MT91600 Programmable SLIC Preliminary Information Features • • • • • • • • • DS5057 MT91600 28 Pin SSOP Package -40°C to +85°C Description The Mitel MT91600 provides an interface between a switching system and a subscriber loop, mainly for short loop SLIC applications. The functions provided by the MT91600 include battery feed, programmable constant current, 2W to 4W conversion, off-hook and dial pulse detection, user definable line and network balance impedance’s and the capability of programming the audio gain externally. The device is fabricated as a CMOS circuit in a 28 pin SSOP package. Line interface for: PABX/ONS Intercoms Key Telephone Systems Control Systems X3 TD August 1999 Package Information Transformerless 2W to 4W conversion Controls battery feed to line Programmable line impedance Programmable network balance impedance Off-hook and dial pulse detection Ring ground over-current protection Programmable gain Programmable constant current feed -22V to -72V battery operation Applications • • • • ISSUE 7 X2 X1 Audio Gain & Network Balance Circuit Tip Drive Controller VX VR TF TIP Line Sense 2 W to 4 W Conversion & Line Impedance RING RF C3A C3B RV RD Z3 Z2 Over-Current Protection Circuit Z1 Relay Driver Ring Drive Controller IC RLYC RLYD Loop Supervision VREF SHK C1 C2A C2B VDD GND VEE Figure 1 - Functional Block Diagram 1 MT91600 Preliminary Information VDD TD TF TIP RING VREF IC RF RV RD C3A C3B C2B C2A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 VEE GND RLYD RLYC SHK C1 X2 VR X3 VX X1 Z3 Z2 Z1 Figure 2 - Pin Connections Pin Description 2 Pin # Name Description 1 VDD 2 TD Tip Drive (Output). Controls the Tip transistor. 3 TF Tip Feed. Connects to the Tip transistor and to the TIP lead via the Tip feed resistor. 4 TIP Tip. Connects to the TIP lead of the telephone line. 5 RING Ring. Connects to the RING lead of the telephone line. 6 VREF Reference Voltage (Input). This pin is used to set the subscribers loop constant current. Changing the input voltage sets the current to any desired value within the working limits. VREF is related to VLC. 7 IC Internal Connection (Input). This pin must be connected to GND for normal operation. 8 RF Ring Feed. Connects to the RING lead via the Ring feed resistor. 9 RV Ring Voltage and Audio Feed. Connects directly to the Ring drive transistor and also to Ring Feed via a relay. 10 RD Ring Drive (Output). Controls the Ring transistor. 11 C3A A filter capacitor for over-current protection is connected between this pin and GND. 12 C3B A filter capacitor for over-current protection is connected between this pin and GND. 13 C2B A capacitor for loop current stability is connected between this pin and C2A. 14 C2A A capacitor for loop current stability is connected between this pin and C2B. 15 Z1 Line Impedance Node 1. A resistor of scaled value "k" is connected between Z1 and Z2. This connection can not be left open circuit. 16 Z2 Line Impedance Node 2. This is the common connection node between Z1 and Z3. 17 Z3 Line Impedance Node 3. A network either resistive or complex of scaled value "k" is connected between Z3 and Z2. This connection can not be left open circuit. 18 X1 Gain Node 1. This is the common node between Z3 and VX where resistors are connected to set the 2W to 4W gain. 19 VX Transmit Audio (Output). This is the 4W analog signal to the SLIC. 20 X3 Gain Node 3. This is the common node between VR and the audio input from the CODEC or switching network where resistors are fitted to sets the 4W to 2W gain 21 VR Receive Audio (Input). This is the 4W analog signal to the SLIC. Positive supply rail, +5V. MT91600 Preliminary Information Pin Description (continued) Pin # Name Description 22 X2 Gain Node 2. Networks, either resistive or complex, are connected between this node, VR and GND to set the Network Balance Impedance for the SLIC. 23 C1 A filter capacitor for ring trip is connected between this pin and GND. 24 SHK Switch Hook (Output). This pin indicates the line state of the subscribers telephone. The output can also be used for dial pulse monitoring. SHK is high in off-hook state. 25 RLYC Relay Control (Input). An active high on this pin will switch RLYD low. 26 RLYD Inverted Output of RLYC. It is used to drive the bipolar transistor that drives the relay (see Figure 5.) 27 GND Ground. Return path for +5V and -5V. This should also be connected back to the return path for the loop battery, LGND and relay drive ground RLYGND. 28 VEE Negative supply rail, -5V. Functional Description 4W to 2W gain: Gain 4 - 2 = 20*Log [0.891 * (R14 / R15)] The MT91600 is the analog SLIC for use in a 4 Wire switched system. The SLIC performs all of the normal interface functions between the CODEC or switching system and the analog telephone line such as 2W to 4W conversion, constant current feed, ringing and ring trip detection, current limiting, switch hook indication and line and network balance impedance setting using minimal external components. Refer to Figure designation. 5 for MT91600 components Impedance Programming The MT91600 allows the designer to set the device’s impedance across TIP and RING, (ZTR), and network balance impedance, (ZNB), separately with external low cost components. For a resistive load, the impedance (ZTR) is set by R11 and R18. For a complex load, the impedance (ZTR) is set by R11, R18, R19 & C8 (see Figure 5.) The network balance, (ZNB), is set by R16, R17 & C3 (see Figure 5.) 2 Wire to 4 Wire Conversion The hybrid performs 2 wire to 4 wire conversion by taking the 4 wire signal from an analog switch or voice CODEC, a.c. coupled to VR, and converting it to a 2 wire differential signal at tip and ring. The 2 wire signal applied to tip and ring by the telephone is converted to a 4 wire signal, a.c. coupled to Vx which is the output from the SLIC to the analog switch or voice CODEC. Gain Control The network balance impedance should calculated once the 2W - 4W gain has been set. be Line Impedance For optimum performance, the characteristic impedance of the line, (Zo), and the device’s impedance across TIP and RING, (ZTR), should match. Therefore: Zo = ZTR It is possible to set the Transmit and Receive gains by the selection of the appropriate external components. The relationship between Zo and the components that set ZTR is given by the formula: The gains can be calculated by the formulae: Zo / ( R1+R2) = kZo / R11 where kZo = ZLZ 2W to 4W gain: Gain 2 - 4 = 20*Log [ R13 / R12] ZLZ = R18, for a resistive load. ZLZ = [R18 + (R19 // C8)], for a complex load. 3 MT91600 The value of k can be set by the designer to be any value between 20 and 250. Three rules to ensure the correct operation of the circuit: Preliminary Information The MT91600’s programmable current range is between 18mA to 32mA. Line Drivers & Overcurrent Protection (A) R18 + R19 > 50kΩ (B) R1 = R2. (C) R11 > =50kΩ It is advisable to place these components as close as possible to the SLIC. Network Balance Impedance The network balance impedance, (ZNB), will set the transhybrid loss performance for the circuit. The balance of the circuit is independent of the 4 - 2 Wire gain but is a function of the 2 - 4 Wire gain. The method of setting the values for R16 and R17 is given by the formula: R17 = [1.782 * Zo / ( Zo+ZNB) * ( R13 / R12 )] R17 + R16 [1 + R13 / R12] where ZNB is the network balance impedance of the SLIC and Zo is the line impedance. The Line Drivers control the external Battery Feed circuit which provide power to the line and allows bidirectional audio transmission. The loop supervision circuitry provides bias to the line drivers to feed a constant current while the overcurrent protection circuitry prevents the ring driver from causing the ring transistor to overload. The line impedance presented by the Line Driver circuitry is determined by the external network, which may be purely resistive or complex, allowing the circuit to be configured for use in any application. The impedance can also be fixed to one value and modified to look like a different value by reflecting an impedance through the SLIC from an intelligent CODEC or DSP module. There is long term protection on the RING output against accidental short circuits that may be applied either across TIP/RING to GND or RING to GND. This high current will be sensed and limited to a value that will protect the circuit. (R16 + R17) >= 50kΩ It is advisable to place these components as close as possible to the SLIC. Loop Supervision & Dial Pulse Detection The Loop Supervision circuit monitors the state of the phone line and when the phone goes "Off Hook" the SHK pin goes high to indicate this state. This pin reverts to a low state when the phone goes back "On Hook" or if the loop resistance is too high for the circuit to continue to support a constant current. The SHK output can also be monitored for dialing information when used in a dial pulse system. Constant Current Control The SLIC employs a feedback circuit to supply a constant feed current to the line. This is done by sensing the sum of the voltages across the feed resistors, R1 and R2, and comparing it to the input reference voltage, Vref, that determines the constant current feed current. 4 In situations where an accidental short circuit occurs either across TIP/RING to GND or RING to GND, an excessive amount of current will flow through the ring drive transistor, Q3. Although the MT91600 will sense this high current and limit it, if the power rating of Q3 is not high enough, it may suffer permanent damage. In this case, a power sharing resistor, R23, can be inserted (see Figure 5) to dissipate some of the power. Capacitor C13 is inserted to provide an a.c. ground point. The criteria for selecting a value for the power sharing resistor R23 can be found in the application section of this datasheet. Ringing and Ring Trip Detection Ringing is applied to the line by disconnecting pin 8, RF, from pin 9, RV, and connecting it to a ringing source which is battery backed. This may be done by use of an electro-mechanical relay. The SLIC is capable of detecing an Off Hook condition during ringing by filtering out the large A.C. component by use of the external components connected to pin 23. This filter allows an Off Hook condition to be monitored at SHK, pin 24. MT91600 Preliminary Information When using DTMF signalling only i.e. pulse dialling is not used, the capacitor, C7, can be permanently connected to ground and does not require to be switched out during dialling. From Figure 3 with R1 = R2 = 220Ω For I LOOP = 25mA, V LC = 0V, Vbat=-48V R3 43kΩ Power up Sequence The circuit should be powered up in the following order: AGND, VEE, VDD, VBAT. 6 VREF VLC C9 100nF R4 130kΩ MT91600 VBAT Application Figure 3 - Resistor Divider The following Application section is intended to demonstrate to the user the methods used in calculating and selecting the external programming components in implementing the MT91600 as an analog line interface in a communication system. The programming component values calculated below results in the optimum performance of the device. Refer to Figure designation. 5 for MT91600 C9 is inserted to ensure pin 6, Vref, remains at a.c. ground. 100nF is recommended. ILOOP can also be set by directly driving Vref with a low impedance voltage source. (See Figure 4). It is recommended that a small resistor be placed in series with the Vref pin. In this case: components ILOOP = 1.07 * Vs (R1 +R2) where, Vs < 0 Component Selection 2kΩ Feed Resistors (R1, R2) Vs The selection of feed resistors, R1 and R2, can significantly affect the performance of the MT91600. It is recommended that their values fall in the range of: 200Ω <= R1 <= 250Ω where, R1 = R2 The resistors should have a tolerance of 1% (0.15% matched) and a power rating of 1 Watt. Loop Current Setting (R3, R4, C9) By using a resistive divider network, (Figure 3), it is possible to maintain the required voltage at Vref to set ILOOP. The loop current programming is based on the following relationship: ILOOP = - [ F * VLC + G * VBAT] * Ko * H (R1 +R2) where, F = R4 / (R4 + R3) G = R3 / (R4 +R3) Ko = 200000 / (200000 + (R4//R3) ) H = 1.07 ILOOP is in Ampere C9 100nF 6 VREF MT91600 Figure 4 - Direct Voltage Calculating Component Values For AC Transmission There are five parameters a designer should know before starting the component calculations. These five parameters are: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) characteristic impedance of the line Zo network balance impedance ZNB value of the feed resistors (R1 and R2) 2W to 4W transmit gain 4W to 2W receive gain The following example will outline a step by step procedure for calculating component values. Given: 5 MT91600 Preliminary Information Zo = 600Ω, ZNB= 600Ω, R1=R2= 220Ω Gain 2 - 4 = -1dB, Gain 4 - 2 = -1dB Step 1: Gain Setting (R12, R13, R14, R15) Given Zo = 220Ω + (820Ω // 120nF) Gain 2 - 4 = 20 Log [ R13 / R12] -1 dB = 20 Log [R13 / R12] ∴ R12 = 112.2kΩ, R13 = 100kΩ. where, kZo = [R18 + (R19 // C8)] Gain 4 - 2 = 20 Log [0.891 * [R14 / R15)] -1 dB = 20 Log [0.891 * [R14 / R15)] ∴ R14 = 100kΩ, R15 = 100kΩ. Step 2: Impedance Matching (R11, R18, R19, C8) a) Zo / ( R1+R2) = kZo / R11 600/(220+220) = (k*600)/R11 let k = 125 ∴ R11 = 55kΩ. Zo / ( R1+R2) = kZo / R11 (Equation 1) Choose a standard value for C8 to find a suitable value for k. Since 1nF exists, let C8 = 1nF then, k = 120nF / C8 k = 120nF / 1nF ∴ k =120 R18 = k * 220Ω R18 = 120 * 220Ω R18 = 26400 b) In general, R19 = k * 820Ω R19 = 120 * 820 R19 = 98400 ∴ R18 = 26k4Ω, R19 = 98k4Ω kZo = ZLZ where: ZLZ = R18, for a resistive load. ZLZ = [R18 + (R19 // C8)], for a complex load. From (Equation 1) R11 = k * (R1 + R2) R11 = 120 * (220Ω + 220Ω) ∴ R11 = 52k8Ω Since we are dealing with a resistive load in this example ZLZ = R18, and therefore: Power Sharing Resistor (R23) kZo = R18 (125 * 600)= R18 ∴ R18 = 75kΩ. To determine the value of R23, use the following equations: Step 3: Network Balance Impedance (R16, R17) R23(max)= |Vbat(min)| - 100 - (2*R2 + Lr + DCRP) 30mA R17 = [1.782 * Zo / ( Zo+ZNB) * ( R13 / R12 )] R17 + R16 [1 + R13 / R12)] R23(min)= |Vbat(max)| - Pd(max) - R2 40mA 1.6mA R17 = 0.4199 R17 + R16 where, Vbat(min/max) = the expected variation of Vbat. R2 = the feed resistor. Lr = maximum DC loop resistance. DCRP = DC resistance of the phone set. Pd(max) = the maximum power dissipation of the ring drive transistor Q3. set R17 = 100kΩ, R16 becomes 138kΩ. ∴ R16 = 138kΩ, R17 = 100kΩ. Complex Line Impedance, Zo In situations where the characteristic impedance of the line Zo is a complex value, determining the component values for impedance matching (R11, R18, R19, C8) is as follows: 6 If R23(max) > R23(min), then set R23 to be the geometric center: R23 = Square Root (R23(max) * R23(min)) Preliminary Information MT91600 If R23(max) < R23(min), then a violation has occurred. Pd(max) will have to be increased. A numerical example: Given: R2 = 220Ω Lr = 325Ω (2.5km of 28 gauge wire, averaged at 65Ω/km) DCRP = 200Ω Pd(max) = 1.5W Vbat = -48V +/- 10% (i.e. -43V to -53V) Therefore: R23(max) = (43/30mA) - 100 - (2 * 220 + 325 + 200) = 1433.3 - 100 - 965 R23(max) = 368.3Ω R23(min) = (53/40mA) - (1.5/1.6mA) - 220 = 1325 - 937.5 - 220 R23(min) = 167.5 Ω R23 = Square Root ( 368.3 * 167.5 ) R23 = 248.4Ω 7 MT91600 Preliminary Information C7 VEE VDD C6 K1b 1 28 VDD VEE 24 SHK RLYC Q4 25 RLYC 26 RLYD 7 23 GND IC C1 X2 22 R16 VR 21 R17 C11 C4 K1 D1 VLC C3 R14 VRLY SHK 27 R3 6 VREF 2 TD X3 20 VX 19 X1 18 Z3 17 R15 VX R13 C9 R4 VBAT VBAT Q1 D2a VRIN C12 D2b R22 3 TF 4 TIP R12 MT91600 R1 TIP R21 PR1 ZLZ R20 5 RING RING VBAT K1a RF 9 RV 16 Z1 15 D3b D3a VDD R7 R5 ~ 8 Z2 R11 R2 90 Vrms R6 Q2 C5 RD C3A C3B C2B C2A 10 11 12 13 14 C1 C10 R10 C2 R9 VBAT=-48V Impedance ZLZ Q3 Complex Load Zo R18 C13 VBAT Figure 5 - Typical application 8 R19 R18 R23 R8 Resistive Load Zo C8 MT91600 Preliminary Information Component List* for a Typical Application with a Resistive 600Ω Line Impendance - Refer to Figure 5 for component designation and recommended configuration Resistor Values R1 220Ω 1% (0.15% matched), 1W R2 220Ω 1% (0.15% matched), 1W R3 43kΩ R4 130kΩ R5 220Ω R6 75kΩ R7 3kΩ R8 1kΩ R9 1kΩ R10 560kΩ R11 55kΩ R12 112kΩ R13 100kΩ R14 100kΩ R15 100kΩ R16 138kΩ R17 100kΩ R18 75kΩ R19 0Ω R20 2kΩ R21 2kΩ R22 1kΩ R23 248Ω Capacitor Values C1 100nF, 5% C2 300nF, 5% C3 100pF, 5% C4 33nF, 20% C5 3.3nF, 5% C6 1uF, 20%, 16V C7 100nF, 20% C8 0F C9 100nF, 20% C10 100nF, 5% C11 47pF, 20% C12 33nF, 10% C13 100nF 20% Diodes and Transistors D1 BAS16 or equivalent D2a/b BAV99 dual diode or equivalent D3a/b BAV99 dual diode or equivalent Q1 2N2222 or MPSA42 or MMBTA42 Q2 2N2907 or MPSA92 or MMBTA92 Q3 2N2222 or MPSA42 or MMBTA42 Q4 2N2907 or MPSA92 or MMBTA92 Note: All resistors are 1/4 W, 1% unless otherwise indicated. *Assumes Z o = ZNB = 600Ω, Gain 2 - 4 = -1dB, Gain 4 - 2 = -1dB. Decoupling capacitors, (1uF, 100V, 20%), can be added to V DD, VEE, VBAT and V RLY to provide improved PSRR performance. K1 = Electro-mechanical relay, 5V, DPDT/2 FORM C PR1 = This device must always be fitted to ensure damage does not occur from inductive loads.For simple applications, PR1 can be replaced by a single TVS, such as 1.5KE220C, across tip and ring. For applications requiring lightning and mains cross protection further circuitry will be required and the following protection devices are suggested: P2353AA, P2353AB (Teccor), THBT20011, THBT20012, THBT200S (SGSThomson), TISP2290, TSSP8290L (T.I.) 9 MT91600 Preliminary Information . Absolute Maximum Ratings* Parameter 1 DC Supply Voltages Sym Min Max Units VDD VEE VBAT -0.3 -6.5 -80 +6.5 +0.3 +0.3 V V V 100 Vrms Superimposed on VBAT +0.3 V Note 1 200 V MAX 1ms (with power on) 30 mA. RMS 45 mA +150 ˚C 0.10 W +85˚C max, VBAT = -48V 500 V Human Body Model Note 3 2 Ringing Voltages Vring 3 Voltage setting for Loop Current VREF 4 Overvoltage Tip/GND Ring/GND, Tip/Ring 5 Ringing Current 6 Ring Ground over-current 7 Storage Temp Tstg 8 Package Power Dissipation Pdiss 9 ESD Rating -20 Iring -65 Comments Limited by the Drive transistor, Q3. Note 2 *Exceeding these values may cause permanent damage. Functional operation under these conditions is not implied. Note 1: Voltage at Vref pin set by VLC and potential divider. Note 2: Tip and Ring must not be shorted together and to ground at the same time. Note 3: The device contains circuitry to protect the inputs from static voltage up to 500V. However, precautions should be taken to avoid static charge build up when handling the device. Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Sym Min Typ‡ Max Units 5.25 -4.75 -22 V V V 1 Operating Supply Voltages VDD VEE VBAT 4.75 -5.25 -72 5.00 -5.00 -48 2 Ringing Voltage Vring 0 50 VRMS 3 Voltage setting for Loop Current VREF -10.3 V 4 Operating Temperature To -40 +25 +85 ˚C ‡ Typical figures are at 25˚C with nominal supply voltages and are for design aid only †Electrical Characteristics are over Recommended Operating Conditions unless otherwise stated. ‡Typical figures are at 25°C with nominal + 5V supplies and are for design aid only. Note 4: 16 to 68 Hz superimposed on a VBAT. 10 Test Conditions Note 4 ILOOP = 25mA, R1=R2=220Ω VBAT = -48V MT91600 Preliminary Information DC Electrical Characteristics† Characteristics 1 Typ‡ Max Units IDD IEE IBAT 25 11 8.5 45 mA mA mA PC 60 90 mW Standby/Active 25 28 mA VREF = -10.3V Test circuit as Fig. 6 VBAT = -48V 32 mA Sym Supply Current Min 2 Power Consumption 3 Constant Current Line Feed I LOOP 22 4 Programmable Loop Current Range ILOOP 18 5 Operating Loop (inclusive of Telephone Set) RLOOP 1200 Ω 450 Ω 6 Off Hook Detection Threshold 7 RLYC Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Vil Vih 2.0 SHK Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage Vol Voh 2.7 8 8 Dial Pulse Distortion SHK ON OFF 20 0.4 +4 +4 mA Test Conditions ILOOP = 18mA VBAT = -48V ILOOP = 18mA VBAT = -22V VREF = -10.3V VBAT = -48V See Note 5. ILOOP = 25mA 0.7 V V lil = 50µA lih = +50µA 0.4 V V Lol = 8mA Loh = -0.4mA ms ms †Electrical Characteristics are over Recommended Operating Conditions unless otherwise stated. ‡Typical figures are at 25°C with nominal +5V and are for design aid only. Note 5: Off hook detection is related to loop current. 11 MT91600 Preliminary Information AC Electrical Characteristics † Characteristics 1 Ring Trip Detect Time 2 Output Impedance at VX 3 Gain 4-2 @ 1kHz 4 Gain Relative to 1kHz 5 Transhybrid Loss 6 Gain 2-4 @ 1kHz 7 Gain Relative to 1kHz 8 Return Loss at 2-Wire 9 Total Harmonic Distortion Sym Min Tt Typ‡ Max Units 100 300 mS THL RL dB Note 6 Test circuit as Fig. 8 ±0.15 dB 300Hz - 3400Hz 20 25 dB Note 6 300Hz - 3400Hz Test circuit as Fig. 8 -1.3 -1 dB Note 6 Test circuit as Fig. 7 ±0.15 dB 300Hz to 3400Hz 30 dB Note 6 300Hz - 3400Hz Test circuit as Fig. 10 % % 3dBm, 1kHz @ 2W 1Vrms, 1KHz @ 4W 42 dB Input 0.5Vrms, 1KHz Test circuit as Fig. 9 55 dB 200Hz to 3400Hz Test circuit as Fig. 9 58 48 dB dB 200Hz to 1000Hz 1000Hz to 3400Hz 20 -1 -0.8 -0.8 THD @2W @VX 0.3 0.3 10 Common Mode Rejection 2 wire to Vx CMR 11 Longitudinal to Metallic Balance LCL 12 Metallic to Longitudinal Balance 13 Idle Channel Noise 35 1.0 1.0 Nc @2W @VX 14 Ω 10 -1.3 Test Conditions Power Supply Rejection Ratio at 2W and VX 12 12 dBrnC dBrnC Cmessage Filter Cmessage Filter dB dB 0.1Vp-p @ 1kHz PSRR Vdd Vee 23 23 †Electrical Characteristics are over Recommended Operating Conditions unless otherwise stated. ‡Typical figures are at 25°C with nominal +5V and are for design aid only. Note 6: Assumes Zo = ZNB = 600Ω and both transmit and receive gains are programmed externally to -1dB, i.e. Gain 2-4 = -1dB, Gain 4-2 = -1dB. Mechanical Information Refer to the latest copy of the Mitel data book for details of the outline for the 28 Pin SSOP package. 12 MT91600 Preliminary Information Test Circuits Figures 6,7,8,9,10 are for illustrating the principles involved in making measurements and do not necessarily reflect the actual method used in production testing. TIP ILoop SLIC VLC R3 6 R4 Zo C9 RING VBAT Figure 6 - Loop current programming R15 20 TIP ~ VTR SLIC 18 R12 VS VX 19 R13 Zo __ 2 Zo __ 2 17 RING Gain = 20*Log(VX/VTR) Figure 7 - 2-4 Wire Gain VX 19 TIP C3 22 R16 21 Gain = 20*Log(VTR/VS) RING R17 SLIC R14 Zo VTR 20 C11 R15 ~V S THL = 20*Log(VX/VS) Figure 8 - 4-2 Wire Gain & Transhybrid Loss 13 MT91600 Preliminary Information R15 20 TIP Zo __ 2 VTR VS ~ SLIC VX 19 Zo __ 2 RING Long. Bal. = 20*Log(VTR/VS) CMR = 20*Log(VX/VS) Figure 9 - Longitudinal Balance & CMR R15 20 17 TIP R18 Zo VS ~ R19 R SLIC VZ C8 16 R11 R RING 15 Gain = 20*Log(2*VZ/VS) Figure 10 - Return Loss 14 Package Outlines Pin 1 E A C L H e Notes: 1) Not to scale 2) Dimensions in inches 3) (Dimensions in millimeters) 4) Ref. JEDEC Standard M0-150/M0118 for 48 Pin 5) A & B Maximum dimensions include allowable mold flash D A2 A1 B 20-Pin 24-Pin 28-Pin 48-Pin Dim Min A A1 0.002 (0.05) B 0.0087 (0.22) C Max Min Max 0.079 (2) - 0.079 (2) 0.002 (0.05) 0.013 (0.33) 0.0087 (0.22) 0.008 (0.21) Min Max Min Max 0.079 (2) 0.095 (2.41) 0.110 (2.79) 0.008 (0.2) 0.016 (0.406) 0.008 (0.2) 0.0135 (0.342) 0.002 (0.05) 0.013 (0.33) 0.0087 (0.22) 0.008 (0.21) 0.013 (0.33) 0.008 (0.21) 0.010 (0.25) D 0.27 (6.9) 0.295 (7.5) 0.31 (7.9) 0.33 (8.5) 0.39 (9.9) 0.42 (10.5) 0.62 (15.75) 0.63 (16.00) E 0.2 (5.0) 0.22 (5.6) 0.2 (5.0) 0.22 (5.6) 0.2 (5.0) 0.22 (5.6) 0.291 (7.39) 0.299 (7.59) e 0.025 BSC (0.635 BSC) 0.025 BSC (0.635 BSC) 0.025 BSC (0.635 BSC) 0.025 BSC (0.635 BSC) A2 0.065 (1.65) 0.073 (1.85) 0.065 (1.65) 0.073 (1.85) 0.065 (1.65) 0.073 (1.85) 0.089 (2.26) 0.099 (2.52) H 0.29 (7.4) 0.32 (8.2) 0.29 (7.4) 0.32 (8.2) 0.29 (7.4) 0.32 (8.2) 0.395 (10.03) 0.42 (10.67) L 0.022 (0.55) 0.037 (0.95) 0.022 (0.55) 0.037 (0.95) 0.022 (0.55) 0.037 (0.95) 0.02 (0.51) 0.04 (1.02) Small Shrink Outline Package (SSOP) - N Suffix General-11 World Headquarters - Canada Tel: +1 (613) 592 2122 Fax: +1 (613) 592 6909 North America Tel: +1 (770) 486 0194 Fax: +1 (770) 631 8213 Asia/Pacific Tel: +65 333 6193 Fax: +65 333 6192 Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) Tel: +44 (0) 1793 518528 Fax: +44 (0) 1793 518581 Information relating to products and services furnished herein by Mitel Corporation or its subsidiaries (collectively “Mitel”) is believed to be reliable. However, Mitel assumes no liability for errors that may appear in this publication, or for liability otherwise arising from the application or use of any such information, product or service or for any infringement of patents or other intellectual property rights owned by third parties which may result from such application or use. Neither the supply of such information or purchase of product or service conveys any license, either express or implied, under patents or other intellectual property rights owned by Mitel or licensed from third parties by Mitel, whatsoever. Purchasers of products are also hereby notified that the use of product in certain ways or in combination with Mitel, or non-Mitel furnished goods or services may infringe patents or other intellectual property rights owned by Mitel. This publication is issued to provide information only and (unless agreed by Mitel in writing) may not be used, applied or reproduced for any purpose nor form part of any order or contract nor to be regarded as a representation relating to the products or services concerned. The products, their specifications, services and other information appearing in this publication are subject to change by Mitel without notice. No warranty or guarantee express or implied is made regarding the capability, performance or suitability of any product or service. Information concerning possible methods of use is provided as a guide only and does not constitute any guarantee that such methods of use will be satisfactory in a specific piece of equipment. It is the user’s responsibility to fully determine the performance and suitability of any equipment using such information and to ensure that any publication or data used is up to date and has not been superseded. Manufacturing does not necessarily include testing of all functions or parameters. These products are not suitable for use in any medical products whose failure to perform may result in significant injury or death to the user. All products and materials are sold and services provided subject to Mitel’s conditions of sale which are available on request. M Mitel (design) and ST-BUS are registered trademarks of MITEL Corporation Mitel Semiconductor is an ISO 9001 Registered Company Copyright 1999 MITEL Corporation All Rights Reserved Printed in CANADA TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION - NOT FOR RESALE