FTR-P5 SERIES SILENT RELAY FOR AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS 1 POLE—25 A FTR-P5 SERIES RoHS compliant n FEATURES l Low operating sound An original silent mechanism decreases the propagation of operating sound when mounted on a PCB. (Average sound pressure: 50dB at 5 cm). l Compact, high density package 198 mm2 mounting area. (46% less than the FTR-P1 series quiet relay). l High sensitivity, low power consumption (nominal power consumption: 450 mW). l High capacity Heat dissipation is high due to a single cover structure. l Ease of PCB layout All terminals are on the perimeter. l High breaking capability. In addition to the standard gap product (0.3 mm), a higher gap product (0.6 mm), suitable for over voltage breaking can be supplied. l Typical applications: Wiper / IWW, Power window, Doorlock, Power seat Sunroof, Interior lighting, Fan l RoHS compliant since date code: 0623 Please see page 8 for more information n ORDERING INFORMATION [Example] FTR-P5 C N 012 W1 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) ** (f ) (a) Series Name FTR-P2 : FTR-P2 Series (b) Contact Arrangement C : 1 Form C (c) Contact Gap N : 0.3 mm gap (d) Nominal Voltage 009: 9 VDC (e) Contact Material W1 (f) Special product specification Symbol to specify special specification product 010: 10 VDC 012: 12 VDC : Silver-Tin-Oxide Indium Oxide Note: The part number on the relay cover does not include 'FTR' Example: Ordering part number: FTR-P5CN012W1 Stamped part number: P5CN012W1 FTR-P5 SERIES n SPECIFICATIONS Item Contact Specifications Arrangement 1 Form C Material Silver-tin oxide-indium Voltage drop 100mV (1A, 12VDC) Contact rating 14VDC, 25A (motor locked) Maximum carrying current 25A / 1 hour (25°C, nominal voltage applied to coil) Maximum switching current 35A, 16 VDC (reference) Minimum load* 6V, 1A (reference) Operating temperature range -40°C to +85°C (no frost) Storage temperature range -40°C to +100°C (no frost) Time Operate (at nominal voltage) 10 ms maximum Release (at nominal voltage) 5 ms maximum (without diode) Life Mechanical 10 million operations minimum Electrical 100k operations minimum (at contact rating) Coil Other Vibration resistance (operational) 10-55HZ, 1.5mm double amplitude Shock resistance operational 100 m/s2 minimum (10G) no damage 100 m/s2 minimum (100G) Weight Approximately 13 grams Average sound pressure Approximately 50dB at 5cm *This is the standard value of the minimum load level. This value may differ depending on the switching frequency, environmental conditions and target reliability standard. We recommend to check this value by an actual load prior to use. n COIL DATA N o m i n a l C o il Voltage C o il R e s is ta n c e * (± 1 0 % ) Power C o n su m p t ion at nominal coil v olta ge * M u st O p e rat e Voltage* M u s t R e l ea se Voltage F T R -P 5 C N 0 0 9 W 1 DC 9V 180Ω 4 50 m W 5.5 V (2 0 ˚ ) 6.9 V ( 8 5 ˚ ) 0.7 2 F T R -P 5 C N 0 1 0 W 1 DC 10V 220Ω 4 55 m W 6.3 V ( 2 0 ˚ ) 7 .9V (8 5˚ ) 0 .8 F T R -P 5 C N 0 1 2 W 1 DC 12V 320Ω 4 50 m W 7.3 V ( 2 0 ˚ ) 9.2 V ( 8 5 ˚ ) 0 .9 6 P rodu ct N am e FTR-P5 SERIES CHARACTERISTIC DATA n 2. LIFE 1. MAXIMUM BREAK CAPACITY 00 Motorlocked FTR-P5 30 Testcircuit RL- 20 N.O. N.C. 0 N.O. 5 N.C. RL-2 2 0 2 4 6 20 25 Voltagebetweencontacts(VDC) 30 M Numberofoperations(x04) Switchingcurrent(A) 50 4VDCmotorlockedload 20 0 5 0 5 20 25 30 35 40 50 Lockedmotorcurrent(A) FTR-P5 SERIES 3. LIFE TEST (EXAMPLES) RL N.O. N.C. M Note: NC contacts provide dynamic brake circuit Percent of nominal coil voltage (%) • Test item 14 V DC, • Change in pick-up drop-out voltage inrush current: 30 A motor free 100 300K operations minimum 0.25 seconds ON, 80 9.75 seconds OFF • Test circuit 60 20 DROP-OUT 0 Initial 2 • Change in contact resistance • Current wave form 20 A Contact Resistance (mΩ) 5A • Test item 14 V DC-25 A Motor Lock 100K operations minimum* M N.O. N.C. RL-2 Percent of nominal coil voltage (%) N.O. Number of operations (x 10 times) (Measured at DC 6V 1A wet) 10 1 20 50 100 500 1000 500 100 Number of operations (x 10 times) 3 100 80 60 40 20 PICK-UP DROP-OUT 0 Initial • Current wave form (RL-1) 25 A 100 50 3 • Shift of pick-up drop-out voltage RL-1 N.C. 10 100 Initial • Test circuit 5 1000 30 A 0A PICK-UP 40 20 sec 20 50 100 Number of operations (x 10 times) 3 • Change in contact resistance (Measured at DC 6V 1A wet) 1000 0A 0.25 sec 0.25 sec 10 sec * 1 operation = 1 forward and 1 reverse Contact Resistance (mΩ) 0A (RL-2) 25 A 100 10 1 Initial 20 50 100 1000 500 Number of operations (x 10 times) 3 FTR-P5 SERIES 5. MAXIMUM BREAK CAPACITY 4. COIL TEMPERATURE RISE Ratio to nominal coil voltage (%) 140 Switching Current (A) 120 (3) Contact carrying current: 20A 60 40 (2) Contact carrying current: 10A 20 20 10 5 2 0 Intermittent coil operation with 10A carrying current Motor lock load FTR-P5CN 50 80 0 20 10 30 1 10 Applied time (minutes) Continuous coil power range 100 80 60 o Must- pera te vo ltage 40 -30 -20 0 40 20 60 Ambient temperature (C) 13 15 17 20 25 30 Voltage between contacts (VDC) 80 7. VIBRATION RESISTANCE CHARACTERISTICS Dual amplitude (mm) 5 Acceleration (m/s ) 100 2 50 44 m/s 2 1 0.5 0.1 0.01 Frequency : 10~2000 Hz Acceleration : 100 m/s2 maximum Vibration direction : see drawing below Detection level : generation of 1 ms or longer chattering Range where chattering occurs Break contact Coil deenergization on Y-direction Z FTR-P5 Automotive electronic standard 10 10 50 100 500 1000 2000 X Y Frequency (Hz) 8. SHOCK RESISTANCE CHARACTERISTIC 1,000 Impact apply time : 111 ms, half-sine wave Test condition: coil, energized and de-energized Impact direction: see drawing below Detection level : generation of 1ms or longer contact chattering 800 600 impact value (m/s2) Coil temperature rise (degree C) 100 Ambient temperature:20C, one coil energized, 0.45 W coil power 100 6. OPERATING COIL VOLTAGE RANGE 400 Y2 200 0 Y1 Z2 X1 X2 Y1 Y2 Impact direction Z1 Z2 : Break contact (coil de-energized) : Make contact (coil energized) FTR-P5 Z1 X1 X2 100 FTR-P5 SERIES REFERENCE DATA Operating/release voltage distribution 80 Data: FTR-P5 Units: n = 100 Operate Release 20 60 40 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 80 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 0 8 10 20 30 40 60 100 Data: FTR-P5 Units: n = 100 Distribution (%) 80 80 60 40 30 20 40 10 0 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Sound pressure level (dB) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Ratio to rated voltage (%) 0 0 Method of acoustic noise measure Measuring condition: Distance from 5 cm, relay operation at 10Hz Tester: Noise tester Ryon NA-61, A range 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Contact resistance (mΩ) Microphone nDIMENSIONS 20.4+0.3 5cm 9.7+0.3 • PCB mounting hole layout (bottom view) 5 5 5 • Schematic (bottom view) (1.2) 1 2 0.3 5.5 16.7+0.3 Relay Cushion • Dimensions 3.7 50 60 70 FTR-P5CN012W1 n=100 50 20 0 0 Contact resistance (mΩ) Contact resistance distribution 60 20 4 Distribution of sound pressure (with diode) Release voltage Operate voltage 40 40 Time (ms) Operating/release voltage distribution Data: FTR-P5 Units: n = 100 60 20 Ratio to rated voltage (%) 80 Data: FTR-P5 Units: n = 100 80 Distribution (%) Distribution (%) Distribution (%) 40 Distribution (%) Release with diode 80 Contact resistance distribution 100 Operate Data: FTR-P5 Units: n = 100 60 0 Operate and release time distribution 100 Distribution (%) n 5-ø1.4 5 4 3 Unit: mm FTR-P5 SERIES RoHS Compliance and Lead Free Relay Information 1. General Information Relays produced after the specific date code that is indicated on each data sheet are lead-free now. Most of our signal and power relays are lead-free. Please refer to Lead-Free Status Info. ( l Lead free solder paste currently used in relays is Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu. l All signal and most power relays also comply with RoHS. Please refer to individual data sheets. Relays that are RoHS compliant do not contain the 5 hazardous materials that are restricted by RoHS directive (lead, mercury, chromium IV, PBB, PBDE). l It has been verified that using lead-free relays in leaded assembly process will not cause any problems (compatible). l “LF” is marked on each outer and inner carton. (No marking on individual relays). l To avoid leaded relays (for lead-free sample, etc.) please consult with area sales office. l We will ship leaded relays as long as the leaded relay inventory exists. Note: Cadmium was exempted from RoHS on October 21, 2005. (Amendment to Directive 2002/95/EC) l 2. Recommended Lead Free Solder Profile l Recommended solder paste Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu. Reflow Solder condtion Flow Solder condtion: Pre-heating: Soldering: maximum 120˚C dip within 5 sec. at 260˚C soler bath Solder by Soldering Iron: Soldering Iron Temperature: maximum 360˚C Duration: maximum 3 sec. We highly recommend that you confirm your actual solder conditions 3. Moisture Sensitivity l Moisture Sensitivity Level standard is not applicable to electromechanical realys. 4. Tin Whisker l Dipped SnAgCu solder is known as low risk tin whisker. No considerable length whisker was found by our in house test. FTR-P5 SERIES Fujitsu Components International Headquarter Offices Japan Fujitsu Component Limited Gotanda-Chuo Building 3-5, Higashigotanda 2-chome, Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 141 8630, Japan Tel: (81-3) 5449-7010 Fax: (81-3) 5449-2626 Email: Web: Europe Fujitsu Components Europe B.V. Diamantlaan 25 2132 WV Hoofddorp Netherlands Tel: (31-23) 5560910 Fax: (31-23) 5560950 Email: Web: North and South America Fujitsu Components America, Inc. 250 E. Caribbean Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94089 U.S.A. Tel: (1-408) 745-4900 Fax: (1-408) 745-4970 Email: Web: Asia Pacific Fujitsu Components Asia Ltd. 102E Pasir Panjang Road #01-01 Citilink Warehouse Complex Singapore 118529 Tel: (65) 6375-8560 Fax: (65) 6273-3021 Email: Web: ©2008 Fujitsu Components America, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Fujitsu Components America or its affiliates do not warrant that the content of datasheet is error free. In a continuing effort to improve our products Fujitsu Components America, Inc. or its affiliates reserve the right to change specifications/datasheets without prior notice. Rev. January 3, 2008.