Transistors General purpose transistor (dual transistors) UMZ1N / IMZ1A Features 1) Both a 2SA1037AK chip and 2SC241ZK chip in a UMT or SMT package. 2) Mounting possible with UMT3 or SMT3 automatic mounting machines. 3) Transistor elements are independent, eliminating interference. 4) Mounting cost and area can be cut in half. External dimensions (Units: mm) Structure NPN / PNP epitaxial planar silicon transistor Absolute maximum ratings (Ta = 25C) (96-525-AC22) 570 Transistors UMZ1N / IMZ1A Electrical characteristics (Ta = 25C) Tr1 (NPN) Tr2 (PNP) Packaging specifications 571 Transistors Electrical characteristic curves Tr1 (NPN) 572 UMZ1N / IMZ1A Transistors UMZ1N / IMZ1A Electrical characteristic curves Tr2 (PNP) 573 Transistors 574 UMZ1N / IMZ1A