Bulletin I2039 11/94 70/300U(R) SERIES Stud Version STANDARD RECOVERY DIODES 250A 300A Features Alloy diode Peak reverse voltage up to 1000V Popular series for rough service Standard JEDEC types Stud cathode and stud anode version Typical Applications Welders Power supplies Motor controls Battery chargers General industrial current rectification Major Ratings and Characteristics Parameters 70U 300U Units IF(AV) 250 300 A 150 130 °C @ TC IFSM I2t @ 50Hz 6550 A @ 60Hz 6850 A @ 50Hz 214 KA2s @ 60Hz 195 KA2s VRRM range TJ www.irf.com 100 to 1000 50 to 1000 -65 to 200 V case style DO-205AB (DO-9) °C 1 70/300U(R) Series Bulletin I2039 11/94 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Voltage Ratings Voltage V RRM , maximum repetitive VRSM , maximum non- IRRM max. Code peak reverse voltage V repetitive peak rev. voltage V TJ = 200°C 10 100 200 20 200 300 40 400 500 60 600 720 Type number * 70U Type number mA 60 80 800 960 100 1000 1200 Voltage Code V RRM , maximum repetitive peak reverse voltage V VRSM , maximum nonrepetitive peak rev. voltage V 5 50 100 40 10 100 200 40 20 200 300 40 30 300 400 40 40 400 500 40 60 600 720 40 80 800 960 35 100 1000 1200 30 300U IRRM max. TJ = 175°C mA * Also available as JEDEC series: 1N3735 through 1N3743; 1N2054 through 1N2068; 1N4044 through 1N4056. Forward Conduction Parameter I F(AV) I FSM I 2t 70U 300U Units Max. average forward current 250 300 A @ Case temperature 150 130 °C 6550 t = 10ms No voltage non-repetitive surge current 6850 t = 8.3ms reapplied 5500 t = 10ms 100% VRRM 5750 t = 8.3ms reapplied Sinusoidal half wave, 214 t = 10ms No voltage Initial TJ = TJ max. 195 t = 8.3ms reapplied t = 10ms 100% VRRM t = 8.3ms reapplied Maximum I2 t for fusing A KA2s 138 I 2 √t Maximum I2 √t for fusing V F(TO) Max. value of threshold voltage Max. value of forward slope resistance V FM 2 180° conduction, half sine wave Max. peak, one-cycle forward, 151 rf Conditions Max. peak forward voltage 2140 KA2 √s 0.610 V 0.751 mΩ t = 0.1 to 10ms, no voltage reapplied TJ = 200°C 1.30 -- V (IFM x π x IF(AV) (785A peak), T J = 25°C -- 1.40 V (IFM x π x IF(AV) (942A peak), TJ = 25°C www.irf.com 70/300U(R) Series Bulletin I2039 11/94 Thermal and Mechanical Specifications Parameter 70/300U(R) TJ Max. junction operating temperature range -65 to 200 T Max. storage temperature range -65 to 200 RthJC Max. thermal resistance, junction to case 0.18 RthCS Max. thermal resistance, case to heatsink 0.08 T Max. allowed mounting torque +0 -20% 37 stg Units °C DC operation K/W Approximate weight 250 Case style Mounting surface, smooth, flat and greased Not lubricated threads Nm 28 wt Conditions Lubricated threads g DO-205AB (DO-9)** JEDEC (See Outline Table) ** 302U-A uses IR case style B-26 ∆RthJC Conduction (The following table shows the increment of thermal resistence RthJC when devices operate at different conduction angles than DC) Conduction angle Sinusoidal conduction Rectangular conduction Units 180° 0.020 0.015 120° 0.024 0.025 90° 0.031 0.034 60° 0.045 0.047 30° 0.077 0.077 Conditions TJ = TJ max. K/W Ordering Information Table Device Code 1 - 300 U 1 2 3 R 100 A 4 5 6 300 70 = Standard 300U device = Standard 70U device 302 72 = 300U Top Threaded version = 70U with Pinch Bolt = Essential Part Number = Flat Base, available only on 72UF Series 2 3 - U F 4 - None = Normal Stud Base 3/4"-16UNF-2A R = Stud Reverse Polarity (Anode to Stud) 5 - None = Stud Normal Polarity (Cathode to Stud) Voltage code: Code x 10 = VRRM (See Voltage Ratings table) 6 - A = Essential Part Number only for 300U Series None = 70U Series NOTE: For longer lead Contact Factory www.irf.com 3 70/300U(R) Series Bulletin I2039 11/94 Outline Table 19.18 (0.755) MAX. 11.51 (0.453) 10.74 (0.423) 4.32 (0.170) MAX. 134.6 (5.30) 13.46 (0.530) 11.94 (0.470) 70U/300U-A Series Conforms to JEDEC DO-205AB (DO-9) 27.94 (1.10) DIA. MAX. All dimensions in millimeters (inches) MAX. 9.27 (0.365) 7.87 (0.310) 20.14 (0.7 9) 3.18 (0.125) MAX. UNTHREADED PORTION 21.03 (0.8 3) 28.45 (1.12) 53.3 4 (2.10) MAX. 149.9 (5 .90) 8.89 (0.350) DIA. 8.38 (0.330) 31.75 (1.250) 30.94 (1.218) ACROSS FLATS 3/4"-16UNF-2A* 19.02 (0.749) DIA. MAX. * METRIC DEVICE. M16 X 1.5 FOR 300U..AM METRIC DEVICE. M20 X 1.5 FOR 300U..AMA 9.50 (0.374) MAX. DIA. All dimensions in millimeters (inches) 3.18 (0.125) MAX. 7.87 (0.310) 9.27 (0.365) MAX. 27.94 (1.10) DIA. MAX. 20.14 (0.7 93) 14.99 (0.59) 55.63 (2.19) 16.76 (0.66) ACROSS FLATS 28.4 5 (1.12) 302U-A Series IR Case Style B26 18.29 (0.72) 21.03 (0.8 28) 16.51 (0.65) 58.67 (2.31) 3/8"-24UNF-2A 31.75 (1.250) 30.94 (1.218) ACROSS FLATS 3/4"-16UNF-2A 19.02 (0.749) DIA. MAX. 4 www.irf.com 70/300U(R) Series Bulletin I2039 11/94 Outline Table Pinch Bolt 43-8223 41 (1.61) 24 (0.94) 2.4 (0.09) DIA. 11.25 (0.44) 5.5 (0.21) DIA. 13 (0.51) 28.45 (1.12) MAX. 7.87 (0.310) 6 (0.23) 9 (0.35) ± 0.1 (0.004) DIA. 16 (0.62) 31.75 (1.250) 36 (1.41) A/C 33 (1.29) 30.94 (1.218) ACROSS FLAT Spring Clamp 43-8222 60 (2.36) 72UF Series 24 (0.94) Flat Base 7 (0.27) DIA. FULL RAD. 50 (1.96) All dimensions in millimeters (inches) 27.6 (1.08) 9.27 (0.365) 50 (1.97) MAX. 12 (0.47) 20 (0.78) 11.19 (0.44) DIA. 70UF supplied with spring clamp 72UF supplied with pinch bolt and spring clamp 200 70/300U (R) Se rie s R th JC (D C ) = 0.1 8 K/W 180 Co nd uctio n A ng le 160 140 30 ° 120 0 50 10 0 15 0 60° 9 0° 12 0° 180° 20 0 250 3 00 35 0 A ve rage F orw ard C urren t (A ) Fig. 1 - Current Ratings Characteristics www.irf.com M aximum A llo w able Cas e Te m peratur e ( °C ) M ax im um Allo w able C ase Te mpe rature (° C) 48 (1.88) 2 00 70U /300U (R) Se rie s R t hJC (D C ) = 0 .18 K/W 1 90 1 80 1 70 C o nduc tio n Pe rio d 1 60 1 50 1 40 30° 1 30 60° 90° 120° 1 20 180° 1 10 0 10 0 200 30 0 DC 40 0 50 0 A verage Fo rw ard C urre nt (A ) Fig. 2 - Current Ratings Characteristics 5 70/300U(R) Series 400 K/ W 0. K/ W 1K /W 0. 4K / 0 .7 150 1K /W Co ndu c tio n An gle K/ R 200 ta el W K /W 0.5 RMS Lim it -D 250 2 = 300 0. 0 .3 SA 1 80° 1 20° 90° 60° 30° 350 R th M aximum A ve rage Fo rward Pow er Loss (W ) Bulletin I2039 11/94 W 1 .5 K /W 100 7 0/30 0U(R ) Serie s T J = 20 0°C 50 3 K/ W 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Ma ximu m A llo wable A m bien t Te m pe rature ( °C ) A ve rag e F orw ard C urr en t (A ) 500 DC 1 80° 1 20° 90° 60° 30° 2K RM S Lim it 200 0 .7 C o nd uc tio n P e rio d 150 70 /3 00U (R) Se rie s TJ = 2 00° C 100 50 /W R 0 .5 /W a e lt 3K -D 0. W 0. K/ 250 1 300 0. 350 = 400 SA 450 h Rt M ax im um Ave rage Fo rw ard Po w e r Lo ss (W ) Fig. 3 - Forward Power Loss Characteristics K/ W K /W 1 K/ W 1 . 5 K /W 3 K/W 0 0 100 200 300 400 A ve rage F orw ard C urre nt (A ) 500 25 50 75 100 12 5 15 0 17 5 200 M ax im um Allo w able Am bie nt T em pe rature ( °C ) 60 0 0 At A ny Ra te d Loa d Con dition An d W ith Ra ted V R RM Ap plie d Follow in g Su rg e. 55 0 0 In itial TJ = 200° C @ 60 Hz 0.0083 s @ 50 Hz 0.0100 s 50 0 0 45 0 0 40 0 0 35 0 0 30 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 70 /30 0U(R) Se rie s 15 0 0 1 10 100 N um be r O f E qua l Am p litude Ha lf C yc le C urre n t Pulse s (N ) Fig. 5 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current 6 Peak Ha lf Sine W ave F orw ar d C urre nt (A ) Peak Half Sine Wav e Fo rw ard C urr en t (A) Fig. 4 - Forward Power Loss Characteristics 7 00 0 Ma ximu m Non R ep etitive Su rge Cu rre nt V e rsu s P ulse T rain Du ra tion . Initial T J = 200°C N o V olt ag e R eap p lied Ra ted V RRM R eap p lied 6 50 0 6 00 0 5 50 0 5 00 0 4 50 0 4 00 0 3 50 0 3 00 0 2 50 0 2 00 0 70/3 00 U(R) Se rie s 1 50 0 0 .01 0 .1 1 Pulse Train D ur ation (s) Fig. 6 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current www.irf.com 70/300U(R) Series Bulletin I2039 11/94 Instantan eo us F orw ar d C urren t (A) 1 0 0 00 1 0 00 T J = 25° C TJ = 200 °C 10 0 70 /3 00U(R) Serie s 10 0 0. 5 1 1 .5 2 2 .5 3 In stantane o us F o rw ard Vo ltage (V) Tra nsie nt The rm a l Im p eda n ce Z thJ C (K /W) Fig. 7 - Forward Voltage Drop Characteristics 1 S te a dy Sta te V a lue 0 .1 R t hJ C = 0.18 K 7W (D C O pe ra tion) 0.0 1 70/300U(R) Series 0 .0 01 0 .00 01 0 .00 1 0 .0 1 0 .1 1 10 Sq ua re Wa ve P ulse D ura tion (s) Fig. 8 - Thermal Impedance ZthJC Characteristic www.irf.com 7