin in the P-Port section. *E 3183375 ANOP 02/27/2011 Added Table 3 under Clocks. Added Additional Resources. Other minor updates across the document. *F 3417871 AASI 10/21/2011 *G 4566134 PRJI 11/10/2014 Updated to new template. Completing Sunset Review. Updated to new template. Completing Sunset Review. Document No. 001-13652 Rev. *G 4 ® Schematic Review Checklist for West Bridge Antioch™ Worldwide Sales and Design Support Cypress maintains a worldwide network of offices, solution centers, manufacturer’s representatives, and distributors. To find the office closest to you, visit us at Cypress Locations. PSoC® Solutions Products Automotive Clocks & Buffers PSoC 1 | PSoC 3 | PSoC 4 | PSoC 5LP Interface Lighting & Power Control Memory PSoC Touch Sensing USB Controllers Wireless/RF Cypress Developer Community Community | Forums | Blogs | Video | Training Technical Support West Bridge is a registered trademark of Cypress Semiconductor Corp. Antioch is a trademark of Cypress Semiconductor Corp. All other trademarks or registered trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners. Cypress Semiconductor 198 Champion Court San Jose, CA 95134-1709 Phone Fax Website : 408-943-2600 : 408-943-4730 : © Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2007-2014. 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