May 15, 2003
Rev 3.0
AC Servo Control FPGA Object Code
AcceleratorTM Based Soft ASIC Manual
Product Summary
Xilinx Spartan2-300 based complete AC servo
control solution
Complete closed loop current control
(Synchronously Rotating Frame Field Orientation)
Closed loop configurable velocity control
Direct interface to IR2175 current sensing high
voltage IC
Direct interface to IR213x 3-phase gate driver IC
Direct Encoder interface with multiplex/nonmultiplexed Hall A/B/C signals
Versatile loss minimization Space Vector PWM
Configurable architecture
o Support AC PM motor or Induction motor
o Closed loop or open loop control
Asynchronous serial communication interface
(RS232C, RS422, RS485)
Fast SPI interface with multi-axis control capability
Optional 12-bit A/D interface for hall effect current
±10V reference command input with 12-bit A/D
17-bit parallel bus interface for microcontroller
7-bit discrete I/O for sequencing and status monitor
Integrated brake IGBT control
Configurable GUI (Graphic User Interface) available
EXO file format
Max. Sysclk
33.3 MHz
Max. PLL clock for current feedback
133.3 MHz
Closed loop current control computation time 6 usec max
Closed loop current loop bandwidth(-3dB)
Closed loop velocity loop update rate
PWM carrier frequency
5/10 kHz
16 bit/Sysclk
IR2175 Current feedback sampling latency
Current feedback temp drift/offset
Current feedback data resolution
Max encoder input frequency
8.3 usec
1111 count/sysclk*4
4 MHz
1/T encoder counter
16 bit/1MHz
Max ASCI comm. Speed
56 Kbps
Max SPI clock
Target EEPROM device
5.5 kHz
6 MHz
XC18V02 (programmable)
XC17V02 (one-time)
IRMCO201 is an FPGA object code for a complete AC servo control system, which can be downloaded into the Xilinx Spartan2300TM low cost FPGA. With IRMCO201, the user can readily build a high performance servo drive system without any
programming effort. IRMCO201 provides an immediate solution for high performance AC servo amplifier applications. This soft
ASIC is so flexible that the user can configure and optimize the system specifically to the needs of each application. With
International Rectifier high voltage ICs such as IR2175 current sensing IC and IR2137 3-phase gate drive IC, IRMCO201
minimizes the analog and power electronics component count, and simplifies the design for low cost AC servo solutions.
This document is the property of International Rectifier and may not be copied or distributed without expressed consent.