Transistors SMD Type Medium Power Transistor 2SB1132 Features Low VCE(sat) Compliments to 2SD1664 Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector-Base Voltage VCBO -40 V Collector-Emitter Voltage VCEO -32 V Emitter-Base Voltage VEBO -5 V -1 A Collector Current (DC) IC Single pulse, PW =100ms Collector Power Dissipation -2 A PC * 0.5 W Tj 150 Tstg -55 to +150 Jumction temperature Storage temperature Range * mounted on a 40x40x0.7mm ceramic board. Electrical Characteristics Ta = 25 Parameter Symbol Testconditons Min Typ Max Unit Collector Cut-off Current ICBO VCB = -20V , IE = 0 -0.5 ìA Emitter Cut-off Current IEBO VEB = -4V , IC = 0 -0.5 ìA Collector-base Breakdown Voltage V(BR)CBO IC = -50uA , IE = 0 -40 V Collector-emitter Breakdown Voltage V(BR)CEO IC = -1mA , IB = 0 -32 V Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage V(BR)EBO IE = -50uA -5 DC Current Gain hFE Transition Frequency VCE = -3V , IC = -0.1A fT Collector Output Capacitance Cob 82 390 VCE = -5V , IE = 50mA , f = 30MHz 150 VCB = -10V , IE = 0 , f = 1MHz 20 MHz 30 pF hFE Classification BA Marking Rank hFE P 82 Q 180 120 R 270 180 390 1 Transistors SMD Type 2SB1132 Electrical Characteristics Curves 2 Transistors SMD Type 2SB1132 3