Direct RDRAM™ K4R271669E 128Mbit RDRAM(E-die) 256K x 16 bit x 32s Banks Direct RDRAMTM Version 1.4 July 2002 Page -1 Version 1.4 July 2002 Direct RDRAM™ K4R271669E Change History Version 1.4 ( July 2002 ) - First Copy ( Version 1.4 is named to unify the version of component and device operation datasheets) - Based on the 128Mbit D-die RDRAM for short channel Datasheet Version 1.4 Page 0 Version 1.4 July 2002 Direct RDRAM™ K4R271669E Overview The RDRAM device is a general purpose high-performance memory device suitable for use in a broad range of applications including communications, graphics, video and any other application where high bandwidth and low latency are required. SEC 240 xCS8 K4R271669E The 128Mbit RDRAM devices are extremely high-speed CMOS DRAMs organized as 8M words by 16. The use of Rambus Signaling Level (RSL) technology permits 800MHz transfer rate while using conventional system and board design technologies. RDRAM devices are capable of sustained data transfers at 1.25 ns per two bytes (10ns per sixteen bytes). The architecture of the RDRAM devices allows the highest sustained bandwidth for multiple, simultaneous randomly addressed memory transactions. The separate control and data buses with independent row and column control yield over 95% bus efficiency. The RDRAM device's 32 banks support up to four simultaneous transactions. Figure 1: Direct RDRAM CSP Package System oriented features for mobile, graphics and communications include power management and byte masking. The 128Mbit RDRAM devices are offered in a horizontal center-bond fanout CSP package. Key Timing Parameters/Part Numbers Features Speed ♦ Highest sustained bandwidth per DRAM device - 1.6GB/s sustained data transfer rate - Separate control and data buses for maximized efficiency - Separate row and column control buses for easy scheduling and highest performance - 32 banks: four transactions can take place simultaneously at full bandwidth data rates ♦ Low latency features - Write buffer to reduce read latency - 3 precharge mechanisms for controller flexibility - Interleaved transactions Organization tRAC I/O (Row Bin Freq. Access MHz Time) ns Part Number 256Kx16x32sa -CS8 800 45 K4R271669E-TbCS8 256Kx16x32s -CS8 800 45 K4R271669E-RcCS8 a. “32s” - 32 banks which use a “split” bank architecture. b. “T” - Lead free consumer package. c. “R” - Leaded consumer package. ♦ Advanced power management: - Multiple low power states allows flexibility in power consumption versus time to transition to active state - Power-down self-refresh ♦ Organization: 1Kbyte pages and 32 banks ♦ Uses Rambus Signaling Level (RSL) interface for up to 800MHz operation ♦ WBGA package(54 Balls) Page 1 Version 1.4 July 2002 Direct RDRAM™ K4R271669E Pinouts and Definitions The following table shows the pin assignments of the centerbonded RDRAM package. Table 1: Center-Bonded CSP Device (Top View) 7 DQA7 DQA4 CFM CFMN RQ5 RQ3 DQB0 DQB4 DQB7 6 GND DQA5 DQA2 VDDA RQ6 RQ2 DQB1 DQB5 GND 5 CMD VDD GND GNDA VDD GND VDD VDD SIO0 3 SCK GND VDD GND GND VDD GND GND SIO1 2 VCMOS DQA6 DQA1 VREF RQ7 RQ1 DQB2 DQB6 VCMOS 1 NC DQA3 DQA0 CTMN CTM RQ4 RQ0 DQB3 NC Top View A B C D E F G H J 4 b. Top marking example SEC 240 xCS8 K4R271669E Top View Chip For consumer package, pin #1(ROW 1, COL A) is located at the A1 position on the top side and the A1 position is marked by the marker “ • “. Page 2 Version 1.4 July 2002 Direct RDRAM™ K4R271669E Table 2: Pin Description Signal I/O Type # Pins center Description SIO1,SIO0 I/O CMOSa 2 Serial input/output. Pins for reading from and writing to the control registers using a serial access protocol. Also used for power management. CMD I CMOSa 1 Command input. Pins used in conjunction with SIO0 and SIO1 for reading from and writing to the control registers. Also used for power management. SCK I CMOSa 1 Serial clock input. Clock source used for reading from and writing to the control registers VDD 6 Supply voltage for the RDRAM core and interface logic. VDDa 1 Supply voltage for the RDRAM analog circuitry. VCMOS 2 Supply voltage for CMOS input/output pins. GND 9 Ground reference for RDRAM core and interface. GNDa 1 Ground reference for RDRAM analog circuitry. DQA7..DQA0 I/O RSLb 8 Data byte A. Eight pins which carry a byte of read or write data between the Channel and the RDRAM device. CFM I RSLb 1 Clock from master. Interface clock used for receiving RSL signals from the Channel. Positive polarity. CFMN I RSLb 1 Clock from master. Interface clock used for receiving RSL signals from the Channel. Negative polarity 1 Logic threshold reference voltage for RSL signals VREF CTMN I RSLb 1 Clock to master. Interface clock used for transmitting RSL signals to the Channel. Negative polarity. CTM I RSLb 1 Clock to master. Interface clock used for transmitting RSL signals to the Channel. Positive polarity. RQ7..RQ5 or ROW2..ROW0 I RSLb 3 Row access control. Three pins containing control and address information for row accesses. RQ4..RQ0 or COL4..COL0 I RSLb 5 Column access control. Five pins containing control and address information for column accesses. DQB7.. DQB0 I/O RSLb 8 Data byte B.Eight pins which carry a byte of read or write data between the Channel and the RDRAM device. NC 2 No Connection. Total pin count per package 54 a. All CMOS signals are high-true; a high voltage is a logic one and a low voltage is logic zero. b. All RSL signals are low-true; a low voltage is a logic one and a high voltage is logic zero. Page 3 Version 1.4 July 2002 Direct RDRAM™ K4R271669E RQ7..RQ5 or ROW2..ROW0 3 DQB7..DQB0 8 RQ4..RQ0 or COL4..COL0 5 CTM CTMN SCK,CMD SIO0,SIO1 CFM CFMN 2 2 DQA7..DQA0 8 RCLK RCLK 1:8 Demux 1:8 Demux TCLK RCLK Control Registers Packet Decode ROWR ROWA 11 5 5 9 ROP DR BR AV Match DM 6 R REFR Power Modes Mux DEVID Packet Decode COLC 5 5 5 6 COLX 5 5 XOP DX BX COP DC BC M S Match Row Decode Match C COLM 8 MB MA Write Buffer XOP Decode PRER ACT 8 PREX Mux Mux Column Decode & Mask Bank 17 Bank 18 Bank 29 Bank 30 Bank 31 ••• 8 ••• ••• RCLK ••• SAmp SAmp SAmp 15 14/15 13/14 SAmp SAmp SAmp 17/18 16/17 16 ••• Bank 16 8:1 Mux SAmp SAmp SAmp 31 30/31 29/30 Bank 15 8 8 TCLK Write Buffer Bank 14 8 1:8 Demux 1:8 Demux Bank 13 64 Write Buffer TCLK Bank 2 SAmp SAmp SAmp 29/30 30/31 31 8:1 Mux Bank 1 Internal DQA Data Path SAmp SAmp SAmp 16 16/17 17/18 8 8 Bank 0 64 SAmp SAmp SAmp 13/14 14/15 15 8 8 32x64 RD, WR RCLK 8 32x64 512x64x128 ••• 64 64 PREC DRAM Core SAmp SAmp SAmp 0 0/1 1/2 Internal DQB Data Path SAmp SAmp SAmp 1/2 0/1 0 Sense Amp 32x64 8 Figure 2: 128Mbit(256Kx16x32s) RDRAM Device Block Diagram Page 4 Version 1.4 July 2002 Direct RDRAM™ K4R271669E General Description Figure 2 is a block diagram of the 128Mbit RDRAM device. It consists of two major blocks: a “core” block built from banks and sense amps similar to those found in other types of DRAM and a Direct RambusTM interface block which permits an external controller to access this core at up to 1.6GB/s. Control Registers: The CMD, SCK, SIO0 and SIO1 pins appear in the upper center of Figure 2. They are used to write and read a block of control registers. These registers supply the RDRAM configuration information to a controller and they select the operating modes of the device. The nine bit REFR value is used for tracking the last refreshed row. Most importantly, the five bit DEVID specifies the device address of the RDRAM device on the Channel. Clocking: The CTM and CTMN pins (Clock-To-Master) generate TCLK (Transmit Clock), the internal clock used to transmit read data. The CFM and CFMN pins (Clock-FromMaster) generate RCLK (Receive Clock), the internal clock signal used to receive write data and to receive the ROW and COL pins. DQA,DQB Pins: These 16 pins carry read (Q) and write (D) data across the Channel. They are multiplexed/de-multiplexed from/to two 64-bit data paths (running at one-eighth the data frequency) inside the RDRAM device. Banks: The 16Mbyte core of the RDRAM device is divided into thirty two 0.5Mbyte banks, each organized as 512 rows, with each row containing 64 dualocts, and each dualoct containing 16 bytes. A dualoct is the smallest unit of data that can be addressed. Sense Amps: The RDRAM device contains 34 sense amps. Each sense amp consists of 512 bytes of fast storage (256 for DQA and 256 for DQB) and can hold one-half of one row of one bank of the RDRAM device. The sense amp may hold any of the 512 half-rows of an associated bank. However, each sense amp is shared between two adjacent banks of the RDRAM device(except for sense amps 0, 15, 16 and 31). This introduces the restriction that adjacent banks may not be simultaneously accessed. amps of the RDRAM device. These pins are de-multiplexed into a 24-bit ROWA (row-activate) or ROWR (row-operation) packet. COL Pins: The principle use of these five pins is to manage the transfer of data between the DQA/DQB pins and the sense amps of the RDRAM device. These pins are demultiplexed into a 23-bit COLC (column-operation) packet and either a 17-bit COLM (mask) packet or a 17-bit COLX (extended-operation) packet. ACT Command: An ACT (activate) command from an ROWA packet causes one of the 512 rows of the selected bank to be loaded to its associated sense amps (two 256 byte sense amps for DQA and two for DQB). PRER Command: A PRER (precharge) command from an ROWR packet causes the selected bank to release its two associated sense amps, permitting a different row in that bank to be activated, or permitting adjacent banks to be activated. RD Command: The RD (read) command causes one of the 64 dualocts of one of the sense amps to be transmitted on the DQA/DQB pins of the Channel. WR Command: The WR (write) command causes a dualoct received from the DQA/DQB data pins of the Channel to be loaded into the write buffer. There is also space in the write buffer for the BC bank address and C column address information. The data in the write buffer is automatically retired (written with optional bytemask) to one of the 64 dualocts of one of the sense amps during a subsequent COP command. A retire can take place during a RD, WR, or NOCOP to another device, or during a WR or NOCOP to the same device. The write buffer will not retire during a RD to the same device. The write buffer reduces the delay needed for the internal DQA/DQB data path turnaround. PREC Precharge: The PREC, RDA and WRA commands are similar to NOCOP, RD and WR, except that a precharge operation is performed at the end of the column operation. These commands provide a second mechanism for performing precharge. PREX Precharge: After a RD command, or after a WR RQ Pins: These pins carry control and address information. They are broken into two groups. RQ7..RQ5 are also called ROW2..ROW0, and are used primarily for controlling row accesses. RQ4..RQ0 are also called COL4..COL0, and are used primarily for controlling column accesses. command with no byte masking (M=0), a COLX packet may be used to specify an extended operation (XOP). The most important XOP command is PREX. This command provides a third mechanism for performing precharge. ROW Pins: The principle use of these three pins is to manage the transfer of data between the banks and the sense Page 5 Version 1.4 July 2002 Direct RDRAM™ K4R271669E Packet Format Figure 3 shows the formats of the ROWA and ROWR packets on the ROW pins. Table 3 describes the fields which comprise these packets. DR4T and DR4F bits are encoded to contain both the DR4 device address bit and a framing bit which allows the ROWA or ROWR packet to be recognized by the RDRAM device. The AV (ROWA/ROWR packet selection) bit distinguishes between the two packet types. Both the ROWA and ROWR packet provide a five bit device address and a five bit bank address. An ROWA packet uses the remaining bits to specify a nine bit row address, and the ROWR packet uses the remaining bits for an eleven bit opcode field. Note the use of the “RsvX” notation to reserve bits for future address field extension. Table 3: Field Description for ROWA Packet and ROWR Packet Field Description DR4T,DR4F Bits for framing (recognizing) a ROWA or ROWR packet. Also encodes highest device address bit. DR3..DR0 Device address for ROWA or ROWR packet. BR4..BR0 Bank address for ROWA or ROWR packet. RsvB denotes bits ignored by the RDRAM device. AV Selects between ROWA packet (AV=1) and ROWR packet (AV=0). R8..R0 Row address for ROWA packet. RsvR denotes bits ignored by the RDRAM device. ROP10..ROP0 Opcode field for ROWR packet. Specifies precharge, refresh, and power management functions. Figure 3 also shows the formats of the COLC, COLM, and COLX packets on the COL pins. Table 4 describes the fields which comprise these packets. The COLC packet uses the S (Start) bit for framing. A COLM or COLX packet is aligned with this COLC packet, and is also framed by the S bit. The 23 bit COLC packet has a five bit device address, a five bit bank address, a six bit column address, and a four bit opcode. The COLC packet specifies a read or write command, as well as some power management commands. The remaining 17 bits are interpreted as a COLM (M=1) or COLX (M=0) packet. A COLM packet is used for a COLC write command which needs bytemask control. The COLM packet is associated with the COLC packet from at least tRTR earlier. An COLX packet may be used to specify an independent precharge command. It contains a five bit device address, a five bit bank address, and a five bit opcode. The COLX packet may also be used to specify some housekeeping and power management commands. The COLX packet is framed within a COLC packet but is not otherwise associated with any other packet. Table 4: Field Description for COLC Packet, COLM Packet, and COLX Packet Field Description S Bit for framing (recognizing) a COLC packet, and indirectly for framing COLM and COLX packets. DC4..DC0 Device address for COLC packet. BC4..BC0 Bank address for COLC packet. RsvB denotes bits reserved for future extension (controller drives 0’s). C5..C0 Column address for COLC packet. RsvC denotes bits ignored by the RDRAM device. COP3..COP0 Opcode field for COLC packet. Specifies read, write, precharge, and power management functions. M Selects between COLM packet (M=1) and COLX packet (M=0). MA7..MA0 Bytemask write control bits. 1=write, 0=no-write. MA0 controls the earliest byte on DQA7..0. MB7..MB0 Bytemask write control bits. 1=write, 0=no-write. MB0 controls the earliest byte on DQB7..0. DX4..DX0 Device address for COLX packet. BX4..BX0 Bank address for COLX packet. RsvB denotes bits reserved for future extension (controller drives 0’s). XOP4..XOP0 Opcode field for COLX packet. Specifies precharge, IOL control, and power management functions. Page 6 Version 1.4 July 2002 Direct RDRAM™ K4R271669E T0 T1 T2 T3 T8 CTM/CFM T9 T10 T11 CTM/CFM ROW2 DR4T DR2 BR0 BR3 RsvR R8 R5 R2 ROW2 DR4T DR2 BR0 BR3 ROW1 DR4F DR1 BR1 BR4 RsvR R7 R4 R1 ROW1 DR4F DR1 BR1 BR4 ROP9 ROP7 ROP4 ROP1 ROW0 DR3 DR0 BR2 RsvB AV=1 R6 R3 R0 ROW0 DR3 DR0 BR2 RsvB AV=0 ROP6 ROP3 ROP0 ROWA Packet T0 T1 T2 ROP10 ROP8 ROP5 ROP2 ROWR Packet T3 T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 CTM/CFM CTM/CFM S=1 RsvC C4 C5 C3 COL4 DC4 COL3 DC3 COL2 DC2 COP1 RsvB BC2 C2 COL1 DC1 COP0 BC4 BC1 C1 COL0 DC0 COP2 COP3 BC3 BC0 C0 ROW2 ..ROW0 ACT a0 COL4 ..COL0 WR b1 PRER c0 tPACKET MSK (b1) PREX d0 DQA8..0 DQB8..0 COLC Packet T8 T9 T10 T11 CTM/CFM a T12 T13 T14 T15 CTM/CFM COL4 S=1a MA7 MA5 MA3 MA1 COL4 S=1b DX4 XOP4 RsvB BX1 COL3 M=1 MA6 MA4 MA2 MA0 COL3 M=0 DX3 XOP3 BX4 BX0 COL2 MB7 MB4 MB1 COL2 DX2 XOP2 BX3 COL1 MB6 MB3 MB0 COL1 DX1 XOP1 BX2 COL0 MB5 MB2 COL0 DX0 XOP0 The COLM is associated with a previous COLC, and is aligned with the present COLC, indicated by the Start bit (S=1) position. b The COLM Packet COLX Packet COLX is aligned with the present COLC, indicated by the Start bit (S=1) position. Figure 3: Packet Formats Page 7 Version 1.4 July 2002 Direct RDRAM™ K4R271669E Field Encoding Summary broadcast operation is indicated when both bits are set. Broadcast operation would typically be used for refresh and power management commands. If the device is selected, the DM (DeviceMatch) signal is asserted and an ACT or ROP command is performed. Table 5 shows how the six device address bits are decoded for the ROWA and ROWR packets. The DR4T and DR4F encoding merges a fifth device bit with a framing bit. When neither bit is asserted, the device is not selected. Note that a Table 5: Device Field Encodings for ROWA Packet and ROWR Packet DR4T DR4F Device Selection Device Match signal (DM) 1 1 All devices (broadcast) DM is set to 1 0 1 One device selected DM is set to 1 if {DEVID4..DEVID0} == {0,DR3..DR0} else DM is set to 0 1 0 One device selected DM is set to 1 if {DEVID4..DEVID0} == {1,DR3..DR0} else DM is set to 0 0 0 No packet present DM is set to 0 Table 6 shows the encodings of the remaining fields of the ROWA and ROWR packets. An ROWA packet is specified by asserting the AV bit. This causes the specified row of the specified bank of this device to be loaded into the associated sense amps. An ROWR packet is specified when AV is not asserted. An 11 bit opcode field encodes a command for one of the banks of this device. The PRER command causes a bank and its two associated sense amps to precharge, so another row or an adjacent bank may be activated. The REFA (refresh-activate) command is similar to the ACT command, except the row address comes from an internal register REFR, and REFR is incremented at the largest bank address. The REFP (refresh-precharge) command is identical to a PRER command. The NAPR, NAPRC, PDNR, ATTN, and RLXR commands are used for managing the power dissipation of the RDRAM and are described in more detail in “Power State Management” on page 50. The TCEN and TCAL commands are used to adjust the output driver slew rate and they are described in more detail in “Current and Temperature Control” on page 56. Table 6: ROWA Packet and ROWR Packet Field Encodings DMa AV ROP10..ROP0 Field 10 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 0 - - 1 1 Row address - 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 xc x x 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 x x 0 0 0 1 0 x x 0 0 0 1 0 x x 0 0 1 0 x x x x 1 0 x x x x Name 2:0 --- Command Description - No operation. ACT Activate row R8..R0 of bank BR4..BR0 of device and move device to ATTNb. 000 PRER Precharge bank BR4..BR0 of this device. x 000 REFA Refresh (activate) row REFR8..REFR0 of bank BR4..BR0 of device. Increment REFR if BR4..BR0 = 11111 (see Figure 52). 0 x 000 REFP Precharge bank BR4..BR0 of this device after REFA (see Figure 52). 0 1 x 000 PDNR Move this device into the powerdown (PDN) power state (see Figure 49). 1 0 x 000 NAPR Move this device into the nap (NAP) power state (see Figure 49). 0 1 1 x 000 NAPRC Move this device into the nap (NAP) power state conditionally x x x 0 000 ATTNb Move this device into the attention (ATTN) power state (see Figure 47). x x x 1 000 RLXR Move this device into the standby (STBY) power state (see Figure 48). 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 001 TCAL Temperature calibrate this device (see Figure 55). 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 010 TCEN Temperature calibrate/enable this device (see Figure 55). 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 NOROP No operation. a. The DM (Device Match signal) value is determined by the DR4T,DR4F, DR3..DR0 field of the ROWA and ROWR packets. See Table 5. b. The ATTN command does not cause a RLX-to-ATTN transition for a broadcast operation (DR4T/DR4F=1/1). c. An “x” entry indicates which commands may be combined. For instance, the three commands PRER/NAPRC/RLXR may be specified in one ROP value (011000111000). Page 8 Version 1.4 July 2002 Direct RDRAM™ K4R271669E Table 7 shows the COP field encoding. The device must be in the ATTN power state in order to receive COLC packets. The COLC packet is used primarily to specify RD (read) and WR (write) commands. Retire operations (moving data from the write buffer to a sense amp) happen automatically. See Figure 18 for a more detailed description. The COLC packet can also specify a PREC command, which precharges a bank and its associated sense amps. The RDA/WRA commands are equivalent to combining RD/WR with a PREC. RLXC (relax) performs a power mode transition. See “Power State Management” on page 50. Table 7: COLC Packet Field Encodings S DC4.. DC0 (select device)a COP3..0 Name Command Description 0 ---- ----- - No operation. 1 /= (DEVID4 ..0) ----- - Retire write buffer of this device. 1 == (DEVID4 ..0) x000b NOCOP Retire write buffer of this device. 1 == (DEVID4 ..0) x001 WR Retire write buffer of this device, then write column C5..C0 of bank BC4..BC0 to write buffer. 1 == (DEVID4 ..0) x010 RSRV Reserved, no operation. 1 == (DEVID4 ..0) x011 RD Read column C5..C0 of bank BC4..BC0 of this device. 1 == (DEVID4 ..0) x100 PREC Retire write buffer of this device, then precharge bank BC4..BC0 (see Figure 15). 1 == (DEVID4 ..0) x101 WRA Same as WR, but precharge bank BC4..BC0 after write buffer (with new data) is retired. 1 == (DEVID4 ..0) x110 RSRV Reserved, no operation. 1 == (DEVID4 ..0) x111 RDA Same as RD, but precharge bank BC4..BC0 afterward. 1 == (DEVID4 ..0) 1xxx RLXC Move this device into the standby (STBY) power state (see Figure 48). a. “/=” means not equal, “==” means equal. b. An “x” entry indicates which commands may be combined. For instance, the two commands WR/RLXC may be specified in one COP value (1001). Table 8 shows the COLM and COLX field encodings. The M bit is asserted to specify a COLM packet with two 8 bit bytemask fields MA and MB. If the M bit is not asserted, an COLX is specified. It has device and bank address fields, and an opcode field. The primary use of the COLX packet is to permit an independent PREX (precharge) command to be specified without consuming control bandwidth on the ROW pins. It is also used for the CAL(calibrate) and SAM (sample) current control commands (see “Current and Temperature Control” on page 56), and for the RLXX power mode command (see “Power State Management” on page 50). Table 8: COLM Packet and COLX Packet Field Encodings M DX4 .. DX0 (selects device) XOP4..0 Name Command Description 1 ---- - MSK MB/MA bytemasks used by WR/WRA. 0 /= (DEVID4 ..0) - - No operation. 0 == (DEVID4 ..0) 00000 NOXOP No operation. 0 == (DEVID4 ..0) 1xxx0a PREX Precharge bank BX4..BX0 of this device (see Figure 15). 0 == (DEVID4 ..0) x10x0 CAL Calibrate (drive) IOL current for this device (see Figure 54). 0 == (DEVID4 ..0) x11x0 CAL/SAM Calibrate (drive) and Sample ( update) IOL current for this device (see Figure 54). 0 == (DEVID4 ..0) xxx10 RLXX Move this device into the standby (STBY) power state (see Figure 48). 0 == (DEVID4 ..0) xxxx1 RSRV Reserved, no operation. a. An “x” entry indicates which commands may be combined. For instance, the two commands PREX/RLXX may be specified in one XOP value (10010). Page 9 Version 1.4 July 2002 Direct RDRAM™ K4R271669E Electrical Conditions Table 9: Electrical Conditions Symbol Parameter and Conditions Min Max Unit - 95 °C 2.50 - 0.13 2.50 + 0.13 V TJ Junction temperature under bias VDD, VDDA Supply voltage VDD,N, VDDA,N Supply voltage droop (DC) during NAP interval (t NLIMIT) - 2.0 % vDD,N, vDDA,N Supply voltage ripple (AC) during NAP interval (t NLIMIT) -2.0 2.0 % VCMOSa Supply voltage for CMOS pins (2.5V controllers) Supply voltage for CMOS pins (1.8V controllers) VDD 1.80 - 0.1 VDD 1.80 + 0.2 V V VREF Reference voltage 1.40- 0.2 1.40 + 0.2 V VDIL RSL data input - low voltage VREF - 0.5 VREF - 0.2 V VREF + 0.2 VREF + 0.5 V voltageb VDIH RSL data input - high RDA RSL data asymmetry: RDA = (VDIH - VREF) / (VREF - VDIL) 0.67 1.00 - VCM RSL clock input - common mode VCM = (VCIH+VCIL)/2 1.3 1.8 V VCIS,CTM RSL clock input swing: VCIS = VCIH - VCIL (CTM,CTMN pins). 0.35 1.00 V VCIS,CFM RSL clock input swing: VCIS = VCIH - VCIL (CFM,CFMN pins). 0.225 1.00 V 0.3c VCMOS/2 - 0.25 V VCMOS/2 + 0.25 VCMOS+0.3d V VIL,CMOS VIH,CMOS CMOS input low voltage - CMOS input high voltage a. VCMOS must remain on as long as VDD is applied and cannot be turned off. b. VDIH is typically equal to VTERM (1.8V±0.1V) under DC conditions in a system. c. Voltage undershoot is limited to -0.7V for a duration of less than 5ns. d. Voltage overshoot is limited toVCMOS +0.7V for a duration of less than 5ns. Page 10 Version 1.4 July 2002 Direct RDRAM™ K4R271669E Electrical Characteristics Table 10: Electrical Characteristics Symbol Parameter and Conditions ΘJC Junction-to-Case thermal resistance IREF VREF current @ VREF,MAX IOH RSL output high current @ (0≤VOUT≤VDD) a Min Max Unit - 0.5 °C/Watt -10 10 µA -10 10 µA 30.0 90.0 mA - 2.0 mA IALL RSL IOL current @ VOL = 0.9V, VDD,MIN , TJ,MAX ∆IOL RSL IOL current resolution step rOUT Dynamic output impedance @ VOL= 0.9V 150 - Ω IOL,NOM RSL IOL current @ VOL = 1.0V b,c 26.6 30.6 mA II,CMOS CMOS input leakage current @ (0≤VI,CMOS≤VCMOS) -10.0 10.0 µA VOL,CMOS CMOS output voltage @ IOL,CMOS= 1.0mA - 0.3 V VOH,CMOS CMOS output high voltage @ IOH,CMOS= -0.25mA VCMOS-0.3 - V a. This measurement is made in manual current control mode; i.e. with all output device legs sinking current. b. This measurement is made in automatic current control mode after at least 64 current control calibration operations to a device and after CCA and CCB are initialized to a value of 64. This value applies to all DQA and DQB pins. c. This measurement is made in automatic current control mode in a 25Ω test system with VTERM= 1.714V and VREF= 1.357V and with the ASYMA and ASYMB register fields set to 0. Page 11 Version 1.4 July 2002 Direct RDRAM™ K4R271669E Timing Conditions Table 11: Timing Conditions Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Figure(s) tCYCLE CTM and CFM cycle times (-800) 2.50 3.83 ns Figure 56 tCR, tCF CTM and CFM input rise and fall times. Use the minimum value of these parameters during testing. 0.2 0.5 ns Figure 56 tCH, tCL CTM and CFM high and low times 40% 60% tCYCLE Figure 56 tTR CTM-CFM differential (MSE/MS=0/0) CTM-CFM differential (MSE/MS=1/1) a 0.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 tCYCLE Figure 43 Figure 56 tDCW Domain crossing window -0.1 0.1 tCYCLE Figure 62 tDR, tDF DQA/DQB/ROW/COL input rise/fall times (20% to 80%). Use the minimum value of these parameters during testing. 0.2 0.65 ns tS, tH DQA/DQB/ROW/COL-to-CFM setup/hold @ tCYCLE=2.50ns 0.250b - ns Figure 57 tDR1, tDF1 SIO0, SIO1 input rise and fall times - 5.0 ns Figure 59 tDR2, tDF2 CMD, SCK input rise and fall times - 2.0 ns Figure 59 1000 - ns Figure 59 10 - ns Figure 59 SCK cycle time - Serial control register transactions Figure 57 tCYCLE1 SCK cycle time - Power transitions tCH1, tCL1 SCK high and low times 4.25 - ns Figure 59 tS1 CMD setup time to SCK rising or falling edgec 1.25 - ns Figure 59 tH1 CMD hold time to SCK rising or falling edgec 1 - ns Figure 59 tS2 SIO0 setup time to SCK falling edge 40 - ns Figure 59 tH2 SIO0 hold time to SCK falling edge 40 - ns Figure 59 tS3 PDEV setup time on DQA5..0 to SCK rising edge. 0 - ns Figure 50 tH3 PDEV hold time on DQA5..0 to SCK rising edge. 5.5 - ns Figure 60 tS4 ROW2..0, COL4..0 setup time for quiet window -1 - tCYCLE Figure 50 tH4 ROW2..0, COL4..0 hold time for quiet windowd 5 - tCYCLE Figure 50 tNPQ Quiet on ROW/COL bits during NAP/PDN entry 4 - tCYCLE Figure 49 tREADTOCC Offset between read data and CC packets (same device) 12 - tCYCLE Figure 54 tCCSAMTOREAD Offset between CC packet and read data (same device) 8 - tCYCLE Figure 54 tCE CTM/CFM stable before NAP/PDN exit 2 - tCYCLE Figure 50 tCD CTM/CFM stable after NAP/PDN entry 100 - tCYCLE Figure 49 tFRM ROW packet to COL packet ATTN framing delay 7 - tCYCLE Figure 48 tNLIMIT Maximum time in NAP mode 10.0 µs Figure 47 tREF Refresh interval 32 ms Figure 52 tBURST Interval after PDN or NAP (with self-refresh) exit in which all banks of the RDRAM device must be refreshed at least once. 200 µs Figure 53 tCCTRL Current control interval 100ms ms/tCYCLE Figure 54 34 tCYCLE Page 12 Version 1.4 July 2002 Direct RDRAM™ K4R271669E Table 11: Timing Conditions Symbol Parameter Min tTEMP Temperature control interval tTCEN TCE command to TCAL command tTCAL TCAL command to quiet window tTCQUIET Quiet window (no read data) tPAUSE RDRAM device delay (no RSL operations allowed) Max Unit Figure(s) 100 ms Figure 55 150 - tCYCLE Figure 55 2 2 tCYCLE Figure 55 140 - tCYCLE Figure 55 200.0 µs page 38 a. MSE/MS are fields of the SKIP register. For this combination (skip override) the tDCW parameter range is effectively 0.0 to 0.0. b. tS,MIN and tH,MIN for other tCYCLE values can be interpolated between or extrapolated from the timings at the 3 specified tCYCLE values. c. With VIL,CMOS=0.5VCMOS-0.4V and VIH,CMOS=0.5VCMOS+0.4V d. Effective hold becomes tH4’=tH4+[PDNXA•64•tSCYCLE+tPDNXB,MAX]-[PDNX•256•tSCYCLE] if [PDNX•256•tSCYCLE] < [PDNXA•64•tSCYCLE+tPDNXB,MAX]. See Figure 50. Page 13 Version 1.4 July 2002 Direct RDRAM™ K4R271669E Timing Characteristics Table 12: Timing Characteristics Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Figure(s) -0.310 +0.310 ns Figure 58 0.2 0.45 ns Figure 58 tQ CTM-to-DQA/DQB output time @ tCYCLE=2.50ns tQR, tQF DQA/DQB output rise and fall times tQ1 SCK(neg)-to-SIO0 delay @ CLOAD,MAX = 20pF (SD read data valid). - 10 ns Figure 61 tHR SCK(pos)-to-SIO0 delay @ CLOAD,MAX = 20pF (SD read data hold). 2 - ns Figure 61 tQR1, tQF1 SIOOUT rise/fall @ CLOAD,MAX = 20pF - 12 ns Figure 61 tPROP1 SIO0-to-SIO1 or SIO1-to-SIO0 delay @ CLOAD,MAX = 20pF - 20 ns Figure 61 tNAPXA NAP exit delay - phase A - 50 ns Figure 50 tNAPXB NAP exit delay - phase B - 40 ns Figure 50 tPDNXA PDN exit delay - phase A - 4 µs Figure 50 tPDNXB PDN exit delay - phase B - 9000 tCYCLE Figure 50 tAS ATTN-to-STBY power state delay - 1 tCYCLE Figure 48 tSA STBY-to-ATTN power state delay - 0 tCYCLE Figure 48 tASN ATTN/STBY-to-NAP power state delay - 8 tCYCLE Figure 49 tASP ATTN/STBY-to-PDN power state delay - 8 tCYCLE Figure 49 Page 14 Version 1.4 July 2002 Direct RDRAM™ K4R271669E Timing Parameters Table 13: Timing Parameter Summary Description Min -45 -800 Max Units Figure(s) tRC Row Cycle time of RDRAM banks -the interval between ROWA packets with ACT commands to the same bank. 28 - tCYCLE Figure 16 Figure 17 tRAS RAS-asserted time of RDRAM bank - the interval between ROWA packet with ACT command and next ROWR packet with PRERa command to the same bank. 20 64µsb tCYCLE Figure 16 Figure 17 tRP Row Precharge time of RDRAM banks - the interval between ROWR packet with PRERa command and next ROWA packet with ACT command to the same bank. 8 - tCYCLE Figure 16 Figure 17 tPP Precharge-to-precharge time of RDRAM device - the interval between successive ROWR packets with PRERa commands to any banks of the same device. 8 - tCYCLE Figure 13 tRR RAS-to-RAS time of RDRAM device - the interval between successive ROWA packets with ACT commands to any banks of the same device. 8 - tCYCLE Figure 14 tRCD RAS-to-CAS Delay - the interval from ROWA packet with ACT command to COLC packet with RD or WR command). Note - the RAS-to-CAS delay seen by the RDRAM core (tRCD-C) is equal to tRCD-C = 1 + tRCD because of differences in the row and column paths through the RDRAM interface. 9 - tCYCLE Figure 16 Figure 17 tCAC CAS Access delay - the interval from RD command to Q read data. The equation for tCAC is given in the TPARM register in Figure 40. 8 12 tCYCLE Figure 5 Figure 40 tCWD CAS Write Delay (interval from WR command to D write data. 6 6 tCYCLE Figure 5 tCC CAS-to-CAS time of RDRAM bank - the interval between successive COLC commands). 4 - tCYCLE Figure 16 Figure 17 tPACKET Length of ROWA, ROWR, COLC, COLM or COLX packet. 4 4 tCYCLE Figure 3 tRTR Interval from COLC packet with WR command to COLC packet which causes retire, and to COLM packet with bytemask. 8 - tCYCLE Figure 18 tOFFP The interval (offset) from COLC packet with RDA command, or from COLC packet with retire command (after WRA automatic precharge), or from COLC packet with PREC command, or from COLX packet with PREX command to the equivalent ROWR packet with PRER. The equation for tOFFP is given in the TPARM register in Figure 40. 4 4 tCYCLE Figure 15 Figure 40 tRDP Interval from last COLC packet with RD command to ROWR packet with PRER. 4 - tCYCLE Figure 16 tRTP Interval from last COLC packet with automatic retire command to ROWR packet with PRER. 4 - tCYCLE Figure 17 Parameter a. Or equivalent PREC or PREX command. See Figure 15. b. This is a constraint imposed by the core, and is therefore in units of µs rather than tCYCLE. Page 15 Version 1.4 July 2002 Direct RDRAM™ K4R271669E Absolute Maximum Rating Table 14: Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit VI,ABS Voltage applied to any RSL or CMOS pin with respect to Gnd - 0.3 VDD+0.3 V VDD,ABS, VDDA,ABS Voltage on VDD and VDDA with respect to Gnd - 0.5 VDD+1.0 V TSTORE Storage temperature - 50 100 °C TMIN Minimum operation temperature 0 Note* °C Note*) Refer to TJ,ΘJC IDD - Supply Current Profile Table 15: Supply Current Profile Min Max -45 -800 Unit Device in PDN, self-refresh enabled and INIT.LSR=0. - 5000 µA IDD,NAP Device in NAP. - 4 mA IDD,STBY Device in STBY. This is the average for a device in STBY with (1) no packets on the Channel, and (2) with packets sent to other devices. - 75 mA IDD,REFRESH Device in STBY and refreshing rows at the tREF,MAX period. - 75 mA IDD,ATTN Device in ATTN. This is the average for a device in ATTN with (1) no packets on the Channel, and (2) with packets sent to other devices. - 115 mA IDD,ATTN-W Device in ATTN. ACT command every 8•tCYCLE, PRE command every 8•tCYCLE, WR command every 4•tCYCLE, and data is 1100..1100 - 500 mA IDD,ATTN-R Device in ATTN. ACT command every 8•tCYCLE, PRE command every 8•tCYCLE, RD command every 4•tCYCLE, and data is 1111..1111b - 480 mA IDD value RDRAM Power State and Steady-State Transaction Ratesa IDD,PDN a. CMOS interface consumes power in all power states. b. This does not include the IOL sink current. The RDRAM device dissipates IOL•VOL in each output driver when a logic one is driven. Table 16: Supply Current at Initialization Symbol Parameter Allowed Range of tCYCLE VDD Min Max Unit IDD,PWRUP,D IDD from power -on to SETR 3.33ns to 3.83ns 2.50ns to 3.32ns VDD,MIN - 150a 200 mA IDD,SETR,D IDD from SETR to CLRR 3.33ns to 3.83ns 2.50ns to 3.32ns VDD,MIN - 250 332 mA a. The supply current will be 150mA when tCYCLE is in the range 15ns to 1000ns. Page 16 Version 1.4 July 2002 Direct RDRAM™ K4R271669E Capacitance and Inductance Table 17: RSL Pin Parasitics Symbol LI L12 Parameter and Conditions - RSL pins Max Unit Figure RSL effective input inductance 4.0 nH Figure 63 Mutual inductance between any DQA or DQB RSL signals 0.6 nH Figure 63 Mutual inductance between any ROW or COL RSL signals 0.6 ∆LI Difference in LI value between any RSL pins of a single device. CI RSL effective input capacitancea C12 Mutual capacitance between any RSL signals. ∆CI Difference in CI value between average of {CTM, CTMN, CFM, CFMN} and any RSL pins of a single device RI RSL effective input resistance Min - 2.0 nH Figure 63 2.0 2.6 pF Figure 63 - 0.2 pF Figure 63 0.12 pF Figure 63 18 Ω Figure 63 4 a. This value is a combination of the device IO circuitry and package capacitances measured at VDD=2.5V and f=400MHz with pin biased at 1.4V. Table 18: CMOS Pin Parasitics Symbol LI ,CMOS CI ,CMOS CI ,CMOS,SIO Parameter and Conditions - CMOS pins Min Max Unit 8.0 nH 1.7 2.1 pF - 7.0 pF CMOS effective input inductance CMOS effective input capacitance (SCK,CMD)a CMOS effective input capacitance (SIO1, SIO0)a Figure Figure 63 a. This value is a combination of the device IO circuitry and package capacitances. Page 17 Version 1.4 July 2002 Direct RDRAM™ K4R271669E Center-Bonded Fanout Package (54 Balls) Figure 4 shows the form and dimensions of the recommended package for the center-bonded Fanout CSP device class. D A B C D E F G H Bottom J Top Bottom 1 2 3 A 4 5 e2 6 7 d Bottom e1 E E1 Figure 4: Center-Bonded Fanout CSP Package Table 19 lists the numerical values corresponding to dimensions shown in Figure 4 Table 19: Center-Bonded Fanout CSP Package Dimension Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit e1 Ball pitch (x-axis) 1.27 1.27 mm e2 Ball pitch (y-axis) 1.27 1.27 mm A Package body length 11.9 12.1 mm D Package body width 11.7 11.9 mm E Package total thickness - 1.25 mm E1 Ball height 0.45 0.55 mm d Ball diameter 0.55 0.65 mm Page 18 Version 1.4 July 2002