PIN Diode Drivers Spectrum Microwave o ffers a complete line-up of PIN diode switch drivers with output current capability of 10 mA to 50 mA and switching speeds as fast as 6 ns. Thin film metalization on ceramic substrates ensures low parasitic capacitance for fast switching, small size, and excellent reliability. AH FMt drivers are designed by our experienced engineering staff; thus, if the drivers listed in the table below do not meet your requirements, we would be happy to discuss a custom circuit to fit your exact needs. FEATURES M ODEL DD111/M DD211/M DD211B DD311A DDF11/M DDF2311 DDF3311 DDF4311 DDF5311 DDF6311 NO. OF DRIV ERS • • • • • 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 M IL-STD-883 Level B Screening available Inverting and Non-inverting modes Positive and negative output currents –55º to +125ºC operating temp range –65º to –150ºC storage temp range 5 3 M A XIM UM MAX 4 2 M A X INTERNA L POW ER 1 OUTPUT CURRENT OPERA TING V OLTA GE CURRENT DISSIPA M INIM UM M A XIM UM REP. LIM ITS (V ) TION (W ) DRA IN OPEN CK T SW ITCHING RA TE D.C. (m A ) M INIM UM (m A ) 100º C 25º C +5V V ee POSITIV E NEGA TIV E PEA K (PA ) OUTPUT (V ) TIM ES (n s ) (M Hz ) M IN M A X M IN M A X POS NEG POS NEG To n To ff +5V V ee M IN M A X M IN M A X CA SE A M B 12/24 18/36 12 18 100 150 2.5 5.5 25 25 5 45 25 4.5 5.5 5 16 0.8 0.5 12 18 12 18 100 150 2.5 5.5 25 25 5 90 50 4.5 5.5 5 16 1.6 0.5 24 36 12 18 100 150 2.5 5.5 25 25 5 90 50 4.5 5.5 5 16 1.6 0.5 8 12 24 36 300 300 4.0 11.0 6 8 20 15 15 4.5 5.5 5 16 0.8 0.5 8 12 24 36 300 300 4.0 11.0 12 15 10 45 15 4.5 5.5 5 16 0.8 0.5 8 12 24 36 300 300 4.0 11.0 12 15 10 60 30 4.5 5.5 5 16 1.0 0.8 8 12 24 36 300 300 4.0 11.0 12 15 10 75 45 4.5 5.5 5 16 1.5 1.2 8 12 24 36 300 300 4.0 11.0 12 15 10 90 60 4.5 5.5 5 16 1.9 1.2 8 12 24 36 300 300 4.0 11.0 12 15 10 135 75 4.5 5.5 5 16 2.8 1.6 8 12 24 36 300 300 4.0 11.0 12 15 10 150 90 4.5 5.5 5 16 3.3 1.6 Specifications subject to change without notice. NOTES: 1. Output current is measured into a 10 Ohm load to ground. 2. Load is a 50 pF (39 + 10 scope probe) capacitor in parallel with a grounded cathode HP5082-0C01 PIN diode. Ton is measured from 50% of input (from a S<ASOO gate) to 10 +1 V diode load. Toff is measured from 50% of input to the rated open ckt negative voltage across diode load. 3. Exclusive of current supplied to the load. 4. To avoid exceeding power rating, the max. Vee should be held to 5 V when driving grounded anode diode. 5. De-rate linearity to 175 º C. Temperature is measured at case bottom, which should be heat sunk if necessary. 165Cedar Hill Street,Marlborough,MA01752 Tel:508.485.6350 Fax: 508.485.5168 DD111 DD111M * High Speed Drivers A universal PIN diode driver with excellent noise immunity, very fast switching, 100 mA current spikes and available test points for increasing quiescent output current. 1. W hen using inverting input, connect bias pin 5 to non-inverting input pin 6. 2. W hen using non-inverting input, connect bias pin 5 to inverting input pin 4. 3. For -30 mA output current, connect pin 8 to pin 9. 4. For positive output currents other than 15 mA or 30 mA , an external resistor can be connected between pin 8 and +5V . See graph. 5. The negative output current varies with V ee and is specified at -12V . W hen driving grounded anode diodes, V ee should be kept at -5V where the negative current will be 5 mA . It may be increased by connecting a resistor from TP- (pin 14) to V ee (pin 1). See figure. .115 MAX .425 MAX 0.035 1 Pkg Bottom 0.050 TP– 14 V ee (– 5 to – 15) Output Ground Inv Input Input Bias Non Input Inv +5 V DC DD111 XXXX TOP V IEW 7 .015 .002 +30mA TP+ 8 0'0 TY P 002 (M ) .005 +.001 250 M IN 600 500 400 300 200 100 * M suffix denotes welded metal package instead of standard epoxy sealed ceramic package. 0 0 10 20 30 40 DD211 DD211B DD211M * Dual High Speed Drivers A dual DD111 with current programming pins omitted. This driver is often used in SPDT applications by driving the inverting input of one channel and the noninverting input of the other channel from the same TTL input signal. 1. W hen using channel 1 inverting input pin 4, connect bias pin 5 to non-inverting input pin 6. CHA NNEL 1 .015 ± .003 14 DD111 XXXX TOP V IEW 7 9 .425 SQ MAX .230 MAX BOTTOM 035 6 W hen driving anode-grounded diodes, care must be exercised to avoid excessive power dissipation. V ee should be limited to -10 V, at which point the negative output current will be approximately -10 mA . Consult factory for design assistance. 250 M IN TY P TOP .110 .005 ± .001 .035 5. The two drivers are identical except for quiescent positive output current, which is nominally 15 mA for DD211 and 30 mA for DD211B. CHA NNEL 2 V ee (– 5 to – 15) Output Ground Inv Input Input Bias Non Input Inv +5 V DC +2 110 4. W hen using channel 2 non-inverting input pin 9, connect bias pin 10 to inverting input pin 11. 60 1 V ee (– 5 to – 15) Output Ground Inv Input Input Bias Non Input Inv +5 V DC 2. W hen using channel 2 inverting input pin 11,. connect bias pin 10 to non-inverting pin 9. 3. W hen using channel 1 non-inverting input pin 6, connect bias pin 5 to inverting input pin 4. 50 14 1 9 7 0.050 .015 MAX BOTTOM V IEW * M suffix denotes welded metal package instead of standard epoxy-sealed ceramic package. Continued on next page. M ODEL NO. OF DRIV ERS HIGH CURRENT DRIVERS DD111/M DD211/M DD211B DD311A DDF11/M DDF2311 DDF3311 2 3 3 4 4 6 6 OUTPUT CURRENT 1 2 M A XIM UM M INIM UM OPEN CK T SW ITCHING OUTPUT (V ) TIM ES (n s ) D.C. (m A ) POSITIV E NEGA TIV E M IN M A X M IN M A X POS 24/40 36/60 24/40 36/60 4.0 16 24 16 24 4.0 40 60 40 60 4.0 16 24 16 24 4.0 40 60 40 60 4.0 16 24 16 24 4.0 40 60 40 60 4.0 NEG 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 To n 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 To f f 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 3 M A XIM UM INTERNA L MAX CURRENT REP. DRA IN RA TE (m A ) (M Hz ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 +5 V 45 90 90 15 45 60 75 5 MAX POW ER DISSIPA TION (W ) 4 OPERA TING V OLTA GE LIM ITS (V ) Ve e 30 50 50 60 60 90 90 +5 V M IN MAX 4.5 5.5 4.5 5.5 4.5 5.5 4.5 5.5 4.5 5.5 4.5 5.5 4.5 5.5 V ee 100º C 25º C M IN M A X CA SE A M B 3 16 1.0 0.8 3 16 1.5 1.2 3 16 1.5 1.2 3 16 1.9 1.2 3 16 1.9 1.2 3 16 2.8 1.2 3 16 2.8 1.2 NOTES: 1 Output current measured into a 10 ohm load to ground. 2 Load is a 50 pF (39 + 10 scope probe) capacitor in parallel with a grounded cathode HP5082-0C01 PIN diode. Ton is measured from 50% of input (from a S<A SOO gate) to 10 +1 V diode load. Toff is measured from 50% of input to the rated open ckt negative voltage across diode load. 3 Exclusive of current supplied to the load. 4 To avoid exceeding power rating, the max V ee should be held to 5 V when driving ground ed anode diode. 5 Derate linearity to 175º C. Temperature is measured at case bottom, which should be heat sunk if necessary. DD217 Dual High Current Driver Two independent universal medium speed (100 ns) drivers with separate positive and negative quiescent output current programming and separate input logic mode control. This driver is often used in SPDT applications by driving both inputs from the same TTL input signal and applying opposite logic inputs to the two mode controls. 1. Inputs are inverting when M ode control has a logic high input. 2. Inputs are non-invertin g when M ode control has a logic low input. 3. To increase positive output current from the normal +30 mA to +50 mA , connect +50 mA pin to +5 V . 4. To increase negative output current from the normal –30 mA to –50 mA , connect –50 mA pin to V ee. 5. The negative output current does not vary with \/ee, which should not exceed –5 V when driving grounded anode diodes to avoid high power dissip ation in the drivers. 645 SQ MAX .067 .125 MAX 395 MAX 1 0.038 22 – 50ma Output #1 +50ma #1 +5V Input #1 M ode Control #1 Ground 11 M ode Control #2 Input #2 +50ma #2 V ee (– 5V to – 15V ) Output #2 645 M A X DD217 XXXX 11 TOP V IEW 0.050 Pkg Bottom – 50ma 12 0.015 TY P 500 M IN TY P 010 TY P M ETA L W ELDED PA CK A GE Continued on next page. 395 MAX 1 Tw o, Three, and Four Channel High Speed Drivers M ultiple independent high-speed drivers with 300 mA peak current spikes. 1. Inputs are non-inverting when M ode control has a logic high input. (– 5V to – 15V ) N/C 22 TP Output NC Non-Inverting Input Ground M ode #1 M ode #2 Input #2 NC Output #2 TP 11 2. Inputs are inverting when M ode control has a logic low input. N/C +5V 12 500 M IN TY P 3. To increase switching spike currents, add a capacitor of up to 560 pF between the output and TP pins. 0.038 125 MAX M ETA L W ELDED PA CK A GE 010 ± 002 4. M ode control and input pins are interchangeable within any one channel. 645 SQ MAX 6. The DDF2311/3311/4311 do not have a true current source output. Instead the output is connected to a 380-ohm resistor in parallel with a 560 pF capacitor and the driven end of this RC combination is switched between +4V and V ee so that the negative output current varies directly with V ee. 500 M IN TY P Ground Input #1 M ode Control #1 Input #2 M ode Control #2 Input #3 M ode Control #3 Input #4 M ode Control #4 +5V Ground TP1 Output TP2 Output N/C TP3 Output TP4 Output N/C +12V DDF3311/4311 XXXX TOP V IEW 11 1. Inputs are non-inverting when M ode control has a logic high input. 2. Inputs are inverting when M ode control has a logic low input. 3. To increase switching spike currents, add a capacitor of up to 560 pF between the output and TP pins. M ode M ode #4 150 MAX 6. These drivers do not have a true current source output. Instead the output is connected to a 380ohm resistor in parallel with a 560 pF capacitor and the driven end of this RC combination is switched between +4V and V ee so that the negative output current varies directly withV ee . 0.770 sq. (max) M ode #3 5. W hen driving anode-grounded diodes, excessive power dissipation must be avoided. V gg should be limited to -8V with -5V recommended. Independent high speed drivers with 300 mA peak current spikes. M ode #2 4. M ode control and input pins are interchangeable within any one channel- Five and Six Channel High Speed Drivers M ode #1 12 M ETA L W ELDED PA CK A GE DDF5311 DDF6311 015 22 067 1 5. W hen driving anode-grounded diodes, excessive power dissipation must be avoided. V ee should be limited to -8V with -5V recommended. M ode 0.050 645 M A X DDF2311 XXXX TOP V IEW Pkg Bottom 0.050 DDF2311 DDF3311 DDF4311 Ground Input #1 Control #1 Input #2 Control #2 Input #3 Control #3 Input #4 Control #4 Input #5 Control #5 Input #6 Control #6 Ground DDF5311/6311 XXXX 0.075 max .010 ± .002 Output TP1 TP2 Output Output TP3 +5V TP4 Output Output TP5 TP6 Output -12V #1 #2 #3 Pkg Bottom #4 #5 #6 .150 max 0.075 max 0.067 typ 0.015 ± 0.003 typ 0.500 min M ETA L W ELDED PA CK A GE 0.050 typ Continued on next page. DD311A DD311A M * Ultra High Speed SPST A n inverting only ultra high speed driver with 300 mA switching current spikes. The DD311A output (pin 2) is connected to a 360 ohm resistor paralleled with a 560 pF capacitor and the driven end (pin 11) of the resistor/capacitor combination is switched between +4 and -10 V. 1. The DD311A should be driven from an otherwise unloaded 54S, 54A S, or 54F type gate to achieve rated switching times. Input capacitance is approximately 50 pF. 2. To increase switching peak currents, add a capacitor of up to 560 pF between the output and TP pin. .115 MAX 0.035 425 SQ MAX 1 14 V ee (– % V to – 15V ) Output Ground Inv Input 0.050 DD311A XXXX TOP V IEW Pkg Bottom TP +5V 0.015 ±.003 7 8 250 M IN TY P .005 ±.001 .010 TY P +002 (M * ) * M suffix denotes welded metal package instead of standard epoxy-sealed ceramic package. DDF311 DDF311M * High Speed Drivers Single channel high speed drivers with 300 mA peak current spikes. 1. Inputs are non-inverting when M ode control has a logic high input. 2. Inputs are inverting when M ode control has logic low input. 3. To increase switching peak currents, add a capacitor of up to 560 pF between the output and TP pin. 4. M ode control and input pins are interchangeable within any one channel. 5. D DF311 Series drivers do not have a true current source output. Instead the output is connected to a 380-ohm resistor in parallel with a 560 pF capacitor and the driven end of this RC combination is switched between +4 and V ee so that the negative output current varies directly with V ee. 100 (.115 M ) MAX 425 SQ MAX 0.035 1 V ee (– % V to – 15V ) Output Ground N/C Input M ode Control +5V 14 22 0.050 DD320/420/620 DD320/420/620 TP Pkg Bottom XXXX 7 TOP V IEW 11 0.015 TY P 8 250 M IN TY P. .0.05 ± .001 010 TY P. +002 (M * ) * M suffix denotes welded metal package instead of standard epoxy-sealed ceramic package. Continued on next page. DD320 DD420 DD620 DD350 DD450 DD650 1. Inputs are inverting when M ode control has a logic high input. 2. Inputs are non-inverting when M ode control has a logic low input. 3. M ode control and input pins are interchangeable within any one channel. 4. The negative output current does not vary with \/ee which should not exceed -5V when driving grounded anode diodes to avoid high power dissipation in the drivers. 5. The last two digits of the part number signify output current. Other currents are available on special order. 645 SQ MAX 1 500 M IN TY P 22 +5V Output #1 M ode Control #1 Input #1 Output #2 M ode Control #2 Input #2 Output #3 M ode Control #3 Input #3 Ground V ee (-SV to – 15V ) Output #6 M ode Control #6 Input #6 Output #5 M ode Control #5 Input #5 Output #4 M ode Control #4 Input #4 Ground DD320/420/620 DD320/420/620 XXXX TOP V IEW 11 12 .150 MAX .015 0.050 M ultiple independent medium speed drivers with separate input logic mode controls. Logic inputs are true TTL unit loads. .010 ± .002 Three, Four, and Six Channel High Current Drivers Pkg Bottom .067 M ETA L W ELDED PA CK A GE APPLICATION NOTES PIN Diode Sw itching Times Heat Sinking PIN diodes are used as RF switches because of their low off-capacitance/on-resistance product. However, they store a significant charge during conduction that must be removed before they will turn off. Typically, this is specified as storage time (TS), which is made to look better than it might be by rating it with a high ratio of reverse (IR) to forward (IF) current. W hen switching these diodes with a non-spiking driver, the typical TS will be multiplied by the specified ratio. For example, the M A 47120 has a TS of 12 ns with IF=20 mA and IR= 200 mA . W ith symmetrical currents as delivered by high current drivers, the TS becomes 120 ns. High speed drivers supply a spike of several hundred mA at turn-on and turn-off to shorten the TS of the PIN diode. The power dissipated in PIN diode switches is conducted to the bottom of the package. The thin walls leading to the top of the package represent a high thermal resistance. The total power in the hybrid is the sum of it own current drain multiplied by the voltage of each supply plus the output current of each driver multiplied by the supply voltage less the V F of the PIN diode. The total can be substantial especially in the multiple high current drivers. If your calculations show that the hybrid should be heat sunk, you may find it convenient to place it top down on the PC board so that the bottom of the hybrid may be mounted directly to the metal case of your package. Other Diode Drivers In addition to these standard circuits, Spectrum Microwave produces a wide range of custom-designed drivers. These include a dual ECL-input driver (DD212) and a 28-channel 50 mA driver (DD2850). Spectrum Microwave is also one of the largest custom hybrid manufacturers in the United States. Please contact the factory or your local representative for a quote on your driver requirements or your own custom hybrid circuit.