® PCM78P 16-Bit Audio ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER FEATURES APPLICATIONS ● LOW COST/HIGH PERFORMANCE 16-BIT AUDIO A/D CONVERTER ● DSP DATA ACQUISITION ● TEST INSTRUMENTATION ● FAST 5µs MAX CONVERSION TIME (4µs typ) ● SAMPLING KEYBOARD SYNTHESIZERS ● DIGITAL AUDIO TAPE ● BROADCAST AUDIO PROCESSING ● VERY LOW THD+N ( typ –88dB at FS; max –82dB) ● ±3V INPUT RANGE ● TELECOMMUNICATIONS ● TWO SERIAL OUTPUT MODES PROVIDE VERSATILE INTERFACING ● COMPLETE WITH INTERNAL REFERENCE AND CLOCK IN 28-PIN PLASTIC DIP ● ±5V TO ±15V SUPPLY RANGE (600mW Power Dissipation) DESCRIPTION The PCM78P is a low-cost 16-bit analog-to-digital converter which is specifically designed and tested for dynamic applications. It features very fast, low distortion performance (4µs/–88dB THD+N typical) and is complete with internal clock and reference circuitry. The PCM78P is packaged in a reliable, lowcost 28-pin plastic DIP and data output is available in user-selectable serial output formats. The PCM78P is ideal for digital audio tape (DAT) recorders. Many similar applications such as digital signal processing and telecom applications are equally well served by the PCM78P. The PCM78P uses a SAR technique. Analog and digital portions are efficiently partitioned into a highspeed, bipolar section and a low-power CMOS section. The PCM78P has been optimized for excellent dynamic performance and low cost. Audio Input 16-bit D/A Converter Convert Command – Comp + 16-bit SAR + Timing Control Internal Clock Circuit Serial Output 1 Serial Output 2 Clock Output External Clock Status International Airport Industrial Park • Mailing Address: PO Box 11400 • Tucson, AZ 85734 • Street Address: 6730 S. Tucson Blvd. • Tucson, AZ 85706 Tel: (520) 746-1111 • Twx: 910-952-1111 • Cable: BBRCORP • Telex: 066-6491 • FAX: (520) 889-1510 • Immediate Product Info: (800) 548-6132 © 1989 Burr-Brown Corporation PDS-989A Printed in U.S.A. October, 1993 SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL At TC = +25°C, +VDD = +5V, and ±VCC = ±12V, and one minute warm-up in convection environment, unless otherwise noted. PCM78P PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP RESOLUTION MAX UNITS 16 Bits +3 V kΩ INPUT/OUTPUT ANALOG INPUT Input Range Input Impedance –3 1.5 DIGITAL INPUT/OUTPUT Logic Family Logic Level: VIH VIL VOH VOL Data Format Convert Command Pulse Width IIH = +40µA IIL = –100µA IOH = 2TTL Loads IOL = 2TTL Loads TTL Compatible CMOS +2 +5.5 0 +0.8 +2.4 +0.4 Serial BOB or BTC (1) Negative Edge 25 50 ns 4 µs CONVERSION TIME 5 V V V V DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO (SNR)(2) f = 1kHz (0dB) f = 10kHz (0dB) fS = 200kHz/TCONV = 4µs(3) BW = 20kHz BW = 100kHz 90 80 dB(4) dB TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION(5) f = 1kHz (0dB) f = 19kHz (0dB) f = 10kHz (0dB) f = 90kHz (0dB) fS = 200kHz/T CONV = 4µs BW = 20kHz BW = 20kHz BW = 100kHz BW = 100kHz –91 –90 –90 –89 dB dB dB dB TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION + NOISE(6) f = 1kHz (0dB) f = 1kHz (–20dB) f = 1kHz (–60dB) f = 19kHz (0dB) f = 10kHz (0dB) f = 90kHz (0dB) fS = 200kHz/T CONV = 4µs BW = 20kHz BW = 20kHz BW = 20kHz BW = 20kHz BW = 100kHz BW = 100kHz –88 –74 –34 –87 –82 –81 –82 –68 dB dB dB dB dB dB TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS ACCURACY Gain Error Bipolar Zero Error Differential Linearity Error Integral Linearity Error Missing Codes DRIFT Gain Bipolar Zero 0°C to +70°C 0°C to +70°C POWER SUPPLY SENSITIVITY +VCC –VCC +VDD ±2 ±20 ±0.002 ±0.003 None % mV % of FSR(7) % of FSR 14 Bits(8) ±25 ±4 ppm/°C ppm of FSR/°C ±0.008 ±0.003 ±0.003 %FSR/%V CC %FSR/%V CC %FSR/%V DD POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS Voltage Range: +VCC –VCC +VDD Current: +VCC –VCC +VDD Power Dissipation +4.75 –4.75 +4.75 +VCC = +12V –VCC = –12V +VDD = +5V ±VCC = ±12V +15.6 –15.6 +5.25 V V V mA mA mA mW +70 +100 +85 °C °C °C +15 –21 +7 575 TEMPERATURE RANGE Specification Storage Operating 0 –50 –25 NOTES: (1) When convert command is high, converter is in a halt/reset mode. Actual conversion begins on negative edge. See detailed text on timing for convert command description when using external clock. (2) Ratio of Noise rms/Signal rms. (3) f = input frequency; fS = sample frequency (PCM78P and SHC702 in combination); BW = bandwidth of output (based on FFT or actual analog reconstruction using a 20kHz low-pass filter). (4) Referred to input signal level. (5) Ratio of Distortion rms/Signal rms. (6) Ratio of Distortion rms + Noise rms/Signal rms. (7) FSR: Full-Scale Range = 6Vp-p. (8) Typically no missing Codes at 14-bit resolution. ® PCM78 2 PIN ASSIGNMENTS PIN NAME I/O DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Analog In –VCC MSB Adjust +VDD No Connection Comparator Common MSB BTC/BOB Select Status Clock Out I I I I — I O I O O 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 R1C1 R2C2 SOUT2 +VDD SOUT1 External Clock Int/Ext Clock Select Short Cycle Convert Command SOUT2 Latch I I O I O I I I I I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SOUT2 Clock Digital Common +VCC VPOT Reference Decouple Analog Common Reference Out Speed Up I I I O I I O I Analog Signal Input (1.5kΩ impedance). Analog power supply (–5V to –15V). Internal adjustment point to allow adjustment of MSB major carry. Power connection for comparator (+5V). No internal connection. Comparator common connection. Connect to ground. Parallel output of bit 1 (MSB) inverted. Two’s complement (open) or straight binary (grounded) data output format selection. Output signal held high until conversion is complete. Internal clock output generated from RC network on pins 11 and 12 (also present when external clock is used lagging external clock by ~24ns and same duty cycle). RC connection point used to generate internal clock. Sets clock high time. See text for details. RC connection point used to generate internal clock. Sets clock low time. See text for details. Internal shift register containing the previous conversion result. (Alternate latched data output mode). Power connection for +5V logic supply. Primary real-time data output synchronized to clock out. External clock input point (internal clock must be disabled). Selects either internal or external clock mode (low = internal; open = external). Terminates conversion at less than 16 bits (open for 16-bit mode). See text for details. Starts conversion process (can optionally be generated internally). Latches previous conversion result for readout (must be issued with the SOUT2 clock to initiate latch and an internal convert command). Used to read out internally latched data from previous conversion. Digital grounding pin. Analog supply connection (+5V to +15V). Voltage output (~2.5V) for optional adjustment of MSB transition. Reference decoupling point. Analog grounding pin. 2V reference out. Should not be used except as shown in connection diagram. Connection point for a capacitor to speed reference settling. See text for details. NOTE: Analog and digital commons are connected internally. INPUT/OUTPUT RELATIONSHIPS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS DIGITAL OUTPUT ANALOG INPUT CONDITION BTC BOB +2.999908V –3.000000V 0.000000V –0.000092V + Full Scale –Full Scale Bipolar Zero Zero-1 LSB 7FFF Hex 8000 Hex 0000 Hex FFFF Hex FFFF Hex 0000 Hex 8000 Hex 7FFF Hex +VCC to Analog Common ......................................................... 0 to +16.5V –VCC to Analog Common ......................................................... 0 to –16.5V –VDD to Analog Common .............................................................. 0 to +7V Analog Common to Digital Common ................................................. ±0.5V Logic Inputs to Digital Common ................................. –0.3V to VDD + 0.5V Analog Inputs to Analog Common .................................................. ±16.5V Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) ................................................ +300°C Stresses above these ratings may permanently damage the device. PACKAGE INFORMATION MODEL PACKAGE PACKAGE DRAWING NUMBER(1) PCM78P 28-Pin Plastic DIP 215 NOTE: (1) For detailed drawing and dimension table, please see end of data sheet, or Appendix D of Burr-Brown IC Data Book. The information provided herein is believed to be reliable; however, BURR-BROWN assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions. BURR-BROWN assumes no responsibility for the use of this information, and all use of such information shall be entirely at the user’s own risk. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. No patent rights or licenses to any of the circuits described herein are implied or granted to any third party. BURR-BROWN does not authorize or warrant any BURR-BROWN product for use in life support devices and/or systems. ® 3 PCM78 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES At TA = +25°C, VCC = ±15V, unless otherwise noted. BIPOLAR GAIN ERROR as % FSR 25°C; N = 33 UNITS BPZ ERROR vs TEMPERATURE 10mV 18 9mV 16 14 7mV Number of Units BPZ Error (mV) 8mV 6mV 5mV 4mV 3mV 12 10 8 6 2mV 4 1mV 2 0 0 –25 0 25 70 –0.40 –0.35 125 –0.45 PSRR at +FS INPUT 0.012 0.010 –0.60 PSRR at –FS INPUT 0.012 –VCC 0.008 0.01 0.006 –VCC 0.008 0.004 +VCC 0.002 %/% %/% –0.55 –0.50 % FSR Temperature (°C) 0 –0.002 0.006 +VCC 0.004 –0.004 VDD –0.006 VDD 0.002 –0.008 –0.010 0 –25 0 25 70 125 –25 0 25 Temperature (°C) VREF vs TEMP 125 I SS vs SUPPLY VOLTAGE 2.002 21 2.000 20 1.998 19 Current (mA) V REF (V) 70 Temperature (°C) 1.996 1.994 –VCC 18 17 1.992 16 1.99 15 +VCC 14 1.988 –25 0 25 70 4 125 Temperature (°C) 8 10 12 Supply Voltage (V) ® PCM78 6 4 14 16 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (CONT) At TA = +25°C, VCC = ±15V, unless otherwise noted. INTEGRAL NONLINEARITY at –25°C DIFFERENTIAL NONLINEARITY at –25°C 7.00 1.40 6.00 1.20 5.00 1.00 LSB LSB 4.00 3.00 0.80 0.60 2.00 0.40 1.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 –1.00 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Major Carry Bit Number INTEGRAL NONLINEARITY at 0°C DIFFERENTIAL NONLINEARITY at 0°C 5.00 1.40 4.00 1.20 3.00 1.00 2.00 0.80 1.00 0.60 0.00 0.40 –1.00 0.20 0.00 –2.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Major Carry Bit Number Major Carry Bit Number INTEGRAL NONLINEARITY at 25°C DIFFERENTIAL NONLINEARITY at 25°C 5.00 1.40 4.00 1.20 3.00 1.00 2.00 0.80 LSB LSB 2 Major Carry Bit Number LSB LSB 1 1.00 0.60 0.00 0.40 –1.00 0.20 –2.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Major Carry Bit Number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Major Carry Bit Number ® 5 PCM78 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (CONT) At TA = +25°C, VCC = ±15V, unless otherwise noted. Histograms done with conversion time = 8µs. DIFFERENTIAL NONLINEARITY at 70°C INTEGRAL NONLINEARITY at 70°C 1.80 7.00 1.60 6.00 1.40 1.20 4.00 LSB LSB 5.00 3.00 1.00 0.80 0.60 2.00 0.40 1.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Major Carry Bit Number Major Carry Bit Number INTEGRAL NONLINEARITY at 125°C DIFFERENTIAL NONLINEARITY at 125°C 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.50 LSB LSB –1.00 –2.00 –3.00 1.00 –4.00 –5.00 0.50 –6.00 –7.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Major Carry Bit Number Major Carry Bit Number INTEGRAL NONLINEARITY ERROR (to 14-Bit LSB) DIFFERENTIAL NONLINEARITY ERROR (to 14-Bit LSB) 1.50 2.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 0.00 LSB Differential 0.50 –0.50 0.50 0.00 –1.00 –0.50 –1.50 –2.00 –8192 –4096 0.000 4096 –1.00 –8192 8192 BIN 0.000 BIN ® PCM78 –4096 6 4096 8192 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (CONT) At TA = +25°C, VCC = ±15V, unless otherwise noted. Histograms done with Conversion Time = 8µs. SPECTRAL RESPONSE, fIN ≈ 1kHz SPECTRAL RESPONSE, fIN ≈ 20kHz 0 0 Input Frequency 976.6Hz Fund: –0.07dB 6th: –135.02dB 2nd: –87.80dB THD: –87.10dB 3rd: –97.43dB SNR: 81.05dB 4th: –102.35dB SINAD: 80.09dB 5th: –107.86dB Magnitude (dB) –40 –60 Input Frequency 19970.7Hz Fund: –0.08dB 6th: –101.44dB 2nd: –92.21dB THD: –88.12dB 3rd: –91.59dB SNR: 79.25dB 4th: –101.23dB SINAD: 78.72dB 5th: –109.32dB –20 –40 Magnitude (dB) –20 –80 –100 –120 –60 –80 –100 –120 –140 –140 0 50 25 75 100 0 SPECTRAL RESPONSE, fIN ≈ 1kHz 100 SPECTRAL RESPONSE, fIN ≈ 20kHz 0 Fund: 2nd: 3rd: 4th: 5th: –40 –60 Input Frequency 976.6Hz –20.07dB 6th: –110.06dB –108.36dB THD: –76.75dB –100.44dB SNR: 61.79dB –111.52dB SINAD: 61.65dB –102.06dB Input Frequency 19970.7Hz Fund: –19.94dB 6th: –107.32dB 2nd: –105.69dB THD: –72.81dB 3rd: –95.90dB SNR: 61.60dB 4th: –106.71dB SINAD: 61.28dB 5th: –97.57dB –20 –40 Magnitude (dB) –20 Magnitude (dB) 75 Frequency (kHz) 0 –80 –100 –120 –60 –80 –100 –120 –140 –140 0 25 50 75 100 0 50 25 Frequency (kHz) 75 100 Frequency (kHz) SPECTRAL RESPONSE, fIN ≈ 20kHz SPECTRAL RESPONSE, fIN ≈ 1kHz 0 0 Input Frequency 976.6Hz Fund: –60.06dB 6th: –106.00dB 2nd: –109.18dB THD: –42.15dB 3rd: –108.31dB SNR: 21.73dB 4th: –134.66dB SINAD: 21.69dB 5th: –114.73dB –40 –60 –20 Fund: 2nd: 3rd: 4th: 5th: –40 Magnitude (dB) –20 Magnitude (dB) 50 25 Frequency (kHz) –80 –100 –120 –60 Input Frequency 19970.7Hz –59.96dB 6th: –110.11dB –109.09dB THD: –41.60dB –124.49dB SNR: 21.93dB –116.40dB SINAD: 21.88dB –112.18dB –80 –100 –120 –140 –140 0 25 50 75 100 0 Frequency (kHz) 25 50 75 100 Frequency (kHz) ® 7 PCM78 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (CONT) THEORY OF OPERATION The PCM78P is a successive approximation A/D converter; this type of converter is well suited to high speed and resolution. The accuracy of a successive approximation converter is described by the transfer function shown in Figure 1. All successive-approximation A/ D converters have an inherent quantization error of ±1/2LSB. The remaining errors in the A/ D converter are combinations of analog errors due to the linear circuitry, matching and tracking properties of the ladder and scaling networks, power supply rejection, and reference errors. In summary, these errors consist of initial errors including Gain, Offset, Linearity, Differential Linearity, and Power Supply Sensitivity. Gain drift over temperature rotates the line (Figure 1) about zero, and Offset drift shifts the line left or right over the operating temperature range. Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise (THD+N) is a measure of the magnitude and distribution of the Linearity Error, Differential Linearity Error, and Noise, as well as quantization errors. The THD+N specification is most useful in audio or dynamic signal processing applications. To be useful, THD+N should be specified for both high level and low level input signals. This error is unadjustable and is the most meaningful indicator of A/ D converter accuracy for dynamic applications. At TA = +25°C, VCC = ±15V, unless otherwise noted. THD+N vs CONVERSION TIME (0dB) THD+N (%) 0.008 0.007 0.006 0.005 2 6 4 8 10 Convert Time (µs) THD+N vs CONVERSION TIME (–20dB) 0.051 THD+N (%) 0.050 DYNAMIC RANGE Dynamic range is a measure of the ratio of the smallest signals the converter can resolve to the full scale range and is usually expressed in decibels. The theoretical dynamic range of a converter is approximately 6 x n, where n is the number of bits of resolution. A 16-bit converter would thus have a theoretical dynamic range of 96dB. The actual useful dynamic range is limited by noise and linearity errors and is therefore somewhat less than the theoretical limit. 0.049 0.048 0.047 0.046 0.045 2 6 4 8 10 Convert Time (µs) All Bits On Digital Output (BTC Code)* 0111…1111 THD+N vs CONVERSION TIME (–60dB) 5.2 THD+N (%) 5.0 4.8 Gain Error 0111…1110 0000…0010 0000…0001 –1/2LSB 0000…0000 1111…1111 1111…1110 Offset Error +1/2LSB 1000…0001 1000…0000 All Bits Off EIN On Analog Input 4.6 ( ) –FSR 2 4.4 EIN Off ( +FSR –1LSB 2 ) *See Input/Output Relationship Table for code definitions. 2 6 4 8 10 Convert Time (µs) FIGURE 1. Input vs Output for Ideal Bipolar A/D Converter. ® PCM78 8 B&K Digital Oscillator SHC702 Sync Serial-To-Parallel PCM78 Convert Command IEEE-488 Communication Timing 0 Signal Level (dB) –20 Digital Distortion Analyzer Software DataPhysics Corp –40 –60 –80 –100 –120 0.0 25 50 75 HP-330 Scientific Computer 100 Frequency (kHz) FIGURE 2. Block Diagram of Distortion Test Circuit. DISCUSSION OF SPECIFICATIONS THD+N of the PCM78 is shown in Figure 2. This digital system is capable of differentiating harmonic energy and noise; conventional distortion analyzers which operate on a tracking notch filter principle cannot distinguish this energy, and therefore only measure THD+N. Unfortunately, in the past, these systems were used for measuring distortion performance of converters, and the distortion was often simply specified as “THD”, when in fact it was really THD+N. For this reason, it is often confusing to compare specifications of converters unless one knows exactly what was being measured. TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION Evaluating distortion specifications can be a difficult task, as distortion is often specified in different ways. Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) is defined as the ratio of the square root sum of the squares of the value of rms harmonics to the value of the rms fundamental and is expressed in percent or dB. Note that this measurement only includes energy present in those frequencies which would contain harmonics, and therefore is less than Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise. If we assume that the error due to the test circuit of Figure 2 is negligible, then the rms value of the PCM78 error referred to the input can be shown to be The Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise (THD+N) is defined as the ratio of the square root of the sum of the squares of the value of the rms harmonics and rms noise to the value of the rms fundamental and is expressed in percent or dB. This is the most meaningful measurement of a dynamic converter’s performance because it includes all energy present in the signal that is not fundamental. A block diagram of the test circuit used to measure the THD and B&K Digital Oscillator THD+N = ] 2 X 100% where N is the number of samples, EL(i) is the linearity error at each sample, EQ(i) is the quantization error at each SHC702 Sync [ 1 N ∑ E L (i) + E Q (i) + E N (i) N i =1 E rms PCM78 Serial-To-Parallel Convert Command Timing 64k Memory HP-330 Scientific Computer IEEE-488 2 Error (LSB) 1 0 –1 –2 0 1024 2048 3072 4095 Codes FIGURE 3. Block Diagram of Histogram Test. ® 9 PCM78 MSB Adjust Latch 74LS164 74LS273 DUT PCM78P Convert Command S/H Control A D Deglitcher Toko Model 298BLR-002N or PCM11 or Equivalent Shibasoku AG16A or Equivalent Shibasoku AG16A or Equivalent LOW-PASS FILTER CHARACTERISTICS 0 20 Programmable Gain Amp Deglitcher Control Timing Control Logic Audio Oscillator Low-Pass Filter Latch Enable Status B S C 16-Bit DAC Distortion Tester Attenuation (dB) S/H Amplifier 40 60 80 100 120 1 10 Frequency (MHz) 100 FIGURE 4. Production Distortion + Noise Test System Block Diagram. For the PCM78 the test sampling frequency was chosen to be 200kHz, near the PCM78’s fastest rate of conversion. The test frequencies used vary within the audio range, and are stepped in amplitude from 0dB, to –20dB, to –60dB. Reference Clock A(S/H) In manufacturing the PCM78, the test system shown in Figure 4 is used to test for guaranteed THD+N. 50ns B (CC) <8µs ACCURACY VS CONVERSION TIME AND INPUT SIGNAL LEVEL S (Status) 1 2 3 4 15 16 17 The relationship of THD vs input signal level and THD vs conversion time is shown is the typical curves. Slowing the conversion time to more than 8µs results in little added benefit in terms of THD+N. (Clock) 500ns C (Data Latch) For applications which are not as concerned with dynamic performance but require DC accuracy and linearity, it is best to use the PCM78 at the longest conversion time possible for the system requirements. Slowing the PCM78 to 8µs-10µs conversion time results in a substantial improvement in linearity. The typical curves show DNL and INL plots for a typical device, at an 8µs conversion time. Due to the segmented architecture of the internal DAC used in the successive approximation conversion technique, significant differential linearity errors occur near bits 3 and 4. Allowing more settling time for the DAC (by slowing the conversion speed) will improve this differential linearity error and give equivalent performance to more costly DCspecified 12-bit to 14-bit A/D converters. 8.5µs D (Deglitcher Control) FIGURE 5. Timing Diagram for Figure 4. sample, and EN(i) is the residual noise energy present at each sample. Similarly, THD alone can be expressed as 1 N THD = N 2 ∑ E L(i) i =1 E rms X 100% These expressions indicate that there is a correlation between THD+N and the square root of the sum of the squares of the linearity errors at each digital word of interest. In order to find this error at each code, a histogram test must be performed on the PCM78, as illustrated in Figure 3. The histogram for every converter is unique, as the linearity errors from converter to converter will vary in their placement along the transfer function. Typical histogram data is shown in the Typical Curves. SYSTEM DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS DIGITAL CIRCUIT CONNECTIONS The PCM78 comes complete with an internal clock circuit, or it may be clocked by an external clock. Choosing which mode to operate with depends upon the application for which the PCM78 will be used. In an application where the sample rate may not be fixed (transient recording, etc.), using the internal clock set to give a very fast conversion may be the best solution. In systems where the sample rate is fixed, an external clock is probably the better choice since it will allow the digital system design to be synchronous. However, this expression for THD+N does not mean that the worst case linearity error of the A/ D is directly correlated to the THD+N because the digital output words from theA/D vary according to the amplitude and frequency of the sine wave input as well as the sampling frequency. ® PCM78 10 In either case, the PCM78 requires 17 clock cycles to complete a conversion. To calculate the clock frequency necessary for a given conversion time, the following equation may be used: f CLOCK = state machine. This places stringent requirements on the timing of the convert command, as improper timing can cause metastable states within this state machine. Using the circuitry shown in Figure 8, the user is assured of consistent operation, and these invalid states within the state machine are entirely avoided. (Note that this is not a consideration when using an internal clock, as nothing is being clocked when a convert command is presented to the PCM78). 17 Conversion Time The internal clock operates only during a conversion, and is gated on by the falling edge of the convert command. See Figure 6. The internal clock is available on pin 10, Clock Out. The high and low time of this clock is set by R1C1 and R2C2 respectively. The duty cycle of the clock should be between 20% to 80%, and may be set to 50% for simplicity. The Clock Out function is a gated form of the external clock, i.e. the 17 clock cycles used in the conversion are present on this pin during conversion. This allows use of a continuous external clock, with Clock Out being the clock that the converter is actually using for conversion. Note that this is simply a delayed (~24ns) version of the external clock, and will have the same frequency and duty cycle. Clock High Time (in ns) = 1.32R1C1 Clock Low Time (in ns) = 1.32R2C2 The SOUT2 Latch enables the user to latch data from the previous conversion and read it out at a higher speed than the convert clock. This feature allows the converter to easily interface to digital filtering necessary for oversampling. See Figure 9 for timing information in this mode. R in kΩ; C in pF. These equations are approximate (±5%); they should be used for determining an initial part value which will then need to be “tweaked” for accurate timing. If highly accurate time bases are required, use of an external clock is recommended. In this mode, the PCM78 generates its own internal convert command when the SOUT2 Clock goes high within ±50ns of SOUT2 Latch going low; the external convert command may not be used, and pin 19 must be grounded. The timing diagram shows the recommended timing for using this mode. After the SOUT2 Latch control signal goes low, data from the SAR is loaded into the SOUT2 latch on the next rising edge of the SOUT2 Clock. This clock edge should occur prior to the next rising edge of the conversion clock (internal or external), since the SAR will reset itself prior to the latching The external clock is applied at pin 16, and the Int/Ext Clock select (pin 17) should be left open (an internal pullup resistor assures that the logical state of an open pin is “1”). Using the external clock requires careful placement in time of the convert command. Figure 7 diagrams the recommended timing with an external clock. A simple circuit which assures the proper timing of the convert command is shown in Figure 8. Due to the design of the Clock/Logic chip in the PCM78, a conversion is begun inside the PCM78 by an asynchronous Convert Command T1 T2 T4 Clock Out T3 T5 T7 Status T6 SOUT 1 Data PCM78 TIMING SPECIFICATIONS TA = +25°C, VDD = +5V, guaranteed by sample testing; these parameters are not 100% tested in production. TIME (ns) TIME DESCRIPTION MIN TYP MAX T1 CONVERT COMMAND pulse width 25 50 (1) T2 Delay from falling edge of CONVERT COMMAND to rising edge of CLOCK OUT 60 70 85 T3 Delay from rising edge of CLOCK OUT to rising edge of STATUS 8 10 30 T4 INTERNAL CLOCK pulse width 50 125 450 T5 INTERNAL CLOCK period 140 290 500 T6 Delay from rising edge of CLOCK OUT to bit data valid 17 20 50 T7 Delay from rising edge of 17th clock pulse to falling edge of STATUS 10 15 30 NOTE: (1) When using the internal clock, the clock does not operate until the Convert Command is low. It is therefore possible to keep the convert command high indefinitely, thereby keeping the PCM78 in a halt mode. The conversion cycle begins on the falling edge of convert command, and convert command must remain low during the entire conversion cycle in order to make the PCM78 operate properly. FIGURE 6. Conversion Timing when using Internal Clock. ® 11 PCM78 T1 Ext Clock T5 T2 T3 Convert Command T4 T6 Clock Out T7 T9 Status T8 SOUT 1 Data PCM78 TIMING SPECIFICATIONS TA = +25°C, VDD = +5V, guaranteed by sample testing; these parameters are not 100% tested in production. TIME (ns) TIME DESCRIPTION MIN TYP MAX T1 EXTERNAL CLOCK pulse width 50 125 (1) T2 EXTERNAL CLOCK period 140 290 (1) T3 Delay from falling edge of EXTERNAL CLOCK to rising edge of CONVERT COMMAND –30 0 420 T4 CONVERT COMMAND pulse width 10 50 200 T5 Delay from falling edge of CONVERT COMMAND to rising edge of EXTERNAL CLOCK 20 50 430 T6 Delay from falling edge of CONVERT COMMAND to rising edge of CLOCK OUT 40 75 460 T7 Delay from rising edge of CLOCK OUT to rising edge of STATUS 6 10 30 T8 Delay from rising edge of CLOCK OUT to bit data valid 15 17 20 T9 Delay from rising edge of 17th clock pulse to falling edge of STATUS 8 10 30 NOTE: (1) The PCM78 does not contain dynamic digital circuitry, and can be clocked as slowly as the user wishes. In typical applications, the longest clock period may be as long as 1µs. FIGURE 7. Conversion Timing when using External Clock. The data read out on SOUT2 is from the conversion previously performed, while the data that is present on SOUT1 is the real time readout of the successive approximation as it occurs. if the convert clock rises before the SOUT2 Clock. This condition is avoided as long as the frequency of SOUT2 Clock is at least 1.5 times that of the conversion clock. The internal convert command is generated upon SOUT2 Latch going low, and its falling edge occurs upon the first falling edge of SOUT2 Clock after SOUT2 Latch goes low. SOUT2 Latch should remain low for at least 2 cycles of SOUT2 Clock to insure proper latching. In many applications, the SOUT2 Latch can be the 2fS signal present in many digital audio systems, typically known as WDCK. Figure 10 includes an example of this application. SHORT CYCLE The PCM78 has the ability to be short cycled to a resolution less than 16 bits. This is accomplished by driving the Short Cycle pin (pin 18) low when the conversion is to be terminated, and holding it low until the next convert command is given. The circuit in Figure 11 will accomplish this function. Convert Command +5V D Q Q1 D Q Q2 Clock PCM78 Clock (Ext) D Sample (Convert) Sample (Convert) Q C Q3 Q1 C Q2 PCM78 Clock (Ext) Q3 Clock FIGURE 8. Convert Command Timing Circuit for Use with External Clock. ® PCM78 12 Convert Command S OUT 2 Clock T2 T3 T4 Ext Clock Status T1 S OUT 2 Latch Data n Data (n – 1) S OUT 2 Data LSB MSB MSB Data (n + 1) Data Sample n S OUT 1 Data MSB LSB MSB TA = +25°C, VCC = +5V, guaranteed by sample testing; these parameters are not 100% tested in production. TIME (ns) TIME DESCRIPTION T1 SOUT2 Latch pulse width MIN TYP 50 100 T2 SOUT2 Clock Cycle 24 T3 Delay from rising edge of CLOCK OUT to bit data valid 10 T4 Delay from rising edge of SOUT2 Clock to rising edge of Ext Clock 50 MAX 30 125 FIGURE 9. Timing when using SOUT2 Latch. WDCK (SOUT 2 Latch) (2fS ) 1 Word Ext Clock 128 fS 3 ( ) B Word A’s Serial Data Serial Out 1 MSB Word A’s Serial Data MSB LSB LSB SOUT 2 Clock ( ) 128 fS 2 Word A's Serial Data Serial Out 2 MSB LSB MSB LSB FIGURE 10. Application Example of SOUT 2 Operation. 10kΩ x 4 +5V +5V Jumper 1 LS20 10 A QB 2 CL Clock Out 13 PCM78P Convert Command A 12 19 QA CL QC QD 3 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 1 4 (PCM78) 2 5 3 6 LS20 18 4 11 Short Cycle 5 QE JUMPER NO OF BITS LS393 X: Off 1 2 3 4 5 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 0 X X 0 0 X X 0 0 0 0 X X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X X X X X X 0: On FIGURE 11 . Short Cycle Circuit. CC 1 2 3 4 11 12 13 1 2 3 11 12 13 Clock Short Cycle Status Conversion Time FIGURE 12. Short Cycle Operation Timing. ® 13 PCM78 decoupling capacitor should range from 0.1µF to 4.7µF; larger values can cause reference settling problems which may manifest themselves as missing codes. This capacitor should be as close to the PCM78 as possible, to minimize the potential for coupling noise into the device; with a good board layout it may be best to leave this capacitor out of the circuit altogether, as the extra lead length may only cause more noise in the reference. If Short Cycle is not held low until the next convert command is issued, the Status line will go high in synchronization with Short Cycle. This is because the operation of the Status line becomes invalid after Short Cycle is asserted. An example of the Short Cycle operation is shown in Figure 12. In those systems where a user may not be using a continuous external clock, it is necessary to assure that a falling edge of external clock occurs after short cycle goes low. This is because conversion actually stops on the first falling edge of external clock after Short Cycle goes low. Pin 27 is a decoupling point to ground, as well as the output of the 2V reference. This point should not be used to supply reference voltage to external circuitry unless it is buffered. A 2.2µF capacitor is recommended, and the capacitor used here should not exceed 4.7µF. ANALOG CIRCUIT CONSIDERATIONS Layout Precautions Pin 28, the Speed Up pin, allows a capacitor to be connected to ground to facilitate reference settling. This does not speed up the conversion time, but it does reduce odd order harmonic distortion. As with the decoupling capacitor on pin 25, this may also contribute to noise; if harmonic content is most important in an application, this capacitor (0.1µF 10µF) should be connected. In all other cases, it is best to leave the capacitor out of the circuit. Analog and Digital Common are connected internally in the PCM78, and should be connected together as close to the unit as possible, preferably to a large ground plane under the ADC. Low impedance analog and digital common returns are essential for low noise performance. Coupling between analog inputs and digital lines should be minimized by careful layout. The input pin (pin 1) and the MSB adjust pin (pin 3) are both extremely sensitive to noise; digital lines should be kept away from these pins to avoid coupling digital noise into the sensitive analog circuitry. Input Scaling The analog input should be scaled as close to the maximum input signal range as possible in order to utilize the maximum signal resolution of the A/ D converter. The DAC inside the PCM78 has a ±2mA range, and the nominal ±3V input is scaled by a 1.5kΩ resistor. In order to scale to other ranges, see Table I for recommended scaling resistor values, connected as shown in Figure 14. Contact factory for a recommended PCB layout for the PCM78. Power Supply Decoupling The power supplies should be bypassed with tantalum or electrolytic capacitors as shown in Figure 13 to obtain noise free operation. These capacitors should be located as close to the ADC as possible. Bypass the 1µF electrolytic capacitors with 0.01µF ceramic or polystyrene capacitors for improved high frequency performance. + 1µF INPUT RANGE R ±10V ±5V 8.2kΩ 3.3kΩ NOTE: R values shown assume use of 1k trim pot to adjust for scale accuracy. TABLE I. PCM78 Input Scaling Resistor Values. +VCC + .01µF 23 1 +VDD *1kΩ 4 PCM78 *Use to trim for exact scaling. Use trim pot with temperature coefficient of 100ppm/°C or better. + 1µF R .01µF PCM78 FIGURE 14. PCM78 Input Scaling Circuit. + 1µF 2 INPUT IMPEDANCE The input signal to the PCM78 should come from a low impedance source, such as the output of an op amp, to avoid any errors due to the dynamic input impedance that a successive-approximation converter presents to the outside world because of the changing currents in this circuit during conversion as the converter steps through its approximations. + .01µF –VCC FIGURE 13. Recommended Power Supply Decoupling. Reference Decoupling and Speed Up In order to assure the lowest noise operation of the PCM78, the reference may be bypassed by three different capacitors. Pin 25 is a decoupling point for the reference to –VCC. The If the driving circuit output impedance is not low, a buffer amplifier should be added between the input signal and the direct input to the PCM78 as shown in Figure 15. ® PCM78 14 – DR SOUT1 1 + VIN PCM78 Clk Out Clk R OPA627 +5V PCM78P Status 220kΩ Clk R Q Clk R Q +5V NOTE: FSM = 1 RXD Clk Out RXC +5V Status An alternate method is to reconstruct the data out of the PCM78 through a DAC, and measure THD+N on a conventional distortion analyzer. Adjust the potentiometer for minimum THD+N. 200kΩ D S Q SOUT1 PCM78P The best method of adjusting the MSB is by using a real time FFT routine to monitor the levels of odd order harmonics when a sine-wave is being digitized by the PCM78. Adjusting the potentiometer in Figure 16 will allow the user to reduce the magnitude of odd-order harmonics. 2 D S Q FIGURE 17. PCM78 Interface to TMS320C25/C30 DSP Processors. The PCM78 is laser trimmed for best performance at the factory without the MSB adjust circuitry installed; if better performance can be obtained it would be by the addition of the MSB adjust circuitry shown in Figure 16. –V CC TMS320C25/C30 FSR +5V FIGURE 15. Buffer Amplifier for PCM78 Input. MSB Adjustment Differential Linearity errors at bipolar zero and THD are guaranteed to meet data sheet specifications without any external adjustment. However, a provision has been made for an optional adjustment of the MSB linearity point which makes it possible to eliminate DLE error at BPZ. This is important when the signal level is very low, because zero crossing noise (DLE at BPZ) becomes very significant when compared to the small codes changes occurring in the LSB portion of the converter. +5V +5V DSP56001 FSR +5V D S Q D S Q Clk R Q Clk R Q +5V NOTE: FSM = Bit Mode FIGURE 18. PCM78 Interface to Motorola DSP56001 DSP Processor. V POT Data In SOUT1 24 Clk Out MSB ADJ ICK 1MΩ 3 +5V PCM78P FIGURE 16. MSB Adjust Circuit. APPLICATIONS INFORMATION A typical digitization circuit, used on the demonstration board available for the PCM78, is shown in Figure 20. The connections and part values shown in this circuit have been optimized for the best THD+N performance at a 200kHz sample rate. Status D S Q D S Q Clk R Q Clk R Q +5V DSP32C ILD NOTE: Set for 16-Bit external ILD, ICK MSB bit first FIGURE 19. PCM78 Interface to AT&T DSP16 & DSP32C Processors. The PCM78 may be interfaced to many popular digital signal processors, such as the TMS320, DSP56001, and the DSP32. Suggested interface circuits for these processors are shown in Figures 17-19. ® 15 PCM78 Status R3 3kΩ CR 1 6 1 2 R6 HCT05 U8 IN4148 IN4148 +5 CR 2 14 8 U8 HCT05 13 3.3kΩ 7 +5 C4 100pF 12 7 +5 3.3kΩ 100pF C9 RV 3 1k Ω RV 2 1k Ω HCT05 + 2.2µF 14 4 3 U8 +5 FIGURE 20.Schematic for Demonstration Board (DEM1122). R1 R6 1.5kΩ + R5 – R9 R4 3.3kΩ 100kΩ JP 12 +5 Convert Command 100pF C10 +5 JP5 JP 11 REF Out MSB SOUT 2 Latch J2 JP13 17 12 RC2 11 RC1 TP1 20 TP6 16 TP2 7 19 22 26 TP4 SOUT2 13 SOUT 2 21 6 Comparator Clock Common 18 Short Cycle 8 BOB/BTC SEL 25 REF DCPL 15 10 Status 9 EXT CLK 2.2µF 28 Speed Up C13 + 27 R10 200kΩ R7 3.3kΩ R7 1 3.3kΩ J1 INT External Clock Analog Input 1 U4 1 U4 2 5 2 4 +15 +5 3 C16 CLK 5 –5 6 +5 P1 U4 2 HCT14 6 13 7 10 9 8 + CLK + 2.2µF 8 12 14 15 13 11 10 VOUT 9 SOUT1 2 C20 + 2.2µF C17 PCM56 RF SJ 7 DATA IOUT U5 Trim 6 LE MSB ADJ 5 16 13 10 +5 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 U6 74HC594 2.2µF C 22 HCT14 U4 +5 + P2 10 9 8 7 6 2.2µF C21 +5 J3 Reconstructed Output 5 3 1 4 16 13 10 11 SRCK 14 9 U7 QH SER 74HC594 12 RCK A B C D E F G H A B C D E F G H 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HCT14 U4 SRCK 14 SER 12 RCK 11 12 11 12 14 11 5 2 U3 Q 74HCT74 3 Q 6 HCT14 U4 + 2.2µF 4 HCT14 –15 3 7 +5 14 HCT14 –15 C15 GND + 2.2µF +5 100pF +15 2 –5 R2 3kΩ B16 –5 C8 + + 2.2µF 2.2µF 2 4 14 23 1 ANALOG In Clock R11 Out 3.3kΩ JP7 24 V POT Serial JP8 3 Out 1 MSB Adj B15 C7 B14 9 B13 11 B11 SHC5320 U1 B12 4 B10 3 GND +5 B9 + 2.2µF +5 DV C18 + 2.2µF C19 + 2.2µF 1 8 3 16 B8 C11 B7 +5 B6 C3 + 2.2µF B5 +15 B4 –15 C2 + + 2.2µF 2.2µF R1 20kΩ B3 C1 B1 16 B2 PCM78 GND ®