Low Cost, Real Time Emulator Series for ST7
The ST7-DVP3 series emulator is the third
generation of low cost emulators, providing
powerful, affordable development solutions that
included everything you need for real-time
emulation, In-Circuit Debugging (ICD) and InCircuit Programming (ICP) of your ST7
Parallel Cable
USB Cable
Power Supply
In combination with ST7 Visual Develop (STVD7)
and ST7 Visual Programmer (STVP7), the DVP3
series emulators allow you to build and debug your
application, then program it to the ST7 on your
application board. STVD7 and STVP7 are free
software tools developed by ST Microelectronics.
The ST7-DVP3 series emulators offer start-to-finish
control of application development by providing
both emulation and In-Circuit Communication (ICC)
configurations from a single platform.
10-pin ICC Cable
In the emulation configuration, the DVP3 emulator
and STVD7 software allow you to debug your
program while connected to your application board
in place of your target ST7.
Device Adapters
The ICC configuration allows you to In-Circuit
Debug (ICD) your application while it runs on the
ST7 on your application board, and to In-Circuit
Program (ICP) your ST7 microcontrollers.
Target Emulation Board – Allows the system to
emulate a specific family of ST7 devices. It
connects to your application board via the adapters
and sockets furnished in Connection kits, which are
specific to the package of the target device.
Emulator Architecture
For affordability and flexibility, the DVP3 series
emulators have a modular design based on a
common Main Emulation Board and ST7 familyspecific Target Emulation Boards.
Main Emulation Board – Provides the
communication interface with the host PC via
parallel or USB connection when working in both
the Emulation and ICC configurations. Any Main
Emulation Board for the DVP3 series can be
adapted to emulate a supported ST7 with the
appropriate Target Emulation Board and
Connection kit. This board also includes the
system’s ICC connection, which allows you to
connect to the ST7 on your application board via a
10-pin ICC cable and an ICC connector that you
install on your application board.
February 2005
Figure 1: ST7-DVP3 Emulator
Connection Kits – Provide the package-specific
adapters and sockets/connectors that allow
connection to your application board in place of the
target ST7.
ST7 Visual Develop – Integrated development
environment (IDE) that runs on the host PC
connected to the emulator and allows you to build
and debug your application software and then
program it to your target ST7.
ST7 Visual Programmer – Software programming
interface that runs on the host PC connected to the
emulator and allows you to program the application
to your ST7.
Version 1.0
Emulation Features
In the emulation configuration the ST7-DVP3 emulator provides a complete range of debugging features,
Real-time debugging
512 record trace with filtering capability
Up to 64 Kbytes of breakpoints with counter and
Emulation at 3.3 or 5 V
Programmable Clock frequency up to 16 MHz
Output trigger
External input trigger
Hardware Test feature for emulator
Ordering a DVP series emulator
Because of the modularity of the DVP3 series emulators it is possible to order just the components that you
need to emulate your target ST7, including:
DVP3 emulator – ST7MDTxx-DVP3 part
numbers are for ordering an emulator and target
emulation board. DVP3 emulators do not include
connection kits for all supported packages.
Target Emulation Board (TEB) – when
adapting a DVP3 to emulate another ST7 family,
the ST7MDTxx-TEB/DVP part numbers are for
ordering the appropriate TEB. The TEB does not
include connection kits for all supported
Adapter kit – ST7MDTxx-xxx/DVP part numbers
are for ordering the package-specific Adapter
kits for a DVP3.
Main Emulation Board
Target Emulation Board
Note: Sockets are provided in the connection kits.
However, socket part numbers (AS-xxxx)
can be used to order additional or
replacement sockets as required.
Product selectors to help you select the appropriate DVP3 series emulator and Adapter kit for your target
ST7 are available at
For more information...
The following documents are available for free download from our internet site:
ST7 Visual Develop User Manual - Information and tutorials to help you build and debug your application
software and program it to your ST7 using the STVD7 Integrated Development Environment and an ST7DVP3 series emulator.
ST7 Visual Programmer online help - Information to help you program your application to your ST7 using
this Windows-based programming software and an ST7-DVP3 series emulator.
ST7-DVP3 Emulator User Manual - Information about setting up an ST7-DVP3 series emulator in the
emulation or ICC configuration. This manual provides information that is common to all emulators in the
DVP3 series.
ST7xxxx-DVP3 Probe User Guide - Information about connecting the DVP3 emulator to your application
board in the emulation configuration. These documents provide information that is specific to each type of
DVP3 emulator (ST7MDTxx-DVP3 emulator).
ST7xxxx Datasheet - Complete information about the features of your target ST7 microcontroller.
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are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.
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