tSztni-Conauakoi 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 378-8960 *BDY23180T2 *BDY24,181T2 *BDY25.182T2 ^f Preferred device Oitpotttif recommend* • LF large signal power amplification Amplification BF grands siyniux de (60V <90V (140V VCEO \fC\J puissance • High current fatt switching Commutation rapide ton cotiimt i A A O« Ptot 87,5 W "c 2°C/W Rth(j-c) h21E(2A> Dissipation and IS/B derating Variation de dissipation «f d» Ig/g 100% Case TO-3 601 tier 5 BDY23 •180T2 BDY24 - 181 T2 BOY 25 -182T2 max 15-45 model* 30-90 model* 75-180 models A B C -See outline drawing CB-19 on last pages Voir drain cot* CB-W dtmitnt ptgn rS i \ i \> i i "••»« v \% Weight : 14,45 Collector is connected to e Le collK&vr ta nlii «/ Aof Mm* (Unless otherwise stated) IStutlndiationicontnlntl ABSOLUTE RATINGS (LIMITING VALUES) VALEURS LIMITES ABSOLUES D'UTIUSATIQN BOY 23 180 T2 BOY 24 181 T2 BOY 25 182 T2 Collector base voltage Ttnsion coltfeaur-bfn VCBO 60 100 200 V Collector-emitter voltage Tffaioft coHicmr-tmttttur VCEO 60 90 140 V Emitter-base voltage Tmtioa imttnur-tHM VEBO 10 10 10 V 'c 6 6 6 A 'B 3 3 3 A 87.5 87,5 87,5 W 200 200 200 °C -65 + 200 -65 + 200 -65 + 200 °C Collector current Counnt collvctHir Base current Counnt bfat Power dissipation Distipttion dr puiwtnc* , = 25°C case Junction temperature Ttmptntui* Ot ioitctlon Storage temperature Timpimurt df Hoe*»B» Ptot fi min max '«, «c NJ Serni-Conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameters limits and package dimensions without notice information ftim.shed by NJ Semi-Conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. However NJ Semi-Conductors assumes no responsibility tor any errors or omissions discovered in its use NJ .Semi-Conductors encourages customers to verity that datasheets are current before placing orders. Quality Semi-Conductors •BDY 23,180 T2, *BDY 24,181 T2, *BDY 25, 182 T2 STATIC CHARACTERISTICS CARACTERISTIQUES STATIQUES case (Unless otherwise stated) ISauf indications contraires) = 25°C Test conditions Conditions de mesurff Min. Typ. Max. lc 55 65 90 A B C VCE=4V =1A Static forward current transfer ratio Vafeur fjitique du rapport da tranjfvrt direct du counnt h21E A B C V CE =4V lc = 2 A Col lector -emitter saturation voltage Tension de saturation colfoctour-eniiftttur Base-emitter saturation voltage Tension de saturation b*s*~drr*nwf 'c = 2 A IB =0,25 A 'c IB =2 A =0,25 A VCESa,* VBE»t* 15 30 20 45 45 90 75 82 100 BDY 23 180 T2 1 V SDY24 181 T2 0,6 V BDY 25 182 T2 0,6 V BDY 23 180 T2 2 V BDY 24 181 T2 1,2 V BDY 25 182 T2 1,2 V DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS (for small signals) CARACTEFl/ST/QUES D YNAMIQUES (pourpetits signauxl V C £ = 15V lc =0,5 A f =10 MHz Transition frequency Fr$Qtj0nce de transition Turn-on time Tamps total d'6tablitam*m (fig. D t * 300 f£s 'c =5A I (fig. D Impulsions =5A = 1 A IB, =1A Turn-off time Tempt total da mupurw * Pulsed 'c IR 2% "- n R A fT 10 MHl 'd + tr 0,3 0,5 /« '» +t f 1.5 2 M' •BOY 23,180 T2, *8DY 24,181 T2, *BDY 26,182 T2 STATIC CHARACTERISTICS {Unless otherwise stated) fSaut indications contninsl case CARACTERISTIQUES STATIQUES Test conditions Conditions dtmesurt Win. Typ. Max. V C E =60V 'a =° Collector -emitter cut-off current Counnt rttidutl colHcOur-jmtttmr V C £ =90V 'B -o 'CEO V CE =140V I8 =0 V C E =60V V BE=° Collector-emitter cut-off current Counnt rtoldml colhcuur^mnnur V CE =IOOV VBE = O 'CES V CE =180V V 8E=° V EB =*IOV 'c -° Emitter-base cut-off current Counnt rttitlui/ 4mttaur-btsf Collector-eminer breakdown voltage Ttnston dt clHtufgt coltfct*ur~imrttfur Collector-base breakdown voltage Ttniion Hi cUOUUt collfcttur-lita > Pulsed Impulsions tn=300ius 2% lc IQ mA BDY24 1 mA BDY25 1 mA BDY23 180 T2 0.6 mA BDY 24 181 T2 1 mA BDY 25 182 T2 1 mA 1 mA BDY 23 180 T2 60 V * BDY 24 181 T2 90 V BDY 25 182 T2 140 V BDY 23 180 T2 60 V * BDY 24 181 T2 100 V BDY 25 182 T2 200 V V (BRICEO =3 mA IE =o 1 'EBO = 50 mA 'a =° BOY 23 V(BRICBO