Design Example Report Title 41W (53Wpk) Power Supply using TOP246Y Input: 85 – 265 VAC Specification Output: 30V/80mA, 23V/0.5A, 12V/2A, 5V/2A, 3.3V/1.5A Application Digital Video Recorder Author Power Integrations Applications Department Document Number DER-98 Date September 12, 2005 Revision 1.0 Summary and Features • • • • • • No linear regulators used One transformer solution Good cross regulation No heat sinks used in secondary Low cost OVP using TO-92 SCR crowbar Low EMI with low-cost EMI filter The products and applications illustrated herein (including circuits external to the products and transformer construction) may be covered by one or more U.S. and foreign patents or potentially by pending U.S. and foreign patent applications assigned to Power Integrations. A complete list of Power Integrations’ patents may be found at Power Integrations 5245 Hellyer Avenue, San Jose, CA 95138 USA. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 Table Of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 4 Photograph.................................................................................................................... 4 Power Supply Specification........................................................................................... 5 Schematic ..................................................................................................................... 6 Circuit Description ......................................................................................................... 7 5.1 Input EMI Filtering .................................................................................................. 7 5.2 TOPSwitch Primary................................................................................................ 7 5.3 Outputs................................................................................................................... 7 5.4 Output Feedback.................................................................................................... 7 5.5 Output OV Protection ............................................................................................. 7 6 PCB Layout ................................................................................................................... 8 7 Bill Of Materials ............................................................................................................. 9 8 Transformer Specification ........................................................................................... 11 8.1 Electrical Diagram ................................................................................................ 11 8.2 Electrical Specifications ....................................................................................... 11 8.3 Materials............................................................................................................... 12 8.4 Transformer Build Diagram .................................................................................. 12 8.4.1 WD#3 Copper Foil build diagram: ................................................................. 13 8.4.2 WDG#4 & #5 Copper Foil build diagram: ...................................................... 13 8.5 Transformer Construction..................................................................................... 14 8.6 Transformer Spreadsheets................................................................................... 15 9 Performance Data ....................................................................................................... 18 9.1 Line and Load Regulation .................................................................................... 18 9.2 Efficiency.............................................................................................................. 19 9.3 Overvoltage Protection......................................................................................... 19 10 Thermal Performance .............................................................................................. 20 11 Control Loop Measurements.................................................................................... 21 11.1 110 VAC Maximum Continuous Load .................................................................. 21 11.2 230 VAC Maximum Continuous Load .................................................................. 21 12 Waveforms............................................................................................................... 22 12.1 Drain Voltage and Current, Normal Operation ..................................................... 22 12.2 Output Voltage Start-up Profile ............................................................................ 22 12.3 Drain Voltage Start-up Profile............................................................................... 23 13 Output Ripple Measurements .................................................................................. 24 13.1.1 Ripple Measurement Technique ................................................................... 24 13.1.2 Measurement Results ................................................................................... 25 14 Conducted EMI ........................................................................................................ 28 14.1 230V High Line EMI ............................................................................................. 28 15 Revision History....................................................................................................... 29 Page 2 of 30 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 Important Notes: Although this board is designed to satisfy safety isolation requirements, the engineering prototype has not been agency approved. Therefore, all testing should be performed using an isolated source to provide power to the prototype board. Design Reports contain a power supply design specification, schematic, bill of materials, and transformer documentation. Performance data and typical operation characteristics are included. Typically only a single prototype has been built. Page 3 of 30 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 1 Introduction This document is an engineering prototype report describing a PSU design using TOP246Y. The design adopts a one-transformer solution, meets EMI and peak power with good margin. The use of a smaller transformer is made possible by TOPSwitch-GX’s high switching frequency with good switching performance, and the low EMI with a low-cost filter is made possible because of TOPSwitch-GX’s frequency jitter and E-ShieldTM transformer winding techniques. This document contains the power supply specifications, schematic, Bill of materials, transformer documentation, printed circuit layout, and performance data. 2 Photograph Figure 1 – Circuit Board Photograph Page 4 of 30 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 3 Power Supply Specification Description Input Voltage Frequency Symbol Min Typ Max Units Comment VIN fLINE 90 47 265 64 VAC Hz 2 Wires System 50/60 Output Voltage 1 Output Ripple Voltage 1 VOUT1 VRIPPLE1 3.135 3.3 3.465 V mV +/- 5% 20 MHz Bandwidth for all the outputs Output Current 1 Output Voltage 2 Output Ripple Voltage 2 Output Current 2 Output Voltage 3 Output Ripple Voltage 3 Output Current 3 Output Voltage 4 (FL) Output Ripple Voltage 4 Output Current 4 Output Voltage 5 Output Ripple Voltage 5 Output Current 5 Total Output Power Continuous Output Power Peak Output Power Efficiency IOUT1 VOUT2 VRIPPLE2 4.75 IOUT2 VOUT3 VRIPPLE3 VOUT4 VRIPPLE4 11.4 5.25 21.85 12 12.6 V mV 23 24.15 30 V mV +/- 5% 20 MHz Bandwidth for all the outputs 31.5 V mV 0.08 A POUT POUT_PEAK 41 53 W W 72.8 +/- 5% 20 MHz Bandwidth for all the outputs A IOUT5 η +/- 5% 20 MHz Bandwidth for all the outputs A 0.5 28.5 V mV A 2 IOUT4 VOUT5 VRIPPLE5 5.0 A 2 IOUT3 Environmental Conducted EMI Safety Ambient Temperature 1.5 % +/- 5% 20 MHz Bandwidth for all the outputs Actual load measurement Measured at 230VAC, POUT (41W), 25 oC Meets CISPR22B / EN55022B Designed to meet IEC950, UL1950 Class II TAMB 25 o C Free convection, sea level The power supply is designed to meet 53 W output power for a short period – a few minutes. The output power is only thermally limited by the heat sink attached to the TOP246Y. In the currently sized heat sink (80 x 35 x 3 mm), the continuous output power is 41W. Page 5 of 30 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 4 Schematic Figure 2 – Schematic Note: C33, C34, C16, R51, R52, R53, Q2 and VR10 are added to the PCB bottom side. Page 6 of 30 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 5 Circuit Description The schematic in Figure 2 shows an off-line flyback converter using the TOP246Y. The circuit is designed for 85 VAC to 265 VAC. 5.1 Input EMI Filtering X-capacitor C32, and common-mode choke L1 act as an input filter to reduce common mode and differential mode EMI. The AC line voltage is rectified and filtered to generate a high voltage DC bus via D1-4 and C1. 5.2 TOPSwitch Primary Diode D5, C6, and R4, R45 and VR5 clamp leakage spikes generated when the MOSFET when U1 switches off. D5 is a glass-passivated normal recovery rectifier. The slow, controlled recovery time of D5 allows energy stored in C6 to be recycled back to the high voltage bus, significantly increasing efficiency. A normal (non-glass-passivated) 1N4007 should not be substituted for the glass-passivated device. C5 bypasses the U1 control pin. C4 has three functions. It provides the energy required by U1 during startup, sets the autorestart frequency during fault conditions, and also acts to roll off the gain of U1 as a function of frequency. R8 adds a zero to the control loop to help stabilize the power supply control loop. Diode D6 and capacitor C3 provide rectified and filtered bias power for U1 and U2. Components R39, R48 and R9 provide a signal to the U1 X pin to reduce current limit at high line to keep the maximum output power consistent with low line. R47 and R38 provide OV/UV protection. 5.3 Outputs The T1 output is rectified and filtered by Diodes D8-D12 and filtered by inductor/capacitor networks on most outputs. NOTE: Large capacitors were used for the 12 V output in order to prevent possible voltage overshoots from the reverse current coming from the Hard Disk Drive motor. Testing with the actual unit may show that these capacitors can be reduced for cost reduction. 5.4 Output Feedback Output feedback is used from a combination of the 5 V and the 3.3 V rails. Resistors R31, R32 and R30 develop a feedback voltage, which is fed to the reference regulator U3. U3 drives optocoupler U2 through resistor R27 to provide feedback information to the U1 control pin. The optocoupler output also provides power to U1 during normal operating conditions. Capacitor C7 applies drive to the optocoupler during supply startup to reduce output voltage overshoot. Capacitor C21 and R29 provide frequency compensation for error amplifier U3. 5.5 Output OV Protection Q2 is positioned across the 30 V output winding; upon OV on the 5 V, detected by VR10, Q2 will be triggered ON to short the 30 V winding. The PS will go into auto-restart mode until the OV fault is removed. Page 7 of 30 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 6 PCB Layout Figure 3 – Printed Circuit Layout Note: Q1, D7, R31, R33, R50, C15, VR6, VR7, VR8 and VR9 are not stuffed on the PCB. C33, C34, C16, R51, R52, R53, Q2 and VR10 are added to the PCB and mounted on the bottom side of the PCB Page 8 of 30 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 7 Bill Of Materials Item Part Ref. Description Mfg Part Number 1 Qua. 1 150 uF Value C1 150 uF, 400 V, Electrolytic, Low ESR, 410 mOhm, (16 x KMX400VB151M16X60L United Chemi-Con 60) L 2 3 22 uF C3 C8 C9 22 uF, 50 V, Electrolytic, Very Low ESR, 340 mOhm, (5 x KZE50VB22RME11LL Mfg United Chemi-Con 11) 3 2 100 uF C4 C7 100 uF, 10 V, Electrolytic, Gen. Purpose, (5 x 11) KME10VB101M5X11LL United Chemi-Con 4 2 100 nF C5 C21 100 nF, 50 V, Ceramic, X7R ECU-S1H104KBB Panasonic 5 2 1 nF C6 C34 1 nF, 1 kV, Disc Ceramic NCD102K1KVY5F NIC Components Corp 6 1 220 uF C10 220 uF, 35 V, Electrolytic, Very Low ESR, 56 mOhm, (8 x KZE35VB221MH15LL United Chemi-Con 15) 7 1 1000 uF C11 1000 uF, 25 V, Electrolytic, Very Low ESR, 21 mOhm, KZE25VB102MK20LL United Chemi-Con KZE10VB222MK20LL United Chemi-Con 1200 uF, 10 V, Electrolytic, Very Low ESR, 23 mOhm, (10 KZE10VB122MJ20LL United Chemi-Con (12.5 x 20) 8 1 2200 uF C12 2200 uF, 10 V, Electrolytic, Very Low ESR, 21 mOhm, (12.5 x 20) 9 1 1200 uF C13 x 20) 10 2 220 uF C14 C24 220 uF, 10 V, Electrolytic, Low ESR, 250 mOhm, (6.3 x LXZ10VB221MF11LL United Chemi-Con ECQ-V1H103JL3 Panasonic 11.5) 11 1 10 nF C16 10 nF, 50 V, Film 12 2 2700 uF C22 C25 2700 uF, 25 V, Electrolytic, Very Low ESR, 16 mOhm, (16 KZE25VB272ML25LL United Chemi-Con x 25) 13 1 33 uF C23 33 uF, 35 V, Electrolytic, Very Low ESR, 300 mOhm, (5 x KZE35VB33RME11LL United Chemi-Con 11) 14 1 2.2 nF C31 2.2 nF, Ceramic, Y1 440LD22 15 1 330 nF C32 Safety X capacitor, 270V Any 16 1 100 pF C33 100 pF, 1 kV, Disc Ceramic NCD101K1KVY5F NIC Components Corp 17 4 1N4007 D1 D2 D3 D4 1000 V, 1 A, Rectifier, DO-41 1N4007 Vishay 18 1 1N4007GP D5 1N4007GP Vishay 19 1 BAV20 D6 200 V, 200 mA, Fast Switching, 50 ns, DO-35 BAV20 Vishay 20 1 BYV26B D8 400 V, 1 A, Ultrafast Recovery, 30 ns, SOD57 BYV26B Philips 21 1 SB560 D9 60 V, 5 A, Schottky, DO-201AD SB560 Vishay 22 1 SB540 D10 40 V, 5 A, Schottky, DO-201AD SB540 Vishay 23 1 UF4004 D11 400 V, 1 A, Ultrafast Recovery, 50 ns, DO-41 UF4004 Vishay 24 1 SB5100 D12 100 V, 5 A, Schottky, DO-201AD1 SB5100 Fairchild 25 2 1N4001 D13 D15 50 V, 1 A, Rectifier, DO-41 1N4001 Vishay 26 1 1N5817 D14 20 V, 1 A, Schottky, DO-41 1N5817 Vishay 27 1 2A F1 2 A,250V, Slow, TR5 3,721,200,041 Wickman 28 1 1.560H x HS1 Heatsink, Custom, Vestel, L Shaped 1000 V, 1 A, Rectifier, Glass Passivated, 2 us, DO-41 Vishay 0.080W x 2.675L 29 1 CON3 J9 AC Input Receptacle and Accessory Plug, PCBM 161-R301SN13 Kobiconn 30 1 CON8 J10 8 Position (1 x 8) header, 0.1 pitch, Vertical 22-28-4080 Molex 31 1 CON4 J11 4 Position (1 x 4) header, 0.1 pitch, Vertical 22-28-4049 Molex 32 1 6.2 mH L1 6.2 mH, 1 A, Common Mode Choke Any Any 33 5 3.3 uH L2 L3 L4 L5 3.3 uH, 2.66 A 822LY-3R3M Toko 34 4 Mounting M1 M2 M3 M4 PCB Terminal Hole N/A N/A Q2 N/A N/A L6 Holes 35 1 MCR2206 Page 9 of 30 400V, 1.5A SCR Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 36 1 47 k R4 47 k, 5%, 1 W, Metal Oxide RSF100JB-47K Yageo 37 1 240 R5 240 R, 5%, 1/8 W, Carbon Film CFR-12JB-240R Yageo 38 1 10 R6 10 R, 5%, 1/4 W, Carbon Film CFR-25JB-10R Yageo 39 2 6.8 R8 R10 6.8 R, 5%, 1/4 W, Carbon Film CFR-25JB-6R8 Yageo 40 1 6.81 k R9 6.81 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Metal Film MFR-25FBF-6K81 Yageo 41 2 68 R27 R52 68 R, 5%, 1/4 W, Carbon Film CFR-25JB-68R Yageo 42 1 1k R28 1 k, 5%, 1/4 W, Carbon Film CFR-25JB-1K0 Yageo 43 1 20 k R29 20 k, 5%, 1/8 W, Carbon Film CFR-12JB-20K Yageo 44 1 10 k R30 10 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Metal Film MFR-25FBF-10K0 Yageo 45 1 DNP R31 46 1 30.9 k R32 30.9 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Metal Film MFR-25FBF-30K9 Yageo 47 2 1M R38 R47 1 M, 5%, 1/4 W, Carbon Film CFR-25JB-1M0 Yageo 48 2 8.2 M R39 R48 8.2 M, 5%, 1/4 W, Carbon Film CFR-25JB-8M2 Yageo 49 1 30 R45 30 R, 5%, 1/2 W, Carbon Film CFR-50JB-30R Yageo 50 2 560 k R46 R49 560 k, 5%, 1/4 W, Carbon Film CFR-25JB-560K Yageo 51 1 2k R51 2 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Metal Film MFR-25FBF-2K00 Yageo 52 1 100 R53 100 R, 5%, 1/4 W, Carbon Film CFR-25JB-100R Yageo 53 1 5 RT1 NTC Thermistor, 5 Ohms, 4.7 A CL150 Thermometrics 54 1 320 Vac RV1 320 V, 26 J, 7 mm, RADIAL V320LA7 Littlefuse 55 1 EER28L T1 Bobbin, EER28L, Horizonal, 12 pins YW-195-00B Yih-Hwa Enterprises 56 1 TOP246Y U1 TOPSwitch-GX, TOP246Y, TO220-7C TOP246Y Power Integrations 57 1 PC817A U2 Opto coupler, 35 V, CTR 80-160%, 4-DIP ISP817A, PC817X1 Isocom, Sharp 58 1 LMV431_A U3 1.24V Shunt Reg IC LMV431ACZ National 59 1 1N5250B VR4 20 V, 5%, 500 mW, DO-35 1N5250B Microsemi 60 1 P6KE200A VR5 200 V, 5 W, 5%, DO204AC (DO-15) P6KE200A Vishay 61 1 1N5234B VR10 6.2 V, 5%, 500 mW, DO-35 1N5234B Microsemi Semiconductor NOTE: Large capacitors were used for the 12 V output in order to prevent possible voltage overshoots from the reverse current coming from the Hard Disk Drive motor. Testing with the actual unit may show that these capacitors can be reduced for cost reduction. Page 10 of 30 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 8 Transformer Specification 8.1 Electrical Diagram 1 WD#1 Cancellation 12 11T #29 x 4 4T # 29 WD#8 30V O/P NC First Half Primary 11 3 WD#2 22T #29 x 2 2 Shield 1T CU Foil 1 WD#9 Bias 4T # 26 x 2 WD#6 12V O/P 8 WD#5 5 1T CU Foil 5V O/P 7T #29 7 6 WD#4 1 WD#10 Second Half Primary 23V O/P 6T # 29 10 WD#3 WD#7 2T CU Foil 22T #29 x 2 3.3V O/P 9 3 Figure 4 – Transformer Electrical Diagram 8.2 Electrical Specifications Electrical Strength Primary Inductance Resonant Frequency Primary Leakage Inductance Page 11 of 30 1 second, 60 Hz, from Pins 1 - 6 to Pins 7 -12 Pins 1-2, all other windings open, measured at 132 kHz, 0.4 VRMS Pins 1-2, all other windings open Pins 1-2, with Pins 7-12 shorted, measured at 132 kHz, 0.4 VRMS 3000 VAC 298 uH, -10/+10% 500 kHz (Min.) 6 µH (Max.) Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 8.3 September 12, 2005 Materials Item [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] 8.4 41W (53W pk) DVR Description Core: PC40 EER28L Bobbin: BEER28L Horizontal Magnet Wire: #29 AWG Magnet Wire: #26 AWG WD#3, CU Foil: see paragraph 8.4.1 for specification WD#4&5 CU Foil: see paragraph 8.4.2 for specification Tape: Margin 3 mm Tape: 3M 1298 Polyester Film, 15.8mm wide Tape: 3M 1298 Polyester Film, 22mm wide Teflon Tube Transformer Build Diagram WD#10 Second Half Primary 1 3 WD#9 Bias 6 5 Margin Tape 11 WD#8 30V O/P 12 10 11 8 WD#6 & WD7 12V &23V O/P 10 8 7 9 WD#4 & WD#5 3.3V & 5V O/P 1 3 WD#3 Shield 2 WD#2 First Half Primary WD#1 Cancellation 1 Figure 5 – Transformer Build Diagram Page 12 of 30 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 8.4.1 WD#3 Copper Foil build diagram: Cu Foil 2mil; 16mm W x 49mm L 1-layer tape folded 47mm 29 AWG Figure 6 – Copper Foil Build Diagram 8.4.2 WDG#4 & #5 Copper Foil build diagram: Cu Foil 2mil; 15.5mm W x 153mm L 1-layer tape folded 52mm 26 AWG X 2 97mm 26 AWG X 2 26 AWG X 4 Start from this end, reverse wind Figure 7 – Copper Foil Build Diagram Page 13 of 30 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 8.5 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 Transformer Construction Bobbin Preparation Teflon Tube Margin Tape WD#1 Cancellation Insulation WD#2 Fist Half Primary Insulation WD #3 Shield Insulation Margin Tape WD #4 & WD #5 Insulation WD #6 WD #7 WD #8 Insulation WD #9 Insulation WD #10 Insulation Finish Page 14 of 30 Pin1 side of the bobbin orients to the left hand side. The machine spins clock-wise looking from right to left. All winding terminations shall be applied with item [10] Wind item [7] at the each pin side of the bobbin to match the height of the first half primary windings. Start on Pin 1, wind 11 turns quad-filar of item [3] from left to right. Wind th with tight tension. Cut the wires after finishing 11 turns. Overall, total 11 turns winding should be well fit the entire length of the bobbin. 2 Layers of tape [8] for insulation Start on pin 2, wind 22 turns of item [3] from left to right. After finishing the 22th turns, All the wires should be well fit the entire length of the bobbin. Bring the lead back to the left side and finish it on Pin 3. 1 Layer of tape [8] for insulation. Start at Pin 1, wind 1 turns of item [5]. Clock-wise wind with tension. Apply a small piece tape to secure the end of the foil. 3 Layers of tape [9] for insulation. Wind item [7] at the each pin side of the bobbin to match the height of the secondary windings. Start at pin 9, anti-clock-wise wind 2 turns of item [6]. Wind with tight. Finish the middle termination to pin 7, then continue to wind the last turn and finish it on pin 8. Apply a piece of tape to secure the end of the foil 1 Layer of tape [8] for insulation. Start at pin 10, wind 4 turns bifilar of item [4] from right to left. Wind uniformly, in a single layer across entire bobbin evenly. Bring the wire back and finish on pin 8. In the same layer, start at pin 11, wind 6 turns of item [3] from right to left. Wind between the wire gaps of the previous winding, in a single layer across entire bobbin evenly. Bring the wire back and finish on pin 10. In the same layer, start at pin 12, wind 4 turns of item [3] from right to left. Wind uniformly, in a single layer across entire bobbin evenly. Bring the wire back and finish on pin 11. 3 Layers of tape [9] for insulation. Start on Pin 5, wind 7 turns item [3] from left to right. Wind with tight th tension and scattered across the entire bobbin evenly. After finishing 7 turn, bring the wire back and finish it on Pin 6. 2 Layer of tape [8] for insulation. Start on pin 3, wind 22 turns of item [3] from left to right. After finishing the th 22 turns, All the wires should be well fit the entire length of the bobbin. Bring the lead back to the left side and finish it on Pin 1. 3 Layers of tape [9] for insulation. Grind the core to get 298uH. Secure the core with tape. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 8.6 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 Transformer Spreadsheets ACDC_TOPSwitchGX_032204 INPUT INFO INFO ; Rev.1.9; Copyright Power OUTPU OUTPU UNIT T T TOP_GX_FX_032204.xls: TOPSwitch-GX/FX Continuous/Discontinuous Flyback Transformer Design Integrations Inc. 2004 Spreadsheet Customer ENTER APPLICATION VARIABLES VACMIN 85 Volts Minimum AC Input Voltage VACMAX 265 Volts Maximum AC Input Voltage 50 Hertz AC Mains Frequency VO 5 Volts Output Voltage PO 53 Watts Output Power n 0.7 Z 0.5 VB 15 tC 3 fL Efficiency Estimate Loss Allocation Factor Volts Bias Voltage mSecon Bridge Rectifier Conduction Time Estimate ds CIN 150 uFarads Input Filter Capacitor ENTER TOPSWITCH-GX VARIABLES TOP-GX TOP246 Chosen Device TOP246 TOP246 Power Univers 115 Doubled/230V al Out KI Power 90W 125W Out 1 External Ilimit reduction factor (KI=1.0 for default ILIMIT, KI <1.0 for lower ILIMIT) ILIMITMIN ILIMITMAX Frequency (F)=132kHz, 2.511 2.511 Amps Use 1% resistor in setting external ILIMIT 2.889 2.889 Amps Use 1% resistor in setting external ILIMIT F Full (F) frequency option - 132kHz (H)=66kHz fS 132000 132000 Hertz fSmin 124000 124000 Hertz fSmax 140000 140000 Hertz TOPSwitch-GX Switching Frequency: Choose between 132 kHz and 66 kHz VOR TOPSwitch-GX Minimum Switching Frequency TOPSwitch-GX Maximum Switching Frequency 80 Volts Reflected Output Voltage VDS 13 Volts TOPSwitch on-state Drain to Source Voltage VD 0.5 Volts Output Winding Diode Forward Voltage Drop VDB 0.7 Volts Bias Winding Diode Forward Voltage Drop KP 0.47 Ripple to Peak Current Ratio (0.4 < KRP < 1.0 : 1.0< KDP<6.0) ENTER TRANSFORMER CORE/CONSTRUCTION VARIABLES Core Type eer28 Core EER28 Bobbin EER28_ EER28 P/N: PC40EER28-Z EER28_BOBBIN P/N: BEER-28-1112CPH BOBBIN AE 0.821 LE 6.4 0.821 cm^2 AL 2870 2870 nH/T^2 BW 16.7 16.7 mm 6.4 cm mm Core Effective Cross Sectional Area Core Effective Path Length Ungapped Core Effective Inductance Bobbin Physical Winding Width M 3 Safety Margin Width (Half the Primary to Secondary Creepage L 2 Number of Primary Layers NS 3 Number of Secondary Turns Distance) Page 15 of 30 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 DC INPUT VOLTAGE PARAMETERS VMIN 86 86 Volts Minimum DC Input Voltage VMAX 375 375 Volts Maximum DC Input Voltage DMAX 0.52 0.52 Maximum Duty Cycle IAVG 0.88 0.88 Amps Average Primary Current IP 2.20 2.20 Amps Peak Primary Current IR 1.03 1.03 Amps Primary Ripple Current IRMS 1.24 1.24 Amps Primary RMS Current CURRENT WAVEFORM SHAPE PARAMETERS TRANSFORMER PRIMARY DESIGN PARAMETERS LP 298 298 uHenrie Primary Inductance NP 44 44 NB 9 9 s Primary Winding Number of Turns Bias Winding Number of Turns ALG 156 156 nH/T^2 BM 1830 1830 Gauss Maximum Flux Density at PO, VMIN (BM<3000) BP 2401 2401 Gauss Peak Flux Density (BP<4200) 430 430 Gauss BAC Gapped Core Effective Inductance AC Flux Density for Core Loss Curves (0.5 X Peak to Peak) ur 1780 1780 Relative Permeability of Ungapped Core LG 0.62 0.62 mm Gap Length (Lg > 0.1 mm) BWE 21.4 21.4 mm Effective Bobbin Width OD 0.49 0.49 mm Maximum Primary Wire Diameter including insulation INS 0.07 0.07 mm Estimated Total Insulation Thickness (= 2 * film thickness) DIA 0.43 0.43 mm Bare conductor diameter AWG 26 26 AWG CM 256 256 Cmils Primary Wire Gauge (Rounded to next smaller standard AWG value) CMA 207 207 Cmils/A Primary Winding Current Capacity (200 < CMA < 500) Bare conductor effective area in circular mils mp TRANSFORMER SECONDARY DESIGN PARAMETERS (SINGLE OUTPUT / SINGLE OUTPUT EQUIVALENT) Lumped parameters ISP 32.03 32.03 Amps Peak Secondary Current ISRMS 17.18 17.18 Amps Secondary RMS Current IO 10.60 10.60 Amps Power Supply Output Current IRIPPLE 13.52 13.52 Amps Output Capacitor RMS Ripple Current CMS 3437 3437 Cmils Secondary Bare Conductor minimum circular mils 14 14 AWG AWGS Secondary Wire Gauge (Rounded up to next larger standard AWG value) DIAS 1.63 1.63 mm Secondary Minimum Bare Conductor Diameter ODS 3.57 3.57 mm Secondary Maximum Outside Diameter for Triple Insulated Wire INSS 0.97 0.97 mm Maximum Secondary Insulation Wall Thickness 563 563 Volts Maximum Drain Voltage Estimate (Includes Effect of Leakage PIVS 31 31 Volts Output Rectifier Maximum Peak Inverse Voltage PIVB 89 89 Volts Bias Rectifier Maximum Peak Inverse Voltage VOLTAGE STRESS PARAMETERS VDRAIN Inductance) Page 16 of 30 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 TRANSFORMER SECONDARY DESIGN PARAMETERS (MULTIPLE OUTPUTS) 1st output VO1 IO1 3.3 1.500 PO1 VD1 4.95 IRIPPLE1 Output DC Current Volts 2.07 ISRMS1 Output Voltage Amps 4.95 Watts 0.5 NS1 Volts 2.07 Output Winding Number of Turns 2.432 2.432 Amps 1.91 1.91 Amps PIVS1 21 21 Volts CMS1 486 486 Cmils 23 23 AWG AWGS1 Output Power Output Diode Forward Voltage Drop Output Winding RMS Current Output Capacitor RMS Ripple Current Output Rectifier Maximum Peak Inverse Voltage Output Winding Bare Conductor minimum circular mils Wire Gauge (Rounded up to next larger standard AWG value) DIAS1 0.58 0.58 mm Minimum Bare Conductor Diameter ODS1 5.16 5.16 mm Maximum Outside Diameter for Triple Insulated Wire 2nd output VO2 12.0 Volts Output Voltage IO2 0.700 Amps Output DC Current PO2 VD2 8.40 8.40 Watts 0.5 NS2 Volts 6.82 ISRMS2 IRIPPLE2 6.82 Output Winding Number of Turns 1.135 1.135 Amps 0.89 0.89 Amps PIVS2 71 71 Volts CMS2 227 227 Cmils 26 26 AWG AWGS2 Output Power Output Diode Forward Voltage Drop Output Winding RMS Current Output Capacitor RMS Ripple Current Output Rectifier Maximum Peak Inverse Voltage Output Winding Bare Conductor minimum circular mils Wire Gauge (Rounded up to next larger standard AWG value) DIAS2 0.41 0.41 mm Minimum Bare Conductor Diameter ODS2 1.57 1.57 mm Maximum Outside Diameter for Triple Insulated Wire 3rd output VO3 22.0 Volts Output Voltage IO3 0.100 Amps Output DC Current PO3 VD3 2.20 2.20 Watts 0.7 Volts Output Power Output Diode Forward Voltage Drop NS3 12.38 12.38 Output Winding Number of Turns ISRMS3 0.162 0.162 Amps Output Winding RMS Current IRIPPLE3 0.13 0.13 Amps Output Capacitor RMS Ripple Current PIVS3 128 128 Volts Output Rectifier Maximum Peak Inverse Voltage CMS3 32 32 Cmils Output Winding Bare Conductor minimum circular mils AWGS3 34 34 AWG Wire Gauge (Rounded up to next larger standard AWG value) DIAS3 0.16 0.16 mm Minimum Bare Conductor Diameter ODS3 0.86 0.86 mm Maximum Outside Diameter for Triple Insulated Wire Page 17 of 30 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 9 Performance Data All measurements performed at room temperature, 60 Hz input frequency. 9.1 Line and Load Regulation The test was done at 85 VAC and 265 VAC input, E-loads were used for the test. Vac Input 85V 265V 3.3V 5V 12V 23V 30V VO/P (V) IO/P (A) VO/P (V) IO/P (A) VO/P (V) IO/P (A) VO/P (V) IO/P (A) VO/P (V) IO/P (A) 3.325 3.31 3.39 3.18 3.15 3.26 3.26 3.25 3.26 3.29 3.238 3.3 3.36 3.19 3.17 3.26 3.26 3.25 3.24 3.29 1.5 1 0.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.375 1.5 1 0.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.375 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.06 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.06 2 2 2 1 0.5 2 2 2 2 0.5 2 2 2 1 0.5 2 2 2 2 0.5 12.62 12.64 12.62 12.3 12.12 12.87 13.02 12.7 12.7 12.35 12.35 12.47 12.46 12.22 12.09 12.67 12.89 12.48 12.47 12.35 2 2 2 2 2 1 0.5 2 2 0.5 2 2 2 2 2 1 0.5 2 2 0.5 23.5 23.57 23.54 22.97 22.63 23.69 23.65 23.94 23.68 22.8 22.80 23.26 23.22 22.76 22.49 23.24 23.29 23.94 23.23 22.78 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.125 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.125 31.0 31 30.9 30.2 29.7 31.16 31.1 31.29 33.8 30.5 30.5 30.6 30.6 30 29.7 30.7 31.8 31.29 31.5 30.4 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 20 20 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 20 20 Page 18 of 30 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 9.2 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 Efficiency Efficiency vs Load 0.9 Efficiency 0.8 0.7 115V 0.6 230V 0.5 0.4 0.3 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% Load Percentage Figure 8 – Efficiency 9.3 Overvoltage Protection Test Result: Under the all line and load conditions, short out the regulation optocoupler LED to simulate a loop failure. The power supply goes into auto restart mode, until the fault is removed. Comment: PASS Page 19 of 30 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 10 Thermal Performance Test Condition: The power supply was set on the bench and the all the loads were at full load except 12 V loading at 1 A. The total output power was 41 W. Temperature (°C) Item 85 VAC 265 VAC (°C) 25 Ambient (°C) TOP246Y (U1) Page 20 of 30 80 78 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 11 Control Loop Measurements The power supply is loaded at full load 53 W to show worst case. 11.1 110 VAC Maximum Continuous Load Figure 9 – Gain-Phase Plot, 110 VAC, 53W Steady State Load. Vertical Scale: Gain = 10 dB/div, Phase = 30°/div. Crossover Frequency = 938 Hz Phase Margin = 78.4° 11.2 230 VAC Maximum Continuous Load Figure 10 – Gain-Phase Plot, 230 VAC, 53W Steady State Load. Vertical Scale: Gain = 10 dB/div, Phase = 30°/div. Crossover Frequency = 1.19 kHz, Phase Margin = 87.28° Page 21 of 30 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 12 Waveforms Waveforms were taken at 25oC. All outputs are loaded at full load, total 53 W. 12.1 Drain Voltage and Current, Normal Operation Figure 11 – 85 VAC, Full Load. Lower: IDRAIN, 1 A / div Upper: VDRAIN, 200 V, 2 µs / div Figure 12 – 265 VAC, Full Load Lower: IDRAIN, 1 A / div Upper: VDRAIN, 200 V, 2 µs / div 12.2 Output Voltage Start-up Profile 12V 12V 5V 5V 3.3V 3.3V Figure 13 – Start-up Profile, 85 VAC 1 V / div for 3.3 V & 5 V, 2 V / div for 12 V, 50 ms / div. Page 22 of 30 Figure 14 – Start-up Profile, 265 VAC 1 V / div for 3.3 V & 5 V, 2 V / div for 12V, 50 ms / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 30V 30V 23V 23V Figure 15 – Start-up Profile, 85 VAC 5 V / div for 23 V & 30 V, 50 ms / div. Figure 16 – Start-up Profile, 265 VAC 5 V / div for 23 V & 30 V, 50 ms / div. 12.3 Drain Voltage Start-up Profile Figure 17 – 90 VAC Input. Lower: IDRAIN, 1 A / div Upper: VDRAIN, 200 V, 50 ms / div. Page 23 of 30 Figure 18 – 265 VAC Input. Lower: IDRAIN, 1 A / div Upper: VDRAIN, 200 V, 50 ms / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 13 Output Ripple Measurements 13.1.1 Ripple Measurement Technique For DC output ripple measurements, a modified oscilloscope test probe must be utilized in order to reduce spurious signals due to pickup. Details of the probe modification are provided in Figure 19 and Figure 20. The 5125BA probe adapter is affixed with two capacitors tied in parallel across the probe tip. The capacitors include one (1) 0.1 µF/50 V ceramic type and one (1) 1.0 µF/50 V aluminum electrolytic. The aluminum electrolytic type capacitor is polarized, so proper polarity across DC outputs must be maintained (see below). Probe Ground Probe Tip Figure 19 – Oscilloscope Probe Prepared for Ripple Measurement. (End Cap and Ground Lead Removed) Figure 20 – Oscilloscope Probe with Probe Master 5125BA BNC Adapter. (Modified with wires for probe ground for ripple measurement, and two parallel decoupling capacitors added) Page 24 of 30 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 13.1.2 Measurement Results The power supply was at 41W resistor load. 25Deg.C ambient. Figure 21 – 85 VAC, 3.3 V, 5 ms, 20 mV / div Figure 22 – 265 VAC, 3.3 V, 5 ms, 10 mV / div Figure 23 – 85 VAC, 5 V, 5 ms, 20 mV / div Figure 24 – 265 VAC, 5 V, 5 ms, 10 mV / div Page 25 of 30 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR Figure 25 – 85 VAC, 12V, 5 ms, 50 mV / div Figure 27 – 85 VAC, 23V, 5 ms, 100 mV / div Page 26 of 30 September 12, 2005 Figure 26 – 265 VAC, 12V, 5 ms, 10 mV / div Figure 28 – 265 VAC, 23V, 5 ms, 10 mV / div Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR Figure 29 – 85 VAC, 30V, 5 ms, 100 mV / div Page 27 of 30 September 12, 2005 Figure 30 – 265 VAC, 30V, 5 ms, 10 mV / div Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 14 Conducted EMI EMI was tested at room temperature and 230 VAC input. The power supply was at 41W resistor load. Two conditions were tested. (1) Secondary return connected to LISN ground (worst case), and (2) with no connection. Blue line is QP, Red line is AVG. 14.1 230V High Line EMI Figure 31 – Line, Secondary Grounded Figure 32 – Neutral, Secondary Grounded Figure 33 – Line, Secondary Floating Figure 34 – Neutral, Secondary Floating Page 28 of 30 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 15 Revision History Date September 12, 2005 Page 29 of 30 Author DZ Revision 1.0 Description Initial release Reviewed JC / AM / VC Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-98 41W (53W pk) DVR September 12, 2005 For the latest updates, visit our Web site: Power Integrations may make changes to its products at any time. Power Integrations has no liability arising from your use of any information, device or circuit described herein nor does it convey any license under its patent rights or the rights of others. POWER INTEGRATIONS MAKES NO WARRANTIES HEREIN AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. PATENT INFORMATION The products and applications illustrated herein (including circuits external to the products and transformer construction) may be covered by one or more U.S. and foreign patents or potentially by pending U.S. and foreign patent applications assigned to Power Integrations. A complete list of Power Integrations’ patents may be found at The PI Logo, TOPSwitch, TinySwitch, LinkSwitch, and EcoSmart are registered trademarks of Power Integrations. PI Expert and DPA-Switch are trademarks of Power Integrations. © Copyright 2004, Power Integrations. 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