TA8044AF TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TA8044AF 3.3V / 5V DUAL-VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH WATCHDOG TIMER Designed specifically for use in 3.3V microcomputers, this IC contains two constant-voltage power supplies for 3.3V and 5V uses and various system reset functions. This IC's Power Supply Output 1 provides an output voltage of 3.4V and contains an output transistor capable of producing 10mA of output current. With an external boost transistor connected, this IC can supply a large output current. A 150mA current limiter is included. Power Supply Output 2 provides an output voltage of 5.0V which can be turned on or off from the EN pin. This output uses an external output transistor. Any desired current limiter value can be set using an external adjusting resistor. For a system reset, it has a low-voltage monitor / power-on reset / watchdog timer at Power Supply Output 2. Weight: 0.14 g (typ.) FEATURES l Power Supply Output 1 · Output voltage : 3.4V±0.15V · Output current : 10mA (built-in transistor) / 300 mA (when urrent boost transistor connected) · Current limiter : 150mA l Power Supply Output 2 · Output voltage : 5.0V (−0.18V to +0.15V) · Output current : 600mA (External transistor) · Current limiter : Variable using external adjusting resistor l Reset functions : Low-voltage monitor and power-on watchdog timer l Low standby current : 800µA (Max) l Wide operating temperature range : −40°C to 125°C l Compact flat package SSOP-16pin : 16-pin SSOP 1 2002-02-27 TA8044AF BLOCK DIAGRAM AND PIN ASSIGNMENT VIN2 VS2 OUT2 VCC2 COMP2 VCC3 CK TC 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 1.245 V Vref 100 kW 6.8 V 10 kW 6.8 V Power On Reset Watchdog Timer 4.6 kW 6.0 V Current Limiter 1 kW 5 V REG Amp 0.3 V 0.34 kW Current Limiter 13.9 kW 70 kW Comp 50 kW 3.3 V REG Amp 18 mV 10 kW 120 mW 165 kW 8 kW 100 kW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VIN1 VS1 OUT1 VCC1 COMP1 EN GND 2 8 RESET 2002-02-27 TA8044AF PIN DESCRIPTION PIN No. SYMBOL 1 VIN1 Power supply input pin for VCC1. It contains a 150mA (Typ.) current limiter. 2 VS1 Current limiter pin for VCC1. A 120mΩsense resistor is included between pin 1 and this pin. 3 OUT1 Power supply input pin for VCC1. When using an external current boost transistor, connect the base of a PNP transistor to this pin. No external transistor is required when using the IC at a load current of 10mA or less. In this case, connect the power supplies by shorting pins 1, 2, and 3. 4 VCC1 Voltage detection / output pin for VCC1. When using a current boost transistor, connect the collector of a PNP transistor to this pin. When used with a load current of 10mA or less, this pin serves as an output pin for the 3.3V power supply. 5 COMP1 Phase compensating pin for VCC1. Connect a phase compensating capacitor between pin 4 and this pin. 6 EN On / off control pin for VCC2. The 5V output is turned on when EN is high and turned off when EN is low. A 50kΩ pull-down resistor is included in GND. 7 GND 8 RESET 9 TC Time setup pin for the reset and watchdog timers. Connect resistor RT to VCC2 and capacitor CT to GND. 10 CK Clock input pin for the watchdog timer. If used only as a power-on reset timer, pull up this input to VCC2. 11 VCC3 This pin contains a 7.5V Zener diode. To use this pin, short it to pin 13. When the VCC2 voltage becomes abnormal, the Zener diode suppresses the voltage. 12 COMP2 Phase compensating pin for VCC2. Connect a phase compensating capacitor between pin 13 and this pin. 13 VCC2 Voltage detection pin for the 5V constant-voltage power supply, VCC2. It also supplies power to the reset timer block. 14 OUT2 This pin is used to connect the base of an external PNP transistor. The output voltage is controlled by an internal op-amp to maintain it stably at 5V. Since the recommended current of IOUT is 5mA, an output current of up to 600mA can be flowed if HFE of the external transistor is 120 or more. VS2 Detection pin for the VCC2 current limiter. A voltage drop occurring in the external resistor Rs between pins 15 and 16 is monitored. The current limiter is actuated when the voltage drop exceeds 0.3V. Ex. ) When the current limiter need to be actuated at a load current of 600mA Rs = 0.3V / 600mA = 0.5Ω VIN2 Power supply input pin. An internal 6V constant voltage is connected to this pin for supplying power to the VCC1 / 2 current limiters, voltage regulating circuit for VCC1, reference voltage source, and the EN input circuit. 15 16 DESCRIPTION Grounded Power-on reset / watchdog timer reset output pin. ・ Generates a reset signal that is determined by CT and RT at the TC pin. ・ If no clock is fed to the CK input, this pin generates a reset pulse intermittently. This is an NPN transistor collector output, with a 100kΩ pull-up resistor built into VCC2. 3 2002-02-27 TA8044AF TIMING CHART 5V VTH2 VTH2 VCC-2 0V VCC-1 3.3 V VTH1 VTH1 VTH1 0V TC 0V CK 0V RESET 0V TRST TPOR TPOR TPOR TWD Note: See Electrical Characteristics for symbols in the timing chart. 4 2002-02-27 TA8044AF MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = 25°C) CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL RATING UNIT VIN 60 (1s) V IOUT1 10 IOUT2 10 Operating Temperature Topr −40~125 °C Storage Temperature Tstg −55~150 °C Lead Temperature−Time Tsol 260 (10s) °C Input Voltage Output Current mA SSOP16- P-225 HEAT RESISTANCE DATA (Ta = 25°C) CHARACTERISTIC RATING CONDITION UNIT Rθj−a 330 Single unit °C/W Rθj−a 160 50 × 50 × 1.6 mm 30%Cu °C/W PD1 0.38 Single unit W PD2 0.78 50 × 50 × 1.6 mm 30%Cu W 5 2002-02-27 TA8044AF ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTIC Vin = 6 to 16V, ILOAD-1 = 10mA, ILOAD-2 = 10mA, Ta = −40~125°C unless otherwise specified SYMBOL PIN VREG-1 VCC-1 Output Voltage Input Stability Load Stability Input Voltage Output Voltage Output Leakage Current Input Current Threshold Voltage Input Current Input Voltage Current Limiter Current Limiter Detection TEST CONDITION MIN TYP. MAX ― Ta = −40~105°C 3.28 3.4 3.52 ― Ta = −40~125°C 3.25 3.4 3.55 ― Ta = −40~105°C 4.85 5.0 5.15 UNIT V VREG-2 VCC-2 ― Ta = −40~125°C 4.82 5.0 5.15 VLINE VCC-1 / 2 ― VIN = 6~40V ― 0.1 0.5 VLOAD-1 VCC-1 ― ILOAD = 1~200mA ― 0.2 1.0 VLOAD-2 VCC-2 ― ILOAD = 1~300mA ― 0.2 1.0 VCC-1 / 2 ― ― 0.01 ― % / °C EN ― ― 0.1 0.2 mA ― 2 ― ― ― ― ― 0.8 Temperature Coefficient Input Current TEST CIRCUIT IIN VIH VIL EN VIN=5V % % V VOL RESET ― IOL = 2mA ― ― 0.3 V ILEAK RESET ― VIN = VCC2 ― ― 5 µA IIN TC ― VIN = 0~3.5V −3 ― 3 µA ― ― 4 ― ― ― 2 ― ― 0.18 0.35 ― 2 ― ― ― ― ― 0.5 VIH VIL IIN VIH VIL TC CK CK ― VIN = 5V V mA V ILIMIT VCC-1 ― ― 150 ― mA VLIMIT VCC-2 ― ― 0.3 ― V Standby Current IST *1 VIN = 14V , EN = “ L ” ― 400 800 µA Current Consumption ICC *1 VIN = 14V , EN = “ H ” ― 3 5 mA 3.0 3.15 3.3 0.2 0.25 0.3 4.5 4.7 4.87 0.25 0.30 0.35 VTH1 Reset Detection Voltage ∆VTH1 VTH2 ∆VTH2 VCC-1 VCC-2 ― ― VCC-1−VTH1 ― ― VCC-2−VTH2 Power-on Reset TPOR RESET ― 1.6× 1.9× 1.3× CT×RT CT×RT CT×RT Watchdog Timer TWD RESET ― 1.1× 1.3 × 0.9× CT×RT CT×RT CT×RT Reset Timer TRST RESET ― 0.3× CT 0.7× CT 1.5× CT TW CK ― 3 ― ― Clock Pulse Width V ms µs Note1: The unit for CT is µF, the unit for RT is kΩ. *1 See EXAMPLE OF APPLICATION CIRCUIT(1) Note2: The specification values of power-on reset, watchdog timer and reset timer above are intended to guarantee the IC itself. Note that the fluctuations of CT and RT values should be taken into consideration for practical use of the IC. 6 2002-02-27 TA8044AF EXAMPLE OF APPLICATION CIRCUIT (1) Built-in 3.3V power supply +5V power supply C3 10 mF RS 5.0 V C1 10 mF VB 4700 pF RT C4 Clock 2200 pF 16 VIN2 15 VS2 14 13 12 11 OUT2 VCC2 COMP2 VCC3 10 CK 9 TC CT TA8044AF VS1 2 OUT1 VCC1 COMP1 3 4 5 EN 6 GND RESET 7 8 4700 pF VIN1 1 RESET 3.3 V C2 IGN KEY 10 mF 3.3 V EXAMPLE OF APPLICATION CIRCUIT (2) 3.3V power supply with current boost transistor +5V power supply, 5V / 3V series connected C3 10 mF RS C1 5.0 V 4700 pF VDD 5.0 V RT C4 Po1 2200 pF 16 VIN2 15 VS2 14 13 12 11 OUT2 VCC2 COMP2 VCC3 10 CK 9 TC TA8044AF VS1 2 OUT1 VCC1 COMP1 3 4 5 4700 pF CT CPU EN 6 GND RESET 7 8 RESET 3.3 V VDD 3.3 V VSS C2 VIN1 1 10 mF 10 mF VB 7 2002-02-27 TA8044AF EXAMPLE OF APPLICATION CIRCUIT (3) 3.3V power supply with current boost transistor +5V power supply, 5V / 3V parallel connected C3 10 mF C1 RS 10 mF VB 5.0 V 4700 pF VDD 5.0 V RT C4 Po1 2200 pF 16 VIN2 15 VS2 14 13 12 11 OUT2 VCC2 COMP2 VCC3 10 CK 9 TC CT TA8044AF VS1 2 VIN1 1 OUT1 VCC1 COMP1 3 4 5 CPU EN 6 GND RESET 7 8 RESET IGN KEY 3.3 V VDD 3.3 V VSS C2 10 mF 4700 pF RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS PART NAME MIN MAX UNIT CT 0.01 100 µF RT 5 100 kΩ APPLICATION CIRCUIT FOR CK INPUT Capacitor Coupling Timing Chart • IN TA8044AF 9 10 CK • CK 5V 0 5V 0 0 IN 2200 pF The capacitor coupling allows reset pulses to be supplied intermittently from the RESET pin whether the input level (IN) is high or low. 8 2002-02-27 TA8044AF PACKAGE DIMENSIONS Weight: 0.14g (Typ.) 9 2002-02-27 TA8044AF RESTRICTIONS ON PRODUCT USE 000707EAA_S · TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to comply with the standards of safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of such TOSHIBA products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property. In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent TOSHIBA products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth in the “Handling Guide for Semiconductor Devices,” or “TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook” etc.. · The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA CORPORATION for any infringements of intellectual property or other rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any intellectual property or other rights of TOSHIBA CORPORATION or others. · The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 10 2002-02-27